AZ DISPLAYS, INC. COMPLETE LCD SOLUTIONS SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY PART NUMBER: DATE: AGM3232L SERIES APRIL 06, 2007 1 FEA T URES (1) Display format : 320 ´ 240 dot-matrix, 1/240 duty. (2) Construction : FSTN L C D, B ezel, H eat Seal, Zebra, W hite Edge L E D backlight, Touch Panel, Touch Panel driver (TSC2046) and PCB . (3) Display type : FSTN L C D, Transflective type, 6 o’ clock view. (4) Controller : E3305F or S 1D13700 or RA8835 (5) With temperature compensation circuit. (6) Power : +5V for logic circuit, B uilt-in DC/DC converter for L CD drivin g. (7) Ex tended temperatureype. t 2 MECHANI CAL DA TA P ara meter Stand Value Unit Dot size 0.345(W ) ´ 0.345(H) mm Dot pitch 0.36(W ) ´ 0.36(H) mm V iewing area 122.0(W ) ´ 92.0(H) mm Module size (with Touch Panel) 173.0(W ) ´ 109.0(H) ´ 14.5 max (T) mm 3 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RA Para meter ymbol Mi n Max Unit L ogic Cir cuit Supply Voltage VDD-VSS -0.3 7.0 V L CD D riving Voltage VDD-VO -0.3 26.0 V Input Voltage VI -0.3 VDD+0.3 V Operating Temp. T OP -20 70 °C Storage Temp. T ST G -30 80 °C Ex tended temp. ype t AZ Displays, Inc. S TINGS Page 01 4 ELECTRO-OPTI Par ameter C A L CHARACTERI Sym bol C ondition STI CS M in T yp M ax Unit Note ---- - E lectronic Ch aract eri stics ----L ogic Circ uit Supply Voltage VDD-VSS L CD D riving Voltage VDD-VO Input Voltage V IH L ogic Supply Current -- 3.3 -- 5.5 V 22.8 24.0 25.2 V -- 0.7 VDD -- VDD V V IL -- VSS -- 0.3 VDD V IDD VDD = 5V -- 40 -- mA 25 °C ---- - O ptical Ch aract eri stics --- -Contrast CR FSTN type -- 8 Rise T ime tr 25°C -- 1 10 170 ms Fall T ime tf 25°C -- 1 10 170 ms V iewing Angle Range qf 25°C & -- 40 -- qb CR ³2 -- 35 -- ql -- 35 -- qr -- 35 -- -- 64 -- Frame Frequency fF 25°C -- Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Deg. Hz (NOTE 1) Contrast r atio : CR = (B rightness in OFF state) / (B rightness in ON state) ( NOTE 2 ) Respons e time : AZ Displays, Inc. Page 02 AZ Displays, Inc. Page 03 Par ameter Sym bol C ondition M in T yp M ax Unit Note Forward Current IF -- -- 90 120 mA Note 4 IF=90mA -- cd/m2 Note 4 V Supply Voltage between A& KNot e 5 L CM L uminous intensity 1 1 -- Forward Voltage VF IF=90mA -- 3.2 3.5 LE D C.I.E X IF=90mA 0.28 0.31 0.34 F=90mA 0.29 0.32 0.35 Y I Note 6 Note 4: L uminous intensity is decided by forward current of W hite L E D. Note 5: White L E Ds are with voltage tolerance Note 6: White L E Ds are with color tolerance * L E D Dice number = 6 A K * L E D Dice number = 6 LCM LED_A LED Back-light 90mA/3.2V LED_K AZ Displays, Inc. Page 04 5 Touch Panel E lectrical Specification Para meter Con Terminal R esistance Insulating Resistance L inearity dition Standard Value X Ax is 400 ~ 900 W Y A xis 200 ~ 500 W DC 25 V More than 10MW ±1.5 % -- Notes life by Pen Note a 100,000 times(min) Input life by finger Note b 1,000,000 times (mi Note A . Notes area for pen noteslife test is 10 x 9 mm. Siz e of word is 7.5 x 6.72 Shape of penend : R0.8 L oad : 250 g Note B B y Silicon rubber tapping at same point Shape of rubber end : R8 L oad : 200g Frequency : 5 Hz In terf ace No. Sym bol F unction 1 XR Touch Panel Right Signal in X Ax is 2 YT Touch PanelTop Signal in Y Ax is 3 XL Touch Panel L eft Signal in X Ax is 4 YB Touch Panel B ottom Signal in Y Ax is YT XL XR 1 4 YU AZ Displays, Inc. Page 05 6 BLOCK DI AGRAM & POWER SUP From MPU PL Y FLM /RD /WR /CS A0 DB0~7 /RESET Controller SED1335 LP, M, /DISPOFF COM. Driver LCD Panel 240 320 x 240 Dots 320 SRAM (32K) SEG. Driver CP,D0~D3 DO DI SCK CS INT TOUCH PANEL CONTROLLER ADS7843 X+ Y+ XY- XY+ X+ Y- 1 2 3 CN3 4 VDD 5V LCD Driving Bias Circuit VSS VO DC/DC converter -20V VEE With DC/DC converter AZ Displays, Inc. Page 06 7 PI N CONNECTI ONS CN2 : SED1335 Controll er PI N NO. SI G NAL LEVEL F UNCT ION 1 /RESET H/L Reset Signal 2 /R D H/L 80 Series: R ead Signal 68 Series: Enable S ignal(E ) 3 /W R H/L 80 Series: Write Signal 68 Series: R/W Signal /CS H/L Chip Select Signal H/L Data Type Selection