MAX34451 Evaluation Kit General Description The MAX34451 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides the hardware and software graphical-user interface (GUI) necessary to evaluate the MAX34451 PMBus™ 16-channel V/I monitor and 12-channel sequencer/marginer. The EV kit includes a MAX34451 installed as well as four power supplies that can be sequenced, monitored, and margined by the device. EV Kit Contents ● Assembled Circuit Board Including MAX34451 ● Mini USB Cable Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet. MAX34451 EV Kit Photo Windows and Windows XP are registered trademarks and registered service marks of Microsoft Corporation. PMBus is a trademark of SMIF, Inc. 19-6695; Rev 0; 5/13 Evaluates: MAX34451 Features ● Easy Evaluation of the MAX34451 ● Four Power-Supply Channels ● One Current-Sense Amplifier ● EV Kit Hardware is USB Powered (USB Cable Included) ● USB HID interface ● Windows XP®- and Windows® 7-Compatible Software ● RoHS Compliant ● Proven PCB Layout ● Fully Assembled and Tested MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Component List DESIGNATION QTY DESIGNATION QTY B1 1 Black banana jack (GND) R3A–R3D 4 49.9Ω ±1% resistors (0805) C01, C05, C211 3 1µF, X7R ceramic capacitors (0805) R4A–R4D 4 267Ω ±1% resistors (0805) R5A–R5D 4 1kΩ ±1% resistors (0805) 7 0.1µF, X7R ceramic capacitors (0805) 0 0 Do not populate, ceramic capacitors (0805) R20–R35, R40–R51, R116–R118, R132, R134, R162, R215, R216 Do not populate, resistors (0805) C0A–C0D, C2A–C2D, C160, C162, C165, C201, C202, C204 R60–R67, R100, R130, R131, R210 12 4.7kΩ ±1% resistors (0805) 14 10µF, X5R ceramic capacitors (0805) R68–R75 R111, R161, R164, R207 12 10kΩ ±1% resistors (0805) C163 0 Do not populate, 470µF aluminum capacitor R104, R113, R115, R124, R211, R212 6 330Ω ±1% resistors (0805) C1A–C1D, C04, C60–C67, C161, C164, C203, C214 17 0.01µF, X7R ceramic capacitors (0805) R105, R106, R213 3 2.2kΩ ±1% resistors (0805) R160, R163, R206 3 45.3kΩ ±1% resistors (0805) R165 1 0.1Ω ±1% resistor (0805) R203, R205 2 560Ω ±1% resistors (0805) S1, S2 2 SPDT slide switches S3 1 Single-pole pushbutton switch S4 1 8-pole DIP switch C02, C03, C07–C10, C212 C06, C11, C20–C35, C215 DESCRIPTION C213 1 220nF, X7R ceramic capacitor (0805) D1, D5, D22 3 Schottky diodes D2–D4, D7 4 Red LEDs (1206) D20, D21 2 Red/green dual LEDs DA–DD 4 Green LEDs (1206) J1, J15 2 2-pin headers, 2.54mm pitch J2, J22 2 4-pin headers, 2.54mm pitch J3–J6 4 3-pin headers, 2.54mm pitch J7, J8 2 10-pin (2 x 5) headers, 2.54mm pitch J9–J14, J21 0 Do not populate, headers J20 1 5-pin female Mini-USB J23 1 8-pin (2 x 4) header, 2.54mm pitch R0–R17, R36, R37, R102, R107, R108, R119, R201, R202, R214 27 0Ω ±1% resistors (0805) R0A–R0D, R80–R91, R101, R103, R109, R110, R112, R114, R123, R133, R135, R204 26 R1A–R1D R2A–R2D DESCRIPTION S5–S7 3 4-pole DIP switches TP15, TP17–TP25, TP27–TP42 26 White test points TP2–TP6, TP9–TP11 8 Black test points TP1 1 Red test point TP7, TP44 2 Orange test points TP8, TP43 2 Yellow test points U1 1 PMBus 16-channel V/I monitor and 12-channel sequencer/ marginer (56 TQFN-EP*) Maxim MAX34451ETN+ U1A–U1D, U4, U5, U22 7 500mA LDO regulators (8 TDFN-EP*) Maxim MAX8902BATA+ 100kΩ ±1% resistors (0805) U2 1 Digital temperature sensor (8 SO,150mil) Maxim DS75LVS+ 4 8.66kΩ ±1% resistors (0805) 4 3.09kΩ ±1% resistors (0805) U3 1 25V/V precision current-sense amplifier (SOT23) Maxim MAX9938TEUK+ Maxim Integrated │ 2 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Component List (continued) DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION U20 1 Microcontroller (28 SO) Microchip PIC18LF2550-I/SO U21 1 50mA to 600mA current-limit switch (6 SOT23) Maxim MAX4995AAUT+ *EP = Exposed pad. MAX34451 EV Kit Files FILE MAX34451EVKitSoftwareInstall.EXE DESCRIPTION Application program Note: The .EXE file is downloaded as a .ZIP file. Quick Start Required Equipment ● MAX34451 EV kit hardware ● Windows XP or Windows 7 PC ● USB port ● Mini-USB cable (included) Note: In the following sections, software-related items are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items directly from the install or EV kit software. Text in bold and underlined refers to items from the Windows operating system. Procedure The EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation: 1) Ensure that jumpers/shunts on J23 and J1 are installed. Note: The GND planes of the USB I2C dongle and the EV kit are not connected. The GND jumper on J23 must be connected for proper communication. 2) Ensure that the 4-pole DIP switches RS (S5), PSEN (S6), and PWM (S7) are in the on position. 3) Set the EV kit hardware on a nonconductive surface to ensure that nothing on the PCB gets shorted together. 4) Prior to starting the GUI, connect the EV kit hardware to a PC using the supplied Mini-USB cable, or equivalent. The power LED (D20) should be green and the com LED (D21) should be red and slowly flash orange. 5) Windows should automatically begin installing the necessary device driver. The USB interface of the EV kit hardware is configured as an HID device and therefore does not require a unique/custom device driver. Once the driver installation is complete, a DESIGNATION QTY DESCRIPTION X1 1 48MHz, 3.3V oscillator (SMD) AVX KC3225A48.0000C30E00 — 9 Jumpers/shunts — 1 Mini-USB cable — 1 PCB: MAX34451 EV Kit Windows message appears near the System Icon menu, indicating that the hardware is ready to use. Do not attempt to run the GUI prior to this message. If you do, you must close the application and restart it once the driver installation is complete. On some versions of Windows, administrator privileges may be required to install the USB device. 