Family HLG-40H / 60H / 80H / 100H / 120H / 150H / 185H / 240H / 320H / 600H PFC (Note 2) Type Series Name (Note 4) Single Stage Two Stage AC Input Range (VAC) Potted C.C. or C.V. (Note 1) IP A 65 B 67 C (240W/320W only) 90~305 D (option, 40~320W ) Blank (enclosed) 96% 5 Vo<60VDC 94% 5 Vo>60VDC 5 Circular shape 67 (40W~320W ) 60 Remark 3 in 1 C.V.+C.C. Blank A HLG-60H-C / 80H-C / 120H-C / B 185H-C D (option) Dimming Vo / Io Max. Warranty (Note 3) Adj Eff. (years) 67 Timer 65 90~305 90~295 C.C. (half) Io 67 3 in 1 67 Timer C.C. 91% Io P (PCB) 65 A HBG 100 / 160 / 240 B Blank 90~305 C.V.+C.C. E (option, 100W/160W only) B HVG : C.V.+C.C. 180~528 HVGC : C.C. D (option) 90~305 HSG-70 C.V.+C.C. B C 90~295 C.V.+C.C. HVG: HVGC:Io 65 HLG: 67 3 in 1 67 Timer 65 Io 91.5% 5 90% 3 67 Resistance 91% 3 67 Blank CLG-100 90~295 C.V.+C.C. 67 88.5% 3 CLG-60 90~295 C.C. 67 89% 3 CEN-60 / 75 / 100 90~295 C.C. 66 91% 3 ULP-150 90~295 93% 3 91% 3 90.5% 5 91% 5 91% 5 PWM output 91% 5 External type HLN-40H / 60H / 80H LPF-16 / 25 / 40 / 60 / 90 NPF-40 / 60 / 90 / 120 40 93.5% 67 65 A CLG-150 3 in 1 67 A HVG(C)65 / 100 / 150 67 Io A B D Blank D Blank 90~305 (half) (60W/80W half) C.V. C.V.+C.C. Vo 64 3 in 1 90~305 Blank Type : C.V.+C.C. 67 (16W D-Type : option) C.C. 3 in 1 90~305 Blank Type : C.V.+C.C. 67 D-Type : C.C. 3 in 1 PWM-40 / 60 / 90 / 120 90~305 OWA- 90 / 120 90~264 C.V. 67 C.V.+C.C. 67* 0~10Vdc & PWM U-bracket Family Series Name PFC (Note 2) Type (Note 4) Single Stage Two Stage AC Input Range (VAC) Potted C.C. or C.V. IP (Note 1) Dimming (Note 3) Vo / Io Adj Max. Warranty Remark Eff. (years) PLN-100 90 ~295 C.V.+C.C. 64 88.5% 2 PLN-30 / 45 / 60 90 ~295 C.C. 64 89% 2 PLN-20 90 ~277 C.C. 64 83.5% 2 PLC-100 90 ~264 C.V.+C.C. 90% 2 PLC-30 / 45 / 60 90 ~264 C.C. 89% 2 87% 3 PCD-16 / 25 / 40 / 60 PLD-16 / 25 / 40 / 60 A: 90 ~135 B: 180 ~295 16W/40W/60W: A: 90 ~135 B: 180 ~295 (16W/25W/60W half) (16W/25W/60W half) Io AC Phase-Cut Terminal block I/O Terminal block I/O C.C. 30 C.C. 30 88% 3 C.C. 30 88% 3 External type C.C. 30 88% 2 Push terminal 92% 3 Io level selectable in one power unit 89% 2 PCB type 90.5% 3 PCB type 91% 5 External type 88% 2 25W: 90 ~295 GSC18 / 25 / 40 90 ~277 PLM-12 / 25 / 40 110 ~295 (40W half) 0~10Vdc & PWM LCM-25 / 40 / 60 25W: 180 ~277 40W/60W: 180 ~295 C.C. 20W: 90 ~277 30 ~ 60W:90 ~264 C.C. 20 DALI & Push DIM LCM-25DA / 40DA / 60DA PLP-20 / 30 / 45 / 60 Io HLP-40H / 60H / 80H 90 ~305 C.C. 3 in 1 OWA-60 90~264 C.V.+C.C. 67* ELN-30 / 60 90~264 C.V.+C.C. 64 C.V. 67 90% 2 C.C. 67 90% 2 C.C. 30 84% 2 C.V. 30 85% 2 1.1~10Vdc or PWM LPL: 90~132 LPL-18 / LPH-18 LPV-20 / 35 / 60 / 100 / 150 LPH: 180~264 LPV-20~100: 90~264 LPV-150: 180~305 LPLC: 90~132 LPLC-18 / LPHC-18 LPC-20 / 35 / 60 / 100 / 150 LPHC: 180~264 LPC-20~60: 90~264 LPC-150: 180~305 APC-12 / 16 / 25 / 35 9 0 ~26 4 APV-12 / 16 / 25 / 35 9 0 ~26 4 Note 1 (16W/35W half) (16W/35W half) C.V. represents Constant Voltage Mode Output, whereas C.C. represents Constant Current Mode Output. For C.V.+C.C., C.C., and C.V. operations, please refer to Application Q&A section on MEAN WELL LED website. (The C.C. only LED power supplies are suitable for directly driving LED modules, but not suitable for connecting with additional DC-DC LED drivers.) Note 2 •S ingle-Stage PFC : No hold-up time and higher Ripple & Noise. Not recommended to use in regions with unstable utility. • Two-Stage PFC : Longer hold-up time and lower Ripple & Noise. Suitable for LED lighting and general industrial applications. • Non-PFC : PF<0.6 and target at regions where PF compliance is not required. Note 3 3-in-1 dimming: 1~10Vdc, PWM signal, or resistance. Timer: Timmer dimming function, please contact MEAN WELL for details. Note 4 Note 5 are popular models and will have sufficient stock for prompt delivery of high quantity orders. * IP67 design for main body 41