Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING TN8000.18 Technical Note XE8000 driving XE1200 transceivers Standard API definitions V4.0 – October 2009 Page 1 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING Table of Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 2.1 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Goal of the document......................................................................................................................................... 3 SEMTECH API code .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Hardware Interfaces........................................................................................................................................... 3 Document conventions ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Data types ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Data type definitions........................................................................................................................................... 4 Global variables ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Variables common to all XE120xDrivers............................................................................................................ 4 TM BitJockey specific variables ............................................................................................................................ 5 BitBang specific variables (except SX1230, SX1211/10, SX1212/13, and SX1231 cf. below).......................... 5 SX1230 specificities ........................................................................................................................................... 5 SX1211/10, SX1212/13 and SX1231 specificities ............................................................................................. 5 Copy of transceiver read/write registers............................................................................................................. 5 Header files – contents.................................................................................................................................... 6 Global definitions................................................................................................................................................ 6 I/O ports definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Transceiver 3 wire serial interface macros definitions ....................................................................................... 6 Transceiver operating modes and bit definitions ............................................................................................... 6 Timing values definitions.................................................................................................................................... 6 TM BitJockey operating modes and bit definitions................................................................................................ 6 API usage tutorial............................................................................................................................................. 7 Getting familiar with XE8000 software environment .......................................................................................... 8 Setting up the project ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Initializing the microcontroller............................................................................................................................. 8 Initializing transceiver parameters..................................................................................................................... 9 Declaring the application global variables .......................................................................................................... 9 Implementing the main function ....................................................................................................................... 10 Implementing the master function.................................................................................................................... 11 Implementing the slave function ...................................................................................................................... 12 Testing the application ..................................................................................................................................... 12 API functions .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Configuration functions .................................................................................................................................... 13 Communication functions................................................................................................................................. 15 Transceiver specific functions.......................................................................................................................... 19 Utility functions ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Appendix......................................................................................................................................................... 24 API functions availability................................................................................................................................... 24 Hardware connections implemented for described drivers.............................................................................. 25 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................... 35 V4.0 – October 2009 Page 2 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Goal of the document The purpose of the Application Program Interface (API) is to provide basic software drivers for Semtech transceivers to XE8000 developers. This API allows a quick evaluation of the XE1200 transceivers and aims to ease the start of a development, using standard calls to low level functions. All functions are open source but not fully optimized, however developers can replace them, if necessary, with optimized object code from third party vendors through wrapper functions. The API allows developers to evaluate performance and electrical characteristics of the transceiver and to subsequently modify or optimize the code to meet their design requirements. A complete list of the API functions applicable to the Semtech XE1200 series transceivers family can be found in Appendix 7.1. Note: please refer to the Semtech website at to obtain the latest documentation available. Semtech welcomes feedback from developers to help ensure that customer’s requirements are met. 1.2 SEMTECH API code 1.2.1 API programming language The API functions are written in C code. These functions can be optimized by rewriting in assembler. 