WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT IDT82V3001A FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • Supports AT&T TR62411 and Telcordia GR-1244-CORE Stratum 4 Enhanced and Stratum 4 timing for DS1 interfaces • Supports ETSI ETS 300 011, TBR 4, TBR 12 and TBR 13 timing for E1 interface • Selectable input reference signal: 8 kHz, 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz • Provides eight types of clock signals: C1.5o, C3o, C2o, C4o, C6o, C8o, C16o and C32o • Provides six types of 8 kHz framing pulses: F0o, F8o, F16o, F32o, RSP and TSP • Holdover frequency accuracy of 0.025 ppm • Phase slope of 5 ns/125 µs Attenuates wander from 2.1 Hz Fast Lock mode Provides Time Interval Error (TIE) correction MTIE of 600 ns JTAG boundary scan Holdover status indication Freerun status indication Normal status indication Lock status indication 3.3 V operation with 5 V tolerant I/O Package available: 56-pin SSOP DESCRIPTION The IDT82V3001A is a WAN PLL with single reference input. It contains a Digital Phase-Locked Loop (DPLL), which generates ST-BUS clocks and framing signals that are phase locked to a 2.048 MHz, 1.544 MHz or 8 kHz input reference. The IDT82V3001A provides eight types of clock signals (C1.5o, C3o, C6o, C2o, C4o, C8o, C16o, C32o) and six types of framing signals (F0o, F8o, F16o, F32o, RSP, TSP) for the multitrunk T1 and E1 primary rate transmission links. The IDT82V3001A is compliant with AT&T TR62411, Telcordia GR1244-CORE Stratum 4 Enhanced and Stratum 4, ETSI ETS 300 011. It meets the jitter/wander tolerance, jitter/wander transfer, intrinsic jitter/ wander, frequency accuracy, capture range, phase change slope, holdover frequency accuracy and MTIE (Maximum Time Interval Error) requirements for these specifications. The IDT82V3001A can be used in synchronization and timing control for T1 and E1 systems, or used as ST-BUS clock and frame pulse sources. It can also be used in access switch, access routers, ATM edge switches, wireless base station controllers, or IADs (Integrated Access Devices), PBXs and line cards. The IDT logo is a registered trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. OCTOBER 22, 2003 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE 1 2003 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. DSC-6242/2 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OSCo OSCi VDD TCLR VSS VDD VSS VDD VSS TIE Control Block Fref Virtual Reference DPLL FLOCK JTAG Invalid Input Signal Detection Feedback Signal Input Frequency Selection State Control Circuit MODE_sel1 MODE_sel0 NORMAL HOLDOVER FREERUN Figure - 1 Block Diagram 2 C16o C8o C4o C2o C3o C1.5o C6o F0o F8o F16o F32o RSP TSP LOCK RST TIE_en VSS C32o OSC TDI TMS TRST TCK TDO VDD F_sel1 F_sel0 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 IDT82V3001A PIN CONFIGURATION........................................................................................................................... 6 2 PIN DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................................... 10 3.1 State Control Circuit............................................................................................................................................. 10 3.1.1 Normal Mode ............................................................................................................................................11 3.1.2 Fast Lock Mode ........................................................................................................................................ 11 3.1.3 Holdover Mode ......................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1.4 Freerun Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Frequency Select Circuit...................................................................................................................................... 12 3.3 Invalid Input Signal Detection .............................................................................................................................. 12 3.4 TIE Control Block................................................................................................................................................. 12 3.5 DPLL Block .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.5.1 Phase Detector (PHD) .............................................................................................................................. 14 3.5.2 Limiter ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 3.5.3 Loop Filter................................................................................................................................................. 14 3.5.4 Fraction Block ........................................................................................................................................... 14 3.5.5 Digital Control Oscillator (DCO)................................................................................................................ 14 3.5.6 Lock Indicator ........................................................................................................................................... 15 3.5.7 Output Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 15 3.6 OSC ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.6.1 Clock Oscillator......................................................................................................................................... 15 3.7 JTAG.................................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.8 Reset Circuit ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 4 MEASURES OF PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................. 16 4.1 Intrinsic Jitter........................................................................................................................................................ 16 4.2 Jitter Tolerance .................................................................................................................................................... 16 4.3 Jitter Transfer....................................................................................................................................................... 16 4.4 Frequency Accuracy ............................................................................................................................................16 4.5 Holdover Accuracy............................................................................................................................................... 16 4.6 Capture Range .................................................................................................................................................... 16 4.7 Lock Range.......................................................................................................................................................... 16 4.8 Phase Slope ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 4.9 Time Interval Error (TIE) ...................................................................................................................................... 16 4.10 Maximum Time Interval Error (MTIE) .................................................................................................................. 16 4.11 Phase Continuity.................................................................................................................................................. 16 4.12 Phase Lock Time ................................................................................................................................................. 