Application DC-DC转换器应用指南 Application Notes Notes 目录 Contents 无负载时过压锁住 No Load Over Voltage Lock-Out 综合应用 Apps.) ECONOLINE (General ● 远距离供电线路 Long Distance Supply Lines 专业术语 Terminology ● 对EMC滤波器设计的建议 EMC Filter Suggestion 预先和滞后调压 Preand Post Regulation ● General Test Set-Up 通用的测试方法 EIA-232接口 EIA-232 Interface ● 输入电压范围 Input Voltage Range ● π型滤波器 PI Filter ● 输出电压精度 Output Voltage Accuracy ● 平衡电压 Voltage Balance ● 输入电压调整率 Line Regulations ● 负载电压调整率 Load Regulation ● 效率 Efficiency ● 开关频率 Frequency Switching ● 输出电压纹波和噪声 Output Ripple and Noise ● Output Ripple and Noise 输出电压纹波和噪声 (续) (continued) ● 瞬态恢复时间 Transient Recovery Time ● 过流保护 Current Limiting ● Fold Back Current Limiting 回流限制 ● 隔离电压 Isolation ● 击穿电压 Voltage Break-Down 回流焊接的温度曲线 Solder Reflow Profile ● 温度系数 Coefficient Temperature 推荐的回流焊接的温度曲线 Recommended Solder Reflow Profile ● Ambient 环境工作温度 Temperature ● 工作温度范围 Operating Temperature Range ● 存储温度范围 Storage Temperature Range ● Output Voltage Trimming 输出电压修整 LCD显示器中的偏置 LCD Display Bias Input Range 输入电压范围 Load Regulation 负载电压调节率 输入电压调整率 Line Voltage Regulation 3V/5V逻辑电压混合供电模型 3V/5V Logic Mixed Supply Rails Output Voltage Accuracy 输出电压精度 隔离的数据采集系统的应用 Isolated Data Acquisition System Input and Output Ripple and Noise 输入和输出纹波和噪声 Input to Output Isolation 输入输出间隔离电压 ● EMC Considerations EMC(电磁兼容性)问题的考虑 绝缘阻抗Resistance Insulation 对电源输入端的几点建议 Power Supply Considerations 满载效率at FulI Load Efficiency Interpretation of DC-DC Converter EMC DC-DC转换器的EMC数据的解释 Data Temperature Drift 温漂 传导性和放射性辐射 Conducted and Radiated Emissions 开关频率Frequency Switching 空载时的功率损耗 No Load Power Consumption Line Impedance 线性阻抗稳定网络 Stabilisation Network (LISN) 隔离电容 Isolation Capacitance 屏蔽 Shielding Line Spectra of DC-DC Converters DC-DC转换器的线谱 平均无故障时间 Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Noise 噪声 工作温度范围 Operating Temperature Range ● Temperature Performance DC-DC转换器的温度特性 of DC-DC Converters ● Transfer Moulded 表面贴装的DC-DC转换器 (SMD) DC-DC Converters 散热片的计算 Calculation of Heatsinks 产品应用指南 Production Guideline Application Note ● 元件材料 Materials Component 隔离电压 Isolation Isolation Voltage vs. Rated Working 隔离电压与标称工作电压 Voltage ● 元件放置 Placement Component 元件定位 Alignment Component IGBT驱动电路的隔离方式 Isolation mode in IGBT Driver Circuits ● DC-DC转换器串联使用 Connecting DC-DC Converters in Series ● Connecting DC-DC Converters in Parallel DC-DC转换器并联使用 ● 滤波 Filtering 回流焊接的温度曲线 Solder Pad Design 贴装要求Requirements Adhesive 输出滤波电路的计算 Output Filtering Calculation ● 最大负载电容 Maximum Output Capacitance ● Settling Time 启动时间 ● Isolation Capacitance 隔离电容和漏电流 and Leakage Current ● 贴装放置Placement Adhesive 限制浪涌电流 Limiting Inrush Current ● 应用实例 Application Examples 清洗 Cleaning 气相回流焊接 Vapour Phase Reflow Soldering ● 抑制锡须 Tin Whisker Mitigation INNOLINE ● 对EMC滤波器设计的建议 EMC Filter Suggestion Overload Protection 过载保护 ● 软启动电路 Soft Start Circuit 输入电压下降(或切断) Input Voltage Drop-Out (brown-outs) ● 正负转换器 Positve - to - Negative Converters POWERLINE DC-DC 2008 散热器 Heat Sinks 结构图 BLOCK DIAGRAMS ● 227 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 Terminology 专业术语 The data sheet specification for DC-DC 这些DC-DC转换器数据规范包含了 converters contains a large quantity of 大量的术语。这些术语解释主要针 information. This terminology is aimed at 对用户,确保这些解释能对他们的 ensuring that the user can interpret the data 应用电路提供正确的、必需的信 provided 息。 correctly and obtain the necessary information for their circuit application. Input Range 输入电压范围 The range of input voltage that the device 输入电压范围表示在满载和工作温 can tolerate and maintain functional perfor度的条件下能容忍和维持正常工作 mance over the Operating Temperature 性能的输入电压范围。 Range at full load. Load Regulation 负载电压调节率 The change in output voltage over the 输出负载的变化时输出电压的变化 specified change in output load. Usually 率。通常是按照标称输出负载时的 specified as a percentage of the nominal out输出电压的百分比来规定的,例 put voltage, for example, if a 1V change in 如,在12V输出装置的输出脚测到 output voltage is measured on a 12V output 1V的变化,负载电压调整率是 device, load voltage regulation is 8.3%. For 8.3%。对于不稳压产品,负载电压 unregulated devices the load voltage 调整率所规定的负载范围-满载的 regulation is specified over the load range 10%到100%。 from 10% to 100% of full load. Line Voltage Regulation 输入电压调整率 The change in output voltage for a given 指输出电压的变化率对应特定的输 change in input voltage, expressed as 入电压范围,通常表示为百分比。 percentages. For example, assume a 12V 假设一个12V标称输入电压、5V输 in-put, 5V output device exhibited a 0.5V 出电压装置,在输入电压变化1.2V change at the output for a 1.2V change at 时,输出电压变化0.5V,这时的输 the input, line regulation would be 1 %/1%. 入电压调整率就是1%/1%。 Output Voltage Accuracy 输出电压精度 The proximity of the output voltage to the 它表示输出电压接近标称输出电压 specified nominal value. This is given as a 的程度。对于非稳压型器件而言, tolerance envelope for unregulated devices 这是在给定的标称输入电压的公差 with the nominal input voltage applied. For 范围。例如,一个规定5V输出的器 example, a 5V specified output device at 件在100%的负载的情况下,输出电 100% load may exhibit a measured output 压可能测为4.75V,也就是说输出电 voltage of 4.75V, i.e. a voltage accuracy of 压精度是5%。 –5%). Input and Output Ripple and Noise 输入和输出纹波和噪声 The amount of voltage drop at the input, or 它表示输入或输出在转换周期内起 output between switching cycles. The value 伏的电压值。这个纹波电压值是滤 of voltage ripple is a measure of the storage 波电容的滤波能力的体现。产品数 ability of the filter capacitors. The values 据表中给出的数值包含叠加在纹波 given in the datasheets include the higher 上的由开关尖峰所引起的高频噪 frequency Noise interference superimposed 声。测量的频宽仅限于20MHz。 on the ripple due to switching spikes.The measurement is limited to 20MHz Bandwidth. Input to Output Isolation 输入输出间隔离电压 The dielectric breakdown strength test 表示在输入和输出电路之间绝缘击 between input and output circuits. This is the 穿的测试电压。这个绝缘电压是器 isolation voltage the device is capable of 件在规定的时间内的耐压能力,通 withstanding for a specified time, usually 1 常是1秒(具体请参考“绝缘电 se cond (for more details see chapter “Isola压”和“额定工作电压”章节)。 tion Voltage vs. Rated Working Voltage”). 228 Insulation Resistance 绝缘阻抗 The resistance between input and output 是指输入和输出脚之间的阻抗。它 circuits. This is usually measured at 500V DC 通常在500V直流电压下测量得出。 isolation voltage. The equation for the hybrid model is then 方程式如下: given by: λ = ∑ (NC λC) (1 + 0.2πE) πL πF πQ 6 (failures in 106 hours) 在106小时后不正常 Efficiency at FulI Load 满载效率 The ratio of power delivered from the device 它表示器件运作在25℃、100%负载 to power supplied to the device when the part 和额定输入电压的条件下,功率转 is换效率。 operating under 100% load conditions at 25°C. The MTBF figure is the reciprocal of this value. MTBF值是上述公式计算值的倒 In the data sheets, all figures for MTBF are 数。在本数据手册中,所有跟MTBF given for the ground benign (GB) environ相关的值都是在非移动地面设备 ment (πE = 0.5); this is considered the most (GB)环境下计算的(πE=0.5),这是, appropriate for the majority of applications in 考虑到仪器总体应用场合的最合适 which these devices are likely to be used. 环境因素。但这个环境并不是这些 However, this is not the only operating 器件唯一能使用的运行环境,因此, environment possible, hence those users 用户们希望这些器件能整合进某个 wishing to incorporate these devices into a 更严格的环境,这个环境能从以下 more severe environment can calculate the 的数据计算出预计的MTBF。 predicted MTBF from the following data. The MIL-HDBK-217F has military environMIL-HDBK-217F有军用环境的测试 ments specified, hence some interpretation 标准,因此将它们应用于商用标准 of these is required to apply them to 的环境是需要做一些解释的。表1是 standard commercial environments. Table 1 近似地给出了参照MIL-HDBK-217F gives approximate cross references from 的商用环境标准解释。请注意这不 MIL-HDBK-217F descriptions to close 是MIL-HDBK-217F的暗指,只是我 commercial equivalents. Please note that 们的解释。同样,我们也减少了从 these are not implied by MIL-HDBK-217F, but 14到6的环境号码,使它们最适合商 are our interpretation. Also we have reduced 业应用。由于更多环境细节解释的 the number of environments from 14 to 6, 引用和混合模式,请取得全版本的 which are most appropriate to commercial MIL-HDBK-217F作为参照。 applications. For a more detailed understanding of the environments quoted and the hybrid model, it is recommended that a full copy of MIL-HDBK-217F is obtained. It有一个有趣的现象:太行空飞行和 is interesting to note that space flight and ground benign have the same environment 非移动的地面设备有着共同的环境 factors. It could be suggested that the act of 因素,这意味着达到太空飞行将是 achieving space flight should be the 决定性的因素(例如导弹发射)。 determining environmental factor (i.e. missile launch). The hybrid model equation can therefore be 因此,只要根据给定参数对方程进 rewritten for any given hybrid, at a fixed 行稍微的变化,在某个固定的温度 temperature, so that the environmental 下,环境参数只是变量: factor is the only variable: λ = k (1 + 0.2 πE) Temperature Drift 温漂 The change in voltage, expressed as a 它是表示每一度环境温度变化引起 percentage of the nominal, per degree change 输出电压的变化的百分比。这个参 in数还涉及到其它几个温度相关参 ambient temperature. This parameter is related to several other temperature dependent 数,大体上是内部元器件的温度漂 parameters, mainly internal component drift. 移。 Switching Frequency 开关频率 The nominal frequency of operation of the 它是指在DC-DC转换器内部的开关 switching circuit inside the DC-DC converter. 电路的工作频率。可观测的输入或 The ripple observed on the input and output 输出管脚的纹波波形通常是开关频 pins is usually twice the switching frequency, 率的两倍,这是由于器件的全波整 due to full wave rectification and the push流和推挽配置。 pull configuration of the driver circuit. No Load Power Consumption 空载时的功率损耗 This is a measure of the switching circuits 它是开关电路必须测量的参数,是 power cunsumption; it is determined with 器件空载时的输入功耗。这个参数 zero output load and is a limiting factor for 对器件的功率转换效率起制约作 the total efficiency of the device. 用。 Isolation Capacitance 隔离电容 The input to output coupling capacitance. 表示输入和输出间的耦合电容。它 This is not actually a capacitor, but the 不是一个实际存在的电容,是在变 parasitic capacitive coupling between the 压器初级和次级之间耦合产生的寄 transformer primary and secondary windings. 生电容。这个隔离电容是在1MHz Isolation capacitance is typically measured at 情况下测得的典型值以减少板内滤 1波电容的影响。 MHz to reduce the possibility of the onboard filter capacitors affecting the results. Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) 平均无故障时间 RECOM uses MIL-HDBK-217F standard for RECOM用MIL-HDBK-217F标准来 calculation of MTBF values for +25°C as well 计算MTBF在+25℃以及最高环境温 as for max. operating temperature and 100% 度和100%负载的情况下的数值。当 load. When comparing MTBF values with 比较其他公司产品的MTBF值时, 请 other vendor's products, please take into 考虑不同的条件和标准,也就是说, account the different conditions and 在这本数据手册中,其它环境因素 The MTBF values for other environment MIL-HDBK-217E标准并不是很严 standards i.e. MIL-HDBK-217E is not as severe 的MTBF数值能从在每个温度点引 factors can therefore be calculated from the 格,因此那些数值将比RECOM发布 and therefore values shown will6 be higher than 用的处于非移动地面设备图表中计 ground benign figure quoted at each 的数值高。(1000×103小时 those shown by RECOM. (1000 x 10³ hours 算出,因此,其它环境的MTBF数 temperature point in the data book. Hence =1000000小时=114年!) =1000000 hours = 114 years!) predicted MTBF figures for other environ值能很快地算出来。所有的数值通 These figures are calculated expected device 常都更低,并且既然大多数的移动 ments can be calculated very quickly. All the 这些数值用MIL-HDBK-217F的混合 lifetime figures using the hybrid circuit model 环境都有相同的因素,一个在不同 values will in general be lower and, since the 电路模式来计算仪器的预期寿命。 of MIL-HDBK-217F. POWERLINE converters 条件下的灵活的约数能被计算出。 majority of the mobile environments have the POWERLINE转换器同样可以用 also can use BELLCORE TR-NWT-000332 在表2中,计算必须要用约数分开引 same factor, a quick divisor can be BELLCORE TR-NWT-000332来计算 for calculation of MTBF. The hybrid model has 用的MTBF数字。 calculated for each condition. Therefore the MTBF值。混合模式有不同的催化 various accelerating factors for operating only calculation necessary is to devide the 因素:运行环境(πE),成熟度 environment (πE), maturity (πL), screening quoted MTBF fig. by the divisor given in table (πL),屏蔽(πQ),混合功能 (π ), hybrid function (πF) and a summation 2. Q (πF),和一个不同成分的特征的总 of each individual component characteristic 和(λC)。 (λC). 2008 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 Environ环境 ment 非移动的 Ground 地面设备 Benign πE 符号 Symbol GB 移动的地 Ground 面设备 Mobile GM 船上被屏蔽的 Naval 或在甲板层以 Sheltered 下环境的设备 NS 航空中载货间 Aircraft 隔内的环境 Inhabited Cargo AIC 太空飞行 Space Flight SF 导弹发射 Missile Launch ML MIL-HDBK-271F 详细描述 Description 不移动,温度和湿度受控,容易维修 Non-mobile, temperature and humidity controlled environments readily accessible to maintenance 设备安装在轮子上或有轨交通工具上,设备可 Equipment installed in wheeled or 随身携带。 tracked vehicles and equipment manually transported 水面舰艇中屏蔽的或甲板下的设备以及 Sheltered or below deck 潜艇中的设备 equipment on surface ships or submarines 载货间内的典型条件,它也适应机组 Typical conditions in cargo 人员活动 compartments which can be occupied by aircrew 环球轨道。既不是动力推动也不是重返大气 Earth orbital. Vehicle in neither 层的交通工具 powered flight nor in atmospheric re-entry 涉及到导弹发射的严格条件 Severe conditions relating to missile launch Commercial Interpretation 商用解释或实例 or Examples 实验室设备,测试工具,台式电脑,静 Laboratory equipment, test 止不动的通信设备 instruments, desktop PC's, static telecomms 交通工具上的仪器,移动无线电和通信 In-vehicle instrumentation, 设备,手提式电脑 mobile radio and telecomms, portable PC's 甲板下的航海无线电和仪器设备 Navigation, radio equipment and instrumentation below deck 加压舱和驾驶舱,飞行娱乐和不安全的 Pressurised cabin compart应用 ments and cock-pits, in flight entertainment and non-safety critical applications 轨道通信卫星,现场一次性运行设备 Orbital communications satellite, equipment only operated once in-situ 剧烈的震动、高加速力,卫星发射条件 Severe vibrational shock and very high accelerating forces, satellite launch conditions 表1:环境因素解释 Table 1: Interpretation of Environmental Factors VO DC VIN DC GND 0V 单路输出 a) Single Output DC VIN +VO 0V -VO DC GND 双路输出 b) Dual Output VIN GND VO1 0V1 VO 2 0V2 DC DC 对等隔离输出 c) Twin Isolated Outputs 图1:标准的隔离配置 Figure 1: Standard Isolated Configurations VCC +VO DC πE Symbol 非移动的地面设备 Ground Benign GB 移动的地面设备 Ground Mobile GM 船上被屏蔽的或在甲板层以下环境的设备 Naval Sheltered GNS 航空中载货 Aircraft 间隔内的环 Inhabited AIC 境 Cargo 太空飞行Flight Space SF 导弹发射 Missile Launch ML 环境 Environment πE Divisor Value 0.5 1.00 4.0 1.64 4.0 1.64 4.0 0.5 12.0 1.64 1.00 3.09 表2:环境因素 Table 2: Environmental Factors Noise 噪声 Input conducted noise is given in the line 每个DC-DC转换器的输入传导噪声 conducted spectra for each DC-DC 由联线的传导频谱产生的(如想进 converter (see EMC issues for further 一步了解请参考EMC部分)。值得 details). Noise is affected significantly by PCB 注意的是,噪声受PCB设计、测试 layout, measurement system configuration, 系统配置、终端阻抗等相当大的影 terminating impedance etc., and is difficult 响。去论证正确性和精确度是困难 to quote reliably and with any accuracy other 的,除非通过频谱分析典型图。有 than via a spectrum analysis type plot. There 些开关噪声会叠加在纹波上,就如 will be some switching noise present on top 应用指南中所提出的一样,这些噪 of the ripple, however, most of this is easily 声的大多数很容易被小电容和滤波 reduced by use of small capacitors or filter 电感减少。 inductors, as shown in the application notes. Operating temperature range: 工作温度范围 Operating temperature range of the 转换器的工作温度范围受限于转换 converter is limited due to specifications of 器内部元器件的规格。 the components used for the internal circuit of the converter. The diagram for temperature derating shows 温度与输出功率的关系图表示转换 the safe operating area (SOA) within which 器的可靠工作范围(SOA)。 the device is allowed to operate. At very low temperatures, the specifications are only guaranteed for full load. Up to a certain temperature 100% power 在达到某一个确定的温度前,装置 can be drawn from the device, above this 可以输出100%的功率。超过这个温 temperature the output power has to be less 度,输出功率必须降低才能确保转 to ensure function and guarantee 换器在工作寿命内的正常运转和符 specifications over the whole lifetime of the 合规格。 converter. These temperature values are valid for 这些温度值仅适用于自然散热。如 natural convection only. If the converter is 果转换器被用在一个封闭的场合或 used in a closed case or in a potted PCB 者被用在封闭的PCB板上,高温将 board, higher temperatures will be present 在转换器的周围出现,这是自然 通 in the area around thermal converter 风的条件被破坏。 because the convection may be blocked. If如果在高温情况下需要相同的功 the same power is also needed at higher temperatures either the next higher wattage 率,必须选用更高瓦数的转换器, series should be chosen or if the converter 或者考虑用带散热器的金属壳的转 has a metal case, a heatsink may be consi换器。 dererd. Calculation of heatsinks: 散热片的计算 All converters in metal-cases can have a 所有金属壳的转换器可以安装一个 heat sink mounted so the heat generated 散热片,能将转换器内部功耗所 by the converters internal power dissipation 产生的热能Pd散发出去。包含散热 Pd can be removed. The general specifica器的整个热阻系统的通用规格有: tion of the whole thermal system incl. heat它的热阻抗RTH case-ambient和更 sink is it’s thermal resistance 高的环境温度Tambient下可输出的 R最大功率仍然必须符合功率降额使 TH case-ambient 用曲线的规定。 