Technical User Guide 0008-02-17-00-000 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide Module Definition Each module is soldered on a carrier board making it pinfor-pin compatible with the Ember development board. The CEL modules connect to the Ember development board using the outermost row on each connector. Mount module here Introduction CEL Module The CEL MeshConnect EM35x Ember Companion Kit (ZICM-EM35X-DEV-KIT-1) is designed to work directly with Ember’s development kits (EM35X-DEV or EM35X-DEV-IAR). CEL’s ZICM357P2 modules are mounted on interface boards that allow them to be plugged onto the EM35x breakout board from Ember. Each CEL EM35x Companion Kit ships with 4 modules (3 modules with a PCB trace antenna and 1 module with a U.FL connector). CEL’s ZICM357P2 module includes a high performance Renesas power amplifier that increases power out to +20 dBm, making it one of the most powerful ZigBee® modules on the market. With its 120 dB link budget, the module provides range up to 2.5 miles, ensuring reliable transmission even in harsh environments and reducing the number of nodes needed in the network. The increased output power also provides better interior penetration from devices installed outside the home such as smart meters that need to connect to devices inside the home. Coupled with Ember’s industry leading EmberZNet PRO™, Ember’s certified ZigBee Pro network stack, these modules enable a developer to add powerful wireless networking capability to products and quickly bring them to market. This document provides the technical specification of the MeshConnect EM357 Module on its Ember-specific carrier board. For more information on MeshConnect modules, contact CEL at Ember Development Board Outer rows NOTE: For compatibility with the Ember development board, the external 1MB data flash on the CEL module has been removed. The following modules are included in the kit: Part Number / Quantity ZICM357P2-1 Quantity: 3 ZICM357P2-1C Quantity: 1 Description PCB Trace Antenna +20dBm output power RX sensitivity = -100dBm Link Budget: 120dB Small footprint: 1” x 1.41” FCC, CE and IC certified U.FL connector +20dBm output power RX sensitivity = -100dBm Link Budget: 120dB Small footprint: 1” x 1.41” For more information, See the MeshConnect EM357 Module Datasheet. EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide 1 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 1 MODULE DEFINITION 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 CARRIER BOARD FEATURES 3 MECHANICAL DETAILS 8 REVISION HISTORY 10 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide 2 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide Carrier Board Features • Access to Ember’s InSight Port connector • Two debug LEDs • LED1 (red) is connected to EM357 GPIO PA7 • Convenient access to all EM357 GPIOs • LED0 (green) is connected to EM357 GPIO PA6 Below is a pin-out reference table of each CEL MeshConnect EM357 module: Carrier Board Pin Number 1 2 Module Pin Number 1, 7, 19, 20, 21, 28, 36, 37, 38, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 NC EM357 IC Pin Number Name 49 GROUND NC NC 3 10 13 PC6 4 11 14 PC7 5 12 18 PA7 6 13 19 PB3 7 9 12 RESET Notes No Connect Digital I/O OSC32B - 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator nTX_ACTIVE - Inverted TX_ACTIVE signal Digital I/O OSC32A - 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator OSC32_EXT - Digital 32.768 kHz clock input source Digital I/O TIM1C4 - Timer 1 Channel 4 output TIM1C4 - Timer 1 Channel 4 input REG_EN - External regulator open drain output Digital I/O TIM2C3 - Timer 2 channel 3 output TIM2C3 - Timer 2 channel 3 input SC1nCTS - UART CTS handshake of Serial Controller 1 SC1SCLK - SPI master/slave clock of Serial Controller 1 Active Low (Input) EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide 3 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide Carrier Board Pin Number Module Pin Number EM357 IC Pin Number Name 8 14 20 PB4 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 1, 7, 19, 20, 21, 28, 36, 37, 38, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 21 22 24 25 PA0 PA1 PA2 PA3 49 GROUND 13 14 15 26 PA4 15 16 27 PA5 16 17 29 PA6 17 18 30 PB1 Notes Digital I/O TIM2C4 - Timer 2 channel 4 output TIM2C4 - Timer 2 channel 4 input SC1nRTS - UART RTS handshake of Serial Controller 1 SC1nSSEL - SPI slave select of Serial Controller 1 Dedicated as SC2MOSI due to Flash memory Dedicated as SC2MISO due to Flash memory Dedicated as SC2SCLK due to Flash memory Reserved as SC2nSSEL for Flash memory Digital I/O ADC4 - ADC Input 4 PTI_EN - Frame signal of Packet Trace Interface (PTI) TRACEDATA2 - Synchronous CPU trace data bit 2 Digital I/O ADC5 - ADC Input 5 PTI_DATA - Data signal of Packet Trace Interface (PTI) nBOOTMODE - Embedded serial bootloader activation out of reset TRACEDATA3 - Synchronous CPU trace data bit 3 Digital I/O TIM1C3 - Timer 