17 5 TEST SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 18 5.1 AC Electrical Characteristics**............................................................................................................................. 19 6 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS...................................................................................................................................... 23 7 ORDERING INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................ 27 3 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE LIST OF FIGURES Figure - 1 Figure - 2 Figure - 3 Figure - 4 Figure - 5 Figure - 6 Figure - 7 Figure - 8 Figure - 9 Figure - 10 Figure - 11 Figure - 12 Figure - 13 Figure - 14 Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................................. 2 IDT82V3001A SSOP56 Package Pin Assignment........................................................................................... 6 State Control Block......................................................................................................................................... 10 State Control Diagram.................................................................................................................................... 11 TIE Control Circuit Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 12 State Switch with TIE Control Block Enabled................................................................................................. 13 State Switch with TIE Control Block Disabled ................................................................................................ 13 DPLL Block Diagram ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Clock Oscillator Circuit ................................................................................................................................... 15 Power-Up Reset Circuit.................................................................................................................................. 15 Input to Output Timing (Normal Mode)........................................................................................................... 24 Output Timing 1.............................................................................................................................................. 25 Output Timing 2.............................................................................................................................................. 26 Input Control Setup and Hold Timing ............................................................................................................. 26 4 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE LIST OF TABLES Table - 1 Table - 2 Table - 3 Table - 4 Table - 5 Table - 6 Table - 7 Table - 8 Table - 9 Table - 10 Table - 11 Table - 12 Table - 13 Table - 14 Table - 15 Table - 16 Table - 17 Table - 18 Pin Description .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Operating Modes and Status...........................................................................................................................10 Input Reference Frequency Selection ............................................................................................................. 12 Absolute Maximum Ratings**.......................................................................................................................... 18 Recommended DC Operating Conditions** .................................................................................................... 18 DC Electrical Characteristics** ........................................................................................................................ 18 Performance.................................................................................................................................................... 19 Intrinsic Jitter Unfiltered................................................................................................................................... 19 C1.5o (1.544 MHz) Intrinsic Jitter Filtered....................................................................................................... 20 C2o (2.048 MHz) Intrinsic Jitter Filtered.......................................................................................................... 20 8 kHz Input to 8 kHz Output Jitter Transfer ..................................................................................................... 20 1.544 MHz Input to 1.544 MHz Output Jitter Transfer..................................................................................... 20 2.048 MHz Input to 2.048 MHz Output Jitter Transfer..................................................................................... 21 8 kHz Input Jitter Tolerance ............................................................................................................................ 21 1.544 MHz Input Jitter Tolerance .................................................................................................................... 21 2.048 MHz Input Jitter Tolerance .................................................................................................................... 22 Timing Parameter Measurement Voltage Levels ............................................................................................ 23 Input / Output Timing....................................................................................................................................... 23 5 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT 1 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE IDT82V3001A PIN CONFIGURATION MODE_sel0 MODE_sel1 1 56 TIE_en 2 55 IC2 TCLR RST Fref 3 54 IC1 4 53 IC0 5 HOLDOVER IC IC 6 7 8 52 51 50 49 9 48 OSCo VDD 47 VSS IC 10 11 VSS 12 46 45 NORMAL FLOCK VDD 13 44 LOCK C6o 14 43 IC C1.5o 15 42 C3o C2o VSS 16 41 TSP RSP 17 40 F32o 18 19 20 39 38 37 F16o VSS VDD 21 22 36 35 F8o IC 23 34 IC C16o 24 C32o VDD 25 26 33 32 F0o TDI 31 TMS VSS 27 30 TRST TCK 28 29 TDO IC F_sel0 F_sel1 VDD C4o IC IC C8o FREERUN OSCi Figure - 2 IDT82V3001A SSOP56 Package Pin Assignment 6 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT 2 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE PIN DESCRIPTION Table - 1 Pin Description Pin Number Name Type VSS Power 12, 18, 27, Ground. 38, 47 0 V. All VSS pins should be connected to the ground. VDD Power 13, 19, 26, Positive Supply Voltage. 