TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Powerful 16-Bit TMS320C5x CPU 20-, 25-, 35-, and 50-ns Single-Cycle Instruction Execution Time for 5-V Operation 25-, 40-, and 50-ns Single-Cycle Instruction Execution Time for 3-V Operation Single-Cycle 16 × 16-Bit Multiply/Add 224K × 16-Bit Maximum Addressable External Memory Space (64K Program, 64K Data, 64K I/O, and 32K Global) 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K × 16-Bit Single-Access On-Chip Program ROM 1K, 3K, 6K, 9K × 16-Bit Single-Access On-Chip Program / Data RAM (SARAM) 1K Dual-Access On-Chip Program / Data RAM (DARAM) Full-Duplex Synchronous Serial Port for Coder/Decoder Interface Time-Division-Multiplexed (TDM) Serial Port Hardware or Software Wait-State Generation Capability On-Chip Timer for Control Operations Repeat Instructions for Efficient Use of Program Space Buffered Serial Port Host Port Interface D D D D D D D D Multiple Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Clocking Options (×1, ×2, ×3, ×4, ×5, ×9 Depending on Device) Block Moves for Data/Program Management On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic Boundary Scan Five Packaging Options – 100-Pin Quad Flat Package (PJ Suffix) – 100-Pin Thin Quad Flat Package (PZ Suffix) – 128-Pin Thin Quad Flat Package (PBK Suffix) – 132-Pin Quad Flat Package (PQ Suffix) – 144-Pin Thin Quad Flat Package (PGE Suffix) Low Power Dissipation and Power-Down Modes: – 47 mA (2.35 mA / MIP) at 5 V, 40-MHz Clock (Average) – 23 mA (1.15 mA / MIP) at 3 V, 40-MHz Clock (Average) – 10 mA at 5 V, 40-MHz Clock (IDLE1 Mode) – 3 mA at 5 V, 40-MHz Clock (IDLE2 Mode) – 5 µA at 5 V, Clocks Off (IDLE2 Mode) High-Performance Static CMOS Technology IEEE Standard 1149.1† Test-Access Port (JTAG) description The TMS320C5x generation of the Texas Instruments (TI) TMS320 digital signal processors (DSPs) is fabricated with static CMOS integrated circuit technology; the architectural design is based upon that of an earlier TI DSP, the TMS320C25. The combination of advanced Harvard architecture, on-chip peripherals, on-chip memory, and a highly specialized instruction set is the basis of the operational flexibility and speed of the ’C5x‡ devices. They execute up to 50 million instructions per second (MIPS). The ’C5x devices offer these advantages: D D D D D D Enhanced TMS320 architectural design for increased performance and versatility Modular architectural design for fast development of spin-off devices Advanced integrated-circuit processing technology for increased performance Upward-compatible source code (source code for ’C1x and ’C2x DSPs is upward compatible with ’C5x DSPs.) Enhanced TMS320 instruction set for faster algorithms and for optimized high-level language operation New static-design techniques for minimizing power consumption and maximizing radiation tolerance Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. † IEEE Standard 1149.1–1990, IEEE Standard Test-Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture ‡ References to ’C5x in this document include both TMS320C5x and TMS320LC5x devices unless specified otherwise. Copyright 1996, Texas Instruments Incorporated PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 1 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 description (continued) Table 1 provides a comparison of the devices in the ’C5x generation. It shows the capacity of on-chip RAM and ROM memories, number of serial and parallel I/O ports, execution time of one machine cycle, and type of package with total pin count. Table 1. Characteristics of the ’C5x Processors ON-CHIP MEMORY (16-BIT WORDS) TMS320 DEVICES DARAM I/O PORTS PARALLEL† POWER SUPPLY (V) CYCLE TIME (ns) PACKAGE TYPE QFP‡ 2 64K 5 50/35/25 132 pin 2 64K 3.3 50/40/25 132 pin 2 64K 5 50/35/25/20 100/132 pin 2 1¶ 64K 3.3 50/40/25 100/132 pin 64K 5 50/35/25/20 100 pin 1¶ 64K 3.3 50/40/25 100 pin 2 64K 5 50/35/25 132 pin 2 2¶ 64K 3.3 50/40/25 132 pin 64K 5 50/35/25 100 pin 2¶ 64K 3.3 50/40/25 100 pin 2# 2# 64K 3.3 35/25 100 pin 64K + HPI || 3.3 35/25 128 pin 2# 2# 64K + HPI || 64K + HPI || 5 50/35/25 144 pin 3.3 50/35 144 pin SARAM ROM PROG SERIAL 2K§ 2K§ 8K§ 8K§ DATA DATA + PROG DATA + PROG TMS320C50 544 512 9K TMS320LC50 544 512 9K TMS320C51 544 512 1K TMS320LC51 544 512 1K TMS320C52 544 512 – TMS320LC52 544 512 – TMS320C53 544 512 3K TMS320LC53 544 512 3K TMS320C53S 544 512 3K 4K§ 4K§ 16K§ 16K§ TMS320LC53S 544 512 3K 16K§ 16K§ TMS320LC56 544 512 6K 32K TMS320LC57 544 512 6K TMS320C57S 544 512 6K 32K 2K§ TMS320LC57S 544 512 6K 2K§ † Sixteen of the 64K parallel I/O ports are memory mapped. ‡ QFP = Quad flatpack § ROM boot loader available ¶ TDM serial port not available # Includes auto-buffered serial port (BSP) but TDM serial port not available || HPI = Host port interface Pinouts for each package are device-specific. 2 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 EMU0 NC TCLKR TFSR / TADD CLKX TCLKX TOUT VSSC VSSC EMU1/ OFF READY RS NC NC VDDD VDDD D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 MP/ MC VSSI VSSI TRST IAQ VDDC VDDC BIO HOLD TMS320C50, TMS320LC50, TMS320C51, TMS320LC51, TMS320C53, TMS320LC53 PQ PACKAGE ( TOP VIEW ) 1 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 NC NC 18 116 19 115 VSSD VSSD 20 114 21 113 NC D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TMS 22 112 23 111 24 110 25 109 26 108 27 107 28 106 29 105 30 104 31 103 VDDD VDDD TCK VSSD VSSD 32 102 33 101 34 100 35 99 36 98 NC INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 NMI DR TDR FSR CLKR VDDA VDDA 37 97 38 96 39 95 40 94 41 93 42 92 43 91 44 90 45 89 46 88 47 87 48 86 NC NC 49 85 50 84 NC NC VDDI VDDI IACK NC CLKOUT1 XF HOLDA TDX DX TFSX / TFRM FSX CLKMD2 VSSI VSSI TDO VDDC VDDC X1 X2 / CLKIN CLKIN2 BR STRB R/ W PS IS DS NC VSSC VSSC NC NC NC NC VDDA VDDA RD WE A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 VSSA VSSA NC CLKMD1 VSSA VSSA A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 V DDI V DDI TDI NC NC 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 NOTE: NC = No connect (These pins are reserved.) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 3 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for Devices in the PQ Package SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION PARALLEL INTERFACE BUS A0 – A15 I/O/Z 16-bit external address bus (MSB: A15, LSB: A0) D0 – D15 I/O/Z 16-bit external data bus (MSB: D15, LSB: D0) PS, DS, IS O/Z Program, data, and I /O space select outputs, respectively STRB I/O/Z Timing strobe for external cycles and external DMA R/W I/O/Z Read / write select for external cycles and external DMA RD, WE O/Z Read and write strobes, respectively, for external cycles READY I External bus ready/ wait-state control input BR I/O/Z Bus request. Arbitrates global memory and external DMA RS I Reset. Initializes device and sets PC to zero MP/ MC I Microprocessor/microcomputer mode select. Enables internal ROM I Puts parallel I/ F bus in high-impedance state after current cycle SYSTEM INTERFACE / CONTROL SIGNALS HOLD HOLDA O/Z Hold acknowledge. Indicates external bus in hold state XF O/Z External flag output. Set /cleared through software BIO I I /O branch input. Implements conditional branches TOUT O/Z Timer output signal. Indicates output of internal timer IAQ O/Z Instruction acquisition signal IACK O/Z Interrupt acknowledge signal INT1 – INT4 I External interrupt inputs NMI I Nonmaskable external interrupt SERIAL PORT INTERFACE (SPI) DR I DX O/Z CLKR I CLKX I/O/Z FSR I FSX I/O/Z TDR I TDX O/Z Serial receive-data input Serial transmit-data output. In high-impedance state when not transmitting Serial receive-data clock input Serial transmit-data clock. Internal or external source Serial receive-frame-synchronization input Serial transmit-frame-synchronization signal. Internal or external source TDM SERIAL-PORT INTERFACE TDM serial receive-data input TDM serial transmit-data output. In high-impedance state when not transmitting TCLKR I TCLKX I/O/Z TDM serial receive-data clock input TDM serial transmit-data clock. Internal or external source TFSR / TADD I/O/Z TDM serial receive-frame-synchronization input. In the TDM mode, TFSR / TADD is used to output / input the address of the port. TFSX / TFRM I TDM serial transmit-frame-synchronization signal. Internal or external source. In the TDM mode, TFSX / TFRM becomes TFRM, the TDM frame synchronization. LEGEND: I = Input O = Output Z = High impedance 4 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for Devices in the PQ Package (Continued) EMULATION/IEEE STANDARD 1149.1 TEST ACCESS PORT (TAP) TDI I TDO O/Z TAP scan data input TAP scan data output TMS I TAP mode select input TCK I TAP clock input TRST I TAP reset (with pulldown resistor). Disables TAP when low EMU0 I/O/Z Emulation control 0. Reserved for emulation use EMU1 / OFF I/O/Z Emulation control 1. Puts outputs in high-impedance state when low CLOCK GENERATION AND CONTROL X1 O Oscillator output X2 / CLKIN I Clock/oscillator input CLKIN2 I Clock input CLKMD1, CLKMD2 I Clock-mode select inputs CLKOUT1 O/Z Device system-clock output POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS VDDA VDDD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VDDC VDDI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic VSSA VSSD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VSSC VSSI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic LEGEND: I = Input O = Output S = Supply Z = High impedance POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 5 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 IS DS HD2 V SSC V SSC TDO V DDC X1 X2/CLKIN CLKMD3 BR HD3 STRB R/ W PS CLKOUT1 XF HOLDA BDX DX HD7 BFSX HD6 FSX HD5 CLKMD2 HD4 V SSI V SSI V DDC V DDI V DDI TMS320LC57 PBK PACKAGE ( TOP VIEW ) 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 HINT 1 96 EMU0 EMU1 / OFF VSSC VSSC 2 95 3 94 4 93 5 92 TOUT BCLKX CLKX VDDC BFSR BCLKR RS READY HOLD BIO VDDC VDDC 6 91 7 90 8 89 9 88 10 87 11 86 12 85 13 84 14 83 15 82 16 81 17 80 IAQ TRST VSSI VSSI 18 79 19 78 20 77 21 76 MP / MC D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 VDDD VDDD 22 75 23 74 24 73 25 72 26 71 27 70 28 69 29 68 30 67 31 66 32 65 6 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 HAS NMI DR BDR FSR CLKR VDDA V DDA INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 HBIL HCNTL0 TMS HCNTL1 VDDD VDDD TCK VSSD V SSD HR/ W VSSD VSSD D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 WE HD1 RD HD0 HRDY VDDA A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 CLKMD1 VSSA VSSA TDI HDS1 HDS2 VDDI VDDI A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 VSSA HCS TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for the TMS320LC57 in the PBK Package SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION PARALLEL INTERFACE BUS A0 – A15 I/O/Z 16-bit external address bus (MSB: A15, LSB: A0) D0 – D15 I/O/Z 16-bit external data bus (MSB: D15, LSB: D0) PS, DS, IS O/Z Program, data, and I /O space select outputs, respectively STRB I/O/Z Timing strobe for external cycles and external DMA R/W I/O/Z Read / write select for external cycles and external DMA RD, WE O/Z Read and write strobes, respectively, for external cycles READY I External bus ready/ wait-state control input BR I/O/Z Bus request. Arbitrates global memory and external DMA RS I Reset. Initializes device and sets PC to zero MP/ MC I Microprocessor/microcomputer mode select. Enables internal ROM I Puts parallel I/ F bus in high-impedance state after current cycle SYSTEM INTERFACE / CONTROL SIGNALS HOLD HOLDA O/Z Hold acknowledge. Indicates external bus in hold state XF O/Z External flag output. Set /cleared through software BIO I I /O branch input. Implements conditional branches TOUT O/Z Timer output signal. Indicates output of internal timer IAQ O/Z Instruction acquisition signal INT1 – INT4 I External interrupt inputs NMI I Nonmaskable external interrupt DR I Serial receive-data input DX O/Z SERIAL PORT INTERFACE CLKR I CLKX I/O/Z FSR I FSX I/O/Z Serial transmit-data output. In high-impedance state when not transmitting Serial receive-data clock input Serial transmit-data clock. Internal or external source Serial receive-frame-synchronization input Serial transmit-frame-synchronization signal. Internal or external source HOST PORT INTERFACE (HPI) HCNTL0 I HPI mode control 1 HCNTL1 I HPI mode control 2 HINT O/Z HDS1 I HPI data strobe 1 HDS2 I HPI data strobe 2 HR / W I HPI read / write strobe HAS I HPI address strobe HRDY HCS HBIL HD0 – HD7 O/Z Host interrupt HPI ready signal I HPI chip select I HPI byte identification input I/O/Z HPI data bus LEGEND: I = Input O = Output Z = High impedance POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 7 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for the TMS320LC57 in the PBK Package (Continued) SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION BUFFERED SERIAL PORT BDR I BDX O/Z BCLKR I BCLKX I/O/Z BFSR I BFSX I/O/Z BSP receive data input BSP transmit data output; in high-impedance state when not transmitting BSP receive-data clock input BSP transmit-data clock; internal or external source BSP receive frame-synchronization input BSP transmit frame-synchronization signal; internal or external source EMULATION/JTAG INTERFACE TDI I JTAG-test-port scan data input TDO O/Z JTAG-test-port scan data output TMS I JTAG-test-port mode select input TCK I JTAG-port clock input TRST I JTAG-port reset (with pull-down resistor). Disables JTAG when low EMU0 I/O/Z Emulation control 0. Reserved for emulation use EMU1 / OFF I/O/Z Emulation control 1. Puts outputs in high-impedance state when low CLOCK GENERATION AND CONTROL X1 O Oscillator output X2 / CLKIN I Clock input CLKMD1, CLKMD2, CLKMD3 I Clock-mode select inputs CLKOUT1 O/Z Device system-clock output POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS VDDA VDDD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VDDC VDDI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic VSSA VSSD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VSSC VSSI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic LEGEND: I = Input O = Output S = Supply Z = High impedance 8 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 BR STRB R/W PS IS DS VSSC V DDC VDDI VDDI CLKOUT1 XF HOLDA † † † † CLKMD2 VSSI V SSI TDO VDDC X1 X2 / CLKIN † TMS320C51, TMS320LC51, TMS320C52, TMS320LC52, TMS320C53S, TMS320LC53S, TMS320LC56 PZ PACKAGE ( TOP VIEW ) 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 EMU0 EMU1/ OFF VSSC TOUT † † † † RS READY HOLD BIO TRST VSSI VSSI MP/ MC D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 VDDD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 WE RD VDDA A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 CLKMD1 VSSA VSSA TDI VDDI A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 VSSA 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 VSSD VSSD D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TMS V DDD TCK V SSD V SSD INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 NMI † † † † VDDA 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 NOTE: NC = No connect (These pins are reserved.) † See Table 2 for device-specific pinouts. Table 2. Device-Specific Pinouts for the PZ Package PIN ’C51, ’LC51 5 6§ TCLKX 7 TFSR / TADD CLKX ’C52, ’LC52 ’LC56‡ ’C53S, ’LC53S VSSI CLKX CLKX2 BCLKX CLKX1 CLKX FSR2 BFSR CLKR2 BCLKR 8 46§ TCLKR VSSI VSSI DR DR DR1 DR 47 48§ TDR DR2 BDR FSR VSSI FSR FSR1 FSR 49§ CLKR CLKR CLKR1 CLKR 83 91§ CLKIN2 CLKIN2 CLKIN2 CLKMD3 FSX FSX FSX1 FSX 92 93§ TFSX / TFRM FSX2 BFSX DX VSSI DX DX1 DX 94 TDX NC DX2 BDX ‡ Pin names beginning with “B” indicate signals on the buffered serial port (BSP). § No functional change POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 9 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for Devices in the PZ Package SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION PARALLEL INTERFACE BUS A0 – A15 I/O/Z 16-bit external address bus (MSB: A15, LSB: A0) D0 – D15 I/O/Z 16-bit external data bus (MSB: D15, LSB: D0) PS, DS, IS O/Z Program, data, and I /O space select outputs, respectively STRB I/O/Z Timing strobe for external cycles and external DMA R/W I/O/Z Read / write select for external cycles and external DMA RD, WE O/Z Read and write strobes, respectively, for external cycles READY I External bus ready/ wait-state control input BR I/O/Z Bus request. Arbitrates global memory and external DMA RS I Reset. Initializes device and sets PC to zero MP/ MC I Microprocessor/microcomputer mode select. Enables internal ROM I Puts parallel I/ F bus in high-impedance state after current cycle SYSTEM INTERFACE / CONTROL SIGNALS HOLD HOLDA O/Z Hold acknowledge. Indicates external bus in hold state XF O/Z External flag output. Set /cleared through software BIO I I /O branch input. Implements conditional branches TOUT O/Z Timer output signal. Indicates output of internal timer INT1 – INT4 I External interrupt inputs NMI I Nonmaskable external interrupt DR, DR1, DR2 I Serial receive-data input DX, DX1, DX2 O/Z SERIAL PORT INTERFACE CLKR, CLKR1, CLKR2 I CLKX, CLKX1, CLKX2 I/O/Z FSR, FSR1, FSR2 I FSX, FSX1, FSX2 I/O/Z Serial transmit-data output. In high-impedance state when not transmitting Serial receive-data clock input Serial transmit-data clock. Internal or external source Serial receive-frame-synchronization input Serial transmit-frame-synchronization signal. Internal or external source BUFFERED SERIAL PORT (BSP) (SEE NOTE 1) BDR I BDX O/Z BCLKR I BCLKX I/O/Z BFSR I BFSX I/O/Z BSP receive data input BSP transmit data output; in high-impedance state when not transmitting BSP receive-data clock input BSP transmit-data clock; internal or external source BSP receive frame-synchronization input BSP transmit frame-synchronization signal; internal or external source LEGEND: I = Input O = Output Z = High impedance NOTE 1: ’LC56 devices only 10 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for Devices in the PZ Package (Continued) SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION TDM SERIAL PORT INTERFACE TDR I TDX O/Z TDM serial receive-data input TDM serial transmit-data output. In high-impedance state when not transmitting TCLKR I TCLKX I/O/Z TDM serial receive-data clock input TDM serial transmit-data clock. Internal or external source TFSR / TADD I/O/Z TDM serial receive-frame-synchronization input. In the TDM mode, TFSR / TADD is used to output / input the address of the port TFSX / TFRM I TDM serial transmit-frame-synchronization signal. Internal or external source. In the TDM mode, TFSX / TFRM becomes TFRM, the TDM frame sync. EMULATION/JTAG INTERFACE TDI I TDO O/Z JTAG-test-port scan data input JTAG-test-port scan data output TMS I JTAG-test-port mode select input TCK I JTAG-port clock input TRST I JTAG-port reset (with pull-down resistor). Disables JTAG when low EMU0 I/O/Z Emulation control 0. Reserved for emulation use EMU1 / OFF I/O/Z Emulation control 1. Puts outputs in high-impedance state when low CLOCK GENERATION AND CONTROL (SEE NOTE 2) X1 O Oscillator output X2 / CLKIN I Clock/oscillator input (PLL clock input for ’C56) CLKIN2 I Clock input (PLL clock input for ’C50, ’C51, ’C52, ’C53, ’C53S) CLKMD1, CLKMD2, CLKMD3 I Clock-mode select inputs CLKOUT1 O/Z Device system-clock output POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS VDDA VDDD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VDDC VDDI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic VSSA VSSD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VSSC VSSI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic LEGEND: I = Input O = Output S = Supply Z = High impedance NOTE 2: CLKIN2 pin is replaced by CLKMD3 pin on ’LC56 devices. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 11 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 MP/ MC VSSI TRST BIO HOLD READY RS VSSI VSSI CLKX VSSI TOUT VSSC TMS320C52, TMS320LC52 PJ PACKAGE ( TOP VIEW ) A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 VDDD VSSD VSSD D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TMS VDDD VDDD TCK VSSD VSSD INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 NMI DR VSSI FSR CLKR VDDA VSSA A0 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 1 79 2 78 3 77 4 76 5 75 6 74 7 73 8 72 9 71 10 70 11 69 12 68 13 67 14 66 15 65 16 64 17 63 18 62 19 61 20 60 21 59 22 58 23 57 24 56 25 55 26 54 27 53 28 52 29 51 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 NOTE: 12 VDDI TDI VSSA CLKMD1 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 VDDA D8 NC = No connect (These pins are reserved.) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 EMU1/ OFF EMU0 VDDC VDDC VDDI VDDI CLKOUT1 XF HOLDA NC DX VSSI FSX CLKMD2 VSSI VSSI TDO VDDC X1 X2 / CLKIN CLKIN2 BR STRB R/ W PS IS DS VSSC WE RD TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for the TMS320C52, TMS320LC52 in the PJ Package SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION PARALLEL INTERFACE BUS A0 – A15 I/O/Z 16-bit external address bus (MSB: A15, LSB: A0) D0 – D15 I/O/Z 16-bit external data bus (MSB: D15, LSB: D0) PS, DS, IS O/Z Program, data, and I /O space select outputs, respectively STRB I/O/Z Timing strobe for external cycles and external DMA R/W I/O/Z Read / write select for external cycles and external DMA RD, WE O/Z Read and write strobes, respectively, for external cycles READY I External bus ready/ wait-state control input BR I/O/Z Bus request. Arbitrates global memory and external DMA RS I Reset. Initializes device and sets PC to zero MP/ MC I Microprocessor/microcomputer mode select. Enables internal ROM I Puts parallel I/ F bus in high-impedance state after current cycle SYSTEM INTERFACE / CONTROL SIGNALS HOLD HOLDA O/Z Hold acknowledge. Indicates external bus in hold state XF O/Z External flag output. Set /cleared through software BIO I I /O branch input. Implements conditional branches TOUT O/Z Timer output signal. Indicates output of internal timer INT1 – INT4 I External interrupt inputs NMI I Nonmaskable external interrupt DR I Serial receive-data input DX O/Z SERIAL PORT INTERFACE CLKR I CLKX I/O/Z FSR I FSX I/O/Z Serial transmit-data output. In high-impedance state when not transmitting Serial receive-data clock input Serial transmit-data clock. Internal or external source Serial receive-frame-synchronization input Serial transmit-frame-synchronization signal. Internal or external source EMULATION/JTAG INTERFACE TDI I TDO O/Z JTAG-test-port scan data input JTAG-test-port scan data output TMS I JTAG-test-port mode select input TCK I JTAG-port clock input TRST I JTAG-port reset (with pulldown resistor). Disables JTAG when low EMU0 I/O/Z Emulation control 0. Reserved for emulation use EMU1 / OFF I/O/Z Emulation control 1. Puts outputs in high-impedance state when low LEGEND: I = Input O = Output Z = High impedance POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 13 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for the TMS320C52, TMS320LC52 in the PJ Package (Continued) SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION CLOCK GENERATION AND CONTROL X1 O Oscillator output X2 / CLKIN I Clock/oscillator input CLKIN2 I Clock input (PLL clock input for ’C52, ’LC52) CLKMD1, CLKMD2 I Clock-mode select inputs CLKOUT1 O/Z Device system-clock output POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS VDDA VDDD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VDDC VDDI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic VSSA VSSD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VSSC VSSI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic LEGEND: I = Input O = Output S = Supply 14 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 69 70 71 72 65 66 67 68 61 62 63 64 57 58 59 60 53 54 55 56 49 50 51 52 45 46 47 48 VSSD VSSD D7 D6 NC D5 D4 D3 NC D2 D1 D0 HCNTL0 TMS HCNTL1 VDDD VDDD TCK VSSD VSSD NC HR/W INT1 INT2 INT3 INT4 HBIL NMI DR BDR FSR CLKR V DDA V DDA HAS NC 40 41 42 43 44 36 WE HD1 RD HD0 HRDY VDDA A15 NC A14 A13 A12 NC A11 A10 CLKMD1 VSSA VSSA TDI HDS1 HDS2 VDDI VDDI A9 A8 A7 NC A6 A5 A4 A3 NC A2 A1 A0 VSSA HCS ADVANCE INFORMATION 113 112 111 110 117 116 115 114 121 120 119 118 125 124 123 122 129 128 127 126 133 132 131 130 137 136 135 134 1 2 37 38 39 HINT EMU0 NC EMU1/OFF VSSC VSSC TOUT BCLKX CLKX VDDC BFSR BCLKR RS READY HOLD NC BIO VDDC VDDC IAQ TRST VSSI VSSI MP/MC D15 D14 D13 NC D12 D11 D10 D9 NC D8 VDDD VDDD 141 140 139 138 144 143 142 VDDC VDDI VDDI NC CLKOUT1 XF HOLDA BDX DX HD7 BFSX HD6 FSX HD5 CLKMD2 HD4 VSSI VSSI TDO NC VDDC X1 X2/CLKIN CLKMD3 NC BR HD3 NC STRB R/W PS IS DS HD2 VSSC VSSC TMS320C57S, TMS320LC57S PGE PACKAGE ( TOP VIEW ) NOTE: NC = No connect (These pins are reserved.) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 15 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for the TMS320C57S, TMS320LC57S in the PGE Package SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION PARALLEL INTERFACE BUS A0 – A15 I/O/Z 16-bit external address bus (MSB: A15, LSB: A0) D0 – D15 I/O/Z 16-bit external data bus (MSB: D15, LSB: D0) PS, DS, IS O/Z Program, data, and I /O space select outputs, respectively STRB I/O/Z Timing strobe for external cycles and external DMA R/W I/O/Z Read / write select for external cycles and external DMA RD, WE O/Z Read and write strobes, respectively, for external cycles READY I External bus ready/ wait-state control input BR I/O/Z Bus request. Arbitrates global memory and external DMA RS I Reset. Initializes device and sets PC to zero MP/ MC I Microprocessor/microcomputer mode select. Enables internal ROM I Puts parallel I/ F bus in high-impedance state after current cycle SYSTEM INTERFACE / CONTROL SIGNALS HOLD HOLDA O/Z Hold acknowledge. Indicates external bus in hold state XF O/Z External flag output. Set /cleared through software BIO I I /O branch input. Implements conditional branches TOUT O/Z Timer output signal. Indicates output of internal timer IAQ O/Z Instruction acquisition signal INT1 – INT4 I External interrupt inputs NMI I Nonmaskable external interrupt DR I Serial receive-data input DX O/Z SERIAL PORT INTERFACE (SPI) CLKR I CLKX I/O/Z FSR I FSX I/O/Z Serial transmit-data output. In high-impedance state when not transmitting Serial receive-data clock input Serial transmit-data clock. Internal or external source Serial receive-frame-synchronization input Serial transmit-frame-synchronization signal. Internal or external source HOST PORT INTERFACE (HPI) HCNTL0 I HPI mode control 1 HCNTL1 I HPI mode control 2 HINT O/Z HDS1 I HPI data strobe 1 HDS2 I HPI data strobe 2 HR / W I HPI read / write strobe HAS I HPI address strobe HRDY HCS HBIL HD0 – HD7 O/Z Host interrupt HPI ready signal I HPI chip select I HPI byte identification input I/O/Z HPI data bus LEGEND: I = Input O = Output Z = High impedance 16 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Pin Functions for the TMS320C57S, TMS320LC57S in the PGE Package (Continued) SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION BUFFERED SERIAL PORT BDR I BDX O/Z BCLKR I BCLKX I/O/Z BFSR I BFSX I/O/Z BSP receive data input BSP transmit data output; in high-impedance state when not transmitting BSP receive-data clock input BSP transmit-data clock; internal or external source BSP receive frame-synchronization input BSP transmit frame-synchronization signal; internal or external source EMULATION/JTAG INTERFACE TDI I JTAG-test-port scan data input TDO O/Z JTAG-test-port scan data output TMS I JTAG-test-port mode select input TCK I JTAG-port clock input TRST I JTAG-port reset (with pulldown resistor). Disables JTAG when low EMU0 I/O/Z Emulation control 0. Reserved for emulation use EMU1 / OFF I/O/Z Emulation control 1. Puts outputs in high-impedance state when low CLOCK GENERATION AND CONTROL X1 O Oscillator output X2 / CLKIN I PLL clock input CLKMD1, CLKMD2, CLKMD3 I Clock-mode select inputs CLKOUT1 O/Z Device system-clock output POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS VDDA VDDD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VDDC VDDI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic VSSA VSSD S Supply connection, address-bus output S Supply connection, data-bus output VSSC VSSI S Supply connection, control output S Supply connection, internal logic LEGEND: I = Input O = Output S = Supply Z = High impedance POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 17 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 architecture The ’C5x’s advanced Harvard-type architecture maximizes the processing power by maintaining two separate memory bus structures, program and data, for full-speed execution. Instructions support data transfers between the two spaces. This architecture permits coefficients stored in program memory to be read into the RAM, eliminating the need for a separate coefficient ROM. The ’C5x architecture also makes available immediate instructions and subroutines based on computed values. Increased throughput on the ’C5x for many DSP applications is accomplished using single-cycle multiply/accumulate instructions with a data-move option, up to eight auxiliary registers with a dedicated arithmetic unit, a parallel logic unit, and faster I/O necessary for data-intensive signal processing. The architectural design emphasizes overall speed, communication, and flexibility in processor configuration. Control signals and instructions provide floating-point support, block-memory transfers, communication to slower off-chip devices, and multiprocessing implementations as shown in the functional block diagram. Table 3 explains the symbols that are used in the functional block diagram. Table 3. Symbols Used in Functional Block Diagram SYMBOL 18 DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ABU Auto-buffering unit IFR Interrupt-flag register ACCB Accumulator buffer IMR Interrupt-mask register ACCH Accumulator high INDX Indirect-addressing-index register ACCL Accumulator low IR Instruction register ALU Arithmetic logic unit MCS Microcall stack ARAU Auxiliary-register arithmetic unit MUX Multiplexer ARB Auxiliary-register pointer buffer PAER Block-repeat-address end register ARCR Auxiliary-register compare register PASR Block-repeat-address start register ARP Auxiliary-register pointer PC Program counter ARR Address-receive register (ABU) PFC Prefetch counter AR0–AR7 Auxiliary registers PLU Parallel logic unit AXR Address-transmit register (ABU) PMST Processor-mode-status register BKR Receive-buffer-size register (ABU) PRD Timer-period register BKX Transmit-buffer-size register (ABU) PREG Product register BMAR Block-move-address register RPTC Repeat-counter register BRCR Block-repeat-counter register SARAM Single-access RAM BSP Buffered serial port SFL Left shifter C Carry bit SFR Right shifter CBER1 Circular buffer 1 end address SPC Serial-port interface-control register CBER2 Circular buffer 2 end address ST0,ST1 Status registers CBSR1 Circular buffer 1 start address TCSR TDM channel-select register CBSR2 Circular buffer 2 start address TCR Timer-control register DARAM Dual-access RAM TDM Time-division-multiplexed serial port DBMR Dynamic bit manipulation register TDXR TDM data transmit register DP Data memory page pointer TIM Timer-count register DRR Serial-port data receive register TRAD TDM received-address register DXR Serial-port data transmit register TRCV TDM data-receive register GREG Global memory allocation register TREG0 Temporary register for multiplication HPI Host port interface TREG1 Temporary register for dynamic shift count HPIAH HPI-address register (high bytes) TREG2 Temporary register used as bit pointer in dynamic-bit test HPIAL HPI-address register (low bytes) TRTA TDM receive-/transmit-address register HPICH HPI-control register (high bytes) TSPC TDM serial-port-control register HPICL HPI-control register (low bytes) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 functional block diagram Program Bus 16 SPC DXR PFC(16) X1 CLKOUT1 X2/CLKIN CLKIN2/CLKMD3 16 16 16 MCS(16) Compare 16 16 PC(16) PASR(16) BMAR(16) 16 DXR ST0(16) DRR ST1(16) Program ’C50 ’C51 ’C52 ’C53 ’C56 ’C57 MUX 16 16 16 Stack PMST(16) (8x16) ROM 2K 8K 4K 16K 32K 32K † RPTC(16) IFR(16) TDXR TRCV BRCR(16) TREG1(5) TCSR(8) TREG2(4) 16 16 TRTA Program Bus † 16 16 TDX TFRM TCLKX TDR TADD TCLKR TRAD(16) MUX D15–D0 TDM GREG(16) 16 DX2 CLKX2 FSX2 DR2 FSR2 CLKR2 TSPC IMR(16) Instruction RBIT Serial Port 2 SPC IR(16) 16 Address 16 † 16 16 16 4 DX CLKX FSX DR FSR CLKR 16 MUX RD WE NMI A15–A0 DRR PAER(16) 16 Control RW STRB READY BR XF HOLD HOLDA IAQ BO RS IACK MP/MC INT(1–4) Serial Port 1 Data Bus CLKMD1 CLKMD2 IS DS PS BSP Data Bus DXR Data Bus 16 16 AXR(11) 16 9 3 AR0(16) 7 LSB from IR 16 16 16 BKX(11) 16 DRR DP(9) AR1(16) 16 DBMR(16) MUX AR2(16) ARP(3) 16 AR3(16) 3 ARR(11) 16 16 9 BKR(11) AR4(16) 3 16 AR5(16) ARB(3) MUX TREG0(16) Timer AR6(16) Multiplier AR7(16) CBSR1(16) 3 CBSR2(16) SFL(0–16) PREG(32) MUX SFL (–6, 0, 1, 4) 16 TCR 16 TOUT PRD 32 CBER1(16) TIM PLU (16) CBER2(16) MUX 32 INDX(16) † 32 32 ARCR(16) SFR(0–16) 16 HPI HPICL MUX HPIAL MUX 32 HPICH ALU(32) 32 MUX MUX Data/Prog DARAM B0 (512x16) Data DARAM B2 (32x16) C ACCH(16) ACCL(16) ACCB(32) 32 B1 (512x16) MUX MUX Shifter(0–7) 16 16 16 HD0 HD7 HCNTL1 HCNTL0 HBIL HCS HDS(1–1) HAS HR/W HRDY HINT Data Bus 9K 1K 3K 6K 6K HPIAH 32 32 Data/Prog SARAM ’C50 ’C51 ’C53 ’C56 ’C57 16 Program Bus ARAU(16) BDX DFSX BCLKX BDR BFSR BCLKR 16 16 16 † Not available on all devices (see Table 1). NOTES: A. Signals in shaded text are not available on 100-pin QFP packages. B. Symbol descriptions appear in Table 3. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 19 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 32-bit ALU/accumulator The 32-bit ALU and accumulator implement a wide range of arithmetic and logical functions, the majority of which execute in a single cycle. The ALU is a general-purpose arithmetic/logic unit that operates on 16-bit words taken from data memory or derived from immediate instructions. In addition to the usual arithmetic instructions, the ALU can perform Boolean operations, facilitating the bit manipulation ability required of a high-speed controller. One input to the ALU always is supplied by the accumulator, and the other input can be furnished from the product register (PREG) of the multiplier, the accumulator buffer (ACCB), or the output of the scaling shifter [which has been read from data memory or from the accumulator (ACC)]. After the ALU performs the arithmetic or logical operation, the result is stored in the ACC where additional operations, such as shifting, can be performed. Data input to the ALU can be scaled by the scaling shifter. The 32-bit ACC is split into two 16-bit segments for storage in data memory. Shifters at the output of the ACC provide a left shift of 0 to 7 places. This shift is performed while the data is being transferred to the data bus for storage. The contents of the ACC remain unchanged. When the postscaling shifter is used on the high word of the ACC (bits 31 – 16), the most significant bits (MSBs) are lost and the least significant bits (LSBs) are filled with bits shifted in from the low word (bits 15 – 0). When the postscaling shifter is used on the low word, the LSBs are filled with zeros. The ’C5x supports floating-point operations for applications requiring a large dynamic range. By performing left shifts, the normalization instruction (NORM) is used to normalize fixed-point numbers contained in the ACC. The four bits of the TREG1 define a variable shift through the scaling shifter for the ADDT/LACT/SUBT instructions (add to / load to / subtract from ACC with shift specified by TREG1). These instructions are useful in denormalizing a number (converting from floating point to fixed point). They are also useful for executing an automatic gain control (AGC) going into a filter. The single-cycle 1-bit to 16-bit right shift of the ACC efficiently aligns the ACC’s contents. This, coupled with the 32-bit temporary buffer on the ACC, enhances the effectiveness of the ALU in extended-precision arithmetic. The ACCB provides a temporary storage place for a fast save of the ACC. The ACCB also can be used as an input to the ALU. The minimum or maximum value in a string of numbers is found by comparing the contents of the ACCB with the contents of the ACC. The minimum or maximum value is placed in both registers, and, if the condition is met, the carry bit (C) is set to 1. The minimum and maximum functions are executed by the CRLT and CRGT instructions, respectively. scaling shifters The ’C5x provides a scaling shifter that has a 16-bit input connected to the data bus and a 32-bit output connected to the ALU. This scaling shifter produces a left shift of 0 to 16 bits on the input data. The shift count is specified by a constant embedded in the instruction word or by the value in TREG1. The LSBs of the output are filled with zeros; the MSBs may be either filled with zeros or sign extended, depending upon the value of the sign-extension mode (SXM) bit of status register ST1. The ’C5x also contains several other shifters that allow it to perform numerical scaling, bit extraction, extended-precision arithmetic, and overflow prevention. These shifters are connected to the output of the product register and the ACC. parallel logic unit The parallel logic unit (PLU) is a second logic unit, additional to the main ALU, that executes logic operations on data without affecting the contents of the ACC. The PLU provides the bit-manipulation ability required of a high-speed controller and simplifies control / status register operations. The PLU provides a direct logic operation path to data memory space and can set, clear, test, or toggle multiple bits directly in a data memory location, a control / status register, or any register that is mapped into data memory space. 20 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 16 × 16-bit parallel multiplier The ’C5x uses a 16 × 16-bit hardware multiplier that is capable of computing a signed or an unsigned 32-bit product in a single machine cycle. All multiply instructions, except the MPYU (multiply unsigned) instruction, perform a signed multiply operation in the multiplier. That is, two numbers being multiplied are treated as 2s-complement numbers, and the result is a 32-bit 2s-complement number. There are two registers associated with the multiplier: TREG0, a 16-bit temporary register that holds one of the operands for the multiplier, and PREG, the 32-bit product register that holds the product. Four product shift modes (PM) are available at the PREG’s output. These shift modes are useful for performing multiply/accumulate operations, performing fractional arithmetic, or justifying fractional products. The PM field of status register ST1 specifies the PM shift mode. The product can be shifted one bit to compensate for the extra sign bit gained in multiplying two 16-bit 2s-complement numbers (MPY). A 4-bit shift is used in conjunction with the MPY instruction with a short immediate value (13 bits or less) to eliminate the four extra sign bits gained in multiplying a 16-bit number by a 13-bit number. Finally, the output of PREG can, instead, be right-shifted 6 bits to enable the execution of up to 128 consecutive multiply/accumulates without the possibility of overflow. The load-TREG0 (LT) instruction normally loads TREG0 to provide one operand (from the data bus), and the MPY instruction provides the second operand (also from the data bus). A multiplication also can be performed with a short or long immediate operand by using the MPY instruction with an immediate operand. A product is obtained every two cycles except when a long immediate operand is used. Four multiply/accumulate instructions (MAC, MACD, MADD, and MADS as defined in Table 7) fully utilize the computational bandwidth of the multiplier, allowing both operands to be processed simultaneously. The data for these operations is transferred to the multiplier during each cycle through the program and data buses. This facilitates single-cycle multiply/accumulates when used with repeat ( RPT and RPTZ ) instructions. In these instructions, the coefficient addresses are generated by the PC, while the data addresses are generated by the ARAU. This allows the repeated instruction to access the values sequentially from the coefficient table and step through the data in any of the indirect addressing modes. The RPTZ instruction also clears the accumulator and the product register to initialize the multiply/accumulate operation. The MACD and MADD instructions, when repeated, support filter constructs (weighted running averages) so that as the sum-of-products is executed, the sample data is shifted in memory to make room for the next sample and to eliminate the oldest sample. Circular addressing with MAC and MADS instructions also can be used to support filter implementation. auxiliary registers and auxiliary-register arithmetic unit (ARAU) The ’C5x provides a register file containing eight auxiliary registers (AR0 – AR7). The auxiliary registers are used for indirect addressing of the data memory or for temporary data storage. Indirect auxiliary-register addressing allows placement of the data memory address of an instruction operand into one of the auxiliary registers. These registers are referenced with a 3-bit auxiliary register pointer (ARP) that is loaded with a value from 0 through 7, designated AR0 through AR7, respectively. The auxiliary registers and the ARP can be loaded from data memory, the ACC, the product register, or by an immediate operand defined in the instruction. The contents of these registers can be stored in data memory or used as inputs to the central arithmetic logic unit (CALU). These registers are accessible as memory-mapped locations within the ’C5x data-memory space. The auxiliary register file (AR0 – AR7) is connected to the auxiliary register arithmetic unit (ARAU). The ARAU can autoindex the current auxiliary register while the data memory location is being addressed. Indexing can be performed either by ±1 or by the contents of the INDX register. As a result, accessing tables of information does not require the CALU for address manipulation; thus, the CALU is free for other operations in parallel. