LVDS SERDES Transmitter / Receiver IP Cores User Guide

LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User
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The low-voltage differential signaling serializer or deserializer (LVDS SERDES) megafunction IP cores
(ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX) implement the LVDS SERDES interfaces to transmit and receive
high-speed differential data. You can configure the features of these IP cores with the IP Catalog and
parameter editor.
The following table lists the features of the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores.
Table 1: ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX Features
Supported devices
Parameterizable data channel widths
All Arria , Cyclone , and Stratix series devices.
Parameterizable serializer/deserializer
(SERDES) factors
All Arria, Cyclone, and Stratix series devices.
Registered input and output ports
All Arria, Cyclone, and Stratix series devices.
Support for external phase-locked loops All Arria, Cyclone, and Stratix series devices.
PLLs sharing between transmitters and
All Arria, Cyclone, and Stratix series devices.
PLL control signals
All Arria, Cyclone, and Stratix series devices.
Dynamic phase alignment (DPA) mode
All Arria and Stratix (1)devices.
DPA PLL calibration support
All Stratix(1) series devices.
DPA is available starting from Stratix GX onwards. The first generation Stratix device family does not
support DPA.
© 2014 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are
trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as
trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance
of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any
products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information,
product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device
specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134
Resource Utilization and Performance
Soft clock data recovery (CDR) mode
Supported devices
All Arria and Stratix(2) series devices.
Note: Altera recommends implementing the Bus LVDS (BLVDS) I/O with user logic, instead of the
Related Information
• AN 522: Implementing Bus LVDS Interface in Supported Altera Device Families
Resource Utilization and Performance
The Quartus II software configures the PLL according to the settings you apply in the ALTLVDS_RX and
ALTVDS_TX parameter editor. All supported devices provide the option to use an external PLL, which
requires you to enter the appropriate PLL parameters.
When the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores are instantiated without the external PLL option,
they use one PLL per instance. During compilation, if directed to do so, the compiler tries to merge PLLs
whenever possible to minimize resource usage.
The Arria, Cyclone, Hardcopy, and Stratix series support the Use Shared PLL(s) for Receiver and
Transmitter option to allow both the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores to share a PLL. The
Quartus II software lets the transmitter and receiver share the same PLL when both use identical input
clock sources, identical pll_areset sources, identical deserialization factors, and identical output
settings. For example, the Quartus II software displays the following message when the PLL merges
Info: Receiver fast PLL <lvds_rx PLL name>
and transmitter fast PLL <lvds_tx PLL name> are
The Quartus II software displays the following message when it cannot merge the PLLs for the LVDS
transmitter and receiver pair in the design:
Warning: Can't merge transmitter-only fast PLL
<lvds_tx PLL name> and receiver-only fast PLL
<lvds_rx PLL
Note: One cause for the warning message is that PLLs that are driven by different clocks cannot be
merged. For PLL merging to happen, the input clocks and the settings on the outputs must be
Note: To use the LVDS I/O standard in the I/O Bank 1 of Cyclone III and Cyclone IV E devices, ensure
that you set the Configuration device I/O voltage to 2.5 V, or Auto in the Device and Pin Options
dialog box of the Quartus II software.
CDR is not available in the first generation Stratix device family and the Stratix II device family.
However, soft-CDR is available in all other Stratix series including Stratix GX and Stratix II GX..
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Installing and Licensing IP Cores
For the Stratix series, the side I/O banks contain dedicated SERDES circuitry, which includes the PLLs,
serial shift registers, and parallel registers. The transmit and receive functions use varying numbers of LEs
depending on the number of channels, serialization, and deserialization factors. For best performance,
manually place these LEs in columns as close as possible to the SERDES circuitry and LVDS pins. By
default, the Quartus II software places these LEs automatically during placement and routing.
Note: When dedicated SERDES is implemented in LVDS transmitter, the SERDES is directly connected
to the LVDS transmitter; therefore, the output of the transmitter cannot be assigned to singleended I/O standards.
Note: The Quartus II software reports the number of LEs used per ALTLVDS block in the Fitter
Resource Utilization by Entity section in the Resource section of the Compilation Report.
The Cyclone series uses DDIO registers as part of the SERDES interface. Because data is clocked on both
the rising edge and falling edge, the clock frequency must be half the data rate; therefore, the PLL runs at
half the frequency of the data rate. The core clock frequency for the transmitter is data rate divided by
serialization factor (J). For the odd serialization factors, depending on the output clock-divide factor (B)
and device family, an optional core clock frequency of data rate divided by two times the serialization
factor (J) is also available.
Use the following tables to determine the clock and data rate relationships.
Table 2: Cyclone Series ALTLVDS Transmitter Clock Relationships
Clock Type
J = Even
J = Odd
Fast Clock
Data Rate / 2
Data Rate / 2
Slow Clock (outclock)
Data Rate / 2 * B
Data Rate / 2 * B
Core Clock
Data Rate / J
Data Rate / J
Table 3: Cyclone Series ALTLVDS Receiver Clock Relationships
Clock Type
J = Even
J = Odd
Fast Clock
Data Rate / 2
Data Rate / 2
Slow Clock (outclock)
Data Rate / J
Data Rate / J
Related Information
ALTPLL IP Core User Guide
Altera Phase-Locked Loop (Altera PLL) IP Core User Guide
Installing and Licensing IP Cores
The Altera IP Library provides many useful IP core functions for production use without purchasing an
additional license. You can evaluate any Altera® IP core in simulation and compilation in the Quartus® II
software using the OpenCore® evaluation feature. Some Altera IP cores, such as MegaCore® functions,
require that you purchase a separate license for production use. You can use the OpenCore Plus feature to
evaluate IP that requires purchase of an additional license until you are satisfied with the functionality and
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
Customizing and Generating IP Cores
performance. After you purchase a license, visit the Self Service Licensing Center to obtain a license
number for any Altera product.
Figure 1: IP Core Installation Path
quartus - Contains the Quartus II software
ip - Contains the Altera IP Library and third-party IP cores
altera - Contains the Altera IP Library source code
<IP core name> - Contains the IP core source files
Note: The default IP installation directory on Windows is <drive>:\altera\<version number>; on Linux it is
<home directory>/altera/ <version number>.
Related Information
• Altera Licensing Site
• Altera Software Installation and Licensing Manual
Customizing and Generating IP Cores
You can customize IP cores to support a wide variety of applications. The Quartus II IP Catalog and
parameter editor allow you to quickly select and configure IP core ports, features, and output files.
IP Catalog and Parameter Editor
The Quartus II IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog) and parameter editor help you easily customize and
integrate IP cores into your project. You can use the IP Catalog and parameter editor to select, customize,
and generate files representing your custom IP variation.
Note: The IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog) and parameter editor replace the MegaWizard Plug-In
Manager for IP selection and parameterization, beginning in Quartus II software version 14.0. Use
the IP Catalog and parameter editor to locate and paramaterize Altera IP cores.
The IP Catalog lists IP cores available for your design. Double-click any IP core to launch the parameter
editor and generate files representing your IP variation. The parameter editor prompts you to specify an
IP variation name, optional ports, and output file generation options. The parameter editor generates a
top-level Qsys system file (.qsys) or Quartus II IP file (.qip) representing the IP core in your project. You
can also parameterize an IP variation without an open project.
Use the following features to help you quickly locate and select an IP core:
• Filter IP Catalog to Show IP for active device family or Show IP for all device families.
• Search to locate any full or partial IP core name in IP Catalog. Click Search for Partner IP, to access
partner IP information on the Altera website.
• Right-click an IP core name in IP Catalog to display details about supported devices, open the IP core's
installation folder, andor view links to documentation.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Using the Parameter Editor
Figure 2: Quartus II IP Catalog
Search and filter IP for your target device
Double-click to customize, right-click for information
Note: The IP Catalog is also available in Qsys (View > IP Catalog). The Qsys IP Catalog includes
exclusive system interconnect, video and image processing, and other system-level IP that are not
available in the Quartus II IP Catalog. For more information about using the Qsys IP Catalog, refer
to Creating a System with Qsys in the Quartus II Handbook.
Using the Parameter Editor
The parameter editor helps you to configure IP core ports, parameters, and output file generation options.
• Use preset settings in the parameter editor (where provided) to instantly apply preset parameter values
for specific applications.
• View port and parameter descriptions, and links to documentation.
• Generate testbench systems or example designs (where provided).
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Specifying IP Core Parameters and Options
Figure 3: IP Parameter Editors
View IP port
and parameter
Legacy parameter
Specify your IP variation name
and target device
Apply preset parameters for
specific applications
Specifying IP Core Parameters and Options
The parameter editor GUI allows you to quickly configure your custom IP variation. Use the following
steps to specify IP core options and parameters in the Quartus II software. Refer to Specifying IP Core
Parameters and Options (Legacy Parameter Editors) for configuration of IP cores using the legacy
parameter editor.
1. In the IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog), locate and double-click the name of the IP core to customize.
The parameter editor appears.
2. Specify a top-level name for your custom IP variation. The parameter editor saves the IP variation
settings in a file named <your_ip>.qsys. Click OK.
3. Specify the parameters and options for your IP variation in the parameter editor, including one or
more of the following. Refer to your IP core user guide for information about specific IP core
• Optionally select preset parameter values if provided for your IP core. Presets specify initial
parameter values for specific applications.
• Specify parameters defining the IP core functionality, port configurations, and device-specific
• Specify options for processing the IP core files in other EDA tools.
4. Click Generate HDL, the Generation dialog box appears.
5. Specify output file generation options, and then click Generate. The IP variation files generate
according to your specifications.
6. To generate a simulation testbench, click Generate > Generate Testbench System.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor)
7. To generate an HDL instantiation template that you can copy and paste into your text editor, click
Generate > HDL Example.
8. Click Finish. The parameter editor adds the top-level .qsys file to the current project automatically. If
you are prompted to manually add the .qsys file to the project, click Project > Add/Remove Files in
Project to add the file.
9. After generating and instantiating your IP variation, make appropriate pin assignments to connect
Figure 4: IP Parameter Editor
View IP port
and parameter
Specify your IP variation name
and target device
Apply preset parameters for
specific applications
Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor)
The Quartus II generates the following output for IP cores that use the legacy MegaWizard parameter
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Upgrading IP Cores
Figure 5: IP Core Generated Files
<Project Directory>
<your_ip>.qip - Quartus II IP integration file
<your_ip>.v or .vhd - Top-level IP synthesis file
<your_ip>_bb.v - Verilog HDL black box EDA synthesis file
<your_ip>.bsf - Block symbol schematic file
<your_ip>_syn.v or .vhd - Timing & resource estimation netlist 1
<your_ip>.vo or .vho - IP functional simulation model 2
<your_ip>_inst.v or .vhd - Sample instantiation template
<your_ip>.cmp - VHDL component declaration file
greybox_tmp 3
1. If supported and enabled for your IP variation
2. If functional simulation models are generated
3. Ignore this directory
Upgrading IP Cores
IP core variants generated with a previous version of the Quartus II software may require upgrading
before use in the current version of the Quartus II software. Click Project > Upgrade IP Components to
identify and upgrade IP core variants.
The Upgrade IP Components dialog box provides instructions when IP upgrade is required, optional, or
unsupported for specific IP cores in your design. You must upgrade IP cores that require it before you can
compile the IP variation in the current version of the Quartus II software. Many Altera IP cores support
automatic upgrade.
The upgrade process renames and preserves the existing variation file (.v, .sv, or .vhd) as <my_variant>_
BAK.v, .sv, .vhd in the project directory.
Table 4: IP Core Upgrade Status
IP Core Status
Corrective Action
Required Upgrade IP
You must upgrade the IP variation before compiling in the current version of
the Quartus II software.
Optional Upgrade IP
Upgrade is optional for this IP variation in the current version of the Quartus
II software. You can upgrade this IP variation to take advantage of the latest
development of this IP core. Alternatively you can retain previous IP core
characteristics by declining to upgrade.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Upgrading IP Cores
IP Core Status
Upgrade Unsupported
Corrective Action
Upgrade of the IP variation is not supported in the current version of the
Quartus II software due to IP core end of life or incompatibility with the
current version of the Quartus II software. You are prompted to replace the
obsolete IP core with a current equivalent IP core from the IP Catalog.
Before you begin
• Archive the Quartus II project containing outdated IP cores in the original version of the Quartus II
software: Click Project > Archive Project to save the project in your previous version of the Quartus II
software. This archive preserves your original design source and project files.
• Restore the archived project in the latest version of the Quartus II software: Click Project > Restore
Archived Project. Click OK if prompted to change to a supported device or overwrite the project
database. File paths in the archive must be relative to the project directory. File paths in the archive
must reference the IP variation .v or .vhd file or .qsys file (not the .qip file).
1. In the latest version of the Quartus II software, open the Quartus II project containing an outdated IP
core variation. The Upgrade IP Components dialog automatically displays the status of IP cores in
your project, along with instructions for upgrading each core. Click Project > Upgrade IP
Components to access this dialog box manually.
2. To simultaneously upgrade all IP cores that support automatic upgrade, click Perform Automatic
Upgrade. The Status and Version columns update when upgrade is complete. Example designs
provided with any Altera IP core regenerate automatically whenever you upgrade the IP core.
Figure 6: Upgrading IP Cores
Displays upgrade
status for all IP cores
in the Project
Double-click to
individually migrate
Checked IP cores
support “Auto Upgrade”
“Auto Upgrade”
Upgrades all IP core that support “Auto Upgrade”
Upgrades individual IP cores unsupported by “Auto Upgrade”
Example 1: Upgrading IP Cores at the Command Line
You can upgrade IP cores that support auto upgrade at the command line. IP cores that do not
support automatic upgrade do not support command line upgrade.
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
Parameter Settings
• To upgrade a single IP core that supports auto-upgrade, type the following command:
quartus_sh –ip_upgrade –variation_files <my_ip_filepath/my_ip>.<hdl>
quartus_sh -ip_upgrade -variation_files mega/pll25.v hps_testx
• To simultaneously upgrade multiple IP cores that support auto-upgrade, type the following
quartus_sh –ip_upgrade –variation_files “<my_ip_filepath/my_ip1>.<hdl>;
<my_ip_filepath/my_ip2>.<hdl>” <qii_project>
quartus_sh -ip_upgrade -variation_files "mega/pll_tx2.v;mega/pll3.v"
Note: IP cores older than Quartus II software version 12.0 do not support upgrade.
Altera verifies that the current version of the Quartus II software compiles the
previous version of each IP core. The Altera IP Release Notes reports any verifica‐
tion exceptions for Altera IP cores. Altera does not verify compilation for IP cores
older than the previous two releases.
Related Information
Altera IP Release Notes
Parameter Settings
You can parameterize IP cores using the IP Catalog and parameter editor.
Related Information
• Command Line Interface Parameters on page 26
ALTLVDS_TX Parameter Settings
On the General page (page 3) of the parameter editor, depending on the device you selected, you can
configure the following options:
• Implement the SERDES circuitry in LEs (logic cells) or dedicated (hard) SERDES block
• Use internal PLL or external PLL
The selections you make on the General page determine the features available on the remaining pages of
the parameter editor.
