austriamicrosystems AG is now ams AG The technical content of this austriamicrosystems datasheet is still valid. Contact information: Headquarters: ams AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria Tel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0 e-Mail: [email protected] Please visit our website at Datasheet AS3675 Flexible Lighting Management Unit (Charge Pump, DCDC, 13 Current Sinks, ADC, LED Test, LDO, Audio Controlled Light) 1 General Description am lc s on A te G nt st il The AS3675 is part of to the austriamicrosystems AS3676, AS3687/87XM and AS3689 lighting mangement units family. It is software compatible to AS3687/ 87XM and AS3689 and pin and software compatible to AS3676. al id The AS3675 incorporates one Step Up DC/DC Converter for white backlight LEDs, one high-power Charge Pump, one Analog-to-Digital Converter, 13 current sinks, the RGB and white LEDs can be controlled by an audio input, LED in-circuit function test, a two wire serial interface, and control logic all onto a single device. Output voltages and output currents are fully programmable. Led Pattern Generator - Autonomous driving for Fun RGB LEDs - Support indicator LEDs 10-bit Successive Approximation ADC - 27µs Conversion Time - Selectable Inputs: GPIO, all current sources, VBAT, CPOUT, DCDC_FB - Internal Temp. Measurement - Light Sensor input Support for automatic LED testing (open and shorted LEDs can be identified) Support for external Temperature Sensor for high current LED protection (CURR3x) Strobe Timeout protection - Up to 1600ms - Three different timing modes Two General Purpose Inputs/Output - VANA/GPI Input, GPIO Input/Output - Digital Input, Digital Output using VANA/GPI supply and Tristate - VANA/GPI internal pull down - GPIO Programmable Pull-Up/Down Programmable LDO - 1.85 to 3.4V, 150mA - Programmable via Serial Interface Standby LDO always on - Regulated 2.5V max. output 10mA - 3µA Quiescent Current Audio can be used to drive RGB LED or up to four white LEDs - RGB Color and Brightness is dependent on audio input amplitude or frequency White LEDs can be controlled by amplitude or frequency (different modes like bar-type or two and two LEDs driven by frequency filters) Wide Battery Supply Range: 3.0 to 5.5V Two Wire Serial Interface Control Over current and Thermal Protection WL-CSP30 3x2.5mm, 0.5mm pitch Package lv The AS3675 is a highly-integrated CMOS Power and Lighting Management Unit for mobile telephones, and other 1-cell Li+ or 3-cell NiMH powered devices. 2 Key Features High-Efficiency Step Up DC/DC Converter Te ch ni ca - Up to 16V/55mA (or 25V/35mA) for White LEDs - Programmable Output Voltage with External Resistors and Serial Interface - Over voltage Protection High-Efficiency High-Power Charge Pump - 1:1, 1:1.5, and 1:2 Mode - Automatic Up Switching (can be disabled and 1:2 mode can be blocked) - Output Current up to 300mA/500mA pulsed - Efficiency up to 95% - Very Low effective Resistance (2.5Ω typ. in 1:1.5) - Only 4 External Capacitors Required: 2 x 1µF Flying Capacitors, 2 x 2.2µF Input/Output Capacitors - Supports LCD White Backlight LEDs, or RGB LEDs 13 Current Sinks - All 13 current sinks fully Programmable (8-bit) from: 0.15mA to 38.5mA (up to 75.6mA for CURR30...CURR33) - Three current sinks are High Voltage capable (CURR1, CURR2, CURR6) - Programmable Hardware Control (Strobe, and Preview or PWM) - Selectively Enable/Disable Current Sinks Internal PWM Generation - 8 Bit resolution - Autonomous Logarithmic up/down dimming (ptr) 3 Applications Power- and lighting-management for mobile telephones and other 1-cell Li+ or 3-cell NiMH powered devices. 1v3 1 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - A p p l i c a t i o n s Figure 1. Block Diagram ##? 6 0 22 9%;2 ! 4 ! &4 ##? !8C=%#6> ' "#$%"&' )* !8 !8 - , "#$%"&' )* * " - / , * $$ !! !! !8 , " ! <4 9%; ;"#;119 6%# ##?; al id $# 5 ;":# !8 !8 / , @ $$ am lc s on A te G nt st il ##?; 8> 6> '# lv $-, 6%#%" <""# "%# !! * / *%#=< 8"#; #;#%( %%" "96> ##" 8"#; "#$%"&' ()* +,-. !! !! !! !! !3"(' "9 # $ :%'%;" 0 "#$%"&' ()* !! !! 582 !!- ca 82 6 *)5 A;;B :%( =& ni # 825 ! Te ch 82 67 $%1 2"#3( 11( ' 25 ! )&4 67 $$ 1v3 2 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - A p p l i c a t i o n s Contents 1 General Description ............................................................................................................................ 1 2 Key Features ....................................................................................................................................... 1 3 Applications ........................................................................................................................................ 1 4.1 ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Pin Definitions ..............................................................................................................................................5 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings 6 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................... 6 ................................................................................................................... 6 7 Typical Operating Characteristics 8 Detailed Description al id 4 Pinout ..................................................................................................... 7 ........................................................................................................................... 9 Analog LDO 8.2 Step Up DC/DC Converter ..................................................................................................................................................9 8.3 Charge Pump .............................................................................................................................................16 8.4 Current Sinks .............................................................................................................................................24 8.5 General Purpose Input / Output 8.6 LED Test 8.7 Analog-to-Digital Converter 8.8 Audio controlled LEDs 8.9 Power-On Reset am lc s on A te G nt st il .........................................................................................................................11 .................................................................................................................46 .....................................................................................................................................................51 8.11 Serial Interface ........................................................................................................................53 ................................................................................................................................56 .........................................................................................................................................65 8.10 Temperature Supervision ...........................................................................................................................67 ...........................................................................................................................................67 8.12 Operating Modes 9 Register Map lv 8.1 .......................................................................................................................................70 ..................................................................................................................................... 71 10 External Components ..................................................................................................................... 74 11 Package Drawings and Markings 11.1 Tape & Reel Information .............................................................................................................................76 ...................................................................................................................... 77 Te ch ni ca 12 Ordering Information .................................................................................................. 75 1v3 3 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - P i n o u t 4 Pinout Table 1. Pin Description for AS3675 Pin Name Type Description A1 GPIO AIO General Purpose Input Output A2 VANA/GPI AIO LDO Output/General Purpose Input A3 C2_N AIO Charge Pump flying capacitor; connect a ceramic capacitor of 500nF to this pin. A4 C1_P AIO Charge Pump flying capacitor; connect a ceramic capacitor of 500nF to this pin. A5 CPOUT AO Output voltage of the Charge Pump; connect a ceramic capacitor of 1µF (±20%). A6 DATA DIO Serial interface data input/output. B1 AUDIO_IN AI Audio Input B2 VSS_CP B3 C1_N B4 C2_P B5 am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id Pin Number Ground Pad for Charge Pump AIO Charge Pump flying capacitor; connect a ceramic capacitor of 500nF to this pin. AIO Charge Pump flying capacitor; connect a ceramic capacitor of 500nF to this pin. DCDC_GATE AO DCDC gate driver. B6 CLK DI Clock input for serial interface. C1 CURR41 AI Analog current sink input C2 RGB3 AI Analog current sink input C3 VSS GND Ground pad C4 VBAT S Supply pad. Connect to battery. C5 CURR30 AI Analog current sink input, intended for activity icon LED C6 DCDC_SNS AI Sense input of shunt resistor for Step Up DC/DC Converter. D1 CURR43 AI Analog current sink input D2 RGB1 AI Analog current sink input D3 CURR33 AI Analog current sink input, intended for activity icon LED D4 CURR31 AI Analog current sink input, intended for activity icon LED D5 CURR2 AI_HV Analog current sink input (intended for Keyboard backlight) DCDC_FB AI DCDC feedback. Connect to resistor string. CURR42 AI Analog current sink input ch E1 ni D6 ca GND RGB2 AI Analog current sink input E3 CURR32 AI Analog current sink input, intended for activity icon LED E4 CURR6 AI_HV Analog current sink input (intended for Keyboard backlight) Te E2 E5 CURR1 AI_HV Analog current sink input (intended for Keyboard backlight) E6 V2_5 AO3 Output voltage of the Low-Power LDO; always connect a ceramic capacitor of 1µF (±20%) or 2.2µF (+100%/-50%). Do not load this pin during device startup. 1v3 4 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - P i n o u t 4.1 Pin Definitions DI Digital Input DO Digital Output DIO Digital Input/Output AIO Analog Pad AI Analog Input AI_HV High-Voltage (15V) Pin AO3 Analog Output (3.3V) S Supply Pad GND Ground Pad lv Description Te ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il Type al id Table 2. Pin Type Definitions 1v3 5 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - A b s o l u t e M a x i m u m R a t i n g s 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed in Table 3 may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in Table 4, “Operating Conditions,” on page 6 is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Table 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Min Max Units Comments VIN_HV 15V Pins -0.3 17 V Applicable for high-voltage current sink pins CURR1, CURR2, CURR6 V Applicable for 5V pins VBAT, CURR30-33, CURR41-43, RGB1-3, C1_N, C2_N, C1_P, C2_P, CPOUT, DCDC_FB, DCDC_GATE, CLK, DATA; -0.3 7.0 lv 5V Pins VIN_MV al id Symbol -0.3 5.0 V Applicable for 3.3V pins V2_5; DCDC_SNS, GPIO, VANA/GPI, AUDIO_IN Input Pin Current -25 +25 mA At 25ºC, Norm: JEDEC 17 Tstrg Storage Temperature Range -55 125 ºC IIN Humidity 5 85 % Non-condensing Electrostatic Discharge -2000 2000 V Norm: MIL 883 E Method 3015 Total Power Dissipation 0.75 W TA = 70 ºC, Tjunc_max = 125ºC Peak Body Temperature 260 ºC T = 20 to 40s, in accordance with IPC/JEDEC J-STD 020. am lc s on A te G nt st il 3.3V Pins VIN_LV VESD Pt TBODY 6 Electrical Characteristics Table 4. Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit 15.0 V 5.5 V 5.5 V ca General Operating Conditions High Voltage Applicable for high-voltage current sink pins CURR1, CURR2 and CURR6. 0.0 VBAT Battery Voltage Pin VBAT 3.0 Periphery Supply Voltage For serial interface pins. 1.5 Voltage on Pin V2_5 Internally generated 2.4 2.5 2.6 V -30 25 85 ºC VPERI ch V2_5 ni VHV 3.6 IACTIVE Battery current Normal Operating current (see Operating Modes on page 71) 35 ISTANDBY Standby Mode Current Current consumption in standby mode. Only 2.5V regulator on, interface active 8 13 µA ISHUTDOWN Shutdown Mode Current interface inactive (CLKand DATA set to 0V) 0.1 3 µA Te TAMB Operating Temperature Range 1v3 µA 6 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - Ty p i c a l O p e r a t i n g C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s 7 Typical Operating Characteristics Figure 2. DCDC Step Up Converter: Efficiency of +15V, Figure 3. Charge Pump: Efficiency vs. VBAT Step Up to 15V vs. Load Current at VBAT=3.8V 100 VOUT=14.2V VOUT= 14.2V fclk=550kHz 80 VOUT=22V Efficiency of CP [% ] VOUT=17.2V 80 75 70 60 ILOAD=305mA 50 ILOAD=80mA 40 ILOAD=40mA lv 85 Efficien cy o f D CDC [%] ILOAD=150mA 90 30 20 70 10 0 0.01 am lc s on A te G nt st il 0 65 al id 90 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 2.8 0.06 3 3.2 Figure 4. Charge Pump: Battery Current vs. VBAT 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 VBAT [V] Lo ad Cu rrent [A] Figure 5. Current Sink CURR1 vs. V(CURRx) 40.0 600 ICURR1=38.25mA 35.0 500 IBat[m A] ICURR1 [mA] 30.0 400 ILOAD=305mA 300 200 25.0 ICURR1=19.2mAm 20.0 15.0 ILOAD=150mA 10.0 ILOAD=80mA 100 ILOAD=40mA 0 2.8 3 3. 2 3.4 3.6 3.8 5.0 4 ICURR1=2.4mA 0.0 4.2 0.0 VBat[V] 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 ca V CURR1 [V] Figure 6. Current Sink CURR1 Protection Current ni 3,0 Figure 7. Current Sink CURR3x vs. VBAT 40.0 curr_prot1_on=1 30.0 ICURR30 [mA] 1,5 Te Current [mA] 2,0 1,0 10,0 15,0 15.0 20,0 ICURR30=2.4mA 0.0 0.0 V(CURR1) [V] ICURR30=19.2mAm 20.0 5.0 curr_prot1_on=0 0,0 5,0 25.0 10.0 4. 5uA 0,5 0,0 ICURR30=38.25mA 35.0 ch 2,5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 VCURR30 [V] 1v3 7 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - Ty p i c a l O p e r a t i n g C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Figure 8. Charge Pump Input and Output Ripple 1:1.5 Mode, 100mA load Figure 9. Charge Pump Input and Output Ripple 1:2 Mode, 100mA load !"#$% !&'( ) !"#$% lv %&' !"#$ al id !"#$ am lc s on A te G nt st il Figure 10. Characteristics frequency mode, BP filter 512/2048Hz BP Gain +6/+4/+2/0/-2/-4/-6dB 0.04 0.035 Current[A] 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Frequency[Hz] Te ch ni ca VBAT = 3.6V, TA = +25ºC (unless otherwise specified). 1v3 8 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Analog LDO The LDO is a general purpose LDO and the output pin is shared with the general purpose input (GPI) connected to VANA/GPI. The design is optimized to deliver the best compromise between quiescent current and regulator performance for battery powered devices. al id Stability is guaranteed with ceramic output capacitors (of 1µF ±20% (X5R) or 2.2µF +100/-50%(Z5U). The low ESR of these capacitors ensures low output impedance at high frequencies. The low impedance of the power transistor enables the device to deliver up to 150mA even at nearly discharged batteries without any decrease in performance. The LDO is off by default after start-up. am lc s on A te G nt st il lv Figure 11. Analog LDO Block Diagram AS3675 Table 5. Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter VBAT Supply Voltage Range RON On Resistance Condition Shutdown Current Te VOUT ILIMIT 1 5.5 V 1.0 Ω 150 mV @50mA, ldo_ana_lpo= 0 50 mV @5mA, ldo_ana_lpo= 1 500 mV Without load 50 µA Without load, ldo_ana_lpo= 1 ldo_ana only 3 With 150mA load 150 100 nA 200 µs -3 +3 % VBAT > 3.0V and IOUT=150mA 1.8 2.85 V Full Programmable Range 1.8 3.35 V LDO Current Limit ldo_ana_lpo= 0 Pin VANA. LDO acts as current source if the output current exceeds ILIMIT. 300 450 mA LDO Current Limit ldo_ana_lpo= 1 VBAT-VANA≥0.2V 4 8 mA Start-up Time Vout_tol Unit @150mA, ldo_ana_lpo (see page 10)= 0 Without load ch tstart ni IOFF Max @150mA, full operating temperature range ca Supply Current ION Typ 3.0 Dropout Voltage VDROPOUT Min Output Voltage Tolerance Output Voltage 1v3 2 9 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 1. Not production tested – guaranteed by design and laboratory verification 2. During startup of the LDO the current limit is half the value of ILIMIT 8.1.1 LDO Registers Reg. control Addr: 00 This register enables/disables the LDOs, Charge Pumps, Charge Pump LEDs, current sinks, the Step Up DC/DC Converter, and low-power mode. Bit Name 0 ldo_ana_on Default Access 0 ldo_ana_lpo R/W 0 Analog LDO is switched off 1 Analog LDO is switched on 0 Normal Operation Low-power mode; current consumption is reduced by about 75µA. Reduced performance of LDO: max 5mA load, internal oscillator is switched off. The device will exit low-power mode automatically, if blocks requiring the oscillator are enabled. am lc s on A te G nt st il 0 R/W Description lv Bit 7 al id Table 6. Reg. control Register 1 Table 7. LDO ANA1 Voltage Register Addr: 07h Bit Bit Name LDO ANA1 Voltage This register sets the output voltage (VANA) for the LDO. Default Access Description Controls LDO voltage selection. ldo_ana_voltage 00000b R/W 00000b 1.85V ... LSB=50mV 11111b 3.4V Te ch ni ca 4:0 1v3 10 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8.2 Step Up DC/DC Converter The Step Up DC/DC Converter is a high-efficiency current mode PWM regulator, providing output voltage up to e.g. 25V/35mA or e.g. 16V/55mA. A constant switching-frequency results in a low noise on the supply and output voltages. Figure 12. Step Up DCDC Converter Block Diagram Option: Current Feedback with Over voltage protection / 2 ),-. al id &' 3 & # $%&' ( !" 01 % ' am lc s on A te G nt st il 1 lv )*)+ )'/ 1 ' # % $ ca AS3675 Parameter Condition IVDD Quiescent Current Pulse skipping mode. Feedback Voltage for External Resistor Divider For constant voltage control. step_up_res = 1 1.20 1.25 1.30 V Feedback Voltage for Current Sink Regulation on CURR1, CURR2 or CURR6 in regulation. step_up_res = 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 V 0 31 µA IDCDC_FB Adjustable by software using Register DCDC control1 1µA step size (0-31µA) VPROTECT = 1.25V + IDCDC_FB * R2 -6 6 % VFB1 Additional Tuning Current at Pin DCDC_FB and over voltage protection Te VFB2 ni Symbol ch Table 8. Step Up DC/DC Converter Parameters Accuracy of Feedback Current at full scale 1v3 Min Typ Max 140 Unit µA 11 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 8. Step Up DC/DC Converter Parameters Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max e.g., 0.66A for 0.1Ω sense resistor. 46 66 85 Vrsense_max Current Limit Voltage at R1 For fixed startup time of 500us 25 33 43 If Step up_lowcur= 1 30 43 57 RSW Switch Resistance ON-resistance of external switching transistor. ILOAD Load Current fIN At 16V output voltage 0 At 25V output voltage 0 Switching Frequency Internally trimmed 0.9 1 COUT Output Capacitor Ceramic, ±20%. Use nominal 4.7µF capacitors to obtain at least 0.7µF under all conditions (voltage dependence of capacitors) 0.7 4.7 L Inductor Use inductors with small Cparasitic (<100pF) to get high efficiency. 7 10 tMIN_ON Minimum on Time 90 140 MDC Maximum Duty Cycle 88 91 55 35 1.1 Voltage ripple >20kHz Efficiency Efficiency Iout=20mA,Vout=17V,VBAT=3.8V mA MHz lv Cout=4.7µF,Iout=0..45mA, VBAT=3.0...4.2V Voltage ripple <20kHz Ω µF 13 am lc s on A te G nt st il Vripple mV al id 1 Unit 190 µH ns % 160 mV 40 mV 85 % To ensure soft startup of the dcdc converter, the over current limits are reduced for a fixed time after enabling the dcdc converter. The total startup time for an output voltage of e.g. 25V is less than 2ms. 8.2.1 Feedback Selection Register DCDC control1 and DCDC control2 selects the type of feedback for the Step Up DC/DC Converter. The feedback for the DC/DC converter can be selected either by current sinks (CURR1, CURR2, CURR6) or by a voltage feedback at pin DCDC_FB. If the register bit step_up_fb_auto is set, the feedback path is automatically selected between CURR1, CURR2 and CURR6 (the lowest voltage of these current sinks is used). Setting step_up_fb enables feedback on the pins CURR1, CURR2 or CURR6. The Step Up DC/DC Converter is regulated such that the required current at the feedback path can be supported. (Bit step_up_res should be set to 0 in this configuration) Over voltage Protection in Current Feedback Mode ni 8.2.2 ca Note: Always choose the path with the highest voltage drop as feedback to guarantee adequate supply for the other (unregulated) paths or enable the register bit step_up_fb_auto. ch The over voltage protection in current feedback mode (step_up_fb = 01, 10 or 11 or step_up_fb_auto = 1) works as follows: Only resistor R2 and C7/C8 is soldered and R3 is omitted. An internal current source (sink) is used to generate a voltage drop across the resistor R2. If then the voltage on DCDC_FB is above 1.25V, the DCDC is momentarily disabled to avoid too high voltages on the output of the DCDC converter. The protection voltage can be calculated according to the following formula: (EQ 1) Te VPROTECT = 1.25V + IDCDC_FB * R2 Note: The voltage on the pin DCDC_FB is limited by an internal protection diode to VBAT + one diode forward voltage (typ. 0.6V). If the over voltage protection is not used in current feedback mode, connect DCDC_FB to ground. 1v3 12 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 13. Step Up DC/DC Converter Detail Diagram; Option: Regulated Output Current, Feedback is automatically selected between CURR1, CURR2, CURR6 (step_up_fb_auto=1); over voltage protection is enabled (step_up_prot=1); 1MHz clock frequency (step_up_frequ=0) + . !" / ! '6, /32 $$%()* ( $ 1 31% - 0% 0%1 2 ,- $$%"+ 0 - 31 3330 3 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0% 0%45 3 4;5: <==> ?3; ?%3%0@ ca 8.2.3 " $ 0% 0%45% 3 AS3675 " am lc s on A te G nt st il 0% 0%0 3 !" # $$%&%' %7 al id : lv 0% 0%4 8 0 :%0 31 33 31%13:2 ,9 9 $ Voltage Feedback Setting bit step_up_fb (see page 15) = 00 enables voltage feedback at pin DCDC_FB. ni The output voltage is regulated to a constant value, given by (Bit step_up_res should be set to 1 in this configuration) UStep up_out = (R2+R3)/R3 *1.25 + IDCDC_FB * R2 (EQ 2) ch If R4 is not used, the output voltage is by (Bit step_up_res should be set to 0 in this configuration) UStep up_out = 1.25 + IDCDC_FB * R2 (EQ 3) Where: Te UStep up_out = Step Up DC/DC Converter output voltage R2 = Feedback resistor R2 R3 = Feedback resistor R3 1v3 13 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n IDCDC_FB = Tuning current at ball DCDC_FB; 0 to 31µA Table 9. Voltage Feedback Example Values UStep up_out UStep up_out µA R2 = 1MΩ, R3 not used R2 = 500kΩ, R3 = 50kΩ 0 - 13.75 1 - 14.25 2 - 14.75 3 - 15.25 4 - 15.75 5 6.25 16.25 6 7.25 7 8.25 8 9.25 lv al id IDCDC_FB 16.75 17.25 am lc s on A te G nt st il 17.75 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … 30 31 10.25 18.25 11.25 18.75 12.25 19.25 13.25 19.75 14.25 20.25 15.25 20.75 16.25 21.25 … … 31.25 28.75 32.25 29.25 Note: The voltage on CURR1, CURR2 and CURR6 must not exceed 15V (see page 25) 8.2.4 PCB Layout Hints Step up Registers ni 8.2.5 ca To ensure good EMC performance of the DCDC converter, keep its external power components C6, R1, L1, Q1, D1 and C9 close together. Connect the ground of C6, R1 and C9 locally together and connect this with a short path to AS3675 VSS. This ensures that local high-frequency currents will not flow to the battery. Table 10. Reg. control Register Reg. control ch Addr: 00 Te Bit 3 Bit Name This register enables/disables the Charge Pump and the Step Up DC/DC Converter. Default Access step_up_on Description Enable the step up converter 0 R/W 0b Disable the Step Up DC/DC Converter 1b Enable the Step Up DC/DC Converter 1v3 14 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 11. DCDC control1 Register DCDC control1 Addr: 21h Bit This register controls the Step Up DC/DC Converter. Bit Name Default Access Description step_up_frequ 0 0 R/W 0 1MHz 1 500kHz al id Defines the clock frequency of the Step Up DC/DC Converter. Controls the feedback source if step_up_fb_auto = 0 00 R/W DCDC_FB enabled (external resistor divider). Set step_up_fb=00 (DCDC_FB) 01 CURR1 feedback enabled (feedback via LEDs) 10 CURR2 feedback enabled (feedback via LEDs) lv step_up_fb 2:1 00 CURR6 feedback enabled (feedback via LEDs) am lc s on A te G nt st il 11 Defines the tuning current at pin DCDC_FB. step_up_vtuning 7:3 00000 R/W 00000 0 µA 00001 1 µA 00010 2 µA .... 10000 15 µA ..... 11111 31 µA Table 12. DCDC control2 Register DCDC control2 Addr: 22h Bit Name Default Access ca Bit This register controls the Step Up DC/DC Converter and low-voltage current sinks CURR3x. step_up_res 0 Gain selection for Step Up DC/DC Converter R/W ch ni 0 Te 1 2 skip_fast Description 0 Select 0 if Step Up DC/DC Converter is used with current feedback (CURR1, CURR2, CURR6) or if DCDC_FB is used with current feedback only – R2, C7, C8 connected, R3 not used 1 Select 1 if DCDC_FB is used with external resistor divider using 2 resistors: R2 and R3 Step Up DC/DC Converter output voltage at low loads, when pulse skipping is active 0 R/W 0 Accurate output voltage, more ripple 1 Elevated output voltage, less ripple Step Up DC/DC Converter protection step_up_prot 1 R/W 0 No over voltage protection 1 Over voltage protection on pin DCDC_FB enabled voltage limitation =1.25V on DCDC_FB 1v3 15 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 12. DCDC control2 Register DCDC control2 Addr: 22h This register controls the Step Up DC/DC Converter and low-voltage current sinks CURR3x. Bit Bit Name 3 Step up_lowcur Default Access Description Step Up DC/DC Converter coil current limit Normal current limit 1 Current limit reduced by approx. 33% 0 step_up_fb select the feedback of the DCDC converter 1 The feedback is automatically chosen within the current sinks CURR1, CURR2 and CURR6 (never DCDC_FB). Only those are used for this selection, which are enabled (currX_mode must not be 00) and not connected to the charge pump (currX_on_cp must be 0). R/W al id 0 am lc s on A te G nt st il 8.3 0 R/W lv step_up_fb_auto 7 1 Charge Pump The Charge Pump uses two external flying capacitors C3, C4 to generate output voltages higher than the battery voltage. There are three different operating modes of the charge pump itself: 1:1 Bypass Mode - Battery input and output are connected by a low-impedance switch - battery current = output current. 1:1.5 Mode - The output voltage is up to 1.5 times the battery voltage (without load), but is limited to VCPOUTmax all the time - battery current = 1.5 times output current. 1:2 Mode - The output voltage is up to 2 times the battery voltage (without load), but is limited to VCPOUTmax all the time - battery current = 2 times output current As the battery voltage decreases, the Charge Pump must be switched from 1:1 mode to 1:1.5 mode and eventually in 1:2 mode in order to provide enough supply for the current sinks. Depending on the actual current the mode with best overall efficiency can be automatically or manually selected: Examples: ch ni ca Battery voltage = 3.7V, LED dropout voltage = 3.5V. The 1:1 mode will be selected and there is 200mV drop on the current sink and on the Charge Pump switch. Efficiency 95%. Battery voltage = 3.5V, LED dropout voltage = 3.5V. The 1:1.5 mode will be selected and there is 1.5V drop on the current sink and 250mV on the Charge Pump. Efficiency 66%. Battery voltage = 3.8V, LED dropout voltage = 4.5V (Camera Flash). The 1:2 mode can be selected and there is 600mV drop on the current sink and 2.5V on the Charge Pump. Efficiency 60%. The efficiency is dependent on the LED forward voltage given by: Eff=(V_LED*Iout)/(Uin*Iin) (EQ 4) The charge pump mode switching can be done manually or automatically with the following possible software settings: Te Automatic up all modes allowed (1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2) - Start with 1:1 mode - Switch up automatically 1:1 to 1:1.5 to 1:2 Automatic up, but only 1:1 and 1:1.5 allowed - Start with 1:1 mode - Switch up automatically only from 1:1 to 1:1.5 mode; 1:2 mode is not used Manual - Set modes 1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2 by software 1v3 16 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 14. Charge Pump Pin Connections al id lv am lc s on A te G nt st il AS3675 The Charge Pump requires the external components listed in the following table: Table 13. Charge Pump External Components Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit C2 External Decoupling Capacitor Ceramic low-ESR capacitor between pins VBAT and VSS. 1.0 µF C3, C4 External Flying Capacitor (2x) Ceramic low-ESR capacitor between pins C1_P and C1_N, between pins C2_P and C2_N and between VBAT and VSS 1.0 µF C5 External Storage Capacitor Ceramic low-ESR capacitor between pins CPOUT and VSS, pins CPOUT and VSS. Use nominal 2.2µF capacitors (size 0603) 2.2 µF Note: The connections of the external capacitors C2, C3, C4 and C5 should be kept as short as possible. The maximum voltage on the flying capacitors C3 and C4 is VBAT. Table 14. Charge Pump Characteristics Condition Min Output Current Continuous Depending on PCB layout ni ICPOUT Parameter ca Symbol Output Current Pulsed max. 200ms VCPOUT= VBAT * CPMODE – ILOAD * RCP Typ Max Unit 0.0 300 mA 0.0 500 mA 5.6 V 90 % Output Voltage Internally limited, Including output ripple η Efficiency Including current sink loss; ICPOUT < 100mA. ICP1_1.5 Power Consumption without Load fclk = 1 MHz 1:1.5 Mode 3.4 1:2 Mode 3.8 1:1 Mode; VBAT ≥ 3.5V 0.57 1:1.5 Mode; VBAT ≥ 3.3V 2.65 Rcp1_2 Effective Charge Pump Output Resistance (Open Loop, fclk = 1MHz) 1:1.2 Mode; VBAT ≥ 3.1V 3.25 fclk Accuracy Accuracy of Clock Frequency Te ch VCPOUTmax ICP1_2 Rcp1_1 Rcp1_1.5 60 -10 1v3 mA Ω 10 % 17 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 14. Charge Pump Characteristics Parameter currhv_switch CURR1, 2, 6 minimum voltage 8.3.1 Typ CURR30-33, RGB1If the voltage drops below this threshold, the 3, CURR41-3 charge pump will use the next available minimum voltage mode CURR30-33 (1:1 -> 1:1.5 or 1:1.5 -> 1:2) 0-75.6mA range for strobe if curr3x_strobe_high= 1 CP automatic upswitching debounce time tdeb Min cp_start_debounce=0 After switching on CP (cp_on set to 1), if cp_start_debounce=1 Charge Pump Mode Switching Max Unit 0.45 V 0.2 V 0.4 240 V µsec lv currlv_switch Condition al id Symbol 2000 µsec am lc s on A te G nt st il If automatic mode switching is enabled (cp_mode_switching (see page 20) = 00 or cp_mode_switching = 01) the charge pump monitors the current sinks, which are connected via a led to the output CPOUT. To identify these current sources (sinks), the registers CP mode Switch1 and CP mode Switch2 (register bits curr30_on_cp (see page 21) … curr33_on_cp, rgb1_on_cp … rgb3_on_cp, curr1_on_cp, curr2_on_cp, curr41_on_cp … curr43_on_cp and curr6_on_cp) should be setup before starting the charge pump (cp_on (see page 20) = 1). If any of the voltage on these current sources drops below the threshold (currlv_switch, currhv_switch), the next higher mode is selected after the debounce time. To avoid switching into 1:2 mode (battery current = 2 times output current), set cp_mode_switching = 01. Te ch ni ca If the currX_on_cp=0 and the according current sink is connected to the charge pump, the current sink will be functional, but there is no up switching of the charge pump, if the voltage compliance is too low for the current sink to supply the specified current. 