ETC 100439-3

Nickel Thin Film Temperature Sensor
Nickel thin film elements are characterized by a relatively high temperature coefficient. Typical applications include
bearing temperature monitoring, HVAC temperature monitoring, and stator winding temperature monitoring
Nominal Resistance R0
Part Number
1000 ohms at 70 °F
Per DIN 43760
100 439-3
Temperature Range
-60 °C to +200 °C
Temperature Coefficient
Lead wire material
Protective coating
high-temperature epoxy
0,3K/mW in air
Response time
Water (v = 0,2m/sec.) t0,9 = 0,3 sec.
Air (v= 1m/sec.)
t0,9 = 9 sec.
5 mA
Operating Current, Maximum
Polynomial of the resistive characteristic:
R(ϑ) = R0 x (1 + 5,6547x10-3xϑ + 6,814x10-6xϑ2 + 1,49x10-9xϑ3 + 2,000x10-11xϑ4 )
Maximum permissible tolerance as a function of temperature:
ϑ<0°C: F = ±(0,8 + 0,056 x ϑ) °C
ϑ>0°C: F = ±(0,8 + 0,014 x ϑ) °C
All technical data serves as a guideline and does not guarantee any particular properties to the product.
Heraeus Sensor Technology USA
1901 Route 130
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Phone 732-940-4400
Fax 732-940-4445
Email [email protected]
Status: 10/09 DWM