DP8344B Biphase Communications ProcessorÐBCPÉ General Description The DP8344B BCP is a communications processor designed to efficiently process IBMÉ 3270, 3299 and 5250 communications protocols. A general purpose 8-bit protocol is also supported. The BCP integrates a 20 MHz 8-bit Harvard architecture RISC processor, and an intelligent, software-configurable transceiver on the same low power microCMOS chip. The transceiver is capable of operating without significant processor interaction, releasing processor power for other tasks. Fast and flexible interrupt and subroutine capabilities with on-chip stacks make this power readily available. The transceiver is mapped into the processor’s register space, communicating with the processor via an asynchronous interface which enables both sections of the chip to run from different clock sources. The transmitter and receiver run at the same basic clock frequency although the receiver extracts a clock from the incoming data stream to ensure timing accuracy. The BCP is designed to stand alone and is capable of implementing a complete communications interface, using the processor’s spare power to control the complete system. Alternatively, the BCP can be interfaced to another processor with an on-chip interface controller arbitrating access to data memory. Access to program memory is also possible, providing the ability to download BCP code. A simple line interface connects the BCP to the communications line. The receiver includes an on-chip analog comparator, suitable for use in a transformer-coupled environment, although a TTL-level serial input is also provided for applications where an external comparator is preferred. A typical system is shown below. Both coax and twinax line interfaces are shown, as well as an example of the (optional) remote processor interface. Features Transceiver Y Software configurable for 3270, 3299, 5250 and general 8-bit protocols Y Fully registered status and control Y On-chip analog line receiver Processor Y 20 MHz clock (50 ns T-states) Y Max. instruction cycle: 200 ns Y 33 instruction types (50 total opcodes) Y ALU and barrel shifter Y 64k x 8 data memory address range Y 64k x 16 program memory address range (note: typical system requires k2k program memory) Y Programmable wait states Y Soft-loadable program memory Y Interrupt and subroutine capability Y Stand alone or host operation Y Flexible bus interface with on-chip arbitration logic General Y Low power microCMOS; typ. I CC e 25 mA at 20 MHz Y 84-pin plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) package Block Diagram Typical BCP System FIGURE 1 TL/F/9336 – 51 BCPÉ and TRI-STATEÉ are registered trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation. IBMÉ is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation TL/F/9336 RRD-B30M105/Printed in U. S. A. DP8344B Biphase Communications ProcessorÐBCP November 1991 The DP8344B is an enhanced version of the DP8344A, exhibiting improved switching performance and additional functionality. The device has been been characterized in a number of applications and found to be a compatible replacement for the DP8344A. Differences between the DP8344A and DP8344B are noted by shading of the text on the pages of this data sheet. For more information, refer to Section 6.6. Note: In this document [XXX] denotes a control or status bit in a register, ÀYYYÓ denotes a register. Table of Contents 3.0 TRANSCEIVER 1.0 COMMUNICATIONS PROCESSOR OVERVIEW 3.1 Transceiver Architectural Description 1.1 Communications Protocols 3.1.1 Protocols IBM 3270 IBM 3299 IBM 5250 General Purpose 8-Bit 1.2 Internal Architecture Overview 1.3 Timing Overview 1.4 Data Flow 1.5 Remote Interface Overview 2.0 CPU DESCRIPTION 3.2 Transceiver Functional Description 2.1 CPU Architectural Description 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 2.1.1 Register Set Banked Registers Timing Control Registers Interrupt Control Registers Timer Registers Transceiver Registers Condition Code/Remote Handshaking Register Index Registers Stack Registers 4.0 REMOTE INTERFACE AND ARBITRATION SYSTEM (RIAS) 4.1 RIAS Architectural Description 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 2.1.2 Timer Timer Operation 2.1.3 Instruction Set Harvard Architecture Implications Addressing Modes Instruction Set Overview Remote Arbitration Phases Access Types Interface Modes Execution Control 4.2 RIAS Functional Description 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 2.2 Functional Description 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 Transmitter Receiver Transceiver Interrupts Protocol Modes Line Interface 3270 Line Interface 5250 Line Interface ALU Timing Interrupts Oscillator 2 Buffered Read Latched Read Slow Buffered Write Fast Buffered Write Latched Write Remote Rest Time Table of Contents (Continued) 6.3 Remote Interface Reference 5.0 DEVICE SPECIFICATIONS 6.4 Development Tools 5.1 Pin Description 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 Timing/Control Signals Instruction Memory Interface Data Memory Interface Transceiver Interface Remote Interface External Interrupts Assembler System Development Kit Multi-Protocol Adapter Design/Evaluation Kit Inverse Assembler 6.5 3rd Party Suppliers 6.5.1 Crystal 6.5.2 System Development Tools 5.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings 5.3 Operating Conditions 6.6 DP8344A Compatibility Guide 6.6.1 CPU Timing Changes 6.6.2 Additional Functionality 4 T-state Read A/AD Reset State RIC Transceiver 5.4 Electrical Characteristics 5.5 Switching Characteristics 5.5.1 Definitions 5.5.2 Timing Tables and Figures 6.0 REFERENCE SECTION 6.1 Instruction Set Reference 6.7 Reported Bugs 6.7.1 History 6.7.2 LJMP, LCALL Address Decode Suggested Work-around 6.2 Register Set Reference 6.2.1 Bit Index 6.2.2 Register Description 6.2.3 Bit Definition Tables Processor Transceiver 6.8 Glossary 6.9 Physical Dimensions 3 List of Illustrations Block Diagram of Typical BCP System ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ1 Biphase EncodingÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ1-1 IBM 3270 Message Format ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ1-2 Simplified Block DiagramÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ1-3 Memory Configuration 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Bit boundaries are not always indicated by transitions, so techniques employing start sequences and sync bits are used with bi-phase transmissions to ensure proper frame alignment and synchronization. The software specification covers the use of start sequences and sync bits, as well as defining the message format. Parity bits may be used to ensure data integrity. The message format is the ‘‘language’’ that is used to exchange information across the connecting medium. It defines command and control words, response times, and expected responses. The DP8344B Bi-phase Communications Processor supports both the IBM 3270 and 5250 communication protocols, as well as IBM 3299 and a general purpose 8-bit protocol. The specialized transceiver is combined with a microprocessor whose instruction set is optimized for use in a communications environment. This makes the DP8344 a powerful single-chip solution to a wide range of communication applications. An example of an IBM 3270 message is shown in Figure 1-2 . The transmission begins with a very specific start sequence and sync pulse for synchronization. This is followed by the data, command, and parity bits. Finally, the end sequence defines the end of the transmission. The IBM 3270 and 5250 are two widely used protocols. The 3270 protocol was developed for the 370 class mainframe, and it employs coaxial cable in a ‘‘star’’ configuration. The 5250 protocol was developed for the System/3x machines, and it uses a ‘‘daisy-chain’’ of twin-ax cable. A good overview of both of these environments may be found in the ‘‘Multi-Protocol Adapter System User Guide’’ from National Semiconductor, and in the Transceiver section of this document. The increased demand for computer connectivity has driven National Semiconductor to develop the next generation of special purpose microprocessors. The DP8344B is the first example of a ‘‘Communications Processor’’ for the IBM environment. It integrates a very fast, full function microprocessor with highly specialized transceiver circuitry. The combination of speed, power, and features allows the designer to easily implement a state-of-the-art communications interface. Typical applications for a communications processor are terminal emulation boards for PCs, stand-alone terminals, printer interfaces, and cluster controllers. The transceiver is designed to simplify the handling of specific communication protocols. This feature makes it possible to quickly develop interfaces and software with little concern for the ‘‘housekeeping’’ details of the protocol being used. 1.1 COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOLS A communication protocol is a set of rules which defines the physical, electrical, and software specifications required to successfully transfer data between two systems. The physical specification includes the network architecture, as well as the type of connecting medium, the connectors used, and the maximum distance between connections. Networks may be configured in ‘‘loops,’’ ‘‘stars,’’ or ‘‘daisy chains,’’ and they often use standard coaxial or twisted-pair cable. The electrical specification includes the polarity and amplitude of the signal, the frequency (bit rate), and encoding technique. One common method of encoding is called ‘‘biphase’’ or ‘‘Manchester II.’’ This technique combines the clock and data information into one transmission by encoding data as a ‘‘mid-bit’’ transition. Figure 1-1 shows how the data transition is related to the bit boundary in a typical transmission. The polarity of the ‘‘mid-bit’’ transition en- TL/F/9336 – B7 FIGURE 1-1. Biphase Encoding TL/F/9336 – B8 FIGURE 1-2. IBM 3270 Message Format 8 1.0 Communications Processor Introduction (Continued) (ALU) which performs addition, subtraction, Boolean operations, rotations and shifts. Separate instruction and data memory systems are supported, each with 16-bit address buses, for a total of 64k address space in each. There are 44 internal registers accessible to the CPU. These include special configuration and control registers for the transceiver and processor, four 16-bit indices to data memory, and 20 8-bit general purpose registers. There is also a 16-bit timer and a 16-byte deep LIFO data stack which are accessible in the register address space. For more detailed information, see the specific sections on the Register set, the Timer, and the ALU. The BCP can operate independently or with another processor as the host system. If such a system is required, communication with the BCP is possible by sharing data memory. The Remote Interface controls bus arbitration and access to data memory, as well as program up-loading and execution. For example, it is possible for a host system to load the BCP’s instruction memory and begin program execution, then pass data back and forth through data memory accesses. The section on the Remote Interface and Arbitration System provides all of the necessary timing and control information to implement an interface between a BCP and a remote system. As shown in Figure 1-4, the BCP uses two entirely separate memory systems, one for program storage and the other for data storage. This type of memory arrangement is referred to as Harvard architecture. Each system has 16 address lines, for a maximum of 64k words in each, and its own set of data lines. The instruction (program) memory is two bytes (16 bits) wide, and the data memory is one byte (8 bits) wide. In order to reduce the number of pins required for these signals, the address and data lines for data memory are multiplexed together. This requires an external latch and the Address Latch Enable signal (ALE) for de-multiplexing. 1.2 INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE INTRODUCTION The DP8344B Biphase Communications Processor (BCP) is divided into three major functional blocks: the Transceiver, the Central Processing Unit (CPU), and the Remote Interface and Arbitration System, RIAS. Figure 1-3 shows how these blocks are related to each other and to other system components. The transceiver consists of an asynchronous transmitter and receiver which can communicate across a serial data path. The transmitter takes parallel data from the CPU and appends to it the appropriate framing information. The resulting message is shifted out and is available as a serial data stream on two output pins. The receiver shifts in serial messages, strips off the framing information, and makes the data available in parallel form to the CPU. The framing information supplied by the BCP provides the proper message format for several popular communication protocols. These include IBM 3270, 3299, and 5250, as well as a general purpose 8-bit mode. The transceiver clock may be derived from the internal oscillator, either directly or through internal divide-down circuitry. There is also an input for an external transceiver clock, thus allowing complete flexibility in the choice of data rates. The receiver input can come from three possible sources. There is a built-in differential amplifier which is suitable for most line interfaces, a single-ended digital input for use with an external comparator, and an internal loopback path for self testing. Refer to the Transceiver section for a detailed description of all transmitter and receiver functions, and to the application note on coax interfaces for the proper use of the differential amplifier. The CPU is a general purpose, 8-bit microprocessor capable of 20 MHz operation. It has a reduced instruction set which is optimized for transceiver and data handling performance. It also has a full function arithmetic/logic unit TL/F/9336 – B9 FIGURE 1-3. Simplified Block Diagram 9 1.0 Communications Processor Introduction (Continued) rotates, and register moves, require only two T-states. Branching instructions and data memory accesses require three to four T-states. Simultaneous access to both data and program memory, and instruction pipelining greatly enhance the speed performance of the BCP, making it well suited for real-time processing. The pipeline allows the next instruction to be retrieved from program memory while the current instruction is being executed. Each memory system has a separate, programmable number of wait states to allow the use of slower memory devices. Instruction memory wait states are inserted into all instructions, as shown in Figure 1-5, thus they affect the overall speed of program execution. Instruction memory wait states can also apply when the Remote Interface is loading a program into instruction memory. Data memory wait states are only inserted into data memory access instructions, hence there is less degradation in overall program execution. Refer to the Timing section for detailed examples of all BCP instruction and data memory timing. 1.3 TIMING INTRODUCTION The timing of all CPU operations, instruction execution and memory access is related to the CPU clock. This clock is usually generated by a crystal and the internal oscillator, with optional divide by two circuitry. The period of the resulting CPU clock is referred to as a T-state; for example, a 20 MHz CPU clock yields a 50 ns T-state. Most CPU functions, such as arithmetic and logical operations, shifts and TL/F/9336 – C1 FIGURE 1-4. Memory Configuration TL/F/9336 – C2 FIGURE 1-5. Effect of Memory Wait States on Timing 10 1.0 Communications Processor Introduction (Continued) The other key element in the data path is the ALU. This unit does all of the arithmetic and data manipulation operations, but it also has bus multiplexing capabilities. Both the Data Memory bus and a portion of the Instruction Memory bus are routed to this unit and serve as alternative sources of data. Since the data flow is always through this unit, most data moves may include arithmetic manipulations with no penalty in execution time. 1.4 DATA FLOW The CPU registers are all dual port, that is, they have separate input and output paths. This arrangement allows a single register to function as both a source and a destination within the same instruction. Figures 1-6a through 1-6f show the internal data flow path for the BCP. The CPU registers are a central element to this path. When a register functions as an output, its contents are placed on the Source bus. When a register is an input, data from the Destination bus is written into that register. Figure 1-6a shows the data path for all arithmetic instructions and register to register moves. The source register contents are placed on the Source bus, routed through the TL/F/9336 – C5 TL/F/9336–C3 FIGURE 1-6a. Register to Register TL/F/9336 – C4 FIGURE 1-6b. Data Memory WRITE TL/F/9336–C6 FIGURE 1-6d. WRITE to Transmitter TL/F/9336 – C7 FIGURE 1-6e. READ from Receiver 11 FIGURE 1-6c. Data Memory READ TL/F/9336 – C8 FIGURE 1-6f. Load Immediate Data 1.0 Communications Processor Introduction (Continued) ALU/MUX, and then placed on the destination bus. This data is then stored into the appropriate destination register. 1.5 REMOTE INTERFACE AND ARBITRATION SYSTEM INTRODUCTION Figures 1-6b and 1-6c show the data path for data memory accesses. For a WRITE operation, the source register contents follow the same path through the ALU/MUX, but the Destination bus is routed to output pins and on to data memory. For a READ operation, incoming data is routed onto the Destination bus by the ALU/MUX, and then stored in a register. The address for all data memory accesses is provided by one of four 16-bit index registers which can operate in a variety of automatic increment and decrement modes. Transfer of the data byte between the CPU and the Transceiver is accomplished through a register location. This register, ÀRTRÓ, appears as a normal CPU register, but writing to it automatically transfers data to the transmitter FIFO, and reading from it retrieves data from the receiver FIFO. These paths are illustrated in Figures 1-6d and 1-6e. It is also possible to load immediate data into a CPU register. This data is supplied by the program and is usually a constant such as a pointer or character. As shown in Figure 1-6f, a portion of the Instruction bus is routed through the ALU/MUX for this purpose. The BCP is designed to serve as a complete, stand alone communications interface. Alternately, it can be interfaced with another processor by means of the Remote Interface and Arbitration System. Communication between the BCP and the remote processor is possible by sharing data memory. Harvard architecture allows the remote system to access any BCP data memory location while the BCP continues to fetch and execute instructions, thereby minimizing performance degradation. Figure 1-7 shows a simplified remote processor interface. This includes tri-state buffers on the address and data buses of the BCP’s Data Memory, and all of the control and handshaking signals required to communicate between the BCP and the host system. There is an 8-bit control register, Remote Interface Control À RIC Ó , accessible only to the remote system, which is used to control a variety of features, including the types of memory accesses, interface speeds, single step program execution, CPU start/stop, instruction memory loads, and so forth. Detailed information on all interface options is provided in the section on Remote Interface and Arbitration System, and in the related Reference section. TL/F/9336 – C9 FIGURE 1-7. Basic Remote Interface 12 2.0 CPU Description The CPU is a general purpose, 8-bit microprocessor capable of 20 MHz operation. It contains a large register set for standard CPU operations and control of the transceiver. The reduced instruction set is optimized for the communications environment. The following sections are an architectural and functional description of the DP8344B CPU. 2.1 CPU ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION 2.1.1 Register Set This section describes the BCP’s internal CPU registers. It is a general overview of the register structure and the functions mapped into the CPU register space. It is not a detailed or exhaustive description of every bit. For such a description, please refer to Section 6.2, Register Set Reference. Also, the Remote Interface Configuration register, À RIC Ó , is not accessible to the BCP (being accessible only by the remote system) and is described in Section 6.3, Remote Interface Reference. The register set of the BCP provides for a compliment of both special function and general purpose registers. The special function registers provide access to on-chip peripherals (transceiver, timer, interrupt control, etc.) while the general purpose registers maximize CPU throughput by minimizing accesses to external data memory. The CPU can address a total of 44 8-bit registers, providing access to: # # # # # # # # 20 general purpose registers 8 configuration and control registers 4 transceiver access registers 2 8-bit accumulators 4 16-bit pointers 16-bit timer 16 byte data stack address and data stack pointers The CPU addresses internal registers with a 5-bit field, addressing 32 locations generically named R0 through R31. The first twelve locations (R0–R11) are further organized by function as two groups of banked registers (A and B) as shown in Figure 2-1. Each group contains both a main and an alternate bank. Only one bank is active for group A and one for bank B and thus accessible during program execution. Switching between the banks is performed by the exchange instruction EXX which selects whether Main A or Alternate A occupies R0–R3 and whether Main B or Alternate B occupies R4–R11. TL/F/9336 – 32 FIGURE 2-1. Register Map 13 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) not have to be switched in to poll the transceiver. Timer and BIRQ tasks may also be run using polling techniques to Main A bank. In general, the registers have been arranged within the banks so as to minimize the need to switch banks. The power-up state is Alternate bank A, Alternate bank B allowing access to configuration registers. Again, the banks switch by using the EXX instruction which explicitly specifies which bank is active (Main or Alternate) for each register group (A and B). The EXX instruction allows selecting any of four possible bank settings with a single two T-state instruction. This instruction also has the option of enabling or disabling the maskable interrupts. The contents of the special function registers can be divided into several groups for general discussionÐtiming/control, interrupt control, the transceiver, the condition codes, the index registers, the timer, the stacks, and remote interface. Registers in the R0–R11 address space are allocated in a manner that minimizes the need to switch banks: Main A: CPU control and transceiver status Alternate A: CPU and transceiver configuration Main B: 8 general purpose Alternate B: 4 transceiver access, 4 general purpose Most of the BCP’s instructions with register operand(s) can access all 32 register locations. Only instructions with an immediate operand are limited to the first sixteen register locations (R0 – R15). These instructions, however, still have access to all registers required for transceiver operation, CPU status and control registers, 12 general purpose registers, and two of the index registers. The general purpose registers are used for the majority of BCP operations. There are 8 general purpose registers in Main Bank B (R4 –R11), 4 in Alternate Bank B (R8–R11), and 8 more (R20 –R27) that are always accessible but are outside the limited register range. Since these registers are internal to the BCP, they can be accessed without data memory wait states, speeding up processing time. The index registers may also be used as general purpose registers if required. For those instructions that require two operands, an accumulator (R8, one in each bank) serves as the second operand. The result of such an operation is stored back in the accumulator only if it is specified as the destination, thus allowing three operand operations such as R5 a R8 x R20. See Section 2.1.3 Instruction Set for further explanation. Most registers have a predetermined state following a reset to the BCP. Refer to Section 6.2, Register Set Reference for a detailed summary. Timing/Control Registers The BCP provides a means to configure its external timing through setting bits in the Device Control Register, ÀDCRÓ, and the Auxiliary Control Register, ÀACRÓ. One of the first configuration registers to be initialized on power-up/reset is À DCR Ó which defines the hardware environment in which the BCP is functioning. Specifically, ÀDCRÓ controls the clock select logic for both the CPU and transceiver, in addition to the number of wait states to be used for instruction and data memory accesses. The BCP allows either one clock source operation for the CPU and the transceiver from the on-chip oscillator, or an independent clock source can run the transceiver from the eXternal Transceiver CLocK input, X-TCLK. The Transceiver Clock Select bits, [TCS1,0], select the clock source for the transceiver which is either the on-chip Oscillator CLocK, OCLK, or X-TCLK. Options for selecting divisions of the onchip oscillator frequency are also provided (see the description of ÀDCRÓ in Section 6.2, Register Set Reference. The CPU Clock Select bit, [CCS], allows the CPU to run at the OCLK frequency or at half that speed. The clock output at the pin CLK-OUT, however, is never divided and always reflects the crystal frequency OCLK. The frequency selected for the transceiver (referred to as TCLK) should always be eight times the desired serial data rate. The frequency selected for the CPU defines the length of each T-state (e.g., 20 MHz implies 50 ns T-states). There are two independent fields for defining wait states, one for instruction memory access (nIW) and one for data memory access (nDW). These fields specify to the BCP how many wait states to insert to meet the access time requirements of both memory systems. The Instruction memory Wait-state select bits, [IW1,0], and the Data memory Waitstate select bits, [DW2 –0], control the number of inserted wait states for instruction and data memory, respectively. After a reset, the maximum number of wait states are set in À DCR Ó , nIW e 3 T-states and nDW e 7 T-states. Waitstates are discussed in more detail in Section 2.2.2, Timing. For a complete discussion on choosing your memory and determining the number of wait states required, please refer to the application note Choosing Your RAM for the Biphase Communication Processor. Banked Registers The CPU register set was designed to optimize CPU performance in an environment which supports multiple tasks. Generally the most important and time critical of these tasks will be maintaining the serial link (servicing the transceiver section) which often requires real time processing of commands and data. Therefore, all transceiver functions have been mapped into special function registers which the CPU can access quickly and easily. Switching between this task and other tasks has been facilitated by dedicating a register bank (Alternate B) to transceiver functions. Alternate Bank B provides access to all transceiver status, control, and data, in addition to four general purpose registers for protocol related storage. Main Bank B contains eight general purpose registers for use by other tasks. Having general purpose registers in both B banks allows for quick context switching and also helps eliminate some of the overhead of saving general purpose registers. The main objective of this banked register structure is to expedite servicing of the transceiver as a background (interrupt driven) task allowing the CPU to efficiently interleave that function with other background and foreground operations. To facilitate using the transceiver in a polled fashion (instead of using interrupts), many of the status flags necessary to handshake with the transceiver are built into the conditional jump instructions, with others available in the Main A bank (normally active) so that Alternate Bank B does 14 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) Another control bit in the ÀACRÓ register is the Clock Out Disable bit, [COD]. When [COD] is asserted, the buffered clock output at pin CLK-OUT is tri-stated. When the timer reaches a count of zero, the timer interrupt is generated, the Time Out flag, [TO], (bit 7 in the Condition Code Register ÀCCRÓ), goes high, and the timer reloads the 16-bit word stored in the holding registers to recycle through a count down. The timer interrupt and [TO] can be cleared by either writing a one to [TO] in ÀCCRÓ or stopping the timer by writing a zero to [TST] in ÀACRÓ. Refer to Section 2.1.2, Timer for more information on the timer operation. Interrupt Control Registers The configuration bank (Alternate Bank A) includes an Interrupt Base Register, ÀIBRÓ, which defines the high byte of all interrupt and trap vector addresses. Thus, the interrupt vector table can be located in any 256 byte page of the 64k range of instruction addresses. The interrupt base is normally initialized once on reset before interrupts are enabled or any traps are executed. Since NMI is nonmaskable and may occur before ÀIBRÓ is initialized, the power-up/reset value of ÀIBRÓ (00h) should be used to accommodate NMI during initialization. In other words, if NMI is used in the system, the absolute address 001Ch (the NMI vector) should contain a jump to an NMI service routine. The Interrupt Control Register, ÀICRÓ, provides individual masks [IM4– 0] for each of the maskable interrupts. The Global Interrupt Enable bit, [GIE], located in ÀACRÓ works in conjunction with these individual masks to control each of the maskable interrupts. The external pin called BIRQ is a Bidirectional Interrupt ReQuest. BIRQ is defined as an input or an output by the Bidirectional Interrupt Control bit, [BIC], in ÀACRÓ. [IM3] functions as BIRQ’s interrupt mask if BIRQ is an input as defines by [BIC]. When [BIC] defines BIRQ as an output, [IM3] controls the output state of BIRQ. Transceiver Registers Two registers in the Alternate A bank initialize transceiver functions. The Auxiliary Transceiver Register, ÀATRÓ, specifies a station address used by the address recognition logic within the transceiver when using the non-promiscuous 5250 and 8-bit protocol modes. In 5250 modes, ÀATRÓ also defines how long the TX-ACT pin stays asserted after the end of a transmitted message. The Fill Bit Register, ÀFBRÓ, specifies the number of optional fill bits inserted between frames in a multiframe 5250 message. À ICR Ó contains the Receiver Interrupt Select bits, [RIS1,0]. These bits determine the receiver interrupt source selection. The source may be either Receiver FIFO Full, Data Available, or Receiver Active. The Receive/Transmit Register, ÀRTRÓ, is the input/output port to both the transmitter and receiver FIFO’s. It appears to the BCP CPU like any other register. The ÀRTRÓ register provides the least significant eight bits of data in both received and transmitted messages. The Transceiver Mode Register, ÀTMRÓ, contains bits used to set the configuration of the transceiver. As long as the Transceiver RESet bit, [TRES], is high, the transceiver remains in reset. Internal LOOP-back operation of the transceiver can be selected by asserting [LOOP]. The RePeat ENable bit, [RPEN], allows the receiver to be active at the same time as the transmitter. When the Receiver INvert bit, [RIN], is set, all data sent to the receiver is inverted. The Transmitter INvert bit, [TIN], is analogous to [RIN] except it is for the transmitter. The protocol that the transceiver is using is selected with the Protocol Select bits, [PS2 –0]. The Transceiver Command Register, ÀTCRÓ, controls the workings of the transmitter. To generate 5.5 line quiesce pulses at the start of a transmission rather than 5, the Advance Transmitter Active bit, [ATA], must be set high. Parity is automatically generated on a transmission and the Odd Word Parity bit, [OWP], determines whether that parity is even or odd. Bits 2 – 0 of ÀTCRÓ make up part of the Transmitter FIFO [TF10 – 8] along with ÀRTRÓ. Whenever a write is made to ÀRTRÓ, [TF10 – 8] are automatically pushed on the FIFO with the 8 bits written to ÀRTRÓ. Other bits in ÀTCRÓ control the operation of the on-chip receiver. The number of line quiesce bits the receiver must detect to recognize a valid message is determined by the Receive Line Quiesce bit, [RLQ]. The BCP has its own internal analog comparator, but an off-chip one may be connected to DATA-IN. The receiver source is determined by the Select Line Receiver bit, [SLR]. To view transceiver errors in the Error Code Register, ÀECRÓ, the Select Error Codes, [SEC], bit in ÀTCRÓ must be set high. When [SEC] is high, Alternate Bank B R4 is remapped from ÀRTRÓ to ÀECRÓ so that ÀECRÓ can be read. Section 2.2.3, Interrupts provides a further description of these registers. Timer Registers The timer block interfaces with the CPU via two registers, TimeR Low byte, ÀTRLÓ, and TimeR High byte, ÀTRHÓ, which form the input/output ports to the timer. Writing to À TRL Ó and À TRH Ó stores the low and high byte, respectively, of a 16-bit time-out value into two holding registers. The word stored in the holding registers is the value that the timer will be loaded with via [TLD]. Also, the timer will automatically reload this word upon timing out. Reading ÀTRLÓ and ÀTRHÓ provides access to the count down status of the timer. Control of timer operation is maintained via three bits in the Auxiliary Control Register ÀACRÓ. Timer STart [TST], bit 7 in ÀACRÓ, is the start/stop control bit. Writing a one to [TST] allows the timer to start counting down from its current value. When low, the timer stops and the timer interrupt is cleared. Timer Load [TLD], bit 6 in ÀACRÓ, is the load control of the timer. After writing the desired values into À TRL Ó and À TRH Ó , writing a one to [TLD] will load the 16-bit word in the holding registers into the timer and initialize the timer clock to zero in preparation to start counting. Upon completing the load operation, [TLD] is automatically cleared. Timer Clock Selection [TCS], bit 5 in ÀACRÓ, determines the clock frequency of the timer count down. When low, the timer divides the CPU clock by sixteen to form the clock for the down counter. When [TCS] is high, the timer divides the CPU clock by two. The input clock to the timer is the CPU clock and should not be confused with the oscillator clock, OCLK. The rate of the CPU clock will be either equal to OCLK or one-half of OCLK depending on the value of bit 7 in the Device Control Register, ÀDCRÓ. 15 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) Just as [TF10 – 8] bits get pushed onto the transmitter FIFO when a write to ÀRTRÓ occurs, the Receiver FIFO bits, [RF10 – 8], in the Transceiver Status Register, ÀTSRÓ, reflect the state of the top word of the receive FIFO. ÀTSRÓ also contains flags that show Transmit FIFO Full, [TFF], Transmitter Active, [TA], Receiver Error, [RE], Receiver Active, [RA], and Data AVailable, [DAV]. These flags may be polled to determine the state of the transceiver. For instance, during a Receiver Active interrupt, the BCP can query the [DAV] bit to determine whether data is ready in the receiver FIFO yet. The Error Code Register, ÀECRÓ, contains flags for receiver errors. As previously stated, the [SEC] bit in ÀTRCÓ must be set high to read this register. Reading ÀECRÓ or resetting the transceiver with [TRES] will clear all the errors that are present. The receiver OVerFlow flag, [OVF], is set when the receiver attempts to add another word to the FIFO when it is full. If internally checked parity and parity transmitted with a 3270 message conflict, then the PARity error bit, [PAR], is set high. The Invalid Ending Sequence bit, [IES], is set when the ending sequence in a 3270, 3299, or 8-bit message is incorrect. When the expected mid-bit transition in the Manchester waveform does not occur, a Loss of Mid-Bit Transition occurs ([LMBT]). Finally, if the transmitter is activated while the receiver is active, the Receiver DISabled while active flag, [RDIS], will be set unless [RPEN] is asserted. The second register in Main A bank is called the Network Command Flag register, ÀNCFÓ, and contains information about the transceiver which is useful for polling the transceiver (during other tasks for example) to see if it needs servicing. These flags include bits to indicate Transmit FIFO Empty [TFE], Receive FIFO Full [RFF], Line Active [LA], and a Line Turn Around [LTA]. [LTA] indicates that a message has been received without error and a valid ending sequence has occurred. These flags facilitate polling of the transceiver section when transceiver interrupts are not used. Also included in this register is a bit called [DEME] (Data Error/Message End). In 3270/3299 modes, this bit indicates a mismatch between received and locally generated byte parity. In 5250 modes, [DEME] decodes an end of message indicator (111 in the address field). Three other bits: Received Auto Response [RAR], Acknowledge [ACK] and Poll [POLL] are decoded from a received message (at the output of the receive FIFO) and are valid only in 3270/ 3299 modes where response time is critical. Section 3.0 Transceiver provides comprehensive coverage of this on-chip peripheral. interrupt request as defined by bits in ÀACRÓ and ÀICRÓ. If a remote CPU is present and shares data memory (dual port memory) with the BCP, handshaking can be accomplished by using the two status bits in ÀCCRÓ called [RR] and [RW], which indicate Remote Read and Remote Write accesses, respectively. In ÀACRÓ, a lock bit, [LOR], is available to lock out all host accesses. When this bit is set, all host accesses are disabled. Locking out remote accesses is often done during interrupts to ensure quick response times. The Remote Interface Configuration register, ÀRICÓ, is not available to the BCP internally. The Remote Interface Reference section provides further detail on ÀRICÓ and interfacing a remote processor. Index Registers Four index registers called IW, IX, IY, and IZ provide 16-bit addressing for both data memory and instruction memory. Each of these index registers is actually a pair of 8-bit registers which are individually addressable just like any other CPU register. They occupy register addresses R12 through R19. Thus, the first two pointers IW and IX (comprising R12 – R15) can be accessed with immediate mode instructions (which can access only R0 to R15). Refer to Section, Addressing Modes to see how the index registers are formed from R12 – R19. Accessing data memory requires the use of one of the four index registers. All such instructions allow you to specify which pointer is to be used, except the immediate-relative moves: MOVE rs,[IZ a n] and MOVE [IZ a n],rd. These instructions always use the IZ pointer. Register indirect operations have options to alter the value of the index register; the options include pre-increment, post-increment, and post-decrement. These options facilitate block moves, searches, etc. Refer to Section 2.1.3, Instruction Set for more information about data moves. Since the BCP’s ALU is 8 bits wide, all code that manipulates the index registers must act on them eight bits at a time. The index registers can also be used in register indirect jumps (LJMP [Ir]), useful in implementing relocatable code. Any one of the index registers can be specified to provide the 16-bit instruction address for the indirect jump. Stack Registers The last two register addresses (R30,R31) are dedicated to provide access to the two on-chip stacksÐthe data stack and the address stack. The data stack is 8 bits wide and 16 words deep. It is a Last In First Out (LIFO) type and provides high speed storage for variables, pointers, etc. The address stack is 23 bits wide and 12 words deep, providing twelve levels of nesting of subroutines and interrupts. It is also a LIFO structure and stores processor status as well as return addresses from CALL instructions, TRAP instructions, and interrupts. The seven bits of processor status consist of the four ALU flags, ([C], [N], [V], and [Z]), the current bank setting (two bits), and [GIE]. Condition Codes/Remote Handshaking Register The ALU condition codes are available in the Condition Code Register ÀCCRÓ. The [Z] bit is set when a zero result is generated by an arithmetic, logical, or shift instruction. Similarly, [N] indicates the Negative result of the same operations. An oVerflow condition from an arithmetic instruction sets the [V] bit in ÀCCRÓ. The Carry bit [C] indicates a carry or borrow result from an arithmetic instruction. See Section 2.2.2, ALU for more information. The Condition Code Register, ÀCCRÓ, also contains [BIRQ], a status bit which reflects the logic level of the bidirectional interrupt input pin BIRQ. Hence, this pin can be used as a general purpose input/output port as well as a bidirectional Stack pointers for both the on-chip stacks are provided in R30, the Internal Stack Pointer register, ÀISPÓ. The lower four bits are the pointer for the data stack and the upper four bits are the pointer for the address stack. Both internal stacks are circular. For example if 16 bytes are written to 16 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) ed with via [TLD]. Also, the timer will automatically reload this word upon timing out. Reading ÀTRLÓ and ÀTRHÓ provides access to the count down status of the timer. Control of timer operation is maintained via three bits in the Auxiliary Control Register ÀACRÓ. Timer STart [TST], bit 7 in ÀACRÓ, is the start/stop control bit. Writing a one to [TST] allows the timer to start counting down from its current value. When low, the timer stops and the timer interrupt is cleared. Timer Load [TLD], bit 6 in ÀACRÓ, is the load control of the timer. After writing the desired values into À TRL Ó and À TRH Ó , writing a one to [TLD] will load the 16-bit word in the holding registers into the timer and initialize the timer clock to zero in preparation to start counting. Upon completing the load operation, [TLD] is automatically cleared. Timer Clock Selection [TCS], bit 5 in ÀACRÓ, determines the clock frequency of the timer count down. When low, the timer divides the CPU clock by sixteen to form the clock for the down counter. When [TCS] is high, the timer divides the CPU clock by two. The input clock to the timer is the CPU clock and should not be confused with the oscillator clock, OCLK. The rate of the CPU clock will be either equal to OCLK or one-half of OCLK depending on the value of bit 7 in the Device Control Register, ÀDCRÓ. When the timer reaches a count of zero, the timer interrupt is generated, the Time Out flag, [TO], (bit 7 in the Condition Code Register ÀCCRÓ), goes high, and the timer reloads the 16-bit word stored in the holding registers to recycle through a count down. The timer interrupt and [TO] can be cleared by either writing a one to [TO] in ÀCCRÓ or stopping the timer by writing a zero to [TST] in ÀACRÓ. A block diagram of the timer is shown in Figure 2-2. the data stack, the next byte pushed will overwrite the first. À ISP Ó can be read and written to like any other register, but after a write, the BCP must execute one instruction before reading the stack whose pointer was modified. The Data Stack register, ÀDSÓ, is the input/output port for the data stack. This port is accessed like any other register, but a write to it will ‘‘push’’ a byte onto the stack and a read from it will ‘‘pop’’ a byte from the stack. The data stack pointer is updated when a read or write of ÀDSÓ occurs. Information bits in the instruction address stack are not mapped into the CPU’s register space and, therefore, are not directly accessible. A remote system running a monitor program can access this information by forcing the BCP to single-step through a return instruction and then reading the program counter. Since the stack pointers are writeable, the remote system can access any location (return address) in the address stack to trace program flow and then restore the stack pointer to its original position. 2.1.2 Timer The BCP has an internal 16-bit timer that can be used in a variety of ways. The timer counts independently of the CPU, eliminating the waste of valuable processor bandwidth. The timer can be used in a polled or interrupt driven configuration for user software flexibility. The timer interfaces with the CPU via two registers, TimeR Low byte, ÀTRLÓ, and TimeR High byte, ÀTRHÓ, which form the input/output ports to the timer. Writing to ÀTRLÓ and À TRH Ó stores the low and high byte, respectively, of a 16-bit time-out value into two holding registers. The word stored in the holding registers is the value that the timer will be load- TL/F/9336 – D1 FIGURE 2-2. Timer Block Diagram 17 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) The count status of the timer can be monitored by reading À TRL Ó and/or À TRH Ó . When the registers are read, the output of the timer, not the value in the input holding registers, is presented to the ALU. Some applications might require monitoring the count status of the timer while it is counting down. Since the timer can time-out between reads of ÀTRLÓ and ÀTRHÓ, the software should take this fact into consideration. To read back what was written to ÀTRLÓ and ÀTRHÓ, the timer must first be loaded via [TLD] without starting the timer followed by a one instruction delay before reading À TRL Ó and À TRH Ó to allow the output registers to be updated from the load operation. To determine the time-out delay for a given value in ÀTRLÓ and ÀTRHÓ other than 0000h, the following equation can be used: TD e (value in ÀTRHÓÀTRLÓ) * T * k Timer Operation After the desired 16-bit time-out value is written into ÀTRLÓ and ÀTRHÓ, the start, load, and clock selection can be achieved in a single write to ÀACRÓ. A restriction exists on changing the timer clock frequency in that [TCS] should not be changed while the timer is running (i.e., [TST] is high). After a write to ÀACRÓ to load and start the timer, the timer begins counting down at the selected frequency from the value in ÀTRLÓ and ÀTRHÓ. Upon reaching a count of zero, the timer interrupt is generated and, the timer reloads the current word from ÀTRLÓ and ÀTRHÓ to cycle through a countdown again. The timing waveforms shown in Figure 2-3 show a write to ÀACRÓ that loads, starts, selects the CPU clock rate/2 for the countdown rate, and asserts the Global Interrupt Enable [GIE]. Prior to the write to ÀACRÓ, À TRL Ó and À TRH Ó were loaded with 00h and 01h respectively, the timer interrupt was unmasked in the Interrupt Control Register ÀICRÓ by clearing bit 4, and zero instruction wait states were selected in ÀDCRÓ. Since the write to À ACR Ó asserted [GIE], the timer interrupt is enabled and the CPU will vector to the timer interrupt service routine address when the timer reaches a count of zero. The timer interrupt is the lowest priority interrupt and is latched and maintained until it is cleared in software. (See CPU Interrupts section). For very long time intervals, time-outs can be accumulated under software control by writing a one to [TO] in ÀCCRÓ allowing the timer to recycle its count down with no other intervention. For time-outs attainable with one count down, stopping the timer will clear the interrupt and [TO]. When the timer interrupt is enabled, the call to the interrupt service routine occurs at different instruction boundaries depending on when the timer interrupt occurs in the instruction cycle. If the timer times out prior to T2, where T2 is the last T-state of an instruction cycle, the call to the interrupt service routine will occur in the next instruction. When the time-out occurs in T2, the call to the interrupt service routine will not occur in the next instruction. It occurs in the second instruction following T2. where: k e 2 when [TCS] e 1 or 16 when [TCS] e 0 T e The period of the CPU clock TD e The amount of time delay after the end of the instruction that asserts [TST] in ÀACRÓ When the value of 0000h is loaded in the timer, the maximum time-out is obtained and is calculated as follows: TD e 65536 * T * k With the CPU running full speed with an 18.8 MHz crystal, the maximum single loop time delay attainable would be 55.6 ms ([TCS] e 0). The minimum time delay with the same constraints is 106 ns ([TCS] e 1). For accumulating time-out intervals, the total time delay is simply the number of loops accumulated multiplied by the calculated time delay. The equations above do not account for any overhead for processing the timer interrupt. The added overhead of processing the interrupt may need to be included for precision timing. 