FMS6501A 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers Features Description The FMS6501A switch matrix provides flexible options for today’s video applications. The device has twelve (12) inputs that can be routed to any of the nine (9) outputs. Each input can be routed to one or more outputs, but only one input may be routed to any one output. The input-to-output routing is controlled via an 2 I C-compatible digital interface. 12 x 9 Crosspoint Matrix Supports SD, ED, HD (1080i, 1080p Video) Input Clamp / Bias Circuitry Dual-Load Output Drivers with Disable AC- or DC-Coupled Inputs AC- or DC-Coupled Outputs 1-to-1 or 1-to-Many Input-to-Output Connections Programmable Gain: +6, +7, +8, or +9 dB I2C Compatible Digital Interface, Standard Mode 9 kV ESD Protection Supply Voltage Range: 3.3 V to 5 V Lead-Free 28–Lead TSSOP Package Each input supports an integrated clamp option to set the output sync-tip level of video with sync to approximately 300 mV. Alternatively, the input may be internally biased to center signals without sync (Chroma, Pb, Pr) at approximately 1.25 V. These DC output levels are for the 6 dB gain setting. Higher gain settings increase the DC output levels accordingly. The 2 input clamp/bias mode is selected via I C control. Unused outputs may be powered down to reduce power dissipation. Applications Cable and Satellite Set-Top Boxes TV and HDTV Sets A/V Switchers Personal Video Recorder (PVR) Security and Surveillance Video Distribution Automotive (In-Cabin Entertainment) Figure 1. Block Diagram Ordering Information Part Number Operating Temperature Range Package FMS6501AMTC28X -40°C to +85°C 28-Lead, Thin-Shrink Small-Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4 mm Wide © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 Packing Quantity Method Reel 2500 FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers January 2013 Figure 2. Pin Assignments Pin Definitions Pin # Name Type 1 IN1 Input Input, channel 1 2 IN2 Input Input, channel 1 3 IN3 Input Input, channel 1 4 IN4 Input Input, channel 1 5 IN5 Input Input, channel 1 6 IN6 Input Input, channel 1 7 VCC Power Core power, must be tied to positve power supply 8 GND Power Core ground, must be tied to ground 9 IN7 Input Input, channel 7 10 IN8 Input Input, channel 8 11 IN9 Input Input, channel 9 12 IN10 Input Input, channel 10 13 IN11 Input Input, channel 11 14 IN12 Input Input, Channel 12 15 ADDR Input Selects I2C address; 0=0x06 (0000 0110), 1=0x86 (1000 0110) 16 SCL Input Serial clock for I2C port 17 SDA Input Serial data for I2C port 18 OUT9 Output Output, channel 9 19 OUT8 Output Output, channel 8 20 OUT7 Output Output, Channel 7 21 GNDO Power Output ground, must be tied to ground 22 VCCO Power Output power, must be tied to positve power supply 23 OUT6 Output Output, channel 6 24 OUT5 Output Output, channel 5 25 OUT4 Output Output, channel 4 26 OUT3 Output Output, channel 3 27 OUT2 Output Output, channel 2 28 OUT1 Output Output, channel 1 © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 Description FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers Pin Configuration 2 Stresses exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may damage the device. The device may not function or be operable above the recommended operating conditions and stressing the parts to these levels is not recommended. In addition, extended exposure to stresses above the recommended operating conditions may affect device reliability. The absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only. Symbol VS VIO VOUT Parameter Min. Max. Unit DC Supply Voltage -0.3 6.0 V Analog and Digital I/O -0.3 VCC+0.3 V 40 mA Parameter Min. Unit Human Body Model (HBM), JESD22-A114, Pins 18,19,20,23,24,25,26,27,28 12 Human Body Model (HBM), JESD22-A114, All Input Pins and VCC 9 Charged Device Model(CDM), JESD22-C101, All Pins 2 Maximum Output Current Per Channel, Do Not Exceed Electrostatic Discharge Information Symbol ESD kV Reliability Information Symbol TJ TSTG Parameter Min. Typ. Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range -65 TL Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 Seconds) JA Thermal Resistance, JEDEC Standard, Multilayer Test Boards, Still Air Max. Unit 150 °C 150 °C 300 °C 50 °C/W Recommended Operating Conditions The Recommended Operating Conditions table defines the conditions for actual device operation. Recommended operating conditions are specified to ensure optimal performance to the datasheet specifications. Fairchild does not recommend exceeding them or designing to Absolute Maximum Ratings. Symbol Parameter TA Operating Temperature Range VCC Supply Voltage Range © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 Min. Typ. -40 3.135 5.00 Max. Unit +85 °C 5.25 V FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers Absolute Maximum Ratings 3 TA=25°C, VCC 5 V, VIN = 1 Vpp, input bias mode, one-to-one routing, 6 dB gain, all inputs AC coupled with 0.1 µF, unused inputs AC-terminated through 75 Ω to GND, all outputs AC coupled with 220 ΩF into 150 Ω loads, referenced to 400 kHz, unless otherwise noted. Symbol ICC Parameter Supply Current Conditions (1) No Load, All Outputs Enabled VOUT Video Output Range ROFF Off Channel Output Impedance VCLAMP Min. (1) DC Output Level (1) Typ. Max. 80 100 Unit mA 2.8 VPP Output Disabled 3.0 kΩ Clamp Mode 0.3 0.4 1.25 1.35 VBIAS DC Output Level Bias Mode PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio DC (All Channels) 1.15 50 V V dB Note: 1. 100% tested at TA=25°C. AC Electrical Characteristics TA=25°C, VCC 5 V, VIN = 1 Vpp, input bias mode, one-to-one routing, 6 dB gain, all inputs AC coupled with 0.1 µF, unused inputs AC-terminated through 75 Ω to GND, all outputs AC coupled with 220 ΩF into 150 Ω loads, referenced to 400 kHz, unless otherwise noted. Symbol AVSD AVSTEP Parameter Channel Gain Error (2) (2) Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit All Channels, All Gain Settings, DC -0.2 0 +0.2 dB 0.9 1.0 1.1 Gain Step All Channels, DC f+1dB 1dB Peaking Bandwidth VOUT = 1.4 VPP 65 MHz f-1dB -1dB Bandwidth VOUT = 1.4 VPP 90 MHz fC -3dB Bandwidth VOUT = 1.4 VPP 115 MHz dG Differential Gain Standard SD Signal 3.58 MHz 0.1 % dP Differential Phase Standard SD Signal 3.58 MHz 0.2 ° THDSD SD Output Distortion VOUT = 1.4 VPP 5 MHz 0.05 % THDHD HD Output Distortion VOUT = 1.4 VPP 22 MHz 0.6 % XTALK1 Input Crosstalk 1 MHz, VOUT = 2.0 VPP(3) -72 dB XTALK2 Input Crosstalk 15 MHz, VOUT = 2.0 VPP(3) -50 dB -68 dB XTALK3 XTALK4 Output Crosstalk 1 MHz, VOUT = 2.0 VPP (3) (3) dB Output Crosstalk 15 MHz, VOUT = 2.0 VPP -61 dB XTALK5 Multi-Channel Crosstalk Standard SD Video, VOUT = 2.0 VPP(4) -45 dB SNRSD Signal-to-Noise Ratio(5) NTC-7 Weighting, 4.2 MHz Low Pass, 100 kHz High Pass 73 dB VNOISE Channel Noise 400 kHz to 100 MHz, Input Referred 20 nV/rtHz 300 ns AMPON Amplifier Recovery Time 2 Post I C Programming FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers DC Electrical Characteristics Notes: 2. 100% tested at TA=25°C. 3. Adjacent input pair to adjacent output pair. Interfering input is through an open switch. 4. Crosstalk of eight synchronous switching outputs into single, asynchronous switching output. 5. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) = 20 x log (714 mV/rms noise). © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 4 the output amplifier. More than one output can select the same input channel for one-to-many routing. When the outputs are disabled, they are placed in a highimpedance state. This allows multiple FMS6501A devices to be paralleled to create a larger switch matrix. Typical output power-up time is less than 500 ns. Digital Interface 2 The I C-compatible interface is used to program output enables, input-to-output routing, input clamp / bias, and 2 output gain. The I C address is 0x06 (0000 0110) with the ability to offset it to 0x86 (1000 0110) by tying the ADDR pin HIGH. The clamp / bias control bits are written to their own internal addresses, since they should always remain the same regardless of signal routing. They are set based on the input signal connected to the FMS6501A. Both data and address data, of eight bits each, are 2 written to the I C address to access control functions. There are separate internal addresses for each output. Each output’s address includes bits to select an input channel, adjust the output gain, and enable or disable All undefined addresses may be written without effect. Table 1. Output Control Register Contents and Defaults Control Name Width Type Default Bit(s) Description Enable 1 Bit Write 0 7 Channel Enable: 1=Enable, 0=Power Down(6) Gain 2 Bits Write 0 6:5 Channel Gain: 00=6dB, 01=7dB, 10=8dB, 11=9dB Inx 5 Bits Write 0 4:0 Input Selected to Drive this Output: 00000=OFF(7), 00001=IN1, 00010=IN2... 