1.2.2 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to implement and test the API The code described in this API has been written under RIDE-Pro. 1.2.3 Files names There are always two files per transceiver, a “C” file and an “H” file i.e. XE120xDriver.c and XE120xDriver.h, the C file contains the API functions implementation and the H file contains the API functions prototypes, #define directives and macros. 1.3 Hardware Interfaces The API has been implemented for the following hardware interfaces (depending on RF chip): 1.3.1 BitBang The BitBang technique consists of the transmission of data in a serial format, accomplished by rapidly toggling, in software, a single output bit. It is used with the “Continuous” data mode of the RF chip. TM 1.3.2 BitJockey TM The BitJockey is a PCM Bit Stream Encoder/Decoder or RF Receiver/Transmitter Interface. In a normal microcontroller, the bits and low level coding of the RF protocol are handled by software. This is both timeconsuming and code inefficient, since the processor has to handle each bit as it is received or as it is about to be TM transmitted. The BitJockey simplifies the handling of this low level data for wireless data systems, using techniques similar to that of a UART interface for wired transmission systems. It is also used with the “Continuous” data mode of the RF chip. TM For more information concerning the implementation of the BitJockey , please refer to the Semtech XE8806A and XE8807A datasheet. 1.3.3 Buffered and Packet A FIFO on the RF chip is used to store each data byte transmitted or received (only the payload bytes in the case of Packet mode). This data is written to/read from the FIFO via the SPI bus. It reduces processor overhead and reduces connections (the DATA input/output pin is not used in this operation mode). It is used with the “Buffered” and “Packet” data modes of the RF chip. For more information concerning the implementation of the Buffered and Packet modes, please refer to the deviced datasheets. V4.0 – October 2009 Page 3 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 1.4 Document conventions • • • • • • 2 A file name is represented with italic characters. i.e. XE1202Driver.h Part of code or code example is written in courier font. i.e. #define SLEEP 0 Defined values are always represented in upper case i.e. #define SLEEP 0 Global variables name start with capital characters. i.e. static _U8 RFState = RF_STOP; // RF state machine Local variables name start with lower case characters. i.e. _U8 mode; Pointers variable name start with a lower case “p” character i.e. static _U8 *pRFFrame; // Pointer to the RF frame DATA TYPES 2.1 Data type definitions All the data types described in this chapter are defined in types.h. This file is automatically included by the standard header file of the microcontroller being used (ex: XE88LC06A.h). The table below describes the basic types used within the API. Standard type name bool (unsigned char) unsigned char char unsigned short short unsigned long long float double Defined type name _U8 _U8 _S8 _U16 _S16 _U32 _S32 _F24 _F32 Comment false/true - FALSE/TRUE – 0/1 8 bit quantity 8 bit signed quantity 16 bit quantity 16 bit signed quantity 32 bit quantity 32 bit signed quantity 24 bit float quantity 32 bit float quantity Table 1 Types definition 3 GLOBAL VARIABLES API global variables are declared in XE120xDriver.c, these variables are necessary to store RF frame states, XE120x chip operating mode, etc… They may vary depending on the transceiver. The variables declared as volatile can be used outside the XE120xDriver.c. Some variables are initialized at declaration. Unless specified, the variables initialization values shouldn’t be modified. 3.1 Variables common to all XE120xDrivers static _U8 RFState = RF_STOP; static _U8 *pRFFrame; static _U8 RFFramePos; static _U8 RFFrameSize; static _U16 ByteCounter = 0; static _U8 PreMode = RF_SLEEP volatile _U8 EnableSyncByte = true; static static static static V4.0 – October 2009 _U8 SyncByte; _U8 PatternSize = 4; _U8 StartByte[4]; _U16 RFFrameTimeOut = // // // // // // RF state machine Pointer to the RF frame RF frame current position RF frame size RF frame byte counter Previous chip operating mode // Enables/disables the synchronization byte reception/transmission // RF synchronization byte counter // Size of pattern detection // Pattern detection values RF_FRAME_TIMEOUT(1200); // Reception counter value (full frame timeout generation) Page 4 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING TM 3.2 BitJockey • static • static 3.2.1 specific variables _U8 RfifBaudrate = RFIF_BAUDRATE_1200; // BitJockeyTM baudrate setting _U8 RfifMode = RFIF_DISABLE; // BitJockeyTM mode XE1201A and XE1209 • static _U8 StartDetect = false; • static _U8 StartByteStatus = 0; • static _U8 StartByteCnt = 0; 3.3 // Indicates when a start detection has been made // Indicates which start byte has been detected // Start byte counter BitBang specific variables (except SX1230, SX1211/10, SX1212/13, and SX1231 cf. below) • static _U16 RFBaudrate = TX_BAUDRATE_GEN_1200; // Transmission counter value (baudrate generation) 3.4 SX1230 specificities Contrary to the other XE1200, the SX1230 is a transmitter only and following points must be listed for proper use: • Variable RFFrameTimeOut does not exist as well as all other reception related variables or functions. The SX1230 provides a DCLK for the uC to send data synchronously, hence the RFBaudrate is not needed. • Transmitted pattern should be defined accordingly by variables SyncSize and SyncValue 3.5 SX1211/10, SX1212/13 and SX1231 specificities In these devices, the equivalent notion of “Pattern”/”Start” is replaced by “Sync” or “Sync Word” while the previously called “Sync” notion (Synchronization bytes) does not exist anymore. In continuous mode, these devices provide a DCLK for the uC to send data synchronously, hence the RFBaudrate is not needed in BitBang implementation. In packet mode we do not refer to the “Frame” (ie whole packet including preamble and sync) but to the “Payload” since these two fields are automatically generated by the RF chip. 3.6 Copy of transceiver read/write registers The RegistersCfg variable is an array which contains a copy of the internal registers of the XE1200 transceiver and is used at initialisation. This variable should be modified to set the transceiver parameters to those required for a particular application. Each array element corresponds to a transceiver register. Note that read only registers, are not reported and that some modifications (RF parameters aside) may affect the behavior of the Send and Receive functions. (Ex : disabling bit synchronizer, disabling pattern recognition, modifying IRQ mapping, etc...) Example: • _U16 RegistersCfg[] = { // XE1201A configuration registers values DEF_REG_A | RF_A_CTRL_MODE_PIN | RF_A_CLOCK_ENABLE_ON | RF_A_CHIP_ENABLE_OFF | RF_A_TRANSMITTER_MODE | RF_A_BIT_SYNC_ON | RF_A_BAUDRATE_4800, DEF_REG_B, DEF_REG_C | RF_C_POWER_P_5 | RF_C_INVERT_OFF | RF_C_TRANS_AMP_ON | RF_C_TRANS_DATA_BIT_0 | RF_C_FDEV_125 }; Note that the fields ending with “_VALUE” can be directly replaced by the decimal value desired. V4.0 – October 2009 Page 5 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 4 HEADER FILES – CONTENTS TM The API header files are divided in to 5 sections in the BitBang hardware interface and 6 sections in the BitJockey hardware interface. 