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 21 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 memory The ’C5x implements three separate address spaces for program memory, data memory, and I/O. Each space accommodates a total of 64K 16-bit words (see Figures 1 through 7). Within the 64K words of data space, the 256 to 32K words at the top of the address range can be defined to be external global memory in increments of powers of two, as specified by the contents of the global memory allocation register (GREG). Access to global memory is arbitrated using the global memory bus request (BR) signal. The ’C5x devices include a considerable amount of on-chip memory to aid in system performance and integration including ROM, single-access RAM (SARAM), and dual-access RAM (DARAM). The amount and types of memory available on each device are shown in Table 1. On the ’C5x, the first 96 (0 – 5Fh) data-memory locations are allocated for memory-mapped registers. This memory-mapped register space contains various control and status registers including those for the CPU, serial port, timer, and software wait-state generators. Additionally, the first 16 I/O port locations are mapped into this data-memory space, allowing them to be accessed either as data memory using single-word instructions or as I/O locations with two-word instructions. Two-word instructions allow access to the full 64K words of I/O space. The mask-programmable ROM is located in program memory space. Customers can arrange to have this ROM programmed with contents unique to to any particular application. The ROM is enabled or disabled by the state of the MP/ MC control input upon resetting the device or by manipulating the MP/ MC bit in the PMST status register after reset. The ROM occupies the lowest block of program memory when enabled. When disabled, these addresses are located in the device’s external program-memory space. The ’C5x also has a mask-programmable option that provides security protection for the contents of on-chip ROM. When this internal option bit is programmed, no externally-originating instruction can access the on-chip ROM. This feature can be used to provide security for proprietary algorithms. An optional boot loader is available in the device’s on-chip ROM. This boot loader can be used to transfer a program automatically from data memory or the serial port to anywhere in program memory. In data memory, the program can be located on any 1K-word boundary and can be in either byte-wide or 16-bit word format. Once the code is transferred, the boot loader releases control to the program for execution. The ’C5x devices provide two types of RAM: single-access RAM (SARAM) and dual-access RAM (DARAM). The single-access RAM requires a full machine cycle to perform a read or a write; however, this is not one large RAM block in which only one access per cycle is allowed. It is made up of 2K-word size-independent RAM blocks and each one allows one CPU access per cycle. The CPU can read or write one block while accessing another block at the same time. All ’C5x processors support multiple accesses to its SARAM in one cycle as long as they go to different RAM blocks. If the total SARAM size is not a multiple of two, one block is made smaller than 2K words. With an understanding of this structure, programmers can arrange code and data appropriately to improve code performance. Table 4 shows the sizes of available SARAM on the applicable ’C5x devices. Table 4. SARAM Block Sizes DEVICE NUMBER OF SARAM BLOCKS ’C50 / ’LC50 Four 2K blocks and one 1K block ’C51 / ’LC51 One 1K block ’C53 / ’C53S / ’LC53 One 2K block and one 1K block ’LC56 Three 2K blocks ’C57S / ’LC57/’LC57S Three 2K blocks memory (continued) The ’C5x dual-access RAM (DARAM) allows writes to, and reads from, the RAM in the same cycle without the address restrictions of the SARAM. The dual-access RAM is configured in three blocks: block 0 (B0), block 1 (B1), and block 2 (B2). Block 1 is 512 words in data memory and block 2 is 32 words in data memory. Block 0 22 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 is a 512-word block which can be configured as data or program memory. The CLRC CNF (configure B0 as data memory) and SETC CNF (configure B0 as program memory) instructions allow dynamic configuration of the memory maps through software. When using block 0 as program memory, instructions can be downloaded from external program memory into on-chip RAM and then executed. When using on-chip RAM, ROM, or high-speed external memory, the ’C5x runs at full speed with no wait states. The ability of the DARAM to allow two accesses to be performed in one cycle, coupled with the parallel nature of the ’C5x architecture, enables the device to perform three concurrent memory accesses in any given machine cycle. Externally, the READY line can be used to interface the ’C5x to slower, less expensive external memory. Downloading programs from slow off-chip memory to on-chip RAM can speed processing while cutting system costs. Hex 0000 003F 0040 Program Interrupts and Reserved (external) External Program Hex 0000 Interrupts and Reserved (on-chip) 003F 0040 On-Chip ROM 07FF 0800 07FF 0800 On-Chip SARAM (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) On-Chip SARAM (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) External FDFF FE00 FFFF External On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) MP/ MC = 1 (microprocessor mode) FDFF FE00 FFFF 005F 0060 007F 0080 00FF 0100 02FF 0300 04FF 0500 2BFF 2C00 2BFF 2C00 Hex 0000 07FF 0800 2BFF 2C00 On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) Data Memory-Mapped Registers On-Chip DARAM B2 Reserved On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 0) Reserved (CNF = 1) On-Chip DARAM B1 Reserved On-Chip SARAM (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) External FFFF MP/ MC = 0 (microcomputer mode) Figure 1. TMS320C50 and TMS320LC50 Memory Map POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 23 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Program Hex 0000 Interrupts and Reserved (external) 003F 0040 Program Hex 0000 Interrupts and Reserved (on-chip) 003F 0040 On-Chip ROM External 1FFF 2000 1FFF 2000 On-Chip SARAM (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) FFFF External MP/ MC = 1 (microprocessor mode) 02FF 0300 Data Memory-Mapped Registers On-Chip DARAM B2 Reserved On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 0) Reserved (CNF = 1) On-Chip DARAM B1 Reserved External On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) 007F 0080 04FF 0500 23FF 2400 FDFF FE00 005F 0060 00FF 0100 On-Chip SARAM (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 23FF 2400 Hex 0000 07FF 0800 0BFF 0C00 FDFF FE00 On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) FFFF On-Chip SARAM (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) External FFFF MP/ MC = 0 (microcomputer mode) Figure 2. TMS320C51 and TMS320LC51 Memory Map Hex 0000 003F 0040 Program Interrupts and Reserved (external) Hex 0000 003F 0040 0FFF 1000 Program Interrupts and Reserved (on-chip) On-Chip ROM Hex 0000 005F 0060 007F 0080 00FF 0100 External External 02FF 0300 04FF 0500 Data Memory-Mapped Registers On-Chip DARAM B2 Reserved On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 0) Reserved (CNF = 1) On-Chip DARAM B1 Reserved 07FF 0800 FDFF FE00 FFFF On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) FDFF FE00 FFFF MP/ MC = 1 (microprocessor mode) On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) External FFFF MP/ MC = 0 (microcomputer mode) Figure 3. TMS320C52 and TMS320LC52 Memory Map 24 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Hex 0000 003F 0040 Program Interrupts and Reserved (external) Program Hex 0000 Interrupts and Reserved (on-chip) 003F 0040 On-Chip ROM External 3FFF 4000 3FFF 4000 On-Chip SARAM (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 4BFF 4C00 On-Chip SARAM (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) FFFF On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) MP/ MC = 1 (microprocessor mode) 005F 0060 007F 0080 00FF 0100 02FF 0300 04FF 0500 4BFF 4C00 External FDFF FE00 Hex 0000 External 07FF 0800 13FF 1400 FDFF FE00 On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) FFFF Data Memory-Mapped Registers On-Chip DARAM B2 Reserved On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 0) Reserved (CNF = 1) On-Chip DARAM B1 Reserved On-Chip SARAM (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) External FFFF MP/ MC = 0 (microcomputer mode) Figure 4. TMS320C53, TMS320C53S, TMS320LC53, and TMS320LC53S Memory Map POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 25 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Hex 0000 Program Interrupts and Reservrd (external) 003F 0040 Program Hex 0000 Interrupts and Reserved (on-chip) 003F 0040 On-Chip ROM External 7FFF 8000 7FFF 8000 On-Chip SARAM Blk0 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 87FF 8800 On-Chip SARAM Blk0 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 87FF 8800 On-Chip SARAM Blk1 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 8FFF 9000 8FFF 9000 97FF 9800 005F 0060 007F 0080 Data Memory-Mapped Registers On-Chip DARAM B2 Reserved 00FF 0100 On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 0) Reserved (CNF = 1) 02FF 0300 On-Chip DARAM B1 04FF 0500 Reserved 07FF 0800 On-Chip SARAM Blk1 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) On-Chip SARAM Blk2 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) Hex 0000 On-Chip SARAM Blk2 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) On-Chip SARAM Blk0 BSP Block (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) 0FFF 1000 On-Chip SARAM Blk1 (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) 17FF 1800 On-Chip SARAM Blk2 (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) 97FF 9800 1FFF 2000 External External FDFF FE00 FFFF On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) FDFF FE00 FFFF External On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) MP/ MC = 1 MP/ MC = 0 Figure 5. TMS320LC56 Memory Map 26 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 FFFF TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Hex 0000 Program Interrupts and Reservrd (external) 003F 0040 Program Hex 0000 Interrupts and Reserved (on-chip) 005F 0060 007F 0080 Hex 0000 003F 0040 External 7FFF 8000 On-Chip ROM 7FFF 8000 On-Chip SARAM Blk0 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 87FF 8800 02FF 0300 On-Chip SARAM Blk0 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 8FFF 9000 On-Chip SARAM Blk1 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 8FFF 9000 On-Chip SARAM Blk2 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 97FF 9800 On-Chip SARAM Blk2 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) On-Chip DARAM B2 Reserved On-Chip DARAM (CNF = 0) Reserved (CNF = 1) On-Chip DARAM B1 04FF 0500 HPI Control Register 0501 07FF 0800 87FF 8800 On-Chip SARAM Blk1 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 00FF 0100 Data Memory-Mapped Registers Reserved On-Chip SARAM Blk0 BSP Block (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) 0FFF 1000 On-Chip SARAM Blk1 HPI Block (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) 17FF 1800 On-Chip SARAM Blk2 (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) 97FF 9800 1FFF 2000 External External FDFF FE00 FFFF On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) MP/ MC = 1 FDFF FE00 FFFF External On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) FFFF MP/ MC = 0 Figure 6. TMS320LC57 Memory Map POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 27 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Hex 0000 Program Interrupts and Reservrd (external) 003F 0040 External 7FFF 8000 Program Hex 0000 Interrupts and Reserved (on-chip) 005F 0060 007F 0080 Hex 0000 003F 0040 07FF 0800 On-Chip ROM External 7FFF 8000 On-Chip SARAM Blk0 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 87FF 8800 02FF 0300 On-Chip SARAM Blk0 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 8FFF 9000 8FFF 9000 97FF 9800 Reserved On-Chip DARAM (CNF = 0) Reserved (CNF = 1) On-Chip DARAM B1 04FF 0500 HPI Control Register 0501 07FF 0800 On-Chip SARAM Blk1 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) On-Chip SARAM Blk2 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) On-Chip DARAM B2 Reserved 87FF 8800 On-Chip SARAM Blk1 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 00FF 0100 Data Memory-Mapped Registers On-Chip SARAM Blk2 (RAM = 1) External (RAM = 0) 0FFF 1000 On-Chip SARAM Blk0 BSP Block (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) On-Chip SARAM Blk1 HPI Block (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) 17FF 1800 On-Chip SARAM Blk2 (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) 97FF 9800 1FFF 2000 External External FDFF FE00 FFFF On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) FDFF FE00 FFFF External On-Chip DARAM B0 (CNF = 1) External (CNF = 0) MP/ MC = 1 MP/ MC = 0 Figure 7. TMS320C57S Memory Map 28 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 FFFF TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 interrupts and subroutines The ’C5x implements four general-purpose interrupts, INT4 – INT1, along with reset (RS) and the nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) which are available for external devices to request the attention of the processor. Internal interrupts are generated by the serial port (RINT and XINT), by the timer (TINT), and by the software-interrupt (TRAP, INTR, and NMI) instructions. Interrupts are prioritized with RS having the highest priority, followed by NMI, and INT4 having the lowest priority. Additionally, any interrupt except RS and NMI can be masked individually with a dedicated bit in the interrupt mask register (IMR) and can be cleared, set, or tested using its own dedicated bit in the interrupt flag register (IFR). The reset and NMI functions are not maskable. All interrupt vector locations are on two-word boundaries so that branch instructions can be accommodated in those locations. While normally located at program memory address 0, the interrupt vectors can be remapped to the beginning of any 2K-word page in program memory by modifying the contents of the interrupt vector pointer (IPTR) located in the PMST status register. A built-in mechanism protects multicycle instructions from interrupts. If an interrupt occurs during a multicycle instruction, the interrupt is not processed until the instruction completes execution. This mechanism applies to instructions that are repeated (using the RPT instruction) and to instructions that become multicycle because of wait states. Each time an interrupt is serviced or a subroutine is entered, the PC is pushed onto an internal hardware stack, providing a mechanism for returning to the previous context. The stack contains eight locations, allowing interrupts or subroutines to be nested up to eight levels deep. In addition to the eight-level hardware PC stack, eleven key CPU registers are equipped with an associated single-level stack or shadow register into which the registers’ contents are saved upon servicing an interrupt. The contents are restored into their particular CPU registers once a return-from-interrupt instruction (RETE or RETI) is executed. The registers that have the shadow-register feature include the ACC and buffer, product register, status registers, and several other key CPU registers. The shadow-register feature allows sophisticated context save and restore operations to be handled automatically in cases where nested interrupts are not required or if interrupt servicing is performed serially. power-down modes The ’C5x implements several power-down modes in which the ’C5x core enters a dormant state and dissipates considerably less power. A power-down mode is invoked either by executing the IDLE / IDLE2 instructions or by driving the HOLD input low. When the HOLD signal initiates the power-down mode, on-chip peripherals continue to operate; this power-down mode is terminated when HOLD goes inactive. While the ’C5x is in a power-down mode, all internal contents are maintained; this allows operation to continue unaltered when the power-down mode is terminated. All CPU activities are halted when the IDLE instruction is executed, but the CLKOUT1 pin remains active. The peripheral circuits continue to operate, allowing peripherals such as serial ports and timers to take the CPU out of its powered-down state. A power-down mode, when initiated by an IDLE instruction, is terminated upon receipt of an interrupt. The IDLE2 instruction is used for a complete shutdown of the core CPU as well as all on-chip peripherals. In IDLE2, the power is reduced significantly because the entire device is stopped. The power-down mode is terminated by activating any of the external interrupt pins (RS, NMI, INT1, INT2, INT3, and INT4) for at least five machine cycles. bus-keeper circuitry (TMS320LC56/’C57S/’LC57) The TMS320LC56 /’C57S/’LC57 devices provide built-in bus keeper circuitry which holds the last state driven on the data bus by either the DSP or an external device after the bus is no longer being driven. This capability prevents excess power consumption caused by a floating bus, thus allowing optimization of power consumption without the need for external pullup resistors. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 29 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 external interface The ’C5x supports a wide range of system interfacing requirements. Program, data, and I/O address spaces provide interface to memory and I/O, maximizing system throughput. The full 16-bit address and data bus, along with the PS, DS, and IS space select signals, allow addressing of 64K 16-bit words in each of the three spaces. I/O design is simplified by having I/O treated the same way as memory. I/O devices are mapped into the I/O address space using the processor’s external address and data buses in the same manner as memory-mapped devices. The ’C5x external parallel interface provides various control signals to facilitate interfacing to the device. The R / W output signal is provided to indicate whether the current cycle is a read or a write. The STRB output signal provides a timing reference for all external cycles. For convenience, the device also provides the RD and the WE output signals, which indicate a read and a write cycle, respectively, along with timing information for those cycles. The availability of these signals minimizes external gating necessary for interfacing external devices to the ’C5x. Interface to memory and I/O devices of varying speeds is accomplished by using the READY line. When transactions are made with slower devices, the ’C5x processor waits until the other device completes its function and signals the processor via the READY line. Once a ready indication is provided back to the ’C5x from the external device, execution continues. The bus request (BR) signal is used in conjunction with the other ’C5x interface signals to arbitrate external global-memory accesses. Global memory is external data-memory space in which the BR signal is asserted at the beginning of the access. When an external global-memory device receives the the bus request, the external device responds by asserting the READY signal after the global memory access is arbitrated and the global access is completed. external direct-memory access (DMA) capability All ’C5x devices with single-access RAM offer a unique feature allowing another processor to read and write to the ’C5x internal memory. To initiate a read or write operation to the ’C5x single-access RAM, the host or master processor requests a hold state on the DSP’s external bus. When acknowledged with HOLDA, the host can request access to the internal bus by pulling the BR signal low. Unlike the hold mode, which allows the current operation to complete and allows CPU operation to continue (if status bit HM=0), a BR-requested DMA always halts the operation currently being executed by the CPU. Access to the internal bus always is granted on the third clock cycle after the BR signal is received. In the PQ package, the IAQ pin also indicates when bus access has been granted. In the PZ package, this pin is not present so the host is required to wait two clock cycles after driving the bus request low before beginning DMA transfer. host port interface (HPI) (TMS320C57S, TMS320LC57, TMS320LC57S only) The HPI is an 8-bit parallel port used to interface a host processor to the ’C57S /’LC57. The host port is connected to a 2k word on-chip buffer through a dedicated internal bus. The dedicated bus allows the CPU to work uninterrupted while the host processor accesses the host port. The HPI memory buffer is a single-access RAM block which is accessible by both the CPU and the host. The HPI memory also can be used as general-purpose data or program memory. Both the CPU and the host have access to the HPI control register (HPIC) and the host can address the HPI memory through the HPI address register (HPIA). Data transfers of 16-bit words occur as two consecutive bytes with a dedicated pin, HBIL, indicating whether the high or low byte is being transmitted. Two control pins, HCNTL1 and HCNTL0, control host access to the HPIA, HPI data (with an optional automatic address increment), or the HPIC. The host can interrupt the ’C57S/’LC57 by writing to HPIC. The ’C57S /’LC57 can interrupt the host with a dedicated HINT pin that the host acknowledges and clears. 30 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 host port interface (continued) The HPI has two modes of operation, shared-access mode (SAM) and host-only mode (HOM). In SAM, the normal mode of operation, both the ’C57S /’LC57 and the host can access HPI memory. In this mode, asynchronous host accesses are resynchronized internally and, in case of conflict, the host has access priority and the ’C57S /’LC57S waits one cycle. Host and CPU accesses to the HPI memory can be resychronized through polling of a command word or through interrupts to prevent stalling the CPU for one cycle. The HOM capability allows the host to access HPI memory while the ’C57S /’LC57 is in IDLE2 mode (all internal clocks stopped) or in reset mode. The external ’C57S /’LC57S clock even can be stopped. The host can, therefore, access the HPI RAM while the ’C57S /’LC57 is in its optimum configuration in terms of power consumption. The HPI control register has two data strobes, HDS1 and HDS2, a read / write strobe HR / W, and an address strobe HAS, to enable a glueless interface to a variety of industry-standard host devices. The HPI is easily interfaced to hosts with multiplexed address /data bus, separate address and data buses, one data strobe, and a read / write strobe, or two separate strobes for read and write. An HPI-ready pin, HRDY, is provided to specify wait states for hosts that support an asynchronous input. When the ’C57S /’LC57 operating frequency is variable, or when the host is capable of accessing at a faster rate than the maximum shared-access mode access rate, the HRDY pin provides a convenient way to adjust the host access rate automatically (no software handshake needed) to a change in the ’C57S /’LC57 clock rate or an HPI-mode switch. The HPI supports high-speed back-to-back accesses. In the shared-access mode, the HPI can handle one byte every five ’C57S /’LC57 periods (that is, 64 Mb/s with a 40-MHz ’C57S /’LC57). The HPI is designed so that the host can take advantage of this high bandwidth and run at frequencies up to (f n) ÷ 5, where n is the number of host cycles for an external access and f is the ’C57S /’LC57 frequency. In host-only mode, the HPI supports even higher speed back-to-back host accesses: 1 byte every 50 ns (that is, 160 Mb/s) independently of the ’C57S/’LC57 clock rate. serial ports The ’C5x provides high-speed full-duplex serial ports that allow direct interface to other ’C5x devices, codecs, and other devices in a system. There is a general-purpose serial port, a time-division-multiplexed (TDM) serial port, and an auto-buffered serial port (BSP). The general-purpose serial port uses two memory-mapped registers for data transfer: the data-transmit register (DXR) and the data-receive register (DRR). Both registers can be accessed in the same manner as any other memory location. The transmit and receive sections of the serial port each have associated clocks, frame-synchronization pulses, and serial shift registers, and serial data can be transferred either in bytes or in 16-bit words. Serial port receive and transmit operations can generate their own maskable transmit and receive interrupts (XINT and RINT), allowing serial port transfers to be managed by way of software. The ’C5x serial ports are double-buffered and fully static. The TDM port allows the device to communicate through time-division multiplexing with up to seven other ’C5x devices with TDM ports. Time-division multiplexing is the division of time intervals into a number of subintervals with each subinterval representing a prespecified communications channel. The TDM port serially transmits 16-bit words on a single data line ( TDAT ) and destination addresses on a single address line ( TADD). Each device can transmit data on a single channel and receive data from one or more of the eight channels providing a simple and efficient interface for multiprocessing applications. A frame synchronization pulse occurs once every 128 clock cycles corresponding to transmission of one 16-bit word on each of the eight channels. Like the general-purpose serial port, the TDM port is double-buffered on both input and output data. The TDM port also can be configured in software to operate as a general-purpose serial port as described above. Both types of ports are capable of operating at up to one-fourth the machine cycle rate (CLKOUT1). The buffered serial port (BSP) consists of a full-duplex double-buffered serial port interface (SPI) and an auto-buffering unit (ABU). The SPI block of the BSP is an enhanced version of the general-purpose serial port. The auto-buffering unit allows the SPI to read / write directly to ’C5x internal memory using a dedicated bus independently of the CPU. This results in minimum overhead for SPI transactions and faster data rates. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 31 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 serial ports (continued) When auto-buffering capability is disabled (standard mode), transfers with SPI are performed under software control through interrupts. In this mode, the ABU is transparent and the word-based interrupts (WXINT and WRINT) provided by the SPI are sent to the CPU as transmit interrupt (XINT ) and receive interrupt (RINT ). When auto buffering is enabled, word transfers are done directly between the SPI and the ’C5x internal memory, using ABU-embedded address generators. The ABU has its own set of circular addressing registers with corresponding address-generation units. Memory for the buffers resides in 2K words of ’C5x internal memory. The length and starting addresses of the buffers are user-programmable. A buffer-empty /- full interrupt can be posted to the CPU. Buffering is halted easily because of an auto-disabling capability. Auto-buffering capability can be enabled separately for transmit and receive sections. When auto-buffering is disabled, operation is similar to the general-purpose serial port. The SPI allows transfer of 8-, 10-, 12-, or 16-bit data packets. In burst mode, data packets are directed by a frame-synchronization pulse for every packet. In continuous mode, the frame-synchronization pulse occurs when the data transmission is initiated and no further pulses occur. The frame and clock strobes are frequency and polarity programmable. The SPI is fully static and operates at arbitrarily low clock frequencies. The maximum operating frequency is CLKOUT1 (28.6 Mb/s at 35 ns, 40 Mb/s at 25 ns). The SPI transmit section also includes a pulse-coded modulation (PCM) mode that allows easy interface with a PCM line. Most ’C5x devices provide one general-purpose serial port and one TDM port. The ’C52 provides one general-purpose serial port and no TDM port. The ’C53SX provides two general-purpose serial ports and no TDM port. The ’LC56, ’C57S, and ’LC57 devices provide one general-purpose serial port and one buffered serial port. software wait-state generators Software wait-state generation is incorporated in the ’C5x without any external hardware for interfacing with slower off-chip memory and I/O devices. The circuitry consists of 16 wait-state generating circuits and is user-programmable to operate with 0, 1, 2, 3, or 7 wait states. For off-chip memory accesses, these wait-state generators are mapped on 16K-word boundaries in program memory, data memory, and the I/O ports. The ’C53S/’C57S and ’LC56/57 devices have software-programmable wait-state generators that are controlled by one 16-bit wait-state register PDWSR at address 0x28. The programmed number of wait states (0 through 7 ) applies to all external addresses at the corresponding address space (program, data, I/O) regardless of address value. timer The ’C5x features a 16-bit timing circuit with a 4-bit prescaler. This timer clocks between one-half and one thirty-second the machine rate of the device itself, depending on the programmable timer’s divide-down ratio. This timer can be stopped, restarted, reset, or disabled by specific status bits. The timer can be used to generate CPU interrupts periodically. The timer is decremented by one at every CLKOUT1 cycle. A timer interrupt (TINT) and a pulse equal to the duration of a CLKOUT1 cycle on the external TOUT pin are generated each time the counter decrements to zero. The timer provides a convenient means of performing periodic I/O or other functions. When the timer is stopped, the internal clocks to the timer are shut off, allowing the device to run in a low-power mode of operation. 32 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 IEEE 1149.1 boundary scan interface The IEEE 1149.1 boundary-scan interface is used for emulation and test purposes. The IEEE 1149.1 scanning logic provides the boundary-scan path to and from the interfacing devices. Also, it can be used to test pin-to-pin continuity as well as to perform operational tests on those peripheral devices that surround the ’C5x. On ’C5x devices which do not provide boundary-scan capability, the IEEE 1149.1 interface is used for emulation purposes only. It is interfaced to other internal scanning logic circuitry, which has access to all of the on-chip resources. Thus, the ’C5x can perform on-board emulation by means of IEEE 1149.1 serial pins and the emulation-dedicated pins (see IEEE Standard 1149.1 for more details). Table 5 shows IEEE 1149.1 and boundary-scan functions supported by the ’C5x family of devices. Table 5. IEEE 1149.1 Interface/Boundary Scan/On-Chip Analysis Block Configurations on the ’C5x/’LC5x Device Family IEEE 1149.1 INTERFACE BOUNDARY-SCAN CAPABILITY ON-CHIP ANALYSIS BLOCK ’C50 / ’LC50 DEVICE TYPE Yes Yes Full ’C51 / ’LC51 Yes Yes Full ’C52 / ’LC52 Yes No Full ’C53 / ’LC53 Yes Yes Full ’C53S / ’LC53S Yes No Reduced ’LC56 Yes No Full ’C57S Yes Yes Full ’LC57 Yes No Full on-chip analysis block The on-chip analysis block, in conjunction with the ’C5x EVM, provides the capability to perform a variety of debugging and performance evaluation functions in a target system. The full analysis block provides capability for message passing by a combination of monitor mode and scan, flexible breakpoint setup based on events, counting of events, and a PC discontinuity trace buffer. Breakpoints can be triggered based on the following events: program fetches/reads/writes, EMU0/1 pin activity (used in multiprocessing), data reads/writes, CPU events (calls, returns, interrupts/traps, branches, pipeline clock), and event-counter overflow. The event counter is a 16-bit counter which can be used for performance analysis. The event counter can be incremented based on the occurrence of the following events: CPU clocks (performance monitoring), pipeline advances, instruction fetches (used to count instructions for an algorithm), branches, calls, returns, interrupts/traps, program reads/writes, or data reads/writes. The PC discontinuity-trace buffer provides a method to monitor program counter flow. These analysis functions are available on all ’C5x devices except the ’C53S and ’LC53S which have a reduced analysis block (see Table 5). The reduced analysis block provides capability for message passing and breakpoints based on program fetches/reads/writes and EMU0/1 pin activity. multiprocessing The flexibility of the ’C5x allows configurations to satisfy a wide range of system requirements; the device can be used in a variety of system configurations, including, but not limited to, the following: D D D D A standalone processor A multiprocessor with devices in parallel A slave/host multiprocessor with global-memory space A peripheral processor interfaced via processor-controlled signals to another device POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 33 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 multiprocessing (continued) For multiprocessing applications, the ’C5x is capable of allocating global-memory space and communicating with that space via the BR and ready control signals. Global memory is data memory shared by more than one device. Global memory access must be arbitrated. The 8-bit memory-mapped global memory allocation register (GREG) specifies part of the ’C5x’s data memory as global external memory. The contents of the register determine the size of the global memory space. If the current instruction addresses an operand within that space, BR is asserted to request control of the bus. The length of the memory cycle is controlled by the READY line. The ’C5x supports direct memory access (DMA) to its external program, data, and I/O spaces using the HOLD and HOLDA signals. Another device can take complete control of the ’C5x’s external memory interface by asserting HOLD low. This causes the ’C5x to to place its address, data, and control lines in the high-impedance state and assert HOLDA. While external memory is being accessed, program execution from on-chip memory can proceed concurrently when the device is in hold mode. Multiple ’C5x devices can be interconnected through their serial ports. This form of interconnection allows information to be transferred at high speed while using a minimum number of signal connections. A complete full-duplex serial-port interconnection between multiple processors can be accomplished with as few as four signal lines. instruction set The ’C5x microprocessor implements a comprehensive instruction set that supports both numeric-intensive signal processing operations and general-purpose applications, such as multiprocessing and high-speed control. Source code for the ’C1x and ’C2x DSPs is upward compatible with the ’C5x. For maximum throughput, the next instruction is prefetched while the current one is being executed. Because the same data lines are used to communicate to external data, program, or I/O space, the number of cycles an instruction requires to execute varies, depending on whether the next data operand fetch is from internal or external memory. Highest throughput is achieved by maintaining data memory on chip and using either internal or fast external program memory. addressing modes The ’C5x instruction set provides six basic memory-addressing modes: direct, indirect, immediate, register, memory mapped, and circular addressing. In direct addressing, the instruction word contains the lowest seven bits of the data-memory address. This field is concatenated with the nine bits of the data-memory page pointer (DP) to form the 16-bit data-memory address. Therefore, in the direct-addressing mode, data memory is paged effectively with a total of 512 pages, each of which contains 128 words. Indirect addressing accesses data memory through the auxiliary registers. In indirect addressing mode, the address of the instruction operand is contained in the currently selected auxiliary register. Eight auxiliary registers (AR0 – AR7) provide flexible and powerful indirect addressing. To select a specific auxiliary register, the auxiliary register pointer (ARP) is loaded with a value from 0 to 7 for AR0 through AR7, respectively. There are seven types of indirect addressing: autoincrement or autodecrement, postindexing by either adding or subtracting the contents of AR0, single-indirect addressing with no increment or decrement, and bit-reversed addressing (used in FFTs) with increment or decrement. All operations are performed on the current auxiliary register in the same cycle as the original instruction, following which the current auxiliary register and ARP can be modified. 34 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 addressing modes (continued) In immediate addressing, the actual operand data is provided in a portion of the instruction word or words. There are two types of immediate addressing: long and short. In short-immediate addressing, the data is contained in a portion of the bits in a single-word instruction. In long-immediate addressing, the data is contained in the second word of a two-word instruction. The immediate-addressing mode is useful for data that does not need to be stored or used more than once during the course of program execution, such as initialization values, constants, etc. The register-addressing mode uses operands in CPU registers either explicitly, such as with a direct reference to a specific register, or implicitly, with instructions that intrinsically reference certain registers. In either case, operand reference is simplified because 16-bit values can be used without specifying a full 16-bit operand address or immediate value. Memory-mapped addressing provides the convenience of easy access to memory-mapped registers located on page zero of data memory. The flexibility of memory-mapped addressing results because accesses are made independently of actual DP value and without having to provide a complete address of the memory location being accessed. Commonly used on-board registers can be accessed with a simplified addressing scheme. Circular addressing is the most sophisticated ’C5x addressing mode. This addressing mode allows specified buffers in memory to be accessed sequentially with a pointer that automatically wraps around to the beginning of the buffer when the last location is accessed. A total of two independent circular buffers can be allocated at any given time. Five dedicated registers are allocated for implementation of circular addressing: a beginning-of-buffer and an end-of-buffer register for each of the two independent circular buffers and a control register. Additionally, one of the auxiliary registers is used as the pointer into the circular buffer. All registers used in circular addressing must be initialized properly prior to performing any circular buffer access. The circular-addressing mode allows implementation of circular buffers, which facilitate data structures used in FIR filters, convolution and correlation algorithms, and waveform generators. Having the capability to access circular buffers automatically with no overhead allows these types of data structures to be implemented most efficiently. repeat feature The repeat function can be used with instructions such as multiply/accumulates (MAC and MACD), block moves (BLDD and BLPD), I/O transfers (IN/OUT ), and table read/writes (TBLR/TBLW). These instructions, although normally multicycle, are pipelined when the repeat feature is used, and they effectively become single-cycle instructions. For example, the table-read instruction may take three or more cycles to execute, but when the instruction is repeated, a table location can be read every cycle. The repeat counter (RPTC) is a 16-bit register that, when loaded with a number N, causes the next single instruction to be executed N + 1 times. The RPTC register is loaded by either the RPT or the RPTZ instruction, resulting in a maximum of 65,536 executions of a given instruction. RPTC is cleared by reset. The RPTZ instruction clears both ACC and PREG before the next instruction starts repeating. Once a repeat instruction (RPT or RPTZ ) is decoded, all interrupts including NMI (except reset) are masked until the completion of the repeat loop. However, the device responds to the HOLD signal while executing an RPT/ RPTZ loop. repeat feature (continued) The ’C5x implements a block-repeat feature that provides zero-overhead looping for implementation of FOR and DO loops. The function is controlled by three registers (PASR, PAER, and BRCR) and the BRAF bit in the PMST register. The block-repeat counter register (BRCR) is loaded with a loop count of 0 to 65,535. Then, execution of the RPTB (repeat block) instruction loads the program-address-start register (PASR) with the address of the instruction following the RPTB instruction and loads the program-address-end register (PAER) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 35 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 with its long-immediate operand. The long-immediate operand is the address of the instruction following the last instruction in the loop minus one. (The repeat block must contain at least three instruction words.) Execution of the RPTB instruction automatically sets active the BRAF bit. With each PC update, the PAER contents are compared to the PC. If they are equal, the BRCR contents are compared to zero. If the BRCR contents are greater than zero, BRCR is decremented and the PASR is loaded into the PC, repeating the loop. If not, the BRAF bit is set low and the processor resumes execution past the end of the code’s loop. The equivalent of a WHILE loop can be implemented by setting the BRAF bit to zero if the exit condition is met. The program then completes the current pass through the loop but does not go back to the top. To exit, the bit must be reset at least four instruction words before the end of the loop. It is possible to exit block-repeat loops and return to them without stopping and restarting the loop. Branches, calls, and interrupts do not necessarily affect the loop. When program control is returned to the loop, loop execution is resumed. instruction set summary This section summarizes the operational codes (opcodes) of the instruction set for the ’C5x digital signal processors. The instruction set is a super set of the ’C1x and ’C2x instruction sets. The instructions are arranged according to function and are alphabetized by mnemonic within each category. The symbols in Table 6 are used in the instruction set opcode table (Table 7). T he Texas Instruments ’C5x assembler accepts ’C2x instructions as well as ’C5x instructions. The number of words that an instruction occupies in program memory is specified in column 4 of Table 7. In these cases, different forms of the instruction occupy a different number of words. For example, the ADD instruction occupies one word when the operand is a short immediate value or two words if the operand is a long immediate value. The number of cycles that an instruction requires to execute is listed in column 5 of Table 7. All instructions are assumed to be executed from internal program memory and internal data dual-access memory. The cycle timings are for single-instruction execution, not for repeat mode. A read or write access to any peripheral memory-mapped register in data memory locations 20h – 4Fh adds one cycle to the cycle time shown because all peripherals perform these accesses over the internal peripheral bus. 36 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 instruction set summary (continued) Table 6. Opcode Symbols SYMBOL DESCRIPTION A Address ACC Accumulator ACCB Accumulator buffer ARX Auxiliary register value (0 – 7) BITX 4-bit field specifies which bit to test for the BIT instruction BMAR Block-move address register DBMR Dynamic bit-manipulation register I Addressing-mode bit II...II Immediate operand value INTM Interrupt-mode flag bit INTR# Interrupt vector number N Field for the XC instruction, indicating the number of instructions (one or two) to execute conditionally PREG Product register PROG Program memory RPTC Repeat counter SHF, SHFT 3/4 bit shift value TC Test-control bit TP Two bits used by the conditional execution instructions to represent the conditions TC, NTC, and BIO T P Meaning 00 BIO low 01 TC = 1 10 TC = 0 11 None of the above conditions TREGn Temporary register n (n = 0, 1, or 2) ZLVC 4-bit field representing the following conditions: Z: ACC = 0 L: ACC < 0 V: Overflow C: Carry A conditional instruction contains two of these 4-bit fields. The 4-LSB field of the instruction is a 4-bit mask field. A 1 in the corresponding mask bit indicates that the condition is being tested. The second 4-bit field (bits 4 – 7) indicates the state of the conditions designated by the mask bits as being tested. For example, to test for ACC ≥ 0, the Z and L fields are set while the V and C fields are not set. The next 4-bit field contains the state of the conditions to test. The Z field is set to indicate testing the condition ACC = 0, and the L field is reset to indicate testing the condition ACC ≥ 0. The conditions possible with these 8 bits are shown in the BCND, CC, and XC instructions. To determine if the conditions are met, the 4-LSB bit mask is ANDed with the conditions. If any bits are set, the conditions are met. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 37 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 instruction set summary (continued) Table 7. TMS320C5x Instruction Set Opcodes ACCUMULATOR MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC Absolute value of ACC Add ACCB to ACC with carry Add to ACC with shift Add to low ACC short immediate Add to ACC long immediate with shift Add to ACC with shift of 16 Add ACCB to ACC Add to ACC with carry Add to low ACC with sign extension suppressed Add to ACC with shift specified by TREG1 [3 – 0] AND ACC with data value AND with ACC long immediate with shift AND with ACC long immediate with shift of 16 AND ACCB with ACC Barrel shift ACC right Complement ACC Store ACC in ACCB if ACC > ACCB Store ACC in ACCB if ACC< ACCB Exchange ACCB with ACC Load ACC with ACCB Load ACC with shift Load ACC long immediate with shift Load ACC with shift of 16 Load low word of ACC with immediate Load low word of ACC Load ACC with shift specified by TREG1 [3 – 0] Load ACCL with memory-mapped register Negate ACC Normalize ACC OR ACC with data value OR with ACC long immediate with shift OR with ACC long immediate with shift of 16 OR ACCB with ACC Rotate ACC 1 bit left Rotate ACCB and ACC left Rotate ACC 1 bit right Rotate ACCB and ACC right Store ACC in ACCB Store high ACC with shift Store low ACC with shift Store ACCL to memory-mapped register Shift ACC 16 bits right if TREG1 [4] = 0 Shift ACC0–ACC15 right as specified by TREG1 [3 – 0] Subtract ACCB from ACC Subtract ACCB from ACC with borrow Shift ACC 1 bit left Shift ACCB and ACC left Shift ACC 1 bit right Shift ACCB and ACC right Subtract from ACC with shift Subtract from ACC with shift of 16 Subtract from ACC short immediate Subtract from ACC long immediate with shift 38 ABS ADCB ADD ADD ADD ADD ADDB ADDC ADDS ADDT AND AND AND ANDB BSAR CMPL CRGT CRLT EXAR LACB LACC LACC LACC LACL LACL LACT LAMM NEG NORM OR OR OR ORB ROL ROLB ROR RORB SACB SACH SACL SAMM SATH SATL SBB SBBB SFL SFLB SFR SFRB SUB SUB SUB SUB POST OFFICE BOX 1443 OPCODE 1011 1011 0010 1011 1011 0110 1011 0110 0110 0110 0110 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 0001 1011 0110 1011 0110 0110 0000 1011 1010 0110 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1001 1001 1000 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 0011 0110 1011 1011 1110 1110 SHFT 1000 1111 0001 1110 0000 0010 0011 1110 1111 1110 1110 1111 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 SHFT 1111 1010 1001 1001 1011 1000 1110 0000 1101 1111 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1SHF 0SHF 1000 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 SHFT 0101 1010 1111 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 0000 0001 IAAA IIII 1001 IAAA 0001 IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA 1011 1000 0001 1110 0000 0001 0001 0001 0001 IAAA 1000 IAAA IIII IAAA IAAA IAAA 0000 IAAA IAAA 1100 1000 0001 0000 0001 0000 0001 0001 IAAA IAAA IAAA 0101 0101 0001 0001 0000 0001 0000 0001 IAAA IAAA IIII 1010 0000 0001 AAAA IIII SHFT AAAA 0000 AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA SHFT 0001 0010 SHFT 0001 1011 1100 1101 1111 AAAA SHFT AAAA IIII AAAA AAAA AAAA 0010 AAAA AAAA SHFT 0010 0011 1100 0100 1101 0101 1110 AAAA AAAA AAAA 1010 1011 1000 1001 1001 0110 1010 0111 AAAA AAAA IIII SHFT WORDS CYCLES 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 or 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 or 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 instruction set summary (continued) Table 7. TMS320C5x Instruction Set Opcodes (Continued) ACCUMULATOR MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS (CONTINUED) INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC Subtract from ACC with borrow Conditional subtract Subtract from ACC with sign extension suppressed Subtract from ACC, shift specified by TREG1 [3 – 0] XOR ACC with data value XOR with ACC long immediate with shift XOR with ACC long immediate with shift of 16 XOR ACCB with ACC Zero ACC, load high ACC with rounding Zero ACC and product register SUBB SUBC SUBS SUBT XOR XOR XOR XORB ZALR ZAP OPCODE 0110 0000 0110 0110 0110 1011 1011 1011 0110 1011 0100 1010 0110 0111 1100 1111 1110 1110 1000 1110 IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA 1101 1000 0001 IAAA 0101 AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA SHFT 0011 1010 AAAA 1001 WORDS CYCLES 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 WORDS CYCLES 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 WORDS CYCLES 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 or 4 2 2 or 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 or 4 2 4 4 4 2 or 4 2 2 4 4 4 1 AUXILIARY REGISTERS AND DATA PAGE POINTER INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC Add to AR short immediate Compare AR with CMPR Load AR from addressed data Load AR short immediate Load AR long immediate Load data page pointer with addressed data Load data page immediate Modify auxiliary register Store AR to addressed data Subtract from AR short immediate ADRK CMPR LAR LAR LAR LDP LDP MAR SAR SBRK OPCODE 0111 1011 0000 1011 1011 0000 1011 1000 1000 0111 1000 1111 0ARX 0ARX 1111 1101 110I 1011 0ARX 1100 IIII 0100 IAAA IIII 0000 IAAA IIII IAAA IAAA IIII IIII 01CM AAAA IIII 1ARX AAAA IIII AAAA AAAA IIII BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC Branch unconditional with AR update Branch addressed by ACC Branch addressed by ACC delayed Branch AR ≠ 0 with AR update Branch AR ≠ 0 with AR update delayed Branch conditional Branch conditional delayed Branch unconditional with AR update delayed Call subroutine addressed by ACC Call subroutine addressed by ACC delayed Call unconditional with AR update Call unconditional with AR update delayed Call conditional Call conditional delayed Software interrupt Nonmaskable interrupt Return Return conditional Return conditionally, delayed Return, delayed Return from interrupt with enable Return from interrupt Trap Execute next one or two INST on condition B BACC BACCD BANZ BANZD BCND BCNDD BD CALA CALAD CALL CALLD CC CCD INTR NMI RET RETC RETCD RETD RETE RETI TRAP XC OPCODE 0111 1011 1011 0111 0111 1110 1111 0111 1011 1011 0111 0111 1110 1111 1011 1011 1110 1110 1111 1111 1011 1011 1011 111N 1001 1110 1110 1011 1111 00TP 00TP 1101 1110 1110 1010 1110 10TP 10TP 1110 1110 1111 11TP 11TP 1111 1110 1110 1110 01TP 1AAA 0010 0010 1AAA 1AAA ZLVC ZLVC 1AAA 0011 0011 1AAA 1AAA ZLVC ZLVC 011 I 0101 0000 ZLVC ZLVC 0000 0011 0011 0101 ZLVC AAAA 0000 0001 AAAA AAAA ZLVC ZLVC AAAA 0000 1101 AAAA AAAA ZLVC ZLVC NTR# 0010 0000 ZLVC ZLVC 0000 1010 1000 0001 ZLVC instruction set summary (continued) Table 7. TMS320C5x Instruction Set Opcodes (Continued) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 39 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 I/O AND DATA MEMORY OPERATIONS INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC Block move from data to data memory Block move data to data DEST long immediate Block move data to data with source in BMAR Block move data to data with DEST in BMAR Block move data to PROG with DEST in BMAR Block move from program to data memory Block move PROG to data with source in BMAR Data move in data memory Input external access Load memory-mapped register Out external access Store memory-mapped register Table read Table write BLDD BLDD BLDD BLDD BLDP BLPD BLPD DMOV IN LMMR OUT SMMR TBLR TBLW OPCODE 1010 1010 1010 1010 0101 1010 1010 0111 1010 1000 0000 0000 1010 1010 1000 1001 1100 1101 0111 0101 0100 0111 1111 1001 1100 1001 0110 0111 IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA WORDS CYCLES 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 or 3 3 2 or 3 3 3 WORDS CYCLES 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 WORDS CYCLES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PARALLEL LOGIC UNIT INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC AND DBMR with data value AND long immediate with data value Compare DBMR to data value Compare data with long immediate OR DBMR to data value OR long immediate with data value Store long immediate to data XOR DBMR to data value XOR long immediate with data value APL APL CPL CPL OPL OPL SPLK XPL XPL OPCODE 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 1010 0101 0101 1010 1110 1011 1111 1001 1101 1110 1000 1100 IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA T REGISTER, P REGISTER, AND MULTIPLY INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC Add PREG to ACC Load high PREG Load TREG0 Load TREG0 and accumulate previous product Load TREG0, accumulate previous product, and move data Load TREG0 and load ACC with PREG Load TREG0 and subtract previous product Multiply/accumulate Multiply/accumulate with data shift Mult/ACC w/source ADRS in BMAR and DMOV Mult/ACC with source address in BMAR Multiply data value times TREG0 Multiply TREG0 by 13-bit immediate Multiply TREG0 by long immediate Multiply TREG0 by data, add previous product Multiply TREG0 by data, ACC – PREG Multiply unsigned data value times TREG0 Load ACC with product register Subtract product from ACC Store high product register Store low product register Set PREG shift count Data to TREG0, square it, add PREG to ACC Data to TREG0, square it, ACC – PREG Zero product register 40 OPCODE APAC LPH LT LTA LTD 1011 0111 0111 0111 0111 1110 0101 0011 0000 0010 0000 IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA 0100 AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA LTP LTS MAC MACD MADD MADS MPY MPY MPY MPYA MPYS MPYU PAC SPAC SPH SPL SPM SQRA SQRS ZPR 0111 0111 1010 1010 1010 1010 0101 110I 1011 0101 0101 0101 1011 1011 1000 1000 1011 0101 0101 1011 0001 0100 0010 0011 1011 1010 0100 IIII 1110 0000 0001 0101 1110 1110 1101 1100 1111 0010 0011 1110 IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IAAA IIII 1000 IAAA IAAA IAAA 0000 0000 IAAA IAAA 0000 IAAA IAAA 0101 AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA IIII 0000 AAAA AAAA AAAA 0011 0101 AAAA AAAA 00PM AAAA AAAA 1000 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 instruction set summary (continued) Table 7. TMS320C5x Instruction Set Opcodes (Continued) CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC Test bit specified immediate Test bit in data value as specified by TREG2 [3 – 0] Reset overflow mode Reset sign extension mode Reset hold mode Reset TC bit Reset carry Reset CNF bit Reset INTM bit Reset XF pin Idle Idle until interrupt — low-power mode Load status register 0 Load status register 1 No operation Pop PC stack to low ACC Pop stack to data memory Push data memory value onto PC stack Push low ACC to PC stack Repeat instruction as specified by data Repeat next INST specified by long immediate Repeat INST specified by short immediate Block repeat Clear ACC/PREG and repeat next INST long immediate Set overflow mode Set sign extension mode Set hold mode Set TC bit Set carry Set XF pin high Set CNF bit Set INTM bit Store status register 0 Store status register 1 BIT BITT CLRC CLRC CLRC CLRC CLRC CLRC CLRC CLRC IDLE IDLE2 LST LST NOP POP POPD PSHD PUSH RPT RPT RPT RPTB RPTZ SETC SETC SETC SETC SETC SETC SETC SETC SST SST OPCODE 0100 0110 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 0000 0000 1000 1011 1000 0111 1011 0000 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1011 1000 1000 BITX 1111 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1111 1011 1110 1010 0110 1110 1011 1110 1011 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1111 IAAA IAAA 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0010 0010 IAAA IAAA 0000 0011 IAAA IAAA 0011 IAAA 1100 IIII 1100 1100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 IAAA IAAA WORDS AAAA AAAA 0010 0110 1000 1010 1110 0100 0000 1100 0010 0011 AAAA AAAA 0000 0010 AAAA AAAA 1100 AAAA 0100 IIII 0110 0101 0011 0111 1001 1011 1111 1101 0101 0001 AAAA AAAA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CYCLES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 development support Texas Instruments offers an extensive line of development tools for the ’C5x generation of DSPs, including tools to evaluate the performance of the processors, generate code, develop algorithm implementations, and fully integrate and debug software and hardware modules. The following products support development of ’C5x-based applications: Software Development Tools: Assembler/Linker Simulator Optimizing ANSI C compiler Application algorithms C/Assembly debugger and code profiler POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 41 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 development support (continued) Hardware Development Tools: Extended development set (XDS) emulator (supports ’C5x multiprocessor system debug) ’C5x EVM (Evaluation Module) ’C5x DSK (DSP Starter Kit) The TMS320 Family Development Support Reference Guide (SPRU011) contains information about development support products for all TMS320 family member devices, including documentation. Refer to this document for further information about TMS320 documentation or any other TMS320 support products from Texas Instruments. There is an additional document, the TMS320 Third Party Support Reference Guide (SPRU052), which contains information about TMS320-related products from other companies in the industry. To receive copies of TMS320 literature, contact the Literature Response Center at 800/477-8924. See Table 8 for complete listings of development support tools for the ’C5x. For information on pricing and availability, contact the nearest TI field sales office or authorized distributor. Table 8. TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x Development Support Tools DEVELOPMENT TOOL PLATFORM PART NUMBER Software Compiler/Assembler/Linker Compiler/Assembler/Linker PC-DOS, OS / 2 TMDS3242855-02 SPARC, HP TMDS3242555-08 Assembler/Linker PC-DOS, OS/2 TMDS3242850-02 Simulator PC-DOS, WIN TMDS3245851-02 Simulator SPARC TMDS3245551-09 Digital Filter Design Package PC-DOS DFDP Debugger/Emulation Software PC-DOS, OS/2, WIN TMDS3240150 Debugger/Emulation Software SPARC TMDS3240650 Hardware XDS-510 XL Emulator PC-DOS, OS/2 XDS-510 WS Emulator SPARC EVM Evaluation Module PC-DOS, WIN TMDS3260050 PC-DOS TMDS3200051 DSK DSP Starter Kit TMD000510 TMDS000510WS device and development support tool nomenclature To designate the stages in the product development cycle, TI assigns prefixes to the part numbers of all TMS320 devices and support tools. Each TMS320 member has one of three prefixes: TMX, TMP, or TMS. Texas Instruments recommends two of three possible prefix designators for its support tools: TMDX and TMDS. These prefixes represent evolutionary stages of product development from engineering prototypes (TMX / TMDX) through fully qualified production devices/tools (TMS / TMDS). This development flow is defined below. Device development evolutionary flow: TMX Experimental device that is not necessarily representative of the final device’s electrical specifications TMP Final silicon die that conforms to the device’s electrical specifications but has not completed quality and reliability verification PC-DOS and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. SPARC is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc. WIN is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. HP is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. XDS is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. 42 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 device and development support tool nomenclature (continued) TMS Fully-qualified production device Support tool development evolutionary flow: TMDX Development support product that has not yet completed Texas Instruments internal qualification testing. TMDS Fully qualified development support product TMX and TMP devices and TMDX development support tools are shipped against the following disclaimer: “Developmental product is intended for internal evaluation purposes.” TMS devices and TMDS development support tools have been characterized fully, and the quality and reliability of the device has been demonstrated fully. TI’s standard warranty applies. Predictions show that prototype devices ( TMX or TMP) have a greater failure rate than the standard production devices. Texas Instruments recommends that these devices not be used in any production system because their expected end-use failure rate still is undefined. Only qualified production devices are to be used. TI device nomenclature also includes a suffix with the device family name. This suffix indicates the package type (for example, N, FN, or GB) and temperature range (for example, L). Figure 8 provides a legend for reading the complete device name for any TMS320 family member. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 43 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 TMS 320 PREFIX TMX = TMP = TMS = SMJ = SM = (L) (B) C 52 PJ (L) TEMPERATURE RANGE (DEFAULT: 0 TO 70°C) H = 0 to 50°C L = 0 to 70°C S = – 55 to 100°C M = – 55 to 125°C A = – 40 to 85°C experimental device prototype device qualified device MIL-STD-883C High Rel (non-883C) PACKAGE TYPE N = plastic DIP J = ceramic CER-DIP JD = ceramic DIP side-brazed GB = ceramic PGA FZ = ceramic CER-QUAD FN = plastic leaded CC FD = ceramic leadless CC PJ = 100-pin plastic EIAJ QFP PQ = 132-pin plastic bumpered QFP PZ = 100-pin plastic TQFP PBK = 128-pin plastic TQFP PGE = 144-pin plastic TQFP DEVICE FAMILY 320 = TMS320 Family LOW VOLTAGE OPTION (3.3V) BOOT LOADER OPTION TECHNOLOGY C = CMOS E = CMOS EPROM DEVICE ’C1x DSP: ’C3x DSP: 10 14 15 16 17 30 31 32 ’C4x DSP: 40 44 ’C2x DSP: 25 26 ’C2xx DSP: 203 209 ’C5x DSP: 50 51 52 53 56 57 Figure 8. TMS320 Device Nomenclature documentation support Extensive documentation supports all TMS320 family generations of devices from product announcement through applications development. The types of documentation available include data sheets, such as this document, with design specifications, complete user’s guides for all devices, development support tools, and three volumes of the publication Digital Signal Processing Applications with the TMS320 Family (literature numbers SPRA012, SPRA016, and SPRA017). The application book series describes hardware and software applications, including algorithms, for fixed and floating point TMS320 family devices. The TMS320C5x User’s Guide (literature number SPRU056), which describes in detail the fifth-generation TMS320 products, is currently available. A series of DSP textbooks is published by Prentice-Hall and John Wiley & Sons to support digital signal processing research and education. The TMS320 newsletter, Details on Signal Processing, is published quarterly and distributed to update TMS320 customers on product information. The TMS320 DSP bulletin board service (BBS) provides access to information pertaining to the TMS320 family, including documentation, source code and object code for many DSP algorithms and utilities. The BBS can be reached at 713/274-2323. Information regarding TI DSP products is also available on the Worldwide Web at http:/ uniform resource locator (URL). 44 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 absolute maximum ratings over operating ambient-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (’320C5x only)† Supply voltage range, VDD (see Note 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0.3 V to 7 V Input voltage range, VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0.3 V to 7 V Output voltage range, VO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0.3 V to 7 V Operating ambient temperature range, TA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 40°C to 85°C Operating case temperature, TC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 55°C to 150°C † Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 3: All voltage values are with respect to VSS. recommended operating conditions (’320C5x only) VDD VSS Supply voltage NOM MAX UNIT 5 5.25 V Supply voltage 0 X2/CLKIN, CLKIN2 VIH MIN 4.75 High-level input voltage CLKX, CLKR, TCLKX, TCLKR All other inputs VIL Low level input voltage Low-level IOH IOL High-level output current (see Note 4) TC Operating case temperature 3 2.5 2 X2/CLKIN, CLKIN2, CLKX, CLKR, TCLKX, TCLKR – 0.3 All other inputs – 0.3 Low-level output current 0 V VDD + 0.3 VDD + 0.3 VDD + 0.3 0.7 V V 0.8 – 300‡ µA 2 mA 85 °C TA Operating ambient temperature – 40 85 °C ‡ This IOH can be exceeded when using a 1-kΩ pulldown resistor on the TDM serial port TADD output; however, this output still meets VOH specifications under these conditions. NOTE 4: Figure 9 shows the test load circuit and Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the voltage reference levels. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 45 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 electrical characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (’320C5x only) PARAMETER VOH VOL IOZ TEST CONDITIONS High-level output voltage (see Note 4) Low-level output voltage (see Note 4) High impedance output current (VDD = 5.25 High-impedance 5 25 V) IOH = 300 µA IOL = 2 mA Input current ( VI = VSS to VDD) IDD(pins) DD( i ) Supply current current, core CPU Supply current, current pins IDD(standby) Supply current, standby Ci 3 0.3 MAX 0.6 All other 3-state outputs – 20 20 TMS, TCK, TDI (with internal pullups) – 10 800 – 500 10 – 50 50 X2 /CLKIN – 10 VDD = 5.25 V VDD = 5.25 V 60 fx = 80 MHz, fx = 100 MHz, VDD = 5.25 V VDD = 5.25 V 94 fx = 40 MHz, fx = 57 MHz, VDD = 5.25 V VDD = 5.25 V 40 fx = 80 MHz, fx = 100 MHz, VDD = 5.25 V VDD = 5.25 V 63 Input capacitance POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 V µA µA 10 fx = 40 MHz, fx = 57 MHz, IDLE2, divide-by-two clock mode, clocks shut off UNIT V 20 Co Output capacitance † Typical values are at VDD = 5 V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified. NOTE 4: Figure 9 shows the test load circuit and Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the voltage reference levels. 46 2.4 – 500 All other inputs IDD(core) DD( ) TYP‡ BR (with internal pullup) TRST (with internal pulldown) II MIN 67 mA 110 45 mA 75 5 µA 15 pF 15 pF TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 absolute maximum ratings over specified temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (’320LC5x only)† Supply voltage range, VDD (see Note 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0.3 V to 5 V Input voltage range, VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0.3 V to 5 V Output voltage range, VO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 0.3 V to 5 V Operating ambient temperature range, TA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 40° to 85°C Operating case temperature, TC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0°C to 85°C Storage temperature range, Tstg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 55° to 150°C † Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTE 3: All voltage values are with respect to VSS. recommended operating conditions (’320LC5x only) VDD VSS VIH VIL Supply voltage NOM 3.13 3.3 High-level input voltage o e e input u voltage o age Low-level High-level output current IOL Low-level output current MAX UNIT 3.47 0 Supply voltage IOH TC MIN V V X2/CLKIN, CLKIN2 2.5 CLKX, CLKR, TCLKX, TCLKR 2.0 VDD + 0.3 VDD + 0.3 All other inputs V 1.8 VDD + 0.3 X2/CLKIN, CLKIN2, CLKX, CLKR, TCLKX, TCLKR – 0.3 0.5 V All other inputs – 0.3 0.6 V – 300‡ µA 2 mA 85 °C 0 Operating case temperature – 40 85 °C TA Operating ambient temperature ‡ This IOH may be exceeded when using a 1-kΩ pulldown resistor on the TDM serial port TADD output; however, this output still meets VOH specifications under these conditions. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 47 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 electrical characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (’320LC5x only) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS TYP† MIN MAX VOH High-level g output voltage g (see Note 4) IOH = 300 µA IOH = 20 µA VOL Low-level output voltage g (see Note 4) IOL = 2 mA IOL = 20 µA High im edance out High-impedance output ut current (VDD = 3.47 V) BR (with internal pullup) – 500 20 IOZ All other 3-state outputs – 20 20 2.0 0.4 0.3‡ – 10 800 – 500 10 X2/CLKIN (oscillator enabled) – 50 50 X2/CLKIN (oscillator disabled) – 10 10 All other inputs – 10 TMS, TCK, TDI pins (with internal pullups) II IDD(core) ( ) IDD(pins) ( ) Input current ((VI = VSS to VDD) Supply current, core CPU Supply current, pins IDD(standby) Supply current, standby Ci VDD = 3.47 V VDD = 3.47 V 26 fx = 80 MHz, fx = 40 MHz, VDD = 3.47 V VDD = 3.47 V 53 fx = 50 MHz, fx = 80 MHz, VDD = 3.47 V VDD = 3.47 V 22 IDLE2, divide-by-two clock mode, clocks shut off Input capacitance POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 V µA A µA µ 10 fx = 40 MHz, fx = 50 MHz, Co Output capacitance † All typical values are at VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25°C. ‡ Values derived from characterization data and not tested NOTE 4: Figure 9 shows the test load circuit and Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the voltage reference levels. 48 V VDD – 0.3‡ TRST(with internal pulldown) UNIT 33 mA 18 mA 35 5 µA 15 pF 15 pF TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION IOL Tester Pin Electronics 50 Ω VLoad Output Under Test CT IOH Where: IOL IOH VLOAD CT = = = = 2 mA (all outputs) minimum 300 µA (all outputs) minimum 1.5 V 80-pF typical load circuit capacitance Figure 9. Test Load Circuit signal transition levels The data in this section is shown for both the 5-V version (’C5x) and the 3.3-V version (’LC5x). In each case, the 5-V data is shown followed by the 3.3-V data in parentheses. TTL-output levels are driven to a minimum logic-high level of 2.4 V (2 V) and to a maximum logic-low level of 0.6 V (0.4 V). Figure 10 shows the TTL-level outputs. 2.4 V (2 V) 2 V (1.6 V) 1 V (0.8 V) 0.6 V (0.4 V) Figure 10. TTL-Level Outputs TTL-output transition times are specified as follows: D D For a high-to-low transition, the level at which the output is said to be no longer high is 2 V (1.6 V), and the level at which the output is said to be low is 1 V (0.8 V). For a low-to-high transition, the level at which the output is said to be no longer low is 1 V (0.8 V), and the level at which the output is said to be high is 2 V (1.6 V). Figure 11 shows the TTL-level inputs. 2 V (1.8 V) 0.8 V (0.6 V) Figure 11. TTL-Level Inputs TTL-compatible input transition times are specified as follows: D D For a high-to-low transition on an input signal, the level at which the input is said to be no longer high is 2 V (1.8 V), and the level at which the input is said to be low is 0.8 V (0.6 V). For a low-to-high transition on an input signal, the level at which the input is said to be no longer low is 0.8 V (0.6 V), and the level at which the input is said to be high is 2 V (1.8 V). POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 49 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION timing parameter symbology Timing parameter symbols used are created in accordance with JEDEC Standard 100-A. To shorten the symbols, some of the pin names and other related terminology have been abbreviated as follows: 50 Lowercase subscripts and their meanings: Letters and symbols and their meanings: a access time H High c cycle time (period) L Low d delay time V Valid dis disable time Z High impedance en enable time f fall time h hold time r rise time su setup time t transition time v valid time w pulse duration (width) X Unknown, changing, or don’t care level POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 CLOCK CHARACTERISTICS AND TIMING The ’C5x can use either its internal oscillator or an external frequency source for a clock. The clock mode is determined by the clock mode pins (CLKMD1, CLKMD2, and CLKMD3). Table 9 shows the standard clock options available on the ’C50, ’LC50, ’C51, ’LC51, ’C52, ’LC52, ’C53, ’LC53, ’C53S, and ’LC53S. For these devices, the CLKIN2 pin functions as the external frequency input when using the PLL options. An expanded set of clock options is shown in Table 10 and is available on the ’LC56, ’C57S, and ’LC57 devices. For these devices, X2/CLKIN functions as the external frequency input when using the PLL options. Table 9. Standard Clock Options CLKMD1 CLKMD2 1 0 PLL clock generator option† CLOCK SOURCE 0 1 Reserved for test purposes 1 1 External divide-by-two option or internal divide-by-two clock option with an external crystal 0 0 External divide-by-two option with the internal oscillator disabled † PLL multiply-by-one option on ’C50, ’C51, ’C53, ’C53S devices, PLL multiply-by-two option on ’C52 device Table 10. PLL Clock Option for ’LC56, ’C57S, and ’LC57 CLKMD1 CLKMD2 CLKMD3 CLOCK SOURCE 0 0 0 PLL multiply-by-three 0 1 0 PLL multiply-by-four 1 0 0 PLL multiply-by-five 1 1 0 PLL multiply-by-nine 0 0 1 External divide-by-two option with oscillator disabled 0 1 1 PLL multiply-by-two 1 0 1 PLL multiply-by-one 1 1 1 External/Internal divide-by-two with oscillator enabled POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 51 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 internal divide-by-two clock option with external crystal The internal oscillator is enabled by connecting a crystal across X1 and X2/CLKIN. The frequency of CLKOUT1 is one-half of the crystal’s oscillating frequency. The crystal should be in either fundamental or overtone operation and parallel resonant, with an effective series resistance of 30 Ω and a power dissipation of 1 mW; it should be specified at a load capacitance of 20 pF. Overtone crystals require an additional tuned-LC circuit. Figure 12 shows an external crystal (fundamental frequency) connected to the on-chip oscillator. recommended operating conditions for internal divide-by-two clock option TMS320C5x-40 TMS320C5x-57 TMS320C5x-80 fclk TMS320C5x-100‡ Input clock frequency TMS320LC5x-40 TMS320LC5x-50 TMS320LC5x-80 C1, C2 Load capacitance MIN 0† NOM MAX UNIT 40.96 0† 0† 57.14 0† 0† 100 0† 0† 50 80 MHz 40 MHz 80 10 pF † This device utilizes a fully static design and, therefore, can operate with input clock cycle time (tc(CI)) approaching ∞. The device is characterized at frequencies approaching 0 Hz, but is tested at fclk = 6.7 MHz to meet device test time requirements. ‡ ’320C51, ’320C52 currently available at this clock speed X1 X2 / CLKIN Crystal C1 C2 Figure 12. Internal Clock Option 52 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 external divide-by-two clock option An external frequency source can be used by injecting the frequency directly into X2/CLKIN with X1 left unconnected. Refer to Table 9 and Table 10 for appropriate configuration of the CLKMD1, CLKMD2 and CLKMD3 pins to generate the external divide-by-2 clock option. The external frequency injected must conform to the specifications listed in the timing requirements table. switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5 tc(CO) ] (’320C5x only) (see Figure 13) ’320C5x-40 PARAMETER MIN TYP 48.8 2tc(CI) 3 11 ’320C5x-57 MAX † MIN TYP MAX † tc(CO) td(CIH-COH/L) Cycle time, CLKOUT1 tf(CO) tr(CO) Fall time, CLKOUT1 tw(COL) tw(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 low H–3 H H+2 H–3 H H+2 ns Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 high H–3 H H+2 H–3 H H+2 ns Delay time, X2/CLKIN high to CLKOUT1 high / low 20 35 2tc(CI) 3 11 UNIT 5 Rise time, CLKOUT1 5 5 MIN TYP 25 2tc(CI) 1 9 MIN ns ns ’320C5x-100 MAX † ns ns 5 ’320C5x-80 PARAMETER 20 TYP MAX † tc(CO) td(CIH-COH/L) Cycle time, CLKOUT1 tf(CO) tr(CO) Fall time, CLKOUT1 4 4 Rise time, CLKOUT1 4 4 tw(COL) tw(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 low H–3 H H+2 H–3 H H+2 ns Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 high H–3 H H+2 H–3 H H+2 ns Delay time, X2/CLKIN high to CLKOUT1 high / low 18 20 2tc(CI) 1 9 UNIT 18 ns ns ns ns switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5 tc(CO) ] (’320LC5x only) (see Figure 13) ’320LC5x-40 PARAMETER tc(CO) Cycle time, CLKOUT1 td(CIH-COH/L) Delay time, X2/CLKIN high to CLKOUT1 high / low tf(CO) tr(CO) MIN TYP 50 3 ’320LC5x-50 MIN TYP 2tc(CI) MAX † 40 11 20 3 ’320LC5x-80 UNIT MIN TYP 2tc(CI) MAX † 25 2tc(CI) MAX † 11 20 1 9 18 UNIT ns ns Fall time, CLKOUT1 5 5 4 ns Rise time, CLKOUT1 5 5 4 ns tw(COL) Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 low H–3 H H+2 H–3 H H+2 H–3 H H+2 ns tw(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 high H–3 H H+2 H–3 H H+2 H–3 H H+2 ns † This device utilizes a fully static design and, therefore, can operate with tc(Cl) approaching infinity. The device is characterized at frequencies approaching 0 Hz but is tested at tc(CO) = 300 ns to meet device test time requirements. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 53 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature (’320C5x only) (see Figure 13) tc(CI) tf(CI) Cycle time, X2/CLKIN Fall time, X2/CLKIN‡ tr(CI) tw(CIL) Rise time, X2/CLKIN‡ Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN low tw(CIH) Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN high ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320C5x-80 MIN MIN MIN 24.4 MAX † 17.5 MAX † 12.5 ’320C5x-100 MAX † MIN 10 MAX † UNIT ns 5 5 4 4 ns 8 5 † 5 4 † 5 4 † ns 11 5 † 11 † 8 † 5 † 5 † ns ns timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature (’320LC5x only) (see Figure 13) ’320LC5x-40 MIN tc(CI) tf(CI) Cycle time, X2/CLKIN Fall time, X2/CLKIN‡ tr(CI) tw(CIL) Rise time, X2/CLKIN‡ 25 MAX † ’320LC5x-50 MIN 20 MAX † ’320LC5x-80 MIN 12.5 UNIT MAX † ns 5 5 4 ns 5 † 5 † 4 † ns Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN low 11 9 5 ns † † † tw(CIH) Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN high 11 9 5 ns † This device utilizes a fully static design and, therefore, can operate with tc(Cl) approaching ∞. The device is characterized at frequencies approaching 0 Hz, but is tested at a minimum of tc(Cl) = 150 ns to meet device test time requirements. ‡ Values derived from characterization data and not tested tr(CI) tw(CIH) tc(CI) tw(CIL) CLKIN tc(CO) tw(COH) td(CIH-COH/L) tf(CO) tr(CO) tw(COL) CLKOUT1 Figure 13. External Divide-by-Two Clock Timing 54 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 tf(CI) TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 PLL clock generator option An external frequency source can be used by injecting the frequency directly into CLKIN2‡ with X1 left unconnected and X2 connected to VDD. This external frequency is multiplied by the factors shown in Table 9 and Table 10 to generate the internal machine cycle. The multiply-by-one option is available on the ’C50, ’LC50, ’C51, ’LC51, ’C53, ’LC53, ’C53S and ’LC53S. The multiply-by-two option is available on the ’C52 and ’LC52. Multiplication factors of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9 are available on the ’LC56, ’LC57, ’C57S and ’LC57S. Refer to Table 9 and Table 10 for appropriate configuration of the CLKMD1, CLKMD2 and CLKMD3 pins to generate the desired PLL multiplication factor. The external frequency injected must conform to the specifications listed in the timing requirements table. switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5 tc(CO)] (’320C5x only) (see Figure 14) ’320C5x-40 PARAMETER MIN tc(CO) tf(CO) Cycle time, CLKOUT1 tr(CO) tw(COL) Rise time, CLKOUT1 tw(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 high td(C2H-COH) Delay time, CLKIN2 high to CLKOUT1 high td(TP) Delay time, transitory phase—PLL synchronized after CLKIN2 supplied† TYP 48.8 Fall time, CLKOUT1 ’320C5x-57 MAX MIN 75 35 5 H – 3† H – 3† H 2 75 H H H – 3† H – 3† 9 16 2 TYP 25 ns H 9 16 ns 1000tc(C2)ĕ ns MIN 55 20 TYP tc(CO) tf(CO) Cycle time, CLKOUT1 Fall time, CLKOUT1 4 4 tr(CO) tw(COL) Rise time, CLKOUT1 4 4 tw(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 high td(C2H-COH) Delay time, CLKIN2 high to CLKOUT1 high td(TP) Delay time, transitory phase—PLL synchronized after CLKIN2 supplied† Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 low H – 3† H – 3† H 1 ns ’320C5x-100 MAX MAX 45 H – 3† H – 3† H H H + 2† H + 2† 8 15 1 1000tc(C2)ĕ ns H + 2† H + 2† 1000tc(C2)ĕ MIN UNIT ns 5 H + 2† H + 2† ’320C5x-80 PARAMETER MAX 5 5 Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 low TYP ns UNIT ns ns ns ns H H + 2† H + 2† 8 15 ns 1000tc(C2)ĕ ns ns † Values assured by design and not tested ‡ On the TMS320C57S devices, CLKIN2 functions as the PLL clock input. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 55 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5 tc(CO) ] (’320LC5x only) (see Figure 14) PARAMETER ’320LC5x-40 MIN TYP ’320LC5x-50 MAX MIN 75† 40 16 2 ’320LC5x-80 TYP MAX MIN 75† 25 16 1 TYP MAX UNIT tc(CO) Cycle time, CLKOUT1 td(C2H-COH) Delay time, CLKIN2 high to CLKOUT1 high tf(CO) Fall time, CLKOUT1 5 5 4 ns tr(CO) Rise time, CLKOUT1 5 5 4 ns tw(COL) Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 low H – 3‡ H H + 2‡ H – 3‡ H H + 2‡ H – 3‡ H H + 2‡ ns tw(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT1 high H – 3‡ H H + 2‡ H – 3‡ H H + 2‡ H – 3‡ H H + 2‡ ns td(TP) Delay time, transitory phase—PLL synchronized after CLKIN2 supplied 1000tc(C2) ns 50 2 9 1000tc(C2) 9 1000tc(C2) † Clocks can only be stopped while executing IDLE2 when using the PLL clock generator option. ‡ Values assured by design and not tested § On the ’LC56, ’LC57, and ’LC57S devices, CLKIN2 functions as the PLL clock input. 56 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 8 55† ns 15 ns TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature (’320C5x only) (see Figure 14) ’320C5x-40 MIN Multiply-by-one† Multiply-by-two§ ’320C5x-57 48.8 MAX 75‡ 97.6 150‡ tc(C2) (C2) Cycle time, time CLKIN2 tf(C2) tr(C2) Fall time, CLKIN2¶ Rise time, CLKIN2¶ tw(C2L) tw(C2H) Pulse duration, CLKIN2 low 15 Pulse duration, CLKIN2 high 15 MIN 35 70 150‡ ns 5 ns 5 ns tc(C2) – 11 tc(C2) – 11 ns 5 5 tc(C2) – 15 tc(C2) – 15 ’320C5x-80 MIN Multiply-by-one† Multiply-by-two§ UNIT MAX 75‡ 11 11 ’320C5x-100 ns ns UNIT MIN 25 MAX 75‡ 20 MAX 75‡ 50 150‡ 40 110‡ ns 4 ns 4 ns tc(C2) – 7 tc(C2) – 7 ns tc(C2) (C2) Cycle time time, CLKIN2 tf(C2) tr(C2) Fall time, CLKIN2¶ Rise time, CLKIN2¶ tw(C2L) tw(C2H) Pulse duration, CLKIN2 low 8 Pulse duration, CLKIN2 high 8 4 4 tc(C2) – 8 tc(C2) – 8 7 7 ns ns timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature (’320LC5x only) (see Figure 14) ’320LC5x-40 MIN tc(C2) (C2) Cycle time, time CLKIN2 tf(C2) tr(C2) Fall time, CLKIN2¶ Rise time, CLKIN2¶ Multiply-by-one† Multiply-by-two§ ’320LC5x-50 50 MAX 75‡ 100 150‡ MIN ’320LC5x-80 40 MAX 75‡ 80 150‡ MIN UNIT 25 MAX 37.5‡ 50 110‡ ns ns 5 5 4 ns 5 5 4 ns tw(C2L) Pulse duration, CLKIN2 low 15 tc(C2) – 15 13 tc(C2) – 13 8 tc(C2) – 8 ns tw(C2H) Pulse duration, CLKIN2 high 15 tc(C2) – 15 13 tc(C2) – 13 8 tc(C2) – 8 ns † Not available on ’C52, ’LC52 ‡ Clocks can be stopped only while executing IDLE2 when using the PLL clock generator option. The td(TP) (the transitory phase) occurs when restarting clock from IDLE2 in this mode. § Available on ’C52, ’LC52, ’LC56, ’C57S, ’LC57, and ’LC57S ¶ Values derived from characterization data and not tested tw(C2H) tw(C2L) tc(C2) tr(C2) tf(C2) CLKIN2 td(C2H-COH) tc(CO) tw(COH) td(TP) CLKOUT1 tf(CO) tw(COL) tr(CO) Unstable Figure 14. PLL Clock Generator Timing POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 57 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 MEMORY AND PARALLEL I/O INTERFACE READ switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (’320C5x only) (see Figure 15) ’320C5x-40 PARAMETER MIN ’320C5x-57 MAX MIN ’320C5x-80 MAX MIN ’320C5x-100 MAX MIN MAX UNIT tsu(AV-RDL) Setup time, address valid before RD low† H – 10‡ H – 10‡ H – 7‡ H – 6‡ ns th(RDH-AV) Hold time, address valid after RD high† 0‡ 0‡ 0‡ 0‡ ns tw(RDL) tw(RDH) Pulse duration, RD low§¶# Pulse duration, RD high§¶# td(CO-ST) Delay time, CLKOUT1 to STRB rising or falling edge§¶ –1 3 –2 2 –2 2 –2 2 ns td(CO-RD) Delay time, CLKOUT1 to RD rising or falling edge§¶ –3 1 –3 1 –3 1 –3 1 ns td(RDH-WEL) Delay time, RD high to WE low H–2 H+2 H–2 H–2 H+2 H–2 2H – 5 H–2 H+2 H–2 2H – 5 2H – 4 H–2 H+2 H–2 ns ns 2H – 4 ns switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (’320LC5x only) (see Figure 15) ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 PARAMETER tsu(AV-RDL) th(RDH-AV) Setup time, address valid before RD low† Hold time, address valid after RD high† tw(RDL) tw(RDH) Pulse duration, RD low§¶# Pulse duration, RD high§¶# td(RDH-WEL) td(CO-RD) Delay time, RD high to WE low MIN H – 10‡ ’320LC5x-80 MAX 0‡ H–2 ns H+2 H–2 ns H+2 ns H–2 H–2 ns 2H – 5 2H – 4 ns Delay time, CLKOUT1 to RD rising or falling edge§¶ POST OFFICE BOX 1443 UNIT MAX 0‡ –2 2 td(CO-ST) Delay time, CLKOUT1 to STRB rising or falling edge§¶ 0 4 † A0 – A15, PS, DS, IS, R/W, and BR timings all are included in timings referenced as address. ‡ See Figure 16 for address bus timing variation with load capacitance. § These timings are for the cycles following the first cycle after reset, which is always seven wait states. ¶ Values are derived from characterization data and not tested. # Timings are valid for zero wait-state cycles only. 58 MIN H – 7‡ • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 –3 1 ns –2 2 ns TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (’320C5x only) (see Figure 15) ’320C5x-40 MIN MAX ’320C5x-57 MIN ’320C5x-80 MAX MIN MAX ’320C5x-100 MIN MAX UNIT ta(RDAV) Access time, read data from address valid 2H – 18† 2H – 15† 2H – 10† 2H – 10† ns ta(RDL-RD) Access time, read data after RD low H – 10 H – 10 H–7 H–6 ns tsu(RD-RDH) Setup time, read data before RD high 10 10 7 6 ns th(RDH-RD) Hold time, read data after RD high 0 0 0 0 ns timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (’320LC5x only) (see Figure 15) ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 MIN ta(RDAV) tsu(RD-RDH) Access time, read data from address valid Setup time, read data before RD high 10 th(RDH-RD) Hold time, read data after RD high ta(RDL-RD) Access time, read data after RD low † See Figure 16 for address bus timing variation with load capacitance. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 MAX 2H – 17† MIN MAX 2H – 10† 7 0 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 ’320LC5x-80 ns ns 0 H – 10 UNIT ns H–7 ns 59 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 MEMORY AND PARALLEL I/O INTERFACE WRITE switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (’320C5x only) (see Figure 15) PARAMETER ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 MIN MIN MAX ’320C5x-80 MAX MIN ’320C5x-100 MAX MIN MAX UNIT tsu(AV-WEL) Setup time, address valid before WE low† H – 5‡ tsu(WDV-WEH) Setup time, write data valid before WE high 2H – 20 th(WEH-AV) Hold time, address valid after WE high† H – 10‡ th(WEH-WDV) Hold time, write data valid after WE high H–5 H + 10§ H–5 H + 10§ H–4 H + 7§ H–4 H + 7§ ns tw(WEL) tw(WEH) Pulse duration, WE low§¶ Pulse duration, WE high§ 2H – 2 2H + 2§ 2H – 2 2H + 2§ 2H – 2 2H + 2 2H – 2 2H + 2 ns td(CO-ST) Delay time, CLKOUT1 to STRB rising or falling edge§ –1 3 –2 2 –2 2 –2 2 ns td(CO-WE) Delay time, CLKOUT1 to WE rising or falling edge§ 0 4 –1 3 –1 3 –1 3 ns td(WEH-RDL) Delay time, WE high to RD low 3H – 10 3H – 10 3H – 7 3H – 7 ns ten(WEL-BUd) Enable time, WE low to data bus driven – 5§ – 5§ – 4§ – 4§ ns H – 5‡ 2H§¶ 2H – 20 H – 4‡ 2H§¶ 2H – 14 H – 10‡ 2H – 2 H – 3‡ 2H§¶ H – 7‡ 2H – 2 ns 2H§¶ 2H – 14 H – 7‡ 2H – 2 ns ns 2H – 2 ns switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (’320LC5x only) (see Figure 15) ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 PARAMETER tsu(AV-WEL) tsu(WDV-WEH) th(WEH-AV) th(WEH-WDV) tw(WEL) tw(WEH) td(WEH-RDL) td(CO-ST) Setup time, address valid before WE low† Setup time, write data valid before WE high# Hold time, address valid after WE high† Hold time, write data valid after WE high Pulse duration, WE low¶§ Pulse duration, WE high¶ Delay time, WE high to RD low ’320LC5x-80 UNIT MIN H – 7‡ MAX MIN H – 4‡ MAX 2H – 20 H – 10‡ 2H§¶ 2H – 14 H – 7‡ 2H§¶ H–5 H + 10§ H–4 H + 7§ ns 2H – 4 2H + 2 2H – 4 2H + 2 ns ns ns ns 2H – 2 2H – 2 ns 3H – 10 3H – 7 ns Delay time, CLKOUT1 to STRB rising or falling edge¶ 0 4 –2 2 ns td(CO-WE) Delay time, CLKOUT1 to WE rising or falling edge¶ 0 4 –1 3 ns ten(WE-BUd) Enable time, WE to data bus driven – 5§ – 4§ ns † A0 – A15, PS, DS, IS, R / W, and BR timings are all included in timings referenced as address. ‡ See Figure 16 for address bus timing variation with load capacitance. § Values derived from characterization data and not tested ¶ This value holds true for zero wait states or one software wait state only. # STRB and WE edges are 0 – 4 ns from CLKOUT1 edges on writes. Rising and falling edges of these signals track each other; tolerance of resulting pulsewidths is ± 2 ns, not ± 4 ns. 60 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 MEMORY AND PARALLEL I/O INTERFACE WRITE (CONTINUED) A0 – A15 VALID VALID th(RDH-AV) R/W tsu(AV-WEL) th(WEH-AV) ta(RDAV) ta(RDL-RD) tsu(RD-RDH) ten(WEL-BUd) th(WEH-WDV) th(RDH-RD) DATA VALID VALID tsu(AV-RDL) tsu(WDV-WEH) RD td(RDH-WEL) tw(RDH) tw(WEL) tw(RDL) WE td(WEH-RDL) tw(WEH) td(CO-RD) STRB td(CO-WE) td(CO-ST) CLKOUT1 NOTES: A. All timings are for 0 wait states. However, external writes always require two cycles to prevent external bus conflicts. The diagram illustrates a one-cycle read and a two-cycle write and is not drawn to scale. All external writes immediately preceded by an external read or immediately followed by an external read require three machine cycles. B. Refer to Appendix B of TMS320C5x User’s Guide (literature number SPRU056) for logical timings of external interface. Figure 15. Memory and Parallel I/O Interface Read and Write Timing POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 61 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 Change in Address Bus Timing – ns MEMORY AND PARALLEL I/O INTERFACE WRITE (CONTINUED) 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Change in Load Capacitance – pF Figure 16. Address Bus Timing Variation With Load Capacitance 62 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 90 95 100 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 READY TIMING FOR EXTERNALLY-GENERATED WAIT STATES timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature (see Note 5) (see Figure 17 and