18 FIGURE 2-3. Timer Interrupt Diagram TL/F/9336 – D2 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) 19 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) Addressing Modes 2.1.3 Instruction Set The followng paragraphs introduce the BCP’s architecture by discussing addressing modes and briefly discussing the Instruction Set. For detailed explanations and examples of each instruction, refer to the Instruction Set Reference Section. An addressing mode is the mechanism by which an instruction accesses its operand(s). The BCP’s architecture supports five basic addressing modes: register, immediate, indexed, immediate-relative, and register-relative. The first two allow instructions to execute the fastest because they require no memory access beyond instruction fetch. The remaining three addressing modes point to data or instruction memory. Typical of a RISC processor, most of the instructions only support the first three addressing modes, with one of the operands always limited to the register addressing mode. Harvard Architecture Implications The BCP utilizes a true Harvard Architecture, where the instruction and data memory are organized into two independent memory banks, each with their own address and data buses. Both the Instruction Address Bus and the Instruction Bus are 16 bits wide with the Instruction Address Bus addressing memory by words. (A word of memory is 16 bits long; i.e., 1 word e 2 bytes.) Most of the instructions are one word long. The exceptions are two words long, containing a word of instruction followed by a word of immediate data. The combination of word sized instructions and a word based instruction address bus eliminates the typical instruction alignment problems faced by many CPU’s. The Data Address Bus is 16 bits wide (with the low order 8 bits multiplexed on the Data Bus), and the Data Bus is 8 bits wide (i.e., one byte wide). The Data Address Bus addresses memory by bytes. Most of the BCP’s instructions operate on byte-sized operands. Note that although both instruction addresses and data addresses are 16 bits long, these addresses are for two different buses and, therefore, have two different numerical meanings, (i.e., byte address or word address.) Each instruction determines whether the meaning of a 16-bit address is that of an instruction word address or a data byte address. Little confusion exists though because only the program flow instructions interpret 16-bit addresses as instruction addresses. Register Addressing Modes There are two terminologies for the register addressing modes: Register and Limited Register. Instructions that allow Register operands can access all the registers in the CPU. Note that only 32 of the 44 CPU registers are available at any given point in time because the lower 12 register locations (R0 – R11) access one of two switchable register banks each. (See Section, Banked Registers for more information on the CPU register banks.) Instructions that allow the Limited Register operands can access just the first 28 registers of the CPU. Again, note that only 16 of these 28 registers are available at any given point in time. Table 2-1 shows the notations used for the Register and Limited Register operands. Some instructions also imply the use of certain registers, for example the accumulators. This is noted in the discussions of those instructions. Immediate Addressing Modes The two types of the immediate addressing modes available are: Immediate numbers and Absolute numbers. Immediate numbers are 8 bits of data, (one data byte), that code directly into the instruction word. Immediate numbers may represent data, data address displacements, or relative instruction addresses. Absolute numbers are 16-bit numbers. They code into the second word of two word instructions and they represent absolute instruction addresses. Table 2-2 shows the notations used for both of these addressing modes. TABLE 2-1. Register Addressing Mode Notations Notation Type of Register Operand Registers Allowed Rs Rd Rsd Source Register Destination Register Register is both a Source & Destination R0 – R31 R0 – R31 R0 – R31 rs rd rsd Limited Source Register Limited Destination Register Limited Register is both a Source & Destination R0 – R15 R0 – R15 R0 – R15 TABLE 2-2. Immediate Addressing Mode Notations Notation n nn Type of Immediate Operand Immediate Number Absolute Number 20 Size 8 Bits 16 Bits 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) Immediate-Relative and Register-Relative Address Modes Indexed Addressing Modes Indexed operands involve one of four possible CPU register pairs referred to as the index registers. Figure 2-4 illustrates how the index registers map into the CPU Register Set. Note that the index registers are 16 bits wide. Index registers allow for indirect memory addressing and usually contain data memory addresses, although, the LJMP instruction can use index registers to hold instruction memory addresses. Most of the instructions that allow memory indirect addressing, (i.e. the use of index registers), also allow pre-incrementing, post-incrementing, or post-decrementing of the index register contents during instruction execution, if desired. Table 2-3 lists the notations used for the index register modes. The index registers are set to zero when the BCP’s RESET pin is asserted. Index CPU Register Pair Forming Index Register Register (MSB) (LSB) IW R13 15 IX R15 IY R14 R17 IZ 0 R16 87 R19 15 Data Movement Instructions The MOVE instruction is responsible for all the data transfer operations that the BCP can perform. Moving one byte at a time, five different types of transfer are allowed: register to register, data memory to register, register to data memory, instruction memory to register, and instruction memory to data memory. Table 2-5 lists all the variations of the MOVE instruction. 0 87 15 Instruction Set Overview The BCP’s RISC instruction set contains seven categories of instructions: Data Movement, Integer Arithmetic, Logic, Shift-Rotate, Comparison, Program Flow, and Miscellaneous. R12 87 15 The Immediate-Relative mode adds an unsigned 8-bit immediate number to the index register IZ forming a data byte address. The Register-Relative mode adds the unsigned 8-bit value in the current accumulator, A, to any one of the index registers forming a data byte address. Both of these indirect memory addressing modes are available only on the MOVE instruction. Table 2-4 shows the notation used for these two addressing modes. 0 R18 87 FIGURE 2-4. Index Register Map 0 TABLE 2-3. Index Register Addressing Mode Notations Notation [Ir] [Irb] [Ir a ] [ a Ir] [mIr] Meaning Index Register, Contents Not Changed Index Register, Contents Post-Decremented Index Register, Contents Post-Incremented Index Register, Contents Pre-Incremented General Notation Indicating that Any of the Above Modes Is Allowed Note: [ ] denotes indirect memory addressing and is part of the instruction syntax. TABLE 2-4. Relative Index Register Mode Notations Notation Type of Action Performed to Calculate a Data Memory Address [IZ a n] [Ir a A] IZ a Immediate Number (unsigned) x Data Memory Address Index Register a Current Accumulator (unsigned) x Data Memory Address Note: [ ] denotes indirect memory addressing and is part of the instruction syntax. TABLE 2-5. Data Movement Instructions Syntax Instruction Operation Addressing Modes MOVE Rs, Rd MOVE Rs, [mIr] MOVE [mIr], Rd MOVE Rs, [Ir a A] MOVE [Ir a A], Rd MOVE rs, [IZ a n] MOVE [IZ a n], rd MOVE n, rd MOVE n, [Ir] register x register register x data memory data memory x register register x data memory data memory x register register x data memory data memory x register instruction memory x register instruction memory x data memory Register, Register Register, Indexed Indexed, Register Register, Register-Relative Register-Relative, Register Limited Register, Immediate-Relative Immediate-Relative, Limited Register Immediate, Limited Register Immediate, Indexed 21 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) Logic Instructions Integer Arithmetic Instructions The integer arithmetic instructions operate on 8-bit signed (two’s complement) binary numbers. Two arithmetic functions are supported: Add and Subtract. Three versions of the Add and Subtract instructions exist: operand g accumulator, operand g accumulator g carry, and immediate operand g operand. The first two versions support both the register and indexed addressing modes for the destination operand. These two versions also allow the specification of a separate register or data address for the destination operand so that the sources may retain their integrity; (i.e., true three-operand instructions). Note that the currently active ‘‘B’’ register bank selects which accumulator is used in these instructions. The third version, immediate operand g operand, only supports the register addressing mode for the destination operand with the register as both a source and the destination. Table 2-6 lists the integer arithmetic instructions along with their variations. The logic instructions operate on 8-bit binary data. A full set of logic functions is supported by the BCP: AND, OR, eXclusive OR, and Complement. All the logic functions except complement allow either an immediate operand or the currently active accumulator as an implied operand. Complement only allows one register operand which is both the source and destination. The other logic instructions include the following addressing modes: register, indexed, and immediate. As with the integer arithmetic instructions, the integrity of the sources may be maintained by specifying a destination register which is different from the source. Table 2-7 lists all the logic instructions. TABLE 2-6. Integer Arithmetic Instructions Syntax ADD ADDA ADDA ADCA ADCA SUB SUBA SUBA SBCA SBCA n, rsd Rs, Rd Rs, [mlr] Rs, Rd Rs, [mlr] n, rsd Rs, Rd Rs, [mlr] Rs, Rd Rs, [mlr] Instruction Operation x register a n register Rs a accumulator Rd Rs a accumulator data memory Rs a accumulator a carry Rd Rs a accumulator a carry data memory register b n register Rs b accumulator Rd Rs b accumulator data memory Rs b accumulator b carry Rd Rs b accumulator b carry data memory x x x x x x x x x Addressing Modes Immediate, Limited Register Register, Register Register, Indexed Register, Register Register, Indexed Immediate, Limited Register Register, Register Register, Indexed Register, Register Register, Indexed TABLE 2-7. Logic Instructions Syntax AND ANDA ANDA OR ORA ORA XOR XORA XORA CPL n, rsd Rs, Rd Rs, [mlr] n, rsd Rs, Rd Rs, [mlr] n, rsd Rs, Rd Rs, [mlr] Rsd Instruction Operation Addressing Modes register & n x register Rs & accumulator x Rd Rs & accumulator x data memory register l n x register Rs l accumulator x Rd Rs l accumulator x data memory register Z n x register Rs Z accumulator x Rd Rs Z accumulator x data memory register x register Immediate, Limited Register Register, Register Register, Indexed Immediate, Limited Register Register, Register Register, Indexed Immediate, Limited Register Register, Register Register, Indexed Register Note: & e logical AND operation l e logical OR operation Z e logical exclusive OR operation r e one’s complement 22 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) jump; and software interrupt capabilities. These instructions redirect program flow by changing the Program Counter. Shift and Rotate Instructions The shift and rotate instructions operate on any of the 8-bit CPU registers. The BCP supports shift left, shift right, and rotate operations. Table 2-8 lists the shift and rotate instructions. The unconditional jump instructions support both relative instruction addressing, the (JuMP instruction), and absolute instruction addressing, (the Long JuMP instruction), using the following addressing modes: Immediate, Register, Absolute, and Indexed. Table 2-10 lists the unconditional jump instructions and their variations. The conditional jump instructions support both relative instruction addressing and absolute instruction addressing using the Immediate and Absolute addressing modes. The conditional relative jump instruction tests flags in the Condition Code Register, ÀCCRÓ, and the Transceiver Status Register, ÀTSRÓ. Two possible syntaxes are supported for the conditional relative jump instruction; see Table 2-11. Table 2-12 lists the various flags ‘‘f’’ that the conditional JMP instruction can test and Table 2-13 lists the various conditions ‘‘cc’’ that the Jcc instruction can test for. Keep in Comparison Instructions The BCP utilizes two comparison instructions. The CMP instruction performs a two’s complement subtraction between a register and immediate data. The BIT instruction tests selected bits in a register by ANDing it with immediate data. Neither instruction stores its results, only the ALU flags are affected. Table 2-9 lists both of the comparison instructions. Program Flow Instructions The BCP has a wide array of program flow instructions: unconditional jumps, calls and returns; conditional jumps, calls, and returns; relative or absolute instruction addressing on jumps and calls; a specialized register field decoding TABLE 2-8. Shift and Rotate Instructions Syntax Instruction Operation Addressing Mode SHL Rsd,b Register SHR Rsd,b Register ROT Rsd,b Register Note: ‘‘b’’ e the number of bit shifts/rotates to perform. TABLE 2-9. Comparison Instructions Syntax Instruction Operation Addressing Mode CMP rs, n BIT rs, n register b n register & n Limited Register Limited Register Note: & e logical AND operation TABLE 2-10. Unconditional Jump Instructions Syntax JMP JMP LJMP LJMP n Rs nn [Ir] Instruction Operation Operand Range x PC x PC PC a n (sign extended) PC a Rs (sign extended) b 128, a 127 b 128, a 127 nn x PC Ir x PC 0, 64k 0, 64k Note: PC e Program Counter; contents initially points to instruction following jump. 23 Addressing Mode Immediate Register Absolute Indexed 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) On the other hand, the conditional absolute jump instruction, LJMP, can test any bit in any currently active CPU register. Table 2-14 shows the conditional long jump instruction syntax. JMP Z,NS,SKIP.IT ;If [Z]40 goto SKIP.IT -orJNZ SKIP.IT ;If [Z]40 goto SKIP.IT mind that the Jcc instruction is just an optional syntax for the conditional JMP instruction. The example in Figure 2-5 demonstrates two possible ways to code the conditional relative jump instruction when testing for a false [Z] flag in ÀCCRÓ. In the example, assume that the symbol ‘‘Z’’ equals ‘‘000’’ binary, that the symbol ‘‘NS’’ equals ‘‘0’’ binary, and that the symbol ‘‘SKIP.IT’’ points to the desired instruction with which to begin execution if [Z] is false. FIGURE 2-5. Coding Examples of Equivalent Conditional Jump Instructions TABLE 2-11. Conditional Relative Jump Instruction Syntax Instruction Operation Operand Range Addressing Mode JMP f,s,n If the flag ‘‘f’’ is in the state ‘‘s’’ then PC a n (sign extended) x PC If the condition ‘‘cc’’ is met then PC a n (sign extended) x PC b 128, a 127 Immediate b 128, a 127 Immediate Jcc n Note: PC e Program Counter; contents initially points to instruction following jump. TABLE 2-12. ‘‘f’’ Flags ‘‘f’’(Binary) Flag 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Z C V N RA RE DAV TFF Flag Name Register Containing Flag Zero Carry Overflow Negative Receiver Active Receiver Error Data Available Transmitter FIFO Full À CCR Ó À CCR Ó À CCR Ó À CCR Ó À TSR Ó À TSR Ó À TSR Ó À TSR Ó TABLE 2-13. ‘‘cc’’ Conditions Tested ‘‘cc’’ Field Z NZ EQ NEQ C NC V NV N P RA NRA RE NRE DA NDA TFF NTFF Condition Tested for Zero Not Zero Equal Not Equal Carry No Carry Overflow No Overflow Negative Positive Receiver Active Not Receiver Active Receiver Error No Receiver Error Data Available No Data Available Transmitter FIFO FULL Transmitter FIFO Not Full Flag ‘‘f’’’s Condition [Z] [Z] [Z] [Z] [C] [C] [V] [V] [N] [N] [RA] [RA] [RE] [RE] [DAV] [DAV] [TFF] [TFF] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 TABLE 2-14. Conditional Absolute Jump Instruction Syntax LJMP Rs,p,s,nn Instruction Operation Operand Range Addressing Mode If the bit of register ‘‘Rs’’ in position ‘‘p’’ is in the state ‘‘s’’ then nn x PC 0, 64k Register, Absolute Note: PC e Program Counter 24 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) er protocol which is located in the Receive/Transmit Register, ÀRTR[4 –2] Ó. The BCP also has a specialized relative jump instruction called relative Jump with Rotate and Mask on source register, JRMK. This instruction facilitates the decoding of register fields often involved in communications processing. JRMK does this by rotating and masking a copy of its register operand to form a signed program counter displacement which usually points into a jump table. Table 2-15 shows the syntax and operation of the JRMK instruction. JRMK’s masking, (setting to zero), the least significant bit of the displacement allows the construction of a jump table using either one or two word instructions; for instance, a table of JMP and/or LJMP instructions, respectively. The example in Figure 2-6 demonstrates the JRMK instruction decoding the address frame of the 3299 Terminal Multiplex- The BCP has two unconditional call instructions; CALL, which supports relative instruction addressing and LCALL, (Long CALL), which supports absolute instruction addressing. These instructions push the following information onto the CPU’s internal Address Stack: the address of the next instruction; the status of the Global Interrupt Enable flag, [GIE]; the status of the ALU flags [Z], [C], [N], and [V]; and the status of which register banks are currently active. Table 2-16 lists the two unconditional call instructions. Note that the Address Stack is only twelve positions deep; therefore, the BCP allows twelve levels of nested subroutine invocations, (this includes both interrupts and calls). TABLE 2-15. JRMK Instruction Syntax JRMK Rs, b, m Instruction Operation (a) Rotate a copy of register ‘‘Rs’’ ‘‘b’’ bits to the right. (b) Mask the most significant ‘‘m’’ bits and the least significant bit of the above result. (c) PC a resulting displacement (sign extended) x PC. Displacement Range Addressing Mode b 128, a 126 Register Note: PC e Program Counter; contents initially points to instruction following jump. Example Code JRMK RTR,1,4 LJMP ADDR.0 LJMP ADDR.1 . . . LJMP ADDR.7 ;decode terminal address ;jump to device handler #0 ;jump to device handler #1 ;jump to device handler #7 Instruction Execution Copy ÀRTRÓ into JRMK’s displacement register: Rotate displacement register 1 bit to the right: AND result with ‘‘00001110’’ binary mask: Sign extend resulting displacement and add it to the program counter, (PC). If the bits A2 A1 A0 equal ‘‘0 0 1’’ binary then a 2 is added to the Program Counter; (i.e., PC a 2 x PC). (e) Execute the instruction pointed to by the PC, which in this example is: LJMP ADDR.1 x y 0 (a) (b) (c) (d) 0 JRMK Displacement Register Contents x x A2 A1 A0 y y x x x A2 A1 A0 y 0 0 0 A2 A1 A0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 FIGURE 2-6. JRMK Instruction Example TABLE 2-16. Unconditional Call Instructions Syntax CALL n LCALL nn Operand Range Addressing Mode x Address Stack b 128, a 127 Immediate x Address Stack 0, 64k Absolute Instruction Operation PC & [GIE] & ALU flags & reg. bank selection PC a n (sign extended) x PC PC & [GIE] & ALU flags & reg. bank selection nn x PC Note: PC e Program Counter; contents initially points to instruction following call. [GIE] e Global Interrupt Enable bit. & e concatenation operator, combines operands together forming one long operand. 25 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) flags, and the register bank selection. Table 2-18 shows the syntax and operation of the unconditional return instruction. The BCP has one conditional call instruction capable of testing any bit in any currently active CPU register. This call only supports absolute instruction addressing. Table 2-17 shows the conditional call instruction syntax and operation. The return instruction complements the above call instructions. Two versions of the return instruction exist, the uncondtional return and the conditional return. When the unconditional return instruction is executed, it pops the last address on the CPU’s Address Stack into the program counter and it can optionally affect the [GIE] bit, the ALU The conditional return instruction functions the same as the unconditional return instruction if a desired condition is met. As with the conditional jump instruction, the conditional return instruction has two possible syntaxes. Table 2-19 lists the syntax for the conditional return. The ‘‘f’’ flags and the ‘‘cc’’ conditions for the return instruction are the same as for the conditional jump instruction, therefore refer to Table 2-12 and Table 2-13 for the listing of ‘‘f’’ and ‘‘cc’’, respectively. TABLE 2-17. Conditional Call Instruction Syntax LCALL Rs, p, s, nn Instruction Operation Operand Range Addressing Mode If the bit of register ‘‘Rs’’ in position ‘‘p’’ is in the state ‘‘s’’ then PC & [GIE] & ALU flags & reg. bank selection x Address Stack nn x PC End if 0, 64k Register, Absolute Note: PC e Program Counter; contents initially points to instruction following call. [GIE] e Global Interrupt Enable bit & e concatenation operator, combines operands together forming one long operand. TABLE 2-18. Unconditional Return Instruction Syntax RET À g À , rf ÓÓ Instruction Operation Case ‘‘g’’ of 0: leave [GIE] unaffected, (default) 1: restore [GIE] from Address Stack 2: set [GIE] 3: clear [GIE] End case If ‘‘rf’’ e 1 then restore ALU flags from Address Stack restore register bank selection from Address Stack Else (the default) leave the ALU flags and register bank selections unchanged End if Address Stack x PC Note: PC e Program Counter [GIE] e Global Interrupt Enable bit ÀÓ e surrounds optional operands that are not part of the instruction syntax. Optional operands may either be specified or omitted. TABLE 2-19. Conditional Return Instruction Syntax RETF Rcc f, s À, ÀgÓ, À, rfÓÓ À g À , rf ÓÓ Instruction Operand If the flag ‘‘f’’ is in the state ‘‘s’’ then perform a RET Àg À, rfÓÓ If the condition ‘‘cc’’ is met then perform a RET Àg À,rfÓÓ Note: See Table XVIII for an explanation of ‘‘RET À g À , rf ÓÓ ’’ ÀÓ e surrounds optional operands that are not part of the instruction syntax. Optional operands may either be specified or omitted. 26 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) In addition to the above jump, call and return program flow instructions, the BCP is capable of generating software interrupts via the TRAP instruction. This instruction generates a call to any one of 64 possible interrupt table addresses based on its vector number operand. This allows both the simulation of hardware interrupts and the construction of special software interrupts, if desired. The actual interrupt table entry address is determined by concatenating the Interrupt Base Register, ÀIBRÓ, to an 8-bit representation of the vector number operand in the TRAP instruction. This instruction may also clear the [GIE] bit, if desired. Table 2-20 shows the syntax and operation of the TRAP instruction. Miscellaneous Instructions As stated in the ‘‘CPU Register Set’’ section, the BCP has 44 registers with 24 of them arranged into four register banks: Main Bank A, Alternate Bank A, Main Bank B, and Alternate Bank B. The exchange instruction, EXX, selects which register banks are currently available to the CPU, for example either Main Bank A or Alternate Bank A. The deselected register banks retain their current values. The EXX instruction can also alter the state of [GIE], if desired. Table 2-21 shows the EXX instruction syntax and operation. TABLE 2-20. TRAP Instruction Syntax TRAP v À, gÊ Ó Instruction Operation Operand Range PC & [GIE] & ALU flags & reg. Bank Selection x Address Stack If ‘‘gÊ ’’ e 1 then clear [GIE] Form PC address as shown below: Note: PC e Program Counter; contents initially points to instruction following call. [GIE] e Global Interrupt Enable bit IBR e Interrupt Base Register & e concatenation operator, combines operands together forming one long operand. À Ó e surrounds optional operands that are not part of the instruction syntax. Optional operands may either be specified or omitted. TABLE 2-21. EXX Instruction Syntax Instruction Operation EXX ba, bb À, gÓ Case ‘‘ba’’ of 0: activate Main Bank A 1: activate Alternate Bank A End case Case ‘‘bb’’ of 0: activate Main Bank B 1: activate Alternate Bank B End case Case ‘‘g’’ of 0: leave [GIE] unaffected, (default) 1: (reserved) 2: set [GIE] 3: clear [GIE] End case Note: [GIE] e Global Interrupt Enable bit À Ó e surrounds optional operands that are not part of the instruction syntax. Optional operands may either be specified or omitted. 27 0, 63 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) [C] Ð The Carry flag is set if: 2.2 CPU FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION a) An addition operation generates a carry, see Figure 2-8a. 2.2.1 ALU The BCP provides a full function high speed 8-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) with full carry look ahead, signed arithmetic, and overflow decision capabilities. The ALU can perform six arithmetic, nine logic, one rotate and two shift operations on binary data. Full access is provided to all CPU registers as both source and destination operands, and using the indirect addressing mode, results may be placed directly into data memory. All operations which have an internal destination (register addressing) are completed in two (2) T-states. External destination operations (indirect addressing to data memory) complete in three (3) T-states. Arithmetic operations include addition with or without carry, and subtraction with or without borrow (represented by carry). Subtractions are performed using 2’s complement addition to accommodate signed operands. The subtrahend is converted to its 2’s complement equivalent by the ALU and then added to the minuend. The result is left in 2’s complement form. The remaining ALU operations include full logic, shift and rotate operations. The logic functions include Complement, AND, OR, Exclusive-OR, Compare and Bit Test. Zero through seven bit right and left shift operations are provided, along with a zero through seven bit right rotate operation. Note that the shift and rotate operations may only be performed on a register, which is both the source and destination. (See the Instruction Set Overview section for detailed descriptions of these operations.) The BCP ALU provides the programmer with four instruction result status bits for conditional operations. These bits (known as condition code flags) indicate the status (or condition) of the destination byte produced by certain instructions. Not all instructions have an affect on every status flag. (See the Instruction Set Reference section for the specific details on what status flags a given instruction affects.) These flags are held in the Condition Code Register, À CCR Ó , see Figure 2-7. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TO RR RW BIRQ N V C Z b) A subtract or compare operation generates a borrow, see Figure 2-8b. c) The last bit shifted out during a shift operation (in either direction) is a one (1), see Figure 2-9. d) The last bit rotated by the rotate operation is a one (1), see Figure 2-10. In all other conditions [C] is cleared. [V]Ð Overflow is set whenever the result of an arithmetic or compare operation on signed operands is not representable by the operand size, thereby producing an incorrect result. For example, the addition of the two signed negative numbers in Figure 2-8a would set [V] since the correct representation of the result, both sign and magnitude, is not possible in 8 bits. On the other hand, in Figure 2-8b and 2-8c [V] would be cleared because the results are correctly represented in both sign and magnitude. It is important to remember that Overflow is only meaningful in signed arithmetic and that it is the programmer’s responsibility to determine if a given operation involves signed or unsigned values. [Z]Ð The Zero flag is set only when an operation produces an all bits cleared result (i.e., a zero). In all other conditions [Z] is cleared. 11101010 10111010 11011100 a 10001100 b 11000100 a 01100011 1 w 01110110 1 x 11110110 1 w 00111111 [C] e 1 [V] e 1 (a) [C] e 1 [V] e 0 (b) [C] e 1 [V] e 0 (c) FIGURE 2.8. Carry and Overflow Calculations where: N e Negative C e Carry V e Overflow Z e Zero FIGURE 2-7. Condition Code Register ALU Flags TL/F/9336 – D3 FIGURE 2-9. Shifts’ Effect on Carry If an instruction is documented as affecting a given flag, then the flags are set (to 1) or cleared (to 0) under the following conditions: [N]Ð The Negative flag is set if the most significant bit (MSB) of the result is one (1), otherwise it is cleared. This flag represents the sign of the result if it is interpreted as a 2’s complement number. TL/F/9336 – D4 FIGURE 2-10. Rotate’s Effect on Carry 28 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) TABLE 2-22 Several conditions apply to these flags, independent of their operation and the way they are calculated. These conditions are: Unsigned Comparison Results 1. A flag’s previous state is retained when an instruction has no affect on that flag. 2. Direct reading and writing of all ALU flags is possible via the ÀCCRÓ register. 3. Currrent flag values are saved onto the address stack during interrupt and call operations, and can be restored to their original values if a return instruction with the restore flags option is executed. 4. Flag status is calculated in parallel with the instruction result, therefore no time penalty is associated with flag operation. When performing single byte arithmetic (i.e., the values are completely represented in one byte) the Add (ADD,ADDA) and Subtract (SUB,SUBA) instructions should be used, but when performing multi-byte arithmetic the Add with Carry (ADCA) and Subtract with Carry (SBCA) instructions should be used. This is because the carry (in an add operation) or the borrow (in a subtract operation) must be carried forward to the higher order bytes. Figure 2-11 demonstrates an instruction sequence for a 16-bit add and an instruction sequence for a 16-bit subtract. Comparison: x b y Boolean Condition xky xsy xey xty xly C ClZ Z C C&Z Note: & e logical AND l e logical OR z e one’s complement TABLE 2-23 Signed Comparison Results Comparison: x b y Boolean Condition xky xsy xey Xty xly (N&V) l (N&V) Z l (N&V) l (N&V) Z (N&V) l (N&V) (N&V&Z) l (N&V&Z) Note: & e logical AND Assume the 16-bit variable X is represented by the register pair R4(MSB), R5(LSB), and that the 16-bit variable Y is represented by the register pair R6(MSB), R7(LSB). To perform the assignment Y e X a Y: MOVE ADDA R7,A R5,R7 MOVE ADCA R6,A R4,R6 MOVE SUBA R7,A R5,R7 ;GET LSB OF Y ;Y(LSB)4X(LSB)1Y(LSB) MOVE SBCA R6,A R4,R6 ;GET MSB OF Y ;Y(MSB)4X(MSB)1Y(MSB) 1CARRY l e logical OR z e one’s complement 2.2.2 Timing Timing on the BCP is controlled by an internal oscillator and circuitry that generates the internal timing signals. This circuitry in the CPU is referred to as Timing Control. The internal timing of the CPU is synchronized to an internal clock called the CPU clock, CPU-CLK. A period of CPU-CLK is referred to as a T-state. The clock for the BCP is provided by a crystal connected between X1 and X2 or from a clock source connected to X1. This clock will be referred to as the oscillator clock, OCLK. The frequency of OCLK is divided in half when the CPU clock select bit, [CCS], in the Device Control Register, ÀDCRÓ, is set to a one. Either OCLK or OCLK/2 is used by Timing Control to generate CPU-CLK and other synchronous signals used to control the CPU timing. After the BCP is reset, [CCS] is high and CPU-CLK is generated from OCLK/2. Since the output of the divider that creates OCLK/2 can be high or low after reset, CPU-CLK can also be in a high or low state. Therefore, the exact number of clock cycles to the start of the first instruction cannot be determined. Automatic test equipment can synchronize to the BCP by asserting RESET as shown in Figure 2-12. The falling edge of RESET generates a clear signal which causes CPU-CLK to fall. The next rising edge of X1 removes the clear signal from CPU-CLK. The second rising edge of X1 will cause CPU-CLK to rise and the relationship between X1 and CPU-CLK can be determined from this point. Writing a zero to [CCS] causes CPU-CLK to switch from OCLK/2 to OCLK. The transition from OCLK to OCLK/2 occurs following the end of the instruction that writes to ;GET LSB OF Y ;Y(LSB)4X(LSB)0Y(LSB) ;GET MSB OF Y ;Y(MSB)4X(MSB)0Y(MSB) 0CARRY To perform the assignment Y e X 1 Y: FIGURE 2-11. Multi-Byte Arithmetic Instruction Sequences When using the ALU to perform comparisons, the programmer has two options. If the compare is to a constant value then the CMP instruction can be used, else one of the subtract instructions must be used. When determining the results of any compare, the programmer must keep in mind whether they are comparing signed or unsigned values. Table 2-22 lists the Boolean condition that must be met for unsigned comparisons and Table 2-23 lists the Boolean condition that must be met for signed comparisons. 29 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) the CPU: two T-state, three T-state program control, three T-state data memory access, four T-state read data memory access, four T-state program control, and four T-state two word program control. The first T-state of each instruction is T1 and the last T-state is T2. Intermediate T-states required to complete the instruction are referred to as TX. The instruction clock output, ICLK, defines the instruction boundaries. ICLK rises at the beginning of each instruction and falls one-half T-state after the next address is generated on the instruction address bus, IA. Thus, ICLK indicates the start of each instruction and when the next instruction address is valid. [CCS] as shown in Figure 2-13. The switch occurs on the falling edge of X1 when CPU-CLK is low. CPU-CLK can be changed back to OCLK/2 by writing a one to [CCS]. The point at which CPU-CLK changes depends on whether there has been an odd or even number of T-states since [CCS] was set low. The change would require a maximum of two T-states and a minimum of one T-state following the end of the instruction that writes to [CCS]. The CPU is a RISC processor with a limited number of instructions which execute in a short period of time. The maximum instruction cycle time is four T-states and the minimum is two T-states. Six types of instruction timing are used in TL/F/9336 – D5 FIGURE 2-12. CPU-CLK Synchronization with X1 TL/F/9336 – D6 FIGURE 2-13. Changing from OCLK/2 to OCLK 30 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) Figure 2-14 shows the relationship between CPU-CLK, ICLK, and IA for a two T-state instruction. The rising edge of CPU-CLK generates ICLK at the start of T1. The next falling edge of CPU-CLK increments the instruction address which appears on IA. ICLK falls one-half T-state later. The instruction completes during T2 which ends with ICLK rising, signifying the beginning of the next instruction. The three T-state program control instruction is similar and is shown in Figure 2-15. An additional T-state, TX, is added between T1 and T2. ICLK rises at the beginning of T1 as before but falls at the end of TX. The next instruction address is generated one-half T-state before the end of TX and the instruction ends with T2. The three T-state data memory access instruction timing is shown in Figure 2-16. Again, TX is inserted between T1 and T2. ICLK rises at the beginning of the instruction and falls at the end of T1. The next instruction address appears on IA one-half clock cycle before ICLK falls. The address latch enable output, ALE, rises halfway through T1 and falls half- way through TX. The BCP has a 16-bit data memory address bus and an 8-bit data bus. The data bus is multiplexed with the lower 8 bits of the address bus and ALE is used to latch the lower 8 bits of the address during a data memory access. The upper 8 bits of the address become valid onehalf T-state after the beginning of T1 and go invalid one-half T-state after the end of T2. The lower 8 bits of the address become valid on the address-data bus, AD, when ALE rises and goes invalid one-half T-state after ALE falls. Figure 2-16 shows a write to data memory in which case AD switches from address to data at the beginning of T2. The data is held valid until one-half T-state after the end of T2. The write strobe, WRITE, falls at the beginning of T2 and rises at the end of T2. A read of data memory is shown in Figure 2-17. The read timing is the same as a write except one-half T-state after ALE falls AD goes into a high impedance state allowing data to enter the BCP from data memory. AD returns to an active state at the end of T2. The read strobe, READ, timing is identical to WRITE. TL/F/9336 – D7 FIGURE 2-14. Two T-state Instruction TL/F/9336 – D8 FIGURE 2-15. Three T-state Program Control Instruction 31 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) TL/F/9336 – D9 FIGURE 2-16. Three T-state Data Memory Write Instruction TL/F/9336 – E1 FIGURE 2-17. Three T-state Data Memory Read Instruction [4TR] e 0 32 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) changing the number of wait states selected in the Device Control Register, ÀDCRÓ. The BCP can be programmed for up to three instruction memory wait states (instruction wait states) and seven data memory wait states (data wait states). Instruction wait states affect all instruction types while data wait states affect only data memory access instructions. Bits three and four in ÀDCRÓ control the number of instruction wait states and bits zero, one and two are used to select the number of data wait states. The relationships between the control bits and the number of wait states selected are shown in Table 2-24 and Table 2-25. The BCP is configured with three instruction wait states and seven data wait states, and [4TR] set to zero after reset. A write to ÀDCR[4,3] Ó to change the number of instruction wait states takes effect on the following instruction if that instruction is a three T-state or four T-state program control instruction. For the other instruction types, the new number of instruction wait states will take effect on the instruction fol- When the Four T-state Read mode is selected ([4TR] e 1), a second TX state is inserted before T2 and the timing of the read strobe, READ, is changed such that READ falls one-half T-state after the beginning of the second TX. Figure 2-18 shows a Four T-state Read of data memory. The extra half T-state before READ falls allows more time for the BCP to TRI-STATE the AD lines before the memory circuit begins driving those lines. The four T-state program control instruction timing is shown in Figure 2-19 . The instruction has two TX states inserted between T1 and T2. ICLK rises at the beginning of T1 and falls at the end of the second TX. The next instruction address becomes valid halfway through the second TX. The four T-state two word program control instruction timing is the same as two consecutive two T-state instructions and is shown in Figure 2-20. This timing describes the minimum cycle time required by each type of instruction. The BCP can be slowed down by TL/F/9336 – H5 FIGURE 2-18. Four T-state Data Memory Read Instruction [4TR] e 1 33 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) TL/F/9336 – E2 FIGURE 2-19. Four T-state Program Control Instruction TL/F/9336 – E3 FIGURE 2-20. Four T-state Two Word Instruction TABLE 2-24. Data Memory Wait States À DCR[2– 0] Ó Data Wait States 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TABLE 2-25. Instruction Memory Wait States À DCR[4,3] Ó Instruction Wait States 00 01 10 11 34 0 1 2 3 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) lowing the instruction after the write to ÀDCRÓ. A write to À DCR[2 – 0] Ó to change the number of data wait states will take effect on the next data memory access instruction even if it immediately follows the write to ÀDCRÓ. A write to ÀDCR [2 – 0] Ó to change the number of data wait states or to ÀACR [4TR] Ó will take effect on the next data memory access instruction even if it immediately follows write to ÀDCRÓ or ÀACRÓ. Both instruction and data wait states cause the insertion of additional T-states prior to T2 and these T-states are referred to as TW. The purpose of instruction wait states is to increase the time from instruction address generation to the beginning of the next instruction cycle. Data wait states increase the time from data memory address generation to the removal of the strobe at the end of data memory access instructions. Therefore, instruction and data wait states are counted concurrently in a data memory access instruction and TX of a data memory access instruction is counted as one instruction wait state. The actual number of wait states added to a data memory access is calculated as the maximum between the number of data wait states and one less than the number of instruction wait states. Figure 2-21 shows a write of data memory with one wait state. This could be accomplished by selecting two instruction wait states or one data wait state. The effect of the wait state is to increase the time the write strobe is active and the data is valid on AD. The same situation for a read of data memory is shown in Figure 2-22. Note that if [4TR] is set to one then one data wait state has no additional affect on a read of data memory and the timing is the same as shown in Figure 2-18. The affect of two data memory wait states and [4TR] set to one is shown in Figure 2-23. A two T-state instruction with two instruction wait states is shown in Figure 2-24 and a four T-state instruction with one instruction wait state is shown in Figure 2-25. As stated earlier, instruction wait states are inserted before T2. Adding wait states to a four T-state two word instruction causes the wait states to count twice when calculating total instruction cycle time. The wait states are added to each of the two words of the instruction. TL/F/9336 – E4 FIGURE 2-21. Data Memory Write with One Wait State 35 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) TL/F/9336 – E5 FIGURE 2-22. Data Memory Read with One Wait State and [4TR] e 0 TL/F/9336 – H6 FIGURE 2-23. Data Memory Read with Two Wait States and [4TR] e 1 36 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) TL/F/9336 – E6 FIGURE 2-24. Two T-state Instruction with Two Wait States TL/F/9336 – E7 FIGURE 2-25. Four T-state Instruction with One Wait State 37 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) The WAIT pin can also be used to add wait states to BCP instruction execution. The CPU will be waited as long as WAIT is low. To wait a given instruction, WAIT must be asserted low one-half T-state prior to the beginning of T2 in the instruction to be affected. Figure 2-26 shows WAIT asserted during a write to data memory. In order to wait this instruction, WAIT must fall prior to the falling edge of CPUCLK in TX. One wait state is added to the access and WAIT rises prior to the falling edge of CPU-CLK in TW which al- lows the access to finish. If WAIT had remained low, the access would have been held off indefinitely. Programmed wait states would delay when WAIT must be asserted since they would delay the beginning of T2. Figures 2-27 through Figure 2-29 depict the use of WAIT with three other instruction types. In all three cases, WAIT is asserted one-half T-state prior to when T2 would normally begin. Also, it is evident that the effect of WAIT on instruction timing is identical to adding programmed wait states. TL/F/9336 – E8 FIGURE 2-26. Data Memory Access WAIT Timing TL/F/9336 – E9 FIGURE 2-27. Two T-state Instruction WAIT Timing 38 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) TL/F/9336 – F1 FIGURE 2-28. Three T-state Program Control Instruction WAIT Timing TL/F/9336 – F2 FIGURE 2-29. Four T-state Program Control Instruction WAIT Timing states or WAIT. Additional wait states could occur from these sources prior to T2. Figure 2-31 shows an example of LOCK holding off a write to data memory with one programmed wait state. With timing similar to LOCK, the BCP will be delayed from making a data memory access by an access from the remote system. If the remote system is accessing the Remote Interface Configuration register, ÀRICÓ, or data memory, the BCP will be waited by the Remote Interface and Arbitration System, RIAS, until the remote access is finished. The length of time the BCP is waited depends on the speed of the remote system and the type of remote access. The wait states are added prior to TX in the same manner as for LOCK shown in Figure 2-30 . A more detailed description of the operation of RIAS can be found in Section 4.0, Remote Interface and Arbitration System. LOCK is another input which affects BCP instruction timing. LOCK prevents the BCP from accessing data memory. When asserted low, LOCK will cause the BCP to wait when it executes a data memory access instruction. The BCP will be waited until LOCK is taken high. To prevent a given access of data memory, LOCK must be asserted low one-half T-state prior to the beginning of the instruction accessing data memory. Figure 2-30 shows LOCK being used to wait a write to data memory. LOCK falls prior to the falling edge of CPU-CLK before T1. In order to guarantee at least one wait state, LOCK is held low until after the falling edge of CPUCLK in T1. This causes the insertion of TW into the cycle prior to TX. ALE remains high and the address is delayed on AD until LOCK is removed. After LOCK rises the access concludes normally with ALE falling halfway through TX and WRITE occurring during T2. Note that LOCK waits the access at a different point in the cycle than programmed wait 39 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) TL/F/9336 – F3 FIGURE 2-30. LOCK Timing TL/F/9336 – F4 FIGURE 2-31. LOCK Timing with One Wait State 40 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) The CPU will be stopped after RESET is asserted low. The CPU can be externally controlled by changing the state of the start bit, [STRT], in ÀRICÓ. The CPU starts executing instructions from the current address in the program control register when a one is written to [STRT] and stops when [STRT] is cleared. The CPU will complete the current instruction before stopping. Controlling the CPU from ÀRICÓ requires a processor to access ÀRICÓ. If no external processor is present, the CPU can be made to start automatically after reset by holding REM-WR and REM-RD low and RAE high while RESET is transitioning from low to high. The CPU ‘‘kick-starts’’ and will begin executing instructions from address zero. The timing for kick-starting the CPU is shown in Figure 2-32. ICLK rises on the rising edge of CPU-CLK one T-state after RESET is de-asserted. The falling edge of ICLK signifies the beginning of the first instruction fetch. Three instruction wait states and T2 precede the first instruction. A functional state diagram describing the timing of the CPU is shown in Figure 2-33. The functional state diagram is similar to a flow chart, except that transitions to a new state (states are denoted as rectangular boxes) can only occur on the rising edge of the CPU-CLK. A state box can specify several actions, and each action is separated by a horizontal line. A signal name listed in a state box indicates that that pin will be asserted high when Timing Control has entered that state. When the signal is omitted from a box, it is asserted low. (Note: this requires using the inversion of a signal in some cases.) Decision blocks are shown as diamonds and their meaning is the same as in a flow chart. The functional state diagram is a generalized approach to determining instruction flow while allowing for any combination of wait states and control signals. Timing Control always starts from a reset in the state IDLE. After RESET goes high, Timing Control remains in IDLE until [STRT] is written high. If the BCP kick-starts, Timing Control enters TST on the next rising edge of CPU-CLK. Timing Control starts with a dummy instruction cycle in order to fetch the first instruction. ICLK goes high in T1 and the instruction wait state counter is loaded. ICLK falls when either T2 or TW is entered as determined by the value of iIW and WAIT. The normal instruction flow begins after T2 at B on the diagram. As an example, consider a three T-state data memory write instruction with one data wait state. The instruction cycle path for this instruction would begin at T1 following the decision block for data memory access. In T1, ICLK is asserted high, the instruction wait state counter is loaded, and a bus request to RIAS is generated. Also, ALE is asserted high on the falling edge of CPU-CLK during T1. A branch decision is now made based on the state of LOCK and the response from RIAS to the bus request. Assuming that LOCK is not asserted and a remote access is not in progress, Timing Control enters TX on the next rising edge of CPU-CLK. In TX, the data wait state counter is loaded and the instruction wait state counter is decremented. In this example, the instruction wait state counter is at zero and is not counting. The data wait state counter is loaded with one. ALE goes low on the falling edge of CPU-CLK during TX. The next decision block checks for a read of data memory. This example is a write to data memory so the decision is no and the branch is to the right. The wait state conditions are evaluated in the following decision block. iDW is one and Timing Control enters TW on the next rising edge of CPU-CLK. WRITE is asserted low when TW is entered and the data wait state counter is decremented to zero. The decision on iDW, iIW, and WAIT is now true and T2 is entered on the next rising edge of CPUCLK. WRITE remains low. The CPU will stop execution if [STRT] is low at B in the diagram. Otherwise, the next instruction will be executed beginning at A. To summarize, this instruction went through the following states: T1, TX, TW, and T2. The complete instruction cycle is shown in Figure 2-21. Any instruction cycle can be analyzed in a similar manner using this functional state diagram. TL/F/9336 – F5 FIGURE 2-32. CPU Start-Up Timing 41 FIGURE 2-33. Functional State Diagram of CPU Timing TL/F/9336 – F6 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) 42 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) When BIRQ is configured as an output, its state is controlled by [IM3] in the Interrupt Control Register, ÀICRÓ. Changing the state of this bit will change BIRQ at the beginning of T1 of the instruction following the write to [IM3]. Note that [BIRQ] in ÀCCRÓ is also updated at the beginning of T1. Therefore, there is a one instruction cycle delay from when [IM3] changes to when the new value of BIRQ is made available in [BIRQ]. [BIS] in the Remote Interface Configuration register, ÀRICÓ, mirrors the state of [IM3]. When BIRQ is an output, writing a one to [BIS] will change the state of [IME] thus changing BIRQ and allowing a remote processor to acknowledge an interrupt from the BCP. Note, if the BCP code operates on [IM3] at the same time that the remote processor acknowledges the interrupt by writing a one to [BIS], BIRQ will toggle and then assume the state of [IM3] resulting from the BCP code operation. Therefore, if the designer chooses to operate on [IM3] while waiting for the remote processor to acknowledge a BIRQ interrupt, the designer should ensure that the remote processor is locked out from accessing [BIS] during the operation on [IM3]. This can be accomplished by setting [LOR] in ÀACRÓ, having the BCP perform a data memory access to ensure that any current remote accesses are complete, operating an [IM3], and finally clearing [LOR]. BIRQ will change state two T-states after the end of the write to [BIS]. Writing a one to [BIS] will have no effect on [IM3] when BIRQ is an input. Table 2-26 summarizes the relationship between BIRQ and its associated register bits. 2.2.3 Interrupts The DP8344B has two external and four internal interrupt sources. The external interrupt sources are the Non-Maskable Interrupt pin, NMI, and the Bi-directional Interrupt Request pin, BIRQ. External A non-maskable interrupt is detected by the CPU when a falling edge is detected at the NMI pin. The interrupt is automatically cleared internally when the CPU recognizes the interrupt. BIRQ can function as both an interrupt into the DP8344B and as an output which can be used to interrupt other devices. BIRQ is configured as an input or output according to the state of [BIC] in the Auxiliary Control Register, ÀACRÓ. BIRQ is an input if [BIC] is a zero and an output when [BIC] is a one. The reset state of [BIC] is a zero, causing BIRQ to be an input after the BCP is reset. [BIRQ] in the Condition Code Register, ÀCCRÓ, is a read only bit which mirrors the state of BIRQ regardless of whether BIRQ is configured as an input or output. This bit is updated at the beginning of T1 of each instruction. When BIRQ is configured as an input, an interrupt will occur if the pin is held low. BIRQ must be held low until the interrupt is recognized or the interrupt will not be processed. Due to the prioritizing of interrupts as described below, BIRQ may not be recognized by the CPU until higher priority interrupts have been serviced. BIRQ will be recognized after higher priority interrupts have been processed. The low state on BIRQ should be removed after the CPU recognizes the interrupt or the interrupt will be processed multiple times. TABLE 2-26. BIRQ Control Summary (a) BIRQ is an Input ([BIC] e 0): Remote Processor Controls the State of BIRQ [IM3] [BIS] 0 [IM3] e 0 [BIRQ] Active Interrupt to the BCP: state of BIRQ controlled by the Remote Processor Reflects the state of BIRQ 1 [IM3] e 1 Masked Interrupt to the BCP: state of BIRQ controlled by the Remote Processor Reflects the state of BIRQ [IM3] [BIS] 0 [IM3] e 0 State of [IM3] e 0 Reflects the state of BIRQ e 0 1 [IM3] e 1 State of [IM3] e 1 Reflects the state of BIRQ e 1 BIRQ (b) BIRQ is an Output ([BIC] e 1): BCP Controls the State of BIRQ [BIRQ] BIRQ (c) BIRQ is an Output ([BIC] e 1): Remote Processor Acknowledges BIRQ [BIS] Remote Processor writes a 1 to [BIS] [IM3] [BIS] BIRQ [BIRQ] Toggles [IM3] State of [IM3] Reflects the state of BIRQ 43 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) vide the options of clearing or setting [GIE] or leaving it unchanged. [GIE] is set to a zero when an interrupt is recognized by the CPU. It is necessary to set [GIE] to a one if interrupts are to be recognized within an interrupt routine. The individual interrupt mask bits are located in ÀICRÓ. When set to a one, bits [IM0], [IM1], [IM2], [IM3], and [IM4] in ÀICRÓ mask the receiver interrupt, TFE interrupt, LTA interrupt, BIRQ interrupt, and TO interrupt, respectively. To enable an interrupt, its mask bit must be set to a zero. The interrupts and associated mask bits are shown in Table 2-27. These bits are set to a one when the DP8344 is reset. Masking interrupts with [GIE] or the mask bits in ÀICRÓ prevents the CPU from acknowledging interrupts but does not prevent the interrupts from occurring. Therefore, if an interrupt is asserted, it will be processed as soon as it is unmasked by changing [GIE] to a one and/or changing the appropriate mask bit in ÀICRÓ to a zero. Internal The internal interrupts consist of the Transmitter FIFO Empty, TFE, interrupt, the Line Turn Around, LTA, interrupt, the Time Out, TO, interrupt, and a user selectable receiver interrupt source. The receiver interrupt source is selected from either the Receiver FIFO, Full, RFF, interrupt, the Data Available, DA, interrupt, or the Receiver Active, RA, interrupt. The receiver interrupt is selected using bits [RIS1] and [RIS0] in the Interrupt Control Register, ÀICRÓ. See the Section 3.0, Transceiver for a description of these interrupts. Masking The BCP uses two levels of interrupt masking: a global interrupt mask which affects all interrupts except NMI and individual interrupt mask bits. Global enabling and disabling of the interrupts is performed by changing the state of the Global Interrupt Enable bit, [GIE], in ÀACRÓ. The maskable interrupts are disabled when [GIE] is a zero and enabled when [GIE] is a one. [GIE] is a zero after the BCP is reset. [GIE] is a read/write register bit and may be changed by using any instruction that can write to ÀACRÓ. In addition, the RET, RETF, and EXX instructions have option fields which can be used to alter the state of [GIE]. The EXX instruction can set or clear [GIE] as well as leaving it unchanged. The RET and RETF instructions can restore [GIE] to the value that was saved on the address stack at the time the interrupt was recognized. These instructions also pro- Priorites When more than one interrupt is unmasked and asserted, the CPU processes the interrupt with the highest priority first. NMI has the highest priority followed by the receiver interrupt, TFE, LTA, BIRQ, and TO. Each time the interrupts are sampled, the highest priority interrupt is processed first, regardless of how long a lower priority interrupt has been active. Interrupt priority is summarized in Table 2-27. TABLE 2-27. ÀICRÓ Interrupt Mask Bits and Interrupt Priority Interrupt Mask Bit Priority NMI RFF, DA, RA TFE LTA BIRQ TO Ð [IMO] [IM1] [IM2] [IM3] [IM4] Highest 44 Lowest 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) A call to the interrupt address is generated when an interrupt is detected by the CPU. The address for each interrupt is constructed by concatenating the Interrupt Base Register, À IBR Ó , contents with the individual interrupt code as shown in Table 2-28. There is room between the interrupt addresses for a maximum of four instruction words. 