SiM3L1xx SiM3L1 XX R E F E R E N C E M ANUAL This reference manual accompanies several documents to provide the complete description of SiM3L1xx devices, part of the Silicon Laboratories 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 family of microcontrollers. This document provides a detailed description for all peripherals available on all SiM3L1xx devices. The peripheral mix varies across different members of the device family. Refer to the device data sheet for details on the specific peripherals available for each member of the device family. In the event that the device data sheet and this document contain conflicting information, the device data sheet should be considered the authoritative source. Core ARM Cortex M3 Power On Reset / PMU Analog APB Debug / Programming Hardware AHB Watchdog Timer (WDTIMER0) SARADC0 Memory Voltage Supply Monitor (VMON0) 32/64/128/256 kB Flash Memory LDO Comparator 0 8/16/32 kB configurable retention RAM Power Analog LDO IDAC0 Digital LDO Comparator 1 I/O Crossbar LDO0 DMA DC-DC Buck Converter (DCDC0) 10-Channel Controller Power Management Unit (PMU) Peripheral Crossbar Low Power Mode Charge Pump Data Transfer Manager Standard 5 V Tolerant I/O pins Digital USART0 UART0 SPI0 SPI1 DTM0 DTM1 DTM2 I2C0 Clocking AES0 Real-Time Clock Oscillator (RTC0OSC) ECRC0 Low Frequency Oscillator (LFOSC0) ENCDEC0 Low Power Oscillator (LPOSC0) External Oscillator Control (EXTOSC0) EPCA0 Clock Control Timer 0 Timer 1 Timer 2 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0OSC) Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) Peripheral Clock Control (CLKCTRL) Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) 4x40 Segment LCD Controller DMA support available for these peripherals Rev. 0.5 2/13 Copyright © 2013 by Silicon Laboratories SiM3L1xx SiM3L1xx Ta b l e o f C o n t e n ts 1. Related Documents and Conventions ............................................................................. 11 1.1. Related Documents...................................................................................................... 11 1.2. Conventions ................................................................................................................. 11 2. Memory Organization ........................................................................................................12 2.1. Flash Region ................................................................................................................ 13 2.2. RAM Region ................................................................................................................. 14 2.3. Peripheral Region......................................................................................................... 15 2.4. Cortex-M3 Internal Peripherals .................................................................................... 15 3. SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map ...................................................................................... 16 4. Interrupts ............................................................................................................................ 30 4.1. System Exceptions....................................................................................................... 30 4.2. Interrupt Vector Table................................................................................................... 31 4.3. Priorities ....................................................................................................................... 35 5. Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) ............................................................................................... 38 5.1. Clock Control Features.................................................................................................38 5.2. CLKCTRL0 Registers................................................................................................... 39 5.3. CLKCTRL0 Register Memory Map............................................................................... 48 6. System Configuration (SCONFIG0).................................................................................. 50 6.1. System Configuration Features.................................................................................... 50 6.2. SCONFIG0 Registers................................................................................................... 51 6.3. SCONFIG0 Register Memory Map............................................................................... 52 7. Reset Sources (RSTSRC0)................................................................................................ 53 7.1. Reset Sources Features............................................................................................... 53 7.2. Overview ......................................................................................................................54 7.3. Power-On Reset........................................................................................................... 54 7.4. VBAT Monitor Power-Fail Reset .................................................................................. 55 7.5. External Pin Reset........................................................................................................56 7.6. Missing Clock Detector Reset ...................................................................................... 56 7.7. Comparator Reset ........................................................................................................56 7.8. Watchdog Timer Reset.................................................................................................56 7.9. RTC Reset.................................................................................................................... 56 7.10.Software Reset ............................................................................................................56 7.11.Core Reset................................................................................................................... 57 7.12.PMU Wake Reset Flag ................................................................................................ 57 7.13.RSTSRC0 Registers .................................................................................................... 58 7.14.RSTSRC0 Register Memory Map................................................................................ 62 8. Port I/O Configuration ....................................................................................................... 63 8.1. Port Bank Description................................................................................................... 63 8.2. Crossbar....................................................................................................................... 64 8.3. Port Bank Standard (PBSTD) and Port Bank General Purpose (PBGP) Features ...... 68 8.4. Standard Modes of Operation ...................................................................................... 69 8.5. Assigning Standard Port Bank Pins to Analog and Digital Functions........................... 69 8.6. Port Match .................................................................................................................... 70 8.7. Pulse Generator ........................................................................................................... 70 2 Rev. 0.5 SiM3L1xx 8.8. Port Bank Security........................................................................................................71 8.9. Debugging Interfaces ................................................................................................... 72 8.10.External Interrupts........................................................................................................73 8.11.PBCFG0 Registers ...................................................................................................... 75 8.12.PBCFG0 Register Memory Map .................................................................................. 83 8.13.PBSTD0, PBSTD1, PBSTD2 and PBSTD3 Registers................................................. 