SUPER-QUIET XENON FLASH LAMP Series Compact 5 W Module type HQ (High Quality) Type SQ (Super Quiet) Type High Power Type with Built-in Reflector 60 W Type Lamp Modules Trigger Sockets Power Supplies Shield Box Cooling Jacket Light Guides Main discharge capacitor Application Examples Medical analysis, environmental analysis Biological research Example: Blood analyzer FA (Factory Automation) Example: Strobe light for high-speed image processing Example: Microplate reader XENON FLASH LAMP MONITOR CCD CAMERA SAMPLE (CELL, DRAG DISCOVERIES, etc.) CONDENSER LENS SAMPLE BLOOD FILTER EXCITATION FILTER MIRROR CONDENSER LENS FLUORESCENT FILTER XENON FLASH LAMP FILTER CONDENSER LENS HIGH SENSITIVITY PHOTODETECTOR (PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE) ●In-vitro testing ●Air pollution analysis ●Water pollution analysis, drainage pollution analysis ●Fluorescence spectrophotometers ●UV to visible spectrophotometers CONDENSER LENS HIGH SENSITIVITY PHOTODETECTOR (PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE) TLSOC0027EA Applicable Lamps 5 W Module/P4 HQ Type/P6 SQ Type/P8 Applicable Lamps SQ Type/P8 Built-in Reflector High Output Type/P10 60 W Type/P12 Applicable Lamps 5 W Module/P4 HQ Type/P6 SQ Type/P8 XENON FLASH LAMP Selection Guide ●Shape inspection of various parts ●Glass bottle flaw or stain detection ●Fluid impurity inspection ●Color analyzer for printing ●Positioning for printing Xenon Flash Lamp's Features Trigger Socket Lamp Type Power Other Supply (See Page 14) ✰Instantaneously high peak output Accessories ✰High-intensity, continuous line spectra from UV to IR TLSXB0094EB TLSXB0029EB 0.25 No 5 W Module HQ Yes SQ No Is a large amount of FA light required? Extremely High 60 W Type HQ Lamp 2 L4640 to L4647 C5398, Lamp Module C5728 C5604, C5605 A2873, A7432 E6647 C6096 Cooling Jacket E6611 Main Discharge Capacitor E7289-01 Light Guide A2873, A7432 This purchase set takes "high cost performance" into account. Trigger Socket E6186 or E6188 10 -2 (LAMP WATTAGE: 1/2) XENON FLASH LAMP (15 W) 10-3 XENON LAMP (35 W) 10-4 Shield Box C10979, E2608 E4370-01 C10980-10 Light Guide See Page 12 * Please consult us for details on how to select the right. 1000 TIMES ! — E2418 C5398, Shield Box Type [10 W/15 W] E2191 E2191-01 C5728 E2608 See Page 8 E2446, etc. [15 W] See Page 10 (Factory Automation) Recommended purchase set E2418 E2442 Type [10 W] E6186 See Page 6 E6188 Built-in Reflector High Output Type Yes include See Page 4 required? What is your application? include RELATIVE INTENSITY Chemical analysis Is high stability Medical analysis Is the module type No adopted? Yes INTENSITY (µW/cm2 · nm) at 50 cm 10-1 Power Supply C5398 10-5 0 20 40 60 80 100 TIME (µs) SYNTHETIC SILICA GLASS UV GLASS 0.2 BOROSILICATE GLASS 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 WAVELENGTH (nm) Other features ✰High stability; Fluctuation (p-p): 1.0 % Typ. (See page 6.) ✰Long service life: 1.2 × 109 flashes (See page 8.) ●Less heat buildup : Minimal thermal damage to samples ●No warm-up required ●Color temperature: 15000 K ●Compact size ●Point light source (1.5 mm gap type) 3 Compact, easy handling, high repetition rate Chemical Biological analysis research The L9455 and L9456 are compact xenon flash lamp modules integrating a 5-watt xenon flash lamp with its power supply and trigger socket. These lamp modules allow an energy input up to 5 watts, which is the maximum among similar lamp modules of the same size. The high stability and long operating life make them ideal as light sources for water quality analyzers and atmospheric analyzers. Please select the appropriate unit for the usage from side-on type such as L9455 and L9456 or headon type of L11035 and L11036. SMA fiber adapter type is also available. COMPACT 5W MODULE [5W] Long life & high stability ■Life (L9455-01) ■Light Output Stability * TLSXB0123EC 110 RELATIVE LIGHT OUTPUT** (%) RELATIVE LIGHT OUTPUT (%) 120 100 80 60 Operating Condition Main Discharge Voltage: 600 V Main Discharge Capacitor: 0.22 µF Repetition Rate: 126 Hz Average Input: 5 W 40 20 TLSXB0122EB 0 500 1000 (0.5 × 109 flash) 1500 2000 (1.0 × 109 flash) 2500 ■Flash Pulse Waveform 80 Operating Condition Main Discharge Voltage: 600 V Main Discharge Capacitor: 0.22 µF Repetition Rate: 126 Hz Average Input: 5 W 70 60 0 Operating Condition Main Discharge Voltage: 600 V Main Discharge Capacitor: 0.22 µF Repetition Rate: 126 Hz Average Input: 5 W RELATIVE LIGHT OUTPUT (%) 80 L9456-01 60 FWHM L9455: Approx. 400 ns L9456: Approx. 500 ns 40 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 TIME (ns) 4 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 * Calculated by: standard deviation / average light output × 100 [%] Calculated by: (maximum light output - minimum light output) / average light output × 100 [%] ** The light output when making the average light output of L9456-01 into 100% LINE-UP TLSXB0125EB 100 0.51 % CV (2.74 % p-p) NUMBER OF FLASHES Values in parenthese show number of flashes L9455-01 L9455-01 90 OPERATING TIME (h) 120 0.36 % CV (1.93 % p-p) 100 GUARANTEED LIFE RANGE 0 L9456-01 1000 1200 1400 Standard Type (without Fiber Adapter) Arc Size Main Discharge Capacitor Type No. (mm) (µF) B 0.22 L9455-01 / L11035-01 0.11 1.5 L9455-02 / L11035-02 0.047 L9455-03 / L11035-03 0.22 L9456-01 / L11036-01 3.0 0.11 L9456-02 / L11036-02 0.047 L9456-03 / L11036-03 With SMA Fiber Adapter Type Arc Size Type No. (mm) L9455-11 / L11035-11 L9455-12 / L11035-12 1.5 L9455-13 / L11035-13 Main Discharge Capacitor (µF) B 0.22 0.11 0.047 SPECIFICATIONS A Type No. Arc Window Spectral Size Material Distribution (mm) (nm) B C D F Max. Max. Main Discharge Max. Input Light Main Average Average Guaranteed Voltage Voltage Input Input Energy Repetion Output Adjustable Discharge Life Rate Range Stability Capacitor [Continuous] [/flash] Range (µF) (J) (V) (V) (W) (Hz) (% CV) (flash) Cooling 0.047 See See Natural F 2.0 E 0.11 5 1.0 × 109 11 to 28 E L9456 Series / L11036 Series 3.0 air cooling below table below table 1.5 0.22 A: Adjustable with internal trimmer potentiometer or external voltage supply of 3.2 V to 4.8 V. B: Adjusted at factory prior to shipment. C: Maximum average input (continuous) W is given by: W=E × f [W], where E is the maximum input energy (J) and f is the repetition frequency (Hz). D: Maximum average input energy (per flash) E is given by: E=1/2 CV2 [J], where V is the main discharge voltage (V) and the main discharge capacitance (F) for C. E: Calculated by: standard deviation / average light output × 100 [%] F: At 5-watt operation G: Cooling is required if temperature on the lamp module exceeds 50 °C during operation. L9455 Series / L11035 Series 1.5 UV Glass 185 to 2000 400 to 600 OPERATING CONDITIONS Main Discharge Capacitor (µF) B Type No. L945¤-¤1 L1103¤-¤1 0.22 L945¤-¤2 L1103¤-¤2 0.11 L945¤-¤3 L1103¤-¤3 0.047 Main Discharge Max. Average Input Energy: per flash D Voltage (V) (mJ) 400 500 600 400 500 600 400 500 600 Max. Repetition Rate (Hz) Max. Average Input (W) C 284 182 126 530 362 252 530 530 530 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.7 5.0 5.0 2.0 3.1 4.5 17.6 27.5 39.6 8.8 13.8 19.8 3.8 5.9 8.5 NOTE: Please refer to above "NOTE" DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) Standard Type ●L9455-0¤ Series / L9456-0¤ Series SCREW HOLES FOR FIXTURE 4-M3 3.6 ± 0.4 5±1 98.0 ± 0.4 SIDE VIEW REAR VIEW INTERNAL/EXTERNAL ADJUSTMENT SELECTOR FOR MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE 59.2 ± 0.5 3.6 ± 0.4 ARC POINT 5±1 FRONT VIEW 120.0 ± 0.5 SIDE VIEW REAR VIEW TRIMMER POTENTIOMETER FOR MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT XENON FLASH LAMP L11035 SERIES: 1.5 mm ARC L11036 SERIES: 3.0 mm ARC TOP VIEW 35.0 ± 0.4 25.0 ± 0.1 4.3 ± 0.1 ARC POINT 35.0 ± 0.4 TOP VIEW 38.6 ± 0.15 44.0 ± 0.4 33.0 ± 0.15 XENON FLASH LAMP L9455 SERIES: 1.5 mm ARC L9456 SERIES: 3.0 mm ARC 13.3 ± 0.1 25.0 ± 0.1 4.3 ± 0.1 ●L11035-0¤ Series / L11036-0¤ Series 18.8 ± 0.3 13.3 ± 0.1 38.6 ± 0.15 18.4 ± 0.25 44.0 ± 0.4 33.0 ± 0.15 SCREW HOLES FOR FIXTURE 4-M3 INTERNAL/EXTERNAL ADJUSTMENT SELECTOR FOR MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE FRONT VIEW TRIMMER POTENTIOMETER FOR MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT 9 PIN D-sub MALE 40.8 14.5 14.5 9 PIN D-sub MALE 7.8 40.8 BOTTOM VIEW 7.8 BOTTOM VIEW TLSXA0099EC TLSZA0009EA With SMA Fiber Adapter Type ●L11035-1¤ Series 5±1 12.5 REAR VIEW SIDE VIEW 59.2 ± 0.3 XENON FLASH LAMP WITH SMA FIBER ADAPTER (905 TYPE) +0.05 APPLICABLE FIBER DIAMETER: 3.18 - 0 13.3 ± 0.1 4.3 ± 0.1 25.0 ± 0.1 98.0 ± 0.4 INTERNAL/EXTERNAL ADJUSTMENT SELECTOR FOR MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE 38.6 ± 0.15 TOP VIEW 35.0 ± 0.4 13.3 ± 0.1 TOP VIEW 4.3 ± 0.1 25.0 ± 0.1 SCREW HOLES FOR FIXTURE 4-M3 20 18.8 ± 0.3 XENON FLASH LAMP WITH SMA FIBER ADAPTER (905 TYPE) +0.05 3.18 - 0 35.0 ± 0.4 38.6 ± 0.15 18.4 ± 0.25 44.0 ± 0.4 33.0 ± 0.15 SCREW HOLES FOR FIXTURE 4-M3 44.0 ± 0.4 33.0 ± 0.15 ●L9455-1¤ Series 5±1 120.0 ± 0.5 REAR VIEW FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW INTERNAL/EXTERNAL ADJUSTMENT SELECTOR FOR MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE TRIMMER POTENTIOMETER FOR MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT 12.5 20 FRONT VIEW TRIMMER POTENTIOMETER FOR MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT 9 PIN D-sub MALE 14.5 14.5 9 PIN D-sub MALE 40.8 40.8 7.8 BOTTOM VIEW TLSXA0107EC 7.8 BOTTOM VIEW TLSXA0010EA 5 Chemical Biological analysis research HQ (High Quality) TYPE High stability, compact, reasonable price In spite of using a low cost cathode as the electrode, HQ (High Quality) type xenon flash lamps feature high stability and easy handling. The lamp outer diameter is 20 mm which is the smallest size among Hamamatsu xenon flash lamps. Two window shapes are available: flat and hemispherical. Lamp service life is extended up to 1 × 109 flashes which nearly equal to that of SQ type flash lamps. [ 10 W ] High stability; Fluctuation (p-p): 1 % Typ. (at 10 Hz operation) Output stability (%) = { (maximum light output – minimum light output) / average light output } × 100 ■Light output stability vs. flash repetition rate ■Xenon flash lamp light output stability vs. operating time 105 100 0 5 Operating conditions 10 Time (min.) 1.0 % 95 TLSXB0036EC 5 MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE : 1000 V MAIN DISCHARGE CAPACITOR : 0.1µF REPETITION RATE : 50 Hz WAVELENGTH : 400 nm LIGHT OUTPUT STABILITY LIGHT OUTPUT STABILITY (%) RELATIVE LIGHT OUTPUT (%) ●Operating Time (0 h) RELATIVE LIGHT OUTPUT (%) ●Operating Time (1000 h) - 1.8 × 108 flash 0 5 10 Time (min.) 105 100 APERTURE 2.2 % 95 TRIGGER SOCKET ●Operating Time (3000 h) - 5.4 × 108 flash RELATIVE LIGHT OUTPUT (%) Block Diagram of Sample-and-Hold Measuring Circuit 0 5 10 Time (min.) 105 100 3.0 % SAMPLEAND-HOLD CIRCUIT LAMP OP COMPUTER 4 3 2 MAIN D ISCHA RGE C APACIT OR: 0. 