37, 48 All VDD pins should be connected to +3.3 V nominal. OSCo (CMOS) O 49 OSCi (CMOS) I 50 Fref I 5 This is the input reference source (falling edge) used for synchronization. One of three possible frequencies (8 kHz, 1.544 MHz, or 2.048 MHz) may be used. The Fref pin is internally pulled up to VDD. F_sel1 I 10 This input, in conjunction with F_sel0, determines which of three possible frequencies (8 kHz, 1.544 MHz, or 2.048 MHz ) may be input to the Reference Input. F_sel0 I 9 Description Oscillator Master Clock. This pin is left unconnected. Oscillator Master Clock. This pin is connected to a clock source. Reference Input. Input Frequency Select 1. Input Frequency Select 0. See above. Mode/Control Select 1. MODE_sel1 I 2 MODE_sel0 I 1 This input, in conjunction with MODE_sel0, determines the operation mode of the IDT82V3001A (Normal, Holdover or Freerun) . The logic level at this input is gated in by the rising edge of F8o. This pin is internally pulled down to VSS. See Table - 2. Mode/Control Select 0. See above. The logic level at this input is gated in by the rising edge of F8o. This pin is internally pulled down to VSS. Reset Input. RST I 4 A logic low at this pin resets the IDT82V3001A. To ensure proper operation, the device must be reset after the frequency of the input reference is changed and power-up. The RST pin should be held low for a minimum of 300 ns. While the RST pin is low, all framing and clock outputs are at logic high. TCLR I 3 Logic low at this input resets the TIE (Time Interval Error) control block, resulting in a realignment of output phase with input phase. The TCLR pin should be held low for a minimum of 300 ns. This pin is internally pulled up to VDD. TIE_en I 56 A logic high at this pin enables the TIE control block while a logic low at this pin disables the TIE control block. The logic level at this input is gated in by the rising edge of F8o. This pin is internally pulled down to Vss. FLOCK I 45 LOCK (CMOS) O 44 HOLDOVER (CMOS) O 52 TIE Circuit Reset. TIE Enable. NORMAL (CMOS) O 46 FREERUN (CMOS) O 51 C32o (CMOS) O 25 Fast Lock Mode. Set high to allow the DPLL to quickly lock to the input reference (less than 500 ms locking time). Lock Indicator. This output goes high when the DPLL is frequency locked to the input reference. Holdover Indicator. This output goes to a logic high whenever the DPLL goes into Holdover Mode. Normal Indicator. This output goes to a logic high whenever the DPLL goes into Normal Mode. Freerun Indicator. This output goes to a logic high whenever the DPLL goes into Freerun Mode. Clock 32.768 MHz. This output is a 32.768 MHz clock used for ST-BUS operation. 7 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE Table - 1 Pin Description (Continued) Name Type Pin Number C16o (CMOS) O 24 C8o (CMOS) O 23 C4o (CMOS) O 20 C2o (CMOS) O 17 C3o (CMOS) O 16 C1.5o (CMOS) O 15 C6o (CMOS) O 14 F32o (CMOS) O 40 F16o (CMOS) O 39 F8o (CMOS) O 36 F0o (CMOS) O 33 RSP (CMOS) O 41 TSP (CMOS) O 42 TDO (CMOS) O 29 TDI I 32 TRST I 30 TCK I 28 TMS I 31 IC0, IC1, IC2 - 53, 54, 55 Description Clock 16.384 MHz. This output is a 16.384 MHz clock used for ST-BUS operation. Clock 8.192 MHz. This output is an 8.192 MHz clock used for ST-BUS operation. Clock 4.096 MHz. This output is a 4.096 MHz clock used for ST-BUS operation. Clock 2.048 MHz. This output is a 2.048 MHz clock used for ST-BUS operation. Clock 3.088 MHz. This output is a 3.088 MHz clock used for T1 applications. Clock 1.544 MHz. This output is a 1.544 MHz clock used for T1 applications. Clock 6.312 MHz. This output is a 6.312 MHz clock used for DS2 applications. Frame Pulse ST-BUS 8.192 Mb/s. This is an 8 kHz 31 ns active low framing pulse, which marks the beginning of an ST-BUS frame. This is typically used for ST-BUS operation at 8.192 Mb/s. Frame Pulse ST-BUS 8.192 Mb/s. This is an 8 kHz 61 ns active low framing pulse, which marks the beginning of an ST-BUS frame. This is typically used for ST-BUS operation at 8.192 Mb/s. Frame Pulse. This is an 8 kHz 122 ns active high framing pulse, which marks the beginning of a frame. Frame Pulse ST-BUS 2.048 Mb/s. This is an 8 kHz 244 ns active low framing pulse, which marks the beginning of an ST-BUS frame. This is typically used for ST-BUS operation at 2.048 Mb/s and 4.096 Mb/s. Receive Sync Pulse. This is an 8 kHz 488 ns active high framing pulse, which marks the beginning of an ST-BUS frame. This is typically used to connect to Siemens MUNICH-32 device. Transmit Sync Pulse. This is an 8 kHz 488 ns active high framing pulse, which marks the beginning of an ST-BUS frame. This is typically used to connect to Siemens MUNICH-32 device. Test Serial Data Out. JTAG serial data is output on this pin on the falling edge of TCK. This pin is held in high impedance state if JTAG scan is not enabled. Test Serial Data In. JTAG serial test instructions and data are shifted in on this pin. This pin is internally pulled up to VDD. Test Reset. Asynchronously initializes the JTAG TAP controller by putting it in Test-Logic-Reset state. This pin is internally pulled up to VDD. It is connected to the ground for normal applications. Test Clock. Provides a clock to JTAG test logic. Test Mode Select. JTAG signal that controls the state transitions of the TAP controller. This pin is internally pulled up to VDD. Internal Connection. Internal Use. These pins should be connected to VSS when in normal operation. 8 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE Table - 1 Pin Description (Continued) Name Type IC - Pin Number Description 6, 7, 8, 11, Internal Connection. 21, 22, 34 Internal Use. These pins should be left open when in normal operation. 35, 43 9 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT 3 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The IDT82V3001A is a WAN PLL with single reference input, providing timing (clock) and synchronization (framing) signals to interface circuits for T1 and E1 Primary Rate Digital Transmission links. See Figure - 1. The detail is described in the following sections. 3.1 STATE CONTROL CIRCUIT The State Control Circuit is an important part of the IDT82V3001A. As shown in Figure - 3, the State Control Circuit outputs signals to enable/disable the TIE Control Block and control the operation mode of the DPLL Block based on MODE_sel0 and MODE_sel1 and TIE_en pins. TIE Block Enable/Disable Output of the Invalid Input Signal Detection DPLL Block Mode Control State Control Circuit TIE_en MODE_sel1 F8o MODE_sel0 Figure - 3 State Control Block The IDT82V3001A has three possible modes of operation: Normal, Holdover and Freerun. The mode selection pins, MODE_sel1 and MODE_sel0 select the operation mode. See Table - 2. Table - 2 Operating Modes and Status MODE_sel1 MODE_sel0 Mode 0 0 Normal 0 1 Holdover 1 0 Freerun 1 1 Reserved All state control changes occur synchronously on the rising edge of F8o. As shown in Figure - 4, the operating mode can be changed from one to another by the MODE_sel0 and MODE_sel1 pins, except the mode changes between Normal (S1) and Auto-Holdover (S2). The mode changes between Normal (S1) and Auto-Holdover (S2) are triggered by the Invalid Input Reference Detection Circuit and irrelative to the MODE_sel0 and MODE_sel1 pins. That is, at the stage of S1, the operating mode will be changed automatically from Normal (S1) to AutoHoldover (S2) if an invalid input reference is detected (input reference is out of the capture range). If the input reference becomes valid (within the capture range), the operating mode will be changed back to Normal (S1) automatically. When the operating mode is changed from one to another, the TIE control block will be disabled automatically as shown in Figure - 4, except the change from Holdover (S3) or Auto-Holdover (S2) to Normal (S1). In the case of changing from Holdover (S3) or Auto-Holdover (S2) to Normal (S1), the TIE control block can be manually enabled or disabled by the TIE_en pin, as required. 