engineered to light up your design 1.800.522.5546 Neon Indicator Lamps C o nfiguration T - 4 1/2 C a nde la bra Sc re w B a s e A Des i gn C urre nt mA Ma ximum B r e a kdown V olta ge VD C VA C Part Numbe r Old R e f. Numbe r B7 A F3 A F4 A J2 A NE NE NE AR -45 -57 -58 -3 2. 0 2. 0 2. 0 2. 0 65 65 65 80 90 90 90 115 B6 A B8 A NE -21 NE -47 2. 0 2. 0 65 65 90 90 B5 A B9 A NE -17 NE -48 2. 0 2. 0 65 65 90 90 R1 A NE -79 8. 0 65 90 B T - 4 1/2 S. C . B a yone t B a s e A B T - 4 1/2 D . C . B a yone t B a s e A B S - 7 D . C . B a yone t B a s e A B Footnotes 1. Life value is to approximately 50% of initial light output. Values shown apply to use on AC unless otherwise shown. Life on DC is approximately 60% of AC values when DC current is equal to RMS AC value. When equal DC and RMS AC voltages and equal resistances are utilized, life will be approximately the same. 2. For DC operation of high brightness lamps use a minimum of 150 circuit volts. Maximum initial breakdown voltage 95 VAC, 135 VDC in light. CML and Chicago Miniature Lamp are registered trademarks of Visual Communications Company, LLC. 3. Tinned leads. 4. High brightness. 5. Formed tip. 6. Dark effect reduced. 7. Lamp drops through a Ø.310" cylinder of .500" minimum length. engineered to light up your design 1.800.522.5546 S eries R es is tor 100-125V 220-250V Ohms W Ohms W T -4 1/2 C andelabra S crew B as e 30K 1/4 30K 1/4 1/3 100K 15K 1/4 - Average Us eful Life A(Max.) Dimens ions inches B (Max.) C (Min.) F ootnotes 5,000 7,500 5,000 150 .588 .588 .588 .588 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 - 1,11 1,11 1,11 1,11,14 T -4 1/2 S .C . B ayonet B as e 30K 1/4 100K 30K 1/4 100K 1/3 1/3 7,500 5,000 .588 .588 1.50 1.50 - 1,12 1,12 T -4 1/2 D.C . B ayonet B as e 30K 1/4 100K 30K 1/4 100K 1/3 1/3 7,500 5,000 .588 .588 1.50 1.50 - 1,12 1,12 S -7 D.C . B ayonet B as e 30K 1/4 100K 1/3 5,000 .588 1.50 - 1,12 8. Life values s hown apply to us e on AC unles s otherwis e s hown. E nd of life occurs when breakdown voltage increas es to line voltage and lamp will no longer s tart. With equal DC and R MS AC current, life will be s omewhat lower than the 60% value quoted for s tandard brightnes s lamp. 9. Maximum breakdown voltage in total darknes s 100V AC . 10. Minimum current for s table operation 1.5mA. 11. R es is tor included in B as e. 12. C aution: B ulb may s hatter and/or circuit may be damaged without external s eries res is tance. 13. G reen fluores cent. 14. Argon gas filled. CML and Chicago Miniature Lamp are registered trademarks of Visual Communications Company, LLC.