1 µF 1 PHOTODIODE POWER SUPPLY 0 0 TRIGGER SIGNAL 95 10 20 TLSXC0020EB 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 REPETITION RATE (Hz) SPECIFICATIONS Type No. DimenBulb Arc sional Shape Size Outline Window Material (mm) A B Max. Max. Light Recommended Trigger Average Average Repetition Applicable Equivalent Spectral Output Input Rate Supply Voltage Input Life Cooling Trigger Lamps Distribution Energy Stability Voltage p-p [Continuous] [Single] Max. Sockets Max. Min. (nm) (V dc) (kV) (W) (J/flash) (Hz) (%) (flash) 20 mm Dia. Type Hemispherical L4644 1-a L4646 2-a Flat 1-a Hemispherical Borosilicate Glass L4645 3.0 UV Glass L4647 2-a Flat L4640 1-b Hemispherical 2-b Flat 1-b Hemispherical Borosilicate 2-b Flat Glass L4642 L4641 L4643 1.5 UV Glass 185 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 7 10 0.1 100 3 1 × 109 700 to 1000 5 to 7 10 0.1 100 3.5 1 × 109 240 to 2000 185 to 2000 240 to 2000 A: Measured with supply voltage of 1000 V, main discharge capacitor of 0.1 µF, repetition rate of 50 Hz and wavelength of 400 nm. B: Lamp service life mainly depends on the input energy, though it also depends somewhat on the average power and peak current. For typical life characteristics versus input energy, see the data graph on page 8. Input energy E is calculated as follows: E = CV2·1/2 [J], C: main discharge capacitance (F), V: supply voltage (V dc). 6 Not E2418 Excelitas FX1100 required E6188 series Not E2442 Excelitas FX1100 required E6186 series DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) 1 L4640, L4641, L4644, L4645 2 L4642, L4643, L4646, L4647 19.5 MAX. 7.5 MAX.12.7 ± 0.5 10 MAX. 7.5 MAX.12.7 ± 0.5 BASING DIAGRAM (BOTTOM VIEW) L a 3.0 ± 0.3 b 1.5 ± 0.2 L a 3.0 ± 0.3 b 1.5 ± 0.2 ARC SIZE: 1.5 mm ANODE 4 5 NC ARC SIZE: 3 mm ANODE 4 5 NC NC 3 ARC SIZE: 1.5 mm ANODE 4 5 NC NC 3 10 MAX. 19.5 MAX. 20 ± 1 L 20 ± 1 L ARC SIZE: 3 mm ANODE BASING DIAGRAM (BOTTOM VIEW) NC 3 NC 3 NC 2 6 NC NC 2 6 TP(2) NC 2 6 NC NC 2 NC 1 7 TP(1) NC 1 7 TP(1) NC 1 7 TP(1) NC 1 8 SPARKER 9 TP=Trigger Probe CATHODE NC=No Connection TLSXA0033ED 9 8 SPARKER TP=Trigger Probe NC=No Connection CATHODE 8 SPARKER 9 CATHODE TLSXA0032ED 4 5 NC 6 TP(2) 7 TP(1) 8 SPARKER 9 CATHODE TLSXA0036ED TLSXA0035ED OPTIONS Trigger Sockets Hamamatsu provides trigger sockets specifically designed to quickly start operating the xenon flash lamp. These trigger sockets are integrated with a "high voltage transformer", "voltage dividing resistors" and "capacitors" in the same compact case. This frees the user from the troublesome task of designing and assembling the external circuit. The E2418 and E2442 use a metal package designed to minimize noise emission, while the general-purpose E6186 and E6188 use a plastic package that offers low cost and is suitable for applications where noise emission is not a critical factor. * Changing the length of the trigger socket cable varies the current flowing through the lamp so the lamp might fail to meet its required specifications. Use the cable length as shipped. DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) For 20 mm · 22 mm Dia. E2418 · E2442 2- 3.2 For 20 mm · 22 mm Dia. E6186 · E6188 PLASTIC 18.0 ± 0.5 28.6 ± 0.2 METAL RED: MAIN SUPPLY VOLTAGE WHITE: TRIGGER VOLTAGE BLACK: MAIN SUPPLY GND BROWN: TRIGGER GND BROWN: TRIGGER GND BLACK: MAIN SUPPLY GND WHITE: TRIGGER VOLTAGE RED: MAIN SUPPLY VOLTAGE 2.4 ± 0.3 23.8 ± 0.5 6.4 ± 0.1 24.0 ± 0.5 5.0 ± 0.2 43.0 ± 1.0 500 ± 50 500 ± 20 43.0 ± 0.5 TLSXA0037EB TLSXA0093EA Lamp Modules C5604, C5605 (for 10 W) These lamp modules integrate a HQ type lamp* and accessories (trigger socket and power supply) into an easy-to-use compact case. These modules require no troublesome wiring and are easily installed into equipment. These modules are operable with external TTL level trigger signals and controllable from a PC. * Lamp is sold separately. SPECIFICATIONS [Main Power Supply] DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) 34.0 ± 0.4 R10.5 90 ± 1 Rectangular waveform +5 V peak (TTL Level) [Line Input Section] 12 V ± 0.6 V 1.5 A Max. Input voltage (DC) Input Current aOutput voltage can be adjusted by the internal trimmer potentiometer, or controlled by an external voltage input. bLamp starts to flash at the rising edge of a square wave pulse. The pulse width of the square wave should be greater than 5 µs on 10 W lamp modules. 4.0 ± 0.3 40 ± 1 CONNECTOR (S7B-XH-A (JST)) 34.0 ± 0.4 FUSED SILICA WINDOW [Trigger Input Section] Input Waveform b Input Voltage 23.0 ± 0.3 19.5 ± 0.5 2- 3.2 14.0 ± 0.3 19.0 ± 0.5 Discription / Value 300 V to 1000 V 10 W Max. 0.5 % 0.1 µF 100 Hz Yes (10 Hz to 100 Hz) 33 Parameter Output Voltage a (DC) Output Capacity Output Voltage Ripple (p-p) Built-in Capacitor Max. Repetition Rate Internal trigger Circuit ARC POINT 12.7 ± 1.0 SHIELD CAP 125.0 ± 1.5 TLSXA0041EC APPLICABLE LAMPS (HQ Type) Module Type No. Lamp Type No. C5604 L4640 L4641 L4642 L4643 C5605 L4644 L4645 L4646 L4647 7 Chemical Biological Factory analysis research Automation SQ (Super Quiet) TYPE [ 10 W / 15 W ] Long service life, high stability SQ type xenon flash lamps use a high-performance BI cathode (bariumimpregnated electrode) for the anode and cathode. Electrode wear is drastically reduced, even in these short-arc lamps to deliver a long service life. This means that SQ type flash lamps now deliver excellent stability over their entire extended service life. High-performance BI cathode (barium-impregnated electrode): The BI cathode has various advantages such as high electron emissivity, low operating temperature