MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER MTCH6301 Projected Capacitive Touch Controller Description Touch Features The MTCH6301 is a turnkey projected capacitive controller that allows easy integration of multi-touch and gestures to create a rich user interface in your design. Through a sophisticated combination of Self and Mutual Capacitive scanning for both XY screens and touch pads, the MTCH6301 allows designers to quickly and easily integrate projected capacitive touch into their application. • • • • • Applications: • Human-machine interfaces with configurable button, keypad or scrolling functions • Single-finger gesture based interfaces to swipe, scroll, or doubletap controls • Home automation control panels • Security control keypads • Automotive center stack controls • Gaming devices • Remote control touch pads Touch Sensor Support • Up to 13RX x 18TX channels • Works with printed circuit board (PCB), film, glass, and flexible circuit board (FPC) sensors • Supports sensor sizes up to 4.3” • Individual channel tuning for optimal sensitivity • Cover layer support: - Plastic: up to 3 mm - Glass: up to 5 mm Multitouch (up to 10 touches) Gesture detection and reporting Single and dual touch drawing Self and Mutual signal acquisition Built-in noise detection and filtering Power Management • Configurable Sleep mode • Integrated Power-on Reset and Brown-out Reset • 20 µA sleep current (typical) Communication Interface • I2C™ (up to 400 kbps) Operating Conditions • 2.4V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +105ºC Package Types • 44-Lead TQFP • 44-Lead QFN Touch Performance • >100 reports per second single touch • >60 reports per second dual touch • Up to 12-bit resolution coordinate reporting 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 1 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 System Block Diagram ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Configuration and Setup............................................................................................................................................................... 3 Pin Diagram.................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Layout........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Communication Protocol ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 Memory Map .............................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Special Features ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 Ordering Information .................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Packaging Information................................................................................................................................................................ 25 TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS It is our intention to provide our valued customers with the best documentation possible to ensure successful use of your Microchip products. To this end, we will continue to improve our publications to better suit your needs. Our publications will be refined and enhanced as new volumes and updates are introduced. If you have any questions or comments regarding this publication, please contact the Marketing Communications Department via E-mail at [email protected] or fax the Reader Response Form in the back of this data sheet to (480) 792-4150. We welcome your feedback. Most Current Data Sheet To obtain the most up-to-date version of this data sheet, please register at our Worldwide Web site at: You can determine the version of a data sheet by examining its literature number found on the bottom outside corner of any page. The last character of the literature number is the version number, (e.g., DS30000A is version A of document DS30000). Errata An errata sheet, describing minor operational differences from the data sheet and recommended workarounds, may exist for current devices. As device/documentation issues become known to us, we will publish an errata sheet. The errata will specify the revision of silicon and revision of document to which it applies. To determine if an errata sheet exists for a particular device, please check with one of the following: • Microchip’s Worldwide Web site; • Your local Microchip sales office (see last page) When contacting a sales office, please specify which device, revision of silicon and data sheet (include literature number) you are using. Customer Notification System Register on our web site at to receive the most current information on all of our products. DS41663A-page 2 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 1.0 The Projected Capacitive Configuration Utility with an autotune feature allows fast customization for different sizes and top layer thicknesses. SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM The MTCH6301 is a turnkey projected capacitive touch controller that allows easy integration of multitouch and gestures to create a rich user interface in your design. Through a sophisticated combination of Self and Mutual Capacitive scanning for both XY screens and touch pads, the MTCH6301 allows designers to quickly and easily integrate projected capacitive