Symbols and Terminology Vishay Semiconductors Symbols and Terminology A A A a B BER bit/s C C C C °C CCEO cd CD Cj d D* E EA Anode, anode terminal Ampere, SI unit of electrical current Radiant sensitive area, that area which is radiant sensitive for a specified range Distance, e.g. between the emitter (source) and the detector Base, base terminal Bit Error Rate Data rate or signaling rate 1000 bit/s = 1 kbit/s, 106 bit/s = 1 Mbit/s Capacitance, unit: F (farad) = C/V Coulomb, C = s x A Cathode, cathode terminal Collector, collector terminal Degree Celsius, Celsius temperature, symbol t, and is defined by the quantity equation t = T - T0. The unit of Celsius temperature is the degree Celsius, symbol °C. The numerical value of a Celsius temperature t expressed in degrees Celsius is given by t/°C = T/K - 273.15 It follows from the definition of t that the degree Celsius is equal in magnitude to the Kelvin, which in turn implies that the numerical value of a given temperature difference or temperature interval whose value is expressed in the unit degree Celsius (°C) is equal to the numerical value of the same difference or interval when its value is expressed in the unit Kelvin (K). Collector emitter capacitance, Capacitance between the collector and the emitter with open base Candela, SI unit of luminous intensity. The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 Hz x 1012 Hz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 W per steradian. (16th General Conference of Weights and Measures, 1979), 1 cd = 1 lm ⋅ sr -1 Diode capacitance, total capacitance effective between the diode terminals due to case, junction and parasitic capacitances Junction capacitance, capacitance due to a p-n junction of a diode, decreases with increasing reverse voltage Apparent (of virtual) source size (of an emitter), the measured diameter of an optical source used to calculate the eye safety laser class of the source. See IEC 60825-1 and EN ISO 11146-1 Detectivity A ⁄ NEP Emitter, Emitter terminal (phototransistor) Illumination at standard illuminant A, according to DIN 5033 and IEC 306-1, illumination emitted from a tungsten filament lamp with a color temperature Tf = 2855.6 K, which is equivalent to 542 standard illuminant A, unit: lx (Lux) or klx EA amb Ambient illumination at standard illuminant A echo-off Unprecise term to describe the behavior of the output of IrDA® transceivers during transmission. “Echo-off” means that by blocking the receiver the output RXD is quiet during transmission echo-on Unprecise term to describe the behavior of the output of IrDA® transceivers during transmission. “Echo-on” means that the receiver output RXD is active but often undefined during transmission. For correct data reception after transmission the receiver channel must be cleared during the latency period Ee, E Irradiance (at a point of a surface), quotient of the radiant flux dΦe incident on an element of the surface containing the point, by the area dA of that element. Equivalent definition. Integral, taken over the hemisphere visible from the given point, of the expression Le ⋅ cosθ ⋅ dΩ, where Le is the radiance at the given point in the various directions of the incident elementary beams of solid angle dΩ, and θ is the angle between any of these beams and the normal to the surface at the given point Ee dΦe = ------------------ = dA ∫ ⎛ ⎝ Le ⋅ cos θ ⋅ dΩ⎞⎠ 2πsr unit: W ⋅ m-2 Ev, E Illuminance (at a point of a surface), quotient of the luminous flux dΦv incident on an element of the surface containing the point, by the area dA of that element. Equivalent definition. Integral, taken over the hemisphere visible from the givenpoint, of the expression Lv ⋅ cosθ ⋅ dΩ, where Lv is the luminance at the given point in the various directions of the incident elementary beams of solid angle dΩ, and θ is the angle between any of these beams and the normal to the surface at the given point Ev dΦv = ----------------- = dA ∫ ⎛ ⎝ Lv ⋅ cos θ ⋅ dΩ⎞⎠ 2πsr unit: lx = lm ⋅ m-2 F Farad, unit: F = C/V f fc, fcd Frequency, unit: s-1, Hz (Hertz) Cut-off frequency - detector devices, the frequency at which, for constant signal modulation depth of the input radiant power, the demodulated signal power has decreased to ½ of its low frequency value. Example: The incident radiation generates a photocurrent or a photo voltage 0.707 times the value of radiation at f = 1 kHz (3 dB signal drop, other references may occur as e.g. 6 dB or 10 