2008 DC 0V -VO GND 非隔离双通道输出 a) Non-lsolated Dual Rails VCC DC DC +VO 0V -VO GND 非隔离负通道输出 b) Non-lsolated Negative Rail VCC DC DC +VO (VO+VIN) 0V GND 两个互相隔离的输出端 c) Dual Isolated Outputs (U/T) 图2:其它可选的连接方式 Figure 2: Alternative Supply Configurations 功率消耗 Power dissipation Pd: Pd = Pin - Pout = Pd - Pout Efficiency 效率 RTHcase-ambient = Tcase - Tambient Pd 229 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 例:RP30-2405SEW在没有散热器 Example: RP30-2405SEW starts derating 时+65℃启动降额,但希望工作在 without heatsink at +65°C but the desired 30W、+75℃。所以散热器的尺寸 operation is 30W at +75°C so the size of 计算如下。 the heatsink has to be calculated. Pout = 30W Efficiency = 88% max. Pd = Pout - Pout Efficiency = 30W - 30W = 4.1W 88% (封装外壳温度允许的最大值) Tcase = 100°C (max. allowed case temperature) Tambient = 75°C RTHcase-ambient = Tcase-Tambient = 100°C-75°C PD 4.1°C =6.1°C/W So it has to be ensured that the thermal 所以它必须确保在外壳表面和环境 resistance between case and ambient is 间的热阻抗是6.1℃/W。 6,1°C/W max. When mounting a heatsink on a case there is 当在外壳上安装一个散热器时,可 a thermal resistance RTH case-heatsink between 以用热导性的粘剂减少外表面和散 case and heatsink which cancase-heatsink, be reduced by 热器之间的热阻抗RTH using thermal conductivity paste but cannot 但不能完全避免消除。 be eliminated totally. RTHcase-ambient = RTHcase-heatsink + RTHheatsink-ambient Isolation 隔离电压 Recom(力康)国际电源有限公司 One of the main features of the majority of 的DC-DC转换器的主要特征之一是 Recom DC-DC converters is their high 它们的超高电压绝缘性能。它允许 galvanic isolation capability. This allows 用单个DC-DC转换器为几个不同配 several variations on circuit topography by 置的电路供电。 using a single DC-DC converter. The basic input to output isolation can be 基本的输入和输出间的隔离能提供 used to provide either a simple isolated 一个单一的隔离的输出电源,或产 output power source, or to generate different 生不同的输出电压;或双极性电压 voltage rails, and/or dual polarity rails (see (参考图1)。 figure 1). These configurations are most often found in 这些配置经常用在仪表仪器、数据 instrumentation, data processing and other 处理和其它对噪声敏感的电路中, noise sensitive circuits, where it is necessary 在这里必须将整个系统中产生噪声 to isolate the load and noise presented to the 的原边电源与负载隔离开来。通常 local power supply rails from that of the 从原边供应电源所产生的噪声以共 entire system. Usually local supply noise 模噪声的形式影响DC-DC转换器, appears as common mode noise at the 并且没有影响主系统电源部分。 converter and does not pollute the main system power supply rails. The isolated positive output can be 如果必要的话,被隔离的输出脚正 connected to the input ground rail to 极可以接到输入脚的地,去产生负 generate a negative supply rail if required. 电源。既然输出脚与输入脚是隔离 Since the output is isolated from the input, 的,输出边可以相对随意选择极 the choice of reference voltage for the 性。例如:一个附加的单输出电压 output side can be arbitrary, for example 可以在上述的主电源中产生,或者an additional single rail can be generated above 在其它直流电压上偏移。(参见图 the main supply rail, or offset by some other 2) DC value (see figure 2). Regulated converters need more 相对于非稳压型转换器,稳压型转 consideration than the unregulated types for 换器在混合不同参考电压水平时需 mixing the reference level. Essentially the 要考虑更多的问题。基本上单一电 single supply rail has a regulator in its +Vout 源只有一个稳压管在+Vout回路上, rail only, hence referencing the isolated 230 Heatsink mounted on case 散热片安装在外壳上,没有 热传导粘剂。 without thermal conductivity paste RTH case-heatsink = ca. 1…2 °C/W Heatsink mounted on case 散热器安装在外壳上,有 热传导粘剂。 with thermal conductivity paste RTH case-heatsink = ca. 0,5…1 °C/W Heatsink mounted on case 散热器安装在外壳上,有 热传导粘剂和电气绝缘 with thermal conductivity paste 膜。electrical-isolation-film and RTH case-heatsink = ca. 1…1,5 °C/W If a heatsink is mounted on the converter it’s thermal resistance has to be at least: 如果散热片被安装在外壳没有电气隔离的转换器上,它的热阻抗至少 为: RTHcase-ambient = RTHcase-heatsink + RTHheatsink-ambient = 6.1°C/W - 1°C/W = 5.1°C/W 从厂商提供的数值你能选择散热器。 Using this value, a suitable heat sink can be 如果自然通风时散热片不能符合这 selected. 个数值,或散热片体积太大,可以 Adding a fan increases the efficiency of any 采用带风扇的散热片。但是风扇也 additional heat sinking, but adds cost and 必须供电,所以必须忍受整个转换 power loading. 器的效率变低而且功耗加大。 In most cases choosing the next higher 在大多数的案例中,选择更高的功 wattage-series and using dissipation 率系列和通过高温降功率使用可能 reduction via derating may be the more 是更有效的解决方案。 efficient solution. ground will only work if all the current return 如果所有的电流回路只是通过DCis through the DC-DC and not via other DC而不是其它外部元件(例如:二 external components (e.g. diode bias, 极管、电阻等)回流,那么参考隔 resistor feed). Having an alternative return 离地才能起作用。如有一个可选择 path can upset the regulation and the 的电流回路,隔离地所产生的功能 performance of the system may not equal 就无法显现,并且系统的性能也将 that of the converter. 与DC-DC转换器不同了。 Isolation Voltage vs. Rated Working Vol隔离电压与额定工作电压对比 tage 在数据手册中的隔离电压仅在一秒 The isolation voltage given in the datasheet is 钟的快速测试内有效。 valid for 1 second flash tested only. If如果需要更长的耐压时间或在长期 a isolation barrier is required for longer or 的高耐压状态下工作,这个额定工 infinite time the Rated Working Voltage has 作电压就必须参考标准。 to be used. Conversion of Isolation Voltage to Rated Wor隔离电压与额定工作电压的转换关 king Voltage can be done by using this table 系可以通过下面的曲线图(图5)和表 or graph. (表3)来完成。 测 试 隔 离 电 压 额定工作电压 图5:IEC950电气强度测试的测试电压 Figure 5: IEC950 Test Voltage for Electrical Strength Tests 隔离测试电压 Isolation Test Voltage (V) 额定工作电压 Rated Working Voltage (V) 1000 130 1500 230 3000 1100 6000 3050 表2:根据IEC950标准的典型击穿电压等级 Table 2: Typical Breakdown Voltage Ratings According 2008 to IEC950 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 The graph and table above show the our experience and in-house tests, we can 以上的图表是根据IEC950标准。根据我们的经验和内部测试结果,我们可 requirements from IEC950. According to offer the following conversion tables: 以确保以下几个绝缘条件。 隔离测试电压 Isolation Test Voltage (1 second) (1秒钟) 500 VDC 1000 VDC 1500 VDC 2000 VDC 2500 VDC 3000 VDC 4000 VDC 5000 VDC 6000 VDC Isolation Test Voltage 隔离测试电压 (1 minute) (1分钟) 400 VDC 800 VDC 1200 VDC 1600 VDC 2000 VDC 2400 VDC 3200 VDC 4000 VDC 4800 VDC Isolation Test Voltage 隔离测试电压 (1 minute) (1分钟) 250 VAC 500 VAC 750 VAC 1000 VAC 1250 VAC 1500 VAC 2000 VAC 2500 VAC 3000 VAC Table 1 : D.C. Isolation Voltage test vs different conditions 表1:在不同条件下的直流(D.C.)隔离电压测试 隔离测试电压 Isolation Test Voltage (1秒钟) (1 second) 500 VAC 1000 VAC 1500 VAC 2000 VAC 2500 VAC 3000 VAC 4000 VAC 5000 VAC 6000 VAC Isolation Test Voltage 隔离测试电压 (1秒钟) (1 minute) 350 VAC 700 VAC 1050 VAC 1400 VAC 1750 VAC 2100 VAC 2800 VAC 3500 VAC 4200 VAC Isolation Test Voltage 隔离测试电压 (1秒钟) (1 minute) 565 VDC 1130 VDC 1695 VDC 2260 VDC 2825 VDC 3390 VDC 4520 VDC 5650 VDC 6780 VDC Table 2 : A.C. Isolation Voltage test vs different conditions 表2:在不同条件下的交流(A.C.)隔离电压测试 Isolation mode in IGBT driver circuits IGBT驱动电路的隔离方式 An application for DC/DC converters is to isolate driver circuits for IGBT stacks. In these applications, the maximum DC voltage applied across DC/DC转换器可能用于IGBT组的驱动电路。在这些应用中,必须特别注意DC/DC转换器所承受的特殊压力。DC/ the isolation gap is not the only factor to be considered because the highly dynamic switching waveforms are an additional stressing factor DC转换器不但要承受永久性的高耐压,这就需要很高的工作隔离电压,而且需要考虑很快速的动态开关所产生的 (typical switching transients can exceed 20kV/μs.) Taking into account that both factors mean a permanent stress on the converter, it is 压力-这可能达到20kV/μs,或者更快! recommended to over specify the converter in terms of isolation voltage and coupling capacitance. 考虑到以上的因素,意味着DC/DC转换器承受着长期的压力,所以我们建议在隔离耐压方面采用更高的规格。 Even if a 3kVDC product seems to be appropriate if you just look at the rated working voltage that is required, it is still recommended to 例如,通常看起来3kVDC(2秒)的产品已经可以满足你的设计要求,我们还是建议使用更高规格的产 choose a product which is specified to 5.2kVDC or 6kVDC to also cover the high dv/dt rates. The higher the isolation voltage rating for a 品-5.2kVDC或6kVDC(1秒)的产品,这样就可以满足长期高隔离耐压和高dV/dt两方面的需求。越高隔离电压的 DC/DC converter is, the lower the coupling (isolation) capacitance and a low coupling capacitance is essential in AC or highly dynamic DC/DC转换器有着越低的藕合(隔离)电容,低藕合电容对于AC或快速开关的DC的应用是相当重要的。 switched DC usage. This will ensure a safe usage and avoid a shortened lifetime in such a highly demanding situation. 这样就可以确保产品在恶劣工作环境下的安全使用和不会缩短寿命。 2008 231 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 Connecting DC-DC转换器串联使用 DC-DC Converters in Series Vcc DC Galvanic isolation of the output allows 输入输出的电流隔离允许多个转换 multiple converters to be connected in series, 器串联使用,简单地连接一个转换 simply by connecting the positive output of 器的正极与另一个转换器的负极 one converter to the negative of another (see (参考图3)。用这个办法可以产生 figure 3). In this way non-standard voltage 非标准电压输出,但是,最高输出 rails can be generated, however, the current 电压的转换器的输出电流不能超过 output of the highest output voltage 额定电流。 converter should not be exceeded. When converters are connected in series, 当转换器被串联时,因为这些转换器 additional filtering is strongly recommended, 的开关电路不是同步开关的,所以添 as the converters switching circuits are not 加额外的滤波器是非常重要的。正 synchronised. As well as a summation of the 如波纹电压的综合,输出脚也能产生 ripple voltages, the output could also produce 相对较大的节拍频率。正如串联一 relatively large beat frequencies. A capacitor 个电感一样,跨在输出脚的电容对抑 across the output will help, as will a series 制纹波是很有帮助的。(参考滤波部 inductor (see filtering). 分) DC DC DC 2Vo +Vo 0V 图3:串联DC-DC变流器 Figure 3: Connecting DC-DC Converters in Series Vcc DC +V DC Balance 平衡 Link 连接 DC DC Connecting the outputs of DC/DC converters DC-DC转换器是可以被并联使用的, in parallel is possible but not recommended. 但是建议不要并联使用。通常DC-DC Usually DC/DC converters have no possibility 转换器不太可能均匀分配负载电流, to balance out the output currents. GND 0V GND Connecting DC-DC转换器并联使用 DC-DC Converters in Parallel +V supply +Vo 0V GND 所以会有潜在的危险,因为经验显 So there is potential danger that if the 示不对称的负载会导致其中一个 loading is asymmetrical, that one of the DC-DC转换器过载,而另一个DCconverters starts to be overloaded while the DC转换器只承担很小的负载,所以 others have to deliver less current. The over过载的DC-DC转换器先损坏,然后 loaded converter may then drop out of circuit 另一个DC-DC转换器也随之损坏。 leading to power supply oscillation. The only possibility to balance out the 均分负载电流的唯一的可行的办法 individual currents is to use a special balance 是使用有均载功能(如在R-5xxx) function (like in R-5xxx) or use converters 或使用带有SENSE(微调)功能的 with SENSE function and additional loadDC-DC转换器,外加均载控制芯片 share controllers (as can be done for the 所组成的控制电路(如RP40-SG和 RP40-SG and RP60-SG, for example). Refer RP60-SG)。如下面图5所示。 to figure 5 below. If如果两个或以上转换器共享一个输 two or more converters are operated from a入电压(并联输入),那么输入解 common supply voltage (inputs in parallel), then input decoupling via LC-filters is 耦端推荐使用LC滤波器(参见图5 recommended (see input filters in figure 5). 所示的输入滤波器)。这种方式可 This helps to avoid hard-to-handle 以避免棘手的、由完全不同步的振 conducted EMI caused by totally 荡器产生的EMI问题。同时,浪涌 un-synchronized oscillators. Also inrush 电流尖峰降低。建议为每一个变流 current peaks are lowered. Having several 器配备小型滤波器,不要为所有的 smaller filters, one for each converter, is 变流器安置一个共用的滤波器,只 recommended instead of using one common 有这样才能降低变流器之间相互串 filter for all converters, as this helps to reduce the 扰。possibility of the converters beating against each other. Figure 4: Paralleled DC-DC Converters with Balance Function. 图4:带有平衡功能的并联DC-DC转换器 +Vin DC-DC DC/DC Converter 转换器1 1 -Vin +Vout RADJ +Sense -Sense RSENSE -Vout ADJ Sense VCC 均载Share Load 控制 Control +Share -Share +Vin DC-DC DC/DC 转换器1 2 Converter -Vin +Vout 系统 System VCC RADJ +Sense -Sense RSENSE -Vout ADJ Sense VCC 系统 System GND -Share -共享连 Connected 接到系 to System 统GND GND 均载Share Load 控制 Control +Share -Share 图5:使用均载控制器电路的并联DC-DC转换器 Figure 5: Paralleled DC-DC Converters using Load Share Controllers 232 2008 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 Filtering 滤波 When reducing the ripple from the converter, 当减少转换器的纹波时,不管在输 at either the input or the output, there are 入端还是输出端,有几个方面需要 several aspects to be considered. Recom 考虑。RECOM推荐在输入端和输 recommend filtering using simple passive LC 出端上用简单的被动LC电路滤波 networks at both input and output (see figure (参考图6)。虽然被动的RC电路 6). A passive RC network could be used, 也可以用,但是电阻上消耗的功率 however, the power loss through a resistor is 太大了。值得注意的是,电感的自 often too high.The self-resonant frequency of 谐频率必须远高于DC-DC的典型工 the inductor needs to be significantly higher 作频率(RECOM的DC-DC转换器 than the characteristic frequency of the 典型工作频率的代表数值是 device (typically 1OOkHz for Recom DC-DC 100KHz)。同时,我们需要考虑电 converters). The DC current rating of the 感的DC电流的额定值,最好大约两 inductor also needs consideration, a rating of 倍于DC-DC转换器的额定输出电流 approximately twice the supply current is 值。 recommended. The DC resistance of the inductor is the final 这个电感的直流阻抗是决定性的考 consideration that will give an indication of 虑因素,这意味着在电感有一个直 the DC power loss to be expected from the 流功耗。 inductor. Output Filtering calculation: 输出滤波的计算: Calculating of the filtering components can 可以用下列公式计算滤波部分的元 be done using 器件。 However, depending on your application 然而,计算出来的滤波器数值会受 design and loadsituation may interfer with 到你的应用设计和负荷情况干扰, the calculated filter so testing in the final 所以有必要对应用进行最终的测试 application and re-adjustment of the 和元件的再调整。 component’s values may be necessary. When choosing a value for the filtering 当选择滤波电容的数值时,请注意 capacitor please take care that the maximum 转换器规格说明忠的容性负荷的最 capacitive 大值。 load is within the specifications of the converter. Better results in filtering can be achieved if 如果采用共模滤波器会有更好的滤 common mode chokes are used instead of a 波效果。共模滤波器是由多个扼流 single choke. Common mode chokes are 圈分享同一个磁芯,所以对共模噪 multiple chokes sharing a core material so 声(共模噪声是电子噪声通过电源 the common mode rejection (Electrical noise 线的正负端与大地所形成的回路而 which comes through one power line and 传播的)有更好的滤波效果。请参 returns to the noise source through some 照我们的应用指南中“用于EMC的 type of ground path is common mode noise.) 共模滤波器”部分,它们可以用于 is higher. Please refer to our page "Common 输入滤波回路也可以用于输出滤波 Mode Chokes for EMC" also part of these 回路。 application notes. These can be used for input filtering as well as for the output side. Limiting Inrush Current 限制浪涌电流 Using a series inductor at the input will limit 在输入端串联电感来限制开关接通 the current that can be seen at switch on 时浪涌电流(参考图7)。 (see figure 7). This frequency should be significant lower 这个频率比转换器的转换频率低很 than the switching frequency of the converter. 多。 例如-RC系列: Example - RC series: Operating frequency = 85kHz max. 工作频率=85kHz 最大值 那么,fc=10%×85kHz=8.5kHz then, fc =10 % of 85 kHz = 8,5 kHz 图7:在接通时的输入电流和电压 Figure 7: Input Current & Voltage at Switch On If如果我们没有考虑在电路中串联电 we consider the circuit without the series 感,那么输入电流可以用下列式子 inductor, then the input current is given by; 计算: i = V exp R ( –RCt ) When the component is initially switched on 当元件在最初通电时(即t=0), (i.e. t=O) this simplifies to; 这个式子简化为: i=V R 这意味着在5V输入时,假定50m This would imply that for a 5V input, with say Ohm线路阻抗,浪涌电流高达 50mOhm track and wire resistance, the 100A。这可能会导致DC-DC转换器 inrush current could be as large as 1OOA. 损坏。 This could cause a problem for the DC-DC converter. A因此输入端串联电感不仅用来过滤 series input inductor therefore not only filters the noise from the internal switching circuit, 内部转换电路的噪声,也能限制开 but also limits the inrush current at switch on. 关时的浪涌电流。 Short Circuit Protection in 0.25W 0.25W-2W Econoline变流 2W Econoline converters 器内短路保护 In the low wattage, unregulated converter 在低瓦数、非稳压变流器产品系列 Portfolio we offer continuous short circuit 中,我们提供连续短路保护功能 protection (option /P). Especially in (选择带有/P的产品)。尤其是在 applications where the output of converters is 那些通过插针和插座连接到外部电 connected via a plug and socket to an 路的场合下,输出端短路的可能性 external module, the chances of having a short 非常高。 circuit across the output is quite high. A普通的非稳压转换器能够经得起暂 conventional unregulated converter can withstand a short circuit across the outputs for 时性的输出端短路情况。如果输出 only a limited time. The same condition can 端具有较低ESR,那么带有大电容 occur with high capacitive loads if they have a 负载的输出端也能经得起暂时性短 low ESR. 路情况。 RECOM uses balancing between transformer RECOM在变压器磁芯饱和值与初 core saturation ratings and the maximum 级振荡器内开关晶体管的最大额定 electrical ratings of the switching transistors 电流之间寻求平衡,这样的转换 in the primary side oscillator to create a 器,它可以经得起输出端连续短路 converter that can withstand a continuous (<1 Ohm)而不会坏掉。 short circuit (<1 Ohm) across the outputs without failing. However, this is NOT an overload protection. 但是,这并不是一种过载保护措施。 If the coverters are over-loaded but not short 如果变流器处于过载状态而不是短 circuited, the converters may still overheat and 路状态,变流器仍然可能由于过热 fail. 而导致坏掉。 图6:输入和输出滤波 Figure 6: Input and Output Filtering 2008 233 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 Maximum Output Capacitance 最大输出电容 A减少输出端的纹波一个简单的办法 simple method of reducing the output ripple is simply to add a large external 是外加一个大电容。尽管这不是很 capa-citor. This can be a low cost alternative 有效,但这是相对于LC滤波而言低 to the LC filter approach, although not as 成本的选择方案。如果输出电容太 effective. There is, however, also the 大,有可能引起启动的问题。 