Figure 18) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 MIN MAX ’320C5x-80 ’320LC5x-80 MIN MAX ’320C5x-100 MIN UNIT MAX tsu(RY-COH) tsu(RY-RDL) Setup time, READY before CLKOUT1 rising edge 10 7 6 ns Setup time, READY before RD falling edge 10 7 6 ns th(COH-RYH) th(RDL-RY) Hold time, READY after CLKOUT1 rising edge 0 0 0 ns Hold time, READY after RD falling edge 0 0 0 ns th(WEL-RY) tv(WEL-RY) Hold time, READY after WE falling edge H+5 Valid time, READY after WE falling edge H+4 H – 15 H+3 H – 10 ns H–8 ns NOTE 5: The external READY input is sampled only after the internal software wait states are completed. CLKOUT1 tsu(RY-COH) tsu(RY-COH) A0 – A15 th(COH-RYH) READY tsu(RY-RDL) Wait State Generated Internally th(RDL-RY) RD Wait State Generated by READY Figure 17. Ready Timing for Externally-Generated Wait States During an External Read Cycle CLKOUT1 th(COH-RYH) A0 – A15 tsu(RY-COH) READY tv(WEL-RY) WE th(WEL-RY) Wait State Generated by READY Figure 18. Ready Timing for Externally-Generated Wait States During an External Write Cycle POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 63 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 RESET, INTERRUPT, AND BIO timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 19) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 MIN MAX ’320C5x-80 ’320C5x-100 ’320LC5x-80 MIN UNIT MAX tsu(IN-COL) tsu(RS-COL) Setup time, INT1–INT4, NMI before CLKOUT1 low † 15 Setup time, RS before CLKOUT1 low 15 tsu(RS-CIL) tsu(BI-COL) Setup time, RS before X2/CLKIN low 10 7 ns Setup time, BIO before CLKOUT1 low 15 10 ns th(COL-IN) th(COL-BI) Hold time, INT1–INT4, NMI after CLKOUT1 low † 0 0 ns tw(INL)SYN tw(INH)SYN Pulse duration, INT1–INT4, NMI low, synchronous tw(INL)ASY tw(INH)ASY Pulse duration, INT1–INT4, NMI low, asynchronous ‡ tw(RSL) tw(BIL)SYN Pulse duration, RS low Hold time, BIO after CLKOUT1 low Pulse duration, INT1–INT4, NMI high, synchronous Pulse duration, INT1–INT4, NMI high, asynchronous ‡ 10 2H – 5‡ 10 ns 2H – 5‡ ns 0 0 ns 4H + 15§ 2H + 15§ 4H + 10§ 2H + 10§ ns 6H + 15§ 4H + 15§ 6H + 10§ 4H + 10§ ns 12H 12H ns 15 10 Pulse duration, BIO low, synchronous ns ns ns tw(BIL)ASY Pulse duration, BIO low, asynchronous ‡ H + 15 H + 10 ns td(RSH) Delay time, RS high to reset vector fetch 34H 34H ns † These parameters must be met to use the synchronous timings. Both reset and the interrupts can operate asynchronously. The pulse durations require an extra half-cycle to ensure internal synchronization. ‡ Values derived from characterization data and not tested § If in IDLE2, add 4H to these timings. X2/CLKIN tsu(RS-CIL) RS td(RSH) tw(RSL) tsu(RS-COL) tsu(BI-COL) CLKOUT1 tw(BIL)SYN BIO th(COL-BI) A0 – A15 INT4 – INT1 tsu(IN-COL) tw(INH)SYN Figure 19. Reset, Interrupt, and BIO Timings 64 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 th(COL-IN) tw(INL)SYN tsu(IN-COL) TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 INSTRUCTION ACQUISITION (IAQ), INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE (IACK), EXTERNAL FLAG (XF), AND TOUT (SEE NOTE 6) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 20) PARAMETER ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 MIN tsu(AV-IQL) th(IQL-AV) Setup time, address valid before IAQ low † tw(IQL) td(CO-TU) tsu(AV-IKL) th(IKL-AV) tw(IKL) tw(TUH) ’320C5x-80 ’320C5x-100 ’320LC5x-80 MAX MIN UNIT MAX Hold time, address valid after IAQ low H – 12‡ H – 10‡ H – 9‡ H – 7‡ Pulse duration, IAQ low H – 10‡ H – 7‡ Delay time, CLKOUT1 falling edge to TOUT Setup time, address valid before IACK low § –6 H – 12‡ Hold time, address valid after IACK low H – 10‡ H – 7‡ ns Pulse duration, IACK low H – 10‡ H – 7‡ ns Pulse duration, TOUT high 2H – 12 2H – 9 ns 6 –6 H – 9‡ ns ns ns 6 ns ns td(CO-XFV) Delay time, XF valid after CLKOUT1 0 12 0 9 ns † IAQ goes low during an instruction acquisition. It goes low only on the first cycle of the read when wait states are used. The falling edge should be used to latch the valid address. The AVIS bit in the PMST register must be set to zero for the address to be valid when the instruction being addressed resides in on-chip memory. ‡ Valid only if the external address reflects the current instruction activity (that is, code is executing on chip with no external bus cycles and AVIS is on or code is executing off chip) § IACK goes low during the fetch of the first word of the interrupt vector. It goes low only on the first cycle of the read when wait states are used. Address pins A1 – A4 can be decoded at the falling edge to identify the interrupt being acknowledged. The AVIS bit in the PMST register must be set to zero for the address to be valid when the vectors reside in on-chip memory. NOTE 6: IAQ pin is not present on 100-pin packages. IACK pin is not present on 100-pin and 128-pin packages. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 65 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 INSTRUCTION ACQUISITION (IAQ), INTERRUPT ACKNOWLEDGE (IACK), EXTERNAL FLAG (XF), AND TOUT (SEE NOTE 6) (CONTINUED) th(IQL-AV) ADDRESS tsu(AV-IQL) tw(IQL) IAQ† th(IKL-AV) tsu(AV-IKL) IACK† tw(IKL) STRB CLKOUT1 td(CO-TU) td(CO-XFV) td(CO-TU) XF TOUT tw(TUH) † IAQ and IACK are not affected by wait states. Figure 20. IAQ, IACK, and XF Timings Example With Two External Wait States 66 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 EXTERNAL DMA switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Note 7) (see Figure 21) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 PARAMETER MIN td(HOL-HAL) td(HOH-HAH) Delay time, HOLD low to HOLDA low th(AZ-HAL) ten(HAH-Ad) Address high-impedance before HOLDA low‡ Delay time, HOLD high before HOLDA high Enable time, HOLDA high to address driven td(XBL-IQL) td(XBH-IQH) Delay time, XBR low to IAQ low td(XSL-RDV) th(XSH-RD) Delay time, read data valid after XSTRB low ten(IQL-RDd) th(XRL-DZ) Delay time, XBR high to IAQ high Hold time, read data valid after XSTRB high Enable time, IAQ low to read data driven¶ 4H MAX † 2H H – 15§ H – 5§ 4H§ 2H§ ’320C5x-80 ’320LC5x-80 MIN 4H 2H H – 10§ H – 4§ 6H§ 4H§ 4H§ 2H§ 40 0 0§ 0§ MAX † 2H§ 15§ ’320C5x-100 MIN 4H 2H H – 8§ H – 3§ 6H§ 4H§ 4H§ 2H§ 29 0 0§ 0§ MAX † 2H§ 10§ 0 0§ 0§ UNIT ns ns ns ns 6H§ 4H§ ns 25 ns ns ns 2H§ ns Hold time, XR / W low to data high impedance 8 ns th(IQH-DZ) Hold time, IAQ high to data high impedance H§ H§ H§ ns ten(D-XRH) Enable time, data from XR / W going high 4§ 3§ 2§ ns † HOLD is not acknowledged until current external access request is complete. ‡ This parameter includes all memory control lines. § Values derived from characterization data and not tested ¶ This parameter refers to the delay between the time the condition (IAQ = 0 and XR / W = 1) is satisfied and the time that the ’C5x data lines become valid. NOTE 7: X preceding a name refers to external drive of the signal. timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature (see Note 7) (see Figure 21) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 td(HAL-XBL) td(IQL-XSL) Delay time, HOLDA low to XBR low# Delay time, IAQ low to XSTRB low# tsu(AV-XSL) tsu(DV-XSL) MIN 0§ MAX ’320C5x-80 ’320LC5x-80 MIN 0§ MAX ’320C5x-100 MIN 0§ UNIT MAX ns 0§ 0§ 0§ ns Setup time, Xaddress valid before XSTRB low 15 12 10 ns Setup time, Xdata valid before XSTRB low 15 12 10 ns th(XSL-D) th(XSL-WA) Hold time, Xdata hold after XSTRB low 15 12 10 ns Hold time, write Xaddress hold after XSTRB low 15 12 10 ns tw(XSL) tw(XSH) Pulse duration, XSTRB low 45 40 35 ns Pulse duration, XSTRB high 45 40 35 ns tsu(RW-XSL) Setup time, R / W valid before XSTRB low 20 20 18 ns th(XSH-RA) Hold time, read Xaddress after XSTRB high 0 0 0 ns § Values derived from characterization data and not tested # XBR, XR / W, and XSTRB lines must be pulled up with a 10-kΩ resistor to be certain that they are in an inactive high state during the transition period between the ’C5x driving them and the external circuit driving them. NOTE 7: X preceding a name refers to external drive of the signal. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 67 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 EXTERNAL DMA (CONTINUED) HOLD td(HOH-HAH) td(HOL-HAL) HOLDA ADDRESS BUS/ CONTROL SIGNALS ten(HAH-Ad) th(AZ-HAL) td(HAL-XBL) XBR td(XBL-IQL) td(XBH-IQH) IAQ td(IQL-XSL) XSTRB tw(XSH) tw(XSL) tsu(RW-XSL) th(XRL-DZ) XR/W th(XSH-RA) th(XSH-RD) tsu(AV-XSL) ten(IQL-RDd) XADDRESS tsu(AV-XSL) td(XSL-RDV) th(XSL-WA) th(IQH-DZ) DATA(RD) ten(IQL-RDd) th(XSL-D) tsu(DV-XSL) XDATA(WR) Figure 21. External DMA Timing 68 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 ten(D-XRH) TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 SERIAL-PORT RECEIVE TIMING timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 22) tc(SCK) tf(SCK) Cycle time, serial-port clock tr(SCK) tw(SCK) Rise time, serial-port clock tsu(FS-CK) tsu(DR-CK) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 ’320C5x-80 ’320LC5x-80 ’320C5x-100 MIN 5.2H† MIN 5.2H† MIN 5.2H† MAX ‡ 8§ 8§ Fall time, serial-port clock MAX ‡ 6§ 6§ MAX ‡ 6§ 6§ UNIT ns ns ns 2.1H† 2.1H† 2.1H† ns Setup time, FSR before CLKR falling edge 10 7 6 ns Setup time, DR before CLKR falling edge 10 7 6 ns Pulse duration, serial-port clock low / high th(CK-FS) Hold time, FSR after CLKR falling edge 10 7 6 ns th(CK-DR) Hold time, DR valid after CLKR falling edge 10 7 6 ns † Values ensured by design but not tested ‡ The serial-port design is fully static and, therefore, can operate with tc(SCK) approaching ∞. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. § Values derived from characterization data and not tested tc(SCK) tf(SCK) tw(SCK) CLKR tr(SCK) th(CK-FS) tw(SCK) tsu(FS-CK) tsu(DR-CK) FSR th(CK-DR) DR Bit 1 2 7/15 8/16 Figure 22. Serial-Port Receive Timing POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 69 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 SERIAL-PORT TRANSMIT TIMING, EXTERNAL CLOCKS, AND EXTERNAL FRAMES switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 8) (see Figure 23) PARAMETER td(CXH-DXV) tdis(CXH-DX) Delay time, DX valid after CLKX high th(CXH-DXV) Hold time, DX valid after CLKX high MIN Disable time, DX invalid after CLKX high MAX UNIT 25 40† ns ns –5 ns timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Note 8) (see Figure 23) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 MIN 5.2H‡ tc(SCK) tf(SCK) Cycle time, serial-port clock tr(SCK) tw(SCK) Rise time, serial-port clock td(CXH-FXH) th(CXL-FXL) Delay time, FSX high after CLKX high MAX § 8† 8† Fall time, serial-port clock 2.1H‡ Pulse duration, serial-port clock low/high ’320C5x-80 ’320LC5x-80 MIN 5.2H‡ MAX § 6† 6† 2.1H‡ 2H – 8 Hold time, FSX low after CLKX low ’320C5x-100 10 MIN 5.2H‡ MAX § 6† 6† ns ns ns 2.1H‡ ns 2H – 8 7 2H – 8¶ UNIT 2H – 5 ns 6 2H – 8¶ ns 2H – 5¶ th(CXH-FXL) Hold time, FSX low after CLKX high ns † Values derived from characterization data and not tested ‡ Values ensured by design but not tested § The serial-port design is fully static and, therefore, can operate with tc(SCK) approaching ∞. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. ¶ If the FSX pulse does not meet this specification, the first bit of serial data is driven on the DX pin until the falling edge of FSX. After the falling edge of FSX, data is shifted out on the DX pin. The transmit buffer empty interrupt is generated when the th(CXL-FXL) and th(CXH-FXL) specification is met. NOTE 8: Internal clock with external FSX and vice versa are also allowable. However, FSX timings to CLKX always are defined depending on the source of FSX, and CLKX timings always are dependent on the source of CLKX. Specifically, the relationship of FSX to CLKX is independent of the source of CLKX. tc(SCK) tf(SCK) tw(SCK) CLKX td(CXH-FXH) tr(SCK) th(CXH-FXL) tw(SCK) FSX th(CXL-FXL) td(CXH-DXV) tdis(CXH-DX) th(CXH-DXV) DX BIt 1 2 7/15 Figure 23. Serial-Port Transmit Timing of External Clocks and External Frames 70 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 8/16 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 SERIAL-PORT TRANSMIT TIMING, INTERNAL CLOCKS, AND INTERNAL FRAMES (SEE NOTE 8) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 24) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 PARAMETER MIN td(CX-FX) td(CX-DX) Delay time, CLKX rising edge to FSX tdis(CX-DX) tc(SCK) Disable time, CLKX rising edge to DX tf(SCK) tr(SCK) TYP –5 Delay time, CLKX rising edge to DX ’320C5x-80 ’320C5x-100 ’320LC5x-80 MAX MIN 25 –4 TYP 25 40† Cycle time, serial-port clock UNIT MAX 18 ns 18 29† ns ns 8H 8H ns Fall time, serial-port clock 5 4 ns Rise time, serial-port clock 5 4 ns tw(SCK) Pulse duration, serial-port clock low / high 4H – 20 4H – 14 ns th(CXH-DXV) Hold time, DX valid after CLKX high –5 –4 ns † Values derived from characterization data and not tested NOTE 8: Internal clock with external FSX and vice versa are also allowable. However, FSX timings to CLKX always are defined depending on the source of FSX, and CLKX timings always are dependent on the source of CLKX. Specifically, the relationship of FSX to CLKX is independent of the source of CLKX. tc(SCK) tf(SCK) tw(SCK) CLKX td(CX-FX) tw(SCK) tr(SCK) td(CX-FX) td(CX-DX) FSX tdis(CX-DX) th(CXH-DXV) DX Bit 1 2 7 /15 8/16 Figure 24. Serial-Port Transmit Timing of Internal Clocks and Internal Frames POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 71 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 SERIAL-PORT RECEIVE TIMING IN TDM MODE timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 25) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 MIN 5.2H† tc(SCK) tf(SCK) Cycle time, serial-port clock tr(SCK) tw(SCK) Rise time, serial-port clock tsu(TD-TCH) th(TCH-TD) Setup time, TDAT before TCLK rising edge 30 Hold time, TDAT after TCLK rising edge –3 tsu(TA-TCH) th(TCH-TA) Setup time, TADD before TCLK rising edge# Hold time, TADD after TCLK rising edge# 20 –3 ’320C5x-80 ’320LC5x-80 MAX ‡ MIN 5.2H† MAX ‡ 8¶ 8¶ Fall time, serial-port clock 2.1H† Pulse duration, serial-port clock low/high ’320C5x-100 MIN 5.2H§ 8¶ 8¶ 2.1H† MAX ‡ 8¶ 8¶ UNIT ns ns ns 2.1H† ns 21 18 ns –2 –2 ns 12 10 ns –2 –2 ns tsu(TF-TCH) Setup time, TFRM before TCLK rising edge§ 10 10 10 ns § th(TCH-TF) Hold time, TFRM after TCLK rising edge 10 10 10 ns † Values ensured by design and are not tested ‡ The serial-port design is fully static and, therefore, can operate with tc(SCK) approaching ∞. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. § TFRM timing and waveforms shown in Figure 25 are for external TFRM. TFRM also can be configured as internal. The TFRM internal case is illustrated in the transmit timing diagram in Figure 26. ¶ Values derived from characterization data and not tested # These parameters apply only to the first bits in the serial bit string. tf(SCK) tw(SCK) tr(SCK) tw(SCK) TCLK tsu(TD-TCH) tc(SCK) B15 TDAT th(TCH-TD) B0 B14 B13 B12 B8 A2 A3 A7 B7 tsu(TA-TCH) th(TCH-TA) th(TCH-TA) TADD A0 A1 tsu(TF-TCH) th(TCH-TF) TFRM Figure 25. Serial-Port Receive Timing in TDM Mode 72 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 B2 B1 B0 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 SERIAL-PORT TRANSMIT TIMING IN TDM MODE switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 26) PARAMETER th(TCH-TDV) td(TCH-TFV) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 ’320C5x-80 ’320LC5x-80 ’320C5x-100 MIN MIN MIN Hold time, TDAT/TADD valid after TCLK rising edge Delay time, TFRM valid after TCLK rising edge† MAX 0 MAX 0 H 3H + 10 UNIT MAX 0 H 3H + 7 ns 3H + 5 ns td(TC-TDV) Delay time, TCLK to valid TDAT/TADD 20 15 12 ns † TFRM timing and waveforms shown in Figure 28 are for internal TFRM. TFRM can also be configured as external. The TFRM external case is illustrated in the receive timing diagram in Figure 27. timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 26) ’320C5x-40 ’320C5x-57 ’320LC5x-40 ’320LC5x-50 MIN 5.2H‡ TYP 8H§ ’320C5x-80 ’320LC5x-80 MAX ¶ tc(SCK) tf(SCK) Cycle time, serial-port clock Fall time, serial-port clock 8# tr(SCK) Rise time, serial-port clock 8# tw(SCK) Pulse duration, serial-port clock low/ high 2.1H‡ MIN 5.2H‡ TYP 8H§ ’320C5x-100 MAX ¶ MAX ¶ ns 6# 5# ns 6# 5# ns 2.1H‡ MIN 5.2H‡ TYP 8H§ UNIT 2.1H‡ ns ‡ Values ensured by design and are not tested § When SCK is generated internally ¶ The serial-port design is fully static and, therefore, can operate with tc(SCK) approaching ∞. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested as a much higher frequency to minimize test time. # Values derived from characterization data and not tested tf(SCK) tw(SCK) tw(SCK) tr(SCK) TCLK tc(SCK) B15 TDAT B0 td(TC-TDV) B14 B13 B12 A2 A3 B8 B7 B2 B1 B0 th(TCH-TDV) td(TC-TDV) th(TCH-TDV) A1 TADD td(TCH-TFV) A7 A0 td(TCH-TFV) TFRM Figure 26. Serial-Port Transmit Timing in TDM Mode POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 73 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 BUFFERED SERIAL-PORT RECEIVE TIMING timing requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating ambient-air temperature [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 27) MIN MAX † 25 UNIT tc(SCK) tf(SCK) Cycle time, serial-port clock tr(SCK) tw(SCK) Rise time, serial-port clock 12 ns tsu(FS-CK) tsu(DR-CK) Setup time, FSR before CLKR falling edge 2 ns Setup time, DR before CLKR falling edge 0 6‡ 6‡ Fall time, serial-port clock Pulse duration, serial-port clock low / high ns ns ns ns tc(SCK)§ th(CK-FS) Hold time, FSR after CLKR falling edge 12 ns th(CK-DR) Hold time, DR after CLKR falling edge 15 ns † The serial-port design is fully static and, therefore, can operate with tc(SCK) approaching ∞. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. ‡ Values derived from characterization data and not tested § First bit is read when FSR is sampled low by CLKR clock. tc(SCK) tf(SCK) tw(SCK) CLKR tr(SCK) th(CK-FS) tw(SCK) tsu(FS-CK) tsu(DR-CK) FSR th(CK-DR) DR Bit 1 2 Figure 27. Buffered Serial-Port Receive Timing 74 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 7/15 8/16 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 BUFFERED SERIAL-PORT TRANSMIT TIMING OF EXTERNAL FRAMES (SEE NOTES 9 AND 10) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Figure 28) PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT td(CXH-DXV) tdis(CXH-DX) Delay time, DX valid after CLKX rising edge 5 21 ns Disable time, DX invalid after CLKX rising edge 5 15 ns tdis(CXH-DX)PCM ten(CXH-DX)PCM Disable time in PCM mode, DX invalid after CLKX rising edge 15 ns th(CXH-DXV) Hold time, DX valid after CLKX rising edge Enable time in PCM mode, DX valid after CLKX rising edge 21 5 ns 20 ns timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Figure 28) MIN tc(SCK) tf(SCK) Cycle time, serial-port clock tr(SCK) tw(SCK) Rise time, serial-port clock 25 MAX † UNIT ns 4‡ 4‡ Fall time, serial-port clock Pulse duration, serial-port clock low/high ns ns 8.5 ns tsu(FX-CXL) Setup time, FSX before CLKX falling edge 5 ns § th(CXL-FX) Hold time, FSX after CLKX falling edge 5 tc(SCK)–5 ns † The serial-port design is fully static and, therefore, can operate with tc(SCK) approaching ∞. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. ‡ Values derived from characterization data and not tested § If the FSX pulse does not meet this specification, the first bit of the serial data is driven on the DX pin until FSX goes low (sampled on falling edge of CLKX). After falling edge of the FSX, data is shifted out on the DX pin. NOTE 9: Internal clock with external FSX and vice versa are also allowable. However, FSX timings to CLKX always are defined depending on the source of FSX, and CLKX timings always are dependent upon the source of CLKX. Specifically, the relationship of FSX to CLKX is independent of the source of CLKX. External FSX timings are obtained from the “timing requirements over recommended operating conditions” table listed in the “Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of External Frames” section and internal FSX timings are obtained from the “switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions” table listed under the “Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of Internal Frame and Internal Clock” section. Internal CLKX timings are obtained from the “switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions” table listed under the “Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of Internal Frame and Internal Clock” section and external CLKX timings are obtained from the “timing requirements over recommended operating conditions” table in the “Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of External Frames” section. NOTE 10: Timings for CLKX and FSX are given with polarity bits (CLKP and FSP) set to 0 tc(SCK) tf(SCK) tw(SCK) CLKX tr(SCK) tsu(FX-CXL) th(CXL-FX) tw(SCK) FSX td(CXH-DXV) tdis(CXH-DX) th(CXH-DXV) DX BIt 1 2 7/15 8/16 Figure 28. Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of External Clocks and External Frames POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 75 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 BUFFERED SERIAL-PORT TRANSMIT TIMING OF INTERNAL FRAME AND INTERNAL CLOCK (SEE NOTES 9 AND 10) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 29) PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT td(CXH-FXH) td(CXH-FXL) Delay time, FSX high after CLKX rising edge td(CXH-DXV) tdis(CXH-DX) Delay time, DX valid after CLKX rising edge 5 Disable time, DX invalid after CLKX rising edge 4 tdis(CXH-DX)PCM ten(CXH-DX)PCM Disable time in PCM mode, DX invalid after CLKX rising edge Enable time in PCM mode, DX valid after CLKX rising edge 16 tc(SCK) Cycle time, serial-port clock 2H 62H ns tf(SCK) Fall time, serial-port clock 4† ns tr(SCK) Rise time, serial-port clock 4† ns tw(SCK) Pulse duration, serial-port clock low / high Delay time, FSX low after CLKX rising edge 10 ns 10 ns 10 ns 8 ns 10 ns ns H–4 ns th(CXH-DXV) Hold time, DX valid after CLKX rising edge 4 8 ns † Values derived from characterization data and not tested NOTES: 9. Internal clock with external FSX and vice versa are also allowable. However, FSX timings to CLKX always are defined depending on the source of FSX, and CLKX timings always are dependent upon the source of CLKX. Specifically, the relationship of FSX to CLKX is independent of the source of CLKX. External FSX timings are obtained from the “timing requirements over recommended operating conditions” table listed in the “Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of External Frames” section and internal FSX timings are obtained from the “switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions” table listed under the “Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of Internal Frame and Internal Clock” section. Internal CLKX timings are obtained from the “switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions” table listed under the “Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of Internal Frame and Internal Clock” section and external CLKX timings are obtained from the “timing requirements over recommended operating conditions” table in the “Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of External Frames” section. 