PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQC12001084814 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILLE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILLE-Amer|ca NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY PT. KEMET Electronics lndonesia(V005505) BATAMINDO INDUSTRIAL PARK, LOT32S,KEL MUKA KUNING KEC, SeiBeduk, BATAM,INDONESIA NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION Fixed capacitors for electrom ag netic i nterference suppression F873 0.01 pF-1 .8pF +5o/o, !100/o, !20o/oi X1 ; 760V; 50/60H2; 40/1 10/56 B THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS 1EC60384-14:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + lnitial Factory lnspection + Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules CQC1 1 -47 1112-2A09. Date of issue: Sep.02,2013 Validity of this certificate is subject to positive result of the regular follow up inspection by issuing certification body until the expiry date. Date of original certification: Dec.05,2012 f,/ o President: h tr+ (r, {Pzr?\ laz %ct CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seclion 9.No.t88.Nonsihuon Xilu, Beijing 100070 P.R.Chino http://www.cec; c 005 frL27 lrllrnc) lq ilffi+ F ffir tht: i,a+ CQC12001 084814 Ffrx*fitr/.&,ln &i fr,+frrR^A 29681 2835 KEMET SIMPSONVILI,E-Ftr 1YAY +{€E-* fitr,-&,hL &^ fr,+frrR^{ 2835 KEMET IYAY 29681 SIMPSONVILIN-IE APAJL A*&/.N,'N a"Afr,te? E-fufr fifr [Rz,}A (vooss os) ++ BATAMINDO INDUSTRIAL PARK, L0T325,Y-EL#H^ KUNING KEC, Sei Beduk, BlTlM, lP /:L/L)Y4 L P€"Afitrfiv?$rl, *fl.#, 4+ ttY +t fr.,)fr. fr, frfr,+ tr,n H E {, * e3 , F873 0.01pF-1.8pF *570, *1070, +20%; Xl; 760Y;50/60H2;40/110/56 . Pt"*fr&tu+r^**. IEC6 0384- 14: 2005 t/.i'Ei*Jt P 8" }. iEP tr"fSACQ Ctt- 4 7 i;r+ fr *# .&i,r4 t f tt d * *'tt EfH.,Et t t12-20 gr/(iEfl r{ 6t *+, *t E-il,in 4.;\. p\IA*ar k 0 EieH #t: 2oL3+09 A oza *t + #t 6 *,W4iLW Nintil"fiq fiR.#-H6#. 2012+12 A 0s ,;0 AR;rS iE+ 6 )kffih-fl ^,8 *ll: , E,f:E = + trEEiAiE F,L' +E. ltH . H' grxEp.'1g$e,'g,N'.,i ooozo http:/lwww.;eQdrie,om:;eE,' c 0050L27 . : rr ltr' ,.r,...:,:. .: : . : . " B