01100=IN12 Notes: 6. Power down places the output in a high-impedance state so multiple FMS6501 devices may be paralleled. Power down also de-selects any input routed to the specified output. 7. When all inputs are OFF, the amplifier input is tied to approximately 150 mV and the output goes to approximately 300 mV with the 6 dB gain setting. Table 2. Output Control Register MAP Register Name Register Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit5 Bit4(8) Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 OUT1 0x01 Enable Gain1 Gain0 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 OUT2 0x02 Enable Gain1 Gain0 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 OUT3 0x03 Enable Gain1 Gain0 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 OUT4 0x04 Enable Gain1 Gain0 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 OUT5 0x05 Enable Gain1 Gain0 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 OUT6 0x06 Enable Gain1 Gain0 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 OUT7 0x07 Enable Gain1 Gain0 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 OUT8 0x08 Enable Gain1 Gain0 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 OUT9 0x09 Enable Gain1 Gain0 IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN0 FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers Applications Information Notes: 8. IN4 is provided for forward compatibility and should always be written as 0. Table 3. Clamp Control Register Contents and Defaults Control Name Width Type Default Bit(s) Description CLAMP 1 bit Write 0 7:0 Clamp / Bias selection: 1 = Clamp, 0 = Bias © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 5 Register Name Register Address Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 CLAMP1 0x1D Clmp8 Clmp7 Clmp6 Clmp5 Clmp4 Clmp3 Clmp2 Clmp1 CLAMP2 0x1E Resv’d Resv’d Resv’d Resv’d Clmp12 Clmp11 Clmp10 Clmp9 I2C BUS Characteristics TA = 25°C and VCC = 5 V unless otherwise noted. Symbol VIL Parameter Digital Input Low(9) (9) Conditions Min. SDA, SCL, ADDR Typ. Max. Unit 0 1.5 V 3.0 VCC V VIH Digital Input High SDA, SCL, ADDR fscl Clock Frequency SCK 100 kHz tR Input Rise Time 1.5 V to 3 V 1000 ns tF Input Fall Time 1.5 V to 3 V 300 ns tLOW Clock Low Period 4.7 µs tHIGH Clock High Period 4.0 µs tSU,DAT Data Set-up Time 300 ns tHD,DAT Data Hold Time 0 ns tSU,STO Set-up Time from Clock HIGH to Stop 4 µs 4.7 µs 4 µs 4.7 µs tBUF Start Set-up Time Following a Stop tHD,STA Start Hold Time tSU,STA Start Set-up Time Following Clock LOW to HIGH Notes: 9. 100% tested at TA=25°C. SDA tBUF tf tLOW SCL tHD,STA tr t HD,DAT tSU,DAT t HIGH FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers Table 4. Clamp Control Register Map SDA tSU,STA tSU,STO Figure 3. I2C Bus Timing © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 6 Operation Bit Transfer The I2C-compatible interface conforms to the I2C specification for Standard Mode. Individual addresses may be written. There is no read capability. The interface consists of two lines. These is a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL), both of which must be connected to a positive supply through an external resistor. Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not busy. One data bit is transferred during each clock pulse. The data on the SDA line must remain stable during the HIGH period of the clock pulse. Changes in the line during this time are interpreted as a control signal. SCL SDA Data line stable; data valid Change of data allowed Figure 4. Bit Transfer Start and Stop Conditions The data and clock lines remain HIGH when the bus is not busy. A HIGH-to-LOW transition of the data line, while the clock is HIGH, is defined as START condition SCL (S). A LOW-to-HIGH transition of the data line, while the clock is HIGH, is defined as STOP condition (P). S P SDA STOP condition START condition Figure 5. Definition of START and STOP conditions Acknowledge The number of data bytes transferred between the START and STOP conditions from transmitter to receiver is unlimited. Each byte of eight bits is followed by an acknowledge bit. The acknowledge bit is a highlevel signal put on the bus