dB) For technical questions concerning emitters, contact: For technical questions concerning detectors, contact: Document Number: 81252 Rev. 1.3, 18-Aug-08 Symbols and Terminology Symbols and Terminology fs FIR Switching frequency Fast infrared, as SIR, data rate 4 Mbit/s Ia Light current, general: current which flows through a device due to irradiation/illumination IB IBM IC Ica Base current Base peak current Collector current Collector light current, collector current under irradiation. Collector current which flows at a specified illumination/irradiation Collector dark current, with open base, collector emitter dark current. For radiant sensitive devices with open base and without illumination/radiation (E = 0) Repetitive peak collector current Mode of operation where the device (e.g. a transceiver) is fully operational and expecting to receive a signal for operation e.g in case of a transceiver waiting to receive an optical input or to send an optical output as response to an applied electrical signal. Radiant intensity (of a source, in a given direction), quotient of the radiant flux d Φe leaving the source and propagated in the element of solid angle dΩ containing the given direction, by the element of solid angle. Ie = dΦe/dΩ, unit: W ⋅ sr -1 Note: The radiant intensity Ie of emitters is typically measured with an angle < 0.01 sr on mechanical axis or off-axis in the maximum of the irradiation pattern. Continuous forward current, the current flowing through a diode in the forward direction Average (mean) forward current Peak forward current Surge forward current Short-circuit current, that value of the current which flows when a photovoltaic cell or a photodiode is short circuited (RL << Ri ) at its terminals DC output current Photocurrent, that part of the output current of a photoelectric detector, which is caused by incident radiation. Reverse current, leakage current, current which flows through a reverse biased semiconductor p-n-junction Abbreviation for infrared ICEO ICM idle Ie , I IF IFAV IFM IFSM Ik Io Iph IR IR Ira Reverse current under irradiation, reverse light current which flows due to a specified irradiation/illumination in a photoelectric device Ira = Iro + Iph IrDA® Infrared Data Association, no profit organization generating infrared data communication standards Document Number: 81252 Rev. 1.3, 18-Aug-08 IRED Iro Vishay Semiconductors Infrared emitting diode, solid state device embodying a p-n junction, emitting infrared radiation when excited by an electric current. See also LED: solid state device embodying a p-n junction, emitting optical radiation when excited by an electric current. Reverse dark current, dark current, reverse current flowing through a photoelectric device in the absence of irradiation IRPHY Version 1.0, SIR IrDA®‚ data communication specification covering data rates from 2.4 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s and a guaranteed operating range more than one meter in a cone of ± 15° IRPHY Version 1.1, MIR and FIR were implemented in the IrDA® standard with the version 1.1, replacing version 1.0 IRPHY Version 1.2, added the SIR low power standard to the IrDA® standard, replacing version 1.1. The SIR low power standard describes a current saving implementation with reduced range (min. 20 cm to other low power devices and min. 30 cm to full range devices). IRPHY Version 1.3, extended the low power option to the higher bit rates of MIR and FIR replacing version 1.2. IRPHY Version 1.4, VFIR was added, replacing version 1.3 ISB Quiescent current ISD Supply current in dark ambient ISH Iv, I Supply current in bright ambient Luminous intensity (of a source, in a given direction), quotient of the luminous flux dΦv leaving the source and propagated in the element of solid angle dΩ containing the given direction, by the element of solid angle. Ie = dΦv/dΩ, unit: cd ⋅ sr -1 Note: The luminous intensity Iv of emitters is typically measured with an angle < 0.01 sr on mechanical axis or off-axis in the maximum of the irradiation pattern. luminous efficacy of radiation, quotient of the luminous flux Φv by the corresponding radiant flux Φe: K = Φv / Φe, unit: lm ⋅ W-1 Note: When applied to monochromatic radiations, the maximum value of K(λ) is denoted by the symbol Km. Km = 683 lm ⋅ W-1 for νm = 540 x 1012 Hz (λm ≈ 555 nm) for photopic vision. K'm = 1700 lm ⋅ W-1 for λ'm ≈ 507 nm for scotopic vision. For other wavelengths : K(λ) = Km V(λ) and