possibility of causing start up problems, if the output capacitance is too large. With a large output capacitance at switch on, 假设在DC-DC转换器的输出端有一 there is no charge on the capacitors and the 个很大的输出电容,那么在接通电 DC-DC converter immediately experiences a 源瞬间输出端的电流是非常大的, large current demand at its output. The 这输出电流可能大到超出DC-DC转 inrush current can be so large as to exceed 换器的承受能力,转换器可能进入 the ability of the DC-DC converter, and the 非稳态的工作模式。在这样的情况 device can go into current limit or an 下,DC-DC转换器将马上进入过载 undefined mode of operation. In the worst 关断状态,然后再尝试启动。 case scenario the device continuously oscillates as it tries to start, goes into overload shutdown and then retries again. The DC-DC converter may not survive if this 如果情况持续,DC-DC转换器可能 condition 损坏。 persists. For the Powerline the maximum capacitive 对于Powerline系列产品,最大容性 loads are specified. For Econoline please 负载已经标注。对于Econoline系列 refer to the tables below. 产品,请参照下表。 If如果在输出端选用L-C滤波器取代 instead of single capacitors on outputs an L-C-filter is used, the maximum capacitive 单一的电容滤波,最大容性负载可 laod can be higher because the choke is 以提高,因为扼流圈防止过快的电 preventing too high rising speed of the 流尖峰的上升速度。不过,所能达 current peak. However the practical 到的最大容性负载取决于滤波器的 maximum capacitive load is dependent on 设计和质量以及电容的ESR(等效 the quality of the filter and the ESR of the 串联电阻)。 capacitors used. Settling Time 启动时间 The main reason for not fitting a series 不在转换器内部安装串联电感的主 inductor internally, apart from size con要原因是:大多数设计应用需要快 straints, is that many applications require a 速启动(当然也有我们的产品小型 fast switch on time. When the input voltage is 化的尺寸制约因素)。当电源电压 Single Output 单输出 a以受控制上升斜率开关时,那么输 fast ramp, then the output can respond within 500μs of the input reaching its target 出电压能在输入达到开始工作电压 voltage (measured on a range of RA/RB and 的500μs内响应(在全负荷无外加 RC/RD converters under full output load 滤波器的情况下测量)。使用外部 without external filters). The use of external 滤波器和额外的输入输出电容将延 filters and additional input or output 长这个反应时间。因此这个问题留 capacitance will slow this reaction time. It is 给设计者去决定,哪个是影响他们 therefore left to the designer to decide on the 设计的电路的主要因素:稳定时间, predominant factors important for their 是噪声性能。 circuit: settling time or noise performance. Isolation Capacitance 隔离电容和漏电流 and Leakage Current The isolation barrier within the DC-DC DC-DC转换器的隔离栅栏有一个电 converter has a capacitance, which is a 容,它是输入和输出电路之间的耦 measure of the coupling between input and 合值。倘若这是最大的耦合源,那 output circuits. Providing this is the largest 么输入和输出电路间的漏电流能被 coupling source, 估算出来。 a calculation of the leakage current between input and output circuits can be calculated. Dual Output 双输出 Unregulated 非稳压型 0.25W Unregulated 非稳压型 0.5W 22μF max. Unregulated 1W 非稳压型 Regulated 稳压型 0.5W 33μF max. 10μF max. Unregulated 2W 非稳压型 Regulated 稳压型 1W 47μF max. 33μF max. Max. capacitive load for unregulated Econoline models 非稳压型Econoline模块的容性负载最大值 容性负载最大值 Max. capacitive load 容性负载最大值 Max. capacitive load 单输出 Single output 3W , 5W Dual output 双输出 Max. capacitive load for REC3 and REC5 series REC3和REC5系列产品的容性负载最大值 234 3.3V 2200μF 5.0V 1000μF 9.0V 470μF 12.0V 220μF 15.0V 120μF ±5.0V ±470μF ±9.0V ±220μF ±12.0V ±100μF ±15.0V ±68μF Single output 单输出 7.5W Dual output 双输出 3.3V 3300μF 5.0V 2200μF 9.0V 680μF 12.0V 330μF 15.0V 220μF ±5.0V ±1000μF ±9.0V ±330μF ±12.0V ±160μF ±15.0V ±100μF Max. capacitive load for REC7.5 series REC7.5系列产品的容性负载最大值 2008 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 Assuming we have a known isolation 假设我们知道DC-DC转换器的隔离 capacitance (Cis - refer to datasheet) and a 电容(即Cis,有关Cis请参考DC-DC known frequency for either the noise or test 转换器的数据)和噪声或测试信号 signal, then the expected leakage current (iL) 的频率,那么输入和输出电路之间 between input and output circuits can be 的漏电流(iL)能用阻抗来计算出。 calculated from the impedance. The general isolation impedance equation for 通用的给定频率(f)的隔离阻抗方 a given frequency (f) is given by: 程式为: Zf = ___1___ j2 π C is For an RB-0505D, the isolation capacitance 对于RB-0505D,隔离电容是18pF, is 18pF, hence the isolation impedance to a 因此50Hz测试信号下的隔离阻抗 50Hz 是:test signal is: Z50 = ___1_______ = 177 MΩ j2 π 50 18 pf If using a test voltage of 1kVrms, the 如果用1kVrms测试电压,漏电流 leakage current is: 是: iL = Vtest = _1000V_ = 5.65 μA 177MΩ Zf voltage (see figure 9). (参见图9)。 If如果在输入端有一个智能电源管理 there is an intelligent power management system at the input, using a series resistor 系统,用一个串联电阻(在串联电 (in place of the series inductor) and 感的位置)并检测电阻两端的电压 detecting the voltage drop across the device 降,再转换成信号传输到管理系统 to signal the management system can be 来进行控制。一个类似的装置可以 used. A similar scheme can be used at the 用在输出端,去测定电压降,如果 output to determine the output voltage, 管理系统在输入侧,那么控制信号 however, if the management system is on the 需要进行隔离以保护系统的隔离层 input side, the signal will need to be isolated (参见图10)。 from the controller to preserve the system isolation barrier (see figure 10). There are several other current limiting 有几种其它的过流保护技术可以用 techniques that can be used to detect an 来检测过载状况,由设计者决定是 overload situation, the suitability of these is 否适用。最重要的是如何应用这些 left to the designer. The most important thing 资料。如果系统需要确认过载模块 to consider is how this information will be used. 在位置或发信号到控制器,最好使 If the system needs to signal to a controller the 用一些智能类型的控制器。如果装 location or module causing the overload, some 置仅仅需要关断,装置一个简单保 form of intelligence will be needed. If the 险丝就足够了。 device simply needs to switch off, a simple fuse type arrangement will be adequate. It从这些简单的方程式中,我们可以 can be easily observed from these simple equations that the higher the test or noise 轻易地观测到测试电压或噪声电压 voltage, the larger the leakage current, also 越高,漏电流越大;同样隔离电容 the lower the isolation capacitance, the lower 越低,漏电流也越低。为了产品设 the leakage current. Hence for low leakage 计符合低漏电流、抗噪声能力强, current, high noise immunity designs, high 最好选择高隔离耐压、适当低隔离 isolation DC-DC converters should 电容的DC-DC转换器。 be selected with an appropriate low isolation capacitance. RECOM非稳压型DC-DC转换器通 Unregulated RECOM DC/DC converters 常只有很短时间的短路保护功能, usually are short circuit protected only for a 比如1秒。当然,可以特别选择具有 short time, e.g. 1 second. By option they can 连续短路保护功能的DC-DC转换器 be continous short circuit protected (option (选择带有/P标识的),它们的设 /P), then their design is able to withstand the 计能在无需外接保护电路的情况下 high output current in a short circuit situation 承受过载的高输出电流。 without any need for extra circuit protection. RECOM所有的DC-DC转换器都包 All Recom DC-DC converters which include 含了一个内部线性稳压管,有一个 an internal linear regulator have a thermal 过载热关断功能,具有过载保护功 overload shut-down condition which protects 能。 devices from excessive over-load. these If如果这个条件被用于通知电源管理 this condition is to be used to signal a power management system, the most 系统,最合适的解决方案是输出电 suitable arrangement is the output voltage 压侦测器(参见图10a),因为关断 detector (see figure 10a), since this will fall 时电压将接近零电压。DC-DC转换 to near zero on shut-down. Wide input range 器壳体带有热探测器也是一个可行 regulated converters offer overload 解决方案。宽输入稳压型的DC-DC protection / short circuit protection via an 转换器具有内部保护电路,可以承 internal circuit that interfers with the primary 受过载或短路,并可以在过载或短 oscillator so the switching is regulated back 路条件解除后,恢复正常操作。 in situations of overload or output short circuit. 保险丝 图8:简单的过载保护 Figure 8: Simple Overload Protection Application 应用实例Examples 过载保护 Overload Protection Although the use of filtering will prevent 尽管用滤波器可以预防在正常工作 excessive current at power-on under normal 条件下上电时的过电流,但并没有 operating conditions, many of the lower cost 保护输出电路承担过载甚至短路电 converters have no protection against an 流。在这种情况下,DC-DC转换器 output circuit taking excessive power or even 将有很大输入电流去供给输出电 going short-circuit. When this happens, the 路。最后,如果这个条件没有缓 DC-DC converter will take a large input 解,DC-DC转换器将过热和损坏 current to try to supply the output. Eventually (非稳压型DC-DC转换器在过载短 the converter will overheat and destroy 路情况下仅能承受1s的时间)。 itself if this condition is not rectified (short circuit overload is only guaranteed for 1 s on an unregulated part). There are several ways to prevent overload 有几个方法去保护输出过载而导致 at the outputs destroying the DC-DC 转换器损坏。最简单的是加保险 converter. The simplest being a straight 丝,但要确保保险丝在上电时能承 forward fuse. Sufficient tolerance for inrush 受浪涌电流的冲击(参见图8)。另 current is required to ensure the fuse does 一个简单的装置是电路断路器。 not blow on power-on (see figure 8). Another simple scheme that can be applied is a circuit breaker. There is also the potential to add some 同样也可以安装一些智能侦测输入 intelligence to the overload scheme by either 电流或输出电流的过流保护电路 detecting the input current, or the output Rin Vcc DC DC Vout GND a) Series Resistor for Input Current Measurement 串联电阻测试输入电流 Ilimit Vcc DC R1 R2 GND b) Ground Current Monitor 侦测对地电流 DC Rgnd 选择限制电流(ILIMIT) Choose current limit (ILIMIT) 和接地电阻(RGND), and ground resistor (RGND) so 因此:0.7V=RGND×ILIMIT。 that : 0.7V = RGND x ILIMIT. 图9:输入侦测过载保护 Figure 9: Input Monitored Overload Protection 2008 235 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 输入电压下降 Input Voltage (或切断) Drop-Out (brown-outs) 光耦合器 光耦合过载侦测器 Opto-Isolated Overload Detector (On overload +VO falls and the LED switches off, the VOL. line is then pulled high.) (当过载时,+VO下降并且LED关闭,VOL线路持高电平。) 图10:输出侦测过载保护 Figure 10 : Ouput Monitored Overload Protection When the input voltage drops, or is 当输入电压下降或即刻消除,输出 momentarily removed, the output circuit 电路也将遭受到类似的电压下降。 would suffer similar voltage drops. For short 对于短时间输入电压下降,例如当 period input voltage drops, such as when 其它电路连接时或其它装置是在线 other connected circuits have an 插入或拔出状态下有一个瞬间电流 instantaneous current demand, or devices are 需求,可以用一个简单的“二极管-电 plugged in or removed from the supply rail 容”电路来防止输出电路受到影响。 while 'hot', a simple diode-capacitor arrangement can prevent the output circuit from being effected. The circuit uses a diode feed to a large 这个电路用一个储能电容(通常是 reservoir capacitor (typically 47μF 47μF的电解电容)并联在转换器的 electrolytic), which provides a short term 输入端,前面再串入一个二极管。储 reserve current source for the converter, the 能电容可以为转换器提供一个短期 diode blocking other circuits from draining 的电流源,这个二极管可以阻隔其它 the capacitor over the supply rail. When 电路耗尽电容的储能。当联合一个 combined with an in-line inductor this can 串联电感,也可以用作一个不错的滤 also be used to give very good filtering. The 波器。电源线路中需要考虑这个二 diode volt drop needs to be considered in the 极管的电位降是否会影响正常供电 power supply line under normal supply 条件。推荐使用低压降的肖特基二 conditions. A low drop Schottky diode is 极管(参见图11)。 recommended (see figure 11). 无负载时过压锁住 No Load Over Voltage Lock-Out 输出电路 图11:输出电压掉电 Figure 11 : Input Voltage Drop-out Unregulated DC-DC converters are expected 非稳压型DC-DC转换器正常工作的 to be under a minimum of 10% load, hence 最小负载为10%,因此低于这个负载 below this load level the output voltage is 时,输出电压是不确定的。在某些电 undefined. In certain circuits this could be a 路中,它会引起一个潜在的问题。 potential problem. The easiest way to ensure the output voltage 确保输出电压保持在指定范围内的 remains within a specified tolerance, is to 最容易的办法是外加电阻,这样一 add external resistors, so that there is always 来,总有一个10%的负荷在装置上 a(参见图12)。因为10%的功率总 minimum 10% loading on the device (see figure 12). This is rather inefficient in that 是消耗在这个负荷上,所以只有 10% of the power is always being taken by 90%的功率能被用在其它的电路 this load, hence only 90% is available to the 上。 additional circuitry. Zener diodes on the output are another 稳压二极管接在输出端是另一个简 simple method. It is recommended that these 单的方法。最好同时使用串联电阻 be used with a series resistor or inductor, as 或电感以防止稳压二极管工作时巨 when the Zener action occurs, a large 大的浪涌电流可能引起的信号噪声 current surge may induce signal noise into 耦合到系统里。 the system. 图12:无负载过压上锁 Figure 12: No Load over Voltage Lock-Out 236 2008 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 Long Distance Supply Lines 远距离供电线路 When the supply is transmitted via a cable, 当电源通过一根电缆传输时,有一 there are several reasons why using an 系列的理由说明为什么选用隔离型 iso-lated DC-DC converter is good design DC-DC转换器是一个良好的设计习 prac-tice (see figure 13). The noise pick up 惯(参见图13)。电缆的传输噪声 and EMC susceptibility of a cable is high 和EMC电磁兼容性参数比PCB线路 compared to a pcb track. By isolating the 要高。用DC-DC转换器隔离这个电 cable via a DC-DC converter at either end, 缆的两端,电缆传输时出现的噪声 any cable pick-up will appear as common 会以共模噪声模式出现,将被DCmode noise and should be self-cancelling at DC转换器自我消除。 the converters. Another reason is to reduce the cable loss by 另外一个原因是可以使用高压低电 using a high voltage, low current power 流传输方式来减低电缆的线损耗, transfer through the cable and reconverting 然后在电缆的终端再通过DC-DC转 at the terminating circuit. This will also 换器恢复原来的电压。这样也会减 reduce noise and EMC susceptibility, since 少噪音和电磁兼容性问题。 the noise voltage required to affect the rail is also raised. For example, compare a system having a 5V 例如,在一个系统中用5V电源供电 supply and requiring a 5V, 500mW output at 和远端电路需要5V,500mW的输 a出,假设连接电缆有100 remote circuit. Assume the Ohm的 connecting cable has a 100 Ohm resistance. Using an 电阻,选用一个RO-0505在电缆传 RO-0505 to convert the power at either end 输电路的两端来转换功率。如果电 of the cable, with a 100mA current, the cable 流是100mA,电缆的线损耗将高达 will lose 1W (I2R) of power. The RO would not 1W(I2R)的功率。RO将不合适选 be suitable, since this is its total power deli用,因为这已是它的全部功率;因 very; hence there is no power available for 此在终端电路上将无法输出功率。 the terminating circuit. Using a RB-0512D to 假如使用一个RB-0512D来产生一个 generate 24V and a RA-2405D to regene24V电压和用RA-2405D来产生一个 rate 5V, only a 21 mA supply is required 5V电压,那么电缆传输的电流将仅 through the cable, a cable loss of 44mW. 仅需要21mA,电缆的线损耗只有 44mW。 LCD显示器中的偏置 LCD Display Bias A LCD display typically requires a positive or 一个液晶显示器通常需要一个正的 negative 24V supply to bias the crystal. The 或负的24V电压供应来偏置晶体。 RO-0524S converter was designed RO-0524S(或客户定制)转换器是 specifically for this application. Having an 专门设计来符合这个应用的。有一 isolated OV output, this device can be 个隔离的0V输出,转换器能通过连 configured as a +24V supply by connecting 接0V到LCD的GND输入端来提供一 this to the GND input, or a –24V supply by 个+24V的电压,或者通过连接正输 connecting the +Vo output to GND (see 出端到LCD的GND来提供一个-24V figure 14). 的电压(参见图14)。 RB-0512D DC Vin GND DC Target Circuit 目标电路 DC 图13:远距离电力传输 Figure 13: Long Distance Power Transfer Preand Post Regulation 预先和滞后调压 The usefulness of many DC-DC converters 通过增强预先或滞后的调压可以使 can be enhanced by pre- or post-regulation. 许多DC-DC转换器变得更有用。 The usual input voltage range of a DC-DC 一个DC-DC转换器通常的输入电压 converter is either fixed, 2:1 or 4:1 范围是固定的,2:1或者4:1,具 depending on the converter technology used 体要取决于仪器内部使用的转换技 inside the device. Switching regulators have 术。开关稳压器具有典型的宽输入 typically a much wider input voltage range 电压范围,高达8:1,但是其不具 up to 8:1, but do not have the advantage of 有DC-DC转换器电流隔离的优势。 the DC-DC converter’s galvanic isolation. By 综合上述两项技术,利用一个开关 combining the two techniques and using a 型三端稳压器作为预先稳压器,既 switching regulator as a pre-regulator, an 可以得到特别宽的输入电压范围, ultra-wide range, isolated DC-DC converter 同时又提供了隔离DC-DC转换器 supply can be built (see Figure 15a) (参见图15a)。 Post regulation is useful to combine the 滞后调压的优势在于它可以将线性 advantages of a linear regulator’s low noise 稳压器的低噪声输出和DC-DC转换 output with the ability of a DC-DC converter 器低输入启动电压合并起来,以达 to boost a lower input voltage to a higher 到更高的输出电压。 output voltage. Vcc = 5V Vcc = 9~72VDC R-78HB05-0.5 REC2.2-0505SR/H1 DC DC DC 图15a:预先调压实例图 Figure 15a: Pre-Regulation Example Display (up to 42mA) (达到42mA) +10V +Vo -Vo 7809 LDO +9V 低噪声 Low Noise Regulated 调压的 9V Output 9V输出 (Optional Link) (可选择的连接) 图15b:滞后调压的实例图 Figure 15b: Post-Regulation 0V Example +Vo 0V Isolated 隔离 Vout GND RAA-0505D DC GND 液晶 Liquid 显示 Crystal -24V DC DC RO-0524S DC RO-2405 Cable 线缆 In this example, a low cost RAA unregulated 在本例中,使用了价格便宜的RAA converter is used to boost a 5V supply up to 非稳压变流器,以启动5V供电到达 10V so that a low drop out linear regulator 10V,因此,低压降线性稳压器能够产 can produce a low noise, regulated 9V 生一个稳定的9V输出,并且噪声很 output. 低。 EIA-232 Interface EIA-232接口 In a mains powered PC often several supply 交流电供电的PC通常提供几种电压 rails are available to power a RS232 供应来驱动RS232接口。但是,电池 interface. However, battery operated PC’s or 驱动的PC或遥控设备后来才添加 remote equipment having a RS232 RS232接口,或作为选择项目,可能 interface added later, or as an option, may 不提供电源接口来驱动RS232接 not have the supply rails to power a RS232 口。使用一个RB-0512S是简单的单 inter face. Using a RB-0512S is a simple 芯片解决方案,从一个单一5V电源 sing le chip solution, allowing a fully EIA-232 接口和两个附加元器件就可以支持 compatible interface to be implemented 与EIA232完全兼容的接口(参见图 from a single 5V supply rail, and only 2 16a)。 additional components (see figure 16a). 