high performance needs great design. Datasheet: AS8222 Enhanced FlexRay Standard Transceiver Please be patient while we update our brand image as austriamicrosystems and TAOS are now ams. www.ams.com AS8222 E n h a n c e d F l e x R a y S t a n d a r d Tr a n s c e i v e r 1 General Description The AS8222 is a high-speed fault tolerant device operating as interface between a generic FlexRay Communication Controller and the copper wiring. This device is the first FlexRay certified Transceiver for temperature ranges up to 150°C ambient temperature. For bare-die deliveries please contact ams for more information. The AS8222 is designed to extend the application range for high speed and safety critical time triggered bus systems in an automotive environment. The bus driver is protected against short circuits to the supply and GND. The AS8222 operates at baudrates up to 10 Mbps and is fully conforming to the FlexRay Electrical Physical Layer Specification V2.1 Rev B. The AS8222 provides a host controller interface consisting of Enable (EN) and Standby (STBN) input pins for mode handling by the microcontroller and the Error (ERRN) output pin, signalling failures and status information. Interface with optional bus guardian for bus supervision Automatic thermal shutdown protection Supports 12, 24V systems with low sleep current consumption Integrated power management system Two INH pins for the external voltage regulators control Local wake-up input Remote wake-up capability via FlexRay bus in sleep mode Supports 2.5, 3, 3.3, 5 V microcontrollers and automatically adapts to interface levels Does not disturb the bus line if not powered Protected against damage due to short circuit conditions on the bus (positive and negative battery voltage) Small Pb-free package: SSOP-20 Automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 0 For bare-die deliveries please contact us. The device supports the NORMAL mode with activated FlexRay bus transmitter and receiver, the RECEIVE_ONLY mode with activated receiver only to avoid unwanted disturbances while listening to the communication and the low-power modes STANDBY and SLEEP with very low power consumption. 3 Applications In case of undervoltage at one of the supply voltages (VBAT, VCC, and VIO) the device will change its mode to a low-power mode (either STANDBY or SLEEP mode) and the device will signal an error accordingly. In case of low voltage is detected on both VBAT and VCC the device will enter the POWER-OFF mode. The device addresses all ECUs connected to the permanent battery supply (terminal 30). Ensuring application in safety critical environments a two wire busguardian interface is implemented where additional redundant circuitries on the electronic-control-unit can monitor the communication on the receive enable output (RxEN) and can activate and deactivate through the bus guardian enable input (BGE) the transmitter. Additionally in low-power modes the wake conditions at the RxEN pin can be monitored. The AS8222 FlexRay Standard Transceiver is best fitting for automotive FlexRay nodes where bus wake-up and voltage regulator control for voltage supplies is needed. The device is best suited for high temperature applications with up to 150°C. A thermal sensor circuit with an integral shutdown mechanism prevents damage to the device in extreme temperature conditions. 2 Key Features Data transfer up to 10 Mbps Compliant with FlexRay Electrical Physical Layer Specification V2.1 Rev. B Wide operating ambient temperature range -40°C to +150°C Excellent EMC performance High common mode range insures excellent EMI immunity www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 1 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - A p p l i c a t i o n s Figure 1. AS8222 Enhanced FlexRay Standard Transceiver Block Diagram VIO AS8222 Bus Failure Detector STBN EN Host Controller Interface ERRN VIO RxD TxD TxEN Communication Controller Interface BGE Bus Guardian Interface RxEN BP Digital Logic Transmitter BM Receiver VBAT VBAT www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 WAKE GND VIO VBAT INH2 Wake-Up Detector Power Supply Interface VCC INH1 2 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - C o n t e n t s Contents 1 General Description .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 Key Features............................................................................................................................................................................ 1 3 Applications............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 4 Pin Assignments ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Pin Descriptions.................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 6 Electrical Characteristics........................................................................................................................................................... 8 6.1 Supply Voltage...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 6.2 State Transitions.................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 6.3 Transmitter............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 6.4 Receiver ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 6.5 Wake-up Detector............................................................................................................................................................................... 13 6.6 Supply Voltage Monitor....................................................................................................................................................................... 14 6.7 Bus Error Detection ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15 6.8 Over Temperature............................................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.9 Power Supply Interface ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.10 Communication Controller Interface ................................................................................................................................................. 15 6.11 Host Interface ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 6.12 Bus Guardian Interface..................................................................................................................................................................... 18 6.13 Read Out Interface ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Detailed Description................................................................................................................................................................ 18 19 7.1 Block Description................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 7.2 Events................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 7.3 Operating Modes ................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 NORMAL Mode ......................................................................................................................................................................... RECIEVE-ONLY Mode .............................................................................................................................................................. STANDBY Mode........................................................................................................................................................................ GO-TO-SLEEP Mode ................................................................................................................................................................ SLEEP Mode ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7.4 Non-Operating Modes ........................................................................................................................................................................ 20 20 20 20 20 20 7.4.1 POWER-OFF Mode................................................................................................................................................................... 20 7.5 Undervoltage Events .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 7.5.1 Undervoltage / Voltage Recovery VBAT .................................................................................................................................... 21 7.5.2 Undervoltage / Voltage Recovery VIO ....................................................................................................................................... 21 7.5.3 Undervoltage / Voltage Recovery VCC ...................................................................................................................................... 21 7.6 Power On/Off Events.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 7.7 Wake-Up Events................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 7.7.1 Remote Wake-Up Event ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 7.7.2 Remote Wake-up with Frames .................................................................................................................................................. 