HIGH POWER PLANAR RESISTORS, 5W to 100W TP SERIES CERAMIC SUBSTRATE TPS SERIES STEEL SUBSTRATE Space saving flame retardant design High power density Thin profile, and lightweight Low Inductance: 50nh typ at 1MHz Wide resistance range: 0.5Ω to 1MΩ Excellent transient withstanding capabilities Standard tolerances: as tight as ±0.5% Special marking, extended value range, custom sizes and shapes, burn-in and military screening, insulated leads, quick-disconnect terminals, multiple resistor circuits, etc. Consult factory for assistance. Series TP 5W - 10W 2 Pins, Ceramic A ↓ ↑ 0.120 [3] min .02[.51] .07[1.8] C → ←0.1 [2.54] →← → ← A Series TP 15W-100W 4 Pins, Ceramic .024 [.6] →← → ← 0.24±.01 [.61±.25] .150 min [3.8] .20” | B Series TPS Steel Substrate 50W - 100W 6 Pins A 0.30 typ. [7.6] ↓ → ←.04 [1.02] ↑ → ← C .050” Dia. .012 [.3] | | B 0.120 [3] min ↑ .028” Dia. Series TP/TPS offer high power density in a lightweight design. Designed for switch mode power supplies, snubber circuits, heaters, in-rush limiters, dynamic braking, and other power applications, the planar construction offers significant PCB real estate savings over conventional resistors, especially in forced air applications. The unique design enables very low inductance and excellent surge capabilities. Series TP utilize alumina substrates for excellent heat dissipation. Series TPS utilize stainless steel substrates for even greater dissipation and durability. A special hi-temp/hi-voltage dielectric insulates the resistor and terminals from the metal substrate, enabling greater voltage and insulation compared to porcelain enameled models. | | B Term.W is RoHS compliant & 260°C compatible SPACE SAVING THICK FILM PLANAR RESISTORS! OPTIONS | RoHS RESISTORSCAPACITORSCOILSDELAY LINES .04” Dia. C D .20” .20” .20 ±.01 [5.08 ±.25] .20” .37[9.4] .20” .20” RCD Type Wattage @ 25°C Max. Voltage Rating1 DIMENSIONS Inch [mm] A Max B Max C .200±.013 D [5.08±.25]3 TP05 5W 500V 1Ω to 200K 1.015 [25.8] .512 [13] TP075 7.5W 500V 1Ω to 200K 1.015 [25.8] .765 [19.4] .500±.013,4 [12.7±.25] - TP10 10W 500V 1Ω to 300K 1.015 [25.8] 1.015 [25.8] .800±.013 [20.3±.25] - - TP155 15W 500V 1Ω to 1MΩ 1.22 [31] 1.27 [32.26] 1.00±.02 [25.4±.5] - TP255 25W 500V 1Ω to 1MΩ 1.18 [30] 2.22 [56.39] 1.90±.02 [48.26±.5] - TP505 50W 500V 1Ω to 1MΩ 2.27 [57.66] 2.22 [56.39] 1.90±.02 [48.26±.5] - TPS50 50W 250V 0.5Ω to 10KΩ 2.80 [71.1] 1.77 [44.96] 1.00±.02 [25.4±.5] 1.40±.02 [35.56±.5] TPS100 100W 300V 0.5Ω to 20KΩ 3.65 [92.7] 2.59 [65.8] 1.30±.02 [33.02±.5] 1.70±.02 [43.18±.5] 1 Maximum Operating Voltage is DC or AC peak 5 Standard Resistance Range2 2 Expanded range available 3 Available with 0.300” [7.62mm] pin spacing, specify opt.78 4 Available with 0.200” [5.08mm] pin spacing, specify opt.80 Preliminary information TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS P/N DESIGNATION: L o a d L i fe ( 1 0 0 0 ho ur s ) ±2 % RCD Type M o i s tur e Re s i s ta nc e ±1 % Te m p e r a tur e C yc li ng ±1 % Options: assigned by RCD (leave blank for standard) Ove r lo a d ( no t to e xc e e d m a x vo lta g e ) 5 x r a te d W, 2 0 0 m S D i e le c tr i c S tr e ng th 5 0 0 V D C ( 7 5 0 V a va i l) Re s i s ta nc e to S o ld e r He a t ( 2 6 0 °C , 5 s e c ) Te m p e r a tur e C o e ffi c i e nt ( p p m /°C ) Op e r a ti ng Te m p e r a tur e P o we r D e ra ti ng ± 0 .5 % TP05 - 102 - J B W Resis.Code 0.5%, 1%: 3 signif. figures & multiplier, e.g. 1R00=1Ω,10R0=10Ω,1000=100Ω,1001=1K, etc. Resis.Code 2%-10%: 2 signif. figures & multiplier, e.g. R50=.5Ω, 1R0=1Ω, 100=10Ω,101=100Ω,102=1K, etc. 1 0 0 p p m°C (≥ 2 % =2 0 0 p p m) Tol. Code: D=0.5%, F=1%, G=2%, J=5%, K=10%, M=20% TP = - 5 5 ° C t o 1 7 0 ° C TP S = - 5 5 ° C t o 2 7 5 ° C TP = 1 % / ° C > 7 0 ° C TP S = 0 . 4 % / ° C > 2 5 ° C Packaging: B = Bulk Termination: W= Lead-free, Q= Tin/Lead (leave blank if either is acceptable) RCD Components Inc, 520 E.Industrial Park Dr, Manchester, NH, USA 03109 rcdcomponents.com Tel: 603-669-0054 Fax: 603-669-5455 Email:sales@rcdcomponents.com FA048E Sale of this product is in accordance with GF-061. Specifications subject to change without notice. 68