1v3 18 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 15. Automatic Mode Switching 0- 1 02 / -% "# $% &'(&) &)'(& # *& ( &.&).& / %! 30 %! 30 %! 30 ca ! am lc s on A te G nt st il lv $$ al id ch ni , + + Te AS3675 8.3.2 Soft Start An implemented soft start mechanism reduces the inrush current. Battery current is smoothed when switching the charge pump on and also at each switching condition. This precaution reduces electromagnetic radiation significantly. 1v3 19 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8.3.3 Charge Pump Registers Table 15. Reg. control Register Reg. control Addr: 00h This register controls the Charge Pump. Bit Name 2 cp_on Default Access 0 R/W Description 0 Set Charge Pump into 1:1 mode (off state) unless cp_auto_on is set 1 Enable manual or automatic mode switching al id Bit Table 16. CP control Register This register enables/disables the Charge Pump and the Step Up DC/DC Converter. Bit Name Default Access Description am lc s on A te G nt st il Bit lv CP control Addr: 23h Clock frequency selection. cp_clk 0 0 R/W 0 1 MHz 1 500 kHz Charge Pump mode (in manual mode sets this mode, in 1 automatic mode reports the actual mode used) cp_mode 2:1 00b R/W 00 1:1 mode 01 1:1.5 mode 10 1:2 mode 11 NA Set the mode switching algorithm 00b ca cp_start_debounce ch 5 cp_mode_switching ni 4:3 cp_auto_on Te 6 0 0 R/W R/W R/W 00 Automatic Mode switching; 1:1, 1:1.5 and 1:2 allowed 01 Automatic Mode switching; only 1:1 and 1:1.5 allowed 10 Manual Mode switching; register cp_mode defines the actual charge pump mode used 11 Reserved 0 Mode switching debounce timer is always 240µs 1 Upon startup (cp_on set to 1) the mode switching debounce time is first started with 2ms then reduced to 240µs 0 Charge Pump is switched on/off with cp_on 1 Charge Pump is automatically switched on if a current sink, which is connected to the charge pump (defined by registers CP Mode Switch 1 & 2) is switched on 1. Direct switching from 1:1.5 mode into 1:2 in manual mode and vice versa is not allowed. Always switch over 1:1 mode. 1v3 20 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 17. CP mode Switch1 Register CP mode Switch1 Setup which current sinks are connected (via leds) to the charge pump; if set to ‘1’ the correspond current source (sink) is used for automatic mode selection of the charge pump Bit Name 0 curr30_on_cp Default Access 0 curr31_on_cp 1 0 curr32_on_cp 0 curr33_on_cp 3 0 rgb1_on_cp 4 0 rgb2_on_cp 5 0 rgb3_on_cp 6 R/W R/W 0 current Sink CURR30 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR30 is connected to charge pump 0 current Sink CURR31 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR31 is connected to charge pump 0 current Sink CURR32 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR32 is connected to charge pump am lc s on A te G nt st il 2 R/W Description al id Bit lv Addr: 24h 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 current Sink CURR33 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR33 is connected to charge pump 0 current Sink RGB1 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink RGB1 is connected to charge pump 0 current Sink RGB2 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink RGB2 is connected to charge pump 0 current Sink RGB3 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink RGB3 is connected to charge pump Table 18. CP mode Switch2 Register CP mode Switch2 Setup which current sinks are connected (via LEDs) to the charge pump; if set to ‘1’ the correspond current source (sink) is used for automatic mode selection of the charge pump ca Addr: 25h Bit Name 0 curr1_on_cp Default Access ch ni Bit Te 1 2 3 curr2_on_cp curr41_on_cp curr42_on_cp 0 0 0 0 R/W R/W R/W R/W Description 0 current Sink CURR1is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR1 is connected to charge pump 0 current Sink CURR2 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR2 is connected to charge pump 0 current Sink CURR41 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR41 is connected to charge pump 0 current Sink CURR42 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR42 is connected to charge pump 1v3 21 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 18. CP mode Switch2 Register (Continued) CP mode Switch2 Setup which current sinks are connected (via LEDs) to the charge pump; if set to ‘1’ the correspond current source (sink) is used for automatic mode selection of the charge pump Bit Name Default Access curr43_on_cp 4 0 curr6_on_cp 7 0 R/W R/W Description 0 current Sink CURR43 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR43 is connected to charge pump 0 current Sink CURR6 is not connected to charge pump 1 current sink CURR6 is connected to charge pump al id Bit lv Addr: 25h Table 19. Curr low voltage status1 Register am lc s on A te G nt st il Curr low voltage status1 Indicates the low voltage status of the current sinks. If the currX_low_v bit is set, the voltage on the current sink is too low, to drive the selected output current Addr: 2Ah Bit Name 0 curr30_low_v NA R 1 curr31_low_v NA R 2 curr32_low_v NA R 3 curr33_low_v NA R 4 rgb1_low_v NA R 5 rgb2_low_v NA R 6 rgb3_low_v NA R NA R ni curr6_low_v ch 7 Default Access ca Bit Description 0 voltage of current Sink CURR30 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR30 <currlv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink CURR31 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR31 <currlv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink CURR32 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR32 <currlv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink CURR33 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR33 <currlv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink RGB1 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink RGB1 <currlv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink RGB2 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink RGB2 <currlv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink RGB3 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink RGB31 <currlv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink CURR6 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR6 <currlv_switch Table 20. Curr low voltage status2 Register Curr low voltage status2 Indicates the low voltage status of the current sinks. If the currX_low_v bit is set, the voltage on the current sink is too low, to drive the selected output current Te Addr: 2Bh Bit Bit Name 0 curr1_low_v Default Access NA R Description 0 voltage of current Sink CURR1 >currhv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR1 <currhv_switch 1v3 22 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 20. Curr low voltage status2 Register (Continued) Curr low voltage status2 Indicates the low voltage status of the current sinks. If the currX_low_v bit is set, the voltage on the current sink is too low, to drive the selected output current Addr: 2Bh 1 curr2_low_v Default Access NA R curr41_low_v NA R 3 curr42_low_v NA R 4 curr43_low_v NA R 0 voltage of current Sink CURR2 >currhv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR2 <currhv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink CURR41 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR41 <currlv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink CURR42 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR42 <currlv_switch 0 voltage of current Sink CURR43 >currlv_switch 1 voltage of current Sink CURR43 <currlv_switch Te ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il 2 Description al id Bit Name lv Bit 1v3 23 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8.4 Current Sinks The AS3675 contains general purpose current sinks intended to control RGB LEDs, white LEDs (e.g. backlights) and can also be used for buzzers or vibrators. All current sinks have an integrated over voltage protection. CURR1, CURR2 and CURR6 are also used as feedback for the Step Up DC/DC Converter (regulated to 0.5V in this configuration) see Feedback Selection on page 12. al id Current sinks CURR1, CURR2 and CURR6 are high-voltage compliant (15V) current sinks, used e.g., for series of white LEDs Current sinks CURR3x (CURR30, CURR31, CURR32 and CURR33) are parallel 5V current sinks, used for backlighting, indicator LEDs or RGB LEDs. Current sinks RGB1, RGB2, and RGB3 are general purpose current sinks e.g. for a fun LED. Current sinks CURR4x (CURR41, CURR42, and CURR43) are general purpose current sinks. Current Sink CURR1 Max. Voltage (V) Max. Current (mA) Resolution (Bits) (mA) Software Current Control lv Table 21. Current Sink Function Overview Hardware On/Off Control Can be assigned to Audio Controlled LED Channel am lc s on A te G nt st il ch1 CURR2 15.0 CURR6 38.25 8 0.15 Separate LED Pattern; Internal PWM ch2 ch3 CURR30 38.25 (75.6mA for strobe if curr3x_str obe_high= 1) CURR31 CURR32 CURR33 8 0.15 Combined in Strobe/ Preview or Separated Flash LED Strobe (CURR1 or Completely individual CURR30) & assignment of the Preview audio channels (CURR2); ch1,ch2 and ch3 to the Internal PWM; outputs LED Pattern VBAT (5.5V) RGB1 RGB2 ch1 38.25 RGB3 8 0.15 Separate LED Pattern; Internal PWM ch2 ch3 CURR41 ch1 CURR42 38.25 0.15 Separate ch2 ch3 Te ch ni ca CURR43 8 LED Pattern; Internal PWM 1v3 24 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8.4.1 High Voltage Current Sinks CURR1, CURR2, CURR6 The high voltage current sinks have a resolution of 8 bits. Additionally an internal protection circuit monitors with a voltage divider (max 3µA @ 15V) the voltage on CURR1, CURR2 and CURR6 and increases the current in off state in case of over voltage. Table 22. HV Current Sinks Characteristics Parameter Condition Min Typ IBIT7 Current sink if Bit7 = 1 19.2 IBIT6 Current sink if Bit6 = 1 9.6 IBIT5 Current sink if Bit5 = 1 4.8 IBIT4 Current sink if Bit4 = 1 IBIT3 Current sink if Bit3 = 1 IBIT2 Current sink if Bit2 = 1 IBIT1 Current sink if Bit1 = 1 IBIT0 Current sink if Bit0 = 1 Δm matching Accuracy Δ 2.4 For V(CURRx) > 0.45V Unit mA lv 1.2 Max al id Symbol 0.6 0.3 am lc s on A te G nt st il 0.15 CURR1,CURR2,CURR6 -10 +10 % absolute Accuracy -15 +15 % VCURR1,2,6x Voltage compliance 0.45 15 V Ov_prot_13V Over voltage Protection of current sink CURR1,2,6 At 13V, independent of curr1_prot_on, curr2_prot_on or curr6_prot_on 3.0 µA Ov_prot_15V Over voltage Protection of current sink CURR1,2,6 At 15V, step_up_on=1, curr1_prot_on=1 for CURR1, curr2_prot_on=1 for CURR2, curr6_prot_on=1 for CURR6 4.0 mA 0.8 High Voltage Current Sinks CURR1, CURR2, CURR6 Registers Table 23. Curr1 current Register Addr: 09h Bit Name This register controls the High voltage current sink current. Default Access ca Bit Curr1 current curr1_current 0 Defines current into current sink curr1 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA Te ch ni 7:0 Description 1v3 25 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 24. Curr2 current Register Curr2 current Addr: 0Ah Bit This register controls the High voltage current sink current. Bit Name Default Access Description curr2_current 7:0 0 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA curr6 current Addr: 2Fh This register controls the High voltage current sink current. Bit Name Default Access Description am lc s on A te G nt st il Bit lv Table 25. curr6 current Register al id Defines current into current sink curr2 Defines current into current sink CURR6 curr6_current 7:0 0 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA Table 26. curr12 control Register curr12 control Addr: 01h Bit This register select the mode of the current sinks controls High voltage current sink current. Bit Name Default Access Description Select the mode of the current sink curr1 curr1_mode 0 R/W curr2_mode 0 off 01b on 10b PWM controlled 11b LED pattern controlled Select the mode of the current sink curr2 R/W 00b off 01b on 10b PWM controlled 11b LED pattern controlled Te ch 3:2 ni ca 1:0 00b 1v3 26 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 27. curr rgb control Register curr rgb control Addr: 02h Bit This register select the mode of the current sinks CURR6. Bit Name Default Access Description Select the mode of the current sink CURR6 R/W 01b on 10b PWM controlled 11b LED pattern controlled Table 28. DCDC control2 Register DCDC control2 Addr: 22h al id 0 off lv curr6_mode 7:6 00b am lc s on A te G nt st il This register controls the Step Up DC/DC Converter and low-voltage current sinks CURR3x. Bit Bit Name Default Access curr1_prot_on 4 curr2_prot_on 5 curr6_prot_on 6 8.4.2 0 0 0 R/W R/W R/W Description 0 No over voltage protection 1 Pull down current on CURR1 switched on, if voltage on CURR1 exceeds 13.75V, and step_up_on=1 0 No over voltage protection 1 Pull down current on CURR2 switched on, if voltage exceeds on CURR2 13.75V, and step_up_on=1 0 No over voltage protection 1 Pull down current on CURR6 switched on, if voltage on CURR6 exceeds 13.75V, and step_up_on=1 Current Sinks CURR30, CURR31, CURR32, CURR33 ca These current sinks have a resolution of 8 bits and can sink up to 38.25mA. The current values can be controlled individually with curr30_current – curr33_current or common with curr3x_strobe or curr3x_preview. Table 29. Current Sinks CURR30,31,32,33 Parameters Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Current sink if Bit7 = 1 19.2 IBIT6 Current sink if Bit6 = 1 9.6 Current sink if Bit5 = 1 4.8 IBIT5 Current sink if Bit4 = 1 ch IBIT4 ni IBIT7 2.4 For V(CURR3x) > 0.2V Current sink if Bit3 = 1 IBIT2 Current sink if Bit2 = 1 0.6 IBIT1 Current sink if Bit1 = 1 0.3 IBIT0 Current sink if Bit0 = 1 0.15 Δm matching Accuracy Δ absolute Accuracy VCURR3X Voltage compliance Te IBIT3 CURR30-33 curr3x_strobe_high=1 and strobe function 1v3 Max Unit mA 1.2 -10 +10 % -15 +15 % 0.2 CPO UT V 0.4 27 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Current Sinks CURR3x Registers Table 30. Curr3 control2 Register Curr3 control2 Addr: 12h Bit This register selects the modes of the current sinks30..33 current. Bit Name Default Access Description 0 preview_off_after strobe 0b R/W 0 normal preview/strobe mode 1 switch off preview after strobe duration has expired. To reinitiate the torch mode the preview_ctrl has to be set off and on again lv Preview is triggered by 00b preview_ctrl 00b R/W 01b off software trigger (setting this bit automatically triggers preview) am lc s on A te G nt st il 2:1 al id Select the switch off mode after strobe pulse 10b CURR2 active high; set gpi_curr2_en=1 11b CURR2 active low; set gpi_curr2_en=1 Double current on CURR30...CURR33 during strobe function 5 curr3x_strobe_high 0b R/W 0 normal strobe current (0-37.8mA) 1 double strobe current (0-75.6mA) Select strobe input pin and current sink outputs (only if strobe_ctrl=10 or 11) strobe_pin 7 0 R/W 0 CURR1 is strobe input; CURR30...CURR33 flash output; set gpi_curr1_en=1 1 CURR30 is strobe input; CURR1, CURR2, CURR6 flash output; set gpi_curr30_en=1 Table 31. Curr3 strobe control Register Addr: 11h This register selects the modes of the current sinks30..33 current. Default Access ni strobe_ctrl 00b Te 3:2 strobe_mode Description Strobe is triggered by R/W ch 1:0 Bit Name ca Bit Curr3 strobe control 00b off 01b software trigger (setting this bit automatically triggers strobe) 10b CURR1 (or CURR30 see strobe_pin) active high 11b CURR1 (or CURR30 see strobe_pin) active low Selects strobe mode 00b R/W 00b Mode1 (Tstrobe=Ts; strobe trigger signal ≥ 10µs) 01b Mode 2 (Tstrobe=max Ts) 10b Mode 3 (Tstrobe = strobe signal) 11b not used 1v3 28 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 31. Curr3 strobe control Register (Continued) Curr3 strobe control Addr: 11h Bit This register selects the modes of the current sinks30..33 current. Bit Name Default Access Description R/W 0001b 200 msec 0010b 300 msec 0011b 400 msec 0100b 500 msec 0101b 600 msec 0110b 700 msec 0111b 800 msec 1000b 900 msec 1001b 1000 msec 1010b 1100 msec 1011b 1200 msec 1100b 1300 msec 1101b 1400 msec 1110b 1500 msec 1111b 1600 msec am lc s on A te G nt st il 0000b 100 msec lv strobe_timing 7:4 0000b al id Selects strobe time (Ts) Table 32. Curr3x strobe Register Curr3x strobe Addr: 0Eh Bit Bit Name This register selects the strobe current of the current sinks30..33 Default Access Description ca Defines Strobe current of Current sinks curr30-33 curr3x_strobe 00 R/W ni 5:0 00h 0 mA 01h 0.6 mA (1.2mA if curr3x_strobe_high=1) .... .... 