84 8.14.PBSTDn Register Memory Map...................................................................................94 8.15.PBGP4 Registers......................................................................................................... 97 8.16.PBGP4 Register Memory Map................................................................................... 104 9. Power ................................................................................................................................ 106 9.1. Power Modes .............................................................................................................106 10. Power Management Unit (PMU0).................................................................................... 110 10.1.Waking from Power Mode 8....................................................................................... 111 10.2.Retention RAM Control .............................................................................................. 113 10.3.PMU0 Registers......................................................................................................... 115 10.4.PMU0 Register Memory Map..................................................................................... 128 11. Internal Voltage Regulator (LDO0) .................................................................................130 11.1.Internal Voltage Regulator Features ..........................................................................130 11.2.Functional Description ...............................................................................................131 11.3.LDO0 Registers ......................................................................................................... 132 11.4.LDO0 Register Memory Map ..................................................................................... 134 12. DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0).............................................................................................. 135 12.1.DCDC Features ......................................................................................................... 135 12.2.Inductor Selection and Startup Behavior ...................................................................136 12.3.Synchronous/Asynchronous Modes ..........................................................................137 12.4.Power Switch Size ..................................................................................................... 138 12.5.Configuration Guidelines............................................................................................ 138 12.6.Optimizing Board Layout............................................................................................ 138 12.7.Clocking Options ..................................................................................................... 138 12.8.Bypass Mode .............................................................................................................139 12.9.Interrupts....................................................................................................................139 12.10.DCDC0 Registers .................................................................................................... 140 12.11.DCDC0 Register Memory Map ................................................................................ 145 13. Device Identification (DEVICEID0) and Universally Unique Identifier......................... 146 13.1.Device ID Features .................................................................................................... 146 13.2.Device Identification Encoding................................................................................... 146 13.3.Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) ..........................................................................146 13.4.DEVICEID0 Registers................................................................................................ 147 13.5.DEVICEID0 Register Memory Map............................................................................ 151 14. Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) ..........................................................................153 14.1.ACCTR Features ....................................................................................................... 153 14.2.External Pin Connections........................................................................................... 155 14.3.Overview ....................................................................................................................156 14.4.Analog Front End ....................................................................................................... 157 14.5.Analog Comparator Functions ................................................................................... 160 14.6.LC Counting/Conditioning .......................................................................................... 161 Rev. 0.5 3 SiM3L1xx 14.7.Counting Modes......................................................................................................... 164 14.8.Sample Rate .............................................................................................................. 166 14.9.Debounce................................................................................................................... 166 14.10.Reset Behavior ........................................................................................................ 168 14.11.Wake up and Interrupt Sources ............................................................................... 168 14.12.Register Write Access.............................................................................................. 168 14.13.Debug Signals.......................................................................................................... 168 14.14.LC Resonant Setup Example................................................................................... 169 14.15.ACCTR0 Registers .................................................................................................. 171 14.16.ACCTR0 Register Memory Map .............................................................................. 197 15. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0)......................................................................... 201 15.1.AES Features.............................................................................................................201 15.2.Overview ....................................................................................................................202 15.3.Interrupts....................................................................................................................202 15.4.Debug Mode .............................................................................................................. 202 15.5.DMA Configuration and Usage .................................................................................. 203 15.6.Using the AES Module for Electronic Codebook (ECB)............................................. 205 15.7.Using the AES Module for Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) .......................................... 208 15.8.Using the AES Module for Counter (CTR) ................................................................. 215 15.9.Performing “In-Place” Ciphers ................................................................................... 218 15.10.Using the AES Module in Software Mode................................................................ 219 15.11.AES0 Registers........................................................................................................ 220 15.12.AES0 Register Memory Map ................................................................................... 240 16. Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1)....................................................................................... 244 16.1.Comparator Features................................................................................................. 244 16.2.Input Multiplexer.........................................................................................................245 16.3.Output Signal Routing................................................................................................ 