PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQC13001088067 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEM ET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER KEM ET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY KEM ET E LECTRON ICS MACE DON lA DOOE L Skopje(V0 1T 420\ Technological indushial development zone Skopje 1, NN, 1041 llinden, R. Macedonia. NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION Fixed capacitors for electromag netic i nterference suppression F881 : 0.00 1 to 1 u F +5o/o, !100/o, !20o/o; Y2; 300V; 50/60H2; 40/1 1 0/56C (< 1 750mm3) and 40/110/568 (>1750mm3) THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS I EC60384-1 4 :2005(Third Edition) CERTIFICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + lnitial Factory lnspection + Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules GQC1 1 -47 1112.2009. Date of issue: Feb.20,2013 Date of expiry: Feb.20,2017 Validity of this certificate is subject to positive result of the regular follow up issuing certification body until the expiry date. xo 67w a\ 'lE Z.\ tF|.lI President: K4 CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seclion 9,No.l88,Nonsihuqn Xilu, Beijing 100070 P.R.Chinq htip:// c 0009655 ctl 4e F ffii,Iffitr# ifr+rih+: CQCl3001088067 FfrxzfttrLr&,rn 2835 2835 &ifr,+frrF.z}a KEMET \vAy 29681 srMpsONVrLLE-lH *'l€fi'z fttrr.r&,ri ARfr.+frrR^A KEMET lYAy 29681 SIMPS0NVILT.E-*E AFAJL A+&/.r,t,TI at€+4++frfrF&/,}q (vorl 420) Technological industrial development zone skopje 1, NN, 1041 ilinden, Er *+fr Pt"*+&fuAr,l, ifln#, 4.+ €^# fr-,rFfr.,n*,tllufrl HE F881: 0.001 to luF *5%, *1070, *20V0; Y2; 300V; E0/60H2 40/lt0/S6C Jtp+,J ({tZSOmmg) and 40/110/568 (>1750mm3) PE"*+',t.*+ IEC60384-1 4: 2005 (Third Edi t ion) tu\'itriF{ F 8"4.;\C4f*ar l/t:-f tt_*#'tn6M.€t }. dP tr".ffi AC QC t L- 47L t t 2- 200 gtl1Eil,,A{ 6t * {a, *#ArrLir . hinl #: 20t3+02 n 20a fr*#E: 20t7+02n iE + 6 ft# A Air + #16 tuW+&+E Eieiluffifit R.#tH6# .ryrU Hb ,gF +,ff, + + c 0009655 EEi,IiE*,1' Jbtr . ffi'8r66ffi 18S€ eE 1oo0zo http:/lwww.eqc.c om. c n i?n 'lE a-\ il+'tl \r K4 *Etc) ln <-{ & ^/