DATASHEET Rev. B DCHF10W SERIES 2:1 Input Voltage Ranges Single and Dual Outputs 10~16.2 Watts Output Power DC/DC Chassis Mount Power Converters FEATURES • Single and Dual Outputs • Built-in EMI Filter • RoHS Compliant • 10~16.2 Watts Output Power • Output Voltage Adjustability • Free Air Convection • 2:1 Input Voltage Ranges • Dimensions: 3.94 x 2.83 x 1.22 Inches • High Reliability • Short Circuit and Over Load Protected DESCRIPTION The DCHF10W series of DC/DC power converters offers output power from 10~16.2 Watts in a 3.94” x 2.83” x 1.22” enclosed case. This series has 2:1 input voltage ranges of 10-18VDC, 18-36VDC, 36-72VDC, and 72144VDC. This series also has single and dual output models available. Some features include output adjustability, a built-in EMI filter, and short circuit and over load protection. All models in this series are RoHS compliant. 11/24/2010 Wall Industries, Inc. 37 Industrial Drive Exeter, NH 03833 603-778-2300 Fax 603-778-9797 Page 1 of 4 DCHF10W Series 10~16.2 Watts Single and Dual Outputs DC/DC Chassis Mount Power Converters Rev. A SPECIFICATIONS: DCHF10W SERIES All specifications are based on 25°C, Nominal Input Voltage, and Maximum Output Current unless otherwise noted. We reserve the right to change specifications based on technological advances. SPECIFICATION TEST CONDITIONS Min Nom Max Unit 10 18 36 72 72 12 24 48 90 110 18 36 72 144 144 VDC INPUT SPECIFICATIONS 12VDC nominal input models 24VDC nominal input models 48VDC nominal input models 90VDC nominal input models 110VDC nominal input models Input Voltage Range OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Output Voltage Single Output Models Multi-Output Models: V1 Full load V1 V2,3 (with regulators) V2,3 (without regulators) Output Voltage Adjustment Range Line Regulation Load Regulation -10 -5 ≤ -0.5 ≤ -0.5 ≤ -3 ≤ -6 Output Current Output Power Ripple & Noise PROTECTION Over Load Protection Short Circuit Protection GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Efficiency See Table +10 +5 ≤ +0.5 ≤ +0.5 ≤ +3 ≤ +6 See Table See Table See Table 110 % % % 150 % Yes See Table Withstand Voltage Isolation Resistance ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Operating Humidity (non-condensing) Storage Temperature Storage Humidity (non-condensing) Cooling Method PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Input to Output Input to FG Output to FG At 500VDC All for 1 minute 1000 1000 500 > 100 -10 20 -20 20 VDC MΩ +50 90 +85 95 Free air convection °C % RH °C % RH 3.94 x 2.83 x 1.22 inches (100 x 58 x 31 mm) 4.94 oz (140g) Dimensions (L x W x H) Weight SAFETY & EMC CHARACTERISTICS Safety Standards EMC Standards Design refer to LVD Design refer to EN55022, EN61000-4 *Due to advances in technology, specifications subject to change without notice. 