The options on pages 1 and 2a of the parameter editor are the same for all supported device families.
The following table lists the parameter settings for the ALTLVDS_TX IP core.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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ALTLVDS_TX Parameter Settings
Table 5: ALTLVDS_TX Parameter Settings
General (page 3)
Implement Deserializer circuitry in
logic cells
Turn on this option to implement the SERDES circuitry in
logic cells. The transmitter starts its operation on the first fast
clock edge after the PLL is locked. This option is intended for
slow speeds. The byte alignment might be different from the
dedicated SERDES implementation.
Turn off this option to use the dedicated SERDES circuitry in
the device. When you implement the dedicated SERDES in the
LVDS transmitter, the SERDES connects to the LVDS
transmitter; therefore, the output of the transmitter cannot be
assigned to single-ended I/O standards.
This feature is supported in Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
HardCopy II, HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix GX,
Stratix II, Stratix II GX, Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices. In
Cyclone series, except Cyclone V devices, the SERDES is always
implemented in logic cells. Cyclone V devices contain
dedicated SERDES circuitry.
If you turn on this option, there is additional delay for the tx_
outlock signal to be stable after the tx_locked signal is
asserted. Perform gate-level simulation to determine the time
for the tx_outclock signal to stabilize.
What is the number of Channels?
Number of output channels available for the LVDS transmitter.
If the required number of channels is not available in the list,
type the desired number. For example, if the number of
channels is 44, the port created is tx_out[43..0]. The legal
values depend on the pins available in the device. For the legal
values for your device, refer to the relevant device handbook.
What is the deserialization factor?
Determines the number of parallel bits from the core that the
transmitter serializes and sends out. For example, if the
deserialization factor is 10 and the number of output channels
is 1, the transmitter serializes every 10 parallel bits into a single
output channel. If the deserialization factor is 10 and the
number of channels is 44, the port created is tx_in[439..0].
For the valid deserialization factors for your device, refer to the
relevant device handbook.
When the divide_by_factor port shown in the parameter
editor is identical to the deserialization factor, the parameter
editor disables the 50/50 duty cycle for x5, x7, and x9 modes.
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
ALTLVDS_TX Parameter Settings
Use External PLL
Turn on this option to use an external PLL to clock the
SERDES transmitter. When you turn on this option, the
options on the Frequency/PLL settings page are disabled. You
must use a separate PLL to provide the clocking source and
make the necessary connections. You must ensure your circuit
has the correct input and functionality to generate an
appropriate clock frequency and is correctly connected to the
LVDS transmitter.
When you have a deserialization factor of two, the IP core
bypasses SERDES and implements the SERDES functionality in
DDR registers. Your design requires a deserialization factor of
at least four to turn on the external PLL option.
If you turn off this option, the IP core automatically
implements an internal PLL to clock the ALTLVDS_TX block.
For Stratix and Stratix GX devices, if you implement SERDES
for your LVDS transmitter using a dedicated SERDES block,
you do not have the option to use an external PLL.
Use 'tx_data_reset' input port
This option is available when you implement the LVDS in logic
cells. When you turn on this option, it adds an input port in the
IP core, which when asserted asynchronously resets all the logic
in the ALTLVDS_TX IP core excluding the PLL.
Frequency/ PLL Settings (page 4)
The options on this page are available only when you are using internal PLL
What is the output data rate?
Specifies the data rate for the output channel of the transmitter,
in Megabits per second (Mbps). For data rate ranges, refer to
the Device Data Sheet chapter in the relevant device handbook.
This option determines the legal value of the input clock rate.
Specify input clock rate by
Specifies the clock frequency (tx_inclock port) or the clock
(inclock_period parameter) going into the internal PLL. The
legal values depend on the output data rate selected.
What is the phase alignment of 'tx_in'
with respect to the rising edge of 'tx_
inclock'? (in degrees)
Determines the phase alignment of the data transmitted by the
core logic array with respect to the tx_inclock clock.
The available values are 0.00, 22.50, 45.00, 67.50, 90.00,
112.50, 135.00, 157.50, 180.00, 202.50, 225.00, 247.50, 270.00,
292.50, 315.00, and 337.50.
The values for this option are device dependent.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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ALTLVDS_TX Parameter Settings
Use 'tx_pll_enable' input port
Turn on to control the enable port of the fast PLL that the IP
core uses with this function.
If the transmitter shares the PLL with other ALTLVDS blocks,
and uses the tx_pll_enable port, you must use this port in all
the IP core instances and tie the signals together in the design
file. If you use a PLL-enabled port in one IP core instance and
not another, the PLLs are not shared, and a warning appears
during compilation.
Use 'pll_areset' input port
Turn on to control the asynchronous reset port of the PLL that
the IP core uses with this function.
When the transmitter shares the PLL with other ALTLVDS
blocks and uses the pll_areset port, you must use this port in
all the IP core instances and tie the signals together in the
design file. If you use the pll_areset port in one IP core
instance only, the PLLs are not shared and a warning appears
during compilation.
The PLL must be reset to set the output clock phase relation‐
ships correctly when the PLL loses lock, or if the PLL input
reference clock is not stable when the device completes the
configuration process.
Align clock to center of data window
Turn on this option to add a phase shift of 90° to the clock,
which center-aligns the clock in the data. Turn on this option
for PLL merging if you also turn on this option for the receiver.
This option is available only for Arria GX, Stratix II, Stratix II
GX, and HardCopy II devices when you implement the
SERDES in logic cells, and for Cyclone II devices.
Enable self-reset on lost lock in PLL
Turn on this option to reset the PLL automatically whenever
the PLL loses lock.
This option is available only for Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices
when SERDES is implemented in logic cells, and for Cyclone lll
and Cyclone lV devices.
Use shared PLL(s) for receivers and
Turn on this option for your LVDS receivers and transmitters
to share the same PLL.
Turn on this option if the LVDS receivers and transmitters use
the same input clock frequency, deserialization factor, and data
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
ALTLVDS_TX Parameter Settings
Register 'tx_in' input port using
Turn on this option to specify whether input registers are
clocked by the tx_inclock signal or tx_coreclock signal.
When the PLLs are shared, connect the tx_inclock signal to
the same reference clock as the receiver function. For example,
if the tx_inclock signal is connected to a 500-MHz input
reference clock, and the parallel data rate is not 500 MHz,
register the parallel data using the tx_coreclock signal that
runs at the output serial data rate divided by the deserialization
factor. This frequency matches the parallel data rate from the
FPGA core.
If you turn off this option, a warning message appears that
directs you to pre-register the inputs in the logic that feeds the
transmitter. When you use the Cyclone series with the
ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores, the interface
always sends the most significant bit (MSB) of your parallel
data first.
When you use the ALTLVDS_TX IP core, you might get setup
timing violations when you use the tx_inclock signal to
register the data that feeds the SERDES blocks. The ALTLVDS_
TX IP core gives you the choice to register the tx_in[] data
with either the tx_inclock or tx_coreclock signal. The
default setting is tx_coreclock. Using the tx_coreclock
signal to register the data before it feeds the SERDES is the
better choice, because it has the optimal phase position to
register the data with respect to the high-speed clock that drives
the SERDES. Your setup timing violations are eliminated when
you use the tx_coreclock signal instead of the tx_inclock
signal to register the data in the ALTLVDS_TX IP core.
Additionally, you get better timing margins when you use the
tx_coreclock signal instead of the tx_inclock signal, even if
you do not have timing violations.
Transmitter Settings (page 5)
Use 'tx_outclock' output port
The tx_outclock signal is associated with the serial transmit
data stream.
Every tx_outclock signal goes through the shift register logic,
excluding the following parameter configurations:
• When the outclock_divide_by signal equals to 1, or
• When the outclock_divide_by signal equals to deserialization_factor signal (for odd factors only) and the
outclock_duty_cycle signal is 50.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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ALTLVDS_TX Parameter Settings
What is the outclock divide factor (B)? Specifies the frequency of the tx_outclock signal as the
transmitter output data rate divided by the outclock divide
factor (B). For the legal values, refer to the relevant device
For a SERDES factor of 5 and 9, the outclock divide factors
available are 1, 5, and 9. The divide factor of 2 is not available.
For Cyclone II devices and later, when the implement_in_les
parameter is ON, the outclock_duty_cycle of 50 is not
supported in the following parameter configurations:
• deserialization_factor signal is 5, 7, or 9
• outclock_divide_by signal equals to deserialization_
• outclock_multiply_by is 2
Specify phase alignment of 'tx_
outclock' with respect to 'tx_out'
Specifies the phase alignment of tx_outclock signal with
respect to the tx_out signal. This option is available only if you
use the tx_outclock signal.
What is the phase alignment of 'tx_
outclock' with respect to 'tx_out'?
The available values are 0.00, 22.50, 45.00, 67.50, 90.00,
112.50, 135.00, 157.50, 180.00, 202.50, 225.00, 247.50, 270.00,
292.50, 315.00, and 337.50.
The values for this option are device dependent.
This option is available only when you implement the SERDES
in logic cells and uses the tx_outclock signal.
What is the outclock duty cycle?
The default value is 50.
The outclock_duty_cycle of 50 is not supported when:
• deserialization_factor signal is 5, 7, or 9
• outclock_divide_by signal equals to deserialization_
• outclock_multiply_by is 2
Use 'tx_locked' output port
Allows you to monitor the lock status of the PLL. The status of
the lock port is identical for the transmitter and receiver when
the IP core uses shared PLLs.
Use 'tx_coreclock' output port
Turn on this option to show the core clock frequency during
simulation. Enables the transmitter core clock signal to the
registers of all the logic that feeds the LVDS transmitter
function. If any other clock feeds the transmit function, your
design must implement the clock domain transfer circuitry.
You must add a false path constraint from the slow_clock
signal to the fast_clock signal in the ALTLVDS_TX IP core
whenever the faster core_clock signal implementation is used
for odd deserialization factors.
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Altera Corporation
ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
What is the clock resource used for 'tx_ Specifies the clock resource type fed to the tx_coreclock
signal. Allowed values are Auto selection (the Compiler
determines the type), Global clock, and Regional clock.
The default value is Auto selection.
Simulation Model (page 6)
Simulation Libraries
Specifies the libraries needed for functional simulation by
third-party tools.
Generate netlist
Specifies whether to turn on the option to generate synthesis
area and timing estimation netlist.
Summary (page 7)
Specifies the types of files to be generated. A gray checkmark
indicates a file that is automatically generated; a green
checkmark indicates an optional file.
Choose from the following types of files:
AHDL Include file (<function name>.inc)
VHDL component declaration file (<function name>.cmp)
Quartus II symbol file (<function name>.bsf)
Instantiation template file (<function name>_inst.v or
<function name>_inst.vhd
• Verilog HDL block box file (<function name>_bb.v)
• Pin Planner File (<function name>_.ppf)
If you turn on the Generate netlist option, the file for that
netlist is also available (<function name>_syn.v).
Related Information
• Introduction to Altera IP Cores
ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
On the General page (page 3) of the parameter editor, depending on the device you selected, you can
configure the following options:
• Implement the SERDES circuitry in LEs (logic cells) or dedicated SERDES
• Use internal PLL or external PLL
• Use DPA mode or non-DPA mode
The selections you make on the General page determine the features available on the remaining pages of
the parameter editor.
The following table lists the parameter settings for the LVDS receiver IP core.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
Table 6: ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
General (page 3)
Implement Deserializer circuitry in
logic cells
Turn on this option to implement the SERDES circuitry in
logic cells. The receiver starts its operation on the first fast clock
edge after the PLL is locked. This option is intended for slow
speeds. The byte alignment may be different from the hard
SERDES implementation. Turn off this option to use the
dedicated SERDES circuitry in the device.
This option is supported in Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
HardCopy II, HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix GX,
Stratix II, Stratix II GX, Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices. In
Cyclone series, except Cyclone V devices, the SERDES is always
implemented in logic cells. Cyclone V devices contain
dedicated SERDES circuitry.
Enable Dynamic Phase Alignment
Turn on this option to correct the skews created by the
different trace lengths on the data channels routed to the
device. This mode adds several ports and parameters to the IP
core instances.
This option is available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Arria V, Arria V GZ, HardCopy II, HardCopy III, HardCopy
IV, Stratix, Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II GX, Stratix III,
Stratix IV, and Stratix V devices only.
Enabling the DPA mode changes the appearance of the graphic
representation of the IP core in the left-hand pane. When you
turn on the DPA mode, additional ports and parameters are
added to the IP core. Depending on the selected device, the
following pages are added to the parameter editor to include
the additional DPA mode settings:
• DPA settings 1
• DPA settings 2
• DPA settings 3
What is the number of channels?
The number DPA settings 3of input channels available for the
LVDS receiver.
If the required number of channels is not available in the list,
type the desired number in this box. For example, if the
number of channels is 44, the port created is tx_out[43..0].
The legal values depend on the pins available in the device. For
the legal values available for your device, refer to the relevant
device handbook.
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Altera Corporation
ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
What is the deserialization factor?
Determines the number of serial input data bits that the
receiver deserializes and sends to the core on a single cycle. For
the valid deserialization factors for your device, refer to the
relevant device handbook.
For example, if the deserialization factor is 10 and the number
of input channels is 1, the receiver deserializes every 10 serial
bits into 10 bits of parallel data to send to the core. If the
deserialization factor is 10 and the number of channels is 44,
the port created is rx_out[439..0].
Use External PLL
Turn on this option to use an external PLL to clock the
SERDES receiver. When you turn on this option, the options
on the Frequency/PLL settings page are disabled. You must
use a separate PLL to provide the clocking source and make the
necessary connections. You must ensure your circuit has the
correct input and functionality to generate an appropriate clock
frequency and is correctly connected to the LVDS receiver.
When you have a deserialization factor of two, the IP core
bypasses the SERDES and implements the SERDES function‐
ality in DDR registers. A deserialization factor of at least four is
required to use the external PLL option.
If you turn off this option, the IP core automatically
implements an internal PLL to clock the ALTLVDS_RX block.
For Stratix and Stratix GX devices, if you implement SERDES
for your LVDS transmitter using a dedicated SERDES block,
you do not have the option to use an external PLL.
Use 'rx_data_reset' input port
This option is enabled when you implement the LVDS in logic
cells. Turn on this option to add an input port to the IP core.
When the input port asserts, the IP core asynchronously resets
all the logic in the ALTLVDS_RX IP core excluding the PLL.
Is this interface constrained to the left, Turn on this option if the LVDS interface is constrained to the
or right banks?
left or right IO banks. This option determines the PLL
compensation mode in Cyclone V devices.
Frequency/ PLL Settings (page 4)
The options on this page are available only when you are using internal PLL
What is the input data rate?
Specifies the data rate for the input channel of the receiver, in
For data rate ranges, refer to the specific Device Data Sheet
chapter in the respective device handbook. This value
determines the legal input clock rate values.