and resistance to ion bombardment. The electrode is cone-shaped to concentrate an electrical field onto the electrode tip so a stable discharge is maintained. The BI cathode has also been used as the electrode in continuous mode lamps and been highly acclaimed for product use. Long service life 1.2 × 109 flashes ■Life characteristics vs. energy per flash (reference data) ■Life characteristics (radiant intensity vs. operating time) TLSXB0070EB TLSXB0040EC 100 10-10 HQ TYPE 90 SQ TYPE BUILT-IN REFLECTOR HIGH-POWER TYPE RADIANT INTENSITY (%) NUMBER OF FLASHES 80 10-9 10-8 GUARANTEED CHARACTERISTICS RANGE SQ TYPE 10-7 BUILT-IN REFLECTOR HIGH POWER TYPE 70 60 50 40 30 SQ TYPE 20 HQ TYPE 10 BUILT-IN REFLECTOR HIGH-POWER TYPE HQ TYPE 10-6 0.001 0 0.005 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 3.6 × 108 (2000) 0 7.2 × 108 (4000) 1.1 × 109 (6000) 1.4 × 109 (8000) NUMBER OF FLASHES (h) INPUT ENERGY PER FLASH (J) Values in parentheses show operating time in hours. Operating conditions Main discharge voltage : 1000 V Main discharge capacitor : 0.1 µF : 50 Hz Repetition Rate Guaranteed service life end is defined as the time at which the radiant intensity falls to 50 % of its initial value or when the light output fluctuation exceeds the rated specifications. SPECIFICATIONS Type No. Arc Size Dimensional Outline Window Material (mm) A B Max. Max. Light Recommended Trigger Average Average Repetition Applicable Equivalent Spectral Output Input Rate Supply Voltage Input Life Cooling Trigger Lamps Distribution Energy Stability Voltage p-p [Continuous] [Single] Max. Sockets Max. Min. (nm) (V dc) (kV) (W) (J/flash) (Hz) (%) (flash) 22 mm Dia. Type L2415* L2416* 1-a UV Glass 185 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 7 L2417* Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 L2439* Synthetic Silica 160 to 2000 L2440* L2441* 8 Synthetic Silica 160 to 2000 3.0 1.5 1-b UV Glass 185 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 7 Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 10 10 0.1 0.1 100 100 2.5 3.5 1.2 × 109 1.2 × 109 Not required Not required Excelitas E2418 FX1100 series Excelitas E2442 FX1100 series SPECIFICATIONS Type No. Arc Size A B Max. Max. Light Recommended Trigger Average Average Repetition Applicable Equivalent Spectral Output Input Rate Supply Voltage Input Life Cooling Trigger Lamps Distribution Energy Stability Voltage p-p [Continuous] [Single] Max. Sockets Max. Min. (nm) (V dc) (kV) (W) (J/flash) (Hz) (%) (flash) Window Material Dimensional Outline (mm) 26 mm Dia. Type L2187 Synthetic Silica 160 to 2000 2-a 8.0 L2188 185 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 7 UV Glass L2189 15 0.15 100 2.5 1.2 × 109 15 0.15 100 2.5 1.2 × 109 15 0.15 100 3.5 1.2 × 109 15 0.15 100 2.5 1.2 × 109 15 0.15 100 2.5 1.2 × 109 15 0.15 100 3.5 1.2 × 109 Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 L2358 Not Synthetic Silica 160 to 2000 2-b 3.0 L2359 185 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 7 UV Glass L2360 Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 L2435 185 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 7 UV Glass L2437 Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 — Not E2361 — required series Synthetic Silica 160 to 2000 2-c 1.5 L2436 E2191 required series E2438 Excelitas Not required series FX1130 series 28 mm Dia. Type L2443* Synthetic Silica 160 to 2000 3-a 8.0 L2444* 185 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 7 UV Glass L2445* Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 L2447* Not required Synthetic Silica 160 to 2000 3-b 3.0 L2448* 185 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 7 UV Glass L2449* Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 L2451* Not required Synthetic Silica 160 to 2000 3-c 1.5 L2452* 185 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 7 UV Glass L2453* Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 E2446 — E2450 — Excelitas Not required E2454 FX1130 series A: Measured with supply voltage of 1000 V, main discharge capacitor of 0.1 µF, repetition rate of 50 Hz and wavelength of 400 nm. B: Lamp service life mainly depends on the input energy, though it also depends somewhat on the average power and peak current. For typical life characteristics versus C: main discharge capacitance (F), V: supply volinput energy, see the data graph on the preceding page. Input energy E is calculated as follows: E = CV2·1/2 [J], tage (V dc). *: Manufactured upon receiving your order DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) 2 26 mm Dia. Type 7 TP(1) 7 TP(1) 8 SPARKER 9 CATHODE TLSXA0024EB L 8.0 ± 0.5 3.0 ± 0.3 1.5 ± 0.2 TLSXA0023EB TLSXA0027EA 8.2 MAX. 18.6 ± 0.8 30 MAX. a b c BASING DIAGRAM (BOTTOM VIEW) ARC SIZE: 1.5 mm ARC SIZE: 3 mm ARC SIZE: 8 mm ANODE ANODE ANODE 4 NC 4 NC 4 TP(5) 3 3 3 5 TP(2) 5 NC 5 TP(3) NC 2 NC 2 TP(4) 2 6 TP(1) 6 TP(1) 6 TP(4) NC 1 NC 1 TP(2) 1 7 7 7 SPARKER SPARKER 8 8 SPARKER 8 CATHODE CATHODE TP=Trigger Probe CATHODE NC=No Connection 6 TP(2) NC 1 8 SPARKER 9 TP=Trigger Probe CATHODE NC=No Connection 12 MAX. 19.0 ± 0.5 BASING DIAGRAM (BOTTOM VIEW) NC 2 28 ± 1 L 12.7 MAX. 12.7 ± 0.5 7.5 MAX. 6 NC NC 1 L 3.0 ± 0.3 1.5 ± 0.2 ARC SIZE: 3 mm ANODE 4 5 NC NC 3 ARC SIZE: 1.5 mm ANODE 4 5 NC NC 3 NC 2 a b 10 MAX. 4 MAX. 32 MAX. L BASING DIAGRAM (BOTTOM VIEW) 3 28 mm Dia. Type 26 ± 1 L TLSXA0026EA 11 12 NC 10 1 NC 11 12 NC 10 1 NC NC 9 2 NC NC 8 2 TP(2) NC 8 3 TP(1) 5 4 SPARKER CATHODE TLSXA0025EA 3 TP(1) NC 7 6 