Loose R60 3 MKT Series for 300 Vac Taped Fig.1 METALLIZED POLYESTER FILM CAPACITOR DESIGNED FOR A.C. APPLICATIONS Fig.2 Typical applications: This special R60 3 release is specifically designed for applications in series with the main, i.e.: power capacitive supply, line divider, with the request to long stability of capacitance value. HIGH Capacitance Stability PRODUCT CODE: R60 3 Ø d ±0.05 P = 22.5 ÷ 27.5 P = 37.5 0.8 1.0 Pitch Box thickness (B) (mm) (mm) 22.5 All 27.5 All 37.5 All All dimensions are in mm. Product code system The part number, comprising 14 digits, is formed as follows: 1 2 3 4 R 6 0 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 electrical characteristics Rated voltage (VR) 300 Vac / 560 Vdc Rated temperature (TR) +85°C Temperature derated voltage: for temperatures between +85°C and the upper operating temperature a decreasing factor of 1.25 % per degree °C on the rated voltege VR has to be applied. 14 - Digit 1 to 3 Series code. Digit 4 A.C. Rated voltage: 3 = 300 Vac / 560 Vdc Digit 5 Pitch (mm): N = 22.5; R = 27.5; W = 37.5 Digit 6 to 9 Digits 7 - 8 - 9 indicate the first three digits of Capacitance value and the 6th digit indicates the number of zeros that must be added to obtain the Rated Capacitance in pF. Digit 10 to 11 Mechanical version and/or packaging (Table1) Digit 12 Identifies the dimensions and electrical cheracteristics. Digit 13 Internal use Digit 14 Capacitance tolerance: J=5%; K=10%; M=20%. GENERAL TECHNICAL DATA Dielectric: polyester film (polyethylene terephthalate), impregnated. Plates: metal layer deposited by evaporation under vacuum. Winding: non-inductive type. tinned wire. Leads: Protection:plastic case, thermosetting resin filled. Box material is solvent resistant and flame retardant according to UL94 V0. Marking: Manufacturer’s logo, series, capacitance, tolerance, A.C. rated voltage, dielectric code, manufacturing data code. Climatic category: 55/105/56 IEC 60068-1. Operating temperature range: -55 to +105°C Related documents: IEC 60384-2 Maximum dimensions (mm) B max H max L max B +0.2 H +0.1 L +0.3 B +0.2 H +0.1 L +0.3 B +0.3 H +0.1 L +0.3 Capacitance range 0.15µF to 6.8µF Capacitance values E6 series (IEC 60063 Norm) Capacitance tolerances (measured at 1 kHz): ±5% (J);±10% (K); ±20% (M). Total self-inductance (L): (lead length ~2mm) Pitch (mm) 22.5 27.5 37.5 L(nH) ≈ 18 18 22 Dissipation factor (DF):tgδx10-4 at +25°C ±5°C: KhZ C≤1µF C>1µF 1 ≤100 ≤100 10 ≤150 - Insulation resistance: Test conditions Temperature: +25°C±5°C Voltage charge time: 1 min 100 Vdc Voltage charge: Performance ≥30000 MΩ for C ≤0.33µF (50000 MΩ)* ≥10000 s for C >0.33µF (17000 s)* *Typical value Test voltage between terminations: 2200 Vdc for 2 s at +25°C±5°C Table 1 Standard packaging style AMMO-PACK REEL Ø 500mm Lead length (mm) P2 (mm) 19.05 19.05 Taping style Fig. Pitch (No.) (mm) 2 2 22.5 22.5/27.5 Ordering code (Digit 10 to 11) DQ CK Loose, short leads 04+2 AA Loose, long leads 25 Loose, long leads 30+5 50 40 -1/+2 Note: Ammo-pack is the preferred packaging for taped version 09/2008 180 R60 3 MKT Series for 300 Vac METALLIZED POLYESTER FILM CAPACITOR DESIGNED FOR A.C. APPLICATIONS Rated Cap. 0.15 0.18 0.22 0.27 0.33 0.39 0.47 0.56 0.68 0.47 0.56 0.68 0.82 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF µF 300Vac / 560Vdc Std dimensions B H L p 7.0 16.0 26.5 22.5 7.0 16.0 26.5 22.5 7.0 16.0 26.5 22.5 8.5 17.0 26.5 22.5 10.0 18.5 26.5 22.5 