® EVAL-1000025 Evaluation Board for 3-Phase PFC Converters ® Summary SynQor has developed EVAL-1000025, an evaluation board to facilitate testing of our 3-phase PFC converter and its associated 3-phase AC line filter. Introduction This application note is a guide to the features, schematic, component placement, and BOM for this evaluation board. The applicable converter modules are the MPFC-115-3PH-270-FP 3-phase PFC and the MACF-115-3PHUNV-HT 3-phase AC Line Filter. For assistance with testing the performance of our DC-DC power converters, please refer to our application note “Guidelines for Testing SynQor DC-DC Converters”. Contents Section 1 – Converter Description Section 2 – Evaluation Board Block Diagram Section 3 – Input and Output Connections Section 4 – Switches, Lights, External Transient Protection Devices, and BNC Connectors Section 5 – Schematic Section 6 – Component Placement Section 7 – Bill of Materials (BOM) Section 8 – Basic Operating Instructions This evaluation board is not intended for temperature, safety or any abnormal or standards testing. Use this board to observe the behavior of the 3-phase PFC module only. Shock Warning: There are areas of this evaluation board that have exposed access to hazardous high voltage levels. Exercise caution to avoid contact with those voltages. Also note that the evaluation board may retain high voltage temporarily after input power has been removed. Exercise caution when handling. Thermal Considerations: When testing converters on an evaluation board, ensure adequate cooling. Apply cooling air with a fan blowing across the converter or across a heatsink attached to the converter. Monitor the converter temperature to ensure it doesn’t exceed the maximum rated per the datasheet specification. Sockets: Please note that this evaluation board uses sockets to provide the option of testing multiple converters. For longer-term testing, thermal testing, and permanent installations use soldered connections. Page 1 www.synqor.com | QMS#065-0000049 | Rev. A | 07/27/15 | Advancing the Power Curve Advancing the Power Curve ® Application Note EVAL-1000025 Section 1 – Converter Description The 3-phase PFC converter has two stages. The input stage takes 3-phase AC (115 Vrms L-N, 200 Vrms L-L) and shapes and balances the three AC input currents. Phase relation (A, B, C phases) are not connection specific. The PFC will work in any orientation. The output of the first stage is called the MIDBUS and it requires a capacitor for proper operation (included on the evaluation board). MIDBUS voltage ranges from 160 Vdc to 220 Vdc over specified operating conditions. The MIDBUS is then fed into a second stage that has a typical output voltage of 275 Vdc. The 3-phase PFC will startup and operate under any valid load condition. Isolation Warning Circuitry on this evaluation board is non-isolated. This requires great care in making connections and taking measurements. Note that the shield pin connects to a shield that lies between the converter and the baseplate and is meant to provide noise reduction in cases where the baseplate is connected to a heatsink that can become a noise radiator. For safety, DO NOT CONNECT THE SHIELD TO THE BASEPLATE as the shield is line referenced. In most applications, the output of the 3-phase PFC is followed by an isolated DC-DC converter. Section 2 – Evaluation Block Diagram Onboard Input Filter Module (Required) SynQor 3-Phase PFC Module SHIELD1 J16 LINE A FUSE1 MOV1 FUSE2 SynQor 3-Phase AC Line Filter LINE B PFC B LINE B 2.2 µH LINE A PFC A PFC Rectifier +VOUT Onboard Output Filter Module (Optional) J10 PFC L1 L1 SynQor 1-Phase AC Line Filter (backwards) Boost Converter J13 (+) Optional output filter for 270V