APPLICATION NOTE Replacing Spansion S25FL512S with Macronix MX25L51237G 1. Introduction This application note compares the Macronix MX25L51237G and Spansion S25FL512S serial flash devices. This document does not provide detailed information on each individual device, but highlights the similarities and differences between them. The comparison covers the general features, performance, packaging, command set, and other parameters. The information in this document is based on datasheets listed in Section 9. Newer versions of the datasheets may override the contents of this document. 2. Feature Comparison Both flash device families have similar features and functions as shown in Table 2-1. Significant differences are highlighted in blue. Table 2-1: Features Feature Supply Voltage Range READ (1-1-1) (1) FAST_READ (1-1-1)(1) DREAD/DOR (1-1-2)(1) 2READ/DIOR (1-2-2)(1) QREAD/QOR (1-1-4)(1) 4READ/QIOR (1-4-4)(1) QPI (4-4-4)(1) DDR (Double Data Rate) Page Program Size Sector Size Block Size Security OTP Size Program/Erase Suspend & Resume Read Burst Mode Adjustable Output Driver FastBoot/AutoBoot Mode Configurable Dummy Cycles S/W Reset Command HOLD# Pin RESET# Pin Advanced Sector Protection Manufacturer ID Device ID Package(2) Macronix MX25L51237G 2.7V~3.6V / 1.65~3.6V VIO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 256B 4KB 32KB and 64KB 512B Spansion S25FL512S 2.7V~3.6V / 1.65~3.6V VIO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 512B 256KB 1024B Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes C2h 20h/1Ah Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 01h 02h/20h 16-PIN SOP (300mil) 24-BGA (5x5 ball, 4x6 ball) 16-SOP (300mil) Note: 1. x-y-z in I/O mode indicates the number of active pins used for op-code(x), address(y) and data(z). 2. See datasheet for full list of packages available. P/N: AN-0355 1 Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014 APPLICATION NOTE 3. Performance Comparison Tables 3-1 and 3-2 show MX25L51237G and S25FL512S AC performance. Table 3-1: Read Performance (max.) Parameter Normal Read Fast Read 1-1-1 DREAD 1-1-2 2READ 1-2-2 QREAD 1-1-4 4READ 1-4-4 Fast DTR Read 1-1-1-DTR 2 I/O DTR Read 1-2-2-DTR 4 I/O DTR Read 1-4-4-DTR 15pf tCLQV / tV 30pf Macronix MX25L51237G 66MHz 104MHz 104MHz 104MHz(1) 104MHz 104MHz(2) 66MHz 66MHz(3) 66MHz(4) 6ns 8ns Spansion S25FL512S 50MHz 133MHz 104MHz 104MHz 104MHz 104MHz 80MHz(5) 80MHz(5) 80MHz(5) 6.5ns (3.0V-3.6V) 8ns Notes: 1. 2Read max frequency is 104MHz with 10 dummy cycles or 66MHz with default of 4 dummy cycles. 2. 4Read max frequency is 104MHz with 10 dummy cycles or 84MHz with default of 6 dummy cycles. 3. 2DTRD max frequency is 66MHz with 6 dummy cycles or 52MHz with default of 4 dummy cycles. 4. 4DTRD max frequency is 66MHz with 8 dummy cycles 52MHz with default of 6 dummy cycles. 5. Spansion DTR Read runs up to 80Mhz with restricted VIO = VCC= 3.0 ~ 3.6V, 66MHz over full VIO range depending on ordering option. See Spansion datasheet for details. Table 3-2: Write Performance Parameter 4KB 32KB Erase 64KB 256KB Chip Erase / Bulk Erase Byte Program Page Program/Erase Cycles (Endurance) P/N: AN-0355 Macronix MX25L51237G 30ms(typ) / 400ms(max) 0.15s(typ) / 1s(max) 0.28s(typ) / 2s(max) 200s(typ) / 600s(max) 25us(typ) / 60us(max) 0.25ms(typ) / 0.75ms(max) 100,000(typ) 2 Spansion S25FL512S 0.52s(typ) / 2.6s(max) 103s(typ) / 460s(max) 0.34ms(512B)(typ) / 0.75ms(max) 100,000(typ) Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014 APPLICATION NOTE 4. DC Characteristics DC characteristics (Table 4-1) and compares I/O voltage levels (Table 4-2) are similar. Table 4-1: Read / Write Current Parameter Read Current @ 1xI/O Standby Current Deep Power Down Current Write Current Macronix MX25L51237G 30mA @ 84MHz 100uA 40uA 50mA Spansion S25FL512S 16mA @ 50MHz 100uA N/A 100mA Note: All values in Table 4-1 are maximum. Table 4-2: Input / Output Voltage Parameter VIO Voltage Input Low Voltage (VIL) Input High Voltage (VIH) Output Low Voltage (VOL) Output High Voltage (VOH) Macronix MX25L51237G Spansion S25FL512S 1.65 – 3.6V 1.65V ~ VCC+200mV -0.5V (min.) / 0.2VIO(max.) -0.5V (min.) / 0.2VIO(max.) 0.7VIO (min.) / VIO+0.4V (max.) 0.7VIO (min.) / VIO+0.4V (max.) 0.2V (max.) 0.15VIO (max.) VIO-0.2 (min.) 0.85VIO (min.) 5. Hardware Consideration NC/SIO3 VCC 1 2 RESET# 3 HOLD#/IO3 1 16 SCK VCC 2 15 SI/IO0 RESET#/RFU 3 14 VIO/RFU NC DNU 4 13 NC DNU DNU 5 12 DNU 16 SCLK 15 14 SI/SIO0 13 12 VIO NC 4 DNU 5 DNU 6 11 DNU RFU 6 11 DNU CS# 7 10 GND CS# 7 10 VSS SO/SIO1 8 9 SO/IO1 8 9 MX25L51237 WP#/SIO2 DNU means Do Not Use NC means Not Connected Reset# signal is internal pull high S25FL512S WP# /IO2 DNU means Do Not Use RFU means Reserve for Future Use Reset# and Hold# signals are internal pull high The pin assignments of the 300mil 16-SOP packages are identical, with the exception of the HOLD# pin function which is unavailable on the Macronix chip. Table 5-1: 16-SOP Package Pin Definition Brand Macronix Spansion Part Name MX25L51237G S25FL5112S #1 pin NC/SOI3 #6 pin DNU P/N: AN-0355 Note If Hold function is not used, then both pin functions are HOLD#/SIO3 the same. DNU pin should be undriven. RFU 3 Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014 APPLICATION NOTE 6. Software Considerations Both flash share the same basic and 4-Byte command sets. Status Register and Configuration Register definitions are slightly different. Minor algorithm modifications may be necessary depending on your application. Tables 6-1 and 6-2 show the most common commands which are the same. Notable differences are highlighted in blue in Table 6-3. Table 6-1: Core Command Set Comparison Instruction Type Read Instruction Macronix Spansion MX25L51237G S25FL512S READ READ FAST_READ FAST_READ DREAD DOR 2READ DIOR QREAD QOR 4READ QIOR FASTDTRD DDRFR 2DTRD Write Read ID Register DDRDIOR 4DTRD DDRQIOR WREN WRDI PP SE 4K WREN WRDI PP - BE SE CE RDID RDSR BE RDID RDSR1 WRSR WRR Description Normal Read Fast Read (1-1-1) 1I/2O Read (1-1-2) 2xI/O Read (1-2-2) 1I/4O Read (1-1-4) 4xI/O Read (1-4-4) Fast DT Read(1-1-1-DTR) Dual I/O DT Read(1-2-2-DTR) Quad I/O DT Read(1-4-4-DTR) Write Enable Write Disable Page Program Sector Erase Block Erase (1) 32KB/64KB/256KB Chip Erase / Bulk Erase Read Identification Read Status Register Write Status & Configuration Registers Op-code Macronix Spansion MX25L51237G S25FL512S 03h 03h 0Bh 0Bh 3Bh 3Bh BBh BBh 6Bh 6Bh EBh EBh 0Dh 0Dh BDh BDh EDh EDh 06h 04h 02h 20h 52h/(32KB), D8h/(64KB) 60h or C7h 9Fh 05h 06h 04h 02h - 01h D8h (256KB) 60h or C7h 9Fh 05h 01h Notes: Block Erase command D8h erases 64KBytes on the MX25L51237G and 256KBytes on the S25FL512S. Table 6-2: 4-Byte Command Set Comparison Instruction Type Instruction Macronix Spansion MX25L51237G S25FL512S READ4B 4READ Fast Read4B 4FAST_READ DREAD4B 4DOR 2READ4B 4DIOR QREAD4B 4QOR 4READ4B 4QIOR PP4B 4PP QPP4B Description Op-code Macronix Spansion MX25L51237G S25FL512S 13h 13h 0Ch 0Ch 3Ch 3Ch BCh BCh 6Ch 6Ch ECh ECh 12h 12h 34h Normal Read Fast Read (1-1-1) 1I/2O Read (1-1-2) 2xI/O Read (1-2-2) 1I/4O Read (1-1-4) 4xI/O Read (1-4-4) Write Page Program (1-1-1) Quad Page Program (1-1-4) Quad Input Page Program 4PP4B 3Eh (1-4-4) SE4B Sector Erase 21h (1) BE4B 4SE Block Erase 64KB/256KB DCh (64KB) DCh (256KB) Note: Block Erase command DCh erases 64KBytes on the MX25L51237G and 256KBytes on the S25FL512S. P/N: AN-0355 4 Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014 APPLICATION NOTE Table 6-3: Command Comparison Instructio n Type Other Instruction Macronix Spansion MX25L51237G S25FL512S EN4B EX4B RSTEN RST EQIO PGM/ERS Suspend PGM/ERS Resume PGM/ERS Suspend PGM/ERS Resume RDSFDP Advanced Sector Protection P/N: AN-0355 RESET MBR CLSR(1) Enter 4-Byte Mode Exit 4-Byte Mode Reset Enable