by the transmitter, during which the master generates an extra acknowledgerelated clock pulse. A slave receiver must generate an acknowledge (ACK) after the reception of each byte. A master receiver must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte that has been clocked out of the slave transmitter. © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 The device that acknowledges must pull down the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse so the SDA line is stable LOW during the HIGH period of the acknowledge-related clock pulse (set-up and hold times must be taken into consideration). A master receiver must signal an end of data to the transmitter by not generating an acknowledge on the last byte clocked out of the slave. In this event, the transmitter must leave the data line HIGH to enable the master to generate a STOP condition. FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers I2C Interface 7 SCL FROM MASTER clock pulse for acknowledgement 1 2 8 9 DATA OUTPUT BY TRANSMITTER DATA OUTPUT BY RECEIVER Figure 6. Acknowledgement on the I2C Bus® I2C Bus Protocol Before any data is transmitted on the I2C Bus, the device that should respond is addressed first. The addressing is always carried out with the first byte transmitted after the START procedure. The I2C bus configuration for a data write to the FMS6501 is shown in Figure 7. Figure 7. Write a Register Address to the Pointer Register, Then Write Data to the Selected Register © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers START condition 8 Lowest voltage set to 625mV Input Clamp / Bias Circuitry The FMS6501A accommodates AC- or DC-coupled inputs. Internal clamping and bias circuitry are provided to support AC-coupled inputs. These are selectable through the CLMP bits via the I2C compatible interface. Video source must be AC coupled For DC-coupled inputs, the device should be programmed to use the bias input configuration. In this configuration, the input is internally biased to 625 mV through a 100 kΩ resistor. Distortion is optimized with the output levels set between 250 mV above ground and 500 mV below the power supply. These constraints, along with the desired channel gain, need to be considered when configuring the input signal levels for input DC coupling. Input Bias 0.1µF 75 Figure 9. Bias Mode Input Circuit Output Configuration The FMS6501A outputs may be either AC or DC coupled. Resistive output loads can be as low as 75 Ω, representing a dual doubly terminated video load. High impedance capacitive loads of up to 20 pF can be driven without loss of signal integrity. For standard 75 Ω video loads, a 75 Ω matching resistor should be placed in series to allow for a doubly terminated load. DCcoupled outputs should be connected as shown in Figure 10. With AC-coupled inputs, the FMS6501A uses a simple clamp rather than a full DC-restore circuit. For video signals with and without sync (Y, CV, R, G, B); the lowest voltage at the output pins is clamped to ~300 mV above ground when the 6dB gain setting is selected. If symmetric AC-coupled input signals are used (Chroma, Pb, Pr, Cb, Cr), the bias circuit described above can be used to center them within the input common range. The average DC value at the output is approximately 1.27 V with a 6 dB gain setting. This value changes, depending upon the selected gain setting, as shown in Table 5. 75 Output Amplifier 75 Table 5. Common Mode Voltage Gain Setting Clamp Voltage Bias Voltage 6dB 300 mV 1.27 V 7dB 330 mV 1.43 V 8dB 370 mV 1.60 V 9dB 420 mV 1.80 V Figure 10. DC-Coupled Load Connection If multiple low-impedance loads are DC coupled, increased power and thermal issues need to be addressed. In this case, the use of a multilayer board with a large ground plane is recommended to help dissipate heat. If a two-layer board is used under these conditions, an extended ground plane directly under the device is recommended. This plane should extend at least 12.7 mm (0.5 inches) beyond the device. PC board layout issues are discussed in the Layout Considerations section. Figure 8 shows the clamp-mode input circuit and the internally controlled voltage at the input pin for ACcoupled inputs. Lowest voltage set to 125mV Video source must be AC coupled 0.1µF Input Clamp AC-coupled loads should be configured as in shown in Figure 11. 