Data Input(8 bits) 4 5 A0 6 ~ 13 DB 0~DB 7 H/L 14 VDD - Power Supply for L ogic(+5.0V) 15 VSS - Power Supply(Ground : 0V) 16 VEE - With DC/DC Neg ative voltage output (-20V) - ContrastAdjustmentInput 17 VO - Serial Clock Touch Panel L eft Signal in X Ax is Data Output Touch Panel Right Signal in X Ax is Data In Touch Panel Upper Signal in Y Ax is Chip Select Touch Panel L ower Signal in X Ax is Interrupt - No connection 18* SK / X1 - 19* DO / X2 - 20* D I / Y1 - 21* CS - 22* I 23~24 / Y2 NT NC 18~22 : SK, DO, DI, CS, INT for Touch Panel controller TSC2046 / X1, X2, Y1, Y2 for Touch Panel (withoutTSC2046) JP3 short for Bezel connected to GND. AZ Displays, Inc. Page 07 8 TI MI NG CHARAC TERI STI CS 8.1 8080 Family Interface Timing Parameter Condition Symbol Min Max Address Hold Time tAH8 10 Address SetupTime tAW 8 0 System C ycle Time tCYC Note Strobe Pulse Width C L =100 pF tOC 150 VDD=2.7~4.5 Data SetupTime tDS8 120 Data Hold Time tDH8 5 /RD Ac cess Time tACC8 80 Output DisableTime tOH8 10 55 Note: F or memory control and system control commands: Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Remark A0,/CS /WR,/ R D DB 0~DB 7 t CY C8=2tC+tOC+tCEA+75 > tACV +245 F or all other commands: tCYC8=4tC+tOC+30 A0,/CS /WR,/ R D DB 0~DB 7 (W rite) DB 0~DB 7 (R ead) AZ Displays, Inc. Page 08 AZ Displays, Inc. Page 09 9 I NSTRUCTI ON SET Co de Cl ass Co mmand Hex /RD /WR A0 SYST EM System SET Control SL E E P IN D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 Co mmand Descr iption 40 Initialized Device and display 8 8.2.1 53 E nter Standby mode 0 8.2.2 1 8. 3.1 10 8. 3.2 2 8.3.3 58, E nable and disable display and 59 display flashing set Di splay start address and 44 display regions DI SP ON/OFF 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 D SCR OL L 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 CSR FOR M 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5D Set cursor byte CG RA M Di splay AD DR . Control 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 5C CS RD IR 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 HDOT SCR 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 OV L AY 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 CSRW 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 CSR R 1 0 1 0 1 0 MWR IT E 1 0 1 0 1 MR E AD 1 0 1 0 1 Drawing Control Memory Control Co mmand r ead par ameters Number of Section byters Set start address of character generator R AM 2 8. 3.6 4C Set direction of cursor to movement 4F 0 8. 3.4 CD 1 CD 0 1 0 5A set horizontal scroll position 1 8.3.7 0 1 1 5B set display overlay format 1 8.3.5 0 1 1 0 46 set cursor address 2 8.4.1 0 0 1 1 1 47 read cursor address 2 8.4.2 0 0 0 0 1 0 42 write to display memory - 8.5.1 0 0 0 0 1 1 43 read from display memory - 8.5.2 1 Note: 1. In general, the internal registers of the SE D1335F are modified as each command parameter is input. However, the microprocessor does not have to setall the parameters of a command and may send a new command bef ore all parameters have been input. The internal registers for the parameters that have been input will have been changed but the remaining parameter registers are unchanged. 2 bytes parameters( where two bytes are treated as 1 data item) are handled as following: a. CSR W, C SRR : Each b yte is processed individually. The microprocessor may read or write just the low byte of the cursor address. b. SY STEM SET , SCRO L L , CG RA M A DR . : B oth parameter bytes are processed togethe r. If the command is changed after half of the parameter has been input, th e single byte is ignored. 2. AP L and APH are 2-byte parameters, butare treated as two 1-byte parameters. 