5 L 8.0 ± 0.5 3.0 ± 0.3 1.5 ± 0.2 ARC SIZE: 8 mm ANODE 11 12 NC 9 6 a b c ARC SIZE: 3 mm ANODE ARC SIZE: 1.5 mm ANODE NC 7 25.4 MAX. 22 ± 1 8.9 MAX. 1 22 mm Dia. Type 4 NC 10 1 TP(5) TP(4) 9 2 TP(3) TP(2) 8 3 TP(1) NC 7 4 6 SPARKER SPARKER 5 TP=Trigger Probe NC=No Connection CATHODE TLSXA0029EB TLSXA0028EA CATHODE TLSXA0030EA OPTIONS Trigger Sockets Hamamatsu provides trigger sockets specifically designed to quickly start operating the xenon flash lamp. These trigger sockets are integrated with a "high voltage transformer", "voltage dividing resistors" and "capacitors" in the same compact case. This frees the user from the troublesome task of designing and assembling the external circuit. * Changing the length of the trigger socket cable varies the current flowing through the lamp so the lamp might fail to meet its required specifications. Use the cable length as shipped. DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) For 22 mm Dia. E2418 · E2442 2- 3.2 For 26 mm Dia. E2191 · E2361 · E2438 METAL 28.6 ± 0.2 METAL RED: MAIN SUPPLY VOLTAGE WHITE: TRIGGER VOLTAGE BLACK: MAIN SUPPLY GND BROWN: TRIGGER GND RED: MAIN SUPPLY VOLTAGE WHITE: TRIGGER VOLTAGE BLACK: MAIN SUPPLY GND BROWN: TRIGGER GND 23.0 ± 0.2 6.4 ± 0.1 24.0 ± 0.5 5.0 ± 0.2 43.0 ± 0.5 60.0 ± 0.5 28.0 ± 0.2 500 ± 20 500 ± 20 TLSXA0038EA TLSXA0037EB For 26 mm Dia. (Shield Cable Type) E2191-01 · E2361-01 · E2438-01 23.0 ± 0.2 28.0 ± 0.2 60.0 ± 0.5 500 ± 20 BROWN : TRIGGER GND CASE GND 10 WHITE : TRIGGER VOLTAGE 28.6 ± 0.5 METAL BLACK : MAIN SUPPLY GND RED : MAIN SUPPLY VOLTAGE 43.0 ± 0.5 (ENLARGED VIEW) 33.3 ± 0.2 METAL For 28 mm Dia. E2446 · E2450 · E2454 3.2 TLSXA0001EC 2- 3.3 6.2 50.0 ± 0.5 RED: MAIN SUPPLY VOLTAGE WHITE: TRIGGER VOLTAGE BLACK: MAIN SUPPLY GND BROWN: TRIGGER GND 500 ± 20 TLSXA0040EA 9 Built-in reflector for high output, efficient light input to light guide Factory Automation BUILT-IN REFLECTOR HIGH OUTPUT TYPE [ 15 W ] Equipped with a precisely assembled built-in reflector, these lamps deliver a light output 4 times higher than SQ lamps of the same electrical input. The light is output as a converging light flux or collimating light flux without using any optical system, making these lamps convenient to use. The reflector is made of aluminum that reflects light very efficiently over a wide wavelength range, and is selectable from the converging or collimating type. The converging type is ideal for applications where light needs to be input to a light guide. We also provide light guides as options. Output light is efficiently input to light guide ■Light distributions of converging type L4633 and collimating type L4634 ■Comparison of radiant intensities TLSXB0001EB RELATIVE INTENSITY (%) COLLIMATING TYPE (L4634) 0 CONVERGING TYPE (L4633) BUILT-IN REFLECTOR +6 (mm) MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE : 1000 V MAIN DISCHARGE CAPACITOR : 0.1 µF REPETITION RATE : 100 Hz 100 RELATIVE INTENSITY (%) -6 50 0 100 BUILT-IN REFLECTOR HIGH-POWER TYPE (CONVERGING TYPE : L4633) 50 SQ TYPE TLSXB0002EB 0 TIME (1 µs/Div.) ■Output light solid angle of conversing type L4633 Taking the aperture angle of a quartz optical fiber into account, the converging type L4633 was designed to output light flux at a solid angle of 17 degrees. This allows direct input of a light flash into the quartz optical fiber. ■Stability of light output from light guide Stability of light output depends on the type (aperture angle) of the light guide being used. The smaller the aperture angle, the better the stability. DISCHARGE VOLTAGE : 1000 V Quartz fiber light guide: aperture angle 23 ° MAIN MAIN DISCHARGE CAPACITOR : 0.1 µF 3% REPETITION RATE Stability: 3 % Typ. 2 MIN 17 ° QUARTZ GLASS FIBER TIME Multi-component glass fiber light guide: aperture angle 68 ° 5% Stability: 5 % Typ. XENON FLASH LAMP 2 MIN 10 TIME : 100 Hz SPECIFICATIONS DimenOutput Arc sional Light Size Outline Type No. A B Max. Max. Light Recommended Trigger Average Average Repetition Applicable Equivalent Spectral Output Input Rate Supply Voltage Input Life Cooling Trigger Lamps Distribution Energy Stability Voltage p-p [Continuous] [Single] Max. Sockets Max. Min. (nm) (V dc) (kV) (W) (J/flash) (Hz) (%) (flash) Window Material (mm) L4633 L4633-01* L4634 1 Converging 1.5 2 L4634-01* Collimating Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 185 to 2000 UV Glass 700 to 1000 5 to 7 Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 15 0.15 100 Not 5 × 108 5 required E4370-01 — 185 to 2000 UV Glass A: Measured with supply voltage of 1000 V, main discharge capacitor of 0.1 µF, repetition rate of 50 Hz and wavelength of 400 nm. B: Lamp service life mainly depends on the input energy, though it also depends somewhat on the average power and peak current. For typical life characteristics versus input energy, see the data graph on page 6. Input energy E is calculated as follows: E = CV2·1/2 [J], C: main discharge capacitance (F), V: supply voltage (V dc). *: Manufactured upon receiving your order DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) 1 L4633, L4633-01 2 L4634, L4634-01 12.7 MAX. 30 MAX. 26 ± 1 12.0 ± 0.5 12 MAX. 12.0 ± 0.5 SPARKER REFLECTOR 12.7 MAX. 30 MAX. 26 ± 1 12 MAX. REFLECTOR SPARKER 12 CONVERGING POINT ✽ ANODE ANODE CATHODE TRIGGER PROBE 60 TOP VIEW ✽The design of converging location is 60mm from the bottom of lamps. SPARKER BASING DIAGRAM (BOTTOM VIEW) 3 IC (CATHODE) IC IC SPARKER 4 (CATHODE) BASING DIAGRAM (BOTTOM VIEW) 5 ANODE 2 4 (CATHODE) 3 