6) Once the device driver installation is complete, visit to download the latest version of the EV kit software, MAX34451EVKitSoftwareInstall.ZIP. Save the EV kit software to a temporary folder. 7) Open the .ZIP file and double-click the .EXE file to run the installer. A message box stating: The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software? may appear. If so, click Yes. 8) The installer GUI appears. Click Next and then Install. Once complete, click Close. 9)Go to Start | All Programs. Look for the MAX34451EVKitSoftware folder and click on the MAX34451EVKitSoftware.EXE inside the folder. 10)When the GUI appears, the text to the left of the Maxim logo should display EV Kit Hardware Connected. The com LED (D21) on the EV kit board should turn green. Detailed Description of Software Software Startup If the MAX34451 EV kit is connected when the software is opened, the software first initializes the hardware to communicate. The software then searches for all slave addresses on the I2C bus and connects to the first valid slave address. The GUI displays EV Kit Hardware Connected to the left of the Maxim logo. If the EV kit is not connected on software startup, then the GUI populates with default EV kit values. Once the EV kit is connected, the GUI executes the sequence above. Maxim Integrated │ 3 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Menu and Status Bar The File menu item contains Save, Load, and Exit options. To save the current GUI configuration, click Save Project As. This saves the device name, pin names, and the RAM CRC to an XML file and saves PMBus configurations to a HEX file. If a device is connected, this reads and saves data directly from the device; otherwise, it saves the configuration that is currently displayed on the GUI. The STORE_DEAULT_ALL (11h) command is appended to the end of the HEX file so that the configuration is saved to the main flash when the HEX file is loaded. Load Project updates the GUI with the XML file, writes the HEX file to the device, performs a STORE_DEFAULT_ALL (11h), and then reads current values from the device. The RAM CRC and main flash CRC are then read and compared to the CRC saved in the XML file. If a device is not connected, the HEX file is written to a virtual device. The HEX file only contains data for the PMBus commands that are stored in flash. Create Report saves a CSV file that contains all the configuration tables. The Connection menu item allows the user to connect to a desired device. Find Slave Addresses searches for all slave addresses connected to the I2C bus. To select a device, click Device1 Slave Address and all the slave addresses found are shown and are selectable. Slave addresses 18h and 34h are not selectable to prevent communicating with the alert response address and factory-programmed address. If multiple devices are connected, then the number of devices to read/write is selected with the Number of Devices option. The Auto Polling menu item allows the user to set the automatic polling rate. Select the delay between reads by choosing 300ms, 600ms, 800ms, 1000ms, 1500ms, or 2000ms. Press the Auto Polling On button in the status bar to start the polling. Each poll reads the Power Status (STATUS_WORD 79h), Fault Status (STATUS_WORD 79h), and the polled values for the Data Log Graph tab. The Status and Margining tabs are only polled if the tab is currently selected. If multiple devices are being polled, then selected polling rate options can be disabled to account for the longer time it takes to read all devices. To stop polling, press the Auto Polling Off button on the status bar. Polling automatically stops if items in the File menu or Connection menu are selected. Polling also stops if any buttons that involve action with the NV fault log or flash are pressed. Evaluates: MAX34451 The GUI Lock menu item allows the user to safely browse a configuration by preventing all controls from writing to registers. The Clear Faults button in the status bar sends the CLEAR_FAULTS (03h) command to clear any faults or warnings. To turn the power supplies on or off, select the Power On/Power Off button, which writes a value to the OPERATION (01h) command. The supplies power on with margining off and power off based on the Power Down Action drop-down list on the Sequencing tab. Status Log The status log below the tabs displays all the actions that the GUI performs. Whenever a PMBus command is read or written, the action is confirmed by the log. To save the log, press the Save Log button and the text in the box is saved to a .TXT file. The log can also be cleared by pressing the Clear Log button. Sequencing Tab The Sequencing tab sheet (Figure 1) includes all the sequence configuration and delays. All values on the tab are read when the tab is selected. The On/Off Config group box controls write to the ON_OFF_CONFIG (02h) command to set when the power supplies sequence on or off. The power supplies can be turned on with bias, with the CONTROL0/CONTROL1 pin, or with the OPERATION (01h) command by selecting the option on the Turn Power Supplies ON drop-down list. To change the CONTROL0/CONTROL1 pin’s polarity, select the Active Low or Active High radio buttons. The channels can be powered down simultaneously or with a TOFF delay by selecting the option in the Power Down Action drop-down list. To edit the sequencing table, the Output Select on the PSEN/GPO tab must be set to Power Supply Enable (PSEN) and the Input Select on the Monitoring tab must be set to Sequence + Voltage Monitor. The Sequence On Select, PG/GPI Select, and SEQ Match columns read/write to MFR_SEQ_CONFIG (E8h). The PG/GPI Select columns can only be edited if the Sequence On Select for that channel is set to one of the PG/GPI combo options. To edit the SEQ Match column the Sequence On Select for that channel must be set to one the of SEQ Pin Match options. The sequencing delays can be set by writing values to TON Delay (TON_ DELAY 60h), TON Max (TON_MAX_FAULT_LIMIT 62h), TON Seq Max (MFR_TON_SEQ_MAX E6h), and TOFF Delay (TOFF_DELAY 64h). Each channel responds to the FAULT pins selected in the FAULT Pin Response columns that read/write to MFR_FAULT_RESPONSE (D9h). Maxim Integrated │ 4 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 1. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Sequencing Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 5 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Sequencing Graph Tab The Sequencing Graph tab sheet (Figure 2) displays the timing diagrams for all the sequencing channels. To edit a channel’s sequencing timing, the Output Select on the PSEN/GPO tab must be set to Power Supply Enable (PSEN) and the Input Select on the Monitoring tab must be set to Sequence + Voltage Monitor. When the Power Up radio button is selected, the TON Delay (TON_DELAY 60h) and TON Max (TON_MAX_FAULT_LIMIT 62h) values are displayed on the graph. To change TON Delay, click and drag the green vertical bar; to change TON Max, click and drag the red vertical bar. If TON Max is set to 0ms, then this limit is and the red bar are disabled. To set a precise time with the graph, click and hold the green or red vertical bar for a zoomed-in timeline. If a channel is set up to generate a SEQ on the Monitoring tab, a yellow GEN tag is displayed to show which sequence is generated. The Sequence On Select column is read from the Sequencing tab. If this column is set to a SEQ pin match option, a SEQ yellow tag appears at the time location displayed in the Event Tag column. If there is a GEN tag that matches the SEQ tag, the SEQ tag is lined up with the GEN tag to have the same time. If there is not a GEN tag that matches the SEQ tag, the tag can be moved to a location where the user expects this signal to occur by dragging the yellow tag or editing the value in the Event Tag column. If the Sequence On Select is set to a PG/GPI combo option, the PG/GPI Select columns on the Sequencing tab are read to see which channel combination triggers the sequence. If any of these checked channels are set to GPI in the Input Select column on the Monitoring tab, a yellow GPI tag appears at the time location in the Event Tag column, which can be edited. If the checked channels are not set to GPI, a PG yellow tag appears. This PG tag is placed at the last TON Delay to occur in the checked channels. The Power Down graph displays the TOFF Delay (TOFF_DELAY 64h) and can be changed by clicking and dragging the green vertical bar. To view more of the time in the diagram, click and drag the timeline at the bottom, or use the zooming controls in the upper right-hand corner. To change the order of Evaluates: MAX34451 the channels, press the Sort By Time button or the Sort By Device button for multiple devices. When in Sort By Device mode, the channels can be reordered by clicking and dragging the gripper box in the upper left-hand corner of the channel row. The sequencing graph also has the ability to detect circular dependance errors. Monitoring Tab The Monitoring tab sheet (Figure 3) displays the fault/ warn limit settings for each channel and for each temperature sensor. To read the settings, click on the Monitoring tab and all the values are automatically read. To write to a value, click on the corresponding cell, type in a valid value, and either click another cell or press Enter on the keyboard. In the VOLTAGE and CURRENT table, the Input Select and SEQ Generate columns write to MFR_CHANNEL_CONFIG (E4h). Some columns might be grayed out depending on what is selected in the Input Select column. The Nominal and V Ratio columns are calculated based on a nominal ADC level of 1.8V to set the VOUT_SCALE_MONITOR (2Ah). The resistive V Ratio is found by dividing 1.8V by the Nominal value. The C Gain column writes to IOUT_CAL_GAIN (38h) to set the ratio of the voltage at the ADC input to the sensed current. The fault/warn limits can be set by entering the voltage/ current level or the percent of the nominal in the UV Fault (VOUT_UV_FAULT_LIMIT 44h), UV Warn (VOUT_UV_ WARN_LIMIT 43h), OV Warn (VOUT_OV_WARN_LIMIT 42h), OV Fault (VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT 40h), PG On (POWER_GOOD_ON 5Eh), PG Off (POWER_GOOD_ OFF 5Fh), OC Warn (IOUT_OC_WARN_LIMIT 46h), or OC Fault (IOUT_OC_FAULT_LIMIT 4Ah) columns. In the TEMPERATURE table, the sensors can be enable/ disabled in the Enable column, which writes to a bit in MFR_TEMP_SENSOR_CONFIG F0h). The OT warn/ fault limits can be set by entering a value in the OT Warn (OT_WARN_LIMIT 51h) or OT Fault (OT_FAULT_LIMIT 4Fh) columns. The ADC and averaging settings can be adjusted with the ADC Conversion Time, ADC Averaging, or IOUT Averaging drop-down lists, which all write to MFR_MODE (D1h). Maxim Integrated │ 6 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 2. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Sequencing Graph Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 7 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 3. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Monitoring Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 8 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit PSEN/GPO Tab The PSEN/GPO tab sheet (Figure 4) sets the function of the PSENn pins. The Output Select, PG/GPI or Alarm Channel Select, and PSEN/GPO Output Type columns write to bits in the MFR_PSEN_CONFIG (D2h) command. Output Select sets the function of the PSENn pin and the PSEN/GPO Output Type column sets the output logic of the pin. For PSEN10 and PSEN11, the Output Select column has an extra option to configure PSEN10 as FAULT2 and PSEN11 as SEQ. If either of these options are selected, jumpers J5 or J4 on the EV kit board should be moved to the corresponding position. The PG/GPI or Alarm Channel Select, TON Delay (TON_DELAY 60h) and TOFF Delay (TOFF_DELAY 64h) columns can only be edited when the Output Select is set to PG/GPI Combination or ALARM. PWM/GPO Tab The PWM/GPO tab sheet (Figure 5) sets the function of the PWMn pins. All the columns in the PWM table write to the MFR_PWM_CONFIG (E7h) command. The Output Select column sets the function of the PWMn pin and the PWM/GPO Output Type sets the output logic of the pin. For PWM7, the Output Select column has an extra option to configure it as FAULT1. If this option is selected, jumper J6 on the EV kit board should be moved to the FAULT1 position. The PG/GPI or Alarm Channel Select, ON Delay, and OFF Delay columns can only be edited when the Output Select is set to PG/GPI Combination or ALARM. Fault Config Tab The Fault Config tab sheet (Figure 6) contains all the fault configuration settings. The Fault Retry time sets the value in MFR_FAULT_RETRY (DAh). The fault configura- Evaluates: MAX34451 tion table writes to a channel’s MFR_FAULT_RESPONSE (D9h). To edit a channel’s configuration, the Input Select on the Monitoring tab must be set to monitor voltage or current. To edit the FAULT Pin Assertion or FAULT Pin Response columns, set the Global column to Global. Margining Tab The Margining tab sheet (Figure 7) includes the margin configurations, margin fault status, a PWM calculator, and a DAC calculator for the DS4424. All values on the tab are read when the tab is selected. To edit a channel’s margin options, the Output Select on the PSEN/ GPO tab must be set to Power Supply Enable (PSEN) and the Input Select on the Monitoring tab must be set to Sequence + Voltage Monitor. For channels 0–7, the Output Select on the PWM/GPO tab must also be set to PWM Operation. The Margin column turns the margin on/off by writing to the OPERATION (01h) command. To force all the channels to the same margin, select the state in the Margin All Control drop-down list. The Slope, Open Loop, PWM Level, and DAC Value configure the PWMn outputs and the external DS4424 by writing bits in the MFR_MARGIN_CONFIG (DFh) command. The margining limits can be set by entering the voltage level or the percent of the nominal in the Margin Low (VOUT_MARGIN_LOW 26h) and Margin High (VOUT_MARGIN_HIGH 25h) columns. When the margining is turned on, the margin fault status is shown in the Status column read from STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC (80h). The Polled column displays the channel voltage read from READ_VOUT (8Bh). To read the Status and Polled values, press the Read Status and Vout button or turn on polling with the Auto Polling On button. The margin faults can be cleared by pressing the Clear Faults button in the status bar. Maxim Integrated │ 9 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 4. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (PSEN/GPO Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 10 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 5. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (PWM/GPO Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 11 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 6. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Fault Config Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 12 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 7. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Margining Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 13 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit The PWM Calculator is used to find the series resistance (R3) and PWM level. The equations used to calculate the outputs are given in Table 1. The DAC Calculator is used to find the DS4424 external resistor (RFS), which determines the full-scale and step-size current for the DAC. If RFS is calculated to be outside its limits (40kΩ < RFS < 160kΩ), then the resistor is forced to the edge of the limit and the DS4424 RFS edit box turns red. The equations used to calculate the outputs are given in Table 2. Status Tab The Status tab sheet (Figure 8) displays all the faults, warning, and device ID information. To read all the output values, faults, and warnings, press the Read Device 1 Status button or turn on polling with the Auto Polling On button. The fault and warning bits are read from STATUS_VOUT (7Ah), STATUS_IOUT (7Bh), STATUS_ MFR_SPECIFIC (80h), and STATUS_TEMPERATURE (7Dh). The Polled values are read from READ_VOUT (8Bh), READ_IOUT (8Ch), and READ_TEMPERATURE (8Dh). Each color indicator turns green if the status is good, red if there is a fault, or yellow to indicate a warning. The Polled value might not reflect the fault or warning because some bits are latches and have to be cleared. To clear the faults and warnings, press the Clear Faults button in the status bar to send the CLEAR_FAULTS (03h) command. The Time Count