Timer/Delay Function Block

August 27, 1997
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for wiring and control
schemes for the Bulletin 1336 IMPACT AC Drive. This document is to be used as
a suggestion only. Users must ensure that installations meet applicable codes
and are suitable for the existing conditions.
The Bulletin 1336E User Manual should be used as a reference to ensure that
proper wire selection, routing and fusing guidelines are followed. Refer to
application note #1336E - 4 for an overview of Function Block concepts.
This note contains descriptions and possible uses for the Timer/Delay function
block incorporated into the 1336E drive
This application note is intended to be used by personnel familiar with the
hardware components and programming procedure necessary to operate the
Bulletin 1336S.
The diagrams, parameter settings and auxiliary hardware used in this application
note are designed to address specific issues in many different applications. Some
changes by the User may be necessary to apply the concepts of this document to
a specific application.
[ ] - Indicates a parameter name
Link - A link is a software connection between two parameters that lets one
parameter receive information from another.
- This represents a source which is a link parameter that provides the
- This represents a destination which is a link parameter receiving the
The timer/delay function emulates the action of a mechanical on/off delay timer.
The function inputs are routed to circuits that perform logical functions
(AND,NAND,OR, and NOR). Additional noise immunity can be achieved by using
a time value in both the on and off delay circuits. To configure the drive with the
Timer/Delay circuit the [Function Sel] parameter (212) must be programmed
appropriately. Refer to figure 1.
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Figure 1
The “Function Evaluation Select” parameters (200,203,206) are used to
precondition the inputs. The numbers 0-15 correspond to the 16 different
evaluations available. Refer to table 1 for the descriptions.
Table 1
EVALUATION (1 = on = true = set = closed) (0 = off = false = reset = open)
Pass the value directly through the function block
Mask the value (logical AND the input value with a value)
Send a true value when all bits that are set in the mask are on in the input value
Send a true value when all bits that are set in the mask are off in the input value
Send a true value when any bits that are set in the mask are on in the input value
Send a true value when any bits that are set in the mask are off in the input value
Send a true value when the input value is equal to the value of the mask
Send a true value when the input value is not equal to the value of the mask
Send a true value when the signed input value is < the value of the mask
Send a true value when the signed input value is < or = to the value of the mask
Send a true value when the signed input value is > the value of the mask
Send a true value when the signed input value is > or = to the value of the mask
Send a true value when the unsigned input value is < the value of the mask
Send a true value when the unsigned input value is < or = to the value of the mask
Send a true value when the unsigned input value is > the value of the mask
Send a true value when the unsigned input value is > or = to the value of the mask
When [Function Sel] is set to zero, the Timer/Delay function is selected to OR the
true/false states of In1 and In2. The value of In6 becomes the output in a “true”
condition, In7 for a “false” condition. (In3 and In8 are not used for this function).
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When [Function Sel] is set to one, the Timer/Delay function is selected to NOR
the true/false states of In1 and In2. The value of In6 becomes the output in a
“true” condition, In7 for a “false” condition. (In3 and In8 are not used for this
When [Function Sel] is set to two, the Timer/Delay function is selected to AND the
true/false states of In1 and In2. The value of In6 becomes the output in a “true”
condition, In7 for a “false” condition. (In3 and In8 are not used for this function).
When [Function Sel] is set to three, the Timer/Delay function is selected to NAND
the true/false states of In1 and In2. The value of In6 becomes the output in a
“true” condition, In7 for a “false” condition. (In3 and In8 are not used for this
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When [Function Sel] is set to four, the Timer/Delay function is selected to OR the
true/false states of In1 and In2, then AND the result with In3. The value of In6
becomes the output in a “true” condition, In7 for a “false” condition. (In8 is not
used for this function).
When [Function Sel] is set to five, the Timer/Delay function is selected to AND
the true/false states of In1 and In2, then OR the result with In3. The value of In6
becomes the output in a “true” condition, In7 for a “false” condition. (In8 is not
used for this function).
When [Function Sel] is set to six, the Timer/Delay function is selected to delay
the state of In1 by the time value set by In5 & In4, and OR this with In2. Then
AND the result with In3. The value of In6 becomes the output in a “true” condition,
In7 for a “false” condition. (In8 is not used for this function).
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When [Function Sel] is set to seven, the Timer/Delay function is selected to delay
the state of In1 by the time value set by In5 & In4, and AND this with In2. Then
OR the result with In3. The value of In6 becomes the output in a “true” condition,
In7 for a “false” condition. (In8 is not used for this function).
The Function Input parameters for the timer delay block are linkable destination
type parameters. This means that other parameter values may be directly sent to,
or linked, to these locations. All function inputs that are used by the function block
must be programmed with a constant value or have a link.
The Function Output parameter is a source parameter. This parameter must be
linked to a destination parameter.
The LINK menu of the Human Interface Module is used to create parameter links.
An example of the link display is shown below.
Drive/Inv Status
<15> <
Use the ▲ or ▼ keys to select the
desired Destination Parameter.
Arrow Indicates the
direction of data
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The following example shows how the Timer/Delay block can be used to change
the speed reference. The drive status word is used to “trigger” the timer. The At
Set Speed and Running bits must be true to start the off delay timer. Once the
off delay time is completed, the reference is switched from In7 to In6. Refer to the
diagram below.
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Looking at the speed feedback trace you can see the profile generated from the parameter settings outlined in the
example. Note the waveform names below. CH1 is the At Speed contact, CH2 is the running contact, CH3 is the
motor speed and CH4 is the commanded speed.
Commanded Speed
At Speed
The plot below expands just a portion of the previous plot. This enables you to see the timing of the function block.
1). The motor reaches the command speed AND the drive is running, timing starts in the function block. 2). Timer is
set for 3 seconds. 3.) Off timer begins and the drive runs at a different set speed. 4.) Off timer is set for 3.6 seconds.
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The following plot show what happens when the drive changes state but does so before the On Delay timer times out
After the drive reaches at speed and changes to the other set speed the decel rate is faster than the on delay timer. So
when the timer times out the drive (according to the function block) has not made a transition. After a certain amount
of time I changed the speed command manually to start the timer and continued varying the command speed until I
out last the timer. The function block takes over again until once again the decel rate is faster than the Off timer.
This plot is a close-up of the previous plot. 1.) On delay timer starts. 2.) Time for 3 seconds. 3.) The Off timer is set
for 3.6 seconds and the decel happens in 2.25 seconds. Therefore the rest of the function block never triggers.
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This plot just show that the At Speed contact stays false longer than the Off timer which allows the function block to
continue. Note that the commanded speed shoots up after 3.6 seconds when the At Speed contact goes false.
Commanded speed
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