MDU 功能使用方法 MDU(Multiplication Division Unit) 功能使用方法 1 适用产品: 1.1 SM59R16A2/ SM59R08A2 1.2 SM59R16A5/ SM59R09A5/ SM59R05A5/SM59R16A3/ SM59R09A3/SM59R05A3 1.3 SM59R04A2/ SM59R04A1/ SM59R03A1/ SM59R02A1 2 MDU 使用概述: 2.1. 使用 MCU 1T 且带有 MDU 之优势,在于大量运算系统中愈复杂则愈显而易见,执行乘除法及位移 指令在数个微秒内即可完成,其相较于一般 1T 或 12T 8051 的效率高出数十倍至百倍。 2.2. 提供快速的硬件除法运算(32/16-bit & 16/16-bit division)、乘法运算(16*16-bit multiplication)、位移 功能(32-bit shift)及归一化(normalize, 去除小数点运算)功能。 2.3. 乘除法功能,仅可使用无号整数形态运算。 2.4. ARCON[7:0]为 MDU 操作缓存器控制。MD5~MD0 为操作数和运算结果。 使用 C 语言相当容易,只要在 Keil C 中加一行指令 “ #pragma mdu_r515 ” 2.5. SM59Rxx 系列 MDU, 于主程序前即可,请参考范例程序。汇编(Assembly)可参考 MDU 操作步骤,依应用流程即可。 2.6. 效率测试比较表,参考如下: MCU Conditional 1T with MDU 1T without MDU 12T without MDU 0x0000FFFF / 0x00FF 4.560 33.88 280.0 0xFFFFFFFF / 0xFFFF 4.601 36.40 302.0 0xFFFF / 0x00FF 2.320 8.404 64.30 0xFFFF / 0xFFFF 2.320 9.200 76.84 0x00FF x 0xFFFF 6.599 7.922 62.01 0xFFFF x 0xFFFF 6.639 7.960 62.40 0x800FFFFF>>1 3.678 2.317 16.40 0x800FFFFF>>8 3.841 8.081 67.70 0x800FFFFF>>16 3.840 14.48 125.4 0x800FFFFF>>24 3.841 20.87 183.0 Normalizing_Write(0x00000001) 3.079 - - Normalizing_Write(0x81008000) 2.600 - - Program command 以上MUC皆使用crystal 25MHz为测试条件。 测试速度单位: us Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 1 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 3 UV2 未支持 MDU 功能,建议用使者可更新为 UV3 和 UV4。针对 Keil C UV3 和 UV4 编译(Build)和软 件模拟(Simulation),如何才能完整的使用 MDU? 方法一. Step1. 更新 UV4.cdb(或 UV3.cdb) 1-1 使用新茂提供的 UV4.cdb(或 UV3.cdb)档案直接更新 1-2 或由行用者自行修改现有的 UV4.cdb(或 UV3.cdb),修改方式可参考文件,如下: 20for%20new%20device%20(TC).pdf Step2. 更新后在 Option for Target\ Target 会出现选项”Use On-Chip Arithmetic Unit”,将 其致能即可,如下图所示: Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 2 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 方法二. 将 MDU 指令”#pragma mdu_r515”加入标头档即可。该方法 Keil C 编译没问题,但注意无法 使用软件模拟(需软件模拟建议使用方法一即可)。 4 以下说明与 MDU 相关的特殊控制缓存器及特殊状态缓存器 Special Function Register (SFR) Mnemonic Description Direct Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 RESET - - STOP IDLE 40H Multiplication Division Unit PCON ARCON Power control Arithmetic Control register Multiplication/ MD0 Division Register 0 Multiplication/ MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 MD5 Division Register 1 Multiplication/ Division Register 2 Multiplication/ Division Register 3 Multiplication/ Division Register 4 Multiplication/ Division Register 5 87H SMOD MDUF - EFh MDEF MDOV SLR - SC[4:0] 00H 00H E9h MD0[7:0] EAh MD1[7:0] EBh MD2[7:0] ECh MD3[7:0] EDh MD4[7:0] 00H EEh MD5[7:0] 00H Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 3 Ver B 2011/01 00H 00H 00H MDU 功能使用方法 MDU操作步骤,汇编(Assembly)请参考以下三个步骤(C语言的部分已在Keil C编译时完成,使用方式可 直接参考范例程序): 步骤一: 写入MDx(x = 0~5)缓存器 使用 MDU 运算时,必须注意写入的顺序;所有的应用中缓存器“MD0”都必须是第一个被写入(First write),其它缓存器写入后,在最后一个指定的缓存器被写入(Last write)时,MDU 即开始做运算 处理: Table 6-1: MDU registers write sequence Operation 32bit/16bit 16bit/16bit 16bit x 16bit shift/normalizing First write MD0 Dividend Low MD0 Dividend Low MD0 Multiplicand Low MD0 LSB MD1 Dividend MD1 Dividend High MD4 Multiplicator Low MD1 MD1 Multiplicand High MD2 MD2 Dividend MD3 Dividend High Last write MD3 MSB MD4 Divisor Low MD4 Divisor Low MD5 Divisor High MD5 Divisor High MD5 Multiplicator High ARCON start conversion 步骤二: 执行计算 MDU是否完成计算,可由MDUF旗标判断;当完成时由硬件设定为”1”,在下一次执行计算时硬件会自动清除。 