CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V 18/36/72-Mbit Programmable 2-Queue FIFOs 18/36/72-Mbit Programmable 2-Queue FIFOs Features Functional Description ■ Memory organization ❐ Industry’s largest first in first out (FIFO) memory densities: 18-Mbit, 36-Mbit, 72-Mbit ❐ Selectable memory organization: × 9, × 12, × 16, × 18, × 20, × 24, × 32, × 36 ■ Up to 100-MHz clock operation ■ Unidirectional operation ■ Independent read and write ports ❐ Supports simultaneous read and write operations ❐ Reads and writes operate on independent clocks upto a maximum clock ratio of 2, enabling data buffering across clock domains ❐ Supports multiple I/O voltage standard: Low voltage complementary metal oxide semiconductor (LVCMOS) 3.3 V and 1.8 V voltage standards. The Cypress programmable FIFO family offers the industry’s highest-density programmable FIFO memory device. It has independent read and write ports, which can be clocked up to 100 MHz. User can configure input and output bus sizes. The maximum bus size of 36 bits enables a maximum data throughput of 3.6 Gbps. The read and write ports can support multiple I/O voltage standards. The user-programmable registers enable user to configure the device operation as desired. The device also offers a simple and easy-to-use interface to reduce implementation and debugging efforts, improve time-to-market, and reduce engineering costs. This makes it an ideal memory choice for a wide range of applications including multiprocessor interfaces, video and image processing, networking and telecommunications, high-speed data acquisition, or any system that needs buffering at very high speeds across different clock domains. ■ Output enable control for read skip operations ■ User configured two-Queue operating mode ■ Mark and retransmit: resets read pointer to user marked position ■ Empty and full status flags ■ Flow-through mailbox register to send data from input to output port, bypassing the FIFO sequence ■ Separate serial clock (SCLK) input for serial programming ■ Master reset to clear entire FIFO ■ Joint test action group (JTAG) port provided for boundary scan function ■ Industrial temperature range: –40 °C to +85 °C Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C • As implied by the name, the functionality of the FIFO is such that the data is read out of the read port in the same sequence in which it was written into the write port. The data is sequentially written into the FIFO from the write port. If the writes and inputs are enabled, the data on the write port gets written into the device at the rising edge of the write clock. Enabling the reads and outputs fetches data on the read port at every rising edge of the read clock. Both reads and writes can occur simultaneously at different speeds provided the ratio of read to write clock is between 0.5 and 2. Appropriate flags are set whenever the FIFO is empty or full. The device also supports two-Queue operation, mark and retransmit of data, and a flow-through mailbox register. All product features and specs are common to all densities (CYF1072V, CYF1036V, and CYF1018V) unless otherwise specified. All descriptions are given assuming the device is CYF1072V operated in × 36 mode. They hold good for other densities (CYF1036V, and CYF1018V) and all port sizes × 9, ×12, × 16, × 18, × 20, × 24 and × 32 unless otherwise specified. the only difference will be in the input and output bus width. Table 1 on page 8 shows the part of bus with valid data from D[35:0] and Q[35:0] in × 9, × 12, × 16, × 18, × 20, × 24, × 32 and × 36 modes. 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600 Revised August 16, 2012 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Logic Block Diagram Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 2 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Contents Pin Diagram for CYF1XXXVXXL ...................................... 4 Pin Definitions .................................................................. 5 Architecture ...................................................................... 7 Reset Logic ................................................................. 7 Flag Operation ............................................................. 7 Full Flag ....................................................................... 7 Empty Flag .................................................................. 7 Retransmit from Mark Operation ................................. 7 Flow-through mailbox Register .................................... 7 Selecting Word Sizes .................................................. 8 Data Valid Signal ......................................................... 8 Power Up ........................................................................... 8 Read Skip Operation ................................................... 8 Multi-Queue Operation ................................................ 8 Width Expansion Configuration ................................. 10 Memory Organization for Different Port Sizes ........... 