75 FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers Applications Information 220µF Output Amplifier Figure 8. Clamp Mode Input Circuit 75 75 Figure 9 shows the bias mode input circuit and internally controlled voltage at the input pin for AC-coupled inputs. Figure 11. AC-Coupled Load Connection © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 9 Each of the outputs can be independently powered down and placed in a high-impedance state with the ENABLE bit. This function can be used to mute video signals, to parallel multiple FMS6501A outputs, or to save power. When the output amplifier is disabled, the high-impedance output presents a 3 kΩ load to ground. The output amplifier typically enters and recovers from the power-down state in less than 300 ns after being programmed. Crosstalk from multiple sources into a given channel has been measured with the setup shown in Figure 13. Input IN1 is driven with a 1 VPP pulse source and is connected to outputs Out1 to Out8. Input In9 is driven with a secondary, asynchronous, gray-field video signal, and is connected to Out9. All other inputs are AC terminated with 75 Ω. Crosstalk effects on the gray field are measured and calculated with respect to a standard 1 VPP output measured at the load. When an output channel is not connected to an input, the input to that channel’s amplifier is forced to ~150mV. The output amplifier is active unless specifically 2 disabled by the I C interface. Voltage output levels depend on the programmed gain for the channel. If not all inputs and outputs are needed, avoid using adjacent channels, where possible, to reduce crosstalk. Disable all unused channels to further reduce crosstalk and power dissipation. Crosstalk Crosstalk is an important consideration: input and output crosstalk represent the two major coupling modes in a typical application. Input crosstalk is crosstalk in the input pins and switches when the interfering signal drives an open switch. It is dominated by inductive coupling in the package lead frame between adjacent leads. It decreases rapidly as the interfering signal moves farther away from the pin adjacent to the input signal selected. Output crosstalk is coupling from one driven output to another active output. It decreases with increasing load impedance, as it is caused mainly by ground and power coupling between output amplifiers. If a signal is driving an open switch, its crosstalk is mainly input crosstalk. If it is driving a load through an active output, its crosstalk is mainly output crosstalk. Input and output crosstalk measurements are performed with the test configuration shown in Figure 12. Figure 13. Test Configuration for Multi-Channel Crosstalk FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers For input crosstalk, the switch is open. All inputs are in bias mode. Channel 1 input is driven with a 1 VPP signal, while all other inputs are AC terminated with 75 Ω. All outputs are enabled and crosstalk is measured from IN1 to any output. For output crosstalk, the switch is closed. Crosstalk from OUT1 to any output is measured. Thermal issues are reduced with AC-coupled outputs, eliminating special PC layout requirements. Figure 12. Test Configuration for Crosstalk © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 10 General layout and supply bypassing play major roles in high-frequency performance and thermal characteristics. Fairchild offers a demonstration board, FMS6501ADEMO, to use as a guide for layout and to aid in device testing and characterization. The FMS6501ADEMO is a four-layer board with a full power and ground plane. For optimum results, follow the steps below as a basis for high frequency layout. Include 10 µF and 0.1 µF bypass capacitors. Place the 0.1 µF capacitor within 2.7 mm (0.1 inches) of the power pin. Connect all external ground pins as tightly as possible, preferably with a large ground plane under the package. Video Switch Matrix Applications The increased demand for consumer multimedia systems has created a challenge for system designers to provide cost-effective solutions to capitalize on the growth potential in graphics display technologies. These applications require cost-effective video switching and filtering solutions to deploy high-quality display technologies