Specify input clock rate by
Altera Corporation
Specifies the clock frequency (rx_inclock) and the clock
period (inclock_period) for the internal PLL. The legal values
depend on the output data rate selected.
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ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
Use shared PLL(s) for receivers and
When you turn on this option, your LVDS receivers and
transmitters can share the same PLL.
Turn on this option when the LVDS receivers and transmitters
use the same input clock frequency, deserialization factor, and
data rates.
Use 'pll_areset' input port
Turn on this option to control the asynchronous reset port of
the PLL that the IP core uses with this function.
When other ALTLVDS blocks share the PLL with the receiver
and use the pll_areset port, you must use this port in all IP
core instantiations and tie the signals together in the design file.
If you use the pll_areset port only in one IP core instance,
the PLLs are not shared, and a warning appears during
The PLL must be reset to set the output clock phase relation‐
ships correctly when the PLL loses lock, or if the PLL input
reference clock is not stable when the device completes the
configuration process.
Use 'rx_pll_enable' input port
Turn on this option to control the enable port of the fast PLL
that the IP core uses with this function.
If the receiver shares the PLL with other ALTLVDS blocks, and
uses the rx_pll_enable port, you must use this port in all IP
core instances and tie the signal together in the design file. If
you use the rx_pll_enable port only in one IP core instance,
the PLLs are not shared and a warning appears during compila‐
Use 'rx_locked' output port
Turn on this option to monitor the lock status of the PLL. The
status of the lock port is identical for the transmitter and the
receiver when the IP cores use shared PLLs. In this case,
monitor the lock output from the receiver IP core.
What is the clock resource used for 'rx_ Specifies the clock resource type fed from the rx_outclock
port. Legal values are Auto selection (the Compiler determines
the type), Global clock, and Regional clock.
The default value is Auto selection.
What is the phase alignment of 'rx_in'
with respect to 'rx_inclock'?
Determines the phase alignment of the data that the receiver
core receives with respect to the rx_inclock signal.
Available values are 0.00, 22.50, 45.00, 67.50, 90.00, 112.50,
135.00, 157.50, 180.00, 202.50, 225.00, 247.50, 270.00, 292.50,
315.00, and 337.50.
The values for this option are device dependent.
This option is only available if you turn off the DPA mode.
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Altera Corporation
ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
Use source-synchronous mode of the
Turn on this option to ensure that the IP core instance makes
the required phase adjustment to guarantee a consistent
relationship between the clock and the data, at the capture
register and at the pin.
Always turn on this option, unless you have performed all of
the necessary phase adjustments manually. Altera recommends
that you turn on this option when you use non-dedicated
SERDES schemes. This option is only available when you
implement the SERDES in LEs.
Align clock to center of data window at Turn on this option to add a phase shift of 90° to the clock,
capture point
which center-aligns the clock in the data.
This option is only available for Arria GX, Cyclone II, Stratix II
GX, Stratix II, and HardCopy II devices when you implement
the SERDES in logic cells.
Enable self-reset on lost lock in the PLL Turn on this option to reset the PLL automatically when the
PLL loses lock.
This option is only available for Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix III, Stratix IV, Cyclone III
and Cyclone IV devices when you implement the SERDES in
logic cells.
Enable FIFO for DPA channels
The phase-compensation FIFO buffer synchronizes parallel
data to the global clock domain of the core.
This option is only available in Stratix GX devices when you
turn on the DPA mode.
DPA Settings 1 (page 5)
The options on this page are available when you turn on the DPA mode.
Use 'rx_divfwdclk' output port and
bypass the DPA FIFO
Turn on this option to divide the DPA clock by the deserializa‐
tion factor and then forward the DPA clock to the core. The
DPA clock drives the bit-slip and alignment circuitry,
bypassing the FIFO.
Turn on this option for soft-CDR mode. This option is
available in Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Arria V GZ,
HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix
V devices only.
What is the simulated recovered clock
phase drift?
Altera Corporation
Models a phase drift in the recovered clock. Clock phase drift is
expressed as the equivalent number of full clock cycles of drift
for every parts per million (PPM) clock cycles. The value for
this option can be positive, negative or zero.
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ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
Use 'rx_dpll_enable' input port
Enables the path through the DPA circuitry. The option
supports dynamic, channel-by-channel control of the DPA
To enable the DPA circuitry for a channel, set the port for the
target channel to 1. If this port is not used, the Quartus II
software enables all of the channels.
Use 'rx_dpll_hold' input port
Prevents the DPA circuitry from switching to a new clock
phase on the target channel. Each DPA block monitors the
phase of the incoming data stream continuously and selects a
new clock phase when needed. When this port is held high, the
selected channels hold their current phase setting.
Use 'rx_fifo_reset' input port
Resets the FIFO buffer between the DPA circuit and the data
alignment circuit. The FIFO buffer holds the data passing
between the DPA and the LVDS clock domains. When this port
is held high, the FIFOs in the selected channels are reset.
This option is available only if you turn off the Use 'rx_
divfwdclk' output port and bypass the DPA FIFO option.
DPA Settings 2 (page 6)
The options on this page are available when you turn on the DPA mode.
Use 'rx_reset' input port
Resets all components of the DPA circuit. You must retrain the
DPA circuit after this port resets the DPA circuitry.
Automatically reset the bit serial FIFO Specifies when the bit-serial FIFO resets for DPA circuit. This
when 'rx_dpa_locked' rises for the first option is only available in Stratix II, Arria GX, and HardCopy
II devices.
User explicitly resets the bit serial
FIFO through 'rx_reset'
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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When you turn on the rx_reset port, the ALTLVDS_RX
parameter editor allows you to choose whether or not to
automatically reset the bit-serial FIFO when rx_dpa_locked
signal rises for the first time. This is a useful feature because it
keeps the synchronizer FIFO in reset until the DPA locks. This
option is only available in Stratix II, Arria GX, and HardCopy
II devices.
Altera Corporation
ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
Use 'rx_dpa_locked' output port
The DPA block samples the data on one of eight phase clocks
with a 45° resolution between phases. This port lets you
monitor the status of the DPA circuit and determine when it
has locked onto the phase closest to the incoming data phase.
The rx_dpa_locked port behaves differently for various device
families. After the IP core asserts the rx_dpa_locked signal is
upon initial lock, the rx_dpa_locked signal does not deassert
in Arria V, Arria V GZ, Stratix III, Stratix IV, Stratix V,
HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, and Arria II GX unless explicitly
reset using rx_reset or rx_dpa_lock_reset. In Stratix GX,
Stratix II, HardCopy II, and Arria GX, the rx_dpa_locked
signal toggles depending on how the next two settings are
After power up or reset, the rx_dpa_locked signal is asserted
after the DPA circuitry acquires an initial lock to the optimum
phase. You must not use the rx_dpa_locked signal to validate
the integrity of the LVDS link. Use error checkers (for example,
CRC or DIP4) to validate the integrity of the LVDS link.
The rx_dpa_locked signal is not supported when using nonDPA mode or soft-CDR mode.
When phase alignment circuitry
switches to a new phase
DPA deasserts when the phase alignment circuitry switches to a
new phase. This option is only available in Stratix II, HardCopy
II, and Arria GX devices.
When there are two phase changes in
the same direction
The rx_dpa_locked signal deasserts after the DPA switches
two phases in the same direction. This option is only available
in Stratix II, HardCopy II, and Arria GX devices.
Use 'rx_dpa_lock_reset' input port
Resets the DPA lock circuitry.
Use a DPA initial phase selection of
Turn on this option to select the initial phase setting. Specifies
whether to turn on this option and its value. Simulation honors
this phase selection in simulating the forwarded clock.
This option is available for Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V,
Arria V GZ, HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix III, Stratix IV,
and Stratix V devices only.
Align DPA to rising edge of data only
Turn on this option to align the DPA to the rising edge of the
data only or turn of this option to align the DPA to both the
rising and falling edges of the data.
This option is available for Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, HardCopy
III, HardCopy IV, Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V devices
DPA Settings 3 (page 7)
The options on this page are available when you turn on the DPA mode.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
Enable PLL Calibration
Turn on this option to phase-shift the PLL outputs when the
dpa_pll_cal_busy signal is high. The default setting is OFF.
This option is available for Arria II GZ, HardCopy III,
HardCopy IV, Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices only. When
you enable PLL calibration, you cannot merge the PLL with
other PLLs.
Use 'dpa_pll_recal' input port
This port recalibrates the PLL without resetting the DPA. This
option is available for Arria II GZ, HardCopy III, HardCopy
IV, Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices only.
What is the input data rate?
Specifies the data rate for the input channel of the receiver, in
Mbps. For data rate ranges, refer to the specific Device Data
Sheet chapter in the respective device handbook.
This value determines the legal input clock rate values.
Receiver Settings (page 8)
Register outputs
Turn on this option to implement soft-CDR receiver modes in
standard mode. In standard mode, the outputs of the receiver
are registered by the rx_outclock signal.
Turn off this option if you do not want to register the receiver
outputs. In no output register mode, you must register the
output registers in the design logic that is fed by the receiver,
and then specify a Source Multiply assignment from the
receiver to the output registers with a value equal to the
deserialization factor.
Use 'rx_cda_reset' input port
The port resets the data alignment circuitry, restoring the
latency bit counter to zero. This option is available only if you
turn on the Use 'rx_channel_data_align' input port option.
This option is available only if you use dedicated SERDES
Use 'rx_cda_max' output port
Indicates when the rollover point is reached in the data
alignment circuit. This port is available only if you turn on the
Use 'rx_channel_data_align' input port option. This option is
available only if you use a a dedicated SERDES block.
After how many pulses does the data
alignment circuitry restore the serial
latency back to 0?
Specifies, in pulses, when the DPA circuitry restores the serial
data latency to 0.
The value does not have to be the same as the deserialization
factor, but set the value to the deserialization factor to make the
rollover occur for every deserialization factor.
The available values for this option range from 1 to 11. This
option is available only if you use a dedicated SERDES block.
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Altera Corporation
ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
Align data to the rising edge of clock
When you turn on this option, the data path is registered on
the positive edge of the diffioclk signal (also referred to as
the LVDS clock). When you turn off this option, the data path
is registered on the negative edge of the diffioclk signal. This
option is available only if you use a dedicated SERDES block,
and is available only in non-DPA mode.
This option changes the phase that captures the received data
by 180°. Use caution when you turn off this option. The phase
shift of the capture clock is automatically set according to the
setting for the What is the phase alignment of 'rx_in' with
respect to the rising edge of 'rx_inclock'? (in degrees) option.
Changing the phase of the capture clock can lead to data
corruption. If you turn off this option, the LVDS data is aligned
to the falling edge of the clock.
For an example, if you have two receivers interface with
identical parameters except for the rx_in signal relationship to
the rx_inclock signal, and you want to merge PLLs, one
interface must have a 0° (rising edge) alignment, and the
second interface must have a 180° (falling edge) alignment. You
can only merge the PLLs when they have the same clock and
phase settings; both must be set with the same alignment. You
can set both receivers to be 0° aligned, and turn off Align data
to the rising edge of clock on the 180° aligned interface.
Use 'rx_coreclk' input port
This option is enabled when the LVDS is implemented in logic.
When you turn on this option, it adds an input port, which
when asserted performs an asynchronous reset of all the logic
in the ALTLVDS_RX IP core excluding the PLL.
Use 'rx_channel_data_align' input port Turn on this option to control bit insertion on a channel-bychannel basis to align the word boundaries of the incoming
data. The data slips one bit for every pulse on the rx_channel_
data_align port. This option is available only if you use a
dedicated SERDES block.
You can use control characters in the data stream so your logic
can have a known pattern to search for. You can compare the
data received for each channel, compare to the control
character you are looking for, then pulse the rx_channel_
data_align port as required until you successfully receive the
control character.
To use this port, you must meet the following requirements:
• The minimum pulse width is one period of the parallel clock
in the logic array (rx_outclock).
• The minimum low time between pulses is one period of the
parallel clock.
• There is no maximum high or low time.
• Valid data is available on the third parallel clock cycle after
the rising edge of the rx_channel_data_align signal.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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ALTLVDS_RX Parameter Settings
Enable independent bitslip controls for Turn on this option to allow an independent rx_data_align
each channel
signal for each channel that independently control the bit slip
capability of each channel.
This option is available if you implement the SERDES in LEs.
Add extra register for 'rx_data_align'
input port
Turn on this option to enable the synchronization register of
the receiver. If you turn on this option, you can also add an
extra register to register the rx_data_align port using the rx_
outclock port. This option is available if you implement the
Use 'rx_data_align_reset' input port
Turn on this option to create the reset port for the bit-slip
circuitry. This option is available if you implement the SERDES
in LEs.
Which output synchronization buffer
implementation should be used?
Specifies where to implement the buffer. The values are Use
RAM Buffer, Use Multiplexer and synchronization register,
and Use logic element based RAM buffer. A value of Use
Multiplexer and synchronization register implements a
multiplexer instead of a buffer. A value of Use RAM Buffer
implements a buffer in RAM blocks. A value of Use logic
element based RAM buffer implements a buffer in logic
elements. The Use RAM Buffer and Use logic element based
RAM buffer values use more logic, but result in the correct
word alignment. If omitted, the default value is Use RAM
Simulation Model (page 9)
Simulation Libraries
Specifies the libraries needed for functional simulation by
third-party tools.
Generate netlist
Turn on this option to generate synthesis area and timing
estimation netlist.
Summary (page 10)
Specifies the types of files to be generated. A gray checkmark
indicates a file that is automatically generated; a green
checkmark indicates an optional file.
Choose from the following types of files:
AHDL Include file (<function name>.inc)
VHDL component declaration file (<function name>.cmp)
Quartus II symbol file (<function name>.bsf)
Instantiation template file (<function name>_inst.v or
<function name>_inst.vhd
• Verilog HDL block box file (<function name>_bb.v)
• Pin Planner File (<function name>_.ppf)
If you turn on the Generate netlist option, the file for that
netlist is also available (<function name>_syn.v).
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
Command Line Interface Parameters
Related Information
• Introduction to Altera IP Cores
• Stratix IV Device Family Errata Sheet
Command Line Interface Parameters
Expert users can choose to instantiate and parameterize the IP core through the command-line interface
using the clear box generator command. This method requires you to have command-line scripting
The following table lists the parameters for the ALTLVDS_TX IP core.
Table 7: ALTLVDS_TX Parameters
Specifies whether the compiler uses the same PLL for
both the LVDS receiver and the LVDS transmitter, or
multiple LVDS receivers, or multiple LVDS transmit‐
ters, or both. You can use common PLLs if the same
input clock source, same deserialization factor, same
pll_areset source, and same data rates are used.
The values are ON and OFF. If omitted, the default
value is ON.
Only available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone, Cyclone II, Cyclone
III, Cyclone IV, HardCopy II, HardCopy III,
HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II
GX, Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V devices.
Specifies the core clock output frequency to either be
core clock or core clock divided by 2. The value are 1
or 2.
This parameter is only available when using odd
SERDES factors. When using a divide-by factor of 1,
fewer device resources are used, but you may not be
able to achieve timing at higher data rates.
Altera recommends using a divide-by factor of two
for higher data rates. This parameter is available for
the Cyclone series.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Command Line Interface Parameters
Specifies the number of bits per channel.
The following is the device support and its values
with normal mode:
• Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Arria V GZ: 1 to
• Arria GX: 1, 2, 4, to 10
• Cyclone, Cyclone II, Cyclone III, Cyclone IV,
Cyclone V: 1, 2, 4, to 10
• HardCopy II, HardCopy III, and HardCopy IV: 1,
2, 4, to 10
• Stratix and Stratix GX: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, to 10
• Stratix II and Stratix II GX: 1, 2, 4, to 10
• Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V: 1 to 10
Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, HardCopy II,
HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix GX,
Stratix II, Stratix II GX, Stratix III, and Stratix IV
devices have the values of 1, 2, 4, to 10 with SERDES
using logic cells.
Specifies whether the PLLs use clock latency. The
values are ON and OFF.
Specifies whether to implement SERDES circuitry in
logic cells, which allows the circuitry to behave
similarly to Stratix LVDS circuitry. You must use the
implement_in_les parameter for SERDES functions
that require data rates that are lower than the
dedicated circuitry. The values are ON and OFF. For
Cyclone, Cyclone II, Cyclone III, and Cyclone IV
devices, the value is always ON.
Available for all devices except the MAX series.
The ALTLVDS_TX IP core starts its operation at the
first rising edge of the fast clock, after the PLL has
locked. This is intended for slow speeds and the bit
alignment might be different from a dedicated
SERDES implementation.
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Altera Corporation
Command Line Interface Parameters
Specifies the phase alignment of the tx_in[] and tx_
inclock input ports in terms of the tx_inclock
frequency. The clock phase alignment for the
inclock_data_alignment parameter specifies the
positive phase shift needed for the clock for
alignment with the data.
The following are the parameter values and its values
in degrees (°):
45_DEGREES: 45°
90_DEGREES: 90°
135_DEGREES: 135°
225_DEGREES: 225°
270_DEGREES: 270°
315_DEGREES: 315°
If omitted, the default value is EDGE_ALIGNED.
Available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone, Cyclone II, Cyclone
III, Cyclone IV, HardCopy II, HardCopy III,
HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II
GX, Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V devices.
Specifies the input clock either by frequency (MHz in
the parameter editor) or period (ps in HDL code).
This parameter is required when the external PLL
option is not used.
Specifies the number of LVDS channels.
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Command Line Interface Parameters
Specifies the alignment of tx_outclock with respect
to the VCO of a fast PLL. The clock phase alignment
for the outclock_alignment parameter is data
This parameter is only used by the RTL simulation
model and has no affect on how the Fitter sets the
PLL parameters.
Values are:
45_DEGREES: 45°
90_DEGREES: 90°
135_DEGREES: 135°
225_DEGREES: 225°
270_DEGREES: 270°
315_DEGREES: 315°
If omitted, the default value is EDGE_ALIGNED.
Available for all devices excluding the MAX series.
Specifies the period of the tx_outclock port as
frequency of the tx_outclock port as [INCLOCK_
PERIOD/OUTCLOCK_DIVIDE_BY]. The default value for
this parameter is the value of the deserialization_
factor parameter.
Only available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone, Cyclone II, Cyclone
III, Cyclone IV, HardCopy II, HardCopy III,
HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II
GX, Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V devices.
For more information about the DESERIALIZATION_
FACTOR and outclock_divide_by values, refer to
Table 8.
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Altera Corporation
Command Line Interface Parameters
Specifies the external clock timing constraints. A
value of 50 is not supported in the outclock_duty_
cycle parameter when the following is true:
• DESERIALIZATION_FACTOR value is 5, 7, or 9.
• OUTCLOCK_DIVIDE_BY value is equal to the value of
This is always true for Cyclone II, Cyclone III,
Cyclone IV devices, and true for Arria V, Arria V GZ,
Stratix II, Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V devices
when the implement_in_les parameter value is set
to ON.
Specifies the multiplication factor. The values are 1
and 2. If omitted, the default value is 1.
Only available for Cyclone, Cyclone II, Stratix, Stratix
GX, and Stratix II devices.
This parameter is used to set the phase shift
parameters used by the PLL.
Specifies the phase shift of the output clock relative to
the input clock. Phase shifts of 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, or 0.75
times the input period (0, 90, or 270°) are
implemented precisely. The allowed range for the
phase shift is between 0 ps and 1 input clock period.
If the phase shift is outside this range, the compiler
adjusts it to fall within this range. For other phase
shifts, the compiler chooses the closest allowed value.
If omitted, the default value is 0.
Specifies the clock resource type to use with the tx_
coreclock port. The values are AUTO, REGIONAL
CLOCK, and GLOBAL CLOCK. If omitted, the default
value is AUTO.
Only available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone, Cyclone II, Cyclone
III, Cyclone IV, HardCopy II, HardCopy III,
HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II
GX, Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V devices.
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Command Line Interface Parameters
Specifies the data rate out of the PLL. The multiplica‐
tion value for the PLL is OUTPUT_DATA_RATE/
Only available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Cyclone, Cyclone II, Cyclone III, Cyclone IV,
HardCopy II, HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix,
Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II GX, Stratix III, and
Stratix IV devices.
Specifies the loop filter bandwidth control setting on
the PLL. The values are LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH.
This parameter is only available for the Stratix II
The values are ON and OFF. If omitted, the default
value is OFF. When this parameter is enabled, the PLL
is reset when it loses lock.
This parameter is valid for Arria V, Arria V GZ,
Cyclone III, Cyclone IV, Stratix, Stratix II GX, Stratix
III, and Stratix IV devices when the implement_in_
les parameter is set is ON.
Indicates whether the tx_in[] port is registered. The
values are ON, OFF, TX_INCLOCK, and TX_CORECLOCK. If
omitted, the default value is ON when using the tx_
coreclock port to register the data in logic elements.
The TX_INCLOCK and TX_CORECLOCK values are
available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria
V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone, Cyclone II, Cyclone III,
Cyclone IV, HardCopy II, HardCopy III, HardCopy
IV, Stratix, Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II GX, Stratix
III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V devices.
If the registered_input parameter is set to OFF, you
must pre-register the tx_in[] port in the logic
feeding the transmitter.
Specifies whether the ALTLVDS_TX IP core
generates a PLL or connect to a user-specified PLL.
Altera recommends instantiating the external PLL
with the parameter editor.
Only available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone, Cyclone II, Cyclone
III, Cyclone IV, HardCopy II, HardCopy III,
HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II
GX, Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V devices.
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Altera Corporation
Command Line Interface Parameters
When set to OFF, a phase shift of 90° is added to the
clock to center the clock in the data. Use this
parameter when the implement_in_les parameter
value is set to ON for Cyclone II, Stratix II, Stratix III,
and Stratix IV devices. The values are ON and OFF. If
omitted, default value is ON. Altera recommends
setting this parameter to OFF unless you have
completed a phase adjustment.
The following table lists the DESERIALIZATION_FACTOR and outclock_divide_by values.
Arria GX, Arria II GX,
Arria II GZ, Arria V, Arria
V GZ, HardCopy II,
HardCopy III, HardCopy
IV, Stratix II, Stratix II GX,
Stratix III, Stratix IV, and
Stratix V
Stratix and Stratix GX
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Command Line Interface Parameters
Cyclone, Cyclone II,
Cyclone III, Cyclone IV,
and Cyclone V
The following table lists the parameters for the ALTLVDS_RX IP core.
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Command Line Interface Parameters
Table 9: ALTLVDS_RX Parameters
Specifies where to implement the buffer. The
values are MUX, RAM, and LES. A value of MUX
implements a multiplexer instead of buffer
implementation. A value of RAM implements a
buffer in RAM blocks. A value of LES implements
a buffer in logic elements. The RAM and LES
values use more logic, but result in the correct
word alignment. If omitted, the default value is
To use the buffer_implementation parameter,
the implement_in_les parameter must be
turned ON. You can also use the buffer_
implementation parameter with deserialization
factors of 5, 7, or 9 only.
Specifies whether the compiler uses the same
PLL for both the LVDS receiver and the LVDS
transmitter, or multiple LVDS receivers or
multiple LVDS transmitters, or both. You can
use common PLLs if the same input clock
source, same deserialization factor, same pll_
areset source, and same data rates are used.
Values are ON and OFF. If omitted, the default
value is ON.
Specifies, in pulses, when the DPA circuitry
restores the serial data latency to 0. You must
enable the rx_dpa_locked port and the
enable_dpa_mode parameter if this parameter is
specified. The legal integer value ranges from 1
to 11. If omitted, the default value is 4.
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Command Line Interface Parameters
Specifies the number of bits per channel.
The values of this parameter for each supported
device in normal mode are as follows:
• Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Arria V
GZ: 1 to 10.
• Arria GX: 1, 2, 4, to 10.
• Cyclone series: 1, 2, 4, to 10.
• HardCopy II, HardCopy III, and HardCopy
IV: 1, 2, 4, to 10.
• Stratix and Stratix GX: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, to 10.
• Stratix II and Stratix II GX: 1, 2, 4, to 10.
• Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V: 1, 2, 3, 4,
to 10.
Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, HardCopy
II, HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix
II, Stratix II GX, Stratix III, and Stratix IV have
the values of 1, 2, 4, to 10 with SERDES using
logic cells.
The values of this parameter for each supported
device in DPA mode are as follows:
• Arria II GX, Arria II GZ, Arria V, Arria V
GZ: 1 to 10.
• Arria GX: 1, 2, 4, to 10.
• HardCopy II, HardCopy III, and HardCopy
IV: 1, 2, 4, to 10.
• Stratix GX: 8 and 10.
• Stratix II and Stratix II GX: 1, 2, 4, to 10.
• Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V: 1 to 10.
Specifies the initial phase value. The values are 0
through 7. If the parameter value is set to OFF,
the dpa_initial_phase_value parameter is set
to 0.
The values are ON and OFF. The default value is
ON. Set this parameter to ON to phase shift the
PLL outputs when the dpa_pll_cal_busy
signal is high.
Specifies that the DPA aligns to the rising edge
of data only. Values are ON and OFF. If omitted,
the default value is OFF. A value of OFF specifies
that the DPA aligns to both the rising and
falling edge of data.
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Altera Corporation
Command Line Interface Parameters
Indicates whether the DPA FIFO buffer is
enabled for this channel.You must enable the
rx_dpa_locked port and enable_dpa_mode
parameter if this parameter is specified. The
values are ON and OFF. If omitted, the default
value is ON. This parameter is available for
Stratix GX devices in DPA mode only.
Specifies whether the dpa_initial_phase_
value parameter is enabled. The values are ON
and OFF. If omitted, the default value is OFF.
When set to OFF, the dpa_initial_phase_
value parameter value is set to 0.
Turns on DPA mode. The values are ON and
OFF. If omitted, the default value is OFF.
The values are ON and OFF. The default value is
OFF. Set this parameter to ON or OFF if you are
instantiating the ALTLVDS_RX IP core in DPA
mode with PLL calibration.
Specifies whether the rx_divfwdclk port is
used. When set to ON, the rx_divfwdclk port is
driven by the DPA clock, and then it is divided
down by the deserialization factor. When set to
ON, the DPA FIFO is bypassed and rx_fifo_
reset and reset_fifo_on_first_lock are
ignored. The values are ON and OFF. If omitted,
the default is OFF.
Specifies whether to implement SERDES
circuitry in logic cells, which allows the circuitry
to behave similar to Stratix LVDS circuitry. Use
the implement_in_les parameter for SERDES
functions that require data rates that are lower
than the dedicated circuitry. Values are ON and
OFF. Note that the receiver IP core starts
capturing the LVDS stream at the first rising
edge of the fast clock, after the PLL has locked.
This is intended for slow speeds and the bit
alignment may be different from a hard
SERDES implementation.
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Command Line Interface Parameters
Specifies the phase alignment of the rx_in and
rx_inclock input ports in terms of the rx_
inclock frequency. The clock phase alignment
for the inclock_data_alignment parameter
specifies the positive phase shift needed for the
clock for alignment with the data.
This parameter is only used by the RTL
simulation model and has no affect on how the
Fitter sets the PLL parameters.
The following are the parameter values and the
corresponding phase shifts in degrees (°):
45_DEGREES: 45°
90_DEGREES: 90°
135_DEGREES: 135°
225_DEGREES: 225°
270_DEGREES: 270°
315_DEGREES: 315°
If omitted, the default value is EDGE_ALIGNED.
Specifies the period or frequency of the rx_
inclock port. The default time unit is an
integer in picoseconds (ps). In AHDL designs
only, strings, such as 50.5 MHz, are acceptable.
This parameter is used to set the phase shift
parameters used by the PLL. Specifies a phase
shift in 15° increments.
Specifies the data rate into the PLL. The
multiplication value for the PLL is INPUT_DATA_
Specifies when the DPA circuitry should lose
lock. You must enable the rx_dpa_locked port
and the enable_dpa_mode parameter if this
parameter is specified. Values are ON and OFF. If
omitted, the default value is ON.
Specifies the number of LVDS channels.
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Specifies the clock resource type to use with the
rx_outclock port. The values are AUTO,
Regional Clock, and Global Clock. If
omitted, the default value is AUTO.
Specifies the source synchronous mode for
Cyclone II and Stratix II device LE PLLs. The
omitted, the default value is NORMAL.
Altera Corporation
Command Line Interface Parameters
The values are ON and OFF. If omitted, the
default value is OFF. When this parameter is
enabled, the PLL is reset when it loses lock. This
parameter is valid for Cyclone III, Cyclone IV,
Stratix III, and Stratix IV devices when the
implement_in_les parameter is set to ON.
Edge-sensitive bit-slip control signal. Each
rising edge on this signal causes the data realignment circuitry to shift the word boundary
by one bit. The minimum pulse width require‐
ment is one parallel clock cycle. There is no
maximum pulse width requirement. Determines
if the rx_channel_data_align port is used or
unused. The values are PORT_USED, PORT_
PORT_USED, the rx_channel_data_align port
is used. When set to PORT_UNUSED, the rx_
channel_data_align port is unused. When set
to PORT_CONNECTIVITY, the Quartus II software
checks the connectivity of the rx_channel_
data_align port to determine port usage. If
omitted, the default value is PORT_
Determines if the rx_align_data_reg port is
used or unused. The values are PORT_USED,
set to PORT_USED, the rx_align_data_reg port
is used. When set to PORT_UNUSED, the rx_
align_data_reg port is unused. When set to
PORT_CONNECTIVITY, the Quartus II software
checks the connectivity of the rx_align_data_
reg port to determine port usage. If omitted, the
default value is PORT_CONNECTIVITY.
Specifies whether the rx_align_data_reg port
is registered. The values are ON and OFF. If
omitted, the default is ON. Only available for
Stratix and Stratix GX devices.
Indicates whether the rx_out[] port should be
registered. The values are ON and OFF. If
omitted, the default is ON. If the registered_
output parameter is set to OFF, you should preregister the rx_out[] port in the logic feeding
the receiver.
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Command Line Interface Parameters
Specifies when the bit-serial FIFO resets.
Normally, the bit-serial FIFO is reset when the
DPA circuitry is locked or reset through the rx_
reset port. The rx_dpa_locked port and the
enable_dpa_mode parameter must be enabled if
this parameter is specified. The values are ON
and OFF. If omitted, the default value is ON. Only
available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Stratix II and Stratix II GX devices.
Controls byte alignment circuitry. If omitted,
the default value is RISING_EDGE. This port is
available for Stratix III devices only.
Indicates whether the rx_coreclk port or the
clock from PLL is used as the non-peripheral
clock. You must connect the rx_coreclk port
if you turn on this parameter. The values are ON
and OFF. If omitted, the default value is OFF.
This parameter is only available for Stratix GX
devices. This parameter is available in DPA
mode only.
Specifies whether the ALTVDS_RX IP core
generates a PLL or connect to a user-specified
PLL. Altera recommends instantiating the
external PLL with the parameter editor. Only
available for Arria GX, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ,
Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone, Cyclone II,
Cyclone III, Cyclone IV, HardCopy II,
HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix, Stratix
GX. Stratix II, Stratix II GX, Stratix III, Stratix
IV, and Stratix V devices. This option is not
available when using deserialization factor of 1
and 2 in the Cyclone series.
The values are ON and OFF. If omitted, default
value is ON. Altera recommends setting this
parameter to OFF unless you have done a phase
adjustment. When set to OFF, a phase shift of
90° is added to the clock to center the clock in
the data. Use this parameter when the pll_
operation_mode parameter value is set to
SOURCE_SYNCHRONOUS for Cyclone II and Stratix
II devices.
Related Information
• on page 67
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This section describes the ports for the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores.
The following table lists the input and output ports for the ALTLVDS_TX IP core.
n is the number of channels. m is the deserialization_factor × number_of_channels.
Note: If you use dedicated SERDES, regardless of device family, you do not need to make additional
constraints on the data port.
Table 10: ALTLVDS_TX Input and Output Ports
For Stratix IV, Arria II, and Cyclone IV devices, use the ALTPLL IP core. For Stratix V, Arria V, and Cyclone V
devices use the Altera PLL IP core.
Port Name
Width (Bit)
Asynchronously resets all counters to the initial
Optional clock for the input registers.
Asynchronous reset for the shift registers, capture
registers, and synchronization registers for all
channels. This port is available only when
implement_in_les parameter is set to ON. This port
does not affect the data realignment block or the
Enables external PLL usage.
When the tx_enable port is specified, connect the
port to the enable0 or enable1 port of a PLL IP
core instance.
However, the enable0, enable1 ports and the Set
up PLL in LVDS mode option are available for
Stratix II devices only.
Altera Corporation
This is parallel data which needs to be serially
transmitted by the IP core. Input data must be
synchronous to the tx_coreclock signal. The data
bus width per channel is the same as the serializa‐
tion factor (SF)
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Port Name
Width (Bit)
Reference clock input for the transmitter PLL.
The parameter editor automatically selects the
appropriate PLL multiplication factor based on the
data rate and reference clock frequency selection.
When using Stratix II devices in external PLL mode,
connect the tx_inclock port to the sclkout0 or
sclkout1 port. When using Cyclone and Cyclone II
devices in external PLL mode, connect the tx_
inclock port to other clocks.
Refer to the respective device handbook for
supported input clock frequency ranges.
Enables control for the LVDS PLL.
Slow clock input port.
In the Quartus II software version 8.0 or later, the
tx_syncclock port is necessary for even deseriali‐
zation factors in external PLL mode.
Provides the LVDS PLL status.
This port stays high when the PLL is locked to the
input reference clock, and stays low when the PLL
fails to lock.
Serialized LVDS data output port of n channels
tx_out[(n-1)..0] drives parallel data from tx_
in[(J * n)-1 ..0] where J is the serialization
factor and n is the number of channels. tx_out[0]
drives data from tx_in[(J-1)..0]. tx_out[1]
drives data from the next J number of bits on tx_in.
External reference clock.
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Output clock used to feed non-peripheral logic.
FPGA fabric-transmitter interface clock. The
parallel transmitter data generated in the FPGA
fabric must be clocked with this clock.
The frequency of this clock is programmable to be
the same as the data rate (up to 717 MHz), half the
data rate, or one-fourth the data rate. The phase
offset of this clock, with respect to the serial data, is
programmable in increments of 45°.
Altera Corporation
Related Information
• Introduction to Altera IP Cores
• PLL Clock Signals for LVDS Interface in External PLL Mode on page 62
The following table lists the input and output ports for the ALTLVDS_RX IP core.
Note: n is the number of channels. m is the deserialization_factor × number_of_channels.
Table 11: ALTLVDS_RX Input and Output Ports
For Stratix IV, Arria II, and Cyclone IV devices, use the ALTPLL IP core. For Stratix V, Arria V, and Cyclone V
devices use the Altera PLL IP core.
Port Name
Width (Bit)
Enables dynamic recalibration without
resetting the DPA circuitry or the PLL. Only
available in DPA mode when PLL calibration
is enabled.
Asynchronously resets all counters to initial
values. The minimum pulse width require‐
ment for this signal is 10 ns.
Specifies whether dynamic phase reconfigura‐
tion is complete. Only available when using
an external PLL when PLL calibration is
Asynchronous reset to the data realignment
circuitry. The minimum pulse width require‐
ment for this reset is one parallel clock cycle.
This signal resets the data realignment block.
This port is not available for Arria V and
Cyclone V devices. You can reset the CDA or
bitslip in Arria V and Cyclone V devices by
asserting the rx_channel_data_align signal
until the bitslip counter rolls over.
Controls byte alignment circuitry.
LVDS reference input clock. Replaces the
non-peripheral clock from the PLL. One clock
for each channel.
Controls byte alignment circuitry. You can
register this port using the rx_outclock port.
This port is available when implement_in_
les parameter is set to ON and can be
implemented using flexible LVDS.
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Port Name
Width (Bit)
Resets the byte alignment circuitry. Use the
rx_data_align_reset input port when you
need to reset the PLL during device operation
and when you need to re-establish the word
alignment. This port is available when
implement_in_les parameter is set to ON.
Asynchronous reset for all channels,
excluding the PLL.
Specifies whether to activate calibration
Forces the rx_dpa_locked port to low and
forces the lock counter to start counting
Enables the data path that flows through the
DPA circuit. This port is available only when
DPA mode is enabled. This port is supported
in Arria GX, HardCopy II, Stratix II, and
Stratix II GX devices only.
Prevents the DPA circuitry from switching to
a new phase. When low, the DPA tracks any
dynamic phase variations between the clock
and data. When high, the DPA holds the last
locked phase and does not track any dynamic
phase variations between the clock and data.
This port is not available in non-DPA mode.
Asynchronous reset for all channels.
Enables external PLL usage. When the rx_
enable port is specified, it must connect to
the enable0 or enable1 port of a PLL IP core
instance configured in LVDS mode. However,
the enable0, enable1 ports and the Set up
PLL in LVDS mode option are available for
Stratix II devices only.
Asynchronous reset to the FIFO between the
DPA and the data realignment circuits. The
synchronizer block must be reset after a DPA
loses lock condition and the data checker
shows corrupted received data. The minimum
pulse width requirement for this reset is one
parallel clock cycle. This signal resets the
FIFO block. Only available when DPA mode
is enabled.
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Altera Corporation
Port Name
Width (Bit)
LVDS serial data input port of n channels
wide. rx_in[(n-1)..0] is deserialized and
driven on rx_out[(J * n)-1 ..0] where J is
the deserialization factor and n is the number
of channels. rx_in[0] drives data to rx_
out[(J-1)..0]. rx_in[1] drives data to the
next J number of bits on rx_out.
LVDS reference input clock. The parameter
editor automatically selects the appropriate
PLL multiplication factor based on the data
rate and reference clock frequency selection.
When using Stratix II devices in external PLL
mode, connect the rx_inclock port to the
sclkout0 or sclkout1 port. When using
Cyclone and Cyclone II devices in external
PLL mode, connect the rx_inclock port to
other clocks. Refer to the respective device
handbook for supported input clock
frequency ranges.
Enables control for the LVDS PLL.
Clock input port for reading operation.
Asynchronous reset to the DPA circuitry and
FIFO. The minimum pulse width require‐
ment for this reset is one parallel clock cycle.
This signal resets DPA and FIFO blocks. You
can connect this port if the enable_dpa_mode
parameter is turned on.
Slow clock input port.
Busy signal that is asserted high when PLL
calibration occurs. PLL clock signals are phase
adjusted for two fast clock cycles ahead.
Available only when DPA mode with PLL
calibration is enabled.
Specifies the PLL counter select. Available
only when DPA mode with PLL calibration is
Specifies dynamic phase shifting. Available
only when DPA mode with PLL calibration is
Specifies dynamic phase adjustment.
Available only when DPA mode with PLL
calibration is enabled.
Clock signal for the serial scan chain.
Available only when DPA mode with PLL
calibration is enabled.
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Port Name
Width (Bit)
Data re-alignment (bit slip) roll-over signal.
When high for one parallel clock cycle, this
signal indicates that the user-programmed
number of bits for the word boundary to rollover have been slipped. Indicates when the
next rx_channel_data_align pulse restores
the serial data latency back to 0.
Parallel DPA clock to the FPGA fabric logic
array. The parallel receiver output data to the
FPGA fabric logic array is synchronous to this
clock in soft-CDR mode. This signal is not
available in non-DPA and DPA modes.
Divides and forwards the clock to the source
from the DPA block of the clock channel.
When the enable_soft_cdr_mode parameter
is set to ON, the rx_divfwdclk port is used.
When set to ON, the rx_divfwdclk port clocks
the synchronization registers.
Indicates whether the channel is locked to
DPA mode. This signal only indicates an
initial DPA lock condition to the optimum
phase after power up or reset. This signal is
not deasserted if the DPA selects a new phase
out of the eight clock phases to sample the
received data. You must not use the rx_dpa_
locked signal to determine a DPA loss-oflock condition.
Provides the LVDS PLL status. Stays high
when the PLL is locked to rx_inclock, and
stays low when the PLL fails to lock.
Receiver parallel data output. The data bus
width per channel is the same as the deseriali‐
zation factor (DF). The output data is
synchronous to the rx_outclock signal in
non-DPA and DPA modes. It is synchronous
to the rx_divfwdclk signal in soft-CDR
Parallel output clock from the receiver PLL.
The parallel data output from the receiver is
synchronous to this clock in non-DPA and
DPA modes. This port is not available when
you turn on the Use External PLL option in
the parameter editor. The FPGA fabricreceiver interface clock must be driven by the
PLL instantiated through the PLL IP core
parameter editor.
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Altera Corporation
Prototypes and Component Declarations
Related Information
• Introduction to Altera IP Cores
• PLL Clock Signals for LVDS Interface in External PLL Mode on page 62
Prototypes and Component Declarations
This section describes the prototypes and component declarations of the ALTLVDS_TX and
Verilog HDL Prototype
You can locate the Verilog HDL prototype in the Verilog Design File (.v) altera_mf.v in the <Quartus II
installation directory>\eda\synthesis directory.
VHDL Component Declaration
You can locate VHDL component declaration in the VHDL Design File (.vhd)
altera_mf_components.vhd in the <Quartus II installation directory>\libraries\vhdl\altera_mf
The VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration is not required if you use the VHDL Component Declaration.
LIBRARY altera_mf;
USE altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all;
Functional Description
This section describes the various receiver modes and features, the functionality of the ports and the
timing analysis of the IP cores.
Receiver Modes
The physical medium connecting the transmitter and receiver LVDS channels may introduce a skew
between the serial data and the source-synchronous clock. The instantaneous skew between each LVDS
channel and the clock also varies with the jitter on the data and clock signals as seen by the receiver.
The three receiver modes provide different options to overcome skew between the source-synchronous
clock (non-DPA, DPA) /reference clock (soft-CDR) and the serial data.
The ALTLVDS_RX IP core supports the following receiver modes:
• DPA Mode
• Non-DPA Mode
• Soft-CDR Mode
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DPA Mode
DPA Mode
In DPA mode, the DPA circuitry automatically chooses the best phase to compensate for the skew
between the source-synchronous clock and the received serial data.
Non-DPA Mode
Non-DPA mode allows you to statically select the optimal phase between the source synchronous clock
and the received serial data to compensate for the skew.
Soft-CDR Mode
The soft-CDR mode removes the clock from the clock-embedded data, a capability required for the serial
gigabit media independent interface (SGMII) protocol. The PLL requires a reference clock, but the
reference clock need not be source-synchronous with the data.
Clock Forwarding
In soft-CDR mode, the ALTLVDS_RX IP core divides the DPA clock and the data by the deserialization
factor. The newly divided clock signal, rx_divfwdclk,is then placed on the PCLK network, which carries
the clock signal to the core. In supported devices, each LVDS channel can be in soft-CDR mode and can
drive the core using the PCLK network. The clock forwarding feature is supported in Arria II GX,
Arria II GZ, Arria V, Arria V GZ, HardCopy III, HardCopy IV, Stratix III, Stratix IV, and Stratix V
Note: For more information about periphery clock networks for specific devices, refer to the Clock
Networks and PLLs chapter in volume 1 of the respective device handbook.
When using soft-CDR mode, the rx_reset port must not be asserted after the DPA training is asserted
because the DPA continuously chooses new phase taps from the PLL to track parts per million (ppm)
differences between the reference clock and incoming data. The parallel clock rx_outclock, generated by
the left and right PLL, is also forwarded to the FPGA fabric.
• For ppm tolerance specifications between the source clock and received data, refer to the appropriate
device data sheet or device handbook for each device.
• For more information about receiver modes, refer to the High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces chapter
in the respective device handbook.
The Standard Mode on page 47 and No Output Register Mode on page 48 sections describe the
implementation of soft -CDR mode in the ALTLVDS_RX block.
Standard Mode
The following figure shows the implementation of soft-CDR mode in standard mode. In standard mode,
the first two stages of core-capture registers are created automatically by the ALTLVDS_RX parameter
editor. You must clock any additional user registers from the positive edge of the rx_divfwdclk clock;
using the negative edge makes it harder to meet timing, and the duty cycle is not guaranteed.
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No Output Register Mode
Figure 7: ALTLVDS_RX Block in Standard Mode
Core capture &
sync registers
Core sync
Note: For LVDS RX channel operating in soft-CDR mode, Altera recommends you to use rx_divfwdclk
(instead of any static clock) as the SignalTap capturing clock. Using static clock as the SignalTap
capturing clock leads to bit error during the SignalTap sampling.
No Output Register Mode
The following figure shows the implementation of soft-CDR mode in no-output register mode. In this
mode, you must create the capture registers by the user logic. To ensure even slack for both setup and
hold, you must clock the first capture register stage by the falling edge of the rx_divfwdclk clock and
clock the second stage of the registers by the rising edge of the rx_divwdclk clock. The register clocking
method gives the equivalent implementation as the standard mode implementation.
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DPA PLL Calibration
Figure 8: ALTLVDS_RX Block in No Output Register Mode
fast registers
slow registers
DPA PLL Calibration
The following sections describe DPA PLL calibration and its effects in Stratix III, Stratix IV,
Stratix IV Engineering Sample (ES), and Arria II devices.
• DPA PLL Calibration in Stratix IV ES Devices on page 49
• DPA PLL Calibration in Arria II and Stratix IV Devices and Later on page 50
• Effects of DPA PLL Calibration on page 51
Related Information
High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces and DPA in Arria V Devices, Volume 1: Device Interfaces and
Intergration, Arria V Device Handbook
DPA PLL Calibration in Stratix IV ES Devices
Applications using a fixed, cyclical training pattern with sparse data transitions can cause the PLL phase
to remain unchanged, which results in DPA misalignment. When DPA misaligns the DPA circuitry
remains at the initial configured phase or takes a significantly longer time to lock onto the optimum
phase. A non-ideal phase might result in data bit errors, even after the DPA lock signal goes high.
Resetting the DPA circuit may not solve the problem.
The following figure shows that the DPA takes longer time to lock onto the optimum phase even after the
rx_reset and rx_dpa_locked signals are asserted, resulting in data errors.
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DPA PLL Calibration in Arria II and Stratix IV Devices and Later
Figure 9: DPA Misalignment Issue
Invalid Data *
Valid Data
DPA takes much longer time than anticipated to lock
to the optimum phase of 3
rx_dpa_locked asserts before DPA has locked to its optimum phase
In the Quartus II software versions 9.0 and later, the DPA PLL calibration feature is added to the
ALTLVDS_RX IP core to overcome the DPA misalignment issue found in Stratix IV ES devices; the
Stratix IV production devices are not affected. The DPA PLL calibration feature is available when the
LVDS receiver is configured in DPA or soft-CDR mode. DPA PLL calibration phase-shifts the PLL
outputs to induce progress in the PLL’s phase-detect up and down counter and to facilitate a new phase
The following events occur during the DPA PLL calibration process:
1. The ALTLVDS_RX IP core counts 256 data transitions; the PLL calibrates the phase forward by two
2. The ALTLVDS_RX IP core counts 256 transitions; the PLL calibrates the phase backward by two
clocks so that the PLL timing returns to normal.
3. The ALTLVDS_RX IP core counts 256 data transitions, and then asserts the rx_dpa_locked signal.
Note: For more information about DPA lock time specification, refer to the Device Data Sheet chapter in
the respective device handbook.
Related Information
Stratix IV DPA Misalignment
DPA PLL Calibration in Arria II and Stratix IV Devices and Later
Starting with the Arria II device and the production versions of Stratix IV devices, DPA PLL calibration is
implemented for each receiver channel independently using delay elements in the LVDS receiver path.
Anytime the rx_reset port is deasserted for a receiver channel, the DPA circuitry is reset, and the calibra‐
tion and locking process begins. The DPA circuitry in an LVDS receiver can reset at any time without
impacting other LVDS receivers sharing the same PLL.
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Effects of DPA PLL Calibration
1. The following events occur during the DPA calibration process:
2. The ALTLVDS_RX IP core counts 256 data transitions, then inserts delay elements on the LVDS
receiver data path to skew the clock and data relationship.
3. The ALTLVDS_RX IP core counts 256 data transitions, then removes the delay elements on the LVDS
receiver data path, restoring the original clock to data relationship.
4. The ALTLVDS_RX IP core counts 256 data transitions, and then asserts the rx_dpa_locked signal.
With the Stratix IV production devices, you can choose to use the DPA PLL calibration method to be
backward compatible with Stratix III and Stratix IV ES devices by turning on Enable PLL calibration in
the ALTLVDS_RX parameter editor. If you turn off Enable PLL calibration in the ALTLVDS_RX
parameter editor, the receiver IP core uses delay elements in the receiver data path.
Arria II devices always use the DPA calibration method using delay elements in the receiver data path.
Effects of DPA PLL Calibration
There are two notable effects when DPA PLL calibration is enabled: effect on the timing of the logic
clocked by the PLL, and effect related to the merging PLLs.
During PLL phase calibration, the I/O timing is pulled in by quarter of the voltage-controlled oscillator
(VCO) period. All outputs of the PLL, including the slow clock, are affected. All HSIO TX data from
interfaces, clocked by the affected PLL, clocks out quarter of the VCO period earlier. Likewise, all HSIO
RX data clocks quarter cycle out of phase with the VCO but has less time to be sampled. For the slow
clock that drives the core and the system, there is a loss of quarter of the VCO period on internal timing,
across clock domain transfers in the core. The quarter period-pull greatly affects a design that has crossclock transfer without using a FIFO, and the two clocks are not from the same PLL.
If DPA PLL calibration is enabled, PLLs, between receiver and transmitter instances or multiple receiver
instances, do not merge even if the Share PLLs for receivers and transmitters setting is enabled. To force
merging of such PLLs, use FORCE_MERGE_PLLS=ON setting in the Quartus II Settings File (.qsf).
Related Information
Quartus II Settings File Manual
Initialization and Reset
This section describes the initialization and reset aspects, using control characters. This section also
provides a recommended initialization and reset flow for the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores.
Initializing ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX
With the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores, the PLL is locked to the reference clock prior to
implementing the SERDES blocks for data transfer. The PLL starts to lock to the reference clock during
device initialization. The PLL is operational when the PLL achieves lock during user mode. If the clock
reference is not stable during device initialization, the PLL output clock phase shifts becomes corrupted.
When the PLL output clock phase shifts are not set correctly, the data transfer between the high-speed
LVDS domain and the low-speed parallel domain might not be successful, which leads to data corruption.
Assert the pll_areset port for at least 10 ns, and then deassert the pll_areset port and wait until the
PLL lock becomes stable. After the PLL lock port asserts and is stable, the SERDES blocks are ready for
When using DPA, further steps are required for initialization and reset recovery. The DPA circuit samples
the incoming data and finds the optimal phase tap from the PLL to capture the data on a receiver channelLVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Resetting the DPA
by-channel basis. If the PLL has not locked to a stable clock source, the DPA circuit might lock prematurely to a non-ideal phase tap. Use the rx_reset port to keep the DPA in reset until the PLL lock
signal is asserted and stable.
In Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II GX, HardCopy II, and Arria GX devices, when using the rx_reset port,
the ALTLVDS_RX parameter editor allows you to choose whether or not to automatically reset the bit
serial FIFO when the rx_dpa_locked signal asserts for the first time. This is a useful feature because it
keeps the synchronizer FIFO in reset until the DPA locks. To provide optimal timing between the DPA
domain, it is important to keep the FIFO in reset until the DPA locks.
With Stratix III, HardCopy III, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ devices and later generations of these devices, the
rx_dpa_lock signal asserts only after a specific number of transitions are detected in the parallel data
stream. You must not assert rx_fifo_reset port until the rx_dpa_lock signal asserts, otherwise, there
will be no data transitions in the parallel data, and the rx_dpa_lock signal will never assert.
Note: Altera recommends asserting the rx_fifo_reset port after the rx_dpa_locked signal asserts, and
then deassert the rx_fifo_reset port to begin receiving data.
Each time the DPA shifts the phase taps during normal operation to track variations between the relation‐
ship of the reference clock source and the data, the timing margin for the data transfer between clock
domains is reduced.
For Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II GX, HardCopy II, and Arria GX devices, when the ALTLVDS_RX IP
core deasserts the rx_dpa_locked port to indicate that the DPA has selected a new phase tap to capture
the data. You can choose the options in the ALTLVDS_RX parameter editor if you want the DPA lock
signal to deassert after one phase step, or after two phase steps in the same direction (check device family
availability for this option).
With Stratix III, HardCopy III, Arria II GX, Arria II GZ devices and later generations of these devices, the
ALTLVDS_RX asserts the rx_dpa_locked port upon initial DPA lock. This port remains asserted
throughout the operation until the ALTLVDS_RX IP core asserts the rx_reset or rx_dpa_lock_reset
ports. The rx_dpa_locked port does not indicate if the DPA has selected a new phase.
Note: Altera recommends using the data checkers to ensure data accuracy.
Resetting the DPA
When the data becomes corrupted, you must reset the DPA circuitry using the rx_reset port and
rx_fifo_reset port.
Assert the rx_reset port to reset the entire DPA block. This requires the DPA to be trained before it is
ready for data capture.
Note: Altera recommends using the option to automatically reset the bit serial FIFO when the
rx_dpa_locked signal rises for the first time, if available for your device family; otherwise, toggle
the rx_fifo_reset port after rx_dpa_locked is asserted. This option ensures the synchronization
FIFO is set with the optimal timing to transfer data between the DPA and high-speed LVDS clock
Assert the rx_fifo_reset port to reset only the synchronization FIFO. This allows you to continue
system operation without having to re-train the DPA. Using this port can fix data corruption because it
resets the FIFO; however, it does not reset the DPA circuit. In Stratix GX, Stratix II, Stratix II GX,
HardCopy II, and Arria GX devices, the rx_dpa_locked port remains in its previous state; if it was
deasserted, it remains deasserted and you are not be able to use it to know when the DPA is using the ideal
phase tap for data capture.
When the DPA is locked, the ALTLVDS block is ready to capture data. The DPA finds the optimal sample
location to capture each bit. The next step is to set up the word boundary using custom logic to control
the rx_channel_data_align port on a channel-by-channel basis.
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Aligning the Word Boundaries
The word aligner or the bit-slip circuit can be reset using the rx_cda_reset port. This circuit can be reset
anytime and is not dependent on the PLL or DPA circuit operation.
Aligning the Word Boundaries
To align the word boundaries, it is useful to have control characters in the data stream so that your logic
can have a known pattern to search for. You can compare the data received for each channel, compare to
the control character you are looking for, then pulse the rx_channel_data_align port as required until
you successfully receive the control character.
Note: Altera recommends setting the rx_cda_max[] port to the deserialization factor or higher, which
allows enough depth in the bit slip circuit to roll through an entire word if required.
If you do not have control characters in the received data, you need a deterministic relationship between
the reference clock and data to predict the word boundary using timing simulation or laboratory
measurements. The only way to ensure a deterministic relationship on the default word position in the
SERDES when the device powers up, or anytime the PLL is reset, is to have a reference clock equal to the
data rate divided by the deserialization factor. For example, if the data rate is 800 Mbps, and the deseriali‐
zation factor is 8, the PLL requires a 100-MHz reference clock. This is important because the PLL locks to
the rising edge of the reference clock. If you have one rising edge on the reference clock per serial word
received, the deserializer always starts at the same position. Using timing simulation, or lab measure‐
ments, monitor the parallel words received and determine how many pulses are required on the
rx_channel_data_align port to set your word boundaries. You can create a simple state machine to
apply the required number of pulses when you enter user mode, or anytime you reset the PLL and DPA
Recommended Initialization and Reset Flow
Altera recommends that you follow these steps to initialize and reset the ALTLVDS IP cores:
1. During entry into user mode, or anytime in user mode operation when the interface requires a reset,
assert the pll_areset and rx_reset ports.
2. Deassert the pll_areset port and monitor the rx_locked port (rx_locked is the PLL lock indicator).
3. Deassert the rx_reset port after the rx_locked port becomes asserted and stable.
4. Apply the DPA training pattern and allow the DPA circuit to lock. (If a training pattern is not
available, any data with transitions is required to allow the DPA to lock.) Refer to the respective device
data sheet for DPA lock time specifications.
5. Wait for the rx_dpa_locked port to assert.
6. Beginning with Stratix III, HardCopy III, Arria II GX, and Arria II GZ devices, assert rx_fifo_reset
for at least one parallel clock cycle, and then de-assert rx_fifo_reset.
7. Assert the rx_cda_reset port for at least one parallel clock cycle, and then deassert the rx_cda_reset
8. Begin word alignment by applying pulses as required to the rx_channel_data_align port.
9. When the word boundaries are established on each channel, the interface is ready for operation.
Source-Synchronous Timing Analysis and Timing Constraints
This section defines the source-synchronous differential data orientation timing parameters, the timing
budget definitions, and how to use these timing parameters to determine a design’s maximum perform‐
Different modes of LVDS receivers use different specifications in deciding the ability to sample the
received serial data correctly.
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Dedicated SERDES
Dedicated SERDES
The ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores implemented in a dedicated SERDES and using the DPA
mode are characterized and guaranteed to function correctly within the LVDS system. Refer to the
respective device handbook for details about whether dedicated SERDES and DPA are supported for the
device family. The Quartus II compiler automatically ensures the associated delay chain settings are set
correctly for the data path at the LVDS transmitter/receiver that uses the source-synchronous compensa‐
tion mode of PLL operation.
You can optionally add false path constraints to the asynchronous input and output ports to avoid
unconstrained path warnings. For non-DPA mode, you can optionally constrain the synchronous input
ports to improve the accuracy of the receiver skew margin analysis.
Note: The TimeQuest Timing Analyzer automatically adds the required multicycle path, false path, and
clock uncertainty constraints to analyze timing for the dedicated SERDES if you add
derive_pll_clocks to your Synopsys Design Constraints (.sdc) file.
For receiver designs that are using the SERDES in LEs, you must ensure proper timing constraints for the
TimeQuest timing analyzer tool in the Quartus II software to indicate whether the SERDES captures the
data as expected or otherwise.
For dedicated SERDES and SERDES in LEs, you can set the timing constraints using the following
• Setting timing constraints using the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer GUI
• Setting timing constraints manually in the .sdc.
Receiver Skew Margin and Transmitter Channel-to-Channel Skew
Changes in system environment, such as temperature, media (cable, connector, or PCB), and loading,
affect the receiver's setup and hold times; internal skew affects the sampling ability of the receiver.
In non-DPA mode, use receiver skew margin (RKSM), receiver channel-to-channel skew (RCCS), and
sampling window (SW) specifications to analyze the timing for high-speed source-synchronous differen‐
tial signals in the receiver data path. The following equation shows the relationship between RSKM,
RCCS, and SW.
Figure 10: RSKM
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Receiver Skew Margin and Transmitter Channel-to-Channel Skew
• RSKM—is the timing margin between the receiver's clock input and the data input SW.
• Time unit interval (TUI)—is the time period of the serial data (1/fMAX). Also known as the LVDS
period in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer section in the Quartus II Compilation Report.
• SW—is the period of time that the input data must be stable to ensure that data is successfully sampled
by the LVDS receiver. The SW is a device property and varies with device speed grade.
• RCCS— is the timing difference between the fastest and slowest input transitions, including tCO
variations and clock skew. Specify RCCS by applying minimum and maximum set_input_delay
constraints to the receiver inputs, where RCCS is the difference between the maximum and minimum
To obtain accurate RSKM results in the TimeQuest analyzer, specify your RCCS figure using
set_input_delay constraints.
The difference between your set_input_delay -min and set_input_delay -max must match your
RCCS figure.
For example, to specify an RCCS figure of 0.3 ns:
set_input_delay -clock rx_inclock -min 0 [get_ports {rx_in*}]
set_input_delay -clock rx_inclock -max 0.3 [get_ports {rx_in*}]
The TimeQuest analyzer takes the 0.3 ns RCCS figure into account during RSKM analysis.
The following figure shows the relationship between the RSKM, RCCS, and SW.
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Receiver Skew Margin and Transmitter Channel-to-Channel Skew
Figure 11: Differential High-Speed Timing Diagram and Timing Budget for Non-DPA Mode
Timing Diagram
Input Clock
Time Unit Interval (TUI)
Input Data
tSW (min)
Bit n
Timing Budget
Internal t (max)
Bit n
Falling Edge
Clock Placement
Output Data
Input Data
You must calculate the RSKM value to decide whether you can properly sample the data by the LVDS
receiver with the given data rate and device. A positive RSKM value indicates the LVDS receiver can
properly sample the data; a negative RSKM value indicates the receiver cannot properly sample the data.
The following example shows the RSKM calculation.
Data Rate: 1 Gbps, Board channel-to-channel skew = 200 ps
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Obtaining the RSKM Report
For Stratix IV devices:
RCCS = 100 ps (pending characterization)
SW = 300 ps (pending characterization)
TUI = 1000 ps
Total RCCS = RCCS + Board channel-to-channel skew= 100 ps + 200 ps
= 300 ps
= 1000 ps - 300 ps - 300 ps
= 400 ps > 0
Because the RSKM > 0 ps, receiver non-DPA mode must work correctly.
Obtaining the RSKM Report
For LVDS receivers, the Quartus II software provides the RSKM report showing SW, TUI or LVDS
period, and RSKM values for non-DPA mode. You can generate the RSKM report by executing the
report_rskm command in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
To obtain the RSKM report, follow these steps:
1. In the Quartus II software, under the Tools menu, click TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
2. From the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer, under Reports, select Device Specific and click Report RSKM.
Note: In the TimeQuest timing analyzer tool, the report_TCCS and report_rskm commands are not
available when you are using SERDES in LEs. The commands are only available for transmitter and
receiver with dedicated SERDES.
The Quartus II software automatically places the SERDES logic at the best location to meet timing
requirements. Therefore, you are not required to perform placement constraints on the ALTLVDS IP core
logic. However, you are recommended to perform timing budget evaluation for the overall LVDS
interface in your system to ensure the sampling window specifications are met.
The LVDS transmitter and receiver functions with the ALTLVDS IP core are characterized and
guaranteed to function correctly within the LVDS system specification (meeting TCCS and SW
parameters). Therefore, timing constraints are not required for the SERDES logic using the ALTLVDS IP
core. However, if the timing result does not fulfill the requirement or the design needs to be fine-tuned to
improve the margin, timing constraints may be necessary.
The setup time (TSU) and hold time (TH) for the LVDS channels as reported in the Quartus II timing
report are based on the compiled design and served as a timing reference. You must not use these
parameters in the timing report for the sampling window estimation. For sampling window specification,
refer to the device datasheet for more information.
Related Information
The Quartus II TimeQuest Timing Analyzer, Volume 3: Verification, Quartus II Handbook
Obtaining the TCCS Report
For LVDS transmitters, the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer provides a TCCS report, which shows TCCS
values for serial output ports.
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Setting Timing Constraints Using the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer GUI
To obtain the TCCS report (report_TCCS), follow these steps:
1. In the Quartus II software, under the Tools menu, click TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
2. From the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer, under Reports, select Device Specific and click Report TCCS.
Setting Timing Constraints Using the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer GUI
Timing constraints for the LVDS receiver are needed only for the input clock ports and the synchronous
input ports. The synchronous output ports and the asynchronous input and output ports are set to false
Constraining the Input Clock Signal
To constrain the input clock signal in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer, follow these steps:
1. Run full compilation for the LVDS design. Ensure that the timing analysis tool is set to TimeQuest
Timing Analyzer.
2. After full compilation completes, on the Tools menu, select TimeQuest Timing Analyzer to launch
the TimeQuest analyzer window.
3. In the Tasks list, under Diagnostic, click Report Unconstrained Paths to view the list of
unconstrained paths and ports of the LVDS design.
4. In the Report list, under Unconstrained Paths, click Clock Status Summary to view the clock that
requires constraints. The default setting for all unconstrained clocks is 1 GHz. To constrain the clock
signal, right-click the clock name and select Edit Clock Constraint.
5. In the Create Clock dialog box, set the period and the clock rising and falling edge (duty cycle of the
clock) constraint. Refer to Table 12 for timing constraints options and descriptions.
6. Click Run.
Constraining the Synchronous Input Ports
Constrain the synchronous input signals for non-DPA mode SERDES to allow the TimeQuest Timing
Analyzer to consider your board channel-to-channel skew in the RSKM report. Without these constraints,
you need to subtract the board channel-to-channel skew from the RSKM value reported by the
TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
To constrain the synchronous input signals in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer, follow these steps:
1. Run full compilation for the LVDS design. Ensure that the timing analysis tool is set to TimeQuest
Timing Analyzer.
2. After full compilation completes, on the Tools menu, select TimeQuest Timing Analyzer to launch
the TimeQuest analyzer window.
3. In the Tasks list, under Diagnostic, double-click Report Unconstrained Paths to view the list of
unconstrained paths and ports of the LVDS design.
4. In the Report list, under Unconstrained Paths category, expand the Setup Analysis folder, and then
click Unconstrained Input Ports.
5. Set constraints for all the receiver synchronous input ports in the From list. To set input delay,
perform the following steps:
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Setting False Path for the Asynchronous Input and Output Ports
a. Right-click on the synchronous input port and select Set Input Delay.
b. The Set Input Delay dialog box appears.
c. Select the desired clock using the pull down menu. The clock name must reference the source
synchronous clock that feeds the LVDS receiver.
d. Set the appropriate values for Input Delay and Delay. Refer to Table 12 for timing constraints
options and descriptions.
e. Click Run to incorporate these values in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
If no input delay is set in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer, the receiver channel-to-channel skew (RCCS)
defaults to zero.
Setting False Path for the Asynchronous Input and Output Ports
All asynchronous input and output ports are excluded from the timing analysis of the LVDS core because
the signals on these ports are not synchronous to a IP core clock source. The internal structure of the
LVDS IP core handles the metastability of these asynchronous signals. Therefore these asynchronous
signals are set to false path.
To exclude asynchronous input and output ports from the timing analysis, perform the following steps:
1. Run full compilation for the LVDS design. Ensure that the timing analysis tool is set to TimeQuest
Timing Analyzer.
2. After full compilation completes, on the Tools menu, select TimeQuest Timing Analyzer to launch
the TimeQuest analyzer window.
3. In the Tasks list, under Diagnostic, double-click Report Unconstrained Paths to view the list of
unconstrained paths and ports of the LVDS design.
4. In the Report list, under Unconstrained Paths category, expand the Setup Analysis folder.
5. Click Unconstrained Input Port Paths to view the unconstrained input ports or click Unconstrained
Output Port Paths to view the unconstrained output ports.
6. Right-click on an ansynchronous input or output port, and select Set False Path.
After you specify all timing constraint settings for the clock signal, on the Constraints menu, click Write
SDC File to write all the constraints to a specific .sdc. Then, run full compilation for the LVDS design
Setting Timing Constraints Manually in the Synopsys Design Constraint File
You can also set timing constraints manually using SDC commands in an .sdc, and include the .sdc into
your Quartus II design file.
The following example shows a simple source-synchronous interface coding, where the data is aligned
with respect to the falling edge of the clock.
# Create Clock
create_clock -name virtual_clock_lvds -period 25
create_clock -name {rx_inclock} -period 25.000 -waveform { 0.000 12.500
} [get_ports {rx_inclock}] -add
# Create Generated Clock
# Set Input Delay
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Setting Timing Constraints Manually in the Synopsys Design Constraint File
set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks virtual_clock_lvds] -clock_fall -max
0.200 [get_ports rx_in*] -add_delay
set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks virtual_clock_lvds] -clock_fall -min
-0.200 [get_ports rx_in*] -add_delay
To add the .sdc into your Quartus II design file, follow these steps:
In the Quartus II software, click on the Assignments menu, and select Settings.
On the Settings page, under Category, select TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
On the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer subwindow, browse to the .sdc, and click Add.
Click OK.
The following table lists the LVDS timing constraints options and descriptions.
Table 12: LVDS Timing Constraints Options and Descriptions
Port Name
Constraint Type
GUI Setting
SDC command
Input Clock Constraints
Clock name
Rising, Falling
[get_ports {<port
Specifies the name of the
LVDS input clock.
Specifies the clock period
Specifies the clock's rising
and falling edges or the
duty cycle of the clock.
For example, a 10 ns
period where the first
rising edge occurs at 0 ns
and the first falling edge
occurs at 5 ns would be
written as waveform {0 5}.
The difference must be
within one period unit,
and the rise edge must
come before the fall edge.
The default edge list is {0
<period>/2}, or a 50
percent duty cycle.
Specifies the clock input
port name connected to
Synchronous Input Port Constraints
Altera Corporation
Specifies the maximum
and minimum delay for
the data input to the
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Arria II GX, Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V LVDS Package Skew
Compensation Report Panel
Port Name
Constraint Type
GUI Setting
Rise, Fall, Both
SDC command
-clock fall
-clock rises
Specifies the clock's rising
and falling edges or the
duty cycle of the clock.
-<delay value>
Specifies the data to clock
skew in ns.
[get_ports {<port
Specifies the data input
port name connected to
Related Information
The Quartus II TimeQuest Timing Analyzer, Volume 3: Verification, Quartus II Handbook
Arria II GX, Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V LVDS Package Skew
Compensation Report Panel
This section describes the LVDS package skew compensation report panel for the transmitter and nonDPA receiver of the Arria II GX, Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V device families.
The report panel contains details about the package trace delay compensation needed between the LVDS
pins on the device to meet your timing budget. You can find the report panel in the Quartus II Fitter
report under Resource Section. The report panel is called LVDS Receiver Package Skew Compensation,
and LVDS Transmitter Package Skew Compensation for the LVDS receiver and LVDS transmitter
respectively. The report panel is triggered in the Quartus II software when your design uses a non-DPA
receiver, and with an input data rate higher than 840 Mbps.
The following figure shows the LVDS Transmitter Package Skew Compensation report panel.
Figure 12: LVDS Transmitter Package Skew Compensation
The following figure shows the LVDS Receiver Package Skew Compensation report panel.
Figure 13: LVDS Receiver Package Skew Compensation
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
ALTLVDS IP Core in External PLL Mode
The Recommended Trace Delay Addition column in the report panel displays the recommended
amount of trace delay that you must add to each trace of the corresponding LVDS pins, which reduces the
channel-to-channel skew between the LVDS channels. For example, in Figure 12, the recommended trace
delay addition for pin_name7[0] is 67 ps. This means you must manually adjust the PCB trace for
pin_name7[0] to have a delay addition of 67 ps. The corresponding pin is listed in the Pin column, in the
report panel.
The report panel also shows the total estimated TCCS and SW reductions when the recommended trace
delay values are added to the PCB trace.
ALTLVDS IP Core in External PLL Mode
PLL Clock Signals for LVDS Interface in External PLL Mode
The parameter editor provides the Use External PLL option. This option allows you to control PLL
settings to support different data rates, dynamic phase shift, and other settings. In external PLL mode, you
must instantiate a PLL IP core to generate the various clock and load enable signals.
Note: For Stratix IV, Arria II, and Cyclone IV devices, use the ALTPLL IP core. For Stratix V, Arria V,
and Cyclone V devices use the Altera PLL IP core.
If you enable the Use External PLL option, you require the following signals from the PLL IP core:
Serial clock input to the SERDES of the ALTLVDS transmitter and receiver.
Load enable to the SERDES of the ALTLVDS transmitter and receiver.
Parallel clock to clock the transmitter FPGA fabric logic.
Parallel clock for the receiver rx_syncclock port and receiver FPGA fabric logic.
Asynchronous PLL reset port of the ALTLVDS receiver.
Generate the serial clock output, load enable output, and the parallel clock output on ports c0, c1, and c2,
along with the locked signal of the PLL IP core instance. You can choose any of the PLL output clock
ports to generate the interface clocks.
Note: The high-speed clock generated from the PLL is for clocking the LVDS SERDES circuitry only. Do
not use the high-speed clock to drive other logic because the allowed frequency to drive the core
logic is restricted by the PLL FOUT specification.
Table 13: Signal Interface Between PLL IP Core and ALTLVDS IP Core
This table lists the signal interface between the output ports of the PLL IP core and the input ports of the
ALTLVDS transmitter and receiver.
From the PLL
Serial clock output (c0)
Note: The serial clock
output (c0) can
only drive tx_
inclock on the
transmitter and rx_
inclock on the
ALTLVDS receiver.
This clock cannot
drive the core logic.
Altera Corporation
To the ALTLVDS Transmitter
To the ALTLVDS Receiver
tx_inclock (serial clock input rx_inclock (serial clock input)
to the transmitter)
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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PLL Clock Signals for LVDS Interface in External PLL Mode
From the PLL
To the ALTLVDS Transmitter
Load enable output (c1)
tx_enable (load enable to the
rx_enable (load enable for the deserializer)
Parallel clock output (c2)
Parallel clock used inside the
transmitter core logic in the
FPGA fabric
rx_syncclock (parallel clock input) and
parallel clock used inside the receiver core
logic in the FPGA fabric
To the ALTLVDS Receiver
pll_areset (asynchronous PLL reset port)
Note: The pll_areset signal is
automatically enabled for the
LVDS receiver in external PLL
mode. This signal does not exist
for LVDS transmitter instantia‐
tion when the external PLL
option is enabled.
The rx_syncclock port is not always required by the LVDS receiver in external PLL mode. If it is
required, the Quartus II software automatically generates the port. Even if rx_syncclock (c2) is not used
in the LVDS receiver, you must still use it to clock the FPGA fabric. The Quartus II compiler errors out if
this port is not connected, as shown in the following figure.
Note: When generating the ALTPLL IP core for Arria II devices, select the Left/Right PLL PLL type to
set up the PLL for LVDS.
The following figure shows the connection between the PLL IP core and the ALTLVDS IP core.
Figure 14: LVDS Interface with the PLL IP Core
FPGA Fabric
LVDS Transmitter
Transmitter Core Logic
LVDS Receiver
(ALTLVDS) rx_inclock
Receiver Core Logic
Instantiation of pll_areset is optional for the ALTPLL instantiation.
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Altera Corporation
PLL Clock Signals for LVDS Interface in External PLL Mode
Table 14: Example Settings to Generate Three Output Clocks using PLL IP Core
This table shows an example with the parameter values that you can set in the PLL IP core parameter editor to
generate three output clocks.