248 16.4.Overview ....................................................................................................................248 16.5.Input Mode Selection ................................................................................................. 248 16.6.Output Configuration.................................................................................................. 251 16.7.Response Time.......................................................................................................... 252 16.8.Hysteresis .................................................................................................................. 252 16.9.Interrupts and Flags ................................................................................................... 252 16.10.CMP0 and CMP1 Registers..................................................................................... 253 16.11.CMPn Register Memory Map................................................................................... 258 17. DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) ......................................................................................... 259 17.1.DMA Controller Features ........................................................................................... 259 17.2.Overview ....................................................................................................................260 17.3.Interrupts....................................................................................................................260 17.4.Configuring a DMA Channel ...................................................................................... 260 17.5.DMA Channel Transfer Structures............................................................................. 261 17.6.Transfer Types........................................................................................................... 266 17.7.Masking Channels ..................................................................................................... 272 17.8.Errors ......................................................................................................................... 272 17.9.Arbitration................................................................................................................... 273 17.10.Data Requests ......................................................................................................... 274 4 Rev. 0.5 SiM3L1xx 17.11.DMACTRL0 Registers ............................................................................................. 275 17.12.DMACTRL0 Register Memory Map ......................................................................... 305 18. DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) .......................................................................................... 310 18.1.DMA Crossbar Features ............................................................................................ 310 18.2.Channel Priority ......................................................................................................... 311 18.3.DMAXBAR0 Registers ...............................................................................................312 18.4.DMAXBAR0 Register Memory Map........................................................................... 318 19. Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2)......................................................... 319 19.1.DTM Features ............................................................................................................ 319 19.2.Overview ....................................................................................................................320 19.3.Counters ....................................................................................................................320 19.4.State Machine Control ...............................................................................................321 19.5.Configuring DTM States in Memory........................................................................... 324 19.6.DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2 Registers ........................................................................... 325 19.7.DTMn Register Memory Map..................................................................................... 332 20. Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) ............................................................334 20.1.ECRC Features.......................................................................................................... 334 20.2.Overview ....................................................................................................................335 20.3.Polynomial Specification ............................................................................................ 335 20.4.Automatic Seeding..................................................................................................... 335 20.5.Peripheral Data Snooping.......................................................................................... 336 20.6.DMA Configuration and Usage .................................................................................. 337 20.7.Byte-Level Bit Reversal and Byte Reordering............................................................338 20.8.ECRC0 Registers....................................................................................................... 341 20.9.ECRC0 Register Memory Map .................................................................................. 349 21. Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0)......................................................................................... 351 21.1.ENCDEC Features..................................................................................................... 351 21.2.Manchester Encoding ................................................................................................ 352 21.3.Manchester Decoding ................................................................................................ 353 21.4.Three-out-of-Six Encoding ......................................................................................... 354 21.5.Three-out-of-Six Decoding......................................................................................... 355 21.6.Interrupts and Error Conditions.................................................................................. 356 21.7.DMA Configuration and Usage .................................................................................. 357 21.8.ENCDEC0 Registers.................................................................................................. 359 21.9.ENCDEC0 Register Memory Map ............................................................................. 365 22. Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) ....................................................... 367 22.1.Enhanced Programmable Counter Array Features.................................................... 367 22.2.Output Mapping ......................................................................................................... 369 22.3.Triggers...................................................................................................................... 369 22.4.Module Overview ....................................................................................................... 370 22.5.Interrupts....................................................................................................................370 22.6.Clocking ..................................................................................................................... 371 22.7.Output Modes ............................................................................................................ 372 22.8.Operational Modes..................................................................................................... 374 22.9.DMA Configuration and Usage .................................................................................. 