1 channel 3 output TIM1C3 - Timer 1 channel 3 input Digital I/O SC1MISO - SPI slave data out of Serial Controller 1 SC1MOSI - SPI master data out of Serial Controller 1 SC1SDA - TWI data of Serial Controller 1 SC1TXD - UART transmit data of Serial Controller 1 TIM2C1 - Timer 2 channel 1 output TIM2C1 - Timer 2 channel 1 input EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide 4 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide Carrier Board Pin Number 18 19 20 Module Pin Number 22 1, 7, 19, 20, 21, 28, 36, 37, 38, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 1, 7, 19, 20, 21, 28, 36, 37, 38, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 EM357 IC Pin Number Name 31 PB2 49 GROUND 49 GROUND 21 23 32 JTCK 22 24 33 PC2 23 26 34 PC3 24 27 35 PC4 25 29 36 PB0 Notes Digital I/O SCIMISO - SPI master data in of Serial Controller 1 SC1MOSI - SPI slave data in of Serial Controller 1 SC1SCL - TWI clock of Serial Controller 1 SC1RXD - UART receive data of Serial Controller 1 TIM2C2 - Timer 2 channel 2 output TIM2C2 - Timer 2 channel 2 input JTAG clock input from debugger SWCLK - Serial Wire clock input/output with debugger Digital I/O JTDO - JTAG data out to debugger SWO - Serial Wire Output asynchronous trace output to debugger Digital I/O JTDI - JTAG data in from debugger Digital I/O JTMS - JTAG mode select from debugger SWDIO - Serial Wire bidirectional data to/from debugger Digital I/O VREF - ADC reference output VREF - ADC reference input IRQA - External interrupt source A TRACECLK - Synchronous CPU trace clock TIM1CLK - Timer 1 external clock input TIM2MSK - Timer 2 external clock mask input EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide 5 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide Carrier Board Pin Number Module Pin Number EM357 IC Pin Number Name 26 30 38 PC1 27 31 40 PC0 28 33 41 PB7 29 34 42 PB6 30 35 43 PB5 49 GROUND 16, 23, 28, 37 VCC 49 GROUND 31 32 33 1, 7, 19, 20, 21, 28, 36, 37, 38, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 8 1, 7, 19, 20, 21, 28, 36, 37, 38, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 Notes Digital I/O ADC3 - ADC Input 3 SW0 - Serial Wire Output asynchronous trace output to debugger TRACEDATA0 - Synchronous CPU trace data bit 0 Digital I/O JRST - JTAG reset input from debugger IRQD - Default external interrupt source D TRACEDATA1 - Synchronous CPU trace data bit 1 Digital I/O ADC2 - ADC Input 2 IRQC - Default external interrupt source C TIM1C2 - Timer 1 channel 2 output TIM1C2 - Timer 1 channel 2 input Digital I/O ADC1 - ADC Input 1 IRQB - External interrupt source B TIM1C1 - Timer 1 channel 1 output TIM1C1 - Timer 1 channel 1 input Digital I/O ADC0 - ADC Input 0 TIM2CLK - Timer 2 external clock input TIM1MSK - Timer 1 external clock mask input EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide 6 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide Carrier Board Pin Number NC NC Module Pin Number 2 25, 32, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 EM357 IC Pin Number NC NC Name Notes WP Flash memory write protect (internal pull-up) NC No Connect Refer to the MeshConnect EM357 Module Datasheet for more details, including module characteristics. EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide 7 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide Mechanical Details The locations of the interface connectors are shown below. 0.750” EMBER DAUGHTER 0.700” 0.050” 0.950” EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide 8 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide The interface board overall dimensions and signal connections to the Ember development board are shown below. 1.121” REF. 33 20 GND JTCK PC2 PC3 PC4 PC1 GND PB0 PC0 PB7 PA3 PB6 PB5 VCC RESET GND GND J3 GND PB2 PB1 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA2 PA1 PA0 PB4 PA7 PC7 PC6 1 R1 LED0 19 EM35x Ember Companion Kit Technical User Guide 1.498” REF. 0 0 NC GND EMBER DAUGHTER PB3 LED1 R2 9 EM357 Ember Companion Kit Technical Specifications Revision History Revision Date Description Page(s) A (0008-02-17-00-000) 12/12/11 Initial Release. B (0008-02-17-00-000) 4/18/12 Corrections on pin 20 and 29 on pin diagram 9 About CEL California Eastern Laboratories (CEL) has over 50 years of experience providing a wide range of RF and wireless semiconductors, Optocouplers and Solid State Relays, Fiber Optics and Detectors. CEL develops the MeshConnect™ line of professional grade modules that provide hardware and software solutions in the 2.4 GHZ (IEEE 802.15.4/SNAP/ZigBee). These solutions offer customers qualified and certified platforms that greatly simplify design and greatly reduce time to market. For more information, visit our MeshConnect products and solutions at Professional Grade Wireless Radio Solutions California Eastern Laboratories 4590 Patrick Henry Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 919-2500 10 04.18.2012