USER GUIDE NI CAN Demo Box This document discusses the NI CAN Demo Box architecture and use and provides examples for software. Introduction The NI CAN Demo Box, when communicating with National Instruments Controller Area Network (CAN) and National Instruments Data Acquisition (DAQ) hardware on a PC, is a tool to demonstrate concepts of CAN communication, DAQ, and CAN/DAQ synchronization. The NI CAN Demo Box has a function generator, one CAN interface, one CAN monitor connector, a 68-pin DAQ connector, access to the DAQ interface TRIG1, TRIG2, and FREQOUT pins, and digital input switches. What You Need to Get Started To set up the NI CAN Demo Box, you will need the following hardware and documentation. ❑ NI CAN Demo Box ❑ NI CAN Demo Box User Guide ❑ Power supply (+9 VDC to +12 VDC) ❑ 1-port (minimum) High-Speed CAN board (2-port optional for monitoring) ❑ One single termination CAN cable (second single termination cable optional for monitoring) ❑ 68-pin Multifunction Data Acquisition board ❑ 68-pin Data Acquisition cable ❑ Jumper wires Unpacking Cautions Your NI CAN Demo Box is shipped in an antistatic package to prevent electrostatic damage. Electrostatic discharge can damage several components on the device. To avoid such damage in handling the device, take the following precautions. Ground yourself through a grounding strap or by touching a grounded object. Touch the antistatic package to a metal part of the computer chassis before removing the NI CAN Demo Box from the package. Remove the NI CAN Demo Box from the package and inspect it for loose components or any other sign of damage. Notify National Instruments if the unit appears to be damaged in any way. Do not use a damaged NI CAN Demo Box with a computer. Never touch the exposed pins of connectors. Installation This section explains how to set up your NI CAN Demo Box for communication. Refer to Figure 1 for the NI CAN Demo Box parts layout. 68-pin Device Power 12 V CAN CAN (Optional Monitor) + - 3 CAN Demo Box Digital Input 2 1 0 ON OFF Menu Select DAQ Trigger Analog In To DAQ Analog In To CAN Function Generator T1 Ch0 Ch1 Ch0 Ch1 GND Gen T2 F0 Figure 1. NI CAN Demo Box Parts Locator Diagram. NI CAN Demo Box User Guide 2 Complete the following steps to install the NI CAN Demo Box hardware and configure it for use. 1. Install the application development environment according to its installation instructions. To use the examples listed in the Examples section, install LabVIEW 6.1 or later, along with its documentation. 2. Install the driver software for the CAN and DAQ hardware according to instructions. To use the examples listed in the Examples section, install NI-CAN 2.2 or later, NI-DAQ 7.0 or later (only for CAN and DAQ synchronization examples), and the documentation for each. 3. Install your CAN and DAQ hardware according to the provided instructions. 4. Connect one single termination CAN cable between the CAN port on the NI CAN Demo Box and Port 1 on the CAN hardware. 5. For optional monitoring, connect a second single termination CAN cable between the CAN (Optional Monitor) port on the NI CAN Demo Box and Port 2 on the CAN hardware. 6. Connect a jumper wire between the Function Generator Gen terminal and the Analog In To CAN Ch0 terminal. 7. Connect a second jumper wire between the Function Generator Gen terminal and the Analog In To CAN Ch1 terminal. 8. Connect a 68-pin DAQ cable between the 68-pin DAQ Connector on the NI CAN Demo Box and the 68-pin port on the DAQ hardware. 9. Connect a jumper wire between the Function Generator Gen terminal and the Analog In To DAQ Ch0 terminal. 10. Connect a second jumper wire between the Function Generator Gen terminal and the Analog In To DAQ Ch1 terminal. 11. Connect the DC power supply to the box. At power up, the box will begin transmitting the WAVEFORM0_SAW0_SWITCHES_FROM_CDB and WAVEFORM1_SAW1_FROM_CDB messages at the NI-CAN default baud rate of 125 K. For more information on these messages, refer to the CAN Communication section. 12. If using NI-CAN, verify that the CAN messages are being transmitted by running the Bus Monitor in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). To run the Bus Monitor, right-click the port connected to the Port connector on the NI CAN Demo Box and select Bus Monitor. 