10 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE Reset * Au toT IE D ble Dis a Au to bl e sa Di TIE TIE Au to isa to Au ble TIE Dis a ble S0 Freerun Mode_sel1=1 Mode_sel0=0 (Valid Input Reference Signal) TIE Enable (TIE_en = H) (Valid Input Reference Signal) S1 Normal Mode_sel1=0 Mode_sel0=0 S2 Auto - Holdover Mode_sel1=0 Mode_sel0=0 TIE Disable (TIE_en = L) (Invalid Input Reference Signal) Auto TIE Disable Au to T ble sa le ab En Di IE IE Di sa ble toT Au E TI H) n= _e IE (T ble sa Di n= _e IE (T E TI S3 Holdover Mode_sel1=0 Mode_sel0=1 L) * Note: After reset, Mode_sel1 and Mode_sel0 should be initially set to '10' or '00'. Figure - 4 State Control Diagram 3.1.1 3.1.3 NORMAL MODE Holdover Mode is typically used for short duration (e.g., 2 seconds) while network synchronization is temporarily disrupted. In Holdover Mode, the IDT82V3001A provides timing and synchronization signals, which are not locked to the external reference signal but based on storage techniques. The storage value is determined while the device is in Normal Mode and locked to the external reference signal. In Normal Mode, when the output signal is locked to the input reference signal, a numerical value corresponding to the output frequency is stored alternately in two memory locations every 30 ms. When the device is switched into Holdover Mode, the stored value in memory from between 30 ms and 60 ms is used to set the output frequency of the device. The frequency accuracy in Holdover Mode is ±0.025 ppm, which corresponds to the worst case of 18 frame (125 µs per frame) slips in 24 hours. This meets AT&T TR62411 requirement of ±0.37 ppm (255 frame slips per 24 hours). The HOLDOVER pin will be set to logic high whenever the IDT82V3001A goes into Holdover Mode. Normal Mode is typically used when a slave clock source synchronized to the network is required. In this mode, the IDT82V3001A provides timing (C1.5o, C3o, C2o, C4o, C6o, C8o, C16o and C32o) and synchronization (F0o, F8o, F16o, F32o, TSP, RSP) signals, which are synchronous to the input reference. The input reference signal has a nominal frequency of 8 kHz, 2.048 MHz or 1.544 MHz. From a reset condition, the IDT82V3001A will take 30 seconds at most to make the output signals synchronous (phase locked) to the input reference. Whenever the IDT82V3001A enters Normal Mode, it will give an indication by setting the NORMAL pin to high. 3.1.2 HOLDOVER MODE FAST LOCK MODE Fast Lock Mode is a submode of Normal Mode. It is used to allow the IDT82V3001A to lock to a reference more quickly than Normal Mode will do. Typically, the DPLL will lock to the input reference within 500 ms if the FLOCK pin is high. 11 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT 3.1.4 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE 3.3 FREERUN MODE Freerun Mode is typically used when a master clock source is required, or a system is just powered up and the network synchronization has not been achieved. In Freerun Mode, the IDT82V3001A provides timing and synchronization signals which are based on the master clock frequency (OSCi) only and not synchronized to the input reference signal. The accuracy of the output clock is equal to the accuracy of the master clock (OSCi). So if a ±32 ppm output clock is required, the master clock must also be ±32 ppm. Refer to "OSC" section for more information. The FREERUN pin will go high whenever the IDT82V3001A works in Freerun Mode. 3.2 This circuit monitors the input reference signal into the IDT82V3001A. The IDT82V3001A will automatically enter Holdover Mode (Auto-Holdover) if the incoming reference signal is out of the capture range (See Table - 7), including a complete loss of input reference, or a large frequency shift in the input reference. When the input reference returns to normal, the DPLL will return to Normal Mode. In Holdover Mode, the output signal of the IDT82V3001A is based on the output signal 30 ms to 60 ms prior to entering Holdover Mode. The amount of phase drift in Holdover Mode is negligible because Holdover Mode is very accurate (e.g., 0.025 ppm). Consequently, the phase delay between the input and output after switching back to Normal Mode is preserved. FREQUENCY SELECT CIRCUIT 3.4 The IDT82V3001A accepts one reference input signal, Fref, and operates on its falling edge. The input reference can be 8 kHz, 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz. As shown in Table - 3, the F_sel1 and F_sel0 pins determine which of the three frequencies is selected. Every time the frequency is changed, the device must be reset to make the change effective. F_sel0 Input Frequency 0 0 Reserved 0 1 8 kHz 1 0 1.544 MHz 1 1 2.048 MHz TIE_en Fref Feedback signal TIE CONTROL BLOCK If the current reference is badly damaged or lost, it is necessary to use the reference generated by the storage techniques instead. But when switching the operation mode, a step change in phase on the input reference will occur. And a step change in phase at the input of the DPLL would lead to unacceptable phase changes in the output signals. The TIE control block, when enabled, prevents a step change in phase on the input reference signals from causing a step change in phase at the output of the DPLL block. Figure - 5 shows the TIE Control Block diagram. Table - 3 Input Reference Frequency Selection F_sel1 INVALID INPUT SIGNAL DETECTION Step Generation Storage Circuit Measure Circuit Trigger Circuit Virtual Reference Signal TCLR Figure - 5 TIE Control Circuit Diagram Trigger Circuit generates a virtual reference with the phase corrected to the same position as the previous reference according to the value stored in the Storage Circuit. With this TIE correction mechanism, the reference is switched without generating a step change in phase. Figure - 6 shows the phase transient that would result if a state switch is performed with the TIE Control Block enabled. The TIE Control Block will work under the control of the Step Generation circuit when it is enabled manually or automatically (by the TIE_en pin or TIE auto-enable logic generated by the State Control Circuit). The input reference signal is compared with the feedback signal (current output feedback from the Frequency Select Circuit) by the Measure Circuit. The phase difference between the input reference and the feedback signal is sent to the Storage Circuit for TIE correction. The 12 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE Input Clock Previous Fref Current Fref Output Clock Time = 0.00 s Time = 0.25 s Time = 0.50 s Time = 0.75 s Time = 1.0 s Time = 1.25 s Time = 1.50 s Time = 1.75 s Figure - 6 State Switch with TIE Control Block Enabled phase change between the input and output. If the TIE Control Block is disabled manually or automatically during state switching, the phase of the output signal will align with that of the new reference. The phase slope limited to 5 ns per 125 µs. Figure - 7 shows the phase transient resulting from a state switch with the TIE Control Block disabled. The phase difference in the Storage Circuit can be cleared by applying a logic low pulse to the TCLR pin. The reset pulse should be at least 300 ns. When the IDT82V3001A primarily enters Holdover Mode for short time periods and then turns back to Normal Mode, the TIE Control Circuit should not be enabled. This will prevent undesired accumulated Input Clock Previous Fref Current Fref Output Clock Time = 0.00 s Time = 0.25 s Time = 0.50 s Time = 0.75 s Time = 1.0 s Time = 1.25 s Time = 1.50 s Time = 1.75 s Figure - 7 State Switch with TIE Control Block Disabled 3.5 DPLL BLOCK a Limiter, a Loop Filter, a Digital Control Oscillator and Dividers. As shown in Figure - 8, the DPLL Block consists of a Phase Detector, 13 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE Output Interface 24.704 MHz T1_Divider Digital Control Oscillator Fraction_T1 32.768 MHz Loop Filter Limiter FLOCK Phase Detector Feedback Signal C3o E1_Divider C2o C4o C8o C16o C32o F0o F8o F16o F32o RSP TSP C6_Divider C6o Fraction_C6 25.248 MHz C1.5o Frequency Selection Circuit Virtual Reference F_sel1 F_sel0 Figure - 8 DPLL Block Diagram 3.5.1 FLOCK pin to high, the device will enter fast lock mode. In this mode, the Limiter is disabled and the