图14:LCD显示器中的偏置 Figure 14: LCD Display Bias 2008 237 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 3V/5V逻辑电压混合供电模型 3V/5V Logic Mixed Supply Rails +12V EIA-232接口 EIA-232 Port VCC 5V VDD DCD RB-0512D DSR DB9S Connector DB9S 连接器 +VO RX DC OV RTS TX -VO CTS DC DTR GND RI SN75C185 图16a:优化的RS232接口 Figure 16a: Optimised RS232 Interface 3.3VCC RL-3.305 3 1 8 DC DC +5V 7 OV GND GND VCC 1µF 1 3.3V 2 3 + 100nF -V +V 28 26 + 220nF 逻辑电平 3.3V Logic 200nF 4 27 TX1 14 25 5 TX1 RX1 24 6 RX1 RS232 There has been a lot of attention given to new 很多人都注意到新的I.C.和逻辑功能 l.C.'s and logic functions operating at what 操作已经快速地使用由笔记本电脑和 is rapidly emerging as the standard supply 掌上电脑提供的标准化的电压供应。 level for notebook and palmtop computers. The 3.3V supply is also gaining rapid 3.3V电压供应也迅速成为个人通讯 acceptance as the defacto standard for 设备的电压标准,但是,不是所有 personal telecommunications, however, not all 的电路功能都需要3.3V的功率IC。 circuit functions required are currently 因此系统的设计者会事先有两个方 available in a 3.3V powered IC. The system 案可以选择:使用标准5V逻辑芯片 designer therefore has previously had only 或等待3V的部件出现,如果不这样 two options available; use standard 5V logic 做的话,可能的结果是丢失市场份 or wait until the required parts are available 额。 in a 3V form, neither being entirely satisfactory and the latter possibly resulting 现在有另外一个选择,运行混合电 in lost market share. 压的逻辑功能电路采用各自独立的 There is now another option, mixed logic 电压供应。一个单一的3.3V电源电 functions running from separate supply rails. 压能用一个Recom的DC-DC转换器 A single 3.3V line can be combined with a 组合起来产生各种不同类型的电压 range of DC-DC converters from Recom, to 为任何标准的逻辑芯片或接口IC供 generate voltage levels to run virtually any 电。 standard logic or interface IC. The Recom range includes dual output parts Recom包括双输出系列可以供应给 for powering analogue bipolar and amplifier 模拟双极性二极管和功放功能 functions (RA/RB series), as well a single (RA/RB系列),就如一个单输出 output function for localised logic functions 系列给逻辑电路供电(RL/RM, (RL/RM, RN/RO series). A typical example RN/RO系列)。一个典型的例子是 might be a RS232 interface circuit in a 膝上型电脑里的RS232接口线路,使 laptop PC using a 3.3V interface 用一个 3.3V的接口芯片(如chip (such as the LT1330), which accepts 3.3V logic LT1330),这个芯片接受3.3V的逻 signals but requires a 5V supply (see figure 辑信号,但是需要5V供应(参见图 16b). Recom has another variation on this 16b)。Recom在这一点上有一个变 theme and has developed two 5V to 3.3V 化,已经开发出两个5V降低到3.3V step down DC-DC converters (RL-053.3 and 的DC-DC转换器(如RL-053.3和 R0-053.3). These have been designed to RO-053.3)。这两款设计能够让现 allow existing systems to start 有的系统马上就能使用3.3V的IC, incorporating available 3.3V l.C.'s without 而不需要重新设计电源电路。 having to redesign their power supply. This is particularly important when trying to 在试图降低一个系统需要的总功率 reduce the overall power demand of a 又无法用3.3V满足所有的功能时, system, but not having available all of the 这一点尤其重要。 functions at the 3.3V supply. The main application for this range of 这个装置的主要应用是系统设计, de-vices are system designers, who want to 它想去提供一些功能就需要一个比 provide some functionality that requires a 可用的供电电源还高的电压,或者 higher voltage than is available from the 是一个单一局部的功能。用全隔离 supply rail, or for a single localised function. 的电源在接口功能和模拟与数字部 Using a fully isolated supply is particularly 分接地是非常有用的。 useful in interface functions and systems maintaining separate analogue and digital ground lines. 17 LT1330 GND 图16b:3V逻辑电平的RS232接口 Figure 16b: RS232 Interface with 3V Logic 238 2008 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 隔离的数据采集系统 Isolated Data Acquisition System Any active system requiring isolation will need a DC-DC converter to provide the power transfer for the isolated circuit. In a data acquisition 在数据采集电路中如果需要隔离主动系统那么必须要一个DC-DC转换器去提供隔离电路的电源供给。例如在图17的数 circuit there is also the need for low noise on the supply line; hence good filtering is required. The circuit shown (see figure 17) provides a very 据采集电路中,DC-DC转换器提供低噪声的供电线路,当然良好的滤波也是必须的。这个电路中用RH系列转换器提 high voltage isolation barrier by using an RH converter to provide the power isolation and opto isolators for the data isolation. An overall 供一个非常高的隔离屏障。高效的电功率隔离和用于数据隔离的光电隔离器,组成了一个2.5kV的全面的系统隔离。 system isolation of 2.5kV is achieved. 考虑EMC(电磁兼容性)问题 EMC Considerations: When used for isolating a local power supply and incorporating the appropriate filter circuits as illustrated in Fig. 17), DC-DC converters can present simple elegant solutions to many EMC power supply problems. The range of fixed frequency DC-DC conver在图17中所描述的数据采集电路中的电源供给方案中,使用DC-DC转换器是众多解决方案中电磁兼容性问题的 ters is particularly suitable for use in EMC problem situations, as the stable fixed switching frequency gives easily characterised and easily fil简单而优越的解决方案。固定频率范围的DC-DC转换器特别适合解决电磁兼容性的问题,因为稳定开关频率范 tered output. The following notes give suggestions to avoid common EMC problems in power supply circuits. 围很容易滤波。下列的几点可以有效地避免电源电路产生常见的电磁兼容性问题。 5V 光隔离器 Opto Isolators 4K7 Data RH-0505 1K2 5V Data 5V Logic Circuit 5V 逻辑 电路 4K7 5V CS 1K2 4K7 Status +5V Vref ZN509 Status CLK AIN DC DC 1K2 +5V 1µF 470vF GND 4K7 1K2 CLK VCC +5V 1K2 CS 47µH +5V SFH610 图17:隔离系列ADC系统 Figure 17: Isolated Serial ADC 考虑电源输入端的问题 Power Supply Considerations System 消除电源输入端的环路(参见图18)。 ● Eliminate loops in supply lines (see figure 18). ● Decouple supply lines at local boundaries (use LC filters with VCC PSU CCT1 CCT2 8 GND VCC CCT1 PSU CCT2 3 GND 图18:消除电源输入端的环路 Figure 18: Eliminate Loops in 图19:输入端解耦电路的局部 Figure 19: Decouple Supply Interpretation of DC-DC Converter EMC Data DC-DC转换器的EMC数据的解释 Supply Line Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electrical and electronic 电气和电子产品的电磁兼容性(EMC)是一种电磁污染 products is a measure of electrical pollution. Throughout the world 的指标。全球对于终端设备的EMC问题正在越来越 there are increasing statutory and regulatory requirements to 多地制定一系列法律和规范来监管。在欧洲,按照欧 demonstrate the EMC of end products. In Europe the EC directive 共体的指示,89/336/EEC要求所有1996年1月1日以后 89/336/EEC requires that any product sold after 1 January 1996 生产的产品都要过EMC标准,否则如果没有EEC印的 complies with a series of EMC limits, otherwise the product will be 产品不准销售,一旦发现有违禁者,消费者可以举报,要 prohibited from sale within the EEC and the seller could be 求对其进行罚款。 prosecuted and fined. Although DC-DC converters are generally exempt from EMC 虽然DC-DC电源模块通常可以不需要通过这个EMC restrictions on the grounds that they are components, it is the 标准,因为它只是元件,而不是终端产品,但是 belief of Recom that information on the EMC of these components Recom设计者的信念是电源模块通过这些标准可以帮 can help designers plan ahead so that their end products can meet 助终端产品通过这个EMC标准。任何时候都应该牢 the relevant statutory EMC requirements. It must be remembered 记,DC-DC电源模块是供电通路中的最后一级,电路设 however, that a DC-DC converter is unlikely to be the only 计者需要考虑这一级对他们系统的EMC的影响。 com-ponent in the power supply chain, hence the information quoted needs interpretation by the circuit designer to determine its impact on the final EMC performance of their system. Lines at Local Boundaries low 输入端的解耦电路(使用低Q值的RCL滤波器,参见图19)。 Q, see figure 19). ● Place high speed sections close to the power line input, slow 将高频部分靠近供电电源的输入端,低频部分则放置 speed sections furthest away (reduces power plane transients, 在最远端(减少电源层上的瞬态电压,参见图20)。 see figure 20). ● Isolate individual systems where possible (especially analogue 尽可能地将每个单独的系统隔离开(尤其是在模拟 and digital systems) on both power supply and signal lines (see 和数字电路都有的系统中),每个系统的电源线和 figure 21). 信号线都应该分开(参见图21)。 一个隔离的DC-DC电源模块可以大大降低传导辐射 An isolated DC-DC converter can provide a significant benefit to 和电磁辐射。因为它将系统输入的电源和地与输出端 help reduce susceptibility and conducted emission due to the 的设备的电源和地都隔离开了。 isolation of both power rail and ground from the system supply. Recom所有范围的DC-DC电源模块都是用环形变压 Recom primarily uses toroidal transformers in our DC-DC 器,它可以减少EMI辐射(它与Recom converters and as such they have negligibleEMC设计向导手 radiated EMI, but all 册所建议如何PCB布线是一致的)。隔离的DC-DC电 DC-DC converters are switching devices and as such will have a 源模块是开关电源,并且有一个固定的开关频率,它需 characteristic switching frequency, which may need some 要外加滤波器。 additional filtering. 2008 239 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 Local 本地 PSU P 滤波 S 器 Power Input 电源输入 Hence, the EC directive covers the frequency 所以EC指标覆盖频率范围从 spectrum 150kHz to 1GHz, but as two 150kHZ到1GHz,但是分为两种的 separate and distinct modes of transmission. 传播模式。Recom的DC-DC转换器 使用环形变压器。它们经过测试证 The Recom range of DC-DC converters 明只会产生可忽略不计的放射性辐 feature toroidal transformers. These have 射。较低的放射性辐射主要是因为 been tested and proved to have negligible 使用了环形磁芯,从而保证磁通在 radiated noise. The low radiated noise is 磁芯中通过。所以在设计上没有磁 primarily due to toroidal shaped transformers 通量被放射出去。因为只有非常低 maintaining the magnetic flux within the core, 的放射性辐射,所以只需要考虑传 hence no magnetic flux is radiated by design. 导性辐射。 Due to the exceptionally low value of radiated emission, only conducted emissions are quoted. Conducted emissions are measured on the 传导性辐射在直流输入端测量。不 input DC supply line. Unfortunately no 幸的是,对于直流电压供电的装置 standards exist for DC supplies, as most 并没有标准,因为大部分的标准覆 standards cover mains connected 盖主电源(交流电)连接的设备。 equipment. This poses two problems for a DC 这会对直流电压供应得装置引起两 supplied device, firstly no standard limit s can 个问题,首先,由于直流供电的装 be directly applied, since the DC supplied 置不直接到主交流电源,所以没有 device does not directly connect to the 直接标准参考值,所有的参考地以 mains, also all reference material uses the 接地层作为基准。在直流电的系统 earth-ground plane as reference point. In 中,0V常被用作基准,但是,对于a DC system often the OV is the reference, EMC用途而言,用大地作为基准会 however, for EMC purposes, it is probably 更有效,因为通常外壳或屏蔽都是 more effective to maintain the earth as the 接大地的。而且,所有测量的基准 reference, since this is likely to be the 也是以大地的电势为参考。 reference that the shielding is connected to. Consequently all measurements quoted are referenced to the mains borne earth. Low Speed High Speed 高速电路 Circuit Medium Speed 中速电路 Circuit U 低速电路 Circuit DC Circuit 直流电路 Filter 图20:放置高速电路在靠近电源单元的位置 Figure 20: Place High Spead Circuit Close to PSU VCC DC DC CCT1 DC DC CCT2 GND 图21:隔离每个独立的系统 Figure 21 : Isolate Individual Systems Line Impedance Stabilisation 线性阻抗稳定网络(LISN) Network (LISN) 供电模块 终端 It确保所有所测量的噪声是从待测设 is necessary to ensure that any measurement of noise is from the device under test 备(DUT)而不是设备的输入电源 (DUT) and not from the supply to this device. 是非常重要的。在与主线连接的电 In mains connected circuits this is important 路必须有滤波器加在待测设备 and the mains has to be filtered prior to (DUT)的输入端。同样,测试 supply to the DUT. The same approach has DC-DC转换器时,输入端也应加滤 连接到频谱分析仪 been used in the testing of DC-DC 波器以保证主电源(交流输入)的 converters and the DC supply to the 噪声不被测量设备所误检测。 converter was filtered, to ensure that no noise from the PSU as present at the 图22:滤波后的输入电压供给DC-DC转换器 Figure 22: Filtered Supply to DC-DC Converter measuring instrument. A线性阻抗稳定网络(LISN)确保电源供 line impedance stabilisation network (LISN) The notes given here are aimed at helping Conducted and 这里所给出的建议主要是通过阐述 conforming to CISPR 16 specifica-tion is 应的正极和负极和相对于大地的参 the designer interpret the effect the DC-DC 传导性和放射性辐射 测量方法和原理来帮助设计者了解 Radiated Emissions connected to both positive and ne-gative 考电势都符合CISPR 16规范(参见图 converter will have on the EMC of their end DC-DC转换器对于他们的终端产品 supply rails and referenced to mains earth 22)。从正极的电源线测量值与负极 product, by describing the methods and There are basically two types of emissions (see figure 22). The measurements are all 的EMC(电磁兼容性)的指标。虽 的电源线用50 Ohm终止以便与测量 基本上EMC的指标包括两种类型的 rationale for the measurements made. Where covered by the EC directive on EMC: radiated taken from the positive supply rail, with the 然CISPR和EN标准可能已经用于确 辐射,传导性和放射性。传导性辐射 通道的阻抗匹配。 possible CISPR and EN standards have been and conducted. Conducted emissions are negative rail measurement point terminated 定元器件的噪声频谱,但是所有的 是通过导线传播,频率范围150kHz到 used to determine the noise spectra of the those transmitted over wire connecting with 50 Ohm to impedance match the mea标准针对有电源的设备和指标的阐 30MHz。放射性辐射是通过电磁场 components, however, all of the standards circuits together and covers the frequency surement channels. 述用来测试直流供电的装置。 在空气中传播,频率范围30MHz到 reference to mains powered equipment and spectrum 150kHz to 30MHz. Radiated are 1GHz。 interpretation of these specifications is those emissions transmitted via electronecessary to examine DC supplied devices. magnetic waves in air and cover the frequency spectrum 30MHz to 1GHz. 负载 240 2008 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 2 Conducted Emission (dBuV) 100 传 导 发 射 4 1 80 8 6 12 10 3 60 5 7 9 11 13 40 20 0 0 100 300 200 400 500 频率 Frequency (kHz) 图23:单路的线谱 Figure 23: Individual Line Spectra 50 40 Frequency (kHz) 30 20 频 率 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 输入电压 Input Voltage (V) 图24:频率与电压关系图 Figure 24: Frequency Voltage Dependency Conducted Emission (dBuV) 100 传 导 发 射 80 60 Temperature Performance 40 DC-DC转换器的温度特性 of DC-DC Converters 20 0 100kHz 1MHz 10MHz 100MHz 频率 Frequency 图25:V频谱 Figure 25 : V spectra, at twice the fundamental switching 和全波调整频谱的两倍开关频率为 frequency (even line spectra). Quasi-resonant 基波以及它的谐波(偶次波线 converters, such as the Recom range, have 谱)。准谐振式的转换器,如 square wave switching waveforms, this Recom的产品,有方波的开关波 produces lower ripple and a higher efficiency 形,比开关型的转换器产生更低的 than soft switching devices, but has the 纹波和更高的效率,但缺点在于有 drawback of having a relatively large 相对来说更宽范围的频谱。 spectrum of harmonics. The EC regulations for conducted interEC标准的传导性辐射覆盖的频率范 ference covers the bandwidth 150kHz to 围是150kHz到30MHz。对于100kHz 30MHz. Considering a converter with a 开关频率的转换器来说,这会产生 100kHz nominal switching frequency, this 299个单路线谱。 would exhibit 299 individual line spectra. There will also be a variation of absolute 由于制造时的变量,开关频率也有 switching frequency with production 一个变化范围,所以可能会有90Hz variation, hence a part with a 90kHz nominal 的开关频率产生,随之而来的是在 frequency would have an additional 33 lines 30MHz的频宽内附加33个单路的线 over the entire 30MHz bandwidth. Absolute 谱。输入电压的变化也会导致开关 input voltage also produces slight variation of 频率的轻微变化(参见图24)。所 switching frequency (see figure 24). Hence, to 以,为了给出大体的传导性辐射噪 give a general level of conducted noise, we 声的数值,我们决定用100kHz开关 have used a 100kHz resolution bandwidth 频率为基准标准带宽(RBW)来标 (RBW) to examine the spectra in the data 示数据说明书。这个宽范围的RBW sheets. This wide RBW gives a maximum 给出了所有波峰值的最高水平,而 level over all the peaks, rather than the 不是单路的线谱。这样就便于理 individual line spectra. This is easier to read 解,并自然而然地补偿了由于制造 as well as automatically compensating for 和输入电压变化时所造成的开关频 variances in switching frequency due to 率的变化(参加图25)。 production variation or differences in absolute input voltage (see figure 25). The conducted emissions are measured 传导性辐射在满负载的条件下测 under full load conditions in all cases. Under 量。负载越低,辐射水平越低,所 lower loads the emission levels do fall, hence 以满负载时的传导性辐射噪声是最 full load is the worst case condition for con坏的情况。 ducted line noise. Spectrum 屏蔽 Shielding input DC-DC converters have fixed At all times the DUT, LlSN's and all cables Fixed 固定输入电压的DC-DC转换器有固 请确保任何时候待测设备(DUT)、 switching frequency, for example the RC/RD connecting any measurement equipment, 定的频率,例如RC/RD范围的DCLISN和所有的导线与任何测量设 range of converters has a typical switching loads and supply lines are shielded. The DC转换器有典型的开关频率50kHz, 备、负载和电源供应线连接时都是 frequency of 50kHz. This gives a stable and shielding is to prevent possible pick-up on 这样一来,不管负载的情况怎样,它 屏蔽的。屏蔽是用来防止从待测设 predictable noise spectrum regardless of cables and DUT from external EMC sources 都有一个稳定和可预测的噪声频谱。 备(DUT)和导线上检测到外部噪声源 load conditions. (e.g. other equipment close by). The shielding 耦合过来的电磁干扰(如,附近的其它 is设备)。屏蔽是以大地为参考点(参见 referenced to mains earth (see figure 22). If如果我们仔细地检查噪声频谱(参见 we examine the noise spectrum closely 图22)。 (see figure 23) we can see several distinct 图23),我们可以观测到几个明显的 peaks, these arise from the fundamental 波峰值,这些波峰值产生于开关频率 Line Spectra of DC-DC Converters switching frequency and its harmonics DC-DC转换器的线谱 的基波以及它的谐波(奇次波线谱) All DC-DC converters are switching devices, (odd line spectra) and the full rectified 所有的DC-DC转换器是开关装置, hence, will have a frequency spectra. 所以,都会有一个频谱。 2008 The temperature performance of the DC-DC 在本应用指南中所阐述的DC-DC转 converters detailed in this book is always 换器的温度性能总是比数据说明书 better than the quoted operating 列出的工作温度范围好。我们在产 temperature range. The main reason for 品的工作温度范围持保守态度主要 being conservative on the operating 原因是很难详细地确定在温度范围 temperature range is the difficulty of 外的性能参数。 accurately specifying parametric performance outside this temperature range. There are some limiting factors which 有一些物理上的因素限制了温度性 provide physical barriers to performance, 能,如DC-DC转换器内磁芯材料的 such as the Curie temperature of the core 温度性能(Recom所用的磁性材料 material used in the DC-DC converter (the 最低的上限温度是125℃)。