11/24/2010 Wall Industries, Inc. 37 Industrial Drive Exeter, NH 03833 603-778-2300 Fax 603-778-9797 Page 2 of 4 DCHF10W Series 10~16.2 Watts Single and Dual Outputs DC/DC Chassis Mount Power Converters Rev. A MODEL SELECTION TABLE SINGLE OUTPUT MODELS Model Input Voltage DCHF10W-SD12-5 12 VDC DCHF10W-SD12-12 (10 – 18 VDC) DCHF10W-SD12-24 DCHF10W-SD24-5 24 VDC DCHF10W-SD24-12 (18 – 36 VDC) DCHF10W-SD24-24 DCHF10W-SD48-5 48 VDC DCHF10W-SD48-12 (36 – 72 VDC) DCHF10W-SD48-24 DCHF10W-SD90-5 90 VDC DCHF10W-SD90-12 (72 – 144 VDC) DCHF10W-SD90-24 DCHF10W-SD110-5 110 VDC DCHF10W-SD110-12 (72 – 144 VDC) DCHF10W-SD110-24 Output Voltage Output Current Ripple & Noise Output Power Efficiency 5 VDC 2.0 A 80mVp-p 10W 70% 12 VDC 1.0 A 120mVp-p 12W 72% 24 VDC 0.5 A 150mVp-p 12W 76% 5 VDC 2.0 A 80mVp-p 10W 70% 12 VDC 1.0 A 120mVp-p 12W 72% 24 VDC 0.5 A 150mVp-p 12W 76% 5 VDC 2.0 A 80mVp-p 10W 70% 12 VDC 1.0 A 120mVp-p 12W 72% 24 VDC 0.5 A 150mVp-p 12W 76% 5 VDC 2.0 A 80mVp-p 10W 70% 12 VDC 1.0 A 120mVp-p 12W 72% 24 VDC 0.5 A 150mVp-p 12W 76% 5 VDC 2.0 A 80mVp-p 10W 70% 12 VDC 1.0 A 120mVp-p 12W 72% 24 VDC 0.5 A 150mVp-p 12W 76% Output Power Efficiency 15W 68% 16.2W 69% 15W 68% 16.2W 69% 15W 68% 16.2W 69% 15W 68% 16.2W 69% 15W 68% 16.2W 69% DUAL OUTPUT MODELS Model DCHF10W-DD12-A DCHF10W-DD12-B DCHF10W-DD24-A DCHF10W-DD24-B DCHF10W-DD48-A DCHF10W-DD48-B DCHF10W-DD90-A DCHF10W-DD90-B DCHF10W-DD110-A DCHF10W-DD110-B 11/24/2010 Input Voltage V1 V2 12 VDC V1 (10 – 18 VDC) Output Voltage Output Current Ripple & Noise 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p 12 VDC 0.1 ~ 0.5 A 100mVp-p 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p V2 24 VDC 0.05 ~ 0.3 A 150mVp-p V1 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p V2 24 VDC 12 VDC 0.1 ~ 0.5 A 100mVp-p V1 (18 – 36 VDC) 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p 24 VDC 0.05 ~ 0.3 A 150mVp-p V2 V1 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p V2 48 VDC 12 VDC 0.1 ~ 0.5 A 100mVp-p V1 (36 – 72 VDC) 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p V2 24 VDC 0.05 ~ 0.3 A 150mVp-p V1 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p V2 90 VDC 12 VDC 0.1 ~ 0.5 A 100mVp-p V1 (72 – 144 VDC) 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p V2 24 VDC 0.05 ~ 0.3 A 150mVp-p V1 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p V2 110 VDC 12 VDC 0.1 ~ 0.5 A 100mVp-p V1 (72 – 144 VDC) 5 VDC 0.2 ~ 1.8 A 60mVp-p 24 VDC 0.05 ~ 0.3 A 150mVp-p V2 Wall Industries, Inc. 37 Industrial Drive Exeter, NH 03833 603-778-2300 Fax 603-778-9797 Page 3 of 4 Rev. A DCHF10W Series 10~16.2 Watts Single and Dual Outputs DC/DC Chassis Mount Power Converters MECHANICAL DRAWING Unit: inches (mm) COMPANY INFORMATION Wall Industries, Inc. has created custom and modified units for over 50 years. Our in-house research and development engineers will provide a solution that exceeds your performance requirements on-time and on budget. Our ISO9001-2008 certification is just one example of our commitment to producing a high quality, well-documented product for our customers. Our past projects demonstrate our commitment to you, our customer. Wall Industries, Inc. has a reputation for working closely with its customers to ensure each solution meets or exceeds form, fit and function requirements. We will continue to provide ongoing support for your project above and beyond the design and production phases. Give us a call today to discuss your future projects. Contact Wall Industries for further information: Phone: Toll Free: Fax: E-mail: Web: Address: 11/24/2010 (603)778-2300 (888)597-9255 (603)778-9797 5 Watson Brook Rd. Exeter, NH 03833 Wall Industries, Inc. 37 Industrial Drive Exeter, NH 03833 603-778-2300 Fax 603-778-9797 Page 4 of 4