Provisional Data Data Sheet Issue:- 2 WESTCODE Date:- 25 May, 2001 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS (Note 1) Repetitive peak off-state voltage VDSM Non-repetitive peak off-state voltage VRRM Repetitive peak reverse voltage VRSM Non-repetitive peak reverse voltage VDRM Distributed Gate Thyristor Types R3047TC24x to R3047TC28x OTHER RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS 2400-2800 V 2400-2800 V 2400-2800 V 2500-2900 V MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS IT(AV) Mean on-state current, Tsink=55°C (note 2) 3047 A IT(AV) Mean on-state current. Tsink=85°C (note 2) 2043 A IT(AV) Mean on-state current. Tsink=85°C (note 3) 1196 A IT(RMS) Nominal RMS on-state current, Tsink=25°C (note 2) 6094 A IT(d.c.) D.C. on-state current, Tsink=25°C (note 4) 5097 A ITSM Peak non-repetitive surge tp=10ms, VRM=0.6VRRM (note 5) 50 kA ITSM2 Peak non-repetitive surge tp=10ms, VRM≤10V (note 5) 55 2 I t capacity for fusing tp=10ms, VRM=0.6VRRM (note 5) It 2 2 It diT/dt 2 I t capacity for fusing tp=10ms, VRM≤10V (note 5) kA 12.5×10 6 As 2 15.1×10 6 As 2 Maximum rate of rise of on-state current (repetitive) (Note 6) 500 A/µs Maximum rate of rise of on-state current (non-repetitive) (Note 6) 1000 A/µs VRGM Peak reverse gate voltage 5 V PG(AV) Mean forward gate power 4 W PGM Peak forward gate power 50 W VGD Non-trigger gate voltage (Note 7) 0.25 V THS Operating temperature range -40 to +125 °C Tstg Storage temperature range -40 to +150 °C Notes:1) De-rating factor of 0.13% per °C is applicable for Tj below 25°C. 2) Double side cooled, single phase; 50Hz, 180° half-sinewave. 3) Single side cooled, single phase; 50Hz, 180° half-sinewave. 4) Double side cooled. 5) Half-sinewave, 125°C Tj initial. 6) VD=67% VDRM, IFG=2A, tr≤0.5µs, Tcase=125°C. 7) Rated VDRM. Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 Page 1 of 12 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x Characteristics MIN. TYP. MAX. TEST CONDITIONS (Note 1) VTM Maximum peak on-state voltage - - 2.45 V0 Threshold voltage - - 1.581 rS Slope resistance - - 0.171 dv/dt Critical rate of rise of off-state voltage 200 - - IDRM Peak off-state current - - IRRM Peak reverse current - VGT Gate trigger voltage - IGT Gate trigger current - IH Holding current - tgd Gate-controlled turn-on delay time - tgt Turn-on time - Qrr Recovered charge - Qra Recovered charge, 50% Chord - Irm Reverse recovery current - trr Reverse recovery time, 50% chord Turn-off time Rth(j-hs) Thermal resistance, junction to heatsink F Mounting force Wt Weight ITM=5000A V mΩ 200 Rated VDRM mA - 200 Rated VRRM mA - 3.0 - 600 - 1000 0.7 1.5 1.5 3.0 1900 - 950 1180 260 - V/µs Tj=25°C V VD=10V, IT=3A mA Tj=25°C mA VD=67% VDRM, IT=2000A, di/dt=60A/µs, IFG=2A, tr=0.5µs, Tj=25°C µs µC µC ITM=4000A, tp=2000µs, di/dt=60A/µs, Vr=100V A µs - 7.3 - - - 80 60 85 100 - - 0.008 Double side cooled K/W - - 0.016 Single side cooled K/W 63 - 77 kN - 1.23 - kg ITM=4000A, tp=2000µs, di/dt=60A/µs, Vr=100V, Vdr=67%VDRM, dVdr/dt=20V/µs ITM=4000A, tp=2000µs, di/dt=60A/µs, Vr=100V, Vdr=67%VDRM, dVdr/dt=200V/µs Notes:1) Unless otherwise indicated Tj=125°C. 2) The required tq (specified with dVdr/dt=200V/µs) is represented by an ‘x’ in the device part number. See ordering information for details of tq codes. Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 V VD=80% VDRM, linear ramp tq UNITS PARAMETER Page 2 of 12 May, 2001 µs WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x Notes on Ratings and Characteristics Voltage Grade 2400 2600 2800 VDRM VDSM VRRM V 2400 2600 2800 1.0 Voltage Grade Table VRSM V 2500 2700 2900 2.0 Extension of Voltage Grades VD VR DC V 1450 1550 1650 This report is applicable to other and higher voltage grades when supply has been agreed by Sales/Production. 3.0 Extension of Turn-off Time This Report is applicable to other tq/re-applied dv/dt combinations when supply has been agreed by Sales/Production. 4.0 Repetitive dv/dt 5.0 De-rating Factor Higher dv/dt selections are available up to 1000V/µs on request. A blocking voltage de-rating factor of 0.13%/°C is applicable to this device for Tj below 25°C. 6.0 Rate of rise of on-state current The maximum un-primed rate of rise of on-state current must not exceed 1000A/µs at any time during turn-on on a non-repetitive basis. For repetitive performance, the on-state rate of rise of current must not exceed 500A/µs at any time during turn-on. Note that these values of rate of rise of current apply to the total device current including that from any local snubber network. 