385 22.10.EPCA0 Registers ..................................................................................................... 387 Rev. 0.5 5 SiM3L1xx 22.11.EPCA0 Register Memory Map.................................................................................400 22.12.EPCA0_CH0-5 Registers......................................................................................... 402 22.13.EPCAn_CHx Register Memory Map........................................................................ 408 23. External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) ....................................................................................... 410 23.1.External Oscillator Features....................................................................................... 410 23.2.External Pin Connections........................................................................................... 411 23.3.External Crystal Oscillator.......................................................................................... 411 23.4.External CMOS Oscillator .......................................................................................... 412 23.5.External RC Oscillator................................................................................................ 413 23.6.External C Oscillator .................................................................................................. 415 23.7.EXTOSC0 Registers .................................................................................................. 417 23.8.EXTOSC0 Register Memory Map.............................................................................. 419 24. Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) .................................................................................... 420 24.1.Flash Controller Features .......................................................................................... 420 24.2.Overview ....................................................................................................................421 24.3.Flash Read Control .................................................................................................... 421 24.4.Flash Write and Erase Control................................................................................... 422 24.5.FLASHCTRL0 Registers............................................................................................ 425 24.6.FLASHCTRL0 Register Memory Map........................................................................ 431 25. Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) .................................................................................433 25.1.I2C Features ..............................................................................................................433 25.2.Signal Routing............................................................................................................433 25.3.I2C Protocol ............................................................................................................... 434 25.4.Clocking ..................................................................................................................... 438 25.5.Operational Modes..................................................................................................... 438 25.6.Error Handling............................................................................................................451 25.7.Additional Features .................................................................................................... 452 25.8.Debug Mode .............................................................................................................. 453 25.9.DMA Configuration and Usage .................................................................................. 454 25.10.I2C0 Registers ......................................................................................................... 459 25.11.I2C0 Register Memory Map ..................................................................................... 475 26. Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) .....................................................477 26.1.IDAC Features ........................................................................................................... 477 26.2.Output ........................................................................................................................ 478 26.3.Conversion Triggers................................................................................................... 478 26.4.IDAC Setup ................................................................................................................479 26.5.Using the IDAC in On-Demand Mode........................................................................ 481 26.6.Using the IDAC in Periodic FIFO-Only Mode............................................................. 481 26.7.Using the IDAC in Periodic FIFO Wrap Mode............................................................481 26.8.Using the IDAC in Periodic DMA Mode ..................................................................... 482 26.9.Adjusting the IDAC Output Current............................................................................ 482 26.10.Debug Mode ............................................................................................................ 482 26.11.IDAC0 Registers ......................................................................................................483 26.12.IDAC0 Register Memory Map .................................................................................. 491 27. LCD Controller (LCD0)..................................................................................................... 493 27.1.LCD Features.............................................................................................................493 6 Rev. 0.5 SiM3L1xx 27.2.Pin Assignment .......................................................................................................... 494 27.3.Configuring the Segment Driver.................................................................................496 27.4.Powering Down.......................................................................................................... 496 27.5.Mapping Data Registers to LCD Pins ........................................................................ 497 27.6.Contrast Adjustment .................................................................................................. 498 27.7.Adjusting the VBAT Monitor Threshold...................................................................... 500 27.8.Setting the Refresh Rate............................................................................................ 500 27.9.Blinking Segments ..................................................................................................... 500 27.10.LCD0 Registers........................................................................................................ 501 27.11.LCD0 Register Memory Map ................................................................................... 517 28. Register Security (LOCK0).............................................................................................. 520 28.1.Security Features....................................................................................................... 520 28.2.LOCK0 Registers ....................................................................................................... 521 28.3.LOCK0 Register Memory Map................................................................................... 527 29. Low Power Oscillator (LPOSC0)..................................................................................... 528 29.1.Low Power Oscillator Features .................................................................................. 528 29.2.Operation ................................................................................................................... 528 30. Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) ........................................................................................529 30.1.Low Power Timer Features........................................................................................529 30.2.Trigger Sources ......................................................................................................... 