用于 lowest Curie temperature material in use at DC-DC转换器的瓷片电容也几乎都 Recom is 125°C). Ceramic capacitors are 是特殊的,因为需要高可靠性和超 used almost exclusively in the DC-DC 长的寿命内的性能,不过,这些电 converters because of their high reliability 容的容值会在温度超过85℃时下降 and extended life properties, however, the (纹波会增加)。 absolute capacity of these can fall when the temperature rises above 85°C (i.e. the ripple will increase) 241 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 If如果这些元器件用手放置,钳住元器 placing these components by hand, handle 件中央没有管脚的部分来放置。钳 the components only by the central body 在管脚上可能导致管脚弯曲或管脚 area where there are no component pins. 平整度受影响。 处于满载条件下 开 关 频 率 Component 元件定位Alignment The components can be aligned by either 元器件可以用光学识别或用镊子调 optical recognition or manual alignment. If 整位置。如果用镊子调整,必须确 using manual alignment it should be 保镊子钳住元器件中央没有管脚的 ensured that the tweezers press on the 部分而不是管脚上。元器件自身是 component body and not on the pins. The 对称的,所以很容易用两种方法的 components themselves are symmetrical 任何一种去调整位置。 along their axis, hence relatively easy to align using either method. 温度 图26:典型的开关频率和温度变化关系曲线图 Figure 26: Typical Switching Frequency vs. Temperature Other considerations are the power 其它考虑的因素包括开关器件的功 dissipation within the active switching 耗,虽然这些器件有很高的温度额 components, although these have a very high 定值。温度超过100℃时,这些器件 temperature rating. Their current carrying 的载送电流的能力下降。 capacity derates as temperature exceeds 100°C. Therefore this allows the DC-DC converters 因此,这容许DC-DC转换器可以使 to be used above their specified operating 用于额定工作温度范围外,只要符 temperature, providing the derating of power 合在产品性能书中给定的降功率使 delivery given in the specification is adhered 用参数。元器件使用在额定工作温 to. Components operating outside the quoted 度范围内同样的性能指标。 operating temperature range cannot be expected to exhibit the same parametric performance that is quoted in the specification. An indication of the stability of a device can 装置的稳定度的指数可以从温度变 be obtained from the change in its operating 化下的工作频率的变化上观测到(参 frequency, as the temperature is varied (see 见图26)。典型的频率随温度变化值 figure 26). A typical value for the frequency 是0.5%每℃,这是一个相对其它商业 variation with temperature is 0.5% per °C, a 级产品而言很低的变化率。因为频 very low value compared to other commercial 率在整个负载和温度范围内都十分 parts. This illustrates the ease of filtering of 稳定,所以Recom的DC-DC转换器很 Recom DC-DC converters, since the 容易滤波。 frequency is so stable across load and temperature ranges. Component Materials 元件材料 Recom converters are manufactured in RecomSMD SMD(表面贴装)的DC-DC a转换器的生产方法与传统的过孔型的 slightly different way than the through-hole converters. Instead of potting the PCB board 转换器略有不同。我们采用外壳采用 inside a plastic case with conventional epoxy 热传导性非常好的热固树脂塑料而不 the whole package is molded around the PCB 是传统的塑料外壳灌胶的方式。 board with epoxy molding compound plastic. This ensures better thermal conductivity from 这样可以确保给予热源器件,如半导 the heat generating components like semi体、变压器等从内部到表面具有良 conductors, transformer, etc. inside to the 好的热传导性。同时可以确保无铅 surface from where it can dissipate via 焊锡的回流焊,符合ROHS规则所需 convection. This makes them ideal for reflow 的越来越高的温度曲线。 processes also under the stricter conditions of lead-free soldering temperatures that meet the requirements of the ROHS regulation. All materials used in RECOM lead-free 所有Recom无铅系列产品的材料都 products are ROHS compliant, thus the total 符合ROHS的要求,所有相关的有害 amount of the restricted materials (lead, 物质(铅、汞、镉、六价铬、PBB和 mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, PBDE)的含量都低于限额。我们可 PBBs and PBDEs) are below the prescribed 以提供详细的化学分析报告。 limits. Detailed chemical analysis reports are available. Solder Pad Design 焊盘设计 The Recom SMD DC-DC converters are Recom SMD(表面贴装)的DCdesigned on a pin pitch of 2,54mm (0.1") DC转换器产品是根据管脚间距是 with 1,20mm pad widths and 1,80mm pad 2.54mm(0.1"),管脚垫宽 lengths. 1.2mm,长1.8mm设计的。 12.00 8 5 1 2 4 1.20 顶层视图 Top View 1.80 This allows pads from oneCAD上可兼用 part to be used 这样,管脚垫在PCB within a PCB CAD package for forming the 于其它的SMD产品。这些管脚垫比 pad layouts for other SMD converters. These 很多标准的SOIC管脚垫尺寸 pads are wider than many standard SOIC pad (0.64mm)更宽,所以PCB CAD sizes (0.64mm) and CAD packages may not 软件所提供的标准SOIC管脚垫图形 accommodate these pins with a standard 可能无法适用。需要强调的是,这 SOIC pad pattern. It should be remembered 些元器件是电源装置,需要这样宽 that these components are power supply 的管脚垫和更厚的管脚以减少内部 devices and as such need wider pads and 连接的线性损耗。 thicker component leads to minimise resistive losses within the interconnects. Component 元件放置Placement Transfer Moulded 表面贴装的DC-DC转 (SMD) DC-DC Converters 换器 Production Guideline Application Note 生产时安装的注意事项 The introduction by Recom of a new and Recom新的创新方法将传统的模块 innovative method of encapsulating hybrid 式混模电路的DC-DC转换器转换为 DC-DC converters in a transfer moulded (TM) 固模(TM)热固树脂塑料封装,从 epoxy molding compound plastic has enab而一系列的新型表面贴装(SMD) led a new range of surface mount (SMD) DC的DC-DC转换器供应市场,即所谓 DC converters to be brought to market, which 的SOIC式元器件安装方式。 addresses the component placement with SOIC style handling. With any new component there are of course 理所当然,采用新型元器件就需要 new lessons to be learned with the 不同的装配技术。虽然未必是全新 moun-ting technology. With the Recom SMD 的技术,但是新系列的SMD的DCDC-DC converters, the lessons are not new DC转换器在某些应用中可能需要不 as such, but may require different production 同的生产装配技术。 techniques in certain applications. 242 Recom DC-DC converters are designed RecomSMD SMD(表面贴装)的DC-DC to be handled by placement machines in a 转换器产品是根据类似SOIC封装标 similar way to standard SOIC packages. The 准由自动化放置机装配方式来设计 parts are available either in tubes (sticks) or 的。产品可以用管式封装或卷式封 in reels. The parts can therefore be placed 装。所以这些产品可以用机器装 using machines with either vibrational 配,无论是振动型滑梭、重力进料 shuttle, gravity feeders, or reel feeders.The 器、还是卷式进料器。拿放元器件 vacuum nozzle for picking and placing the 的真空型吸嘴可以用于标准14管脚 components can be the same as used for a 或18管脚SOIC封装(通常直径5毫 standard 14 pin or 18 pin SOIC (typically a 米的吸嘴)。因为混模电路比标准 5mm diameter nozzle). An increase in SOIC封装更重,所以增加真空压力 vacuum pressure may be beneficial, due to 会很有帮助(通常,标准14管脚 the heavier weight of the hybrid compared to SOIC封装的元器件重0.1克,Recom aSMD(表面贴装型)的DC-DC转换 standard SOIC part (a typical 14 pin SOIC weighs 0.1g, the Recom SMD DC-DC 器重1.5~ 2.7克)。如果有疑问,请 converter weighs 1.5 ~ 2,7g). It is advisable 咨询你的焊接机的供应商以选择合 to consult your machine supplier on the best 适的真空型吸嘴。 choice of vacuum nozzle if in doubt. 2008 Solder Reflow Profile 回流焊接的温度曲线 RECOM's SMD converters are designed to RECOM的SMD产品设计上可以承 withstand a maximum reflow temperature of 受最大的回流焊温度是245℃(最多 245°C (for max. 30seconds) in accordance 30秒),与JEDEC STD-020C一 with JEDEC STD-020C. If multiple reflow 致。如果多次回流焊(如产品经过 profiles are to be used (i.e. the part is to pass 几次回流焊高温炉),我们推荐使 through several reflow ovens), it is 用比JEDEC STD-020C指定的最大值 recommended that lower ramp rates be used 低的温度变化率。连续的热循环曲 than the maximum specified in JEDEC STD线会导致内部材料的疲劳,特别是 020C. Continual thermal cycling to this 在超过5次的热升降循环的情况下。 profile could cause material fatigue, if more than 5 maximum ramp cycles are used. In general these parts will exceed the re-flow 总的来说,这些零件将超过多数IC capability of most IC and passive components 的回流焊能力,而且PCB板上能安装 on a PCB and should prove the most 的无源器件的有限的,必须根据回 thermally insensitive component to the reflow 流条件确定最大数量的非热敏元 conditions. 件。 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 推荐的SMD(表面贴装)的无铅回流焊温度曲线图 Lead-free Recommended Soldering Profile (SMD parts) 300 10-30s min. 300s Temperature (°C) 250 温 度 (245°C) 200 150 Pre - Heat 预热 100 50 50 100 200 150 250 300 350 400 450 500 Time (seconds) 时间 推荐的(过孔封装)无铅回流焊温度曲线图 Lead-free Recommended Soldering Profile (Through hole parts) 贴装放置 Adhesive Placement Double Wave 双波 340 320 300 3 - 5 seconds Temperature (°C) 280 260 240 温 度 220 人为冷却 Forced Cooling 60°C/s Min. 100°C ~ 150°C Max. 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 自然冷却 Natural Cooling 进入波形 Enter Wave Pre - Heat 预热 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (seconds) 时间 90 100 110 120 注:1. Notes: 回流曲线温度值是根据铅的温度测出来的。 1. The wave solder profile is measured on lead temperature. 2. 需要将回流器件的内部温度保持在大约210℃以下 2. Need to keep the solder parts internal temperature less than about 210°C prior to reflow. The adhesive prevents the 剂可以防止SMD表面贴装器件被波 SMD parts being 'washed off' in a wave 峰焊洗掉或在回流焊过程中被震 The following 2 graphs show the typical solder, and being 'vibrated off' due to 上面两个图形显示推荐的SMD(表面 掉。 recommended solder reflow profiles for SMD handling on a double sided SMD board. 贴装)的回流焊温度曲线图和过孔封 and through-hole ROHS compliant 装的符合ROHS规定的焊接温度曲线 As mentioned previously, the Recom range 如前所述,Recom的SMD系列DCconverters. 图。 of SMD DC-DC converters are heavier than DC转换器比标准的SOIC器件重一 The exact values of the profile’s peak and it’s standard 每一个DC-DC转换器的数据说明书 SOIC devices. The heavier weight is 些。多出来的重量是由于尺寸和内 maximum allowed duration is also given in a部电路的结构。如果只用普通的贴 都给出了回流焊温度曲线波峰的实 due to their size (volume) and internal the datasheet of each converter. 际值和最大允许持续期。 hybrid construction. Consequently the parts 装方法,元器件在焊接处和管脚上 place a larger than usual stress on their 会面对比平常更大的压力。在元器 solder joints and leads if these are the only 件身体和PCB间使用粘合剂会大大 Adhesive Requirements 贴装要求 method of attachment. Using an adhesive 降低这种压力。如果客户的系统需 If如果SMD(表面贴装)的器件需要 SM surface mount components are going between component body and PCB can 要经过冲击和振动测试,使用粘合 to be wave soldered (i.e. in a mixed through 波峰焊(如混合过孔和表面贴装 reduce this stress considerably. If the final hole and SMD PCB) or are to be mounted on PCB)或贴装在PCB的两面,有可能 system is to be subjected to shock and both sides of a PCB, then it is necessary to 需要粘合剂焊接前去固定它们。粘合 vibration testing, then using adhesive use an adhesive to fix them to the board Recommended Solder Reflow Profile: 推荐的回流焊接的温度曲线 剂对于确保我们的产品通过这些环 attachment is essential to ensure the parts 境压力测试是至关重要的。 pass these environmental tests. The Recom SMD DC-DC converters all have Recom的SMD系列DC-DC转换器有 a足够的空间在元器件底下放置粘合 stand-off beneath the component for the application of adhesive to be placed, without 剂而不会妨碍元器件的定位。 interfering with the siting of the component. The method of adhesive dispensing and 粘合剂的挥发和固化方法,加上环 curing, plus requirements for environmental 境压力测试的要求和客户端更换服 test and in-service replacement will 务的要求取决于粘合剂的选用而不 determine suitability of adhesives rather than 是器件本身。不过,根据粘合剂化 the component itself. However, having a 学工业的推荐,具有热固性塑料身 thermoset plastic body, thermoset epoxy 体最好用热固性树脂型粘合剂在 adhesive bonding between board and PCB板和元器件之间。 component is the recommended adhesive chemistry. If如果回流焊过程也用来作为粘合剂 the reflow stage is also to be used as a cure for a heat cure adhesive, then the 固化期,那么元器件可能在拿起和 component is likely to undergo high 放置的过程中经历很高的水平加速 horizontal acceleration and deceleration 和减速。粘合剂必须在未固化前有 during the pick and place operation. The 足够的强度,这样才能保持元器件 adhesive must be sufficiently strong in its 被准确地放置在预定的位置上。 uncured (green) state, in order to keep the component accurately placed. 2008 The parts are fully compatible with the 3 我们的产品完全符合粘合剂分配的 main methods of adhesive dispensing; pin 三种方法:管脚转移、印刷和分配。 transfer, printing and dispensing. The method 放置粘合剂的方法取决于生产线的 of placing adhesive will depend on the 程序和放置粘合剂的原因。例如, available processes in the production line 元件使用于混合过孔器件和表面贴 and the reason for using adhesive attach装的线路板上,粘合剂用来固定并 ment. For example, if the part is on a mixed 且必须在回流焊程序前固化。如果 though-hole and SMD board, adhesive will 只用于表面贴装的线路板上,粘合 have to be placed and cured prior to reflow. 剂热固化可能可以与回流焊程序同 If using a SMD only board and heat cure 时进行。如果粘合剂用于防止冲击 adhesive, the reflow may be used as the cure 和振动测试,但只有一种保形涂料,这 stage. If requiring adhesive for shock and 样可以避免不同的粘合剂分离,而 vibration, but using a conformal coat, then it 且涂层可以提高器件本身的机械强 may be possible to avoid a separate 度。 adhesive alltogether, and the coating alone provides the mechanical restraint on the component body. Patterns for dispensing or printing adhesive 粘合剂分配或印刷的图案会提供给 are given for automatic lines. If dispensing 自动化生产线。如果在根据图案放 manually after placement the patterns for UV 置后用UV(紫外线)固化前用手工调 cure are easily repeated using a manual 整,手工注射粘合剂会更容易操作 syringe (even if using heat cure adhesive).If (即使是用热固化的粘合剂)。如 dispensing manually, dot height and size are 果用手工注射粘合剂,点滴的高度 not as important, and the ad-hesive should 和大小都不是很重要,粘合剂应该 be applied after the components have been 在回流焊之后放置,最好元件下不 reflowed. When dispensing after reflow, a 放满粘合剂。元器件身体下所呈现 chip underfill formulation adhesive would be 的毛细作用可以提供单一的分配点 the preferred choice. These types 'wick' under 扩展为很好的圆形支持。 the component body and offer a good all round adhesion from a single dispensed dot. The patterns allow for the process spread of 所显示的图案允许粘合剂处理过程 the stand-off on the component, but do not 中散播到元器件支架下,当然,PCB板 account for the thickness of the PCB tracks. 的厚度不在考虑范围内。 243 DC-DC Converter Applications DC-DC转换器应用指南 If thick PCB tracks are to be used, a 如果使用很厚的PCB铜箔,最好在元 grounded copper strip should be laid 器件中央的下端用铜线接地(需要 beneath the centre of the component (care 注意保持隔离屏障的距离)。粘合 should be exercised to maintain isolation 剂不应该阻碍放置元件时管脚与焊 barrier limits). The adhesive should not retard 盘的接触,所以推荐使用低黏滞性 the pins reaching their solder pads during 的粘合剂。 placement of the part, hence low viscosity adhesive is recommended. The height of the adhesive dot, its viscosity 黏胶点的高度,粘滞度和流动性是 and slumping properties are critical. The dot 至关重要的。黏胶点必须有足够的 must be high enough to bridge the gap 高度才能填补PCB板和元器件间的 between board surface and component, but 缝隙,也不可以太低而导致流散或 low enough not to slump and spread, or be 被元器件挤压使焊盘污染。 squeezed by the component, and so contaminate the solder pads. If如果希望用大量小直径的黏胶点, wishing to use a greater number of dots of smaller diameter (common for pin transfer 只要遵循一些简单的原则就可以更 methods), the dot pattern can be changed, 改黏胶点的图案。如果黏胶点的数 by following a few simple guidelines. As the 目加倍,它们的直径应该减半,圆 number of dots is doubled their diameter 心距应至少两倍于印好的直径,但 should be halved and centres should be at 是黏胶点高度应该保持0.4毫米高。 least twice the printed diameter from each 印好的黏胶点应该总是与最近的器 other, but the dot height should remain at 件本体保持至少一个直径的距离。 0.4mm. The printed dot should always be 黏胶点的数目不重要,重要的是粘 positioned by at least its diameter from the 合剂与元器件本体的接合,但推荐 nearest edge of the body to the edge of the 最少两个黏胶点。 dot. The number of dots is not important, provided good contact between adhesive and body can be guaranteed, but a minimum of two dots is recommended. Cleaning 清洗 The thermoset plastic encapsulating Recom表面贴装的DC-DC转换器所 material used for the Recom range of 用的热固性塑料封装材料不是全部 surface mount DC-DC converters is not fully 密封的。就像所有塑料封装的装 hermetically sealed. As with all plastic 置,一些很强的反应媒介在某些环 encapsulated active devices, strongly 境下会损伤材料或内部元件,所以 reactive使用惰性溶剂(如基于酒精或 agents in hostile environments can 推荐 attack 的溶剂)在室温和不活跃空气 the material and the internal parts, 水电 hence cleaning is recommended in inert (如空气或氮气中)进行清洗。 solutions (e.g. alcohol or water based solvents) and at room temperature in an inert atmospheres (e.g. air or nitrogen). A使用去离子水溶液进行清洗是比较 batch or linear aqueous cleaning process would be the preferred method of cleaning 适合的。 using a deionised water solution. time. In standard applications with small 间。在通常标准的应用中,PCB板上 sized components on a pcb, 230°C and 体积较小的元器件最好在230℃和较 shorter dwell times will still deliver good 短的停留时间就可以有很好的焊接 results. After discussions with various 效果。在与多个合同制造商沟通后, contract manufacturers, we recommended 我们推荐预热阶段和冷却阶段的温 that the temperature gradients usedK/s之 during 度上升/下降坡度在0.5 K/s到3 preheat and cooling phases are between 间。 0.5 K/s up to 3 K/s. Other form factors than 8-pin or 10-pin 8-管脚和10-管脚的SMD(表面贴 SMD-packages have not been tested under 装)封装以外的SMD-封装还没在蒸 vapour phase conditions. Please contact 汽回流的焊接的条件下测试过,如 RECOM in this case. 果有需要,请联系RECOM。 Custom DC-DC Converters 定制DC-DC转换器 In addition to the standard ranges shown in 除了本数据说明书所陈列的标准系 this data book, Recom have the capability to 列,RECOM有能力根据客户的特 produce custom DC-DC converters designed to 殊需要定制DC-DC转换器。基本 your specific requirements. In general, the parts 上,产品可以根据RECOM标准产 can be rapidly designed using computer based 品用电脑绘图(CAD)工具快速设 CAD to meet any input or output 计出 tools 所需要不同的输入、输出电 voltage requirements within the ranges of 压配置(如高达48V的输入或输 Recom standard products (i.e. up to 48V at 出)。