3Fh 37.8 mA (75.6mA if curr3x_strobe_high=1) ch Table 33. Curr3x preview Register Curr3x preview Addr: 0Fh Te Bit 5:0 Bit Name This register selects the preview current of the current sinks30..33 Default Access Description Defines Preview current of Current sinks curr30-33 curr3x_preview 00 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.6 mA .... .... 3Fh 37.8 mA 1v3 29 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 34. Curr3x other Register Curr3x other Addr: 10h Bit This register selects the current of the current sinks30..33 Bit Name Default Access Description 00 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.6 mA .... .... 3Fh 37.8 mA Table 35. Curr30 current Register Curr30 current Addr: 40h This register selects the current of the current sink30 am lc s on A te G nt st il Bit lv curr3x_other 5:0 al id Selects curr30 current, if curr30 is not used for strobe/ preview (curr30_mode=11b) Bit Name Default Access Description Selects curr30 current, if curr30 is not used for strobe/ preview (curr30_mode=11b) curr30_current 7:0 00 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA Table 36. Curr31 current Register Addr: 41h Bit Bit Name Curr31 current This register selects the current of the current sink31 Default Access Description Selects curr30 current, if curr30 is not used for strobe/ preview (curr31_mode=11b) curr31_current 00 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA ni ca 7:0 ch Table 37. Curr32 current Register Curr32 current Addr: 42h Te Bit 7:0 Bit Name This register selects the current of the current sink32 Default Access curr32_current Description Selects CURR32 current, if CURR32 is not used for strobe/ preview (curr32_mode=11b) 00 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA 1v3 30 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 38. Curr33 current Register Curr33 current Addr: 43h Bit This register selects the current of the current sink33 Bit Name Default Access Description 00 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA Table 39. curr3 control1 Register curr3 control1 Addr: 03h lv curr33_current 7:0 al id Selects curr33 current, if curr33 is not used for strobe/ preview (curr33_mode=11b) This register select the mode of the current sinks30 - 33 am lc s on A te G nt st il Bit Bit Name Default Access Description Select the mode of the current sink curr30 curr30_mode 1:0 0 R/W 00b off 01b strobe/preview 10b curr30_current or curr3x_other PWM controlled 11b curr30_current or curr3x_other - don’t use curr3x_other if softdim_pattern=1, use curr30_current instead Select the mode of the current sink curr31 curr31_mode 3:2 0 R/W 00b off 01b strobe/preview 10b curr31_current or curr3x_other PWM controlled 11b curr31_current - don’t use curr3x_other if softdim_pattern=1, use curr31_current instead ca Select the mode of the current sink CURR32 curr32_mode 0 R/W ch ni 5:4 Te 7:6 curr33_mode 00b off 01b strobe/preview 10b curr32_current or curr3x_other PWM controlled 11b curr32_current or curr3x_other - don’t use curr3x_other if softdim_pattern=1, use curr32_current instead Select the mode of the current sink curr33 0 R/W 00b off 01b strobe/preview 10b curr33_current or curr3x_other PWM controlled 11b curr33_current or curr3x_other- don’t use curr3x_other if softdim_pattern=1, use curr33_current instead 1v3 31 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 40. Pattern control Register Pattern control Addr: 18h Bit This register controls the LED pattern Bit Name Default Access Description Additional CURR33 LED pattern control bit 0b R/W 0b CURR30 controlled according curr30_mode register 1b CURR30 controlled by LED pattern generator al id curr30_pattern 4 Additional CURR33 LED pattern control bit 0b R/W 0b CURR31 controlled according curr31_mode register 1b CURR31 controlled by LED pattern generator lv curr31_pattern 5 Additional CURR33 LED pattern control bit curr32_pattern 0b R/W 0b CURR32 controlled according curr33_mode register 1b CURR32 controlled by LED pattern generator am lc s on A te G nt st il 6 Additional CURR33 LED pattern control bit curr33_pattern 7 0b R/W 0b CURR33 controlled according curr33_pattern register 1b CURR33 controlled by LED pattern generator 8.4.3 Current Sinks RGB1, RGB2, RGB3 These current sinks have a resolution of 8 bits and can sink up to 38.25mA. Table 41. Current Sinks RGB1, RGB2, RGB3 Parameters Symbol Parameter IBIT7 Current sink if Bit7 = 1 19.2 IBIT6 Current sink if Bit6 = 1 9.6 IBIT5 Current sink if Bit5 = 1 4.8 IBIT4 Current sink if Bit4 = 1 IBIT3 Current sink if Bit3 = 1 IBIT2 Current sink if Bit2 = 1 0.6 IBIT1 Current sink if Bit1 = 1 0.3 IBIT0 Current sink if Bit0 = 1 0.15 Min RGB1, RGB2, RGB3 Unit mA -10 +10 % absolute Accuracy -15 +15 % Voltage compliance 0.2 CPO UT V Te VRGBX Max 1.2 ca matching Accuracy Typ 2.4 For V(RGBx) > 0.2V ch Δ ni Δm Condition 1v3 32 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n RGB Current Sinks Registers Table 42. curr rgb control Register curr rgb control Addr: 02h Bit This register select the mode of the current sinks RGB1, RGB2, RGB3 Bit Name Default Access Description 0 R/W 00b off 01b on 10b PWM controlled 11b LED pattern controlled lv rgb1_mode 1:0 al id Select the mode of the current sink RGB1 Select the mode of the current sink RGB2 00b rgb2_mode 0 R/W 01b on am lc s on A te G nt st il 3:2 off 10b PWM controlled 11b LED pattern controlled Select the mode of the current sink RGB3 rgb3_mode 5:4 0 R/W 00b off 01b on 10b PWM controlled 11b LED pattern controlled Table 43. Rgb1 current Register Rgb1 current Addr: 0Bh Bit Bit Name This register controls the RGB current sink current. Default Access Description Defines current into Current sink RGB1 rgb1_current 0 R/W 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA ni ca 7:0 00h ch Table 44. Rgb2 current Register Rgb2 current Addr: 0Ch Te Bit 7:0 Bit Name This register controls the RGB current sink current. Default Access rgb2_current Description Defines current into Current sink RGB2 0 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA 1v3 33 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 45. Rgb3 current Register Rgb3 current Addr: 0Dh Bit Bit Name This register controls the RGB current sink current. Default Access Description 8.4.4 0 R/W 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA General Purpose Current Sinks CURR4x These low voltage current sinks have a resolution of 8 bits and can sink up to 38.25mA. Table 46. CURR4x Sinks Characteristics Symbol Parameter IBIT7 Min Typ Current sink if Bit7 = 1 19.2 IBIT6 Current sink if Bit6 = 1 9.6 IBIT5 Current sink if Bit5 = 1 4.8 IBIT4 Current sink if Bit4 = 1 IBIT3 Current sink if Bit3 = 1 IBIT2 Current sink if Bit2 = 1 0.6 IBIT1 Current sink if Bit1 = 1 0.3 IBIT0 Current sink if Bit0 = 1 0.15 Δm matching Accuracy Δ VCURR41,42,43x Max am lc s on A te G nt st il Condition lv rgb3_current 7:0 00h al id Defines current into Current sink RGB3 2.4 For V(CURRx) > 0.2V 1.2 CURR1,CURR2 Unit mA -10 +10 % absolute Accuracy -15 +15 % Voltage compliance 0.2 CPO UT V General Purpose Current Sinks CURR4x Registers ca Table 47. curr4 control Register Bit Name Default Access curr41_mode Te 1:0 curr4 control This register selects the mode of the current sinks CURR41, CURR42, CURR43 ch Bit ni Addr: 04h Description Select the mode of the current sink CURR41 0 R/W 00b off 01b on 10b PWM controlled 11b LED pattern controlled 1v3 34 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 47. curr4 control Register (Continued) curr4 control Addr: 04h Bit This register selects the mode of the current sinks CURR41, CURR42, CURR43 Bit Name Default Access Description Select the mode of the current sink CURR42 0 R/W off 01b on 10b PWM controlled 11b LED pattern controlled al id curr42_mode 3:2 00b lv Select the mode of the current sink CURR43 00b curr43_mode 0 R/W 01b on 10b PWM controlled 11b LED pattern controlled am lc s on A te G nt st il 5:4 off Table 48. Curr41 current Register Addr: 13h Bit Bit Name Curr41 current This register controls the curr41 current sink current. Default Access Description Defines current into Current sink CURR41 curr41_current 7:0 0 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA Table 49. Curr42 current Register Bit Name This register controls the curr42 current sink current. Default Access ni Bit curr42_current 0 Description Defines current into Current sink CURR42 R/W 00h 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA Te ch 7:0 Curr42 current ca Addr: 14h 1v3 35 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 50. Curr43 current Register Curr43 current Addr: 15h Bit This register controls the curr43 current sink current. Bit Name Default Access Description 8.4.5 0 R/W 0 mA 01h 0.15 mA .... .... FFh 38.25 mA LED Pattern Generator lv curr43_current 7:0 00h al id Defines current into Current sink CURR43 The LED pattern generator is capable of producing a pattern with 32 bits length and 1 second duration (31.25ms for nd rd th 1 each bit). The pattern itself can be started every second, every 2 , 3 up to 7 second . am lc s on A te G nt st il With this pattern all current sinks can be controlled. The pattern itself switches the configured current sources between 0 and their programmed current. If everything else is switched off, the current consumption in this mode is IACTIVE. (excluding current through switched on current source) and the charge pump, if required. The charge pump can be automatically switched on/off depending on the pattern (set register cp_auto_on on page 20=1) to reduce the overall current consumption. Figure 16. LED Pattern Generator AS3675 for pattern_color = 0 $!! "# "% &" ' "% ()* !"# ca To select the different current sinks to be controlled by the LED pattern generator, see the ‘xxxx’_mode registers (where ‘xxxx’ stands for the to be controlled current sink, e.g. curr1_mode for CURR1 current sink). See also the description of the different current sinks. To allow the generator of a color patterns set the bit pattern_color to ‘1’. Then the pattern can be connected to CURRx as follows: ch ni Figure 17. LED Pattern Generator AS3675 for pattern_color = 1 &'()(*+,' *-*. ' $ $ % % Te !"# /*') % .( ,' 1. All times can be extended by a factor of 8 by setting pattern_slow=1 (this result in a delay of up to 56s) 1v3 36 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Only those current sinks will be controlled, where the ‘xxxx’_mode register is configured for LED pattern. If the register bit pattern_slow is set, all pattern times are increased by a factor of eight. (bit duration: 250ms if pattern_color=0 / 800ms if pattern_color=1, delays between pattern up to 56s). Soft Dimming for Pattern Figure 18. Soft dimming Architecture for the AS3675 (softdim_pattern=1 and pattern_color = 1) !"# lv $ "$#$ % $& " # am lc s on A te G nt st il al id The internal pattern generator can be combined with the internal pwm dimming modulator to obtain as shown in the following figure: '(()( * +,-./ With the AS3675 smooth fade-in and fade-out effects can be automatically generated. As there is only one dimming ramp generator and one pwm modulator following constraints have to be considered when setting up the pattern (applies only if pattern_color=1): Figure 19. Soft dimming example Waveform for CURR30-32 ca ch ni Te However using the identical dimming waveform for two channels is possible as shown in the following figure: 1v3 37 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 20. Soft dimming example Waveform for CURR30-32 al id LED Pattern Registers Table 51. Pattern data0...Pattern data3 Registers Pattern data0, Pattern data1, Pattern data2, Pattern data3 Addr: 19h,1Ah,1Bh,1Ch 7:0 pattern_data[7:0] lv Bit Name Default Access 1 0 Description R/W Pattern data0 am lc s on A te G nt st il Bit This registers contains the pattern data for the current sinks. 1 7:0 pattern_data[15:8]1111 7:0 pattern_data[23:16]1111 7:0 pattern_data[31:24]1111 0 R/W Pattern data1 1 0 R/W Pattern data2 1 0 R/W Pattern data3 1. Update any of the pattern register only if none of the current sources is connected to the pattern generator ('xxxx'_mode must not be 11b). The pattern generator is automatically started at the same time when any of the current sources is connected to the pattern generator Table 52. Pattern control Register Addr: 18h Bit Pattern control This register controls the LED pattern Bit Name Default Access Description Defines the pattern type for the current sinks pattern_color pattern_delay 00b ni 2:1 1 0b softdim_pattern R/W R/W 0b single 32 bit pattern (also set currX_mode = 11) 1b RGB pattern with each 10 bits (set all currX_mode = 11) Delay between pattern, details (see Table 55); together with pattern_delay2 sets the delay time between patterns Enable the ‘soft’ dimming feature for the pattern generator R/W ch 3 0 ca 0 0 Pattern generator directly control current sources 1 ‘Soft Dimming’ is performed (see page 37) Te 1. If softdim_pattern=1, don’t set curr30_mode, curr31_mode, curr32_mode or curr33_mode to 11b. Table 53. gpio current Register Addr: 2Ch Bit Bit Name 4 pattern_delay2 gpio current Default Access 0 R/W Description Delay between pattern (see Table 55 on page 39); together with pattern_delay sets the delay time between patterns 1v3 38 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 53. gpio current Register (Continued) Addr: 2Ch Bit gpio current Bit Name Default Access Description Pattern timing control 0 R/W 0b normal mode 1b slow mode (all pattern times are increased by a factor of eight) al id pattern_slow 6 Table 54. Pattern End Register Addr: 54h Bit Name Default Access pattern_end 0 R pattern_end is toggled from 0 to 1 (or from 1 to 0) at each end of the pattern just before restarting of the internal pattern generator at the first bit of the pattern data (can be used to synchronize the baseband software to the 1 pattern generator) am lc s on A te G nt st il 0 Description lv Bit Pattern End 1. pattern_end toggles whenever the AS3675 is in active mode (see Section 8.12 Operating Modes on page 71) even if no pattern data has been setup. Table 55. LED Pattern timing pattern_delay2 pattern_slow pattern_delay[1..0] delay between patterns bit duration [ms] pattern [s] delay [s] duration cycle between (total time: pattern_color=0 pattern_color=1 patterns pattern + delay) 0 00 31 100 0 1 1 0 0 01 31 100 1 2 0 0 10 31 100 2 3 0 0 11 31 100 3 4 0 1 00 31 100 4 5 0 1 01 31 100 5 6 1 10 31 100 6 7 1 11 31 100 7 8 0 00 250 800 0 8 0 01 250 800 8 16 0 10 250 800 16 24 1 0 11 250 800 24 32 1 1 00 250 800 32 40 1 1 01 250 800 40 48 1 1 10 250 800 48 56 1 1 11 250 800 56 64 ca 0 0 1 1 Te ch 1 ni 0 1. Even by setting 000 for pattern delay, there is a small delay before the new patterns starts. 