16.01.2003 Cooperation Diotec – Nuova Mistral (italiano/deutsch → ) Beginning with the new year there is a cooperation between Diotec GmbH (Heitersheim/DE) und Nuova Mistral S.p.A. (Sermoneta/IT) for the sales of semiconductor components. Aim of the cooperation is the extension of the respective product ranges, which complement one another very well without any overlap. Diotec located in Heitersheim (Germany) stands for production and sales of Semiconductor Diodes and Rectifiers with more than 25 years of experience. New products like Diacs round off the line card. Nuova Mistral located near Rome (Italy) produces Semiconductors, Carrier Tape/Reels and Piezoelectric devices. Nuova Mistral’s product range of semiconductor devices consists especially of transistors, small signal-, Schottky- and Zener diodes (see attached). Like Diotec Nuova Mistral is producing in Europe, and has comparable in-depth production knowledge for semiconductors, from chip production to assembly and final test. The cooperation allows Diotec to add transistors to their product program as well as a wide range of new package outlines. Nuova Mistral gets access to larger SMD packages, axial diodes and bridge rectifiers, to TVS diodes and also Diacs. Both companies are acting as customer contact for the respective product range of the other one. On the web: http://www.diotec.com/ http://www.nuovamistral.com/ Diotec News 007 1/4 Diotec GmbH, Kreuzmattenstr. 4 Tel.: +49-(0)7634-5266-0 www.diotec.com 79423 Heitersheim / Germany Fax: +49-(0)7634-5266-61 Email: [email protected] 16.01.2003 Cooperazione Diotec – Nuova Mistral Kooperation Diotec – Nuova Mistral Con l' inizio del nuovo anno è iniziata una collaborazione tra Diotec GmbH (Heitersheim/DE) e Nuova Mistral S.p.A. (Sermoneta/IT) per la vendita di semiconduttori. L'obiettivo di questa cooperazione è l'estensione dei rispettivi range di prodotto completando i rispettivi ranger senza creare sovrapposizioni di prodotto. Mit Beginn des neuen Jahres besteht zwischen der Diotec GmbH (Heitersheim/DE) und Nuova Mistral S.p.A. (Sermoneta/IT) eine Kooperation für den Vertrieb von Halbleiter-Bauelementen. Das Ziel der Kooperation ist die Erweiterung der jeweiligen Produktpaletten, die sich ohne Überschneidung sehr gut ergänzen. Diotec si trova a Heitersheim (Germania), produce e vende Semiconduttori Diodi e Rettificatori da oltre 25 anni. Ha inoltre nuovi prodotti come Diacs round nel proprio catalogo. Diotec mit Sitz in Heitersheim (Deutschland) steht für die Herstellung und den Vertrieb von Halbleiter-Dioden und -Gleichrichtern mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung. Neue Produkte wie Diacs runden das Vertriebsprogramm ab. Nuova Mistral si trova vicino a Roma (Italia) e produce Semiconduttori, Carrier Tape/Reels and Componenti Piezoelettrici. Il range di prodotto nel campo dei semiconduttori consiste specialmente in transistors, small signal, Schottky and Zener diodi (vedi supplemento). Nuova Mistral mit Sitz in der Nähe von Rom (Italien) fertigt Halbleiter, Blistergurte/Rollen und Piezoelektrische Elemente. Die Palette der Halbleiterbaulemente von Nuova Mistral umfasst insbesondere Bipolartransistoren, Kleinsignal-, Schottky- und Zenerdioden (siehe Anlage). Come Diotec Nuova Mistral produce in Europa, ed è comparabile in competenza produttiva per i semiconduttori, dalla produzione del chip all'assemblaggio fino al test finale. Ebenso wie Diotec produziert Nuova Mistral in Europa und besitzt gleichermaßen eine hohe Fertigungstiefe bei der Produktion der Halbleiter-Bauelemente, von der Chipfertigung über Montage bis zum Endtest. Questa cooperazione permette a Diotec di aggiungere transistors al suo programma di prodotti e di allargare il range di nuovi prodotti. Nuova Mistral ottiene l'accesso ad un più lagro range di SMD packages, diodi assiali e ponti rettificatori, da TVS diodi e anche Diacs. Entrambe le compagnie sono attive per contattare i rispettivi clienti per la promozione di entrambi i pacchetti prodotto Für Diotec bedeutet die Kooperation eine Ergänzung des Programms um Transistoren sowie einer breiten Palette von neuen Gehäusebauformen. Nuova Mistral erhält Zugang zu größeren SMD-Gehäusen, AxialDioden und Brücken, sowie zu TVS-Dioden und Diacs. Beide Firmen stehen dem Kunden als Ansprechpartner für die jeweilige Produktpalette der anderen zur Verfügung. In Internet: http://www.diotec.com/ http://www.nuovamistral.com/ Im Internet: http://www.diotec.com/ http://www.nuovamistral.com/ Diotec News 007 2/4 Diotec GmbH, Kreuzmattenstr. 4 Tel.: +49-(0)7634-5266-0 www.diotec.com 79423 Heitersheim / Germany Fax: +49-(0)7634-5266-61 Email: [email protected] 16.01.2003 Nuova Mistral preferred types / Vorzugstypen Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 Transistor SOT23 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 1.3±0.1 2.5 max B C 0.4 2.9 Single Diode Double Diode Double Diode Double Diode Single Diode SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 BZX84C2V7 to 47V 2BZX84C2V7 to 47V Single Z-Diode Double Z-Diode SOT23 SOT23 1.1 ±0.1 E B C 0.4 Package BAS16 BAV 99 BAV70 BAW56 BAS21 Diotec News 007 E SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 SOT23 BF 822 BF 823 SO 5400 SO 5550 SO 5551 SO 5401 BCV 27 BCV 47 BCV 26 BCV 46 SO 517 Type 1.1 ±0.1 Package BF 821 Part Number 2.9 2.9 0.4 1 3/4 1.3±0.1 Type Package 1.1 ±0.1 3 ±0.1 SO 2222A SO 2907A SO 4401 SO 4403 BFS19 SO918 BF 820 Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor 1.3 Part Number Type 2.5 max BC 817.16 BC 817.25 BC 817.40 BC 807.16 BC 807.25 BC 807.40 BC 818.16 BC 818.25 BC 818.40 BC 808.16 BC 808.25 BC 808.40 BC 846A BC 846B BC 846C BC 847A BC 847B BC 847C BC 848A BC 848B BC 848C BC 856A BC 856B BC 856C BC 857A BC 857B BC 857C BC 858A BC 858B BC 858C 2.5 max Part Number (BAV99) 2 www.diotec.com 16.01.2003 Nuova Mistral preferred types / Vorzugstypen Part Number Type Package 2N3904 2N3906 2N4401 2N4403 2N5401 2N5551 BC327.16 BC327.25 BC327.40 BC337.16 BC337.25 BC337.40 BC338.16 BC338.25 BC338.40 BC546A BC546B BC546C BC556A BC556B BC556C BC547A BC547B BC547C BC557A BC557B BC557C BC548A BC548B BC548C BC558A Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 BC558B Transistor TO92 BC558C MPSA05 / 06 MPSA42 / 92 MPSA55 / 56 PN2222A PN2907A Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 TO92 Part Number Type Package TIP31A TIP31B TIP31C TIP32A TIP32B TIP32C TIP120A TIP120B TIP120C TIP121A TIP121B TIP121C Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TIP122A Transistor TO220 TIP122B TIP122C TIP125A TIP125B TIP125C TIP126A TIP126B TIP126C TIP127A Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 TO220 Diotec News 007 4/4 www.diotec.com