Customized TISP® Pairs For Solid State Relay (LCAS) Protection 15 V, 30 V & 40 V TISP® To Protect High-frequency Digital Telecom Lines Features Our new TISP4125x3BJ & TISP4219x3BJ are coordinated pairs of protectors designed to protect Solid State Relays. Solid State Relays are used in line card applications where conventional electro-mechanical relays are not suitable, and may also be referred to as LCAS (Line Card Access Switches). LCAS have more precise protection needs than electro-mechanical relays, requiring reduced voltage limiting to protect between switch terminals and from the terminals to ground. These surface mount SMB packaged devices are designed to be used as a protector pair, protecting the line side of the LCAS for battery backed, ground backed and balanced ringing configurations. These two separate devices need to have different protection voltages to allow the system and ringing signal to pass below the protection level, while minimizing stress on the SLIC. Features We are proud to announce six low-voltage TISP® telecom protectors, developed using our new low-voltage Thyristor process, which allows us to produce devices with lower & more precisely controlled voltages than ever before. Each device provides 2-point protection and is typically used for the protection of transformer windings and low-voltage electronics. • Designed to Protect Solid State Relays (LCAS) - e.g. Agere (Lucent) or Clare ‘7581, ’7582, ‘7583 - Intersil™ ISL5571A • Customized voltages for LCAS TSP Device - Ground-backed ringing 10/1000 C V (V) V (V) TISP4015L1BJR 8 15 30 23 TISP4030L1BJR 15 30 30 22 TISP4040L1BJR 25 40 30 18 TISP4015H1BJR 8 15 100 65 TISP4030H1BJR 15 30 100 50 TISP4040H1BJR 25 40 100 47 DRM (BO) off (A) (pF) (87 VRMS) - Battery-backed ringing (101 VRMS) • 50 A & 100 A 10/1000 surge ratings available • Detailed applications information At room temperature, a typical LCAS has a voltage rating of 320 V between the switch terminals, and from the switch terminals to the logic control circuitry. The TISP4219x3BJ protects to a maximum of 219 V from the Ring line to ground, and the TISP4215x3BJ protects to a maximum of 125 V on the Tip line while still allowing the battery and ringing signals to pass. During normal system operation, this combination of TISP® devices allows system levels of ±100 V on the Tip line and ±180 V on the Ring line to pass without clipping. These devices are available with either 50 A "M" rated or 100 A "H" rated 10/1000 surge guarantees. The TISP4xxxH3BJ devices are intended to protect applications with minimal series co-ordination resistTISP4125M3 ance, while the TISP4xxxM3BJ are RING SLIC OR RELAY RELAY intended for applications where TISP4125H3 TIP additional co-ordination resistance OVERCURRENT Th3 such as a Multifuse, PTC or Line Th1 SW1 SW3 PROTECTION SLIC Feed Resistor is used. SW2 CONTROL LOGIC SW4 RING GENERATOR Device Standoff Voltage V (V) DRM TISP4125M3BJR 100 Protection Voltage V (V) TX1 FUSE TX2 RECEIVE RX1 FUSE (BO) 125 TISP4125H3BJR TISP4219M3BJR 50 TISP4219H3BJR • toll free (877) 4-BOURNS 219 50 surge for minimum SLIC stress • Specified to allow compliance with Telcordia GR1089-CORE Positive overvoltages are clipped by diode forward conduction. Negative overvoltages are initially clipped close to the SLIC negative supply rail value. If sufficient current is available from the overvoltage, then the protection will crowbar into a low-voltage on-state condition. As the current subsides, the high crowbar holding current prevents DC latch up. If you are using a high-voltage ringing SLIC such as the Legerity™ 79R241 or the Infineon PEB series, the TISP61089B is the ideal overvoltage protection solution. The TISPPBL3 is matched to the requirements of the Ericsson Microelectronics PBL series SLICs. We invite you to request your free samples and datasheets with the prepaid card enclosed. Typical Application OVER CURRENT PROTECTION RING TEST PROTECTION TIP WIRE TEST RELAY RING RELAY SLIC RELAY SLIC PROTECTOR S3a Th1 R1a S1a SLIC Th4 S2a Th3 TISP4015L1BJR We invite you to request your free samples and datasheets with