原型样品可以在很短的时间 either input or output). Prototype samples 内制造出来。 can also be produced in short timescales. Custom parts can be designed to your 不过,我们需要一个最小批量订单 specification, or where the part fits within a 用来应付额外的文件归档、管理成 standard series, the generic series 本。基本上定制低功率 specification can be used. All custom parts (0.25W~2W)的DC-DC转换器需 re-ceive the same stringent testing, 要MOQ(最小批量订单)3000颗, inspection and quality procedures, as 中功率(2W~15W)的DC-DC转换 standard products. However there is a 器需要MOQ(最小批量订单)1000 minimum order quantity as the additional 颗,高功率(大于20W)的DC-DC documentation and administrative tasks 转换器需要MOQ(最小批量订单) must be covered in terms of costs. A 500颗。我们可以根据客户的规格书 general figure for this MOQ can be around 定制DC-DC转换器,或从标准系列 3000pcs of low wattage converters (0,25pcs 中选择,我们有通用系列的规格书 ~ 2W), 1000pcs medium sized wattage 可以被使用。所有定制的DC-DC转 (2W~15W) and 500pcs for higher wattages 换器都会经过同标准产品同样严格 (> 20W).Recom custom parts are used in 的测试和质量检验。RECOM为客 many applications, which are very specific to 户特制的DC-DC转换器广泛地应用 the individual customer, however, some 在各种客户的不同的特殊要求,不 typical examples are: 过,一些典型的例子如下: The use of pure tin coating has caused 使用包裹了纯锡的助焊剂带来的一 considerable customer concern about the 个问题是,使用者不得不考虑锡须 possibility of tin whisker formation. Although 成型的几种可能情况。虽然Recom it is the opinion of Recom that the risks of 的观点是,转换器是由于锡须形状 converter failure due to tin whisker formation 而坏件的风险非常小(实际记录的 are vanishingly small (the only actual 锡须形状而导致的坏件是发生在异 recorded failures due to tin whiskers were in 常环境下,诸如深度空间或者在 exceptional environments such as deep UHV转变的环境下成为电晕放电燃 space or as a contributary factor to corona 爆的促进因素),我们采用了Jedec discharge flashover in a UHV transformer), 在JP002指导手册里面推荐的抑制锡 we have undertaken tin whisker mitigation 须方法。 procedures as recommended by Jedec in their JP002 guidelines. 过孔安装的器件: Through Hole Devices: The pins used in all of our through-hole 我们所有过孔转换器产品均使用硬 converters are made of hard silver-copper 银铜合金的管脚。因此将先前6μm alloy. The pins are then nickel underplated to 厚度的电镀纯锡管脚改成0.5μm的 0.5μm before being pure tin electroplated to 镍底座。这个加厚的再镀层是理性 6μm thickness. This thickness of overplating 生产成本和靠加厚底座削弱锡须成 is a compromise between reasonable 型之间的折中办法。表面故意不做 manufacturing costs and having a thick 成“光亮的”也是抑制锡须成型的 enough coating to impair tin whisker 办法。 formation. The surface is not ‘brightened’, also to mitigate tin whisker formation. Finally the pins areC3101对管脚进行退 annealed according to 最终,根据JIS JIS C3101. This reduces any residual for火操作。这样可以降低锡须可能成 ming stresses, which is one of the other po型的残余力量。 tential causes of tin whisker formation 表面贴装的器件: Surface Mount Devices: The carrier frames used in our SMD conver我们SMD(表面贴装)转换器的板 ters are made from DF42N nickel alloy which 框是DF42N镍合金纯锡底盘的。管 is pure tin plated. The pins are hot dipped in 脚在注塑前用Sn-Ag-Cu焊锡热焊 Sn-Ag-Cu solder just before injection 牢。总的来说,用SnAg4或者 molding. Hot dipping with SnAg4 or SnAgCu SnAgCu热焊可以让锡须自由伸展, is generally an effective mitigation practice 有效地防止其成型。 and considered whisker free. ● ECL Logic driver ECL逻辑驱动器 多节电池配置器 ● Multiple cell battery configurations 电讯设备 ● Telecommunications line equipment Vapour Phase Reflow Soldering 蒸汽式回流焊接 航海设备 ● Marine apparatus Vapour phase soldering is a still upcoming 蒸汽回流焊接仍然是一个很新的焊 soldering practice; therefore there are no 接方式;所以没有标准的温度曲线。 standard temperature profiles available. 原则上,RECOM推荐的无铅的回流 Principally, the Lead-free Soldering Profile 焊温度曲线可以用于蒸汽回流焊 recommended by RECOM can be used for 接。RECOM已经测试了大批量度 vapour phase soldering. RECOM has tested 的8-管脚和10-管脚的SMD(表面贴 large quantities of 8-pin and 10-pin SMD 装)的DC-DC转换器,推荐绝对最 converters and recommends as an absolute 大值是在温度240℃时90秒的停留时 maximum condition 240°C for 90s dwell ● Automotive 汽车电子 electronics 244 抑制锡须 Tin Whisker Mitigation LCD液晶显示器的电源回路 ● LCD display power circuitry ● Board level instrumentation systems 卡式仪器系统 To discuss your custom DC-DC converter 联络RECOM技术支持部或你的本地 requirements, please contact Recom 供应商来讨论您所需要的定制的 technical support desk or your local DC-DC转换器。 distributor. 2008 备忘录 Notes 2008 245 Innoline Application Notes Innoline应用说明 目录 Contents Innoline应用说明 Innoline Application Notes R-78xx-0.5 Series 系列 R-78HBxx-xx Series 系列 ● EMC Considerations 对EMC问题的考虑 R-78Axx-0.5SMD Series 系列 R-62xxP_D Series 系列 ● Soft Start Circuit 软启动电路 Positive-to-Negative Converters 正负转换器 R-78xx-1.0 Series 系列 Pos-to-Neg Circuit Ideas 正负转换电路的设计理念 ● R-78Axx-1.0SMD Series 系列 R-78Bxx-1.0 Series 系列 Introduction 引言 对EMC问题的考虑 EMC Considerations Although all Innoline converters are switching regulators, and contain internal high frequency oscillators, they have been designed to 虽然所有的Innoline转换器均是开关稳压器,内部有高频振荡器,不过我们在设计的时候就已经将放射性辐 minimise radiated and conducted emissions. 射和传导辐射降到最低程度了。 If the end-application is particularly sensitive to conducted interference, the following input filter can be used for all R-78, R-5xxx, R-6xxx 如果终端应用对传导性干扰特别敏感的话,下面图中的输入滤波器可以提供给所有R-78系列、R-5xxx系列、 and R-7xxx converters. R-6xxx系列和R-7xxx系列转换器使用。 Vin 50µH 输入 Input 10µF Vout GND 输出 Output 10µF 50µH 软启动 Soft Start Innoline converters with Vadj pins (R-78Axx-xxSMD, R-5xxx, R-6xxx and R-7xxx families) can be fitted with an external circuit to create a 带有Vadj管脚的Innoline转换器(R-78Axx-xxSMD系列,R-5xxx系列,R-6xxx系列和R-7xxx系列)可以外加一个 soft start output. Any general purpose PNP transistor and diode can be used for TR1 and D1 and typical values for R1 = 100K and 电路来产生软启动输出。任何普通的PNP晶体管和二极管都可以用来装入TR1和D1的位置,典型值为R1=100K、 C1 = 10μF. C1=10μF。 +Vin Vcc +Vout Ctrl GND Vadj 开/关 On/Off R1 D1 TR1 C1 GND 246 2008 Innoline Application Notes Innoline应用说明 Positive 正负转换器to Negative Converters 特点 Features Innoline 开关 Switching 稳压器 Regulators 版本 Rev.0 ● Innoline Switching Regulators can also be used Innoline开关稳压器也可以用来使正电压转变成负 ● ● ● to convert a positive voltage into a negative 电压; voltage The standard parts can be used - only two extra 使用标准零部件——只需要两个额外的电容; capacitors are required Fixed and variable output voltages are available. 输出电压既可以是固定的,也可以是可调的; Input voltage range can be lower than the output 输入电压范围可以比输出电压低或高于输出电压。 voltage for higher output voltages 正负开关稳压器选型指南 Positive-to-Negative Switching Regulators Selection Guide Series 系列 R-78xx-0.5 R-78Axx-0.5SMD 最大 Input Voltages 输入电压 Output Voltages 输出电压 (VDC) 最小值 最大值 min. max. 4.75 – 28, 5.0 – 26, 8.0 – 18 4.75 – 28, 5.0 – 26, 8.0 – 18 (VDC) Case 封装 S SIP3 No 否 Load 220μF S SMD Yes 是 220μF SIP3 No 否 220μF Not recommended to be used in this mode due to the reduced input and output voltage range 由于降低的输入和输出范围,因此在这种情况下不推荐使用 -0.4A/-0.35A 15 – 65, -3.3, -5.0,-6.5 S SIP3 -0.3A/-0.25/-0.2A 15 – 62, 15 – 59, 15 – 56, -9.0, -12, -15 -0.2A 20 – 48 -24 No 否 100μF 是 -1A 9 - 32, 11 - 32, 14 - 32 -1.8, -2.5, -3.3, -5, -9, -12 S SIP12 Yes Not recommended to be used in this mode due to the reduced efficiency and higher Ripple & Noise figures. 由于降低的效率和更高的纹波和噪声数值,因此在这种情况下不推荐使用。 470μF -1.5, -1.8, -2.5, -3.3, -5.0, -6.5, -9.0, -12, -15 -1.5, -1.8, -2.5, -3.3, -5.0, -6.5, -9.0, -12, -15 R-78xx-1.0 Not recommended to be used in this mode due to the reduced input and output voltage range 由于降低的输入和输出范围,因此在这种情况下不推荐使用 R-78Axx-1.0SMD R-78Bxx-1.0 由于降低的输入和输出范围,因此在这种情况下不推荐使用 Not recommended to be used in this mode due to the reduced input and output voltage range R-78Bxx-1.5 R-78HBxx-0.5 -0.6A -0.4A -0.3A 4.75 – 28, 8.0 – 28, 8.0 – 26 8.0 – 18 -1.5, -1.8, -2.5, -3.3, -5.0, -6.5, -9.0, -12, -15 S R-5xxxP/DA Not recommended to be used in this mode due to the reduced input and output voltage range 由于降低的输入和输出范围,因此在这种情况下不推荐使用 R-61xxP/D Not recommended to be used in this mode as R-78B series offer a lower cost alternative 由于选择则R-78B系列成本更低,因此在这种情况下不推荐使用 R-62xxP/D R-7xxxP/D Circuit Ideas 电路设计建议 Adjustable 最大容 Max Vout是否 Vout? Cap. 可调? 性负载 No. of 输出 Outputs 数量 Maximum 输出 Output 电流 Current -0.4A -0.2A -0.4A -0.2A 2008 247 Positive to Negative Converter 正负转换器 INNOLINE 转换器 DC/DC-Converter 0V 0V +Vin 1 R-78xx-0.5 C1和C2要求并且必须安装在 C1 and C2 are required 变流器管脚附近。 and should be fitted close to the converter pins. 3 包括C2在内的最大容性负载 Maximum capacitive load 为220μF 2 including C2 is 220μF C1 C2 -Vout 管脚连接 Pin Connections Negative 负输出 Output 1 +Vin 2 -Vout 3 GND Pin # 管脚号 Positive Output +Vin GND +Vout 正输出 RECOM R-785.0-0.5 **** Pb R-78xx-0.5 系列 Series Positive to 正负转换器 Negative Converter 1 2 3 Selection Guide 选型指南 Part 零件编号 Number SIP3 输入电压范 Input 围(1) Range (1) Output 输出电压 (V) Voltage (V) R-781.5-0.5 4.75 – 28 -1.5 R-781.8-0.5 4.75 – 34 R-782.5-0.5 Efficiency 效率 Output Current (A) 输出电流 最小 Min. Vin External Capacitors 外部电容 C1 C2* 最大 Max. Vin (%) (%) -0.4 68 67 10μF/35V 22μF/6.3V -1.8 -0.4 71 70 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V 4.75 – 34 -2.5 -0.4 75 76 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V R-783.3-0.5 4.75 – 34 -3.3 -0.4 77 80 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V R-785.0-0.5 6.5 – 34 -5.0 -0.4 79 84 10μF/50V 22μF/10V R-786.5-0.5 8.0 – 34 -6.5 -0.3 81 86 10μF/50V 10μF/10V R-789.0-0.5 11 – 34 -9.0 -0.2 87 89 10μF/50V 10μF/16V R-7812-0.5 15 – 34 -12 -0.2 87 90 10μF/50V 10μF/25V R-7815-0.5 18 – 34 -15 -0.2 87 91 10μF/50V 10μF/25V 包括C2在内的最大容性负载为220μF * Maximum capacitive load including C2 is 220μF Application Example (see also Circuit Ideas at end of section) 应用实例(同时参见本章末的“电路设计建议”) +Vin 1 R-78xx-0.5 3 +Vout 额定功率降低图 Derating-Graph (环境温度) (Ambient Temperature) 2 0V 0V 1 R-78xx-0.5 3 Maximum capacitive 最大容性负载 load ±220μF 为±220μF 2 C1 C2 Output Power (%) 120 100 输 出 功 率 80 60 40 20 0 安全工作区 Safe Operating Area -40 0 25 50 Operating Temperature (°C) 工作温度 85 75 100 71 -Vout 248 2008 INNOLINE Positive to Negative Converter 正负转换器 转换器 DC/DC-Converter 0V 0V +Vin 1,2 开/关 On/Off C1 (Referenced to (参考-Vout) -Vout) R-78Axx-0.5SMD 10 4,5 and should be fitted close to the converter pins. R1 6 3,7 8,9 R-78Axx0.5 SMD Positive to 正负转换器 Negative Converter C1和C2要求并且必须安装在 C1 and C2 are required 变流器管脚附近。 C2 包括C2在内的最大容性负载 Maximum capacitive load 为220μF including C2 is 220μF R2 -Vout 管脚连接 Pin Connections Pin # Negative 管脚号 负输出 Output 1,2 +Vin 3,7,8,9 -Vout 4,5 GND 6 -Vout Adj. 10 On/Off 10 9 8 7 6 Positive Output +Vin GND +Vout +Vout Adj. On/Off 正输出 RECOM R-78Axx-0.5SMD xxxx 1 2 3 4 5 Selection Guide 选型指南 Number SIP3 输入电压 Input 范围(1) Range (1) (V) R-78A1.5-0.5SMD 4.75 – 28 -1.5 R-78A1.8-0.5SMD 4.75 – 28 R-78A2.5-0.5SMD Part 零件编号 Output 输出电压 效率 Efficiency Output Current (A) 输出电流 最小 External Capacitors 外部电容 C1 C2 Min. Vin (%) 最大 Max. Vin -0.4 68 67 10μF/35V 22μF/6.3V -1.8 -0.4 71 70 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V 4.75 – 28 -2.5 -0.4 75 76 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V R-78A3.3-0.5SMD 4.75 – 28 -3.3 -0.4 77 80 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V R-78A5.0-0.5SMD 4.75 – 28 -5.0 -0.4 79 84 10μF/50V 22μF/10V R-78A6.5-0.5SMD 5.0 – 26 -6.5 -0.3 81 86 10μF/50V 10μF/10V R-78A9.0-0.5SMD 8.0 – 18 -9.0 -0.2 87 89 10μF/50V 10μF/16V R-78A12-0.5SMD 8.0 – 18 -12 -0.2 87 90 10μF/50V 10μF/25V R-78A15-0.5SMD 8.0 – 18 -15 -0.2 87 91 10μF/50V 10μF/25V Voltage (V) (%) 包括C2在内的最大容性负载为220μF * Maximum capacitive load including C2 is 220μF Application Example (see also Circuit Ideas at end of section) 应用实例(同时参见本章末的“电路设计建议”) 1,2 On/Off 开/关 R-78Axx-0.5SMD 10 3,7 8,9 +Vout 4,5 R1 6 M aximum capacitive 最大容性负载 load ±220μF 为±220μF R2 0V 0V Opto光电 coupler 耦合 1,2 R-78Axx-0.5SMD 10 C1 光电 Opto耦合 coupler 3,7 8,9 6 4,5 R1 (Ambient Temperature) (环境温度) C2 R2 120 100 Output Power (%) +Vin 额定功率降低图 Derating-Graph 80 60 40 输 出 功 20 率 0 Safe Operating Area 安全工作区 -40 0 25 50 Operating Temperature (°C) 工作温度 85 75 100 71 -Vout 2008 249 R-78Axx-0.5 SMD 正负转换器 to Negative Positive INNOLINE 转换器 DC/DC-Converter Table 1: Adjustment Resistor Values 表1:调整电阻值 0.5Adc R-78A1.8 -0.5SMD (额定值) Vout (nom.) (调整值) Vout (adj) -1.5 (V) 1.8Vdc R1 R2 3KΩ R-78A2.5 -0.5SMD R-78A3.3 -0.5SMD R-78A5.0 -0.5SMD R-78A6.5 -0.5SMD R-78A9.0 -0.5SMD R-78A12 -0.5SMD 2.5Vdc 3.3Vdc 5.0Vdc 6.5Vdc 9.0Vdc 12.0Vdc R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 200Ω -1.8 (V) 12KΩ -2.5 (V) 11.8KΩ -3.0 (V) 4.64KΩ 44.2KΩ 88.4KΩ 17KΩ -3.3 (V) 27KΩ 6.7KΩ -3.6 (V) 60.4KΩ 42KΩ 14KΩ -3.9 (V) 28KΩ 58KΩ 23KΩ -4.5 (V) 11.3kΩ 180KΩ 49KΩ 26KΩ 17KΩ -4.9 (V) 7.15kΩ 850KΩ 77kΩ 36KΩ 24KΩ -5.0 (V) 6.34kΩ 86kΩ 39KΩ 26KΩ -5.1 (V) 5.9kΩ 231kΩ 97KΩ 42KΩ 28KΩ -5.5 (V) 3.9kΩ 56.2kΩ 160KΩ 56KΩ 36KΩ 112KΩ 63KΩ 24.6KΩ 400KΩ 125KΩ -9.0 (V) 10.7KΩ 200KΩ -10 (V) 4.75KΩ 54.9KΩ 345KΩ -11 (V) 1.65KΩ 16.5KΩ 740KΩ -6.5 (V) 14kΩ -8.0 (V) 2.32kΩ -12 (V) 3.6KΩ -12.6 (V) 0Ω 180KΩ Typical Application 典型应用 1,2 + R-78A12-0.5SMD 10 Vin=15VDC 3,7 8,9 +Vout 4,5 26k 6 +5V 100k +7.5V 200k +9V +12V - 0V 1,2 10µF R-78A12-0.5SMD 10 3,7 8,9 4,5 22µF 26k 6 -5V 100k -7.5V 200k -9V -12V Dual Rail Selectable Output Voltage Power Supply 双路可选输出电压的供电系统 250 2008 -Vout INNOLINE Positive to Negative Converter 正负转换器 转换器 DC/DC-Converter 0V 0V +Vin 1 R-78Bxx系列 1.0 Series Positive to 正负转换器 Negative Converter C1和C2要求并且必须安装在 C1 and C2 are required 变流器管脚附近。 3 and should be fitted close to the converter pins. R-78Bxx-1.0 包括C2在内的最大容性负载 Maximum capacitive load 为100μF 2 including C2 is 220μF C1 C2 -Vout 管脚连接 Pin Connections Pin # Negative 管脚号 负输出 1 2 3 Output +Vin -Vout GND RECOM R-78B5.0-1.0 **** Positive 正输出 Output +Vin GND +Vout Pb 1 2 3 Selection Guide 选型指南 Part 零件编号 Number SIP3 输入电压 Input 范围(1) Range (1) Output 输出电压 效率 Efficiency Output Current (A) 最小 Min. Vin (%) 最大 Vin Max. (%) 输出电流 External Capacitors 外部电容 C1 C2* (V) Voltage (V) R-78B1.5-1.0 4.75 – 28 -1.5 -0.6 70 68 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V R-78B1.8-1.0 4.75 – 28 -1.8 -0.6 72 72 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V R-78B2.5-1.0 4.75 – 28 -2.5 -0.6 75 77 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V R-78B3.3-1.0 4.75 – 28 -3.3 -0.6 77 80 10μF/50V 22μF/6.3V R-78B5.0-1.0 6.5 – 28 -5.0 -0.6 83 85 10μF/50V 22μF/10V R-78B6.5-1.0 8.0 – 26 -6.5 -0.4 84 87 10μF/50V 10μF/10V R-78B9.0-1.0 8.0 – 18 -9.0 -0.4 88 89 10μF/25V 10μF/25V R-78B12-1.0 8.0 – 18 -12 -0.3 89 90 10μF/25V 10μF/25V R-78B15-1.0 8.0 – 18 -15 -0.3 89 91 10μF/25V 10μF/25V 包括C2在内的最大容性负载为220μF * Maximum capacitive load including C2 is 220μF Application Example (see also Circuit Ideas at end of section) 应用实例(同时参见本章末的“电路设计建议”) 应用实例(同时参见本章末的“电路设计建议”) Derating-Graph 额定功率降低图 (Ambient Temperature) (环境温度) 1 R-78Bxx-1.0 3 +Vout 为±220μF load ±220μF 0V 0V 1 R-78Bxx-1.0 3 2 C1 120 100 最大容性负载 M aximum capacitive 2 Output Power (%) +Vin 输 出 功 率 80 60 40 20 0 Safe Operating Area 安全工作区 -40 0 25 50 Operating Temperature (°C) 工作温度 C2 85 75 100 71 -Vout 2008 251 Positive to Negative Converter 正负转换器 INNOLINE 转换器 DC/DC-Converter 0V 0V +Vin 1 C1和C2要求并且必须安装在 C1 and C2 are required 变流器管脚附近。 R-78HBxx0.5 系列 Series Positive to 正负转换器 Negative Converter and should be fitted close to the converter pins. 3 R-78HBxx-0.5 包括C2在内的最大容性负载 Maximum capacitive load 为100μF including C2 is 100μF 2 C1 C2 -Vout 管脚连接 Pin Connections Pin # Negative 管脚号 负输出 1 2 3 Output +Vin -Vout GND Positive 正输出 RECOM Output +Vin GND +Vout R-78HB5.0-0.5 **** Pb 1 2 3 Selection Guide 选型指南 Part 零件编号 Number SIP3 输入电压 Input 范围(1) Range (1) Output 输出电压 (V) Voltage (V) R-78HB3.3-0.5 15 – 65 -3.3 R-78HB5.0-0.5 15 – 65 R-78HB6.5-0.5 效率 Efficiency Output Current (A) 输出电流 最小 Min. Vin External Capacitors 外部电容 C1 C2* 最大 Max. Vin (%) (%) -0.4 78 75 1μF/100V 22μF/6.3V -5.0 -0.4 82 80 1μF/100V 22μF/10V 15 – 65 -6.5 -0.35 84 82 1μF/100V 22μF/10V R-78HB9.0-0.5 15 – 62 -9.0 -0.3 87 85 1μF/100V 10μF/16V R-78HB12-0.5 15 – 59 -12 -0.25 88 86 1μF/100V 10μF/25V R-78HB15-0.5 15 – 56 -15 -0.2 89 87 1μF/100V 10μF/25V R-78HB15-0.5 15 – 48 -24 -0.2 89 87 1μF/100V 10μF/35V 包括C2在内的最大容性负载为220μF * Maximum capacitive load including C2 is 100μF Application Example (see also Circuit Ideas) 应用实例(同时参见本章末的“电路设计建议”) 额定功率降低图 Derating-Graph (Ambient Temperature) (环境温度) 1 3 +Vout R-78HBxx-0.5 2 0V 0V 1 3 R-78HBxx-0.5 2 C1 120 100 Maximum capacitive 最大容性负载 load ±100μF 为±100μF Output Power (%) +Vin 80 60 40 输 出 功 20 率 0 安全工作区 Safe Operating Area -40 0 25 50 Operating Temperature (°C) 工作温度 C2 85 75 100 71 -Vout 252 2008 INNOLINE Positive to Negative Converter 正负转换器 转换器 DC/DC-Converter 0V R-62xxP/D SIP12 Positive to 正负转换器 Negative Converter 0V +Vin 2,3,4 开/关 On/Off (Referenced (参考-Vout)to -Vout) C1 R-62xxP/D 1 5,6 7,8 12 C1和C2要求并且必须安装在 C1 and C2 are required 变流器管脚附近。 