IC (CATHODE) 5 ANODE 2 6 TRIGGER PROBE IC (ANODE) 1 TP=Trigger Probe IC=Internal Connection NC=No Connection CATHODE TRIGGER PROBE TOP VIEW 7 6 TRIGGER PROBE IC (ANODE) 1 NO CONNECTION TP=Trigger Probe IC=Internal Connection NC=No Connection 8 CATHODE 7 NO CONNECTION 8 CATHODE TLSXA0003ED TLSXA0003ED OPTIONS Trigger Sockets DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) Hamamatsu provides trigger sockets specifically designed to quickly start operating the xenon flash lamp. These trigger sockets are integrated with a "high voltage transformer", "voltage dividing resistors" and "capacitors" in the same compact case. This frees the user from the troublesome task of designing and assembling the external circuit. For 26 mm Dia. (Shield Cable Type) E4370-01 * Changing the length of the trigger socket cable varies the current flowing through the lamp so the lamp might fail to meet its required specifications. Use the cable length as shipped. METAL (ENLARGED VIEW) BLACK : MAIN SUPPLY GND RED : MAIN SUPPLY VOLTAGE WHITE : TRIGGER VOLTAGE 23.0 ± 0.2 28.0 ± 0.2 60.0 ± 0.5 500 ± 20 BROWN : TRIGGER GND CASE GND TLSXA0001EC Shield Box E2608 (Lamp: 26 mm Dia. Type, Trigger Socket: E2191-01·E2361-01·E2438-01·E4370-01) Xenon flash lamps start an initial discharge upon input of a high trigger voltage of 5 kV to 7 kV. An instantaneous current of several hundred amperes then flows to cause the main discharge, so electromagnetic noise is generated at this instant. This noise must be eliminated when using the flash lamps as light sources for high precision photometry. Hamamatsu provides the E2608 metal shield box designed expressly for this purpose. This shield box also suppresses lamp noise that occurs at each flash. DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) SYNTHETIC SILICA WINDOW SHIELD BOX (Fe) LAMP TRIGGER SOCKET TRIGGER SOCKET CABLE 33.0 ± 0.5 *Shield box containing lamp and trigger socket 22.0 ± 0.5 37.0 ± 0.5 45.0 ± 0.5 105 ± 1 TLSXA0002EB 11 High output, efficient light input to light guide Factory Automation These 60 W flash lamps employ a metal can package to achieve high input power and high output. Select these 60 W flash lamps when your application requires a high light output. Despite a high output, these lamps are highly stable so output fluctuation is held within 3 % maximum. To provide an even higher output, a variant type with built-in reflector (spherical mirror) that boosts the output 1.5 times is also available. As useful options, Hamamatsu provides dedicated power supplies (see page 12), cooling jacket, main discharge capacitor, and light guides (see page 9). When using a flash lamp with a 15 W or higher input, always use a cooling jacket and main discharge capacitor. 60W TYPE [ 60 W ] Lineup includes 60 W flash lamp with built-in reflector ■Life characteristics ■Spectral distribution 2 TLSXB0104EA 1.8 RELATIVE INTENSITY (%) 1.6 RELATIVE INTENSITY TLSXB0083EC 100 60 W Xenon Flash Lamp Built-in Reflective Mirror L7685 (1 J: 2 µF/1 kV) 60 W Xenon Flash Lamp L6605 (1 J: 2 µF/1 kV) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 80 60 40 20 0.2 GUARANTEED LIFE 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 800 0 2× (100) 107 4 × 107 (200) 6 × 107 (300) 8 × 107 (400) 1 × 108 (500) NUMBER OF FLASHES WAVELENGTH (nm) *( ) OPERATING TIME [h] MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE: 1000 V MAIN DISCHARGE CAPACITOR: 2 µF REPETITION RATE: 60 Hz INPUT ENERGY: 1 J / FLASH Values in parentheses show operating time in hours. Guaranteed service life end is defined as the time at which the radiant intensity falls to 50 % of its initial value or when the light output fluctuation exceeds the rated specifications. SPECIFICATIONS Type No. Arc Size Dimensional Outline (mm) Window Material C D A Max. Light Max. Recommended Trigger Average Average Repetition Output Spectral Input Supply Voltage Rate Input Distribution Stability Energy Voltage p-p [Continuous] [Single] Max. Max. (nm) (V dc) (%) (J/flash) (Hz) (kV) (W) B Life Min. (flash) Applicable Equivalent Trigger Lamps Sockets 60 W Type L6604 L6605 3.0 1 Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 Sapphire Glass 190 to 2000 700 to 1000 5 to 10 60 1 60 3 8 × 107 E6647 — 700 to 1000 5 to 10 60 1 60 3 8 × 107 E6647 — 60 W Built-in Reflective Mirror Type L7684 L7685 3.0 2 Borosilicate Glass 240 to 2000 Sapphire Glass 190 to 2000 A: Measured with supply voltage of 1000 V, main discharge capacitor of 2 µF, repetition rate of 10 Hz and wavelength of 400 nm. B: Lamp service life mainly depends on the input energy, though it also depends somewhat on the average power and peak current. Input energy E is calculated as follows: E = CV2·1/2 [J], C: main discharge capacitance (F), V: supply voltage (V dc). C: Average input W is calculated as follows: W = E × f [W], f: repetition rate (Hz) D: Repetition rate when the input energy per flash is 1 J. Operable up to 100 Hz when the average input is 60 W or less. 12 DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) 1 L6604, L6605 2 L7684, L7685 34.8 ± 0.5 34.8 ± 0.5 14.3 ± 0.15 OUTPUT WINDOW PIN CONNECTION (BOTTOM VIEW) 34.5 ± 0.5 25.8 ± 0.5 2 SPARKER ANODE 1 1 5 PIN CONNECTION (BOTTOM VIEW) 28.9 ± 0.3 3 REFLECTIVE MIRROR ANODE OUTPUT WINDOW TRIGGER PROBE 3 TRIGGER PROBE 4 34.5 ± 0.5 28.9 ± 0.3 3 25.8 ± 0.5 14.3 ± 0.15 2 5 SPARKER TRIGGER PROBE 15 MAX. 1.3 15 MAX. 4 CATHODE CATHODE 1.3 TRIGGER PROBE 3 TLSXA0049EC TLSXA0082EA OPTIONS Trigger Sockets DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) Hamamatsu provides trigger sockets specifically designed to quickly start operating the xenon flash lamp. These trigger sockets are integrated with a "high voltage transformer", "voltage dividing resistors" and "capacitors" in the same compact case. This frees the user from the troublesome task of designing and assembling the external circuit. For 60 W E6647 14.8 ± 0.1 METAL RED: MAIN DISCHARGE VOLTAGE WHITE: TRIGGER VOLTAGE BLACK: GND (MAIN) * Changing the length of the trigger socket cable varies the current flowing through the lamp so the lamp might fail to meet its required specifications. Use the cable length as shipped. BROWN: GND (TRIGGER) 5.5 73.5 ± 2.0 28.5 ± 1.0 500 ± 20 TLSXA0050EB Cooling Jacket E6611 The E6611 is a cooling jacket specifically designed for use with a 60 W xenon flash lamp. The built-in cooling fan suppresses the temperature of the lamp and other electronic parts in the trigger socket to within a tolerable range for maintaining a constant operating temperature and stable performance. This cooling jacket must be used when the lamp is operated with an input of 15 W or more. DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) 35.0 ± 0.5 65.5 ± 0.5 TEMPERATURE SENSOR* TRIGGER SOCKET SHIELD CABLE COOLING FAN (RATING: 24 V, 0.1 A) M23 × P1 62.0 ± 0.5 SETTING HOLES 2-M4 × P0.7 TRIGGER SOCKET LAMP RED: Cooling fan input voltage (+24 V) BLACK: Cooling fan GND YELLOW: Temperature sensor BLUE: Temperature sensor 23.5 ± 1.5 * The temperature sensor turns on when the temperature of the lamp or internal parts increases abnormally due to a cooling fan failure. If the fan fails when the protective terminals of the dedicated power supply C6096 are connected to the temperature sensor, the C6096 cuts off the power to protect the trigger socket, lamp and power supply. 175 ± 3 TLSXA0052ED Main Discharge Capacitor (External Connection) E7289-02 DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE (Unit: mm) 320 ± 20 100 ± 3 60 ± 2 180 ± 3 GND TERMINAL 100 ± 1 50 The E7289-02 is a main discharge capacitor (2 µF) designed to operate a 60 W xenon flash lamp at 60 W (input energy per flash: 1 J, repetition rate: 60 Hz). Safe operation can start by just connecting to the power supply. 2-M3 78 ± 1 TLSXA0053EE Light Guides Fiber optic light guides are useful when irradiating light directly onto an object is impossible due to equipment structures or because the light flux must be branched onto several points. Since xenon flash lamps are short-arc lamps, the output light can be easily and efficiently directed into a light guide. Hamamatsu supplies two types of light guides to meet different applications. A light guide holder for a 60 W type cooling jacket is also available. (This light guide holder is supplied along with a cooling jacket.) Contact our sales office for more details. Type No. A2873 A7432 Light guide Material Quartz fiber Glass fiber Transmission Wavelength Light Exit Diameter 220 nm to 1300 nm 5 mm 380 nm to 1300 nm 5 mm Length Aperture Angle 1m 23 ° 1m 67 ° 13 OPTIONS ●Power Supplies The radiant intensity of xenon flash lamps is nearly proportional to the input energy. This means that a highly regulated power supply is required to obtain better performance from the lamp. Hamamatsu xenon flash lamp power supplies are switching power supplies having a high-speed charging circuit and discharge stop circuit. This ensures a large power capacity for stable lamp operation while keeping the design compact. 3 2 4 1 1C10979, 2C10980-10, 3C5728, 4C5398 SPECIFICATIONS Parameter C10979 C5398 C5728 C10980-10 C6096 Unit 300 to 1000 300 to 1000 300 to 1000 V 300 to 1000 Output Voltage (DC) 480 to 720 10 20 60 W Max. 20 Output Capacity 5 Main ±1.0 ±0.2 ±1.0 % max. ±0.2 ±1.0 Power Stability 0.1 1.0 A 0.1 µF 0.1 — Supply Main Supply Capacitor 200 100 C Hz 1000 B Max. Repetition Rate 200 1000 B 140 V Typ. 140 Trigger Output Voltage 150 150 180 0.22 µF 0.22 Section Trigger Capacitor 0.22 0.22 0.22 Internal / External Internal / External Internal / External Internal / External — Trigger Type External 10 to 100 Hz — Trigger Repetition Rate 10 to 100 10 to 100 10 to 100 1 kΩ 1 Input 0.33 0.33 0.36 Trigger Input Impedance — Section Input Waveform Rectangular waveform Rectangular waveform Rectangular waveform Rectangular waveform Rectangular waveform V peak Input Voltage 5 5 5 to 10 5 to 10 5 V Input Voltage (DC) 12 ± 1.2 12 ± 1.2 24 ± 2.4 24 ± 2.4 24 ± 1.2 W Power Consumption 8.5 17 26 26 90 — Cooling No required No required No required No required No required mm Dimensions (W × H × D) 25 × 29 × 100 75 × 43 × 154 90 × 43 × 146 102 × 51 × 170 108 × 49 × 174 g Weight 200 500 570 810 D 550 Built-in Reflector Built-in Reflector — Applicable Lamp E HQ Type, SQ Type HQ Type, SQ Type 60 W type High Output Type High Output Type NOTE: AAdjusted at pre-shipment inspection. Capacitance ranges from 0.2 µF to 1.0 µF, in increments of 0.1 µF. Please contact us if other than 1.0 µF is requested. BNeed to adjust it to the specification of lower than 15 W. CNeed to adjust it to the specification of lower than 60 W. DDepend on the main discharge capacitance. EAverage input to the lamp is less than the output capacity in the main discharge section. 