Mnemonic: PCON Address: 87h 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset SMOD MDUF - PMW - - STOP IDLE 40h MDUF: MDU 完成旗标(MDU finish flag) 1: 完成时由硬件设定 0: 下一次 MDU 执行时自动清除 下表说明MDU各个功能的执行周期: Table 6-2: MDU execution times Operation Number of Tclk Division 32bit/16bit 17 clock cycles Division 16bit/16bit 9 clock cycles Multiplication 11 clock cycles Shift Min. 3 clock cycles, Max. 18 clock cycles Normalize Min. 4 clock cycles, Max. 19 clock cycles Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 4 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 步骤三: 由MDx(x = 0~5)读取结果: 读取缓存器时,要注意 “Last read”字节必须是最后被读出. z Division应用:Last read为MD5 z Multiplication, shift和normalizing应用:Last read为MD3 (如下表的斜体字形所示) Table 6-3: MDU registers read sequence Operation 32Bit/16Bit 16Bit/16Bit 16Bit x 16Bit shift/normalizing First read MD0 Quotient Low MD0 Quotient Low MD0 Product Low MD0 LSB MD1 Quotient MD1 Quotient High MD1 Product MD1 MD2 Product MD2 MD3 Product High MD3 MSB MD2 Quotient MD3 Quotient High Last read MD4 Remainder L MD4 Remainder Low MD5 Remainder H MD5 Remainder High Mnemonic: ARCON 7 6 5 MDEF MDOV SLR Address: EFh 4 3 2 1 0 SC [4:0] Reset 00h MDEF: 乘除错误旗标 Multiplication Division Error Flag. (只读) 此旗标将指示错误发生在不正常操作状况,例如算运已经重新开始或被中断.在 第一步骤写入 MD0 时,错误旗标将自动致能;在第三步骤完成读取 MD3(乘法或 位移)或 MD5(除法) 时被禁能. 1. 错误旗标被设定的情形如下: 在第二步骤,MDx 缓存器被运算和写入数据时(重新开始或运算被中断) 错误旗标被致能和 MDx 缓存器被读取 (没有中断运算) 2. 错误旗标被清除的情形如下: 当第二步骤完成(运算成功),且在第三步骤 MDx 缓存器被读取 MDOV: 乘除溢位旗标 Multiplication Division Overflow flag.(只读) 当 MD0 缓存器被写入数据(first write)时,乘除溢位旗标即被清除为”0” 溢位将于以下状况发生: 1. 除数为”0” 2. 乘法结果为 0000FFFFh 3. 使用归一化(Normalizing)功能启用之前,MD3 的 MSB 为”1” SLR: 位移方向旗标 Shift direction bit. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 5 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 SLR = 0 –左位移 SLR = 1 –右位移 SC [4:0]: 位移计数旗标 Shift counter. 当 SC[4:0] = 0,选择归一化(Normalizing)功能 当 SC[4:0]≠0,选择位移(Shift)功能,位移开始 (SC [4]:最高位;SC[0]:最低 位) 5 MDU 应用程序请注意以下: z 缓存器仍必须依顺序(First write, … , Last write)写入。 z 关于shift及normalizing的应用,ARCON中的SLR和SC[4:0],注意如下: 当使用shift功能,写入时必须同时对SLR和SC[4:0]做处理,如说明项目1&3,参考以下范例说明: 1. 正确: ARCON = 0x20 | value; // set SLR & SC = Shift right & counter 2. 错误: ARCON |= 0x20; // set SLR = shift right ARCON |= value; // set SC = shift counter 3. 正确: ARCON = 0x00 | value; // set SLR & SC = Shift left & counter 4. 错误: ARCON &= 0x00; // set SLR = shift left ARCON |= value; // set SC = shift counter 关于shift及normalizing的last write的正确写法,参考以下范例: 5. shift: ARCON = 0x20 | value; //shift last write 6. normalizing: ARCON = 0x00; // normalizing last write 当使用shift功能,不必要也不可以对ARCON做清除动作,参考以下范例: 7. 