rapidly and effectively to the target audience. Areas of specific interest include HDTV, media centers, and automotive “infotainment” (includes navigation, in-cabin entertainment, and back-up camera). In all cases, the advantages an integrated video switch matrix provides are high-quality video switching specific to the application as well as video input clamps and on-chip low-impedance output cable drivers with switchable gain. Place the 10 µF capacitor within 19.05 mm (0.75 inches) of the power pin. Generally the largest application for a video switch is for the front end of an HDTV, where it takes multiple inputs and routes them to appropriate signal paths (main picture and Picture-in-Picture (PiP)). These are normally routed into ADCs followed by decoders. There are many different technologies for HDTV; including LCD, plasma, and CRT, with similar analog switching circuitry. Place channel connections to reduce mutual trace inductance. Minimize all trace lengths to reduce series inductances. If routing across a board, place device such that longer traces are at the inputs rather than the outputs. If using multiple, low-impedance, DC-coupled outputs; special layout techniques may be employed to help dissipate heat. An example of a HDTV application is shown in Figure 14. This system combines a video switch matrix and two three-channel switchable anti-aliasing filters. There are two three-channel signal paths in the system; one for the main picture, the other for PiP. If a multilayer board is used, a large ground plane directly under the device helps reduce package case temperature. VIPDEMO™ Control Software The FMS6501A is configured via an I2C-compatible digital interface. To facilitate demonstration, Fairchild Semiconductor had developed the VIPDEMO™ GUIbased control software to write to the register map. This software is included in the FMS6501ADEMO kit. A 2 parallel port I C adapter and an interface cable to connect to the board are also included. Besides using the full interface, the VIPDEMO can also be used to control single-register read and writes for I2C. For dual-layer boards, an extended plane can be used. Worst-case, additional die power due to DC loading can be estimated at (VCC2/4RL) per output channel. This assumes a constant DC output voltage of VCC/2. For 5 V VCC with a dual-DC video load, add 25 / (4x75) = 83 mW, per channel. FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers Layout Considerations Figure 14. HDTV Application Using the FMS6501A Video Switch Matrix © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 11 DVD 2 Backup Camera GPS FMS650X Video Switch Matrix Rear Seat Display FSAXXXX Audio Switch In-Dash Display Rear Seat Display Car Audio Figure 15. Example of an In-Cabin System 5.0V DVD 1 Video In .1uF 75 5.0V 5.0V Video Out Display 1 75 FMS6502 Aux Video In 75 .1uF IN1 GND IN2 Vdd IN3 GND IN4 ADDR1 IN5 ADDR0 IN6 SCL 220uF 75 GND OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 VDD OUT4 OUT5 OUT6 GND IN8 SDA IN7 Video Out 75 75 220uF DVD 2 Video In 75 .1uF SCL SDA Video Out Display 2 75 FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers DVD 1 USB Mini USB EMU Video/Audio 220uF 75 Rear Camera Video In Video Out Rear Camera 75 .1uF 75 220uF 75 Figure 16. Schematic of an In-Cabin System © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 12 Figure 17. 28-Lead, Thin-Shrink Small-Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4 mm Wide FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers Physical Dimensions Package drawings are provided as a service to customers considering Fairchild components. Drawings may change in any manner without notice. Please note the revision and/or date on the drawing and contact a Fairchild Semiconductor representative to verify or obtain the most recent revision. Package specifications do not expand the terms of Fairchild’s worldwide terms and conditions, specifically the warranty therein, which covers Fairchild products. Always visit Fairchild Semiconductor’s online packaging area for the most recent package drawings: © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0 13 FMS6501A — 12x9 Video Switch Matrix with Input Clamp, Input Bias Circuitry, and Output Drivers 14 © 2012 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FMS6501A • Rev. 1.0.0