2.2.4 Oscillator The crystal oscillator is an on-chip amplifier which may be used with an external crystal to generate accurate CPU and transceiver clocks. The input to this amplifier is X1, pin 33. The output of the amplifier is X2, pin 34. When X1 and X2 are connected to a crystal and external capacitors (Figure 2-35), the combined circuit forms a Pierce crystal oscillator with the crystal operating at parallel resonance. Crystals that oscillate over the frequency range of 2 MHz to 20 MHz may be used. The recommended crystal parameters for operation with the oscillator are given in Table 2-29. The external capacitor values should be chosen to provide the manufacturer’s specified load capacitance for the crystal when combined with the parasitic capacitance of the trace, socket, and package. As an example, a crystal with a specified load capacitance of 20 pF used in a circuit with 13 pF per pin parasitic capacitance will require external capacitor values of 27 pF each. This provides an equivalent capacitance of 40 pF on each side of the crystal, and has a 20 pF series equivalent value across the crystal. As an alternative to the crystal oscillator, an external clock source may be used. In this case, the external clock source should be connected to X1 and no external circuitry should be connected to X2 (Figure 2-36). The DP8344 can supply a clock source, equal in frequency to the crystal oscillator or external clock source, to other circuitry via pin 35, the CLKOUT output. This output is a buffered version of the signal at X1. TABLE 2-28. Interrupt Vector Generation Interrupt Code NMI RFF, DA, RA TFE LTA BIRQ TO 111 001 010 011 100 101 Interrupt Vector À IBR Ó Contents 15 0 8 0 0 5 Code 0 2 0 0 Interrupts are sampled by each falling edge of the CPU clock with the last falling edge prior to the start of the next instruction determining whether an interrupt will be processed. The timing of a typical interrupt event is shown in Figure 2-34. The interrupt occurs during the current instruction and is sampled by the falling edge of the CPU clock. The next instruction is not operated on and its address is stored in the internal address stack along with [GIE], the ALU flags, and the register bank positions. The address stack is twelve words deep. A two T-state internal call is now executed in place of the non-executed instruction. This call will cause a branch to the interrupt address that is generated in the first half of T-state T1. Also, [GIE] is cleared at the end of the first half of T-state T1. The internal call to the interrupt address is subject to instruction wait states as configured in À DCR Ó . TABLE 2-29. Recommended Crystal Parameters AT Cut, Parallel Resonant Fundamental Mode Load Capacitor e 20 pF Series Resistance k 20X Frequency Tolerance 0.005% at 25§ C Stability 0.01% 0§ –70§ C Drive Level 0.5 mW Typical TL/F/9336 – F7 FIGURE 2-34. Interrupt Timing 45 2.0 CPU Description (Continued) 3.0 Transceiver 3.1 TRANSCEIVER ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION The transceiver section operates as an on-chip, independent peripheral, implementing all the necessary formatting required to support the physical layer of the following serial communications protocols: # IBM 3270 (including 3299) # IBM 5250 # NSC general purpose 8-bit The CPU and transceiver are tightly coupled through the CPU register space, with the transceiver appearing to the CPU as a group of special function registers and three dedicated interrupts. The transceiver consists of separate transmitter and receiver logic sections, each capable of independent operation, communicating with the CPU via an asynchronous interface. This interface is software configurable for both polled and interrupt-driven interaction, allowing the system designer to optimize his product for the specific application. The transceiver connects to the line through an external line interface circuit which provides the required DC and AC drive characteristics appropriate to the application. A block diagram of such an interface is shown in Figure 3-1. An onchip differential analog comparator, optimized for use in a transformer coupled coax interface, is provided at the input to the receiver. Alternatively, if an external comparator is necessary, the input signal may be routed to the DATA-IN pin. TL/F/9336–F8 FIGURE 2-35. DP8344B Operation with Crystal TL/F/9336–F9 FIGURE 2-36. DP8344B Operation with External Clock TL/F/9336 – 33 FIGURE 3-1. System Block Diagram, Showing Details of the Line Interface 46 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) The transceiver has several modes of operation. It can be configured for single line, half-duplex operation in which the receiver is disabled while the transmitter is active. Alternatively, both receiver and transmitter can be active at the same time for multi-channel (such as repeater) or loopback operation. The transceiver has both internal and external loopback capabilities, facilitating testing of both the software and external hardware. At all times, both transmitter and receiver operate according to the same protocol definition. TL/F/9336 – 34 (a) Biphase Encoding 3.1.1 Protocols In all protocols, data is transmitted serially in discrete messages containing one or more frames, each representing a single word of information. Biphase (Manchester II) encoding is used, in which the data stream is divided into discrete time intervals (bit-times) denoted by a level transition in the center of the bit-time. For the IBM 3270, 3299 and NSC general purpose 8-bit protocols, a mid-bit transition from low to high represents a biphase ‘‘1’’, and a mid-bit transition from high to low represents a biphase ‘‘0’’. For the 5250 protocol, the definition of biphase logic levels is exactly reversed, i.e. a biphase ‘‘1’’ is represented by a high to low transition. Depending on the bit sequence, there may or may not be a transition on the bit-time boundary. The biphase encoding of a simple bit sequence is illustrated in Figure 3-2(a) . Each transmission begins with a unique start sequence consisting of 5 biphase encoded ‘‘1’s’’, (referred to as ‘‘line quiesce pulses’’) followed by a 3 bit-time code violation and the sync bit of the first frame, Figure 3-2(b) . The three bittime code violation does not conform to the rules of Manchester encoding and forms a unique recognition pattern for bit time synchronization by the receiver logic. The first bit of any frame is the sync bit, a biphase ‘‘1’’. The frame is then formatted according to the requirements of the protocol. If a multi-frame message is being transmitted, additional frames are appended to the end of the first frameÐexcept for the 5250 protocol, where there may be an optional number of ‘‘fill bits’’ (biphase ‘‘0’’) between each frame. Depending on the protocol, when all data has been transmitted, the end of a message will be indicated either by the transmission of an ending sequence, or (for 5250) simply by the cessation of transitions on the differential line. Later model 5250 equipment has incorporated a ‘‘line hold’’ at the end of the message. The line hold maintains the final differential state on the line for several bit times to eliminate noise or reflections that could be interpreted as a continuance of the message. The ending sequence for all but 5250 protocols consists of a single biphase ‘‘0’’ followed by a low to high transition on the bit-time boundary and two bit-times with no transitions (two mini-code violation), Figure 3-2(c). The various protocol framing formats are shown in Figures 3-3 through 3-5 . The diagrams use a bit pattern drawing convention which, for clarity, shows the bit-time boundaries but not the biphase transitions in the center of the bit times. The timing relationship between the biphase encoded bit stream and the bit pattern diagrams is consistent with Figure 3-2 . TL/F/9336 – 36 (b) Starting Sequence TL/F/9336 – 35 (c) Ending Sequence FIGURE 3-2. Biphase Encoding IBM 3270 The framing format of the IBM 3270 coax protocol is shown in Figures 3-3(a) and (b) , for both single and multi-frame messages. Each message begins with a starting sequence and ends with an ending sequence, as shown in Figures 3-2(b) and (c) . Each 12-bit frame begins with a sync bit (B1) followed by an 8-bit data byte (MSB first), a 2-bit control field, and the frame delimiter bit (B12), representing even parity on the previous 11 bits. The bit rate on the coax line is 2.3587 MHz. IBM 3299 Adding 3299 multiplexers to the 3270 environment requires an address to be transmitted along with each message from the controller to the multiplexer. The IBM 3299 Terminal Multiplexer protocol provides this capability by defining an additional 8-bit frame as the first frame of every message sent from the controller, as shown in Figure 3-3(c) . This frame contains a 6-bit data field along with the normal sync and word parity bits. The protocol currently utilizes bits B2 – B4 as an address field that directs the message through the multiplexor hardware. Following the address frame, the rest of the message follows standard 3270 convention. The bit rate, 2.3587 MHz, is the same as standard 3270. IBM 5250 The framing format of the IBM 5250 twinax protocol is shown in Figure 3-4 , for both single and multi-frame messages. Each message begins with the starting sequence shown in Figure 3-2(b) , and ends with 3 fill bits (biphase ‘‘0’’). A 16-bit frame is employed, consisting of a sync bit (B15); an 8-bit data byte (B7 – B14) (LSB first); a 3-bit station address field (B4 – B6); and the last bit (B3) representing 47 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 37 (a) 3270 Single-Byte Message TL/F/9336 – 38 (b) 3270 Multi-Byte Message TL/F/9336 – 39 (c) 3299 Controller/Multiplexer Message FIGURE 3-3. 3270/3299 Protocol Framing Format TL/F/9336 – 40 (a) 5250 Single-Byte Message TL/F/9336 – 41 (b) 5250 Multi-Byte Message FIGURE 3-4. 5250 Protocol Framing Format 48 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) transmitter and receiver FIFO’s are emptied resulting in the Transmit FIFO Empty flag [TFE] being asserted and the Data Available flag [DAV] cleared. Other flags cleared by [TRES] are Transmit FIFO Full [TFF] and Transmitter Active [TA] in the transmitter and Line Active [LA], Receiver Active [RA], Receiver Error [RE], Receive FIFO Full [RFF], Data Error or Message End [DEME], [POLL], [ACK], and [RAR] command flags in the receiver. When [TRES] is asserted, external pin TX-ACT is cleared, DATA-DLY goes to a state equal to the complement of Transmitter INvert [TIN] in À TMR Ó , and DATA-OUT goes into a state equal to the complement of [TIN] exclusive or’ed with the Advance Transmitter Active [ATA] in ÀTCRÓ. In other words, when [TRES] is asserted, DATA-DLY e [TIN], and DATA-OUT e [TIN] Z [ATA]. When [TRES] is asserted under software control, it is necessary to wait at least one instruction after asserting [TRES] before seeing the resulting reset state of the affected flags in the CPU. The transmitter and receiver are clocked by a common Transceiver Clock, TCLK, at a frequency equal to eight times the required serial data rate. TCLK can either be obtained from the on-chip oscillator divided by 1, 2 or 4, or from an external clock applied to the X-TCLK pin. TCLK selection is controlled by two Transceiver Clock Select bits, [TCS 1 – 0] located in the Device Control Register, ÀDCRÓ. [TCS 1 – 0] should only be changed when the transceiver is inactive. Since the TCLK source can be asynchronous with respect to the CPU clock, the CPU/Transceiver interface can be asynchronous. All flags from the Transceiver are therefore latched at the start of all instructions, and parallel data is transferred through 3 word FIFOs in both the transmitter and receiver. Protocol selection is controlled by three Protocol Select bits, [PS2 –0] in the Transceiver Mode Register, ÀTMRÓ (see Table 3-1). Enough flexibility is provided for the BCP to operate in all required positions in the network. It is not pos- even word parity on the previous 12 bits. Following the parity bit, 3 biphase ‘‘0’’ fill bits (B0–B2) are transmitted. Following these required fill bits, up to 240 additional fill bits can be inserted between frames before the next sync bit and the start of the next frame of a multi-byte message. The bit rate on the twinax line is 1 MHz. General Purpose 8-Bit The framing format of the general purpose 8-bit protocol is shown in Figure 3-5 , for both single and multi-frame messages. It is identical to that used by the National Semiconductor DP8342 transmitter and DP8343 receiver chips. Each message begins with a starting sequence and ends with an ending sequence, as shown in Figures 3-2(b) and (c) . A 10-bit frame is employed, consisting of the sync bit (B1); an 8-bit data byte (B2–B9) (LSB first); and the last bit of the frame (B10) representing even word parity on the previous 9 bits. For multiplexed applications, the first frame can be designated as an address frame, with all 8 bits available for the logical address. (See General Purpose 8-bit Modes in this section.) 3.2 TRANSCEIVER FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION A block diagram of the transceiver, revealing external inputs and outputs and details of the CPU interface, is shown in Figure 3-6 . The transmitter and receiver are largely independent of each other, sharing only the clock, reset and protocol select signals. The transceiver is mapped into the CPU register space, thus the status of the transceiver can always be polled. In addition, the CPU/Transceiver interface can be configured for an interrupt-driven environment. (See Transceiver Interrupts in this section.) Both transmitter and receiver are reset by a common Transceiver Reset bit, [TRES], allowing the CPU to independently reset the transceiver at any time. The Transceiver is also reset whenever the CPU reset is asserted, including the required power-up reset. When [TRES] is asserted, both TL/F/9336 – 42 (a) 8-Bit Single-Byte Message TL/F/9336 – 43 (b) 8-Bit Multi-Byte Message FIGURE 3-5. General Purpose 8-Bit Protocol Framing Format 49 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) tion.) On power-up/reset the transceiver defaults to this half-duplex mode. By asserting the Repeat Enable flag [RPEN], the receiver is not disabled by the transmitter, allowing both transmitter and receiver to be active at the same time. This feature provides for the implementation of a repeater function or loopback for test purposes. The transmitter output can be connected to the receiver input, implementing a local (on-chip) loopback, by asserting [LOOP]. [RPEN] must also be asserted to enable both the transmitter and receiver at the same time. With [LOOP] asserted, the output TX-ACT is disabled, keeping the external line driver in TRI-STATE. The internal flag [TA] is still enabled, as are the serial data outputs. sible for the transmitter and receiver to operate with different protocols at the same time. The protocol mode should only be changed when both transmitter and receiver are inactive. If both transmitter and receiver are connected to the same line, they should be configured to operate sequentially (halfduplex). This mode of operation is achieved by clearing the RePeater ENable control bit [RPEN] in ÀTMRÓ. In this mode, an active transmitter will disable the receiver, preventing simultaneous operation of transmitter and receiver. If the transmitter FIFO is loaded while the receiver is actively processing an incoming signal, the receiver will be disabled and flag the CPU that a ‘‘Receiver Disabled While Active’’ error has occurred. (See Receiver Errors in this sec- TABLE 3-1. Protocol Mode Definition PS2 – 0 Protocol Mode Comments 000 001 3270 3299 Multiplexer 010 3299 Controller 011 100 3299 Repeater 5250 101 110 5250 Promiscuous 8-Bit 111 8-Bit Promiscuous Standard IBM 3270 protocol. Receiver expects first frame to be address frame. Transmitter uses standard 3270, no address frame. Transmitter generates address frame as first frame. Receiver expects standard 3270, no address frame. Both transmitter and receiver operate with first frame as address frame. Non-promiscuous mode. [DAV] asserted only when first frame address matches À ATR Ó . [DAV] asserted on all valid received data without regard to address field. General-purpose 8-bit protocol with first frame address. Non-promiscuous mode. [DAV] asserted only when first frame address matches ÀATRÓ. [DAV] asserted on all valid received frames. 50 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 44 KEY TO REGISTERS RTR Receive/Transmit Register ATR Auxiliary Transceiver Register TSR Transceiver Status Register NCF Network Command Register TCR Transceiver Command Register FBR Fill-Bit Register TMR Transceiver Mode Register DCR Device Control Register FIGURE 3-6. Block Diagram of Transceiver, Showing CPU Interface 51 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) flag [TFF] will be asserted. If ÀRTRÓ is written while [TFF] is high, the first location of the FIFO will be over-written and that data will be destroyed. 3.2.1 Transmitter The transmitter accepts parallel data from the CPU, formats it according to the desired protocol and transmits it as a serial biphase-encoded bit stream. A block diagram of the transmitter logic is shown in Figure 3-6 . Two biphase outputs, DATA-OUT, DATA-DLY, and the external line driver enable, TX-ACT, provide the data and control signals for the external line interface circuitry. The two biphase outputs are valid only when TX-ACT is asserted (high) and provide the necessary phase relationship to generate the ‘‘predistortion’’ waveform common to all of the transceiver protocols. See Figure 3-7 for the timing relationships of these outputs as well as the output of the line driver. For a recommended 3270/3299 coax interface, see Section 3270 Line Interface. For a recommended 5250 twinax interface see Section 5250 Line Interface. The capability is provided to invert DATA-OUT and DATADLY via the Transmitter Invert bit, [TIN], located in the Transceiver Mode Register, ÀTMRÓ. In addition, the timing relationship between TX-ACT and the two biphase outputs can be modified with the Advance Transmitter Active control, [ATA]. When [ATA] is cleared low (the power-up condition), the transmitter generates exactly five line quiesce bits at the start of each message, as shown in Figure 3-7 . If [ATA] is asserted high, the transmitter generates a sixth line quiesce bit, adding one biphase bit time to the start sequence transmission. The line driver enable, TX-ACT, is asserted halfway through this bit time, allowing an additional half-bit to precede the first full line quiesce of the transmitted waveform. Also, the state of DATA-DLY is such that no predistortion results on the line during this first half line quiesce. This modified start sequence is depicted in the dotted lines shown in Figure 3-7 and is used to limit the initial transient voltage amplitude when the message begins. Data is loaded into the transmitter by writing to the Receive/ Transmit Register ÀRTRÓ, causing the first location of the FIFO to be loaded with a 12-bit word (8 bits from ÀRTRÓ and 4 bits from the Transceiver Command Register ÀTCRÓ. The data byte to be transmitted is loaded into ÀRTRÓ, and À TCR Ó contains additional information required by the protocol. It is important to note that if ÀTCRÓ is to be changed, it must be loaded before ÀRTRÓ. A multi-frame transmission is accomplished by sequentially loading the FIFO with the required data, the transmitter taking care of all necessary frame formatting. If the FIFO was previously empty, indicated by the Transmit FIFO Empty flag [TFE] being asserted, the first word loaded into the FIFO will asynchronously propagate to the last location in approximately 40 ns, leaving the first two locations empty. It is therefore possible to load up the FIFO with three sequential instructions, at which time the Transmit FIFO Full When the first word is loaded into the FIFO, the transmitter starts up from idle, asserting TX-ACT and the Transmitter Active flag [TA], and begins generating the start sequence. After a delay of approximately 16 TCLK cycles (2 biphase bit times), the word in the last location of the FIFO is loaded into the encoder and prepared for transmission. If the FIFO was full, [TFF] will be de-asserted when the encoder is loaded, allowing an additional word to be loaded into the FIFO. When the last word in the FIFO has been loaded into the encoder, [TFE] goes high, indicating that the FIFO is empty. To ensure the continuation of a multi-frame message, more data must then be loaded into the FIFO before the encoder starts the transmission of the last bit of the current frame (the frame parity bit for 3270, 3299, and 8-bit modes; the last of the three mandatory fill bits for 5250). This maximum load time from [TFE] can be calculated by subtracting two from the number of bits in each frame of the respective protocol, and multiplying that result by the bit rate. This number represents the best case time to loadÐthe worst case value is dependent on CPU performance. Since the CPU samples the transceiver flags and interrupts at instruction boundaries, the CPU clock rate, wait states (from programmed wait states, asserting the WAIT pin, or remote access cycles), and the type of instruction currently being executed can affect when the flag or interrupt is first presented to the CPU. If there is no further data to transmit (or if the load window is missed), the ending sequence (3270/3299/8-bit) is generated and the transmitter returns to idle, de-asserting TX-ACT and [TA]. In 5250 mode, the three required fill bits are sent and TX-ACT and [TA] are de-asserted at a time dependent on the value of bits 7 through 3 of the Auxiliary Transceiver Register ÀATRÓ. If ÀATR[7 –3] Óe 00000, TX-ACT and [TA] are de-asserted at the end of the third required fill bit resulting in no additional ‘‘line hold’’ at the end of the message. Each increment of ÀATR[7 –3] Ó results in an additional half bit time of line hold up to a maximum of 15.5 bit times. Data should not be loaded into the FIFO after the transmitter is committed to ending the message and before the [TA] flag is deasserted. If this occurs, the load will be missed by the transmitter control logic and the word(s) will remain in the FIFO. This condition exists when [TA] and [TFE] are both low at the same time, and can be cleared by resetting the transceiver (asserting [TRES]) or by loading more data into the FIFO, in which case the first frame(s) transmitted will contain the word(s) left in the FIFO from the previous message. 52 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 45 FIGURE 3-7. Transmitter Output If the receiver is not disabled by the transmitter or by asserting [TRES], the decoder will adjust its internal timing to the incoming transitions, attempting to synchronize to valid biphase-encoded data. When synchronization occurs, the biphase clock will be extracted and the serial NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) data will be analyzed for a valid start sequence, see Figure 3-2(b) . The minimum number of line quiesce bits required by the receiver logic is selectable via the Receiver Line Quiesce [RLQ] control bit. If this bit is set high (the power-up condition), three line quiesce bits are required; if set low, only two are needed. Once the start sequence has been recognized, the receiver asserts the Receiver Active flag [RA] and enables the error detection circuitry. The propagation delay from the occurrence of the mid-bit edge of the sync bit in the starting sequence to [RA] being set is approximately 3 transceiver clock cycles. The NRZ serial bit stream is now clocked into a serial to parallel shift register and analyzed according to the expected data pattern as defined by the protocol. If no errors are detected by the word parity bit, the parallel data (up to a total of 11-bits, depending on the protocol) is passed to the first location of the FIFO. It then propagates asynchronously to the last location in approximately 40 ns, at which time the Data Available flag [DAV] is asserted, indicating to the CPU that valid data is available in the FIFO. The propagation delay from the occurrence of the mid-bit edge of the parity bit of the frame to [DAV] being set is approximately 5 transceiver clock cycles. Of the possible 11-bits in the last location of the FIFO, 8-bits (data byte) are mapped into ÀRTRÓ and the remaining bits (if any) are mapped into the Transceiver Status Register À TSR [2 –0] Ó . The CPU accesses the data byte by reading À RTR Ó , and the 5250 address field or 3270 control bits by reading ÀTSRÓ. When reading the FIFO, it is important to note that ÀTSRÓ must be read before ÀRTRÓ, since reading À RTR Ó advances the FIFO. Once [DAV] has been recognized as set by the CPU, the data can be read by any instruction with ÀRTR] as the source. All instructions with À RTR Ó as the source (except BIT, CMP, JRMK, JMP reg- 3.2.2 Receiver The receiver accepts a serial biphase-encoded bit stream, strips off the framing information, checks for errors and reformats the data for parallel transfer to the CPU. The block diagram in Figure 3-6 depicts the data flow from the serial input(s) to the FIFO’s parallel outputs. Note that the FIFO outputs are multiplexed with the Error Code Register ÀECRÓ outputs. The receiver and transmitter share the same TCLK, though in the receiver this clock is used only to establish the sampling rate for the incoming biphase encoded data. All control timing is derived from a clock signal extracted from this data. Several status flags and interrupts are made available to the CPU to handle the asynchronous nature of the incoming data stream. See Figure 3-8 for the timing relationships of these flags and interrupts relative to the incoming data. The input source to the decoder can be either the on-chip analog line receiver, the DATA-IN input or the output of the transmitter (for on-chip loopback operation). Two bits, the Select Line Receiver [SLR] and Loopback [LOOP], control this selection. For interfacing to the on-chip analog line receiver, see Section, 3270 Line Interface. An example of an external comparator circuit for interfacing to twinax cable in 5250 environments is contained in Section, 5250 Line Interface. The selected serial data input can be inverted via the Receiver Invert [RIN] control bit. The receiver continually monitors the line, sampling at a frequency equal to eight times the expected data rate. The Line Active flag [LA] is asserted whenever an input transition is detected and will remain asserted as long as another input transition is detected within 16 TCLK cycles. If another transition is not detected in this time frame, [LA] will be de-asserted. The propagation delay from the occurrence of the edge to [LA] being set is approximately 1 transceiver clock cycle. This function is independent of the mode of operation of the transceiver; [LA] will continue to respond to input signal transitions, even if the transmitter is activated and the receiver disabled. 53 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 46 FIGURE 3-8. Timing of Receiver Flags Relative to Incoming Data [LTA] from being asserted. The Line Active flag [LA] remains asserted if signal transitions continue to be detected on the input. 5 error flags are provided in ÀECRÓ: ister, LJMP conditional, and LCALL conditional) will result in popping the last location of the FIFO, presenting a new word (if present) for future CPU access. Data in the FIFO will propagate from one location to the next in approximately 10 – 15 ns, therefore the CPU is easily able to unload the FIFO with a set of consecutive instructions. If the received bit stream is a multi-byte message, the receiver will continue to process the data and load the FIFO. After the third load (if the CPU has not accessed the FIFO), the Receive FIFO Full flag [RFF] will be asserted. The propagation delay from the occurrence of the mid-bit edge of the parity bit of the frame to [RFF] being set is approximately 5 transceiver clock cycles. If there are more than 3 frames in the incoming message, the CPU has approximately one frame time (sync bit to start of parity bit) to start unloading the FIFO. Failure to do so will result in an overflow error condition and a resulting loss of data (see Receiver Errors). If there are no errors detected, the receiver will continue to process the incoming frames until the end of message is detected. The receiver will then return to an inactive state, clearing [RA] and asserting the Line Turn-Around flag, [LTA] indicating that a message was received with no errors. The propagation delay from the occurrence of the edge starting the first minicode violation to [RA] cleared and [LTA] set is approximately 17 transceiver clock cycles in 3270, 3299, and 8-bit modes. In 5250 modes, the assertion of [LTA] and clearing of [RA] are dependent on how the transmission line ends after the transmission of the three required fill bits (see 5250 Modes). For the 3270 and 3299 protocols, [LTA] can be used to initiate an immediate transmitter FIFO load; for the other protocols, an appropriate response delay time may be needed. [LTA] is cleared by loading the transmitter’s FIFO, writing a one to [LTA] in the Network Command flag register, or by asserting [TRES]. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 rsv rsv rsv OVF PAR IES LMBT RDIS [OVF] OverflowÐAsserted when the decoder writes to the first location of the FIFO while [RFF] is asserted. The word in the first location will be over-written; there will be no effect on the last two locations. [PAR] Parity ErrorÐAsserted when a received frame fails an even (word) parity check. [IES] Invalid Ending SequenceÐAsserted during an expected end sequence when an error occurs in the mini code-violation. Not valid in 5250 modes. [LMBT] Loss of Mid-Bit TransitionÐAsserted when the expected biphase-encoded mid-bit transition does not occur within the expected window. Indicates a loss of receiver synchronization. [RDIS] Receiver Disabled While ActiveÐAsserted when an active receiver is disabled by the transmitter being activated. To determine which error has occurred, the CPU must read À ECR Ó . This is accomplished by asserting the Select Error Codes control bit, [SEC], and reading ÀRTRÓ. The ÀECRÓ is only 5 bits wide, therefore the upper 3 bits are still the output of the receive FIFO (see Figure 3-6) . All instructions with À ECR Ó as the source (except BIT, CMP, JRMK, JMP register, LJMP conditional, and LCALL conditional) will clear the error condition and return the receiver to idle, allowing the receiver to again monitor the incoming data stream for a new start sequence. The [SEC] control bit must be de-asserted to read the FIFO’s data from ÀRTRÓ. If data is present in the FIFO when the error occurs, the Data Available flag [DAV] is de-asserted when the error is detected and re-asserted when ÀECRÓ is read. Data present in the FIFO before the error occurred is still available to the CPU. The flexibility is provided, therefore, to read the error type and still recover data loaded into the FIFO before the error occurred. The Transceiver Reset, [TRES] can be asserted at any time, clearing both Transceiver FIFOs and the error flags. Receiver Errors If the Receiver Active flag, [RA], is asserted by the receiver logic, the selected receiver input source is continuously checked for errors, which are reported to the CPU by asserting the Receiver Error flag, [RE], and setting the appropriate receiver error flag in the Error Code Register ÀECRÓ. If a condition occurs which results in multiple errors being created, only the first error detected will be latched into ÀECRÓ. Once an error has been detected and the appropriate error flag has been set, the receiver is disabled, clearing [RA] and preventing the Line Turn-Around flag and interrupt 54 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) For additional information concerning interrupts, refer to Sections, Interrupt Control Registers, and 2.2.3, Interrupts. 3.2.3 Transceiver Interrupts The transceiver has access to 3 CPU interrupt vectors, one each for the transmitter and receiver, and a third, the Line Turn-Around interrupt, providing a fast turn around capability between receiver and transmitter. The receiver interrupt is the CPU’s highest priority interrupt (excluding NMI), followed by the transmitter and Line Turn-Around interrupts, respectively. The three interrupt vector addresses and a full description of the interrupts are given in Table 3-2. The receiver interrupt is user-selectable from 4 possible sources (only 3 used at present) by specifying a 2-bit field, the Receiver Interrupt Select bits [RIS1-0] in the Interrupt Control Register ÀICRÓ. A full description is given in Table 3-3. The RFF a RE interrupt occurs only when the receive FIFO is full (or an error is detected). If the number of frames in a received message is not exactly divisible by 3, one or two words could be left in the FIFO at the end of the message, since the CPU would receive no indication of the presence of that data, it is recommended that this interrupt be used together with the line turn-around interrupt, whose service routine can include a test for whether any data is present in the receive FIFO. 3.2.4 Protocol Modes 3270/3299 Modes As shown in Table 3-1, the transceiver can operate in 4 different 3270/3299 modes, to accommodate applications of the BCP in different positions in the network. The 3270 mode is designed for use in a device or a controller which is not in a multiplexed environment. For a multiplexed network, the 3299 multiplexer and controller modes are designed for each end of the controller to multiplexer connection, the 3299 repeater mode being used for an in-line repeater situated between controller and multiplexer. For information on how parallel data loaded into the transmit FIFO and unloaded from the receive FIFO maps into the serial bit positions, see Figure 3-9 . To transmit a frame, ÀTCR [3 –0] Ó must first be set up with the correct control information, after which the data byte can be written to ÀRTRÓ. The resulting composite 12-bit word is loaded into the transmit FIFO where it propagates through to the last location to be loaded into the encoder and formatted for transmission. When formatting a 3270 frame, ÀTCR [2] Ó controls whether the transmitter is required to format a data frame or a command frame. If ÀTCR [2] Ó is low, the transmitter logic calcu- TABLE 3-2. Transceiver Interrupts Interrupt Vector Address Receiver Transmitter 000100 001000 Line Turn-Around 001100 Description User selectable from 4 possible sources, see Table 3-3. Set when [TFE] asserted, indicating that the transmit FIFO is empty, cleared by writing to ÀRTRÓ. Note: [TRES] causes [TFE] to be asserted. Set when a valid end sequence is detected, cleared by writing to ÀRTRÓ, writing a one to [LTA], or asserting [TRES]. In 5250 modes, interrupt is set when the last fill bit has been received and no further input transitions are detected. Will not be set in 5250 or 8-bit non-promiscuous modes unless an address match was received. The interrupt vector is obtained by concatenating À IBR Ó with the vector address as shown: IBR 15 0 0 8 vector address 5 interrupt vector 0 TABLE 3-3. Receiver Interrupts Interrupt RIS1,0 Description RFF a RE 00 DAV a RE 01 Not Used RA 10 11 Set when [RFF] or [RE] asserted. If activated by [RFF], indicating that the receive FIFO is full, interrupt is cleared by reading from ÀRTRÓ. If activated by [RE], indicating that an error has been detected, interrupt is cleared by reading from ÀECRÓ. Set when [DAV] or [RE] asserted. If activated by [DAV], indicating that valid data is present in the receive FIFO, interrupt is cleared by reading from ÀRTRÓ. If activated by [RE], indicating that an error has been detected, interrupt is cleared by reading from ÀECRÓ. Reserved for future product enhancement. Set when [RA] asserted, indicating the receipt of a valid start sequence, cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or ÀRTRÓ. All receiver interrupts can be cleared by asserting [TRES]. 55 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) written to ÀRTRÓ. The same ÀTCRÓ contents can therefore be used for more than one frame of a multi-frame transmission, or changed for each frame. lates odd parity on the data byte (B2–B9) and transmits this value for B10. If ÀTCR [2] Ó is high, B10 takes the state of À TCR [0] Ó . Odd Word Parity [OWP] controls the type of parity calculated on B1–B11 and transmitted as B12, the frame delimiter. If [OWP] is high, odd parity is output; otherwise even parity is transmitted. In this manner the system designer is provided with maximum flexibility in defining the transmitted 3270 control bits (B10–B12). When data is written to ÀRTRÓ, the least significant 4 bits of À TCR Ó are loaded into the FIFO along with the data being When a 3270 frame is received and decoded, the decoder loads the parallel data into the receive FIFO where it propagates through to the last location and is mapped into ÀRTRÓ and ÀTSRÓ. Bits B2 – B11 are exactly as received; Byte Parity [BP] is odd parity on B2 – B9, calculated in the decoder. Reading ÀRTRÓ will advance the receive FIFO, therefore À TSR Ó must be read first if this information is to be utilized. TL/F/9336 – 47 (a) 3270 Data and Command Frames TL/F/9336 – 48 (b) 3299 Address Frame FIGURE 3-9. 3270/3299 Frame Assembly/Disassembly Procedure 56 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) When formatting a 3299 address frame, the procedure is the same as for a 3270 frame, with ÀRTR [7 – 2] Ó defining the address to be transmitted. The only bit in ÀTCRÓ which has any functional meaning in this mode is [OWP], which controls the type of parity required on B1–B8. Similarly, when the receiver de-formats a 3299 address frame, the received address bits are loaded into ÀRTR [7– 2] Ó; ÀRTR [1 – 0] Ó and ÀTSR [2 – 0] Ó are undefined. The POLL, POLL/ACK and TT/AR flags in the Network Command Flag Register are valid only in 3270 and 3299 (excluding the 3299 address frame) modes. These flags are decodes of their respective coax commands as defined in Table 3-4. The Data Error or Message End [DEME] flag (also in the ÀNCFÓ register) indicates different information depending on the selected protocol. In 3270 and 3299, [DEME] is set when B10 of the received frame does not match the locally generated odd parity on bits B2–B9 of the received frame. [DEME] is not part of the receiver error logic, it functions only as a status flag to the CPU. These flags are decoded from the last location in the FIFO and are valid only when [DAV] is asserted; they are cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ and must be checked before advancing the receiver FIFO. 5250 Modes The biphase data is inverted in the 5250 protocol relative to 3270/3299 (see the Protocol sectionÐIBM 5250). Depending on the external line interface circuitry, the transceiver’s biphase inputs and outputs may need to be inverted by asserting the [RIN] (Receiver INvert) and [TIN] (Transmitter INvert) control bits in ÀTMRÓ. For information on how data must be organized in ÀTCRÓ and ÀRTRÓ for input to the transmitter, and how data extracted from a received frame is organized by the receiver and mapped into ÀTSRÓ and ÀRTRÓ, see Figure 3-10 . To transmit a 5250 message, the least significant 4 bits of À TCR Ó must first be set up with the correct address and parity control information. The station address field (B4 – B6) is defined by ÀTCR[2 –0] Ó, and [OWP] controls the type of parity (even or odd) calculated on B4 – B15 and transmitted as B3. When the 8-bit data byte is written to ÀRTRÓ, the resulting composite 12-bit word is loaded into the transmit FIFO, starting the transmitter. The same ÀTCRÓ contents can be used for more than one frame of a multi-frame transmission, or changed for each frame. The 5250 protocol defines bits B0 – B2 as fill bits which the transmitter automatically appends to the parity bit (B3) to TABLE 3-4. Decode of 3270 Coax Commands Received Word B2 0 X X B3 0 X X B4 0 X X B5 0 1 0 B6 0 0 0 B7 0 0 0 B8 0 0 0 B9 0 1 1 B10 0 X X B11 0 1 1 Flag Description RAR ACK POLL TT/AR (Clean Status) Received POLL/ACK Command Received POLL Command Received All flags cleared by reading À RTR Ó . TL/F/9336 – 49 FIGURE 3-10. 5250 Frame Assembly/Disassembly Description 57 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) In the 5250 modes, the Data-Error-or-Message-End [DEME] flag is a decode of the 111 station address (the end of message delimiter) and is valid only when [DAV] is asserted. This function allows the CPU to quickly determine when the end of message has been received. The transmitter has the flexibility of holding TX-ACT active at the end of a 5250 message, thus reducing line reflections and ringing during this critical time period. The amount of hold time is programmable from 0 ms to 15.5 ms in 500 ns increments (assuming TCLK is 8 MHz), and is set by writing the selected value to the upper 5-bits of the Auxiliary Transceiver Register, ÀATR [7 –3] Ó. form the 16-bit frame. Additional fill bits may be inserted between frames of a multi-frame transmission by loading the fill bit register, ÀFBRÓ, with the one’s complement of the number of fill bits to be transmitted. A value of FF (hex), corresponds to the addition of no extra fill bits. At the conclusion of a message the transmitter will return to the idle state after transmitting the 3 fill bits of the last frame (no additional fill bits will be transmitted). As shown in Table 3-1, the transceiver can operate in 2 different 5250 modes, designated ‘‘promiscuous’’ and ‘‘nonpromiscuous’’. The transmitter operates in the same manner in both modes. In the promiscuous mode, the receiver passes all received data to the CPU via the FIFO, regardless of the station address. The CPU must determine which station is being addressed by reading ÀTSR [2 – 0] Ó before reading ÀRTRÓ. In the non-promiscuous mode, the station address field (B4 – B6) of the first frame must match the 3 least significant bits of the Auxiliary Transceiver Register, ÀATR [2– 0] Ó, before the receiver will pass the data on to the CPU. If no match is detected in the first frame of a message, and if no errors were found on that frame, the receiver will reset to idle, looking for a valid start sequence. If an address match is detected in the first frame of a message, the received data is passed on to the CPU. For the remainder of the message all received frames are decoded in the same manner as the promiscuous mode. To maintain maximum flexibility, the receiver logic does not interpret the station address or command fields in determining the end of a 5250 message. The message typically ends with no further line transitions after the third fill bit of the last frame. This end of message must be distinguished from a loss of synchronization between frames of a multi-byte transmission condition by looking for line activity some time after the loss of synchronization occurs. When the loss of synchronization occurs during fill bit reception, the receiver monitors the Line Active flag, [LA], for up to 11 biphase bit times (11 ms at the 1 MHz data rate). If [LA] goes inactive at any point during this period, the receiver returns to the idle state, de-asserting [RA] and asserting [LTA]. If, however, [LA] is still asserted at the end of this window, the receiver interprets this as a real loss of synchronization and flags the [LMBT] error condition to the CPU. (See Receiver Errors in this section.) General Purpose 8-Bit Modes As shown in Table 3-1, the transceiver can operate in 2 different 8-bit modes, designated ‘‘promiscuous’’ and ‘‘nonpromiscuous’’. In the non-promiscuous mode, the first frame data byte (B2 – B9) must match the contents of ÀATR[7 –0] Ó before the receiver will load the FIFO and assert [DAV]. If no match is made on the first frame, and if no errors were found on that frame, the receiver will go back to idle, looking for a valid start sequence. The address comparator logic is not enabled in the promiscuous mode, and therefore all received frames are passed through the receive FIFO to the CPU. The transmitter operates in the same manner in both modes. The serial bit positions relative to the parallel data loaded into the transmit FIFO and presented to the CPU by the receiver FIFO are shown in Figure 3-11 . To transmit a frame, the data byte is written to ÀRTRÓ, loading the transmit FIFO where it propagates through to the last location to be loaded into the encoder and formatted for transmission. Only [OWP] in ÀTCRÓ is loaded into the transmitter FIFO in both protocol modes; ÀTCR [2 –0] Ó are don’t cares. B10 is defined by a parity calculation on B1 – B9; odd if [OWP] is high and even if [OWP] is low. When a frame is received, the decoder loads the processed data into the receive FIFO where it propagates through to the last location and is mapped into ÀRTRÓ. All bits are exactly as received. Reading the data is accomplished by reading ÀRTRÓ. ÀTSR [2 –0] Ó are undefined in the 8-bit modes. TL/F/9336 – 50 FIGURE 3-11. General Purpose 8-Bit Frame Assembly/Disassembly Procedure 58 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) than a perfectly matched termination. Board layout should make the comparator lines as short as possible. Lines should be placed closely together to avoid the introduction of differential noise. These lines should not pass near ‘‘noisy’’ lines. A ground plane should isolate all ‘‘noisy’’ lines. 