Tape & Reel Packaging and Dimensions Dimensions for Carrier Tape (Unit : mm) +0.1 T±0.05 D1 A P±0.10 S0±0.10 B0±0.10 W±0.30 F±0.10 E±0.10 D0-0.0 P2±0.10 P0±0.10 A0±0.10 A K0±0.10 Section A-A Dimensions in mm R eel Siz e Type W F E P2 P0 D0 D1 P A0 B0 MJS 32.00 14.20 1.75 2.00 4.00 Ø1.50 Ø2.00 20.00 15.60 MGJ 32.00 14.20 1.75 2.00 4.00 Ø1.50 Ø2.00 24.00 MJQ 44.00 20.20 1.75 2.00 4.00 20362 44.00 20.20 1.75 2.00 S0 Quantity Quantity (Pcs/Reel) (Reel/Cased) T K0 17.40 28.40 0.40 6.40 330x32 600 5/3000 16.40 17.90 28.40 0.40 5.80 330x32 400 5/2000 Ø1.50 Ø2.00 24.00 16.75 28.40 40.40 0.40 6.70 330x44 400 5/2000 4.00 Ø1.50 Ø2.00 20.00 15.30 28.20 40.40 0.40 6.60 330x44 300 5/1500 82219 32.00 14.20 1.75 2.00 4.00 Ø1.50 Ø2.00 20.00 15.60 17.40 28.40 0.40 6.40 330x32 600 5/3000 COJ 44.00 20.20 1.75 2.00 4.00 Ø1.50 Ø2.00 24.00 16.75 28.40 40.40 0.40 6.70 330x44 400 5/2000 P0±0.10 -0.0 T±0.05 A B0±0.10 F±0.10 E±0.10 W±0.30 D1+0.1 D0 P2±0.05 A P±0.10 A0±0.10 Dimensions in mm Type W F E P2 P0 D0 MJM 24.00 11.50 1.75 2.00 4.00 Ø1.5 MJE 24.00 11.50 1.75 2.00 4.00 D JE 24.00 11.50 1.75 2.00 D JM 24.00 11.50 1.75 DTM 24.00 11.50 1.75 D1 P K0±0.10 Section A-A R eel Siz e Quantity Quantity (Pcs/Reel) (Reel/Cased) A0 B0 T K0 Ø1.50 16.00 10.20 13.35 0.35 6.55 330x24 600 5/3000 Ø1.5 Ø1.50 20.00 11.90 8.20 0.40 7.60 330x24 600 5/3000 4.00 Ø1.5 Ø1.50 20.00 11.90 8.20 0.40 7.60 330x24 600 5/3000 2.00 4.00 Ø1.5 Ø1.50 16.00 10.20 13.35 0.35 6.55 330x24 600 5/3000 2.00 4.00 Ø1.5 Ø1.50 20.00 15.20 14.05 0.40 6.50 330x24 400 5/2000 THE TALEMA GROUP · Magnetic Components for Universal Applications Tape & Reel Packaging and Dimensions C A N Reel Dimensions (Unit : mm) B Reel Dimensions in mm B C N 330 x 24 330 24 20.2 100 330 x 32 330 32 20.2 100 330 x 44 330 44 20.2 100 Blank Min. 160mm TALEMA IN TALEMA IN M/Y Wk/Yr MMJ- 100B-501 Part Number A TALEMA IN IN TALEMA M/Y Wk/Yr MMJ- 100B-501 Part Number Type START TALEMA TALEMA IN IN M/Y Wk/Yr MMJ- 100B-501 Part Number END Components Blank Min. 400mm Drawing direction Outer Carton Inner Carton 335 355 35 33 0 5 285 50 THE TALEMA GROUP · Magnetic Components for Universal Applications