13. Load the CAN Demo Box.ncd file into the CAN Channels in MAX. To load the .ncd file, right-click CAN Channels under Data Neighborhood. Select Load Channel Configuration. Open CAN Demo Box.ncd from its location. Select Add All Messages and Channels. Click Load and then click Done. © National Instruments Corporation 3 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide Operation The following sections explain the NI CAN Demo Box functions and communication. Functional Overview Figure 2 is a block diagram overview of the NI CAN Demo Box architecture. Analog From DAQ DAQ Trigger Terminal Block Analog In To DAQ [0:1] Function Generator Terminal Block 68-Pin DAQ Connector Function Generator Control TRIG1/TRIG2/FREQOUT Function Generator Analog In to DAQ Terminal Block Microcontroller LCD Control/Data 16x2 Character LCD Analog Waveform [0:1] CAN Data Bus Analog In to CAN Terminal Block CAN Optional Monitor Port HS CAN Transceiver Parameter Input Data Digital Input Data CAN Port Parameter Input Buttons Digital Input Switches Figure 2. NI CAN Demo Box Architecture Function Generator The Function Generator provides a sine, square, or triangle output waveform. The waveform type and frequency are user-adjustable through the parameter input buttons or CAN messages. The negative and positive peak values of the sine and triangle waveforms are 0.2 V and 3.6 V, respectively, on the function generator terminal block output. The output voltage range of the square waveform is 0 to 5 V. NI CAN Demo Box User Guide 4 The Function Generator Terminal Block provides a way to connect to the function generator output. DAQ The 68-Pin DAQ Connector connects the DAQ interface analog in, analog out, and trigger pins to the box. The DAQ Trigger Terminal Block provides a way to connect to the DAQ interface TRIG1, TRIG2, and FREQOUT pins. The Analog In To DAQ Terminal Block provides a way to connect to the DAQ interface ACH0 and ACH1 pins. The Analog From DAQ connection routes the analog output from AO0 of your data acquisition hardware to the NI CAN Demo Box. Table 1 provides a mapping of the pins on a National Instruments MIO board to the connectors on the NI CAN Demo Box. Table 1. Pin Mapping NI CAN Demo Box MIO Pin Number Analog From DAQ 22*—AO 0 Analog In To DAQ Ch1 33—AI 1 Analog In To DAQ Ch0 68—AI 0 TRIG1/T1 11—PFI 0/AI START TRIG TRIG2/T2 10—PFI 1/AI REF TRIG FREQOUT/F0 1—FREQOUT * This pin is available only on NI DAQ hardware that has Analog Output. CAN The Analog In To CAN Terminal Block provides a way to connect to the CAN CH0 and CH1 pins of the microcontroller. A signal may be sampled and have its waveform transmitted through CAN messages from the box. The CAN Port connects the CAN interface card in the PC to the box. The CAN (Optional Monitor) Port is wired in parallel with the CAN Port. It allows another CAN interface port to monitor the CAN bus activity of the NI CAN Demo Box. © National Instruments Corporation 5 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide Parameter Input Buttons The Parameter Input Buttons are used to input various operating parameters. Refer to the LCD Menu section for more information on the parameters. Digital Input Switches The states of the Digital Input Switches can be transmitted through CAN messages from the box. LCD Menu The LCD, Menu Select, and +/– push buttons provide an intuitive interface for controlling box parameters. The box powers up with the CAN/DAQ menu active. To cycle through the menus, click the Menu Select button. The +/– push buttons allow adjustment of the associated parameter within each menu. The Menu Select and +/– push buttons can be clicked, or held to adjust menus or parameters at a slow, then increased, rate. The menus and parameters for each are as follows: • CAN/DAQ (power up default) – • • Function Generator Output – Sine (power up default) – Square – Triangle Function Generator Frequency – • • • NI CAN Demo Box User Guide No parameters adjustable using +/– push buttons 0.1 Hz–1 KHz (power up default is 0.5 Hz) LCD Contrast – – Lower – + Higher CAN Baud Rate – 125 K (power up default) – 250 K – 500 K – 1M CAN Transmit – Disable All – Ch0/Saw0/Sw Only 6 – Ch1/Saw1 Only – Enable All (power up default) CAN Communication Refer to the following tables for a description of the Messages and Channels provided by the CAN Demo Box.ncd file to communicate with the NI CAN Demo Box. Message and Channel Descriptions Table 2. WAVEFORM0_SAW0_SWITCHES_FROM_CDB Channel Names Description AnalogInToCANCh0 A 10-bit sample of the signal on the Analog In To CAN terminal block Ch0 input. Sawtooth0 An 8-bit value of a sawtooth waveform generated by the box microprocessor. Switch0..3 A 1-bit sample of each of the Digital Input 3 2 1 0 switch states. Table 3. WAVEFORM1_SAW1_FROM_CDB Channel Names Description AnalogInToCANCh1 A 10-bit sample of the signal on the Analog In To CAN terminal block Ch1 input. Sawtooth1 An 8-bit value of a second sawtooth waveform generated by the box microprocessor. Table 4. STRING_REQUEST_TO_CDB Channel Names StringRequest © National Instruments Corporation Description Queries the box to return a message containing the string “NI-CAN” as six ASCII characters in 6 byte-wide channels. The box ignores the data and data length code. It simply responds with STRING_RESPONSE_FROM_CDB when it receives this message. 