touch into their application. FIGURE 1-1: For further customization, designers can also get access to the firmware library to optimize and improve designs as needed. BLOCK DIAGRAM MTCH6301 Touch Sensor Gesture Engine I2C™ Module Signal Acquisition Controller MultiTouch Decode Noise Reduction / Filtering Engine Communications Engine User Configuration Data TX0..17 TX Drive ADC RX Sense RX0..12 [Master Controller] Touch Data MICROCHIP PICkit™ Serial Analyzer USB Connection only for initial tuning or configuration 2.0 CONFIGURATION AND SETUP The MTCH6301 is pre-configured for a 12 Receiver (RX)/9 Transmitter (TX) touch sensor, mapped as shown in Section 4.0 “Layout”. While the device will work out of the box using this specific sensor configuration, most applications will require additional configuration and sensor tuning to determine the correct set of parameters to be used in the final application. Once the development process is complete, these modified parameters must either be written permanently to the controller (via NVRAM, refer to Section 7.3 “Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM)”), or alternatively can be sent every time the system is powered on. Either the PICkit Serial Analyzer or the Master I2C Controller can be used for this purpose. Microchip provides a PC-based configuration tool for this purpose, available in the mTouch™ Sensing Solution Design Center ( Use of this tool requires a PICkit™ Serial Analyzer (updated with MTCH6301 support), as well as access to the I2C communications bus of the MTCH6301. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 3 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 3.0 PIN DIAGRAM FIGURE 3-1: PIN DIAGRAM 44-Pin TQFP(1,2) 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 SCL TX11 TX10 TX9 VDD VSS TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX4 44-Pin QFN(1,2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MTCH6301 MTCH6301 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 TX0 TX1 TX2 TX3 VSS VDD RX0 RX1 RX2 RX3 RX4 TX13 TX12 RX10 RX9 VSS VDD RESET RX8 RX7 RX6 RX5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SDA TX17 TX16 TX15 TX14 VSS VCAP INT N/C RX12 RX11 Note 1: All RX/TX are remappable. Refer to Section 4.3 “Sensor Layout Configuration” for further information. 2: The metal plane at the bottom of the device is not connected to any pins and is recommended to be connected to VSS externally. DS41663A-page 4 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER TABLE 3-1: Pin Name PINOUT I/O DESCRIPTIONS Pin Number Pin Type Description RESET 18 I/P SCL 44 I SDA 1 I/O Synchronous serial data input/output for I2C INT 8 O Interrupt (from MTCH6301 to master) for I2C RX0 27 I/O RX1 26 I/O RX2 25 I/O RX3 24 I/O RX4 23 I/O RX5 22 I/O RX6 21 I/O RX7 20 I/O RX8 19 I/O RX9 15 I/O RX10 14 I/O RX11 11 I/O RX12 10 I/O TX0 33 O TX1 32 O TX2 31 O TX3 30 O TX4 34 O TX5 38 O TX6 37 O TX7 36 O TX8 35 O TX9 41 O TX10 42 O TX11 43 O TX12 13 O TX13 12 O TX14 5 O TX15 4 O TX16 3 O Reset device (active low) Synchronous serial clock input/output for I2C™ RX Sense (or TX Drive) TX Drive TX17 2 O N/C 9 N/C VCAP 7 P CPU logic filter capacitor connection VDD 17, 28, 40 P Positive supply for peripheral logic and I/O pins VSS 6, 16, 29, 39 P Ground reference for logic and I/O pins. This pin must be connected at all times 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. No Connect DS41663A-page 5 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 4.0 LAYOUT 4.1 Typical Application Circuit The following schematic portrays a typical application circuit, based on a 12RX/9TX touch sensor. FIGURE 4-1: TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT MICROCHIP PICkit™ Serial Analyzer Master I2C™ Controller MTCH6301 TX0 TX1 TX2 TX3 VSS VDD RX0 RX1 RX2 RX3 RX4 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 0.1 µF RX0 RX11 20k O 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SDA TX17 TX16 TX15 TX14 VSS VCAP INT N/C RX12 RX11 TX8 10 µF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TX13 TX12 RX10 RX9 VSS VDD RESET RX8 RX7 RX6 RX5 GPIO/INT TX0 SCL SDA SCL TX11 TX10 TX9 VDD VSS TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX4 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 0.1 µF 0.1 µF 4.2 Touch Sensor Design Please refer to the mTouch Sensing Solution design center at for additional information regarding design and layout of touch sensors. 4.3 Sensor Layout Configuration To properly configure a sensor from a physical layout standpoint, the following registers must be correctly configured: • RX Pin Map/TX Pin Map • RX Scaling Coefficient/TX Scaling Coefficient • Flip State DS41663A-page 6 4.3.1 RX/TX PIN MAP By default, the RX and TX pins are set as shown in the Typical Application Circuit (Figure 4.1). If you require a different layout or a different amount of sensor channels, the RX and TX pins are configured via pin map arrays. To access these arrays, reference Section 5.0 “Communication Protocol” and Section 6.0 “Memory Map” of this document. The RX and TX lines are configurable for the purpose of making trace routing and board layout more convenient. Please note that while RX pins can be used as TX pins instead, a single pin cannot be used as BOTH an RX and a TX channel concurrently. The pin maps are comprised of “Pin Map ID” numbers, which are shown in Table 4-1. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 4.3.3 TABLE 4-1: PIN MAP ID CHART Pin Map ID (TX) Map ID (RX) RX0 27 8 RX1 26 7 RX2 25 6 RX3 12 5 RX4 11 4 RX5 10 3 RX6 9 2 RX7 1 1 RX8 0 0 RX9 24 9 RX10 23 10 Scaling coefficient registers exist in RAM for each axis (RX/TX) and must be modified in accordance with the number of channels that are in use. Special attention must be paid to sensor dimensions that have fewer than 5 channels, which will have a smaller maximum touch output value (coordinate). The relationship between these constant, as well as the maximum coordinates that will be transmitted are displayed in Table 4-2. TABLE 4-2: Number of Channels RX/TX SCALING COEFFICIENTS RX/TX Scaling Coefficient Controller Output Range 65535 [0-3071] 3 4 [0-2047] RX11 22 11 RX12 21 12 TX0 13 — TX1 6 — TX2 3 — TX3 2 — TX4 4 — TX5 7 — TX6 28 — TX7 29 — TX8 30 — TX9 14 — TX10 15 — TX11 16 — TX12 5 — TX13 8 — 4.3.4 TX14 34 — TX15 33 — TX16 32 — TX17 31 — The final output orientation is configured via the FLIPSTATE register. This register can be adjusted during operation for applications where rotation occurs during use. . Note: 4.3.2 RX/TX SCALING COEFFICIENTS Trace routing for sensors requires proper design technique. Please refer to the mTouch Sensing Solution design center at for additional information on correctly routing touch sensor traces. 5 6 52429 7 43691 8 37449 9 32768 10 29127 11 26214 12 23831 13 21845 14 20165 15 18725 16 17476 17 16384 18 15420 [0-4095] SENSOR ORIENTATION Figure 4-2 shows the initial upright orientation FLIPSTATE register values for all possible sensor layouts. UNUSED RX/TX PINS Unused RX/TX pins are driven to Vss automatically, and should be left as no connects. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 7 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER REGISTER 4-1: FLIPSTATE REGISTER U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-1 — — — — — SWAP TXFLIP RXFLIP bit 7 bit 0 Legend: R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’ -n = Value at POR ‘1’ = Bit is set ‘0’ = Bit is cleared bit 7-3 Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’ bit 2 SWAP 1 = RX axis horizontal; TX axis vertical 0 = RX axis vertical; TX axis horizontal bit 1 TXFLIP 1 = Invert the TX axis 0 = Do not invert the TX axis bit 0 RXFLIP 1 = Invert the RX axis 0 = Do not invert the RX axis FIGURE 4-2: TXn SENSOR ORIENTATION CHART 0, 0 4096, 0 SENSOR 0, 4096 0, 0 4096, 0 0, 4096 4096, 0 SENSOR 0, 4096 SWAP TXFLIP RXFLIP 0 1 1 4096, 0 SENSOR 0, 4096 TXn RXn SENSOR RXn SWAP TXFLIP RXFLIP 0 0 0 0, 0 4096, 0 0, 0 4096, 0 SENSOR 4096, 4096 RX0 RX0 1 0 0 SWAP TXFLIP RXFLIP 1 0 1 TXn 4096, 0 SENSOR 0, 4096 SWAP TXFLIP RXFLIP 4096, 4096 0, 0 RXn TXn 1 1 1 TX0 RXn TX0 0 0 1 SWAP TXFLIP RXFLIP 4096, 4096 0, 4096 SWAP TXFLIP RXFLIP 1 1 0 TXn SENSOR RX0 SWAP TXFLIP RXFLIP 4096, 4096 0, 4096 RXn 0, 0 4096, 0 RX0 TXn 4096, 4096 TXn RX0 0, 0 0, 4096 RX0 0, 0 RXn RX0 TX0 4096, 4096 TX0 RXn TX0 0 1 0 RXn SENSOR TX0 SWAP TXFLIP RXFLIP 4096, 4096 TX0 RX0 TXn x = Bit is unknown 4096, 4096 TX0 Default Configuration DS41663A-page 8 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 4.4 Example Custom Application Layout An example 4-channel RX/11-channel TX sensor is shown in Figure 4-3. In addition to using a completely modified pin layout, this example differs from the default configuration by also having the TX axis along the bottom (X) and RX axis along the side (Y). Note that some RX pins are used as TX lines in this example. FIGURE 4-3: NON-STANDARD LAYOUT EXAMPLE MTCH63001 Pin Map ID 0 TX11 16 1 TX17 31 2 TX16 32 3 TX15 33 MTCH6301 TX0 TX1 TX2 TX3 VSS VDD RX0 RX1 RX2 RX3 RX4 TX TX13 TX12 RX10 RX9 VSS VDD RESET RX8 RX7 RX6 RX5 SDA TX17 TX16 TX15 TX14 VSS VCAP INT N/C RX12 RX11 SCL TX11 TX10 TX9 VDD VSS TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX4 Sensor Line RX TX0 TX14 34 5 RX12 21 6 RX11 22 7 TX13 8 8 TX12 5 9 RX10 23 10 RX9 24 0 RX5 10 1 RX6 9 2 RX7 1 3 RX8 0 The Pin Map arrays for this particular setup are as follows (arrays are shown as organized in memory): RX3 SENSOR 4 RX0 RXPinMap: {10,9,1,0} TXPinMap: {16,31,32,33,34,21,22,8,5,23,24} TX10 Using the scaling coefficient table generates the values displayed in Table 4-3. TABLE 4-3: CUSTOM APPLICATION SCALING COEFFICIENTS Channels Scaling Coefficient Maximum Output RX 4 65535 [0-3071] TX 11 26214 [0-4095] Axis The FLIPSTATE register, using Figure 4-2, should be set to 0b111, or 0x7, for this particular example. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 9 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 5.0 5.1 COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL Command Protocol Overview All other commands are invoked by the I2C master controller. Commands are used for configuring and controlling the device. The MTCH6301 has two basic communication types: Touch & Gesture Protocol, and Command Protocol. Master Read Details Please note that any read from the controller by the master, including both touch & gesture protocol and command protocol, will be prefixed by a single byte. This single byte denotes the number of bytes that are to be transferred. This byte is NOT represented in the tables and figures for the protocol, but is detailed in Figure 5-6 and Figure 5-7. Touch & Gesture Protocol Fully processed touch coordinates and gestures will be transmitted immediately as they are processed by the MTCH6301. Since it is a slave device, the INT pin will be asserted whenever one of these packets is ready for transmission. This requires the master controller to initiate a READ command to receive the touch or gesture packet. 5.2 Touch Protocol The packet in Table 5-1 is transmitted for each touch that is present on the sensor. TABLE 5-1: Packet TOUCH PROTOCOL Bit 7 0 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 Legend: 5.3 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 TOUCHID<3:0> Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 TCH(0) 0 PEN X<6:0> 0 0 0 0 X<11:7> Y<6:0> Y<11:7> TOUCHID: Touch ID (0-9) PEN: Pen State 0 = Pen Up 1 = Pen Down X: X Coordinate of Touch Y: Y Coordinate of Touch TCH: Always 0, denotes a touch packet Gesture Protocol The packet in Table 5-2 is transmitted whenever a gesture is performed on the sensor. This feature can be enabled via the Gesture Protocol register (Table 5-2). Gestures are NOT enabled by default. Note: For any “hold” gestures, packets are sent continuously until the gesture (touch) is released. DS41663A-page 10 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER TABLE 5-2: Packet GESTURE PROTOCOL Bit 7 0 1 1 0 Legend: 5.4 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 TOUCHID<3:0> Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 GEST(1) 0 0 GESTURE<6:0> TOUCHID: Touch ID (0-7) GESTURE: Gesture ID 0x10 Single Tap 0x11 Single Tap (hold) 0x20 Double Tap 0x31 Up Swipe 0x32 Up Swipe (hold) 0x41 Right Swipe 0x42 Right Swipe (hold) 0x51 Down Swipe 0x52 Down Swipe (hold) 0x61 Left Swipe 0x62 Left Swipe (hold) GEST: Always 1, denotes a gesture packet Example Touch Data Figure 5-1 depicts multitouch transmission in one touch activation that is already in progress (ID0), and a second activation (ID1) being removed from the sensor. The first activation also completes a gesture. The I2C prefix bytes are not shown in this example. FIGURE 5-1: EXAMPLE TOUCH DATA 0x81 0x7D 0x05 0x6A Touch ID0, Pen Down X: 765, Y: 234 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. 0x01 … 0x88 0x56 0x02 0x72 Touch ID1, Pen Up X: 342, Y: 2034 0x0F … 0x84 0x61 Gesture for Touch ID0: Swipe Left DS41663A-page 11 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 5.5 Command Protocol Figure 5-2 depicts bidirectional communication protocol (for reading/writing configuration data). FIGURE 5-2: COMMAND PROTOCOL Command (from Master): 0x55 [size] [cmd] Data 0 Response (from MTCH6301): 0x55 [size] [res] [cmd] 5.6 ... Data 0 size: Number of remaining bytes in packet cmd: Command invoked for being responded to result: Controller command-specific result 0x00 = Success 0x80 = Parameter out of range 0xFE = Timeout (not enough bytes received) 0xFF = Unrecognized command 0xFD = Invalid parameter 0xFC = Missing or extra parameter data: Data associated with command Data n ... Data n Full Command Set A complete listing of MTCH6301 commands is shown in Table 5-3. Any commands which contain data bytes, either sent or received, are shown alongside an example stream of data in the following sections. TABLE 5-3: ID COMMAND SET Name Description 0x00 Enable Touch Enable touch functionality 0x01 Disable Touch Disable touch functionality 0x14 Scan Baseline Instruct controller to scan for a new sensor baseline 0x15 Write Register Write data to a specific register 0x16 Read Register Read data from a specific register 0x17 Write NVRAM Write all current register values to NVRAM 0x18 Software Sleep Instructs the controller to enter sleep mode 0x19 Erase NVRAM Erase the contents of the non-volatile RAM section. 0x1A Manufacturing Test Perform manufacturing tests on all sensor I/O channels 5.6.1 WRITE REGISTER/READ REGISTER Writes or reads a single register. Note that all registers are volatile, and any modified data will be lost on power down. Registers must be saved to NVRAM to store the configuration permanently DS41663A-page 12 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER FIGURE 5-3: WRITE REGISTER COMMAND 0x55 0x04 0x15 [D0] [D1] [D2] 0x55 Master Command 0x02 0x00 0x15 Controller Response D0 = Index Location D1 = Offset Location D2 = Value to Write to Specified Register FIGURE 5-4: READ REGISTER COMMAND 0x55 0x03 0x16 [D0] [D1] 0x55 0x03 Master Command 0x00 0x16 [D2] Controller Response D0 = Index Location D1 = Offset Location D2 = Read Value at Specified Register 5.6.2 MANUFACTURING TEST Please note that: The manufacturing test ensures electrical functionality of the sensor. This test performs the following checks on all mapped sensor pins: short to VDD, Short to GND, and pin-to-pin short. 1. 