DPLL will lock to the incoming reference within 500 ms. PHASE DETECTOR (PHD) In Normal Mode, the Phase Detector compares the virtual reference signal from the TIE Control Circuit with the feedback signal from the Frequency Select Circuit, and outputs an error signal corresponding to the phase difference between the two. This error signal is then sent to the Limiter circuit for phase slope control. The feedback signal can be 8 kHz, 2.048 MHz or 1.544 MHz, as selected by F_sel1 and F_sel0 pins. Refer to Table - 3 for details. In Freerun or Holdover Mode, the Frequency Select Circuit, the Phase Detector and the Limiter are not active and the input reference signal is not used. 3.5.2 3.5.3 LOOP FILTER The Loop Filter ensures that the jitter transfer meets ETS 300 011 and AT&T TR62411 requirements. This Loop Filter works similarly to a first order low pass filter with 2.1 Hz cutoff frequency for the three valid input reference signals (8 kHz, 2.048 MHz or 1.544 MHz). The output of the Loop Filter goes to the Digital Control Oscillator directly or via the Fraction blocks, in which E1, T1 and C6 signals are generated. LIMITER 3.5.4 The Limiter is used to ensure that the DPLL responds to all input transient conditions with a maximum output phase slope of 5 ns per 125 µs. This well meets AT&T TR62411 and Telcordia GR-1244-CORE specifications, which specify the maximum phase slope of 7.6 ns per 125 µs and 81 ns per 1.326 ms respectively. In Normal Mode, the Limiter receives the error signal from the Phase Detector, limits the phase slope within 5 ns per 125 µs and sends the limited signal to the Loop Filter. The fast lock mode is a submode of Normal Mode. By setting the FRACTION BLOCK By applying some algorithms to the incoming E1 signal, the Fraction_C6 and Fraction_T1 blocks generate C6 and T1 signals respectively. 3.5.5 DIGITAL CONTROL OSCILLATOR (DCO) In Normal Mode, the DCO receives three limited and filtered signals from Loop Filter or Fraction blocks. Based on the received signals, the DCO generates three digital outputs, 25.248 MHz, 32.768 MHz and 14 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE the OSCi input of the IDT82V3001A, and the OSCo output should be left open as shown in Figure - 9. 24.704 MHz for C6, E1 and T1 divider respectively. In Holdover mode, the DCO is running at the same frequency which is generated by using the storage techniques. In Freerun mode, the DCO is running at the same frequency as that of the master clock. 3.5.6 IDT82V3001A +3.3 V OSCi LOCK INDICATOR In Normal Mode, the LOCK pin will be set to high only when the following equation is satisfied: +3.3 V 20MHz OUT GND |fout – fin| ≤ 0.4 ppm fout = the average frequency of the output clock signal from the DPLL (within 2 seconds) fin = the average frequency of the input reference (within 2 seconds) In other operation modes, the LOCK pin remains low. 3.5.7 OSCo No Connection OUTPUT INTERFACE Figure - 9 Clock Oscillator Circuit The Output Interface uses three output signals of the DCO to generate eight types of clock signals and six types of framing signals totally. The 32.768 MHz signal is used by the E1_divider to generate five types of clock signals (C2o, C4o, C8o, C16o and C32o) with nominal 50% duty cycle and six types of framing signals (F0o, F8o, F16o, F32o, RSP and TSP). The 24.704 MHz signal is used by the T1_divider to generate two types of T1 signals (C1.5o and C3o) with nominal 50% duty cycle. The 25.248 MHz signal is used by the C6_divider to generate a C6o signal with nominal 50% duty cycle. All these output signals are synchronous to F8o. 3.6 3.7 JTAG The IDT82V3001A supports IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Scan. 3.8 RESET CIRCUIT A simple power up reset circuit is shown in Figure - 10. Resistor Rp is used for protection only and limits current into the RST pin during power down conditions. The reset low time is not critical but should be greater than 300 ns. In Figure - 10, the reset low time is about 50 µs. IDT82V3001A OSC 3.3 V The IDT82V3001A can use a clock as the master timing source. In Freerun Mode, the frequency tolerance at the clock outputs is identical to that of the source at the OSCi pin. For applications not requiring an accurate Freerun Mode, the tolerance of the master timing source may be ±100 ppm. For applications requiring an accurate Freerun Mode, such as AT&T TR62411, the tolerance of the master timing source must be no greater than ±32 ppm. The desired capture range should be taken into consideration when determining the accuracy of the master timing source. The sum of the accuracy of the master timing source and the capture range of the IDT82V3001A will always equal 230 ppm. For example, if the master timing source is 100 ppm, the capture range will be 130 ppm. 3.6.1 0.1 µF R 10 kΩ RST Rp 1 kΩ Figure - 10 Power-Up Reset Circuit CLOCK OSCILLATOR When selecting a clock oscillator, numerous parameters must be considered, including absolute frequency, frequency change over temperature, output rise and fall times, output levels and duty cycle. For applications requiring ±32 ppm clock accuracy, the following clock oscillator module may be used. FOX F7C-2E3-20.0 MHz Frequency: 20 MHz Tolerance: 25 ppm 0°C to 70°C Rise & Fall Time:10 ns (0.33 V 2.97 V 15 pF) Duty Cycle: 40% to 60% The output clock should be connected directly (not AC coupled) to 15 C 1 µF IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT 4 MEASURES MANCE OF INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE large input jitter signals (e.g., 75% of the specified maximum jitter tolerance). PERFOR- 4.4 The following are some synchronizer performance indicators and their corresponding definitions. 4.1 Frequency accuracy is defined as the absolute tolerance of an output clock signal when it is not locked to an external reference, but is operating in a free running mode. For the IDT82V3001A, the Freerun accuracy is equal to the Master Clock (OSCi) accuracy. INTRINSIC JITTER Intrinsic jitter is the jitter produced by the synchronizing circuit and is measured at its output. It is measured by applying a reference signal with no jitter to the input of the device, and measuring its output jitter. Intrinsic jitter may also be measured when the device is in a nonsynchronizing mode, such as free running or holdover, by measuring the output jitter of the device. Intrinsic jitter is usually measured with various band limiting filters depending on the applicable standards. In the IDT82V3001A, the intrinsic Jitter is limited to less than 0.02 UI on the 2.048 MHz and 1.544 MHz clocks. 4.2 4.5 HOLDOVER ACCURACY Holdover accuracy is defined as the absolute tolerance of an output clock signal, when it is not locked to an external reference signal, but is operating using storage techniques. For the IDT82V3001A, the storage value is determined while the device is in Normal Mode and locked to an external reference signal. The absolute Master Clock (OSCi) accuracy of the IDT82V3001A does not affect Holdover accuracy, but the change in OSCi accuracy while in Holdover Mode does. JITTER TOLERANCE Jitter tolerance is a measure of the ability of a DPLL to operate properly (i.e., remain in lock and or regain lock in the presence of large jitter magnitudes at various jitter frequencies) when jitter is applied to its reference. The applied jitter magnitude and jitter frequency depends on the applicable standards. 