14 Precautions When Using Xenon Flash Lamps WARNING (FOR YOUR SAFETY) ● Lamps emit intense ultraviolet radiation. Never directly stare into the operating lamp. ● Do not allow skin to be exposed to the ultraviolet radiation from the operating lamp. ● The lamp must be installed in a proper housing before operation. Lamp housings must be designed to prevent hazards from flying glass fragments in the event the lamp ruptures. ● Take extreme caution not to drop the lamp, subject it to impacts, apply excessive force to it or scratch it, because the lamp is under high internal pressure and may rupture. ● Always turn off the power supply when installing or removing the lamp, or when cleaning any part of the equipment. CAUTION (FOR YOUR SAFETY) ● Always operate the lamp at a main supply voltage of 700 Vdc to 1000 Vdc. ● Do not use the lamp in damp locations subject to moisture or water droplets, or at high humidity. ● Always wear a protective mask and garment when installing or removing the lamp. ● Securely insert the lamp into the socket. ● Securely connect the socket leads to the terminal strip of the power supply. ● Do not subject the lamp to drop impact, vibration and shock. ● Wipe the lamp bulb and window using soft cloth moistened with high-quality alcohol before operation. Never touch the glass bulb of the lamp with bare hands, because dust or fingerprints on the glass bulb may greatly reduce transmittance in the ultraviolet range. ● Always operate the lamp within the input energy. ∗For more details, refer to our technical manual. Warranty Products listed in this catalog are warranted for one year after shipment from Hamamatsu Photonics. The warranty is limited to repair or replacement of defective parts or products. Even if within the warranty period (one year), this warranty shall not apply to case where lamp operation time has exceeded the guaranteed service life time or trouble occurred due to misoperation, mishandling or accidents such as natural or man-made disasters. When scrap the product When scrap the product, please follow the appropriate disposal regulation for wasted products, if any, of the country/state/ region/province in use, or pass to those who can handle the disposal at proper manner like approved/licensed. Any question may arise, feel free to contact our office nearby. 15 RELATED PRODUCTS Xenon Lamps Hamamatsu super quiet xenon lamps are point light sources with extremely high brightness and color temperature that emit a continuous spectrum from the UV to infrared region, making them ideal as light sources in a variety of photometric applications such as spectrophotometers. These super quiet lamps employ a high performance BI cathode (barium-impregnated electrode) that ensures extremely enhanced stability and long service life. Hamamatsu xenon lamps are available in five inputs (35 W, 75 W, 100 W, 150 W and 300 W) and in two types of glass bulbs (fused silica and ozone-free silica). Mercury-Xenon Lamps Hamamatsu mercury-xenon lamps are sealed with an optimum mixture of mercury and xenon gas to provide high radiant energy especially in the UV region. The spectral distribution includes a continuous spectrum from UV to infrared of xenon gas and an intense line spectra of mercury in the UV to visible region. Hamamatsu mercury-xenon lamps also feature instantaneous lighting and re-lighting, which is difficult to achieve in conventional super-high-pressure mercury lamps. These features make our mercury-xenon lamps an excellent choice as UV light sources. * A technical booklet "Super-Quiet Xenon Flash Lamps" is available from Hamamatsu. For your free copy, please contact our sales office. * Patent pending: Japan (11), USA (4), Europe (15) Subject to local technical requirements and regulations, availability of products included in this promotional material may vary. Please consult with our sales office. Information furnished by HAMAMATSU is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for possible inaccuracies or omissions. Specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights are granted to any of the circuits described herein. ©2013 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K. HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K., Electron Tube Division 314-5, Shimokanzo, Iwata City, Shizuoka Pref., 438-0193, Japan, Telephone: (81)539/62-5248, Fax: (81)539/62-2205 U.S.A.: Hamamatsu Corporation: 360 Foothill Road, P. O. Box 6910, Bridgewater. N.J. 08807-0910, U.S.A., Telephone: (1)908-231-0960, Fax: (1)908-231-1218 E-mail: Germany: Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH: Arzbergerstr. 10, D-82211 Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany, Telephone: (49)8152-375-0, Fax: (49)8152-2658 E-mail: France: Hamamatsu Photonics France S.A.R.L.: 19, Rue du Saule Trapu, Parc du Moulin de Massy, 91882 Massy Cedex, France, Telephone: (33)1 69 53 71 00, Fax: (33)1 69 53 71 10 E-mail: United Kingdom: Hamamatsu Photonics UK Limited: 2 Howard Court, 10 Tewin Road Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 1BW, United Kingdom, Telephone: 44-(0)1707-294888, Fax: 44(0)1707-325777 E-mail: North Europe: Hamamatsu Photonics Norden AB: Thorshamnsgatan 35 SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden, Telephone: (46)8-509-031-00, Fax: (46)8-509-031-01 E-mail: TLS 1003E02 Italy: Hamamatsu Photonics Italia: S.R.L.: Strada della Moia, 1/E, 20020 Arese, (Milano), Italy, Telephone: (39)02-935 81 733, Fax: (39)02-935 81 741 E-mail: China: Hamamatsu Photonics (China) Co., Ltd.: 1201 Tower B, Jiaming Center, 27 Dongsanhuan Road North, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China, Telephone: (86)10-6586-6006, Fax: (86)10-6586-2866 E-mail: SEPT. 2013 IP