2. The RX7/RX8 pins will always report an error. If the sensor has more than 16 TX channels, then channels 17 and 18 will never report an error. If an I/O error is reported, bits for the pins in question will be set in the “TX Short Status” and “RX Short Status” registers. FIGURE 5-5: MANUFACTURING TEST 0x55 0x01 0x1A 0x55 Master Command 0x03 0x00 0x1A [D0] Controller Response D0 = Result; 0 = success, 1 = I/O error 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 13 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER I2C Specification 5.7 stretching, and this should be taken into account by the master controller. The maximum speed at which the MTCH6301 can operate is 400 kbps. The MTCH6301 device supports the I2C serial protocol, with the addition of an interrupt pin for notifying the master that data is ready. The device operates in Slave mode, meaning that the device does not generate the serial clock. 5.7.1 5.7.3 SERIAL DATA (SDA) The Serial Data (SDA) signal is the data signal of the device. The value on this pin is latched on the rising edge of the SCL signal when the signal is an input. With the exception of the START (RESTART) and STOP conditions, the high or low state of the SDA pin can only change when the clock signal on the SCL pin is low. During the high period of the clock, the SDA pin’s value (high or low) must be stable. Changes in the SDA pin’s value while the SCL pin is HIGH will be interpreted as a START or a STOP condition. 5.7.2 INTERRUPT (INT) This pin is utilized by the MTCH6301 to signal that data is available, and that the master controller should invoke a MASTER READ. INT is an active high pin, and is held low during all other activities. Note: 5.7.4 If the device is not read within 25 ms of asserting the INT pin, it will time out and data will no longer be available. DEVICE ADDRESSING The MTCH6301 7-bit base address is set to 0x25, and is not configurable by the user. Every transmission must be prefixed with this address, as well as a bit signifying whether the transmission is a MASTER WRITE (‘0’) or MASTER READ (‘1’). After appending this read/write bit to the base address, this first byte becomes either 0x4A (WRITE) or 0x4B (READ). SERIAL CLOCK (SCL) The Serial Clock (SCL) signal is the clock signal of the device. The rising edge of the SCL signal latches the value on the SDA pin. The MTCH6301 employs clock SINGLE TRANSMISSION I2C™ FORMAT FIGURE 5-6: SDA SCL Start A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 Address & R/W Byte 5.7.5 A0 R/W 1 = Read 0 = Write ACK D7 1 = Acknowledge 0 = Not Acknowledged D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 ACK Stop Data Byte(s) TYPICAL I2C™ COMMAND READ AND WRITE Figure 5-7 depicts the master controller reading from RAM location 0x01 (number of RX channels), and the device responding accordingly with 0x0C (Figure 5-6). DS41663A-page 14 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER I2C™ COMMAND READ AND WRITE FIGURE 5-7: Master Write INT SDA SCL DATA 4A 55 03 16 00 01 Master Read (Controller Response) Start Stop INT SDA SCL DATA 4B 05 55 03 00 16 0C Start 5.7.6 Stop TYPICAL I2C TOUCH PACKET READ Figure 5-8 depicts a single touch packet being streamed from the controller. In this case, touch ID 0 at location (1940,2592). FIGURE 5-8: I2C™ TOUCH PACKET READ INT SDA SCL DATA 4B 05 81 Start 5.7.7 14 0F 20 14 Stop WAKE ON I2C The MTCH6301 is capable of waking up upon receiving an I2C command from the host. Note that since wake-up time can take up to 350 µs, the controller must resend any I2C bytes that were not acknowledged (ACK) before continuing the transmission. Since the controller will wake up upon a correct I2C address match, it does not matter which command is sent. For simplicity, the Enable Touch command is recommended. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 15 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 6.0 MEMORY MAP TABLE 6-1: Index Byte General Sensor Map Self Mutual Decoding Note 1: 0x00 MTCH6301 MEMORY MAP Offset Byte Register Name Size Bytes Data Range Default Value 0x01 RX Channels 1 0x02 TX Channels 1 Number of RX Sensor Channels 3-13 12 Number of TX Sensor Channels 3-18 0x04 RX Scaling [7:0] 2 9 RX Scaling Coefficient 15420-65535 23831 0x05 RX Scaling [15:8] 2 TX Scaling Coefficient 15420-65535 32768 0-12 Note 1 Description 0x06 TX Scaling [7:0] 0x07 TX Scaling [15:8] 0x01 0x00-0x0C RX Pin map 13 RX Pin Map Array 0x02 0x00-0x12 TX Pin map 18 TX Pin Map Array 0-34 Note 1 0x00 Self Scan Time 1 Number of self readings to sum per electrode 1-30 5 0x01 Self Threshold 1 Threshold for detecting a touch 10-150 50 0x00 Mutual Scan Time 1 Number of mutual readings to sum per node 1-30 9 0x01 Mutual Threshold 1 Threshold for detecting a touch 10-150 55 0x00 FlipState 1 Determines orientation of sensor with respect to coordinate output 0b000-0b111 0b001 0x01 Number of Averages 1 Smoothing Filter (number of previous coordinates to be averaged with current touch position) 1-16 8 0x04 Minimum Touch Distance 1 Minimum distance allowed between touch locations – used for suppressing weak touches 0-255 150 0x05 Pen Down Timer 1 Number of successive sensor scans needed to identify a touch prior to transmitting data 0-10 3 0x06 Pen Up Timer 1 Number of successive sensor scans needed to identify released touch prior to transmitting data 0-10 3 0x07 Touch Suppression Value 1 The maximum number of activations reported. 