7 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide Table 5. STRING_RESPONSE_FROM_CDB Channel Names Description StringCharacter0..5 Response to STRING_REQUEST_TO_CDB. The string “NI-CAN” is returned as six ASCII characters in 6 byte-wide channels. Table 6. WAVEFORM_DIGITAL_TO_CDB Channel Names Description CAN_DAQDisplayCANBargraph A 10-bit sample of waveform data to display on the CAN bar graph in the CAN/DAQ menu. CAN_DAQDisplayDigital0..3 A 1-bit sample of digital data to be displayed for each of the 3 2 1 0 indicators in the CAN/DAQ menu. Table 7. SET_CDB_TRANSMIT Channel Names Description TransmitType Control transmission of the WAVEFORM0_SAW0_SWITCHES_FROM_CDB and WAVEFORM1_SAW1_FROM_CDB messages. Values: 0—Disable all 1—Waveform0-Sawtooth0-Switches only 2—Waveform1-Sawtooth1 only 3—Enable all Default = 3 Table 8. SET_BAR_GRAPH_MODE Channel Names Description CAN_DAQDisplayBargraphMode Set the display mode for the CAN and DAQ bar graphs in the CAN/DAQ menu. Values: 0—Dot mode 1—Bar mode Default = 1 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide 8 Table 9. SET_PERIODIC_RATE Channel Names DelayMultiplier Description The periodic transmission rate of WAVEFORM0_SAW0_SWITCHES_FROM_CDB equals DelayMultiplier * 200 nanoseconds. Because the Analog In To CAN terminal block Ch0 input is sampled at each transmission of the WAVEFORM0_SAW0_SWITCHES_FROM_CDB message, the sample rate for the AnalogInToCANCh0 channel is equal to the periodic transmission rate of WAVEFORM0_SAW0_SWITCHES_FROM_CDB. DelayMultiplier does not affect the periodic transmission rate of WAVEFORM1_SAW1_FROM_CDB. Values: Range is 0 to 65,535 Default = 50,000 (10 ms) Table 10. SET_BAUD_RATE Channel Names BaudRateType Description Set the baud rate of the CAN controller. Values: 2—125 Kbps 3—250 Kbps 4—500 Kbps 5—1 Mbps Default = 2 © National Instruments Corporation 9 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide Table 11. SET_FUNC_GEN_OUTPUT Channel Names FunctionGeneratorOutput Description Set the output waveform type of the function generator. Values: 0—Sine 1—Square 2—Triangle Default = 0 Table 12. SET_FUNC_GEN_FREQ Channel Names FunctionGeneratorFrequency Description Set the frequency of the function generator. Values: 0 to 9—0.1 Hz to 1 Hz in 0.1 Hz increments 9 to 18—1 Hz to 10 Hz in 1 Hz increments 18 to 117—10 Hz to 1,000 Hz in 10 Hz increments Default = 4 (0.5 Hz) Table 13. SET_LCD_CONTRAST Channel Names LCDContrast Description Adjust the contrast of the LCD. Values: 0—Contrast decrease 1—Contrast increase NI CAN Demo Box User Guide 10 Table 14. SET_LCD_DISPLAY Channel Names LCDMenu Description Select the menu to be displayed on the LCD. Values: 0—CAN baud rate 1—CAN transmit status 2—CAN/DAQ 3—Function generator output 4—Function generator frequency 5—LCD contrast Default = 2 Examples The following section describes how to use the NI-CAN examples with LabVIEW. For more examples, refer to KnowledgeBase 3B8DEVHR. NI-CAN Examples Note The Waveform example is listed twice. The first example deals with reading a terminal block input and the internally generated sawtooth waveform, and the second example deals with reading the status of the switches. © National Instruments Corporation 11 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide Example Name Waveform Description Read the Analog In To CAN Ch0 terminal block input and internally generated sawtooth waveform through CAN. Instructions 1. Open the Waveform example. 2. In the channel list, change TransmissionOilPressure to AnalogInToCANCh0, and TransmissionFilterPressure to Sawtooth0. 3. Change the sample rate to 250.0. 4. Right click the Waveform Chart, select Y Scale, and check Autoscale Y. 5. Run the VI. Notes The waveform chart will display white sine (AnalogInToCANCh0) and red sawtooth (Sawtooth0) waveforms. The frequency of the sawtooth waveform is fixed, but the sine waveform frequency may be adjusted using the box push buttons. The sine waveform may also be changed to triangle or square using the push buttons. Example Name Waveform Description Read the states of switches 0 and 1 through CAN. Instructions 1. Open the Waveform example. 2. In the channel list, change TransmissionOilPressure to Switch0, and TransmissionFilterPressure to Switch1. 3. Change the sample rate to 250.0. 4. Run the VI. Notes NI CAN Demo Box User Guide The waveform chart provides a logic analyzer type display. The white waveform represents the state of switch 0 (scaled such that ON = 40 and OFF = 35). The red waveform represents the state of switch 1 (scaled such that ON = 30 and OFF = 25). Observe the waveform changes as you toggle switches 0 and 1 on the box. 12 Example Name Single Sample Periodic Description Write the CAN bar graph and digital 0 indicator in the LCD CAN/DAQ menu through CAN. Instructions 1. Open the Single Sample Periodic example. 