8.4.6 PWM Generator 1v3 39 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n The PWM generator can be used for any current sink. The setting applies for all current sinks, which are controlled by the pwm generator (e.g. CURR1 is pwm controlled if curr1_mode = 10). The pwm modulated signal can switch on/off the current sinks and therefore depending on its duty cycle change the brightness of an attached LED. Internal PWM Generator The internal PWM generator uses the 2MHz internal clock as input frequency and its dimming range is 6 bits digital (2MHz / 2^6 = 31.3kHz pwm frequency) and 2 bits analog. Depending on the actual code in the register pwm_code the following algorithm is used: al id If pwm_code bit 7 = 1 Then the upper 6 bits (Bits 7:2) of pwm_code are used for the 6 bits PWM generation, which controls the selected currents sinks directly If pwm_code bit 7 =0 and bit 6 = 1 lv Then bits 6:1 of pwm_code are used for the 6 bits PWM generation. This signal controls the selected current sinks, but the analog current of these sinks is divided by 2 If pwm_code bit 7 and bit 6 = 0 am lc s on A te G nt st il Then bits 5:0 of pwm_code are used for the 6 bits PWM generation. This signal controls the selected current sinks, but the analog current of these sinks is divided by 4 Figure 21. PWM Control ! " # ! " # Automatic Up/Down Dimming If the register pwm_dim_mode is set to 01 (up dimming) or 10 (down dimming) the value within the register pwm_code th th ca is increased (up dimming) or decreased (down dimming) every time and amount (either 1/4 or 1/8 ) defined by the register pwm_dim_speed. The maximum value of 255 (completely on) and the minimum value of 0 (off) is never exceeded. It is used to smoothly and automatically dim the brightness of the LEDs connected to any of the current sinks. The PWM code is readable all the time (also during up and down dimming). The waveform for up dimming looks as follows (cycles omitted for simplicity): Te ch ni Figure 22. PWM Dimming Waveform for up dimming (pwm_dim_mode = 01); currX_mode = PWM controlled (not all steps shown) The internal pwm modulator circuit controls the current sinks as shown in the following figure: 1v3 40 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 23. PWM Control Circuit (currX_mode = 10b (PWM controlled)); X = any current sink *"! $ % ! & AS3675 !&!() ) lv !!" # %' al id am lc s on A te G nt st il The adder logic (available for all current sinks) is intended to allow dimming not only from 0% to 100% (or 100% to 0%) of currX_current, but also e.g. from 10% to 110% (or 110% to 10%) of currX_current. The starting current for up dimming is defined by 0 + currX_adder and the end current is defined by currX_current + currX_adder. An overflow of the internal bus (8 Bits wide to the IDAC) has to be avoided by the register settings (currX_current + currX_adder must not exceed 255). If the register subX_en is set, the result from the pwm modulator is inverted logically. That means for up dimming the starting current is defined by currX_adder - 1 and the end current is defined by currX_adder - currX_current - 1. An overflow of the internal bus (8 Bits wide to the IDAC) has to be avoided by the register settings (currX_adder currX_current - 1 must not be below zero). Its purpose is to dim one channel e.g. CURR30 from e.g. 110% to 10% of curr30_current and at the same time dim another channel e.g. CURR31 from 20% to 120% of curr31_current. Note: The adder logic operates independent of the currX_mode setting, but its main purpose is to work together with the pwm modulator (improved up/down dimming) If the adder logic is not used anymore, set the bit currX_adder to 0. (Setting adder_currentX to 0 is not sufficient) At the end of up/down dimming, the pwm_code register keeps its final value (for up-dimming 255 and for downdimming 0). This can be used to identify the exact time, when up/down dimming is finished. Table 56. PWM Dimming Table Decrease by 1/8th every step ca Decrease by 1/4th every step Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds %Dimming PWM %Dimming PWM 50msec/ Step 25msec/ Step 5msec/ Step 2.5msec/ Step 1 100,0 255 100,0 255 0,00s 0,00s 0,000s 0,000s 75,3 192 87,8 224 0,05s 0,03s 0,005s 0,003s 56,5 144 76,9 196 0,10s 0,05s 0,010s 0,005s 4 42,4 108 67,5 172 0,15s 0,08s 0,015s 0,008s 5 31,8 81 59,2 151 0,20s 0,10s 0,020s 0,010s 6 23,9 61 52,2 133 0,25s 0,13s 0,025s 0,013s 7 18,0 46 45,9 117 0,30s 0,15s 0,030s 0,015s 8 13,7 35 40,4 103 0,35s 0,18s 0,035s 0,018s 9 10,6 27 35,7 91 0,40s 0,20s 0,040s 0,020s 10 8,2 21 31,4 80 0,45s 0,23s 0,045s 0,023s 11 6,3 16 27,5 70 0,50s 0,25s 0,050s 0,025s 2 Te ch 3 ni Step 1v3 41 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 56. PWM Dimming Table Decrease by 1/4th every step Decrease by 1/8th every step Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds %Dimming PWM %Dimming PWM 50msec/ Step 25msec/ Step 5msec/ Step 2.5msec/ Step 12 4,7 12 24,3 62 0,55s 0,28s 0,055s 0,028s 13 3,5 9 21,6 55 0,60s 0,30s 0,060s 0,030s 14 2,7 7 19,2 49 0,65s 0,33s 0,065s 0,033s 15 2,4 6 16,9 43 0,70s 0,35s 0,070s 0,035s 16 2,0 5 14,9 38 0,75s 0,38s 0,075s 0,038s 17 1,6 4 13,3 34 0,80s 0,40s 0,080s 0,040s 18 1,2 3 11,8 30 0,85s 0,43s 19 0,8 2 10,6 27 0,90s 0,45s 20 0,4 1 9,4 24 0,95s 0,48s 21 0,0 0 8,2 21 1,00s 7,5 19 6,7 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 38 lv 0,090s 0,045s 0,095s 0,048s 0,50s 0,100s 0,050s 1,05s 0,53s 0,105s 0,053s 17 1,10s 0,55s 0,110s 0,055s 5,9 15 1,15s 0,58s 0,115s 0,058s 5,5 14 1,20s 0,60s 0,120s 0,060s 5,1 13 1,25s 0,63s 0,125s 0,063s 4,7 12 1,30s 0,65s 0,130s 0,065s 4,3 11 1,35s 0,68s 0,135s 0,068s 3,9 10 1,40s 0,70s 0,140s 0,070s 3,5 9 1,45s 0,73s 0,145s 0,073s 3,1 8 1,50s 0,75s 0,150s 0,075s 2,7 7 1,55s 0,78s 0,155s 0,078s 2,4 6 1,60s 0,80s 0,160s 0,080s 2,0 5 1,65s 0,83s 0,165s 0,083s 1,6 4 1,70s 0,85s 0,170s 0,085s 1,2 3 1,75s 0,88s 0,175s 0,088s 0,8 2 1,80s 0,90s 0,180s 0,090s 0,4 1 1,85s 0,93s 0,185s 0,093s 0,0 0 1,90s 0,95s 0,190s 0,095s Te ch 39 ni 36 37 0,043s ca 34 0,085s am lc s on A te G nt st il 22 al id Step 1v3 42 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n PWM Generator Registers Table 57. Pwm control Register Pwm control Addr: 16h Bit Name Default Access Description Selects the dimming mode no dimming; actual content of register pwm_code is used for pwm generator 01b logarithmic up dimming (codes are increased). Start value is actual pwm_code 10b logarithmic down dimming (codes are decreased). Start value is actual pwm_code; switch off the dimmed current source after dimming is finished to avoid unnecessary quiescent current R/W am lc s on A te G nt st il 00b 00b lv pwm_dim_mode 2:1 al id Bit This register controls PWM generator 11b NA Defines dimming speed by increase/decrease pwm_code 5:3 pwm_dim_speed 000b R/W th 000b by 1/4 every 50 msec (total dim time 1.0s) 001b by 1/8 every 50 msec (total dim time 1.9s) 010b by 1/4 every 25 msec (total dim time 0.5s) 011b by 1/8 every 25 msec (total dim time 0.95s) 100b by 1/4 every 5 msec (total dim time 100ms) 101b by 1/8 every 5 msec (total dim time 190ms) 110b by 1/4 every 2.5 msec (total dim time 50ms) 111b by 1/8 every 2.5 msec (total dim time 95ms) th th th th th th th Table 58. pwm code Register Bit Name This register controls the Pwm code. Default Access ni Bit pwm_code 00b Description Selects the PWM code R/W 00h 0% duty cycle .... .... FFh 100% duty cycle Te ch 7:0 pwm code ca Addr: 17h 1v3 43 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 59. Adder Current 1 Register Adder Current 1 Addr: 30h Bit This register defines the current which can be added to CURR1, CURR30, CURR41, RGB1 Bit Name Default Access Description 00b R/W 00h 0 (represents 0mA) .... .... FFh 255 (represents 38.25mA) Table 60. Adder Current 2 Register Adder Current 2 Addr: 31h This register defines the current which can be added to CURR2, CURR31, CURR42, RGB2 am lc s on A te G nt st il Bit lv adder_current1 7:0 al id Selects the added current value – do not exceed together with currX_current the internal 8 Bit range (see text) Bit Name Default Access Description Selects the added current value – do not exceed together with currX_current the internal 8 Bit range (see text) adder_current2 7:0 00b R/W 00h 0 (represents 0mA) .... .... FFh 255 (represents 38.25mA) Table 61. Adder Current 3 Register Adder Current 3 Addr: 32h Bit Bit Name This register defines the current which can be added to CURR6, CURR32, CURR43, RGB3 Default Access Description Selects the added current value – do not exceed together with currX_current the internal 8 Bit range (see text) adder_current3 00b R/W ca 7:0 00h 0 (represents 0mA) .... .... FFh 255 (represents 38.25mA) ni Table 62. Adder Current 4 Register Adder Current 4 ch Addr: 52h Te Bit 7:0 Bit Name This register defines the current which can be added to CURR33 Default Access adder_current4 Description Selects the added current value – do not exceed together with currX_current the internal 8 Bit range (see text) 00b R/W 00h 0 (represents 0mA) .... .... FFh 255 (represents 38.25mA) 1v3 44 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 63. Adder Enable 1 Register Adder Enable 1 Addr: 33h Bit Enables the adder circuit for the selected current sources Bit Name Default Access Description Enables adder circuit for current source RGB1 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current1 gets added to the current source current al id rgb1_adder 0 Enables adder circuit for current source RGB2 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current2 gets added to the current source current lv rgb2_adder 1 Enables adder circuit for current source RGB3 rgb3_adder 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current3 gets added to the current source current am lc s on A te G nt st il 2 Enables adder circuit for current source CURR41 curr41_adder 3 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current1 gets added to the current source current Enables adder circuit for current source CURR42 curr42_adder 4 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current2 gets added to the current source current Enables adder circuit for current source CURR43 curr43_adder 5 0 Normal Operation of the current source R/W adder_current3 gets added to the current source current ca Table 64. Adder Enable 2 Register Addr: 34h Te 1 2 Enables the adder circuit for the selected current sources Default Access curr1_adder ch 0 Bit Name ni Bit Adder Enable 2 curr2_adder Description Enables adder circuit for current source CURR1 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current1 gets added to the current source current Enables adder circuit for current source CURR2 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current2 gets added to the current source current Enables adder circuit for current source CURR6 curr6_adder 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current3 gets added to the current source current 1v3 45 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 64. Adder Enable 2 Register (Continued) Adder Enable 2 Addr: 34h Bit Enables the adder circuit for the selected current sources Bit Name Default Access Description Enables adder circuit for current source CURR30 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current1 gets added to the current source current al id curr30_adder 3 Enables adder circuit for current source CURR31 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current2 gets added to the current source current lv curr31_adder 4 Enables adder circuit for current source CURR32 curr32_adder 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current3 gets added to the current source current am lc s on A te G nt st il 5 Enables adder circuit for current source CURR33 curr33_adder 6 0 R/W 0 Normal Operation of the current source 1 adder_current4 gets added to the current source current Table 65. Subtract Enable Register Addr: 35h Bit Bit Name Subtract Enable Enable the inversion from the signal from the pwm generator Default Access Description Inverts the signal from the pwm generator sub_en1 ni sub_en2 ch 1 Te 2 0 ca 0 sub_en3 0 0 Direct Operation (no inversion) 1 The signal from the pwm generator for which the adder is enabled (curr1_adder = 1, curr30_adder = 1, rgb1_adder = 1, curr41_adder = 1) is inverted R/W Inverts the signal from the pwm generator 0 Direct Operation (no inversion) 1 The signal from the pwm generator for which the adder is enabled (curr2_adder = 1, curr31_adder = 1, rgb2_adder = 1, curr42_adder = 1) is inverted R/W Inverts the signal from the pwm generator 0 0 Direct Operation (no inversion) 1 The signal from the pwm generator for which the adder is enabled (curr6_adder = 1, curr32_adder = 1, rgb3_adder = 1, curr43_adder = 1) is inverted R/W 1v3 46 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 65. Subtract Enable Register (Continued) Subtract Enable Addr: 35h Bit Enable the inversion from the signal from the pwm generator Bit Name Default Access Description Inverts the signal from the pwm generator 8.5 0 R/W 0 Direct Operation (no inversion) 1 The signal from the pwm generator for which the adder is enabled (curr33_adder = 1) is inverted al id sub_en4 3 General Purpose Input / Output lv The GPIO is a highly-configurable general purpose input/output pin which can be used for the following functionality: am lc s on A te G nt st il Digital Schmitt Trigger Input Digital Output with 4mA Driving Capability at 2.8V Supply (VANA) Tristate Output Analog Input to the ADC Default Mode for GPIO and VANA/GPI is Input (Pull-Down) Table 66. GPIO Pin Function Summary GPIO Pin GPIO VANA/GPI Configuration Additional Function Digital Input, Totem-Pole Output (Push/Pull), Open Drain (PMOS or NMOS), High-Z, PullDown or Pull-Up Resistor ADC Input Digital Input ADC Input, LDO output Figure 24. GPIO and VANA/GPI Blockdiagram AS3675 ! !" ca #$ %%&' ()* ++*, +*- ni 12 %/ .-/0 *.-/1*0$ *.-/-+0 3 .-/ # .-/-+ .-/ .-/4/ .-/0$ *.-/1*0$$ *.-/-+0 .-/-+0 # +.-/-+0 Te ch .-/ 8.5.1 Unused GPIO Pin If the pin GPIO is not used, they can be left open (an internal pulldown, which is enabled by default, will pull them to GND). 