21 7.7.3 Local Wake-Up Event ................................................................................................................................................................ 22 7.8 Over-temperature Events ................................................................................................................................................................... 22 7.9 System Description............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 7.10 Fail Silent Behaviour......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 7.10.1 RxEN / BGE Timeout............................................................................................................................................................... 24 7.10.2 State Transitions due to Undervoltage Detection .................................................................................................................... 24 www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 3 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - C o n t e n t s 7.10.3 State Transitions due to Voltage Recovery Detection ............................................................................................................. 24 7.11 Mode Transitions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 24 7.11.1 Error Pin Signalling .................................................................................................................................................................. 27 7.12 Loss of Ground ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7.13 ERROR Flags Description................................................................................................................................................................ 7.13.1 Undervoltage Detected VBAT Flag .......................................................................................................................................... 7.13.2 Undervoltage Detected VIO Flag ............................................................................................................................................. 7.13.3 Undervoltage Detected VCC Flag............................................................................................................................................ 7.13.4 Bus Error.................................................................................................................................................................................. 7.13.5 Bus Open Line ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7.13.6 BP Short Circuit to VCC ........................................................................................................................................................... 7.13.7 BP Short Circuit to GND .......................................................................................................................................................... 7.13.8 BM Short Circuit to VCC .......................................................................................................................................................... 7.13.9 BM Short Circuit to GND.......................................................................................................................................................... 7.13.10 Short Circuit between BP and BM ......................................................................................................................................... 7.13.11 Over-temperature .................................................................................................................................................................. 7.13.12 TxEN_BGE Timeout .............................................................................................................................................................. 7.13.13 Error Flag............................................................................................................................................................................... 7.14 STATUS Flags Description ............................................................................................................................................................... 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 7.14.1 Local and Remote Wake Flag ................................................................................................................................................. 28 7.14.2 Power on Flag.......................................................................................................................................................................... 28 7.14.3 BGE Status .............................................................................................................................................................................. 28 7.15 Error and Status Flags Read Out ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Bus Driver ............................................................................................................................................................................... 29 30 8.1 AS8222 Bus States ............................................................................................................................................................................ 30 8.2 Transceiver Timing ............................................................................................................................................................................. 30 8.3 Transmitter.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 8.4 Receiver ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 8.4.1 Bus activity and idle detection (only in NORMAL and RECEIVE ONLY mode)......................................................................... 33 8.4.2 Bus Data Detection (Only in NORMAL and RECEIVE ONLY Mode) ........................................................................................ 34 8.4.3 Receiver Test Signal.................................................................................................................................................................. 35 9 Test circuits ............................................................................................................................................................................. 36 9.1 ISO7637-2 Test Pulses - Class D ....................................................................................................................................................... 36 9.2 Application Circuit............................................................................................................................................................................... 37 10 Appendix............................................................................................................................................................................... 38 10.1 FlexRay Functional Classes ............................................................................................................................................................. 38 10.2 FlexRay Parameter Comparison ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 11 Package Drawings and Markings.......................................................................................................................................... 39 12 Ordering Information............................................................................................................................................................. 40 www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 4 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - P i n A s s i g n m e n t s 4 Pin Assignments The AS8222 is available in SSOP-20 5.3mm. Figure 2. Pin Assignments (Top View) INH2 1 20 - INH1 2 19 VCC EN 3 18 BP 17 BM GND VIO 4 TxD 5 AS8222 16 TxEN 6 (SSOP20) 15 WAKE RxD 7 14 VBAT BGE 8 13 ERRN STBN 9 12 RxEN - 10 11 - 4.1 Pin Descriptions Table 1. SSOP-20 Pin Descriptions Pin Name Pin Number INH2 1 INH1 2 EN 3 Digital Input with Pull-down VIO 4 Supply TxD 5 Digital Input with Pull-down TxEN 6 Digital Input with Pull-up RxD 7 Digital Output BGE 8 STBN 9 Reserved 10 Analog/digital Input/output with Pull-down Not used 11 - RxEN 12 ERRN 13 VBAT 14 Supply WAKE 15 Analog I/O GND 16 Supply BM 17 BP 18 VCC 19 Supply Not used 20 - www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Pin Type Analog I/O Digital Input with Pull-down Digital Output Analog I/O Description Analog Output. Inhibit 2 output for switching external voltage regulator Analog Output. Inhibit 1 output for switching external voltage regulator Digital Input. Enable input Supply Voltage. I/O supply voltage Digital Input. Transmit data input Digital Input. Transmitter enable input Digital Output. Receive data output Digital Input. Bus guardian enable input Digital Input. Standby input To be connected to GND or to be unconnected Digital Output. Receive data enable output Digital Output. Error diagnosis output and wake status output Supply Voltage. Battery supply voltage Analog Input. Local wake-up input Ground Analog Input/Output. Bus line Minus Analog Input/Output. Bus line Plus Supply voltage. - Revision 1.0 5 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - A b s o l u t e M a x i m u m R a t i n g s 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed in Table 2 may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in Absolute Maximum Ratings is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Note: All voltages are referred to pin GND. Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Min Max Units Note Battery Supply Voltage -0.3 +50 V -0.3 +7.0 V -0.3 +7.0 V DC Voltage at EN, STBN, ERRN, TxD, RxD, TxEN, BGE, RxEN -0.3 VIO +0.3 V DC Voltage on pin WAKE, INH1, INH2 -0.3 VBAT +0.3 DC Voltage at BP and BM -40 +40 V Input current (latchup immunity) -100 100 mA According to JEDEC 78 Electrical Parameters VBAT VCC Supply Voltage VIO VIO < VCC Electrostatic Discharge ESD Electrostatic Discharge ±2 kV All pins AEC-Q100-002 (HBM) uESDInt 2 kV ESD on all other pins Electrostatic Discharge ±4 kV For VBAT, GND, WAKE AEC-Q100-002 (HBM) uESDExt 4 kV ESD protection on pins that lead to ECU external terminals Electrostatic Discharge ±6 kV BP, BM AEC-Q100-002 (HBM) uESDExt 4 kV ESD protection on pins that lead to ECU external terminals Electrostatic Discharge ±6 kV BP, BM FlexRay Physical Layer EMC Measurement Specification Version 3.0 ±500 V ±750 V ±100 V Electrostatic Discharge www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 On all pins AEC-Q100-011 (Charge Device Model) At the corner pins AEC-Q100-011 (Charge Device Model) On all pins AEC-Q100-003 (Machine Model) 6 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - A b s o l u t e M a x i m u m R a t i n g s Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Min Max Units Note V ISO7637-2 test pulse 1; class D (see Figure 14) V ISO7637-2 test pulses 2a; class D (see Figure 14) V ISO7637-2 test pulses 3a; class D (see Figure 14) +100 V ISO7637-2 test pulses 3b; class D (see Figure 14) 150 mW +150 ºC 260 ºC 85 % Damage Tests -100 Us Transient voltage on VBAT, Bus and Wake pins (damage tests) +75 -150 Power Dissipation Pt Total power dissipation (all supplies and outputs) Temperature Ranges and Storage Conditions Tstrg Storage temperature -55 TBODY Package body temperature H Humidity non-condensing MSL Moisture Sensitivity Level 1 2 5 3 1. The reflow peak soldering temperature (body temperature) specified is in accordance with IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 “Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-Hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices”. The lead finish for Pb-free leaded packages is matte tin (100% Sn). 2. Represents a maximum floor life time of 168h. www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 7 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 6 Electrical Characteristics In this specification, all the defined tolerances for external components are assured over the whole operation conditions range as well as over lifetime. Operation Range: TAMB=-40ºC to +150ºC, VCC=+4.75V to +5.25V, VBAT=5.5V to +40V, VIO=+2.2 to VCC, RL=40Ω, CL= 100pF unless otherwise specified. 6.1 Supply Voltage Table 3. Supply Voltage Symbol Parameter TAMB Conditions Min Typ Max Units Ambient temperature -40 +25 +150 ºC T Ambient temperature -40 +125 ºC VCC-VIO Difference of supplies -0.1 3.05 V VBAT=12V; SLEEP mode; IBAT VBAT current consumption (standard transceiver only) 0 30 50 µA 0 80 170 µA 0 0.24 1 mA -5 10 20 µA Non-low-power mode: NORMAL, driver enabled 15 25 45 mA Non-low-power mode: NORMAL, driver enabled; RBUS= ∞Ω 3 7 15 mA Non-low-power mode: RECEIVE-ONLY 1 2 10 mA -5 2 20 µA 0 0.02 1 mA TAMB<125ºC 1 VBAT=12V; SLEEP mode 1 Non-low-power modes Low-power modes; VCC = 0 V to +5.25V ICC IIO VCC current consumption VIO current consumption Low-power Modes; VIO = 0 V to +5.25V Non-low-power Modes 1 1 1. EN, STBN, ERRN, TxD, RxD, TxEN, BGE, RxEN, WAKE, INH1, INH2: open. www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 8 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 6.2 State Transitions Table 4. State Transitions Symbol Parameter tSTBN_RXD Conditions Min Typ Max Units Delay STBN high to RxD high with wake flag set 1 10 50 µs tSTBN_RXEN Delay STBN high to RxEN high with wake flag set 1 10 50 µs tSLEEP_INH1 Delay STBN high to INH1 high INH1 high = 80 % VBAT 1 10 50 µs tSTANDBY_INH2 Delay STBN high to INH2 high INH2 high = 80 % VBAT 1 10 50 µs tSLEEP go-to-sleep hold time INH1 low = 20 % VBAT 10 25 70 µs 6.3 Transmitter The following parameters are applicable to all the branch transmitters. Table 5. Transmitter Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units VBUS_DIFF_D0 Differential bus voltage low in NORMAL mode (Data_0) VBPdata0 – VBMdata0; 40 Ω < RL < 55 Ω -2 -1 -0.6 V uBDTxactive Absolute value of uBus, while sending Load on BP/BM: 40Ω || 100pF |2000| |600| mV VBUS_DIFF_D1 Differential bus voltage high in NORMAL mode (Data_1) VBPdata1 – VBMdata1; 40 Ω < RL < 55 Ω 0.6 2 V uBDTxactive Absolute value of uBus, while sending Load on BP/BM: 40Ω || 100pF |600| |2000| mV ΔVBUS_DIFF Matching between Data_0 and Data_1 differential bus voltage in NORMAL mode VBUS_DIFF_D0 - VBUS_DIFF_D1 40 Ω < RL < 55 Ω -200 200 mV VBUS_COM_D0 Common mode bus voltage in case of Data_0 in non-low-power mode VBPdata0/2+VBMdata0/2 40 Ω < RL < 55 Ω 0.4 * VCC 0.5 * VCC 0.6 * VCC V VBUS_COM_D1 Common mode bus voltage in case of Data_1 in non-low-power mode VBPdata1/2+VBMdata1/2 40 Ω < RL < 55 Ω 0.4 * VCC 0.5 * VCC 0.6 * VCC V ΔV BUS_COM Matching between Data_0 and Data_1 common mode voltage VBUS_COM_D0 - VBUS_COM_D1 40 Ω < RL < 55 Ω VBUS_DIFF_Idle Absolute differential bus voltage in idle mode 40 Ω < RL < 55 Ω uBDTxidle Absolute value of uBus, while Idle IBPBMShortMax IBMBPShortMax Absolute max current when BP shorted to BM IBPBMShortMax IBMBPShortMax Absolute maximum output current when BP shorted to BM IBPGNDShortMax Absolute max current when BP is shorted to GND IBPGNDShortMax Absolute maximum output current when shorted to GND www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 -200 1 0 0 200 mV 0 30 mV 30 mV +100 mA 100 mA +100 mA 100 mA 0 VBP= VBM VBP=0 V Revision 1.0 25 50 9 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Table 5. Transmitter Symbol Parameter Conditions IBMGNDShortMax Absolute max current when BM is shorted to GND VBM=0 V IBMGNDShortMax Absolute maximum output current when shorted to GND IBP-5VShortMax Absolute max current when BP is shorted to -5 V IBP-5VShortMax Absolute maximum output current when shorted to –5V IBM-5VShortMax Absolute max current when BM is shorted to -5 V IBM-5VShortMax Absolute maximum output current when shorted to –5V IBP27VShortMax Absolute max current when BP is shorted to 27 V IBPBAT27ShortMax Absolute maximum output current when shorted to 27V IBM27VShortMax Absolute max current when BM is shorted to 27 V IBMBAT27ShortMax Absolute maximum output current when shorted to 27V IBP40VShortMax Absolute max current when BP is shorted to 40 V VBP=40 V IBM40VShortMax Absolute max current when BM is shorted to 40 V tTXD_BUS01 Delay time from TxD to BUS positive edge dBDTx01 Transmitter delay, positive edge tTXD_BUS10 Delay time from TxD to BUS negative edge dBDTx10 Transmitter delay, negative edge tTXD_MISMATCH Delay time from TxD to BUS mismatch dTxAsym Transmitter delay mismatch | dBDTx10 - dBDTx01 | tBUS_TX10 Fall time differential bus voltage dBusTx10 Fall time differential bus voltage (80% → 20%) tBUS_TX01 Rise time differential bus voltage dBusTx01 Rise time differential bus voltage (20% → 80%) tTXEN_BUS_Idle_Active Delay time from TxEN to bus active dBDTxia Propagation delay idle → active www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Min Typ Max Units 50 +100 mA 100 mA +100 mA 100 mA +100 mA 100 mA +100 mA 100 mA +100 mA 100 mA 75 +100 mA VBM=40 V 75 +100 mA triseTxD = 5 ns 25 50 ns 100 ns 50 ns 100 ns 4 ns 4 ns 18.75 ns 18.75 ns 18.75 ns 18.75 ns 50 ns 100 ns VBP=-5 V 50 VBM=-5 V 50 VBP=27 V 60 VBM=27 V 60 tfall TxD = 5 ns tTxD_BUS10 – tTxD_BUS01 80 % - 20 % of VBUS; RL=45 Ω; CL= 100 pF 25 -4 3.75 0 13 3.75 20 % - 80 % of VBUS; RL=45 Ω; CL= 100 pF 3.75 13 3.75 RL=45 Ω; CL= 100 pF Revision 1.0 18 10 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Table 5. Transmitter Symbol Parameter Conditions tTXEN_BUS_Active_Idle Delay time from TxEN to bus idle RL=45 Ω; CL= 100 pF dBDTxai Propagation delay active → idle tTXEN_MISMATCH Delay time from TxEN to BUS mismatch dBDTxDM | dBDTxia - dBDTxai | tBGE_BUS_IdleActive Delay time from BGE to bus active dBDTxia Propagation delay idle → active tBGE_BUS_Active_Idle Delay time from BGE to bus idle dBDTxai Propagation delay active → idle Min | tTXEN_BUS_Idle_Active tTXEN_BUS_Active_Idle |; RL=45 Ω; CL= 100 pF Typ Max Units 18 50 ns 100 ns 50 ns 50 ns 50 ns 100 ns 50 ns 100 ns 30 ns 30 ns 30 ns 30 ns 0 18 18 tBUS_Idle_Active Differential bus voltage transition time: idle to active dBusTxia Transition time idle → active tBUS_Active_Idle Differential bus voltage transition time: active to idle dBusTxai Transition time active → idle tTxEN_timeout TxEN timeout RL=45 Ω; CL= 100 pF 5 RL=45 Ω; CL= 100 pF 2 3 5 10 ms 6.4 Receiver The following parameters are applicable to all the branch receivers. Table 6. Receiver Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units