date 02/12/2013 page 1 of 7 SERIES: AMT203 │ DESCRIPTION: MODULAR ENCODER FEATURES • • • • • • • • • 12 bit (4,096 positions) SPI communication small size 37mm incremental line count up to 1,024 single pulse index capacitive ASIC technology modular locking hub design for ease of installation SPI adjustable settings ’One Touch’ zero position ELECTRICAL parameter conditions/description power supply current consumption with unloaded outputs quadrature resolution 96, 192, 200, 250, 400, 500, 512, 1024 incremental output signals quadrature A, B signals and index Z incremental output waveform TTL voltage square wave output current sink/source SPI output natural binary SPI bus PIC 16F690 (see datasheet) min typ max units 4.5 5 5.5 V 8 10 mA PPR 2 mA SPI resolution 12 bit position accuracy 0.2 deg max units 8,000 RPM max units 125 °C 85 % 5 G 200 G 1. All resolutions stated are before quadrature decoding. (example: 1000 ppr x 4 = 4000 counts) MECHANICAL parameter conditions/description min typ max. rotational speed mounting options A) 2 each M1.6 on 16 mm (0.63”) bolt circle B) 2 each #4 on 19.05 mm (0.75”) bolt circle C) 2 each M1.6 or M2 on 20 mm (0.787”) bolt circle D) 3 each M1.6 or M2 on 20.9 mm (0.823”) bolt circle with washers in option B holes E) 3 each M1.6 or M2 on 22 mm (0.866”) bolt circle F) 4 each M1.6 or M2 on 25.4 mm (1”) bolt circle ENVIRONMENTAL parameter conditions/description min operating temperature -40 humidity non-condensing vibration 10 ~ 500 Hz, 5 min sweep, 2 hour each XYZ shock 3 pulses, 6 ms, 3 each XYZ typ CUI Inc │ SERIES: AMT203 │ DESCRIPTION: MODULAR ENCODER date 02/12/2013 │ page 2 of 7 PART NUMBER KEY The AMT203 is designed for 12 bit binary (4,096) operation. For customers who may use the optional quadrature output, one of the resolutions below may be selected as the default quadrature output. AMT203XXXX - XXXX - X Base Number Resolution(ppr): 0096 0192 0200 0250 0400 0500 0512 1024 Sleeve Bore Diameter: 2000 = 2 mm 3000 = 3 mm 3175 = 3.175 mm (1/8”) 4000 = 4 mm 4760 = 4.76 mm (3/16”) 5000 = 5 mm 6000 = 6 mm 6350 = 6.35 mm (1/4”) 8000 = 8 mm Options: “blank” = standard connector C = locking connector D = conformal coating with standard connector E = conformal coating with locking connector AMT203-V KIT In order to provide maximum flexibility for our customers, the AMT203 series is provided in kit form standard. This allows the user to implement the encoder into a range of applications using one sku#, reducing engineering and inventory costs. SLEEVES 8mm 1/4 inch (6.35mm) 6mm 5mm 3/16 inch (4.76mm) 4mm 1/8 inch (3.175mm) 3mm 2mm Blue Snow Red1 Green1 Yellow1 Gray60 Purple1 Orange Light Sky Blue TOOL A BASE TOOL C TOP COVER SHAFT ADAPTER CUI Inc │ SERIES: AMT203 │ DESCRIPTION: MODULAR ENCODER date 02/12/2013 │ page 3 of 7 ENCODER INTERFACE Standard Connector Option Locking Connector Option PINOUT CONNECTOR 1 FUNCTION # SPI 14 T_Bit 13 N/A 12 X 11 N/A 10 A 9 N/A 8 B 7 MOSI 6 5 V+ 5 SCK 4 GND 3 MISO 2 CSB 1 N/A Mating Connector: Samtec ISDF-07-D B 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 DETAIL B SCALE 4 : 1 B 13 11 9 Mating Connector: Samtec ISDF-07-D-L 7 5 3 1 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Demo Board Side Encoder Side 1' 0.25" (304.8) Samtec ISDF-07-D DETAIL B SCALE 4 : 1 Demo Board Cable (Cable available without Demo Board Connector) 28 AWG 10 conductor 1.27 mm pitch CUI Inc │ SERIES: AMT203 │ DESCRIPTION: MODULAR ENCODER date 02/12/2013 │ page 4 of 7 MECHANICAL DRAWING 10.34 0.407 R15.49 0.610 15.30 0.602 15.33 0.604 37.39 1.472 28.58 1.125 10.93 0.430 A (3 PLCS) 22.00 0.866 2.00 0.079 (4 PLCS) 21.45 0.844 R2.10 0.083 12.60 0.496 19.05 0.750 2.95 0.116 (2 PLCS) TOLERANCE: ±0.05mm UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1.70 0.067 (2 PLCS) 0.55 RoHS 20.90 0.823 DETAIL A SCALE 4 : 1 25.48 1.003 16.00 0.630 5.30mm 18.60mm AMT203 ABS WWYY US Patent No. 6892590 SCALE 5:1 R1.20mm CUI Inc │ SERIES: AMT203 │ DESCRIPTION: MODULAR ENCODER date 02/12/2013 │ page 5 of 7 APPLICATION NOTES Encoder operational mode • Initialization mode: At power up the encoder goes through an initiation and stabilization procedure. This includes microprocessor stabilization and the program for combining Coarse and Fine channel of the encoder for getting the absolute start position. This takes less than 0.1 seconds. • Tracking mode: Only the Fine channel is active and the MCU internal position register is updated with data from Fine: – MCU 12 bit position register is updated from Fine every 48 μs. – For accurate position update without above time delay, outputs for incremental A quad B or Count and Up/Dwn from the Fine channel