displays the 32-bit counter read from the MFR_TIME_COUNT (DDh) command. The ID COMMANDS table displays all the ID information of the device. Press the Read ID button to read all the commands in the table. Data Log Graph Tab The Data Log Graph tab sheet (Figure 9) plots the polled values in a graph and keeps track of the minimum and maximum values for each channel voltage or current and each temperature sensor. To read the polled values, press the Data Log Read button. Each data log Table 1. PWM Calculator Evaluates: MAX34451 reads every channel’s voltage (READ_VOUT 8Bh) or current (READ_IOUT 8Ch) and every temperature sensor (READ_TEMPERATURE 8Dh). The software finds the minimum and maximum values over multiple reads. To plot the value being read, press the Auto Polling On button and the Poll Count displays the number of reads that have been tracked in the data log. When the polled count reaches 10,000, the graph deletes the oldest polled values and adds a new polled value. The min/max values are still based on all the poll-count values, but the graph only displays the latest 10,000 polled values. To reset the Poll Count and all the min/max values, select Data Log Reset. To turn off data logging during polling, check the Data Log Off checkbox. The Select Data drop-down list is used to select the voltage, current, or temperature data to display on the graph and in the MIN/MAX Data table. To save all the data graphed to a CSV file, press the Save Data Log button. Fault Log Dashboard Tab The Fault Log Dashboard tab sheet (Figure 10) displays all 15 NV fault logs in table format. When the tab is selected, the Overwrite and Fault Log Depth are read. When the fault log is full, the Enable Overwrite can be checked to automatically overwrite previous logs. The fault log depth can be adjusted with the Fault Log Depth drop-down list. The Enable Overwrite and Fault Log Depth are read from bits in MFR_NV_LOG_CONFIG (D8h). To read all 15 fault logs, press the Read All Fault Logs button. This command takes at least 10s to complete. For each channel within a fault log, the VOLTAGE/ CURRENT table shows the fault/warning status, minimum value, maximum value, and the last three black box readings. The TEMPERATURE table shows the OT fault status, the peak value, and the last temperature reading. To clear or force the fault log, press the Clear NV Fault Log or Force NV Fault Log buttons, respectively. These buttons write to a bit in MFR_NV_LOG_CONFIG (D8h). The Dump Logs to File button saves all the fault log tables in a CSV file. Table 2. DAC Calculator OUTPUT EQUATIONS OUTPUT EQUATIONS IFB = (VOUT)/(R1 + R2) IFB = (VOUT)/(R1 + R2) R3 = (VFB - 0.3)/(IFB x Margining Range x 120%) DS4424 RFS = (7.75)/(IFB x Margining Range x 120%) PWM Level = 256 x (VFB/VDD) DS4424 full scale = (0.976 x 127)/(16 x RFS) DS4424 step size = Full scale/64 Maxim Integrated │ 14 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 8. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Status Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 15 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 9. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Data Log Graph Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 16 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 10. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Fault Log Dashboard Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 17 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Fault Log Tab Evaluates: MAX34451 The Pins tab sheet (Figure 12) shows all the pin names, pin numbers, and pin descriptions. The Pin Name and Description columns can be edited to specify how the pin is configured. The pin names listed in the Pin Name column are copied to the Pin Name columns on the other tabs and are saved in the XML file when a project is saved. The current register configuration can be saved to main flash by pressing the Save To Main Flash button, which sends the STORE_DEFAULT_ALL (11h) command. The configuration can also be saved to BACKUP flash by pressing the Save To Back Up Flash button, which reads/writes to the MFR_STORE_ALL (EEh) command. To return the device to the configuration in MAIN flash, press the Restore From Main Flash button, which sends the RESTORE_DEFAULT_ALL (12h) command. The device can also be returned to the configuration stored in BACKUP flash by pressing the Restore From Back Up Flash button to read/write to the MFR_RESTORE_ALL (EFh) command. To reset the device, press the Soft Reset button to write to a bit in MFR_MODE (D1h). The Command Description shows the bitmap for selected PMBus commands. Select the command in the dropdown list and the table below shows a description of each bit for that command. Registers Tab Multiple Devices The Fault Log tab sheet (Figure 11) displays a single log in the NV fault log. To read the fault log, press the Read NV Fault Log button and all 255 bytes from MFR_NV_ FAULT_LOG (DCh) are displayed in the table. The fault log number is displayed above the Read NV Fault Log button. To save the current fault log displayed in the table, press the Dump to a File button and the table is saved as a CSV file. Pins Tab The Registers tab sheet (Figure 13) displays all the PMBus commands and their current data. To read the registers, select a page in the top drop-down list and all the PMBus commands valid for that page are automatically read. The commands not valid for that page are grayed out. Press the Read All button to read the registers again. To write to a command, enter the hex value in the cell and click another cell or press Enter on the keyboard. The CRC of all three memory arrays in the device can be read by pressing the Read CRC of All Memory Arrays button, which reads/writes to the MFR_CRC (FEh) command. The GUI has the ability to display data for up to four devices. If multiple slave addresses are detected, the Number of Devices option in the Connection menu allows the user to choose how many devices to display. To choose the order of devices, select the appropriate slave address in the DeviceX Slave Address options. Most tabs have separate tables and controls for each device. The Fault Log Dashboard, Fault Log, and Register tabs all have a drop-down list to select the device to read/ write if the number of devices is greater than one. Maxim Integrated │ 18 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 11. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Fault Log Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 19 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 12. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Pins Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 20 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 13. MAX34451 EV Kit GUI (Registers Tab) Maxim Integrated │ 21 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Detailed Description of Hardware User-Supplied I2C Interface To communicate with the MAX34451 with a user-supplied I2C interface, first remove J23 jumpers to disconnect the USB I2C dongle. If the dongle is no longer desired, it can be separated from the EV kit by snapping the PCB at the scored line. Connect test points SDA, SCL, GND, and 5V to the off-board I2C interface. The I2C interface should operate at 3.3V. User-Supplied Power Supplies To disconnect the on-board power supplies, turn off 4-pole DIP switches RS (S5), PSEN (S6), and PWM (S7). The power supplies’ GND should be connected to the banana jack (GND). Connect the desired PSENn pins to the enable pin on the power supply, and the RSn pins to a voltage-divider on the output of the power supply. The voltage-divider is only required if the output voltage is greater than 1.8V. For PWM margining, the PWMn outputs can be connected to the feedback of the power supply for channels 0–7. Resistors R68–R75 should be adjusted to match the power-supply feedback circuitry. Refer to the MAX34451 IC data sheet for details or use the PWM calculator to determine the proper values. User-Supplied DS75LV To use an off-board digital temperature sensor, connect MSDA, MSCL, and GND on J3 to the DS75LV. The slave address for the user-supplied DS75LV should be 92h, 94h, or 96h. The on-board DS75LV has slave address 90h. Evaluates: MAX34451 Current-Sense Amplifier The EV kit comes with an on-board 25V/V current-sense amplifier (U3) to demonstrate how the device can monitor current. The output of the amplifier is connected to RS15 and can be removed by removing the jumper on J15. Multiple Device System To chain multiple MAX34451 EV kits together as one system, follow the steps below. Note: Do not chain more than four EV kits together. 1) Remove power to all EV kits. 2) On one EV kit, populate the four jumpers on J23. For all other boards, remove the four jumpers on J23. 3) For all EV kits, switch the SDA and SCL signals on the 8-pole DIP switch (S4) to on. 4) If using the other signals on the 8-pole DIP, then switch those signals to on; otherwise, turn the switches off. Note: To connect the SEQ, FAULT1, or FAULT2 signals, jumpers J4, J6, or J5 must also be set to SEQ, FAULT1, or FAULT2, respectively. 5) Connect the EV kit signals together using ribbon-cable connectors on J7 or J8. To power and communicate to another EV kit, ensure that 5V, GND, SDA, and SCL are all connected on J7 or J8. All other signals are optional. 6) Connect the EV kit with the four jumpers on J23 to a PC using the USB cable. Maxim Integrated │ 22 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Table 3. Description of LEDs LED COLOR D2 Red FAULT0: A fault has occurred. DESCRIPTION D3 Red FAULT1: A fault has occurred. D4 Red FAULT2: A fault has occurred. ALERT: A fault or warning has occurred. D7 Red DA Green VOUT0: Channel 0 is on. DB Green VOUT1: Channel 1 is on. DC Green VOUT2: Channel 2 is on. DD Green VOUT3: Channel 3 is on. Red D20 (Power) Green Red D21(Com) Green USB Power Fault: A fault occurred due to overvoltage limit, current limit, or thermal limit. USB Power: USB power supply is on. Communication: After the software has initialized the hardware, the LED flashes red when an I2C command is received. Initialized: Hardware has been initialized by software. Table 4. Description of Switches SWITCH SWITCH POSITION DESCRIPTION S1 On* CONTROL0: Pulls the CONTROL0 pin high. S2 On* CONTROL1: Pulls the CONTROL1 pin high. S3 Pressed S4 On* Multiple Devices: Connects all the multiple device signals to headers J7 and J8. S5 On* RS0–RS3: Connects RSn of the device to the output of the power-supply channel. S6 On* PSEN0–PSEN3: Connects PSENn of the device to the enable pin of the power-supply channel. S7 On* PWM0–PWM3: Connects PWMn of the device to the feedback of the power-supply channel. Reset: Pulls the RST pin low to reset the device. *Default position. Table 5. Description of Jumpers JUMPER JUMPER POSITION J1 VDD-VDUT J4 J5 J6 J15 J23 PSEN11* SEQ PSEN10* DESCRIPTION Connects VDD to VDUT (U1). Connects the PSEN11/GPO11/SEQ pin to the PSEN header. Connects the PSEN11/GPO11/SEQ pin to a pullup resistor and SEQ test point. Connects the PSEN10/GPO10/FAULT2 pin to the PSEN header. FAULT2 Connects the PSEN10/GPO10/FAULT2 pin to a pullup resistor, LED, and FAULT2 test point. PWM7* Connects the PWM7/GPO19/FAULT1 pin to the PWM header. FAULT1 Connects the PWM7/GPO19/FAULT1 pin to a pullup resistor, LED, and FAULT1 test point. CSA Connects the current sense amplifier (U3) output to RS15. 