错误: ARCON = 0x20 | value; // set SLR & SC = Shift right & counter ……….. // process… etc. ARCON = 0x00; // unnecessary clear Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 6 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 6 以下范例为 MDU 的应用流程图,汇编(Assembly)请参考以下步骤(C 语言的部分在 Keil C 编译时已 完成,使用方式可直接参考范例程序) Entry SyncMOS MDU Division 32/16bit Division 16/16bit Multiplication 16x16bit Shift 31bit Normalize 31bit < Step1. > Load data to MDx MD0 = W0 (first write) MD1 = W1 MD2 = W2 MD3 = W3 MD4 = W4 MD5 = W5 (last write) < Step1. > Load data to MDx MD0 = W0 (first write) MD1 = W1 MD4 = W4 MD5 = W5 (last write) < Step1. > Load data to MDx MD0 = W0 (first write) MD1 = W1 MD4 = W4 MD5 = W5 (last write) < Step1. > Load data to MDx MD0 = W0 (first write) MD1 = W1 MD2 = W2 MD3 = W3 ARCON = 0x20 | value (or = 0x00 | value) (last write) < Step1. > Load data to MDx MD0 = W0 (first write) MD1 = W1 MD2 = W2 MD3 = W3 ARCON = 0x00 (last write) < Step3. > Read data from MDx R0 = MD0 R1 = MD1 R2 = MD2 R3 = MD3 (last read) < Step3. > Read data from MDx R0 = MD0 R1 = MD1 R2 = MD2 R3 = MD3 (last read) =0 < Step 2.> MDUF =1 < Step3. > Read data from MDx R0 = MD0 R1 = MD1 R2 = MD2 R3 = MD3 R4 = MD4 R5 = MD5 (last read) < Step3. > Read data from MDx R0 = MD0 R1 = MD1 R4 = MD4 R5 = MD5 (last read) < Step3. > Read data from MDx R0 = MD0 R1 = MD1 R2 = MD2 R3 = MD3 (last read) 以下数据型态定义参考自 Keil C User’s Guide: ( Operation Implementation signed int mul Intrinsic unsigned int mul Intrinsic signed int div ?C?SIDIVR515 routine unsigned int div ?C?UIDIVR515 routine Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 7 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 signed long mul ?C?LMULR515 routine unsigned long mul ?C?LMULR515 routine signed long div ?C?SLDIVR515 routine unsigned long div ?C?ULDIVR515 routine signed long shift left ?C?LSHLR515 routine unsigned long shift left ?C?LSHLR515 routine unsigned long shift right ?C?ULSHRR515 routine 7 MDU 的范例程序 MDU 支持方法二的范例,#pragma mdu_r515 为 Keil C 的 command line,加到 file.c 或 headfile.h Description Main program 皆可,但建议加至 headfile.h,例如 SM59R04A2.h 中即可。 //========================================================================= // // S Y N C M O S T E C H N O L O G Y // //========================================================================= #include <SM59R04A2.h> #pragma mdu_r515 //Keil C MDU command line //typedef for normalizing ================================ typedef union { struct { unsigned char Byte3; //MSB unsigned char Byte2; unsigned char Byte1; unsigned char Byte0; //LSB }ss1; struct { unsigned int Word1; //MSW unsigned int Word0; //LSW }ss2; Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 8 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 unsigned long Ldata; }Long_Data; //========================================================= void division_32_16(void) { unsigned int