the prepaid card enclosed. R1b Th2 RING WIRE TISP3xxxF3 OR 7xxxF3 Th5 TISPPBL3 / TISP61089B S3b S1b S2b VBATH Single Bidirectional TISP Now Available In 25% SMAller Package We have extended our single bidirectional range even further by adding the SMA (DO-214AC) package option, offering designers a potential 25% space saving over the existing SMB (DO214AA) package. The new SMA packaged devices use the "AJR" delivery option suffix. We invite you to request your free sample and datasheets with the prepaid card enclosed. TIP RING TISP® Telecom Overvoltage Protectors • Low voltage overshoot under ® LCAS Terminal 100 high-voltage ringing SLICs The protector’s gate terminal is typically connected to the negative supply rail of the SLIC. This references the protection voltage to the negative supply voltage. The protector tracks the negative supply voltage to minimize overvoltage stress on the SLIC. 4B04B-524-400 100 180 - T1/E1 • Programmable to –170 V for RX2 If you interested in providing optimum protection for your LCAS, we invite you to request your free datasheet and coordinated pair of samples with the prepaid card enclosed. 10/1000 Surge Rating (A) • Applications include: These devices feature ultra low capacitance that is guaranteed at all anticipated system levels, making them ideal for high data-rate digital applications. They also benefit from symmetrical capacitance between two quadrants of the thyristor structure, ensuring critical line balance on the copper lines.We are currently the only manufacturer to specify both typical and maximum junction capacitance under bias and nobias conditions making circuit design and system performance predictable. TRANSMIT BASE STATION RECEIVER TISP4015H1BJR TISP4219M3 OR TISP4219H3 - (18pF for L Series) This new family of devices - S interface ISDN & HDSL offers working voltages - Home PNA (VDRM ) as low as 8 V, with a narrow 15 V protection voltage (V(BO)), making the TISP4015L1BJR and TISP4015H1BJR ideally suited to T1/E1 applications. The family also offers higher working/protection voltage windows of 15/30 V and 25/40 V for higher voltage applications. Two different lightning surge ratings are available, the TISP40xxH1BJR series are rated at 100 A 10/1000, and the TISP40xxL1BJR offer a 30 A 10/1000 guarantee. The 100 A TISP40xxH1BJRs are perfect for external building applications which need to meet ITU-T and GR-1089 CORE requirements. Th4 RING • Low capacitance Typical Application Circuit Typical Application Circuit Th2 Features As ringing SLIC technology progresses, higher ringing voltages need to be generated to allow the SLIC to drive longer lines. The TISP61089B and TISPPBL3 have been developed to protect SLICs that can generate ringing voltages of up to 85 Vrms, requiring a maximum supply voltage of -170 V. - U interface ISDN & Pair Gain I protection included in the data sheet BOURNS 4B06B-522-200 Programmable Ringing SLIC Protection to –170 V 2 • toll free (877) 4-BOURNS TEST EQUIPMENT C1 220 nF RING GENERATOR Features • Space saving - 25% smaller SLIC than existing SMB package Manufacturer RECOMMENDED CIRCUIT PROTECTION Series Overvoltage Overcurrent • 18 protection voltage variants rated for 50 A 10/1000 • 15 protection voltage variants rated for 30 A 10/1000 Ericsson PBL 3 Series Legerity™ ISLIC™ 79R241, 79R101, 79R100 Infineon SLIC-P PEB 4265 TISPPBL3 4B04B-524-400 TISP61089B 4B04B-524-400 3 TISP® Telecom Overvoltage Protectors 4 • toll free (877) 4-BOURNS TISP® Telecom Overvoltage Protectors Insulation Overvoltage Protection with TISP4x00F3LM and TISP3x00F3SL TISP8200M and TISP8201M, ± 90 V Dual-Supply SLIC Protectors New Product Bulletin • Volume 2 Features These devices are designed to limit overvoltages on telecom network connections in powered IT equipment (e.g. Surge Bars). This extends equipment life and allows compliance with UL 1950 / UL 60950 (also known as IEC 60950, EN 60950 and CSA 22.2 No.950). The TISP8200M and TISP8201M are a complementary pair of programmable protectors, designed to protect ringing SLICs with dualpolarity supply rails. Both devices feature two high-gain, robust