ENA Data Transfer Program Operation Manual

Agilent ENA Series Network Analyzer
ENA Data Transfer Program
Operation Manual
October 2011
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© Copyright 2011 Agilent Technologies
Sample Program
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1. General information
Overview of the program
This program (a VBA macro for Microsoft Excel®) transfers the measurement data and the
display image from the ENA to a PC.
Supported model and firmware
E5061B Network Analyzer
Rev. A.02.00 or later
E5071C Network Analyzer
Rev. A.10.05 or later
E5072A Network Analyzer
Rev. A.01.03 or later
E507xB Network Analyzer
Rev. A.06.51 or later
E506xA Network Analyzer
Rev. A.03.01 or later
Required equipment
• Personal computer
* Microsoft Excel® installed (Excel® 2007)
* Agilent I/O Libraries Suite 15 or higher installed
* Excel Macro File: ENA_DataTransfer_macro_0105.xlsm
• Connection cable (Use either one of the following cables)
1. Agilent 82357A or 82357B USB/GPIB interface
2. USB/USB interface
3. LAN cable (cross or straight cable depending on the connection method)
Typeface Conventions
Indicates the hard key whose key label is “Sample”.
Indicates the soft key whose key label is Sample.
2. How to enable macros
1. Open “ENA_DataTransfer_macro_0105.xlsm” on the PC.
2. Click “Options…” button, then Microsoft Office Security Options dialog box will be displayed.
3. Select “Enable this content” and click “OK” button.
3. How to start the program
1. Run the macro by clicking “Run Macro” in the sheet1 as shown in the figure below.
4. Operation procedure
Connection Method
1. Select a connection method (item 1).
2. Input the address of the ENA for selected connection method (item 2). Refer to the section 6
“How to confirm the address for each connection method and VISA address” (on page 9) for
the checking the address.
Connection Method
Input Address
GPIB Address
IP Address
3. Input a VISA interface ID of the connection method (item 3). Refer to the section 6 “How to
confirm the address for each connection method and VISA address” (on page 9) for
checking the VISA interface ID.
4. Click “Connect” button (item 4). When the “Connected” is displayed (item 5), the connection
configuration between the ENA and the PC is completed.
The connection setting will be stored in the excel sheet. The setting will be loaded
automatically when you start the macro next time.
Save File to Directory
5. If you want to save the measurement result into a separate csv file, check the “Save
Data” check box.
The file will be saved to the directory selected at “file path” box (item 7) with the file
name entered in the “file name input box” (item 10). If you don’t enter the file name,
the file will be named as “day_month_year_time” automatically.
6. If you want to save the display image of the ENA, check “Save Image” box (item 9).
The image file will be saved to the directory selected at “file path” box (item 7) with
the file name entered in the “file name input box” (item 10). If you don’t enter the file
name, the file will be named as “day_month_year_time” automatically.
If you want to invert the color of the image file, check “Invert Color” box (item 11).
With this setting, the background color of the image will be white.
Target Data
7. Select “Data” or “Memory” and “Target Trace” (item 12, item 13, item 14 & item 15).
Data Format
Formatted Data: The error-corrected data converted to a displayed format such as
LogMag, Phase, etc.
Corrected Data:
The data corrected the errors. (Real and Imaginary format)
Memory Format
The error-corrected memory trace converted to a displayed
format such as LogMag, Phase, etc.
The memory corrected the errors. (Real and Imaginary format)
Target Trace
Displayed channel and trace will be transferred.
The data of specified channel and trace will be transferred.
When you choose “Target”, you can select the “Channel” and “Trace” (item 15).
State File
8. If you want you save a state file in the external PC, select the save type (item 16)
and click the “Export” button (item 17)
Save Type
State Only
Save the measurement conditions only.
State & Cal
Save the measurement conditions and the calibration state.
State & Trace
Save the measurement conditions and the formatted data array.
Save the measurement conditions, the calibration state and the
formatted data array.
9. If you want you recall the state file stored in the external PC, click the “Import”
button (item 18).
SnP File
10. If you want to save the data in Touchstone format, click “Export” button (item 19).
But this function is not supported by E5061A/62A.
Get Data & End Macro
11. To get the measurement data, click the “Get Data” button (item 20).
12. If you want to end the macro, click the “End Macro” button (item 21).
5. The example of the transferred data
6. How to confirm the address for each connection method and VISA
GPIB Address
Press System > Misc Setup > GPIB Setup, read the Talker/Listener Address on the ENA.
Press System > Firmware Revision, then Firmware Revision dialog box is appears.
Read the USB ID from the dialog box.
IP Address
Turn ON SICL-LAN Server. Press System > Misc Setup > Network Setup > SICL-LAN
Server ON
Press System > Firmware Revision, then Firmware Revision dialog box is appears.
Read the IP Address from the dialog box.
VISA Interface ID
1. Run Agilent Connection Expert by double-clicking the icon in the task tray of the external
Double click
2. Read the VISA Interface ID and VISA address from the Agilent Connection Expert.
IP VISA interface ID (Item A)
Refer to Item A. The VISA interface ID for a LAN interface is of the form TCPIPn, where n is
an integer.
IP Address (Item B)
Refer to Item B for the IP address.
GPIB VISA Interface ID (Item C)
Refer to Item C. The VISA interface ID for a USB-GPIB interface is of the form GPIBn,
where n is an integer.
GPIB Address (Item D)
Refer to Item D for the GPIB address. It can be any integer from 0 to 30.
USB VISA Interface ID (Item E)
Refer to Item E. The VISA interface ID for a USB interface is of the form USBn, where n is
an integer.
USB Address (Item F)
For USB instrument, uses SICL address (Item F). The SICL address for USB instrument has
this format:
7. Revision History
Initial release
• Supported E5071C, E5072A,
E506xA, E507xB
• Added Memory format in Target
• Added export data in SnP
• Added VISA interface ID