IXYS MX877 8-Channel, 60V Relay/Load Driver Push-Pull Output, 3 Wire Interface Features: General Description • • • • • • • • The MX877 is an 8 channel high voltage switch with 8-bit parallel or serial input control. The MX877 connects directly to a microprocessor through a standard 3 wire serial interface. The push-pull output configuration can drive up to 60 volts at 80mA. Outputs can be paralleled for increased drive current up to a device total of 400mA sink or source. 8 Outputs Rated at 60V, 80mA Push-Pull Driver Configuration 6V to 60V Driver Supply Range 2.7V to 5.5V Logic Supply Range 3 Wire Serial Interface plus Chip Select Captures Serial & Parallel Input Data Outputs can be paralleled 28 Lead QFN Package The MX877 is designed to operate over a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C, and is available in a QFN-28 Package. Applications: • • • • Ordering Information White Goods ATE Industrial Equipment Automotive Relay Control Part No. 087700-00 087741-00 Description QFN-28 QFN-28 Tape & Reel Qty 73 2500 Functional Block Diagram VCC VPWR CS* SDO I/O Register Parallel Inputs Shift Direction IN7 IN6 IN5 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN 0 Latch Register Driver Parallel In & Out Level Translator OUT7 OUT6 OUT5 OUT4 OUT3 OUT2 OUT1 OUT0 SCK SDI OE GND MX877 Drawing No. 087709 1 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com IXYS MX877 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Voltages with respect to GND=0V) Parameter VPWR Supply Voltage Logic Supply Voltage Input Pin Voltage Continuous Output Current Storage Temperature Operating Ambient Temp Operating Junction Temp Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) Symbol VPWR VCC VIN IOUT(OUT0-7) TSTG TA TJ Min Max 62 6 6 100 150 85 150 Unit V V V mA Co Co Co RθJA 110 Typical Co/W -55 -40 Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings. Stresses in excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this data sheet is not implied. Exposure of the device to the absolute maximum ratings for an extended period may degrade the device and affect its reliability. ESD Warning ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Although the MX877 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may be sustained if subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. DC Electrical Characteristics VCC=5.0V, VPWR=42V, TA=25oC, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Logic Supply Voltage Logic Supply Current Quiescent Logic Supply Current VPWR Voltage VPWR Current GND Current Quiescent VPWR Current High Level Input Voltage Low Level Input Voltage Input Leakage Current SDO Tri-State Leakage Current Out0-7 Current Out0-7 ON Resistance Out0-7 Tri-State Leakage Current Condition Min 2.7 fSCK = 5 MHz fSCK = 0 Typ 50 1 60 400 400 6 Total of all outputs Total of all outputs VPWR = 42V, No load IN0-7, SCK, SDI, OE, CSÄ CSÄ = Logic High Any one output, sink or source VPWR = 42V OE = Logic Low Max 5.5 0.75 VCC-0.5 0.5 1 1 80 9 1 Unit V µA µA V mA mA mA V V µA µA mA Ω µA Notes: To avoid unwanted output during VPWR application and system initialization, keep OE at a logic low until CSÄ has completed one cycle. Thermal Resistance is measured in still air with the device soldered to a 6 square inch board without a ground plane. Applications may require derating of the specified maximum currents to avoid exceeding the maximum operation junction temperature. MX877 Drawing No. 087709 2 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com IXYS MX877 AC Electrical Characteristics VCC=5.0V, VPWR=42V, TA=25oC, unless otherwise specified. Parameter SCK Period 1 SCK High Time 1 SCK Low Time 1 CSÄ High Time 1 CSÄ Falling to SCK Rising 1 CSÄ Low Time 1 INX to CS Falling (SETUP TIME) 1 INX to CS Falling (HOLD TIME) 1 SDI to SCK Rising (SETUP TIME) 1 SDI to SCK Rising (HOLD TIME) 1 SCK Falling to SDO Data Valid CSÄ Rising to SDO High Z CSÄ Rising to OUTX Rising CSÄ Rising to OUTX Falling OUTX Rise Time OUTX Fall Time OE Rising to OUTX Rising OE Rising to OUTX Falling OE Falling to OUTX High Z Symbol tCSwh tCSs tCSwl tINs tINh tSDIs tSDIh tSDO tSDOz tOUTr tOUTf Condition Setup Time SCK Low, (parallel input mode) To 50%, C(OUTx) = 1000pF To 50%, C(OUTx) = 1000pF From 10% to 90%, C(OUTx) = 1000pF From 10% to 