530 30.3.Output ........................................................................................................................ 531 30.4.Clocking ..................................................................................................................... 531 30.5.Configuring the Timer ................................................................................................ 532 30.6.Interrupts....................................................................................................................533 30.7.Output Modes ............................................................................................................ 533 30.8.Automatic Reset......................................................................................................... 533 30.9.Debug Mode .............................................................................................................. 533 30.10.LPTIMER0 Registers ...............................................................................................534 30.11.LPTIMER0 Register Memory Map ........................................................................... 540 31. Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0)............................................................................................. 541 31.1.PLL Features .............................................................................................................541 31.2.Overview ....................................................................................................................542 31.3.Interrupts....................................................................................................................542 31.4.Output Modes ............................................................................................................ 542 31.5.Additional Features .................................................................................................... 547 31.6.Advanced Setup Examples........................................................................................549 31.7.PLL0 Registers .......................................................................................................... 550 31.8.PLL0 Register Memory Map ...................................................................................... 558 32. Process/Voltage/Temperature Oscillator (PVTOSC0) .................................................. 559 32.1.PVTOSC Features ..................................................................................................... 559 32.2.PVTOSC Operation ................................................................................................... 559 32.3.PVTOSC0 Registers .................................................................................................. 560 32.4.PVTOSC0 Register Memory Map.............................................................................. 561 33. Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) ..............................................562 33.1.RTC Features ............................................................................................................ 562 33.2.RTC Clock Output......................................................................................................563 Rev. 0.5 7 SiM3L1xx 33.3.Overview ....................................................................................................................563 33.4.Clocking ..................................................................................................................... 563 33.5.Accessing the Timer .................................................................................................. 569 33.6.Alarms........................................................................................................................ 569 33.7.Interrupts....................................................................................................................570 33.8.Usage Modes.............................................................................................................570 33.9.RTC0 Registers ......................................................................................................... 571 33.10.RTC0 Register Memory Map ................................................................................... 580 34. SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0)............................................................... 582 34.1.SARADC Features..................................................................................................... 582 34.2.Input Multiplexer.........................................................................................................584 34.3.Tracking and Conversion Time .................................................................................. 586 34.4.Burst Mode................................................................................................................. 588 34.5.Channel Sequencer ................................................................................................... 589 34.6.Voltage Reference Configuration............................................................................... 590 34.7.Power Configuration .................................................................................................. 591 34.8.Data Output................................................................................................................ 592 34.9.Output Data Window Comparator.............................................................................. 594 34.10.Interrupts.................................................................................................................. 596 34.11.DMA Configuration and Usage ................................................................................ 597 34.12.SARADC0 Registers................................................................................................ 598 34.13.SARADC0 Register Memory Map............................................................................ 617 35. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) ...................................................................620 35.1.SPI Features ..............................................................................................................620 35.2.External Signal Routing ............................................................................................. 621 35.3.Signal Descriptions .................................................................................................... 621 35.4.Clear to Send (CTS–SPI1 Only) ................................................................................ 622 35.5.Clocking ..................................................................................................................... 623 35.6.Signal Format.............................................................................................................623 35.7.Master Mode Configurations and Data Transfer........................................................ 626 35.8.Slave Mode Configurations and Data Transfer.......................................................... 629 35.9.Special Operation Modes and Functions ...................................................................631 35.10.Interrupts.................................................................................................................. 633 35.11.Debug Mode ............................................................................................................ 633 35.12.Module Reset........................................................................................................... 633 35.13.DMA Configuration and Usage ................................................................................ 634 35.14.SPI0 and SPI1 Registers ......................................................................................... 635 35.15.SPIn Register Memory Map..................................................................................... 646 36. Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2)..........................................................................648 36.1.Timer Features........................................................................................................... 648 36.2.External Signal Routing ............................................................................................. 648 36.3.Clocking ..................................................................................................................... 649 36.4.Configuring Timer Interrupts ...................................................................................... 650 36.5.Start and Stop Synchronization .................................................................................651 36.6.EX Input Synchronization (TIMER0 and TIMER1).....................................................651 36.7.Mode Selection .......................................................................................................... 652 8 Rev. 0.5 SiM3L1xx 36.8.Auto-Reload Mode ..................................................................................................... 653 36.9.Up/Down Mode (TIMER0 and TIMER1) .................................................................... 654 36.10.Edge Capture Mode (Rising or Falling).................................................................... 655 36.11.Pulse Capture Mode (High or Low)..........................................................................656 36.12.Duty Cycle Capture Mode........................................................................................657 36.13.One Shot Mode........................................................................................................ 658 36.14.Square Wave Output Mode (TIMER0 and TIMER1)................................................ 659 36.15.Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Mode (TIMER0 and TIMER1) ............................... 660 36.16.TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2 Registers ............................................................... 662 36.17.TIMERn Register Memory Map ............................................................................... 669 37. Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART0) .................. 670 37.1.USART Features........................................................................................................ 670 37.2.External Signal Routing ............................................................................................. 672 37.3.Basic Data Format ..................................................................................................... 672 37.4.Baud Rate .................................................................................................................. 672 37.5.Interrupts....................................................................................................................673 37.6.Flow Control............................................................................................................... 674 37.7.Debug Mode .............................................................................................................. 674 37.8.Transmitting Data....................................................................................................... 675 37.9.Receiving Data........................................................................................................... 677 37.10.Synchronous Communication .................................................................................. 678 37.11.Additional Communication Support..........................................................................680 37.12.DMA Configuration and Usage ................................................................................ 685 37.13.USART0 Registers................................................................................................... 686 37.14.USART0 Register Memory Map .............................................................................. 705 38. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART0) ............................................ 707 38.1.UART Features .......................................................................................................... 707 38.2.Pin Assignment .......................................................................................................... 709 38.3.UART Clocking .......................................................................................................... 709 38.4.Basic Data Format ..................................................................................................... 710 38.5.Baud Rate .................................................................................................................. 710 38.6.Interrupts....................................................................................................................711 38.7.Inter-Packet Delay Generator .................................................................................... 712 38.8.Debug Mode .............................................................................................................. 712 38.9.Transmitting Data....................................................................................................... 713 38.10.Receiving Data......................................................................................................... 715 38.11.Additional Communication Support..........................................................................716 38.12.UART0 Registers ..................................................................................................... 719 38.13.UART0 Register Memory Map.................................................................................737 39. Voltage Supply Monitor (VMON0)................................................................................... 739 39.1.Voltage Supply Monitor Features............................................................................... 739 39.2.VBAT Supply Monitoring............................................................................................ 740 39.3.VMON0 Registers ......................................................................................................742 39.4.VMON0 Register Memory Map.................................................................................. 744 40. Voltage Reference and Temperature Sensor (VREF0) ................................................. 745 40.1.Voltage Reference Features ...................................................................................... 745 Rev. 0.5 9 SiM3L1xx 40.2.Functional Description ...............................................................................................746 40.3.VREF0 and Temperature Sensor Registers .............................................................. 747 40.4.VREF0 Register Memory Map ................................................................................... 748 41. Watchdog Timer (WDTIMER0) ........................................................................................749 41.1.Watchdog Timer Features ......................................................................................... 749 41.2.Overview ....................................................................................................................750 41.3.Lock and Key Interface .............................................................................................. 750 41.4.Setting the Early Warning and Reset Thresholds ...................................................... 751 41.5.Interrupts and Flags ................................................................................................... 751 41.6.Debug Mode .............................................................................................................. 752 41.7.WDTIMER0 Registers................................................................................................ 753 41.8.WDTIMER0 Register Memory Map ........................................................................... 758 Document Change List ......................................................................................................... 