5V-5V Supplies 5V from the USB I2C dongle to the EV kit board. SDA-SDA Connects SDA from the USB I2C dongle to the U1 device SDA. GND-GND Connects GND from the USB I2C dongle to the EV kit board GND. SCL-SCL Connects SCL from the USB I2C dongle to the U1 device SCL. *Default position. Maxim Integrated │ 23 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Troubleshooting All efforts have been made to ensure that each kit works on the first try, right out of the box. In the rare occasion that a problem is suspected, see Table 6 to help troubleshoot the issue. Table 6. Troubleshooting SYMPTOM CHECK SOLUTION Is the LED labeled D20 red? If yes, then the electronic fuse is in a fault state. Inspect for electrical shorts on the PCB and make sure that the PCB is not sitting on a conductive surface. Does the LED labeled D21 turn green when the GUI is running? If not, then exit the GUI and try running it again. If D20 still does not turn green, then exit the GUI and try connecting the USB cable to a different USB port on the PC and wait for a Windows message that states the hardware is ready to use. Run the GUI again. Are any of the LEDs illuminated? If not, then the PCB may not be getting power from the USB. Try a different USB cable or a different USB port. Jumper J1 Make sure jumper J1 is installed to power the U1 device. Jumper J23 Make sure four jumpers on J23 are installed. Is there a CONTROL# fault on the Status tab of the GUI? If the ON_OFF_CONFIG command is set as turn-on power supplies with the CONTROL0/CONTROL1 pin, then make sure S1 and S2 are in on position. Is the ALERT LED on and all channel LEDs off? If so, make sure switch PSEN (S6) is in the on position to connect the PSENs of U1 device to channel power supplies. Is the ALERT LED on and at least one channel LED on? If so, make sure switch RS (S5) is in the on position to connect the power-supply outputs to the U1 device. Margining is not working, voltage is not changing S7 Make sure the PWM (S7) switch is in the on position to connect the PWMs of the U1 device to the FB of channels 0–3. Chaining multiple EV kits together using J7 and J8 does not seem to work S4 Make sure that all the switches on the 8-pole DIP switch (S4) are in the on position. The FAULT1 LED does not turn on. J6 If the channel is configured to assert the FAULT1 pin, make sure the Output Select for PWM7 on the PWM/GPO tab is set to FAULT1. On the EV kit, make sure the J6 jumper is set to FAULT1. The FAULT2 LED does not turn on. J5 If the channel is configured to assert the FAULT2 pin, make sure the Output Select for PSEN10 on the PSEN/GPO tab is set to FAULT2. On the EV kit, make sure the J5 jumper is set to FAULT2. The SEQ input/output signal is not working J4 If the channel is configured to generate or match a SEQ signal, make sure the Output Select for PSEN11 on the PSEN/GPO tab is set to SEQ. On the EV kit, make sure the J4 jumper is set to SEQ. The current monitored on RS15 does not work J15 Make sure the jumper on J15 is populated to connect the output of the current-sense amplifier to RS15. GUI says hardware not found. No slave address found and read/writes fail Channels do not turn on Maxim Integrated │ 24 3.3V VDD 4.7k R 100 GND SDA SCL 1 SW- SPDT 3 S1 2 TP 17 FAUL T0 GND R102 0 VDD 5 4 3 TP 19 R108 2 RS15' S3 0 0 DNP GND SDA TP 23 TP 21 0.1uF C07 3 2 1 CON3 J4 GND 5V GND 10uF C160 5V 1 2 3 4 RS4 RS3 RS2 RS1 RS0 GND TP 18 C161 TP 20 330 R113 VL ED D4 RED. R112 VDD 3 2 1 FAUL T2 CON3 J5 0.1uF C03 C05 GND J3 4.7k 4.7k R130 R131 3.3V PSEN10 3.3V 0.01uF 0.01uF 1uF C04 500 mohm max ESR from REG18 to GND SEQ 8 7 6 5 RS4/GP I4 RS3/GP I3 RS2/GP I2 RS1/GP I1 RS0/GP I0 CONTROL 1 VDDA NC VSS FAUL T0 CONTROL 0 RST PSEN11/GP O11/SEQ RS15/GP I15 OUT BYP FB POK MAX8902B IN GND EN GS 10uF R161 10k C162 TP 43 45.3k R160 3.3V 2 D1 DNP 1 R162 GND 1 2 3 4 DS75 SDA SCL O.S. GND U2 VCC A0 A1 A2 8 7 6 5 PSEN4/GP O4 PSEN3/GP O3 PSEN2/GP O2 PSEN1/GP O1 PSEN0/GP O0 NC RSG1 NC RSG0 PWM7/GP O19/FAUL T1 PWM6/GP O18 ADDR AL ERT PWM5/GP O17 R135 100k R133 100k GND R134 DNP 3.3V PWM5 AL ERT PWM6 ADDR RSG0 RSG1 PSEN4 PSEN3 PSEN2 PSEN1 PSEN0 U1 MAX34451 R132 DNP 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 C163 TP 1 J1 VDUT VDD- VDUT VDD 0.1uF C10 DNP 470uF ALUM + VDD 2 1 U4 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONT ROL 1 VDUT 7 8 9 FAUL T 0 10 CONTROL 0 11 RST 12 13 RS15 14 R110 VDD FAUL T2 SEQ PSEN11 TP 15 CONTROL 1 TP 44 R111 10k 100 mohm max ESR C06 SCL GND VDD GND 0.1uF C09 0.1uF C02 SW- SPDT R109 100k 1 3 S2 0.1 R165 SW- PB R107 R105 R106 2.2k 2.2k VDD GND 0.1uF C08 CONTROL 0 D2 RED 330 R104 VL ED I2C DONGL E 1 2 3 4 J2 GND RS+ RSOUT MAX9938TEUK + GND GND U3 R103 VDD 2 1 100k 100k R 101 57 Header5V 2 1 2 D5 100k 100k 1 PW M 0 PW M 1 PW M 2 PW M 3 PW M 4 E P/V SS R S5 R S6 R S7 R S8 R S9 R S10 R S11 R S12 PSE N9 R S13 PSE N8 PSE N7 PSE N6 PSE N5 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 R S5/GPI 5 R S6/GPI 6 R S7/GPI 7 R S8/GPI 8 R S9/GPI 9 R S10/GPI 10 R S11/GPI 11 R S12/GPI 12 PSE N9/GPO9 R S13/GPI 13 PSE N8/GPO8 PSE N7/GPO7 PSE N6/GPO6 PSE N5/GPO5 SDA SC L V DD R E G 18 PSE N10/GPO10/FA UL T 2 R S14/GPI 14 M SC L M SDA NC PW M 0/GPO12 PW M 1/GPO13 PW M 2/GPO14 PW M 3/GPO15 PW M 4/GPO16 15 16 V DUT 17 R E G 18 18 19 R S14 20 M SC L 21 M SDA 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 