7.0 Square wave ratings These ratings are given for load component rate of rise of forward current of 100 and 500 A/µs. 8.0 Duty cycle lines The 100% duty cycle is represented on all the ratings by a straight line. Other duties can be included as parallel to the first. 9.0 Maximum Operating Frequency The maximum operating frequency is set by the on-state duty, the time required for the thyristor to turn off (tq) and for the off-state voltage to reach full value (tv), i.e. f max = 1 tpulse + tq + tv Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 Page 3 of 12 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x 10.0 On-State Energy per Pulse Characteristics These curves enable rapid estimation of device dissipation to be obtained for conditions not covered by the frequency ratings. Let Ep be the Energy per pulse for a given current and pulse width, in joules Let Rth(J-Hs) be the steady-state d.c. thermal resistance (junction to sink) and TSINK be the heat sink temperature. Then the average dissipation will be: W AV = E P ⋅ f and TSINK (max .) = 125 − (W AV ⋅ Rth ( J − Hs ) ) 11.0 Reverse recovery ratings (i) Qra is based on 50% Irm chord as shown in Fig. 1 below. Fig. 1 (ii) Qrr is based on a 150µs integration time. 150 µs i.e. Qrr = ∫i rr .dt 0 K Factor = (iii) t1 t2 12.0 Reverse Recovery Loss 12.1 Determination by Measurement From waveforms of recovery current obtained from a high frequency shunt (see Note 1, Page 5) and reverse voltage present during recovery, an instantaneous reverse recovery loss waveform must be constructed. Let the area under this waveform be E joules per pulse. A new heat sink temperature can then be evaluated from: TSINK ( new) = TSINK ( original ) − E ⋅ (k + f ⋅ Rth ( J − Hs ) ) where k = 0.227 (°C/W)/s E = Area under reverse loss waveform per pulse in joules (W.s.) f = rated frequency Hz at the original heat sink temperature. Rth(J-Hs) = d.c. thermal resistance (°C/W). Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 Page 4 of 12 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x The total dissipation is now given by: W (TOT) = W (original) + E ⋅ f 12.2 Determination without Measurement In circumstances where it is not possible to measure voltage and current conditions, or for design purposes, the additional losses E in joules may be estimated as follows. Let E be the value of energy per reverse cycle in joules (curves in Figure 9). Let f be the operating frequency in Hz TSINK (new ) = TSINK (original ) − (E ⋅ Rth ⋅ f ) Where TSINK (new) is the required maximum heat sink temperature and TSINK (original) is the heat sink temperature given with the frequency ratings. A suitable R-C snubber network is connected across the thyristor to restrict the transient reverse voltage to a peak value (Vrm) of 67% of the maximum grade. If a different grade is being used or Vrm is other than 67% of Grade, the reverse loss may be approximated by a pro rata adjustment of the maximum value obtained from the curves. NOTE 1- Reverse Recovery Loss by Measurement This thyristor has a low reverse recovered charge and peak reverse recovery current. When measuring the charge care must be taken to ensure that: (a) a.c. coupled devices such as current transformers are not affected by prior passage of high amplitude forward current. (b) A suitable, polarised, clipping circuit must be connected to the input of the measuring oscilloscope to avoid overloading the internal amplifiers by the relatively high amplitude forward current signal (c) Measurement of reverse recovery waveform should be carried out with an appropriate critically damped snubber, connected across diode anode to cathode. The formula used for the calculation of this snubber is shown below: Vr CS ⋅ di dt R2 = 4 ⋅ Where: Vr = Commutating source voltage CS = Snubber capacitance R = Snubber resistance 13.0 Gate Drive The recommended pulse gate drive is 30V, 15Ω with a short-circuit current rise time of not more than 0.5µs. This gate drive must be applied when using the full di/dt capability of the device. The duration of pulse may need to be configured with respect to the application but should be no shorter than 20µs, otherwise an increase in pulse current could be needed to supply the resulting increase in charge to trigger. Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 Page 5 of 12 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x 14.0 Computer Modelling Parameters 14.1 Calculating VT using ABCD Coefficients The on-state characteristic IT vs VT, on page 7 is represented in two ways; (i) the well established V0 and rs tangent used for rating purposes and (ii) a set of constants A, B, C, D, forming the coefficients of the representative equation for VT in terms of IT given below: VT = A + B ⋅ ln (I T ) + C ⋅ I T + D ⋅ I T The constants, derived by curve fitting software, are given in this report for hot and cold characteristics where possible. The resulting values for VT agree with the true device characteristic over a current range, which is limited to that plotted. 25°C Coefficients A 1.262553 B 0.140687 125°C Coefficients -4 C 1.41627×10 D -9.591208×10 2.08186705 B -0.1296326 C 1.055787×10 D 0.01335506 -4 -3 A 14.2 D.C. Thermal Impedance Calculation −t τ rt = ∑ rp ⋅ 1 − e p p =1 p=n Where p = 1 to n, n is the number of terms in the series. = = = = Duration of heating pulse in seconds. Thermal resistance at time t. Amplitude of pth term. Time Constant of rth term. t rt rp τp D.C. Double Side Cooled Term rp τp 1 -3 2 3 -3 -3 5.228149×10 3.076205×10 1.977511×10 0.9862513 0.2593041 0.03447094 D.C. Single Side Cooled Term rp τp 1 2 3 0.01186497 3.872272×10 7.361938 1.651253 Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 -3 Page 6 of 12 4 -3 -3 3.457033×10 1.694157×10 0.2019036 0.02934724 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x Curves Figure 2 - Transient thermal impedance 10000 0.1 Figure 1 - On-state characteristics of Limit device SSC 0.016K/W 1000 DSC 0.008K/W Tj = 25°C Transient Thermal Impedance - Z (th)t (K/W) Instantaneous on-state current - I T (A) 0.01 Tj = 125°C 0.001 0.0001 R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 100 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.00001 0.0001 3.5 Instantaneous on-state voltage - VT (V) Figure 3 - Gate characteristics - Trigger limits R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Time (s) Figure 4 - Gate characteristics - Power curves 20 8 R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 Tj=25°C R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 Tj=25°C 18 7 16 Max VG dc 5 Max VG dc 14 Gate Trigger Voltage - V GT (V) Gate Trigger Voltage - V GT (V) 6 4 IGT, VGT 3 12 10 8 PG Max 30W dc 6 -40°C -10°C 25°C 125°C 2 4 Min VG dc 1 0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 0 1.5 2 4 6 8 10 Gate Trigger Current - IGT (A) Gate Trigger Current - IGT (A) Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 Min VG dc 2 IGD, VGD 0 PG 4W dc Page 7 of 12 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x Figure 5 - Total recovered charge, Qrr Figure 6 - Recovered charge, Qra (50% chord) 10000 10000 4000A 2000A 4000A 2000A 1000A 1000A 100 1000 Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 100 10 100 1000 10 Commutation rate - di/dt (A/µs) Figure 7 - Peak reverse recovery current, Irm 100 1000 Commutation rate - di/dt (A/µs) Figure 8 - Maximum recovery time, trr (50% chord) 10 4000A 2000A 1000A 500A 1000 100 1000A 500A Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 100 1 10 1000 100 1000 Commutation rate - di/dt (A/µs) Commutation rate - di/dt (A/µs) Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 2000A R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 10 10 4000A Reverse recovery time - t rr (µs) 10000 Reverse recovery current - I rm (A) 500A Recovered charge - Q ra (µC) 1000 Total recovered charge - Q rr (µC) 500A Page 8 of 12 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x 10000 Figure 10 - Sine wave energy per pulse 1.00E+03 R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 Tj = 125°C R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 Tj=125°C Vr=400V Measured without snubber 4000A 1.00E+02 1000A Energy per pulse (J) 500A 2000A Reverse energy per pulse - Er (mJ) Figure 9 – Reverse Recovery Energy 1000 1.00E+01 8000A 6000A 4000A 1.00E+00 2000A 1000A 1.00E-01 500A 100 10 100 1.00E-02 1.00E-05 1000 1.00E-04 di/dt (A/µs) Figure 11 - Sine wave frequency ratings 1.00E+05 1.00E-03 Figure 12 - Sine wave frequency ratings 1.00E+05 R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 THs=85°C