11 Read/Write Clock Requirements ............................... 11 JTAG operation ......................................................... 11 Maximum Ratings ........................................................... 13 Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Operating Range ............................................................. 13 Recommended DC Operating Conditions .................... 13 Electrical Characteristics ............................................... 13 I/O Characteristics .......................................................... 14 Latency Table .................................................................. 14 Switching Characteristics .............................................. 16 Switching Waveforms .................................................... 17 Ordering Information ...................................................... 25 Ordering Code Definitions ......................................... 25 Package Diagram ............................................................ 26 Acronyms ........................................................................ 27 Document Conventions ................................................. 27 Units of Measure ....................................................... 27 Document History Page ................................................. 28 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information ...................... 29 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ....................... 29 Products .................................................................... 29 PSoC Solutions ......................................................... 29 Page 3 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Pin Diagram for CYF1XXXVXXL Figure 1. 209-ball FBGA (Top View) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A FF D0 D1 WQSEL0 PORTSZ0 PORTSZ1 DNU RQSEL0 RT Q0 Q1 B EF D2 D3 DNU DNU PORTSZ2 DNU DNU REN Q2 Q3 C D4 D5 WEN DNU VCC1 DNU VCC1 DNU RCLK Q4 Q5 D D6 D7 VSS VCC1 DNU LD DNU VCC1 VSS Q6 Q7 E D8 D9 VCC2 VCC2 VCCIO VCCIO VCCIO VCC2 VCC2 Q8 Q9 F D10 D11 VSS VSS VSS DNU VSS VSS VSS Q10 Q11 G D12 D13 VCC2 VCC2 VCCIO VCC1 VCCIO VCC2 VCC2 Q12 Q13 H D14 D15 VSS VSS VSS VCC1 VSS VSS VSS Q14 Q15 J D16 D17 VCC2 VCC2 VCCIO VCC1 VCCIO VCC2 VCC2 Q16 Q17 K DNU DNU WCLK DNU VSS DNU VSS DNU VCCIO VCCIO VCCIO L D18 D19 VCC2 VCC2 VCCIO VCC1 VCCIO VCC2 VCC2 Q18 Q19 M D20 D21 VSS VSS VSS VCC1 VSS VSS VSS Q20 Q21 N D22 D23 VCC2 VCC2 VCCIO VCC1 VCCIO VCC2 VCC2 Q22 Q23 P D24 D25 VSS VSS VSS SPI_SEN VSS VSS VSS Q24 Q25 R D26 D27 VCC2 VCC2 VCCIO VCCIO VCCIO VCC2 VCC2 Q26 Q27 T D28 D29 VSS VCC1 VCC1 SPI_SI VCC1 VCC1 VSS Q28 Q29 [1] SPI_SCLK VREF OE Q30 Q31 U DVal0 DNU D30 D31 DNU DNU V DNU DNU D32 D33 DNU MRS MB DNU MARK Q32 Q33 W TDO DVal1 D34 D35 TDI TRST TMS TCK DNU Q34 Q35 Note 1. This pin should be tied to VSS preferably or can be left floating to ensure normal operation. Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 4 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Pin Definitions Pin Name I/O D[35:0] Input Q[35:0] Output Pin Description Data inputs: Data inputs for a 36-bit bus. Data outputs: Data outputs for a 36-bit bus. WEN Input Write enable: WEN enables WCLK to write data into the FIFO memory and configuration registers. REN Input Read enable: REN enables RCLK to read data from the FIFO memory and configuration registers. OE Input Output enable: When OE is LOW, FIFO data outputs are enabled; when OE is HIGH, the FIFO’s outputs are in High Z (high impedance) state. WCLK Input Write clock: When enabled by WEN, the rising edge of WCLK writes data into the FIFO if LD is high and into the configuration registers if LD is low. RCLK Input Read clock: When enabled by REN, the rising edge of RCLK reads data from the FIFO memory if LD is high and from the configuration registers if LD is low. DVal0 Output Data valid for Queue-0: Active low signal indicating valid data read for Queue-0 from Q[35:0]. DVal1 Output Data valid for Queue-1: Active low signal indicating valid data read for Queue-1 from Q[35:0]. EF Output Empty flag: When EF is LOW, the Queue is empty. EF is synchronized to RCLK. FF Output Full flag: When FF is LOW, the Queue is full. FF is synchronized to WCLK. LD Input Load: When LD is LOW, D[7:0] (Q[7:0]) are written (read) into (from) the configuration registers. When LD is HIGH, D[35:0] (Q[35:0]) are written (read) into (from) the FIFO. RT Input Retransmit: A HIGH pulse on RT resets the internal read pointer to a physical location of the FIFO which is marked by the user (using MARK pin). With every valid read cycle after retransmit, previously accessed data is read and the read pointer is incremented until it is equal to the write pointer. MRS Input Master reset: MRS initializes the read and write pointers to zero and sets the output register to all zeroes. During Master Reset, the configuration registers are all set to default values and flags are reset. SPI_SCLK Input Serial clock: A rising edge