system distribution bus PE GND MOV2 FUSE3 MOV3 LINE C 2.2 µH LINE C PFC C 2.2 µH PE GND Page 2 www.synqor.com | QMS#065-0000049 | Rev. A | | 3.3V AUX SYNC OUT A7 A10 PFC ENA A6 A9 DC GOOD A5 07/27/15 A8 BATTLE SHORT Reserved AC GOOD A4 GND ISO Reserved A3 TVS1 Reserved TVS2 A2 TVS3 A1 FUNCTIONAL ISOLATION -VOUT +MIDBUS2 J11 PFC L2/N J7 L2 (-) J15 J6 Advancing the Power Curve Advancing the Power Curve ® Application Note EVAL-1000025 Section 3 – Input and Output Connections Input power is applied through connector J16, see Table 1. The mating connector for J16 is DF22-4S-7.92C (28) from Hirose Electric Company in Japan and is provided. Output power is applied through connectors J10 and J11 or J13 and J15. See Table 2. The mating connectors are provided. The mid bus is connected to J6 and J7, see Table 3. Table 1: Input Power Connector J16 Connector Terminal # Signal Name J16-1 Phase A Line Input J16-2 Phase B Line Input J16-3 Phase C Line Input J16-4 Earth Ground Table 2: Output Power Connectors Connector Terminal # Signal Name J10 +Vout Before Output Filter Module J11 -Vout Before Output Filter Module J13 +Vout After Output Filter Module J15 -Vout After Output Filter Module Table 3: Other Connectors Connector Terminal # Signal Name J6 +Midbus J7 -Vout Note: Please refer to the appropriate SynQor converter datasheet for descriptions of these features. Page 3 www.synqor.com | QMS#065-0000049 | Rev. A | 07/27/15 | Advancing the Power Curve Advancing the Power Curve ® Application Note EVAL-1000025 Section 4 – Switches, Lights, LEDs, External Transient Protection and BNC Connectors Description of Switches Enable On/Off Switch Toggling S1 switch to the ON position enables the 3-phase PFC converter. Toggling S1 switch to the OFF position disables the 3-phase PFC converter. Description of Lights Neon Lamp Indicators LI1: Phase A power present LI2: Phase B power present LI3: Phase C power present LED Indicators LED1: AC Good LED2: DC Good LED3: Bias On Description of Transient Protection Devices The evaluation board includes protective MOV devices on all three input lines. These are in place to absorb energy from potential transients that may be present on your line. Transient voltage suppressors (TVS) are included after the filter to suppress low energy ringing that can be stimulated by an input transient on your line. Note that we do not recommend using this evaluation board for Military or other standard testing. MOV Devices PAin to PBin: M1 PAin to PCin: M2 PBin to PCin: M3 TVS Devices PAMID to PBMID: M5 and M6 PBMID to PCMID: M4 and M5 PAMID to PCMID: M4 and M6 Page 4 www.synqor.com | QMS#065-0000049 | Rev. A | 07/27/15 | Advancing the Power Curve Advancing the Power Curve ® | 49.9K 49.9K R16 R17 49.9K 49.9K R30 R31 J8-1 J8-2 J8-3 J8-4 CON_THT_4P_43045 GNDCTL DEBUG_PGD DEBUG_PGC SDO GNDCTL SCK 4 5 6 7 8 10 TS79-1 TS80-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS66-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS67-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS75-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS76-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS77-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS14-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS15-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS16-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP GNDCTL VLOOP GNDCTL GNDCTL 3P3V DEBUG_RST DEBUG_PGD DEBUG_PGC CSVD SCK SDO VLOOP CSVD VLOOP 3P3V 3 9 DEBUG_RST 2 3P3V 100 0603 R6 10A CSVD SCK SDO 4 100pF 0603 C4 10.0K 0603 0.1% R4 U43 10.0K 0603 0.1% R5 100pF 0603 C3 GNDCTL DEBUG_PGC + 1 3 C5 0.1uF C163 0.1uF 10.0K 0603 0.1% R3 10.0K 0603 0.1% R2 TS115-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP DEBUG_PGD C2 0.1uF TS114-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP 3P3V PCIN TS113-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP CHGND 10A F3 10A F2 F1 OPA376 GNDCTL MIDBUS_EXT VNMID CMY VPMID PCMID2 PBMID2 PAMID2 PCIN PBIN 1 CON/2MM/5X2/SM/V/SOCKET CSVD VLOOP SCK GNDCTL SDO PGC PGD GNDCTL 3P3V PROG1-5 DEBUG_PGC MCLR PROG1-4 JB PROG1-3 DEBUG_PGD PROG1-6 PROG1-2 3P3V GNDCTL PROG1-1 Standard Debug CON_THT_4P_43045 CON_THT_4P_43045 CON_THT_4P_43045 J12-1 J12-2 J12-3 J12-4 CON_THT_4P_43045 CON_THT_4P_43045 J9-1 J9-2 CON_THT_4P_43045 J9-3 CON_THT_4P_43045 J9-4 CON_THT_4P_43045 CON_THT_4P_43045 CON_THT_4P_43045 PAIN Kelvin Connections J16-4 J16-3 J16-2 J16-1 FCNET FBNET FANET R18 Input Connector 49.9K R32 CON_THT_4P_43045 DEBUG_RST FANET 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 M2 7 GND1 GND1 A5 A4 A3 A2 5 GND2 GND1 SHDN VIN 6 VOUT- VDD1 VDD2 ISO_OP_AMP U12 SI8655-QSOP n o i t a l o s I U48 4 3 2 1 GNDISO 5VISO 7 VOUT+ 8 TS106-1 16 10 11 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 J14 GND2 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 GND2 VDD2 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP PCIN TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS105-1 VDD1 A1 TS104-1 5 PBIN PAIN PFC L3 6 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP HB_3PFC_FILTER_SOCKETS PFC L2 C11 0.1uF AMP5747844 R21 R1 OPEN 0805 0.33uF 0.33uF 0603 C170 0603 C171 1 0.10uF 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 6 U65-B 4 U65-A 8 13 7 14 6 2 V- V+ T2 T1 15 GND R2 R1 Vcc 16 C2+ C2- C1- C1+ Line(C) Line(B) Line(A) FB1 FB_3PFC_RECT_SOCKETS PCMID2 PBMID2 PAMID2 VNMID CMY VPMID TLV5618 BNC1 9 12 10 11 4 5 1 3 C169 C167 VDD 0603 0603 GNDISO 2 40V LED2-B 2 6 6 1 2 4 E U47 R 3 VNOUT VPOUT MIDBUS_EXT 499 0402 R29 ENUNITISO LTST-C195 3P3VISO 4 2 3P3V CSVD VLOOP SCK GNDCTL SDO PGC PGD 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 COMMON 2 1 2 3 1 U23 C1+ 1 1 8 6 2 3 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS46-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS45-1 LBO LBI VOUT LTC1514-5 GND SHDN VIN C1- TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP 4 1 7 5 C6 0.22uF 0603 1 1 Output Caps GNDISO GNDISO S1 TS17-1 TS18-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS11-1 TS12-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS13-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS50-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS51-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS52-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP Q11 2 Q10 3 Q9 2 Q8 3 MIDBUS_EXT TS1-1 TS2-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP RXISO TS3-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TXISO TS4-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP ACGOODISO TS5-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP DCGOODISO TS6-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP ENUNITISO TS7-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP ENPROTISO TS8-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP 3P3VISO TS9-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP SYNCOUTISO TS10-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP SYNCINISO GNDISO 1 LED3 2 R8 VNOUT VPOUT J15 J13 1.0uH C7 C10 0402 10uF 10uF 1206 1206 MCLR 1 2 GNDCTL JA L1 3 CON/2MM/5X2/SM/V/SOCKET 3P3VISO 2.048V SOT-23-5 LM4120A 1 HB2 L2/N PE GND CHGND HB_PFC_FILTER_SOCKETS_JB PFC L2/N PFC L1 LTST-C195 R12 301 0402 Q1-A 40V 3 1 10.0K 0402 SC-70-6 GNDISO R13 LTST-C195 3P3VISO 5 R14 301 0402 4 2 5 4 VNMID CMY VPMID J11 J10 MIDBUS_EXT C165 0.022uF 0603 Q2-A 10.0K 0402 SC-70-6 1 GNDISO R15 3 1 3P3VISO C164 1.0uF 0603 LTST-C195 5VISO ACGOODISO GNDISO CTSISO RXISO RTSISO TXISO 0.33uF 