1v3 47 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8.5.2 GPIO Characteristics Table 67. GPIO DC Characteristics Symbol Parameter Condition Min Rpull Pull up/Pull down Resistance enabled by gpio_pulls VGPIO Supply Voltage =VANA/GPI VIH High Level Input Voltage VIL Low Level Input Voltage VHYS Hysteresis 75 kΩ 1.5 3.4 V al id V at Iout VOL Low Level Output Voltage at Iout V Driving Capability -5 5 0.8·VANA 0.2· VANA VANA/GPI = 2.8V, gpio_low_curr = 1 4 VANA/GPI = 2.8V, gpio_low_curr = 0 16 V lv 0.1· VANA min. 250mV High Level Output Voltage 8.5.3 30 0.3· VANA min. 0.75V VOH CLOAD Unit 0.7·VANA min. 1.75V Input Leakage Current To V2_5 or VANA/GPI and VSS IOUT Max am lc s on A te G nt st il ILEAK Typ Capacitive Load 50 µA V V mA pF GPIO Registers Table 68. GPIO output 1 Register Addr: 05h Bit Name Default Access gpi_curr1_en ni 0 gpi_curr2_en ch 1 This register controls GPIO outputs. ca Bit GPIO output 1 gpi_curr6_en Enables the CURR1 input R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled Enables the CURR2 input 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled Enables the CURR6 input 0 R/W Te 2 0 Description 0 input disabled 1 input enabled 3 4 not used Enables the CURR30 input gpi_curr30_en 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled 1v3 48 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 68. GPIO output 1 Register (Continued) GPIO output 1 Addr: 05h Bit This register controls GPIO outputs. Bit Name Default Access Description gpi_curr31_en 5 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled Enables the CURR32 input 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled lv gpi_curr32_en 6 al id Enables the CURR31 input Enables the CURR33 input gpi_curr33_en 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled am lc s on A te G nt st il 7 Table 69. GPIO signal 1 Register Addr: 06h GPIO signal 1 This register controls GPIO outputs. Bit Bit Name 0 gpi_curr1_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR1; if gpi_curr1_en=1 1 gpi_curr2_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR2; if gpi_curr2_en=1 2 gpi_curr6_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR6; if gpi_curr6_en=1 3 Default Access Description N/A not used 4 gpi_curr30_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR30; if gpi_curr30_en=1 5 gpi_curr31_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR31; if gpi_curr31_en=1 6 gpi_curr32_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR32; if gpi_curr32_en=1 7 gpi_curr33_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR33; if gpi_curr33_en=1 ca Table 70. GPIO output 2 Register GPIO output 2 Addr: 50h Default Access gpio_out ch 0 Bit Name ni Bit Te 1 2 This register controls GPIO outputs. gpi_en 0 R/W Description Writes a logic signal to pin GPIO; this is independent of any other bit setting e.g., gpio_mode Table 72. Enables the VANA/GPI input 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled Enables the RGB1 input gpi_rgb1_en 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled Enables the RGB2 input 3 gpi_rgb2_en 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled 1v3 49 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 70. GPIO output 2 Register (Continued) GPIO output 2 Addr: 50h Bit This register controls GPIO outputs. Bit Name Default Access Description gpi_rgb3_en 4 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled Enables the CURR41 input 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled lv gpi_curr41_en 5 al id Enables the RGB3 input Enables the CURR42 input gpi_curr42_en 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled am lc s on A te G nt st il 6 Enables the CURR43 input gpi_curr43_en 7 0 R/W 0 input disabled 1 input enabled Table 71. GPIO signal 2 Register Addr: 51h GPIO signal 2 This register controls GPIO outputs. Bit Name Default Access 0 gpio _in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin GPIO; this is independent of any other setting e.g.,Table 72 except gpio_pulls=11 1 gpi_ in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin VANA/GPI; if gpi_en=1 2 gpi_rgb1_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin RGB1; if gpi_rgb1_en=1 3 gpi_rgb2_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin RGB2; if gpi_rgb2_en=1 4 gpi_rgb3_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin RGB3; if gpi_rgb3_en=1 5 gpi_curr41_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR41; if gpi_curr41_en=1 6 gpi_curr42_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR42; if gpi_curr42_en=1 7 gpi_curr43_in N/A R Reads a logic signal from pin CURR43; if gpi_curr43_en=1 ca Bit Description ni Table 72. GPIO control Register GPIO control ch Addr: 1Eh Te Bit 1:0 Bit Name This register controls GPIO and GPIO1 pin functions. Default Access gpio_mode Description Defines the direction for pin GPIO 00 R/W 00 Input only 01 Output (push and pull) 10 Output (open drain, only push; only NMOS is active) 11 Output (open drain, only pull; only PMOS is active) 1v3 50 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 72. GPIO control Register (Continued) GPIO control Addr: 1Eh Bit Bit Name This register controls GPIO and GPIO1 pin functions. Default Access Description Adds the following pullup/pulldown to pin GPIO; this is independent of setting of bits gpio_mode R/W 01 Pulldown 10 Pullup 11 ADC input (gpio_mode = XX); recommended for analog signals Table 73. GPIO driving cap Register Bit GPIO driving cap am lc s on A te G nt st il Addr: 20h al id 01 None lv gpio_pulls 3:2 00 Bit Name This register enables low current mode for GPIOs. Default Access Description Defines the driving capability of pin GPIO gpio_low_curr 0 R/W 0 Iout 1 Iout /4 Te ch ni ca 0 1v3 51 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8.6 LED Test Figure 25. LED Function Testing % )"!"!* + al id #$ %&' " lv ! am lc s on A te G nt st il ((( ((( AS3675 The AS3675 supports the verification of the functionality of all the connected LEDs (open and shorted LEDs can be detected). This feature is especially useful in production test to verify the correct assembly of the LEDs, all its connectors and cables. It can also be used in the field to verify if any of the LEDs is damaged. A damaged LED can then be disabled (to avoid unnecessary currents). The current sources, charge pump, dcdc converter and the internal ADC are used to verify the forward voltage of the LEDs. If this forward voltage is within the specified limits of the LEDs, the external circuitry is assumed to operate. 8.6.1 Function Testing for single LEDs connected to the Charge Pump For any current source connected to the charge pump (CURR30-33) where only one LED is connected between the charge pump and the current sink (see Figure 1) use: ca Table 74. Function Testing for LEDs connected to the Charge Pump Action Example Code Switch on the charge pump and set it into manual 1:2 mode (to avoid automatic mode switching during measurements) Reg 23h ≤ 14h (cp_mode = 1:2, manual) Reg 00h ≤ 04h (cp_on = 1) 2 Switch on the current sink for the LED to be tested e.g. for register CURR31set to 9mA use Reg 10h ≤ 0Fh (curr3x_other = 9mA) Reg 03h ≤ 0ch (curr31_mode = curr31_other) 3 Measure with the ADC the voltage on CPOUT Reg 26h ≤ 95h (adc_select=CPOUT,start ADC) Fetch the ADC result from Reg 27h and 28h 4 Measure with the ADC the voltage on the switched on current sink Reg 26h ≤ 8bh (adc_select=CURR31,start ADC) Fetch the ADC result from Reg 27h and 28h 5 Switch off the current sink for the LED to be tested Reg 03h ≤ 00h (curr31_mode = off) 6 Compare the difference between the ADC measurements (which is the actual voltage across the tested LED) against the specification limits of the tested LED Calculation performed in baseband uProcessor Te ch 1 ni Step 1v3 52 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 74. Function Testing for LEDs connected to the Charge Pump Action Example Code 7 Do the same procedure for the next LED starting from point 2 Jump to 2. If not all the LEDs have been tested 8 Switch off the charge pump set charge pump automatic mode Reg 00h ≤ 00h (cp_on = 0) Reg 23h ≤ 00h 8.6.2 Function Testing for LEDs connected to the Step Up DCDC Converter al id Step For LEDs connected to the DCDC converter (usually current sinks CURR1,CURR2 and CURR6) use the following procedure: Table 75. Function Testing for LEDs connected to the DCDC converter Action Example Code 1 Switch on the current sink for the LED string to be tested (CURR1,2 or 6) e.g. Test LEDs on CURR1: Reg 01h ≤ 01h (curr1_mode=on) Reg 09h ≤ 3ch (curr1_current = 9mA) 2 Select the feedback path for the LED string to be tested (e.g. step_up_fb = 01 for LED string on CURR1) Reg 21h ≤ 02h (step_up_fb=curr1) am lc s on A te G nt st il 3 lv Step Set the current for step_up_vtuning exactly above e.g. 4 LEDs with UfMAX = 4.1V gives 17.25V +6% = the maximum forward voltage of the tested LED 18.29V; if R2=1MΩ and R3 = open, then select string + 0.6V (for the current sink) + 0.25V; add 6% step_up_vtuning = 18 (Reg 21h ≤ 92h; results in margin (accuracy of step_up_vtuning); this sets the 19.25V over voltage protection voltage – Table 9 on maximum output voltage limit for the DCDC page 14) converter Set step_up_prot = 1 Reg 22h ≤ 04h 5 Switch on the DCDC converter Reg 00h ≤ 08h 6 Wait 80ms (DCDC_FB settling time) 7 Measure the voltage on DCDC_FB (ADC) Reg 26h ≤ 96h (adc_select=DCDC_FB, start ADC; Fetch the ADC result from Reg 27h and 28h) 8 If the voltage on DCDC_FB is above 1.0V, the tested LED string is broken – then skip the following steps (Code >199h) 9 Switch off the over voltage protection (step_up_prot=0) Reg 22h ≤ 00h 10 Reduce step_up_vtuning step by step until the measured voltage on DCDC_FB (ADC) is above 1.0V. After changing step_up_vtuning always wait 80ms, before AD-conversion e.g.: Reg 21h ≤ 62h (step_up_vtuning=12): ADC result=1,602V Measure voltage on DCDC_FB e.g. DCDC_FB=1.602V Switch off the DCDC converter Reg 00h ≤ 00h ch 12 ni 11 ca 4 Te 13 The voltage on the LED string can be calculated now as follows (R4 = open): VLEDSTRING = V(DCDC_FB) + I(step_up_vtuning) * R2 – 0.5V (current sinks feedback voltage: VFB2). V(DCDC_FB) = ADC Measurement from point 11 I(step_up_vtuning) = last setting used for point 10 14 e.g.: VLED = (1.602V + 12V – 0.5V) / 4 = 3.276V Compare the calculated value against the specification limits of the tested LEDs Note: With the above described procedures electrically open and shorted LEDs can be automatically detected 1v3 53 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8.7 Analog-to-Digital Converter The AS3675 has a built-in 10-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC). It is internally supplied by V2_5, which is also the full-scale input range (0V defines the ADC zero-code). For input signals exceeding V2_5 (typ. 2.5V) a resistor divider with a gain of 0.4 (Ratioprescaler) is used to scale the input of the ADC converter. Consequently the resolution is: Table 76. ADC Input Ranges, Compliances and Resolution Input Range VLSB Note DCDC_FB, GPIO, AUDIO_IN, VANA/ GPI, audio controlled LED buffer output 0V-2.5V 2.44mV VLSB=2.5/1024 ADCTEMP_CODE -30°C to 125°C 1 / ADCTC junction temperature CURR30-33, CURR4x, RGBx VBAT, CPOUT 0V-5.5V 6.1mV VLSB=2.5/1024 * 1/0.4; internal resistor divider used CURR1, CURR2, CURR6 0V-1.0V 2.44mV VLSB=2.5/1024 lv am lc s on A te G nt st il Table 77. ADC Parameters al id Channels (Pins) Symbol Parameter Condition Resolution Min Typ Max 10 see Table 76 Input Voltage Range DNL Differential NonLinearity ± 0.25 LSB INL Integral Non-Linearity ± 0.5 LSB Vos Input Offset Voltage ± 0.25 LSB Rin Input Impedance Cin Input Capacitance VSUPPLY (V2_5) Power Supply Range ± 2%, internally trimmed. 2.5 V Idd Power Supply Current During conversion only. 500 µA Idd Power Down Current 100 nA TTOL Temperature Sensor Accuracy ADCTOFFSET ADC temperature measurement offset value 9 ca ni R 100 @ 25 °C -10 +10 V MΩ pF °C 375 °C °C/ Code Code temperature coefficient Temperature change per ADC LSB 1.293 9 Ratio of Prescaler For all low voltage current sinks, CPOUT and VBAT 0.4 ch RatioPRESCALE VSS Bit VIN ADCTC VSUPPLY = V2_5 Unit Transient Parameters (2.5V, 25 ºC) Te Tc Conversion Time fc Clock Frequency ts Settling Time of S&H All signals are internally generated and triggered by start_conversion 27 µs 1.0 MHz 16 µs The junction temperature (TJUNCTION) can be calculated with the following formula (ADCTEMP_CODE is the adc conversion result for channel 04h selected by register adc_select = 000100b): TJUNCTION [°C] = ADCTOFFSET - ADCTC · ADCTEMP_CODE 1v3 (EQ 5) 54 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n ADC Registers Table 78. ADC_MSB result Register ADC_MSB result Addr: 27h Together with Register 27h, this register contains the results (MSB) of an ADC cycle. Bit Name 6:0 D9:D3 Default Access N/A Description R ADC results register. al id Bit Indicates end of ADC conversion cycle N/A R 0 Result is ready 1 Conversion is running Table 79. ADC_LSB result Register ADC_LSB result Together with Register 28h, this register contains the results (LSB) of an ADC cycle am lc s on A te G nt st il Addr: 28h lv result_not_ready 7 Bit Name 2:0 D2:D0 Default Access N/A Description R ADC result register Te ch ni ca Bit 1v3 55 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 80. ADC_control Register ADC_control Addr: 26h Bit This register input source selection and initialization of ADC Bit Name Default Access Description AUDIO_IN 000001 (01h) VANA/GPI 000010 (02h) GPIO 000011 (03h) audio controlled LED buffer output 000100 (04h) reserved 000101 (05h) 000111 (07h) 001000 (08h) CURR1 001001 (09h) CURR2 001010 (0Ah) CURR30 001011 (0Bh) CURR31 001100 (0Ch) CURR32 001101 (0Dh) CURR33 001110 (0Eh) CURR41 001111 (0Fh) CURR42 010000 (10h) CURR43 010001 (11h) reserved 010010 (12h) reserved 010011 (13h) CURR6 010100 (14h) VBAT 010101 (15h) CPOUT 010110 (16h) DCDC_FB 010111 (17h) ADCTEMP_CODE (junction temperature) 011xxx, 1xxxxx reserved 1 5:0 03h R/W ca adc_select start_conversion ch 7 ni 6 RGB1 RGB2 RGB3 am lc s on A te G nt st il 000110 (06h) al id 000000 (00h) lv Selects input source as ADC input NA N/A W Writing a 1 into this bit starts one ADC conversion cycle. Te 1. See Table Table 76 for ADC ranges and resultion. 1v3 56 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 26. ADC Circuit )34 55" ./.1 12-(. -(./ *+, ) )) ) al id !" lv - - -& & & & && 0 0 0& ' ( #$% am lc s on A te G nt st il $% AS3675 8.8 Audio controlled LEDs Up to four RGB LEDs and/or up to 13 LEDs (number of LEDs is fully configurable) can be controlled by an audio source (connected to the pin AUDIO_IN). The audio controlled LED block can operate in two modes: Amplitude Mode: The color of the RGB LED(s) or the brightness of the single color LED(s) is depending on the input amplitude. For the RGB LEDs it starts from black transitions to blue, green, cyan, yellow, red and for high amplitudes white is used (internal lookup table if audio_color=000b). Te ch ni ca Frequency Mode: Three internal fully configurable filters define the brightness of the single color LED(s) or the color of the RGB LED(s). Each of the filters can be configured individually in amplitude, frequency response and type (lowpass filter, bandpass filter, highpass filter). 1v3 57 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 27. Audio controlled LED internal circuit )$*$ " %+ ! ! #$ ! ! ( ( ! ! ' ! ! ! ( ! ! ' am lc s on A te G nt st il %& ! #$ #$ al id lv ! AS3675 (& The audio controlled LED block is enabled if any of the registers curr30_aud_src[1:0]...curr33_aud_src[1:0], curr126_aud_on, rgbx_aud_on or curr4x_aud_on not equal zero. ca The audio input amplifier (enabled by aud_buf_on=1) is used to allow the attenuation (or amplification of the input signal) and has the following parameters: Table 81. Audio input Parameters Symbol Parameter Input Voltage Range Rin_min min. Input Impedance ni VIN Condition Min Typ 0 at max. input gain (30dB) 20 Max Unit 2.5 V kΩ Te ch The signal is converted with the ADC (If the audio controlled LED is active, the internal ADC is continuously running at a sample frequency of 45.4kHz. In this case the ADC cannot be used for any other purpose). The digital processing converts this signal into 3 channels (ch1, ch2, ch3): 1v3 58 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 28. Audio controlled LED digital processing internal circuit ))' %) % % $'(& " " "! am lc s on A te G nt st il % lv # al id & % ! # *+ +!,%*-+-++ +-++ , %) #$% AS3675 These three output channels (ch1, ch2, ch3) can be routed to any of the current sources according to Figure 27. The digital processing can be done in two different operating modes (defined by the register bit freq_mode): 8.8.1 Amplitude Mode This mode is selected by freq_mode=0. The input amplitude is mapped into different colors for RGB LED(s) or brightness for single color LED(s). The mapping is controlled by the register audio_color. If audio_color = 000, then the mapping is done as follows: Te ch ni ca Very low amplitudes are mapped to black, for higher amplitudes, the color smoothly transitions from blue, green, cyan, yellow, red and eventually to white (for high input amplitudes). 