K'(λ) = K'm V'(λ) Kelvin, SI unit of thermodynamic temperature, is the fraction 1/273.15 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water (13th CGPM (1967), Resolution 4). The unit Kelvin and its symbol K should be used to express an interval or a difference of temperature. Note: In addition to the thermodynamic K K For technical questions concerning emitters, contact: For technical questions concerning detectors, contact: 543 Symbols and Terminology Vishay Semiconductors Symbols and Terminology temperature (symbol T), expressed in Kelvins, use is also made of Celsius temperature (symbol t) defined by the equation t = T - T0, where T0 = 273.15 K by definition. To express Celsius temperature, the unit “degree Celsius”, which is equal to the unit “Kelvin” is used; in this case, “degree Celsius” is a special name used in place of “Kelvin”. An interval or difference of Celsius temperature can, however, be expressed in Kelvins as well as in degrees Celsius. Latency Receiver latency allowance (in ms or µs) is the maximum time after a node ceases transmitting before the node’s receiving recovers its specified sensitivity LED and IRED Light Emitting Diode, LED: solid state device embodying a p-n junction, emitting optical radiation when excited by an electric current. The term LED is correct only for visible radiation, because light is defined as visible radiation (see Radiation and Light). For infrared emitting diodes the term IRED is the correct term. Nevertheless it is common but not correct to use "LED" also for IREDs. Radiance (in a given direction, at a given point of Le; L a real or imaginary surface). Quantity defined by the formula Le lm lx m Me; M dΦv , dA cos θ dΩ = ---------------------------------------------------------⋅ ⋅ where dΦe is the radiant flux transmitted by an elementary beam passing through the given point and propagating in the solid angle dΩ containing the given direction; dA is the area of a section of that beam containing the given point; θ is the angle between the normal to that section and the direction of the beam, unit: W ⋅ m-2 ⋅ sr -1 Lumen, unit for luminous flux Lux, unit for illuminance Meter, SI unit of length Radiant exitance (at a point of a surface) Quotient of the radiant flux dΦe leaving an element of the surface containing the point, by the area dA of that element. Equivalent definition. Integral, taken over the hemisphere visible from the given point, of the expression Le ⋅ cosθ ⋅ dΩ, where Le is the radiance at the given point in the various directions of the emitted elementary beams of solid angle dΩ, and θ is the angle between any of these beams and the normal to the surface at the given point. dΦ e M e = ----------- = ∫ L e ⋅ cos θ ⋅ d Ω dA 2πsr MIR Mode Electrical input or output port of a transceiver device to set the receiver bandwidth N.A. Numerical Aperture, N.A. = sin α/2 Term used for the characteristic of sensitivity or intensity angles of fiber optics and objectives NEP Ptot Pv Noise equivalent power Total power dissipation Power dissipation, general Radiation and Light Visible radiation, any optical radiation capable of causing a visual sensation directly. Note: There are no precise limits for the spectral range of visible radiation since they depend upon the amount of radiant power reaching the retina and the responsivity of the observer. The lower limit is generally taken between 360 nm and 400 nm and the upper limit between 760 nm and 830 nm. Radiation and Light Optical radiation, electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths between the region of transition to X-rays (λ = 1 nm) and the region of transition to radio waves (λ = 1 mm) Radiation and Light IR Infrared radiation, optical radiation for which the wavelengths are longer than those for visible radiation. Note: For infrared radiation, the range between 780 nm and 1 mm is commonly sub-divided into: IR-A 780 nm to 1400 nm IR-B 1.4 µm to 3 µm IR-C 3 µm to 1 mm Dark resistance RD RF Feedback resistor Ri Internal resistance Ris Isolation resistance RL Load resistance RS Serial resistance Rsh Shunt resistance, the shunt resistance of a detector diode is the dynamic resistance of the diode at zero bias. Typically it is measured at a voltage of 10 mV forward or reverse, or peak-to-peak RthJA Thermal resistance, junction to ambient RthJC Thermal resistance, junction to case RXD Electrical data output port of a transceiver device s Second, SI-unit of time 1 h = 