3.2.5 Line Interface 3270 Line Interface In the 3270 environment, data is transmitted between a control unit and a device via a single coax cable or twisted pair cable. The coax type is RG62AU with a maximum length of 1.5 kilometers. The twisted pair cable has become more prevalent to reduce cabling and routing costs. Typically, a 24 AWG unshielded twisted pair is used to achieve the cost reduction goals. The length of the twisted pair cable is a minimum of 100 feet to a maximum of 900 feet. The 3270 protocol utilizes a transformer to isolate the peripheral from the cabling system. An effective line interface design must be able to accept either coax or twisted pair cabling and compensate for noise, jitter and reflections in the cabling system. There must be an adequate amount of jitter tolerance to offset the effects of filtering and noise. Some filtering is needed to reduce ambient noise caused by surrounding hardware. Such filtering must not introduce transients that the receiver comparator translates into data jitter. An effective driver design should also attempt to compensate for the filtering effects of the cable. Higher data frequencies become attenuated more than lower frequency signals as cable length is increased, yielding greater disparity in the amplitudes of these signals. This effect generates greater jitter at the receiver. The 3270 signal format allows for a high voltage (predistorted) magnitude and a low voltage (nondistorted) magnitude within each data bit time. Increasing the predistorted-to-nondistorted signal level ratio counteracts the filtering phenomenon because the lower frequency signals contain less predistortion than do higher frequency signals. Thus, the amplitude of the higher frequency signals is ‘‘boosted’’ more than the lower frequency signals. Unfortunately, a low signal level is more susceptible to reflection-induced errors at short cable length. Proper impedance matching and slower edge rates must be utilized to eliminate as much reflection as possible at these lengths. Additionally, shielded or balanced operation must be adequately supported. Shielded operation implies the use of coax cable, where balanced implies the use of twisted pair cable. Proper termination should be employed, and a termination slightly greater than the characteristic impedance of theline may actually provide more desirable waveforms BCP Design The line interface design for the receiver is shown in Figure 3-12. An offset of approximately 17 mV separates the comparator inputs, making the receiver more immune to ambient noise present on the circuit board. A 2:1:1 (arranged as a 3:1) transformer increases any voltage sensitivity lost by introducing the offset. A bandpass filter is employed to reduce edge rate to the comparator and eliminate ambient noise. The bandwidth (30 kHz to 30 MHz) was chosen to provide sufficient attenuation for noise while producing minimum data jitter. The driver design, Figure 3-13, incorporates a National Semiconductor DS3487 and a resistor network to generate the proper signal levels. The predistorted-to-nondistorted ratio was chosen to be about 3 to 1. The coax/twisted pair front end, Figure 3-14, includes an ADC brand connector to switch between coax and twisted pair cable. The coax interface has the shield capacitively coupled to ground. The 510X resistor and the filter loading produce a termination of about 95X. The twisted pair interface balances both lines and possesses an input impedance of about 100X. This termination is somewhat higher than the characteristic impedance (about 96X) of twisted pair. Terminations of this type produce reflections that do not tend to generate mid-bit errors. Such terminations have the benefit of creating a larger voltage at the receiver over longer cable lengths. For a more detailed explanation of the 3270 line interface, see Application Note ‘‘A Combined Coax/Twisted Pair 3270 Line Interface for the DP8344 Biphase Communications Processor’’. 5250 Line Interface The 5250 environment utilizes twinax in a multi-drop configuration, where eight devices can be ‘‘daisy-chained’’ over a total distance of 5,000 feet and eleven splices, (each physical device is considered a splice). Twinax connectors are bulky and expensive, but are very sturdy. Twinaxial cable is a shielded twisted pair that is nearly (/3 of an inch thick. Legend Af To coax/twisted pair front end Bf To line driver circuitry Cf To BCP comparator * Includes board capacitance TL/F/9336 – G1 FIGURE 3-12. BCP Receiver Design 59 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) Legend Bf To 2:1:1 Transformer Df From DP8344 Outputs TL/F/9336 – G2 FIGURE 3-13. BCP Driver Design Legend Af To 2:1:1 Transformer Switch Open Ð Twisted Pair Switch Closed Ð Coax TL/F/9336 – G3 FIGURE 3-14. BCP Coax/Twisted Pair Front End The cable shield must be continuous throughout the transmission system, and be grounded at the system unit and each station. Since twinax connectors have exposed metal connected to their shield grounds, care must be taken not to expose them to noise sources. The polarity of the two inner conductors must also be maintained throughout the transmission system. The transmission system is implemented in a balanced current mode; every receiver/transmitter pair is directly coupled to the twinax at all times. Data is impressed on the transmission line by unbalancing the line voltage with the driver current. The system requires passive termination at both ends of the transmission line. The termination resistance value is given by: Rt e ZO/2; where Driver Circuits for the DP8344B The transmitter interface on the DP8344B is sufficiently general to allow use in 3270, 5250, and 8-bit transmission systems. Because of this generality, some external hardware is needed to adapt the outputs to form the signals necessary to drive the twinax line. The chip provides three signals: DATA-OUT, DATA-DLY and TX-ACT. DATA-OUT is biphase serial data (inverted). DATA-DLY is the biphase serial data output (non-inverted) delayed one-quarter bit-time. TX-ACT, or transmitter active, signals that serial data is being transmitted when asserted. DATA-OUT and DATA-DLY can be used to form the A and B phase signals with their three levels by the circuit shown in Figure 3-15. TX-ACT is used as an external transmitter enable. The BCP can invert the sense of the DATA-OUT and DATA-DLY signals by asserting [TIN] ÀTMR[3] Ó. This feature allows both 3270 and 5250 type biphase data to be generated, and/or utilization of inverting on non-inverting transmitter stages. Drivers for the 5250 environment may not place any signals on the transmission system when not activated. The poweron and off conditions of drivers must be prevented from causing noise on the system since other devices may be in operation. Figure 3-15 shows a ‘‘DC power good’’ signal enabling the driver circuit. This signal will lock out conduction in the drivers if the supply voltage is out of tolerance. Twinax signals can be viewed as consisting of two distinct phases, phase A and phase B, each with three levels, off, Rt: Termination Resistance ZO: Characteristic Impedance In practice, termination is accomplished by connecting both conductors to the shield via 54.9X, 1% resistors; hence the characteristic impedance of the twinax cable of 107X g 5% at 1.0 MHz. Intermediate stations must not terminate the line; each is configured for ‘‘pass-through’’ instead of ‘‘terminate’’ mode. Stations do not have to be powered on to pass twinax signals on to other stations; all of the receiver/ transmitter pairs are DC coupled. Consequently, devices must never output any signals on the twinax line during power-up or down that could be construed as data, or interfere with valid data transmission between other devices. 60 3.0 Transceiver (Continued) To achieve this, a differential comparator with complementary outputs can be applied, such as the National LM361. The complementary outputs are useful in setting the hysteresis or switching threshold to the appropriate levels. The LM361 also provides excellent common mode noise rejection and a low input offset voltage. Low input leakage current allows the design of an extremely sensitive receiver, without loading the transmission line excessively. In addition to good analog design techniques, a low pass filter with a roll-off of approximately 1 MHz should be applied to both the A and B phases. This filter essentially conducts high frequency noise to the opposite phase, effectively making the noise common mode and easily rejectable. Layout considerations for the LM361 include proper bypassing of the g 12V supplies at the chip itself, with as short as possible traces from the pins to 0.1 mF ceramic capacitors. Using surface mount chip capacitors reduces lead inductance and is therefore preferable in this case. Keeping the input traces as short and even in length is also important. The intent is to minimize inductance effects as well and standardize those effects on both inputs. The LM361 should have as much ground plane under and around it as possible. Trace widths for the input signals especially should be as wide as possible; 0.1 inch is usually sufficient. Finally, keep all associated discrete components nearby with short routing and good ground/supply connections. For a more detailed explanation of the 5250 line interface, see application note ‘‘Interfacing the DP8344 to Twinax.’’ high and low. The off level corresponds with 0 mA current being driven, the high level is nominally 62.5 mA, a 20% b 30%, and the low level is nominally 12.5 mA, a 20% b 30%. When these currents are applied to a properly terminated transmission line the resultant voltages impressed at the driver are: off level is 0V, low level is 0.32V g 20%, high level is 1.6V g 20%. The interface must provide for switching of the A and B phases and the three levels. A bimodal constant current source for each phase can be built that has a TTL level interface for the BCP. Receiver Circuits The pseudo-differential mode of the twinax signals make receiver design requirements somewhat different than the coax 3270 world. Hence, the analog receiver on the BCP is not well suited to receiving twinax data. The BCP provides both analog inputs to an on-board comparator circuit as well as a TTL level serial data input, DATA-IN. The sense of this serial data can be inverted by the BCP by asserting [RIN], À TMR[4] Ó . The external receiver circuit must be designed with care to ensure reliable decoding of the bit-stream in the worst environment. Signals as small as 100 mV must be detected. In order to receive the worst case signals, the input level switching threshold or hysteresis for the receiver should be nominally 29 mV g 20%. This value allows the steady state, worst case signal level of 100 mV g 66% of its amplitude before transitioning. TL/F/9336 – G4 FIGURE 3-15. 5250 Line Interface Schematic 61 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) bus control circuitry. The RP’s address lines decode a chip select for the BCP called Remote Access Enable (RAE). Basically, the BCP’s Data Memory has been memory mapped into the RP’s memory. A Remote Access of the BCP occurs when REM-RD or REM-WR, along with RAE is asserted low. REM-RD and REM-WR can be directly connected to the Remote Processor’s read and write lines, or for more complicated systems the REM-RD and REM-WR signals may be controlled by a combination of address decode and the RP’s read and write signals. To the RP, an access of the BCP will appear as any other memory system access. This configuration allows the RP to read and write Data Memory, read and write the BCP’s Program Counter, and read and write BCP Instruction Memory. These functions are selected by control bits in the Remote Interface Configuration register ÀRICÓ. This register can be accessed only by the RP and not by the BCP CPU. If the Remote Processor executes a remote access with the Command input (CMD) high, ÀRICÓ is accessed through the BCP’s AD bus. In Figure 4-1 , the Remote Processor’s address lines are decoded to form the CMD input. When a remote access takes place with CMD low, the memory system designated in ÀRICÓ is accessed. Figure 4-2 shows the contents of À RIC Ó . The two least significant bits are the Memory Select bits [MS1 –0] which designate the type of remote access: to Data Memory, the Program Counter, or Instruction Memory. This register also contains the BCP start bit [STRT], three interface select bits [FBW, LR, LW], the Single-Step bit [SS], and the Bi-directional Interrupt Status bit [BIS]. Refer to the RIAS Reference Section for a more detailed description of the contents of this register and the function of each bit. INTRODUCTION Communication with the BCP is based on the BCP’s ability to share its data memory. A microprocessor (or any intelligent device) can read and write to any BCP data location while the BCP CPU is executing instructions. This capability is part of the BCP’s Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS). Sharing data memory is possible because RIAS’s arbitration logic allocates use of the BCP’s data and address buses. RIAS has been designed so that accesses of BCP data memory by another device minimally impact its performance as well as the BCP’s. In addition to data memory accesses, RIAS allows another device to control how BCP programs are loaded, started and debugged. 4.1 RIAS ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION Interfacing to the BCP is accomplished with the control signals listed in Table 4-1. Figure 4-1 shows the BCP interfaced to Instruction Memory, Data Memory, and an intelligent device, termed the Remote Processor (RP). Instruction and Data are separate memory systems with separate address buses and data paths. This arrangement allows continuous instruction fetches without interleaved data accesses. Instruction Memory (IMEM) is interfaced to the BCP through the Instruction (I) and Instruction Address (IA) buses. IMEM is 16 bits wide and can address up to 64k memory. Data Memory (DMEM) is eight bits wide and can also address up to 64k memory. The DMEM address is formed by the 8-bit upper byte (A bus) and the 8-bit lower byte (AD bus). The AD bus must be externally latched because it also serves as the path for data between the BCP and DMEM. For further information on how AD bus is used, refer to Section 2.2.2 CPU Timing. The Remote Processor’s address and data buses are connected to the BCP’s address and data buses through the TL/F/9336 – 19 FIGURE 4-1. BCP/Remote Processor Interface 62 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TABLE 4-1. RIAS Inputs and Outputs In/Out Pin Reset State CMD In 45 X CoMmanD input. When high, remote accesses are directed to the Remote Interface Configuration register, ÀRICÓ. When low, remote accesses are directed to Data Memory, Instruction Memory or the Program Counter as determined by ÀRIC [1,0] Ó. LCL Out 31 0 LoCaL. Normally low, goes high when the BCP relinquishes the data and address bus to service a remote access. LOCK In 44 X Asserting this input Low will LOCK out local (BCP) accesses to Data Memory. Once the remote processor has been granted the bus, LOCK gives it sole access to the bus and BCP accesses are ‘‘waited’’. RAE In 46 X Remote Access Enable. Setting this input low allows host access of BCP functions and memory. REM-RD In 47 X REMote ReaD. When low along with RAE, a remote read cycle is requested; serviced by the BCP when the data bus becomes available. REM-WR In 48 X REMote WRite. When low along with RAE, a remote write cycle is requested; serviced by the BCP when the data bus becomes available. WR-PEND Out 49 1 WRite PENDing. In a system configuration where remote write cycles are latched, WR-PEND will go low, indicating that the latches contain valid data which have yet to be serviced by the BCP. XACK Out 50 1 Transfer ACKnowledge. Normally high, goes low on REM-RD or REM-WR going low (if RAE low) returning high when the transfer is complete. Normally used as a ‘‘wait’’ signal to a remote processor. (In the Latched Write mode, XACK will only transition if a second remote access begins before the first one completes.) WAIT In 54 X Asserting this input low will add wait states to both remote accesses and to the BCP instruction cycle. WAIT will extend a remote access until it is set high. Signal 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Function The two key handshake signals involved in the BCP/RP interface are Transfer Acknowledge (XACK) and Local (LCL). Internally, two more signals control the access timing: INT-READ and INT-WRITE. The timing for a generic Remote Access is shown in Figure 4-3 . A remote access is 0 BIS SS FBW LR LW STRT MS1 MS0 RIC BIS ÐBidirectional Interrupt Status SS ÐSingle-Step FBW ÐFast Buffered Write mode LR ÐLatched Read mode LW ÐLatched Write mode STRT ÐBCP CPU start/stop MS1–0 ÐMemory Selection FIGURE 4-2. Remote Interface Control Register 4.1.1 Remote Arbitration Phases The BCP CPU and RIAS share the internal CPU-CLK. This clock is derived from the X1 crystal input. It can be divided by two by setting [CCS] e 1 in ÀDCRÓ or run undivided by setting [CCS] e 0. The frequency at which the Remote Processor is run need not bear any relationship to the CPUCLK. A remote access is treated as an asynchronous event and data is handshaked between the Remote Processor and the BCP. TL/F/9336 – 20 FIGURE 4-3. Generic Remote Access (RAE e 0) initiated by the RP asserting REM-RD or REM-WR with RAE low. There is no set-up/hold time relationship between RAE and REM-RD or REM-WR. These signals are internally gated together such that if RAE (REM-RD a REM-WR) is true, a remote access will begin. A short delay later, XACK will fall. This signal can be fed back to the RP’s wait line to extend its read or write cycle, if necessary. When the BCP’s 63 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TRI-STATE during a Remote Write Figure 4-4(b) while LCL is high. The byte being written to ÀRICÓ is latched on the rising edge of XACK and can be seen on AD after LCL falls. arbitration logic determines that the BCP is not using data memory, LCL rises, relinquishing control of the address and data buses to the RP. The remote access can be delayed at most one BCP instruction (providing [LOR] is not set high). If the CPU is executing a string of data memory accesses, RIAS has an opportunity to break in at the completion of every instruction. The time period between REM-RD or REM-WR being asserted (with RAE low) and LCL rising is called the Arbitration Phase. It is a minimum of one T-state, but can be increased if the BCP CPU is accessing Data Memory (local access) or if the BCP has set the Lock Out Remote bit [LOR]. The Access Phase, in this case, is always two T-states (unless WAIT is low) because ÀRICÓ is not subject to any programmed wait states. The CMD pin is internally latched on the first falling edge of the CPU-CLK after a remote access has been initiated by asserting RAE low along with asserting REM-RD or REM-WR low. If the remote interface is asynchronous, the CMD signal must be valid simultaneously or before RAE is asserted low along with REM-RD or REM-WR being asserted low. The value of CMD is only sampled once during each remote access and will remain in effect for the duration of the remote access. After the Arbitration Phase has ended, the Access Phase begins. Either Data Memory, Instruction Memory, the Program Counter, or ÀRICÓ is read or written in this phase. Either INT-READ or INT-WRITE will fall one T-state after LCL rises. These two signals provide the timing for the different types of accesses. INT-READ times the transitions on the AD bus for Remote Reads and forms the external READ line. INT-WRITE clocks data into the PC and ÀRICÓ and forms the IWR and WRITE lines. INT-READ and INT-WRITE rise with XACK, or shortly after. The duration of the Access Phase depends on the type of memory being accessed. Data Memory and Instruction Memory accesses are subject to any programmed wait states and all remote accesses are waited by asserting WAIT low. The minimum time in the Access Phase is 2 T-states. The rising edge of XACK indicates the Access Phase has ended and the Termination Phase has begun. If the RP was doing a read operation, this edge indicates that valid data is available to the RP. During the Termination Phase the BCP is regaining control of the buses. LCL falls one T-state after XACK and since the RP is no longer being waited, it can deassert REM-RD or REM-WR. The duration of this phase is a minimum of one T-state, but can be extended depending on the interface mode chosen in ÀRICÓ. TL/F/9336 – 80 (a) Remote Read Timing (RAE e 0) TL/F/9336 – 81 (b) Remote Write Timing (RAE e 0) 4.1.2 Access Types There are four types of accesses an RP can make of the BCP: ÐRemote Interface Control Register ÀRICÓ ÐData Memory (DMEM) ÐProgram Counter (PC) ÐInstruction Memory (IMEM) An access of ÀRICÓ is accomplished by asserting RAE and REM-RD or REM-WR with the CMD pin asserted high. The Remote Interface Configuration register is accessed through the AD bus as shown in Figure 4-4(c) . A read or write of ÀRICÓ can take place while the BCP CPU is executing instructions. Timing for this access is shown in Figures 4-4(a) and (b) . Note that in the Remote Read Figure 4-4(a), AD does not transition. This is because the contents of À RIC Ó are active on the bus by default. The AD bus is in TL/F/9336 – 82 (c) RIC to AD Connectivity FIGURE 4-4. Generic RIC Access 64 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) Remote Accesses other than to ÀRICÓ are accomplished with the CMD pin low in conjunction with asserting RAE low along with REM-WR or REM-RD being taken low. The type of access performed is defined by the Memory Select bits in À RIC Ó , as shown in Figure 4-5. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BIS SS FBW LR LW ST MS1 MS0 X ä Y Memory Select Bits 00 - Data Memory 01 - Instruction Memory 10 - PC low byte 11 - PC high byte FIGURE 4-5. Memory Select Bits in ÀRICÓ Reads or writes of Data Memory (DMEM) are preceded by setting the Memory Select bits in ÀRICÓ for a DMEM access: [MS1,0] e 00. After that, the RP simply reads or writes to BCP Data Memory as many times as it needs to. A DMEM access, as well as a ÀRICÓ access, can be made while the BCP CPU is executing instructions. All other accesses must be executed with the BCP CPU stopped. The timing for a Data Memory read and write are shown in Figure 4-6 . The access is initiated by asserting RAE and REM-RD or REM-WR while CMD is low. The BCP responds by bringing its address and data lines into TRI-STATE and allowing the RP to control DMEM. READ is asserted in the Access Phase of a Remote Read Figure 4-6(a) . It will stay low for a minimum of one T-state, but can be extended by adding programmable data wait states or by taking WAIT low. WRITE is asserted in the Access Phase with a remote write. It too is a minimum of one T-state and can be increased by adding programmable wait states or by taking WAIT low. Figure 4-7(c) shows the data path from the Program Counter to the AD bus. Both high and low PC bytes can be written or read through AD. The RP has independent control of the high and low bytes of the Program CounterÐthe byte being accessed is specified in the Memory Select bits. The high byte of the PC is accessed by setting [MS1 – 0] e 11. Setting [MS1 – 0] e 10 allows access to the low byte of the PC. After the Memory Select bits are set by a Remote Write to ÀRICÓ, the byte selected can be read or written by the RP by executing a Remote Access with CMD low. Remote accesses to both the high and low bytes of the PC, as well as the instruction memory access must be executed with the BCP CPU idle. Four accesses by the RP are necessary to read or write both the high and low bytes of the PC. Timing for a PC access is shown in Figure 4-7(a) and (b) . The PC becomes valid on a Remote Read (a) one T-state after LCL rises and one T-state before XACK rises. AD is in TRISTATE while LCL is high for a Remote Write (b). Time in the Access Phase is two T-states if WAIT is not asserted. Instruction memory (IMEM) is accessed through another internal path: from AD to the I bus, shown in Figure 4-8(c) . The memory is accessed first low byte, then high byte. Low and high bytes of the 16-bit I bus are alternately accessed for Remote Reads. An 8-bit holding register, ILAT, retains the low byte until the high byte is written by the Remote Processor for the write to IMEM. The BCP increments the PC after the high byte has been accessed. TL/F/9336 – 83 (a) Remote Read Timing (RAE e 0) TL/F/9336 – 84 (b) Remote Write Timing (RAE e 0) FIGURE 4-6. Generic DMEM Access Timing for an IMEM access is shown in Figure 4-8(a) and (b) . As before, the Memory Select bits are first set to instruction memory: [MS1 –0] e 01. It is only necessary to set [MS1 –0] once for repeated IMEM accesses. (Instruction Memory is the power-up Memory Selection state.) A simple state machine keeps track of which instruction byte is expected nextÐlow or high byte. The state machine powers up looking for the low instruction byte and every IMEM access causes this state machine to switch to the alternate byte. Accesses other than to IMEM will not cause the state machine to switch to the alternate byte, but writing 01 to the Memory Select bits in ÀRICÓ (i.e. [MS1 –0] e 01, pointing to IMEM) will always force the state machine to the ‘‘low byte state’’. This way the instruction word boundary can be reset without resetting the BCP. When the BCP is reset the state machine will also be forced to the ‘‘low byte state.’’ Figure 4-8(a) shows a Remote Read of Instruction memory. Both the low byte, then the high byte can be seen on back to back remote reads. An instruction byte becomes active on the AD bus one T-state after LCL rises and is valid when XACK rises. This time period will be a minimum of one T-state, but can be extended up to three more T-states by instruction wait states. 65 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 85 (a) Remote Read Timing (RAE e 0) TL/F/9336 – 86 (b) Remote Write Timing (RAE e 0) TL/F/9336 – 87 (c) IA to AD Connectivity FIGURE 4-7. Generic PC Access 66 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 88 (a) Remote Read Timing (RAE e 0) TL/F/9336 – 89 (b) Remote Write Timing (RAE e 0) TL/F/9336 – 90 (c) I to AD Connectivity FIGURE 4-8. Generic IMEM Access 67 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) es and one half T-state later LCL falls. The BCP can use the buses one T-state after LCL falls. The minimum time (no wait states, no arbitration delay) the BCP CPU could be prevented from using the bus is four T-states in the Latched Read Mode. A Buffered Read prevents the BCP CPU from using the bus during the time RP is allocated the buses. This time period begins when LCL rises and ends when REM-RD is removed. If the REM-RD is asserted longer than the minimum Buffered Read execution time (four T-states), then the BCP may be unnecessarily prevented from using the buses. Therefore, if there are no overriding reasons to use the Buffered Read Mode, the Latched Read Mode is preferable. There are three Remote Write ModesÐtwo require buffers and one requires latches. The timing for the writes utilizing buffers is shown in Figure 4-10 . The Slow Buffered Write (a) is handshaked in the same manner as the Buffered Read and thus has the same timing. The Fast Buffered Write has similar timing to the Latched Read. This timing similarity exists because the BCP terminates the remote access without waiting for the RP to deassert REM-WR. In addition, WAIT can delay the rising edge of XACK indefinitely. One T-state after XACK rises, ÀRICÓ will once again be active on AD. Timing is similar for a Remote Write. AD is in TRI-STATE while LCL is high. LCL is asserted for a minimum of three T-states, but can be extended by instruction wait states and the WAIT pin. IWR clocks the instruction into memory during the write of the high byte. The Instruction Address (PC) is incremented about one T-state after LCL falls on a high byte access for both Remote Reads and Writes. Soft-loading Instruction Memory is accomplished by first setting the BCP Program Counter to the starting address of the program to be loaded. The Memory Select bits are then set to IMEM. BCP instructions can then be moved from the Remote Processor to the BCPÐlow byte, high byteÐuntil the entire program is loaded. 4.1.3 Interface Modes The Remote Interface and Arbitration System will support TRI-STATE buffers or latches between the Remote Processor and the BCP. The choice between buffers and latches depends on the type of system that is being interfaced to. Latches will help prevent the faster system from slowing to the speed of the slower system. Buffers can be used if the Remote Processor (RP) requires that data be handshaked between the systems. In both cases, XACK falls a short delay after REM-WR falls and LCL rises when the RP is given the buses. One T-state after LCL rises, INT-WRITE falls. The termination in the Slow Buffered Write mode keys off REM-WR rising, as shown in Figure 4-10(a) . INT-WRITE rises a prop-delay later and LCL falls one T-state later. The Fast Buffered Write, shown in Figure 4-10(b) , begins the Termination Phase with the rising edge of XACK. INT-WRITE rises at the same time as XACK, and LCL falls one T-state later. The BCP can begin a local access one T-state after LCL transitions. A Fast Buffered Write is preferable to the Slow Buffered Write if RP’s write cycles are slow compared to the minimum Fast Buffered Write execution time. The Fast Buffered Write assumes, though, that data is available to the BCP by the time INT-WRITE rises. Figure 4-9 shows the timing of Remote Reads via a buffer (a) and a latch (b) (called a Buffered Read and Latched Read). The main difference in these modes is in the Termination Phase. The Buffered Read handshakes the data back to the RP. When the BCP deasserts XACK, data is valid and the RP can deassert REM-RD. Only after REM-RD goes high is LCL removed. In the Latched Read Figure 4-9(b) XACK rises at the same time, but the Termination Phase completes without waiting for the rising edge of REM-RD. One half T-state after XACK rises, INT-READ ris- TL/F/9336–91 TL/F/9336 – 92 (a) Buffered Read (b) Latched Read FIGURE 4-9. Read from Remote Processor 68 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 93 (a) Slow Buffered Write TL/F/9336 – 94 (b) Fast Buffered Write FIGURE 4-10. Buffered Write from Remote Processor In both Buffered Write Modes, XACK is asserted to wait the RP. The Latched Write Mode makes it possible for the RP to write to the BCP without getting waited. The timing for the Latched Write Mode is shown in Figure 4-11 . When the Remote Processor writes to the BCP, its address and data buses are externally latched on the rising edge of REM-WR. Even though REM-WR has been asserted XACK does not switch. The BCP only begins remote access execution after the trailing edge of REM-WR. Since the RP is not requesting data back from the BCP, it can continue execution without waiting for the BCP to complete the remote access. After REM-WR is deasserted, WR-PEND is taken low to prevent overwrite of the latches. A minimum of two T-states later LCL switches and AD, A, and the external address latch go into TRI-STATE, allowing the latches which contain the remote address and data to become active. If the RP attempts to initiate another access before the current write is complete, XACK is taken low to wait the RP and the address and the data are safe because WR-PEND prevents the latches from opening. The Access Phase ends when INT-WRITE rises and the data is written. One T-state later, LCL falls and one T-state after that WR-PEND rises. If another access is pending, it can begin in the next T-state. This is indicated by XACK rising when WR-PEND rises. A minimum BCP/RP interface utilizes four TRI-STATE buffers or latches. A block diagram of this interface is shown in Figure 4-12 . The blocks A, B, C, and D indicate the location of buffers or latches. Blocks A and B isolate 16 bits of the RP’s address bus from the BCP’s Data Address bus. Two more blocks, C and D, bidirectionally isolate 8 bits of the RP’s data bus from the BCP AD bus. TL/F/9336 – 95 FIGURE 4-11. Latched Write from Remote Processor 69 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 96 FIGURE 4-12. Minimum BCP/Remote Processor Interface and [FBW] e 1 designates a Fast Buffered Write. A Latched Write is accomplished by using latches for blocks A, B, and C and setting [LW] e 1. The BCP Remote Arbitrator State Machine (RASM) must know what hardware interfaces to the RP in order to time the remote accesses correctly. To accomplish this, three Interface Mode bits in ÀRICÓ are used to define the hardware interface. These bits are the Latched Write bit [LW], the Latched Read bit [LR] and the Fast Buffered Write bit [FBW]. See Figure 4-13 . 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BIS SS FBW LR LW ST MS1 MS0 X ä Y 4.1.4 Execution Control The BCP can be started and stopped in two ways. If the BCP is not interfaced to another processor, it can be started by pulsing RESET low while both REM-RD and REM-WR are low. Execution then begins at location zero. If there is a Remote Processor interfaced to the BCP, a write to ÀRICÓ which sets the start bit [STRT] high will begin execution at the current PC location. Writing a zero to [STRT] stops execution after the current instruction is completed. A SingleStep is accomplished by writing a one to the Single-Step bit [SS] in ÀRICÓ. This will execute the instruction at the current PC, increment the PC, and then return to idle. [SS] returns low after the single-stepped instruction has completed. [SS] is a write only bit and will always appear low when ÀRICÓ is read. Two pins (WAIT and LOCK), and one register bit, [LOR], can also affect the BCP CPU or RIAS execution. The WAIT pin can be used to add wait states to a remote access. When WAIT must be asserted low to add wait states is dependent on which remote access mode is being used. The information needed to calculate when WAIT must be asserted to add wait states, is contained within the individual descriptions of the modes in the next section (4.2 RIAS Functional Description). Interface Mode Bits – 0 – - Buffered Read – 1 – - Latched Read 0 – 0 - Slow Buffered Write 1 – 0 - Fast Buffered Write X – 1 - Latched Write FIGURE 4-13. Interface Mode Bits All combinations of Remote Reads or Writes with buffers or latches can be configured via the Interface Mode bits. A Buffered Read is accomplished by using a buffer for block D and setting [LR] e 0. Conversely, using a latch for block D and setting [LR] e 1 configures the RASM for Latched Reads. Using buffers for blocks A, B, and C and setting [LW] e 0 allows either a Slow or Fast Buffered Write. Setting [FBW] e 0 configures RASM for a Slow Buffered Write 70 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) Also provided is a memory arbitration example in the form of a timing diagram for each of the five modes. These examples show back to back local accesses punctuated by a remote access. Both the state of RASM and the Timing Control Unit are listed for every clock at the top of each timing diagram. The RASM states listed correspond to the flow charts. The Timing Control Unit states are described in Section 2.2.2, Timing portion of the data sheet. Programmed wait states delay when WAIT must be asserted since programmed wait states are inserted before WAIT is tested to see if any more wait states should be added. LOCK prevents local accesses of Data Memory. If LOCK is asserted a half T-state before T1 of a BCP instruction cycle, further local accesses will be prevented by waiting the Timing Control Unit. The Timing Control Unit (TCU) is the BCP CPU sub system responsible for timing each instruction. For a more detailed description of the operation of LOCK, refer to the CPU Timing section. [LOR] allows the BCP to prevent remote accesses. Once [LOR], located in ÀACRÓ, is set high, further remote accesses are waited by XACK remaining low. Though the BCP CPU runs independently of RIAS there is some interaction between the two systems. [LOR] is one such interaction. In addition, two bits allow the BCP CPU to keep track of remote accesses. These bits are the Remote Write bit [RW] and the Remote Read bit [RR], and are located in ÀCCR[6 – 5] Ó. Each bit goes high when its respective remote access to DMEM reaches its Termination Phase. Once one of these bits has been set, it will remain high until a ‘‘1’’ is written to that bit to reset it low. 4.2.1 Buffered Read The unique feature of this mode is the extension of the read until REM-RD is deasserted high. The complete flow chart for the Buffered Read mode is shown in Figure 4-14. Until a Remote Read is initiated (RAE*REM-RD true), the state machine (RASM) loops in state RSA1. If a Remote Read is initiated and [LOR] is set high, RASM will move to state RSA2. Likewise, if a Remote Read is initiated while the buses have been granted locally (i.e., Local Bus Request e 1), RASM will move to state RSA2. The state machine will loop in state RSA2 as long as [LOR] is set high or the buses are granted locally. If the BCP CPU needs to access Data Memory while in either RSA state (and LOCK is high), it can still do so. A local access is requested by the Timing Control Unit asserting the Local Bus Request (LCL-BREQ) signal. A local bus grant will be given by RASM if the buses are not being used (as is the case in the RSA states). XACK is taken low as soon as RAE*REM-RD is true, regardless of an ongoing local access. If [LOR] is low, RASM will move into RSB on the next clock after RAE*REM-RD is true and there is no local bus request. No further local bus requests will be granted until the remote access is complete and RASM returns to RSA. Half a T-state after entering RSB the A bus (and AD bus if the access is to Data Memory) goes into TRI-STATE. On the next CPU-CLK, RASM enters RSC and LCL is taken high while XACK remains low. The wait state counters, iIW and iDW, are loaded in this state from [IW1 –0] and [DW2 – 0], respectively, in ÀDCRÓ. The A bus (and AD if the access is to Data Memory) remains in TRI-STATE and the Access Phase begins. The state machine can move into one of several states, depending on the state of CMD and [MS1 –0], on the next clock. XACK remains low and LCL remains high in all the possible next states. If CMD is high, the access is to ÀRICÓ and the next state will be RSD1. Since the default state of AD is ÀRICÓ, it will not transition in this state. The five other next states all have CMD low and depend on the Memory Select bits. If [MS1 –0] is 10 or 11 the state machine will enter either RSD2 or RSD3 and the low or high bytes of the Program Counter, respectively, will be read. [MS1 –0] e 00 designates a Data Memory access and moves RASM into RSD4. READ will be asserted in this state and A and AD continue to be in TRI-STATE. This allows the Remote Processor to drive the Data Memory address for the read. Since DMEM is subject to wait states, RSD4 is looped upon until all the wait states have been inserted. 4.2 RIAS FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION In this section, the operation of the Remote Arbitration State Machine (RASM), is described in detail. Discussed, among other things, are the sequence of events in a remote access, arbitration of the data buses, timing of external signals, when inputs are sampled, and when wait states are added. Each of the five Interface Modes is described in functional state machine form. Although each interface mode is broken out in a separate flow chart, they are all part of a single state machine (RASM). Thus the first state in each flow chart is actually the same state. The functional state machine form is similar to a flow chart, except that transitions to a new state (states are denoted as rectangular boxes) can only occur on the rising edge of the internal CPU clock (CPU-CLK). CPU-CLK is high during the first half of its cycle. A state box can specify several actions, and each action is separated by a horizontal line. A signal name listed in a state box indicates that that pin will be asserted high when RASM has entered that state. Signals not listed are assumed low. Note: This sometimes necessitates using the inversion of the external pin name. This same rule applies to the A and AD buses. By default, these buses are active. The A bus will have the upper byte of the last used data address. The AD bus will display À RIC Ó . When one of these buses appears in a state box, the condition specified will be in effect only during that state. Decision blocks are shown as diamonds and their meaning is the same as in a flow chart. The hexagon box is used to denote a conditional stateÐnot synchronous with the clock. When the path following a decision block encounters a conditional state, the action specified inside the hexagon box is executed immediately. 71 FIGURE 4-14. Flow Chart of Buffered Read Mode TL/F/9336 – 97 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 72 73 Other BCP Control Signals: e0 RAE e0 CMD REM-WR e 1 e1 LOCK FIGURE 4-15. Buffered Read of Data Memory by Remote Processor Register Configuration: ÐOne Wait-State Programmed for Data-Memory ÐZero Wait-States Programmed for Instruction-Memory ÐÀRICÓ Contents: XXX0X100 Ð[LOR] e 0 TL/F/9336 – 27 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) From RSE4, RASM enters RSF2 on the CPU-CLK after RAE*REM-RD is deasserted. In RSF2, LCL remains high while both A and AD remain in TRI-STATE. From RSF1, the next clock will return the state machine back to state RSA1 where it will loop until another Remote Access is initiated. If the access was to IMEM, then the last action of the remote access before returning to RSA is to switch HIB and increment the PC if the high byte was read. From RSF2, the next CPU-CLK returns to state RSA3 where LCL returns low, but A and AD remain TRI-STATE for the first half T-state of RSA3. If no Remote Access is initiated the next state will be RSA1 where it will loop until another Remote Access is initiated. The example in Figure 4-15 shows the BCP executing the first of two consecutive Data Memory reads when REM-RD goes low. In response, XACK goes low waiting the remote processor. At the end of the first instruction, although the BCP begins its second read by taking ALE high, the RASM now takes control of the bus and takes LCL high at the end of T1. A one T-state delay is built into this transfer to ensure that READ has been deasserted before the data bus is switched. The Timing Control Unit is now waited, inserting remote access wait states, TWr, as RASM takes over. The remote address is permitted one T-state to settle on the BCP address bus before READ goes low, XACK then returns high one T-state plus the programmed Data Memory wait state, TWd later, having satisfied the memory access time. The Remote Processor will respond by deasserting REM-RD high to which the BCP in turn responds by deasserting READ high. Following READ being deasserted high, the BCP waits till the end of the next T-state before taking LCL low, again ensuring that the read cycle has concluded before the bus is switched. Control is then returned to the Timing Control Unit and the local memory read continues. The last possible Memory Selection is Instruction Memory, [MS1 – 0] e 01. The two possible next states for an IMEM access depend on if RASM is expecting the low byte or high byte. Instruction words are accessed low byte then high byte and RASM powers up expecting the low Instruction byte. The internal flag that keeps track of the next expected Instruction byte is called the High Instruction Byte flag (HIB). If HIB is low, the next state is RSD5 and the low instruction byte is MUXed to the AD bus. If HIB is high, the high instruction byte is MUXed to AD and RSD6 is entered. An IMEM access, like a DMEM access, is subject to wait states and these states will be looped on until all programmed instruction memory wait states have been inserted. Note: Resetting the BCP will reset HIB (i.e., HIB e 0). Writing 01 to the Memory Select bits in À RIC Ó (i.e., [MS1–0] e 01, pointing to IMEM) will also force HIB to zero. This way the instruction word boundary can be reset without resetting the BCP. After all of the programmed wait states are inserted in the RSD states, more wait states may be added by asserting WAIT low a half T-state before the end of the last programmed wait state. If there are no programmed wait states, WAIT must be asserted low a half T-state before the end of RSD to add wait states. If WAIT remains low, the remote access is extended indefinitely. All the RSD states move to their corresponding RSE states on the CPU-CLK after the programmed wait state conditions are met and WAIT is high. The RSE states are looped upon until RAE* REM-RD is deasserted. LCL remains high in all RSE states and A remains in TRI-STATE. AD will also stay in TRISTATE if the access was to DMEM. XACK is taken back high to indicate that data is now valid on the read. If XACK is connected to a Remote Processor wait pin, it is no longer waited and can now terminate its read cycle. This state begins the Termination Phase. The action specified in the conditional box is only executed while RAE*REM-RD is assertedÐa clock edge is not necessary. In all RSE states except RSE4 (DMEM) LCL will fall a propagation delay after RAE*REM-RD is deasserted. In RSE4, LCL remains high through the whole state. On the CPU-CLK after RAE*REM-RD is deasserted. RASM, enters RSF1 from every RSE state except RSE4 (DMEM). In RSF1, LCL remains low and A remains in TRI-STATE while CPU-CLK is high (i.e., for the first half T-state of RSF1). 4.2.2 Latched Read This mode differs from the Buffered Read mode in the way the access is terminated. A latched Read cycle ends after the data being read is valid and the termination doesn’t wait for the trailing edge of REM-RD. Therefore the Arbitration and Access Phases of the Latched Read mode are the same as for the Buffered Read mode. The complete flow chart for the Latched Read mode is shown in Figure 4-16 . 74 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) [MS1 –0] e 00 designates a Data Memory access and moves RASM into RSD4. READ will be asserted low in this state and A and AD continue to be tri-stated. This allows the Remote Processor to drive the Data Memory address for the read. Since DMEM is subject to wait states, RSD4 is looped upon until all the wait states have been inserted. The last possible Memory Selection is Instruction Memory, [MS1 –0] e 01. The two possible next states for the IMEM access depend on if RASM is expecting the low byte or high byte. Instruction words are accessed low byte then high byte and RASM powers up expecting the low Instruction byte. The internal flag that keeps track of the next expected Instruction byte is called the High Instruction Byte flag (HIB). If HIB is low, the next state is RSD5 and the low instruction byte is MUXed to the AD bus. If HIB is high, the high instruction byte is MUXed to AD and RSD6 is entered. An IMEM access, like a DMEM access, is subject to wait states and these states will be looped on until all programmed instruction memory wait states have been inserted. Until a Remote Read is initiated (RAE*REM-RD true), the state machine (RASM) loops in state RSA1. If a Remote Read is initiated and [LOR] is set high, RASM will move to state RSA2. Likewise, if a Remote Read is initiated while the buses have been granted locally (i.e., Local Bus Grant e 1), RASM will move to state RSA2. The state machine will loop in state RSA2, as long as [LOR] is set high or the buses are granted locally. If the BCP CPU needs to access Data Memory while in either RSA state (and LOCK is high), it can still do so. A local access is requested by the Timing Control Unit asserting the Local Bus Request (LCL-BREQ) signal. A local bus grant will be given by RASM if the buses are not being used (as is the case in RSA). XACK is taken low as soon as RAE*REM-RD is true, regardless of an ongoing local access. If [LOR] is low, RASM will move into RSB on the next clock after RAE*REM-RD is asserted and there is no local bus request. No further local bus requests will be granted until RASM enters the Termination Phase. If the BCP CPU initiates a Data Memory access after RSA, the Timing Control Unit will be waited and the BCP CPU will remain in state TWr until the remote access reaches the Termination Phase. Half a T-state after entering RSB the A bus (and AD bus if the access is to Data Memory) goes into TRI-STATE. On the next clock, RASM enters RSC and LCL is taken high while XACK remains low. The wait state counters, iIW and iDW, are loaded in this state from [IW1– 0] and [DW2 –0], respectively, in ÀDCRÓ. The A bus (and AD if the access is to Data Memory) now remains TRI-STATE and the Access Phase begins. The state machine can move into one of several states, depending on the state of CMD and [MS1 – 0], on the next clock. XACK remains low and LCL remains high in all the possible next states. If CMD is high, the access is to ÀRICÓ and the next state will be RSD1. Since the default state of AD is ÀRICÓ, it will not transition in this state. The five other next states all have CMD low and depend on the Memory Select bits. If [MS1 – 0] is 10 or 11 the state machine will enter either RSD2 or RSD3 and the low or high bytes of the Program Counter, respectively, will be read. Note: Resetting the BCP will reset HIB (i.e., HIB e 0). Writing 01 to the Memory Select bits in À RIC Ó (i.e., [MS1–0] e 01, pointing to IMEM) will also force HIB to zero. This way the instruction word boundary can be reset without resetting the BCP. After all of the programmed wait states are inserted in the RSD states, more wait states may be added by asserting WAIT low a half T-state before the end of the last programmed wait state. If there are no programmed wait states WAIT must be asserted low a half T-state before the end of RSD to add wait states. If WAIT remains low, the remote access is extended indefinitely. All the RSD states move to their corresponding RSE states on the CPU-CLK after the programmed wait state conditions are met and WAIT is high. LCL remains high in all RSE states and A remains in TRI-STATE (and AD if the access is to Data Memory). XACK returns high in this state, indicating that data is valid so that it can be externally latched. The action specific to each RSD state remains in effect during the first half of the RSE cycle (i.e. READ is asserted in the first half of RSE4). This half T-state of hold time is provided to guarantee data is latched when XACK goes high. This state begins the Termination Phase. 