MOTOROLA Current Information @ SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC92305 Product Preview 16/32/64/128/256 QAM RECEIVER AND REED-SOLOMON DECODER The MC92305 is a high performance digital demodulator/decoder optimized for demodulation and block error correction of QAM signals used in Digital Video Broadcast by Cable (DVB-C) and DAVIC 1.0 compliant applications. AGCOUT RESETB ADCLKOUT I&Q[9:0] VCOOUT IQSWAP CTLOUT ADCLKIN DMODLOCK SYMFE MSSLOCK SDATA DOUT[7:0] SCLK Feature Summary • • • • • • • • • • • • BITCLK FRAME_SYNCH FRAME_ERR FRAME_START Single A/D IF interface Maximum signaling rate of 7Mbaud (42Mbits/sec for 64 QAM and 56Mbits/sec for 256 QAM) DVB compliant QAM Coherent Demodulator Transversal/Decision Feedback adaptive equalizer No external components or control required Micro-reflection cancellation up to 1.4µs Nyquist baseband filtering (α=0.15) 1-bit Σ∆ control outputs for AGC, VCO and optional external NCO Programmable De-Interleaving For MPEG Transport Packets DVB Compliant (204,188,16) Reed Solomon Decoding DVB Compliant PRBS Descrambling 0.5 micron CMOS, 3.3V technology I2C Interface for control/monitoring of system 10 I &Q SYMFE RESETB IN_FMT ADCLKOUT CTLOUT VCOOUT AGCOUT MSSLOCK DMODLOCK ADCLKIN DO_VAL IN_FMT Ordering Information Device Package MC92305CD 80QFP FRAME_SYNCH Symbol To Byte Mapping 8 PRBS Descrambler Synch Word Synchronization 16/32/64/128/256 QAM DEMOD. Reed-Solomon Decoder RAM Programmable De-Interleaver FRAME_START FRAME_ERR DO_VAL I2C Interface APLL DOUT SCLK SDATA BITCLK Figure 1. MC92305 Block Diagram This document contains information on a product under development. Motorola reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice. MOTOROLA, INC. 1997 4/9/97 Demodulator Interface De-Interleaving The MC92305 is interfaced to a single 8-bit (10-bit for 256 QAM) A/D converter which is clocked at 4 times the symbol rate (4Rs). A pin-programmable input format selector allows the use of A/D converters which produce output samples in either offset binary or 2's complement format. After synchronization with the MPEG framing structure the data stream is convolutionally de-interleaved. To obtain the maximum data throughput (i.e. minimum latency) under various channel SNR's the de-interleaver can be programmed. The demodulator function performs all required signal processing to extract the I and Q symbols from the received data stream. Fully internal digital clock recovery/ synchronization, Nyquist filtering and LTE/DFE adaptive equalization are employed to recover symbol information in the presence of channel noise and micro-reflections. The equalizer is able to converge with random received data and no special training sequence is required. Single-bit (Sigma-Delta converted) outputs are provided for automatic gain control (AGC) and A/D voltage controlled oscillator(VCO) feedback functions within the external IF circuitry. The demodulator carrier tracking loop is capable of locking to signals which contain moderate frequency offsets (0.06Rs) from the specified IF frequencies. The carrier tracking loop is normally closed digitally, using an internal numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) but a single bit control output is also provided for closing the loop through an external VCO. External signals indicate when the demodulator has successfully acquired the data stream and recovered the data clock (MSSLOCK), and when the received symbols are consistently below a programmable error threshold (DMODLOCK). Symbol To Byte Mapping The received symbols are mapped into bytes according to the DVB/Davic 1.0 specifications. An internal I2C register can be used to select an alternative de-coding scheme which is specified as a mask programmable option. Sync Word Synchronization. After demodulation of the received data, the byte stream is examined for MPEG synchronization (inverted and non-inverted) bytes and when the number detected exceeds programmable thresholds, the received byte stream is recognized as valid MPEG data. FRAME_SYNCH is asserted when the programmed number of synchronization bytes have been recognized. FRAME_START is asserted for one byte width at the start of each MPEG frame. MOTOROLA 2 Table 1 describes the usable parameter settings with varying delay (latency) and burst (error correction). N is the block size in bytes, DEPTH is the number of paths in the de-interleaver and INC is the increment (in bytes) in which data is moved through the de-interleaver paths. DELAY is defined as the latency (in bytes) in the de-interleaver (after frame synchronization has been achieved) and BURST is defined as the maximum number of bytes that can be affected by bursty noise before more than eight bytes are corrupted in a de-interleaved MPEG frame. Minimum burst error correction of 8 bytes is guaranteed by the Reed Solomon decoder. Table 1. De-Interleaver Configurations N Depth Inc Delay Burst 1 1 1 0 8 204 4 51 612 30 204 6 34 1020 44 102 17 6 1632 54 204 12 17 2244 86 The operation of the de-interleaver is software configurable via the I2C interface during system operation. Reed Solomon Decoding The Reed Solomon decoder block implements a shortened Reed-Solomon decoder with field generator polynomial X8 + X4 + X3 + X2 + 1 as per the DVB specification. The decoder is able to correct up to 8 byte errors in each received packet. Following error correction the Reed Solomon decoder outputs the MPEG packets and asserts the DO_VAL output for each byte output (50% duty cycle per byte). If the error correcting ability of the Reed Solomon decoder is exceeded (more than 8 byte errors in a single packet), the original, uncorrected, data