RBP, RBM BP, BM input resistance Idle mode; RBUS= ∞ 10 25 40 kΩ 40 kΩ 80 kΩ RCM1, RCM2 Receiver common mode input resistance RDIFF BP, BM differential input resistance VBP, VBM Common mode voltage range -10 +15 V uCM Common mode voltage range (with respect to GND) that does not disturb the receive function -10 +15 V VBPidle, VBMidle Idle voltage in non-low-power modes on pin BP, BM 0.6*VCC V uBias Bus bias voltage during BD_Normal mode 3200 mV www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 10 Idle mode; RBUS= ∞ Non-low-power modes; VTXEN=VIO 40 Ω < RL < 55 Ω Revision 1.0 20 0.4*VCC 1800 50 0.5*VCC 11 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Table 6. Receiver Symbol Parameter Conditions VBPidle_low, VBMidle_low Idle voltage in low-power modes on pin BP, BM Low-power modes uBias Bus bias voltage during low-power modes IBPidle Absolute idle output current on pin BP -40 V < VBP < 40 V 0 IBMidle Absolute idle output current on pin BM -40 V < VBM < 40 V 0 IBPleak_ST, IBMleak_ST Absolute leakage current, when not powered VBP=VBM=5 V, VDD=0 V, VBAT=0 V; VIO=0 V; Tamb < 125°C iBPLeak, iBMLeak Absolute leakage current, when not powered VBP=VBM=5 V, VDD=0 V, VBAT=0 V; VIO=0 V; 125°C < Tamb < 150°C VBUSActiveHigh Activity detection differential input voltage high Normal power modes -10 V < (VBP, VBM) < 15 V uBusActiveHigh Upper receiver threshold for detecting activity VBUSActiveLow Activity detection differential input voltage low uBusActiveLow Lower receiver threshold for detecting activity VData1 Data1 detection differential input voltage uData1 Receiver threshold for detecting Data_1 VData0 Data0 detection differential input voltage uData0 Receiver threshold for detecting Data_0 ΔuData Mismatch of receiver thresholds tBUS_RxD10 Delay from BUS to RxD negative edge dBDRx10 tBUS_RxD01 dBDRx01 Max Units -0.2 0 +0.2 V +200 mV 2 7.5 mA 2 7.5 mA 6 25 µA 25 µA 35 150 µA 260 400 mV 425 mV -150 mV -150 mV 300 mV 300 mV -150 mV -150 mV 10 % 10 % 80 ns 100 ns 80 ns 100 ns -200 Absolute leakage current, when not powered Mismatch between Data0 and Data1 differential input voltage Typ 40 Ω < RL < 55 Ω IBPleak_HT, IBMleak_HT VDataErr Min 150 150 Normal power modes -10 V < (VBP, VBM)< 15 V -400 -260 -425 Pre-condition: activity already detected. Normal power mode. -10 V < (VBP, VBM)< 15 V 150 225 150 Pre-condition: activity already detected. Normal power mode. -10 V < (VBP, VBM)< 15 V -300 225 -300 2 x (VData0- VData1) / (VData0+VData1) CRXD=15 pF 2 0 1 34 Receiver delay, negative edge Delay from BUS to RxD positive edge CRXD=15 pF Receiver delay, positive edge www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 2 34 12 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Table 6. Receiver Symbol Parameter Conditions tbit Bit time CRXD=15 pF tRxD_ASYM Delay time from BUS to RxD mismatch 2 Receiver delay mismatch | dBDRx10 – dBDRx01 | tRXDfall Fall time RxD voltage dRxSlope Fall and rise time 20%-80%, 15pF load tRXDrise Rise time RxD voltage dRxSlope Fall and rise time 20%-80%, 15pF load tBUSIdleDetection Idle detection time dIdleDetection Filter-time for idle detection tBUSActivityDetection Activity detection time dActivityDetectio n Filter-time for activity detection tBUSIdleReaction Idle reaction time dBDRxai Idle reaction time tBUSActivityReaction Activity reaction time dBDRxia Activity reaction time Typ Max 60 0 2 2 2 80 % - 20 % of VRXDL;CRXD=15 pF 20 % - 80 % of VRXDL;CRXD=15 pF 2 VBUS: 400mV → 0 2 50 150 50 VBUS: 0 V → 400 mV 100 200 100 VBUS: 400mV → 0 50 160 50 VBUS: 0 V → 400 mV Units ns CRXD=15 pF, tBUS_RxD10- tBUS_RxD01 dRxAsym Min 100 210 100 5 ns 5 ns 5 ns 5 ns 5 ns 5 ns 250 ns 250 ns 300 ns 300 ns 300 ns 400 ns 350 ns 450 ns 1. Test condition: (VBP + VBM) / 2 = 2,5V ± 5% 2. For test signal see Figure 13 6.5 Wake-up Detector The following parameters are applicable to all the branch wake-up detectors. Table 7. Wake-up Detector Symbol Parameter VBAT_BW VBAT voltage supply for bus wake-up Conditions Min Typ 6.5 Max Units 40 V 4 µs 4 µs In case a VBAT supply voltage input is implemented, the wake-up detector shall be operable when uVBAT is equal to or greater than 7V even if other supplies are not present. tBWU0 Data_0 detection time in remote wakeup pattern dWU0Detect Acceptance timeout for detection of a Data_0 phase in wake-up pattern www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 -10V<(VBP, VBM)<15V 1 1 Revision 1.0 2 13 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Table 7. Wake-up Detector Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units tBWUIdle Idle or Data_1 detection time in remote wake-up pattern -10V<(VBP, VBM)<15V 1 2 4 µs dWUIdleDetect Acceptance timeout for detection of a Idle phase in wake-up pattern 4 µs tBWUDetect Total remote wake-up detection time 140 µs dWUTimeout Acceptance timeout for wake-up pattern recognition 140 µs VBWU0 Remote wake-up detector threshold VLWUTH Wake-up detection threshold ILWUL Low level input current on WAKE pin ILWUH High level input current on WAKE pin tLWUFilter Local wake filter time 1 -10V<(VBP, VBM)<15V 48 75 48 -10V<(VBP, VBM)<15V -300 -250 -150 mV 2 2.8 4 V VBAT=12V; VLWAKE=2V for t<tLWUFilter -20 -10 -5 µA VBAT=12V; VLWAKE=4V for t<tLWUFilter 5 10 20 µA 1 20 40 µs 500 µs dWakePulseFilter Wake pulse filter time (spike rejection) 1 6.6 Supply Voltage Monitor Table 8. Supply Voltage Monitor Symbol Parameter VBATTHH Min Typ Max Units VBAT undervoltage recovery threshold 3.5 4 4.5 V VBATTHL VBAT undervoltage detection threshold 2.5 3 3.5 V uUVBAT Undervoltage detection threshold 2 5.5 V VCCTHH VCC undervoltage recovery threshold 3.5 4 4.5 V VCCTHL VCC undervoltage detection threshold 2.5 3 3.5 V uUVCC Undervoltage detection threshold 2 VIOTHH VIO undervoltage recovery threshold 1.25 1.6 2.0 V VIOTHL VIO undervoltage detection threshold 0.75 1.1 1.5 V uUVIO Undervoltage detection threshold 0.75 tUV_DETECT Undervoltage detection time 100 dUVBAT, dUVCC, dUVIO Undervoltage reaction time tUV_REC Undervoltage recovery time www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Conditions 0.7 Revision 1.0 V V 300 2 700 ms 1000 ms 5 ms 14 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 6.7 Bus Error Detection The following parameters are applicable to all the branch error detectors. Table 9. Bus Error Detection Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units ITHL Absolute bus current for low current detection NORMAL mode, Transmitter enabled not production tested 5 20 mA ITHH Absolute bus current for high current detection NORMAL mode, Transmitter enabled not production tested 20 40 VSHORT Differential voltage on BP and BM for detecting short circuit between bus lines NORMAL mode, Transmitter enabled 150 260 tBUS_ERROR Bus error detection time Normal mode, Transmitter enabled mA 400 mV 500 ns (**) detection only required while actively transmitting a data frame, error indication to host latest when transmission stops. tBUS_INHIB Bus short detection inhibit time Normal mode, Transmitter enabled 0.5 2 4 µs Min Typ Max Units 6.8 Over Temperature Table 10. Over Temperature Symbol Parameter Conditions OTTH Over temperature threshold high 175 190 205 ºC OTTL Over temperature hysteresis low 165 180 195 ºC 6.9 Power Supply Interface Table 11. Power Supply Interface Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units ΔVOINH High level voltage drop on INH1, INH2 IINH=0.2mA; VBAT=5.5V 0 0.2 0.8 V ⏐IIL⏐ Leakage current Sleep mode, VINH=0V -5 0 5 µA Min Typ Max Units 6.10 Communication Controller Interface Table 12. Communication Controller Interface Symbol Parameter VTxDIH Threshold for detecting TxD as on logical high uVDIG-INHIGH Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical high VTxDIL Threshold for detecting TxD as on logical low 0.3 * VIO uVDIG-INLOW Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical low 0.3 × uVDIG ITxDIH TxD high level input current 20 50 100 µA ITxDIL TxD low level input current -5 0 5 µA VTxENIH Threshold for detecting TxEN as on logical high 0.7 * VIO V uVDIG-INHIGH Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical high 0.7 × uVDIG www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Conditions 0.48 * VIO 0.7 * VIO V 0.7 × uVDIG Revision 1.0 V 15 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Table 12. Communication Controller Interface Symbol Parameter VTxENIL Threshold for detecting TxEN as on logical low 0.3 * VIO uVDIG-INLOW Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical low 0.3 × uVDIG ITxENIH TxEN high level input current -5 0 5 µA ITxENIL TxEN low level input current -100 -50 -20 µA VRxDOH RxD high level output voltage 0.8 * VIO 0.9 * VIO 1.0 * VIO V uVDIG-OUTHIGH Output voltage on a digital output, when in logical high state VRxDOL RxD low level output voltage uVDIG-OUTLOW Output voltage on a digital output, when in logical low state www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Conditions IRxD=-4mA, VIO=5V Min Typ 0 Units V 0.8 × uVDIG IRxD=4mA, VIO=5V Max 1.0 × uVDIG 0.1 * VIO 0.2 * VIO V 0.2 × uVDIG Revision 1.0 16 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 6.11 Host Interface Table 13. Host Interface Symbol Parameter VSTBNIH