4.3 FREQUENCY ACCURACY 4.6 CAPTURE RANGE Also referred to as pull-in range. This is the input frequency range over which the synchronizer must be able to pull into synchronization. The IDT82V3001A capture range is equal to ±230 ppm minus the accuracy of the master clock (OSCi). For example, a 32 ppm master clock results in a capture range of 198 ppm. JITTER TRANSFER Jitter transfer or jitter attenuation refers to the magnitude of jitter at the output of a device for a given amount of jitter at the input of the device. Input jitter is applied at various amplitudes and frequencies, and output jitter is measured with various filters depending on the applicable standards. For the IDT82V3001A, two internal elements determine the jitter attenuation. This includes the internal 2.1 Hz low pass loop filter and the phase slope limiter. The phase slope limiter limits the output phase slope to 5 ns/125 µs. Therefore, if the input signal exceeds this rate, such as for very large amplitude low frequency input jitter, the maximum output phase slope will be limited (i.e., attenuated) to 5 ns/125 µs. The IDT82V3001A has fourteen outputs with three possible input frequencies for a total of 42 possible jitter transfer functions. Since all outputs are derived from the same signal, the jitter transfer values for three cases, 8 kHz to 8 kHz, 1.544 MHz to 1.544 MHz and 2.048 MHz to 2.048 MHz can be applied to all outputs. It should be noted that 1 UI at 1.544 MHz is 644 ns, which is not equal to 1 UI at 2.048 MHz, which is 488 ns. Consequently, a transfer value using different input and output frequencies must be calculated in common units (e.g., seconds). Using the above method, the jitter attenuation can be calculated for all combinations of input and outputs based on the three jitter transfer functions provided. Note that the resulting jitter transfer functions for all combinations of input (8 kHz, 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz) and outputs (8 kHz, 1.544 MHz, 3.088 MHz, 6.312 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 4.096 MHz, 8.192 MHz, 16.384 MHz, 32.768 MHz) for a given input signal (jitter frequency and jitter amplitude) are the same. Since intrinsic jitter is always present, jitter attenuation will appear to be lower for small input jitter signals than for large ones. Consequently, accurate jitter transfer function measurements are usually made with 4.7 LOCK RANGE This is the input frequency range over which the synchronizer must be able to maintain synchronization. The lock range is equal to the capture range for the IDT82V3001A. 4.8 PHASE SLOPE Phase slope is measured in seconds per second and is the rate at which a given signal changes phase with respect to an ideal signal. The given signal is typically the output signal. The ideal signal is of constant frequency and is nominally equal to the value of the final output signal or final input signal. 4.9 TIME INTERVAL ERROR (TIE) TIE is the time delay between a given timing signal and an ideal timing signal. 4.10 MAXIMUM TIME INTERVAL ERROR (MTIE) MTIE is the maximum peak to peak delay between a given timing signal and an ideal timing signal within a particular observation period. 4.11 PHASE CONTINUITY Phase continuity is the phase difference between a given timing signal and an ideal timing signal at the end of a particular observation period. Usually, the given timing signal and the ideal timing signal are of the same frequency. Phase continuity applies to the output of the synchronizer after a signal disturbance due to a mode change. The 16 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE observation period is usually the time from the disturbance, to just after the synchronizer has settled to a steady state. In the case of the IDT82V3001A, the output signal phase continuity is maintained to within ±5 ns at the instance (over one frame) of all mode changes. The total phase shift, depending on the type of mode change, may accumulate up to 200 ns over many frames. The rate of change of the 200 ns phase shift is limited to a maximum phase slope of approximately 5 ns/125 µs. This meets AT&T TR62411 maximum phase slope requirement of 7.6 ns/125 µs and Telcordia GR-1244CORE (81 ns/1.326 ms). 4.12 PHASE LOCK TIME This is the time it takes the synchronizer to phase lock to the input signal. Phase lock occurs when the input signal and output signal are not changing in phase with respect to each other (not including jitter). Lock time is very difficult to determine because it is affected by many factors, which include: i) Initial input to output phase difference ii) Initial input to output frequency difference iii) Synchronizer loop filter iv) Synchronizer limiter Although a short lock time is desirable, it is not always possible to achieve due to other synchronizer requirements. For instance, better jitter transfer performance is achieved with a lower frequency loop filter which increases lock time. And better (smaller) phase slope performance (limiter) results in longer lock times. The IDT82V3001A loop filter and limiter were optimized to meet AT&T TR62411 jitter transfer and phase slope requirements. Consequently, phase lock time, which is not a standards requirement, may be longer than in other applications. See Table - 7 for Maximum Phase Lock Time. The IDT82V3001A provides a fast lock pin (FLOCK), which enables the DPLL to lock to an incoming reference within approximately 500 ms when set high. 17 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT 5 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE TEST SPECIFICATIONS Table - 4 Absolute Maximum Ratings** Rating Min. Max. Unit Power Supply Voltage -0.5 5.0 V Voltage on Any Pin with Respect to Ground -0.5 VDD + 0.5 V 200 mW 125 °C Package Power Dissipation Storage Temperature -55 Note: Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Table - 5 Recommended DC Operating Conditions** Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Operating Temperature -40 +85 °C Power Supply Voltage 3.0 3.6 V Table - 6 DC Electrical Characteristics** Parameter Description Min Typ. Max Units Test Conditions IDDS Supply current with OSCi = 0 V 10 mA Outputs unloaded IDD Supply current with OSCi = Clock 60 mA Outputs unloaded VCIH CMOS high-level input voltage VCIL CMOS low-level input voltage VTIH TTL high-level input voltage VTIL TTL low-level input voltage IIL Input leakage current: Normal (low level) Normal (high level) Pull up (low level) Pull up (high level) Pull down (low level) Pull down (high level) -15 -15 -100 -15 -15 0 VOH High-level output voltage 2.4 VOL Low-level output voltage 0.7VDD 0.3VDD 2.0 0.8 15 15 0 15 15 100 0.4 18 V OSCi, Fref V OSCi, Fref V All input pins except for OSCi and Fref V All input pins except for OSCi and Fref µA VI = VDD or 0 V V IOH = 8 mA V IOL = 8 mA IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT 5.1 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS** Table - 7 Performance Description Min Typ. Max Units Test Conditions / Notes* Freerun Mode accuracy with OSCi at : 0 ppm -0 +0 ppm 3-6 Freerun Mode accuracy with OSCi at : ±32 ppm -32 +32 ppm 3-6 Freerun Mode accuracy with OSCi at : ±100 ppm -100 +100 ppm 3-6 Holdover Mode accuracy with OSCi at : 0 ppm -0.025 +0.025 ppm 2, 4-6, 38, 39 Holdover Mode accuracy with OSCi at : ±32 ppm -0.025 +0.025 ppm 2, 4-6, 38, 39 Holdover Mode accuracy with OSCi at : ±100 ppm -0.025 +0.025 ppm 2, 4-6, 38, 39 Capture range with OSCi at : 0 ppm -230 +230 ppm 1, 4-6 Capture range with OSCi at : ±32 ppm -198 +198 ppm 1, 4-6 Capture range with OSCi at : ±100 ppm -130 +130 ppm 1, 4-6 s 1, 4-12, 40 Phase lock time 50 Output phase continuity with mode switch to Normal 200 ns 2-12 Output phase