PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQCl2001084708 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER KEM ET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY KEMET ELECTRON tCS OY(VO1 261 4) SIIKARANNANTIE 3, Fin-89600 SU0MUSSALMl,Finland NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION Fixed capacitors for electrom ag netic nterference i su ppression F872X1480V- 0.001pF-5.6pF ts%,t10%,t20o/o 50/60H240/110/56/C(<1750mm3) ea 40/1 1 0/56/8( > 1 750mm3) THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS 1EC60384-14:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + lnitial Factory lnspection + Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules CQC1 I -47 1112-2009. Date of issue: 0ec.05,2012 Date of expiry: Dec.05,2016 Validity of this certificate is subject to positive result of the regutar follow up issuing certification body until the expiry date. President: Wang Kejiao CHINA AUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTR Seclion 9,No.l88,Nonsihuon Xilu, Beijing 100070 P.R.Chino hltp:// n c 004 202L tr ffit ie+!frh+: ffifr# CQc12001 084708 f frx*filr.trrn &ia"+frrR^4 2835 KEMET }YAY 29681 SIMPSONVILLE_48 *'l€ft'z *&r.N'rt ai€+4-FR/}A 2835 KEMET l{Ay 29681 STMPSONVTLLE-iF APA*A*&/.N,}i rK/};l (v012614) 4i il,tfr3, Fin-89600 SI IKARANNANTIE SUOMUSSALMI, *"_ *fl,#, 45 P 8",*+&4" Fh+ Ih.,N H R € tr :F ^r,1, F872 Xl 480V- 0.001pF-5.6pF +5%, + t}Vo, *20V0 S0/60H2 40/tt0/56/C ({ lzsOmmg) fi. +O / tt0/56/B(> tzSOmmSl T,Y +I fr,'R fr., PE"t6#f"+f^4{i IEC60384-1 4:2005 iAi'EiFJ( td-*#tr6fK-Et P 8"4.A.t;\,{f*az }.iAP f"ff4-CQ cll-47 1112-2009t,('ir*4,I'l 6t** , *tArtbi.r" 2ol6ftt2n osa ainE S: 2oL2+12fl Os n ktf fr*#E: i,f + fr *Hft +.iE + fi 6 *'W4&# fi,f* ,tiild/tffifi{r R#_K€-#. , +trffiEi,Iitr4,L' +E . ltH . ffiElfiEffi 1888 etr http ://www. cq c. c om. c n c 0042a2r 100070