4.1 Global definitions This section defines the RF state machine states; functions return codes and RF frame definitions. 4.2 I/O ports definitions The I/O ports used to interface between the transceiver and the microcontroller are defined to simplify code readability and portability. TM The BitBang and BitJockey hardware interfaces introduce a difference between the corresponding headers files because the two interfaces don’t use the same pins to communicate with the transceiver. 4.3 Transceiver 3 wire serial interface macros definitions Macros are defined to simplify the API code implementation. 4.4 Transceiver operating modes and bit definitions This section defines the transceiver register addresses and register contents. In addition, the different transceiver operating modes are defined. 4.5 Timing values definitions This section defines pre-calculated values in order to generate the different timings such as transceiver specific timings, baud rates and timeouts. TM 4.6 BitJockey operating modes and bit definitions TM TM This section defines each BitJockey register single bit, it also defines the different BitJockey operating modes. Notes: 1. All the timing values in the XE120xDriver.h are calculated using a RC oscillator running at 2.4576 MHz. 2. The speed of the microcontrollers is not highly dependent upon supply voltage. However, by limiting the temperature range, the speed can be increased. For more information please refer to the microcontroller datasheet. V4.0 – October 2009 Page 6 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 5 API USAGE TUTORIAL This section details a simple application using the transceiver API functions based upon a simple “Ping-Pong” halfduplex communication protocol. MASTER/SLAVE architecture has been chosen to implement this application. The application consists of a MASTER controller that transmits a RF frame containing a “PING” string and a SLAVE unit that receives the “PING” string and responds answers by transmitting a RF frame containing a “PONG” string. To indicate that there is activity, the SLAVE unit will toggle a bit on its associated microcontroller Port B pin when the “PING” RF frame is received. In addition, the MASTER controller will also toggle a bit on the associated microcontroller Port B pin when the “PONG” RF frame is received If the MASTER doesn’t receive a response from the SLAVE unit after a pre-defined time period, then the MASTER unit will re-transmit the “PING” RF frame. In this tutorial we assume the following hardware configuration: Transceiver: XE1203F TM Microcontroller: XE8806A -> The BitJockey hardware interface is enabled The microcontroller activity pin is the Port B pin 0 on both systems. PING PONG XM1203F XM1203F API Interface API Interface XE8000EV108 XE8000EV108 XE8000 MP XE8000 MP MASTER SLAVE Figure 1 Ping-Pong application principle V4.0 – October 2009 Page 7 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING Details of the implementation for the basic API hardware interface between the XE1200-series transceivers and XE8000-series microcontrollers can be found in appendix 7.2. The basic hardware configuration consists of a Semtech ProStart II and an XM1203F transceiver module. The ProStart II is composed with 1 XE8000MP (multi-purpose board) and 1 XE8000EV1XX (please refer to for more information on microcontrollers evaluation tools) Information about the different XM1200-series module family can be found on the Semtech website at . This combination of the ProStart II and the XM1200 module enables developers to quickly and easily configure their system. 5.1 Getting familiar with XE8000 software environment As starting point for this tutorial please refer to the technical note TN8000.16 “coding with RIDE quick start” which can be found under. 5.2 Setting up the project • • • • Download the source code corresponding to the API technical note from Uncompress the zip file to ex: “c:\”. Copy the XE1203Driver.c and XE1203Driver.h files that you will find in “c:\Api120x\1203\BitJockey\” directory to the RIDE project “src” directory. Add the XE1203Driver.c file to the RIDE project. Notes 1. If the BitBang hardware interface is to be implemented, use the XE120xDriver in the BitBang directory. If the TM TM BitJockey interface is to be implemented, use the XE120xDriver in the BitJockey directory. TM 2. The BitJockey Driver can only be used with the XE8806A or XE8807A microcontroller. The BitBang Driver can be used with all the Semtech microcontrollers. In Globals.h, insert the following line in the section “Application specific Include files”: #include "XE1203Driver.h" The “Application specific Include files” section should then look like: /******************************************************************* ** Application specific Include files ** *******************************************************************/ #include "Initialisation.h" #include "DFLLDriver.h" #include "XE1203Driver.h" 5.3 Initializing the microcontroller The API driver timings are based on CPU frequency of 2.4576MHz. This implies that the microcontroller RC oscillator frequency should be initialized with this value. In Initialisation.c modify the InitMicro function by uncommenting the following line: • //InitRCOscillator(1228800); // Initialises the RC oscillator and change the parameter value to 2457600 the line should look like: InitRCOscillator(2457600); // Initialises the RC oscillator Comment out the following line: InitUART(19200, 1, 0, 0, 2); // Initialises the UART communications Afterwards the line should look like: • //InitUART(19200, 1, 0, 0, 2); // Initialises the UART communications V4.0 – October 2009 Page 8 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 5.4 Initializing transceiver parameters In XE1203Driver.c change RegistersCfg values according to the application requirements and to the XE1203F Data Sheet. The RegistersCfg variable is used by InitRFChip function to initialize the