continuity with mode switch to Freerun 200 ns 3-12 Output phase continuity with mode switch to Holdover 50 ns 1, 4-12 MTIE (maximum time interval error) 600 ns 1-12, 25 Output phase slope 40 µs/s 1-12, 25 Reference input for Auto-Holdover with 8 kHz -18 k +18 k ppm 1, 4, 7-9 Reference input for Auto-Holdover with 1.544 MHz -36 k +36 k ppm 1, 5, 7-9 Reference input for Auto-Holdover with 2.048 MHz -36 k +36 k ppm 1, 6, 7-9 **Note: Voltages are with respect to ground (Vss) unless otherwise stated. Table - 8 Intrinsic Jitter Unfiltered Description Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions / Notes* Intrinsic jitter at F8o ( 8 kHz ) 0.0001 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 26 Intrinsic jitter at F0o ( 8 kHz ) 0.0001 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 26 Intrinsic jitter at F16o ( 8 kHz ) 0.0001 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 26 Intrinsic jitter at C1.5o ( 1.544 MHz ) 0.015 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 27 Intrinsic jitter at C3o ( 3.088 MHz ) 0.03 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 29 Intrinsic jitter at C2o ( 2.048 MHz ) 0.01 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 28 Intrinsic jitter at C6o ( 6.312 MHz ) 0.06 UIpp 1-12, 19-22 Intrinsic jitter at C4o ( 4.096 MHz ) 0.02 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 30 Intrinsic jitter at C8o ( 8.192 MHz ) 0.04 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 31 Intrinsic jitter at C16o ( 16.834 MHz ) 0.04 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 32 Intrinsic jitter at TSP ( 8 kHz ) 0.0001 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 32 Intrinsic jitter at RSP ( 8 kHz ) 0.0001 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 32 0.08 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 33 Intrinsic jitter at C32o ( 32.768 MHz ) 19 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE Table - 9 C1.5o (1.544 MHz) Intrinsic Jitter Filtered Description Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions / Notes* Intrinsic jitter (4 Hz to 100 kHz filter) 0.008 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 27 Intrinsic jitter (10 Hz to 40 kHz filter) 0.006 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 27 Intrinsic jitter (8 kHz to 40 kHz filter) 0.006 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 27 Intrinsic jitter (10 Hz to 8 kHz filter) 0.003 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 27 Max Units Test Conditions / Notes* Intrinsic jitter (4 Hz to 100 kHz filter) 0.005 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 28 Intrinsic jitter (10 Hz to 40 kHz filter) 0.004 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 28 Intrinsic jitter (8 kHz to 40 kHz filter) 0.003 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 28 Intrinsic jitter (10 Hz to 8 kHz filter) 0.002 UIpp 1-12, 19-22, 28 Max Units Test Conditions / Notes* Table - 10 C2o (2.048 MHz) Intrinsic Jitter Filtered Description Min Typ Table - 11 8 kHz Input to 8 kHz Output Jitter Transfer Description Min Typ Jitter attenuation for 1 [email protected] UIpp input 0 6 dB 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 27, 33 Jitter attenuation for 1 [email protected] UIpp input 6 16 dB 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 27, 33 Jitter attenuation for 10 [email protected] UIpp input 15 22 dB 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 27, 33 Jitter attenuation for 60 [email protected] UIpp input 32 38 dB 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 27, 33 Jitter attenuation for 300 [email protected] UIpp input 42 dB 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 27, 33 Jitter attenuation for 3600 [email protected] UIpp input 50 dB 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 27, 33 Max Units Test Conditions / Notes* Table - 12 1.544 MHz Input to 1.544 MHz Output Jitter Transfer Description Min Typ Jitter attenuation for 1 Hz@20 UIpp input 0 6 dB 1-3, 7, 9-14, 21-22, 24, 29, 35 Jitter attenuation for 1 Hz@104 UIpp input 6 16 dB 1-3, 7, 9-14, 21-22, 24, 29, 35 Jitter attenuation for 10 Hz@20 UIpp input 17 22 dB 1-3, 7, 9-14, 21-22, 24, 29, 35 Jitter attenuation for 60 Hz@20 UIpp input 33 38 dB 1-3, 7, 9-14, 21-22, 24, 29, 35 Jitter attenuation for 300 Hz@20 UIpp input 45 dB 1-3, 7, 9-14, 21-22, 24, 29, 35 Jitter attenuation for 10 [email protected] UIpp input 48 dB 1-3, 7, 9-14, 21-22, 24, 29, 35 Jitter attenuation for 40 [email protected] UIpp input 50 dB 1-3, 7, 9-14, 21-22, 24, 29, 35 20 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE Table - 13 2.048 MHz Input to 2.048 MHz Output Jitter Transfer Description Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions / Notes* Jitter at output for 1 [email protected] UIpp input 2.5 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 33 Jitter at output for 1 [email protected] UIpp input with 40 Hz to 100 Hz filter 0.07 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 34 Jitter at output for 3 [email protected] UIpp input 1.4 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 33 Jitter at output for 3 [email protected] UIpp input with 40 Hz to 100 Hz filter 0.10 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 34 Jitter at output for 5 [email protected] UIpp input 0.90 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 33 Jitter at output for 5 [email protected] UIpp input with 40 Hz to 100 Hz filter 0.10 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 34 Jitter at output for 10 [email protected] UIpp input 0.40 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 33 Jitter at output for 10 [email protected] UIpp input with 40 Hz to 100 Hz filter 0.10 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 34 Jitter at output for 100 [email protected] UIpp input 0.06 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 33 Jitter at output for 100 [email protected] UIpp input with 40 Hz to 100 Hz filter 0.05 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 34 Jitter at output for 2400 [email protected] UIpp input 0.04 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 33 Jitter at output for 2400 [email protected] UIpp input with 40 Hz to 100 Hz filter 0.03 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 34 Jitter at output for 100 [email protected] UIpp input 0.04 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28, 33 Jitter at output for 100 [email protected] UIpp input with 40 Hz to 100 Hz filter 0.02 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22, 28 Table - 14 8 kHz Input Jitter Tolerance Description Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions / Notes* Jitter tolerance for 1 Hz input 0.80 UIpp 1, 4, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 26 Jitter tolerance for 5 Hz input 0.70 UIpp 1, 4, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 26 Jitter tolerance for 20 Hz input 0.60 UIpp 1, 4, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 26 Jitter tolerance for 300 Hz input 0.16 UIpp 1, 4, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 26 Jitter tolerance for 400 Hz input 0.14 UIpp 1, 4, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 26 Jitter tolerance for 700 Hz input 0.07 UIpp 1, 4, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 26 Jitter tolerance for 2400 Hz input 0.02 UIpp 1, 4, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 26 Jitter tolerance for 3600 Hz input 0.01 UIpp 1, 4, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 26 Units Test Conditions / Notes* Table - 15 1.544 MHz Input Jitter