47nF 3P3VISO 5VISO TS121-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TS120-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP R192 100 0603 BNC2 R190 49.9 0603 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 TS19-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP MIDBUS Vout(-) Shield Vout(+) DCGOODISO AGND REF OUTB 10.0 0603 R7 U46 C1 0.1uF OUTA CS SCLK DIN R191 49.9 0603 4 3 2 1 SPIDAC Debug VEXTISO U49 MAX3232 Serial Debug Z3 15V 0402 R11 10.0K 0603 TH3 TH2 TH1 0603 C172 1.00K 0603 R9 SCKISO DEBUG_CSISO TS20-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP OPEN 5VISO0603 '2G14 3 '2G14 SDOISO C166 0.1uF SCKISO GNDISO TS129-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP PCMID 1 3 2 1 TS128-1 TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP TESTPOINT_SMDLOOP X6-1 X5-1 X4-1 J3 J2 J1 M6 220V SMC TS63-1 SMC R253 1.00M 1206 M5 220V PBMID PAMID X3-1 X2-1 X1-1 PCMID PFC L1 PBMID SMC PAMID R46 1.00M 1206 R230 1.00M 1206 M4 220V PCIN HB1 PBMID PCMID PBIN PE GND L3 L2 L1 300VAC M3 PAIN 300VAC 8 FCNET 9 FBNET 300VAC 10 PBIN 11 49.9K PAMID 8 M1 9 MOVs 10 PAIN 11 LI3 J6 J7 FCNET 9 LI2 8 VNMID GNDISO VEXTISO DEBUG_CSISO SCKISO SDOISO 5VISO CTSISO RTSISO SYNCOUTISO 3P3VISO ENPROTISO ENUNITISO DCGOODISO ACGOODISO TXISO RXISO GNDISO 33uF 33uF 33uF VPMID C9 10uF 1206 SYNCINISO GNDISO GNDISO C8 10uF 1206 1.0uH 0402 R10 C20 C21 C22 C23 C16 C17 C18 C19 C12 C13 C14 C15 R23 FBNET 7 499K R22 0.2 2010 LI1 SHIELD 07/27/15 PC (DB-9F) | BNC3 Rev. A LED2-A | LED1-A QMS#065-0000049 LED1-B 6 R19 R20 499K 499K 2 3 2 R24 499K 499K GNDISO 5VISO 499K 499K 3 0.2 2010 R25 R26 R27 R28 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Q17 2 Q16 3 Q15 2 Q14 3 Q13 2 Q12 2 3 2 | 3 www.synqor.com 2 Page 5 VNMID 3 FANET C33 C34 C35 C30 C31 C32 C27 C28 C29 C24 C25 C26 33uF 33uF 33uF 33uF Application Note EVAL-1000025 Section 5 – Schematic Advancing the Power Curve - Advancing the Power Curve ® Application Note EVAL-1000025 Section 6 – Component Placement Page 6 www.synqor.com | QMS#065-0000049 | Rev. A | 07/27/15 | Advancing the Power Curve Advancing the Power Curve ® Application Note EVAL-1000025 Section 7 – Bill of Materials (BOM) Table 4: EVAL-1000025 Ref Des Value Package A8 Description Pin Receptacle I/O pin, .180 length x .170 standoff x .040 mil open bottom socket pin, Brass TH1 PC Test Point Compact Red TH2 PC Test Point Compact Red TH3 PC Test Point Compact Black A7 Pin Receptacle Receptacle With No Tail, Accepts .065" (1,65mm) - .082" (2,08mm) diameter leads A1 ANDERSON_HOUSING Red PP15-45 Anderson Housing A2 ANDERSON_HOUSING Red PP15-45 Anderson Housing A5 ANDERSON_HOUSING Red PP15-45 Anderson Housing A3 ANDERSON_HOUSING Black PP15-45 Anderson Housing A4 ANDERSON_HOUSING Black PP15-45 Anderson Housing A6 ANDERSON_HOUSING Black PP15-45 Anderson Housing LI1 Radial Neon Lamp LI2 Radial Neon Lamp LI3 Radial Neon Lamp M1 300VAC Radial Metal Oxide Varistor, 300V AC, 10mm disc M2 300VAC Radial Metal Oxide Varistor, 300V AC, 10mm disc M3 300VAC Radial Metal Oxide Varistor, 300V AC, 10mm disc 4 PIN 4PINRASRTH S1 SPDT-T series Subminiature toggle switch J16 4-Pin RA Header J12 3mm Header, Surface Mount Compatible, Dual Row, Vertical, with PCB Polarizing Peg, 4 Circuits, Tin (Sn) Plating, with Kinked PC Tails J8 3mm Header, Surface Mount Compatible, Dual Row, Vertical, with PCB Polarizing Peg, 4 Circuits, Tin (Sn) Plating, with Kinked PC Tails J9 3mm Header, Surface Mount Compatible, Dual Row, Vertical, with PCB Polarizing Peg, 4 Circuits, Tin (Sn) Plating, with Kinked PC Tails BNC1 BNCPC\500 BNC Jack BNC2 BNCPC\500 BNC Jack BNC3 BNCPC\500 BNC Jack PROG1 RJ25 Jack, CAT3, 6p6c (RJ11, RJ12, RJ14, RJ25) J14 RIGHT-ANGLE FEMALE DB9 CONNECTOR, TH HOLE J10 Anderson40RA