3. Please refer to SED133 5F L C D Controller Data B ook for detail. AZ Displays, Inc. Page 10 POWER ON SEQUENCE VDD 0~50 ms VSS T ≧0 ms Signal VSS VO T ≧50 ms VSS T ≧50 ms T ≧2 0 ms /DISPOFF VSS POWER OFF SEQUENCE VDD T ≧50 ms 0 ~ 50 ms VSS Signal VSS T ≧50 ms VSS VSS AZ Displays, Inc. VO /DISPOFF Page 11 10 JUMPER SETTIN Ite m G Option MPU Jum per Setting 80 family (default) Pin 1,2 short on JP6 68 family Pin 2,3 short on JP6 Re mark 11 QUALI T Y AND RELI ABILI T Y 11.1 TEST CONDITIONS T ests should be conductedunder the following conditions : Ambient temperature : 25 ± 5°C H umidity : 60 ± 25% RH. 11.2 SAMPLING PLAN Sampling method shall be in accordance with MIL -STD-105E , l evel II , normal single sampling plan . 11.3 ACCEPT ABLE QU ALITY LE VEL A major defect is defined as one that could cause failure to or materially reduce the usability of the unit for i ts intended purpose. A minor defect is one that does not materially reduce the usability of the unit for its intended purpose or is an infringement from established standards and has no significant bearing on its effective use or operation. 11.4 APPEARANCE An appearance test should be conducted by human sight at approximately 30 cm distance from theL CD module under flourescentlight. The inspection area of L CD panel shall be within therange of following limits. AZ Displays, Inc. Page 12 11.5 INSPECTION QUALITY CRITERIA Ite m Function Dimension Black spots Black lines Bubbles in polarizer Color uniformity Glass Scratches Contrast ratio Response time Viewing angle Description of defects Short circuit or Pattern cut Deviation from drawings Ave . dia . D area A area B Disregard D 0.2 3 4 0.2<D 0.3 2 3 0.3<D 0.4 0.4<D 0 1 Width W, Length L A B disregard W 0.03 3 4 0.03<W 0.05 1 1 0.05<W 0.07 , L 3.0 See line criteria Average diameter D 0.2 < D < 0.5 mm for N = 4 , D > 0.5 for N = 1 Rainbow color or newton ring. Class of Defects Major Major Minor Ac ceptable level (% ) 0.65 1.5 2.5 Minor 2.5 Minor 2.5 Minor 2.5 Obvious visible damage. Minor 2.5 See note 1 Minor 2.5 See note 2 Minor 2.5 See note 3 Minor 2.5 Area A active area Area B view area AZ Displays, Inc. Page 13 11.6 RELIABILITY Test Ite m Test Conditions Note Extended Temp. type High Temperature Operation 70 3 C , t=96 hrs Low Temperature Operation -20 3 C , t=96 hrs High Temperature Storage 80 3 C , t=96 hrs 1,2 Low Temperature Storage -30 3 C , t=96 hrs -30 C ~ 25 C ~ 80 C 30 m in. 5 min. 30 min. Total 5 cycle 1,2 Temperature Cycle Humidity Test ( 1 cycle ) 1,2 40 C, Humidity 90%, 96 hrs Sweep frequency : 10 ~ 55 ~ 10 Hz/1min Amplitude : 0.75mm Vibration Test (Packing) Test direction : X.Y.Z/3 axis Duration : 30min/each axis Note 1 : Condensation of water is not permitted on the module. 1,2 2 Note 2 : The module should be inspected after 1 hour storage in normal conditions (15-35°C , 45-65%RH). Definitions of life end point : Current drain should be smaller than the specific value. Function of the module should be maintained. Appearance and display quality should not have degraded noticeably. Contrast ratio should be greater than 50% of the initial value. AZ Displays, Inc. Page 14 12 HANDLI NG PRECAUTI ONS (1) A LCD module is a fragile item and should not be subjected to strong mechanical shocks. (2) Avoid applying pressure to the module surface. This will distort the glass and cause a change in color. (3) Under no circumstances should the position of the bezel tabs or their shape be modified. (4) Do not modify the display PCB in either shape or positioning of components. (5) Do not modify or move location of the zebra or heat seal connectors. (6) The device should only be soldered to during interfacing. Modification to other areas of the board should not be carried out. (7) In the event of LCD breakage and resultant leakage of fluid do not inhale, ingest or make contact with the skin. If contact is made rinse immediately. (8) When cleaning the module use a soft damp cloth with a mild solvent, such as Isopropyl or Ethyl alcohol. The use of water, ketone or aromatic is not permitted. (9) Prior to initial power up input signals should not be applied. (10) Protect the module against static electricity and observe appropriate anti-static precautions. AZ Displays, Inc. Page 15 AZ Displays, Inc. AGM3224L AZ Displays, Inc. 13 OUTLI NE DI MEN SI ON Page 16