10.0 18.5 26.5 22.5 11.0 20.0 26.5 22.5 11.0 20.0 26.5 22.5 13.0 22.0 26.5 22.5 9.0 17.0 32.0 27.5 11.0 20.0 32.0 27.5 11.0 20.0 32.0 27.5 11.0 20.0 32.0 27.5 13.0 22.0 32.0 27.5 13.0 22.0 32.0 27.5 14.0 28.0 32.0 27.5 14.0 28.0 32.0 27.5 18.0 33.0 32.0 27.5 18.0 33.0 32.0 27.5 22.0 37.0 32.0 27.5 11.0 22.0 41.5 37.5 13.0 24.0 41.5 37.5 16.0 28.5 41.5 37.5 16.0 28.5 41.5 37.5 19.0 32.0 41.5 37.5 19.0 32.0 41.5 37.5 20.0 40.0 41.5 37.5 20.0 40.0 41.5 37.5 24.0 44.0 41.5 37.5 24.0 44.0 41.5 37.5 30.0 45.0 41.5 37.5 Max dv/dt (V/µs) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Max K0 (V2/µs) 120 E3 120 E3 120 E3 120 E3 120 E3 120 E3 120 E3 120 E3 120 E3 90 E3 90 E3 90 E3 90 E3 90 E3 90 E3 90 E3 90 E3 90 E3 90 E3 90 E3 60 E3 60 E3 60 E3 60 E3 60 E3 60 E3 60 E3 60 E3 60 E3 60 E3 60 E3 Part Number R603N 3150--0-R603N 3180--0-R603N 3220--0-R603N 3270--0-R603N 3330--0-R603N 3390--0-R603N 3470--0-R603N 3560--0-R603N 3680--0-R603R 3470--0-R603R 3560--0-R603R 3680--0-R603R 3820--0-R603R 4100--0-R603R 4120--0-R603R 4150--0-R603R 4180--0-R603R 4220--0-R603R 4270--0-R603R 4330--0-R603W 4100--0-R603W 4120--0-R603W 4150--0-R603W 4180--0-R603W 4220--0-R603W 4270--0-R603W 4330--0-R603W 4390--0-R603W 4470--0-R603W 4560--0-R603W 4680--0-- Mechanical version and packaging Internal use Tolerance: J (±5%); K (±10%); M (±20%) TEST METHOD AND PERFORMANCE Damp heat, steady state: Test conditions 1st Temperature: Voltage: Relative humidity (RH): Test duration: +40°C±2°C 300 Vac (VR) 93% ±2% 56 days Test conditions 2nd Temperature: Voltage: Relative humidity (RH): Test duration: +70°C±2°C 300 Vac (VT) 93% ±2% 7 days Performance Capacitance change |∆C/C|: DF change (∆tgδ): Insulation resistance: Endurance: Test conditions Temperature: Test duration: Voltage applied: Performance Capacitance change |∆C/C|: DF change (∆tgδ): Insulation resistance: ≤5% ≤50x10-4 at 1kHz ≥50% of initial limit. +105°C±2°C 1000 h 1.25xVR (375 Vac) ≤10% ≤30x10-4 at 1kHz ≥50% of initial limit. Resistance to soldering heat: Test conditions Solder bath temperature: Dipping time (with heat screen): All dimensions are in mm E12 series available upon request. +260°C±5°C 10 s±1 s Performance Capacitance change |∆C/C|: DF change (∆tgδ): Insulation resistance: Appropriate for permanent operation at nominal voltage (means 300 Vac at rated temperature 85°C). Winding scheme single sided metallized polyester film ≤2% ≤30x10-4 at 1kHz ≥ initial limit. Long term stability (after two years): Storage: standard environmental conditions (see page12) Performance: ≤2% Capacitance chenge |∆C/C|: 2 sections Statements of suitability for certain applications are based on our knowledge of typical operating conditions for such applications, but are not intended to constitute – and we specifically disclaim – any warranty concerning suitability for a specific customer application or use. This Information is intended for use only by customers who have the requisite experience and capability to determine the correct products for their application. Any technical advice inferred from this Information or otherwise provided by us with reference to the use of our products is given gratis, and we assume no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained. Digitally signed by Marcy Brand DN: c=US, st=FL, l=Fort Lauderdale, o=KEMET Corporation, ou=Marketing Communications, cn=Marcy Brand, [email protected] Date: 2012.07.10 15:14:25 -04'00' 181 09/2008