Right Angle 40A CRIMP Pin for Anderson Connectors J11 Anderson40RA Right Angle 40A CRIMP Pin for Anderson Connectors J13 Anderson40RA Right Angle 40A CRIMP Pin for Anderson Connectors J15 Anderson40RA Right Angle 40A CRIMP Pin for Anderson Connectors J6 Anderson40RA Right Angle 40A CRIMP Pin for Anderson Connectors J7 Anderson40RA Right Angle 40A CRIMP Pin for Anderson Connectors Page 7 www.synqor.com | QMS#065-0000049 | Rev. A | 07/27/15 | Advancing the Power Curve Advancing the Power Curve ® Application Note EVAL-1000025 Section 8 – Basic Operating Instructions Apply the 3-phase input, 115Vrms LN at J16 in upper left, using the provided cable assembly. Earth ground, and Phases A, B, and C are labeled. There is no neutral connection, and phase rotation (A, B, C) does not matter to the device. Lamps LI1, LI2, LI3 indicate the presence of hazardous voltages at the input. Connect the loads at: “MIDBUS BEFORE OPTIONAL FILTER” for loosely regulated 210 V and/or “MAIN OUTPUT BEFORE OPTIONAL FILTER” for regulated 270 V Use Switch S1 in lower right for enable / disable control. Be aware that the output 270 Vdc and midbus 210 Vdc are non-isolated with respect to input AC lines. As such, take great care before taking any measurement with equipment that may make a connection to ground. The return line for either DC voltage is NOT ground. Connecting a scope probe to any DC voltage on this board may result in damage to the board and/or the scope or scope probe. Use isolated differential probes or clamp on style current probes to avoid these issues. Measurements may be taken or a downstream converter added to test the PFC in an evaluation system. Additional Information Several connectors are in place for SynQor development use and should not be used for any customer connections. These include the three BNC connectors, the 6 pin modular connector, PROG1 and connectors J8, J9, J12 and J14. Two LEDs next to BNC1 indicate the status of the ACGOOD and DCGOOD signals. The test board includes a small amount of output capacitance: about 45 uF on MIDBUS (210 V) and 25 uF on the MAIN OUTPUT (270 V). Although no large bulk hold-up capacitance is required for operation, the device will require a nominal amount of capacitance at the MIDBUS node for normal operation. The capacitors selected are rated from -55°C to 125°C, and arranged in groups in series due to their voltage rating. A single larger value electrolytic capacitor would also be acceptable. Capacitors on the output nodes serve to stabilize the input system both for this converter and downstream power converters. A placement is included on the evaluation board for an optional half brick filter at the output. This can be used to reduce noise from any 270 Vdc output connections, but is not required for operation of this evaluation board. Connectors on opposite sides of the evaluation board are provided to connect “Main Output Before Optional Half Brick Filter”, for when the output filter module is not used and “After Optional Half Brick Filter” for when an output filter module is used. Transient suppression and fusing are included near the input connector to help protect the board and modules. The evaluation board is not intended to be used to pass any Mil-Std testing or safety requirements. The PCB and PFC module have means in place for shield layers on both the PCB itself, under the module and between the baseplate and module, as part of the 3-phase PFC full brick. The baseplate retains electrical isolation. These layers are in place to reduce EMI radiation. The evaluation board and PFC module properly connect these shields. Page 8 www.synqor.com | QMS#065-0000049 | Rev. A | 07/27/15 | Advancing the Power Curve Advancing the Power Curve ®