transceiver. When syntax is not obvious, please refer to the header file. Example: To change the XE1203F baud rate from 4800 to 38400 baud, whilst other register values remain at their default settings, the RegistersCfg variable should be modified as follows: Original variable: _U16 RegistersCfg[] = { // 1203 configuration registers values DEF_CONFIG | RF_CONFIG_MODE1, DEF_RTPARAM1 | RF_RT1_BIT_SYNC_ON | RF_RT1_BARKER_OFF | RF_RT1_RSSI_OFF | RF_RT1_RSSIR_LOW | RF_RT1_FEI_ON | RF_RT1_BW_600 | RF_RT1_OSC_INT | RF_RT1_CLKOUT_OFF, . . . DEF_FSPARAM2 | RF_FS2_CHANGE_OSR_OFF | RF_FS2_BAUDRATE_4800, . . . }; Modified variable: _U16 RegistersCfg[] = { // 1203 configuration registers values DEF_CONFIG | RF_CONFIG_MODE1, DEF_RTPARAM1 | RF_RT1_BIT_SYNC_ON | RF_RT1_BARKER_OFF | RF_RT1_RSSI_OFF | RF_RT1_RSSIR_LOW | RF_RT1_FEI_ON | RF_RT1_BW_600 | RF_RT1_OSC_INT | RF_RT1_CLKOUT_OFF, . . . DEF_FSPARAM2 | RF_FS2_CHANGE_OSR_OFF | RF_FS2_BAUDRATE_38400, . . }; 5.5 Declaring the application global variables The application can now be implemented. Firstly, the application global variables need to be declared: In main.c file start by declaring a variable that will contain the RF buffer. Then declare a variable that will contain the buffer size to be sent or the received buffer size, a variable that will indicate whether the application is a MASTER or SLAVE and a variable that indicates if a new packet needs to be sent by the MASTER controller. In the main.c file “Global variables declaration” section add the following lines: /******************************************************************* ** Global variables declaration ** *******************************************************************/ _U8 RFbuffer[RF_BUFFER_SIZE]; // RF buffer volatile _U8 RFbufferSize; // RF buffer size volatile _U8 EnableMaster = true; // Master/Slave selection volatile _U8 SendNextPacket = true; // Indicates when to send the next frame The RF_BUFFER_SIZE is defined in the XE1203Driver.h. By default this value is set to 64 bytes. However, this buffer value can be changed according to the application and microcontroller RAM memory availability. V4.0 – October 2009 Page 9 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 5.6 Implementing the main function In the project main function (located in main.c) we need to call the API function InitRFChip Once the transceiver is initialized the function enters an infinite loop where the application is tested to determine whether it is a MASTER or SLAVE, and then call the corresponding function that will implement the MASTER or SLAVE function. The main function should be similar to that described below: int main (void){ InitMicro(); _Monitor_Init(); _Monitor_SoftBreak; InitRFChip(); // Main Loop while(1){ if(EnableMaster){ OnMaster(); } else{ OnSlave(); } } return 0; } V4.0 – October 2009 Page 10 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 5.7 Implementing the master function This procedure implements the MASTER controller function. The main goal of this function is to transmit a “PING” and to test whether there is a “PONG” response. If a “PONG” response is received, then the procedure is restarted. In the case that there is no correct response after a pre-defined time-out period, the Master re-transmits a “PING”. The Master function should be similar to that described below: void OnMaster(void){ _U8 ReturnCode = -1; // Test if a PING needs to be sent if(SendNextPacket){ // Copy the PING string to the buffer used to send the frame strcpy(RFbuffer, "PING"); // Sends the frame to the RF chip SendRfFrame(RFbuffer, strlen(RFbuffer), &ReturnCode); // Indicates that we want to wait for an answer SendNextPacket = false; } else{ // Receives the frame from the RF chip ReceiveRfFrame(RFbuffer, (_U8*)&RFbufferSize, &ReturnCode); // Tests if there is a TimeOut or if we have received a frame if(ReturnCode == OK){ // Sets the last byte of received buffer to 0. Needed by strcmp function RFbuffer[RFbufferSize] = '\0'; // Tests if the received buffer size is greater than 0 if(RFbufferSize > 0){ // Tests if the received buffer value is PONG if(strcmp(RFbuffer, "PONG") == 0){ // Indicates on a LED that the received frame is a PONG toggle_bit(RegPBOut, 0x01); } } // Indicates that we can send the next PING frame SendNextPacket = true; } else if(ReturnCode == RX_TIMEOUT){ // Indicates that we can send the next PING frame SendNextPacket = true; } } } V4.0 – October 2009 Page 11 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 5.8 Implementing the slave function This procedure implements the SLAVE unit function. The main goal of this function is to wait until a “PING” is received and then to transmit a “PONG” as a response. An example of the Slave function is documented below: void OnSlave(void){ _U8 ReturnCode = -1; // Receives the frame from the RF chip ReceiveRfFrame(RFbuffer, (_U8*)&RFbufferSize, &ReturnCode); // Tests if we have received a frame if (ReturnCode == OK){ // Tests if the received buffer size is greater than 0 if (RFbufferSize > 0){ // Sets the last byte of received buffer to 0. Needed by strcmp function RFbuffer[RFbufferSize] = '\0'; // Tests if the received buffer value is PING if(strcmp(RFbuffer, "PING") == 0){ // Indicates on a LED that the received frame is a PING toggle_bit(RegPBOut, 0x01); // Copy the PONG string to the buffer used to send the frame strcpy(RFbuffer, "PONG"); // Sends the frame to the RF chip SendRfFrame(RFbuffer, strlen(RFbuffer), &ReturnCode); } } } } 5.9 Testing the application The application is now finished. The project can now be compiled and no errors should be generated. To test the application: 1. Download the code to the MASTER controller system (refer to the “Getting started XE” document in the RIDE documentation). 2. Change the EnableMaster variable from true to false in the main.c file. 3. Compile the project. 4. Download the code to the SLAVE unit system. If the application has been successfully implemented and the two systems are within RF communication range, the LED corresponding to the microcontroller Port B pin 0 should toggle on the two systems, verifying RF communications and subsequent “Ping-Pong” activity. If the MASTER or SLAVE system is powered-down, then the LED on the powered-up system stops toggling. V4.0 – October 2009 Page 12 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6 API FUNCTIONS The API functions are grouped in to four categories. 1. Configuration functions: Functions required for transceiver configuration. 2. Communication functions: Functions which permit the transmission and reception of RF data. 3. Transceiver specific functions: Functions specific to the different transceivers in the XE1200-series family and to their specific features. 