2. In the channel list, change TransmissionOilPressure to CAN_DAQDisplayCANBargraph, and TransmissionFilterPressure to CAN_DAQDisplayDigital0. 3. Right click the Channel 0 knob, and select Data Range. Click the Scale tab and change the Scale Range Maximum value to 5.5. 4. Use the Menu Select push button to select the LCD CAN/DAQ menu. 5. Run the VI. Notes © National Instruments Corporation Turn the Channel 0 knob and notice the LCD CAN bar graph change. Move the Channel 1 slider from 0 to 40 and notice the LCD digital 0 indicator change. The CAN_DAQDisplayDigital0 channel is scaled such that OFF = 0 (no asterisk) and ON = 40 (asterisk). 13 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide NI-CAN and NI-DAQ Examples Example Name CAN Waveform Input and AI Waveform Description Read the Analog In To DAQ and Analog In To CAN Ch0 and Ch1 terminal block inputs through CAN and DAQ. Instructions 1. Open the CAN Waveform Input and AI Waveform example. 2. In the channel list, change TransmissionOilPressure to AnalogInToCANCh0, and TransmissionFilterPressure to AnalogInToCANCh1. 3. Change the sample rate to 250.0. 4. Right click the Waveform Chart, select Y Scale, and check Autoscale Y. 5. Run the VI. Notes NI CAN Demo Box User Guide The waveform chart will display red (AnalogInToCANCh1), white (AnalogInToCANCh0), and green overlapping blue sine waveforms. (Analog In To DAQ Ch0 and Analog In To DAQ Ch1 are connected to the same signal, with no scaling.) Notice how the white and red (Analog In To CAN channel), and green and blue (Analog In To DAQ channel) waveforms remain synchronized through RTSI. Notice that the red waveform shows more stair stepping than the white waveform, because the AnalogInToCANCh1 channel message is transmitted at a 50 ms periodic rate, while the AnalogInToCANCh0 channel message is transmitted at a 10 ms rate. The sine waveform frequency may be adjusted using the box push buttons. The sine waveform may also be changed to triangle or square using the push buttons. 14 Example Name CAN Waveform Output and AO Waveform Description Write the CAN bar graph in the LCD CAN/DAQ menu through CAN. Write the DAQ bar graph in the LCD CAN/DAQ menu through DAQ. Instructions 1. Open the CAN Waveform Output and AO Waveform example. 2. In the channel list, change TransmissionOilPressure to CAN_DAQDisplayCANBargraph and delete TransmissionFilterPressure. Right-click the entry, go to Data Operations, and select Delete Element. 3. Open the CAN Waveform Output and AO Waveform diagram and change the amplitude and offset constants in the sinewave generator For Loop, from 5.0 to 2.75. 4. Use the Menu Select push button to select the LCD CAN/DAQ menu. 5. Run the VI. Notice the behavior of the LCD CAN and DAQ bar graphs. Notice that the waveforms are synchronized with a 90-degree phase shift relative to one another. Notes © National Instruments Corporation This example requires a data acquisition board with analog output capabilities. 15 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide Example Name Single Sample Periodic (Uses MAX) Description Adjust the function generator frequency and output via CAN, and observe the resulting waveform changes through DAQ using a MAX test panel. Instructions 1. Open the Single Sample Periodic example. 2. In the channel list, change TransmissionOilPressure to FunctionGeneratorFrequency, and TransmissionFilterPressure to FunctionGeneratorOutput. 3. Right click the Channel 0 knob, and select Data Range. Click the Scale tab and change the Scale Range Maximum value to 117. 4. Right click the Channel 1 slider, and select Data Range. Click the Scale tab and change the Scale Range Maximum value to 2. 5. Open the MAX Test Panel for your DAQ device. Click the Analog Input tab and set the following: Channel = 0 Input Limits High = 5 Input Limits Low = 0 Data Mode = Continuous Sample Rate = 4000.0 Hz 6. Click the Start button. 7. Run the VI. Notes Position the Test Panel and VI such that both are visible on the desktop. Turn the Channel 0 knob and notice the Test Panel Analog Input waveform display reflect the frequency change. Move the Channel 1 slider slowly from 0 to 1 then 2, and notice the Test Panel Analog Input waveform display reflect the change from sine to square, then triangle waveforms. Specifications This section describes the physical characteristics of the NI CAN Demo Box, along with the recommended operating conditions. Electrical Functional Generator Gen Terminal Maximum output current.................12 mA Maximum capacitive load ...............200 pF NI CAN Demo Box User Guide 16 Typical output voltage Square waveform ..................... 