Application Brief AB17
Benefits of Philips Lumileds Solid State
Lighting Solutions vs. Conventional Lighting
LUXEON, SuperFlux and SnapLED for the Lighting World
Lasts Longer Than Any Other Light Source Greater Than 10 Years in Many Applications
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) contain solidstate technology made in
Silicon Valley using similar technologies that are used in the latest
microprocessors. These solidstate devices have no moving parts, no
fragile glass environments, no mercury, no toxic gasses, and no fila
ment. There is nothing to break, rupture, shatter, leak, or contaminate.
Unlike typical conventional light sources, LEDs are not subject to
sudden failure or burnout. There is no point in time at which the light
Table of Contents
source ceases to function; instead, LEDs gradually degrade in
Lasts Longer Than Any Other Light
Source -Greater Than 10 Years in
Many Applications . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Reduced Maintenance Costs . . .2
More Energy Efficient—Be the
Environmental Solution . . . . . . . .2
Design Flexibility and Unobtrusive
Hidden Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Vivid Saturated Colors—Without
Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Directed Light for Increased System
Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Robust, Vibration Proof, Solid State
Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Dynamic Color Control, White-Point
Tunable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Fully Dimmable Without Color
Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Instant On, Full Color, 100% Light 3
No Mercury in the Light Source .3
No Heat or UV in the Light Beam 3
Cold Start Capable . . . . . . . . . . .4
Low-Voltage DC Operation . . . . .4
performance over time. Philips Lumileds LUXEON® product line, for
example, is predicted to still deliver an average of 70% of initial inten
sity after 50,000 hours of operation. In an application where the light
source would be used for 12 hours per day, 365 days per year, this
would result in a system lifetime of over 11 years with only a 30%
degradation (70% lumen maintenance) from initial luminous output
and no catastrophic failures.
Light emitting diodes provide the lighting designer with
additional options and choices compared to conventional
technologies. Instead of taking one very bright source and
mounting it in a reflector optic to distribute light, LEDs can
enable alternative lighting concepts where the light source
can be divided into multiple points of light, distributed across
a surface, or placed in multiple planes. SnapLED technology
allows for complex threedimensional lighting solutions. The
flexibility of LEDs allows for new, playful, and innovative
lighting solutions, allowing for never before possible designs.
Reduced Maintenance Costs
Since LED based light sources last at least 10 times longer
than a normal light source, there is no need to replace the
light source, reducing or even eliminating ongoing mainte
nance costs and periodic relamping expenses. Many
regulated and critical lighting applications such as buoys,
beacon lights, emergency exit lighting, back up lighting, and
security lighting require scheduled, periodic, bulb replace
ment. Unlike other sources that fail as a burnout at the end
of their useful life, LUXEON and SuperFlux devices remain lit.
This means that there is no need for standby or emergency
call in personnel to change a light source in safety critical
Vivid Saturated Colors—Without
Light Emitting Diodes require no filters to create colored light,
resulting in deeper saturated colors without wasted light.
Deep reds, greens, blues and other colors can be produced
in monochromatic form directly form the solid state element.
Many lighting applications, such as signs, signals, and
warning lights, are colored. Usually this light is created
through filtering a broad band white light to the desired hue.
These filters block the undesirable portions of the white light
and let only the desired wavelengths through. The blocked
light that is not of the correct color is therefore lost energy.
Philips Lumileds produces devices in a spectrum of colors
from red to blue and white. Therefore, to make a red sign,
one can use a monochromatic LED that generates only red
light and therefore does not require an additional color filter.
There is no need for expensive filters, and there is no wasted
energy. It is common for a 12W LUXEON array to fully
replace a 150W bulb used in red traffic signals, resulting in
dramatic power savings due to the higher efficiency of
colored light generation.
Light emitting diodes provide even greater advantages in
applications where location makes replacement difficult.
Radio towers, offshore marine buoys, aircraft warning lights,
and bridge and tunnel lights all require expensive mainte
nance fees due to their prohibitive location. Eliminating or
dramatically reducing the frequency of required maintenance
can save thousands of dollars per maintenance call in these
The long life of a solid state solution also allows for trouble
free designs. For example, even with the temperature
extremes, high shock and vibration environment of trucks
and cars, SnapLED based designs offer life of vehicle
performance. This provides enhanced design freedom,
as no provisions for accessibility and replacement need
to be considered in the system design.
More Energy Efficient—Be the
Environmental Solution
Directed Light for Increased
System Efficiency
LUXEON power light sources are more efficient than incan
descent and most halogen light sources. White LUXEON
today delivers more than 20 lumens per Watt, and is
predicted to achieve greater than 50 lumens per Watt
by 2005.