60 min = 3600 s S Absolute sensitivity Ratio of the output value Y of a radiant-sensitive device to the input value X of a physical quantity: S = Y/X, units: e.g. A/lx, A/W, A/(W/m2) Spectral sensitivity at a wavelength λp s(λp) unit: W ⋅ m-2 Medium speed IR, as SIR, with the data rate 576 kbit/s to 1152 kbit/s 544 For technical questions concerning emitters, contact: For technical questions concerning detectors, contact: Document Number: 81252 Rev. 1.3, 18-Aug-08 Symbols and Terminology Symbols and Terminology Absolute spectral sensitivity at a wavelength λ, the ratio of the output quantity y to the radiant input quantity x in the range of wavelengths λ to λ + Δλ s(λ) = dy(λ)/dx(λ) E.g., the radiant power Φe(λ) at a specified wavelength λ falls on the radiationsensitive area of a detector and generates a photocurrent Iph ⋅ s(λ) is the ratio between the generated photocurrent Iph and the radiant power Φe(λ) which falls on the detector. s(λ) = Iph / Φe(λ), unit: A/W s(λ)rel Spectral sensitivity, relative, ratio of the spectral sensitivity s(λ) at any considered wavelength to the spectral sensitivity s(λ0) at a certain wavelength λ0 taken as a reference s(λ)rel = s(λ)/s(λ0) s(λ0) Spectral sensitivity at a reference wavelength λ0 SC Electrical input port of a transceiver device to set the receiver sensitivity SD Electrical input port of a transceiver device to shut down the transceiver Shutdown Mode of operation where a device is switched to a sleep mode (shut down) by an external signal or after a quiescent period keeping some functions alive to be prepared for a fast transition to operating mode. Might be in some cases identical with “standby” SIR Serial Infrared, term used by IrDA® to describe infrared data transmission up to and including 115.2 kbit/s. SIR IrDA® data communication covers 2.4 kbit/s to 115.2 kbit/s, equivalent to the basic serial infrared standard introduced with the physical layer version IrPhy version 1.0 Split power supply Term for using separated power supplies for different functions in transceivers. Receiver circuits need well-controlled supply voltages. IRED drivers do not need a controlled supply voltage but need much higher currents. Therefore it safes cost not to control the IRED current supply and have a separated supply. For that some modified design rules have to be taken into account for designing the ASIC. This is used in nearly all Vishay transceivers and is described in US-Patent no. 6,157,476 s(λ) sr Steradian (sr), SI unit of solid angle Ω. Solid angle that, having its vertex at the centre of a sphere, cuts off an area of the surface of the sphere equal to that of a square with sides of length equal to the radius of the sphere. (ISO, 31/1-2.1, 1978) Example: The unity solid angle, in terms of geometry, is the angle subtended at the center of a sphere by an area on its surface numerically equal to the square of the radius (see figures below). Other than the figures might suggest, the Document Number: 81252 Rev. 1.3, 18-Aug-08 Vishay Semiconductors shape of the area does not matter at all. Any shape on the surface of the sphere that holds the same area will define a solid angle of the same size. The unit of the solid angle is the steradian (sr). Mathematically, the solid angle is dimensionless, but for practical reasons, the steradian is assigned. Standby T T t t Tamb Tamb TC TC Mode of operation where a device is prepared to be quickly switched into an idle or operating mode by an external signal. Period of time (duration) Temperature, 0 K = - 273.15 °C, unit: K (Kelvin) Temperature, °C (degree Celsius). Instead of t sometimes T is used not to mix up temperature T with time t Time Ambient temperature, if self-heating is significant: temperature of the surrounding air below the device, under conditions of thermal equilibrium. If self-heating is insignificant: air temperature in the surroundings of the device Ambient temperature range, as an absolute maximum rating: the maximum permissible ambient temperature range Temperature coefficient, the ratio of the relative change of an electrical quantity to the change in temperature (ΔT) which causes it under otherwise constant operating conditions Colour temperature (BE), the temperature of a Planckian radiator whose radiation has the same chromaticity as that of a given stimulus, unit: K Note: The reciprocal colour temperature is also used, unit K-1 (BE). Tcase Case temperature, the temperature measured at a