Software Reset Memory Mode Bit Reset Enable QPI Clear Status Register Fail Flags B7h (2) E9h 66h 99h FFh (2) 35h - F0h FFh 30h(2) PGSP Program Suspend B0h 85h PGRS Program Resume ERSP Erase Suspend ERRS Erase Resume (2) 30h B0h (2) 30h 8Ah 75h 7Ah RFSDP Read SFDP 5Ah 5Ah REMS REMS Read Electronic Manufacturer Signature 90h 90h RES 4PP ENSO EXSO RDCR RDSCUR WRSCUR ESFBR RDEAR WREAR RDFBR WRFBR RDDPB WRDPB RDSPB WRSPB ESSPB RES QPP OTPP OTPR RDSR2 RDCR BRRD BRWR ABRD ABWR DYBRD DYBWR PPBRD PPBP PPBE ABh (2) 38h B1h C1h (2) 15h (2) 2Bh (2) 2Fh 18h C8h C5h 16h(2) (2) 17h E0h E1h E2h E3h E4h ABh (2) 32h or 38h 42h 4Bh 07h (2) 35h (2) 16h (2) 17h 14h (2) 15h E0h E1h E2h E3h E4h WRLR ASPP RDLR ASPRD RDPASS WRPASS PASSULK WPSEL PASSRD PASSP PASSU - Write Register Description Op-code Macronix Spansion MX25L51237G S25FL512S Read Electronic ID Quad Page Program (1-1-4) Quad Page Program (1-4-4) OTP Program OTP Read Enter Secured OTP Exit Secured OTP Read Status Register-2 Read Configuration Register Read Security Register Write Security Register Erase Fast Boot Register Read Extended Adr Register Write Extended Adr Register Read FastBoot/AutoBoot Register Write FastBoot/AutoBoot Register Read DPB (DYB) Register Write DPB (DYB) Register Read SPB (PPB) Status SPB (PPB) Bit Program Erase All SPB (PPB) Write Lock Register (Advanced Sector Protection Register) Read Lock Register (Advanced Sector Protection Register) Read Password Register Write Password Register Password Unlock Write Protect Selection 5 (2) 2Ch 2Fh 2Dh 2Bh 27h 28h 29h 68h E7h E8h (2) E9h - (2) Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014 APPLICATION NOTE Note: 1. MX25L51237G devices automatically clear the program or erase fail flags and do not have an explicit command to do so. 2. MX25L51237G and S25FL512S devices share the same command opcode, but the command function is different. 6-1. Page Program Length Alignment Page program maximum lengths are different between the MX25L51237G and the S25FL512S. Software modification is necessary if the longer page program length is being used. The Page Program length should be set to a maximum of 256 bytes and the 1 to 256 bytes to be programmed must fall within the same 256-Byte page boundary. 6-2. Sector Sizes The MX25L51237G has uniform 64KB blocks that are each subdivided into two 32KB blocks and sixteen 4KB sectors. The S25FL512S has uniform 256KB blocks. Software adjustments are needed to accommodate the smaller blocks provided by the MX25L51237G. Please refer to the datasheets listed in Section 9 for memory organization details. 6-3. Secure OTP Differences Both device families provide a secure One Time Programmable (OTP) area outside of the main memory array for user defined storage. The sizes, features, and access methods are different. The S25FL512S has commands to directly read (OTPR) and program (OTPW) the OTP area and does not need to explicitly open this area for read and write operations. The MX25L51237G operates in the OTP area using normal read and program instructions after explicitly opening the OTP area with the Enter Secured OTP (ENSO) command. While the OTP area is open, the main array is not accessible. When finished in the OTP area, the Exit Secure OTP (EXSO) command must be issued to return to the Read Main Array mode. The MX25L51237G OTP area has 512 bytes available for user data. The user may permanently lock the whole OTP area to prevent new data from being stored there. This area can optionally be programmed with user supplied data and factory locked by Macronix. 6-4. Block Protection Mode The S25FL512S and the MX25L51237G use Status Register BP (Block Protect) bits to software write protect areas of memory. The S25FL512S only has three BP bits (BP2-BP0) and the granularity of the protected areas is very large. The MX25L51237G uses four BP bits (BP3-BP0) and provides a finer protection area granularity. 