75 FIGURE 4-16. Flow Chart of Latched Read Mode TL/F/9336 – 98 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 76 77 Other BCP Control Signals: e0 RAE e0 CMD REM-WR e 1 e1 LOCK FIGURE 4-17. Latched Read of Data Memory by Remote Processor Register Configuration: ÐOne Wait-State Programmed for Data-Memory ÐZero Wait-States Programmed for Instruction-Memory ÐÀRICÓ Contents: XXX1X100 Ð[LOR] e 0 TL/F/9336 – 30 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) and iDW, are loaded in this state from [IW1 –0] and [DW2 – 0], respectively, in ÀDCRÓ. The A and AD buses now remain in TRI-STATE and the Access Phase begins. If the Remote Access is to IMEM and the high instruction byte flag is set (i.e., HIB e 1), then IWR is asserted low in RSC. The state machine can move into one of several states, depending on the state of CMD and [MS1 –0], on the next clock. XACK remains low and LCL remains high in all the possible next states. If CMD is high, the access is to ÀRICÓ and the next state will be RSD1. The path from AD to ÀRICÓ opens in this state. Any remote access mode changes made by this write will not take effect until one T-state after the completion of the present write. The five other next states all have CMD low and depend on the Memory Select bits. If [MS1 –0] is 10 or 11, the state machine will enter either RSD2 or RSD3 and the low or high bytes of the Program Counter, respectively, will be written. [MS1 –0] equal to 00 designates a Data Memory access and moves RASM into RSD4. WRITE will be asserted in this state and A and AD continue to be tri-stated. This allows the Remote Processor to drive the Data Memory address and data buses for the write. Since DMEM is subject to wait states, RSD4 is looped upon until all the programmed data memory wait states have been inserted. The last possible Memory Selection is Instruction Memory, [MS1 –0] e 01. The two possible next states for IMEM depend on whether RASM is expecting the low byte or high byte. Instruction words are accessed low byte, then high byte and RASM powers up expecting the low Instruction byte. The internal flag that keeps track of the next expected Instruction byte is called the High Instruction Byte flag (HIB). If HIB is low, the next state is RSD5 and the low instruction byte is written into the holding register, ILAT. If HIB is high, the high instruction byte is moved to I15 – 8 and the value in ILAT is moved to I7 – 0. At the same time, IWR is asserted low, beginning the write to instruction memory. An IMEM access, like a DMEM access, is subject to wait states and these states will be looped on until all programmed Instruction Memory wait states have been inserted. On the next clock the state machine will enter RSF and LCL will return low. The A bus (and AD bus if the access is to data memory) remains in TRI-STATE for the first half T-state of RSF. After the first half of RSF, the Remote Processor is no longer using the buses and the BCP CPU will be granted the buses if LCL-BREQ is asserted. If a local bus request is made, a local bus grant will be given to the Timing Control Unit. If the preceding access was a read of IMEM, then HIB is switched and if the access was to the high byte of IMEM then the PC is incremented. If RAE* REM-RD is deasserted at this point, the next clock will bring RASM back to RSA where it will loop until another Remote Access is initiated. RSG is entered if RAE*REM-RD is still true. RASM will loop in RSG until RAE*REM-RD is no longer active at which time the state machine will return to RSA. In Figure 4-17 , the BCP is executing the first of two Data Memory reads when REM-RD goes low. In response, XACK goes low, waiting the Remote Processor. At the end of the first instruction, although the BCP begins its second write by taking ALE high, the RASM now takes control of the bus and deasserts LCL high at the end of T1. A one T-state delay is built into this transfer to ensure that READ has been deasserted high before the data bus is switched. The Timing Control Unit is now waited, inserting remote access wait states, TWr, as RASM takes over. The remote address is permitted one T-state to settle on the BCP address bus before READ goes low, XACK then returns high one T-state plus the programmed Data Memory wait state, TWd later, having satisfied the memory access time. READ returns high a half T-state later, ensuring sufficient hold time, followed by LCL being reasserted low after an additional half T-state, transferring bus control back to the BCP. The Remote Processor responds to XACK returning high by deasserting REM-RD high, although by this time the BCP is well into its own memory read. 4.2.3 Slow Buffered Write The timing for this mode is the same as the Buffered Read mode. The complete flow chart for the Slow Buffered Write mode is shown in Figure 4-18 . Until a Remote Write is initiated (RAE*REM-WR true), the state machine (RASM) loops in state RSA1. If a Remote Write is initiated and [LOR] is set high, RASM will move to state RSA2. Likewise, if a Remote Write is initiated while the buses have been granted locally (i.e., Local Bus Grant e 1), RASM will move to state RSA2. The state machine will loop in state RSA2 as long as [LOR] is set high or the buses are granted locally. If the BCP CPU needs to access Data Memory while in either RSA state (and LOCK is high), it can still do so. A local access is requested by the Timing Control Unit asserting the Local Bus Request (LCL-BREQ) signal. A local bus grant will be given by RASM if the buses are not being used (as is the case in the RSA state). XACK is taken low as soon as RAE*REM-WR is true, regardless of an ongoing local access. RASM will move into RSB on the next clock after RAE*REM-WR is asserted and there is no local bus request and [LOR] e 0. No further local bus requests will be granted until the remote access is complete and RASM returns to RSA. If the BCP CPU initiates a Data Memory access after RSA, the Timing Control Unit will be waited and the BCP CPU will remain in state TWr until completion of the remote access. Half a T-state after entering RSB the A and AD buses go into TRI-STATE. On the next CPU-CLK, RASM enters RSC and LCL is taken high while XACK remains low. The wait state counters, iIW Note: Resetting the BCP will reset HIB (i.e., HIB e 0). Writing 01 to the Memory Select bits in À RIC Ó (i.e., [MS1–0] e 01, pointing to IMEM) will also force HIB to zero. This way the instruction word boundary can be reset without resetting the BCP. After all of the programmed wait states are inserted in the RSD states, more wait states may be added by asserting WAIT low a half T-state before the end of the last programmed wait state. If there are no programmed wait states, WAIT must be asserted low a half T-state before the end of RSD to add wait states. If WAIT remains low, the remote access is extended indefinitely. All the RSD states move to their corresponding RSE states on the CPU-CLK after the programmed wait state conditions are met and WAIT is high. The RSE states are looped upon until RAE* REM-WR is deasserted. LCL remains high in all RSE states, but XACK is taken back high to indicate that the remote access can be terminated. If XACK is connected to a Remote Processor wait pin, it can now terminate its write cycle. This state begins the Termination Phase. The action specified in the conditional box is only executed while RAE*REMWR is assertedÐa clock edge is not necessary. On the CPU-CLK after RAE*REM-WR is deasserted, RASM enters RSF, where LCL remains high and the BCP A and AD buses are still in TRI-STATE. The next CPU-CLK causes RASM to move to RSA3. If the access was to IMEM, then 78 FIGURE 4-18. Flow Chart of Slow Buffered Write Mode TL/F/9336 – 99 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 79 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) is set high, RASM will move to state RSA2. Likewise, if a Remote Write is initiated while the buses have been granted locally (i.e., Local Bus Grant e 1), RASM will move to state RSA2. The state machine will loop in state RSA2 as long as [LOR] is set high or the buses are granted locally. If the BCP CPU needs to access Data Memory while in either RSA state (and LOCK is high), it can still do so. A local access is requested by the Timing Control Unit asserting the Local Bus Request (LCL-BREQ) signal. A local bus grant will be given by RASM if the buses are not being used (as is the case in the RSA states). XACK is taken low as soon as RAE*REM-WR is true, regardless of an ongoing local access. If [LOR] is low, RASM will move into RSB on the next clock after RAE*REM-WR is asserted and there is no local bus request. No further local bus requests will be granted until the BCP enters the Termination Phase. If the BCP CPU initiates a Data Memory access after RSA, the Timing Control Unit will be waited and the BCP CPU will remain in state TWr until the remote access reaches the Termination Phase. Half a T-state after entering RSB the A and AD buses go into TRI-STATE. On the next CPU-CLK, RASM enters RSC and LCL is taken high while XACK remains low. The wait state counters, iIW and iDW, are loaded in this state from [IW1 –0] and [DW2 – 0], respectively, in ÀDCRÓ. The A and AD buses remain in TRI-STATE and the Access Phase begins. If the Remote Access is to IMEM and the high instruction byte flag is set (i.e., HIB e 1), then IWR is asserted low in RSC. The state machine can move into one of several states depending on the state of CMD and [MS1 –0] on the next clock. XACK and LCL in all the possible next states. If CMD is high, the access is to ÀRICÓ and the next state will be RSD1. The path from AD to ÀRICÓ opens in this state. Any remote access mode changes made by this write will not take effect until one T-state after the completion of the present write. The five other next states all have CMD low and depend on the Memory Select bits. If [MS1 –0] is 10 or 11 the state machine will enter either RSD2 or RSD3 and the low or high bytes of the Program Counter, respectively, will be written. [MS1 –0] e 00 designates a Data Memory access and moves RASM into RSD4. WRITE will be asserted in this the last action of the remote access before moving to RSA3 is to switch HIB and increment the PC if the high byte was written. In RSA3, LCL goes low while A and AD remain in TRI-STATE for the first half of RSA3. If no new Remote access is initiated the next clock brings the state machine back to RSA1 where it will loop until a Remote Access is initiated. In Figure 4-19, the BCP is executing the first of two consecutive Slow Buffered Writes to Data Memory when REM-WR goes low. In response, XACK goes low, waiting the Remote Processor. At the end of the first instruction, although the BCP begins its second write by taking ALE high, RASM now Takes control of the bus and deasserts LCL high at the end of T1. A one T-state delay is built into this transfer to ensure that WRITE has been deasserted high before the data bus is switched. The Timing Control Unit is now waited, inserting remote access wait states, TWr, as RASM takes over. The remote address is permitted one T-state to settle on the BCP address bus before WRITE goes low, XACK then returns high one T-state plus the programmed Data Memory wait state, TWd later, having satisfied the memory access time. The Remote Processor will respond by deasserting REM-WR high to which the BCP in turn responds by deasserting WRITE high. Following WRITE being deasserted high, the BCP waits till the end of the next T-state before asserting LCL low, again ensuring that the write cycle has concluded before the bus is switched. Control is then returned to the Timing Control Unit and the local memory write continues. 4.2.4 Fast Buffered Write The timing for the Fast Buffered Write mode is very similar to the timing of the Latched Read. The major difference is the additional half clock that AD is active in the Latched Read mode that is not present in the Fast Buffered Write mode. The Fast Buffered Write cycle ends after the data is written and the termination doesn’t wait for the trailing edge of REM-WR. Therefore the Arbitration and Access Phases of the Fast Buffered Write mode are the same as for the Latched Read mode. The complete flow chart for the Fast Buffered Write mode is shown in Figure 4-20 . Until a Remote Write is initiated (RAE*REM-WR true), the state machine (RASM) loops in state RSA1. If a Remote Write is initiated and [LOR] 80 81 Other BCP Control Signals: e0 RAE e0 CMD REM-RD e 1 e1 LOCK FIGURE 4-19. Slow Buffered Write to Data Memory by Remote Processor Register Configuration: ÐOne Wait-State Programmed for Data-Memory ÐZero Wait-States Programmed for Instruction-Memory ÐÀRICÓ Contents: XX0X0100 Ð[LOR] e 0 TL/F/9336 – 28 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) On the next clock the state machine will enter RSF and LCL will return low. The A and AD buses remain in TRI-STATE for the first half T-state of RSF. After the first half of RSF, the Remote Processor is no longer using the buses and the BCP CPU can make an access to Data Memory by asserting LCL-BREQ. If a local bus request is made, a local bus grant will be given to the Timing Control Unit. If the preceding access was a write of IMEM, then HIB is switched and if the access was to the high byte of IMEM then the PC is incremented. If RAE*REM-WR is deasserted at this point, the next clock will bring RASM back to RSA where it will loop until another remote access is initiated. RSG is entered if RAE*REM-WR is still true. RASM will loop in RSG until RAE*REM-WR is no longer active at which time the state machine will return to RSA. In Figure 4-21 , the BCP is executing the first of two Data Memory writes when REM-WR goes low. In response, XACK goes low, waiting the Remote Processor. At the end of the first instruction, although the BCP begins its second write by taking ALE high, RASM now takes control of the bus and deasserts LCL high at the end of T1. A one T-state delay is built into this transfer to ensure that WRITE has been deasserted high before the data bus is switched. The Timing Control Unit is now waited, inserting remote access wait states, TWr, as RASM takes over. The remote access is permitted one T-state to settle on the BCP address bus before WRITE goes low, XACK then returns high one T-state plus the programmed Data Memory wait state, TWd later, having satisfied the memory access time. WRITE returns high at the same time, and one T-state later LCL returns low, transferring bus control back to the BCP. The remote processor responds to XACK returning high by deasserting REM-WR high, although by this time the BCP is well into its own memory write. state and A and AD continue to be tri-stated. This allows the Remote Processor to drive the Data Memory address and data buses for the write. Since DMEM is subject to wait states, RSD4 is looped upon until all the programmed Data Memory wait states have been inserted. The last possible Memory Selection is Instruction Memory, [MS1 – 0] e 01. The two possible next states for IMEM depend on whether RASM is expecting the low byte or high byte. Instruction words are accessed low byte then high byte and RASM powers up expecting the low Instruction byte. The internal flag that keeps track of the next expected Instruction byte is called the High Instruction Byte flag (HIB). If HIB is low, the next state is RSD5 and the low instruction byte is written into the holding register, ILAT. If HIB is high, the high instruction byte is moved to I15–8 and ILAT is moved to I7 – 0. At the same time IWR is asserted low, beginning the write to instruction memory. An IMEM access, like a DMEM access, is subject to wait states and these states will be looped on until all programmed instruction memory wait states have been inserted. Note: Resetting the BCP will reset HIB (i.e., HIB e 0). Writing 01 to the Memory Select bits in À RIC Ó (i.e., [MS1–0] e 01, pointing to IMEM) will also force HIB to zero. This way the instruction word boundary can be reset without resetting the BCP. After all of the programmed wait states are inserted into RSD states, more wait states may be added by asserting WAIT low a half T-state before the end of the last programmed wait state. If there are no programmed wait states WAIT must be asserted low a half T-state before the end of RSD to add wait states. If WAIT remains low, the remote access is extended indefinitely. All the RSD states converge to state RSE on the next CPU-CLK after the programmed wait state conditions are met and WAIT is high. LCL remains high in all RSE states and A and AD remain in TRI-STATE as well. XACK returns high in this state, indicating that the data is written and the cycle can be terminated by the RP. This state begins the Termination Phase. 82 FIGURE 4-20. Flow Chart of Fast Buffered Write Mode TL/F/9336 – A0 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 83 84 Other BCP Control Signals: e0 RAE e0 CMD REM-RD e 1 e1 LOCK FIGURE 4-21. Fast Buffered Write to Data Memory by Remote Processor Register Configuration: ÐOne Wait-State Programmed for Data-Memory ÐZero Wait-States Programmed for Instruction-Memory ÐÀRICÓ Contents: XX1X0100 Ð[LOR] e 0 TL/F/9336 – 29 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) The last possible Memory Selection is Instruction Memory, [MS1 –0] e 01. The two possible next states for IMEM depend on if RASM is expecting the low byte or high byte. Instruction words are accessed low byte then high byte and RASM powers up expecting the low Instruction byte. The internal flag that keeps track of the next expected Instruction byte is called the High Instruction Byte flag (HIB). If HIB is low, the next state is RSF5 and the low instruction byte is written into the holding register, ILAT. If HIB is high, the high instruction byte is moved to I15 – 8 and the value in ILAT is moved to I7 – 0. At the same time, IWR is asserted low and the write to Instruction Memory is begun. An IMEM access, like a DMEM access, is subject to wait states and these states will be looped on until all programmed instruction memory wait states have been inserted. 4.2.5 Latched Write This mode executes a write without waiting the Remote ProcessorÐXACK isn’t normally taken low. The complete flow chart for the Latched Write mode is shown in Figure 4-22 . Until a Remote Write is initiated (RAE*REM-WR true), the state machine (RASM) loops in state RSA. If the BCP CPU needs to access Data Memory at this time (and LOCK is high), it can still do so. A local access is requested by the Timing Control Unit asserting the Local Bus Request (LCL-BREQ) signal. A local bus grant will be given by RASM if the buses are not being used (as is the case in RSA). RASM will move into RSB on the next clock after RAE*REM-WR is asserted. XACK is not taken low and therefore the RP is not waited. The state machine will loop in RSB until the RP terminates its write cycleÐuntil RAE*REM-WR is no longer true. The external address and data latches are typically latched on the trailing edge of REM-WR. A local bus request will still be serviced in this state. Next, RASM enters RSC and WR-PEND is asserted to prevent overwrite of the external latches. Since the RP has completed its write cycle, another write or read can happen at any time. Any Remote Read cycle (RAE*REM-RD) or Remote Write cycle (RAE*REM-WR) occurring after the state machine enters RSC will take XACK low. A local access initiated before or during this state must be completed before RASM can move to RSD. Once RSD is entered, though, no further local bus requests will be granted until RASM enters the Termination Phase. If the BCP CPU initiates a Data Memory access after RSC, the Timing Control Unit will be waited and the BCP CPU will remain in state TWr until the RASM enters RSH. Half a T-state after entering RSB the A and AD buses go into TRI-STATE. On the next clock, the state machine enters RSE and LCL is taken high. WR-PEND continues to be asserted low in this state and the data and instruction wait state counters, iDW and iIW, are loaded from [DW2 – 0] and [IW1 – 0], respectively, in ÀDCRÓ. The A and AD buses remain in TRI-STATE and the Access Phase begins. Any remote accesses now occurring will take XACK low and wait the Remote Processor. If the Remote Access is to IMEM and the high instruction byte flag is set (i.e., HIB e 1), then IWR is asserted low in RSE. The state machine will move into one of several states on the next clock, depending on the state of CMD and [MS1 – 0]. WR-PEND remains low and LCL remains high in all the possible next states. If CMD is high, the access is to À RIC Ó and the next state will be RSF1. The path from AD to À RIC Ó opens in this state. Any remote access mode changes made by this write will not take effect until one T-state after the completion of the present write. The five other next states all have CMD low and depend on the Memory Select bits. If [MS1 – 0] is 10 or 11 the state machine will enter either RSF2 or RSF3 and the low or high bytes of the Program Counter, respectively, will be loaded. [MS1 – 0] e 00 designates a Data Memory access and moves RASM into RSF4. WRITE will be asserted low in this state and A and AD continue to be tri-stated. This allows the Remote Processor to drive the Data Memory address and data for the write. Since DMEM is subject to wait states, RSF4 is looped upon until all the programmed Data Memory wait states have been inserted. Note: Resetting the BCP will reset HIB (i.e., HIB e 0). Writing 01 to the Memory Select bits in À RIC Ó (i.e., [MS1–0] e 01, pointing to IMEM) will also force HIB to zero. This way the instruction word boundary can be reset without resetting the BCP. All the RSF states converge to a single decision box that tests WAIT. If WAIT is low then the state machine loops back to RSF, otherwise RASM will move on to RSG. LCL remains high and WR-PEND remains low in this state but the actions specific to the RSF states have ended (i.e. WRITE will no longer be asserted low). The next CPU-CLK moves RASM into RSH, the last state in the state machine. LCL returns low but WR-PEND is still low. The A and AD buses remain in TRI-STATE for the first half of RSH. XACK will be taken low if a Remote Access is initiated. If the just completed access was to IMEM, HIB will be switched. Also, the PC will be incremented if the high byte was written. A local access will be granted if LCLBREQ is asserted in this state. If another Remote Write is pending, the state machine takes the path to RSB where that write will be processed. A pending Remote Read will return to the RSA in either the Buffered or Latched Read sections (not shown in Figure 4-22 ) of the state machine. And if no Remote Access is pending, the machine will loop in RSA until the next access is initiated. In Figure 4-23 , the BCP is executing the first of two Data Memory writes when REM-WR goes low. The BCP takes no action until REM-WR goes back high, latching the data and making a remote access request. The BCP responds to this by taking WR-PEND low. At the end of the first instruction, although the BCP begins its second write by taking ALE high, RASM now takes control of the bus and deasserts LCL high at the end of T1. A one T-state delay is built into this transfer to ensure that WRITE has been deasserted high before the data bus is switched. Timing Control Unit is now waited, inserting remote access wait states, TWr, as RASM takes over. The remote address is permitted one T-state to settle on the BCP address bus before WRITE goes low. WRITE then returns high one T-state plus the programmed Data Memory wait state, TWd later, having satisfied the memory access time, and one T-state later LCL is reasserted low, transferring bus control back to the BCP. In this example, REM-WR goes low again during the remote write cycle which, since WR-PEND is still low, causes XACK to go low to wait the Remote Processor. Then LCL goes low, allowing the second data byte to be latched on the next trailing edge of REM-WR. One T-state later. XACK and WR-PEND go back high at the same time. 85 TL/F/9336 – A1 FIGURE 4-22. Flow Chart of Latched Write Mode 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 86 87 Other BCP Control Signals: e0 RAE e0 CMD REM-RD e 1 e1 LOCK FIGURE 4-23. Latched Write to Data Memory by Remote Processor Register Configuration: ÐOne Wait-State Programmed for Data-Memory ÐZero Wait-States Programmed for Instruction-Memory ÐÀRICÓ Contents: XXXX1100 Ð[LOR] e 0 TL/F/9336 – 31 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) (Reference Figure 4-24 for the timing diagrams which demonstrate how two remote accesses can be mistaken as one.) The BCP is now shown executing a local memory write, with remote data still pending in the latch. At the end of this instruction, the BCP begins executing a series of internal operations which do not require the bus. RASM therefore takes over and, without waiting the Timing Control Unit, executes the Remote Write. The second source of remote rest time is due to the manner in which the BCP samples the CMD signal. CMD is sampled once at the beginning of each remote access. Due to the manner in which CMD is sampled, CMD will not be sampled again if a second remote access begins within 1.5 T-states plus a hold time, after the BCP recognizes the end of the first remote access. If this happens, the BCP will use the value of CMD from the previous remote access during the second remote access. If the value of CMD is the same for both accesses, the second access will proceed as intended. However, if the value of CMD is different for the two remote accesses, the second remote access will read/write the wrong location. The reader should note that the timing of the second source of rest time begins at the same time that the BCP first samples the end of the previous remote access. Thus when the first source of rest time ends, the second source of rest time begins. (Reference Figure 4-25 for timing diagrams for rest time in all modes except Latched Write mode). 4.2.6 Remote Rest Time For the BCP to operate properly, remote accesses to the BCP must be separated by a minimal amount of time. This minimal amount of time has been termed ‘‘rest time’’. There are two causes for remote rest time. The first cause is implied in the functional state machine forms for remote accesses and can be explained as follows: At the beginning of every T-state the validity of a remote access is sampled for that T-state. To guarantee that the BCP recognizes the end of a remote cycle, the time between remote accesses must be a minimum of one T-state plus set up and hold times. In the case of Latched Read and Fast Buffered Write, the validity of a remote access is not sampled on the first rising edge of the CPU-CLK following XACK rising. However, on all subsequent rising edges of the CPU-CLK the validity of the remote access is sampled. As a result, if the remote processor can terminate its remote access quickly after XACK rises (within a T-state), up to a T-state may be added to the above equation for Latched Read and Fast Buffered Write modes (i.e., a second remote access should not begin for two T-states plus set up and hold times after XACK rises in Latched Read and Fast Buffered Write modes). On the other hand, if the remote processor does not terminate its remote access within a T-state of XACK rising, the above equation (one T-state plus set up and hold times between remote accesses) remains valid for Latched Read and Fast Buffered Write modes. If these specifications are not adhered to, the BCP may sample the very end of one valid remote access and one T-state later sample the very beginning of a second remote access. Thus, the BCP will treat the second access as a continuation of the first remote access and will not perform the second read/write. The second access will be ignored. Latched Write Mode Latched Write mode is a special case of rest time and needs to be discussed separately from the other modes. The first cause of rest time affects every mode including Latched Write. In regards to the second source of rest time, Latched Write mode was designed to allow a second remote access to start while a write is still pending (i.e., WR-PEND e 0). Thus, when WR-PEND rises (signaling the end of the previous write) the value of CMD is sampled for the second remote access. This allows Latched Write to avoid the second cause of rest time discussed above. However, if a remote access begins within one half a T-state after WR-PEND rises, CMD will not be sampled again. For this case, if the value of CMD changes just after WR-PEND rose and at the same time the remote access begins, the BCP will read/write the wrong location. (Reference Figure 4-26 for timing diagrams of rest time for latched write mode.) 88 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TL/F/9336 – G5 (a) This timing diagram shows two remote accesses within one T-state. The first set of arrows shows the BCP sampling a valid remote read. The next time the BCP samples the validity of the remote access is shown by the second set of arrows (1 T-state later). In this case, it will sample the second remote access and mistake it as a continuation of the first remote access. TL/F/9336 – G6 (b) This timing diagram shows the timing necessary for the BCP to recognize both accesses as separate accesses. The first set of arrows shows the BCP sampling a valid remote read. One T-state later at the second set of arrows the BCP will sample the end of the first remote access. Another T-state later at the third set of arrows the BCP will sample the beginning of the second remote access. FIGURE 4-24. Mistaking Two Remote Accesses as Only One 89 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TL/F/9336 – G7 (a) This timing diagram shows the second remote access violating rest time. The first set of arrows shows the BCP sampling a valid remote write. The second set of arrows (1 T-state later), shows the BCP sampling the end of the first remote access. If a second remote access starts before the position of the third set of arrows (another 1.5 T-states later), the value of CMD will not be sampled. The value of CMD has changed from the first remote access, so the BCP will write to the wrong location during the second access. TL/F/9336 – G8 (b) This timing diagram shows the second remote access violating rest time. The first set of arrows shows the BCP sampling a valid remote write. The second set of arrows (1 T-state later), shows the BCP sampling the end of the first remote access. If a second remote access starts before the position of the third set of arrows (another 1.5 T-states later), the value of CMD will not be sampled. The value of CMD does not change from the first remote access, so the BCP will write to the intended location during the second remote access. TL/F/9336 – G9 (c) This timing diagram shows the timing needed to avoid violating rest time for all modes except latched write. The first set of arrows shows the BCP sampling the end of the first remote access. The second set of arrows (1.5 T-states later), shows the BCP recognizing no remote access has started and the value of CMD will be sampled for the next remote access. The third set of arrows shows the BCP sampling the correct value of CMD for the second remote access. FIGURE 4-25. Remote Rest Time for All Modes except Latched Write 90 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TL/F/9336 – H1 (a) This timing diagram shows a remote access violating remote rest time. The first set of arrows shows the BCP sampling the value of CMD when WR-PEND rises. If a remote access begins after WR-PEND rises and before the position of the second set of arrows (0.5 T-states later), the value of CMD will not be sampled again. The value of CMD has changed since WR-PEND rose, so the BCP will read the wrong location. TL/F/9336 – H2 (b) This timing diagram shows a remote access violating remote rest time. The first set of arrows shows the BCP sampling the value of CMD when WR-PEND rises. If a remote access begins after WR-PEND rises and before the position of the second set of arrows (0.5 T-states later), the value of CMD will not be sampled again. The value of CMD has not changed since WR-PEND rose, so the BCP will read the intended location. FIGURE 4-26. Rest Time for Latched Write Mode 91 4.0 Remote Interface and Arbitration System (RIAS) (Continued) TL/F/9336 – H3 (c) This timing diagram shows a remote access setting up in time for WR-PEND rising to latch in the proper value of CMD. The only set of arrows shows the BCP sampling the second remote access’s CMD value when WR-PEND rises. The value of CMD will not be sampled again. The BCP will carry out the second remote access as it was intended. TL/F/9336 – H4 (d) This timing diagram shows a remote access starting after a half T-state plus a hold time since WR-PEND rose. The first set of arrows shows the BCP sampling the value of CMD when WR-PEND rises. The second set of arrows shows the BCP recognizing that no remote access has started and the value of CMD will be sampled for the next remote access. The third set of arrows shows the BCP sampling the correct value of CMD for the second remote access. The BCP will carry out the second remote access as it was intended. FIGURE 4-26. Rest Time for Latched Write Mode (Continued) 92 5.0 Device Specifications Plastic Chip Carrier TL/F/9336 – 2 FIGURE 5-1. Top View Order Number DP8344B See NS Package Number V84A 5.1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Signal In/Out Pin Reset State Description 5.1.1 TIMING/CONTROL SIGNALS X1 X2 In Out 33 34 X X1 Input and output of the on-chip crystal oscillator amplifier. Connect a crystal across these pins, or apply an external clock to X1, with X2 left open. CLK-OUT Out 35 X1 Buffered CLocK oscillator OUTput, at the crystal frequency. X-TCLK In 32 X EXternal Transceiver CLocK input. WAIT In 54 X CPU WAIT. When active, waits processor and remote interface controller. RESET In 55 0 Master RESET. Parallel reset to all sections of the chip. 5.1.2 INSTRUCTION MEMORY INTERFACE Instruction Address Bus: IA15 (MSB) IA14 IA13 IA12 IA11 IA10 Out Out Out Out Out Out 58 59 60 61 62 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 16-bit Instruction memory Address bus. 93 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) Signal In/Out Pin Reset State Description 5.1.2 INSTRUCTION MEMORY INTERFACE (Continued) Instruction Address Bus: (Continued) IA9 IA8 IA7 IA6 IA5 IA4 IA3 IA2 IA1 IA0 (LSB) Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out 64 65 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16-bit Instruction memory Address bus. In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In 16-bit Instruction memory data bus. Instruction Bus: I15 (MSB) I14 I13 I12 I11 I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0 (LSB) Timing Control: IWR Out 56 1 Instruction WRite. Instruction memory write strobe. ICLK Out 51 0 Instruction CLocK. Delimits instruction fetch cycles. Rises during the first half of T1, signifying the start of an instruction cycle, and falls when the next instruction address is valid. X X X X X X X X High byte of 16-bit memory Address. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Low byte of 16-bit data memory Address, multiplexed with 8-bit Data bus. 5.1.3 DATA MEMORY INTERFACE Address Bus: A15 (MSB) A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Out 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Multiplexed Address/Data Bus: AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 (LSB) In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out In/Out 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 94 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) Signal In/Out Pin Reset State Description 5.1.3 DATA MEMORY INTERFACE (Continued) Timing/Control: ALE Out 28 0 Address Latch Enable. Demultiplexes AD bus. Address should be latched on the falling edge. READ Out 29 1 Data memory READ strobe. Data is latched on the rising edge. WRITE Out 30 1 Data memory WRITE strobe. Data is presented on the rising edge. 5.1.4 TRANSCEIVER INTERFACE DATA-IN In 39 X Logic level serial DATA INput. a ALG-IN In 42 X Non-inverting AnaLoG INput for biphase serial data. In 41 X Inverting AnaLoG INput for biphase serial data. DATA-OUT b ALG-IN Out 38 1 Biphase serial DATA OUTput (inverted). DATA-DLY Out 37 1 Biphase serial DATA output DeLaYed by one-quarter bit time. TX-ACT Out 36 0 Transmitter ACTive. Normally low, goes high to indicate serial data is being transmitted. Used to enable external line drive circuitry. 5.1.5 REMOTE INTERFACE RAE In 46 X Remote Access Enable. A ‘‘chip-select’’ input to allow host access of BCP functions and memory. CMD In 45 X CoMmanD input. When high, remote accesses are directed to the Remote Interface Configuration register ÀRICÓ. When low, remote accesses are directed to data-memory, instruction-memory or program counter as determined by À RIC Ó . REM-RD In 47 X REMote ReaD. When active along with RAE, a remote read cycle is requested; serviced by the BCP when the data bus becomes available. REM-WR In 48 X REMote WRite. When active along with RAE, a remote write cycle is requested; serviced by the BCP when the data bus becomes available. XACK Out 50 1 Transfer ACKnowledge. Normally high, goes low on REM-RD or REM-WR going low (if RAE low), returning high when the transfer is complete. Normally used as a ‘‘wait’’ signal to a remote processor. WR-PEND Out 49 1 WRite PENDing. In a system configuration where remote write cycles are latched, indicates when the latches contain valid data which is yet to be serviced by the BCP. In 44 X The remote processor uses this input to LOCK out local (BCP) accesses to datamemory. Once the remote processor has been granted the bus, LOCK gives it sole access to the bus and BCP accesses are ‘‘waited’’. Out 31 0 LoCaL. Normally low, goes high when the BCP relinquishes the data and address bus to service a Remote Access. LOCK LCL 5.1.6 EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS BIRQ In/Out 53 In Bi-directional Interrupt ReQuest. As an input, can be used as an active low interrupt input (maskable and level-sensitive). As an output, can be used to generate remote system interrupts, reset via ÀRICÓ. NMI In 52 X Non-Maskable Interrupt. Negative edge sensitive interrupt input. 95 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) ESD Tolerance: CZAP e 120 pF, RZAP e 1500X 5.2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Notes 1 & 2) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. b 0.5V to a 7.0V Supply Voltage (VCC) b 0.5V to VCC a 0.5V DC Input Voltage (VIN) or g 20 mA DC Input Diode Current b 0.5V to VCC a 0.5V DC Output Voltage (VOUT) or g 20 mA DC Output Current, per Pin (IOUT) g 50 mA DC VCC or GND Current, per Pin b 65§ C to a 150§ C Storage Temperature Range (TSTG) Power Dissipation (PD) 500 mW 260§ C 2.0 kV 5.3 OPERATING CONDITIONS Supply Voltage (VCC) DC Input or Output Voltage (VIN, VOUT) Operating Temp. Range (TA) Input Rise or Fall Times (tr, tf) Oscillator Crystal RS VCC Power Up Ramp Min 4.5 Max 5.5 0.0 0 VCC 70 500 20 6 Units V V §C ns X ms DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC e 5V g 10% (unless otherwise specified) Symbol VIH VIL Guaranteed Limits 0 – 70§ C Units Minimum High Level Input Voltage X1 (Note 3) All Other Inputs Except bALG-IN, a ALG-IN 3.5 2.0 V V Maximum Low Level Input Voltage X1 (Note 3) All Other Inputs Except bALG-IN, a ALG-IN 1.7 0.8 V V 0.1 V 20 mV Min 2.25 Max 2.75 V V Parameter Conditions VIH – VIL Minimum DATA-IN Hysteresis VSENS Minimum Analog Input IN a , INb Differential Sensitivity Figure 5-8b VBIAS Common Mode Analog Input Bias Voltage User Provided Bias Voltage VOH Minimum High Level Output Voltage IA, A, AD All Other Outputs VIN e VIH or VIL lIOUTl e 20 mA lIOUTl e 4.0 mA, VCC e 4.5V lIOUTl e 1.0 mA, VCC e 4.5V VCC b 0.1 3.5 3.5 V V V Maximum Low Level Output Voltage IA, A, AD All Other Outputs VIN e VIH or VIL lIOUTl e 20 mA lIOUTl e 4.0 mA, VCC e 4.5V lIOUTl e 1.0 mA, VCC e 4.5V 0.1 0.4 0.4 V V V Maximum Input Current VIN e VCC or GND b ALG-IN, a ALG-IN X1 (Note 3) All Others g 10 g 10 mA mA mA g 10 mA 61 29 mA mA 71 31 mA mA VOL IIN IOZ Maximum TRI-STATEÉ Output Leakage Current VOUT e VCC or GND ICC Maximum Operating Supply Current Total to 4 VCC Pins (Note 4) VIN e VCC or GND TCLK e 8 MHz, CPU-CLK e 16 MHz Xcvr and CPU Operating Xcvr Idle, CPU Waited VIN e VCC or GND TCLK e 20 MHz, CPU-CLK e 20 MHz Xcvr and CPU Operating Xcvr Idle, CPU Waited Note Note Note Note 1: 2: 3: 4: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Unless otherwise specified, all voltages are referenced to ground. X2 is an internal node with ESD protection. Do not use other than with crystal oscillator application. No DC loading, with X1 driven, no crystal. AC load per Test Circuit for Output Tests. 96 g 20 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) to the value specified under the Min or Max column to create the minimum or maximum guaranteed timing specification for the parameter. The following acronyms are used in the tables: DMEM refers to data memory IMEM refers to instruction memory RIC refers to the Remote Interface Control register PC refers to the BCP Program Counter T refers to the CPU clock period in ns TH refers to first half pulse width (high time) of the CPU clock in ns TL refers to second half pulse width (low time) of the CPU clock in ns. C refers to the transceiver clock period in ns nIW is the number of instruction memory wait states programmed in DCR nDW is the number of data memory wait states programmed in DCR nLW is the number of remote wait states due to a BCP local data memory access nRW is the number of CPU wait states due to a remote access MAX(A,B) means take the greater value of A or B The following table is an example of the format used for the timing specifications. In this example, tW-RD indicates a pulse width specification for the output pin READ. The IDÝ for locating the parameter in the timing waveforms is 10. The formula for this specification involves data and instruction memory wait states and the CPU clock period. For the case of 3 data memory wait states and 0 instruction memory wait states and a CPU clock period of 50 ns, the READ low minimum pulse width would be calculated as: (MAX(3,0b1) a 1)T a (b10) e 4T b 10 e 190 ns 5.5 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS The following specifications apply for VCC e 4.5V to 5.5V, TA e 0§ C to 70§ C. 5.5.1 Definitions The timing specifications for the BCP are provided in the following tables and figures. The tables consist of five sections which are the following: the timing parameter symbol, the parameter IDÝ, the parameter description, the formula for the parameter, and the timing specification for the parameter. Below each table is a figure containing the waveforms for the parameters in the table. The parameter symbol is composed of the type of timing specification and the signal or signals involved. Note that the symbols are unique only within a given table. The following symbol conventions are used for the type of timing specification. tW Ð Pulse width specification tPD Ð Propagation delay specification tH Ð Hold time specification tSU Ð Setup time specification tZA Ð High impedance to active delay specification (enable time) tAZ Ð Active to high impedance delay specification (disable time) tACC Ð Access time specification tT Ð Clock period specification The parameter IDÝ is used to cross reference the timing parameter to the appropriate timing relationship in the accompanying figure. The waveforms in the figures are shown with the CPU clock running full speed ([CCS] e 0). For this case, CPU-CLK and CLK-OUT are equivalent. If CPU-CLK/ 2 is selected ([CCS] e 1), the effect on the waveforms with CLK-OUT is for CLK-OUT to double in frequency. The same is true for waveforms with X1. Note that CLK-OUT is always running at the crystal frequency and it is the CPU-CLK that is changing to half speed. The parameter description defines the timing relationship being specified. BCP pin references are capitalized in the description. Many of the timing specifications are dependent on variables such as operating frequency and number of programmed wait states. The formula for the parameter allows an accurate timing specification to be calculated for any combination of these variables. The formula represents the part of the timing specification that is synchronized to the internal CPU clock. This value is calculated and then added For the case of 1 data memory wait state and 3 instruction memory wait states and a CPU clock period of 50 ns, the READ low minimum pulse width would be calculated as: (MAX(1,3b1) a 1)T a (b10) e 3T b 10 e 140 ns To calculate nLW the following two equations are needed: nLW (min) e 0 nLW (max) e MAX(nDW, nIW –1) a Data Memory Access Cycle Data Memory Access Cycle is normally 3 T-states if [4TR] e 0 and 4 T-states if [4TR] e 1. Keep in mind that both [LOR] and WAIT can extend nLW. Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula Min Max Units tW-RD 10 Read Low (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a b 10 10 ns 97 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) Test Circuit for Output Tests Note 1: S1 e VCC for tPZL, and tPLZ measurements S1 e GND for tPZH, and tPHZ measurements S1 e Open for push pull outputs Note 2: RL e 1.1k for 4 mA outputs RL e 4.4k for 1 mA outputs Note 3: CL includes scope and jig capacitance. TL/F/9336 – A2 Propagation Delay Waveforms Except for Oscillator Propagation Delay Waveform for Oscillator TL/F/9336 – A4 Setup and Hold Time Waveforms TL/F/9336–A3 Input Pulse Width Waveforms TL/F/9336 – A6 Note 1: Waveform for negative edge sensitive circuits will be inverted. TL/F/9336–A5 TRI-STATE Output Enable and Disable Waveforms TL/F/9336 – A7 FIGURE 5-2. Switching Characteristic Measurement Waveforms 98 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-3. Data Memory Read Timing (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula Min Max (nRW a 1)T a b 10 12 A, AD (Data Address) Valid to ALE Falling Ta b22 ns 3 ALE Falling to AD (Data Address) Invalid TL a b2 ns 4 Data Valid after READ Rising tAZ-RD-AD 5 READ Falling to AD Disabled ([4TR] e 0) tAZ-AD-RD 6 AD Disabled before READ Falling ([4TR] e 1) tSU-RD-DATA 7 READ Falling to AD (Data) Setup ([4TR] e 0) (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a b 22 tSU-RD-DATA 8 READ Falling to AD (Data) Setup ([4TR] e 1) (MAX(nDWb1,nIWb1) a 1)T a TL a b 21 tZA-RD-AD 9 READ Rising to AD Enabled tPD-AAD-RD 10 tPD-AAD-RD tW-ALE 1 ALE High tPD-AAD-ALE 2 tPD-ALE-AD tH-RD-DATA 0 ns ns 20 TH a Units b 20 ns ns ns ns TH a b2 ns A, AD (Data Address) Valid before READ Falling ([4TR] e 0) T a TL a b 27 ns 11 A, AD (Data Address) Valid before READ Falling ([4TR] e 1) 2T a b 27 ns tW-RD 12 READ Low ([4TR] e 0) (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a b 10 10 tW-RD 13 READ Low ([4TR] e 1) (MAX(nDWb1,nIWb1) a 1)T a TL a b 10 10 ns tACC-D 14 Data Memory Read Time ([4TR]) e 0) (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 2)T a TL a b 40 ns tACC-D 15 Data Memory Read Time ([4TR]) e 1) (MAX(nDWb1,nIWb1) a 3)T a TL a tSU-AD-DATA 16 AD Disabled to AD (Data) Setup ([4TR] e 0) (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a b 33 tSU-AD-DATA 17 AD Disabled to AD (Data) Setup ([4TR] e 1) (MAX(nDWb1,nIWb1) a 2)T a b 33 tPD-ALE-AAD 18 ALE Rising to A, AD (Data Address) Valid tPD-RD-A 19 READ Rising to A Invalid b 40 (nRW)T a TH a ns ns ns 24 0 ns ns ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – 52 (a) Read Timing with ([4TR] e 0) TL/F/9336 – H7 (b) Read Timing with ([4TR] e 1) FIGURE 5-3. Data Memory Read Timing 99 TABLE 5-4. Data Memory Write Timing (Note 1) 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-4. Data Memory Write Timing (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula Min Max Units (nRW a 1)T a b 10 12 ns A, AD (Data Address) Valid to ALE Falling Ta b 22 ns ALE Falling to AD (Data Address) Invalid TL a b2 ns (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a b 20 ns 1.5T a b 28 tW-ALE 1 ALE High tPD-AAD-ALE 2 tPD-ALE-AD 3 tPD-DATA-WR 4 AD (Data) Valid to WRITE Rising tPD-AAD-WR 5 A, AD (Data Address) Valid to WRITE Falling tPD-WR-DATA 6 WRITE Falling to AD (Data) Valid tPD-WR-DATAz 7 WRITE Rising to AD (Data) Invalid tW-WR 8 WRITE Low tPD-ALE-AAD 9 ALE Rising to A, AD (Data Address) Valid tPD-WR-A 10 WRITE Rising to A Invalid ns 19 TH a b4 (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a b 10 (nRW)T a TH a ns ns 10 24 b2 ns ns ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – 53 FIGURE 5-4. Data Memory Write Timing 100 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-5. Instruction Memory Read Timing (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula tACC-I 1 Instruction Memory Read Time tH-IA-I 2 IA Invalid to I Invalid tPD-ICLK-IA 3 ICLK Rising to IA Invalid TH a tPD-IA-ICLK tPD-IAz-ICLK 4 Next IA Valid before ICLK Falling IA Invalid before ICLK Falling TL a tSU-I-ICLK 5 I Valid before ICLK Rising tH-I-ICLK 6 I Invalid before ICLK Falling Min (nIW a 1)T a TL a Max Units b 19 ns 0 ns b 13 ns b 12 ns 17 ns 0 ns 20 TL a ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – A9 (a) Instruction Memory Read Timing TL/F/9336 – 54 (b) Instruction ICLK Timing FIGURE 5-5. Instruction Memory Timing 101 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-6. Clock Timing (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Min Max Units 50 500 ns X1 to CLK-OUT (Note 2) 37 ns 3 CLK-OUT Rising to ICLK Rising 15 ns tPD-CO-ICLKf 4 CLK-OUT Rising to ICLK Falling (Note 3) tT-XT 5 X-TCLK Period (Note 4) tW-X1HL 6 X1 High and Low time Pulse Widths (Note 5) 21 ns tW-XTHL 7 XTCLK High and Low Time Pulse Widths 15 ns tT-X1 1 X1 Period (Note 2) tPD-X1-CO 2 tPD-CO-ICLKr Formula 50 15 ns 500 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: Measurement thresholds at 2.5V. Note 3: The falling edge of ICLK occurs only after the next IA becomes valid. The CLK-OUT cycle in which this occurs depends on the instruction being executed and the number of programmed instruction wait states. Note 4: There is no relationship between X1 and X-TCLK. X-TCLK is fully asynchronous. Note 5: External loading on pin X2 equal to 15 pF. See Figure 5-6b for affect of X2 loading in non-crystal applications (i.e., an external oscillator driving X1). TL/F/9336 – 55 TL/F/9336 – H8 FIGURE 5-6. Clock Timing 102 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-7. Transceiver Timing (Note 1) Min Max tPD-X1-TA Symbol IDÝ 1 X1 Rising to TX-ACT Rising/Falling Parameter Formula 10 65 Units ns tPD-XTCLK-TA 2 X-TCLK Rising to TX-ACT Rising/Falling 7 49 ns tPD-DODD-TA 3 DATA-OUT, DATA-DLY Valid to TX-ACT Rising Ca 16 b 10 ns tW-DO-HB 4 DATA-OUT Half Bit Cell Width 4C a 10 ns tW-DO-FB 5 DATA-OUT Full Bit Cell Width 8C a b 10 10 ns tPD-DO-DD 6 DATA-OUT Falling/Rising to DATA-DLY Rising/Falling (Note 3) 2C a b 10 10 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: When [ATA] e 1, TX-ACT is delayed by 4C and an additional line quiescent is generated resulting in 5(/2 line quiescent pulses after the line interface logic. The additional delay relative to a message with [ATA] e 0 is 8C (one bit time). TL/F/9336 – 56 (a) Transmission Beginning Timing (Note 2) TL/F/9336 – 57 (b) Transmission Ending Timing FIGURE 5-7. Transceiver Timing 103 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-8. Analog and DATA-IN Timing (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula Min tW-DI-hb 1 DATA-IN Data, Half Bit Width 3C a 12 5C a tW-DI-fb 2 DATA-IN Data, Full Bit Width 7C a tW-AI-fb 3 4 Analog Data, Half Bit Width (bALG-IN or a ALG-IN) 3C a 7C a 9C a ns b 12 ns b 12 ns ns 20 5C a Analog Data, Full Bit Width (bALG-IN or a ALG-IN) Units 12 9C a tW-AI-hb Max ns b 20 ns b 20 ns 20 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – 58 (a) DATA-IN Jitter Timing (3270) TL/F/9336 – 59 (b) Analog Jitter Timing (3270) FIGURE 5-8. Analog and DATA-IN Timing 104 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-9. Interrupt Timing (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ tSU-NMI-CO 1 NMI Falling before CLK-OUT Falling Parameter Formula tH-NMI-CO 2 tSU-BQ-CO 3 tPD-ICLK-BQ 4 ICLK Rising to BIRQ (Output) Rising/Falling Min Max Units 12 ns NMI Hold after CLK-OUT Falling 8 ns BIRQ (Input) Falling before CLK-OUT Falling 13 ns 24 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – 60 (a) Interrupt Timing TL/F/9336 – 61 (b) BIRQ Output Timing FIGURE 5-9. Interrupt Timing 105 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-10. Control Pin Timing (Note 1) Formula Min tW-RST Symbol IDÝ 1 RESET Low Parameter 5T a 0 Max Units tPD-RST-ICLK 2 RESET Rising to ICLK Rising 4T a 0 ns tSU-ALE-WT 3 WAIT Low after ALE High to Extend Cycle (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a b 21 ns tH-WT-ALE 4 WAIT Rising after ALE Falling (Note 2) b28 ns 0 (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a tPD-WT-RDWR 5 ns WAIT Rising to READ or WRITE Rising T a TL a ns b 22 2T a TL a ns 2 ns tSU-RRW-RST 6 REM-RD, REM-WR Low to RESET Rising for BCP to Start 15 ns tH-RST-RRW 7 REM-RD, REM-WR Low after RESET Rising for BCP to Start 5 ns tSU-LK-ICLK 8 LOCK Low before ICLK High (Note 3) TL a 19 ns tPD-LK-ALE 9 LOCK High to ALE Low Ta b2 ns tSU-WT-ICLK 10 WAIT Low after ICLK Rising to Extend Cycle (Note 4) tH-WT-ICLK 11 WAIT High after ICLK Rising (Notes 2, 4) 3T a (MAX(nDW,nIWb1))T a TH a (MAX(nDW,nIWb1))T a TH a 12 LOCK Rising after ICLK High tPD-AD-ALE 13 AD to ALE Falling after LOCK Rising tSU-WT-ALEf 14 WAIT Low before ALE Falling to Extend Cycle ns b 22 ns b 20 ns 2 (MAX(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a TH a tH-LK-ICLK 20 ns TH a 2 ns Ta b 33 ns 23 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: The maximum value for this parameter is the lastest WAIT can be removed without adding an additional T-state. The formula assumes a minimum externally generated wait of one T-state. Note 3: If tSU-LK-ICLK is not met, the maximum time from LOCK low till no more local accesses is (MAX(nDW, nIW b 1) a 3)T. Note 4: The formula(s) apply to a 2 T-state instruction. For a 3 T-state instruction, add one T-state; for a 4 T-state instruction, add two T-states. 106 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 62 (a) Reset Timing TL/F/9336 – 63 (b) BCP Access WAIT Timing TL/F/9336 – 64 (c) LOCK Timing TL/F/9336 – A8 (d) Instruction WAIT Timing FIGURE 5-10. Control Pin Timing 107 TABLE 5-11. Buffered Read of PC, RIC (Note 1) 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-11. Buffered Read of PC, RIC (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula tSU-RRR-CO 1 RAE, REM-RD Falling before CLK-OUT Rising tH-RRR-X 2 RAE, REM-RD Rising after XACK Rising (Note 2) Min 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-RD Falling tH-CMD-RRR 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-RD Falling tPD-RRR-X 5 RAE, REM-RD Falling to XACK Falling tPD-X-LCL 6 tPD-LCL-X tPD-RRR-LCL Units b 34 ns 0 2T a tSU-CMD-RRR Max 22 ns 0 ns Ta 26 ns XACK Falling to LCL Rising (nLW a 1)T a b5 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising 2T a b 10 8 RAE, REM-RD Rising to LCL Falling tAZ-A-LCL 9 A Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 18 ns tZA-LCL-A 10 A Enabled after LCL Falling TH a 15 ns tPD-LCL-PC 11 LCL Rising to AD (PC) Valid Ta tPD-PC-X 12 AD (PC, RIC) Valid before XACK Rising Ta tPD-PC-RRR 13 RAE, REM-RD Rising to AD (PC) Invalid tW-PC 14 AD (PC, RIC) Valid Time 26 8 3 Ta ns ns 22 b 24 ns ns ns ns 6 ns b2 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest RAE, REM-RD can be removed without adding a T-state to the remote access. TL/F/9336 – 65 FIGURE 5-11. Buffered Read of PC, RIC 108 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-12. Buffered Read of DMEM (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula tSU-RRR-CO 1 RAE, REM-RD Falling before CLK-OUT Rising tH-RRR-X 2 RAE, REM-RD Rising after XACK Rising (Note 2) Min 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-RD Falling tH-CMD-RRR 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-RD Falling tPD-RRR-X 5 RAE, REM-RD Falling to XACK Falling tPD-X-LCL 6 tPD-LCL-X tPD-RRR-LCL Units ns 0 Ta tSU-CMD-RRR Max 22 ns b 32 ns 0 ns Ta 26 ns XACK Falling to LCL Rising (nLW a 1)T a b5 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising (nDW a 2)T a b 10 8 RAE, REM-RD Rising to LCL Falling Ta 3 tPD-LCL-RD 9 LCL Rising to READ Falling Ta b5 tPD-RD-X 10 READ Falling to XACK Rising (nDW a 1)T a b 15 tPD-RRR-RD 11 RAE, REM-RD Rising to READ Rising tAZ-AAD-LCL 12 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 20 ns tZA-LCL-AAD 13 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 ns (nDW a 1)T a b4 ns tW-RD 14 Read Low 26 1 ns ns 8 ns ns 16 ns ns 28 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest RAE, REM-RD can be removed without adding a T-state to the remote access. TL/F/9336 – 66 FIGURE 5-12. Buffered Read of DMEM 109 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-13. Buffered Read of IMEM (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula Min tSU-RRR-CO 1 RAE, REM-RD Falling before CLK-OUT Rising 22 tH-RRR-X 2 RAE, REM-RD Rising after XACK Rising (Note 2) 0 Ta tSU-CMD-RRR 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-RD Falling tH-CMD-RRR 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-RD Falling tPD-RRR-X 5 RAE, REM-RD Falling to XACK Falling tPD-X-LCL 6 tPD-LCL-X tPD-RRR-LCL Max Units ns ns b 32 ns 0 ns Ta 26 ns XACK Falling to LCL Rising Ta b5 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising (nIW a 2)T a b 10 8 RAE, REM-RD Rising to LCL Falling 26 ns ns 8 3 ns ns tAZ-LCL-A 9 A Disabled after LCL Rising TL a b 18 ns tZA-A-LCL 10 A Enabled before LCL Falling TH a 15 ns tPD-IMEM-X 11 AD (IMEM) Valid before XACK Rising (nIW a 1)T a b 25 ns tPD-RRR-IMEM 12 AD (IMEM) Invalid after RAE, REM-RD Rising tPD-LCL-IMEM 13 LCL Rising to AD (IMEM) Valid tW-IMEM 14 (IMEM) Valid tPD-LCL-IA 15 LCL Falling to Next IA Valid (Note 3) 10 Ta ns 22 ns (nIW a 1)T a 0 ns TH a 8 ns T a TH a 44 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest RAE, REM-RD can be removed without adding a T-state to the remote access. Note 3: Two remote reads from instruction memory are necessary to read a 16-bit instruction word from IMEMÐlow byte followed by high byte. The timing for the two reads are the same except that IA is incremented after the high instruction memory byte is read. TL/F/9336 – 67 FIGURE 5-13. Buffered Read of IMEM 110 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-14. Latched Read of PC, RIC (Note 1) IDÝ Parameter tSU-RRR-CO Symbol 1 RAE, REM-RD Falling before CLK-OUT Rising Formula 22 ns tH-RRR-X 2 RAE, REM-RD Rising after XACK Rising 0 ns tSU-CMD-RRR 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-RD Falling 0 ns Ta Min Max 26 Units tH-CMD-RRR 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-RD Falling tPD-RRR-X 5 RAE, REM-RD Falling to XACK Falling ns tPD-Xf-LCLr 6 XACK Falling to LCL Rising (nLW a 1)T a b5 tPD-LCL-X 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising 2T a b 10 8 ns b 11 11 ns 26 tPD-Xr-LCLf 8 XACK Rising to LCL Falling Ta tAZ-A-LCL 9 A Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 18 tZA-LCL-A 10 A Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 12 tPC-LCL-PC 11 LCL Rising to AD (PC) Valid Ta tPD-PC-X 12 AD (PC) Valid before XACK Rising Ta tPD-X-PC 13 XACK Rising to AD (PC) Invalid tW-PC 14 AD (PC, RIC) Valid ns ns ns ns 20 ns b 22 ns TH a 0 ns T a TH a b 12 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – 68 FIGURE 5-14. Latched Read of PC, RIC 111 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-15. Latched Read of DMEM (Note 1) IDÝ Parameter tSU-RRR-CO Symbol 1 RAE, REM-RD Falling before CLK-OUT Rising Formula 22 tH-RRR-X 2 RAE, REM-RD Rising after XACK Rising 0 ns tSU-CMD-RRR 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-RD Falling 0 ns tH-CMD-RRR 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-RD Falling tPD-RRR-X 5 RAE, REM-RD Falling to XACK Falling tPD-Xf-LCLr 6 XACK Falling to LCL Rising (nLW a 1)T a b5 tPD-LCL-X 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising (nDW a 2)T a b 10 8 ns b11 11 ns 16 Ta Min Max Units ns 26 ns 26 ns ns tPD-Xr-LCLf 8 XACK Rising to LCL Falling Ta tPC-LCL-RD 9 LCL Rising to READ Falling Ta b5 tPD-RD-X 10 READ Falling before XACK Rising (nDW a 1)T a b 15 tPD-X-RD 11 XACK Rising to READ Rising TH a b7 tAZ-AAD-LCL 12 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 20 ns tZA-LCL-AAD 13 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 ns tW-RD 14 READ Low (nDW a 1)T a TH a b 12 ns ns ns 12 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – 69 FIGURE 5-15. Latched Read of DMEM 112 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-16. Latched Read of IMEM (Note 1) IDÝ Parameter tSU-RRR-CO Symbol 1 RAE, REM-RD Falling before CLK-OUT Rising Formula 22 ns tH-RRR-X 2 RAE, REM-RD Rising after XACK Rising 0 ns tSU-CMD-RRR 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-RD Falling 0 ns Ta Min Max 26 Units tH-CMD-RRR 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-RD Falling tPD-RRR-X 5 RAE, REM-RD Falling to XACK Falling ns tPD-Xf-LCLr 6 XACK Falling to LCL Rising Ta b5 tPD-LCL-X 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising (nIW a 2)T a b 10 8 ns b 11 11 ns 26 tPD-Xr-LCLf 8 XACK Rising to LCL Falling Ta tAZ-A-LCL 9 A Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 18 tZA-LCL-A 10 A Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 12 tPD-LCL-IMEM 11 LCL Rising to AD (IMEM) Valid tPD-IMEM-X 12 AD (IMEM) Valid to XACK Rising tPD-X-IMEM 13 XACK Rising to AD (IMEM) Invalid tPD-LCL-IA 14 LCL Falling to Next IA Valid (Note 2) tW-IMEM 15 IMEM Valid Ta (nIW a 1)T a ns ns 22 b 23 TH a 1 T a TH a b 19 (nIW a 1)T a TH a b9 ns ns ns ns ns 5 ns ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: Two remote reads from instruction memory are necessary to read a 16-bit instruction word from IMEMÐlow byte followed by high byte. The timing for the two reads are the same except that IA is incremented after the high instruction memory byte is read. TL/F/9336 – 70 FIGURE 5-16. Latched Read of IMEM 113 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-17. Slow Buffered Write of PC, RIC (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula Min tSU-RRW-CO 1 RAE, REM-WR Falling before CLK-OUT Rising 24 tH-RRW-X 2 RAE, REM-WR Rising after XACK Rising (Note 2) 0 Ta tSU-CMD-RRW 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-WR Falling tH-CMD-RRW 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Falling tPD-RRW-X 5 RAE, REM-WR Falling to XACK Falling tPD-X-LCL 6 tPD-LCL-X Max Units ns ns b37 ns 0 ns Ta 26 ns XACK Falling to LCL Rising (nLW a 1)T a b5 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising 2T a b 10 tPD-RRW-LCL 8 RAE, REM-WR Rising to LCL Falling Ta 5 ns tAZ-AAD-LCL 9 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 20 ns tZA-LCL-AAD 10 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 ns tSU-RDAT-RRW 11 AD (Data) Valid before RAE, REM-WR Rising 12 ns tH-RDAT-RRW 12 AD (Data) Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Rising 10 ns 26 ns ns 8 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest RAE, REM-WR can be removed without adding a T-state to the remote access. TL/F/9336 – 71 FIGURE 5-17. Slow Buffered Write of PC, RIC 114 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-18. Slow Buffered Write of DMEM (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula Min tSU-RRW-CO 1 RAE, REM-WR Falling before CLK-OUT Rising 24 tH-RRW-X 2 RAE, REM-WR Rising after XACK Rising (Note 2) 0 Ta tSU-CMD-RRW 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-WR Falling tH-CMD-RRW 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Falling tPD-RRW-X 5 RAE, REM-WR Falling to XACK Falling tPD-X-LCL 6 tPD-LCL-X tPD-RRW-LCL Max Units ns ns b 34 ns 0 ns Ta 26 ns XACK Falling to LCL Rising (nLW a 1)T a b5 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising (nDW a 2)T a b 10 8 RAE, REM-WR to LCL Falling Ta 5 26 ns ns 8 ns ns tPD-LCL-WR 9 LCL Rising to WRITE Falling tPD-WR-X 10 WRITE Falling to XACK Rising Ta b5 ns (nDW a 1)T a b 17 ns tPD-RRW-WR 11 RAE, REM-WR Rising to WRITE Rising tAZ-AAD-LCL 12 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 20 ns tAZ-LCL-AAD 13 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 ns tW-WR 14 WRITE Low (nDW a 1)T a b3 ns 2 28 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest RAE, REM-WR can be removed without adding a T-state to the remote access. TL/F/9336 – 72 FIGURE 5-18. Slow Buffered Write of DMEM 115 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-19. Slow Buffered Write of IMEM (Notes 1, 2) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula Min tSU-RRW-CO 1 RAE, REM-WR Falling before CLK-OUT Rising 24 tH-RRW-X 2 RAE, REM-WR Rising after XACK Rising (Note 3) 0 Ta tSU-CMD-RRW 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-WR Falling tH-CMD-RRW 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Falling tPD-RRW-X 5 RAE, REM-WR Falling to XACK Falling tPD-X-LCL 6 tPD-LCL-X tPD-RRW-LCL Max Units ns ns b 34 ns 0 ns Ta 26 ns XACK Falling to LCL Rising Ta b5 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising (nIW a 2)T a b 10 8 RAE, REM-WR to LCL Falling Ta 5 ns ns 26 tAZ-AAD-LCL 9 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 20 tZA-LCL-AAD 10 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 tPD-RDAT-I 11 AD (Data) Valid to I Valid tH-RDAT-RRW 12 AD (Data) Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Rising tPD-LCL-IA 13 LCL Falling to next IA Valid tPD-LCL-IWR 14 LCL Rising to IWR Falling tPD-IWR-X 15 IWR Falling before XACK Rising tPD-RRW-IWR 16 RAE, REM-WR Rising to IWR Rising tZA-IWR-I 17 IWR Falling to I Enabled tAZ-IWR-I 18 IWR Rising to I Disabled tPD-I-IWR 19 tW-IWR tPD-I-IA 8 14 b 20 ns ns 30 T a TH a ns ns ns ns 3 ns b3 ns (nIW a 2)T a b 19 ns 5 ns Ta b2 ns I Valid before IWR Rising (nIW a 1)T a b 10 20 IWR Low (nIW a 2)T a b2 ns 21 I Disabled to IA Invalid 2T a TH a b 64 ns 22 52 ns ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: Two remote writes to instruction memory are necessary to store a 16-bit instruction word to IMEMÐlow byte followed by high byte. The timing for the 2nd write is shown in the following diagram. The timing of the first write is the same as a write of the PC or RIC. Note 3: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest RAE, REM-WR can be removed without adding a T-state to the remote access. 116 FIGURE 5-19. Slow Buffered Write of IMEM TL/F/9336 – 73 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) 117 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-20. Fast Buffered Write of RIC, PC (Note 1) IDÝ Parameter tSU-RRW-CO Symbol 1 RAE, REM-WR Falling before CLK-OUT Rising Formula 24 tH-RRW-X 2 RAE, REM-WR Rising after XACK Rising 0 ns tSU-CMD-RRW 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-WR Falling 0 ns tH-CMD-RRW 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Falling tPD-RRW-X 5 RAE, REM-WR Falling to XACK Falling tPD-X-LCL 6 XACK Falling to LCL Rising (nLW a 1)T a b5 tPD-LCL-X 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising 2T a b 10 8 ns b 11 11 ns Ta Min Max Units ns 26 ns 26 ns ns tPD-Xr-LCLf 8 XACK Rising to LCL Falling Ta tAZ-AAD-LCL 9 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b20 ns tZA-LCL-AAD 10 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 ns tSU-RDAT-X 11 AD (Data) Valid before XACK Rising 26 ns tH-RDAT-X 12 AD (Data) Invalid after XACK Rising 3 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – 74 FIGURE 5-20. Fast Buffered Write of RIC, PC 118 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-21. Fast Buffered Write of DMEM (Note 1) IDÝ Parameter tSU-RRW-CO Symbol 1 RAE, REM-WR Falling before CLK-OUT Rising Formula 24 ns tH-RRW-X 2 RAE, REM-WR Rising after XACK Rising 0 ns tSU-CMD-RRW 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-WR Falling 0 ns Ta Min Max tH-CMD-RRW 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Falling tPD-RRW-X 5 RAE, REM-WR Falling to XACK Falling 26 tPD-Xf-LCLr 6 XACK Falling to LCL Rising (nLW a 1)T a tPD-LCL-X 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising (nDW a 2)T a ns b 10 8 b 11 11 26 b5 tPD-Xr-LCLf 8 XACK Rising to LCL Falling Ta tPD-LCL-WR 9 LCL Rising to WRITE Falling Ta b5 tPD-WR-X 10 WRITE Falling to XACK Rising (nDW a 1)T a b 16 tPD-X-WR 11 XACK Rising to WRITE Rising tAZ-AAD-LCL 12 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising tZA-LCL-AAD 13 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling tW-WR 14 WRITE Low b4 Units ns ns ns ns ns ns 13 ns TL a b 20 ns TH a b 10 ns (nDW a 1)T a b 10 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – 75 FIGURE 5-21. Fast Buffered Write of DMEM 119 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-22. Fast Buffered Write of IMEM (Notes 1, 2) IDÝ Parameter tSU-RRW-CO Symbol 1 RAE, REM-WR Falling before CLK-OUT Rising Formula 24 tH-RRW-X 2 RAE, REM-WR Rising after XACK Rising 0 ns tSU-CMD-RRW 3 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-WR Falling 0 ns tH-CMD-RRW 4 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Falling tPD-RRW-X 5 RAE, REM-WR Falling to XACK Falling tPD-Xf-LCLr 6 XACK Falling to LCL Rising Ta b5 tPD-LCL-X 7 LCL Rising to XACK Rising (nIW a 2)T a b 10 8 ns b11 11 ns Ta Min Max Units ns 26 ns 26 ns ns tPD-Xr-LCLf 8 XACK Rising to LCL Falling Ta tAZ-AAD-LCL 9 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 20 tZA-LCL-AAD 10 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 tPD-RDAT-I 11 AD (Data) Valid to I Valid tH-RDAT-X 12 AD (Data) Invalid after XACK Rising tPD-IWR-X 13 IWR Falling before XACK Rising tPD-LCL-IA 14 LCL Falling to next IA Valid tPD-LCL-IWR 15 LCL Rising to IWR Falling b3 ns tPD-X-IWR 16 XACK Rising to IWR Rising b2 ns ns ns 30 3 (nIW a 2)T a b 19 T a TH a b 19 ns ns 5 17 IWR Falling to I Enabled tAZ-IWR-I 18 IWR Rising to I Disabled tPD-I-IWR 19 I Valid before IWR Rising (nIW a 1)T a b 18 ns tW-IWR 20 IWR Low Time (nIW a 2)T a b 10 ns 2T a TH a b 70 ns 21 b2 ns tZA-IWR-I tPD-I-IA Ta ns 22 I Disabled to IA Invalid ns 52 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: Two remote writes to instruction memory are necessary to store a 16-bit instruction word to IMEMÐlow byte followed by high byte. The timing of the 2nd write is shown in the following diagram. The timing of the first write is the same as a write of the PC or RIC as shown in Figure 5-20 . 120 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 76 FIGURE 5-22. Fast Buffered Write of IMEM 121 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-23. Latched Write of PC, RIC (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula tSU-RRW-CO 1 RAE, REM-WR Falling before CLK-OUT Rising tH-RRW-CO 2 RAE, REM-WR Rising after CLK-OUT Rising (Note 2) TH a Min Max Units 24 ns 6 ns Ta b20 ns tH-RRW-X 3 RAE, REM-WR Rising after XACK Rising 0 ns tSU-CMD-RRW 4 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-WR Falling 0 ns tH-CMD-RRW 5 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Falling tPD-RRW-X 6 RAE, REM-WR Falling to XACK Falling Ta 26 ns 26 ns b 30 ns tSU-RDAT-LCL 7 AD (Data) Valid after LCL Rising 2T a tH-RDAT-LCL 8 AD (Data) Invalid after LCL Rising 2T a 2 ns tAZ-AAD-LCL 9 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 20 ns tZA-LCL-AAD 10 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 ns tPD-RRW-WPND 11 RAE, REM-WR Rising to WR-PEND Falling 5 ns tSU-CMD-WPND 12 CMD Valid before WR-PEND Rising 16 ns tH-CMD-WPND 13 CMD Invalid after WR-PEND Rising 4 ns tSU-RRWr-CO 14 RAE, REM-WR Rising before CLK-OUT Rising 20 ns tPD-X-WPND 15 XACK Rising to WR-PEND Rising Ta 34 13 ns ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest RAE, REM-WR can be removed without delaying the remote access by one T-state. TL/F/9336 – 77 FIGURE 5-23. Latched Write of PC, RIC 122 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-24. Latched Write of DMEM (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula tSU-RRW-CO 1 RAE, REM-WR Falling before CLK-OUT Rising tH-RRW-CO 2 RAE, REM-WR Rising after CLK-OUT Rising (Note 2) TH a Min Max Units 24 ns 6 ns Ta b 20 ns tH-RRW-X 3 RAE, REM-WR Rising after XACK Rising 0 ns tSU-CMD-RRW 4 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-WR Falling 0 ns tH-CMD-RRW 5 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Falling tPD-RRW-X 6 RAE, REM-WR Falling to XACK Falling Ta 26 ns 26 ns tPD-LCL-WR 7 LCL Rising to WRITE Falling Ta b5 tPD-WR-LCL 8 WRITE Rising to LCL Falling Ta ns b 11 ns tAZ-AAD-LCL 9 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 20 ns tZA-LCL-AAD 10 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 ns tW-WR 11 WRITE Low Time (nDW a 1)T a b 10 ns tPD-RRW-WPND 12 RAE, REM-WR Rising to WR-PEND Falling 5 Ta ns 34 ns tSU-CMD-WPND 13 CMD Valid before WR-PEND Rising 16 ns tH-CMD-WPND 14 CMD Invalid after WR-PEND Rising 4 ns tSU-RRWr-CO 15 RAE, REM-WR Rising before CLK-OUT Rising 20 tPD-X-WPND 16 XACK Rising to WR-PEND Rising ns 13 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest RAE, REM-WR can be removed without delaying the remote access by one T-state. TL/F/9336 – 78 FIGURE 5-24. Latched Write of DMEM 123 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-25. Latched Write of IMEM (Notes 1, 2) Symbol IDÝ Parameter Formula tSU-RRW-CO 1 RAE, REM-WR Falling before CLK-OUT Rising tH-RRW-CO 2 RAE, REM-WR Rising after CLK-OUT Rising (Note 3) TH a Min Max Units 24 ns 6 ns Ta b20 ns tH-RRW-X 3 RAE, REM-WR Rising after XACK Rising 0 ns tSU-CMD-RRW 4 CMD Valid before RAE, REM-WR Falling 0 ns tH-CMD-RRW 5 CMD Invalid after RAE, REM-WR Falling tPD-RRW-X 6 RAE, REM-WR Falling to XACK Falling Ta 26 ns 26 tAZ-AAD-LCL 7 A, AD Disabled before LCL Rising TL a b 20 tZA-LCL-AAD 8 A, AD Enabled after LCL Falling TH a b 10 tPD-RDAT-I 9 AD (Data) Valid to I Valid tH-RDAT-IWR 10 AD (Data) Invalid after IWR Rising 0 tPD-RRW-WPND 11 RAE, REM-WR Rising to WR-PEND Falling 5 tPD-LCL-IA 12 LCL Falling to Next IA Valid tZA-IWR-I 13 IWR Falling to I Enabled tAZ-IWR-I 14 IWR Rising to I Disabled ns ns 30 Ta T a TH a b 19 Ta b2 22 (nIW a 1)T a ns ns ns 34 ns 5 ns ns 52 b 18 ns tPD-I-IWR 15 I Valid before IWR Rising tPD-LCL-IWR 16 LCL Rising to IWR Falling ns tPD-IWR-LCL 17 IWR Rising to LCL Falling tW-IWR 18 IWR Low Time tSU-CMD-WPND 19 CMD Valid before WR-PEND Rising 16 ns tH-CMD-WPND 20 CMD Invalid after WR-PEND Rising 4 ns tPD-I-IA 21 I Disabled to IA Invalid b 70 ns tSU-RRWr-CO 22 RAE, REM-WR Rising before CLK-OUT Rising 20 ns tPD-X-WPND 23 XACK Rising to WR-PEND Rising b3 ns Ta b 17 ns (nIW a 2)T a b 12 ns 2T a TH a 13 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: Two remote writes to instruction memory are necessary to store a 16-bit instruction word to IMEMÐlow byte followed by high byte. The timing of the 2nd write is shown in the following diagram. The first write is the same as a write of the PC or RIC as shown in Figure 5-23. Note 3: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest RAE, REM-WR can be removed without delaying the remote access by one T-state. 124 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 79 FIGURE 5-25. Latched Write of IMEM 125 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-26. Remote Rest Time (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ Parameter tSU-BR-RR-CO 1 REM-RD Rising before CLK-OUT Rising (Buffered Read Mode) tH-BR 2 CLK-OUT Rising after REM-RD Rising to REM-RD or REM-WR Falling (Buffered Read Mode) tSU-LR-RR-CO 3 REM-RD Rising before CLK-OUT Rising (Latched Read Mode) tH-LR 4 CLK-OUT Rising after REM-RD Rising to REM-RD or REM-WR Falling (Latched Read Mode) tSU-SBW-RW-CO 5 REM-WR Rising before CLK-OUT Rising (Slow Buffered Write Mode) tH-SBW 6 CLK-OUT Rising after REM-WR Rising to REM-RD or REM-WR Falling (Slow Buffered Write Mode) tSU-FBW-RW-CO 7 REM-WR Rising before CLK-OUT Rising (Fast Buffered Write Mode) tH-FBW 8 CLK-OUT Rising after REM-WR Rising to REM-RD or REM-WR Falling (Fast Buffered Write Mode) tSU-LW-RW-CO 9 tH-LW Formula Min Max Units 19 ns 10 ns 16 ns 10 ns 22 ns 10 ns 22 ns 10 ns REM-WR Rising before CLK-OUT Rising (Latched Write Mode) 20 ns 10 CLK-OUT Rising after REM-WR Rising to REM-RD or REM-WR Falling (Latched Write Mode) 10 ns tSU-LW-RWR-COa 11 REM-WR orREM-RD Falling to CLK-OUT Falling (Latched Write Mode) (Note 2) 7 ns tSU-LW-RWR-COb 12 CLK-OUT Rising to REM-WR or REM-RD rising (Latched Write Mode) (Note 2) 8 ns tPD-CO-WP 13 CLK-OUT rising to WR-PEND Rising T a TH a T a TH a T a TH a T a TH a TH a b1 21 ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: Both specifications refer to the CLK-OUT falling edge after WR-PEND rising. See Section 4.2.6, RIAS remote rest time. 126 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TL/F/9336 – B0 (a) REM-RD Rest Time (Buffered Read Mode) TL/F/9336 – B1 (b) REM-RD Rest Time (Latched Read Mode) TL/F/9336 – B2 (c) REM-WR Rest Time (Slow Buffered Write Mode) TL/F/9336 – B3 (d) REM-WR Rest Time (Fast Buffered Write Mode) TL/F/9336 – B4 (e) REM-WR Rest Time (Latched Write Mode) FIGURE 5-26. Remote Rest Time 127 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TL/F/9336 – H9 (f) WR-PEND Rising (Latched Write Mode) FIGURE 5-26. Remote Rest Time (Continued) TABLE 5-27. Remote Interface WAIT Timing (Note 1) Symbol IDÝ tSU-WT-LCL 1 tH-WT-LCL 2 Parameter Formula Max Units T a TH a b28 ns WAIT Falling after LCL Rising to Extend Cycle (Buffered Read, Latched Read, Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write of DMEM) (nDW a 1)T a TH a b 28 ns WAIT Falling after LCL Rising to Extend Cycle (Buffered Read, Latched Read, Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write of IMEM) (nIW a 1)T a TH a b 28 ns WAIT Falling after LCL Rising to Extend Cycle (Buffered Read, Latched Read, Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write of PC, RIC) WAIT Rising after LCL Rising (Buffered Read, Latched Read, Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write of PC, RIC) (Note 2) WAIT Rising after LCL Rising (Buffered Read, Latched Read, Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write of DMEM) (Note 2) WAIT Rising after LCL Rising (Buffered Read, Latched Read, Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write of IMEM) (Note 2) T a TH a Min 0 2T a TH a (nDW a 1)T a TH a b 27 0 (nDW a 2)T a TH a (nIW a 1)T a TH a ns ns ns b 27 0 ns ns (nIW a 2)T a TH a b 27 ns tSU-WT-RD 3 WAIT Falling after READ Falling to Extend Cycle (Buffered Read and Latched Read) (nDW)T a TH a b 32 ns tSU-WT-WR 3 WAIT Falling after WRITE Falling to Extend Cycle (Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write) (nDW)T a TH a b 33 ns tSU-WT-IWR 3 WAIT Falling after IWR Falling to Extend Cycle (Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write) (nIW a 1)T a TH a b 38 ns 128 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-27. Remote Interface WAIT Timing (Note 1) (Continued) Symbol tH-WT-RD tH-WT-WR IDÝ 4 4 Parameter WAIT Rising after READ Falling (Buffered Read and Latched Read) (Note 2) WAIT Rising after WRITE Falling (Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write) (Note 2) tH-WT-IWR 4 WAIT Rising after IWR Falling (Slow Buffered Write, Fast Buffered Write and Latched Write) (Note 2) tPD-WT-X 5 WAIT Rising to XACK Rising (Buffered Read, Latched Read, Slow Buffered Write and Fast Buffered Write) tPD-WT-LCL 6 WAIT Rising to LCL Falling (Latched Write) Formula Min (nDWT a TH a b4 (nDW a 1)T a TH a (nDW)T a TH a b5 TL a b5 T a TL a b 38 tPD-WT-WR 7 WAIT Rising to WRITE Rising (Latched Write) TL a tPD-WT-IWR 7 WAIT Rising to IWR Rising (Latched Write) 24 ns 26 ns 28 ns 38 ns ns 2 T a TL a TL a ns 4 T a TL a ns ns 1 2T a TL a ns ns 0 T a TL a ns ns b 34 (nIW a 2)T a TH a Units ns b 30 (nDW a 1)T a TH a (nIW a 1)T a TH a Max ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. Note 2: The maximum value for this parameter is the latest WAIT can be removed without adding an additional T-state. The formula assumes a minimum external wait of one T-state. TL/F/9336 – B5 (a) Buffered Read, Latched Read, Slow Buffered Write and Fast Buffered Write TL/F/9336 – B6 (b) Latched Write FIGURE 5-27. Remote Interface WAIT Timing 129 5.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TABLE 5-28. Wait Timing After Remote Access (Note 1) Symbol tPD-LCL-AAD IDÝ 1 tPD-LCL-AAD-BR Max Units LCL Falling to A, AD (Data Address) Valid Parameter Formula TH a 11 ns LCL Falling to A, AD (Data Address) Valid for Buffered Read of RIC 2T a 29 ns Ta b 29 ns b 28 ns tPD-AAD-ALE 2 A, AD (Data Address) Valid to ALE Falling tSU-WT-LCL 3 LCL Falling to WAIT Falling to Extend Local Cycle tH-WT-LCL 4 WAIT Rising after LCL Falling Min b 16 (max(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a TH a (max(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a TH a b3 (max(nDW,nIWb1) a 2)T a TH a tH-WT-LCL-BR WAIT Rising after LCL Falling for Buffered read of RIC tSU-WT-ALEf 5 WAIT Low Before ALE Falling to Extend Cycle tH-WT-ALE 6 WAIT Rising After ALE Falling (max(nDW,nIWb1) a 3)T a TH a 7 ns b3 ns 22 ns 0 (max(nDW,nIWb1) a 1)T a tSU-WT-AAD ns A, AD (Data Address) Valid to WAIT Falling to Extend Load Cycle Ta ns b 28 b 33 ns ns Note 1: All parameters are individually tested and guaranteed. Interpreting this data by numerically adding two or more parameters to create a new timing specification may lead to invalid results. TL/F/9336 – I0 FIGURE 5-28. Wait Timing After Remote Access 130 6.0 Reference Section Instruction Format This category illustrates the formation of an instruction’s machine code for each operand variation. Assembly or disassembly of any instruction can be accomplished using these figures. T-states The T-state category lists the number of CPU clock cycles required for each instruction, including operand variations and conditional considerations. Using this information, actual execution times may be calculated. For example, if the conditional relative jump instruction’s condition is not met, the CPU’s clock cycle is 18.867 MHz ([CCS] e 0), and no instruction wait states are requested ([IW1b0] e 00), then Jcc’s execution time is calculated as shown below: texecution e 1/(CPU clock frequency) c T-states 6.1 INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE The Instruction Set Reference section contains detailed information on the syntax and operation of each BCP instruction. The instructions are arranged in alphabetical order by mnemonic for easy access. Although this section is primarily intended as a reference for the assembly language programmer, previous assembly language experience is not a prerequisite. The intent of this instruction set reference is to include all the pertinent information regarding each instruction on the page(s) describing that instruction. The only exceptions to this rule concern the instruction addressing modes and the bus timing diagrams. The discussion of the instruction addressing modes occurs at the beginning of the BCP Instruction Set Overview section and, therefore, will not be repeated here. The figures for the bus timing diagrams are located at the end of this introduction rather than constantly repeating them under each instruction. The information that is contained under each instruction is divided into eight categories titled: Syntax, Affected Flags, Description, Example, Instruction Format, T-states, Bus timing, and Operation. The following paragraphs explain what information each category conveys and any special nomenclature that a category may use. Syntax This category illustrates the assembler syntax for each instruction. Multiple lines are used when a given instruction supports more than one type of addressing mode, or if it has an optional mnemonic. All capital letters, commas (,), math symbols ( a , b), and brackets ([ ]) are entered into the assembler exactly as shown. Braces (À Ó) surround an instruction’s optional operands and their associated syntax. The text between the braces may either be entered in with or omitted from the instruction. The braces themselves should not be entered into the assembler because they are not part of the assembler syntax. Lower case characters and operands that begin with the capital R represent symbols. These must be replaced with actual register names, numbers, or equated registers and numbers. Table 6-1 lists all the symbols and their associated meanings. Affected Flags If an instruction sets or clears any of the ALU flags, (i.e., Negative [N], Zero [Z], Carry [C], and/or Overflow [V]), then those flags affected are listed under this category. Description The Description category contains a verbal discussion about the operation of an instruction, the operands it allows, and any notes highlighting special considerations the prorammer should keep in mind when using the instruction. Example Each instruction has one or more coding examples designed to show its typical usage(s). For clarity, register name abbreviations are often used instead of the register numbers, (i.e., RTR is used in place of R4). Each example assumes that the ‘‘.EQU’’ assembler directive has been previously executed to establish these relationships. Information relating register abbreviations to register names, numbers, and purpose is located in the CPU Registers section. e 1/(18.867 c 106 Hz) c 2 e (53 c 10 b 9s) c 2 e 106 ns See the section BCP Timing for more information on calculating instruction execution times. Bus Timing This category refers the user to the Bus Timing Figures 6-1 to 6-6 on the following pages. These figures illustrate the relationship between software instruction execution and some of the BCP’s hardware signals. Operation The operation category illustrates each instruction’s operation in a symbolic coding format. Most of the operand names used in this format come directly from each instruction’s syntax. The exceptions to this rule deal with implied operands. Instructions that imply the use of the accumulators use the name ‘‘accumulator’’ as an operand. Instructions that manipulate the Program Counter use the symbol ‘‘PC’’. Instructions that ‘‘push’’ onto or ‘‘pop’’ off of the internal Address Stack specify ‘‘Address Stack’’ as an operand. Instructions that save or restore the ALU flags and the register bank selections use those terms as operands. Two specialized operator symbols are used in the symbolic coding format, the arrow ‘‘ x ’’ and the concatenation operator ‘‘&’’. The arrow indicates the movement of data from one operand to another. For instance, after the operation ‘‘Rs x Rd’’ is performed the content of Rd has been replaced with the content of Rs. The concatenation operator ‘‘&’’ simply indicates that the operands surrounding an ‘‘&’’ are attached together forming one new operand. For example, ‘‘PC & [GIE] & ALU flags & register bank selections x Address Stack’’ means that the Program Counter, the Global Interrupt Enable bit, the ALU flags and the register bank selections are combined into one operand and pushed onto the internal Address Stack. Three conditional structures are utilized in the symbolic coding format: the ‘‘Two Line If’’ structure, the ‘‘Blocked If’’ structure, and the ‘‘Blocked Case’’ structure. In the ‘‘Two Line If’’ structure, if the condition is met then the operation is performed, otherwise the operation is not performed. ‘‘Two Line If’’ structure: If condition then operation 131 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) In the ‘‘Blocked If’’ structure, if the condition is met then all the operations between the ‘‘If’’ statement and the ‘‘End if’’ statement are performed. ‘‘Blocked If’’ structure: If condition then operation operation etc . . . End if In the ‘‘Blocked Case’’ structure, the operation preceded by the equivalent numeric value of the operand is executed. For example, if the operand’ s value is equal to ‘‘1’’ then the operation preceded by ‘‘1:’’ is executed. ‘‘Blocked Case’’ structure: Case operand of 0: operation 1: operation 2: etc . . . End case Two reference tables have been added to the back of the Instruction Set Reference section. The first table, Table 6-2, lists all the instructions with their associated T-states, Affected Flags, and Bus Timing figure numbers in a compact format. The second table, Table 6-3, lists all the instructions in opcode order to facilitate disassembly. TABLE 6-1. Notational Conventions for Instruction Set Symbol Represents n 0 to 255 a 127 to b 128 nn Rs Meaning Length Unsigned Number Signed Number 8 Bits 0 to 65535 Unsigned Number 16 Bits R0–R31 Source Register Rd R0–R31 Destination Register Rsd R0–R31 Combination Source/Destination Register rs R0–R15 Limited Source Register rd R0–R15 Limited Destination Register rsd R0–R15 Limited Combination Source/Destination Register Ir IW, IX, IY, IZ Index Register Irb Ir Ir a a Ir Index Register in One of the Following Address Modes: Post Decrement No Change Post Increment Pre-Increment b 0–7 Shift Field 3 Bits m 0–7 Mask Field 3 Bits p 0–7 Position Field 3 Bits s 0–1 State Field 1 Bit f 0–7 Flag Reference Field 3 Bits mIr cc Condition Code Instruction Extensions v 0–63 Vector Field 6 Bits g 0–3 Global Interrupt Enable Flag [GIE] Status Control 2 Bits gÊ 0–1 Global Interrupt Enable Flag [GIE] Limited Status Control 1 Bit rf 0–1 Register Bank and ALU Flag Status Control 1 Bit ba 0–1 Register Bank A Select 1 Bit bb 0–1 Register Bank B Select 1 Bit 132 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 21 FIGURE 6-1. Instruction-Memory Bus Timing for 2 T-state Instructions (No Instruction Wait States [IW1 –0] e 00, CPU Running at Full Speed [CCS] e 0) TL/F/9336 – 22 FIGURE 6-2. Instruction-Memory Bus Timing for 3 T-state Instructions (No Instruction Wait States [IW1 –0] e 00, CPU Running at Full Speed [CCS] e 0) 133 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 23 FIGURE 6-3. Instruction-Memory Bus Timing for (2 a 2) T-state Instructions (No Instruction Wait States [IW1– 0] e 00, CPU Running at Full Speed [CCS] e 0) TL/F/9336 – 24 FIGURE 6-4. Instruction-Memory Bus Timing for 4 T-state Instructions (No Instruction Wait States [IW1– 0] e 00, CPU Running at Full Speed [CCS] e 0) 134 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 25 FIGURE 6-5. Instruction/Data Memory Bus Timing for Data Memory Read (No Instruction or Data Memory Wait States, CPU Running at Full Speed [CCS] e 0, [4TR] e 0) TL/F/9336 – I1 FIGURE 6-6. Instruction/Data Memory Bus Timing for Data Memory Read (No Instruction or Data Memory Wait States, CPU Running at Full Speed [CCS] e 0), [4TR] e 1) 135 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TL/F/9336 – 26 FIGURE 6-7. Instruction/Data Memory Bus Timing for Data Memory Write (No Instruction or Data Memory Wait States, CPU Running at Full Speed [CCS] e 0) ADCA Add with Carry and Accumulator Instruction Format ADCA Rs, Rd Syntax ADCA Rs, Rd Ðregister, register ADCA Rs, [mIr] Ðregister, indexed Affected Flags N, Z, C, V Description Adds the source register Rs, the active accumulator, and the carry flag together, placing the result into the destination specified. The destination may be either a register, Rd, or data memory via an index register mode, [mIr]. Note that register bank selection determines which accumulator is active. Example Add the constant 109 to the index register IW, (which is 16 bits wide). SUBA A, A ;Clear the accumulator ADD 109, R12 ;Add 109 to low byte of IW ADCA R13, R13 ;Add carry to high byte of IW 1 1 1 0 0 Opcode 15 ADCA 1 Rd 9 Rs 4 0 Rs, [mIr] TL/F/9336 – 5 T-states ADCA Rs, Rd ADCA Rs, [mIr] Bus Timing ADCA Rs, Rd ADCA Rs, [mIr] Ð2 Ð3 ÐFigure 6-1 ÐFigure 6-6 Operation ADCA Rs, Rd Rs a accumulator a carry bit x Rd ADCA Rs, [mIr] Rs a accumulator a carry bit x data memory 136 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) ADD Instruction Format ADDA Rs, Rd Add Immediate Syntax 1 ADD n, rsd Ðimmediate, limited register Affected Flags N, Z, C, V Description Adds the immediate value n to the register rsd and places the result back into the register rsd. Note that only the active registers R0–R15 may be specified for rsd. The value of n is limited to 8 bits; (unsigned range: 0 to 255, signed range: a 127 to b128). Example Add the constant b3 to register 10. b 3, R10 ;R10 a (b3) x R10 ADD Instruction Format 0 0 0 0 Opcode n 15 11 T-States 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation rsd a n x rsd ADDA 1 0 0 Opcode 0 15 ADDA Rd 9 Rs 4 0 Rs, [mIr] TL/F/9336 – 6 T-states ADDA Rs, Rd ADDA Rs, [mIr] Bus Timing rsd 3 1 0 Ð2 Ð3 ADDA Rs, Rd ÐFigure 6-1 ADDA Rs, [mIr] ÐFigure 6-6 Operation ADDA Rs, Rd Rs a accumulator x Rd ADDA Rs, [mIr] Rs a accumulator x data memory Add with Accumulator AND Syntax ADDA Rs, Rd Ðregister, register ADDA Rs, [mIr] Ðregister, indexed Affected Flags N, Z, C, V Description Adds the source register Rs to the active accumulator and places the result into the destination specified. The destination may be either a register, Rd, or data memory via an index register mode, [mIr]. Note that register bank selection determines which accumulator is active. Example In the first example, the value 4 is placed into the currently active accumulator, that accumulator is added to the contents of register 20, and then the result is placed into register 21. MOVE 4, A ;Place constant into accum ADDA R20, R21 ;R20 a accum x R21 In the second example, the alternate accumulator of register bank B is selected and then added to register 20. The result is placed into the data memory pointed to by the index register IZ and then the value of IZ is incremented by one. EXX 0, 1 ;Select alt accumulator ADDA R20, [IZ a ] ;R20 a accum x data mem ;and increment data pointer And Immediate Syntax AND n, rsd Ðimmediate, limited register Affected Flags N, Z Description Logically ANDs the immediate value n to the register rsd and places the result back into the register rsd. Note that only the active registers R0 – R15 may be specified for rsd. The value of n is 8 bits wide. Example Unmask both the Transmitter and Receiver interrupts via the Interrupt Control Register ÀICRÓ, R2. Leave the other interrupts unaffected. EXX 0,0 ;select main register banks AND 11111100B,R2 ;unmask transmitter and ; receiver interrupts Instruction Format 0 1 0 0 Opcode 15 n 11 T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation rsd AND n x rsd 137 rsd 3 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) ANDA And with Accumulator BIT Bit Test Syntax Syntax ANDA Rs, Rd Ðregister, register ANDA Rs, [mIr] Ðregister, indexed Affected Flags N, Z Description Logically ANDs the source register Rs to the active accumulator and places the result into the destination specified. The destination may be either a register, Rd, or data memory via an index register mode, [mIr]. Note that register bank selection determines which accumulator is active. Example This example demonstrates a way to quickly unload all 11 bits of the three words in the Receiver FIFO when the FIFO is full. The example assumes that the index register IZ points to the location in data memory where the information should be stored. EXX 1,1 ;select alternate banks MOVE 00000111B, A ;place the ÀTSRÓ mask ; into the accumulator ; Pop the first word from the receiver FIFO ANDA TSR, [IZ a ] ;read bits 8, 9, & 10 MOVE RTR, [IZ a ] ;pop bits 0–7 ; Pop the second word from the receiver FIFO ANDA TSR, [IZ a ] MOVE RTR, [IZ a ] ; Pop the third word from the receiver FIFO ANDA TSR, [IZ a ] MOVE RTR, [IZ a ] BIT rs, n Ðlimited register, immediate Affected Flags N, Z Description Performs a bit level test by logically ANDing the source register rs to the immediate value n. The affected flags are updated, but the result is not saved. Note that only the active registers R0 – R15 may be specified for rs. The value n is 8 bits wide. Example Poll the Transmitter FIFO Empty flag [TFE] in the Network Command Flag register ÀNCFÓ, R1, waiting for the Transmitter to send the current FIFO data. EXX 0,1 ;select main A, alt B Poll: BIT NCF,10000000B ;All data sent yet? JZ Poll ; No, poll TFE ... ; Yes, send next byte(s) Instruction Format 0 15 T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation rs AND n Instruction Format ANDA Rs, Rd 1 1 1 1 0 Opcode 15 ANDA 0 Rd 9 Rs 4 1 1 1 Opcode 0 Rs,[mIr] TL/F/9336–7 T-states ANDA Rs, Rd Ð2 ANDA Rs, [mIr] Ð3 Bus Timing ANDA Rs, Rd ÐFigure 6-1 ANDA Rs, [mIr] ÐFigure 6-7 Operation ANDA Rs, Rd Rs AND accumulator x Rd ANDA Rs, [mIr] Rs AND accumulator x data memory 138 n 11 rs 3 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) CALL Unconditional Relative Call CMP Compare Syntax Syntax CALL n Ðimmediate Affected Flags None Description Pushes the Program Counter, the ALU flags, the Global Interrupt Enable bit [GIE], and the current register bank selections onto the internal Address Stack; then unconditionally transfers control to the instruction at the memory address calculated by adding the contents of the Program Counter to the immediate value n, (sign extended to 16 bits). Since the immediate value n is an 8-bit two’s complement displacement, the unconditional relative call’s range is from a 127 to b 128 relative to the Program Counter. Note that the Program Counter initially contains the memory address of the next instruction following the call. Example Transfer control to the subroutine ‘‘Send.it’’. Note that ‘‘Send.it’’ must be within a 127/b128 words relative to the PC. CALL Send.it Instruction Format CMP rs, n Ðlimited register, immediate Affected Flags N, Z, C, V Description Compares the immediate value n with the source register rs by subtracting n from rs. The affected flags are updated, but the result is not saved. Note that only the active registers R0 – R15 may be specified for rs. The value of n is limited to 8 bits; (unsigned range: 0 to 255, signed range: a 127 to b 128). Example Compare the data byte in register 11 to the ASCII character ‘‘A’’. CMP R11,‘‘A’’ ;If: JC LessÐthanÐA ; datak‘‘A’’ JEQ EqualÐtoÐA ; data e ‘‘A’’ ... ;else datal‘‘A’’ Compare the contents of register 8 to the value 25. CMP R8,25 ;if: BIT CCR,00000011B ; data l 25 JZ GreaterÐthan ; Goto GreaterÐthan 1 1 0 0 1 1 Opcode 15 T-states 3 Bus Timing 0 0 n 7 Comparing of Unsigned Values 0 Comparison LT LEQ EQ GEQ GT Figure 6-2 Operation PC & [GIE] & ALU flags & register bank selections x Address Stack PC a n(sign extended) x PC Flag(s) to Test (k) C ClZ Z C C&Z (k e ) (e) (l e ) (l) Note: & e logical AND l e logical OR Instruction Format 0 0 1 1 Opcode 15 T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation rs b n 139 n 11 rs 3 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) CPL Complement EXX Exchange Register Banks Syntax Syntax CPL Rsd Ðregister Affected Flags N, Z Description Logically complements the contents of the register Rsd, placing the result back into that register. Example Load the fill-bit count passed from the host into the Transmitter’s Fill-Bit Register ÀFBRÓ, R3, and then perform the required one’s complement of the fill-bit count. In this example, register 20 contains the fill-bit count. EXX 1,1 ;select alternate banks MOVE R20, FBR ;load ÀFBRÓ CPL FBR ;complement fill-bit count Instruction Format EXX ba, bb À,gÓ Affected Flags None Description Selects which CPU register banks are active by exchanging between the main and alternate register sets for each bank. Bank A controls R0 – R3 and Bank B controls R4 – R11. The table below shows the four possible register bank configurations. Note that deactivated registers retain their current values. The Global Interrupt Enable bit [GIE] can be set or cleared, if desired. Register Bank Configurations 1 0 1 15 T-states 2 Bus Timing 0 1 1 1 Opcode 0 0 0 0 Rsd 4 0 ba bb Active Register Banks 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Main A, Main B Main A, Alternate B Alternate A, Main B Alternate A, Alternate B Example Activate the main register set of Bank A, the alternate register set of Bank B, and leave the Global Interrupt Enable bit [GIE] unchanged. EXX 0,1 ;select main A, alt B reg banks Figure 6-1 Operation Rsd x Rsd Instruction Format 1 0 1 0 1 1 Opcode 15 1 0 1 0 g 6 v ba bb 4 3 0 2 00ÐGIE not affected 01Ðreserved 10ÐSet GIE 11ÐClear GIE T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation Case ba of 0: activate main Bank A 1: activate alternate Bank A End case Case bb of 0: activate main Bank B 1: activate alternate Bank B End case Case g of 0: leave [GIE] unaffected, (default) 1: (reserved) 2: set [GIE] 3: clear [GIE] End case 140 0 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) JMP Conditional Relative Jump Instruction Format 1 Jcc Syntax JMP f, s, n Ðimmediate Jcc n Ðimmediate (optional syntax) Affected Flags None Description Conditionally transfers control to the instruction at the memory address calculated by adding the contents of the Program Counter to the immediate value n, (sign extended to 16 bits), if the state of the flag referenced by f is equal to the state of the bit s; or, optionally, if the condition cc is met. See the tables below for the flags that f can reference and the conditions that cc may specify. Since the immediate value n is an 8-bit two’s complement displacement, the conditional relative jump’s range is from a 127 to b128 relative to the Program Counter. Note that the Program Counter initially contains the memory address of the next instruction following the jump. Example This example demonstrates both syntaxes of the conditional relative jump instruction testing for a non-zero result from a previous instruction; (i.e., [Z] e 0). If the condition is met then control transfers to the instruction labeled ‘‘Loop.back’’; else the next instruction following the jump is executed. JMP 000B,0,Loop.back ;jump on not zero ... JNZ Loop.back ;jump on not zero 15 Meaning Z NZ EQ NEQ C NC V NV N P RA NRA RE NRE DA NDA TFF NTFF Zero Not Zero Equal Not Equal Carry No Carry Overflow No Overflow Negative Positive Receiver Active Not Receiver Active Receiver Error No Receiver Error Data Available No Data Available Transmitter FIFO Full Transmitter FIFO Not Full e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e f 10 n 7 0 Figure 6-1 if condition is not met Figure 6-2 if condition is met Operation JMP f, s, n If flag f is in state s then PC a n(sign extended) x PC Jcc n If cc condition is true then PC a n(sign extended) x PC Flag Reference Table for ‘‘f’’ f (binary) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6* 7 (000) (001) (010) (011) (100) (101) (110) (111) Flag Reference [Z] [C] [V] [N] [RA] [RE] [DAV] [TFF] in ÀCCRÓ in ÀCCRÓ in ÀCCRÓ in ÀCCRÓ in ÀTSRÓ in ÀTSRÓ in ÀTSRÓ in ÀTSRÓ *Note: The value of f for [DAV] differs from the numeric value for the position of [DAV] in À TSR Ó . Condition Tested for [Z] [Z] [Z] [Z] [C] [C] [V] [V] [N] [N] [RA] [RA] [RE] [RE] [DAV] [DAV] [TFF] [TFF] s 11 T-states 2 if condition is not met 3 if condition is met Bus Timing Condition Specification Table for ‘‘cc’’ cc 1 0 1 Opcode 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 141 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) JMP Unconditional Relative Jump Syntax JMP n Ðimmediate JMP Rs Ðregister Affected Flags None Description Unconditionally transfers control to the instruction at the memory address calculated by adding the contents of the Program Counter to either the immediate value n or the contents of the source register Rs, (both sign extended to 16 bits). Since the immediate value n and the contents of Rs are 8-bit two’s complement displacements, the unconditional relative jump’s range is from a 127 to b128 relative to the Program Counter. Note that the Program Counter initially contains the memory address of the next instruction following the jump. Example Transfer control to the instruction labeled ‘‘InitÐXmit’’, which is within a 127/b128 words relative to the PC. JMP InitÐXmit ;go initialize Transmitter Instruction Format JMP n 1 1 0 0 1 0 Opcode 1 1 n 15 7 JMP 1 0 Rs 1 0 0 1 1 0 Opcode 1 1 15 T-states JMP n Ð3 JMP Rs Ð4 Bus Timing JMP n ÐFigure 6-2 JMP Rs ÐFigure 6-4 Operation JMP n PC a n(sign extended) x PC JMP Rs PC a Rs(sign extended) x PC 0 0 Rs 4 0 142 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) JRMK Relative Jump with Rotate and Mask on Register Syntax JRMK Rs, b, m Ðregister Affected Flags None Description Transfers control to the instruction at the memory address calculated by adding the contents of the Program Counter to a specially formed displacement. The displacement is formed by rotating a copy of the source register Rs the value of b bits to the right, masking (setting to zero) the most significant m bits, masking the least significant bit, and then sign extending the result to 16 bits. Typically, the JRMK instruction transfers control into a jump table. The LSB of the displacement is always set to zero so that the jump table may contain two word instructions, (e.g., LJMP). The range of JRMK is from a 126 to b128 relative to the Program Counter. Note that the Program Counter initially contains the memory address of the next instruction following JRMK. The source register Rs may specify any active CPU register. The rotate value b may be from 0 to 7, where 0 causes no bit rotation to occur. The mask value m may be from 0 to 7; where m e 0 causes only the LSB of the displacement to be masked, m e 1 causes the MSB and the LSB to be masked, m e 2 causes bits 7–6 and the LSB to be masked, etc . . . Example This example demonstrates the decoding of the address frame of the 3299 Terminal Multiplexer protocol. In the address frame, only the bits 4–2 contain the address of the Logical Unit. EXX 0,1 ;select main A, alt B JRMK RTR,1,4 ;decode device address LJMP ADDR.0 ;jump to device handler Ý0 LJMP ADDR.1 ;jump to device handler Ý1 LJMP ADDR.2 ;jump to device handler Ý2 ... LJMP ADDR.7 ;jump to device handler Ý7 Instruction Format 1 0 0 0 Opcode 15 T-states 4 Bus Timing 0 m 10 b 7 Rs 4 0 Figure 6-4 Operation Copy Rs to a temporary register: Rs x register Rotate the register b bits to the right: TL/F/9336 – 8 Mask the most significant m bits and the LSB: m VâW register AND 0 . . . 