10. Timings for CLKX and FSX are given with polarity bits (CLKP and FSP) set to 0. tc(SCK) td(CXH-FXH) tf(SCK) tw(SCK) CLKX tw(SCK) tr(SCK) td(CXH-FXL) td(CXH-DXV) FSX tdis(CXH-DX) th(CXH-DXV) DX Bit 1 2 7 /15 Figure 29. Buffered Serial-Port Transmit Timing of Internal Clocks and Internal Frames 76 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 8/16 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 HOST PORT INTERFACE (TMS320C57S, TMS320LC57 ONLY) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (See Notes 11 and 12) (see Figure 30 through Figure 33) PARAMETER MIN td(DSL-HDV) Delay time, DS low to HD valid td(HEL-HDV1) Delay time, HDS falling to HD valid for first byte of a subsequent read: Case 1: Shared-access mode if tw(HDS)h < 7H † ‡ Case 2: Shared-access mode if tw(HDS)h > 7H Case 3: Host-only mode if tw(HDS)h < 7H Case 4: Host-only mode if tw(HDS)h > 7H td(DSL-HDV2) td(DSH-HYH) Delay time, DS low to HD valid, second byte tsu(HDV-HYH) th(DSH-HDV) Setup time, HD valid before HRDY rising edge td(COH-HYH) td(DSH-HYL) MAX 5 UNIT ns 7H+20–tw(DSH) 20 40–tw(DSH) 20 20 Delay time, DS high to HRDY high ns ns ns 3H–10 ns 12§ ns Delay time, CLKOUT rising edge to HRDY high 10 ns Delay time, HDS or HCS high to HRDY low 12 ns Hold time, HD valid after DS rising edge 0 td(COH-HTX) Delay time, CLKOUT rising edge to HINT change 10 ns † Host-only mode timings apply for read accesses to HPIC or HPIA, write accesses to BOB, and resetting DSPINT or HINT to 0 in shared-access mode. HRDY does not go low for these accesses. ‡ Shared-access mode timings are met automatically if HRDY is used. § HD release NOTES: 11. SAM = shared-access mode, HOM = host-only mode HAD stands for HCNTRL0, HCNTRL1, and HR / W. HDS refers to either HDS1 or HDS2. DS refers to the logical OR of HCS and HDS. 12. On host-read accesses to the HPI, the setup time of HD before DS rising edge depends on the host waveforms and cannot be specified here. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (See Note 11) (see Figure 30 through Figure 33) MIN MAX UNIT tsu(HBV-DSL) th(DSL-HBV) Setup time, HAD / HBIL valid before HAS or DS falling edge# Hold time, HAD / HBIL valid after HAS or DS falling edge# 10 ns 10 ns tsu(HSL-DSL) tw(DSL) Setup time, HAS low before DS falling edge 10 ns Pulse duration, DS low 25 ns tw(DSH) Pulse duration, DS high 10 ns tc(DSH-DSH) Cycle time, DS rising edge to next DS rising edge: Case 1: When using HRDY (see Figure 32) Case 2a: SAM accesses and HOM active writes to DSPINT or HINT without using HRDY (see Figure 30 and Figure 31) Case 2b: When not using HRDY for other HOM accesses 50 10H¶ ns 50 tsu(HDV-DSH) Setup time, HD valid before DS rising edge 10 ns th(DSH-HDV) Hold time, HD valid after DS rising edge 0 ns ¶ A host not using HRDY must meet the 10 H requirement all the time unless a software handshake is used to change the access rate according to the HPI mode. # When HAS is tied to VDD, timing is referenced to DS. NOTE 11: SAM = shared-access mode, HOM = host-only mode HAD stands for HCNTRL0, HCNTRL1, and HR / W. HDS refers to either HDS1 or HDS2. DS refers to the logical OR of HCS and HDS. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 77 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 HOST PORT INTERFACE (TMS320C57S, TMS320LC57 ONLY) (CONTINUED) FIRST BYTE Valid HAD SECOND BYTE Valid Valid th(DSL-HBV) th(DSL-HBV) tsu(HBV-DSL) tsu(HBV-DSL) HBIL tw(DSH) tw(DSH) tw(DSL) tw(DSL) HCS HDS tc(DSH-DSH) td(DSL-HDV2) td(HEL-HDV1) th(DSH-HDV) td(DSL-HDV) HD READ Valid th(DSH-HDV) Valid tsu(HDV-DSH) tsu(HDV-DSH) th(DSH-HDV) th(DSH-HDV) HD WRITE Valid Valid Figure 30. Read / Write Access Timings Without HRDY or HAS 78 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 HOST PORT INTERFACE (TMS320C57S, TMS320LC57 ONLY) (CONTINUED) FIRST BYTE SECOND BYTE HAS tsu(HSL-DSL) th(DSL-HBV) Valid HAD Valid Valid tsu(HBV-DSL) HBIL tc(DSH-DSH) tw(DSH) tc(DSH-DSH) tw(DSL) HCS HDS td(HEL-HDV1) td(DSL-HDV2) th(DSH-HDV) th(DSH-HDV) td(DSL-HDV) HD READ Valid Valid tsu(HDV-DSH) tsu(HDV-DSH) th(DSH-HDV) th(DSH-HDV) HD WRITE Valid Valid Figure 31. Read / Write Access Timings Using HAS Without HRDY POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 79 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 HOST PORT INTERFACE (TMS320C57S, TMS320LC57 ONLY) (CONTINUED) FIRST BYTE SECOND BYTE HAS tsu(HSL-DSL) tsu(HBV-DSL) th(DSL-HBV) HAD th(DSL-HBV)† tsu(HBV-DSL)† HBIL tc(DSH-DSH) tw(DSH) tw(DSL) HCS HDS tsu(HDV-HYH) td(DSH-HYH) HRDY td(DSH-HYL) td(HEL-HDV1) td(DSL-HDV2) th(DSH-HDV) td(DSL-HDV) HD READ Valid th(DSH-HDV) Valid tsu(HDV-DSH) tsu(HDV-DSH) th(DSH-HDV) th(DSH-HDV) HD WRITE Valid Valid td(COH-HYH) CLKOUT td(COH-HTX) HINT † When HAS is tied to VDD Figure 32. Read / Write Access Timing With HRDY 80 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 HOST PORT INTERFACE (TMS320C57S, TMS320LC57 ONLY) (CONTINUED) HCS td(DSH-HYL) HRDY td(DSH-HYH) HDS Figure 33. HRDY Signal When HCS Is Always Low POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 81 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 MECHANICAL DATA PQ (S-PQFP-G132) 17 PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 1 132 117 18 116 0.012 (0,30) 0.008 (0,20) 0.006 (0,15) M 0.800 (20,32) SQ 0.025 (0,635) 84 50 51 83 0.966 (24,54) SQ 0.934 (23,72) 1.090 (27,69) SQ 1.070 (27,18) 1.112 (28,25) SQ 1.088 (27,64) 0.006 (0,16) NOM 0.150 (3,81) 0.130 (3,30) Gage Plane 0.010 (0,25) 0.020 (0,51) MIN 0.046 (1,17) 0.036 (0,91) Seating Plane 0.004 (0,10) 0.180 (4,57) MAX NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in inches (millimeters). B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Falls within JEDEC MO-069 Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER 82 °C / W RΘJA 35 RΘJC 8.5 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 0°– 8° TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 MECHANICAL DATA PBK (S-PQFP-G128) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 0,23 0,13 0,40 96 0,07 M 65 64 97 128 33 1 0,13 NOM 32 Gage Plane 11,60 TYP 14,20 SQ 13,80 16,20 SQ 15,80 0,05 MIN 0,25 0°– 7° 0,75 0,45 1,45 1,35 Seating Plane 0,08 1,60 MAX 4040279-3 / B 10/94 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER °C / W RΘJA 58 RΘJC 10 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 83 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 MECHANICAL DATA PJ (R-PQFP-G100) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 0,40 0,20 0,65 80 0,13 M 51 81 50 12,35 TYP 100 14,20 13,80 18,00 17,20 31 1 30 0,15 NOM 18,85 TYP 20,20 19,80 24,00 23,20 Gage Plane 0,25 0,10 MIN 0°– 10° 2,70 TYP 1,10 0,70 Seating Plane 3,10 MAX 0,15 4040012 / B 10/94 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Contact field sales office to determine if a tighter coplanarity requirement is available for this package. Thermal Resistance Characteristics 84 PARAMETER °C / W RΘJA 78 RΘJC 13 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 MECHANICAL DATA PZ (S-PQFP-G100) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 0,27 0,17 0,50 75 0,08 M 51 76 50 100 26 1 0,13 NOM 25 12,00 TYP Gage Plane 14,20 SQ 13,80 16,20 SQ 15,80 0,05 MIN 1,45 1,35 0,25 0°– 7° 0,75 0,45 Seating Plane 0,08 1,60 MAX 4040149 / B 10/94 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Falls within JEDEC MO-136 Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER °C / W RΘJA 58 RΘJC 10 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 85 TMS320C5x, TMS320LC5x DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS030A – APRIL 1995 – REVISED APRIL 1996 MECHANICAL DATA PGE (S-PQFP-G144) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 108 73 109 72 0,27 0,17 0,08 M 0,50 144 0,13 NOM 37 1 36 Gage Plane 17,50 TYP 20,20 SQ 19,80 22,20 SQ 21,80 0,25 0,05 MIN 0°– 7° 0,75 0,45 1,45 1,35 Seating Plane 0,08 1,60 MAX 4040147 / B 10/94 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Falls within JEDEC MO-136 Thermal Resistance Characteristics 86 PARAMETER °C / W RΘJA 40 RΘJC 9.9 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 28-Jun-2013 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish (2) MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) (4/5) TMP320LBC57PBK80 OBSOLETE LQFP PBK 128 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320BC51PQ OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320BC51PQ100 NRND BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI 0 to 0 51PQ100 @1992 TI TMS320BC TMS320BC51PQ57 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR 0 to 0 @1992 TI TMS320BC51PQ57 TMS320BC51PQ80 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR 0 to 0 @1992 TI TMS320BC51PQ80 TMS320BC51PQA OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320BC51PQA57 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR -40 to 85 51PQA57 @1992 TI TMS320BC TMS320BC51PQA80 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR -40 to 85 51PQA80 @1992 TI TMS320BC TMS320BC51PQA80G4 OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320BC51PZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320BC51PZ100 NRND LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI 0 to 0 @1992 TI 100 TMS320BC51PZ TMS320BC51PZ57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI 0 to 0 @1992 TI 57 TMS320BC51PZ TMS320BC51PZ80 NRND LQFP PZ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM 0 to 0 @1992 TI 80 TMS320BC51PZ 51PQA80 @1992 TI TMS320BC TMS320BC51PZA OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320BC51PZA57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM 0 to 0 TMS320BC52PJ OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI 0 to 0 Addendum-Page 1 @1992 TI 57 TMS320BC51PZA Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM Orderable Device 28-Jun-2013 Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish (2) MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) (3) Device Marking (4/5) TMS320BC52PJ100 NRND QFP PJ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR 0 to 0 100 @1992 TI TMS320BC52PJ TMS320BC52PJ57 NRND QFP PJ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR 0 to 0 57 @1992 TI TMS320BC52PJ TMS320BC52PJ80 NRND QFP PJ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR 0 to 0 80 @1992 TI TMS320BC52PJ TMS320BC52PJA OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320BC52PJA57 NRND QFP PJ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR -40 to 85 57 @1992 TI TMS320BC52PJA TMS320BC52PZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI 0 to 0 TMS320BC52PZ100 NRND LQFP PZ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM 0 to 0 @1992 TI 100 TMS320BC52PZ TMS320BC52PZ57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM 0 to 0 @1992 TI 57 TMS320BC52PZ TMS320BC52PZ80 NRND LQFP PZ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM 0 to 0 @1992 TI 80 TMS320BC52PZ TMS320BC52PZA OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320BC52PZA57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 @1992 TI 57 TMS320BC52PZA TMS320BC53PQ OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320BC53PQ57 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR @1992 TI TMS320BC53PQ57 TMS320BC53PQ80 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR @1992 TI TMS320BC53PQ80 TMS320BC53PQA OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320BC53PQA57 NRND BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320BC53SPZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI Addendum-Page 2 -40 to 85 TMS320BC53PQA @1992 TI 57 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM Orderable Device 28-Jun-2013 Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish (2) MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) (3) Device Marking (4/5) TMS320BC53SPZ57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI @1992 TI 57 TMS320BC53SPZ TMS320BC53SPZ80 NRND LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI @1992 TI 80 TMS320BC53SPZ TMS320BC57SPGE57 NRND LQFP PGE 144 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TMS320BC57SPGE @1995 TI 57 TMS320BC57SPGE80 NRND LQFP PGE 144 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM 80 @1995 TI TMS320BC57SPGE TMS320C50PGE OBSOLETE LQFP PGE 144 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C50PGE57 NRND LQFP PGE 144 TBD Call TI Call TI 57 TMS320C50PGE TMS320C50PGE80 NRND LQFP PGE 144 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C50PGE 80 TMS320C50PGEA57 NRND LQFP PGE 144 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TMS320C50PQ OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C50PQ57 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR TMS320C50PQ57 @1992 TI TMS320C50PQ80 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR TMS320C50PQ80 @1992 TI TMS320C50PQA OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320C50PQA @1992 TI TMS320C50PQA57 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR -40 to 85 TMS320C50PQA57 @1992 TI TMS320C51PQ OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C51PQ100 OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C51PQ57 OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C51PQ80 OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI 57 TMS320C50PGEA TMS320C51PQA OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320C51PQA57 OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320C51PQA80 OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 Addendum-Page 3 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM Orderable Device 28-Jun-2013 Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish (2) MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (3) TMS320C51PZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C51PZ100 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C51PZ57 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C51PZ80 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C51PZA OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C52PJ OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C52PJ100 OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C52PJ57 OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C52PJ80 OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI (4/5) -40 to 85 80 @1992 TI TMS320C52PJ TMS320C52PJA OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320C52PJA57 OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320C52PZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C52PZ100 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C52PZ57 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C52PZ80 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C52PZA OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320C52PZA57 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 TMS320C53PQ OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C53PQ57 OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C53PQ80 OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320C53PQA OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI Call TI TMS320C53SPZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI TMS320LBC51PQ57 OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC51PQA57 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR TMS320LBC51PZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC51PZ57 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI Addendum-Page 4 @1992 TI 57 TMS320C52PZA -40 to 85 TMS320LBC51PQ @1992 TI A57 @1992 TI 57 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM Orderable Device 28-Jun-2013 Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish (2) MSL Peak Temp (3) Op Temp (°C) Device Marking (4/5) TMS320LBC51PZ TMS320LBC51PZA OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC51PZA57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TMS320LBC52PJ OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC52PJ57 NRND QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI @1992 TI 57 TMS320LBC51PZA 57 @1992 TI TMS320LBC52PJ TMS320LBC52PJA OBSOLETE QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC52PJA57 NRND QFP PJ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI 57 @1992 TI TMS320LBC52PJA TMS320LBC52PZ57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI @1992 TI 57 TMS320LBC52PZ TMS320LBC52PZA57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TMS320LBC53PQ OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC53PQ57 NRND BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI @1992 TI 57 TMS320LBC52PZA 57 @1992 TI TMS320LBC53PQ TMS320LBC53SPZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC53SPZ57 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC53SPZ80 NRND LQFP PZ 100 90 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM @1992 TI 80 TMS320LBC53SPZ TMS320LBC53SPZA57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 90 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM LBC53SPZA57 @1992 TI TMS320 TMS320LBC56PZ57 NRND LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI @1994 TI 57 TMS320LBC56PZ TMS320LBC56PZ80 NRND LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI @1994 TI 80 TMS320LBC56PZ Addendum-Page 5 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM Orderable Device 28-Jun-2013 Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish (2) MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) (3) Device Marking (4/5) TMS320LBC57PBK57 NRND LQFP PBK 128 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC57PBK @1994 TI 57 TMS320LBC57PBK80 NRND LQFP PBK 128 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC57PBK @1994 TI 80 TMS320LBC57PGE57 NRND LQFP PGE 144 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC57 @1995 TI PGE57 TMS320LBC57PGE80 NRND LQFP PGE 144 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LBC57 @1995 TI PGE80 TMS320LC50PQ OBSOLETE BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LC50PQ50 NRND BQFP PQ 132 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LC50PQ50 @1992 TI TMS320LC50PQ57 NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR TMS320LC50PQ57 @1992 TI TMS320LC50PQA NRND BQFP PQ 132 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-4-260C-72 HR TMS320LC50PQA @1992 TI TMS320LC51PZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LC51PZ57 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LC52PZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LC52PZ57 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LC52PZA OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LC53SPZ OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI TMS320LC53SPZ50 OBSOLETE LQFP PZ 100 TBD Call TI Call TI (1) @1992 TI TMS320LC52PZ -40 to 85 The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. Addendum-Page 6 @1992 TI TMS320LC52PZA Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 28-Jun-2013 (2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check for the latest availability information and additional product content details. TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined. Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above. Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material) (3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. (4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device. (5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. OTHER QUALIFIED VERSIONS OF TMS320C50 : • Catalog: SM320C50 • Enhanced Product: SM320C50-EP • Military: SMJ320C50 NOTE: Qualified Version Definitions: • Catalog - TI's standard catalog product • Enhanced Product - Supports Defense, Aerospace and Medical Applications • Military - QML certified for Military and Defense Applications Addendum-Page 7 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46, latest issue, and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48, latest issue. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All semiconductor products (also referred to herein as “components”) are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale, in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by applicable law, testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’ products. Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’ products and applications, Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI components or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products, and any use of TI components in its applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI. Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures, monitor failures and their consequences, lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions. Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications. In some cases, TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications. With such components, TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements. Nonetheless, such components are subject to these terms. No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III (or similar life-critical medical equipment) unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use. Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or “enhanced plastic” are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk, and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949 requirements, mainly for automotive use. In any case of use of non-designated products, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949. Products Applications Audio Automotive and Transportation Amplifiers Communications and Telecom Data Converters Computers and Peripherals DLP® Products Consumer Electronics DSP Energy and Lighting Clocks and Timers Industrial Interface Medical Logic Security Power Mgmt Space, Avionics and Defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging RFID OMAP Applications Processors TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated