EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SA EM4126 18000-63 / EPCTM Class-1 Generation-2 (Gen2) RFID IC Description Features EM4126 is a UHF RFID IC compliant with both ISO/IEC 18000-63 (formerly known as 18000-6 Type C) and TM EPC Class-1 Generation-2. The EM4126 has 224 bits of non-volatile memory (16 bit PC Word and 208 bit UII/EPC Code) enabling the support of ISO or EPC data structures. EM4126 achieves a typical read sensitivity of -19 dBm at the chip level, which translates into a typical -21 dBm sensitivity at the tag level for a dipole-like antenna with 2 dBi gain (25us TARI, 250 kHz BLF). ISO 18000-63 compliant EPC Class-1 Generation-2 compliant 208-bit UII / EPC encodings are supported 32-bit Short Tag Identification (TID) -19 dBm (-21 dBm) typical IC (tag) read sensitivity Forward link data rates: 40 to 160 kbit/s Return link data rates: 40 to 640 kbit/s Support of near-field mode enabling reading e.g. through water Support of parallel-inductance matching for improved matching Extended temperature range (–40C to +85C) EPC is a trademark of EPCglobal Inc. Typical Operating Configuration Open or closed dipole Applications Supply chain management Tracking and tracing Container identification Access control Asset control A VSS EM4126 Fig. 1 Typical Operating Configuration IC Block Diagram A Demodulator Rectifier Power management Logic Modulator EEPROM VSS EM4126 Fig. 2 IC Block Diagram Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 1 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 Table of Contents Description ..............................................................................................................................................................1 Applications.............................................................................................................................................................1 Features ..................................................................................................................................................................1 Typical Operating Configuration .............................................................................................................................1 IC Block Diagram ....................................................................................................................................................1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................................................................................................................3 Operating Conditions ..............................................................................................................................................3 Handling Procedures ..............................................................................................................................................3 Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................3 Functional Description ............................................................................................................................................4 Memory Organization .............................................................................................................................................4 Delivery State .........................................................................................................................................................5 Commands..............................................................................................................................................................5 Command Codes ................................................................................................................................................5 Custom Commands ............................................................................................................................................6 Electronic Product Code (EPC) Encoding ..............................................................................................................6 Floor Plan and Pin Description ............................................................................................................................ 10 Ordering Information ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Standard Versions & Samples: ............................................................................................................................ 11 Product Support ................................................................................................................................................... 11 Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 2 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit Storage temperature TSTORE -50 125 °C RF power at 1) pad A PA_ABS 30 dBm Voltage on pad A VA_ABS VSS-0.2 VSS+2.0 V Voltage on pad TST1, TST3 VTST_ABS VSS-0.2 VSS+2.0 V ESD hardness 2) pad A VESD_A -1000 1000 V ESD hardness pad TST1, 2) TST3 VESD_TST Stresses above these listed maximum ratings may cause permanent damages to the device. Exposure beyond specified operating conditions may affect device reliability or cause malfunction. Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Operating temperature TOP 3) PA RF carrier frequency fA RF power at pad A Min. Max. Unit -40 +85 °C 20 dBm 960 MHz 860 Table 2: Operating conditions -2000 2000 V Note 3: IC impedance matched to antenna at read sensitivity Handling Procedures Table 1: Absolute maximum ratings Note 1: IC impedance matched to antenna at read sensitivity Note 2: Human Body Model This device has built-in protection against high static voltages or electric fields; however, anti-static precautions must be taken as for any other CMOS component. Unless otherwise specified, proper operation can only occur when all terminal voltages are kept within the voltage range. Electrical Characteristics Parameter Incoming RF carrier modulation Symbol KM Read sensitivity for power matching (complex-conjugate matching) Write sensitivity for power matching (complex-conjugate matching) Min. Typ. 65 Max. Unit 100 % PDUT= -17dBm T = 25°C Input impedance (between A and VSS) above activation threshold Resistive load (between A and VSS) when modulator is on Conditions ZA fA = 866MHz fA = 915MHz fA = 953MHz 1mA into pad A T = 25°C RA_ON 25 – 76 22 – 261 20 – 251 50 PRD T = 25°C fA=866MHz fA=915MHz fA = 953MHz -19 4) -19 4) -19 dBm dBm dBm PWR T = 25°C fA=866MHz fA=915MHz fA = 953MHz -8 -8 -8 dBm dBm dBm 4) Table 3: Electrical characteristics Note 4: 25 us TARI, 250 kHz BLF Timing Characteristics Parameter Symbol Erase / write endurance TCYC Retention TRET Conditions TOP = 55ºC Min. Typ. Max. Unit 10k Cycles 10 Years Table 4: Timing characteristics Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 3 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 Functional Description The EM4126 is used in passive UHF transponder applications operating at 860 MHz - 960 MHz. It is powered by the RF energy transmitted by the reader, which is received and rectified to generate a supply voltage for the IC. This device is in TM full compliance with ISO/IEC 18000-63 and EPC Class-1 Generation-2 specifications according to the following documents: "ISO/IEC 18000-63:2012 Information technology – Radio frequency identification for item management – Part 63: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz Type C” "EPC Radio-Frequency Identity Protocols, Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID, Protocol for Communications at 860 MHz - 960 MHz, Version 1.2” from EPCglobal Inc. "EPCglobal Tag Data Standards, Version 1.6" from EPCglobal Inc. Memory Organization EM4126 memory is allocated to two memory banks: TID and UII/EPC. Memory name Memory bank TID 102 UII/EPC 012 Word Address 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Contents Short TID Format CRC-16 PC UII/EPC Memory type ROM RAM NVM Table 5: Memory map. Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 4 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 Word 0 Bits (MSB first) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISO/IEC 15963 Allocation Class Tag mask-designer identifier for EM Tag model number 111000102 (ROM) 0000000010112 (ROM) 000011000xxx2 (ROM) where xxx is customer version and 000 is standard product Content 0 Table 6: TID memory Delivery State The delivery state has the following default product configuration: UII/EPC memory is unlocked with a default 96-bit UII/EPC Code value 0000'0000'0000'0000'nnnn'nnnnh where nnnn’nnnn is the 32-bit IC serial number. Commands Three sets of commands are defined: Mandatory Optional Custom Command Codes The table below shows all implemented commands in EM4126. For the description of all mandatory and optional commands, please refer to the EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2 standard. More detailed information on custom commands is given below. Command code Type '00' '01' '1000' '1001' '1010' '11000000' '11000001' '11000010' '11000011' '11000100' '11000101' '11000110' ‘11100000 00000000’ Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Custom Function QueryRep ACK Query QueryAdjust Select NAK Req_RN Read Write Kill Lock Access GetUID Table 7: Command codes Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 5 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 Custom Commands GetUID GetUID Command code RN 16 16 11100000 00000000 Prior RN16 or handle Table 8: GetUID Command # of bits Description The custom command GetUID is implemented as in Table 9. It allows an interrogator to read the tag's 64-bit TID / UID with a single command. A tag in Reply, Acknowledged, Open or Secured state backscatters {'0', TID / UID, RN16, CRC-16} upon a GetUID command with a valid RN16 or handle (see Table 10). The state transition and link timing is the same as for the ACK command. The tag reply is analogous to the tag reply upon a Read command. A link timing example is shown in Figure 3. # of bits Description Header 1 0 Select CW UID 32 TID Query RN 16 RN16 (prior RN16 or handle) Table 9: GetUID backscatter format GetUID CW T1 Next command CW ’0'+UID+RN16+CRC-16 RN16 T4 CRC-16 16 CRC-16('0'+TID+RN16) T2 T1 T2 Fig. 3: GetUID backscatter timing diagram Electronic Product Code (EPC) Encoding A common use for the EM4126 is to support item level tagging in retail applications and corresponds to the use of bar codes to uniquely identify a product. A bar code format (e.g. EAN-13) is used to encode a Universal Product Code (UPC) representing the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for the product. The common EAN-13 format has four components: The GS1 Prefix, the first three digits, usually identifying the national GS1 Member Organization to which the manufacturer is registered. The Company Number, consisting of three to seven digits depending on number of EAN-13’s required by the manufacturer to identify different product lines. The Item Reference, consisting of two to six digits. The Check Digit, a single checksum digit. The GS1 Company Prefix is the GS1 Prefix concatenated with the Company Number and indicates the manufacturer. The Item Reference indicates the product. The complete number is used as a reference key to look up information about the product in a database. EPC encoding supports GTIN’s and also provides the means to assign a unique identity to an instance of a trade item using serialization. This is done using the Serialized Global Trade Item Number (SGTIN) scheme which consists of the following elements: The GS1 Company Prefix, assigned by GS1 to a managing entity or its delegates. This is the same as the GS1 Company Prefix digits within a GS1 GTIN and typically represents a manufacturer. The Item Reference, assigned by the managing entity to a particular object class and typically represents a product. The Item Reference as it appears in the EPC is derived from the GTIN by concatenating the Indicator Digit of the GTIN (or a zero pad character, if the EPC is derived from a GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-13, or EAN-13) and the Item Reference digits, and treating the result as a single numeric string. Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 6 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 The Serial Number, assigned by the managing entity to an individual object. The serial number is not part of the GTIN, but is formally a part of the SGTIN. The serial number may be either a numeric value in the range 1 – 274,877,906,943 or an alphanumeric string consisting of 1 – 20 characters. To construct the EPC corresponding to an EAN-13 and a serial number, first convert the corresponding GTIN to a 14-digit number by adding one leading zero character as shown in the following example. Start with EAN-13 EAN-13: 7611608234365 GS1 Company Prefix (manufacturer): 7611608 Item Reference (product): 23436 Check Digit: 5 Convert to GTIN Prepend “0” indicator to construct full 14 digit format GTIN = 0 7611608 23436 5 Prepare for EPC encoding Move indicator to first digit of Item Reference Drop check digit GS1 Company Prefix (GCP) = 7611608 Indicator / Item Reference = 023436 Partition = 5 for 7-digit (24 bits) GS1 Company Prefix and 6-digit (20 bits) Indicator / Item Reference Filter = 1 for Point of Sale (POS) Trade Item EPC Header = 48 (SGTIN-96) or 54 (SGTIN-198) The type of serialization determines which SGTIN scheme is used to perform the EPC encoding in tag memory. The SGTIN-96 encoding is used for numeric serialization for values less than 274,877,906,944. The SGTIN198 encoding is used for alphanumeric serialization. SGTIN-96 Logical Segment Logical Segment Bit Count Coding Segment Coding Segment Bit Count Bit Position Example EPC Header 8 Filter Partition GS1 Company Prefix 20-40 Indicator / Item Reference Serial 3 3 24-4 38 EPC Header 8 Filter GTIN Serial 3 47 38 b95b94…b88 b87b86b85 b84b83…b38 b37b36…b0 00110000 001 Partition = 101 GCP = 011101000010010011011000 Indicator/Item Reference = 00000101101110001100 number Table 10: SGTIN-96 Encoding Scheme Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 7 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 SGTIN-198 Logical EPC Header Segment Logical 8 Segment Bit Count Coding EPC Header Segment Coding 8 Segment Bit Count Bit b197b196…b190 Position Example 00110110 Filter Partition 3 3 GS1 Company Prefix 20-40 Indicator / Item Reference 24-4 Serial 140 Filter GTIN Serial 3 47 140 b189b188b187 001 b186b185…b140 b139b138…b0 Partition = 101 GCP = 011101000010010011011000 Indicator/Item Reference = 00000101101110001100 string Table 11: SGTIN-198 Encoding Scheme Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 8 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 SGTIN-198 uses alphanumeric serialization represented as a string of 1 – 20 7-bit characters. The string is left justified and unused characters are zero filled. The characters permitted in alphanumeric serialization are shown in the following table. Graphic Symbol ! " % & ' ( ) * + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? A B C D E F G H I J K L Name Exclamation Mark Quotation Mark