Reference Design for IPM Modules Evaluation Board for P95X-A45 TF IPM Modules roprietary data, company confidential. All rights reserved. Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 1 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4 2 Features of the board ......................................................................................... 5 2.1 Main features .................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Electrical parameters ......................................................................................... 5 2.3 Pin assignments ................................................................................................ 6 2.4 Mechanical dimensions ....................................................................................... 7 3 Description of electrical parts .............................................................................. 8 3.1 Input filter and rectification ................................................................................. 9 3.2 PFC .................................................................................................................. 9 3.3 Inverter part and shunt measurement .................................................................11 3.4 Voltage measurements ......................................................................................12 3.5 Temperature measurement ................................................................................13 4 Operation ........................................................................................................13 5 Definition of layers ............................................................................................14 6 Layout.............................................................................................................15 7 Schematics ......................................................................................................19 8 BOM................................................................................................................23 Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 2 Revision History Date Revision Level Description Page Number(s) March 2011 1 First release 22 July 2015 2 Change into new format 24 Disclaimer: The information in this document is given as an indication for the purpose of implementation only and shall not be regarded as any description or warranty of a certain functionality, condition or quality. The statements contained herein, including any recommendation, suggestion or methodology, are to be verified by the user before implementation, as operating conditions and environmental factors may vary. It shall be the sole responsibility of the recipient of this document to verify any function described herein in the given practical application. Vincotech GmbH hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind (including without limitation warranties of noninfringement of intellectual property rights of any third party) with respect to any and all information given in this document. Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 3 1 Introduction In this application note the Evaluation Board for the module P95x or in other words the flowIPM 1B is described. This board gives a plug and play solution to get familiar with the switching behavior and efficiency of the mentioned module. The following picture shows the driver board. DC Link capacitor Motor out PFC controller Control PFC choke Analog out ACin + filter AC / DC Figure 1: Evaluation board for P95x modules Ordering numbers: Ordering number Description EVA-P952-A45 EVA-P953-A45 EVA-P955-A45 Assembled PCB with soldered power module P952-A45 Assembled PCB with soldered power module P953-A45 Assembled PCB with soldered power module P955-A45 Table 1: Ordering numbers Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 4 2 Features of the board The next chapter describes the main features, basic electrical parameters as well as pin assignments and mechanical dimensions. 2.1 Main features P95x power module featuring rectifier, PFC, six-pack with driver, and current sensing shunts Complete 1 kW PFC circuit with PFC controller (switching frequency settable by resistor) 110 VAC – 230 VAC single phase input with 2 stage EMC filter, fuse and NTC inrush protection 380 VDC link (settable by resistor) 3 phase 230 VAC motor output V TTL compatible inverting (active low) PWM inputs for the six-pack Dedicated Enable input (active high) Fault output signal (open collector) AC/DC converter for powering the PFC controller PCB is designed to fulfill the requirements of IEC61800-5-1, pollution degree 2, overvoltage category III 2.2 Electrical parameters min. AC input voltage AC input current DC link voltage AC output current Module_Fault_N output Voltage for logic Inputs Input current for PWM Analog output Reference voltage typ. 90 UInH, UInL S_PFC S_INV DC2+_M DC1+_M NTC2 U_REF fsw PFC – switching frequency Thmax – Power Module TOP – Operation ambient temperature TST – Storage temperature Reference Design for IPM Modules 230 400 1.7 0.7 2.1 0.9 0 0 U_REF U_REF 2.26 1.83 2.7 max . 