Threshold for detecting STBN as on logical high uVDIG-IN-HIGH Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical high VSTBNIL Threshold for detecting STBN as on logical low uVDIG-IN-LOW Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical low 0.3 × uVDIG ISTBNIH STBN high level input current 20 50 100 µA ISTBNIL STBN low level input current -5 0 5 µA tSTBN_DEB_LP STBN de-bouncing time low-power modes 0.1 1 40 µs tSTBN_DEB_NLP STBN de-bouncing time non-lowpower modes 0.1 1 2 µs VENIH Threshold for detecting EN as on logical high uVDIG-IN-HIGH Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical high VENIL Threshold for detecting EN as on logical low uVDIG-IN-LOW Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical low 0.3 × uVDIG IENIH EN high level input current 20 50 100 µA IENIL EN low level input current -5 0 5 µA tEN_DEB_LP EN de-bouncing time low-power modes 0.1 1 40 µs tEN_DEB_NLP EN de-bouncing time non-low-power modes 0.1 1 2 µs VERRNOH ERRN high level output voltage uVDIG-OUTHIGH Output voltage on a digital output, when in logical high state VERRNOL ERRN low level output voltage uVDIG-OUTLOW Output voltage on a digital output, when in logical low state www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Conditions Min Typ Max 0.48 * VIO 0.7 * VIO Units V 0.7 × uVDIG 0.3 * VIO 0.48 * VIO V 0.48 * VIO 0.7 * VIO V 0.7 × uVDIG 0.3 * VIO 0.48 * VIO IERRN =-4mA, VIO=5V 0.8 * VIO 0.8 × uVDIG IERRN =4mA, VIO=5V 0 V 0.9 * VIO 1.0 * VIO V 1.0 × uVDIG 0.1 * VIO 0.2 * VIO V 0.2 × uVDIG Revision 1.0 17 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - E l e c t r i c a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 6.12 Bus Guardian Interface Table 14. Bus Guardian Interface Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max VBGEIH Threshold for detecting BGE as on logical high uVDIG-INHIGH Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical high VBGEIL Threshold for detecting BGE as on logical low uVDIG-INLOW Threshold for detecting a digital input as on logical low 0.3 × uVDIG IBGEIH BGE high level input current 20 50 100 µA IBGEIL BGE low level input current -5 0 5 µA VRxENOH RxEN high level output voltage uVDIG-OUTHIGH Output voltage on a digital output, when in logical high state VRxENOL RxEN low level output voltage uVDIG-OUTLOW Output voltage on a digital output, when in logical low state 0.48 * VIO 0.7 * VIO Units V 0.7 × uVDIG 0.3 * VIO 0.48 * VIO IRxEN=-4mA, VIO=5V 0.8 * VIO 0.9 * VIO 1.0 * VIO 0.8 × uVDIG IRxEN=4mA, VIO=5V V 1.0 × uVDIG 0.1 * VIO 0.2 * VIO 0 V V 0.2 × uVDIG 6.13 Read Out Interface Table 15. Read Out Interface Symbol Parameter tRO_PROP_ERRN Propagation delay falling edge EN to ERRN tRO_EN_TIMEOUT Error read out time out www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Conditions Min 25 Revision 1.0 Typ Max Units 2 4.5 µs 50 100 µs 18 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7 Detailed Description The AS8222 is a FlexRay Transceiver operating as an interface between the Communication Controller and the wired bus lines. The AS8222 is designed to extend the application range for high speed and safety critical time triggered bus systems in an automotive environment. The drivers are short circuit protected against the positive and negative supply voltage to increase the robustness and reliability of automotive systems. The AS8222 operates at baudrates up to 10 Mbps. 7.1 Block Description The AS8222 consists of 9 functional blocks Figure 1. Table 16. Functional Blocks Symbol Parameter Host Controller Interface (HCI) Digital interface between the Transceiver and the host controller (HC) The host interface comprises the read-out handler, which delivers failure and status information via the ERRN pin to the host controller. Communication Controller Interface (CCI) Digital interface between the Transceiver and the FlexRay communication controller (CC) Bus Guarding Interface (BGI) Power Supply Interface (PSI) Internal Logic (IL) Bus Failure Detector (BFD) Temperature Protection (TP) Transmitter Receiver Wake-Up Detector (WUD) Digital interface between the Transceiver and the FlexRay bus guardian (BG) or monitoring circuitry. The power supply interface consists of the voltage monitor (VM) with two analog inhibit outputs switching external voltage supplies. The digital signals from the functional blocks of the device are fed into the internal logic where the forwarding of FlexRay messages from analog side to digital interfaces and vice versa is done. The state machine is embedded in the Internal Logic and the handling of error, wake, and power-on flags is executed herein. The bus failure detector is directly connected to the bus pins, in order to detect several external failure conditions which may occur on the bus. The temperature protection turns off the output driver when reaching the specified internal temperature in order to protect the device. The transmitter provides the differential signaling according the FlexRay standard on the bus pins. The Receiver captures FlexRay valid signals at the bus pins and provides the received data streams to the Internal Logic. The wake-up detector recognizes valid wake-up frames on the bus, recognizes a wake signal on the local WAKE pin and signals valid wake-up events to the Internal Logic. 7.2 Events Transitions in order to change between the operation modes are possible only if events are detected. The device supports three types of events: Events on the host controller interface (STBN, EN), Detection of undervoltage or supply voltage recovery and Wake events. Mode changes are only performed upon detected events. 7.3 Operating Modes The AS8222 provides the following operating modes: NORMAL: Non-low-power mode RECEIVE-ONLY: Non-low-power mode STANDBY: Low-power mode GO-TO-SLEEP: Low-power mode SLEEP: Low-power mode www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 19 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7.3.1 NORMAL Mode In this mode the transceiver is able to send and receive data signals on the bus. TxEN and BGE control the state of the transmitter. INH1 and INH2 outputs are set high. RxD shows the bus data and RxEN the bus state. The error read out mechanism is enabled. In this mode the transmitter state can be selected as shown in Table 17. In case the over-temperature flag is set the transmitter is disabled. The bus wires are terminated to VCC/2 via receiver input resistances. Table 17. Transmitter States BGE TxEN TxD Transmitter State Bus state H L H Enabled Data_1 (BP is driven high, BM is driven low) H L L Enabled Data_0 (BP is driven low, BM is driven high) X H X Disabled Idle (BP and BM are not driven) L X X Disabled Idle (BP and BM are not driven) If the differential bus voltage is higher than VBUSActivehigh or lower than VBUSActivelow for a time longer than tBUSActiveDetection, then activity is detected on the bus (Bus = active), RxEN is switched to logical “low” and RxD is released. If after the activity detection, the differential bus voltage is higher than VData1, RxD is high. If after the activity detection, the differential bus voltage is lower than VData0, RxD is low. If the absolute differential bus voltage is lower than VBUSActivehigh and higher than VBUSActivelow for a time longer than tBUSIdleDetection, then idle is detected on the bus (Bus = idle), RxEN and RxD are switched to logical “high”. 7.3.2 RECIEVE-ONLY Mode In this mode the transceiver has the same behavior as in NORMAL mode but the transmitter is disabled. 7.3.3 STANDBY Mode In this mode the transceiver is not able to send and receive data signals to and from the bus, but the wake up detector is active. The power consumption is significantly reduced with respect to the non-low-power operation modes. RxD, RxEN signals the negation of the wake-up flag. INH1 is set to high. If wake-up flag is set then INH2 is high, otherwise it is floating. The error read out mechanism is not enabled. The bus wires are terminated to GND (bus state: Idle_LP). 7.3.4 GO-TO-SLEEP Mode In this mode the transceiver has the same behavior as in STANDBY mode but if this mode is selected for a time longer than tSLEEP and the wake flag is cleared the device enters into the SLEEP mode. 7.3.5 SLEEP Mode In this mode the transceiver has the same behavior as in standby mode but INH1 and INH2 are floating. 7.4 Non-Operating Modes The AS8222 provides the following non-operating mode: POWER-OFF 7.4.1 POWER-OFF Mode In this mode the transceiver is not able to operate. RxD, RxEN are set to high and ERRN is set to low. INH1 and INH2 are floating. The bus wires are not connected to GND (bus state: Idle_HZ). 