specified point on the case of a semiconductor device. Unless otherwise stated, this temperature is given as the temperature of the mounting base for devices with metal can td tf Delay time Fall time, the time interval between the upper specified value and the lower specified value on the trailing edge of the pulse. Note: It is common to use a 90 % value of the signal for the upper specified value and a 10 % value for the lower specified value. Junction temperature, the spatial mean value of the temperature during operation. In the case of phototransistors, it is mainly the temperature of the collector junction because its inherent temperature is the maximum. Turn-off time, the time interval between the upper specified value on the trailing edge of the applied input pulse and the lower specified value an the trailing edge of the output pulse. toff = td(off) + tf Tj toff For technical questions concerning emitters, contact: For technical questions concerning detectors, contact: 545 Symbols and Terminology Vishay Semiconductors ton Symbols and Terminology TXD Turn-on time, the time interval between the lower specified value on the trailing edge of the applied input pulse and the upper specified value an the trailing edge of the output pulse. ton = td(on) + tf Pulse duration, the time interval between the specified value on the leading edge of the pulse and the specified value an the trailing edge of the output pulse. Note: In most cases the specified value is 50 % of the signal Input pulse duration Output pulse duration Rise time, the time interval between the lower specified value and the upper specified value on the trailing edge of the pulse. Note: It is common to use a 90 % value of the signal for the upper specified value and a 10 % value for the lower specified value ts storage time Storage time Soldering temperature, maximum allowable temperature for soldering with a specified distance from the case and its duration Storage temperature range, the temperature range at which the device may be stored or transported without any applied voltage Electrical data input port of a transceiver device V Volt tp tpi tpo tr ts Tsd Tstg V(λ) Standard luminous efficiency function for photopic vision (relative human eye sensitivity) V(λ) , V'(λ) Spectral luminous efficiency (of a monochromatic radiation of wavelength λ); V(λ) for photopic vision; V'(λ) for scotopic vision). Ratio of the radiant flux at wavelength λm to that at wavelength λ such that both radiations produce equally intense luminous sensations under specified photometric conditions and λm is chosen so that the maximum value of this ratio is equal to 1 VBEO Base emitter voltage, open collector V(BR) Breakdown voltage, reverse voltage at which a small increase in voltage results in a sharp rise of reverse current. It is given in technical data sheets for a specified current V(BR) CEO Collector emitter breakdown voltage, open base V(BR)EBO Emitter base breakdown voltage, open collector V(BR)ECO Emitter collector breakdown voltage, open base VCBO Collector-base voltage, open emitter, generally, reverse biasing is carried out by applying a voltage to any of two terminals of a transistor in such a way that one of the junctions operates in reverse direction, whereas the third terminal (second junction) is specified separately. 546 VCC VCE VCEO VCEsat Vdd VEBO VECO VF VFIR Supply voltage (positive) Collector emitter voltage Collector emitter voltage, open base (IB = 0) Collector emitter saturation voltage, the saturation voltage is the DC voltage between collector and emitter for specified (saturation) conditions, i.e., IC and EV (Ee or IB), whereas the operating point is within the saturation region. Supply voltage (positive) Emitter base voltage, open collector Emitter collector voltage, open base Forward voltage, the voltage across the diode terminals which results from the flow of current in the forward direction As SIR, data rate 16 Mbit/s Vlogic Reference voltage for digital data communication ports Vno Signal-to-noise ratio VO ΔVΟ VOC Output voltage Output voltage change (differential output voltage) Open circuit voltage, the voltage measured between the photovoltaic cell or photodiode terminals at a specified irradiance/illuminance (high impedance voltmeter!) VOH Output voltage high VOL Output voltage low Vph Photovoltage, the voltage generated between the photovoltaic cell or photodiode terminals due to irradiation/ illumination VR