250 5 450 3.5 8 2.4 1.1 200 3 3 Unit Remarks VAC Arms VDC Arms mA 47-63 Hz V Inverse TTL µA V 1.6 106 133 Open collector 0.22 V/A 0.25 V/A @400 VDC @324 Vdcpeak @Th = 25 °C Shunt current measurement 161 100 kHz °C -40 85 -40 85 Table 2: Electric parameters @R4xR_frek= 33 kΩ °C °C RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 5 2.3 Pin assignments Connector Pin name Direction Description Symbol Pin F1 1 L Power I 1~ power input 3 N Power I Null potential input 2 Earth Power I/O Safety earth 1 U Power O 3~ output to motor drive 2 V Power O 3~ output to motor drive 3 W Power O 3~ output to motor drive 4 Earth Power I/O Safety earth 1 GND Power O Power for measure logic 2 S_PFC Analog O Analog signal from PFC shunt measured 3 NC Not connected 4 S_INV Analog O 5 NC Not connected 6 DC2+_M Analog O Analog signal from DC2 link 7 DC1+_M Analog O Analog signal from rectifier output 8 NTC2 Analog O Analog signal from NTC 9 NC Not connected 10 15V Power I Power for measure logic 1 15V Power I Power for control logic 2 NC Not connected 3 Module_Enable TTL I 4-10 NC Not connected 11 Module_Fault_N O 12-13 NC Not connected 14 LIN3_N TTL I control signal, active low, bottom IGBT 15 HIN3_N TTL I control signal, active low, top IGBT 16 LIN2_N TTL I control signal, active low, bottom IGBT 17 HIN2_N TTL I control signal, active low, top IGBT 18 LIN1_N TTL I control signal, active low, bottom IGBT 19 HIN1_N TTL I control signal, active low, top IGBT 20 GND Power O Power for control logic J1 AOUT Control Analog signal from six pack shunt measured Module shut down signal Open collector fault signal with internal pull up resistor, active low Table 3: Pin description of connectors Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 6 2.4 Mechanical dimensions Mechanical dimensions for width and length: 124 mm x 123 mm Figure 2: PCB of Evaluation Driver Board Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 7 3 Description of electrical parts This chapter describes the different electrical parts like the input signals, output signals and driver circuit for better understanding how the board works. In this module a 1~ rectifier is used to convert the voltage from AC to DC. The PFC MOSFET with gate driver makes a Power Factor Correction, so the UDC1+ voltage and the rectified current have got same phase shift. Six IGBTs with free-wheeling diodes are implemented for the conversion from DC to AC with variable frequency. There is no braking chopper on the board; therefore the modules cannot be used for braking operation. The power requirement of P95x kit is a very basic, 1~ AC 110 V – 230 V. For the internal power supply for drivers and measure circuit a compact AC/DC converter is implemented. Please refer to the P95x-A45 datasheet for more information about the power module: > IPM For measurement of the heatsink temperature an NTC is equipped. Figure 3: Internal structure of the P95x-A45 module family Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 8 3.1 Input filter and rectification The input AC voltage rectification is implemented by bridge. The single phase AC input is connected to F2 which includes one stage EMC filter and the second stage (I1, C4) is added on board. An NTC is limiting the inrush current at start up. The fuse protects the whole circuit. Figure 4: Input filter and rectification The rectified voltage on pin 19 and pin 21 of the module is named DC1 link. These powers up to the PFC circuit which is described in the next chapter. 3.2 PFC 1 kW PFC circuit is included in the board with settable switching frequency and settable DC2 link voltage and with C2 capacitor (560 µF/450 VAC). The PFC IGBT, PFC diode, gate driver and shunt resistor have been integrated in the module. The value of the PFC inductor L1 is 0.7 mH. D1 and D2 are protection diodes for the PFC shunt and PFC diode. Figure 5: PFC power circuit The switching signals for the integrated MOSFET are generated by the ICE2PCS01 PFC controller. This is powered with an AC/DC converter supplying +15 V. Two resistors connected to pin 4 of the PFC controller adjust the switching frequency. This is set by R4 and R_frek to 130 kHz. Changing R_frek change the switching frequency. R frec _ set R4 R _ frek R4 R _ frek The datasheet of the ICE2PCS01 shows a diagram with the dependency of Rfrec_set and the switching frequency. Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 9 The voltage of DC2+ can be modified with the resistor R_dc. Figure 6: PFC controller circuit The default voltage is approx. 400 VDC. This is the maximum suggested DC-Link voltage. The following equation shows how to adjust the voltage of the DC-Bus. The internal reference voltage of the PFC controller is 3 V. U DC 2 R8 R _ dc 3V R 2 R6 R7 R8 R _ dc R8 R _ dc R8 R _ dc There has been a PFC shunt resistor integrated in the module. By this shunt the PFC current can be measured. The kit contains dual differential amplifier. One amplifier is used to measure the current through the PFC shunt and the other amplifier is used to measure the DC-Link current which will be explained more in detail in the next chapter. The power module P95x has a build in low side gate driver for the PFC switch. This allows low output currents of the PFC controller and guarantees also a fast and save switching of the PFC switch itself. The low side gate driver circuit is based on the BC817UPN which has an output current of 1 A. Refer to the datasheet for more information. Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 10 Pin 2 of AOUT connector has U_REF potential when no current is driven through the PFC shunt. If the PFC stage works the S_PFC output signal change according to the current through the shunt. Refer to the following figure. Figure 7: Picture of differential amplifier at PFC shunt resistor Check the datasheet of the PFC controller ICE2PCS01 for more information. 