Percent Sign Ampersand Apostrophe Left Parenthesis Right Parenthesis Asterisk Plus sign Comma Hyphen/ Minus Full Stop Solidus Digit Zero Digit One Digit Two Digit Three Digit Four Digit Five Digit Six Digit Seven Digit Eight Digit Nine Colon Semicolon Less-than Sign Equals Sign Greater-than Sign Question Mark Capital Letter A Capital Letter B Capital Letter C Capital Letter D Capital Letter E Capital Letter F Capital Letter G Capital Letter H Capital Letter I Capital Letter J Capital Letter K Capital Letter L Hex Value 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C URI Form ! %22 %25 %26 ' ( ) * + , . %2F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; %3C = %3E %3F A B C D E F G H I J K L Graphic Symbol M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Name Capital Letter M Capital Letter N Capital Letter O Capital Letter P Capital Letter Q Capital Letter R Capital Letter S Capital Letter T Capital Letter U Capital Letter V Capital Letter W Capital Letter X Capital Letter Y Capital Letter Z Low Line Small Letter a Small Letter b Small Letter c Small Letter d Small Letter e Small Letter f Small Letter g Small Letter h Small Letter i Small Letter j Small Letter k Small Letter l Small Letter m Small Letter n Small Letter o Small Letter p Small Letter q Small Letter r Small Letter s Small Letter t Small Letter u Small Letter v Small Letter w Small Letter x Small Letter y Small Letter z Hex Value 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5F 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A URI Form M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Table 12: Characters Permitted in Alphanumeric Serial Numbers Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 9 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 Floor Plan and Pin Description 80 80 3 4 2 636 443.77 EM 4126 353.03 443.77 389.84 389.77 1 96.15 5 0.07 96.08 Y 582 X Pad size : 68 X 68 All dim ensions in ?m Fig. 4: Chip dimensions and pins locations Pin 1 2 3 4 5 Name VSS 2) TST1 2) TST2 2) TST3 ANT Pad Type Bumped Un-bumped Bumped Bumped Bumped Description Antenna N/A - Test purpose only N/A - Test purpose only N/A - Test purpose only Antenna + Table 13: Pin description. Pins TST2, TST3, VSS can be shorted to ease inlay assembly. TST1 must not be shorted to any other pins. Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 10 www.emmicroelectronic.com EM4126 Ordering Information The following charts show the general offering. For detailed Part Number to order, please see the table “Standard Versions” below. Die form EM4126 V% WS 6 Circuit Nb: EM4126 Customer Version*: V0 = Standard product (*refer to Table 6) Bumping: U = with Gold Bumps & Polyimide Die form: WW = Wafer WS = Sawn Wafer/Frame Thickness: 6 = 6 mils (152um) 7 = 7 mils (178um) 11 = 11 mils (280um) Fig. 5: Ordering information Remarks: For ordering, please, use table of “Standard Version” table below. For specifications of Delivery Form, including gold bumps, tape and bulk, as well as possible other delivery form or packages, please, contact EM Microelectronic-Marin S.A. Standard Versions & Samples: The versions below are considered standards and should be readily available. For other versions or other delivery form, please contact EM Microelectronic-Marin S.A. For samples, please, order exclusively from the standard version. Part Number EM4126V0WS6U EM4126V%YYY Package/Die Form Delivery Form Sawn wafer / bumped die – thickness of 6 mils Wafer sawn on frame custom Custom Table 14: Standard EM4126 versions readily available Product Support Check our website at www.emmicroelectronic.com under Products/RF Identification section. Questions can be submitted to [email protected] . EM Microelectronic-Marin SA (“EM”) makes no warranties for the use of EM products, other than those expressly contained in EM's applicable General Terms of Sale, located at http://www.emmicroelectronic.com. EM assumes no responsibility for any errors which may have crept into this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property rights of EM are granted in connection with the sale of EM products, neither expressly nor implicitly. In respect of the intended use of EM products by customer, customer is solely responsible for observing existing patents and other intellectual property rights of third parties and for obtaining, as the case may be, the necessary licenses. Important note: The use of EM products as components in medical devices and/or medical applications, including but not limited to, safety and life supporting systems, where malfunction of such EM products might result in damage to and/or injury or death of persons is expressly prohibited, as EM products are neither destined nor qualified for use as components in such medical devices and/or medical applications. The prohibited use of EM products in such medical devices and/or medical applications is exclusively at the risk of the customer Copyright 2012, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 4126-DS.doc, Version 3.0, 17-Dec-12 11 www.emmicroelectronic.com