10 activations are tracked, but may not be reported. 0 = disable suppression feature 0-10 0 0x10 0x20 0x30 RX Pin Map: {0x08 0x07 0x06 0x05 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x00 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x00} TX Pin Map: {0x0D 0x06 0x03 0x02 0x04 0x07 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00} Pin map array order reflects the physical sensor pin order, not the MTCH6301 pin sequence. DS41663A-page 16 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER TABLE 6-1: Index Byte Gestures Configure I/O Status Note 1: 0x50 MTCH6301 MEMORY MAP Offset Byte Register Name Size Bytes Data Range Default Value 0x00 RX Swipe Length 1 Minimum interpolated X-distance for ‘swipe’ gesture 10-255 160 0x01 TX Swipe Length 1 Minimum interpolated Y-distance for ‘swipe’ gesture 10-255 150 0x02 Swipe Boundary 1 Maximum interpolated distance in opposing direction to cancel ‘swipe’ gesture 0-255 150 0x03 Swipe Hold Threshold 1 Maximum interpolated distance deviation allowed to determine ‘held’ swipe gesture 0-255 70 0x04 Swipe Time [7:0] 2 0-65535 200 0x05 Swipe Time [15:8] Maximum time (ms) for ‘swipe’ gesture to be completed, beginning at initial touch-down 2 Maximum time (ms) for ‘tap’ gesture, beginning at initial touch-down 0-65535 500 0x06 Tap Time [7:0] 0x07 Tap Time [15:8] 0x08 Tap Threshold 1 Maximum interpolated distance deviation allowed to determine ‘tap’ gesture 1-255 120 0x09 Minimum Swipe Velocity 1 Minimum velocity to register the ‘swipe’ gesture. Events below this threshold will cancel the gesture (touch removed) or be re-evaluated for ‘swipe-and-hold’ (touch is held) 1-50 3 0x0A Double Tap Time [7:0] 2 Maximum time allowed between two taps to determine ‘double tap’ gesture 50-1000 350 0x0B Double Tap Time [15:8] 0x0C Gesture Edge Keepout 1 Determines the width of ‘keepout barrier’ (inactive edge) of the perimeter of the sensor to reduce or eliminate issues due to edge effects 0-255 128 0x00 SLP2 [7:0] 4 Time-out duration (ms) with no activations before controller enters Sleep mode 04,000,000,000 8000 0-11 7 0x01 SLP2 [15:8] 0x02 SLP2 [23:16] 0x03 SLP2 [31:24] 0x05 SLP1 1 Interval to poll for touch while in Sleep mode 0x07 Touch Packet CFG 1 Touch Packet Configuration 0x81 = Enabled 0x01 = Disabled 0x81 0x09 Gesture Packet CFG 1 Gesture Packet Configuration 0x81 = Enabled 0x01 = Disabled 0x01 0x0A Status Packet CFG 1 Status Packet Configuration 0x81 = Enabled 0x01 = Disabled 0x01 0x02 TX Short Status [7:0] 2 0x00-0xFF 0x00 0x03 TX Short Status [15:8] Identifies which TX pins are shorted after executing Manufacturing Test command – Read Only 0x06 RX Short Status [7:0] 2 0x00-0xFF 0x00 0x07 RX Short Status [15:8] Identifies which RX pins are shorted after executing Manufacturing Test command – Read Only 0xF0 0xF1 Description RX Pin Map: {0x08 0x07 0x06 0x05 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x00 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x00} TX Pin Map: {0x0D 0x06 0x03 0x02 0x04 0x07 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00} Pin map array order reflects the physical sensor pin order, not the MTCH6301 pin sequence. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 17 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 7.0 SPECIAL FEATURES 7.1 Gestures should serve most applications. These parameters and their descriptions are available in the “Gestures” section of the memory map (Section 6.0 “Memory Map”). Single finger gestures are a fast and intuitive way to navigate a feature rich human-machine interface. The MTCH6301 supports 11 single finger gestures natively, without requiring interaction from the master processor. Tuning may be required depending on the layout of the sensor, the time duration, and length of activation required for your gesture supported application. The most common defaults are already preloaded and FIGURE 7-1: 7.2 Note: Gestures are NOT enabled by default, and must be enabled via the gesture packet configuration byte in RAM (refer to Section 6.0 “Memory Map”). If your application requires ONLY gesture functionality, and does not require touch coordinates, the touch packet configuration byte (refer to Section 6.0 “Memory Map”) can be used to turn off all touch coordinate data. GESTURE TYPES Sleep Sleep functionality is enabled by default, and follows the behavior detailed in Figure 7-2. This functionality can be modified via the registers related to sleep. SLP1: This delay controls how often the sensor is scanned for a touch while in Sleep mode. Table 7-1 correlates the value of SLP1 to time (ms). TABLE 7-1: SLP1 DELAY CHART SLP1 Delay (ms) SLP1 Delay (ms) 0 1 6 64 1 2 (1) 2 4 7 8 128(1) 256 3 8 9 512 4 16 10 1024 32 11 2048 5 Note 1: Default setting. SLP2: Time (ms) without touch activity before controller enters sleep mode. DS41663A-page 18 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER FIGURE 7-2: SLEEP FUNCTIONALITY [Normal Full Decode of Sensor] Touch? Yes No Transmit Touch No touch for [SLP2] msec? No Yes Sleep for [SLP1] msec No Wake up; Touch exists? 