on SPI_SCLK clocks the serial data present on the SPI_SI input into the offset registers if SPI_SEN is enabled. SPI_SI Input Serial input: Serial input when SPI_SEN is enabled. SPI_SEN Input Serial enable: Enables serial loading configuration registers. MARK Input Mark for retransmit: When this pin is asserted the current location of the read pointer is marked. Any subsequent retransmit operation resets the read pointer to this position. MB Input Mailbox: When asserted the reads and writes happen to flow-through mailbox register. WQSEL0 Input Write Queue select: select Queue-0 when low and Queue-1 when high. RQSEL0 Input Read Queue select: select Queue-0 when low and Queue-1 when high. TCK Input Test clock (TCK) pin for JTAG. TRST Input Reset pin for JTAG. TMS Input Test mode select (TMS) pin for JTAG. TDI Input Test data in (TDI) pin for JTAG. TDO Output Test data out (TDO) for JTAG. PORTSZ [2:0] Input Port word size select: Port word width select pins (common for read and write ports). VCC1 Power Supply Core voltage supply 1: 1.8 V supply voltage VCC2 Power Supply Core voltage supply 2: 1.5 V supply voltage Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 5 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Pin Definitions (continued) Pin Name VCCIO Vref I/O Power Supply Pin Description Supply for I/Os. Input Reference voltage: Reference voltage (regardless of I/O standard used) Reference VSS Ground DNU – Ground Do not use: These pins need to be left floating. Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 6 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Architecture The CYF1072V, CYF1036V, and CYF1018V are of memory arrays of 72-Mbit, 36-Mbit, and 18-Mbit respectively. The memory organization is user configurable and word sizes can be selected as × 9, × 12, × 16, × 18, × 20, × 24, × 32, or × 36. The logic blocks to implement FIFO functionality and the associated features are built around these memory arrays. The input and output data buses have a maximum width of 36 bits configurable through PORTSZ[2:0]. The input data bus goes to an input register and the data flow from the input register to the memory is controlled by the write logic block. The inputs to the write logic block are WCLK, WEN and WQSEL0. When the writes are enabled through WEN, the data on the input bus is written into the memory array at the rising edge of WCLK. This also increments the write pointer. WQSEL0 selects the Queue for write operation. Similarly, the output register is connected to the data output bus. Transfer of contents from the memory to the output register is controlled by the read control logic. The inputs to the read control logic include RCLK, REN, OE, RQSEL0, RT and MARK. When reads are enabled by REN and outputs are enabled through OE, the data from the memory pointed by the read pointer is transferred to the output data bus at the rising edge of RCLK along with active low Dval0 or Dval1 based on the Queue number selected using RQSEL0. If the outputs are disabled through OE but the reads enabled, the outputs are in high impedance state, but internally the read pointer is incremented. The MARK signal is used to ‘mark’ the location from which data is retransmitted when requested. During write operation, the number of writes performed is always a even number (i.e., minimum write burst length is two and number of writes always a multiple of two), whereas during read operation, the number of reads performed can be even or odd (i.e., minimum read burst length is one). By default, the FIFO is accessed as a single Queue device. It is possible to divide the whole memory space into 2 equal sized array, and each array can be independently accessed as an independent FIFO. This is like having two independent Queues inside the FIFO instead of entire memory space acting as single Queue FIFO. User can configure the number of Queues by setting the value of D0 of configuration register 3(refer Table 3 on page 9). Table 2 on page 8 shows the value to be set in D0 of configuration register 3 to configure the device in single-Queue or two-Queue mode. Reset Logic The Master Reset (MRS) initializes the read and write pointers to zero, sets the output registers to all zeros and sets the status of the flags to FF deasserted and EF asserted. MRS also resets the configuration register and the mark address to their default values. MRS affects all the Queues in the FIFO. A MRS is required after power up before accessing the FIFO. After MRS, a minimum latency of 1024 clocks is necessary before the first access. The word size is configured through pins; values of the three PORTSZ pins are latched during rising edge of MRS. After MRS, the device is configured in single Queue mode by default. Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Flag Operation This device provides two flag pins to indicate the condition of the FIFO contents. Full Flag The Full Flag (FF) goes LOW when the device is full. All write operations are ignored whenever FF is LOW regardless of the state of WEN. FF is synchronized to WCLK, that is, it is exclusively updated by each rising edge of WCLK. In 2Q mode, FF indicates the status of the Queue selected by WQSEL0.The worst case assertion latency for Full Flag is four. As the user cannot know that the FIFO is full for four clock cycles, it is possible that user continues writing data during this time. In this case, the four data word written will be stored to prevent data loss and these words have to be read back in order for full flag to get de-asserted. The minimum number of reads required to de-assert full-flag is two and the maximum number of reads required to de-assert full flag is six. The assertion and de-assertion of full flag with associated latencies is explained in Latency Table on page 14. Empty Flag The Empty Flag (EF) goes LOW when the device is empty. Read operations are ignored whenever EF is LOW, regardless of the state of REN. EF is synchronized to RCLK, i.e., it is exclusively updated by each rising edge of RCLK. In 2Q mode, EF indicates the status of the Queue selected by RQSEL0. The assertion and de-assertion of empty flag with associated latencies is explained in Latency Table on page 14. Retransmit from Mark Operation The retransmit feature is useful for transferring packets of data repeatedly. It enables the receipt of data to be acknowledged by the receiver and retransmitted if necessary. The retransmit feature is used when the number of writes equal to or less than the depth of the FIFO has occurred – and at least one word has been read since the last reset cycle. A HIGH pulse on RT resets the internal read pointer to a physical location of the FIFO that is marked by the user (using the MARK pin). In 2-Queue mode the MARK and RT signals are validated with RQSEL0, i.e., Mark or Retransmit function will be performed for the Queue that is selected by RQSEL0. With every valid read cycle after retransmit, previously accessed data is read and the read pointer is incremented until it is equal to the write pointer. Flags are governed by the relative locations of the read and write pointers and are updated during a retransmit cycle. Data written to FIFO after activation of RT are also transmitted. The full depth of the FIFO can be repeatedly retransmitted. To mark a location, the Mark pin is asserted when reading that particular location. Flow-through mailbox Register This feature transfers data from input to output directly by bypassing the FIFO sequence. When MB signal is asserted the data present in D[35:0] will be available at Q[35:0] after two WCLK cycles. Normal read and write operations are not allowed during flow-through mailbox operation. Before starting Flow-through mailbox operation FIFO read should be completed to make data valid (DVal0/DVal1) high in order to avoid data loss from FIFO. The width of flow-through mailbox register always corresponds to port size. Page 7 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Selecting Word Sizes The word sizes are configured based on the logic levels on the PORTSZ pins during the master reset (MRS) cycle only (latched on low to high edge). The port size cannot be changed during normal mode of operation and these pins are ignored. Table 1. explains the pins of D[35:0] and Q[35:0] that will have valid data in modes where the word size is less than × 36. If word size is less than × 36, the unused output pins are tri-stated by the device and unused input pins will be ignored by the internal logic. The pins with valid data input D[N:0] and output Q[N:0] is given in Table 1. Data Valid Signal Data valid (Dval0, Dval1) are active low signals provided for easy capture of output data. When a read operation is performed, the DVal0/DVal1 signal goes low along with output data indicating valid data on Q bus for either Queue-0 or Queue-1. This helps to capture the data without keeping track of REN and RQSEL0 to data output latency. These signals also help to capture the output data when write and read operations are performed continuously at different frequencies by indicating when valid data is read out at the output port Q[35:0]. Power Up The device becomes functional after VCC1, VCC2, VCCIO, and Vref attain minimum stable voltage required as given in Recommended DC Operating Conditions on page 13. The device can be accessed tPU time after these supplies attain the minimum required level (see Switching Characteristics on page 16). There is no power sequencing requirement for the device. Table 1. Word Size Selection PORTSZ[2:0] Word Size 000 ×9 Active input data pins D[X:0] Active output data pins Q[X:0] D[8:0] Q[8:0] 001 × 12 D[11:0] Q[11:0] 010 × 16 D[15:0] Q[15:0] 011 × 18 D[17:0] Q[17:0] 100 × 20 D[19:0] Q[19:0] 101 × 24 D[23:0] Q[23:0] 110 × 32 D[31:0] Q[31:0] 111 × 36 D[35:0] Q[35:0] operating mode RQSEL0/WQSEL0 Queue Number Selected 1Q mode register 0x3[0] = 0 0 0 1 invalid 2Q mode register 0x3[0] = 1 0 0 1 1 Table 2. Multi-Queue Configuration Read Skip Operation As mentioned in Architecture on page 7, during a read operation, if the outputs are disabled by having the OE high, the read data does not appear on the output bus; however, the read pointer is incremented. Multi-Queue Operation In general, the entire memory space is accessed as a First In First Out (FIFO) order for the write and read operation. In this case, the entire memory space is called a single Queue. For example, for 72M device, the entire memory space is available as a single Queue FIFO operation. Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C In multi Queue mode, the entire memory space is divided into equal sized memory array and each individual memory array can be accessed as an independent FIFO based on additional control signals. These independent memory arrays are called as Queues. For example, when 72M device, is configured into two Queue mode, the entire memory space of 72M is divided into two 36M memory array called as Queue-0 and Queue-1. These Queues can be accessed independently as a FIFO by selecting the Queue select signals WQSEL0 and RQSEL0. In this way, two Queues can be created for a given device where data can be stored independently and read out independently. Page 8 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Table 3. Configuration Registers ADDR Configuration Register Bit [7] Bit [6] Bit [5] Bit [4] Bit [3] Bit [2] Bit [1] Bit [0] 0x1 Reserved 0x00 Default X X X X X X X X 0x2 Reserved 0x00 X X X X X X X X 0x3 Number of Queues 0x00 X X X X X X X D0 0x4 Reserved 0x7F X X X X X X X X 0x5 Reserved 0x00 X X X X X X X X 0x6 Reserved 0x00 X X X X X X X X 0x7 Reserved 0x7F X X X X X X X X 0x8 Reserved 0x00 X X X X X X X X 0x9 Reserved 0x00 X X X X X X X X 0xA Fast CLK Bit Register 1XXXXXXXb Fast CLK bit X X X X X X X Table 4. Writing and Reading Configuration Registers in Parallel Mode SPI_SEN LD WEN REN WCLK RCLK SPI_SCLK 1 0 0 1 First rising edge because both LD and WEN are low X X Parallel write to first register 1 0 0 1 Second rising edge X X Parallel write to second register 1 0 0 1 Third rising edge X X Parallel write to third register 1 0 0 1 Fourth rising edge X X Parallel write to fourth register 1 0 0 1 X X 1 0 0 1 X X 1 0 0 1 X X 1 0 0 1 Tenth rising edge X X Parallel write to tenth register 1 0 0 1 Eleventh rising edge X X Parallel write to first register (roll back) 1 0 1 0 X First rising edge since both LD and REN are low X Parallel read from first register 1 0 1 0 X Second rising edge X Parallel read from second register 1 0 1 0 X Third rising edge X Parallel read from third register 1 0 1 0 X Fourth rising edge X Parallel read from fourth register 1 0 1 0 X X 1 0 1 0 X X 1 0 1 0 X X 1 0 1 0 X Tenth rising edge X Parallel read from tenth register 1 0 1 0 X Eleventh rising edge X Parallel read from first register (roll back) 1 X 1 1 X X X No operation Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Operation Page 9 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Table 4. Writing and Reading Configuration Registers in Parallel Mode (continued) SPI_SEN LD WEN REN WCLK RCLK SPI_SCLK Operation X 1 0 X Rising edge X X Write to FIFO memory X 1 X 0 X Rising edge X Read from FIFO memory 0 0 X 1 X X X Illegal operation SCLK Table 5. Writing into Configuration Registers in Serial Mode SPI_SEN LD WEN REN WCLK RCLK Operation 0 1 X X X X X 1 0 X Rising edge X X Parallel write to FIFO memory. X 1 X 0 X Rising edge X Parallel read from FIFO memory. 1 0 1 1 X X X This corresponds to parallel mode (refer to Table 4). Rising edge Each rising of the SCLK clocks in one bit from the SI (Serial In). Any of the 10 registers can be addressed and written to, following the SPI protocol. Figure 2. Serial WRITE to Configuration Register Width Expansion Configuration The width of CYF1072V can be expanded to provide word widths greater than 36 bits. During width expansion mode, all control line inputs are common and all flags are available. Empty (Full) flags are created by ANDing the Empty (Full) flags of every FIFO. Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C This technique avoids reading data from or writing data to the FIFO that is “staggered” by one clock cycle due to the variations in skew between RCLK and WCLK. Figure 3 on page 11 demonstrates a 72 bit-word width by using two 36-bit word CYF1072Vs. Page 10 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Figure 3. Using Two CYF1072V for Width Expansion DATAIN (D) 72 36 36 READ CLOCK (RCLK) WRITE CLOCK (WCLK) READ ENABLE (REN) WRITE ENABLE (WEN) OUTPUT ENABLE(OE) CYF1072V CYF1072V EF FF FF EF EF 36 FF DATAOUT (Q) 72 36 Memory Organization for Different Port Sizes ■ The 72-Mbit memory has different organization for different port sizes. Table 6 shows the depth of the FIFO for all port sizes. The device uses internal PLL to achieve high performance. Whenever there is change in the frequency of the clock, the device takes tPLL time to synchronize with the input clock. (see Switching Characteristics on page 16). The PLL requires re-synchronization when there is change in the frequency of either WCLK