PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQC12001084713 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER KEMET Electronics 0orporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILLE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY KEMEI Electronics Bulgaria EAD(V010800) 267 ,Fsar Osvoboditel str. 2500 Kyustendil,Bulgaria NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION Fixed capacitors for electrom ag netic nterference su ppression i F 87 2 Xl 480V- 0. 00 1 ;t F-5. 6 1tF tlo/o,t1 0o/o,t20o/o 50/60 40/1 1 0/56/8( > 1 H z 40/1 1 0/56/C (< 1 750mm3 ) 4 750mm3) THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS 1EC60384-14:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + lnitial Factory lnspection + Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules CQCI 1 -47 1112-2009. Date of issue: Dec.05,2012 Date of expiry: Dec.05,2016 Vatidity of this cdrtificate is subject to positive result of the regular follow up issuing certification body until the expiry date. President: Wang Kejiao CHINA QUALIry CERTIFICATION CE Seclion 9,No.l88,Nqnsihuon Xilu, Beijing 100070 P.R.Chino c 0042019 F ffii,Iffiifr# ie+rfa+: cQcl2001 08471 3 FfrxzfttrLfu,hL aifr,t6rR^4 2835 KEMET lYAy 29681 SIMPSONVILI,B-FE *'l€69 *&r.N,rn ari fr,+fr rR/}a 2835 KEMET }YAY 29681 SIMPSONVILLE-*E APAJL AfttrAN,'N fr-'t4Yts4'Jftfr rK/).{ (v010800) &i 267, Tsar 0svoboditel str. 2500 Kyustendil,l*)tp4lfr, PnZ+&4"Arl, *fll#, 4+ tt\+lt,),8fr,++fun E E {,tre"F F872 Xl 480V- 0. 001pF-5. 6pF *5y0, * 1070, *20V0 50/60H2 40/Il0/56/C ({ tZSOrnme) fi, q0 / n0/ 56/B(> 1750mn3) P$"i+&fr+{i*+ IEC60384-14:2005 izt+ffi4 P 8"4.dli.lf*ar k r f lt d* *'tt6f#.€. }. idP tr"ff ACQ CLL- 47 Ir L2-2 0 }gtAi,afl,I'l AifrEl 6 *-ir + fi 6 *'W44<+E +{a, *tA*Uir " 6*#E: #: 2ot2+r2n os n ift + 6 *H 6t AitrJa.ffi61r 2ot6Sr2 A os a RSIH6#. E{S, + trffiEiJ'iE*,1. +E ItH . ffi'grfiE's& http: c 0042019 188,€ //www.cq c.c sE o m. c n 1ooo7o