transistor buffers and reverse polarity blocking thyristor sections. The protection function has been deliberately split into positive and negative devices to minimize voltages under +ve and –ve surges. Both devices are supplied in 8-pin small outline packages. • Designed for Surge Bar applications • Insulation overvoltage to assist compliance with UL 1950 / The ‘950 family of standards have certain requirements for equipment with incoming lines of telecom network voltage (TNV). Any protector from a TNV conductor to protective ground must have a voltage rating which is at least 1.6 times the equipment rated supply voltage. The intent is to prevent the possibility of the a.c. mains supply voltage from feeding into the telecommunication network and creating a safety hazard. International and European equipment usually have a maximum rated voltage of 230, 240 or 250 Vrms. Multiplying 250 V by 1.6 gives a protector VDRM of 400 V. The TISP4600F3 will protect a single line to ground, while the dual-configuration TISP3600F3 allows protection of two lines to ground. UL 60950 • Can be used individually or TISP820xM Overvoltage Conditions breakdown from 600 V to over 2000 V C2 100 nF wave shapes including CG1089-CORE, FCC Part 68, IG IEC6100-4-5 and ITU-T K.20/21 420 600 840 500 TISP4600F3 700 1000 protection IG VBATH TIP 420 C1 100 nF 0V Bat protect high-frequency digital telecom lines. and negative (VBATH) battery voltages. A complementary pair of devices is required to adequately protect to within these levels. (See Circuit). SMAller package Single bidirectional TISP® now available in 25% SMAller package. Bat Gnd Bat Ring TISP8201M Gnd Bat Ring The negative TISP8200M has a conventional holding current (I H) of –150 mA. Unique processing has allowed a much lower IH of +25 mA on the positive TISP8201M - as little or no short-circuit line current is available in this polarity. 4 These devices are ideally suited for the latest generation of dual-supply SLICs such as the Infineon PEB4264/5 or the Legerity™ 79R251. 5 500 SLIC Protection TISP8200M R Insulation Overvoltage We invite you to request your free samples and datasheet with the prepaid card enclosed. 70 0 6 V TISP® Telecom Overvoltage Protectors TISP8200M & TISP8201M Positive and Negative Bourns Sales Offices/Technical Assistance R Polarity Dual-Supply Region Phone Fax The Americas +1 - 909-781-5500 +1 - 909-781-5700 5 • toll free (877) 4-BOURNS TISP3x00F3SL & TISP4x00F3LM Protection 600 700 TISP61089B & TISPPBL3 Programmable Ringing T TISP4700F3 TISP40xxL1BJ & H1BJ 15 V, 30 V & 40 V TISP® to TIP 1200 G 3 Manufacturers of new generation dual-supply SLICs carefully specify the maximum voltages allowed on Tip and Ring relative to positive (VBATR) IK V(BO) 14 00 V Solid State Relay (LCAS) TISP 8200M Package/Symbol 1400 Customized TISP® pairs for included in datasheet. SLIC T TISP4125x3BJ & TISP4219x3BJ IA Gnd TISP3700F3 2 • Extensive applications information 0V TISP 8201M Gnd TISP3600F3 • Low battery loading, 5 mA requirements. T&R VDRM ing, guaranteed from -40 to 85°C. VBATR We invite you to request your free sample and datasheets with the prepaid card enclosed. V(BO) • High 45 A 10/1000 µs surge rat- guaranteed to within SLIC TIP VDRM Bourns® TISP® range extended with over 50 brand new solutions battery voltages of up to ± 90 V. • Dynamic protection voltages • Rated for international surge RING Device • Protects dual-supply SLICs with under a.c. combined to limit insulation Systems not connected directly to ground (or left floating) are vulnerable to transients, resulting in high-voltages and subsequent insulation breakdown. The TISP4700F3 and TISP3700F3 are designed to limit the insulation stress by at least 700 V. The TISP3700F3 connected across its T and R terminals (ground left unconnected) increases the insulation voltage to 1400 V. Similarly, 2 x TISP4700F3s connected in series will allow insulation testing of 2000 V (1400 Vrms). T&G, R&G Features • toll free (877) 4-BOURNS TISP® Telecom Overvoltage Protectors SLIC Protection 6 • toll free (877) 4-BOURNS TISP® Telecom Overvoltage Protectors