is output and the DO_VAL output is not asserted. The FRAME_ERR signal is asserted for the duration of the uncorrected MPEG frame. MC92305 Rev.1.1 PRBS Descrambling The error corrected data from the Reed Solomon decoder is de-randomized using a PRBS generator with polynomial 1 + X14 + X15. The PRBS generator is initialized every 8 MPEG transport packets with the value 100101010000000 as per the DVB specification. I2C Interface In accordance with the I2C specification, the I2C master (host microprocessor) initiates all data transfers to and from the demodulator and provides the I2C clock. Data is always transferred one byte at a time, MSB first, and the receiver must acknowledge each byte by pulling the data line low during the cycle following the LSB (acknowledge cycle). The demodulator interprets the byte following its slave address as an 8-bit sub-address which selects a particular register to be written to or read from. The I2C data pin is bidirectional and is driven by an open-drain output in the MC92305. External pull-up resistors are required to implement the wired-AND function on each of these signals, per the I2C bus specification. Σ∆ Interfaces The single-bit outputs which interface to analog circuits are VCOOUT, AGCOUT and CTLOUT. These are the loop filter outputs for the MSS symbol sync, AGC and Carrier Tracking Loop, respectively. The digital sigma-delta converters which drive these outputs have programmable output sampling rates up to a maximum of 4.0Rs. The bandwidths of each of these loops and the output sampling rates of the loops (input sampling rates of the sigma-delta converters) are programmable. The sigma-delta output sampling rates should be commensurate with the loop bandwidths and loop output sampling rates selected. Software-Configurable Items The command interfaces can address a variety of internal registers to configure most critical demodulator and decoder parameters. These include: all loop bandwidths, equalizer tap values and equalizer control (load taps and adapt, load taps and freeze, adapt without loading and freeze without loading), the filter coefficients of the receive lowpass filter, the lock detector thresholds for MSS lock and Carrier lock, the center tap fixed gain adjustment, the NCO frequency preset, software reset (which performs the same function as the hardware power-on reset), upper and lower limits on the NCO frequency and, input and output sampling rates of each digital sigma-delta converter. Software-Readable Items All of the software-configurable registers are also readable. This is intended to allow the host to interrogate the demodulator prior to changing parameters. There are also a number of demodulator registers which are read-only and are intended to provide useful demodulator status information to the host for monitoring and debugging purposes. These include: NCO frequency (which provides an indirect measurement of the frequency error in the channel tuner and modem local oscillators), AGC control value (an indicator of received signal power), constellation variance (an indicator of received energy per symbol to noise power spectral density) Es/No, (used in generating the carrier lock detect signal) and, MSS control value (which provides an indirect measurement of baud rate error and is used in generating the MSS lock detect signal). Pin-Programmable Interfaces A variety of functions are selectable by hard-wiring MC92305 pins to VDD or VSS, rather than via the I2C interface. These fall in the category of functions which will seldom be changed once a particular application circuit is debugged and functioning correctly. The pin programmable features are: • • • • IQSWAP - Swap internal I and Q data paths IN_FMT - Specify A/D output data format (two’s complement or offset binary) SYM_FE - specify which edge of the output symbol clock is to be aligned with the symbols. TSTMODE - Used during production testing of the device but can also be used to disable and bypass certain of the functions in the MC92305. MC92307 Rev.1.1 MOTOROLA 3 Pin Description Table 2. MC92305 Pin Description SIGNAL Type FUNCTIONALITY RESETB Input Power On Reset I[9:0] & Q[9:0] Input IF I & Q Symbol Input ADCLKIN Input Input Clock (4Rs) IN_FMT Input Input Format Selection IQSWAP Input Interchanges I and Q SYMFE Input Data to Clock Edge Relationship Control BITCLK Output Data Output Clock AGCOUT, VCOOUT, CTLOUT Output AGC, MSS and Carrier Tracking Loop Control ADCLKOUT Output A/D Clock Output (4Rs) DMODLOCK Output Carrier and Equalizer Lock Detection MSSLOCK Output Carrier Lock Detection SCLK Output Symbol Clock Output DOUT[7:0] Output Decoded Output Data DO_VAL Output Data Output Valid FRAME_START Output MPEG Frame Start Indicator FRAME_SYNCH Output MPEG Frame Synchronizer Lock Detection FRAME_ERR Output Uncorrected Reed Solomon Errors Indicator SDATA I/O Data Bus of I2C-interface SCLK I/O Clock Line of I2C-interface Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary overtime. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and b are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. How to reach us: USA/EUROPE/Locations Not Listed: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 20912; Phoenix, Arizona 85036. 1-800-441-2447 or 602-303-5454 JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.; Tatsumi-SPD-JLDC, 6F Seibu-Butsuryu-Center, 3-14-2 Tatsumi Koto-Ku, Tokyo 135, Japan. 03-81-3521-8315 MFAX: [email protected] -TOUCHTONE (602) 244-6609 INTERNET: ASIA/PACIFIC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; 8B Tai Ping Industrial Park, 51 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. 852-26629298 MOTOROLA 4 MC92305 Rev.1.1