7.5 Undervoltage Events The device monitors the following three voltage supplies: VBAT:Battery supply voltage VIO: Supply voltage for I/O digital level adaptation VCC: Supply voltage (+5V) www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 20 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7.5.1 Undervoltage / Voltage Recovery VBAT If VBAT voltage falls below VCCTHL for a time longer than tUV_DETECT then an undervoltage VBAT event is detected. Undervoltage recovery is detected if VBAT exceeds the voltage threshold VBATTHH for a time longer than tUV_REC. 7.5.2 Undervoltage / Voltage Recovery VIO If VIO voltage falls below VIOTHL for a time longer than tUV_DETECT then an undervoltage VIO event is detected. Undervoltage recovery is detected if VIO exceeds the voltage threshold VIOTHH for a time longer than tUV_REC. 7.5.3 Undervoltage / Voltage Recovery VCC If VCC voltage falls below VCCTHL for a time longer than tUV_DETECT then an undervoltage VCC event is detected. Undervoltage recovery is detected if VCC exceeds the voltage threshold VCCTHH for a time longer than tUV_REC. 7.6 Power On/Off Events Starting from POWER-OFF mode a power-on event occurs in case VBAT undervoltage recovery is detected. Starting from every operation mode a POWER-OFF event occurs in case VBAT and VCC undervoltage flags are set. 7.7 Wake-Up Events A wake-up event is only detected in low-power modes. 7.7.1 Remote Wake-Up Event A remote wake-up event, only possible in low-power modes, is detected if at least two consecutive wake-up symbols via the FlexRay bus within tBWUDetect are received. The wake-up symbol is defined as Data0 longer than tBWU0 followed by idle or Data1 longer than tBWUIdle shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Signal for Wake-up Pattern Recognition Vdiff Wake symbol Wake symbol VBWU0 tBWU0 tBWU0 tBWUidle tBWUidle tBWUDetect 7.7.2 Remote Wake-up with Frames A valid wake-up event can be generated out of the standard FlexRay communication in 5 Mbps and 10 Mbps network configurations, while the data bits of the FlexRay Frame are set to “low” for a time longer than tBWU0 and set to “high” for time longer than tBWUIdle represent one wake symbol. A valid wake-up pattern consists of two wake symbols as shown in Figure 3. In a 10Mbps speed configuration of the network, the payload of the frame is configured as follows: st 1 wake symbol : nd 2 wake symbol : 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF Repetitions of wake symbols might be required if network components are shortening valid Wake symbols (e.g. the time until the device is able to re-send wake symbols after wake-up). www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 21 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7.7.3 Local Wake-Up Event In all low-power modes, if the voltage on the WAKE pin falls below VLWUTH for longer than tLWUFilter, a local wake-up event is detected. At the same time the biasing of the pin is switched to pull-down. As well a local wake up event is detected if the voltage on the WAKE pin rises above VLWUTH for longer than tLWUFilter, then biasing of the pin is switched to pull-up. The pull-up and -down mechanism is activated in low- and nonlow-power modes. 7.8 Over-temperature Events In NORMAL mode if the temperature exceeds OTTH, the transmitter is deactivated. During this condition the device will remain in NORMAL mode. The transmitter is activated again, if the temperature falls below OTTL. Figure 4. Wake Input Pin Behaviour Pull-up WAKE Pull-down tLWFilter Pull-up tLWFilter VBAT RxD / RxEN VIO INH VBAT www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 22 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7.9 System Description Figure 5. State Machine Diagram EN=0 WHILE (STBN=1) RECEIVE-ONLY NORMAL Input: EN = 1 STBN = 1 Output: INH1 = 1 INH2 = 1 Input: EN = 0 STBN = 1 Output: INH1 = 1 INH2 = 1 EN =1 AN ILE D ( O STB (Re EN=1 R N= 1 VC se AN t_ C UV D S WH _ O ILE R VC TBN C) =1 (E N )T =1 HE AN N DS TB N= 1) KE = EN WH ST = BN GO-TO-SLEEP Input: EN = 1 STBN = 0 EN=0 WHILE (STBN=0) OR UV_VCC Output: INH1 = 1 INH2 = float 0 STBN=0 WHILE (EN=0) OR UV_VCC WHILE EC _ ND 1A STANDBY Input: EN = 0 STBN = 0 WAKE WHILE (EN=0 AND STBN=0) OR UV_VCC WHILE (EN=0 AND STBN=0) OR VREC_VCC WHILE (EN=0 AND STBN=0) OR WHILE (UV_VCC) Output: INH1 = 1 INH2 = float C) VREC_VBAT EN=1 WHILE (STBN=0) OR WAKE WHILE (EN=1 AND STBN=0) OR VREC_VCC WHILE (EN=1 AND STBN=0) UV_VBAT WHILE (UV_VCC) STBN=0 WHILE (EN=1) VR WAKE WHILE (EN=1 AND STBN=0) OR VREC_VBAT WHILE (EN=1 AND STBN=0) OR VREC_VIO WHILE (EN=1 AND STBN=0) Timer = tSLEEP ) =0 BN ) ST =0 BN ) ST D = =0 N N BN (E R 0 A ST ILE O EN= D H N ( A ) W CC ILE OR N=0 KE _V WH (E WA UV T BA ILE OR ILE ( _V H WH EC R W V IO IO _V _V EC EC VR VR (U V_ VC STBN = 1 WHILE (EN=1) OR WAKE WHILE (EN=1 AND STBN=1) OR VREC_VBAT WHILE (EN=1 AND STBN=1) OR VREC_VIO WHILE (EN=1 AND STBN=1) WAKE WHILE (EN=1 AND STBN=0) STBN=1 WHILE (EN=1) WA D AN =0 EN BN=1 ST STBN=1 WHILE (EN=0) OR WAKE WHILE (EN=0 AND STBN=1) OR VREC_VCC WHILE (EN=0 AND STBN=1) EN=1 WHILE (STBN=1) EN=0 AND STBN=0 OR UV_VCC UV _V IO W HI LE ND 0A SLEEP Input: EN = x STBN = 0 Output: INH1 = float INH2 = float POWER-OFF UV_VBAT WHILE (UV_VCC) OR UV_Vcc WHILE (UV_VBAT) STBN=1 WHILE (EN=0) OR WAKE WHILE (EN=0 AND STBN=1) OR VREC_VBAT WHILE (EN=0 AND STBN=1) OR VREC_VIO WHILE (EN=0 AND STBN=1) UV_VBAT THEN (RESET_WAKE) OR UV_VIO THEN (RESET_WAKE) (EN=0 OR EN=1) OR (STBN=1 OR STBN=0) WHILE (UV_V From any State (except Power Off) BAT OR UV_VIO) OR UV_VBAT OR UV_VIO OR UV_VCC OR VREC_VCC UV_VBAT:Undervoltage event and/or flag for VBAT supply voltage VREC_VIO:Voltage recovery event and/or flag for VIO supply voltage UV_VIO:Undervoltage event and/or flag for VIO supply voltage VREC_VCC:Voltage recovery event and/or flag for VCC supply voltage UV_VCC:Undervoltage event and/or flag for VCC supply voltage VREC_VBAT:Voltage recovery event and/or flag for VBAT supply voltage Reset_Wake:Wake flag is set to low Reset_UV_VCC:Undervoltage flag VCC is set to low WAKE:Wake event and/or flag Notes: 1. This state diagram does not include all transitions, which are shown in Table 19. 2. Prefix of “WHILE” is an event and suffix in brackets checks the flags or in case of EN and STBN the input condition. - For example: VREC_VBAT WHILE (EN=0 AND STBN=0) - After the event VBAT supply voltage recovery is detected, the transition is performed if EN and STBN are “low”. www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 23 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7.10 Fail Silent Behaviour 7.10.1 RxEN / BGE Timeout In case no edges on RxEN and BGE are detected within tTxEN_timeout, the transmitter will stop transmitting the signals on RxD to the bus pins. Transmission is only possible in case the BGE (Bus Guardian Enable) pin is set to high and if TxEN (Transmit Enable Not) is set to low (see Table 17). 7.10.2 State Transitions due to Undervoltage Detection In case of VBAT or VIO undervoltage is detected, SLEEP mode will be entered regardless the status of EN and STBN. In case VCC undervoltage is detected, STANDBY mode will be entered regardless the status of EN and STBN. VBAT and VIO undervoltage detection have higher priority than VCC undervoltage detection. In case undervoltage at VBAT and VCC is detected, POWER-OFF mode is entered (bus state: Idle_HZ). 7.10.3 State Transitions due to Voltage Recovery Detection If the voltage recovers the device will enter the mode selected by the EN and STBN pins, in case no undervoltage is present at the other supply pins. Starting from the POWER-OFF, the device enters the state selected by the host input pins (EN, STBN) only if VBAT or VCC recovers (VBAT ≥ VBATTHH or VCC ≥ VCCTHH) while VIO is available (undervoltage flag of VIO flag not set). If the VIO undervoltage flag is set, the STANDBY mode will be entered. In both cases the Power-On flag is set. If VBAT ≤ VBATTHL and VCC ≤ VCCTHL the device will be in POWER-OFF state, thus the bus wires are not terminated (bus state: Idle_HZ). 7.11 Mode Transitions Starting from every operation mode the device enters POWER-OFF in case a power-off event occurs regardless the VIO undervoltage flag, the wake-up flag and the host input pins (EN, STBN). Starting from the POWER-OFF the device enters STANDBY only in case a power-on event occurs. Starting from every operation mode the device enters SLEEP in case VBAT or VIO undervoltage flag is set regardless the VCC undervoltage flag, the wake-up flag and the host input pins (EN, STBN). Starting from every operation mode except SLEEP the device enters STANDBY in case VCC undervoltage flag is set and VBAT and VIO undervoltage flags are not set, regardless the wake-up flag indication and the host input pins state. Starting from a low-power mode the device enters the operation mode indicated by the host input pins if a wake-up event occurs. In case all the undervoltage flags are reset the operation mode is selected by the wake-up flag and the host pins according to www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 Table 18 24 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 18. Pin Signalling in Operating Modes Inputs STBN H Outputs Operation Mode EN H NORMAL RxD RxEN L Bus = Data_0 L Bus = Active H Bus = Idle or Data_1 H Bus = Idle L Bus = Data_0 L Bus = Active H Bus = Idle or Data_1 H Bus = Idle INH1 INH2 H H H H H L RECEIVE-ONLY L H GO-TO-SLEEP NOT [Wake-up flag] NOT [Wake-up flag] H Floating L L STANDBY NOT [Wake-up flag] NOT [Wake-up flag] H Floating L X SLEEP NOT [Wake-up flag] NOT [Wake-up flag] Floating Floating 1 3 2 2 1. If GO-TO-SLEEP is selected for more than tSLEEP then the device will enter SLEEP only if the wake-up flag is not set otherwise it will remain in GO-TO-SLEEP. 