4. Utility functions: Functions which perform miscellaneous operations, such as counters, events initialization, byte inversion, and delay generation, etc… 6.1 Configuration functions 6.1.1 InitRFChip Description This function sends the values contained in RegistersCfg variable to the transceiver. It also initializes the StartByte and baud rates variables. Note: The read-only registers are not included in the RegistersCfg variable. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers I/O Used BitBang void InitRFChip (void) WriteRegister; InvertByte Dedicated configuration pins TM BitJockey Buffered&Packet * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h 6.1.2 SetRFMode Description This function defines the transceiver operating mode. Please refer to the corresponding XE120xDriver.h file for details of the possible operating modes. Function table TM Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers I/O Used BitBang BitJockey Void SetRFMode(_U8 mode) mode Defined in XE120xDriver.h set_bit, clear_bit, Wait SetModeRFIF, set_bit, clear_bit, Wait Counters A&B Dedicated configuration pins Buffered&Packet set_bit, clear_bit, Wait * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h V4.0 – October 2009 Page 13 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6.1.3 SetModeRFIF Description TM This function initializes all the BitJockey registers in order to set a predefined mode (see the XE8806A and XE8807A datasheet for the available modes). Function table BitBang Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. TM BitJockey void SetModeRFIF (_U8 mode) mode Defined in XE120xDriver.h RegRfifCmd1, RegRfifCmd2, RegRfifCmd3, RegIrqEnHig Buffered&Packet N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 6.1.4 WriteRegister Description This function writes to the XE120x registers via dedicated programming pins, following the protocol given in the transceiver datasheet. Note: The clocking of the operation is based on the CPU frequency of the user program. Function table TM Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers I/O Used BitBang BitJockey Buffered&Packet void WriteRegister(_U8 address, _U16 value) address Address of the register defined in the transceiver datasheet value Value of the register Serial macros, set_bit, clear_bit SPI macros, SpiInOut Dedicated configuration pins* * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h 6.1.5 ReadRegister Description This function reads from registers via dedicated programming pins, following the protocol given in the transceiver datasheet. Note: The clocking of the operation is based on the CPU frequency of the user program. Function table TM Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers I/O Used BitBang BitJockey Buffered&Packet _U16 value = ReadRegister (_U8 address) address Address of the register defined in the transceiver datasheet value Value of the register Serial macros, set_bit, clear_bit SPI macros, SpiInOut Dedicated configuration pins* * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h V4.0 – October 2009 Page 14 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6.2 Communication functions 6.2.1 SendRfFrame Description This function encapsulates given User Buffer in an RF frame and sends it to the transceiver. The RF frame format is described below: PRE PRE PRE PRE START START START START SIZE 9 Bytes (Max) / 6 Bytes (Min) USER BUFFER Max 128 Bytes Max 137 Bytes Depending upon the specific user application the number of START bytes can be varied between 1 up to 4. Example 1: XE1201A (No hardware pattern detection) In XE1201ADriver.c Global variable section modify the PatternSize variable. Original variable: static _U8 PatternSize = 4; // Size of pattern detection Modified variable: static _U8 PatternSize = 2; // Size of pattern detection Example 2: XE1202 (Hardware pattern detection) In the RegistersCfg variable modify the register where the Pattern size is defined as indicated in the transceiver datasheet. Original variable: _U16 RegistersCfg[] = { // 1203 configuration registers values DEF_CONFIG | RF_CONFIG_MODE1, . . . DEF_ADPARAM1 | RF_AD1_PATTERN_ON | RF_AD1_P_SIZE_32 | RF_AD1_P_TOL_0 | RF_AD1_CLK_FREQ_1_22_MHZ | RF_AD1_IQA_OFF, . . . }; Modified variable: _U16 RegistersCfg[] = { // 1203 configuration registers values DEF_CONFIG | RF_CONFIG_MODE1, . . . DEF_ADPARAM1 | RF_AD1_PATTERN_ON | RF_AD1_P_SIZE_16 | RF_AD1_P_TOL_0 | RF_AD1_CLK_FREQ_1_22_MHZ | RF_AD1_IQA_OFF, . . . }; V4.0 – October 2009 Page 15 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING Example 3: XE1203F (Hardware pattern detection) In the RegistersCfg variable modify the register where the Pattern size is defined as indicated in the transceiver datasheet. Original variable: _U16 RegistersCfg[] = { // 1203 configuration registers values DEF_CONFIG | RF_CONFIG_MODE1, . . . DEF_ADPARAM1 | RF_AD1_P_SIZE_32 | RF_AD1_P_TOL_0 | RF_AD1_CLK_FREQ_1_22_MHZ | RF_AD1_INVERT_OFF | RF_AD1_REG_BW_OFF, . . . }; Modified variable: _U16 RegistersCfg[] = { // 1203 configuration registers values DEF_CONFIG | RF_CONFIG_MODE1, . . . DEF_ADPARAM1 | RF_AD1_P_SIZE_16 | RF_AD1_P_TOL_0 | RF_AD1_CLK_FREQ_1_22_MHZ | RF_AD1_INVERT_OFF | RF_AD1_REG_BW_OFF, . . . }; Return values: 1. Status: OK 2. Status: ERROR 3. Status: TX_TIMEOUT 4. Status: TX_RUNNING Frame has been sent The RF frame buffer size is not correct Indicates that the function exits after waiting with no success to send a full RF frame TM Indicates that the transmission is not yet finished (BitJockey only) Function table TM Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang BitJockey Buffered&Packet void SendRfFrame (_U8 *buffer, _U8 size, _U8 *pReturnCode) *buffer Address of buffer to send size Size of the buffer to send *pReturnCode Function status TxEventsOn, TxEventsOff, SetRFMode WriteRegister, SendByte, SetRFMode, SendByte SetRFMode Counters A & B RegEvn, RegEvnEn RegRfifTx, RegRfifTxSta Clock from transceiver -> PD0 – PD3 Dedicated data pins * PA1 Dedicated configuration pins Dedicated configuration pins Dedicated data pins * * * Dedicated configuration pins * RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h V4.0 – October 2009 Page 16 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6.2.2 ReceiveRfFrame Description This function receives an RF frame from the transceiver and returns the User Buffer and the User Buffer size. The RF frame format is the same as the SendRfFrame. Return values: 1. Status: OK 2. Status: ERROR 3. Status: RX_TIMEOUT frame 4. Status: RX_RUNNING RF frame reception done The received RF frame buffer size is not correct Indicates that the function exits after waiting with no success to receive a full RF TM Indicates that the reception is not yet finished (BitJockey