The light emitted from an LED is directional. Typical conven
tional sources such as incandescent, halogen, or fluorescent
lights are omnidirectional, emitting light in all directions. In
order to direct the light onto the object to be illuminated,
light that is not directed toward the desired location must
be redirected using secondary optics. Each time a light
beam is reflected it looses some of its intensity, resulting
in a fixture loss.
When viewing solidstate lighting as an alternative, it is
important to consider the total system level benefits. For
example, due to the decrease in energy used for the lighting
of a building, air handling costs drop, generating both addi
tional initial and ongoing investment savings. Additional
benefits such as the directionality of light for general lighting
and vivid true colors without the need for filters in signaling
applications add to the energy efficiency on a system level.
Typical fixture losses range from 40 to 60%, meaning that
in some cases less than half of the light generated by the
source is directed in the desired direction. The directed
nature of LEDs can result in fixture efficiencies of 80 to 90%,
requiring less total lumens to provide the same level of illumi
nance. The LUXEON STAR/O, for example, produces a
narrow 2x5 degree beam with 85% optical efficiency. When
considering LEDs as a light source it is important to consider
all factors in determining the appropriate solution. For
example, if you are replacing a 500lumen source in a fixture
with 50% efficiency with an LED based source in a fixture
with 85% efficiency, less than 300 lumens will be required
Design Flexibility and Unobtrusive
Hidden Light
LEDs are typically much smaller than conventional light
sources, allowing for dramatically different lighting designs
capitalizing on the unobtrusiveness of the source. Designing
with LUXEON, for example, can enable completely hidden
sources of light, eliminating large visual luminaries, and
creating a magical effect when illuminated.
Benefits of Philips Lumileds Solid State Lighting Solution AB17 (6/06)
Fully Dimmable Without Color
from the LED source for an equivalent illuminance. A side
benefit from the directionality of light emitted from the LED
solution is the reduction of light pollution.
Light emitting diodes are fully dimmable with straightforward
driver topologies. For example, LUXEON power light sources
can be dimmed by over 1000 times without sacrificing any
characteristic of the light. This dimmability, through the
common technique of pulse width modulation (PWM) of the
drive current, allows for environmentally friendly illumination
without sacrificing either the Color Acceptance Index (CAI)
or the Color Rendering Index (CRI). With PWM control, the
color provided is independent of the set intensity. Therefore
it is easy to optimize the desired color and then adjust the
intensity to suit the needs of virtually any application.
Robust, Vibration Proof, Solid
State Lighting
Light emitting diodes are solidstate devices containing no
moving parts and no filaments to break. As such, LEDs
handle rough environments including heavy vibration and
impact. Unlike conventional light sources, which typically
contain a fragile filament enclosed in a breakable glass
enclosure, LEDs are built using solidstate technology made
in Silicon Valley using similar technologies that are used in
the latest microprocessors. These solidstate devices have
no moving parts, no fragile glass environments, no mercury,
no toxic gasses, and no filament. There is nothing to break,
rupture, shatter, leak, or contaminate. The solidstate nature
of LEDs make them extremely rugged and durablean excel
lent choice for applications where reliability and dependability
are paramount.
Instant On, Full Color, 100% Light
Light emitting diodes have turnon times measured in
microseconds. The instant on feature of LEDs provides addi
tional reaction time in safety critical applications. There is no
flickering or warm up period as the source reaches ignition
temperature in an LED lighting system and the emitted wave
length is reached instantaneously. The fast turnon times
allow for rapid switching systems enabling an instant change
from one hue to another in a dynamic color changing RGB
based lighting system.
Dynamic Color Control, WhitePoint
LUXEON and SuperFlux offer intense deep reds, greens, and
blues for dynamic color changing applications. With fast
turnon times (measured in microseconds) it is easy to
instantly change from one hue to another. Further, you can
generate more brilliant colors than are currently possible on
conventional LCD or CRT monitors through using LUXEON,
which offers a larger color range than is possible using
conventional lighting technologies. Not only can you use
LEDs for viewing applications (such as TVs or computer
screens); the endless choices of color are available for
almost any application. Imagine everything from a stadium
replay panel, your laptop screen, wall uplighters, pools and
fountains, even your personal work or home environment,
with unlimited color selection capability.
No Mercury in the Light Source
Unlike most fluorescent sources, LEDs contains no Mercury.