Reverse voltage (of a junction), applied voltage such that the current flows in the reverse direction VR Reverse (breakdown) voltage, the voltage drop which results from the flow of a defined reverse current Supply voltage VS Vss (Most negative) supply voltage (in most cases: ground) ± ϕ1/2 Angle of half transmission distance η Quantum efficiency θ1/2; ± ϕ = α/2 Half-intensity angle, in a radiation diagram, the angle within which the radiant (or luminous) intensity is greater than or equal to half of the maximum intensity. Note: IEC 60747-5-1 is using θ1/2. In Vishay datasheets mostly ± ϕ = α/2 is used θ1/2; ± ϕ = α/2 Half-sensitivity angle, in a sensitivity diagram, the angle within which the sensitivity is greater than or equal to half of the maximum sensitivity. Note: IEC 60747-5-1 is using θ1/2. In Vishay datasheets mostly ± ϕ = α/2 is used For technical questions concerning emitters, contact: For technical questions concerning detectors, contact: Document Number: 81252 Rev. 1.3, 18-Aug-08 Symbols and Terminology Symbols and Terminology Ω λm Δλ Solid angle, see sr, steradian for IEC 60050(845)-definition. The space enclosed by rays, which emerge from a single point and lead to all the points of a closed curve. If it is assumed that the apex of the cone formed in this way is the center of a sphere with radius r and that the cone intersects with the surface of the sphere, then the size of the surface area (A) of the sphere subtending the cone is a measure of the solid angle Ω. Ω = A/r2. The full sphere is equivalent to 4πsr. A cone with an angle of α/2 forms a solid angle of Ω = 2 π(1 - cos α/2) = 4 π sin2 α/4, unit: sr observer. For photopic vision dΦ e λ Φ v = K m ∫∞ -------------- ⋅ V(λ )dλ , 0 dλ dΦ e λ where -------------- is the spectral distribution of the dλ λ λc Wavelength of the maximum of the spectral luminous efficiency function V(λ) Range of spectral bandwidth (50 %), the range of wavelengths where the spectral sensitivity or spectral emission remains within 50 % of the maximum value radiant flux and V(λ) is the spectral luminous efficiency, unit : lm, lm: lumen, Km = 683 lm/W: Note: For the values of Km (photopic vision) and K'm (scotopic vision), see IEC 60050 (845-01-56). Wavelength, general Centroid wavelength, centroid wavelength λc of a spectral distribution, which is calculated as "centre of gravity wavelength" according to λ2 λ2 λ c = ∫ λ ⋅ S x (λ )dλ ⁄ ∫ S x ⋅ (λ )dλ λ1 λ1 Φe; Φ; P Φv; Φ; Vishay Semiconductors Radiant flux; radiant power, power emitted, transmitted or received in the form of radiation. unit: W, W = Watt Luminous flux, quantity derived from radiant flux Φe by evaluating the radiation according to its action upon the CIE standard photometric λD λp Dominant wavelength Wavelength of peak sensitivity or peak emission Ω = 4 π sr α = 65.5° Ω = 1.0 sr α = 2 arc cos (1 -/2π) α = 20.5° Ω = 0.01 sr Ω = 0.1 sr 94 8584 α = 6.5° Fig. 1 Document Number: 81252 Rev. 1.3, 18-Aug-08 For technical questions concerning emitters, contact: For technical questions concerning detectors, contact: 547 Symbols and Terminology Vishay Semiconductors Symbols and Terminology DEFINITIONS Databook Nomenclature (Ideal observer having a relative spectral responsivity curve that conforms to the V(λ) function for photopic vision or to the V'(λ) function for scotopic vision, and that complies with the summation law implied in the definition of luminous flux). Note: With a given spectral distribution of a radiometric quantity the equivalent photometric quantity can be evaluated. However, from photometric units without knowing the radiometric spectral distribution in general one cannot recover the radiometric quantities. The nomenclature, symbols, abbreviations and terms inside the Vishay Semiconductors data book is based on ISO and IEC standards. The special optoelectronic terms and definitions are referring to the IEC Multilingual Dictionary (Electricity, Electronics and Telecommunications), Fourth edition (2001-01), IEC 50 (Now: IEC 60050). The references are taken from the current editions of IEC 60050 (845), IEC 60747-5-1 and IEC 60747-5-2. Measurement conditions are based on IEC and other international standards and especially guided by IEC 60747-5-3. Editorial notes: Due to typographical limitations variables cannot be printed in an italics format, which is usually mandatory. Our booklet in general is using American spelling. International standards are written in UK English. Definitions