are provided. These outputs are operational up to 8000 RPM and there is no speed error. There is an acceleration error dependent on an internal filter constant of about 100 μs. – When using the incremental output there also is an Index output available, with one index pulse per turn. Serial Peripheral Interface Commands The SPI or Serial Peripheral Interface Bus is a standard interface promoted by Motorola and Microchip among others. It consists of 4 signals: MOSI: Master Out Slave In MISO: Master In Slave Out SCK: Serial Clock CSB: Chip Select (active low) SPI BUS The SPI bus runs full duplex and transfers multiples of 8 bits in a frame. The SPI type is the most common (CPOL=0, CPHA=0), also known as Microwire. Data is captured on the rising edge of SCK and the output data is changed after the falling edge of SCK. MISO LSB MSB SCK MOSI CSB LSB MSB Terminology MSB = most significant byte LSB = least significant byte msb = most significant bit lsb = least significant bit Setup Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI) on AMT203 Figure 7: SPI BUS Timing Diagram The msb data out on MISO is valid soon after CSB goes low. The MOSI data is valid soon after the falling edge of SCK. The Encoder drives data out on MISO as long as CSB is low. Normally, CSB goes low, then after 8 clocks the command is interpreted. CSB high resets the clock counter, and terminates any command sequence. CUI Inc │ SERIES: AMT203 │ DESCRIPTION: MODULAR ENCODER date 02/12/2013 │ page 6 of 7 SPI Commands: The commands are all 8 bits long, the msb is shifted in first, and is the leftmost bit shown in Figure 7. Encoder Protocol Considerations: The Encoder is designed to operate with a high speed SPI link, in full duplex mode. This implies the host can issue commands and read data as quickly as necessary but there has to be an acknowledgement from the slave just before the data is transferred. Essentially the host issues a command, receives zero or more wait sequences (0xA5 or 1010,0101) then the echo of the command followed by an optional payload. So, for example to read the position, the host issues rd_pos (0x10 or 0001,0000), receiving a series of wait sequences (0xA5) then a reflected rd_pos (0x10), then the MSB data followed by the LSB data. It is recommended that the host leave a 20 us gap between reads to avoid extending the read time by forcing wait sequences. Command 0x00: nop_a5 This command is ignored by the Encoder and simply causes the next data to be read. The encoder responds with 0xA5 if there is nothing else to send. Command 0x10: rd_pos This command causes a read of the current position. The sequence is as follows: 1) issue read command, receive idle character 2) issue NOP, receive idle character 0xA5 or 0x10 3) repeat step 2 if it is 0xA5 4) issue NOP and receive MSB position (4 bits valid data) 5) issue NOP and receive LSB position (8 bits valid data) Note that it is possible to overlap commands, so instead of NOP is several steps above the user could start another operation. The read and write FIFOs for the PCI streams are 16 bytes long and it is up to the user to avoid overflow. Command 0x70: set_zero_point This command sets the current position to zero and saves this setting in the EEPROM. The host should send nop_a5 repeatedly after sending this command, the response will be 0xa5 while update is proceeding and 0x80 is the response when update is finished. CUI Inc │ SERIES: AMT203 │ DESCRIPTION: MODULAR ENCODER date 02/12/2013 │ page 7 of 7 REVISION HISTORY rev. description date 1.0 initial release 05/01/2010 1.01 updated pin-out 10/01/2010 1.02 updated application note 01/01/2011 1.03 updated SPI commands 09/16/2011 1.04 addition of shock and incremental output current data, correction of vibration data, updated part number key 09/30/2011 1.05 updated Part Number Key 03/09/2012 1.06 updated tools 07/13/2012 1.07 added locking connector drawing 02/12/2013 The revision history provided is for informational purposes only and is believed to be accurate. Headquarters 20050 SW 112th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 800.275.4899 Fax 503.612.2383 CUI offers a one (1) year limited warranty. Complete warranty information is listed on our website. CUI reserves the right to make changes to the product at any time without notice. Information provided by CUI is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by CUI for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. CUI products are not authorized or warranted for use as critical components in equipment that requires an extremely high level of reliability. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.