ui_data_002; // ?C?UIDIVR515 routine unsigned long ul_data_001; // ?C?LMULR515 routine unsigned long ul_data_002; // ?C?ULDIVR515 routine // 32/16 ANS:0x00000101================================ ul_data_002= 0x0000FFFF; ui_data_002= 0x00FF; P3_0 =0; ul_data_001 = ul_data_002/ui_data_002; //4.560us @25MHz 1T with MDU //33.88us @25MHz 1T without MDU //280.0us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_0 =1; P0 = ul_data_001; P1 = ul_data_001>>8; // 32/16 ANS:0x00010001================================ ul_data_002= 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_data_002= 0xFFFF; P3_1 =0; ul_data_001 = ul_data_002/ui_data_002; //4.601us @25MHz 1T with MDU //36.40us @25MHz 1T without MDU //302.0us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_1 =1; P0 = ul_data_001; P1 = ul_data_001>>8; P2 = ul_data_001>>16; } Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 9 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 void division_16_16(void) { unsigned int ui_data_001; unsigned int ui_data_002; unsigned int ui_data_003; // 16/16 ANS:0x0101================================ ui_data_002= 0xFFFF; ui_data_003= 0x00FF; P3_2 =0; //trig ui_data_001 = ui_data_002/ui_data_003; //2.32us @25MHz 1T with MDU //8.404us @25MHz 1T without MDU //64.30us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_2 =1; //trig P0 = ui_data_001; P1 = ui_data_001>>8; P2 = ARCON; // 16/16 ANS:0x0001================================ ui_data_002= 0xFFFF; ui_data_003= 0xFFFF; P3_3 =0; //trig ui_data_001 = ui_data_002/ui_data_003; //2.320us @25MHz 1T with MDU //9.200us @25MHz 1T without MDU //76.84us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_3 =1; //trig P0 = ui_data_001; P1 = ui_data_001>>8; P2 = ARCON; //=0X00 } void multiplication_16x16(void) { unsigned int ui_data_002; // ?C?UIDIVR515 routine Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 10 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 unsigned long ul_data_001; unsigned long ul_data_003; // ?C?LMULR515 routine // 16x16 ANS:0x00FEFF01================================ ui_data_002= 0x00FF; ul_data_001= 0xFFFF; P3_4 =0; ul_data_003 = ul_data_001*ui_data_002; //6.599us @25MHz 1T with MDU //7.922us @25MHz 1T without MDU //62.01us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_4 =1; P0 = ul_data_003; P1 = ul_data_003>>8; P2 = ul_data_003>>16; // 16x16 ANS:0xFFFE0001================================ ul_data_001= 0xFFFF; ui_data_002= 0xFFFF; P3_5 =0; ul_data_003 = ul_data_001*ui_data_002; //6.639us @25MHz 1T with MDU //7.960us @25MHz 1T without MDU //62.4us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_5 =1; P0 = ul_data_003; P1 = ul_data_003>>8; P2 = ul_data_003>>16; } void Shift(void) { unsigned long ul_data_003; //========================================================= //Shift ul_data_003=0x800FFFFF; Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 11 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 