or RCLK or when master reset is asserted. Note that for all port sizes, four to eight locations are not available for writing the data and are used to safeguard against false synchronization of empty and full flags. Table 6. Word Size Selection PORTSZ[2:0] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Word Size ×9 × 12 × 16 × 18 × 20 × 24 × 32 × 36 FIFO Depth 8 Meg 4 Meg 4 Meg 4 Meg 2 Meg 2 Meg 2 Meg 2 Meg Memory Size 72 Mbit 48 Mbit 64 Mbit 72 Mbit 40 Mbit 48 Mbit 64 Mbit 72 Mbit The memory size mentioned is when the device is configured in single-Queue mode. The ratio of RCLK to WCLK must be in the range of 0.5 to 2. For proper FIFO operation, the device must determine which of the input clocks – RCLK or WCLK – is faster. This is evaluated by using counters after the MRS cycle. The device uses two 10-bit counters inside (one running on RCLK and other on WCLK), which count 1,024 cycles of read and write clock after MRS. The clock of the counter which reaches its terminal count first is used as master clock inside the FIFO. When there is change in the relative frequency of RCLK and WCLK during normal operation of FIFO, user can specify it by using “Fast CLK bit” in the configuration register (0xA). “1” - indicates freq (WCLK) > freq (RCLK) “0” - indicates freq (WCLK) < freq (RCLK) Read/Write Clock Requirements The result of counter evaluated frequency is available in this register bit. User can override the counter evaluated frequency for faster clock by changing this bit. The read and write clocks must satisfy the following requirements: Whenever there is a change in this bit value, user must wait tPLL time before issuing the next read or write to FIFO. ■ Both read (RCLK) and write (WCLK) clocks should be free-running. ■ The clock frequency for both clocks should be between the minimum and maximum range given in Switching Characteristics on page 16. Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C JTAG operation CYF1072V has two devices connected internally in a JTAG chain as shown in Figure 4 on page 12. Page 11 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Figure 4. JTAG Operation Table 7 shows the IR register length and device ID. Table 7. JTAG IDCODES Device-1 Device-2 IR Register length 3 8 Device ID (HEX) “Ignore” 1E3261CF Bypass register length 1 1 For boundary scan, device-1 should be in bypass mode. Table 8 and Table 9 shows the JTAG instruction set for devices 1 and 2. Table 8. JTAG Instructions Device-1 BYPASS Opcode (Binary) 111 Table 9. JTAG Instructions Device-2 EXTEST HIGHZ SAMPLE/PRELOAD BYPASS IDCODE Opcode (HEX) 00 07 01 FF 0F Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 12 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Maximum Ratings I/O port supply voltage (VCCIO) ......................–0.3 V to 3.7 V Exceeding maximum ratings may impair the useful life of the device. These user guidelines are not tested. Storage temperature (without bias) ........ –65 C to +150 C Ambient temperature with power applied ......................................... –55 C to +125 C Core supply voltage 1 (VCC1) to ground potential .............................................–0.3 V to 2.5 V Core supply voltage 2 (VCC2) to ground potential ...........................................–0.3 V to 1.65 V Voltage applied to I/O pins ...........................–0.3 V to 3.75 V Output current into outputs (LOW) ............................. 20 mA Static discharge voltage (per MIL–STD–883, Method 3015) ......................... > 2001 V Operating Range Range Ambient Temperature –40 C to +85 C Industrial Latch-up current ................................................. >100mA Recommended DC Operating Conditions Parameter [2] Min Typ Max Unit VCC1 Core supply voltage 1 Description 1.70 1.80 1.90 V VCC2 Core supply voltage 2 1.425 1.5 1.575 V VREF Reference voltage (irrespective of I/O standard used) 0.7 0.75 0.8 V VCCIO I/O supply voltage, read and write banks. LVCMOS33 3.00 3.30 3.60 V LVCMOS18 1.70 1.8 1.90 V Electrical Characteristics Parameter Icc Description Active current Min Typ Max Unit VCC1 = VCC1MAX Conditions – – 300 mA VCC2 = VCC2MAX, All I/O switching, 100 MHz – – 500 mA VCCIO = VCCIOMAX (All outputs disabled) – – 100 mA II Input pin leakage current VIN = VCCIOmax to 0 V –15 – 15 µA IOZ I/O pin leakage current VO = VCCIOmax to 0 V –15 – 15 µA CP Capacitance for TMS and TCK – – – 16 pF CPIO Capacitance for all I/Os apart from TMS and TCK – – – 8 pF Note 2. Device operation guaranteed for a supply rate > 1 V / µs. Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 13 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V I/O Characteristics I/O standard Nominal I/O supply voltage Input Voltage (V) VIL(max) Output voltage (V) VIH(min) VOL(max) VOH(min) Output Current (mA) IOL(max) IOH(max) LVCMOS33 3.3 V 0.80 2.20 0.45 2.40 24 24 LVCMOS18 1.8 V 30% VCCIO 65% VCCIO 0.45 VCCIO – 0.45 16 16 Latency Table Latency Parameter Number of cycles Details LFF_ASSERT Min = 0 Max = 4 Last data write to FF going low LEF_ASSERT 0 Last data read to EF going low LRQSEL_CHANGE 1 Minimum RCLK cycles before RQSEL0 can change LWQSEL_CHANGE 2 Minimum WCLK cycles before WQSEL0 can change LMAILBOX 2 Latency from write port to read port when MB = 1 (w.r.t WCLK) LREN_TO_DATA 4 Latency when REN is asserted low to first data output from FIFO LREN_TO_CONFIG 4 Latency when REN is asserted along with LD to first data read from configuration registers LFF_DEASSERT 7 Read to FF going high LRT_TO_REN 9 RT 5th cycle to REN going low for read LRT_TO_DATA Min = 20 Max = 23 RT 5th cycle to valid data on Q[35:0] LIN Min = 8 Max = 29 Initial latency for data read after FIFO goes empty during simultaneous read/write LEF_DEASSERT Min = 6 Max = 27 Write to EF going high Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 14 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Figure 5. AC Test Load Conditions 30 0.9 V (a) VCCIO = 1.8 Volt 30 (b) VCCIO = 3.3 Volt (c) All Input Pulses Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 15 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Switching Characteristics Over the operating Range Parameter -100 Description Min Max Unit tPU Power-up time after all supplies reach minimum value – 2 ms tS Clock cycle frequency 3.3 V LVCMOS 24 100 MHz tS Clock cycle frequency 1.8 V LVCMOS 24 100 MHz tA Data access time – 10 ns tCLK Clock cycle time 10 41.67 ns tCLKH Clock high time 4.5 – ns tCLKL Clock low time 4.5 – ns tDS Data setup time 3 – ns tDH Data hold time 3 – ns tQS RQSEL0 and WQSEL0 setup time 3 – ns tQH RQSEL0 and WQSEL0 hold time 3 – ns tENS Enable setup time 3 – ns tENH Enable hold time 3 – ns tENS_SI Setup time for SPI_SI and SPI_SEN pin 5 – ns tENH_SI Hold time for SPI_SI and SPI_SEN pin 5 – ns tRATE_SPI Frequency of SPI_SCLK – 25 MHz tRS Reset pulse width 100 – ns tPZS Port size select to MRS setup time 25 – ns tPZH MRS to port size select hold time 25 – ns tRSF Reset to flag output time – 50 ns tPRT Retransmit pulse width 5 – RCLK cycles tOLZ Output enable to output in Low Z 4 15 ns tOE Output enable to output valid – 15 ns tOHZ Output enable to output in High Z – 15 ns tWFF Write clock to FF – 9 ns tREF Read clock to EF – 9 ns tPLL Time required to synchronize PLL – 1024 cycles 100 – ns 8 – ns tRATE_JTAG JTAG TCK cycle time tS_JTAG Setup time for JTAG TMS,TDI tH_JTAG Hold time for JTAG TMS,TDI 8 – ns tCO_JTAG JTAG TCK low to TDO valid – 20 ns Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 16 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Switching Waveforms Figure 6. Write Cycle Timing tCLK tCLKH tCLKL WCLK tDS tDH D[35:0] tENH tENS WEN NO OPERATION Figure 7. Read Cycle Timing tCLK RCLK tENS tENH REN NO OPERATION LREN_TO_DATA tA VALID DATA Q[35:0] tOLZ tOHZ OE DVal0 or Dval1 Figure 8. Reset Timing tRS MRS tRSF EF tRSF FF tRSF OE=1 Q[35:0] OE=0 Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 17 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Switching Waveforms (continued) Figure 9. MRS to PORTSZ [2:0] WCLK/RCLK MRS tPZS tPZH PORTSZ[2:0] Figure 10. Flow-through mailbox Operation 1 2 3 D1 D2 WCLK D[35:0] REN / WEN DO D3 D4 L MAILBOX MB Q[35:0] QO Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 DVal0/ DVal1 Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 18 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Switching Waveforms (continued) Figure 11. Configuration Register Write WCLK tENS WEN LD tDH tDS D[35:0] config-reg 0 config-reg 1 config-reg 2 config-reg 3 config-reg 4 config-reg 5 Figure 12. Configuration Register Read WCLK /RCLK REN LREN_TO_CONFIG LD Q[35:0] Reg - 1 Figure 13. WQSEL to FF WCLK WQSEL0 FF FF for QUE-0 tQS Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C tWFF FF for QUE-1 Page 19 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Switching Waveforms (continued) Figure 14. RQSEL0 to EF 1 2 3 4 5 RCLK RQSEL0 L REN_TO_DATA EF EF for QUE-1 EF for QUE-0 tREF tQS Figure 15. Write to Empty Flag De-assertion WCLK WEN D[35:0] LEF_DEASSERT EF EF for QUE-0 RCLK REN WQSEL0/ RQSEL0 Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 20 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Switching Waveforms (continued) Figure 16. Read to Empty Flag Assertion 1 2 3 4 5 RCLK REN Q LAST Q[35:0] DVal0 LREN_TO_DATA EF EF for QUE-0 tREF WQSEL0/ RQSEL0 Figure 17. Full Flag Assertion WCLK WEN D[35:0] D 0 D 1 D x D LAST-1 D LAST NOT WRITTEN NOT WRITTEN FF for QUE-0 FF tWFF WQSEL0/ RQSEL0 Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 21 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Switching Waveforms (continued) Figure 18. Full Flag De-assertion WCLK WEN D[35:0] D LAST-4 D LAST-3 D LAST-2 D LAST-1 D LAST LFF_DEASSERT FF RCLK REN WQSEL0/ RQSEL0 Figure 19. Switching between Queues - Write WCLK WEN WQSEL0 D[35:0] QUE-0 wdata - 0 Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C QUE-0 wdata - 1 QUE-1 wdata - 0 QUE-1 wdata - 1 QUE-0 wdata - 2 QUE-0 wdata - 3 Page 22 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Switching Waveforms (continued) Figure 20. Switching between Queues - Read 1 2 3 4 5 RCLK L REN_TO_DATA REN RQSEL0 Q[35:0] QUE-0 QUE-1 QUE-0 rdata - 0 rdata - 0 rdata - 1 DVal0 DVal1 Figure 21. Simultaneous Write & Read QUE - 0 WCLK WEN D[35:0] D 0 D 1 D 2 D N D 3 D N+1 D N+2 D N+3 RCLK REN Q[35:0] L IN Q 0 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 DVal0 WQSEL0/ RQSEL0 Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 23 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Switching Waveforms (continued) Figure 22. Mark RCLK REN MARK RQSEL0 Q[35:0] DVal0 Q (N-2) Q (N-1) Q (N) Q (N+1) Q (N+2) Q (N+3) Q (N+4) Q (N+5) Q (N+6) DATA MARKED IN QUE-0 Figure 23. Retransmit RCLK REN tPRT LRT_TO_REN LRT_TO_DATA RT RQSEL0 Q[35:0] Q (N) Q (N+1) RETRANSMIT FROM DATA MARKED IN QUE-0 DVal0 Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 24 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Ordering Information Speed (MHz) 100 Ordering Code CYF1018V33L-100BGXI Package Diagram Operating Range Package Type 51-85167 209-ball fine-pitch ball grid array (FBGA) (14 × 22 × 1.76 mm) Industrial CYF1036V33L-100BGXI CYF1072V33L-100BGXI CYF1018V18L-100BGXI CYF1036V18L-100BGXI CYF1072V18L-100BGXI Ordering Code Definitions CY F X XXX VXX X - XXX BGXI Speed: 100 MHz I/O Standard: L = LVCMOS I/O Voltage: V18 = 1.8 V Density: 018 = 18 M 036 = 36 M 072 = 72 M V33 = 3.3 V 1 - Multi-Queue (2 Queues) FIFO Cypress Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 25 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Package Diagram Figure 24. 209-ball FBGA (14 × 22 × 1.76 mm) BB209A, 51-85167 51-85167 *B Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 26 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Acronyms Acronym Document Conventions Description Units of Measure EF empty flag FF full flag °C degree Celsius FIFO first in first out MHz megahertz I/O input/output A microampere FBGA fine-pitch ball grid array mA milliampere JTAG joint test action group mm millimeter ms millisecond ns nanosecond ohm LVCMOS low voltage complementary metal oxide semiconductor Symbol Unit of Measure MB mailbox MRS master reset pF picofarad OE output enable V volt RCLK read clock W watt REN read enable RQSEL0 read queue select SCLK serial clock TDI test data in TDO test data out TCK test clock TMS test mode select WCLK write clock WEN write enable WQSEL0 write queue select QUE-0 queue number 0 QUE-1 queue number 1 Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 27 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Document History Page Document Title: CYF1018V/CYF1036V/CYF1072V, 18/36/72-Mbit Programmable 2-Queue FIFOs Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. ECN No. Orig. of Change Submission Date Description of Change ** 3209860 SIVS 03/30/2011 New data sheet *A 3353401 AJU 08/26/2011 Updated Package Diagram. *B 3387127 AJU 09/28/2011 Updated Pin Diagram for CYF1XXXVXXL (Added Note 1 and referred the same note in DNU in ball U6). Updated Multi-Queue Operation (Updated Table 4 (WCLK column in first row)). Updated Recommended DC Operating Conditions (Added Note 2 and referred the same note in Parameter column). Updated Switching Waveforms (Removed the numbers in Figure 10, Figure 14, Figure 16, and Figure 20). *C 3652368 ADMU 08/16/2012 Updated Pin Diagram for CYF1XXXVXXL (Updated Figure 1 (W9 ball marked as DNU)). Updated Figure 5. Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Page 28 of 29 CYF1018V CYF1036V CYF1072V Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information Worldwide Sales and Design Support Cypress maintains a worldwide network of offices, solution centers, manufacturer’s representatives, and distributors. To find the office closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations. Products Automotive Clocks & Buffers Interface Lighting & Power Control PSoC Solutions PSoC 1 | PSoC 3 | PSoC 5 Memory Optical & Image Sensing PSoC Touch Sensing USB Controllers Wireless/RF © Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2011-2012. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress products are not warranted nor intended to be used for medical, life support, life saving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an express written agreement with Cypress. Furthermore, Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Any Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (Cypress) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Cypress hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Cypress Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Cypress integrated circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress. Disclaimer: CYPRESS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Cypress does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress’ product in a life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Cypress software license agreement. Document Number: 001-68321 Rev. *C Revised August 16, 2012 All products and company names mentioned in this document may be the trademarks of their respective holders. Page 29 of 29