2. If wake-up flag is set INH2=H otherwise INH2=floating. 3. Starting from SLEEP, if the wake-up flag is set, the device enters STANDBY regardless of the host pins state and undervoltage flags. Starting from SLEEP, if the wake up flag is not set, the only operating mode that can be entered through host pins are the non-low-power modes. Note: “H” = Digital level high; “L” = Digital level low; “X” = Don’t care; “Floating” = the analog output is not driven. Table 19. Mode Transitions Initial Mode NORMAL RECEICVE-ONLY Supply Undervoltage Flag / Event VIO VBAT VCC L L L L L L Wake Flag Host Event STBN EN X H H→L L X H→L H→L L L→H X X X L L L X H→L H L→ H L X X X X X L→ H L X X X L L L X H L→ H L L L X H→ L L L L L→ H X X X L→ H L X X X X X L→ H L X X X www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 Next Mode RECEIVE-ONLY STANDBY GO-TO-SLEEP SLEEP NORMAL STANDBY SLEEP 25 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 19. Mode Transitions Initial Mode STANDBY GO-TO-SLEEP SLEEP POWER-OFF Any Supply Undervoltage Flag / Event VIO VBAT VCC L L H→L L L L Wake Flag Host Event Next Mode STBN EN X H H L X L→ H L→ H L (b) H → L (a) → H H H L L L X L→H L L L H→L X H L L L (b) H → L (a) → H H L L L L X L L→H L L H→L X L H L L H→L (a) → H L H LH L X X X X X L→ H L X X X L L L X LH H L L L→ H X X X L L L X L H→ L L L L L L L→H L X X X X X L→H L X X X L L L L LH H H→L L L L H H L H→L L L H H L L H→L L H H L L L L L→H L H→L L L L H L L H→L L L H L L L H→L L H L (b) → L (b) → L (b) → L (a) → H X X STANDBY X H→ L X X X X STANDBY X H L→ H X X X X L→ H H X X X 1 NORMAL RECEIVE-ONLY GO-TO-SLEEP SLEEP NORMAL STANDBY 1 H SLEEP NORMAL RECEIVE-ONLY POWER-OFF 1. If GO-TO-SLEEP is selected for more than tSLEEP Notes: 1. (a) indicates the event that causes the transition. 2. (b) indicates the consequence of the event (a). 3. “H” = Digital level high; “L” = Digital level low; “X” = Don’t care. www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 26 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7.11.1 Error Pin Signalling In Table 20 the signaling at the Error Not (ERRN) pin is shown. Table 20. Error Not (ERRN) Signalling Supply undervoltage Flag at Remote Wake VBAT, VIO, VCC Flag Host Command Local Wake Flag STBN EN ERRN L X X H H NOT [Error flag] L H X H L L L H X H ↑ (positive edge) L → NOT [Error flag] L L X H L H L L X H ↑ (positive edge) H → NOT [Error flag] L L L L X H L L ↑ (positive edge) L X H→L L ↑ (positive edge) L L X H→L L H ↑ (positive edge) L X L L ↑ (positive edge) H L X L H X X X X L 7.12 Loss of Ground In case the ground of the device is disconnected and the host pins are open the bus lines are switched to Idle_HZ. 7.13 ERROR Flags Description All error flags are reset after error readout is completed (see Section 7.15) or in POWER-OFF mode. 7.13.1 Undervoltage Detected VBAT Flag This flag is set if an undervoltage event at VBAT is detected. This flag signals if undervoltage was detected but will not initiate a mode change. 7.13.2 Undervoltage Detected VIO Flag This flag is set if an undervoltage event at VIO is detected. This flag signals if undervoltage was detected but will not initiate a mode change. 7.13.3 Undervoltage Detected VCC Flag This flag is set if an undervoltage event at VCC is detected. This flag signals if undervoltage was detected but will not initiate a mode change. 7.13.4 Bus Error The bus error flag is set, after a time tBUS_INHIB while the driver is enabled and activated until the end of the frame if 2 consecutive rising edges at the TxD pin without any rising edge at the RxD pin are detected, or 2 consecutive falling edges at the TxD pin without any falling edge at the RxD pin are detected. The flag is only set in NORMAL mode. 7.13.5 Bus Open Line BP open line can only be set in NORMAL mode if the driver is enabled. The flag is set if the absolute current through BP or BM is lower than ITHL for a time longer than tBUS_ERROR. The flag is meaningful only if no short circuit flag is set. 7.13.6 BP Short Circuit to VCC BP short circuit to VCC can only be set in NORMAL mode if the driver is enabled. The flag is set if the absolute current flowing through BP is higher than ITHH during transmission of Data0 for a time longer than tBUS_ERROR. www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 27 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7.13.7 BP Short Circuit to GND BP short circuit to GND can only be set in NORMAL mode if the driver is enabled. The flag is set if the absolute current flowing through BP is higher than ITHH during transmission of Data1 for a time longer than tBUS_ERROR. 7.13.8 BM Short Circuit to VCC BM short circuit to VCC can only be set in NORMAL mode if the driver is enabled. The flag is set if the absolute current flowing through BM is higher than ITHH during transmission of Data1 for a time longer than tBUS_ERROR. 7.13.9 BM Short Circuit to GND BM short circuit to GND can only be set in NORMAL mode if the driver is enabled. The flag is set if the absolute current flowing through BM is higher than ITHH during transmission of Data0 for a time longer than tBUS_ERROR. 7.13.10 Short Circuit between BP and BM The flag is set if, after a time tBUS_INHIB while the driver is enabled and active until the end of the current FlexRay frame and the absolute differential bus voltage is lower than VSHORT. 7.13.11 Over-temperature This flag can only be set and reset in the non-low-power modes. The flag is set if the junction temperature exceeds OTTH and is reset if the junction temperature falls below OTTL. 7.13.12 TxEN_BGE Timeout This flag can only be set in NORMAL mode if the driver is enabled (TxEN is low and BGE is high) for a time longer than tTxEN_max. It is reset after every status change at TxEN or BGE or if the device exits NORMAL mode. In case the flag is set the driver is disabled. 7.13.13 Error Flag This flag is set if at least one error flag (as listed below) is set, except undervoltage VBAT, VIO and VCC (refer to sections 7.13.1, 7.13.2 & 7.13.3). The error flag is reset if none of the flags are set. Table 21. Functional Blocks Section No. Flag Name 7.13.4 Bus Error 7.13.5 Bus Open Line 7.13.6 BP Short Circuit to VCC 7.13.7 BP Short Circuit to GND 7.13.8 BM Short Circuit to VCC 7.13.9 BM Short Circuit to GND 7.13.10 Short Circuit between BP and BM 7.13.11 Over-temperature 7.13.12 TxEN_BGE Timeout Note: The error flag is signalled on ERRN pin according to Table 20. 7.14 STATUS Flags Description 7.14.1 Local and Remote Wake Flag Local and remote flags and function are described in Section 7.7 Wake-Up Events. 7.14.2 Power on Flag The power on flag is set leaving the POWER-OFF state and it is reset entering a low-power mode after a non-low-power mode. 7.14.3 BGE Status The BGE status flag is set if BGE is high and is reset if BGE is low. The state of the BGE is latched at the beginning of the readout cycle. www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 28 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 7.15 Error and Status Flags Read Out The error and status flag readout mechanism is a serial transmission which is controlled with the EN pin and the information is submitted on the ERRN pin. The mechanism is only activated in NORMAL and RECEIVE-ONLY mode. In all other operation modes the error and status information cannot be accessed. Figure 6. Timing of the Readout Mechanism EN 70% VIO 30% VIO ERRN 70% VIO ERRN 30% VIO Bit 1 Bit 0 ERROR FLAG Bit 2 Bit 3 ERRN tRO_PROP_ERRN t < tRO_EN_TIMEOUT t > tRO_EN__TIMEOUT The error and status flags are read out by applying a clock signal to pin EN. A falling edge on pin EN starts the readout loading the content of the error/status flag into the shift register and signaling the stream of flags on the ERRN pin. On the second falling edge the first flag (Bit 0) will be shifted out. The ERRN data is valid after tRO_PROP_ERRN. If EN pin keeps on toggling after last flag (Bit 15) the next flag shifted out is Bit 0. The complete list of bits is shown in Table 22. If no transition is detected on pin EN for longer than tRO_EN_TIMEOUT the device enters the operation mode indicated by the host pins. Table 22. Bit Order for the Readout Sequence BIT Flag Description Bit 0 Undervoltage VBAT detected Bit 1 Undervoltage VIO detected Bit 2 Undervoltage VCC detected Bit 3 Bus error Bit 4 BGE status Bit 5 BP short circuit to VCC Bit 6 BP short circuit to GND Bit 7 Bus open line Bit 8 BM short circuit to VCC Bit 9 BM short circuit to GND Bit 10 Short circuit between BP and BM Bit 11 Over temperature Bit 12 TxEN_BGE timeout Bit 13 Local wake flag Bit 14 Remote wake flag Bit 15 Power on flag www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 29 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - B u s D r i v e r 8 Bus Driver 8.1 AS8222 Bus States Activity:Differential bus signals as shown in chapter 10.3 Transmitter and 10.4 Receiver applies. Idle:The bus wires are terminated to VCC / 2 through the receiver input resistances. Idle_LP:The bus wires are terminated to GND through the receiver input resistances. Idle_HZ:The bus wires are not terminated. The input resistances are about 1 M Ω. 8.2 Transceiver Timing