90%, C(OUTx) = 1000pF To 90% To 90% To 10%, OUTx High To 10%, OUTx Low Min 100 40 40 50 150 150 15 30 20 25 Typ Max Unit DC nS nS nS nS nS nS nS nS 10 12 750 570 nS nS nS nS 110 nS 75 nS 580 390 130 90 nS nS nS nS Note 1: Guaranteed by design. MX877 Drawing No. 087709 3 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com IXYS MX877 Serial Timing INx tINs tINh CS* tCSs tCSwh SCK tSDIs tSDIh SDI tSDO tSDOz SDO tOUTr OUTx tOUTf Parallel Timing INx tINs tINh CS* tCSwl tOUTr OUTx MX877 Drawing No. 087709 tOUTf 4 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com IXYS MX877 Pin Description Pin No. 4, 17 Pin Name VPWR Description High Voltage Supply ( 6V to 60V) 2, 5 - No Connect 6 VCC Logic Supply (2.7V to 5.5V) 7 SDO Serial Data Output 8 IN7 Parallel Input 9 IN6 Parallel Input 10 IN5 Parallel Input 11 IN4 Parallel Input 12 IN3 Parallel Input 13 IN2 Parallel Input 14 IN1 Parallel Input 15 IN0 Parallel Input 16 SCK Serial Clock 18 SDI Serial Data Input Ä 19 CS Chip Select (Active Low) 20 OE Output Enable 3, 21 GND Ground 22 OUT0 Parallel Output 23 OUT1 Parallel Output 24 OUT2 Parallel Output 25 OUT3 Parallel Output 26 OUT4 Parallel Output 27 OUT5 Parallel Output 28 OUT6 Parallel Output 1 OUT7 Parallel Output MX877 Drawing No. 087709 5 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com IXYS MX877 Functional Description The MX877 is an 8 channel high voltage driver with 8-bit input control. The MX877 interfaces to a microprocessor through a standard 3 wire serial interface and an active low chip select, or can be used in a parallel-in, parallel-out configuration. Serial Data Transfer Example Parallel data is transferred to the I/O register of the MX877 through the parallel input pins, IN0 through IN7 on the falling edge of the chip select pin, CSÄ. When CSÄ is in a logic low state, serial data can be transferred to the I/O register through the serial input pin, SDI, and from the I/O register through the serial output pin, SDO. Parallel or serial input data is transferred from the I/O register to the latch and high voltage output drivers, OUT0 through OUT7, on the positive edge of CSÄ. This data remains latched until the next positive edge of CSÄ. 0 IN6 0 IN5 1 IN4 0 IN3 1 IN2 1 IN1 1 IN0 0 SDI 1 t1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 CS* SCK SDO The 8-bit I/O shift register is clocked by the serial clock pin, SCK. Serial data presented at the SDI pin is transferred to the shift register on the positive edge of SCK. Data shifts out of the register through the SDO pin on the negative edge of SCK. SDI and SCK are ignored, and SDO transitions to a high impedance condition when CSÄ is at a logic high state. Serial data is received by the MX877 through the SDI pin. This data is accepted on the rising edge of SCK. A specific output is programmed to a logic high state if SDI is at a logic high state during the rising edge of SCK. Conversely, a specific output is programmed to a logic low state if SDI is at a logic low state during the rising edge of SCK. Outputs transition to their programmed states on the positive edge of CSÄ if the output enable pin, OE is in a logic high state. SDI at time t1 OUT7 1 OUT6 0 OUT5 0 OUT4 0 OUT3 0 OUT2 1 OUT1 1 OUT0 0 Devices may be serially cascaded by connecting SDO to SDI of the next device. Pins SCK and CSÄ are common to all devices in serial cascade. For n-cascaded devices the CSÄ should remain low for 8n cycles of SCK. An output enable pin, OE enables the driver outputs OUT0 through OUT7 when logic high. A logic low level on OE forces the OUT0 through OUT7 outputs to a high impedance state. The MSB input data (IN7) is presented at the serial output pin, SDO on the falling edge of CSÄ. Input data from IN6 through IN0 is sequentially presented at SDO on negative SCK transitions if CSÄ remains in a logic low state. If CSÄ is at a logic low state beyond 8 cycles of SCK, SDI data that has propagated through the I/O register will then be presented at SDO. The SDO pin transitions to a high impedance state when CSÄ is in a logic level high state, thus allowing multiple serial peripherals to share the microprocessor data pin. MX877 Drawing No. 087709 IN7 The MX877 can also operate as a parallel-in, parallel-out level shifter and driver. SCK must remain at a logic low state