6-5. Advanced Sector Protection Mode Both device families offer an Advanced Sector Protection mode used to provide volatile and nonvolatile individual sector (or block) protection. An optional password protection mode is also available, but there are differences that need to be accommodated if this feature is used. 6-6 Status Register, Configuration Register, and Security Register Both devices use status and configuration registers to control device behavior and report status. The registers and bits used are similar but not identical. Software modifications may be needed to accommodate these differences. A detailed register comparison is shown in Table 6-4, Table 6-5, and Table 6-6. If a detailed functional description of register bits is required, please refer to the datasheets listed in Section 9. P/N: AN-0355 6 Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014 APPLICATION NOTE Table 6-4: Status Register Register Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Bit7 Macronix MX25L51237G WIP; 1=write operation WEL; 1=write enable BP0; BP protection BP1; BP protection BP2; BP protection BP3; BP protection QE; 1=Quad mode enable SRWD; 1=SR write disable Spansion S25FL512S WIP; 1=write operation WEL; 1=write enable BP0; BP protection BP1; BP protection BP2; BP protection E_ERR; 1=erase fail*1 P_ERR; 1=program fail*1 SRWD; 1=SR write disable Note: 1. Macronix MX25L51237G Program and Erase Error bits are located in bits 5 and 6 of its Security Register. Table 6-5: Configuration Register Register Bit Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Bit7 Macronix MX25L51237G Spansion S25FL512S ODS0; Output driver strength FREEZE; 1=BPx write disable ODS1; Output driver strength QUAD; 1=Quad mode enable ODS2; Output driver strength RFU TB; 1=Bottom area protect BPNV; 1=BPx is volatile PBE; 1=Preamble bit Enable RFU 4 BYTE; 1=4byte address TBPROT; 1=BP protect at the bottom DC0; Dummy cycle LC0; Latency cycle DC1; Dummy cycle LC1; Latency cycle Table 6-6: Security Register/Status Register2(SR2) Register Bit Macronix MX25L51237G Bit0 4Kb Secured OTP; 1=factory lock Bit1 LDSO; 1=OTP lock down Bit2 PSB; 1=Program suspend Bit3 ESB; 1=Erase suspend Bit4 Reserved Bit5 P_FAIL; 1=Program fail Bit6 E_FAIL; 1=Erase fail Bit7 WPSEL; 1=Individual WP P/N: AN-0355 7 Spansion S25FL512S PS; 1=Program suspend ES; 1=Erase suspend RFU RFU RFU RFU RFU RFU Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014 APPLICATION NOTE 6-7. Manufacturer and Device Identification Numbers Table 6-7 compares the Manufacturer and Device IDs returned by the RDID and REMS commands. Table 6-7: Manufacturer and Device ID Command Type Macronix MX25L51237G RDID 9Fh C2h/20h/1Ah REMS 90h C2h/19h Spansion S25FL512S 01h/02h/20h 01h/19h 7. Address Protocol Support 7-1. Addressing Memory Beyond 16MBytes Both devices support various methods to address memory beyond 128Mb (16MBytes). Some of the methods employed are different, but the concepts are the same. Depending on the application, the software may require minor modifications. Please refer to the datasheets listed in Section 9 for more details. 7-1-1. 4-Byte Address Mode 4-Byte Address mode uses the legacy command set but the address field is 4-Bytes instead of 3-Bytes. The Macronix device uses the EN4B and EX4B commands to enter and exit 4-Byte address mode. On the Spansion device, 4-Byte address mode is entered or exited by setting or clearing bit-7 in the Bank Address Register (BAR). After making the mode selection, the appropriate number of address bytes (3-Byte or 4-Byte) must be used for all commands that require an address argument (with the exception of the Read SFDP command (5Ah), which always uses 3-Byte addressing). 