7.3 Yes Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM) Permanent storage of parameters that have been modified can be achieved using the internal NVRAM. This NVRAM is not meant for continuous writing, as it has a low write cycle limit of 20,000. Upon startup, the NVRAM’s data (if present) is loaded into the controller. If no data is available in the NVRAM, the device defaults are loaded instead. Please note that parameters cannot be written individually to the NVRAM. All registers will be written with one command. See the applicable command within the command set for more details. (Section 5.6 “Full Command Set”) 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 19 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 7.4 Touch Performance Using default acquisition parameters, Figure 7-3 shows the relationship of single touch report rate with regard to sensor size. Larger sensors will have a reduced report rate, due to the additional time needed to scan the sensor. FIGURE 7-3: SINGLE-TOUCH REPORT RATE VS SENSOR SIZE Reports Per Second 400 300 200 100 0 2x 2 4x4 6x6 8x8 12x9 13x15 Sensor Channel Matrix DS41663A-page 20 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 8.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 8.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute maximum ratings for the MTCH6301 device are listed below. Exposure to these maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions, above the parameters indicated in the operation listings of this specification, is not implied. This section provides an overview of the MTCH6301 electrical characteristics. Ambient temperature under bias …………………………………………………..................….....……..............-40 to +85°C Storage temperature……………………………………………………………….......................…...…….………-65 to 150°C Voltage on VDD with respect to VSS……………………………....…………………….............................………-0.3V to 4.0V Voltage on all other pins with respect to VSS………………………………………..…...............………-0.3V to (VDD + 0.3V) Maximum current out of VSS pin …..……………………………………………………..........……………...............…300 mA Maximum current into VDD pin(s) ……….………………………………………………………..........…………………300 mA Maximum output current sunk by any I/O pin…………………………………………………..................………………15 mA Maximum output current sourced by any I/O pin …………………………………………………...................…………15 mA Maximum current sunk by all ports. …………………………………………………………………….............………. 200 mA Maximum current sourced by all ports. ………………………………………………………………………................ 200 mA Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions, above those indicated in the operation listings of this specification, is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 8.2 DC Characteristics TABLE 8-1: THERMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS Rating Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Operating Junction Temperature Range TJ -40 — +125 ⁰C Operating Ambient Temperature Range TA -40 — +85 ⁰C Power Dissipation: Internal Chip Power Dissipation: PINT = VDD x (IDD-Ʃ IOH) I/O Pin Power Dissipation: PI/O = Ʃ (({VDD - VOH} x IOH) + Ʃ (VOL x IOL)) PD PINT + PI/O W PDMAX (TJ - TA) / θJA W Maximum Allows Power Dissipation TABLE 8-2: THERMAL PACKAGING CHARACTERISTICS Characteristics Symbol Typ. Max. Units Package Thermal Resistance, 44-pin QFN θJA 32 — ⁰C/W Package Thermal Resistance, 44-pin TQFP θJA 45 — ⁰C/W TABLE 8-3: Symbol OPERATING VOLTAGE AND CURRENT Characteristics Min Typ Max Units VDD Supply Voltage 2.4 — 3.6 V IDD Operating Current — 20 30 mA ISLP Sleep Current — 20 — µA 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 21 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER TABLE 8-4: PIN INPUT AND OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Symbol Characteristic / Pins VIL Min. Max. Units RX, TX VSS 0.15 VDD V — SDA, SCL VSS 0.3 VDD V Note 1 0.65 VDD VDD V Note 1 0.65 VDD VDD V Note 1 INT, RX, TX VSS 0.4 V IOL < 10 mA, VDD = 3.3V SDA, SCL VSS 0.4 V IOL < 10 mA, VDD = 3.3V(1,2) 2.4 VDD V IOH < 10mA, VDD = 3.3V Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage RX, TX SDA, SCL VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage INT, RX, TX VBOR Note 1: 2: 8.3 Conditions SDA, SCL — — V Note 2 Brown-out event on VDD Transition high-to-low 2.0 2.3 V Min. not tested Parameter is characterized, but not tested. Open drain structure. AC Characteristics and Timing Parameters TABLE 8-5: Symbol AC CHARACTERISTICS AND TIMING PARAMETERS Characteristic Min. Typ. Max Units Conditions TPU Power-up Period — 400 — µs Notes 1, 2 TBOR Brown-out Pulse Width (Low) — 1 — µs Note 1 Note 1: 2: Parameter is characterized, but not tested. Power-up period is for core operation to begin, and does not reflect response time to a touch. FIGURE 8-1: DS41663A-page 22 I2C™ BUS START/STOP BIT TIMING CHARACTERISTICS 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER I2C™ BUS DATA TIMING CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 8-2: TABLE 8-6: Parameter Number I2C™ BUS DATA TIMING REQUIREMENTS Symbol Characteristic IS1 TLO:SCL Clock Low Time IS2 THI:SCL Clock High Time 100 kHz Mode Min. Max. Units Conditions 4.7 — µs — 400 kHz Mode 1.3 — µs 100 kHz Mode 4.0 — µs 400 kHz Mode .6 — µs — 300 ns IS3 TF:SCL SDA and SCL Fall Time 100 