759 Contact Information .............................................................................................................. 760 10 Rev. 0.5 1. Related Documents and Conventions 1.1. Related Documents 1.1.1. SiM3L1xx Data Sheet The Silicon Labs SiM3L1xx data sheet provides specific information for this device family, including electrical characteristics, mechanical characteristics, and ordering information. 1.1.2. Hardware Access Layer (HAL) API Description The Silicon Labs Hardware Access Layer (HAL) API provides functions to modify and read each bit in the SiM3L1xx devices. This description can be found in the SiM3xxxx HAL API Reference Manual. 1.1.3. ARM Cortex-M3 Reference Manual The ARM-specific features like the Nested Vector Interrupt Controller are described in the ARM Cortex-M3 reference documentation. The online reference manual can be found online at the following link: 1.2. Conventions The block diagrams in this document use the following formatting conventions: Internal Module Other Internal Peripheral Block External Memory Block DMA Block Memory Block Input_Pin External to MCU Block Output_Pin Functional Block Internal_Input_Signal Internal_Output_Signal REGn_NAME / BIT_NAME Figure 1.1. Block Diagram Conventions Rev. 0.5 11 Related Documents and Conventions SiM3L1xx Memory Organization SiM3L1xx 2. Memory Organization The memory organization of the SiM3L1xx devices follows the standard ARM Cortex-M3 structure, shown in Figure 2.1. There is one 32-bit memory space shared amongst the flash, RAM, SiM3L1xx peripherals, external memory, and M3 peripherals. The unused memory addresses are reserved and should not be accessed. 0xFFFF_FFFF 0xE011_0000 0xE010_FFFF Reserved Cortex-M3 Internal Peripherals 0xE000_0000 0xDFFF_FFFF 0x4400_0000 0x43FF_FFFF Reserved Peripheral Bit-Band Alias Peripheral Region 0x4200_0000 0x41FF_FFFF 0x4004_5000 0x4004_4FFF Reserved SiM3L1xx Peripherals 0x4000_0000 0x3FFF_FFFF 0x2400_0000 0x23FF_FFFF Reserved RAM Bit-Band Alias RAM Region 0x2200_0000 0x21FF_FFFF 0x2000_8000 0x2000_7FFF Reserved Configurable Retention RAM 0x2000_0000 0x1FFF_FFFF 0x0004_0000 0x0003_FFFF Flash Region Reserved Flash 0x00000000 Figure 2.1. SiM3L1xx Memory Map 12 Rev. 0.5 2.1. Flash Region The SiM3L1xx devices implement 256, 128, 64, or 32 kB of flash which is accessible starting at 0x00000000. The flash can be read using standard ARM instructions. The FLASHCTRL0 module should be used to write and erase flash from firmware. The flash block can be locked from external access by writing to the lock word located at 0x0003FFFC. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF or 0x00000000 at this location will unlock the flash. Any other value written to this location will lock the entire flash from external (debugger) writes or reads until: An erase operation is initiated from firmware. An erase operation is initiated through the debug port (SWD/JTAG). Firmware writes 0x00000000 to the lock word. The DMA can access all of flash. 0x1FFFFFF 0x00040000 0x0003FFFF Reserved Lock Word 0x0003FFFC Flash 0x00000000 Figure 2.2. SiM3L16x Flash Memory Map (256 kB) 0x1FFFFFF 0x00040000 0x0003FFFF Reserved Lock Word 0x0003FFFC Reserved 0x0001FFFF Flash 0x00000000 Figure 2.3. SiM3L15x Flash Memory Map (128 kB) Rev. 0.5 13 Memory Organization SiM3L1xx Memory Organization SiM3L1xx 0x1FFFFFF 0x00040000 0x0003FFFF Reserved Lock Word 0x0003FFFC Reserved 0x0000FFFF Flash 0x00000000 Figure 2.4. SiM3L14x Flash Memory Map (64 kB) 0x1FFFFFF 0x00040000 0x0003FFFF Reserved Lock Word 0x0003FFFC Reserved 0x00007FFF 0x00000000 Flash Figure 2.5. SiM3L13x Flash Memory Map (32 kB) 2.2. RAM Region The RAM region consists of 32 kB (SiM3L16x and SiM3L15x), 16 kB (SiM3L14x), or 8 kB (SiM3L13x) and starts at location 0x20000000. This RAM is configurable via firmware in 4 kB segments to act as standard RAM or retention RAM in the PMU0 module. When a 4 kB block is configured as retention RAM, memory contents will be retained during Power Mode 8 and 9 as long as the Supply Monitor has not caused a reset. The RAM Bit-Band Alias region can be used to perform sets or clears of individual bits in the RAM. Each bit in the RAM region is represented by the least-significant bit at the word-aligned bit-band alias address. 14 Rev. 0.5 2.3. Peripheral Region The SiM3L1xx peripheral registers are located starting at address 0x4000_0000. Registers for a specific module are typically located together in the peripheral region of memory to facilitate structure access from firmware. Each register may have up to four access methods, implemented as four separate locations in memory. The four possible access methods are named ALL, SET, CLR, and MSK. The register’s ALL access address is the primary access point for any register. Individual bits may be Read/Write (RW), Read-Only (RO), or Write-Only (WO). The ALL access address is implemented for all registers, and where absolute memory addresses are given in the documentation, they refer to the ALL address. For registers with write access, the ALL address will directly write all bits of the register. A read of the ALL address will read the current value in the register. The SET and CLR addresses provide bit-wise, atomic write access to set and clear bits in the register without colliding with hardware. Writing a 1 to a bit in the SET address will set the corresponding bit, and writing a 1 to a bit in the CLR address will clear the corresponding bit. A write of 0 to either SET or CLR will have no effect on the corresponding bit. For registers implementing SET and CLR access methods, the SET address is at offset 0x4, and the CLR address is at offset 0x8 from the register’s ALL access address. SET and CLR access are not implemented on every register. The MSK address allows a write to a specific range of bits in the register. The upper 16 bits act as a mask for writing a value in the lower 16 bits of the register. For example, a write of 0x0F000400 to the MASK address would write a value of 4 to bits [11:8] of the register, while none of the rest of the bits are modified. For registers implementing the MSK access method, the MSK address is at offset 0xC from the registers ALL access address. MSK access is implemented for only a small set of registers which may require atomic, simultaneous writes of both 1’s and 0’s (such as port output registers). Many control and status registers support the SET and CLR access methods. The Peripheral Bit-Band Alias region can also be used to perform sets or clears of individual bits in the peripheral registers, which results in a readmodify-write operation on the bus. Each bit in the registers region is represented by the least-significant bit at the word-aligned bit-band alias address. When supported, it is recommended to use the SET and CLR registers instead of the Bit-Band Alias region to change individual bits in a register. Bit-band accesses are not protected against hardware conflicts. Each peripheral is discussed in detail in the corresponding chapter. The register map for the SiM3L1xx devices can be found in “3. SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map” . Detailed descriptions of each register and the bit fields within can be found in the specific peripheral section for that register. 