and should be fitted close to the converter pins. 9,10, 11 R1 C2 包括C2在内的最大容性负载 Maximum capacitive load 为100μF including C2 is 220μF R2 -Vout 管脚连接 Pin Connections Pin # 管脚号 2,3,4 5,6,7,8 9,10,11 12 1 Negative Output +Vin -Vout GND -Vout Adj. On/Off 负输出 Positive Output +Vin GND +Vout +Vout Adj. On/Off RECOM R-6212P 正输出 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Selection Guide 选型指南 Part 零件编号 Number SIP3 输入电压 Input 范围(1) Range (1) Output 输出电压 Efficiency 效率 Output Current (A) 输出电流 最小 Min. Vin External Capacitors 外部电容 C1 C2* 最大 Max. Vin (V) Voltage (V) (%) (%) R-621.8P/D 9 – 28 -1.8 (-1.5~-3.6) -1.0 72 65 10μF/50V 100μF/6.3V R-622.5P/D 9 – 28 -2.5 (-1.5~-4.5) -1.0 76 72 10μF/50V 100μF/6.3V R-623.3P/D 9 – 28 -3.3 (-1.8~-6V) -1.0 79 76 10μF/50V 100μF/10V R-625.0P/D 9 – 28 -5.0 (-1.8~-9V) -1.0 81 80 10μF/50V 100μF/10V 包括C2在内的最大容性负载为220μF * Maximum capacitive load including C2 is 220μF Derating 降额应用 内部耗散功率 Internal power dissipation (1W) = Io x Vo x (1-Efficiency) Io = 1(W) / Vo x (1-Efficiency) 实例 Example : R-625.0P at Vin = +9VDC, Vout=-5.0V (参见“选型指南”表) Efficiency = 80% (see ”Selection Guide” table) Io = 1W / 5V x (1-0.8) = -1000mA at Vin = +9VDC, Vout=-8.0V (with trim) (参见“选型指南”表) Efficiency = 80% (see ”Selection Guide” table) Io = 1W / 8V x (1-0.8) = -625mA Ambient Temperature (°C) 最大输出电流计算: Max output current calculation: 环 境 温 度 90 85 80 60 40 20 0 0.5 0.7 1 1.5 内部耗散功率 Internal Power Dissipation (W) 2008 253 R-62xxP_D 正负转换器 to Negative Positive INNOLINE 转换器 DC/DC-Converter Remote On/Off Control Application Example 远程开/关控制应用实例 +Vin 2,3,4 开/关 On/Off 1 R-6xxxP R1 12 5,6 7,8 +Vout 9,10,11 100µF R2 0V 0V Opto光电 coupler 耦合 2,3,4 C1 1 光电 Opto耦合 coupler R-62xxP 9,10, 11 R1 12 5,6 7,8 M aximum capacitive 最大容性负载 为±220μF load ±220μF C2 R2 -Vout Table 1: Adjustment Resistor Values 表1:调整电阻值 -1Adc Vout (额定值) (nominal) (调整值) Vout (adj) 1.5 R-621.8P/D R-622.5P/D R-623.3P/D 1.8VDC 2.5VDC 3.3VDC R1 R2 13.6KΩ R2 R1 R2 5VDC R1 R2 3.3KΩ 1.8 254 R1 R-625.0P/D 8.2KΩ 3.1KΩ 820Ω 15KΩ 5.1KΩ 1.5KΩ 13KΩ 3.6KΩ 51KΩ 7.0KΩ 2.0 10KΩ 2.5 5.1KΩ 3.0 2.5KΩ 10KΩ 3.3 1.7KΩ 5.9KΩ 3.6 1.2KΩ 3.9KΩ 18KΩ 14KΩ 3.9 2.8KΩ 9.1KΩ 20KΩ 4.5 1.6KΩ 3.9KΩ 60KΩ 9.7KΩ 5.0 2.4KΩ 5.1 2.2KΩ 60KΩ 5.5 1.6KΩ 15KΩ 6.0 1.1KΩ 7.2KΩ 7.0 2.8KΩ 8.0 1.5KΩ 2008 正负转换器 to Negative Positive 电路设计建议 Circuit Ideas INNOLINE 转换器 DC/DC-Converter Application 应用实例Examples Negative Voltage Doubler 负倍压器 0V 0V -12V 1 R-78B12-1.0 3 2 10µF/ 25V 10µF/ 25V -24V @ 300mA 12V Battery Stabilisor 12V电池稳压器 电池电压 Vbatt = -Ve 12V 8~18V 1 +Ve 3 R-7812-0.5 2 10µF/ 25V 10µF/ 25V 0V Negative Rail Generator for Asymmetric Rails 非对称的负压生成器 L N 0.1µF RAC1012SB C1 1 R-7805-0.5 47µF/ 16V C2 +12V @ 655mA 0V 3 2 10µF/ 25V C3 C1 转换器 RAC10 AC/DC Converter C4 C3 C4 R-78 27.2mm C2 22µF/ 10V -5V @ -400mA 超精简的低噪声可调和保护 Ultra-compact low noise AC/DC双输出供电模块。 regulated and protected AC/DC dual output supply. 60mm 2008 255 Powerline DC-DC Application Notes Powerline 系列应用说明 目录 Contents Powerline应用说明 Powerline Application Notes Switching Frequency 开关频率 ● Common Mode Chokes for EMC EMC用的共模扼流器 Output Ripple and Noise 输出纹波和噪声 ● Powerline Definitions and Testing Powerline定义和测试 Transient Recovery Time 瞬态恢复时间 ● 欠压锁定 Undervoltage Lockout UVL表 UVL Tables ● Output Voltage Trimming 输出电压修正 Trim Tables 修正表 Introduction 引言 Current 限流 Limiting Input Voltage Range 输入电压范围 Fold Back Current Limiting 向后折返式过流保护 π型滤波器 Pi Filter Isolation 隔离 Heat Sink Dimensions 散热片尺寸 Output Voltage Accuracy 输出电压精度 Break Down Voltage 击穿电压 ——HC变量 -HC Variants Voltage Balance 电压平衡 Temperature Coefficient 温度系数 Line Regulation 线路调整 Ambient Temperature 环境温度 Load Regulation 负载调整 Operating Temperature Range 工作温度范围 Efficiency 效率 Storage Temperature Range 存储温度范围 ● Powerline Heat Sinks Powerline散热片 EMC用的共模扼流器 Common Mode Chokes for EMC RECOM提供用以符合EN-55022,Class B(B级)要求的一系列EMI滤波用的共模扼流器。 Recom offers a range of Common Mode Chokes useful for EMI Filtering to meet the requirements of EN-55022, Class B. The component values given are suggested values and may need to be optimised to suit the application. The effectiveness of 给出的元器件的值是推荐值,可能需要根据具体的应用进行优化。任何滤波器的有效性很大程度上取决于使用 any filter network is heavily dependent on using quality capacitors, the layout of the board and having a low impedance path to 高质量的电容、PCB板的布线和与地线之间的低阻抗回路。详情请参照应用指南中的滤波章节。 ground. See section on filtering elsewhere in the Application Notes for more details. 对EMC滤波器设计的建议 EMC Filter Suggestion C4 输入 Input + + C1 C2 输出 Output 100nF 安装在靠 (fit close 近管脚处 to pins) CMC C3 256 2008 Powerline DC-DC Application Notes Powerline 系列应用说明 元器件的数值 Component Values All capacitors MLCC (Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitor). 所有的电容均为MLCC(多层陶瓷电容)。 RP08-A 不需要 Vin = 12VDC 标称 nom., C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/3kV, CMC-06 不需要 Vin = 24VDC 标称 nom., C1=6.8μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/3kV, CMC-06 标称 Vin = 48VDC nom., C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/3kV, CMC-06 RP08-AW Vin = 9~36VDC, C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/3kV, CMC-06 不需要 Vin = 18~75VDC, C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/3kV, CMC-06 RP10-E RP12-A Vin = 12VDC 标称 nom., C1=3.3μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-06 不需要 Vin = 24VDC 标称 nom., C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-06 不需要 标称 Vin = 48VDC nom., C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-06 RP10-EW RP12-AW 不需要 Vin = 9~36VDC, C1=3.3μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-06 Vin = 18~75VDC, C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-07 RP15-A Vin = 12VDC 标称 nom., C1=10μF/25V, C2=10μF/25V, C3,C4=470pF/2kV, CMC-07 Vin = 24VDC 标称 nom., C1=6.8μF/50V, C2=6.8μF/50V, C3,C4=470pF/2kV, CMC-06 Vin = 48VDC 标称 nom., C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=470pF/2kV, CMC-01 RP15-AW Vin = 9~36VDC, C1=6.8μF/50V, C2=6.8μF/50V, C3,C4=470pF/2kV, CMC-05 Vin = 18~75VDC, C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=470pF/2kV, CMC-06 RP15-F 不需要 Vin = 12VDC 标称 nom., C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-06 Vin = 24VDC 标称 nom., C1=3.3μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-06 不需要 Vin = 48VDC 标称 nom., C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-06 RP15-FW Vin = 9~36VDC, C1=2.2μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 不需要 Vin = 18~75VDC, C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-06 RP20-F Vin = 12/24VDC 标称 nom., C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 不需要 标称 Vin = 48VDC nom., C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 RP20-FW 不需要 Vin = 9~36VDC, C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 Vin = 18~75VDC, C1=2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-06 RP30-E Vin = 24VDC 标称 nom., C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 不需要 Vin = 24VDC 标称 nom., C1=6.8μF/50V, C2=6.8μF/50V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 Vin = 48VDC 标称 nom., C1=2.2μFII2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μFII2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 RP30-EW Vin = 9~36VDC, C1=6.8μF/50V, C2=6.8μF/50V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 Vin = 18~75VDC, C1=2.2μF II 2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF II 2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 Continued on next page 下页继续 2008 257 Powerline DC-DC Application Notes Powerline 系列应用说明 RP40-G Vin = 12VDC 标称 nom., C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=Not Required, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 不需要 Vin = 24VDC 标称 nom., C1=6.8μF/50V, C2=6.8μF/50V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 Vin = 48VDC 标称 nom., C1=2.2μF II 2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF II 2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-08 RP40-GW Vin = 9~36VDC, C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=4.7μF/50V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 Vin = 18~75VDC, C1=2.2μF II 2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF II 2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-08 RP60-G Vin = 24VDC 标称 nom., C1=4.7μF/50V, C2=4.7μF/50V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV, CMC-05 Vin = 48VDC 标称 nom., C1=2.2μF II 2.2μF/100V, C2=2.2μF II 2.2μF/100V, C3,C4=1nF/2kV,CMC-08 推荐的PCB布线图 Recommended PCB Layout C3 C1 4 3 1 2 C2 100 nF CMC C4 258 2008 Powerline DC-DC Application Notes Powerline 系列应用说明 Recommended Footprint Details 共模滤波器封装详细参数 9.5 ± 0.1 4 4 3 3 9.5 ± 0.1 7.62 ± 0.2 2 1 j 0.6 ± 0.1 2 1 2.54 7.8 max. 2.5 min. Top View 顶层视图 2.54 4 11.0 max CMC-01 元件 Component Inductance Rating 额定 DCR 感抗 CMC-01 620μHx2 1.7A 3 4 11.0 max 7.5 ± 0.2 11.0 max 80mOhm 3 11.0 max 7.5 ± 0.2 2 1 7.5 ± 0.2 2 1 j 0.6 ± 0.1 j 0.6 ± 0.1 9.8 max. 2.5 min. CMC-05 7.62 ± 0.2 8.8 max. CMC-06 2.5 min. 7.62 ± 0.2 Component 元件 Inductance Rating 额定 DCR 感抗 Component 元件 Inductance 额定 Rating DCR 感抗 CMC-05 450μHx2 5.2A CMC-06 325μHx2 3.3A 4 25mOhm 11.0 max 3 4 11.0 max 7.5 ± 0.2 11.0 max 2 1 j 0.6 ± 0.1 j 0.6 ± 0.1 8.8 max. CMC-07 3 7.5 ± 0.2 2 1 11.0 max 35mOhm 2.5 min. 7.62 ± 0.2 9.8 max. CMC-08 2.5 min. 7.62 ± 0.2 Component 元件 Inductance 额定 Rating DCR 感抗 Component 元件 Inductance Rating 额定 DCR 感抗 CMC-7 145μHx2 5.2A CMC-8 830μHx2 5.2A 20mOhm 2008 31mOhm 259 Powerline DC-DC Application Notes Powerline 系列应用说明 Powerline – Definitions and Testing Powerline -- 定义和测试 通用的测试装置 General Test Set-Up DC Power 直流 Source 电源 A +V A 被测的 DC/DC Converter DC-DC under Test 转换器 V Adjustable 可调 load V ( VDC 或 or VRMS ) 负载 -V 图1-3:通用的DC/DC转换器测试装置 Figure 1-3: General DC/DC converter test set-up Input Voltage Range 输入电压范围 π型滤波器 PI Filter Note: If the converter is under test with 注:如果待测试的转换器有远端感 remote sense pins, connect these pins 应的管脚,请连接这些管脚到相应 to their respective output pins. All tests 的输出管脚。所有测试应该在“本 are made in "Local sensing" mode. 地感应”的模式下进行。 最大和最小输入电压限制了DCThe minimum and maximum input DC转换器正常工作规格。 voltage limits within which a converter will operate to specifications. 一个输入滤波器包括两个并联的电 An input filter, consisting of two 容和一个串联的电感,可以降低输 capacitors, connected before and after 入反射纹波电流。 a series inductor to reduce input reflected ripple current. The effective filter is C1/L + L/C2, so the inductor filter element is doubly effective. Output Voltage Accuracy 输出电压精度 在标称输入电压和额定输出负载的 With nominal input voltage and rated 测试条件下,用高精度经过校准的 output load from the test set-up, the DC 直流电压计测量直流输出电压。输 output voltage is measured with an 出电压精度是实际测量的输出电压 accurate, calibrated DC voltmeter. 与指定的标称电压的差额,以百分 Output voltage accuracy is the difference 比计算。输出电压精度(如a%)可 between the measured output voltage 以用下列方程式计算: and specified nominal value as a percentage. Output accuracy (as a %) is then derived by the formula: 电压平衡 Voltage Balance 线路调整 Line Regulations 输入 Input C1 C2 输出 Output 图2:π型滤波器 Figure 2: PI Filter Vout – Vnom Vnom N X100 Vnom在变流器数据手册中是指特定输出的标称值。 Vnom ist the nominal, output specified in the converter data sheet. 用于多输出的功率转换器,表示两 For a multiple output power converter, 个相反极性的输出电压相对于标 the percentage difference in the 称值的差异的百分比。 voltage level of two outputs with opposite polarrities and equal nominal values. 在+25℃和额定的输出负载的条件 Make and record the following measure下,测量和记录以下值: ments with rated output load at +25°C: 输入电压调整率是Vout The line regulation is Vout M(输出电 M (the 压偏差的最大值)与额定输入电压 maximum of the two deviations of 时的输出电压的百分比。 output) for the value at nominal input in ● Output voltage at nominal line 额定输入电压时的输 出电压。 (input) voltage. Vout N ● Output voltage at high line (input) 最高输入电压时的输 voltage. Vout H 出电压。 ● Output voltage at low line (input) 最低输入电压时的输 voltage. Vout L 出电压。 260 L 2008 percentage. Vout M – Vout N Vout N X100 Powerline – Definitions and Testing Powerline -- 定义和测试 负载调整 Load Regulation Make and record the following measure在+25℃和额定的输出负载的条件 下,测量和记录以下值: ments with rated output load at +25°C: 额定输出负载时的输出电压。 ● Output voltage with rated load (Vout FL) connected to the output. (Vout FL) ● Output voltage with no load or the 无负载或最小负载时的输出电 压。(Vout ML) minimum specified load for the DC-DC converter. (Vout ML) 效率 Efficiency Switching Frequency 开关频率 Output Ripple and Noise 输出纹波和噪声 Load regulation is the difference 负载电压调整率是上述两个负 载条件下所测量的输出电压的 between the two measured output 差值与额定负载时输出电压的 voltages as a percentage of output 百分比。 voltage at rated load. Vout ML – Vout FL Vout FL X100 The ratio of output load power Normally measured at full rated output 效率是输出功率和输入功率的比例, 以百分比表示。通常在额定输出功率 consumption to input power power and nominal line conditions. 和标称输入电压的条件下测量。 consumption expressed as a percentage. DC-DC转换器或开关电源直流 The rate at which the DC voltage is 电压的速率。 switched in a DC-DC converter or The ripple frequency is double the 在推挽设计中,纹波频率是开 关频率的两倍。 switching frequency in push-pull switching power supply. designs. Because of the high frequency content 因为纹波中的高频率成份,必须使 用特殊的测量技术以确保测量值是 of the ripple, special measurement 正确的。至少使用20MHz带宽的示 techniques must be employed so that 波器才能观测到所有纹波的显著的 correct measurements are obtained. A 谐波峰值。 20MHz bandwidth oscilloscope is used, in Figure 3, by using a scope probe 针所引起的测量噪声可以用图3的 方法消除,探针的地线直接接触转 with an external connection ground or 换器输出参考地端,探针的正极直 ring and pressing this directly against 接接触转换器正输出端。这可以保 the output common terminal of the 证示波器的探针与转换器的输出端 power converter, while the tip contacts 间的测量回路距离最短。 the voltage output terminal. This provides the shortest possible connection across the output terminals. so that all significant harmonics of the ripple spike are included. This noise pickup is eliminated as shown 由示波器的外接地或环形接地的探 输出 接地探针 到示波器 图3: Figure 3: 2008 261 Powerline – Definitions and Testing Powerline -- 定义和测试 输出纹波和噪声(续) Output Ripple and Noise (continued) 图4显示一个开关电源输出端的复 Figure 4 shows a complex ripple voltage 杂的纹波电压波形。 waveform that may be present on the output of a switching power supply. There are three components in the 波形中有三种成份,首先是源于输 入整流器和滤波器的120Hz的成 waveform, first is a charging 份,然后是开关电源的开关频率的 component that originates from the 成份,最后是小部分的高频纹波产 output rectifier and filter, then there is 生的高频尖峰。 the discharging component due to the load discharging the output capacitor between cycles, and finally there are small high frequency switching spikes imposed on the low frequency ripple. Transient Recovery Time 瞬态恢复时间 Peak-Peak 峰峰值 Amplitude 时间 Time 图4:振幅 Figure 4: Amplitude The time required for the power supply 这是在负载电流梯级变化时,电源 输出电压恢复到指定百分比的正常 output voltage to return to within a 电压值。 specified percentage of rated value, following a step change in load current. Transient 瞬态恢复时间 过冲 Overshoot Recovery Time 输出 Output 电压 Voltage 5V + U 5V 下冲 Undershoot 5V - L V out U: upper 上限 limit L: lower 下限 limit I out 负载 Load 时间 Time 图5:瞬态恢复时间 Figure: 5 Transient Recovery Time 限流 Current Limiting output current is limited to prevent 在DC-DC转换器过载时限制输出 damage of the converter at overload 电流以防止损坏。在输出短路时, 输出电压向下调节,防止输出端 situations. If the output is shorted, Fold Back Current Limiting 向后折叠式过流保护 在电源过载时保护电源防止损坏的 A method of protecting a power supply 一种方法,在负载接近短路时降低 from damage in an overload condition, 输出电流。 reducing the output current as the load the output voltage is regulated down so 的电流过大。 the current from the outputs cannot be excessive. V out approaches short circuit. 额定 Rated Io I out 图6:折返式限流时间 Figure 6: Fold Back Current LimitingTime 262 2008 Powerline – Definitions and Testing Powerline -- 定义和测试 隔离 Isolation 转换器的输入和输出间的电气隔 The electrical separation between the 离(包括阻性隔离和容性隔 input and output of a converter, 离)。通常取决于变压器的特性 (consisting of resistive and capacitive 击穿电压 Break-Down Voltage isolation) normally determined by 和电路的间距。 transformer characteristics and circuit spacing. 加在转换器输入和输出间不会导 The maximum continuous DC voltage, 致损坏的最大直流电压。 which may be applied between the input and output terminal of a power supply without causing damage. Typical break-down voltage for DC-DC DC-DC转换器的典型击穿电压是 1600VDC,因为一个230VAC的等 converters is 1600VDC because the 效DC隔离连续工作电压是 equivalent DC isolation for 230VAC 1500VDC。 continuous rated working voltage is 1500VDC. R Resistive and 电阻和电容隔离 Capacitive Isolation C 输入 Input 整流器和 Rectifier 稳压器 and Regulator 输出 Output 击穿电压 Breakdown Voltage 图7: 7: Figure 温度系数 Temperature Coefficient Ambient Temperature 环境工作温度 把功率转换器放入恒温箱,连接标 With the power converter in a 称输出负载,做以下的测试: temperature test chamber at full rated 到30分钟以达到温度平衡, allow the power converter to 测量输出电压。 