are copied without changes from the original text. Therefore these may contain British spelling. Radiometric Terms, Quantities and Units The radiometric terms are used to describe the quantities of optical radiation. The relevant radiometric units are: TABLE 1 - RADIOMETRIC QUANTITIES AND UNITS Radiant and Luminous Quantities and Their Units These two kinds of quantities have the same basic symbols, identified respectively, where necessary, by the subscript e (energy) or v (visual), e.g. Φe, Φv. See note. Note: Photopic and scotopic quantities. Luminous (photometric) quantities are of two kinds, those used for photopic vision and those used for scotopic vision. The wording of the definitions in the two cases being almost identical, a single definition is generally sufficient with the appropriate adjective, photopic or scotopic added where necessary. The symbols for scotopic quantities are prime (Φ'v, I'v, etc), but the units are the same in both cases. In general, optical radiation is measured in radiometric units. Luminous (photometric) units are used when optical radiation is weighted by the sensitivity of the human eye, correctly spoken, by the CIE standard photometric observer RADIOMETRIC TERM SYMBOL UNIT REFERENCE Radiant power, radiant flux Φe W IEC 50 (845-01-24) Radiant intensity Ie W/sr IEC 50 (845-01-30) Irradiance Ee W/m2 IEC 50 (845-01-37) Radiant exitance Me W/m2 IEC 50 (845-01-47) Radiance Le W/(sr ⋅ m2) IEC 50 (845-01-34) Photometric Terms, Quantities and Units The photometric terms are used to describe the quantities of optical radiation in the wavelength range of visible radiation (generally assumed as the range from 380 nm to 780 nm). The relevant photometric terms are: TABLE 2 - PHOTOMETRIC QUANTITIES AND UNITS PHOTOMETRIC TERM EQUIVALENT RADIOMETRIC TERM SYMBOL UNIT Luminous power or luminous flux Radiant power or radiant flux Φe Φv lm Luminous intensity Radiant intensity Ie Iv lm/sr = cd Iv: IEC 50 (845-01-31) cd: IEC 50 (845-01-50) Illuminance Irradiance Ee Ev lm/m2 = lx (lux) Ev: IEC 50 (845-01-38) lx: IEC 50 (845-01-52) Luminous exitance Radiant exitance Me Mv lm/m2 IEC 50 (845-01-48) Luminance Radiance Le Lv cd/m2 IEC 50 (845-01-35) Photometric units are derived from the radiometric units by weighting them with a wavelength dependent standardized human eye sensitivity V(λ) - function, the so-called CIE-standard photometric observer. There are different functions for photopic vision (V(λ)) and scotopic vision (V'(λ) ). 548 REFERENCE Φv: IEC 50 (845-01-25) lm: IEC 50 (845-01-51) In the following is shown, how the luminous flux is derived from the radiant power and its spectral distribution. The equivalent other photometric terms can be derived from the radiometric terms in the same way. For technical questions concerning emitters, contact: For technical questions concerning detectors, contact: Document Number: 81252 Rev. 1.3, 18-Aug-08 Symbols and Terminology Symbols and Terminology Vishay Semiconductors Relation between distance r, irradiance (illuminance) Ee (EV) and intensity Ie (IV) The relation between intensity of a source and the resulting irradiance in the distance r is given by the basic square root rule law. An emitted intensity Ie generates in a distance r the irradiance Ee = Ie/r2. This relationship is not valid under near field conditions and should be used not below a distance d smaller than 5 times the emitter source diameter. 9 m2 4 m2 1 m2 1m 2m 18145 3m Fig. 2 Using a single radiation point source, one gets the following relation between the parameter Ee, Φe, r: dΦ e W E e = ----------- ------dA m 2 use dΦ A I e = -------- , Ω = ---- and get 2 dΩ r dΦ e I W dΩ E e = ----------- = I e -------- = ----e ------2 2 dA dA r m Examples 1.Calculate the irradiance with given intensity and distance r: Transceivers with specified intensity of Ie = 100 mW/sr will generate in a distance of 1m an irradiance of Ee = 100/12 = 100 mW/m2. In a distance of 10 m the irradiance would be Ee = 100/102 = 1 mW/m2. 2.Calculate the range of a system with given intensity and irradiance threshold. When the receiver is specified with a sensitivity threshold irradiance Ee = 20 mW/m2, the transmitter with an intensity Ie = 120 mW/sr the resulting range can be calculated as r = Ie -----= Ee 120 ---------- = 20 Document Number: 81252 Rev. 1.3, 18-Aug-08 6 = 2 . 45 m For technical questions concerning emitters, contact: For technical questions concerning detectors, contact: 549