Tolerance Description Min Typ Max Jitter tolerance for 1 Hz input 150 UIpp 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 27 Jitter tolerance for 5 Hz input 140 UIpp 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 27 Jitter tolerance for 20 Hz input 130 UIpp 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 27 Jitter tolerance for 300 Hz input 38 UIpp 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 27 Jitter tolerance for 400 Hz input 25 UIpp 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 27 Jitter tolerance for 700 Hz input 15 UIpp 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 27 Jitter tolerance for 2400 Hz input 5 UIpp 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 27 Jitter tolerance for 10 kHz input 1.2 UIpp 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 27 Jitter tolerance for 40 kHz input 0.5 UIpp 1, 5, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 27 21 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE Table - 16 2.048 MHz Input Jitter Tolerance Description Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions / Notes* Jitter tolerance for 1 Hz input 150 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 28 Jitter tolerance for 5 Hz input 140 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 28 Jitter tolerance for 20 Hz input 130 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 28 Jitter tolerance for 300 Hz input 40 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 28 Jitter tolerance for 400 Hz input 33 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 28 Jitter tolerance for 700 Hz input 18 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 28 Jitter tolerance for 2400 Hz input 5.5 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 28 Jitter tolerance for 10 kHz input 1.3 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 28 Jitter tolerance for 100 kHz input 0.4 UIpp 1, 6, 7-12, 19-20, 22-24, 28 *Notes: Voltages are with respect to ground (VSS) unless otherwise stated. Supply voltage and operating temperature are as per Recommended Operating Conditions. Timing parameters are as per AC Electrical Characteristics - Timing Parameter Measurement Voltage Levels 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Normal Mode selected. Holdover Mode selected. Freerun Mode selected. 8 kHz Frequency Mode selected. 1.544 MHz Frequency Mode selected. 2.048 MHz Frequency Mode selected. Master clock input OSCi at 20 MHz ±0 ppm. Master clock input OSCi at 20 MHz ±32 ppm. Master clock input OSCi at 20 MHz ±100 ppm. Selected reference input at ±0 ppm. Selected reference input at ±32 ppm. Selected reference input at ±100 ppm. For Freerun Mode of ±0 ppm. For Freerun Mode of ±32 ppm. For Freerun Mode of ±100 ppm. For capture range of ±230 ppm. For capture range of ±198 ppm. For capture range of ±130 ppm. 25 pF capacitive load. OSCi Master Clock jitter is less than 2 nspp, or 0.04 UIpp where 1 UIpp = 1/20 MHz. Jitter on reference input is obtained at slightly higher input jitter amplitudes. Applied jitter is sinusoidal. Minimum applied input jitter magnitude to regain synchronization. Loss of synchronization is obtained at slightly higher input jitter amplitudes. Within 10 ms of the state, reference or input change. 1 UIpp = 125 µs for 8 kHz signals. 1 UIpp = 648 ns for 1.544 MHz signals. 1 UIpp = 488 ns for 2.048 MHz signals. 1 UIpp = 323 ns for 3.088 MHz signals. 1 UIpp = 244 ns for 4.096 MHz signals. 1 UIpp = 122 ns for 8.192 MHz signals. 1 UIpp = 61 ns for 16.484 MHz signals. 1 UIpp = 30 ns for 32.968 MHz signals. No filter. 40 Hz to 100 kHz bandpass filter. With respect to reference input signal frequency. After chip reset or TIE reset. Master clock duty 40% to 60%. Prior to Holdover Mode, device as in Normal Mode and phase locked. With input frequency offset of 100 ppm. 22 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT 6 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE TIMING CHARACTERISTICS Table - 17 Timing Parameter Measurement Voltage Levels Parameter Description CMOS Units VT Threshold Voltage 0.5VDD V VHM Rise and Fall Threshold Voltage High 0.7VDD V VLM Rise and Fall Threshold Voltage Low 0.3VDD V Notes: 1. Voltages are with respect to ground (VSS) unless otherwise stated. 2. Supply voltage and operating temperature are as per Recommended Operating Conditions. 3. Timing for input and output signals is based on the worst case result of the CMOS thresholds Timing Reference Points VHM VT VLM ALL SIGNALS tIRF,tORF tIRF,tORF Table - 18 Input / Output Timing Parameter Description Min Typ Max Units tRW Reference input pulse width high or low 51 tIRF Reference input rise or fall time tR8D 8 kHz reference input to F8o delay 8 ns tR15D 1.544 MHz reference input to F8o delay 332 ns tR2D 2.048 MHz reference input to F8o delay 253 ns tF0D F8o to F0o delay 118 tF16S F16o setup to C16o falling tF16H ns 10 124 ns 25 40 ns F16o hold to C16o falling 25 40 ns tC15D F8o to C1.5o delay -3 0 +3 ns tC3D F8o to C3o delay -3 1.6 +3 ns tC6D F8o to C6o delay -3 1.6 +3 ns tC2D F8o to C2o -2 0 +2 ns tC4D F8o to C4o -2 0 +2 ns tC8D F8o to C8o delay -2 0 +2 ns tC16D F8o to C16o delay -2 0 +2 ns tC32D F8o to C32o delay -2 2 +2 ns tTSPD F8o to TSP delay -3 0 +3 ns tRSPD F8o to RSP delay -3 0 +3 ns tC15W C1.5o pulse width high or low 323 ns tC3W C3o pulse width high or low 161 ns tC6W C6o pulse width high or low 82 ns 23 121 ns Test Conditions IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE Table - 18 Input / Output Timing (Continued) Parameter Description Min Typ Max tC2W C2o pulse width high or low 244 ns tC4W C4o pulse width high or low 122 ns tC8W C8o pulse width high or low 61 ns tC16WL C16o pulse width high or low 30.5 ns tC32WH C32o pulse width high 14.4 ns tTSPW TSP pulse width high 486 ns tRSPW RSP pulse width high 490 ns tF0WL F0o pulse width low 243 ns tF8WH F8o pulse width high 123.6 ns tF16WL F16o pulse width low 60.9 ns t0RF Output clock and frame pulse rise or fall time 3 ns tS Input Controls Setup Time 100 ns tH Input Controls Hold Time 100 ns tF16D F8o to F16o delay 27.1 30.1 33.1 ns tF32D F8o to F32o delay 12 15.8 19 ns tF32S F32o setup to C32o falling 11 ns tF32H F32o hold to C32o falling 11 ns tF32WL F32o pulse width low 30.6 Units Test Conditions ns tR8D Fref 8 kHz Fref 1.544 MHz Fref 2.048 MHz tRW tR15D VT tRW VT tRW VT tR2D VT F8o Figure - 11 Input to Output Timing (Normal Mode) 24 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE tF8WH VT F8o tF0D tF0WL F0o VT tF16WL F16o tF16S F32o tF16D tF16H tF32WL tF32D tF32S tF32H tC32WH VT tC16WL tC16D VT C16o tC8W tC8W tC8D VT C8o tC4W tC4W tC4D C4o tC2W VT tC2D C2o VT tC6W tC6W tC6D C6o C1.5o VT tC32D C32o C3o VT VT tC3W tC3D tC15W VT tC15D VT Figure - 12 Output Timing 1 25 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE F8o VT VT C2o tRSPD RSP tRSPW VT tTSPW TSP VT tTSPD Figure - 13 Output Timing 2 VT F8o MODE_sel0 MODE_sel1 TIE_en tH tS VT Figure - 14 Input Control Setup and Hold Timing 26 IDT82V3001A WAN PLL WITH SINGLE REFERENCE INPUT 7 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE ORDERING INFORMATION IDT XXXXXXXX XX Device Type Package X Process/ Temperature Range Blank Industrial (-40 °C to +85 °C) PV Shrink Small Outline Package (SSOP, PV56) 82V3001A WAN PLL with Single Reference Input DATASHEET DOCUMENT HISTORY 10/22/2003 pgs. 7, 23, 24. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 2975 Stender Way Santa Clara, CA 95054 for SALES: 800-345-7015 or 408-727-6116 fax: 408-492-8674 www.idt.com 27 for Tech Support: email: [email protected] phone: 408-330-1552