stabilize for 15 to 30 minutes. output load, make the following measurements: ● 在环境温度+25℃时的输出电 Output voltage at +25°C ambient 压。 temperature. ● 恒温箱设定为正常工作的最 Set the chamber for maximum 高环境温度,功率转换器放置 operating ambient temperature 15到30分钟以达到温度平衡, and allow the power converter to 测量输出电压。 stabilize for 15 to 30 minutes. Measure the output voltage. ● Set the chamber to minimum 恒温箱设定为正常工作的最低 环境温度,功率转换器放置15 operating ambient temperature and ● Divide each percentage voltage 计算环境温度+25℃时的输出 转换器能正常工作的静止空气中的 The temperature of the still-air im周围温度。 mediately surrouding an operating datasheets that still-air ambient temperature and not case temperature is quoted. power supply. Care should be taken when comparing manufacturer’s 工作温度范围 Operating Temperature Range 存储温度范围 Storage Temperature Range deviation from the +25°C ambient 电压与每摄氏度变化时输出电 压变化的百分比。 value by the corresponding temperature change from +25°C ambient. The temperature coefficient is the 温度系数就是两个值中的较高的数 值,以每摄氏度变化时百分比表 higher one of the two values calculated 示。 above, expressed as percent per change centigrade. 转换器能安全工作并符合产品规 The range of ambient or case 范的周围环境温度或外壳温度。 temperature within a power supply at which it operates safely and meets its specifications. 转换器不工作并且不会导致产品功 The range of ambient temperatures 能退化时的周围环境温度范围。 within a power supply at non- degradation in its subsequent operation. operating condition, with no 2008 263 Powerline – Definitions and Testing Powerline -- 定义和测试 输出电压修整: Output Voltage Trimming: Some converters from our Powerline 我们的Powerline系列的一些产品可 以提供在标称电压附近的小范围内 offer the feature of trimming the output 调节输出电压的功能,需要外加调 voltage in a certain range around the 节电阻。 nominal value by using external trim resistors. Because different series use different 因为不同系列产品使用不同的电 circuits for trimming, no general 压微调电路,所以没有通用的调 节电阻的计算公式。下列的调节 equation can be given for calculating the trim resistors. The following trim值表给出这些调节电阻的选择 值。 give values for chosing these tables trimming resistors. If如果给定调节点的电压不能符合要 voltages between the given trim points are required, extrapolate 求,需要下一点的线性近似值,可 以使用变阻器。 between the two nearest given values to work out the resistor required or use a variable resistor to set the voltage. 单输出电压修整表 Single Output Voltage Trim Tables (有关RP15-SA/SAW请参见其它表格) (For RP15-SA/SAW see other table) RP15-, RP20-, RP30-, RP40-, RP60- xx3.3S Trim up Vout = RU = 1 3,333 57.93 2 3,366 26.16 3 3,399 15.58 4 3,432 10.28 5 3,465 7.11 6 3,498 4.99 7 3,531 3.48 8 3,564 2.34 9 3,597 1.46 10 3,63 0.75 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 3,267 69.47 2 3,234 31.23 3 3,201 18.49 4 3,168 12.12 5 3,135 8.29 6 3,102 5.74 7 3,069 3.92 8 3,036 2.56 9 3,003 1.50 10 2,97 0.65 % Volts KOhms (For RP15-SA/SAW see other table) (有关RP15-SA/SAW请参见其它表格) RP15-, RP20-, RP30-, RP40-, RP60- xx05S Trim up Vout = RU = 1 5,05 36.57 2 5,1 16.58 3 5,15 9.92 4 5,2 6.58 5 5,25 4.59 6 5,3 3.25 7 5,35 2.30 8 5,4 1.59 9 5,45 1.03 10 5,5 0.59 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 4,95 45.53 2 4,9 20.61 3 4,85 12.31 4 4,8 8.15 5 4,75 5.66 6 4,7 4.00 7 4,65 2.81 8 4,6 1.92 9 4,55 1.23 10 4,5 0.68 % Volts KOhms (For RP15-SA/SAW see other table) (有关RP15-SA/SAW请参见其它表格) RP15-, RP20-, RP30-, RP40- ,RP60-xx12S Trim up Vout = RU = 1 12,12 367.91 2 12,24 165.95 3 12,36 98.64 4 12,48 64.98 5 12,6 44.78 6 12,72 31.32 7 12,84 21.70 8 12,96 14.49 9 13,08 8.88 10 13,2 4.39 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 11,88 460.99 2 11,76 207.95 3 11,64 123.60 4 11,52 81.42 5 11,4 56.12 6 11,28 39.25 7 11,16 27.20 8 11,04 18.16 9 10,92 11.13 10 10,8 5.51 % Volts KOhms (For RP15-SA/SAW see other table) (有关RP15-SA/SAW请参见其它表格) RP15-, RP20-, RP30-, RP40-, RP60- xx15S Trim up Vout = RU = 1 15,15 404.18 2 15,3 180.59 3 15,45 106.06 4 15,6 68.80 5 15,75 46.44 6 15,9 31.53 7 16,05 20.88 8 16,2 12.90 9 16,35 6.69 10 16,5 1.72 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 14,85 499.82 2 14,7 223.41 3 14,55 131.27 4 14,4 85.20 5 14,25 57.56 6 14,1 39.14 7 13,95 25.97 8 13,8 16.10 9 13,65 8.42 10 13,5 2.282 % Volts KOhms 264 2008 Powerline – Definitions and Testing Powerline -- 定义和测试 单输出电压修整表 RP15-S_DA, RP15 S:DAW Output Voltage Trim Tables RP15-xx3.3SA, RP15-xx3.3SAW Trim up Vout = RU = 1 3,333 385.07 2 3,366 191.51 3 3,399 126.99 4 3,432 94.73 5 3,465 75.37 6 3,498 62.47 7 3,531 53.25 8 3,564 46.34 9 3,597 40.96 10 3,63 36.66 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 3,267 116.72 2 3,234 54.78 3 3,201 34.13 4 3,168 23.81 5 3,135 17.62 6 3,102 13.49 7 3,069 10.54 8 3,036 8.32 9 3,003 6.60 10 2,97 5.23 % Volts KOhms RP15-xx05SA, RP15-xx05SAW Trim up Vout = RU = 1 5,05 253.45 2 5,1 125.70 3 5,15 83.12 4 5,2 61.82 5 5,25 49.05 6 5,3 40.53 7 5,35 34.45 8 5,4 29.89 9 5,45 26.34 10 5,5 23.50 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 4,95 248.34 2 4,9 120.59 3 4,85 78.01 4 4,8 56.71 5 4,75 43.94 6 4,7 35.42 7 4,65 29.34 8 4,6 24.78 9 4,55 21.23 10 4,5 18.39 % Volts KOhms RP15-xx12SA, RP15-xx12SAW Trim up Vout = RU = 1 12,12 203.22 2 12,24 99.06 3 12,36 64.33 4 12,48 46.97 5 12,6 36.56 6 12,72 29.61 7 12,84 24.65 8 12,96 20.93 9 13,08 18.04 10 13,2 15.72 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 11,88 776.56 2 11,76 380.72 3 11,64 248.78 4 11,52 182.81 5 11,4 143.22 6 11,28 116.83 7 11,16 97.98 8 11,04 83.85 9 10,92 72.85 10 10,8 64.06 % Volts KOhms RP15-xx15SA, RP15-xx15SAW Trim up Vout = RU = 1 15,15 161.56 2 15,3 78.22 3 15,45 50.45 4 15,6 36.56 5 15,75 28.22 6 15,9 22.67 7 16,05 18.70 8 16,2 15.72 9 16,35 13.41 10 16,5 11.56 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 14,85 818.22 2 14,7 401.56 3 14,55 262.67 4 14,4 193.22 5 14,25 151.56 6 14,1 123.78 7 13,95 103.94 8 13,8 89.06 9 13,65 77.48 10 13,5 68.22 % Volts KOhms 2008 265 Powerline – Definitions and Testing Powerline -- 定义和测试 双输出电压修整表 Dual Output Voltage Trim Tables RP15-, RP20- xx05D Trim up Vout = RU = 1 10,1 90.30 2 10,2 40.60 3 10,3 24.03 4 10,4 15.75 5 10,5 10.78 6 10,6 7.47 7 10,7 5.1 8 10,8 3.32 9 10,9 1.94 10 11 0.84 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 9,9 109.3 2 9,8 49.00 3 9,7 28.90 4 9,6 18.85 5 9,5 12.82 6 9,4 8.80 7 9,3 5.93 8 9,2 3.77 9 9,1 2.10 10 9 0.76 % Volts KOhms RP15-, RP20, RP30- xx12D Trim up Vout = RU = 1 24,24 218.21 2 24,48 98.10 3 24,72 58.07 4 24,96 38.05 5 25,2 26.04 6 25,44 18.03 7 25,68 12.32 8 25,92 8.03 9 26,16 4.69 10 26,4 2.02 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 23,76 273.44 2 23,52 123.02 3 23,28 72.87 4 23,04 47.80 5 22,8 32.76 6 22,56 22.73 7 22,32 15.57 8 22,08 10.20 9 21,84 6.02 10 21,6 2.67 % Volts KOhms RP15-, RP20-, RP30-- xx15D Trim up Vout = RU = 1 30,3 268.29 2 30,6 120.64 3 30,9 71.43 4 31,2 46.82 5 31,5 32.06 6 31,8 22.21 7 32,1 15.1 8 32,4 9.91 9 32,7 5.81 10 33 2.53 % Volts KOhms Trim down Vout = RD = 1 29,7 337.71 2 29,4 152.02 3 29,1 90.13 4 28,8 59.18 5 28,5 40.61 6 28,2 28.23 7 27,9 19.39 8 27,6 12.76 9 27,3 7.60 10 27 3.47 % Volts KOhms 266 2008 Powerline – Definitions and Testing Powerline -- 定义和测试 Undervoltage Lockout 欠压锁定 在低输入电压时,输入电流可以超 At low input voltages, the input currents 过变流器的额定值。因此,转换器 can exceed the rating of the converter. 具有欠压锁定的功能,当输入电压 Therefore, converters featuring under- 过低的时候,自动关断。当输入电 voltage lockout will automitically shut 压升高,它就启动。 down if the input voltage is too low. As the input voltage rises, they will restart. 欠压锁定表 Undervoltage Lockout Tables Converter Series 变流器系列 Nominal Input Voltage 标称输入电压 Switch ON input voltage Switch OFF input voltage 开关“关闭”时的输入电压 开关“打开”时的 输入 电压 RP08-S_DAW 24V (9~36VDC) 48V (18~75VDC) 9VDC 18VDC 8VDC 16VDC RP12-S_DA 12V (9~18VDC) 24V (18~36VDC) 48V (36~75VDC) 9VDC 18VDC 36VDC 8VDC 16VDC 33VDC RP12-S_DAW 24V (9~36VDC) 48V (18~75VDC) 9VDC 18VDC 8VDC 16VDC RP15-S_DA 12V (9~18VDC) 24V (18~36VDC) 48V (36~75VDC) 9VDC 17VDC 33VDC 8VDC 14.5VDC 30.5VDC RP15-S_DAW 24V (9~36VDC) 48V (18~75VDC) 9VDC 18VDC 8VDC 16VDC RP15-S_DFW 24V (9~36VDC) 48V (18~75VDC) 9VDC 18VDC 7.5VDC 15VDC RP20-S_DFW 24V (9~36VDC) 48V (18~75VDC) 9VDC 18VDC 7.5VDC 15VDC RP30-S_DE 12V (9~18VDC) 24V (18~36VDC) 48V (36~75VDC) 9VDC 17.8VDC 36VDC 8VDC 16VDC 33VDC RP30-S_DEW 24V (10~40VDC) 48V (18~75VDC) 10VDC 18VDC 8VDC 16VDC RP40-S_D_TG 12V (9~18VDC) 24V (18~36VDC) 48V (36~75VDC) 9VDC 17.8VDC 36VDC 8VDC 16VDC 34VDC RP30-S_DGW 24V (9~36VDC) 48V (18~75VDC) 9VDC 18VDC 8VDC 16VDC RP60-SG 24V (18~36VDC) 48V (36~75VDC) 17VDC 34VDC 15VDC 32VDC 2008 267 Powerline DC-DC Application Notes Powerline -- 应用说明 Powerline——散热片 Powerline – Heat Sinks 7G-0047-F (12°C/W) 7G-0020A (9.5°C/W) A : A ( 5 : 1mm) 3.2 ±0.1 49.80 ±0.2 1.30 R 0.65 24.20±0.2 12.00 ±0.2 A :A R2 1.30 1.40 1.2 ±0.1 1.30 1.40 2.00 12.00 ±0.2 5.60 ±0.1 1.70 ±0.1 268 2008 Powerline——散热片 Powerline – Heat Sinks 7G-0011A (8.24°C/W) A : A ( 5 : 1mm) 50.00 ±0.2 R 0.65 37.40±0.2 15.00 ±0.2 1.30 A :A 1.40 1.30 3.00 ±0.1 1.00 2.00 27.00 ±0.2 5.60 ±0.1 1.70 ±0.1 7G-0026A (7.8°C/W) 3.2 ±0.1 49.80 ±0.2 A : A ( 5 : 1mm) 1.30 49.80 ±0.2 12.00 ±0.2 1.30 1.40 A :A 1.30 1.2 ±0.1 12.00 ±0.2 1.40 1.30 R 0.65 5.60 ±0.1 1.70 ±0.1 2008 269 Powerline——HC 版本 Powerline –HC Versions 2” x 1” 2” x 1.6” 270 2008 Powerline——HC Powerline –HC版本 Versions 2” x 2” 2008 271 Block diagrams 原理图 Unregulated Single Output 非稳压型单输出 RM, RL, RQS, RO, RE, ROM, RSS, RB-xxxxS, RA-xxxxS, RBM-xxxxS, RK, RP-xxxxS, RxxPxxS, RxxP2xxS, RN,RTS, RI, REZ, RKZxxxxS, RV-xxxxS, RAA-xxxxS, RGZ +Vin +Vout Oscillator -Vout -Vin Unregulated Dual Output 非稳压型双输出 RQD, RSD, RB-xxxxD, RA-xxxxD, RBM-xxxxD, RH, RP-xxxxD, RxxPxxD, RxxP2xxD, RTD, RCxxxxD, RD-xxxxD, RKZ-xxxxD, RVxxxxD, RAA-xxxxD, RJZ +Vin +Vout Oscillator Com -Vout -Vin Unregulated Dual Isolated Output 非稳压型双隔离输出 RU, RUZ +Vin +Vout1 -Vout1 Oscillator +Vout2 -Vout2 -Vin Post-Regulated Single Output 后端稳压型单输出 RZ, RSZ (P), RY-xxxxS, RX-xxxxS, RY-SCP, REC1.5-xxxxSR/H1, REC1.8xxxxSR/H1, REC2.2-xxxxSR/H1, REC3-xxxxSR/H1 +Vin Reg +Vout Oscillator -Vout -Vin Post-Regulated Dual Output 后端稳压型双输出 RY-xxxxS, RX-xxxxS, RY-DCP, REC2.2-xxxxDR/H1, REC3-xxxxDR/H1 +Vin Reg Oscillator Com Reg -Vin 272 +Vout 2008 -Vout Block diagrams 原理图 Regulated Single Output 稳压型单输出 RSO, RS, REC2.2-xxxxSRW, RW-xxxxS, REC3-xxxxSRW(Z)/H*, REC5-xxxxSRW(Z)/H*, REC7.5-xxxxSRW/AM/H*, RP08-xxxxSA, RP08-xxxxSAW, RP10-xxxxSE, RP10-xxxxSEW, RP12-xxxxSA, RP12-xxxxSAW, RP15-xxxxSA, RP15-xxxxSAW, RP15-xxxxSF, RP15-xxxxSFW, RP20-xxxxSF, RP20-xxxxSFW +Vin Noise Filter +Vout -Vout -Vin Oscillator & Controller Reference & Error AMP Isolation Regulated Dual Output 稳压型双输出 RSO-xxxxD, RS-xxxxD, REC2.2-xxxxDRW, RW-xxxxD, REC3-xxxxDRW(Z)/H*, REC5-xxxxDRW(Z)/H*, REC7.5-xxxxDRW/AM/H*, RP08-xxxxDA, RP08-xxxxDAW, RP10-xxxxDE, RP10-xxxxDEW, RP12-xxxxDA, RP12-xxxxDAW, RP15-xxxxDF, RP15-xxxxDFW, RP15-xxxxDA, RP15-xxxxDAW, RP20-xxxxDF, RP20-xxxxDFW, RP30-xxxxDE, RP30-xxxxDEW, RP40-xxxxDG, RP40-xxxxDGW +Vin Noise Filter +Vout Com -Vout -Vin Oscillator & Controller Reference & Error AMP Isolation Regulated Dual Isolated Output 稳压型双隔离输出 REC3-DRWI Reg +Vin +Vout2 Noise Filter -Vout2 +Vout1 -Vout1 -Vin Oscillator & Controller Isolation 2008 Reference & Error AMP 273 Block diagrams 原理图 Regulated Dual Output 稳压型双输出 RP40-05xxTG +Vaux Com +Vin Noise Filter -Vaux +Vout1 -Vout1 -Vin Oscillator & Controller Isolation Reference & Error AMP Regulated Single Output, Synchronous Rectification 稳压单输出,同步整流 RP20-xxxxSF, RP30-xxxxSE, RP30-xxxxSEW, RP40-xxxxSG, RP40-xxxxSGW, RP60-xxxxSG +Vin Noise Filter +Vout Switch Control Com -Vin PWM Controller Isolation Reference & Error AMP Trim ON/OFF Control 274 2008 AC/DC-原理图 Block diagrams diagrams--AC/DC AC/DC RAC05-xxSA, RAC10-xxSA, RAC15-xxSA, RAC20-xxSA, RAC30-xxSA, RAC60-xxSB +Vout L N Line Filter Rectifier -Vout FG PWM Controller Isolation Reference & Error AMP RAC05-xxSB, RAC10-xxSB, RAC15-xxSB, RAC30-xxSB, RAC40-xxSA L +Vout Rectifier -Vout N PWM Controller Isolation 2008 Reference & Error AMP 275 Block diagrams AC/DC-原理图 diagrams--AC/DC AC/DC RAC05-xxDA, RAC10-xxDA, RAC15-xxDA, RAC20-xxDA, RAC30-xxDA L +Vout Filter Rectifier Com -Vout N FG Overcurrent Protection PWM Controller Isolation Reference & Error AMP RAC15-xxDB, RAC30-xxDB, RAC40-xxSA L +Vout Filter Rectifier -Vout N Overcurrent Protection 276 PWM Controller Isolation 2008 Reference & Error AMP Block diagrams AC/DC-原理图 diagrams--AC/DC AC/DC RAC15-05xxTA, RAC20-05xxTA +5Vout +5V Rtn +Vout L N Line Filter Com Rectifier -Vout FG Overcurrent Protection PWM Controller Isolation Reference & Error AMP RAC15-05xxTB, RAC30-05xxTA, RAC40-05xxTA +5Vout +5V Rtn +Vout L Line Filter Com Rectifier -Vout N Overcurrent Protection PWM Controller Isolation 2008 Reference & Error AMP 277 Transport Tubes Tubes封装管 编号 No. 类型 Types 1. RO, RM, RE, ROM, RB, RBM, RK, RH, RP, RU, RI, RD, RKZ, RUZ, RY, RY-SCP, RY-DCP, R-78xx-0.5, R-78xx-1.0 RS, RSO, RS3, RxxTR RJZ, RGZ, RW2(B) RSS, RSD, RZ RTD, RTS, RSZ, R-78Axx-xx SMD RV, RW-S, RxxPxx, RxxP2xx, RW2(A)-SMD R5-xxxxPA, R6xxxxP, R7xxxxP, RW-D, Rxx-xxxA, REC3-, REC5-, REC7.5RP08, RP12, RCD-24-xxx RP15-A, RP15-AW RP08-SMD, REC2.2-SMD, REC3-SMD, REC5-SMD, REC7.5-SMD RP10, RP15, RP20, RP30, RP40 R-78Bxx-xx, R-78HBxx-xx R-78Bxx-xxL, R-78HBxx-xxL R5-xxxxDA, R6xxxxD, R7xxxxD 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 9.0 ± 0.5 0.5 ± 0.2 15.5 ± 0.5 10.0 ± 0.25 0.6 ± 0.15 12.0 ± 0.5 4.9 ± 0.5 管长 TUBE LENGTH = 520mm ± 1.0 278 3. 2. 1. 17.0 ± 0.25 0.5 ± 0.2 12.0 ± 0.25 6.5 ± 0.25 管长 LENGTH = 520mm ± 1.5 TUBE 2008 14.5 ± 0.5 10.5 ± 0.5 15.5 ± 0.5 3.3 ± 0.5 管长 TUBE LENGTH = 520mm ± 1.0 Tubes封装管 Tubes 4. 6. 5. 0.55 ± 0.2 12.0 ± 0.4 0.6 ± 0.15 7.7 ± 0.4 13.5 ± 0.4 0.55 ± 0.2 16.15 ± 0.35 11.0 ± 0.4 12.35 ± 0.35 9.4 ± 0.4 19.2 ± 0.35 12.6 ± 0.4 9.12 ± 0.4 8.3 ± 0.4 11.6 ± 0.35 4.3 ± 0.4 5.3 ± 0.4 7.1 ± 0.35 17.0 ± 0.4 17.0 ± 0.4 21.0 ± 0.35 管长 LENGTH =530±2.0 TUBE 7. 0.55 ± 0.2 管长 LENGTH =530±2.0 TUBE 管长 LENGTH =530±2.0 TUBE 8. 22.7 ± 0.35 0.8 ± 0.2 22.7 ± 0.35 13.8 ± 0.35 11.3 ± 0.35 18.3 ± 0.35 18.3 ± 0.35 8.85 ± 0.35 7.85 ± 0.35 管长 LENGTH =530±2.0 TUBE 9. 1.0 ± 0.2 管长 LENGTH =530±2.0 TUBE 10. 28.7 ± 0.35 0.55 ± 0.2 11.5 ± 0.35 21 ± 0.35 22.0 ± 0.5 15.45 ± 0.5 3.5 ± 0.5 13.5 ± 0.5 12.7 ± 0.35 31.50 ± 0.5 管长 LENGTH =530±2.0 TUBE 管长 LENGTH =530±2.0 TUBE 2008 279 Tubes封装管 Tubes 54.0 ± 0.5 11. 50.0 ± 0.5 22.0 ± 0.5 20.0 ± 0.5 7.0 ± 0.5 1.2 ± 0.2 6.0 ± 0.5 10.0 ± 0.5 15.0 ± 0.5 管长 TUBE LENGTH = 254mm ± 2.0 13. 12. 9.3 ± 0.25 0.63 ± 0.15 6.5±0.25 0.7±0.2 18.5 ± 0.25 23.8 ± 0.25 17.8±0.25 9.2±0.25 5±0.25 11.1±0.25 10.2±0.25 4.3 ± 0.25 3.3±0.25 TUBE 管长 LENGTH = 520mm ± 2.0 TUBE 管长 LENGTH = 520mm ± 2.0 14. 17.15±0.25 7.62± 0.25 0.5± 0.127 2.41±0.25 18.42±0.25 11.68±0.25 12.32±0.25 管长 LENGTH = 520mm ± 2.0 TUBE 280 2008 Tapes TAPES载体带 载体带外形尺寸 RSS-xxxx & RQS-xxxx tape outline dimensions 13.2 定位孔 Spocket hole Ø1.50+0.1/-0 定位孔公差每 Spocket hole tolerance over any 10 pitches 间距 ±0.2 0.40 ±0.05 16.00 2.00 4.00 11.4 1.75 7.6 11.5 24.0 ±0.2 RECOM RSS-0505 xxxx 所有尺寸用 All dimensions in mm xx.xx ±0.1 定位孔间距累积公差 1. 10 sprocket hole pitch cumulative tolerance ±0.20 所有尺寸符合 2. All dimensions meet EIA-481-2 requirements 规格 每13"载体卷装入元器件 3. Component load per 13" reel : 500 pcs RECOM RSS-0505 xxxx 盘中心孔直径是 4. The diameter of disc center hole is 13.0mm RECOM RSS-0505 xxxx 2008 281 Tapes TAPES载体带 载体带外形尺寸 RSD-xxxx, RQD-xxxx & RZ-xxxx tape outline dimensions 17.75 定位孔 Spocket hole Ø1.50+0.1/-0 定位孔公差每 Spocket hole tolerance over any 10 pitches 间距 ±0.2 0.35 ±0.05 16.00 2.00 4.00 11.4 1.75 7.6 11.5 24.0 ±0.2 RECOM RSD-0505 xxxx 所有尺寸用 All dimensions in mm xx.xx ±0.1 定位孔间距累积公差 1. 10 sprocket hole pitch cumulative tolerance ±0.20 所有尺寸符合 2. All dimensions meet EIA-481-2 requirements 规格 每13"载体卷装入元器件 3. Component load per 13" reel : 500 pcs RECOM RSD-0505 xxxx 盘中心孔直径是 4. The diameter of disc center hole is 13.0mm 282 RECOM RSD-0505 xxxx 2008 Tapes TAPES载体带 载体带外形尺寸 RSZ-xxxx, RTS-xxxx, RTD-xxxx & R-78Axx-xxSMD tape outline dimensions 15.5 定位孔 Spocket hole Ø1.50+0.1/-0 定位孔公差每 Spocket hole tolerance over any 10 间距 pitches ±0.2 0.5 ±0.05 20.00 2.00 4.00 12.5 1.75 9.9 11.5 24.0 ±0.3 RECOM RSZ-0505 xxxx 所有尺寸用 All dimensions in mm xx.xx ±0.1 RECOM RSZ-0505 xxxx 定位孔间距累积公差 1. 10 sprocket hole pitch cumulative tolerance ±0.20 所有尺寸符合 2. All dimensions meet EIA-481-2 requirements 规格 每13"载体卷装入元器件 3. Component load per 13" reel : 500 pcs RECOM RSZ-0505 xxxx 4. 盘中心孔直径是 The diameter of disc center hole is 13.0mm 2008 283