LUXEON is Solid State technology made in Silicon Valley
using similar technologies that are used in the latest micro
processors. As it is a solidstate device, it has no moving
parts, no fragile glass environments, no mercury, no toxic
gasses, and no filament. Eliminating Mercury from your
lighting system will enable you to meet new and future
increasingly stringent environmental regulations.
No Heat or UV in the Light Beam
Conventional light sources (as well as some LEDs) contain
invisible radiation as well as the visible component of light in
the beam. This radiation can be very short wavelength blue,
known as ultraviolet light, or long wavelength red, known as
infrared, which causes heat. Ultraviolet light can, and will,
damage materials, cause color changes and eventually
breakdown many materials. Museums and other applications
where ultraviolet light is a liability use expensive low flexibility
light pipes to filter out this harmful component of the gener
ated light. Frequently the light sources used for these light
pipes is a very bright, hot, incandescent or halogen sources,
generating most of their light as heat. Infrared light can
damage displayed objects, increases air conditioning costs,
decreases environmental comfort, and when reflected off
reading surfaces increases eyestrain.
As white light is the combination of red, green, and blue
(RGB), you can easily create any color of white (CCT) from
warm to coolblue by changing the relative intensity of each
color component. LEDs switch on and off so quickly and
have an exceptional dimming range, all without compro
mising Color Rendering Index (CRI) or, more importantly,
Color Acceptance Index (CAI). Recent studies show
improving CAI dramatically increases consumer acceptance
of merchandise packaging. Unlike other conventional lighting
technologies, with LEDs CAI (and CRI) is not intensity
The use of an LED based lighting system enables a wide
color gamut of saturated static and dynamic lighting effects.
Whether the desired effect is a tunable white source or a
single light capable of digitally producing any color under the
rainbow, LEDs offer a new dimension to the lighting world.
Benefits of Philips Lumileds Solid State Lighting Solution AB17 (6/06)
LUXEON, SuperFlux, and SnapLED only generate light in the
range that a person can see. There are no ultraviolet rays or
infrared radiation contained in the light beams of these prod
ucts. Eliminating these harmful and nonuseful components
of the spectrum results in a light beam that will not degrade
illuminated objects while providing a cool beam with a light
source that is safe to touch.
Cold Start Capable
Many light sources in use today are not well suited to cold
environments. In some cases, such as walk in refrigerators,
cool outdoor climates, or automotive applications expensive
drivers are required to enable ignition at low temperatures.
LEDs do not require any special equipment or drivers,
regardless of the temperature. Cold start is not a problem
for this solid state technology, down to 40°C. This cold start
ability allows for instant on/off control without specially
designed circuitry, simplifying your system design while
lowering the cost of the electronic driver.
LowVoltage DC Operation
Unlike conventional light sources, light emitting diodes are
current driven low voltage devices. This enables never before
solutions that meet regulatory requirements without expen
sive safety interactions. For example, LUXEON is fully
compatible with UL and other international safety standards
for use in all environments. The low voltage aspects of LEDs
allow for safe system solutions and do not require running
high voltage mains connections between the driver and the
light source. The drive current required for these devices is
relatively low, further enhancing the safety aspect of LEDs as
a lighting solution. Due to the low voltages required, dispos
able and rechargeable battery operation or alternative energy
sources (such as solar or wind) can be easily used to power
the light source.
Benefits of Philips Lumileds Solid State Lighting Solution AB17 (6/06)
Company Information
LUXEON® is developed, manufactured and marketed by
Philips Lumileds Lighting Company. Philips Lumileds is a worldclass
supplier of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) producing billions of LEDs
annually. Philips Lumileds is a fully integrated supplier, producing core
LED material in all three base colors (Red, Green, Blue) and White.
Philips Lumileds has R&D centers in San Jose, California and in
Philips Lumileds may make process or
materials changes affecting the perform
ance or other characteristics of our
products. These products supplied after
such changes will continue to meet
published specifications, but may not
be identical to products supplied as
samples or under prior orders.
The Netherlands and production capabilities in San Jose and Penang,
Malaysia. Founded in 1999, Philips Lumileds is the highflux LED
technology leader and is dedicated to bridging the gap between
solidstate LED technology and the lighting world. Philips Lumileds
technology, LEDs and systems are enabling new applications and
markets in the lighting world.
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+1 888 589 3662 or
00 800 443 88 873 or
©2006 Philips Lumileds Lighting Company. All rights reserved. Product specifications are subject to
change without notice. Luxeon is a registered trademark of the Philips Lumileds Lighting Company in
the United States and other countries.
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