7-1-2. Bank Address Mode Bank Address Mode uses one or more of the low-order bits of a Bank Address Register to supply address bits A24 and above for legacy read, program, and erase commands that use 3-Byte addressing. The serial flash internally appends the low-order bits from the bank address to the 3-Byte address to form an extended address. This allows access to addresses beyond 128Mb while still using the legacy command set and 3-Byte addressing. In Spansion devices, the bank register is the BAR. In Macronix devices the bank address register is the Extended Address Register (EAR). 7-1-3. 4-Byte Address Command Set Both Macronix and Spansion devices support a 4-Byte Address Command Set which always uses 4-Bytes of address, eliminating the need to enter or exit 4-Byte Address mode. The 4-Byte Address Command Set (see Table 6-2) supplements the legacy 3-Byte command set. P/N: AN-0355 8 Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014 APPLICATION NOTE 8. Summary The Macronix MX25L51237G and Spansion S25FL512S have similar commands, functions, and features. Additionally, the supported package types have identical footprints and nearly identical pin out definitions. Software modification may be needed to accommodate to differences in the Page Program size and the Block Erase size. Additional software modification may be needed due to differences in status and configuration register bit assignments and the commands used to access them and if functions such as Advanced Sector Protection, the Autoboot function, Erase Suspend/Resume, the Software Reset function, or the HOLD# pin are used. 9. References Table 9-1 shows the datasheet versions used for comparison in this application note. For the most current, detailed specification, please refer to the Macronix Website at Table 9-1: Datasheet Version Datasheet MX25L51237G S25FL512S Location -Website Data Issued Nov. 12, 2014 Jan. 8, 2014 Version Rev. 00 Rev. 07 10. Appendix Table 10-1 shows the basic part number and package information cross reference between the Macronix MX25L51237G and the Spansion S25FL512S. Table 10-1: Part Number Cross Reference Density Macronix Part No. 512Mb(1) MX25L51237GMI-10G Spansion Part No. S25FL512SAGMFI/01/G1/R1(1)/(2) S25FL512SDPMFI01/G1(1)/(2) S25FL512SDSMFI01(1)/(2) Package Dimension 16-SOP 300 mil Note: 1. AG: 133MHz; DP: DTR 66MHz; DS: DTR 80MHz 2. 01: 16-SOP with 256KB sector; G1: 16-SOP with 256KB sector and RESET# R1: 16-SOP with 256KB sector.and RESET# and VIO 11. Revision History P/N: AN-0355 Revision Description Date 1.0 Initial Release December 2, 2014 9 Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014 APPLICATION NOTE Except for customized products which have been expressly identified in the applicable agreement, Macronix's products are designed, developed, and/or manufactured for ordinary business, industrial, personal, and/or household applications only, and not for use in any applications which may, directly or indirectly, cause death, personal injury, or severe property damages. In the event Macronix products are used in contradicted to their target usage above, the buyer shall take any and all actions to ensure said Macronix's product qualified for its actual use in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations; and Macronix as well as it’s suppliers and/or distributors shall be released from any and all liability arisen therefrom. Copyright© Macronix International Co., Ltd. 2014. All rights reserved, including the trademarks and tradename thereof, such as Macronix, MXIC, MXIC Logo, MX Logo, Integrated Solutions Provider, NBit, Nbit, NBiit, Macronix NBit, eLiteFlash, HybridNVM, HybridFlash, XtraROM, Phines, KH Logo, BE-SONOS, KSMC, Kingtech, MXSMIO, Macronix vEE, Macronix MAP, Rich Au-dio, Rich Book, Rich TV, and FitCAM. The names and brands of third party referred thereto (if any) are for identification purposes only For the contact and order information, please visit Macronix’s Web site at: P/N: AN-0355 10 Ver 01. Dec. 2, 2014