1v3 59 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8.8.2 Frequency Mode This mode is selected by freq_mode=1. The input signal is frequency filtered by three digital filters. The filters are 2nd order biquad IIR (infinite impulse response filters). Each of these filters has the following structure (sampling frequency = 45.4kHz / internal clock of 1MHz divided by 22): al id Figure 29. Audio controlled LED frequency filter lv am lc s on A te G nt st il The mathematical formula for these filters is: y(n) = A0(x(n) + b1 x(n-1) + b2 x(n-2)) – a1 y(n-1) – a2 y(n-2) (EQ 6) -1 The internal calculation is preformed using 12bits coefficients (state variables (z ) are rounded to 12bit, the output uses 8bits). All coefficients can be set individually for each of the three filters (filter1, filter2, filter3). (see Audio Controlled LED Registers on page 62), registers filt_type (70h) and registers 71h to 82h. It is recommended to use austriamicrosystems ‘Demoboard Software’ for simple control of the filter cutoff frequencies and filter type. Note: Do not set filter cutoff frequencies below 500Hz. 8.8.3 AGC The AGC (available in amplitude and frequency mode) is used to ‘compress’ the input signal and to attenuate very low input amplitude signals (this is performed to ensure no light output for low signals especially for noisy input signals). Te ch ni ca The AGC monitors the input signal amplitude and filters this amplitude with a filter with a short attack time, but a long decay time (decay time depends on the register agc_ctrl). This amplitude measurement (represented by an integer value from 0 to 15) is then used to amplify or attenuate the input signal with one of the following amplification ratios (output to input ratio) – the curve A, B, or C is selected depending on the register agc_ctrl: 1v3 60 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n lv al id Figure 30. AGC curve A (x-axis: input amplitude, y-axis: output amplitude; actual value: gain between output to input) am lc s on A te G nt st il ca Figure 31. AGC curve B (x-axis: input amplitude, y-axis: output amplitude; actual value: gain between output to input) Te ch ni Figure 32. AGC curve C (x-axis: input amplitude, y-axis: output amplitude; actual value: gain between output to input) 1v3 61 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n 8.8.4 Audio Controlled LED Registers Table 82. Audio Control Register Audio Control Addr: 46h Bit Name Default Access Description Audio input buffer enable aud_buf_on 0 0b R/W al id Bit Audio Sync Mode control 0 off; for audio direct input to ADC use adc_select = 00h (AUDIO_IN) 1 on; set adc_select = 03h (buffer output) audio controlled LED color selection (amplitude mode) 000b R/W 000 color scheme defined by lookup table 001-111 single color scheme (b2=R, b1=G, b0=B) lv audio_color 4:2 am lc s on A te G nt st il audio controlled LED mode selection freq_mode 5 0b R/W 0 amplitude mode 1 frequency mode Audio controlled LED persistence time audio_speed 7:6 00b R/W 00 none 01 200ms 10 400ms 11 800ms Table 83. Audio input Register Addr: 47h Bit Bit Name Audio input Audio Sync input control Default Access Description ca Audio input buffer gain control audio_gain 000b R/W -12dB 001 -6dB 010 0dB 011 +6dB 100 +12dB 101 +18dB 110 +24dB 111 +30dB Te ch ni 2:0 000 1v3 62 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 83. Audio input Register (Continued) Audio input Addr: 47h Bit Audio Sync input control Bit Name Default Access Description Audio input buffer AGC function controls AGC switching threshold audio_man_start 7 Attenuate low amplitude signals otherwise linear response (to remove e.g. noise) 010 AGC curve A; slow decay of amplitude detection al id R/W 001 011 AGC curve A; fast decay of amplitude detection 100 AGC curve B; slow decay of amplitude detection 101 AGC curve B; fast decay of amplitude detection 110 AGC curve C; slow decay of amplitude detection 111 AGC curve C; fast decay of amplitude detection am lc s on A te G nt st il 6 000b AGC off lv agc_ctrl 5:3 000 audio_dis_start Startup Control of audio input buffer (used to charge optional external dc blocking capacitor) 1 0b R/W 0 automatic precharging 300us (if audio_dis_start = 0) 1 continuously precharging (if aud_buf_on = 1) Disable Startup Control of audio input buffer (used to charge optional external dc blocking capacitor) 2 0b R/W 0 precharging enabled 1 precharging disabled 1. Its safe to keep default value 2. Its safe to keep default value Table 84. Audio output Register Audio output Audio Sync input control ca Addr: 48h Bit Name Default Access ch aud_amplitude Te 2:0 000b Description LED(s) output amplitude control (in percent of selected output current) ni Bit R/W 000 6.25% 001 12.5% 010 25% 011 50% 100 75% 101 87.5% 110 93.75% 111 100% 1v3 63 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 84. Audio output Register (Continued) Audio output Addr: 48h Bit Audio Sync input control Bit Name Default Access Description Audio controlled LED enable for CURR1, CURR2, CURR6 0b R/W 0 off 1 on, audio controlled LED is enabled al id curr126_aud_on 4 Audio controlled LED enable for RGB1-RGB3 0b R/W 0 off 1 on, audio controlled LED is enabled lv rgbx_aud_on 5 Audio controlled LED enable for CURR41-CURR43 curr4x_aud_on 6 0b R/W 0 off on, audio controlled LED is enabled am lc s on A te G nt st il 1 Table 85. CURR3x audio source Register Addr: 53h Bit Bit Name CURR3x audio source Controls CURR30,31,32,33 audio outputs and enables audio controlled LED Default Access Description Audio controlled LED source for CURR30 1:0 curr30_aud_src[1:0] 00b R/W 00 All other modes 01 ch1 connected to CURR30, audio controlled LED on 10 ch2 connected to CURR30, audio controlled LED on 11 ch3 connected to CURR30, audio controlled LED on curr31_aud_src[1:0] 00b R/W ch ni 3:2 ca Audio controlled LED source for CURR31 curr32_aud_src[1:0] Te 5:4 00 All other modes 01 ch1 connected to CURR31, audio controlled LED on 10 ch2 connected to CURR31, audio controlled LED on 11 ch3 connected to CURR32, audio controlled LED on Audio controlled LED source for CURR32 00b R/W 00 All other modes 01 ch1 connected to CURR32, audio controlled LED on 10 ch2 connected to CURR32, audio controlled LED on 11 ch3 connected to CURR32, audio controlled LED on 1v3 64 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Table 85. CURR3x audio source Register (Continued) CURR3x audio source Addr: 53h Bit Controls CURR30,31,32,33 audio outputs and enables audio controlled LED Bit Name Default Access Description Audio controlled LED source for CURR33 00b R/W 01 ch1 connected to CURR33, audio controlled LED on 10 ch2 connected to CURR33, audio controlled LED on 11 ch3 connected to CURR33, audio controlled LED on al id curr33_aud_src[1:0] All other modes Table 86. filt_type Register Bit filt_type am lc s on A te G nt st il Addr: 70h lv 7:6 00 Bit Name Define frequency filter types Default Access Description Defines filter1 (for ch1) characteristics and filter coefficients b1 and b2 filt1_type[1:0] 1:0 00b R/W 00 don’t use 01 low pass filter; filt1_b1=2, filt1_b2=1 10 high pass filter; filt1_b1=-2, filt1_b2=1 11 band pass filter; filt1_b1=0, filt1_b2=-1 Defines filter2 (for ch2) characteristics and filter coefficients b1 and b2 00 filt2_type[1:0] 00b ca 3:2 filt3_type[1:0] 00b don’t use 01 low pass filter; filt2_b1=2, filt2_b2=1 10 high pass filter; filt2_b1=-2, filt2_b2=1 11 band pass filter; filt2_b1=0, filt2_b2=-1 Defines filter3 (for ch3) characteristics and filter coefficients b1 and b2 R/W 00 don’t use 01 low pass filter; filt3_b1=2, filt3_b2=1 10 high pass filter; filt3_b1=-2, filt3_b2=1 11 band pass filter; filt3_b1=0, filt3_b2=-1 ch ni 5:4 R/W Registers 71h to 82h define the filter coefficients filt{1,2,3}_{A0,a1,a2}. Each of the coefficients is 12 bits wide and is calculated according to the following formula (2s complement number): Bit11 is used as sign bit 0…positive number, 1…negative number Bit10 is multiplied by 2^0 Bit9 is multiplied by 2^-1 … Bit 1 is multiplied by 2^-9 Te - 1v3 65 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n - Bit 0 is multiplied by 2^-10 Name 71h 00h filt1_A0_LSB 72h 00h filt1_a1_MSB 73h 00h filt1_a1_LSB 74h 00h filt1_a2_MSB 75h 00h filt1_a2_LSB 76h 00h filt2_A0_MSB 77h 00h filt2_A0_LSB 78h 00h filt2_a1_MSB 79h 00h filt2_a1_LSB 7ah 00h filt2_a2_MSB 7bh 00h filt2_a2_LSB 7ch 00h filt3_A0_MSB 7dh 00h filt3_A0_LSB 7eh 00h filt3_a1_MSB 7fh 00h filt3_a1_LSB 80h 00h filt3_a2_MSB 81h 00h filt3_a2_LSB 82h 00h 8.9 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 filt1_A0[11:8] filt1_A0[7:0] filt1_a1[11:8] filt1_a1[7:0] filt1_a2[11:8] filt1_a2 [7:0] filt2_A0[11:8] filt2_A0[7:0] am lc s on A te G nt st il filt1_A0_MSB Content al id Addr lv Register Definition Default Table 87. Filter Definitions Register filt2_a1[11:8] filt2_a1[7:0] filt2_a2[11:8] filt2_a2 [7:0] filt3_A0[11:8] filt3_A0[7:0] filt3_a1[11:8] filt3_a1[7:0] filt3_a2[11:8] filt3_a2[7:0] Power-On Reset The internal reset is controlled by two sources: ca VBAT Supply Serial interface state (CLK, DATA) The internal reset is forced if VBAT is low or if both interface pins (CLK, DATA) are low for more than tPOR_DEB (typ. 2 100ms) . Then device enters shutdown mode. Te ch ni The reset levels control the state of all registers. As long as VBAT and CLK/DATA are below their reset thresholds, the register contents are set to default. Access by serial interface is possible once the reset thresholds are exceeded. 2. Only if shutdwn_enab=1 1v3 66 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Figure 33. Zero Power Device Wakeup block diagram AS3675 &" ( * -' . / ()%**(+ / (()%*" ' -' -' -' am lc s on A te G nt st il *+% , ,(,( lv al id !" # $%& / / Table 88. Audio input Parameters Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit VPOR_VBAT Overall Power-On Reset Monitor voltage on V2_5; power-on reset for all internal functions. 1.8 2.15 2.4 1 V VPOR_PERI Reset Level for pins CLK, DATA Monitor voltage on pins CLK, DATA 0.29 1.0 1.38 V tPOR_DEB Reset debounce time for pins CLK, DATA 80 100 120 ms tstart Interface Startup Time 4 6 8 ms 1. Guaranteed by design - min./max. limits not production tested Reset control register ca 8.9.1 Table 89. Overtemp control Register Bit Name Default Access shutdwn_enab Te 4 8.10 Overtemp control This register reads and resets the overtemperature flag. ch Bit ni Addr: 29h Description Enable Shutdown mode and serial interface reset. 0 R/W 0 Serial Interface reset disabled. Device does not enter Shutdown mode 1 Serial Interface reset enabled, device enters shutdown when SCL and SDA remain low for min. 120ms Temperature Supervision An integrated temperature sensor provides over-temperature protection for the AS3675. This sensor generates a flag if the device temperature reaches the overtemperature threshold of 140º. The threshold has a hysteresis to prevent oscillation effects. 1v3 67 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n If the device temperature exceeds the T140 threshold all current sources, the charge pump and the dcdc converter is disabled and the ov_temp flag is set. After decreasing the temperature by THYST operation is resumed. The ov_temp flag can only be reset by first writing a 1 and then a 0 to the register bit rst_ov_temp. Bit ov_temp_on = 1 activates temperature supervision Table 91. It is recommend to leave this bit set (default state). Table 90. Overtemperature Detection Parameter Condition Min T140 ov_temp Rising Threshold 140 THYST ov_temp Hysteresis 5 Overtemp control Addr: 29h Bit Max Unit ºC ºC lv Table 91. Overtemp control Register Typ al id Symbol This register reads and resets the overtemperature flag. Bit Name Default Access Description am lc s on A te G nt st il Activates/deactivates device temperature supervision. Default: Off - all other bits are only valid if this bit is set to 1 ov_temp_on 0 1 W 1 ov_temp N/A R 2 rst_ov_temp 0 R/W 8.11 Serial Interface 0 Temperature supervision is disabled. No reset will be generated if the device temperature exceeds 140ºC 1 Temperature supervision is enabled 1 Indicates that the overtemperature threshold has been reached; this flag is not cleared by an overtemperature reset. It has to be cleared using rst_ov_temp The ov_temp flag is cleared by first setting this bit to 1, and then setting this bit to 0. The AS3675 is controlled using serial interface pins CLK and DATA: Figure 34. Serial interface block diagram ni Te ch AS3675 ca 1v3 68 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n The clock line CLK is never held low by the AS3675 (as the AS3675 does not use clock stretching of the bus). Table 92. Serial Interface Timing Parameter VIHI/F High Level Input Voltage VILI/F Low Level Input Voltage Condition Min Max Unit 1.38 VBAT V 0.0 0.52 V Pins DATA and CLK Typ Hysteresis 0.1 tRISE Rise Time 0 tFALL Fall Time 0 tCLK_FILTER Spike Filter on CLK 100 tDATA_FILTER Spike Filter on DATA 300 V 1000 ns 300 ns ns ns lv VHYSTI/F al id Symbol am lc s on A te G nt st il The AS3675 is compatible to the NXP two wire specification 39340011.pdf, Version 2.1, January 2000 for standard and fast mode (no high speed mode) with the following exception: Data set-up time for fast mode: tSU;DAT=250ns (instead of 100ns from table 5, p32) 8.11.1 Serial Interface Features Fast Mode Capability (Maximum Clock Frequency is 400 kHz) 7-bit Addressing Mode Write Formats - Single-Byte Write - Page-Write Read Formats - Current-Address Read - Random-Read - Sequential-Read DATA Input Delay and CLK spike filtering by integrated RC components 8.11.2 Device Address Selection The serial interface address of the AS3675 has the following address: ca 80h – Write Commands 81h – Read Commands ch DATA ni Figure 35. Complete Serial Data Transfer Te CLK S Start Condition 1-7 Address 8 R/W 9 ACK 1-7 8 9 Data ACK 1-7 Data 8 9 ACK P Stop Condition Serial Data Transfer Formats 1v3 69 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Definitions used in the serial data transfer format diagrams are listed in the following table: Definition R/W (AS3675 Slave) Note S Start Condition after Stop R 1 bit Sr Repeated Start R 1 bit DW Device Address for Write R 10000000b (80h). DR Device Address for Read R 10000001b (81h) WA Word Address R 8 bits A Acknowledge W 1 bit N Not Acknowledge R 1 bit reg_data Register Data/Write R data (n) Register Data/read R P Stop Condition R Increment Word Address Internally R During Acknowledge 8 bits 1 bit 8 bits am lc s on A te G nt st il WA++ al id Symbol lv Table 93. Serial Data Transfer Byte Definitions Figure 36. Serial Interface Byte Write S DW A WA