TM Note: When using the BitJockey only) handling of a RF frame is done using the interrupts of the peripheral. Function table TM Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang BitJockey Buffered&Packet void ReceiveRfFrame (_U8 *buffer, _U8 *size, _U8 *pReturnCode) *buffer Address of received buffer *size Received buffer size *pReturnCode Function status RxEventsOn, RxEventsOff, SetRFMode, EnableTimeOut WriteRegister, SetRFMode, SetRFMode, ReceiveByte, EnableTimeOut set_bit, clear_bit Counters A & B RegEvn, RegEvnEn Clock from transceiver -> PD0 – PD3 Dedicated data pins * PA1 Dedicated configuration pins Dedicated configuration pins Dedicated data pins * * * Dedicated configuration pins * RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h V4.0 – October 2009 Page 17 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6.2.3 SendByte Description This function sends a byte through the dedicated transceiver communication pins. The function sends the byte LSB first. In BitBang mode, except for SX1211/10, SX1212/13 and SX1230 which provide a compulsory Tx clock, the baud rate is generated by the A and B counters and their associated event. See TxEventsOn & TxEventsOff functions for a full description of these tasks. All the timings are referenced to the RC clock-frequency of the microcontroller. The baud rate is automatically set when the InitRFChip function is called. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang void SendByte (_U8 b) b Byte to be send set_bit, clear_bit Counters A & B RegEvn, RegEvnEn Dedicated data pins * RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn TM BitJockey N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A Buffered&Packet void SendByte (_U8 b) b Byte to be send SPI macros Dedicated data pins * - * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h 6.2.4 ReceiveByte Description This function reads a byte on the dedicated transceiver communication pins. The function receives the byte LSB first. In BitBang mode, RF frame timeout is generated when the A and B counters generate their event. Clock synchronization is achieved using the event occurring on the falling edge of PA1 pin. See RxEventsOn & RxEventsOff functions. All the timings are referenced to the RC clock-frequency of the microcontroller. The baud rate is automatically set when the InitRFChip function is called. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang _U8 byte = ReceiveByte ( ) byte Data received set_bit, clear_bit Counters A & B RegEvn, RegEvnEn Clock from transceiver -> PA1 Dedicated data pins * RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn TM BitJockey N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A Buffered&Packet _U8 byte = ReceiveByte ( ) byte Data received SPI macros Dedicated data pins * N.A - * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h V4.0 – October 2009 Page 18 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6.3 Transceiver specific functions 6.3.1 AutoFreqControl Description This function enables an automatic frequency correction to align the transceiver LO frequency with the received transmitted carrier. Depending on the transceiver, this can be achieved by either hardware or software. Function table (software implementation) TM BitBang BitJockey Buffered&Packet Function void AutoFreqControl ( _U8 *pReturnCode) Inputs Outputs *pReturnCode Function status (see section 4 for definitions) Functions called WriteRegister, ReadRegister, ReadLO, WriteLO, InitFei, ReadFei, set_bit, clear_bit Used Resources Counters A & B Registers Sys RegEvnEn, RegEvn Used I/O Dedicated configuration pins* Cnt RegCntOn, RegCntA, RegCntB * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h 6.3.2 ReadLO Description Reads the LO frequency value from the transceiver. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers I/O Used BitBang _U16 data = ReadLO ( ) data LO register value ReadRegister Dedicated configuration pins* TM Buffered&Packet TM Buffered&Packet BitJockey * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h 6.3.3 WriteLO Description Writes the LO frequency value to the transceiver. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers I/O Used BitBang BitJockey void WriteLO ( _U8 value) value Value to write in the LO register WriteRegister Dedicated configuration pins * * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h V4.0 – October 2009 Page 19 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6.3.4 InitFei Description This function initializes the XE120X to enable the FEI reading. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang void InitFei (void) ReadRegister, set_bit, clear_bit, Wait Counters A & B RegEvnEn, RegEvn Dedicated configuration pins * RegCntOn, RegCntA, RegCntB TM BitJockey Buffered&Packet * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h 6.3.5 ReadFei Description This function reads the FeiOut register(s) and returns the value as a 16-bit value. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang _S16 value = ReadFei (void) value Value of the FEI ReadRegister, set_bit, clear_bit, Wait Counters A & B RegEvnEn, RegEvn Dedicated configuration pins* RegCntOn, RegCntA, RegCntB TM Buffered&Packet TM Buffered&Packet BitJockey * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h 6.3.6 InitRssi Description This function initializes the XE120X to enable the RSSI reading. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang void InitRssi (void) set_bit, clear_bit, Wait Counters A & B RegEvnEn, RegEvn Dedicated configuration pins* RegCntOn, RegCntA, RegCntB BitJockey * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h V4.0 – October 2009 Page 20 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6.3.7 ReadRssi Description This function reads the Rssi value from XE120x and formats it to a 16-bit value. Function table TM Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang BitJockey _U16 value = ReadRssi (void) value Value of the RSSI register ReadRegister , toggle_bit, Wait Counters A & B RegEvnEn, RegEvn Dedicated configuration pins RegCntOn, RegCntA, RegCntB Buffered&Packet * Transceiver dependant defined in XE120xDriver.h 6.4 Utility functions 6.4.1 Wait Description Loads the counter A & B and waits a pre-defined time period. All the timings are referenced to the RC-clock frequency. The method used to set the correct frequency is defined in the XE120xDriver.h file. Function table TM Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang BitJockey void Wait (_U8 cntVal) cntVal Value of the counter Counters A & B RegEvn, RegEvnEn RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn Buffered&Packet 6.4.2 EnableTimeOut Description This function enables or disables the RF frame time-out generation. Function table BitBang Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt V4.0 – October 2009 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. TM BitJockey Buffered&Packet void EnableTimeOut(_U8 enable) enable 1 -> enable / 0 -> disables Counters A & B RegIrqEnHig RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn Page 21 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6.4.3 TxEventsOn Description This function initializes the microcontroller counters and events that enable the data transmission. Note: This function disables all interrupts. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang void TxEventsOn (void) Counters A & B RegEvn, RegEvnEn RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn TM BitJockey Buffered&Packet N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 6.4.4 TxEventsOff Description Disables all the counters and events used during the data transmission. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt BitBang void TxEventsOff (void) Counters A & B RegEvn, RegEvnEn RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn TM BitJockey Buffered&Packet N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 6.4.5 RxEventsOn Description This function initializes the microcontroller counters and events that enable the data reception. Note: This function disables all interrupts. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt V4.0 – October 2009 BitBang void RxEventsOn (void) Counters A & B RegEvn, RegEvnEn RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn TM BitJockey Buffered&Packet N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Page 22 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 6.4.6 RxEventsOff Description Disables all the counters and events used during reception. Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers Sys Used I/O Cnt TM BitBang void RxEventsOff (void) Counters A & B RegEvn, RegEvnEn RegCntA, RegCntB, RegCntCtrlCk, RegCntConfig1, RegCntOn BitJockey Buffered&Packet N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 6.4.7 InvertByte Description This function performs a byte inversion. This is defined as follows: The byte MSB bit will become the LSB bit and the byte LSB bit will become the MSB bit. MSB LSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Input 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Output Function table Function Inputs Outputs Functions called Used Resources Registers I/O Used V4.0 – October 2009 BitBang _U8 byte = InvertByte(_U8 b) b Byte to be inverted byte Inverted byte - TM BitJockey Page 23 of 35 Buffered&Packet Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7 APPENDIX 7.1 API functions availability This section gives the availability of the functions for each transceiver. Transceiver specific Utility ●//♦ ●//♦ -//●//♦ ●//♦ ●//♦ ●//♦ ●/-/♦ ●/-/♦ ●//♦ ●//♦ ●//♦ ●//♦ ●//♦ ●//♦ ●//♦ ●//♦ -//♦ ●/-/●/-/●/-/●/-/●//♦ ●/ ●/ -/ ●/ ●/ ●/ ●/ ●/●/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/●/ -/ ●/●/●/●/-/- ●/●/-/●/●/●/-/●/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/●/-/●/●/-/-/●/- SX1231 Comm ●/ ●/ -/ ●/ ●/ ●/ ●/ ●/●/●/ ●/ ●/ ●/ ●/ ●/ ●/ ●/ -/ ●/●/●/●/●/ SX1211/10 SX1212/13 Configurat ion InitRFChip SetRFMode SetModeRFIF WriteRegister ReadRegister SendRfFrame ReceiveRfFrame SendByte ReceiveByte AutoFreqControl ReadLO WriteLO InitFei ReadFei InitRssi ReadRssi Wait EnableTimeOut TxEventsOn TxEventsOff RxEventsOn RxEventsOff InvertByte SX1230 Function name XE1209 Transceiver XE1205 XE8801A-02-05A-06A-07A functions XE1203F/02A 7.1.1 ●/♦ ●/♦ -/●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ -/-/-/-/-/-/●/♦ ●/♦ -/♦ ●/●/●/●/●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ -/●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ ●/♦ ○/◊ ○/◊ -/●/♦ -/●/♦ ●/♦ -/♦ ●/●/●/●/●/♦ Initializes the transceiver with registers default values. Sets a predefined mode for the transceiver TM Sets the BitJockey to one of the predefined modes. Writes a value in the transceiver internal register Reads a value in the transceiver internal register Sends a frame through RF link Receives a frame through RF link Sends a byte through the dedicated comm. pins Receives a byte through the dedicated comm. pins Does an automatic frequency correction Reads the local oscillator frequency registers Write the local oscillator frequency registers Initialize the transceiver for FEI operations Reads the FEI value Initializes the transceiver for RSSI operations Reads the RSSI value Waits a given time Enables/Disables RF frame time out Initializes counter and events for transmission. Disables all the resources used during transmission. Initializes counter and events for reception. Disables all the resources used during reception. Inverts a byte. MSB -> LSB, LSB -> MSB Table 2 Functions availability Legend used in the availability table Symbol ○ ● ◊ ♦ - Meaning Not available yet but possible to implement for the given transceiver with BitBang interface Available with BitBang interface TM Not available yet but possible to implement for the given transceiver with BitJockey interface TM Available with BitJockey interface Not available yet but possible to implement for the given transceiver with Buffered/Packet interface Available with Buffered/Packet interface Unavailable/not-required V4.0 – October 2009 Page 24 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2 Hardware connections implemented for described drivers. 7.2.1 Connections between XM1201A and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A 7.2.2 XM1201A PA1 PA2 CLKD RXD PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 TXD SD SC DE EN RXTX TM Connections between XM1201A and XE8806A/07A BitJockey XE8806A/07A TM BITJOCKEY V4.0 – October 2009 XM1201A PB0 RXTX PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 RXD CLKD TXD EN DE SC SD Page 25 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2.3 Connections between XM1202 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A XM1202 PA1 PA2 PA3 PB1 PB2 PB3 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 7.2.4 DCLK DATAOUT PATTERN MODE0 MODE1 MODE2 DATAIN TX RX EN SCK SI SO TM Connections between XM1202 and XE8806A/07A BitJockey XE8806A/07A TM BITJOCKEY V4.0 – October 2009 PB0 PB1 PB2 PB4 PB5 XM1202 MODE0 MODE1 MODE2 TX RX PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 DATAOUT DCLK PATTERN DATAIN EN SCK SI SO Page 26 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2.5 Connections between XM1203F and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A 7.2.6 XM1203F PA1 PA2 PA3 DCLK DATA PATTERN PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 DATAIN TX RX EN SCK SI SO TM Connections between XM1203F and XE8806A/07A BitJockey XE8806A/07A TM BITJOCKEY V4.0 – October 2009 (XE1283 compatible) XM1203F PB4 PB5 TX RX PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 DATA DCLK PATTERN DATAIN EN SCK SI SO Page 27 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2.7 Connections between XM1205 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A XM1205 PA1 PA2 PA3 IRQ_1 / DCLK DATA / DATAOUT IRQ_0 / PATTERN PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 NSS_DATA / DATAIN SW1 / TX SW0 / RX NSS_CONFIG SCK MOSI MISO Note for all XM1205 connections: SW0 and SW1 pins are not used in the current implementations. If connected, the respective IO they are tied to must be configured accordingly. 