0 1 . . . 1 0 x register Modify the Program Counter: PC a register(sign extended) x PC 143 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) LCALL Conditional Long Call LCALL Unconditional Long Call Syntax Syntax LCALL Rs, p, s, nn Ðregister, absolute Affected Flags None Description If the bit in position p of register Rs is equal to the bit s, then push the Program Counter, the ALU flags, the Global Interrupt Enable bit [GIE], and the current register bank selections onto the internal Address Stack. Following the push, transfer control to the instruction at the absolute memory address nn. The operand Rs may specify any active CPU register. The value of p may be from 0 to 7, where 0 corresponds to the LSB of Rs and 7 corresponds to the MSB of Rs. The absolute value nn is 16 bits long, (range: 0 to 64k), therefore, all of instruction memory can be addressed. Example Call the ‘‘Load.Xmit’’ subroutine when the Transmitter FIFO Empty flag, [TFE], of the Network Command Flag register À NCF Ó is ‘‘1’’. EXX 0,0 ;select main A, alt B LCALL NCF,7,1, Load.Xmit ;If [TFE] e 1 call Instruction Format LCALL nn Ðabsolute Affected Flags None Description Pushes the Program Counter, the ALU flags, the Global Interrupt Enable bit [GIE], and the current register bank selections onto the internal Address Stack; then unconditionally transfers control to the instruction at the absolute memory address nn. The value of nn is 16 bits long, (range: 0 to 64k), therefore, all of instruction memory can be addressed. Example Transfer control to the subroutine ‘‘Send.it.all’’, which could be located anywhere in instruction memory. LCALL Send.it.all Instruction Format 1 15 0 0 0 1 Opcode 1 1 8 p 7 1 1 1 0 1 0 Opcode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nn 0 nn 15 T-states (2 a 2) Bus Timing Figure 6-3 Operation If Rs[p] e s then PC & [GIE] & ALU flags & register bank selections x Address Stack nn x PC End if 0 15 T-states (2 a 2) Bus Timing Figure 6-3 Operation PC & [GIE] & ALU flags & register bank selections x Address Stack nn x PC Rs 4 0 15 1 s 1 0 144 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) LJMP Conditional Long Jump LJMP Unconditional Long Jump Syntax Syntax LJMP Rs, p, s, nn Ðregister, absolute Affected Flags None Description Conditionally transfers control to the instruction at the absolute memory address nn if the bit in position p of register Rs is equal to the state of the bit s. The operand Rs may specify any active CPU register. The value of p may be from 0 to 7, where 0 corresponds to the LSB of Rs and 7 corresponds to the MSB of Rs. The absolute value nn is 16 bits long, (range: 0 to 64k), therefore, all of instruction memory can be addressed. Example Long Jump to one of the receiver error handling routines based on the contents of the Error Code Register ÀECRÓ. EXX 0,1,3 ;select main A, alt B ; and clear [GIE] OR 01000000B,TSR ;set [SEC] in ÀTSRÓ MOVE ECR, R11 ;read ÀECRÓ ; Determine error condition LJMP R11, 0, 1, SoftwareÐerror LJMP R11, 1, 1, LossÐofÐMidbit LJMP R11, 2, 1, InvalidÐEndingÐSeq LJMP R11, 3, 1, ParityÐerror LJMP R11, 4, 1, SoftwareÐerror Instruction Format LJMP nn Ðabsolute LJMP [Ir] Ðindexed Affected Flags None Description Unconditionally transfers control to the instruction at the memory address specified by the operand. The operand may either specify an absolute instruction address nn, (16 bits long), or an index register Ir, which contains an instruction address. Long Jump’s addressing range is from 0 to 64k; (i.e., all of instruction memory can be addressed). Example Transfer control to the instruction labeled ‘‘Reset.System’’, which may be located anywhere in instruction memory. LJMP Reset.System ;go reset the system Instruction Format LJMP nn 1 0 0 0 1 Opcode 15 1 1 s p 7 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Opcode 0 0 0 0 0 0 nn 0 LJMP 1 0 1 [Ir] 0 0 1 1 Opcode 0 1 0 15 0 v 4 00ÐIW 01ÐIX 10ÐIY 11ÐIZ 0 T-states LJMP nn LJMP [Ir] Ð(2 a 2) Ð2 Bus Timing LJMP nn LJMP [Ir] ÐFigure 6-3 ÐFigure 6-1 Operation LJMP nn nn x PC LJMP [Ir] Ir x PC 145 0 0 0 0 Ir 6 nn 15 T-states (2 a 2) Bus Timing Figure 6-3 Operation If Rs[p] e s then nn x PC 0 15 Rs 4 0 15 0 8 1 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) MOVE Instruction Format MOVE [mIr], Rd Move Data Memory Syntax [mIr], Rd Ðindexed, register [Ir a A], Rd Ðregister-relative, register [IZ a n], rd Ðimmediate-relative, limited register Affected Flags None Description Moves a data memory byte into the destination register specified. The data memory source operand may specify any one of the index register modes; [mIr], [Ir a A], [IZ a n]. The index register-relative mode, [Ir a A], forms its data memory address by adding the contents of the index register Ir to the unsigned 8-bit value contained in the currently active accumulator. The immediate-relative mode, [IZ a n], forms its data memory address by adding the contents of the index register IZ to the unsigned 8-bit immediate value n. The destination register operand Rd may specify any active CPU register; where as, the destination register operand rd is limited to the active registers R0–R15. Example The first example loads the current accumulator by ‘‘popping’’ an external data stack, which is pointed to by the index register IX. [ a IX], A MOVE ;pop accum from ext. stack MOVE MOVE MOVE TL/F/9336 – 9 MOVE 1 1 [Ir a A], Rd 0 0 0 1 Opcode 0 0 0 Ir 15 6 v Rd 4 0 00ÐIW 01ÐIX 10ÐIY 11ÐIZ MOVE 1 [IZ a n], rd 0 0 1 Opcode 15 11 T-states 3 [4TR] e 0 4 [4TR] e 1 Bus Timing Figure 6-5 [4TR] e 0 Figure 6-6 [4TR] e 1 Operation MOVE [mIr], Rd data memory x Rd MOVE [Ir a A], Rd data memory x Rd MOVE [IZ a n], rd data memory x rd The second example demonstrates the random access of a data byte within a logical record contained in memory. The index register IY contains the base address of the logical record. ADDA R9, A ;calculate offset into record [IY a A], R20 ;get data byte from record MOVE In the final example, the 4th element of an Error Count table is transmitted to a host. The index register IZ points to the 1st entry of the table. EXX 0,1 ;select main A, alt B [IZ a 3], RTR ;transmit 4th element MOVE 146 n rd 3 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) MOVE Move Immediate Syntax MOVE n, rd Ðimmediate, limited register MOVE n, [Ir] Ðimmediate, indexed Affected Flags None Description Moves the immediate value n into the destination specified. The destination may be either a register, rd, (limited to the active registers R0–R15), or data memory via an index register, Ir. The value n is 8 bits wide. Example Load the current accumulator with the value of 4. MOVE 4, A ;Load accumulator Instruction Format MOVE n, rd 1 0 1 1 Opcode 15 MOVE 1 0 n rd 11 3 0 n, [Ir] 0 0 1 Opcode 0 n[7– 5] 15 9 Ir 6 v n[4 –0] 4 0 00ÐIW 01ÐIX 10ÐIY 11ÐIZ T-states MOVE n, rd MOVE n, [Ir] Bus Timing MOVE n, rd MOVE n, [Ir] Ð2 Ð3 ÐFigure 6-1 ÐFigure 6-7 Operation MOVE n, rd n x rd MOVE n, [Ir] n x data memory 147 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) MOVE Instruction Format Move Register MOVE Syntax 1 MOVE Rs, Rd Ðregister, register MOVE Rs, [mIr] Ðregister, indexed MOVE Rs, [Ir a A] Ðregister, register-relative MOVE rs, [IZ a n] Ðlimited register, immediate-relative Affected Flags None Description Moves the contents of the source register into the destination specified. The source register operand Rs may specify any active CPU register; where as the source register operand rs is limited to the active registers R0–R15. The destination operand may specify either any active CPU register, Rd, or data memory via one of the index register modes; [mIr], [Ir a A], [IZ a n]. The index register-relative mode, [Ir a A], forms its data memory address by adding the contents of the index register Ir to the unsigned 8-bit value contained in the currently active accumulator. The immediaterelative mode, [IZ a n], forms its data memory address by adding the contents of the index register IZ to the unsigned 8-bit immediate value n. Example The first example loads the Transmitter FIFO with a data byte in register 20. EXX 0,1 ;select main A, alt B MOVE R20, RTR ;Load the Transmitter FIFO The second example ‘‘pushes’’ the current accumulator’s contents onto an external data stack, which is pointed to by the index register IX. MOVE A, [IXb] ;push accum to ext. stack 1 Rs, Rd 1 1 1 Opcode 15 MOVE Rs, [mIr] MOVE Rs, [Ir a A] 1 Rd Rs 9 4 0 TL/F/9336 – 10 1 1 0 0 0 1 Opcode 0 0 1 Ir 15 6 v Rs 4 0 00ÐIW 01ÐIX 10ÐIY 11ÐIZ MOVE 0 The third example demonstrates the random access of a data byte within a logical record contained in memory. The index register IY contains the base address of the logical record. ADDA R9, A ;calculate offset into record MOVE R20, [IY a A] ;update data byte in record In the final example, the 4th element of an Error Count table is updated with a new value contained in the current accumulator. The index register IZ points to the 1st entry of the table. MOVE A, [IZ a 3] ;update 4th element of table 148 rs, [Z a n] 0 0 1 Opcode n rs 15 11 T-states MOVE Rs, Rd MOVE Rs, [mIr] MOVE Rs, [Ir a A] MOVE rs, [IZ a n] 3 Ð2 Ð3 Ð3 Ð3 Bus Timing MOVE Rs, Rd MOVE Rs, [mIr] MOVE Rs, [Ir a A] MOVE rs, [IZ a n] ÐFigure ÐFigure ÐFigure ÐFigure Operation MOVE Rs, Rd MOVE Rs, [mIr] MOVE Rs, [Ir a A] MOVE rs, [IZ a n] ÐRs x Rd ÐRs x data memory ÐRs x data memory Ðrs x data memory 6-1 6-6 6-6 6-6 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) OR OR Immediate ORA OR with Accumulator Syntax Syntax OR n, rsd Ðimmediate, limited register Affected Flags N, Z Description Logically ORs the immediate value n to the register rsd and places the result back into the register rsd. Note that only the active registers R0–R15 may be specified for rsd. The value of n is 8 bits wide. Example Mask both the Transmitter and Receiver interrupts via the Interrupt Control Register ÀICRÓ, R2. Leave the other interrupts unaffected. EXX 0,0 ;select main reg banks OR 00000011B, ICR ;mask transmitter and ; receiver interrupts Instruction Format ORA Rs, Rd Ðregister, register ORA Rs, [mIr] Ðregister, indexed Affected Flags N, Z Description Logically ORs the source register Rs to the active accumulator and places the result into the destination specified. The destination may be either a register, Rd, or data memory via an index register mode, [mIr]. Note that register bank selection determines which accumulator is active. Example Write an 11-bit word to the Transmitter’s FIFO. This example assumes that the index register IZ points to the location of the data in memory. TCR.settings: .EQU 00101000B ... EXX 1,1 ;select main A, alt B MOVE TCR.settings,A ;load accumulator w/mask MOVE [IZ a ],R20 ;load bits 8, 9, & 10 ORA R20,TCR ;write bits 8, 9, 10 to ÀTCRÓ ;push 11-bit word to FIFO MOVE [IZ a ],RTR Instruction Format ORA Rs, Rd 0 1 0 1 Opcode 15 T-states 2 Bus Timing n 11 rsd 3 0 Figure 6-1 Operation rsd OR n x rsd 1 1 15 ORA 1 1 0 Opcode 1 Rd 9 Rs 4 0 Rs, [mIr] TL/F/9336 – 11 T-states ORA Rs, Rd ORA Rs, [mIr] Bus Timing ORA Rs, Rd ORA Rs, [mIr] Ð2 Ð3 ÐFigure 6-1 ÐFigure 6-7 Operation ORA Rs, Rd Rs OR accumulator x Rd ORA Rs, [mIr] Rs OR accumulator x data memory 149 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) RETF Rcc Condition Specification Table for ‘‘cc’’ Conditional Return Syntax RETF f, sÀ,ÀgÓ À,rfÓÓ Rcc ÀgÀ,rfÓÓ Ð(optional syntax) Affected Flags If rf e 1 then N, Z, C, and V Description Conditionally returns control to the last instruction address pushed onto the internal Address Stack by popping that address into the Program Counter, if the state of the flag referenced by f is equal to the state of the bit s; or, optionally, if the condition cc is met. See the tables on the following page for the flags that f can reference and the conditions that cc may specify. The conditional return instruction also has two optional operands, g and rf. The value of g determines if the Global Interrupt Enable bit [GIE] is left unchanged (g e 0), restored from the Address Stack (g e 1), set (g e 2), or cleared (g e 3). If the g operand is omitted then g e 0 is assumed. The second optional operand, rf, determines if the ALU flags and register bank selections are left unchanged (rf e 0), or restored from the Address Stack (rf e 1). If the rf operand is omitted then rf e 0 is assumed. Example This example demonstrates both syntaxes of the conditional return instruction testing for a carry result from a previous instruction; (i.e., [C] e 1). If the condition is met then the return occurs, else the next instruction following the return is executed. The current environment is left unchanged. RETF 001B,1 ; If [C] e 1 then return ... 1 0 1 0 1 1 Opcode Meaning Zero Not Zero Equal Not Equal Carry No Carry Overflow No Overflow Negative Positive Receiver Active Not Receiver Active Receiver Error No Receiver Error Data Available No Data Available Transmitter FIFO Full Transmitter FIFO Not Full Condition Tested for [Z] [Z] [Z] [Z] [C] [C] [V] [V] [N] [N] [RA] [RA] [RE] [RE] [DAV] [DAV] [TFF] [TFF] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Flag Reference Table for ‘‘f’’ ; If [C] e 1 then return RC Instruction Format cc Z NZ EQ NEQ C NC V NV N P RA NRA RE NRE DA NDA TFF NTFF f (binary) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6* 7 (000) (001) (010) (011) (100) (101) (110) (111) Flag Referenced [Z] [C] [V] [N] [RA] [RE] [DAV] [TFF] in ÀCCRÓ in ÀCCRÓ in ÀCCRÓ in ÀCCRÓ in ÀTSRÓ in ÀTSRÓ in ÀTSRÓ in ÀTSRÓ *Note: The value of f for [DAV] differs from the numeric value for the position of [DAV] in À TSR Ó . 1 15 1 0 g 6 v rf s 4 3 f 2 0 00ÐGIE not affected 01ÐRestore GIE 10ÐSet GIE 11ÐClear GIE T-states 2 if condition is not met 3 if condition is met Bus Timing Figure 6-1 if condition is not met Figure 6-2 if condition is met Operation If flag f is in state s then Case g of 0: leave [GIE] unaffected, (default) 1: restore [GIE] from Address Stack 2: set [GIE] 3: clear [GIE] End case If rf e 1 then restore ALU flags from Address Stack restore register bank selection from Address Stack End if Address Stack x PC End if 150 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) RET Unconditional Return ROT Rotate Syntax Syntax RET Àg À,rfÓÓ Affected Flags If rf e 1 then N, Z, C, and V Description Unconditionally returns control to the last instruction address pushed onto the internal Address Stack by popping that address into the Program Counter. The unconditional return instruction also has two optional operands, g and rf. The value of g determines if the Global Interrupt Enable bit [GIE] is left unchanged (g e 0), restored from the Address Stack (g e 1), set (g e 2), or cleared (g e 3). If the g operand is omitted then g e 0 is assumed. The second optional operand, rf, determines if the ALU flags and register bank selections are left unchanged (rf e 0), or restored from the Address Stack (rf e 1). If the rf operand is omitted then rf e 0 is assumed. Example Return from an interrupt. RET 1,1 ;Restore environment & return Instruction Format ROT Rsd, b Ðregister Affected Flags N, Z, C Description Rotates the contents of the register Rsd b bits to the right and places the result back into that register. The bits that are shifted out of the LSB are shifted back into the MSB, (and copied into the Carry flag). The value b may specify from 0 to 7 bit rotates. Example Add 3 to the Address Stack Pointer contained in the Internal Stack Pointer register ÀISPÓ, R30. MOVE ISP, R8 ;get ÀISPÓ ROT R8, 4 ;shift [ASP] to low order nibble ADD 3, R8 ;add 3 to [ASP] ROT R8, 4 ;shift [ASP] to high order nibble MOVE R8, ISP ;store new ÀISPÓ Instruction Format 1 0 1 15 0 1 1 Opcode 1 1 1 0 g 6 v 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 Opcode 15 T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 0 rf 4 1 0 00ÐGIE not affected 01ÐRestore GIE 10ÐSet GIE 11ÐClear GIE 1 0 b 7 Rsd 4 0 Operation T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation Case g of 0: leave [GIE] unaffected, (default) 1: restore [GIE] from Address Stack 2: set [GIE] 3: clear [GIE] End case If rf e 1 then restore ALU flags from Address Stack restore register bank selection from Address Stack End if Address Stack x PC TL/F9336 – 12 151 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) SBCA Subtract with Carry and Accumulator SHL Syntax SBCA Rs, Rd Ðregister, register SBCA Rs, [mIr] Ðregister, indexed Affected Flags N, Z, C, V Description Subtracts the active accumulator and the carry flag from the source register Rs, placing the result into the destination specified. The destination may be either a register, Rd, or data memory via an index register mode, [mIr]. Negative results are represented using the two’s complement format. Note that register bank selection determines which accumulator is active. Example Subtract the constant 109 from the index register IW, (which is 16 bits wide). SUBA A, A ;Clear the accumulator SUB 109, R12 ;low byte of IWÐ109 SBCA R13, R13 ;high byte of IWÐborrow Instruction Format SBCA Rs, Rd 1 1 1 0 1 Opcode 15 SBCA SHL Rsd, b Ðregister Affected Flags N, Z, C Description Shifts the contents of the register Rsd b bits to the left and places the result back into that register. Zeros are shifted in from the right, (i.e., from the LSB). The value b may specify from 0 to 7 bit shifts. The Carry flag contains the last bit shifted out. Example Place a new internal Address Stack Pointer into the Internal Stack Pointer register ÀISPÓ, R30. Assume that the new [ASP] is located in register 20. MOVE ISP,R8 ;read ÀISPÓ for [DSP] AND 00001111B,R8 ;save [DSP] only SHL R20,4 ;left justify [ASP] ORA R20,ISP ;combine [ASP] a [DSP], ; then place into ÀISPÓ Instruction Format 1 9 Rs 4 1 0 0 1 0 Opcode 15 T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation 1 Rd Shift Left Syntax 0 Rs, [mIr] 0 1 (8-b) 7 Rsd 4 0 TL/F/9336 – 14 TL/F9336–13 T-states SBCA Rs, Rd SBCA Rs, [mIr] Bus Timing SBCA Rs, Rd SBCA Rs, [mIr] Ð2 Ð3 ÐFigure 6-1 ÐFigure 6-7 Operation SBCA Rs, Rd Rs b accumulator b carry bit x Rd SBCA Rs, [mIr] Rs b accumulator b carry bit x data memory 152 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) SHR Shift Right SUB Syntax SHR Rsd, b Ðregister Affected Flags N, Z, C Description Shifts the contents of the register Rsd b bits to the right and places the result back into that register. Zeros are shifted in from the left, (i.e., from the MSB). The value b may specify from 0 to 7 bit shifts. The Carry flag contains the last bit shifted out. Example Right justify the Address Stack Pointer from the Internal Stack Pointer register ÀISPÓ, R30. MOVE ISP, R20 ;Load [ASP] from ÀISPÓ SHR R20,4 ;right justify [ASP] Instruction Format 0 Instruction Format 1 1 0 0 1 0 Opcode 15 T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation 0 0 b 7 0 1 0 Opcode 15 11 T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation rsd b n x rsd Rsd 4 Subtract Immediate Syntax SUB n, rsd Ðimmediate, limited register Affected Flags N, Z, C, V Description Subtracts the immediate value n from the register rsd and places the result back into the register rsd. Note that only the active registers R0 – R15 may be specified for rsd. The value of n is limited to 8 bits; (signed range: a 127 to b 128). Negative numbers are represented using the two’s complement format. Example Subtract the constant 3 from register 10. SUB 3, R10 ; R10 b 3 x R10 0 TL/F/9336 – 15 153 n rsd 3 0 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) SUBA Subtract with Accumulator TRAP Syntax SUBA Rs, Rd Ðregister, register SUBA Rs, [mlr] Ðregister, indexed Affected Flags N, Z, C, V Description Subtracts the active accumulator from the source register Rs and places the result into the destination specified. The destination may be either a register, Rd, or data memory via an index register mode, [mlr]. Negative numbers are represented using the two’s complement format. Note that register bank selection determines which accumulator is active. Example In the first example, the value 4 is placed into the currently active accumulator, that accumulator is subtracted from the contents of register 20, and then the result is placed into register 21. MOVE 4, A ;Place constant into accum SUBA R20, R21 ;R20 b accum x R21 In the second example, the alternate accumulator of register bank B is selected and then subtracted from register 20. The result is placed into the data memory pointed to by the index register IZ and then the value of IZ is incremented by one. EXX 0, 1 ;Select alt accumulator SUBA R20, [IZ a ] ;R20 b accum x data mem ;and increment data pointer Instruction Format SUBA Rs, Rd 1 1 1 0 1 Opcode Affected Flags None Description Pushes the Program Counter, the Global Interrupt Enable bit [GIE], the ALU flags, and the current register bank selections onto the internal Address Stack; then unconditionally transfers control to the instruction at the memory address created by concatenating the contents of the Interrupt Base Register ÀIBRÓ to the value of v extended with zeros to 8 bits. If the value of gÊ is equal to ‘‘1’’ then the Global Interrupt Enable bit [GIE] will be cleared. If the gÊ operand is omitted, then gÊ e 0 is assumed. The vector number v points to one of 64 Interrupt Table entries; (range: 0 to 63). Since some of the Interrupt Table entries are used by the hardware interrupts, the TRAP instruction can simulate hardware interrupts. The following table lists the hardware interrupts and their associated vector numbers: Hardware Interrupt Vector Table Rd 9 Rs 4 0 v (Binary) 28 4 8 12 16 20 (011100) (000100) (001000) (001100) (010000) (010100) Instruction Format SUBA Rs, [mlr] 1 1 0 0 1 1 Opcode 1 1 1 gÊ v 15 6 5 0 T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation PC & [GIE] & ALU flags & register bank selections x Address Stack if gÊ e 1 then clear [GIE] Create PC address by concatonating the ÀIBRÓ register to the vector number v as shown below: TL/F/9336–16 T-states SUBA Rs, Rd SUBA Rs, [mlr] Bus Timing SUBA Rs, Rd SUBA Rs, [mlr] Interrupt NMI RFF/DA/RA TFE LTA BIRQ TO Example Simulate the Transmitter FIFO Empty interrupt. TRAP 8, 1 ;TFE interrupt simulation 0 15 Software Interrupt Syntax TRAP v À,gÊ Ó Ð2 Ð3 ÐFigure 6-1 ÐFigure 6-7 Operation SUBA Rs, Rd Rs b accumulator x Rd SUBA Rs, [mlr] Rs b accumulator x data memory TL/F/9336 – 17 154 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) XOR Exclusive OR Immediate XORA Syntax XOR n, rsd Ðimmediate, limited register Affected Flags N, Z Description Logically exclusive ORs the immediate value n to the register rsd and places the result back into the register rsd. Note that only the active registers R0–R15 may be specified for rsd. The value of n is 8 bits wide. Example Encode/decode a data byte in register 15. XOR codeÐpattern, R15 ;encode/decode Instruction Format 0 1 1 0 Opcode 15 11 T-states 2 Bus Timing Figure 6-1 Operation rsd XOR n x rsd n rsd 3 Exclusive OR with Accumulator Syntax XORA Rs, Rd Ðregister, register XORA Rs, [mlr] Ðregister, indexed Affected Flags N, Z Description Logically exclusive ORs the source register Rs to the active accumulator and places the result into the destination specified. The destination may be either a register, Rd, or data memory via an index register mode, [mlr]. Note that register bank selection determines which accumulator is active. Example Decode the data byte just received and place it into data memory. This example assumes that the accumulator contains the ‘‘key’’ and that the index register IY points to the location where the information should be stored. EXX 1,1 ;select alternate banks XORA RTR, [IY a ] ;decode received byte and ; save it Instruction Format XORA Rs, Rd 0 1 1 1 1 1 Opcode 0 Rd 15 9 Rs 4 0 XORA Rs, [mlr] TL/F/9336 – 18 T-states XORA Rs, Rd XORA Rs, [mlr] Bus Timing XORA Rs, Rd XORA Rs, [mlr] Ð2 Ð3 ÐFigure 6-1 ÐFigure 6-7 Operation XORA Rs, Rd Rs XOR accumulator x Rd XORA Rs, [mlr] Rs XOR accumulator x data memory 155 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TABLE 6-2. Instructions Versus T-states, Affected Flags, and Bus Timing Instruction T-states Affected Flags Timing Figure Instruction T-states Affected Flags Timing Figure ADCA Rs, Rd 2 N,Z,C,V 6-1 MOVE Rs, [mlr] 3 6-7 ADCA Rs, [mlr] 3 N,Z,C,V 6-7 MOVE Rs, [Ir a A] 3 6-7 ADD n, rsd 2 N,Z,C,V 6-1 MOVE rs, [IZ a n] 3 6-7 ADDA Rs, Rd 2 N,Z,C,V 6-1 MOVE [mlr], Rd ADDA Rs, [mlr] 3 N,Z,C,V 6-7 3 [4TR] e 0 4 [4TR] e 1 6-5 6-6 AND n, rsd 2 N,Z 6-1 MOVE [Ir a A], Rd 3 [4TR] e 0 4 [4TR] e 1 6-5 6-6 MOVE [IZ a n], rd 3 [4TR] e 0 4 [4TR] e 1 6-5 6-6 ANDA Rs, Rd 2 N,Z 6-1 ANDA Rs, [mlr] 3 N,Z 6-7 BIT rs, n 2 N,Z 6-1 OR n, rsd 2 N,Z 6-1 CALL n 3 6-2 ORA Rs, Rd 2 N,Z 6-7 CMP rs, n 2 N,Z,C,V 6-1 ORA Rs, [mlr] 3 N,Z 6-7 CPL Rsd 2 N,Z 6-1 Rcc À g À ,rf ÓÓ 2 false 3 true N,Z,C,V* 6-1 6-2 RET À g À ,rf ÓÓ 2 N,Z,C,V* 6-1 RETF f, s À,ÀgÓ À,rfÓÓ 2 false 3 true N,Z,C,V* 6-1 6-2 EXX ba, bb À,gÓ 2 6-1 Jcc n 2 false 3 true 6-1 6-2 JMP f, s, n 2 false 3 true 6-1 6-2 ROT Rsd, b 2 N,Z,C 6-1 JMP n 3 6-2 SBCA Rs, Rd 2 N,Z,C,V 6-1 JMP Rs 4 6-4 SBCA Rs, [mlr] 3 N,Z,C,V 6-7 JRMK Rs, b, m 4 6-4 SHL Rsd, b 2 N,Z,C 6-1 LCALL nn (2 a 2) 6-3 SHR Rsd, b 2 N,Z,C 6-1 LCALL Rs, p, s, nn (2 a 2) 6-3 SUB n, rsd 2 N,Z,C,V 6-1 LJMP nn (2 a 2) 6-3 SUBA Rs, Rd 2 N,Z,C,V 6-1 LJMP [lr] 2 6-1 SUBA Rs, [mlr] 3 N,Z,C,V LJMP Rs, p, s, nn (2 a 2) 6-3 TRAP v À,gÊ Ó 2 MOVE n, rd 2 6-1 XOR n, rsd 2 N,Z 6-1 MOVE n, [lr] 3 6-7 XORA Rs, Rd 2 N,Z 6-1 MOVE Rs, Rd 2 6-1 XORA Rs, [mlr] 3 N,Z 6-7 *Note: If rf e 1 then N, Z, C, and V are affected. 156 6-7 6-1 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TABLE 6-3. Instruction Opcodes KEY Hex 0000 – 0FFF Opcode 0 0 0 0 Opcode 15 1000 – 1FFF 0 0 n rsd 11 3 0 0 1 Opcode 15 2000 – 2FFF Instruction n 3 0 1 0 Opcode 15 n MOVE rs, [IZ a n] 0 SUB rsd 11 n, rsd 0 rs 11 ADD 3 n, rsd mlr 00 01 10 11 lrb lr lr a a lr lr 00 01 10 11 IW IX IY IZ 0 g 3000 – 3FFF 0 0 1 1 Opcode 15 4000 – 4FFF 0 0 0 0 3 n 15 n 0 0 0 Opcode m 10 b 7 Rs 4 0 157 NCHG DI ba/bb 0 1 BIT rs, n JRMK Rs, b, m MAIN ALT f n, rsd 0 0 NCHG RI EI DI gÊ n, rsd 0 3 00 01 10 11 0 1 XOR rs 11 n, rsd 0 3 1 1 1 Opcode AND OR rsd 11 rs, n 0 rsd 11 1 1 0 Opcode 1 rsd n CMP 0 3 1 0 1 Opcode 15 8000 – 87FF n 11 15 7000 – 7FFF 3 1 0 0 Opcode 15 6000 – 6FFF rs 11 15 5000 – 5FFF n 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 [Z] [C] [V] [N] [RA] [RE] [DAV] [TFF] 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TABLE 6-3. Instruction Opcodes (Continued) KEY Hex 8800 – 8BFF Opcode 1 0 0 0 1 Opcode 0 n[7– 5] 15 8C00 – 8DFF 1 9 0 0 0 1 Opcode Instruction 1 Ir 6 n[4 –0] 4 s p 8 Rs 7 n, [Ir] LJMP Rs, p, s, nn 0 0 15 MOVE 4 0 00 01 10 11 lrb lr lr a a lr lr 00 01 10 11 0000 – FFFF nn 15 mlr IW IX IY IZ 0 g 8E00 – 8FFF 1 0 0 0 1 Opcode 1 1 s 15 p 8 LCALL Rs, p, s, nn Rs 7 4 0 00 01 10 11 NCHG RI EI DI 0000 – FFFF gÊ nn 15 9000 – 9FFF 1 0 0 1 Opcode 15 A000 – A1FF 1 n 0 1 0 0 Opcode 3 0 1 m 1 0 0 Opcode 0 1 15 6 m 8 0 1 0 0 Opcode 1 4 Rs 4 0 m 8 Ir 6 ADCA Rs, [mIr] SUBA Rs, [mIr] 0 Rs 4 0 158 MAIN ALT f Rs, [mIr] 0 Ir 6 0 1 ADDA Rs 1 15 A400 – A5FF Ir NCHG DI ba/bb [IZ a n], rd 0 0 8 0 MOVE rd 11 15 A200 – A3FF 0 1 0 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 [Z] [C] [V] [N] [RA] [RE] [DAV] [TFF] 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TABLE 6-3. Instruction Opcodes (Continued) KEY Hex A600 – A7FF Opcode 1 0 1 0 0 Opcode 1 1 m 15 A800 – A9FF 1 1 0 1 Opcode 0 1 6 m 1 0 1 Opcode 0 4 4 0 1 m 15 Ir 8 ORA Rs 6 mlr 00 01 10 11 ANDA Rs, [mIr] Rs 6 Rs, [mIr] 0 Ir 8 0 SBCA Rs 0 15 AA00 – ABFF Ir 8 0 Instruction 4 Rs, [mIr] lrb lr lr a a lr lr 00 01 10 11 IW IX IY IZ 0 g AC00 – ADFF 1 0 1 0 1 Opcode 1 0 m 15 AE00 – AE1F 1 Ir 8 0 1 0 1 1 1 Opcode 6 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 1 0 1 1 Opcode 1 0 0 g 0 1 0 1 1 Opcode 1 1 1 g 6 0 1 0 1 1 Opcode 1 1 1 15 rf 4 g 6 0 1 1 Opcode 3 1 15 B000 – BFFF 4 2 s 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 159 ba/bb f,sÀ,ÀgÓÀ,rfÓÓ À g À ,rf ÓÓ RET À g À ,rf ÓÓ MOVE n, rd 0 NCHG DI 0 1 0 rd gÊ ba, bb À,gÓ 0 3 3 EXX RETF Rcc rf NCHG RI EI DI 0 1 0 f 3 n 11 0 bb 0 15 AF80 – AFF0 ba 00 01 10 11 Rsd 0 1 6 1 CPL Rs 15 AF00 – AF7F 0 0 15 AE80 – AEF8 XORA Rs, [mIr] Rs MAIN ALT f 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 [Z] [C] [V] [N] [RA] [RE] [DAV] [TFF] 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TABLE 6-3. Instruction Opcodes (Continued) KEY Hex C000 – C1FF Opcode 1 1 0 0 0 Opcode 0 0 m 15 C200 – C3FF 1 0 0 0 Opcode 0 1 6 m 0 0 0 1 Opcode 4 0 0 6 Rs 4 Ir 6 [mIr], Rd MOVE Rs, [mIr] 0 0 15 MOVE 0 Ir 8 1 Rd 1 15 C400 – C47F Ir 8 1 Instruction MOVE Rd 4 [Ir a A], Rd mlr 00 01 10 11 lrb lr lr a a lr lr 00 01 10 11 IW IX IY IZ 0 g C480 – C4FF 1 1 0 0 0 1 Opcode 0 0 1 Ir 15 C800 – C8FF 1 6 1 0 0 1 0 Opcode 0 1 0 0 1 0 Opcode 0 CA00 – CAFF 1 0 0 1 0 Opcode 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Opcode 1 15 4 0 0 1 1 Opcode 0 n 7 0 160 NCHG DI ba/bb 0 1 JMP n CALL n MAIN ALT f Rsd, b 0 0 NCHG RI EI DI gÊ Rsd, b 0 n 00 01 10 11 0 1 ROT Rsd 7 1 Rsd, b 0 1 15 CC00 – CCFF 4 b 1 SHR SHL Rsd 0 7 Rs, [Ir a A] 0 (8-b) 15 CB00 – CBFF 4 7 1 Rsd 1 15 MOVE 0 b 7 1 4 0 15 C900 – C9FF Rs 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 [Z] [C] [V] [N] [RA] [RE] [DAV] [TFF] 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TABLE 6-3. Instruction Opcodes (Continued) KEY Hex CD00 – CD60 Opcode 1 1 0 0 1 1 Opcode 0 1 Instruction 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ir 15 6 4 LJMP [Ir] 0 mlr 00 01 10 11 lrb lr lr a a lr lr CD80 – CD9F 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Opcode 1 1 0 0 JMP Rs 15 4 Rs 0 00 01 10 11 IW IX IY IZ g CE00 0000 – FFFF 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Opcode 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 LJMP nn 0 00 01 10 11 NCHG RI EI DI nn 15 gÊ 0 0 1 CE80 0000 – FFFF 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Opcode 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 LCALL NCHG DI ba/bb nn 0 1 0 f nn 15 CF80 – CFFF 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 Opcode 1 1 1 gÊ 15 D000 – DFFF 1 1 0 1 Opcode 15 6 s 11 f 10 MAIN ALT v 5 TRAP vÀ,gÊ Ó JMP Jcc f, s, n n 0 n 7 0 161 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 [Z] [C] [V] [N] [RA] [RE] [DAV] [TFF] 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TABLE 6-3. Instruction Opcodes (Continued) KEY Hex E000 – E3FF Opcode 1 1 1 0 0 Opcode 0 Rd 15 E400 – E7FF 1 9 1 1 0 0 Opcode 1 4 1 0 1 Opcode Rs 4 Rd 9 Rs, Rd ADCA Rs, Rd 0 0 15 ADDA 0 Rd 9 1 Rs 1 15 E800 – EBFF Instruction SUBA Rs 4 Rs, Rd mlr 00 01 10 11 lrb lr lr a a lr lr 00 01 10 11 IW IX IY IZ 0 g EC00 – EFFF 1 1 1 0 1 Opcode 1 Rd 15 F000 – F3FF 1 9 1 1 1 0 Opcode 1 9 1 1 1 0 Opcode 1 1 1 1 1 Opcode Rd 1 15 1 1 1 1 Opcode Rs, Rd Rd 4 Rd MOVE Rs 4 0 162 gÊ NCHG DI ba/bb Rs, Rd Rs, Rd MAIN ALT f Rs, Rd 0 1 NCHG RI EI DI 0 1 XORA Rs 00 01 10 11 0 1 0 0 9 ANDA ORA Rs 4 9 Rs, Rd 0 1 15 FC00 – FFFF Rs 4 9 SBCA 0 Rd 15 F800 – FBFF 4 0 15 F400 – F7FF Rs 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 [Z] [C] [V] [N] [RA] [RE] [DAV] [TFF] 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) 6.2 REGISTER SET REFERENCE The register set reference contains detailed information on the bit definitions of all special function registers that are addressable in the CPU. This reference section presents the information in three forms: a bit index, a register description and bit definition tables. The bit index is an alphabetical listing of all status/control bits in the CPU-addressable function registers, with a brief summary of the function. The register description is a list of all CPU-addressable special function registers in alphabetical order. The bit definition tables describe the location and function of all control and status bits in the various CPU-addressable special function registers. These tables are arranged by function. 6.2.1 Bit Index An alphabetical listing of all status/control bits in the CPU-addressable special function registers, with a brief summary of function. Detailed definitions are provided in Section 6.2.3, Bit Definition Tables. Bit Name 4TR ACK ASP3–0 AT7 – 0 ATA BIC BIRQ C CCS COD DAV DEME DS7 – 0 DSP3–0 DW2 – 0 FB7 – 0 GIE IES IM4– 0 IV15–8 IW1,0 LA LMBT LOR LOOP LTA N OVF OWP PAR POLL PS2 – 0 RA RAR RDIS RE RF10–8 RFF RIN RIS1,0 RLQ RPEN RR RTF7–0 RW SEC SLR TA TCS1,0 TF10–8 Four T-State Read poll/ACKnowledge Address Stack Pointer Auxilliary Transceiver control Advance Transmitter Active Bi-directional Interrupt Control Bi-directional Interrupt ReQuest Carry CPU Clock Select Clock Out Disable Data AVailable Data Error or Message End Data Stack Data Stack Pointer Data memory Wait-state select Fill Bits Global Interrupt Enable Invalid Ending Sequence Interrupt Mask select Interrupt Vector Instruction memory Wait-state select Line Active Loss of Mid Bit Transition Lock Out Remote internal LOOP-back Line Turn Around Negative receiver OVerFlow Odd Word Parity PARity error POLL Protocol Select Receiver Active Received Auto-Response Receiver DISabled while active Receiver Error Receive FIFO Receive FIFO Full Receiver INvert Receiver Interrupt Select Receive Line Quiesce RePeat ENable Remote Read Receive/Transmit FIFO Remote Write Select Error Codes Select Line Receiver Transmitter Active Transceiver Clock Select Transmit FIFO Location 163 ACR NCF ISP ATR TCR ACR CCR CCR DCR ACR TSR NCF DS ISP DCR FBR ACR ECR ICR IBR DCR NCF ECR ACR TMR NCF CCR ECR TCR ECR NCF TMR TSR NCF ECR TSR TSR NCF TMR ICR TCR TMR CCR RTR CCR TCR TCR TSR DCR TCR [3] [1] [7 –4] [7 –0] [4] [4] [4] [1] [7] [2] [3] [3] [7 –0] [3 –0] [2 –0] [7 –0] [0] [2] [4 –0] [7 –0] [4,3] [5] [1] [1] [6] [4] [3] [4] [3] [3] [0] [2 –0] [4] [2] [0] [5] [2 –0] [6] [4] [7,6] [7] [5] [6] [7 –0] [5] [6] [5] [6] [6,5] [2 –0] Function Timing Control Receiver Status Stacks Receiver Control Transmitter Control Interrupt Control Interrupt Control Arithmetic Flag Timing Control Timing Control Receiver Status Receiver Status Stacks Stacks Timing Control Transmitter Control Interrupt Control Receiver Error Code Interrupt Control Interrupt Control Timing Control Receiver Status Receiver Error Code Remote Interface Transceiver Control Receiver Status Arithmetic Flag Receiver Error Code Transmitter Control Receiver Error Code Receiver Status Transceiver Control Receiver Status Receiver Status Receiver Error Code Receiver Status Receiver Control Receiver Status Receiver Control Interrupt Control Receiver Control Receiver Control Remote Interface Transceiver Control Remote Interface Receiver Control Receiver Control Transmitter Status Transceiver Control Transmitter Control 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) 6.2.1 Bit Index (Continued) An alphabetical listing of all status/control bits in the CPU-addressable special function registers, with a brief summary of function. Detailed definitions are provided in Section 6.2.3, Bit Definition Tables. Bit Name TFE TFF TIN TLD TM7– 0 TM15–8 TMC TO TRES TST V Z Transmit FIFO Empty Transmit FIFO Full Transmitter INvert Timer LoaD TiMer TiMer TiMer Clock select Time Out flag Transceiver RESet Timer StarT oVerflow Zero Location NCF TSR TMR ACR TRL TRH ACR CCR TMR ACR CCR CCR Function [7] [7] [3] [6] [7 –0] [7 –0] [5] [7] [7] [7] [2] [0] Transmitter Status Transmitter Status Transmitter Control Timer Timer Timer Timer Timer Transceiver Control Timer Arithmetic Flag Arithmetic Flag ACR AUXILIARY CONTROL REGISTER [Main R3; read/write] 6.2.2 Register Description A list of all CPU-addressable special function registers, in alphabetical order. The Remote Interface Configuration register ÀRICÓ, which is addressable only by the remote system, is not included. See Section 6.3, Remote Interface Reference for details of the function of this register. Each register is listed together with its address, the type of access available, and a functional description of each bit. Further details on each bit can be found in Section 6.2.3, Bit Definition Tables. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TST TLD TMC BIC rsv COD LOR GIE rsv . . . state is undefined at all times. TST Ð Timer StarT . . . When high, the timer is enabled and will count down from it’s current value. When low, timer is disabled. Timer is stopped by writing a 0 to [TST]. TLD Ð Timer LoaD . . . When high, generates timer load pulse. Cleared when load complete. Ð TiMer Clock select . . . Selects timer clock frequency. Should not be written when [TST] is high. Can be written at same time as [TST] and [TLD]. TMC TMC BIC BIC COD LOR GIE 4TR 164 Timer Clock 0 (CPU-CLK)/16 1 (CPU-CLK)/2 Ð Bi-directional Interrupt Control . . . Controls direction of BIRQ. BIRQ 0 Input 1 Output Ð Clock Out Disable . . . When high, CLK-OUT output is at TRI-STATE. Ð Lock Out Remote . . . When high, a remote system is prevented from accessing the BCP. Ð Global Interrupt Enable . . . When low, disables all maskable interrupts. When high, works with [IM4 –0] to enable maskable interrupts. Ð 4 T-state Read . . . When high, READ strobe timing is changed to allow more time between the TRI-STATE of the AD lines by the BCP and the falling of the READ strobe. All data memory reads take four T-states when this bit is set. See Section 2.2.2 for more information. 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) CCR CONDITION CODE REGISTER [Main R0; bits 0 – 3, 5 – 7 read/write, bit 4 read only] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ATR AUXILIARY TRANSCEIVER REGISTER [Alternate R2; read/write] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AT7 AT6 AT5 AT4 AT3 AT2 AT1 AT0 TO TO TX-ACT Hold Time (ms) (if TCLK e 8 MHz) 00000 00001 00010 00011 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 v v 11111 15.5 RW BIRQ N V C 0 Z Ð Time Out flag . . . Set high when timer counts to zero. Cleared by writing a 1 to this location or by stopping timer (by writing a 0 to [TST]). RR Ð Remote Read . . . Set on the trailing edge of a REM-RD pulse, if RAE is asserted and ÀRICÓ is pointing to Data Memory. Cleared by writing a 1 to this location. RW Ð Remote Write . . . Set on the trailing edge of a REM-WR pulse, if RAE is asserted and ÀRICÓ is pointing to Data Memory. Cleared by writing a 1 to this location. BIRQ Ð Bi-directional Interrupt ReQuest . . . [Read only]. Reflects the logic level of the Bi-directional interrupt pin, BIRQ. Updated at the beginning of each instruction cycle. N Ð Negative . . . A high level indicates a negative result generated by an arithmetic, logical or shift instruction. V Ð oVerflow . . . A high level indicates an overflow condition generated by an arithmetic instruction. C Ð Carry . . . A high level indicates a carry or borrow generated by an arithmetic instruction. During a shift/rotate operation the state of the last bit shifted out appears in this location. Z Ð Zero . . . A high level indicates a zero result generated by an arithmetic, logical or shift instruction. Further information: Section 2.2.1 ALU, Section 2.2.3 Interrupts. AT7 – 0 Ð Auxiliary Transceiver . . . In 5250 protocol modes, bits 2–0 define the receive station address, and bits 7–3 control the amount of time TX-ACT stays asserted after the last fill bit. In 8-bit protocol modes, bits 7–0 define the receive station address. For further information, see Section 3.0 Transceiver. ATR 7–3 RR 165 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) DS DATA STACK [Main R31; read/write] DCR DEVICE CONTROL REGISTER [Alternate R0; read/write] 7 6 CCS CCS 5 TCS1 TCS0 4 3 2 1 0 IW1 IW0 DW2 DW1 DW0 0 1 TCS1,0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DS7 DS6 DS5 DS4 DS3 DS2 DS1 DS0 DS7 –0 Ð CPU Clock Select . . . Selects CPU clock frequency. OCLK represents the frequency of the on-chip oscillator, or the externally applied clock on input X1. CCS 7 Ð Data Stack . . . Data stack input/output port. Stack is 16 bytes deep. Further information: Section Stack Registers. rsv . . . state is undefined at all times. CPU CLK OCLK OCLK/2 Ð Transceiver Clock Select . . . Selects transceiver clock, TCLK, frequency. OCLK represents the frequency of the on-chip oscillator, or the externally applied clock on input X1. X-TCLK is the external transceiver clock input. TCS1,0 TCLK 00 OCLK 01 OCLK/2 10 OCLK/4 11 X-TCLK IW1,0 Ð Instruction memory Wait-state select . . . Selects from 0 to 3 wait states for accessing instruction memory. DW2 – 0 Ð Data memory Wait-state select . . . Selects from 0 to 7 wait states for accessing data memory. 166 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) FBR FILL-BIT REGISTER [Alternate R3; read/write] ECR ERROR CODE REGISTER [Alternate R4 with [SEC] high; read only] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 rsv rsv rsv OVF PAR IES LMBT RDIS FB7 FB6 FB5 FB4 FB3 FB2 FB1 FB0 OVF Ð Receiver oVerFlow . . . Set when the receiver has processed 3 words and another complete frame is received before the FIFO is read by the CPU. Cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or by asserting [TRES]. PAR Ð PARity error . . . Set when bad (odd) overall word parity is detected in any receive frame. Cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or by asserting [TRES]. FB7 –0 Ð Fill Bits . . . 5250 fill-bit control. Further information: Section 3.0 Transceiver. IES Ð Invalid Ending Sequence . . . Set when the ‘‘mini-code violation’’ is not correct during a 3270, 3299, or 8-bit ending sequence. Cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or by asserting [TRES]. LMBT Ð Loss of Mid-Bit Transition . . . Set when the expected Manchester Code mid-bit transition does not occur within the allowed window. Cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or by asserting [TRES]. RDIS Ð Receiver DISabled while active . . . Set when transmitter is activated while receiver is active, without RPEN being asserted. Cleared by reading À ECR Ó or by asserting [TRES]. Further information: Section 3.2 Transceiver Functional Description. 167 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) ICR INTERRUPT CONTROL REGISTER [Main R2; read/write] IBR INTERRUPT BASE REGISTER [Alternate R1; read/write] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IV15 IV14 IV13 IV12 IV11 IV10 IV9 IV8 RIS1 RIS0 rsv IM4 IM3 IM2 IM1 IM0 rsv . . . state is undefined at all times IV15 – 8Ð Interrupt Vector . . . High byte of interrupt and trap vectors. Further information: Section 2.2.3, Interrupts. Interrupt Vector IBR 0 0 RIS1,0 Ð Receiver Interrupt Select . . . Defines the source of the Receiver Interrupt. RIS1,0 Interrupt Source 00 01 10 11 vector address 15 8 5 0 The interrupt vector is obtained by concatenating ÀIBRÓ with the vector address: Interrupt Vector Address NMI Receiver Transmitter Line Turn Around Bi-directional Timer 011100 000100 001000 001100 010000 010100 RFF a RE DAV a RE (unused) RA ‘‘ a ’’ indicates logical ‘‘or’’ Priority Further information: Section 3.2.3 Transceiver Interrupts. Ð 1 high 2 u 3 4 v 5 low IM4 –0 Ð Interrupt Masks . . . Each bit, when set high, masks an interrupt. IM3 functions as an interrupt mask only if BIRQ is defined as an input. When BIRQ is defined as an output, IM3 controls the state of BIRQ. IM4 – 0 Interrupt 0 0 0 0 0 No Mask X X X X 1 Receiver X X X 1 X Transmitter X X 1 X X Line Turn-Around X 1 X X X Bi-Directional 1 X X X X Timer Further information: Section 2.2.3 Interrupts. 168 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) NCF NETWORK COMMAND FLAG REGISTER [Main R1; read only] ISP INTERNAL STACK POINTER [Main R30; read/write] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TFE RFF LA LTA DEME RAR ACK POLL 0 ASP3 ASP2 ASP1 ASP0 DSP3 DSP2 DSP1 DSP0 ASP3 – 0 Ð Address Stack Pointer . . . Input/output port of the address stack pointer. Further information: Section Stack Registers. DSP3 – 0 Ð Data Stack Pointer . . . Input/output port of the data stack pointer. Further information: Section Stack Registers. TFE Ð Transmit FIFO Empty . . . Set high when the FIFO is empty. Cleared by writing to ÀRTRÓ. RFF Ð Receive FIFO Full . . . Set high when the Receive FIFO contains 3 received words. Cleared by reading to ÀRTRÓ. LA Ð Line Active . . . Indicates activity on the receiver input. Set high on any transition; cleared after detecting no input transitions for 16 TCLK periods. Ð Line Turn Around . . . Set high when end of message is received. Cleared by writing to À RTR Ó , writing a ‘‘1’’ to this location, or by asserting [TRES]. LTA DEME RAR ACK POLL 169 Ð Data Error or Message End . . . In 3270 & 3299 modes, asserted when a byte parity error is detected. In 5250 modes, asserted when the [111] station address is decoded and [DAV] is asserted. Cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ. Undefined in 8-bit modes and in the first frame of 3299 modes. Ð Received Auto-Response . . . Set high when a 3270 Auto-Response message is decoded and [DAV] is asserted. Cleared by reading À RTR Ó . Undefined in 5250 and 8-bit modes and in the first frame of 3299 modes. Ð Poll/ACKnowledge . . . Set high when a 3270 poll/ack command is decoded and [DAV] is asserted. Cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ. Undefined in 5250 and 8-bit modes and in the first frame of 3299 modes. Ð POLL . . . Set high when a 3270 poll command is decoded and [DAV] is asserted. Cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ. Undefined in 5250 and 8-bit modes and in the first frame of 3299 modes. Further information: Section 3.0 Transceiver. 