1uF C01 PWM7 FAUL T1 5V FAUL T1 TP 25 AL ERT TP 22 R123 GND R118 TP 24 DNP ADDR R119 0 VDD D7 RED. 330 R124 C164 D3 RED. 330 R115 VL ED R117 DNP C11 DNP VDD R116 DNP R114 VDD GND 8 7 6 5 VL ED OUT BYP FB POK MAX8902B IN GND EN GS U5 CON3 1 2 3 J6 1 2 3 4 M SC L 100k M SDA 100k Dongle5V 10k R164 45.3k R163 SW DIP-8 S4 10uF C165 16 15 14 SEQ 13 FAUL T 0 12 FAUL T 1 11 FAUL T 2 CONTROL 010 CONTROL 1 9 SDA SCL VL ED 0.01uF 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 HDR_10P IN J7 HDR_10P IN J8 GND Header5V GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND BL ACK BANANA JACK B1 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 14a. MAX34451 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 1 of 3) Maxim Integrated │ 25 100k R0C PSEN2' 100k R0D PSEN3' TP 39 PSEN3 10uF C0D 5V 100k R0B PSEN1' TP 35 PSEN2 10uF C0C 5V 100k TP 31 PSEN1 10uF C0B 5V 10uF 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 OUT BYP FB POK OUT BYP FB POK OUT BYP FB POK MAX8902B IN GND EN GS U1D MAX8902B IN GND EN GS U1C MAX8902B IN GND EN GS U1B MAX8902B GND 8 7 6 5 GND 8 7 6 5 GND 8 7 6 5 GND FB3 TP 42 C1D VOUT3 FB2 TP 38 C1C VOUT2 FB1 TP 34 C1B VOUT1 FB3 0.01uF FB2 0.01uF FB1 0.01uF FB0 TP 30 FB0 10uF 10uF 3.09k DD L ED 10uF 1k R5D 267 R2D R4D 1k R5C R3D C2D TP 40 VOUT3 DC L ED 8.66k 49.9 R1D 3.09k R2C 267 8.66k 49.9 1k R5B R4C C2C TP 36 VOUT2 10uF R3C R1C 3.09K DB L ED 267 R2B R4B 1k R5A R3B C2B TP 32 VOUT1 DA L ED 8.66k 49.9 R1B 3.09k R2A 267 C2A 8.66k 49.9 RS3' RS2' RS1' RS0' TP 41 RS3 TP 37 RS2 TP 33 RS1 TP 29 RS0 RS0 RS1 RS2 RS3 RS4 RS5 RS6 RS7 RS8 RS9 RS10 RS11 RS12 RS13 RS14 RS15 R 20 DNP 0.01uF C 20 DNP C1A R 21 OUT BYP FB POK PSEN0 PSEN1 PSEN2 PSEN3 PSEN4 PSEN5 PSEN6 PSEN7 PSEN8 PSEN9 PSEN10 PSEN11 R 22 DNP IN GND EN GS C 21 DNP DNP PSEN0' C 22 R0A R 23 DNP C0A C 23 DNP DNP R4A C60 R 24 DNP R3A C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 GND GND VDD 100 mil header testpoints DNP J14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J13 DNP GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J9 DNP 100 mil header testpoints C 30 DNP R1A R 31 DNP 8 7 6 5 C 31 1 2 3 4 C 24 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R75 8 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 4-POL E DIP SW S6 C 32 DNP 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k R 32 DNP DNP R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 R66 R67 R 25 DNP DNP 0.01uF C 25 0.01uF R 26 DNP DNP 4.7k 4.7k 4.7k 4.7k 4.7k 4.7k 4.7k 4.7k C 26 DNP PWM0 PWM1 PWM2 PWM3 PWM4 PWM5 PWM6 PWM7 R 33 TP 28 VOUT0 C 33 DNP DNP VOUT0 R 34 DNP U1A 1 2 3 4 PSEN0' PSEN1' PSEN2' PSEN3' R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J10 DNP FB0 FB1 FB2 FB3 RS15' GND 1 2 3 4 4-POL E DIP SW S5 L ocated with RSx testpoints. J12 0 R16 1 0 R17 2 DNP RSG0 RSG1 8 7 6 5 J15 1 2 CON2 J11 DNP 100 mil header testpoints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4-POL E DIP SW S7 DNP C 35 TP 27 PSEN0 C 34 DNP 5V R 35 DNP 0.01uF R 27 0.01uF C 27 R 40 R 41 R 42 R 43 R 44 R 45 R 46 R 47 R 48 R 49 R 50 R 51 C 28 DNP 0.01uF R 29 DNP 0.01uF C 29 DNP 0.01uF R 30 DNP 0.01uF R 28 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP R 36 0 DNP R 80 R 81 R 82 R 83 R 84 R 85 R 86 R 87 R 88 R 89 R 90 R 91 R 37 0 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k RS0' RS1' RS2' RS3' MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 14b. MAX34451 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 2 of 3) Maxim Integrated │ 26 MAXIM MAXI M_L ogo * 2 1 OUT VCC J21 2 1 DNP DD+ GND' DNP C215 4.7k R214 0 COM 1 VP P HB COM D22 R213 2.2k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GND' D20B 560 R205 5V PICfor DS3900 MCL R P3,HB COM_L ED,BOOT P1 P2 RCV P6, CS GND OSC1 OSC2 P4 UOE PS_VAR VUSB U20 G reen OUT BYP FB POK MAX8902B IN GND EN GS U22 P8,1W_P U P7,1W_DQ P5 USB_DET VP O VMO P10,SCK ,SCL P11,SDI ,SDA VDD GND P9,SDO ENUM D+,VP D-,VM 1 2 3 4 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 8 7 6 5 D+ D- SCL ' SDA' C203 0.01uF 3.3V' USB to I2C Programming Board 220nF C213 5V' 10uF C202 OSC1 3.3V' R212 330 D21B R204 100k 1 2 3 GND' R211 330 D21A 3.3V' MAX4995A FL AG OUT IN GND ON SETI U21 C214 0.01uF 3 CL K 3.3V' 4 GND' 6 5 4 R210 C201 10uF OSC_CMOS_4pin GND INH X1 J20 1 VBUS Vbus 2 0 R201 D3 0 R202 D+ 4 I.D. 5 GND USB_5P IN R ed D20A R ed 560 G reen 2 R203 10k DNP 1uF GND' 0.1uF C212 3.3V' R216 DNP R215 3.3V' 10uF C204 C211 R207 45.3k R206 3.3V 1 2 3 4 5V' I2C DONGL E J22 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 SDA SCL GND Dongle5V 2x4 Header is the only connection between programming board and MAX34451 EV Kit. J23 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 14c. MAX34451 EV Kit Schematic (Sheet 3 of 3) Maxim Integrated │ 27 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 15. MAX34451 EV Kit PCB Layout—Top Layer Maxim Integrated │ 28 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Figure 16. MAX34451 EV Kit PCB Layout—Bottom Layer Maxim Integrated │ 29 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Ordering Information PART TYPE MAX34451EVKIT# EV Kit #Denotes an RoHS-compliant device that may include lead(Pb), which is exempt under the RoHS requirements Maxim Integrated │ 30 MAX34451 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX34451 Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 0 5/13 DESCRIPTION Initial release PAGES CHANGED — For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim Integrated’s website at Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. © 2013 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. │ 31