P3_0=0; //trig P0 = ul_data_003>>1; //3.678us @25MHz 1T with MDU //2.317us @25MHz 1T without MDU //16.4us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_0=1; //trig P3_1=0; //trig P1 = ul_data_003>>8; //3.841us @25MHz 1T with MDU //8.081us @25MHz 1T without MDU //67.7us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_1=1; //trig P3_2=0; //trig P0 = ul_data_003>>15; //3.680us @25MHz 1T with MDU //13.52us @25MHz 1T without MDU //117.1us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_2=1; //trig P3_3=0; //trig P1 = ul_data_003>>16; //3.840us @25MHz 1T with MDU //14.48us @25MHz 1T without MDU //125.4us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_3=1; //trig P3_4=0; //trig P2 = ul_data_003>>24; //3.841us @25MHz 1T with MDU //20.87us @25MHz 1T without MDU //183.0us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_4=1; //trig P3_5=0; //trig P0 = ul_data_003>>31; //3.687us @25MHz 1T with MDU //26.32us @25MHz 1T without MDU //232.4us @25MHz 12T without MDU P3_5=1; //trig Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 12 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 P3_6=0; //trig P0 = ul_data_003>>8; //0xFF P1 = ul_data_003>>16; //0x0F P2 = ul_data_003>>24; //0x80 P3_6=1; //trig P3_7=0; //trig P0 = ul_data_003<<8; //0x00 P1 = ul_data_003<<16; //0x00 P2 = ul_data_003<<24; //0x00 P3_7=1; //trig //17.36us @25MHz 1T with MDU //42.72us @25MHz 1T without MDU //372.0us @25MHz 12T without MDU //10.56us @25MHz 1T with MDU //42.72us @25MHz 1T without MDU //372.0us @25MHz 12T without MDU } void Normalizing_Write(unsigned long Data) { Long_Data LD; LD.Ldata =Data; MD0 = LD.ss1.Byte0; MD1 = LD.ss1.Byte1; MD2 = LD.ss1.Byte2; MD3 = LD.ss1.Byte3; ARCON = 0x00 ; // Start Normalizing while(!(PCON & 0x40)) //check MDU finish flag {}; } void Normalizing_Read(void) { Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 13 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 Long_Data LD; LD.ss1.Byte0 = MD0; //first read LD.ss1.Byte1 = MD1; LD.ss1.Byte2 = MD2; LD.ss1.Byte3 = MD3; //last read, MDEF(error flag) happen if not read } void Normalizing_test(void) { P3_0=0; //trig = 3.079us Normalizing_Write(0x00000001); //ANS=0x1F P3_0=1; //trig -->MDOV=0 Normalizing_Read(); P0 = ARCON; P3_1=0; //trig = 2.681us Normalizing_Write(0x00080000); //ANS=0x03 P3_1=1; //trig -->MDOV=0 Normalizing_Read(); P1 = ARCON; P3_2=0; //trig = 2.603us Normalizing_Write(0x00080001); //ANS=0x0C P3_2=1; //trig -->MDOV=0 Normalizing_Read(); P2 = ARCON; P3_3=0; //trig = 2.600us Normalizing_Write(0x81008000); //ANS=0x40 P3_3=1; //trig -->MDOV=1 P0 = ARCON; Normalizing_Read(); } void main(void) Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 14 Ver B 2011/01 MDU 功能使用方法 { IFCON |= 0x80; division_32_16(); division_16_16(); multiplication_16x16(); Shift(); Normalizing_test(); while(1){}; } Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFA-0184 15 Ver B 2011/01