R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 1000A 1.00E-02 Pulse width (s) THs=55°C 1000A 100% Duty Cycle 100% Duty Cycle 2000A 1.00E+04 2000A 4000A 1.00E+03 Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) 1.00E+04 6000A 8000A 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 6000A 1.00E+02 1.00E+01 1.00E-05 1.00E-02 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 Pulse width (s) Pulse Width (s) Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 4000A 8000A 1.00E+02 1.00E+01 1.00E-05 1.00E+03 Page 9 of 12 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x Figure 14 - Square wave frequency ratings 1.00E+05 1.00E+05 Figure 13 - Square wave frequency ratings R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 di/dt=500A/µs 100% Duty Cycle THs=55°C 1000A 2000A 100% Duty Cycle 1.00E+04 1.00E+04 2000A Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) 4000A 6000A 1.00E+03 8000A 1.00E+03 6000A 8000A 1.00E+02 THs=55°C 1.00E+02 4000A di/dt=100A/µs R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 1.00E+01 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E+01 1.00E-05 1.00E-02 1.00E-04 Pulse width (s) Figure 15 - Square wave frequency ratings 1.00E+05 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 Pulse width (s) Figure 16 - Square wave frequency ratings 1.00E+05 500A 1000A 100% Duty Cycle 100% Duty Cycle 1.00E+04 2000A 4000A 1.00E+03 1000A 2000A Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) 1.00E+04 6000A 8000A 1.00E+03 4000A 6000A 8000A 1.00E+02 1.00E+02 THs=85°C THs=85°C di/dt=100A/µs R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 di/dt=500A/µs 1.00E+01 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 1.00E-02 Pulse width (s) Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 1.00E+01 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 Pulse width (s) Page 10 of 12 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x 1.00E+03 Figure 18 - Square wave energy per pulse 1.00E+03 R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 di/dt=100A/µs Figure 17 - Square wave energy per pulse R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 di/dt=500A/µs Tj=125°C Tj=125°C 1.00E+02 1.00E+02 1.00E+01 Energy per pulse (J) Energy per pulse (J) 8000A 6000A 4000A 8000A 6000A 4000A 1.00E+00 2000A 1000A 500A 1.00E-02 1.00E-05 1.00E+00 2000A 1000A 500A 1.00E-01 1.00E-01 1.00E+01 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-05 1.00E-02 1.00E-04 Pulse width (s) 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 Pulse width (s) 2 Figure 19 - Maximum surge and I t Ratings Gate may temporarily lose control of conduction angle 1.00E+09 R3047TC24x-28x AD Issue 2 Tj (initial) = 125°C 2 I t: VRRM≤10V 100000 1.00E+08 2 I t: 60% VRRM ITSM: VRRM≤10V ITSM: 60% VRRM 10000 1000 1 3 5 10 Duration of surge (ms) Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 1 5 10 50 100 1.00E+07 Maximum I2t (A2s) Total peak half sine surge current - I TSM (A) 1000000 1.00E+06 Duration of surge (cycles @ 50Hz) Page 11 of 12 May, 2001 WESTCODE Positive development in power electronics R3047TC24x-28x Outline Drawing & Ordering Information ORDERING INFORMATION R3047 TC Fixed Type Code Fixed Outline Code (Please quote 10 digit code as below) ♦♦ Off-state Voltage Code VDRM/100 40-45 Typical order code: R3047TC26 – 2600V VDRM, VRRM, 300µs tq, 27.1mm clamp height capsule. WESTCODE ♦ tq Code K=60µs, L=65µs, M=70µs, N=100µs UK: Westcode Semiconductors Ltd. P.O. Box 57, Chippenham, Wiltshire, England. SN15 1JL. Tel: +44 (0) 1249 444524 Fax: +44 (0) 1249 659448 E-Mail: USA: Westcode Semiconductors Inc. 3270 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, California 90807 Tel: 562 595 6971 Fax: 562 595 8182 E-Mail: Internet: The information contained herein is confidential and is protected by Copyright. The information may not be used or disclosed except with the written permission of and in the manner permitted by the proprietors Westcode Semiconductors Ltd. © Westcode Semiconductors Ltd. In the interest of product improvement, Westcode reserves the right to change specifications at any time without prior notice. Devices with a suffix code (2-letter or letter/digit/letter combination) added to their generic code are not necessarily subject to the conditions and limits contained in this report. Provisional Data Sheet. Types R3047TC24x-28x Issue 2 Page 12 of 12 May, 2001