Serial clock
Parallel clock
LVDS data rate
Serialization factor
Input reference clock
Frequency = 1000 MHz
Frequency = 100 MHz (serial clock divided by the serialization factor)
1 Gbps
Frequency = 100 MHz
• Frequency = 1000 MHz (multiplication factor = 10 and division factor = 1)
• Phase shift = –180° with respect to the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)
• Duty cycle = 50%
• Frequency = (1000/10) = 100 MHz (multiplication factor = 1 and division
factor = 1)
• Phase shift = (10 - 2) × 360/10 = 288° [(deserialization factor - 2)/deseriali‐
zation factor] × 360°
• Duty cycle = (100/10) = 10% (100 divided by the serialization factor)
• Frequency = (1000/10) = 100 MHz (multiplication factor = 1 and division
factor = 1)
• Phase shift = (–180/10) = –18° (c0 phase shift divided by the serialization
• Duty cycle = 50%
Phase shift calculations using RSKM equation assume that the input clock and serial data are edge aligned.
The following figure shows that by introducing a phase shift of –180° to sampling clock (c0) ensures that
the input data is center-aligned with respect to the c0.
Note: The phase shift example used in this section assumes that the clock and data are edge-aligned at the
FPGA pins. For other clock relationships, Altera recommends that you create the ALTLVDS_TX
and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores initially without using the external PLL option. Set the phase shifts you
require in the parameter editor and then note the phase shift and duty cycle settings for the three
PLL output clocks in the Quartus II software Compilation Report (Resource > Fitter > PLL Usage
section). Once you have the correct phase shift and duty cycle settings for your parameterization,
you can implement the external PLL mode in your design. In the parameter editor for the PLL IP
core, enter the phase shift and duty cycle values for each output clock based on the values you
previously noted from the PLL Usage report.
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External PLL Compensation Mode for ALTLVDS IP Core in External PLL Mode
Figure 15: Phase Relationship for External PLL Interface Signals
VCO clk
(internal PLL clk)
c0 (-180°
phase shift)
c1 (288°
phase shift)
c2 (-18°
phase shift)
Serial data
Related Information
• DC and Switching Characteristics for Stratix IV Devices
• Receiver Skew Margin and Transmitter Channel-to-Channel Skew on page 54
External PLL Compensation Mode for ALTLVDS IP Core in External PLL Mode
If you instantiate the ALTLVDS IP core in external PLL mode, Altera recommends that you set up the
data rate and clocking with the PLL IP core.
Note: For Stratix IV, Arria II, and Cyclone IV devices, use the ALTPLL IP core. For Stratix V, Arria V,
and Cyclone V devices use the Altera PLL IP core.
• For Arria V, Arria V GZ, and Stratix V devices with ALTLVDS_RX configured in non-DPA mode, the
external PLL must be in LVDS compensation mode.
• For Cyclone V devices, LVDS interfaces placed on the all edges must be in LVDS compensation mode.
For more information about PLL compensation modes, refer to the PLL chapter of the relevant device
Simulating Altera IP Cores in other EDA Tools
The Quartus II software supports RTL and gate-level design simulation of Altera IP cores in supported
EDA simulators. Simulation involves setting up your simulator working environment, compiling
simulation model libraries, and running your simulation.
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
Simulating Altera IP Cores in other EDA Tools
You can use the functional simulation model and the testbench or example design generated with your IP
core for simulation. The functional simulation model and testbench files are generated in a project
subdirectory. This directory may also include scripts to compile and run the testbench. For a complete list
of models or libraries required to simulate your IP core, refer to the scripts generated with the testbench.
You can use the Quartus II NativeLink feature to automatically generate simulation files and scripts.
NativeLink launches your preferred simulator from within the Quartus II software.
Figure 16: Simulation in Quartus II Design Flow
Design Entry
(HDL, Qsys, DSP Builder)
Altera Simulation
Quartus II
Design Flow
Gate-Level Simulation
Analysis & Synthesis
TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
RTL Simulation
Post-synthesis functional
simulation netlist
Post-fit functional
simulation netlist
Post-fit functional
Post-fit timing
simulation netlist
Post-fit timing
Device Programmer
Note: Post-fit timing simulation is not supported for 28nm and later device archetectures. Altera IP
supports a variety of simulation models, including simulation-specific IP functional simulation
models and encrypted RTL models, and plain text RTL models. These are all cycle-accurate
models. The models support fast functional simulation of your IP core instance using industrystandard VHDL or Verilog HDL simulators. For some cores, only the plain text RTL model is
generated, and you can simulate that model. Use the simulation models only for simulation and
not for synthesis or any other purposes. Using these models for synthesis creates a nonfunctional
Related Information
Simulating Altera Designs
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Generating ALTLVDS IP Core Using Clear Box Generator
Generating ALTLVDS IP Core Using Clear Box Generator
Apart from the IP core parameter editor, you can also use the clear box generator, a command-line
executable, to configure parameters that are in the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX parameter editors.
The clear box generator creates or modifies custom IP core variations that you can instantiate in a design
file. The clear box generator generates IP core variation file in Verilog HDL or VHDL format.
1. Create a text file (.txt) that contains your clear box ports and parameter settings in your working
2. Open the command prompt and change the current directory to your working directory by typing: cd
The clear box executable file name is clearbox.exe.
3. To view the available ports and parameters for this IP core, type one of the following commands:
clearbox altlvds_tx -h or clearbox altlvds_rx -h.
4. To generate the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores variation file based on the ports and
parameter settings in the text file, type one of the following commands: clearbox altlvds_tx
-f *.txt or clearbox altlvds_rx -f *.txt.
For example, clearbox altlvds_tx -f sample_param_test.txt
5. After the clear box generator generates the IP core variation files, instantiate the IP core module in a
HDL file or a block diagram file in the Quartus II software.
6. To view the estimated hardware resources that the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX IP cores use,
type one of the following commands: clearbox altlvds_tx -f
sample_param_test.txt -resc_count or clearbox altlvds_rx -f
sample_param_test.txt -resc_count.
This command does not generate a HDL file.
Document Revision History
December 2014
• Added footnotes to clarify the availability of DPA and soft-CDR
modes in Stratix series.
• Removed Cyclone series from the list of series with soft-CDR
• Added guidelines about the time required for tx_outclock to
stabilize if you turn on the Implement Deserializer circuitry in
logic cells option.
• Updated the statement that refers to selecting "Left/Right PLL" to
set up PLL in LVDS mode to clarify that the option is required only
for Arria II devices.
• Updated information about the PLL IP core to clarify that for
Stratix IV, Arria II, and Cyclone IV devices, the PLL IP core is
ALTPLL IP, and for Stratix V, Arria V, and Cyclone V devices, the
PLL IP core is Altera PLL.
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
Document Revision History
November 2014
• Restructured and updated sections that describe the external PLL
mode and the relevant ALTPLL IP core parameters.
• Added recommendations about getting the correct ALTPLL
phase shift and duty cycle values for the external PLL mode.
• Clarified that the rx_syncclock is automatically created by the
Quartus II software only when it is required.
• Updated the ALTLVDS_RX ports list to clarify that the rx_cda_
reset port is not supported in Arria V and Cyclone V devices. In
these devices, use the rx_channel_data_align signal instead.
June 2014
• Replaced MegaWizard Plug-In Manager information with IP
• Added standard information about upgrading IP cores.
• Added standard installation and licensing information.
• Removed outdated device support level information. IP core device
support is now available in IP Catalog and parameter editor.
• Updated a statement about valid data availability for rx_channel_
data_align signal in the topic about ALTLVDS_RX parameter
November 2013
Updated the following parameters:
• outclock_alignment: clarify that this parameter is only used by
the RTL simulation model and has no affect on how the Fitter sets
the PLL parameters.
• outclock_phase_shift: clarified that this parameter is used to set
the phase shift parameters used by the PLL.
Updated the following parameters:
• inclock_data_alignment: clarified that this parameter is only
used by the RTL simulation model and has no affect on how the
Fitter sets the PLL parameters.
• inclock_phase_shift: clarified that this parameter is used to set
the phase shift parameters used by the PLL.
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LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Document Revision History
June 2013
• Removed Use clock pin parameter. This parameter is no longer
available for the megafunction beginning from ACDS 13.0.
• Updated Table 1 to include Arria V, Arria V GZ, and Stratix V
device family support. Also added a note to clarify that Altera
recommends implementing the Bus LVDS (BLVDS) I/O with user
logic, instead of the ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX megafunc‐
• Updated Table 5 and Table 6 to remove Stratix V device family
support and to clarify that In Cyclone series, except Cyclone V, the
SERDES is always implemented in logic cells for the Implement
Deserializer circuitry in logic cells option.
• Updated Table 5 to clarify that the values for the What is the phase
alignment of 'tx_in' with respect to the rising edge of 'tx_
inclock'? (in degrees) option is device dependent.
• Updated Table 5 and Table 6 to remove Stratix V device family
support for the Enable self-reset on lost lock in PLL, Enable PLL
Calibration, and Use 'dpa_pll_recal' input port options.
• Updated Table 6 to add Arria V and Arria V GZ devices support
for the Enable Dynamic Phase Alignment mode, Use 'rx_
divfwdclk' output port and bypass the DPA FIFO, Use 'rx_dpa_
locked' output port, Use a DPA initial phase selection of, and
Align DPA to rising edge of data only options.
• Updated Table 6 to clarify that the values for the What is the phase
alignment of 'rx_in' with respect to the rising edge of 'rx_
inclock'? option is device dependent.
• Updated Table 6 to add the Is this interface constrained to the
left, or right banks? option.
• Updated to add Arria V and Arria V GZ devices support for
• Updated to remove Stratix V device family support for the
deserialization_factor, use_no_phase_shift, use_external_
pll, and pll_self_reset_on_loss_lock (Stratix V devices do not
support SERDES using logic cells).
• Updated to add Arria V and Arria V GZ devices support for
• Updated to add Arria V and Arria V GZ devices support for
inclock_data_alignment, outclock_divide_by, outclock_
duty_cycle, outclock_resource, registered_input, and use_
• Updated to add Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
Document Revision History
June 2013
• Updated Standard Mode on page 47 to add a note to recommend
using rx_divfwdclk (instead of any static clock) as the SignalTap
capturing clock.
• Updated Receiver Skew Margin and Transmitter Channel-toChannel Skew on page 54to fix the error in RSKM equation by
replacing TCCS with RCCS. Also added information on how to
apply the RCCS figure to the RSKM calculation in TimeQuest.
• Updated Arria II GX, Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and
Stratix V LVDS Package Skew Compensation Report Panel on
page 61 to add Arria V, Arria V GZ, and Cyclone V devices.
• Updated Figure 2 to fix the waveform error for c1 (288 degrees
phase shift)
• Updated tx_enable and rx_enable ports inTable 11 and Table
10 to clarify that the Set up PLL in LVDS mode option and the
enable0 and enable1 ports are only for Stratix II devices.
• Updated Parameters Used by the ALTPLL Megafunction.
• Added a link to the High-Speed Differential I/O Interfaces and
DPA in Arria V Devices
October 2012
• Updated Table 2-2 on page 2-7 to fix content error for the What is
the deserialization factor? and Use 'rx_dpa_locked' output port
• Updated "Clock Forwarding" on page 3-1.
• Updated "DPA PLL Calibration" on page 3-4 to fix device family
• Updated "Dedicated SERDES" on page 3-9 to add a note on
TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
• Updated Table 3-5 on page 3-25 to update description for rx_
in[]and rx_inclock.
• Updated Table 3-6 on page 3-28 to update description for tx_
inclock and tx_out[].
February 2012
• Updated "Source-Synchronous Timing Analysis and Timing
Constraints" section.
• Added design examples.
• Updated "Parameter Settings" chapter to include "Use Clock Pin"
Altera Corporation
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Document Revision History
June 2011
• Reorganized the document format.
• Added "Source-Synchronous Timing Analysis and Timing
Constraints" section.
• Added "Generating Clock Signals for LVDS Interface" section.
• Updated the timing diagram in the "Receiver Skew Margin and
Transmitter Channel-to-Channel Skew" section.
• Updated "Parameter Settings" chapter.
• Added "Using Clear Box Generator" section.
August 2010
• Updated "DPA PLL Calibration in Stratix III and Stratix IV E
Devices" section.
• Added Verilog HDL prototypes.
• Added VHDL LIBRARY-USE declaration.
• Added VHDL Component Declarations.
• Added new ports and parameters.
• Added new parameter settings.
• Removed Design Examples for this release.
November 2009
Added "Arria II GX and Stratix V LVDS Package Skew Compensation
Report Panel".
September 2009
• Added "Device Support".
• Updated "Specifications" section to include "Ports and Parameters
in ALTLVDS_RX Megafunction" and "Ports and Parameters in
ALTLVDS_TX Megafunction".
• Added "Specifications".
March 2009
• Updated Table 4, and Table 12.
• Added DPA Misalignment Issue, Figure 3, and "DPA PLL Calibra‐
tion", Figure 20 and Figure 21.
• Added Table 11 ALTLVDS Receiver DPA settings 3 option (page 7)
and Table 19 Configuration Settings for Design Example 4 (LVDS
• Added description about "Design Example 4: Stratix III ALTLVDS
Receiver with DPA PLL Calibration.
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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Altera Corporation
Document Revision History
December 2008
Updated for the Quartus II software 8.1:
• Removed figures.
• Added Stratix IV to Device Family Support.
• Updated Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8, Table
12, Table 13, Table 15,Table 3-1, Table 3-2, Table 3-3, Table 3-4,
and Table 3-6.
• Added Enable bitslip control, Enable independent bitslips controls
for each channel, and Register the bitslip control input using 'rx_
outclock' parameters and descriptions Table 11.
• Updated steps in Functional Results-Simulate the ALTLVDS
Receiver/Transmitter Design in the ModelSim-Altera Software,
Functional Results-Simulate the ALTLVDS Receiver/Transmitter
Design in the Quartus II Software, "Functional Results-Simulatethe
ALTLVDS Receiver/Transmitter Design in the ModelSim-Altera
• Added tx_syncclock and descriptions in Table 3-1.
• Added rx_data_align and rx_syncclock in Table 3-4.
• Updated descriptions in Table 3-6.
May 2008
Small changes to Table 2-7 on page 2-27 and Table 2-9 on page 2-32.
November 2007
Updated for the Quartus® II software v7.2, including:
• Added soft-CDR mode.
• Added description of new receiver output port rx_divfwdclk[].
• Added description of new receiver parameters enable_soft_cdr, is_
negative_ppm_drift,net_ppm_variation, enable_dpa_align_to_
rising_edge_only, dpa_initial_phase_ value, and enable_dpa_
initial_phase _selection.
• Updated two design examples.
• Added third design example using soft-CDR mode.
March 2007
Updated for Quartus II software 7.0, including Cyclone® III informa‐
December 2006
Updated Table 1-1 to include Stratix® III information.
November 2006
Updated for the Quartus II software 6.1.
June 2006
Updated for the Quartus II software 6.0.
August 2005
Minor content changes.
December 2004
Initial release.
Altera Corporation
LVDS SERDES Transmitter/Receiver IP Cores User Guide
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