3.3 Inverter part and shunt measurement The inverter switches, contained in the module gets the drive signals from the TTL level PWM input signals. Level shifters and high side bootstrap driver are also included in the module. For the measurement of the motor current there is a DC link shunt in the common emitter of low side IGBTs (eg. shunt with a value of 25 mΩ is implemented in the 10 A P955 modules). InvS+ and InvS- are connected direct to the inverter shunt and provide a signal through the second differential amplifier to the AOUT connector. Like for the PFC shunt measurement the output signal is shifted with the U_REF voltage. If the motor is not in operation U_REF is forwarded to pin 4. If the motor is driven, the potential of pin 4 will change according to the current flow through the shunt. Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 11 Figure 8: Picture of differential amplifier at six pack shunt resistor 3.4 Voltage measurements The kit contains two voltage dividers. Through those the voltage after the rectification UDC1+ and the voltage after the PFC stage UDC2+ can be measured. The output of voltage dividers is 1.83 Vpeak / 324 Vpeak for the UDC1+_M and 2.20 V / 400 V DC in case of UDC2+_M. The voltages are provided to the connector AOUT. The following equations show how to calculate: U DC1 _ M U DC1 R58 R46 R51 R53 R58 U DC 2 _ M U DC 2 R57 R45 R50 R52 R57 Figure 9: Picture of voltage divider It is recommended only to change R58 or R57. Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 12 3.5 Temperature measurement The internal NTC for temperature measurement can be monitored via the AOUT connector. For calculating heatsink temperature the following circuit can be used, and the NTC characteristics can be read from the module datasheet: Figure 10: NTC measurement circuit The thermistor has a resistance of 22 kΩ at 25 °C and a B(25/50)-value of 3950 K. The relation between resistance and temperature of the NTC is expressed as: 1 1 B25/ 50 T2 298,15K RNTC R25. Where T2 is the measured NTC temperature. 4 Operation The module can be activated via an active high signal on the pin 3 of the control connector. By default the module is disabled. Before the module can handle the PWM signals from the microcontroller if is necessary to wait at least 800 ns after the enable signal is applied. The following startup sequence should be applied: MODUL_ENABLE signal go LOW wait for at least 800 ns start the PWM MODULE_ENABLE signal go HIGH Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 13 Fault signal is generated in case of short circuit on the output. In this case set the MODULE_ENABLE signal to disable within 5 µs time, and it must be kept in this state for at least one second. The number of allowed short circuits is limited to 1000. The recommended switching frequency is 16 kHz. Check the sixpack driver IC under this link: 5 Definition of layers The driver board is based on a 2-Layer PCB. The used material is FR4. Figure 11 depicts a cross section of the layer thickness and for pre-packs. 1 Copper: 1 1: 35 µm 1-2: 1.6 mm 2: 35 µm 2 Isolation: 2 Figure 11: Copper thicknesses and isolation for layers Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 14 6 Layout Figure 12: Assembly drawing TOP Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 15 Figure 13: Assembly drawing BOTTOM Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 16 Figure 14: TOP layer Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 17 Figure 15: BOTTOM layer Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 18 7 Schematics Figure 16: Input circuit Figure 17: PFC circuit Figure 18: PFC controller circuit Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 19 Figure 19: PFC shunt measurement Figure 20: Inverter shunt measurement Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 20 Figure 21: Temperature and voltage measurement Figure 22: Connectors Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 21 Figure 23: Power module Figure 24: AC/DC power supply Figure 25: Voltage reference adjustment Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 22 8 BOM Comment Designator Footprint Quantity Value LED1 5V 0805 1 LED2 15V 0805 1 2X5 CONNECTOR AOUT IDC10 1 HEADER2X10 CONTROL IDC20 1 HEADER1X4 J1 Power_Header_4X10mm 1 LM336 CONTROL, J1, U3 SOP8 1 AC/DC_converter AC/DC1 TRACO_TMLM_04 1 AC230/DC15 C1, C4 RAD0.9 2 470nF/250V AC CAPACITOR C11, C31, C32 1206 3 470pF CAPACITOR C14 5X5.5 1 10uF/16V CAPACITOR C2 C10.35 1 470uF/450v CAPACITOR C3 6.3X6.3 1 47uF/35V CAPACITOR C5 0805 1 1nF CAPACITOR C6, C7, C9, C10, C12, C13, C19, C20, C26, C28, C29, C30, C33, C34, C35, C36 0805 16 100nF CAPACITOR C8 0805 1 1uF DIODE D1, D2 DIODE0.6 2 P600M FILTER F1 FILTER1 1 ME2 FUSE F2 FUSE 1 1A COMMON CORE INDUCTOR I1 EPCOS_IND0684-A-E 1 2X7.8mH INDUCTOR L1 EPCOS_IND0232-V 1 0.7mH RESISTOR NTC AXIAL0.3 1 5 ohm RESISTOR R_dc 1206 1 15K RESISTOR R_frek 0805 1 56K RESISTOR R1 0805 1 3.3 RESISTOR R2 1206 1 300K RESISTOR R3 0805 1 220 RESISTOR R33 0805 1 1.2K RESISTOR R34 0805 1 470 RESISTOR R39 0805 1 100K RESISTOR R4 0805 1 82K RESISTOR R42, R49, R54, R61 0805 4 47K RESISTOR R43, R47, R55, R59 0805 4 8.2K RESISTOR R45, R46, R50, R51 1206 4 820K RESISTOR R5 0805 1 33K RESISTOR R52, R53 1206 2 120K RESISTOR R6 1206 1 270K CAPACITOR Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 23 Quantity Value RESISTOR Comment R7 Designator 1206 Footprint 1 200K RESISTOR R8, R44, R48, R56, R57, R58, R60 1206, 0805, 0805, 0805, 1206, 1206, 0805 7 10K RESISTOR R9 0805 1 2.4K ICE1PCS01 U1 DIP8 1 ICE2PCS01 VOLTREG U2 DPACK 1 78M05 OPAMP U6 SOP8 1 LT 6231CS8 Table 4: Bill of material Reference Design for IPM Modules RD_2015-06_001-v02 page 24