kHz Mode 400 kHz Mode 20+0.1 CB 300 ns IS4 TR:SCL SDA and SCL Rise Time 100 kHz Mode 1000 ns — 300 ns TSU:DAT Data Input Setup Time 100 kHz Mode 250 — ns 400 kHz Mode 100 — ns IS6 THD:DAT Data Input Hold Time 100 kHz Mode 0 — ns 400 kHz Mode 0 0.9 µs IS7 THD:STA Start Condition Setup Time 100 kHz Mode 4700 — ns 400 kHz Mode 600 — ns IS8 THD:STA Start Condition Hold Time 100 kHz Mode 4000 — ns 400 kHz Mode 600 — ns IS9 TSU:STO Stop Condition Setup Time 100 kHz Mode 4000 — ns 400 kHz Mode 600 — ns IS10 THD:STO Stop Condition Hold Time 100 kHz Mode 4000 — ns 400 kHz Mode 600 — ns IS11 TAA:SCL 100 kHz Mode 0 3500 ns 400 kHz Mode 0 1000 ns 100 kHz Mode 4.7 — µs 400 kHz Mode 1.3 — µs — 400 pF IS5 IS12 Output Valid from Clock TDF:SDA Bus Free Time CB 400 kHz Mode 20+0.1 CB SCL, SDC Capacitive Loading 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. — — — — — Only relevant for repeated start condition After this period, the first clock pulse is generated — — — Time bus must be free before new transmission can start Parameter is characterized, but not tested DS41663A-page 23 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 9.0 ORDERING INFORMATION TABLE 9-1: ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Pin Package Packing MTCH6301-I/PT 44 TQFP 10x10x1mm Tray MTCH6301-I/ML 44 QFN 8x8x0.9mm Tube MTCH6301T-I/PT 44 TQFP 10x10x1mm T/R MTCH6301T-I/ML 44 QFN 8x8x0.9mm T/R DS41663A-page 24 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 10.0 PACKAGING INFORMATION 44-Lead QFN (8x8x0.9 mm) PIN 1 Example PIN 1 XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX YYWWNNN MTCH6301 -I/PT 1130235 44-Lead TQFP (10x10x1 mm) Example XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX YYWWNNN MTCH6301 e3 -I/PT 1130235 Legend: XX...X Y YY WW NNN e3 * Note: e3 Customer-specific information Year code (last digit of calendar year) Year code (last 2 digits of calendar year) Week code (week of January 1 is week ‘01’) Alphanumeric traceability code Pb-free JEDEC designator for Matte Tin (Sn) This package is Pb-free. The Pb-free JEDEC designator ( e3 ) can be found on the outer packaging for this package. In the event the full Microchip part number cannot be marked on one line, it will be carried over to the next line, thus limiting the number of available characters for customer-specific information. 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 25 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER DS41663A-page 26 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 27 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER DS41663A-page 28 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER /HDG3ODVWLF7KLQ4XDG)ODWSDFN37±[[PP%RG\PP>74)3@ 1RWH )RUWKHPRVWFXUUHQWSDFNDJHGUDZLQJVSOHDVHVHHWKH0LFURFKLS3DFNDJLQJ6SHFLILFDWLRQORFDWHGDW KWWSZZZPLFURFKLSFRPSDFNDJLQJ D D1 E e E1 N b NOTE 1 1 2 3 NOTE 2 α A φ c β A2 A1 L L1 8QLWV 'LPHQVLRQ/LPLWV 1XPEHURI/HDGV 0,//,0(7(56 0,1 1 120 0$; /HDG3LWFK H 2YHUDOO+HLJKW $ ± %6& ± 0ROGHG3DFNDJH7KLFNQHVV $ 6WDQGRII $ ± )RRW/HQJWK / )RRWSULQW / 5() )RRW$QJOH 2YHUDOO:LGWK ( %6& 2YHUDOO/HQJWK ' %6& 0ROGHG3DFNDJH:LGWK ( %6& 0ROGHG3DFNDJH/HQJWK ' %6& /HDG7KLFNQHVV F ± /HDG:LGWK E 0ROG'UDIW$QJOH7RS 0ROG'UDIW$QJOH%RWWRP 1RWHV 3LQYLVXDOLQGH[IHDWXUHPD\YDU\EXWPXVWEHORFDWHGZLWKLQWKHKDWFKHGDUHD &KDPIHUVDWFRUQHUVDUHRSWLRQDOVL]HPD\YDU\ 'LPHQVLRQV'DQG(GRQRWLQFOXGHPROGIODVKRUSURWUXVLRQV0ROGIODVKRUSURWUXVLRQVVKDOOQRWH[FHHGPPSHUVLGH 'LPHQVLRQLQJDQGWROHUDQFLQJSHU$60(<0 %6& %DVLF'LPHQVLRQ7KHRUHWLFDOO\H[DFWYDOXHVKRZQZLWKRXWWROHUDQFHV 5() 5HIHUHQFH'LPHQVLRQXVXDOO\ZLWKRXWWROHUDQFHIRULQIRUPDWLRQSXUSRVHVRQO\ 0LFURFKLS 7HFKQRORJ\ 'UDZLQJ &% 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS41663A-page 29 MTCH6301 PROJECTED CAPACITIVE TOUCH CONTROLLER Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at DS41663A-page 30 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. • Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. • There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. • Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. • Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.” Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights. Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, dsPIC, FlashFlex, KEELOQ, KEELOQ logo, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PIC32 logo, rfPIC, SST, SST Logo, SuperFlash and UNI/O are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. FilterLab, Hampshire, HI-TECH C, Linear Active Thermistor, MTP, SEEVAL and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Silicon Storage Technology is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc. in other countries. 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ISBN: 978-1-62076-653-8 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY DNV == ISO/TS 16949 == 2012 Microchip Technology Inc. Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2009 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India. The Company’s quality system processes and procedures are for its PIC® MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs, KEELOQ® code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified. 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