5 Vpp, 2.5 VDC offset Sine and Triangle waveforms ............................... 3.38 Vpp, 1.9 VDC offset Analog In To CAN Terminal Voltage range .................................. 0 to 5 V For information on the DAQ Trigger Terminal and Analog In To DAQ Terminal, refer to the documentation for the data acquisition hardware. Note Power Requirement +9 to +12 VDC....................................... 100 mA typical 200 mA maximum Physical Dimensions............................................. 12.95 cm × 12.95 cm × 4.83 cm (5.1 in. × 5.1 in. × 1.9 in.) I/O connectors ........................................ 9-pin male D-SUB for CAN port 9-pin male D-SUB for CAN (Optional Monitor) port 68-pin male SCSI for DAQ port 3-pin terminal block for DAQ Trigger connections 2-pin terminal block for Analog In To DAQ connections 2-pin terminal block for Analog In To CAN connections 2-pin terminal block for Function Generator connections 2 mm, center-positive radial connector for DC power © National Instruments Corporation 17 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide Operating Environment Ambient temperature ..............................0 to 40 °C Relative humidity ...................................10 to 90%, noncondensing (Tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-1, IEC-60068-2-2, IEC-60068-2-56.) Indoor use only. Pollution Degree .....................................2 Altitude ...................................................2,000 m Storage Environment Ambient temperature ..............................–20 to 70 °C Relative humidity ...................................5 to 95%, noncondensing (Tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-1, IEC-60068-2-2, IEC-60068-2-56.) High-Speed CAN Transceiver .............................................Philips TJA1041 Maximum baud rate................................1 Mbps CAN_H, CAN_L bus lines .....................–27 to +40 VDC Safety This product meets the requirements of the following standards of safety for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use: • IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1 • UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1 Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label or the Online Product Certification section. Electromagnetic Compatibility This product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use: NI CAN Demo Box User Guide • EN 61326 (IEC 61326): Class A emissions; Basic immunity • EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions 18 • AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions • FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: Class A emissions • ICES-001: Class A emissions For the standards applied to assess the EMC of this product, refer to the Online Product Certification section. Note Note For EMC compliance, operate this device with shielded cabling. CE Compliance This product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives as follows: • 2006/95/EC; Low-Voltage Directive (safety) • 2004/108/EC; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) Online Product Certification Refer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain product certifications and the DoC for this product, visit, search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification column. Environmental Management National Instruments is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial not only to the environment but also to NI customers. For additional environmental information, refer to the NI and the Environment Web page at This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) At the end of their life cycle, all products must be sent to a WEEE recycling center. For more information about WEEE recycling centers and National Instruments WEEE initiatives, visit EU Customers ⬉ᄤֵᙃѻક∵ᶧࠊㅵ⧚ࡲ⊩ ˄Ё RoHS˅ Ёᅶ᠋ National Instruments ヺড়Ё⬉ᄤֵᙃѻકЁ䰤ࠊՓ⫼ᶤѯ᳝ᆇ⠽䋼ᣛҸ (RoHS)DŽ ݇Ѣ National Instruments Ё RoHS ড়㾘ᗻֵᙃˈ䇋ⱏᔩŽ (For information about China RoHS compliance, go to © National Instruments Corporation 19 NI CAN Demo Box User Guide Where to Go for Support The National Instruments Web site is your complete resource for technical support. At you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application development self-help resources to email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers. A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is our claim of compliance with the Council of the European Communities using the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This system affords the user protection for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety. 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