A reg_data A P Write Register WA++ AS3675 (= Slave) receives data AS3675 (= Slave) transmits data Figure 37. Serial Interface Page Write S DW A WA A reg_data 1 A reg_data 2 Write Register WA++ A reg_datan … Write Register WA++ A P Write Register WA++ AS3675 (= Slave) receives data AS3675 (= Slave) transmits data ca Byte Write and Page Write formats are used to write data to the slave. ni The transmission begins with the START condition, which is generated by the master when the bus is in IDLE state (the bus is free). The device-write address is followed by the word address. After the word address any number of data bytes can be sent to the slave. The word address is incremented internally, in order to write subsequent data bytes on subsequent address locations. ch For reading data from the slave device, the master has to change the transfer direction. This can be done either with a repeated START condition followed by the device-read address, or simply with a new transmission START followed by the device-read address, when the bus is in IDLE state. The device-read address is always followed by the 1st register byte transmitted from the slave. In Read Mode any number of subsequent register bytes can be read from the slave. The word address is incremented internally. Te The following diagrams show the serial read formats supported by the AS3675. Figure 38. Serial Interface Random Read S DW A WA A Sr DR data N P Read Register WA++ AS3675 (= slave) receives data AS3675 (= slave) transmits data A 1v3 70 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Random Read and Sequential Read are combined formats. The repeated START condition is used to change the direction after the data transfer from the master. The word address transfer is initiated with a START condition issued by the master while the bus is idle. The START condition is followed by the device-write address and the word address. Figure 39. Serial Interface Sequential Read S DW A WA A Sr DR A data 1 A data 2 ... al id In order to change the data direction a repeated START condition is issued on the 1st CLKpulse after the ACKNOWLEDGE bit of the word address transfer. After the reception of the device-read address, the slave becomes the transmitter. In this state the slave transmits register data located by the previous received word address vector. The master responds to the data byte with a NOT ACKNOWLEDGE, and issues a STOP condition on the bus. data n A lv Read Register WA++ N P AS3675 (= slave) receives data AS3675 (= slave) transmits data am lc s on A te G nt st il Sequential Read is the extended form of Random Read, as multiple register-data bytes are subsequently transferred. In contrast to the Random Read, in a sequential read the transferred register-data bytes are responded by an acknowledge from the master. The number of data bytes transferred in one sequence is unlimited (consider the behavior of the word-address counter). To terminate the transmission the master has to send a NOT ACKNOWLEDGE following the last data byte and subsequently generate the STOP condition. Figure 40. Serial Interface Current Address Read S DR A data 1 Read Register WA++ A data 2 … Read Register WA++ A data n N P Read Register WA++ AS3675 (= slave) receives data AS3675 (= slave) transmits data To keep the access time as small as possible, this format allows a read access without the word address transfer in advance to the data transfer. The bus is idle and the master issues a START condition followed by the Device-Read address. ca Analogous to Random Read, a single byte transfer is terminated with a NOT ACKNOWLEDGE after the 1st register byte. Analogous to Sequential Read an unlimited number of data bytes can be transferred, where the data bytes must be responded to with an ACKNOWLEDGE from the master. For termination of the transmission the master sends a NOT ACKNOWLEDGE following the last data byte and a subsequent STOP condition. Operating Modes ni 8.12 If the voltage on CLK and DATA is less than 1V (for > tPOR_DEB), the AS3675 is in shutdown mode and its current consumption is minimized (IBAT = ISHUTDOWN) and all internal registers are reset to their default values. ch If the voltage at CLK or DATA rises above 1V, the AS3675 serial interface is enabled and the AS3675 and the standby mode is selected. The AS3675 is switched automatically from standby mode (IBAT = ISTANBY) into normal mode (IBAT = IACTIVE) and back, if one of the following blocks are activated: Te Charge pump Step up regulator Any current sink ADC conversion started PWM active Pattern mode active. If any of these blocks are already switched on the internal oscillator is running and a write instruction to the registers is directly evaluated within 1 internal CLK cycle (typ. 1µs) 1v3 71 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - D e t a i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n Te ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id If all these blocks are disabled, a write instruction to enable these blocks is delayed by 64 CLK cycles (oscillator will startup, within max 200µs). 1v3 72 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - R e g i s t e r M a p 9 Register Map Table 94. Registermap Addr Default Register Definition b7 Reg. control 00h 00 ldo_ana _lpo curr12 control 01h 00h curr rgb control 02h 00h curr6_mode curr3 control1 03h 00h curr33_mode curr4 control 04h 00h GPIO output 1 05h 00h gpi_curr 33_en gpi_curr 32_en gpi_curr 31_en gpi_curr 30_en gpi_curr 6_en gpi_curr 2_en gpi_curr 1_en GPIO signal 1 06h 00h gpi_curr 33_in gpi_curr 32_in gpi_curr 31_in gpi_curr 30_in gpi_curr 6_in gpi_curr 2_in gpi_curr 1_in LDO ANA1 Voltage 07h 00h Curr1 current 09h 00h curr1_current Curr2 current 0Ah 00h curr2_current Rgb1 current 0Bh 00h rgb1_current Rgb2 current 0Ch 00h rgb2_current Rgb3 current 0Dh 00h rgb3_current Curr3x strobe 0Eh 00h curr3x_strobe Curr3x preview 0Fh 00h curr3x_preview Curr3x other 10h 00h curr3x_other Curr3 strobe control 11h 00h Curr3 control2 12h 00h Curr41 current 13h 00h curr41_current Curr42 current 14h 00h curr42_current Curr43 current 15h 00h curr43_current b4 b3 b2 step_up _on cp_on 00h pwm code 17h 00h b0 ldo_ana _on curr1_mode rgb3_mode rgb2_mode rgb1_mode curr32_mode curr31_mode curr30_mode curr43_mode curr42_mode curr41_mode lv curr2_mode strobe_timing strobe_p in strobe_mode curr3x_s trobe_hi gh pwm_dim_speed preview_ off_after strobe pwm_dim_mode pwm_code curr33_p curr32_p curr31_p curr30_p softdim_ attern attern attern attern pattern Pattern control 18h 00h Pattern data0 19h 00h pattern_data[7:0] Pattern data1 1Ah 00h pattern_data[15:8]1111 Pattern data2 1Bh 00h pattern_data[23:16]1111 Pattern data3 1Ch 00h pattern_data[31:24]1111 GPIO control 1Eh 44h GPIO driving cap 20h 00h strobe_ctrl preview_ctrl ca 16h ch Pwm control Te b1 al id b5 am lc s on A te G nt st il b6 ldo_ana_voltage ni Name Content pattern_delay gpio_pulls pattern_ color gpio_mode gpio_low _curr 1v3 73 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - R e g i s t e r M a p Table 94. Registermap Addr Default Register Definition DCDC control1 21h 00h step_up_vtuning DCDC control2 22h 04h Step step_up curr6_pr curr2_pr curr1_pr up_lowc _fb_auto ot_on ot_on ot_on ur CP control 23h 00h cp_start cp_mode_switchin cp_auto _deboun _on g ce CP mode Switch1 24h 00h rgb3_on rgb2_on rgb1_on curr33_o curr32_o curr31_o curr30_o _cp _cp _cp n_cp n_cp n_cp n_cp CP mode Switch2 25h 00h curr6_on _cp ADC_control 26h 03h start_co nversion ADC_MSB result 27h NA result_n ot_ready ADC_LSB result 28h NA Overtemp control 29h 01h Curr low voltage status1 2Ah NA Curr low voltage status2 2Bh NA gpio current 2Ch 00h curr6 current 2Fh 00h curr6_current Adder Current 1 30h 00h adder_current1 (can be enabled for CURR30, CURR1, RGB1, CURR41) Adder Current 2 31h 00h adder_current2 (can be enabled for CURR31, CURR2, RGB2, CURR42) Adder Current 3 32h 00h adder_current3 (can be enabled for CURR32, CURR6, RGB3, CURR43) Adder Enable 1 33h 00h b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 step_up_fb b0 step_up _frequ step_up skip_fast step_up _prot _res cp_mode al id b6 cp_clk lv b7 curr43_o curr42_o curr41_o curr2_on curr1_on n_cp n_cp n_cp _cp _cp adc_select am lc s on A te G nt st il adc_on D9:D3 D2:D0 rst_ov_t ov_temp ov_temp _on emp shutdwn _enab curr6_lo rgb3_low rgb2_low rgb1_low curr33_l w_v _v _v _v ow_v curr43_l ow_v pattern_ slow ca Name Content curr42_l ow_v curr32_l ow_v curr31_l ow_v curr30_l ow_v curr41_l ow_v curr2_lo w_v curr1_lo w_v pattern_ delay2 curr43_a curr42_a curr41_a rgb3_ad rgb2_ad rgb1_ad dder dder dder der der der 34h 00h curr33_a curr32_a curr31_a curr30_a curr6_ad curr2_ad curr1_ad dder dder dder dder der der der Subtract Enable 35h 00h sub_en4 sub_en3 sub_en2 sub_en1 ch ni Adder Enable 2 3Eh CBh 1 1 0 0 ASIC ID2 3Fh 5Xh 0 1 0 1 Curr30 current 40h 00h curr30_current Curr31 current 41h 00h curr31_current Curr32 current 42h 00h curr32_current Curr33 current 43h 00h curr33_current Audio Control 46h 00h Te ASIC ID1 audio_speed freq_mo de 1v3 1 0 1 1 revision audio_color aud_buf _on 74 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - R e g i s t e r M a p Table 94. Registermap Addr Default Register Definition Audio input 47h 00h Audio output 48h 00h GPIO output 2 50h 00h gpi_curr 43_en gpi_curr 42_en gpi_curr gpi_rgb3 gpi_rgb2 gpi_rgb1 41_en _en _en _en gpi_en gpio_out GPIO signal 2 51h 00h gpi_curr 43_in gpi_curr 42_in gpi_curr gpi_rgb3 gpi_rgb2 gpi_rgb1 41_in _in _in _in gpi_ in gpio _in Adder Current 4 52h 00h adder_current4 (can be enabled for CURR33) CURR3x audio source 53h 00h curr33_aud_src[1:0 curr32_aud_src[1:0 curr31_aud_src[1:0 curr30_aud_src[1:0 ] ] ] ] Pattern End 54h 00h filt_type 70h 00h filt1_A0_MSB 71h 00h filt1_A0_LSB 72h 00h filt1_a1_MSB 73h 00h filt1_a1_LSB 74h 00h filt1_a2_MSB 75h 00h filt1_a2_LSB 76h 00h filt2_A0_MSB 77h 00h filt2_A0_LSB 78h 00h filt2_a1_MSB 79h 00h filt2_a1_LSB 7ah 00h filt2_a2_MSB 7bh 00h filt2_a2_LSB 7ch 00h filt3_A0_MSB 7dh 00h filt3_A0_LSB 7eh 00h filt3_a1_MSB 7fh 00h filt3_a1_LSB 80h 00h filt3_a2_MSB 81h 00h b6 b5 b4 audio_di audio_m s_start an_start b2 b1 agc_ctrl aud_amplitude lv am lc s on A te G nt st il 82h b0 audio_gain curr4x_a rgbx_au curr126_ ud_on d_on aud_on filt3_type[1:0] filt2_type[1:0] pattern_ end filt1_type[1:0] filt1_A0[11:8] filt1_A0[7:0] filt1_a1[11:8] filt1_a1[7:0] filt1_a2[11:8] filt1_a2 [7:0] filt2_A0[11:8] filt2_A0[7:0] filt2_a1[11:8] filt2_a1[7:0] filt2_a2[11:8] filt2_a2 [7:0] ca ch filt3_a2_LSB b3 al id b7 filt3_A0[11:8] filt3_A0[7:0] filt3_a1[11:8] ni Name Content filt3_a1[7:0] filt3_a2[11:8] filt3_a2[7:0] 00h Te Note: If writing to register, write 0 to unused bits Write to read only bits will be ignored yellow color = read only 1v3 75 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - E x t e r n a l C o m p o n e n t s 10 External Components Table 95. External Components List Part Number Value Typ Min Max tol. (min.) Rating (max) Notes Package (min.) 1µF ±20% 6.3V Ceramic, X5R (V2_5 output) (e.g. Taiyo Yuden JMK105BJ105KV-F) 0402 C2 1µF ±20% 6.3V Ceramic, X5R (VBAT) (e.g. Taiyo Yuden JMK105BJ105KVF) 0402 C3 1µF ±20% 6.3V Ceramic, X5R (Charge Pump) (e.g. Taiyo Yuden JMK105BJ105KV-F) 0402 C4 1µF ±20% 6.3V Ceramic, X5R (Charge Pump) (e.g. Taiyo Yuden JMK105BJ105KV-F) 0402 lv am lc s on A te G nt st il C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 2.2µF ±20% 6.3V Ceramic, X5R (Charge Pump Output) (e.g. Taiyo Yuden JMK107BJ225MA-T) 0403 1µF ±20% 6.3V Ceramic, X5R (Step Up DCDC input) (e.g. Taiyo Yuden JMK105BJ105KV-F) 0402 1.5nF ±20% 25V Ceramic, X5R (Step Up DCDC Feedback, 150pF for over voltage protection) 0402 15nF ±20% 6.3V Ceramic, X5R (Step Up DCDC Feedback, 1.5nF for over voltage protection) 0402 4.7µF ±20% 25V Ceramic, X5R, X7R (Step Up DCDC output) (e.g. Taiyo Yuden TMK316BJ475KG) 3.2x1.6x 1.25mm 2.2µF ±20% 6.3V Ceramic, X5R (Vana1 output) (e.g. Taiyo Yuden JMK107BJ225MA-T) only required if LDO is used 0403 100mΩ ±5% Shunt Resistor 0603 1MΩ ±1% Step Up DC/DC Converter Voltage Feedback 0201 100kΩ ±1% Step Up DC/DC Converter Voltage Feedback - not required for over voltage protection 0201 1-10kΩ ±1% DATA Pullup resistor – usually already inside master 0201 CLKPullup resistor – usually already inside master 0201 Recommended Type: Murata LQH3NPN100NJ0, Panasonic ELLSFG100MA or TDK VLF3012A 3x3x1.2m m MicroFET 2x2mm ca R1 ch ni R2 R3 al id C1 R4 Te R5 L1 10µH Q1 (+ D1) FDFMA3N109 Integrated NMOS and Schottky diode D2:D14 LED As required by application ±20% 1v3 76 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - P a c k a g e D r a w i n g s a n d M a r k i n g s 11 Package Drawings and Markings Figure 41. WL-CSP30 3x2.5mm 6x5 Balls Package Drawing ! " ! 3675 <Code> ! " # # " ! am lc s on A te G nt st il lv Line 1: Line 2: Line 3: " Note: # # al id austriamicrosystems logo 3675 <Code> Encode datecode 4 characters Figure 42. WL-CSP30 3x2.5mm 6x5 Balls Detail Dimensions %% % % % % % % % % % % % %& & & )& ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )& *& * +& + 3 * * * * * * * *& + + + + + + + + + +& * ,%%-++ $(. %/,$"#)($!,$( 0!1 %$%$, % %$$"$1!$($, 2! Te ch ca * ni %& & !" #$%& '$( 1v3 77 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - P a c k a g e D r a w i n g s a n d M a r k i n g s 11.1 Tape & Reel Information Te ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id Figure 43. Tape & Reel Dimensions 1v3 78 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n 12 Ordering Information The devices are available as the standard products shown in Table 96. Table 96. Ordering Information Description Delivery Form Package AS3675-ZWLT AS3675 Wafer Level Chip Scale Package, size 3x2.5mm, 6x5 balls, 0.5mm pitch, Pb-Free Tape & Reel 30pin WL-CSP (3x2.5mm) RoHS compliant / Pb-Free Te ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il AS3675Z Temperature Range: -30ºC - 85ºC WL Package: Wafer Level Chip Scale Package (WL-CSP) 3x2.5mm T Delivery Form: Tape & Reel lv Note: AS3675-ZWLT al id Model 1v3 79 - 80 AS3675 Datasheet - O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n Copyrights Copyright © 1997-2010, austriamicrosystems AG, Tobelbaderstrasse 30, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered ®. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. al id All products and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer am lc s on A te G nt st il lv Devices sold by austriamicrosystems AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. austriamicrosystems AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. austriamicrosystems AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with austriamicrosystems AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or lifesustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by austriamicrosystems AG for each application. For shipments of less than 100 parts the manufacturing flow might show deviations from the standard production flow, such as test flow or test location. ni ca The information furnished here by austriamicrosystems AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However, austriamicrosystems AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of austriamicrosystems AG rendering of technical or other services. ch Contact Information Te Headquarters austriamicrosystems AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 Schloss Premstätten A-8141 Austria Tel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0 Fax: +43 (0) 3136 525 01 For Sales Offices, Distributors and Representatives, please visit: 1v3 80 - 80