when operating in this mode. Parallel input data presented to IN0 through IN7 is captured on the falling edge of CSÄ. This data is transferred to OUT0 through OUT7 on the rising edge of CSÄ, and remains latched until the next rising edge of CSÄ. 6 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com IXYS MX877 Parallel-in / Parallel-out Application IN OUT 8 8 CS* SDI OE SCK Serial Cascade Application MASTER IN SDO IN OUT 8 8 SCK CS* OE SDI SDO IN OUT 8 8 SCK CS* OE SDI MASTER OUT MX877 Drawing No. 087709 7 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com IXYS MX877 Control System Application System MX877 capture sensors IN 8 drive actuators OUT 8 SDI SDO SCK CS* OE uC Type 1 timing: capture N drive N analyze N, calculate N+1 capture N+1 drive N+1 CS* SDI uC output N uC output N+1 SCK SDO input N uC input N+1 uC Type 2 timing: capture N analyze N, calculate N+1 drive N+1 capture N+1 CS* SDI don't care uC output N+1 SCK SDO input N MX877 Drawing No. 087709 uC 8 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com IXYS MX877 28 LEAD 5MM X 5MM X 0.90MM QFN PIN 1 (REF.) DIMENSIONS DIM. A A1 A2 b D D2 E E2 INCH MM. MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. .031 .039 .80 1.0 0 .002 0 .05 .008 REF. .007 .012 .197 BSC .118 .128 .197 BSC .118 .128 e .0197 BSC L .0177 .0256 N 28 ,200 REF. .18 .30 5.00 BSC 3.00 TOP VIEW 3.25 5.00 BSC 3.00 3.25 .500 BSC .45 SIDE VIEW .65 28 3. MOLDED PACKAGE SHALL CONFORM TO JEDEC STANDARD CONFIGURATION MO-220 VARIATION VHHD-1. 2. DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCING CONFORM TO ASME Y14.5M-1994. 1. COPLANARITY APPLIES TO THE EXPOSED HEAT SINK SLUG AS WELL AS THE TERMINALS. NOTES: (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) BOTTOM VIEW IXYS Corporation makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Neither circuit patent licenses nor indemnity are expressed or implied. Except as set forth in IXYS’ Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, IXYS Corporation assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any expressed or implied warranty, relating to its products including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or infringement of any intellectual property right. MX877 Drawing No. 087709 9 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com IXYS World Wide Sales Offices IXYS Corporation 3540 Bassett Street Santa Clara, CA 925054 Tel: 1-408-892-0700 Fax: 1-408-496-0670 e-mail:sales@ixys.net United Kingdom IXYS Semiconductor Limited Langley Park Way Langley Park Chippenham Wiltshire SN 15 1GE - England Tel: 44 1249 444524 Fax: 44 1249 659448 sales@ixys.co.uk Micronix An IXYS Company 145 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-1490 Tel: 1-949-831-4622 Fax: 1-949-831-4628 Sales Offices ASIA / PACIFIC Asian Headquarters IXYS Room 1016, Chia-Hsin, Bldg II, 10F, No. 96, Sec. 2 Chung Shan North Road Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-2523-6368 Fax: 886-2-2523-6368 bradley.green@ixys.co.uk Jhong@clare.com SALES OFFICES AMERICAS Eastern Region [Eastern North America, Mexico, South America] IXYS Corporation Beverly, MA Tel: 508-528-6883 Fax: 508-528-4562 wgh@ixys.net Central Region Check the IXYS Website for the local sales office nearest you. (www.ixys.com) [Central North America] IXYS Corporation Greensburg, PA Tel: 724-836-8530 Fax: 724-836-8540 neil.lejeune@westcode.com Western Region [Western North America] IXYS Coporation Solana Beach, CA Tel: 858-792-1101 slodor@ix.netcom.com SALES OFFICES EUROPE http://www.claremicronix.com European Headquarters IXYS Semiconductor GMBH Edisonstrasse 15 D- 68623 Lampertheim Germany Tel: 49-6206-503203 Fax: 49-6206-503286 marcom@ixys.de MX877 Drawing No. 087709 IXYS cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in this IXYS product. No circuit patent licenses nor indemnity are expressed or implied. IXYS reserves the right to change the specification and circuitry, without notice at any time. The products described in this document are not intended for use in medical implantation or other direct life support applications where malfunction may result in direct physical harm, injury or death to a person. Specification: MX877 ©Copyright 2006, IXYS Corporation All rights reserved. Printed in USA. 10 06/08/06 www.claremicronix.com