Figure 7. Bus Driver Timing Diagram tTxD_BUS01 tTxD_BUS10 TxD 0.5 * VIO BGE 0.5 * VIO TxEN 0.5 * VIO tTxEN_BUS_Idle_Active tBGE_BUS_Idle_Active tTxEN_BUS_Active_Idle tBGE_BUS_Active_Idle 300 mV 80 % tBUS_Idle_Active VBUS 30 mV -300 mV 30 mV -300 mV 20 % -300 mV tBUS_Active_Idle RxD RxEN 0.5 * VIO 0.5 * VIO tBUS_RxD01 www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 tBUS_RxD10 tBUSIdleReaction tBUSActivityReaction Revision 1.0 tBUS01 tBUS10 30 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - B u s D r i v e r 8.3 Transmitter In NORMAL mode, while BGE is high, the transmitter drives full voltage levels on the bus after tTXEN_BUS_Idle_Active from TxEN falling edge and drives idle after tTXEN_BUS_Active_Idle from TxEN rising edge. The Transmitter is not permanently enabled. If after the time tTxEN_timeout no edge is detected at TxEN, the transmission will be stopped to avoid unwanted collisions on the FlexRay bus. Figure 8. Transmitter Characteristics (TxEN → BUS, while BGE is high) VTxEN 70% * VIO 30% * VIO < tTxEN_timeout < tTxEN_timeout VBUS tTxEN_BUS_Active_Idle tTxEN_BUS_Idle_Active tBUS_Active_Idle tBUS_Idle_Active VBUS_DIFF_D1 300 mV + VBUS_DIFF_Idle - VBUS_DIFF_Idle - 300 mV VBUS_DIFF_D0 In NORMAL mode, while TxEN is high, the transmitter drives full voltage levels on the bus after tTXEN_BUS_Idle_Active from BGE rising edge and drives idle after tTXEN_BUS_Active_Idle from BGE falling edge. www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 31 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - B u s D r i v e r Figure 9. Transmitter Characteristics (BGE → BUS, while TxEN is low) VBGE 50% * VIO VBUS tBGE_BUS_Active_Idle tBGE_BUS_Idle_Active tBUS_Active_Idle tBUS_Idle_Active VBUS_DIFF_D1 300 mV + VBUS_DIFF_Idle - VBUS_DIFF_Idle - 300 mV VBUS_DIFF_D0 The transmitter generates the FlexRay differential bus voltage according to input signal on TxD as shown in Figure 10. Figure 10. Transmitter Characteristics TxD → BUS VTxD 70% * VIO 30% * VIO Data1: x * tBIT Data0: x * tBIT VBUS tTxD_BUS01 tTxD_BUS10 tBUS01 tBUS01 VBUS_DIFF_D1 80% * VBUS_DIFF + VBUS_DIFF_Idle - VBUS_DIFF_Idle 20% * VBUS_DIFF VBUS_DIFF_D0 Data1: x * tBIT Data0: x * tBIT In NORMAL and RECEIVE-ONLY mode the transmitter drives Idle on the bus in case no data are transmitted. In STANDBY, GO-TO-SLEEP and SLEEP mode the transmitter drives Idle_LP (idle low-power) on the bus pins. In POWER_OFF mode the bus pins shows Idle_HZ (idle high impedance). www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 32 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - B u s D r i v e r 8.4 Receiver The receiver generates from the FlexRay differential bus voltage a digital signal on the RxD and RxEN pins. RxD shows the data (Data0 and Data1) and RxEN shows the bus idle and activity status received on the bus pins. The receiver is only active in NORMAL and RECEIVE_ONLY mode. Figure 11. Timing Characteristics (BUS → RxD and RxEN) VBUS VBUS_ActiveHigh VData1 + VBUS_DIFF_Idle - VBUS_DIFF_Idle VBUS_ActiveLow VData0 Data0: x * tBIT VRxEN Data1: x * tBIT tBUSActivityReaction tBUSIdleReaction 70% * VIO 30% * VIO tBUS_RxD10 VRxD tBUS_RxD01 tRxD_RISE tRxD_FALL 70% * VIO 30% * VIO 8.4.1 Bus activity and idle detection (only in NORMAL and RECEIVE ONLY mode) If the absolute differential bus voltage is higher than VBUSActiveLow and less than VBUSActiveHigh for a time longer than tBUSIdleDetection, bus Idle is detected, RxEN and RxD are switched to logical high after with a time tBUSIdleReaction. If the absolute differential bus voltage is higher than VBUSActiveHigh or lower than VBUSActiveLow for a time loner than tBUSActivitiyDetection, bus Activity is detected, RxEN is switched to logical low and RxD is following the detected bus data states as indicated below with a time tBUSActivityReaction. Table 23. Logic Table for Receiver Bus Signal Detection Receiver Operation Mode Bus State / Signals RxEN RxD Idle H H Data0 L L Data1 L H Normal power modes (NORMAL and RECEIVE-ONLY mode) www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 33 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - B u s D r i v e r 8.4.2 Bus Data Detection (Only in NORMAL and RECEIVE ONLY Mode) If, after the activity detection the differential bus voltage is higher than VData1, RxD will be high after a time tBUS_RxD01. If, after the activity detection the differential bus voltage is lower than VData0, RxD will be low after a time tBUS_RxD10. Figure 12. Receiver Characteristics (BUS → RxD and RxEN) VRxD VBUS VBUS VRxEN VBUS VBUS VBUS_ActiveLow VData0 Data0 Activity www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 VBUS_ActiveHigh VData1 Idle Revision 1.0 Data1 Activity 34 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - B u s D r i v e r 8.4.3 Receiver Test Signal In Figure 13 the receiver test signal according the FlexRay Electrical Physical Layer specification is shown. Figure 13. Receiver Test Signal VBUS 22 ns 22 ns 400 mV 300 mV -300 mV -400 mV tBIT tBUS_RxD01 RxD VBUS tBUS_RxD10 22 ns 22 ns 400 mV 300 mV -300 mV -400 mV tBIT RxD www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 tBUS_RxD10 tBUS_RxD01 Revision 1.0 35 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - Te s t c i r c u i t s 9 Test circuits 9.1 ISO7637-2 Test Pulses - Class D Figure 14. Test Circuitry for ISO 7637 - 2 Test Pulses VBAT Pulse Generator 33k 1nF 10µF VBAT GND + 100nF GND WAKE BP 3k3 Pulse Generator 1nF Custom Circuitry FlexRay: 330 pF AS8222 Global Pins FlexRay Enhanced Standard Transceiver Pulse Generator BM FlexRay: 330 pF GND GND www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 36 - 42 AS8222 AS8222 Datasheet - Te s t c i r c u i t s Figure 15. AS8222 Application Schematic www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 9.2 Application Circuit Revision 1.0 37 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - A p p e n d i x 10 Appendix 10.1 FlexRay Functional Classes The AS8222 FlexRay Enhances Standard Transceiver has the following Bus Driver function classes according the FlexRay Electrical Physical Layer Specification V2.1 Rev B implemented: Functional Class: Chapter 8.13.1 “Bus Driver voltage regulator control” Functional Class: Chapter 8.13.2 “Bus Driver - Bus Guardian interface” Functional Class: Chapter 8.13.4 “Bus Driver logic level adaptation” 10.2 FlexRay Parameter Comparison FlexRay Electrical Physical Layer Specification V2.1 Rev. B parameters are shown in color blue in tables (2 to 15). www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 38 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - P a c k a g e D r a w i n g s a n d M a r k i n g s 11 Package Drawings and Markings The product is available in 20-Lead Shrink Small Outline Package SSOP-20. Figure 16. Drawings and Dimensions Symbol A A1 A2 b c D E E1 e L L1 L2 R Θ N AS8222 @ YYWWMZZ Min 1.73 0.05 1.68 0.22 0.09 6.90 7.40 5.00 0.55 0.09 0° Nom 1.86 0.13 1.73 0.30 0.17 7.20 7.80 5.30 0.65 BSC 0.75 125 REF 0.25 BSC 4° 20 Max 1.99 0.21 1.78 0.38 0.25 7.50 8.20 5.60 0.95 8° Notes: 1. Dimensions & tolerancing conform to ASME Y14.5M-1994. 2. All dimensions are in millimeters. Angles are in degrees. 3. N is the total number of terminals. Marking: YYWWMZZ. YY WW M ZZ @ Year Manufacturing Week Assembly plant identifier Assembly traceability code Sublot identifier Note: Package marking is not applied to engineering samples! www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 39 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n 12 Ordering Information Table 24. Ordering Information Ordering Code Marking Description Delivery Form Package AS8222-HSSP AS8222 AS8222 Enhanced FlexRay Standard Transceiver Tape & Reel in Dry Pack (1 reel = 2000 units) SSOP-20 AS8222-HSSM AS8222 AS8222 Enhanced FlexRay Standard Transceiver Tape & Reel in Dry Pack (1 reel = 500 units) SSOP-20 For bare die deliveries please contact ams customer service. Note: All products are RoHS compliant and ams green. Buy our products or get free samples online at www.ams.com/ICdirect Technical Support is available at www.ams.com/Technical-Support For further information and requests, email us at [email protected] (or) find your local distributor at www.ams.com/distributor www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 40 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - R e v i s i o n H i s t o r y Revision History Revision Date Owner Description 1.0 11 Dec, 2012 hgl Initial version Note: Typos may not be explicitly mentioned under revision history. www.ams.com/eng/FlexRay/AS8222 Revision 1.0 41 - 42 AS8222 Datasheet - C o p y r i g h t s Copyrights Copyright © 1997-2012, ams AG, Tobelbaderstrasse 30, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered ®. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. All products and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer Devices sold by ams AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. ams AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. ams AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with ams AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by ams AG for each application. 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