7.2.8 TM Connections between XM1205 and XE8806A/07A BitJockey XE8806A/07A TM BITJOCKEY 7.2.9 XM1205 PB4 PB5 SW1 / TX SW0 / RX PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 DATA / DATAOUT IRQ_1 / DCLK IRQ_0 / PATTERN NSS_DATA / DATAIN NSS_CONFIG SCK MOSI MISO Connections between XM1205 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A Buffered XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A V4.0 – October 2009 XM1205 PA1 PA2 IRQ_1 IRQ_0 PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 NSS_DATA NSS_CONFIG SCK MOSI MISO SW1 SW0 Page 28 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2.10 Connections between XM1209 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A XM1209 PA1 CLKD PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 DATA SD SC DE RE TM 7.2.11 Connections between XM1209 and XE8806A/07A BitJockey XE8806A/07A TM BITJOCKEY V4.0 – October 2009 XM1209 PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 DATA CLKD DATA RE DE SC SD Page 29 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2.12 Connections between SX1223 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A SX1223 PA1 PA2 DCLK LD PC0 DATAIN PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 EN SCK SI SO Note: DCLK and LD pins are not used in the current implementation. Connection is optional. TM 7.2.13 Connections between SX1223 and XE8806A/07A BitJockey XE8806A/07A TM BITJOCKEY SX1223 PA2 LD PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 DATAIN EN SCK SI SO TM Note1: DCLK pin is not required when utilizing BitJockey , thus it is not connected. Note2: LD pin is not used in the current implementation. Connection is optional. TM Note3: PD0, PD1, PD2 are not used (Tx only) but are reserved by the BitJockey peripheral V4.0 – October 2009 Page 30 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2.14 Connections between SX1211/10 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang (Continuous) XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A SX1211/10 PA1 IRQ_1 (DCLK) PA3 PA4 IRQ_0 (SYNC) PLL_LOCK PD0 DATA PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 NSS_CONFIG SCK MOSI MISO Note: PLL_LOCK signal is not used in the current implementation. Connection is optional. 7.2.15 Connections between SX1211/10 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A Buffered & Packet XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A SX1211/10 PA1 PA2 PA3 IRQ_1 IRQ_0 PLL_LOCK PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 NSS_DATA NSS_CONFIG SCK MOSI MISO Note: IRQ_0 and PLL_LOCK signals are not used in the current implementation. Connection is optional. V4.0 – October 2009 Page 31 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2.16 Connections between SX1212/13 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang (Continuous) XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A SX1212/13 PA1 IRQ_1 (DCLK) PA3 PA4 IRQ_0 (SYNC) PLL_LOCK PD0 DATA PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 NSS_CONFIG SCK MOSI MISO Note: PLL_LOCK signal is not used in the current implementation. Connection is optional. 7.2.17 Connections between SX1212/13 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A Buffered & Packet XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A SX1212/13 PA1 PA2 PA3 IRQ_1 IRQ_0 PLL_LOCK PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 NSS_DATA NSS_CONFIG SCK MOSI MISO Note: IRQ_0 and PLL_LOCK signals are not used in the current implementation. Connection is optional. V4.0 – October 2009 Page 32 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2.18 API connections between SX1230 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang (MCU mode) XE8801A/02/05A/ 06A/07A SX1230 MODE PA3 PB0 (EOL) PA1 PD0 DCLK DATA PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 NSS SCK MOSI MISO Note: PB0 (EOL) signal is not used in the current implementation. Connection is optional. V4.0 – October 2009 Page 33 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.2.19 Connections between SX1231 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A BitBang (Continuous) SX1231 XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A PA1 DIO1 (DCLK) PA3 DIO0 (SYNC) DIO3-5 PD0 DIO2 (DATA) PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 NSS SCK MOSI MISO Note: DIO3-5 signals are not used in the current implementation. Connection is optional. 7.2.20 Connections between SX1231 and XE8801A/02/05A/06A/07A Packet XE8801A/ 02/05A/06A/07A SX1231 PA1 PA2 DIO1 DIO0 DIO2-5 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 NSS SCK MOSI MISO Note: DIO1-5 signals are not used in the current implementation. Connection is optional. V4.0 – October 2009 Page 34 of 35 Technical Note TN8000.18 Standard API Definitions ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING 7.3 Glossary AFC Automatic Frequency Control API Application Program Interface FEI Frequency Error Indicator LO Local Oscillator RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator © Semtech 2009 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Semtech. assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any failure or unexpected operation resulting from misuse, neglect improper installation, repair or improper handling or unusual physical or electrical stress including, but not limited to, exposure to parameters beyond the specified maximum ratings or operation outside the specified range. SEMTECH PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF SEMTECH PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE UNDERTAKEN SOLELY AT THE CUSTOMER’S OWN RISK. Should a customer purchase or use Semtech products for any such unauthorized application, the customer shall indemnify and hold Semtech and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs damages and attorney fees which could arise. Contact Information Semtech Corporation Advanced Communication and Sensing Products Division 200 Flynn Road, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone (805) 498-2111 Fax: (805) 498-3804 V4.0 – October 2009 Page 35 of 35