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TCR TRANSCEIVER COMMAND REGISTER [Alternate R6; read/write] RTR RECEIVE/TRANSMIT REGISTER [Alternate R4; read/write] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RTF7 RTF6 RTF5 RTF4 RTF3 RTF2 RTF1 RTF0 RTF7 – 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RLQ SEC SLR ATA OWP TF10 TF9 TF8 RLQ Ð Receive Transmit FIFO’s . . . Input/output port to the least significant eight bits of receive and transmit FIFO’s. [OWP], [TF10–8] and [RTF7–0] are pushed onto the transmit FIFO on moves into ÀRTRÓ. [RF10–8] and [RTF7– 0] are popped from receiver FIFO on moves out of ÀRTRÓ. Further information: Section 3.0 Transceiver. Ð Receive Line Quiesce . . . Selects number of line quiesce bits the receiver looks for. RLQ Number of Quiesces 0 1 2 3 SEC Ð Select Error Codes . . . When high ÀECRÓ is switched into ÀRTRÓ location. SLR Ð Select Line Receiver . . . Selects the receiver input source. SLR Source 0 1 ATA OWP DATA-IN On-chip analog line receiver Ð Advance Transmitter Active . . . When high, TX-ACT is advanced one half bit time so that the transmitter can generate 5.5 line quiesce pulses. Ð Odd Word Parity . . . Controls transmitter word parity. OWP 0 1 TF10 – 8 Word Parity Even Odd Ð Transmit FIFO . . . [OWP], [TF10 – 8] and [RTF7 – 0] are pushed onto transmit FIFO on moves into ÀRTRÓ. Further information: Section 3.0 Transceiver. 170 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TRH TIMER REGISTER Ð HIGH [Main R29; read/write] TMR TRANSCEIVER MODE REGISTER [Alternate R7; read/write] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TRES LOOP RPEN RIN TIN PS2 PS1 PS0 TRES Ð Transceiver RESet . . . Resets transceiver when high. Transceiver can also be reset by RESET, without affecting [TRES]. LOOP Ð Internal LOOP-back . . . When high, TX-ACT is disabled (held at 0) and transmitter serial data is internally directed to the receiver serial data input. Ð RePeat ENable . . . When high, the receiver can be active at the same time as the transmitter. Ð Receiver INvert . . . When high, the receiver serial data is inverted. Ð Transmitter INvert . . . When high the transmitter serial data outputs are inverted. Ð Protocol Select . . . Selects protocol for both transmitter and receiver. RPEN RIN TIN PS2 – 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TM15 TM14 TM13 TM12 TM11 TM10 TM9 TM8 TM15 – 8 Ð TiMer . . . Input/output port of high byte of timer. Further information: Section Timer Registers. PS2–0 Protocol 0 0 0 3270 0 0 1 3299 multiplexer 0 1 0 3299 controller 0 1 1 3299 repeater 1 0 0 5250 1 0 1 5250 promiscuous 1 1 0 8-bit 1 1 1 8-bit promiscuous Further information: Section 3.0 Transceiver. 171 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TSR TRANSCEIVER STATUS REGISTER [Alternate R5; read only] TRL TIMER REGISTERÐLOW [Main R28; read/write] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 TM7 TM6 TM5 TM4 TM3 TM2 TM1 TM0 TFF TA RE RA DAV RF10 RF9 RF8 TM7 – 0Ð TiMer . . . Input/output port of low byte of timer. Further information: Section Timer Registers. TFF TA Ð Transmit FIFO Full . . . Set high when the transmit FIFO is full. ÀRTRÓ must not be written to when [TFF] is high. Ð Transmitter Active . . . Reflects the state of TXACT, indicating that data is being transmitted. Unlike TX-ACT, however, [TA] is not disabled by [LOOP]. RE Ð Receiver Error . . . Set high when a receiver error is detected. Cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or by asserting [TRES]. RA Ð Receiver Active . . . Set high when a valid starting sequence is received. Cleared when either an end of message or an error is detected. In 5250 modes, [RA] is cleared at the same time as [LA]. DAV Ð Data AVailable . . . Set high when valid data is available in ÀRTRÓ and ÀTSRÓ. Cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ, or when an error is detected. RF10 – 8 Ð Receive FIFO . . . [RF10 – 8] and [RTF7 – 0] reflect the state of the top word of the receive FIFO. Further information: Section 3.0 Transceiver. 172 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) 6.2.3 Bit Definition Tables The following tables describe the location and function of all control and status bits in the various BCP addressable special function registers. The Remote Interface Configuration register, ÀRICÓ, which is addressable only by a remote processor is not included. Processor Bit Timing/ Control CCS Name CPU Clock Select Location DCR [7] Reset State 1 Function Selects CPU clock frequency. CCS 0 1 CPU CLK OCLK OCLK/2 Where OCLK is the frequency of the on-chip oscillator, or the externally applied clock on input X1. Remote Interface Interrupt Control DW2 – 0 Data memory Wait-state select DCR [2 – 0] 111 Selects from 0 to 7 wait states for accessing data memory. IW1,0 Instruction memory Wait-state select DCR [4,3] 11 Selects from 0 to 3 wait states for accessing instruction memory. COD Clock Out Disable ACR [2] 0 When high, CLK-OUT is at TRI-STATE. 4TR 4 T-state Read ACR[3] 0 When high, data memory reads take four T-states. LOR* Lock Out Remote ACR [1] 0 When high, a remote processor is prevented from accessing the BCP or its memory. RR* Remote Read CCR [6] 0 Set on the trailing edge of a REM-RD pulse, if RAE is asserted and ÀRICÓ is pointing to Data Memory. Cleared by writing a 1 to [RR]. RW* Remote Write CCR [5] 0 Set on the trailing edge of a REM-WR pulse, if RAE is asserted and ÀRICÓ is pointing to Data Memory. Cleared by writing a 1 to [RW]. BIC Bi-directional Interrupt Control ACR [4] 0 Controls the direction of BIRQ. BIC BIRQ 0 1 Input Output BIRQ Bi-directional Interrupt ReQuest CCR [4] X [Read Only]. Reflects the logic level of the BIRQ input. Updated at the beginning of each instruction cycle. GIE Global Interrupt Enable ACR [0] 0 When low, disables all maskable interrupts. When high, works with [IM4 –0] to enable maskable interrupts. IM4– 0 Interrupt Mask select ICR [4 – 0] 11111 Each bit, when set high, masks an interrupt. IM4 – 0 Interrupt 00000 XXXX1 XXX1X XX1XX X1XXX 1XXXX No Mask Receiver Transmitter Line Turn-Around Bi-Directional Timer Priority 1 2 3 4 5 Ð High u v Low IM3 functions as an interrupt mask only when BIRQ is defined as an input. When BIRQ is defined as an output, IM3 controls the state of BIRQ. *These bits represent the only visibility and control that the processor has into the operation of the remote interface controller. The Remote Interface Configuration register, À RIC Ó , accessible only by a remote processor, provides further control functions. See Remote Interface section for more information. 173 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) 6.2.3 Bit Definition Tables (Continued) The following tables describe the location and function of all control and status bits in the various BCP addressable special function registers. The Remote Interface Configuration register, ÀRICÓ, which is addressable only by a remote processor is not included. Processor (Continued) Bit Interrupt IV15 – 8 Control (Continued) Name Interrupt Vector Location Reset State Function IBR [7 – 0] 0000 0000 High byte of interrupt and trap vectors. The interrupt vector is obtained by concatenating ÀIBRÓ with the vector address: Interrupt Vector Address NMI 011100 Receiver 000100 Transmitter 001000 Line Turn Around 001100 Bi-Directional 010000 Timer 010100 Interrupt Vector IBR 0 15 RIS1,0 Receiver Interrupt ICR [7,6] Select 11 Arithmetic Flags vector address 5 0 Defines the source of the receiver interrupt. RIS1,0 Interrupt Source 00 01 10 11 Address and Data Stacks 0 8 RFF a RE DAV a RE (unused) RA ASP3 –0 Address Stack Pointer ISP [7 – 4] 0000 Address stack pointer. Writing to this location changes the value of the pointer. DSP3 –0 Data Stack Pointer ISP [3 – 0] 0000 Data stack pointer. Writing to this location changes the value of the pointer. DS7 – 0 Data Stack DS [7 – 0] C Carry CCR [1] 0 A high level indicates a carry or borrow, generated by an arithmetic instruction. During a shift/rotate operation the state of the last bit shifted out appears in this location. N Negative CCR [3] 0 A high level indicates a negative result generated by an arithmetic, logical, or shift instruction. V oVerflow CCR [2] 0 A high level indicates an overflow condition, generated by an arithmetic instruction. Z Zero CCR [0] 0 A high level indicates a zero result generated by an arithmetic, logical, or shift instruction. XXXX XXXX Data Stack Input/Output port. Stack is 16 bytes deep. 174 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) 6.2.3. Bit Definition Tables (Continued) The following tables describe the location and function of all control and status bits in the various BCP addressable special function registers. The Remote Interface Configuration register, ÀRICÓ, which is addressable only by a remote processor is not included. Processor (Continued) Bit Timer Name Location Reset State Function TLD Timer LoaD ACR [6] TM15–8 TiMer TRH [7 – 0] XXXX XXXX Input/output port of high byte of timer. TM7– 0 TiMer TRL [7– 0] XXXX XXXX Input/output port of low byte of timer. TMC Timer Clock select ACR [5] 0 Set high to load timer. Cleared automatically when load complete. 0 Selects timer clock frequency. Must not be written when [TST] high. Can be written at same time as [TST] and [TLD]. TMC Timer Clock 0 1 CPU-CLK/16 CPU-CLK/2 TO Time Out flag CCR [7] 0 Set high when timer counts down to zero. Cleared by writing a 1 to [TO] or by stopping the timer (by writing a 0 to [TST]). TST Timer StarT ACR [7] 0 When high, timer is enabled and will count down from its current value. Timer is stopped by writing a 0 to this location. Transceiver Table includes control and status bits only. It does not include definitions of bit fields provided for the formatting (de-formatting) of data frames. For further information see the Transceiver section. Bit Name Transceiver LOOP Control internal LOOP-back TMR [6] Protocol Select TMR [2 – 0] PS2 – 0 Location Reset State 0 Function When high, TX-ACT is disabled (held at 0) and transmitter serial data is internally directed to the receiver serial data input. 000 Selects protocol for both transmitter and receiver. PS2 – 0 Protocol 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 3270 3299 Multiplexer 3299 Controller 3299 Repeater 5250 5250 Promiscuous 8-bit 8-bit Promiscuous RTF7–0 Receive/Transmit RTR [7– 0] XXXX XXXX Input/output port of the least significant 8 bits of receive and transmit FIFOs. [OWP], [TF10 – 8] and [RTF7 – 0] are pushed FIFOs onto the transmit FIFO on moves to ÀRTRÓ. [RF10 – 8] and [RTF7 – 0] are popped from receive FIFO on moves from À RTR Ó . 175 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) 6.2.3 Bit Definition Tables (Continued) Transceiver (Continued) Table includes control and status bits only. It does not include definitions of bit fields provided for the formatting (de-formatting) data frames. For further information see the Transceiver section. Bit Name Transceiver TCS1,0 Transceiver Clock Select Control (Continued) TRES Transmitter ATA Control AT7 – 3 Location Reset State DCR [6,5] 10 Function Selects transceiver clock, TCLK, source. TCS1,0 TCLK 00 OCLK 01 OCLK/2 10 OCLK/4 11 X-TCLK OCLK is the frequency of the on-chip oscillator, or the externally applied clock on input X1. X-TCLK is the external transceiver clock input. TMR [7] 0 Resets transceiver when high. Transceiver can also be reset by RESET, without affecting [TRES]. Advance Transmitter TCR [4] Active 0 When high, TX-ACT is advanced one half bit time so that the transmitter can generate 5.5 line quiesce pulses. Transceiver RESet Auxiliary Transceiver control ATR [7 – 3] XXXXX In 5250 modes. Controls the time TX-ACT is held after the last fill bit. AT7 –3 TX-ACT Hold Time (ms) (If TCLK e 8 MHz) 00000 00001 00010 0 0.5 1 v v 11111 15.5 FB7 – 0 Fill Bit select FBR [7 – 0] XXXX XXXX The value in this register contains the 1’s complement of the number of additional 5250 fill bits selected. OWP Odd Word Parity TCR [3] 0 Controls transmitter word parity. OWP 0 1 Receiver Control Word Parity Even Odd TF10 – 8 Transmit FIFO TCR [2 – 0] TIN Transmitter INvert TMR [3] AT7 – 0 Auxiliary Transceiver control ATR [7 – 0] XXXX XXXX In 5250 modes, [AT2 –0] contains the station address. In 8-bit modes, [AT7 –0] contains the station address. 000 0 [OWP], [TF10 – 8] and [RTF7 – 0] are pushed onto the transmit FIFO on moves to ÀRTRÓ. When high, the transmitter serial data outputs are inverted. RF10 – 8 Receive FIFO TSR [2 – 0] RIN Receiver INvert TMR [4] 0 When high, the receiver serial data is inverted. RLQ Receive Line Quiesce TCR [7] 1 Selects number of line quiesce bits the receiver requires before it will indicate receipt of a valid start sequence. XXX Reflects the state of the most significant 3 bits in the top location of the receive FIFO. RLQ Number of Line Quiesce Pulses 0 1 2 3 RPEN RePeat ENable TMR [5] 0 When high, the receiver can be active at the same time as the transmitter. SEC Select Error Codes TCR [6] 0 When high, ÀECRÓ is switched into ÀRTRÓ location. 176 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) 6.2.3 Bit Definition Tables (Continued) Transceiver (Continued) Table includes control and status bits only. It does not include definitions of bit fields provided for the formatting (de-formatting) data frames. For further information see the Transceiver section. Bit Receiver Control SLR Name Select Line Receiver Location Reset State TCR [5] 0 (Continued) Transmitter Status Receiver Status Function Selects the receiver input source. SLR Source 0 1 DATA-IN On-Chip Analog Line Receiver TA Transmitter Active TSR [6] 0 Reflects the state of TX-ACT, indicating that data is being transmitted. Is not disabled by [LOOP]. TFE Transmit FIFO Empty NCF [7] 1 Set high when the FIFO is empty. Cleared by writing to À RTR Ó . TFF Transmit FIFO Full TSR [7] 0 Set high when the FIFO is full. ÀRTRÓ must not be written when [TFF] is high. ACK poll/ ACKnowledge NCF [1] 0 Set high when a 3270 poll/ack command is decoded and [DAV] is asserted. Cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ. Undefined in 5250 and 8-bit modes and in the first frame of 3299 modes. DAV Data AVailable TSR [3] 0 Set high when valid data is available in ÀRTRÓ and ÀTSRÓ. Cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ, or when an error is detected. DEME Data Error or Message End NCF [3] 0 In 3270 or 3299 modes, asserted when a byte parity error is detected. In 5250 modes, asserted when the [111] station address is decoded and [DAV] is asserted. Undefined in 8-bit modes and first frame of 3299 modes. LA Line Active NCF [5] 0 Indicates activity on the receiver input. Set high on any transition; cleared after no input transitions are detected for 16 TCLK periods. LTA Line Turn Around NCF [4] 0 Set high when an end of message is detected. Cleared by writing to ÀRTRÓ, writing a ‘‘1’’ to [LTA] or by asserting [TRES]. POLL POLL NCF [0] 0 Set high when a 3270 Poll command is decoded and [DAV] is asserted. Cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ. Undefined in 5250 and 8-bit modes and in the first frame of 3299 modes. RA Receiver Active TSR [4] 0 Set high when a valid start sequence is received. Cleared when either an end of message or an error is detected. RAR Received Auto-Response NCF [2] 0 Set high when a 3270 Auto-Response message is decoded and [DAV] is asserted. Cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ. Undefined in 5250 and 8-bit modes and in the first frame of 3299 modes. RE Receiver Error TSR [5] 0 Set high when an error is detected. Cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or by asserting [TRES]. RFF Receive FIFO Full NCF [6] 0 Set high when the receive FIFO contains 3 received words. Cleared by reading ÀRTRÓ. 177 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) 6.2.3 Bit Definition Tables (Continued) Transceiver (Continued) Table includes control and status bits only. It does not include definitions of bit fields provided for the formatting (de-formatting) data frames. For further information see the Transceiver section. Bit Name Location Reset State Function Invalid Ending Sequence ECR [2] 0 Set when the first mini-code violation is not correct during a 3270, 3299 or 8-bit ending sequence. Cleared by reading À ECR Ó or asserting [TRES]. LMBT Loss of Mid-Bit Transition ECR [1] 0 Set when the expected Manchester Code mid-bit transition does not occur within the allowed window. Cleared by reading À ECR Ó or by asserting [TRES]. OVF receiver OVerFlow ECR [4] 0 Set when the receiver has processed 3 words and another complete frame is received before the FIFO is read by the CPU. Cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or asserting [TRES]. PAR PARity error ECR [3] 0 Set when bad (odd) overall word parity is detected in any receive frame. Cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or asserting [TRES]. RDIS Receiver DISabled ECR [0] while active 0 Set when transmitter is activated by writing to ÀRTRÓ while receiver is still active, without [RPEN] first being asserted. Cleared by reading ÀECRÓ or asserting [TRES]. Receiver IES Error Codes 6.3 REMOTE INTERFACE CONFIGURATION REGISTER This register can be accessed only by the remote system. To do this, CMD and RAE must be asserted and the [LOR] bit in the ÀACRÓ register must be low. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BIS SS FW LR LW STRT MS1 MS0 RIC BIS SS FW LR LW STRT Bidirectional Interrupt Status . . . Mirrors the state of IM3 (ÀICRÓ bit 3), enabling the remote system to poll and determine the status of the BIRQ I/O. When BIRQ is an output, the remote system can change the state of this output by writing a one to BIS. This can be used as an interrupt acknowledge, whenever BIRQ is used as a remote interrupt. For complete information on the relationship between BIS, IM3 and BIRQ, refer to Section 2.2.3 Interrupts. Single-Step . . . Writing a 1 with STRT low, the BCP will single-step by executing the current instruction and advancing the PC. On power up/reset this bit is low. Fast Write . . . When high, with LW low, selects fast write mode for the buffered interface. When low selects slow write mode. On power up/reset this bit is low (LW will also be low, so buffered write mode is selected). Latched Read . . . When high selects latched read mode, when low selects buffered read mode. On power up/reset this bit is low. (Buffered read mode is selected.) Latched Write . . . When high selects latched write mode, when low selects buffered write mode. On power up/reset this bit is low (FW will also be low, so slow buffered write mode is selected). STaRT . . . The remote system can start and stop the BCP using this bit. On power-up/reset this bit is MS1,0 low (BCP stopped). When set, the BCP begins executing at the current Program Counter address. When cleared, the BCP finishes executing the current instruction, then halts to an idle mode. In some applications, where there is no remote system, or the remote system is not an intelligent device, it may be desirable to have the BCP powerup/reset running rather than stopped at address 0000H. This can be accomplished by asserting REM-RD, REM-WR and RESET, with RAE de-asserted. (Refer to Electrical Specification Section for the timing information needed to start the BCP in stand alone mode.) Memory Select 1,0 . . . These two bits determine what the remote system is accessing in the BCP system, according to the following table: MS1 MS0 Selected Function 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Data Memory Instruction Memory Program Counter (Low Byte) Program Counter (High Byte) The BCP must be idle for the remote system to read/write Instruction memory or the Program Counter. All remote accesses are treated the same (independent of where the access is directed using MS0 and MS1), as defined by the configuration bits LW, LR, FW. If the remote system and the BCP request data memory access simultaneously, the BCP will win first access. If the locks ([LOR], LOCK) are not set, the remote system and BCP will alternate access cycles thereafter. On power-up/reset, MS1,0 points to instruction memory. Power-up/Reset state of ÀRIC[7-0] Ó is l000 000l. 178 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) 6.4 DEVELOPMENT TOOLS many of these products, we do not provide technical support, or in any way guarantee the functionality of these products. National Semiconductor provides tools specifically created for the development of products that use the DP8344. These tools consist of the DP8344 BCP Assembler System, the DP8344 BCP Demonstration/Development Kit, and the DP8344 BCP Multi-Protocol Adapter (MPA) Design/Evaluation Kit. 6.5.1 Crystal Supplier The recommended crystal parameters for operation with the DP8344 are given in Section 2.2.4. Any crystal meeting these specifications will work correctly with the DP8344. NEL Frequency Controls, Inc., Burlington, Wisconsin, has developed crystals, the NEL C2570N and NEL C2571N, specifically for the DP8344 which meet these specifications. The C2570N and C2571N are both 18.8696 MHz fundamental mode AT cut quartz crystals. The C2571N has a hold down pin for case ground and a third mechanical tie down. NEL Frequency Controls, Inc. is located at: NEL Frequency Controls, Inc. 357 Beloit Street Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 (414) 763-3591 6.4.1 Assembler System The Assembler System is an MS-DOS compatible program used to translate the DP8344’s instruction set into a directly executable machine language. The system contains a macro cross assembler, link editor and librarian. The macro cross assembler provides nested macro definitions and expansions, to automate common instruction sequences, and source file inclusion nested conditional assembly, which allows the assembler to make intelligent decisions concerning instruction sequence based on user directives. The linker allows relocatable object sections to be combined in any desired order. It can also generate a load map which details each section’s contribution to the linked module. The librarian allows for the creation of libraries from frequently accessed object modules, which the linker can automatically include to resolve references. 6.5.2 System Development Tools The DP8344, with its higher level of integration and processing power, has opened the IBM mainframe connectivity market to a wider range of product manufacturers, who until now found the initial cost and time to market prohibitive. This wider base of manufacturers created the opportunity for a more extensive line of development tools that dealt not only with the use of the DP8344 but also with the implementation of the 3270 and 5250 protocols. While National Semiconductor is dedicated to providing the Customer with the proper tools in both areas, we also have aided and encouraged a number of third party suppliers to offer additional development tools. This has further provided an avenue for faster and more reliable product development in this product area. The development tools discussed in this section are controller emulators and line monitors for the IBM 3270/ 3299 and 5250 protocols. A controller emulator is a device that emulates an IBM 3x74 cluster controller or a System 3x controller. With the DP8344 both of these controllers can be emulated with the same piece of hardware. The controller emulator allows the designer to issue individual commands or sequences of commands to a peripheral. This is very useful in characterizing existing equipment and testing of products under development. Capstone Technology offers such a product. Their Extended Interactive Controller, part ÝCT-109, is a single PC expansion card that can emulate both 3270 and 5250 control devices (the 3x74 and System 3X, respectively). Newleaf Technologies, Ltd., Cobham, Surrey, England, and Azure Technology, Inc., Franklin, Mass., also supply products in this area. Newleaf Technology offers the COLT52, a twinax controller emulator, and Azure Technology offers a controller made with their CoaxScope and TwinaxScope line monitors. A line monitor is a device that monitors all the activity on the coax or twinax cable. The activity includes both the commands from the controller and the responses from the peripheral. These devices typically decode the commands and present them in an easy to read format. The individual transmissions are time stamped to provide the designer with response time information. The line monitors are very useful in characterizing communications traffic and in determining the source of problems during development or in the field. Azure Technology offers both a 3270/3299 (Coax) and 5250 (Twinax) line monitor. Their Coax Scope and Twinax 6.4.2 Demonstration/Development Kit The Demonstration/Development kit is a cost effective development tool that performs functions similar to an in-circuit emulator. The kit, developed by Capstone Technology, Inc., Fremont, California, consists of a DP8344 based development board, a monitor/debugger software package, National Semiconductor’s DP8344 video training tapes, and all required documentation. The development board is a full size PC card that contains a 22 square inch area for logic prototype wiring. The monitor/debugger program displays internal register contents and status information. It also provides functions such as execution break points and single stepping. 6.4.3 Multi-Protocol Adapter (MPA) Design/Evaluation Kit The Multi-Protocol Adapter (MPA) is a PC expansion card that emulates a 3270 or 5250 display terminal and supports industry standard PC emulation software. The MPA comes in a design/evaluation kit that includes the hardware, schematics and PAL equations, and software including all the DP8344 source code. This kit was produced to provide a blueprint for PC emulation products and a cornerstone for all 3270 and 5250 product development using the DP8344. The code was developed in a modular fashion so it can be adapted to any 3270 or 5250 application. 6.4.4 DP8344 BCP Inverse Assembler The DP8344 BCP Inverse Assembler is a software package for use in an HP 1650A or HP1651A Logic Analyzer, or in an HP16500A Logic Analysis System with an HP 16510A State/Timing Card installed. The inverse Assembler was developed by National Semiconductor to allow disassembly of the DP8344 op-code mnemonics. This allows one to determine the actual execution flow that occurs in the system being developed with the DP8344. 6.5 THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS The following section is intended to make the DP8344 Customer aware of products, supplied by companies other than National Semiconductor, that are available for use in developing DP8344 systems. While National Semiconductor has supported these ventures and has become familiar with 179 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) The DP8344A exhibits a small amount of contention between certain bus signals as detailed in the Device Specifications section of this data sheet. The DP8344B interface timing improvements are designed to reduce and/or eliminate this bus contention. Scope are single PC expansion cards that can record, decode and display activity on the 3270 coax and 5250 twinax line respectively. These devices also allow the play back of the recorded controller information. Capstone Technology also supplies a line monitor. The CT101C, Network Analysis Monitor (NAM), is a coax line monitor. These companies can be contacted at the following locations: Azure Technology, Inc. 38 Pond Street Franklin, Massachusettes 02038 (508) 520-3800 Capstone Technology 853 Brown Rd., Suite 207 Fremont, California 94539 (415) 438-3500 New Leaf Technology, Ltd. 24A High Street Cobham Surrey KT113EB ENGLAND (0932) 66466 For technical assistance in using the DP8344B, contact the BCP Hot Line (817) 468-6676. # 70 ns Data Memory At a 20 MHz CPU clock rate, the DP8344B can support 70 ns static RAM for data memory with no wait states. The DP8344A was limited to 55 ns static RAM for data memory with no wait states. (See Section 5.0 Device Specifications.) # READ The timing of the READ strobe has been improved to reduce bus contention during a data memory access. There is now more time between AD disabled and READ falling as well as one-half T-state between READ rising and AD enabled. In addition, a new 4 T-state read option has been provided to eliminate bus contention. (See Section 5.0 Device Specifications for timing changes, and 4 T-state Read later in this document for more information on the 4 T-state Read option.) The user can therefore choose between a fast read mode (3 T-states) with a small amount of contention and a slower read mode (4 T-states) with no contention. # A/AD Bus Timing The timing of the A and AD buses has been changed to eliminate bus contention during remote accesses of data memory. There is now a one-half T-state TRI-STATE zone during the bus transfer from local to remote control and vice versa. (See Section 5.0 Device Specifications.) TABLE 6-4. DP8344 Application Notes App Note No. AN-623 AN-624 AN-516 AN-504 AN-499 AN-625 AN-627 AN-626 AN-641 AN-688 Title Interfacing Memory to the DP8344B A Combined Coax-Twisted Pair 3270 Line Interface for the DP8344 Biphase Communications Processor Interfacing the DP8344 to Twinax DP8344 BCP Stand-Alone Soft-Load System ‘‘Interrupts’’-A Powerful Tool of the Biphase Communications Processor JRMK Speeds Command Decoding DP8344 Remote Processor Interfacing DP8344 Timer Application MPA - A Multi-Protocol Terminal Emulation Adapter Using the DP8344 The DP8344 BCP Inverse Assembler # IWR The timing of IWR has been changed such that IWR now falls one T-state earlier. This eliminates bus contention during the start of soft loads. (See Section 5.0 Device Specifications.) # IA Bus Softload Timing The auto-increment of the IA bus address during soft loads of instruction memory now occurs one T-state later to maintain in-phase data and thereby eliminate bus contention. (See Seection 5.0 Device Specifications.) # LCL LCL is now removed when REM-RD is taken high on buffered reads of ÀRICÓ, the program counter, and instruction memory, to eliminate bus contention in this mode. (See Section 5.0 Device Specifications.) 6.6 DP8344A AND DP8344B COMPATIBILITY GUIDE The DP8344B is an enhanced version of the DP8344A, exhibiting improved switching performance and additional functionality. The device has been characterized in a number of applications and found to be a compatible replacement for the DP8344A. Differences between the DP8344A and DP8344B are detailed in this section. # RIC The hold time on slow buffered writes to ÀRICÓ and the program counter has been improved. (See Section 5.0 Device Specifications.) # ‘‘Kick-start’’ The hold time on REM-WR and REM-RD to RESET to ‘‘kick-start’’ the CPU has been improved. (See Section 5.0 Device Specifications.) 6.6.1 Timing Changes to the CPU Relative to the DP8344A, the DP8344B incorporates a number of timing changes designed to improve the system interface. These timing changes are improvements in the timing specifications and therefore should allow the DP8344B to drop into existing DP8344A designs without any hardware modifications. 6.6.2 Additional Functionality of the DP8344B 4 T-state Read To eliminate bus contention during memory accesses, a new optional read mode has been created, controlled by 180 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) [4TR] in ÀACRÓ. When a one is written to this bit, all subsequent data memory read operations expand to 4 T-states with an extra one-half T-state between the falling edge of ALE and the falling edge of READ. This eliminates bus contention on data memory read operations. After a BCP reset, or when a zero is written to this bit, the DP8344B data memory read operations operate in 3 T-states, as in the DP8344A, in which this bit was unused. (See Section 2.2.2 for more information.) This can be accomplished by creating a section of ‘‘filler’’ code that will occupy the instruction address range AF00h to AF7Fh. As an example, the ‘‘filler’’ section of code could be as follows: FILLER: .SECT X ; Start of ‘‘filler’’ code section .REPEAT 128 ; Repeat the following instruction 128 times JMP $ ; Jump to self .ENDR ; End of repeat block .END A/AD Reset State After a BCP reset, the index registers and the A and AD buses will be zero. In the DP8344A, their states were undefined after a reset. The JMP $ instruction causes an infinite loop at that instruction. Thus one would be able to determine if the program inadvertently entered the ‘‘filler’’ section of code. The repeat 128 instruction causes the section to occupy 128 bytes of instruction memory which is the size of the affected address range. Next, by using the Linker in the DP8344 BCP Assembler System, one can specify that this ‘‘filler’’ section of code must occupy instruction memory starting at address AF00h by using the -L option. For example, the following commands can be entered at the DOS command line to invoke the Assembler and Linker (this assumes that the ‘‘filler’’ section is located in the file FILLER.BCP): RIC Each time instruction memory is selected via ÀRIC[1,0] Ó (i.e., ÀRICÓ is set to XXXX XX01 binary), the next read (or write) of instruction memory by a remote processor will always return (or update) the low order 8 bits of the 16 bit instruction location pointed to by the program counter. In the DP8344A, setting ÀRICÓ had no affect on which instruction memory byte would next be fetched and an algorithm had to be developed to determine this. (See Section 4.1.2 for more information.) NBCPASM FILLER.BCP Transceiver When the Transceiver is reset, DATA-OUT now goes into a state equal to [TIN] Z [ATA], which eliminates coincident transitions on DATA-OUT and DATA-DLY with TX-ACT. (See Section 3.2 for more information. NLINK -LFILLER4AF00 FILLR.BCO This will prevent any other section of code from occupying the range which the ‘‘filler’’ section of code is located in. Hence, one would not have to be concerned about using labels to specify the address in LJMP and LCALL instruction. 6.7 REPORT BUGS 6.8 GLOSSARY 3270ÐAn IBM communication protocol originally developed for the 370 class mainframe that implements a star topology using a single coax cable per slave device. In this master-slave protocol, all communication is initiated by the controller (master) and responses are returned by the terminal or other attached device (slave). The data is transmitted using biphase encoding at a bit rate of 2.3587 MHz. 3299ÐA communications protocol that is the 3270 protocol with an eight bit address frame added to the beginning of each controller transmission between the start sequence and the first coax word. Currently, IBM only uses three bits of the address field which allows up to eight devices to communicate with the controller through a multiplexer. 5250ÐAn IBM communications protocol originally developed for the Series 3 that became widely used on the System 34/36/38 family of minicomputers and currently the AS/400. It uses a multidrop bus topology on twin-ax cable. This protocol is a master-slave type. The data is transmitted using bi-phase encoding at a bit rate of 1 MHz. accumulatorÐThe implied source register of one operand for some arithmetic operations. In the BCP, R8 in the currently enabled bank acts as the accumulator. ALUÐThe Arithmetic Logic Unit, a component of the CPU that performs all arithmetic (addition and subtraction), logical (AND, OR, XOR, compare, bit test, and complement), rotational, and shifting operations. ALU flagsÐBits that indicate the result of certain ALU functions. 6.7.1 History The DP8344 Data Sheet Reference, first published 10/29/87 (rev. 3.6), listed a total of 13 bugs. All these bugs were corrected in the DP8344A, released to production April 1989. Subsequent to this date, an additional bug has been reported. This bug is present in all versions of the BCP: DP8344, DP8344A and DP8344B. For additional information regarding differences in functionality between the DP8344B and DP8344A, see Section 6.6. 6.7.2 LJMP, LCALL Address Decode The LJMP and LCALL instructions to the address range Af00h through AF7Fh do not function correctly. Both conditional and unconditional LCALL or LJMP instructions to this address range will not decode as LCALL or LJMP instructions. Instead the address field will be incorrectly decoded as the instruction. Thus a LJMP or LCALL to an instruction in the address range AF00h through AF7Fh will be decoded as a RETF instruction. Example: the instruction LJMP AF00 will be decoded as AF00 which is RETF 000, 00 Note that LJMP and LCALL to all other addresses work correctly. The LJMP or LCALL instruction should therefore not be used to transfer program control to an instruction in the range AF00h to AF7Fh. Suggested Work-around The simplest work-around is not to place any code necessary for system operation in the affected address range. 181 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) banked registersÐTwo or more sets of CPU registers that occupy the same register space, but only one of which is accessible at a time. dual port memoryÐA memory architecture that allows two different processors to access the same memory range alternately. barrel shifterÐDedicated hardware for shifting and rotating. BCPÐAn abbreviation for Biphase Communications Processor, the National Semiconductor DP8344. biphaseÐIn this communications signal encoding technique, the data is divided into discrete bit time intervals denoted by a transition in the center of the bit time. This technique combines the clock and data information into one transmission. In 3270 and 3299 protocols, a mid-bit transition from low to high represents a bi-phase 1, and a midbit transition from high to low represents a bi-phase 0. For the 5250 protocol, the definition of biphase logic levels is reversed. Biphase encoding is also called Manchester II encoding. BIRQÐThe Bidirectional Interrupt ReQuest. Without any other notation, BIRQ will refer to the BIRQ interrupt itself. BIRQ with a bar on top of it (BIRQ) is used where the pin is referenced. BIRQ in brackets ( [BIRQ] ) is bit 4 in the À CCR Ó register. coaxÐ(1) RG-62A/U 93X coaxial cable that is used in 3270 protocol systems. (2) Sometimes, this term is used to refer to the 3270 protocol itself. code violationÐA violation of the bi-phase encoding format that is part of the start sequence. In 3270, 3299, and the general purpose 8-bit mode, the code violation is 1(/2 bit times low and then 1(/2 bit times high. In the 5250 protocol, the signal levels are reversed. communications protocolÐA set of rules which defines the physical, electrical, control, and formatting specifications required to successfully transfer data between two systems. context switchÐSwitching between two theoretically independent functions that should not affect each other except under specified circumstances. controllerÐThe master device that initiates all communication to the slave device and controls the manner in which the slave presents the information. It acts as the interface, both physically and logically, between the slave terminals and printers and a host processor. CPU-CLKÐThe clock that the operation of the BCP’s CPU is synchronized to. The period of this clock which defines T-state boundaries is either that of OCLK or one-half of OCLK depending on the configuration of the BCP. The timer clock is also derived from CPU-CLK. CUTÐControl Unit Terminal. A mode of the controller where attached devices have limited intelligence and are perceived to be hardware extensions of the controller. The controller directs all printer, screen, and keyboard activity. DFTÐDistributed Function Terminal. A controller mode that supports multiple logical terminals in the same device. The controller communicates in higher level commands via data placed in the buffer. The slave device has a greater amount of intelligence than the CUT mode device and is responsible for the terminal operation. direct coupledÐThe connection of the transceiver to the transmission cable in a manner that does not isolate it from DC voltages. Contrast this with transformer coupled. ending sequenceÐA defined sequence of bits signifying the end of a transmission. In 3270 and 3299, it consists of a bi-phase 0 followed by a low to high transition on the bit time boundary and two mini-code violations. FIFOÐA section of memory or, as in the case of the BCP transceiver, a set of registers that are accessed in a First-In First-Out method. In other words, the first data placed in the FIFO by a write will be the first data removed by a read. fill bitsÐFill bits are bi-phase 0’s used only in the 5250 protocol. A minimum of three fill bits are required between each frame of a multi-frame message. This number may be increased by the controller to approximately 243 per the SetMode command. There are always only three fill bits after the last frame of the transmission. general purpose 8-bit modeÐA generic communications mode similar to 3270 and 5250 frame formatting using 8-bit serial data and bi-phase signal encoding. The BCP supports both promiscuous and non-promiscuous modes. Harvard architectureÐA computer architecture where the instruction and data memory are organized into two independent memory banks, each with their own address and data buses. hold timeÐThe amount of time the line is driven at the end of 5250 transmissions to suppress noise on the cabling system. ICLKÐThe clock that identifies the start of each instruction when it rises and indicates when the next instruction address is valid when it falls. immediate addressing modeÐAn addressing method where one operand, the data for Move instructions and the address for Jump instructions, is contained in the instruction itself. immediate-relative addressing modeÐAn addressing method that adds an unsigned 8-bit immediate number to the index register IZ to form the data memory address of an operand. indexed addressing modeÐAn addressing method that uses the contents of an index register as the data memory address for one of the operands in an instruction. interrupt latencyÐThe time from when an interrupt first occurs until it begins executing at its interrupt vector. jitterÐTiming variations for signals of different harmonic content that move the edges of a transmitted signal in time causing uncertainty in their decoding. jitter toleranceÐThe total amount of time an edge of a transmitted bit may move and still have its data bit decoded correctly. LIFOÐA sequence of registers or memory locations that are accessed in a Last-In First-Out method; in other words, the last data written into the LIFO will be the first to be removed by a read. Also known as a stack. limited register setÐIn the BCP, the first 16 register address locations (R0 – R11 in both banks and R12 – R15) that can be used in all instructions. 182 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) popÐTo remove data from a stack. line holdÐThe act of driving the transmission line during 5250 transmissions at the end of a message to allow the receivers to unsync. This insures that the receivers will not see line noise as the start of another frame when the line floats. line interfaceÐAll the circuity between the BCP and the communications cable medium. line reflectionÐEnergy from a transmission that is not absorbed by a load impedance and can cause interference in that signal. Manchester II encodingÐSee bi-phase encoding. maskÐ(1) A mechanism that allows the program to specify whether interrupts will be accepted by the CPU. (2) To disable the accepting of an interrupt by the CPU. mid-bitÐIn bi-phase encoding, the transition in the center of a bit time. mini-code violationÐA violation of the bi-phase encoding format that is part of the ending sequence in 3270, 3299, and the general purpose 8-bit mode. The mini-code violation has no mid-bit transition being high for the entire bit time. There is no mini-code violation in 5250. multidropÐA communication method where all the slave devices are attached to the same cable and respond to controller commands and data only when their own address frame precedes the transmitted frame. multi-frame messageÐSeveral bytes of data together in the same uninterrupted message that have only one start sequence and one ending sequence. multiplexerÐA device that receives 3299 protocol transmissions from a controller, strips off the address field, and determines over which of eight ports to transmit the message in 3270 format. The device then directs the response from the terminal back to the controller. non-promiscuousÐA receiver mode that only enables a data available interrupt when the address frame of the message matches that previously specified. The 5250 and general purpose 8-bit modes of the BCP support both promiscuous and non-promiscuous modes. NRZÐNon Return to Zero. A data format that uses a high level to represent a data 1 and a low level to represent a data 0. The signal level does not return to a zero level in each bit time. See also NRZI. NRZIÐNon Return to Zero Inverted. A data format similar to NRZ but with the signal levels reversed. OCLKÐThe external Oscillator CLocK connected to the BCP. This frequency, from a crystal or a clock, cannot be changed by the BCP itself. CPU-CLK is derived from OCLK; in addition, the transceiver can be configured so that TCLK is derived from OCLK. parityÐA one bit code, usually following data, that makes the total number of 1’s in a data word odd or even, including the parity bit itself. It is included as an error checking mechanism. POLLÐA command issued by a controller to determine changes in terminal status, such as keyboard activity or keylock. POLL/ACK (PACK)ÐA command issued by a controller to indicate to the terminal that the controller has recognized the non-zero status response of the terminal to its POLL, hence its full name poll/acknowledge. predistortionÐThe initial voltage step in a Manchester encoded bit used to change frequency components of the signal to limit introducing jitter. promiscuousÐA receiver mode that enables a data available interrupt regardless of the contents of the transmission address frame. The 5250 and general purpose 8-bit modes of the BCP support both promiscuous and non-promiscuous modes. pushÐTo place data onto a stack. quiesce pulseÐA bi-phase 1 bit that is placed at the beginning of a transmission to charge the cable in preparation for the transmission of data. In addition, the quiesce pulses are used as part of the identifying start sequence. Typically, five quiesce pulses are placed there. register addressing modeÐAn addressing method that uses only operands contained in registers. register-relative addressing modeÐAn instruction addressing mode that adds the unsigned 8-bit value in the current accumulator to any one of the index registers forming a data memory address for one of the instruction’s operands. remote accessÐAn access to dual port memory by a device other than the BCP. repeaterÐA device used to extend the communication distance between a controller and a slave device by receiving the message and re-transmitting it. RIASÐThe Remote Interface and Arbitration System that allows a remote processor and the BCP to share the same memory with arbitration of any conflict while the BCP is running. A remote processor may also stop and start the BCP as well as read and write the Program Counter. soft-loadableÐA feature of a processor system that allows another processor to provide it with instructions and data. stackÐSee LIFO. start sequenceÐA unique arrangement of bits that begin each transmission to ensure proper frame alignment and synchronization. Each transmission begins with five biphase encoded 1’s quiesce pulses, a code violation, and the sync bit of the first frame. station addressÐThe identification number of a 5250 terminal or other slave device that will specify which device on a multidrop line a message is sent to. sync bitÐA bi-phase 1 that is placed as the first bit of a frame. T-stateÐThe period of CPU-CLK. TCLKÐThe Transceiver CLocK that runs both the transmitter and receiver at a frequency equal to eight times the required serial data rate. The clock can be obtained from a scaled OCLK or from X-TCLK. time-outÐAn interrupt that occurs when the timer reaches a count of zero. transceiverÐThe TRANSmitter used for sending messages and the reCEIVER used for reading messages. transformer coupledÐThe isolation of the transceiver from the transmission cable through the use of a transformer. Contrast this with direct coupled. trapÐA BCP instruction that forces a software interrupt. 183 DP8344B Biphase Communications ProcessorÐBCP 6.0 Reference Section (Continued) TT/ARÐTransmission Turn-around / Auto Response. An acknowledgement by the terminal or other slave device that a write command has successfully been received or that a POLL command status response is all zero. twin-axÐ(1) The shielded pair cable that is used in a 5250 communications systems. (2) Sometimes used to refer to the IBM 5250 communications protocol itself. unmaskÐEnable the accepting of an interrupt by the CPU. wait stateÐAdditional T-states that may be added to a memory access to increase the time from address generation to the beginning of either a memory read or write. The BCP may add as many as seven data wait states and three instruction wait states. X-TCLKÐThe eXternal Transceiver CLocK. An independent clock source that the BCP transceiver operation may synchronize to rather than from OCLK. Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) Plastic Chip Carrier (V) Order Number DP8344B NS Package Number V84A LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. 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