2.4. Cortex-M3 Internal Peripherals The Cortex-M3 Internal Peripherals space includes standard M3 functions such as the NVIC and ETM. For more information on these functions of the ARM core, consult the ARM Cortex-M3 Reference Manual. Rev. 0.5 15 Memory Organization SiM3L1xx 3. SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map This section details the register memory map for the SiM3L1xx devices. Registers are listed in address order, beginning with 0x4000_0000. USART0_CONFIG Module Configuration 0x4000_0000 Y Y USART0_MODE Module Mode Select 0x4000_0010 Y Y USART0_FLOWCN Flow Control 0x4000_0020 Y Y USART0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4000_0030 Y Y USART0_IPDELAY Inter-Packet Delay 0x4000_0040 USART0_BAUDRATE Transmit and Receive Baud Rate 0x4000_0050 USART0_FIFOCN FIFO Control 0x4000_0060 Y Y USART0_DATA FIFO Input/Output Data 0x4000_0070 UART0_CONFIG Module Configuration 0x4000_1000 Y Y UART0_MODE Module Mode Select 0x4000_1010 Y Y UART0_FLOWCN Flow Control 0x4000_1020 Y Y UART0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4000_1030 Y Y UART0_IPDELAY Inter-Packet Delay 0x4000_1040 UART0_BAUDRATE Transmit and Receive Baud Rate 0x4000_1050 UART0_FIFOCN FIFO Control 0x4000_1060 Y Y UART0_DATA FIFO Input/Output Data 0x4000_1070 UART0_CLKDIV Clock Divider 0x4000_1080 Register Name Title Address (ALL Access) USART0 Registers UART0 Registers 16 Rev. 0.5 MSK (+0xC) CLR(+0x8) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map SET (+0x4) SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx CLR(+0x8) SPI0_DATA Input/Output Data 0x4000_4000 SPI0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4000_4010 Y Y SPI0_CONFIG Module Configuration 0x4000_4020 Y Y SPI0_CLKRATE Module Clock Rate Control 0x4000_4030 SPI0_FSTATUS FIFO Status 0x4000_4040 SPI0_CONFIGMD Mode Configuration 0x4000_4050 Y Y SPI1_DATA Input/Output Data 0x4000_5000 SPI1_CONTROL Module Control 0x4000_5010 Y Y SPI1_CONFIG Module Configuration 0x4000_5020 Y Y SPI1_CLKRATE Module Clock Rate Control 0x4000_5030 SPI1_FSTATUS FIFO Status 0x4000_5040 SPI1_CONFIGMD Mode Configuration 0x4000_5050 Y Y I2C0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4000_9000 Y Y I2C0_CONFIG Module Configuration 0x4000_9010 Y Y I2C0_SADDRESS Slave Address 0x4000_9020 I2C0_SMASK Slave Address Mask 0x4000_9030 I2C0_DATA Data Buffer Access 0x4000_9040 I2C0_TIMER Timer Data 0x4000_9050 I2C0_TIMERRL Timer Reload Values 0x4000_9060 I2C0_SCONFIG SCL Signal Configuration 0x4000_9070 I2C0_I2CDMA DMA Configuration 0x4000_9080 Register Name Title Address (ALL Access) MSK (+0xC) SET (+0x4) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map SPI0 Registers SPI1 Registers I2C0 Registers Rev. 0.5 17 SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx Title Address (ALL Access) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y EPCA0 Registers EPCA0_CH0_MODE Channel Capture/Compare Mode 0x4000_E000 EPCA0_CH0_CONTROL Channel Capture/Compare Control 0x4000_E010 EPCA0_CH0_CCAPV Channel Compare Value 0x4000_E020 EPCA0_CH0_CCAPVUPD Channel Compare Update Value 0x4000_E030 EPCA0_CH1_MODE Channel Capture/Compare Mode 0x4000_E040 EPCA0_CH1_CONTROL Channel Capture/Compare Control 0x4000_E050 EPCA0_CH1_CCAPV Channel Compare Value 0x4000_E060 EPCA0_CH1_CCAPVUPD Channel Compare Update Value 0x4000_E070 EPCA0_CH2_MODE Channel Capture/Compare Mode 0x4000_E080 EPCA0_CH2_CONTROL Channel Capture/Compare Control 0x4000_E090 EPCA0_CH2_CCAPV Channel Compare Value 0x4000_E0A0 EPCA0_CH2_CCAPVUPD Channel Compare Update Value 0x4000_E0B0 EPCA0_CH3_MODE Channel Capture/Compare Mode 0x4000_E0C0 EPCA0_CH3_CONTROL Channel Capture/Compare Control 0x4000_E0D0 EPCA0_CH3_CCAPV Channel Compare Value 0x4000_E0E0 EPCA0_CH3_CCAPVUPD Channel Compare Update Value 0x4000_E0F0 EPCA0_CH4_MODE Channel Capture/Compare Mode 0x4000_E100 EPCA0_CH4_CONTROL Channel Capture/Compare Control 0x4000_E110 EPCA0_CH4_CCAPV Channel Compare Value 0x4000_E120 EPCA0_CH4_CCAPVUPD Channel Compare Update Value 0x4000_E130 EPCA0_CH5_MODE Channel Capture/Compare Mode 0x4000_E140 EPCA0_CH5_CONTROL Channel Capture/Compare Control 0x4000_E150 EPCA0_CH5_CCAPV Channel Compare Value 0x4000_E160 EPCA0_CH5_CCAPVUPD Channel Compare Update Value 0x4000_E170 EPCA0_MODE Module Operating Mode 0x4000_E180 EPCA0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4000_E190 18 Rev. 0.5 MSK (+0xC) Register Name CLR(+0x8) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map SET (+0x4) SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx Address (ALL Access) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y EPCA0_STATUS Module Status 0x4000_E1A0 EPCA0_COUNTER Module Counter/Timer 0x4000_E1B0 EPCA0_LIMIT Module Upper Limit 0x4000_E1C0 EPCA0_LIMITUPD Module Upper Limit Update Value 0x4000_E1D0 EPCA0_DTIME Phase Delay Time 0x4000_E1E0 EPCA0_DTARGET DMA Transfer Target 0x4000_E200 TIMER0_CONFIG High and Low Timer Configuration 0x4001_4000 TIMER0_CLKDIV Module Clock Divider Control 0x4001_4010 TIMER0_COUNT Timer Value 0x4001_4020 TIMER0_CAPTURE Timer Capture/Reload Value 0x4001_4030 TIMER1_CONFIG High and Low Timer Configuration 0x4001_5000 TIMER1_CLKDIV Module Clock Divider Control 0x4001_5010 TIMER1_COUNT Timer Value 0x4001_5020 TIMER1_CAPTURE Timer Capture/Reload Value 0x4001_5030 TIMER2_CONFIG High and Low Timer Configuration 0x4001_6000 TIMER2_CLKDIV Module Clock Divider Control 0x4001_6010 TIMER2_COUNT Timer Value 0x4001_6020 TIMER2_CAPTURE Timer Capture/Reload Value 0x4001_6030 SARADC0_CONFIG Module Configuration 0x4001_A000 Y Y SARADC0_CONTROL Measurement Control 0x4001_A010 Y Y SARADC0_SQ7654 Channel Sequencer Time Slots 4-7 Setup 0x4001_A020 SARADC0_SQ3210 Channel Sequencer Time Slots 0-3 Setup 0x4001_A030 SARADC0_CHAR32 Conversion Characteristic 2 and 3 Setup 0x4001_A040 Y Y MSK (+0xC) Title CLR(+0x8) Register Name SET (+0x4) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map TIMER0 Registers TIMER1 Registers TIMER2 Registers SARADC0 Registers Rev. 0.5 19 SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx Title Address (ALL Access) Y Y Y Y SARADC0_CHAR10 Conversion Characteristic 0 and 1 Setup 0x4001_A050 SARADC0_DATA Output Data Word 0x4001_A060 SARADC0_WCLIMITS Window Comparator Limits 0x4001_A070 SARADC0_ACC Accumulator Initial Value 0x4001_A080 SARADC0_STATUS Module Status 0x4001_A090 SARADC0_FIFOSTATUS FIFO Status 0x4001_A0A0 CMP0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4001_F000 Y Y CMP0_MODE Input and Module Mode 0x4001_F010 Y Y CMP1_CONTROL Module Control 0x4002_0000 Y Y CMP1_MODE Input and Module Mode 0x4002_0010 Y Y AES0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4002_7000 Y Y AES0_XFRSIZE Number of Blocks 0x4002_7010 AES0_DATAFIFO Input/Output Data FIFO Access 0x4002_7020 AES0_XORFIFO XOR Data FIFO Access 0x4002_7030 AES0_HWKEY0 Hardware Key Word 0 0x4002_7040 AES0_HWKEY1 Hardware Key Word 1 0x4002_7050 AES0_HWKEY2 Hardware Key Word 2 0x4002_7060 AES0_HWKEY3 Hardware Key Word 3 0x4002_7070 AES0_HWKEY4 Hardware Key Word 4 0x4002_7080 AES0_HWKEY5 Hardware Key Word 5 0x4002_7090 AES0_HWKEY6 Hardware Key Word 6 0x4002_70A0 AES0_HWKEY7 Hardware Key Word 7 0x4002_70B0 AES0_HWCTR0 Hardware Counter Word 0 0x4002_70C0 AES0_HWCTR1 Hardware Counter Word 1 0x4002_70D0 CMP0 Registers CMP1 Registers AES0 Registers 20 Rev. 0.5 MSK (+0xC) Register Name CLR(+0x8) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map SET (+0x4) SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx CLR(+0x8) AES0_HWCTR2 Hardware Counter Word 2 0x4002_70E0 AES0_HWCTR3 Hardware Counter Word 3 0x4002_70F0 AES0_STATUS Module Status 0x4002_7100 Y Y ECRC0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4002_8000 Y Y ECRC0_POLY 16-bit Programmable Polynomial 0x4002_8010 ECRC0_DATA Input/Result Data 0x4002_8020 ECRC0_RDATA Bit-Reversed Output Data 0x4002_8030 ECRC0_BRDATA Byte-Reversed Output Data 0x4002_8040 ECRC0_SCONTROL Bus Snooping Control 0x4002_8050 Y Y RTC0_CONFIG RTC Configuration 0x4002_9000 Y Y RTC0_CONTROL RTC Control 0x4002_9010 Y Y RTC0_ALARM0 RTC Alarm 0 0x4002_9020 RTC0_ALARM1 RTC Alarm 1 0x4002_9030 RTC0_ALARM2 RTC Alarm 2 0x4002_9040 RTC0_SETCAP RTC Timer Set/Capture Value 0x4002_9050 RTC0_LFOCONTROL LFOSC Control 0x4002_9060 PBCFG0_CONTROL0 Global Port Control 0 0x4002_A000 Y Y PBCFG0_CONTROL1 Global Port Control 1 0x4002_A010 Y Y PBCFG0_XBAR0 Crossbar 0 Control 0x4002_A020 Y Y PBCFG0_PBKEY Global Port Key 0x4002_A030 Register Name Title Address (ALL Access) MSK (+0xC) SET (+0x4) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map ECRC0 Registers RTC0 Registers PBCFG0 Registers Rev. 0.5 21 SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx Title Address (ALL Access) MSK (+0xC) Register Name CLR(+0x8) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map SET (+0x4) SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx Y Y Y PBSTD0 Registers PBSTD0_PB Output Latch 0x4002_A0A0 PBSTD0_PBPIN Pin Value 0x4002_A0B0 PBSTD0_PBMDSEL Mode Select 0x4002_A0C0 Y Y PBSTD0_PBSKIPEN Crossbar Pin Skip Enable 0x4002_A0D0 Y Y PBSTD0_PBOUTMD Output Mode 0x4002_A0E0 Y Y PBSTD0_PBDRV Drive Strength 0x4002_A0F0 Y Y PBSTD0_PM Port Match Value 0x4002_A100 Y Y PBSTD0_PMEN Port Match Enable 0x4002_A110 Y Y PBSTD0_PBPGEN Pulse Generator Pin Enable 0x4002_A120 PBSTD0_PBPGPHASE Pulse Generator Phase 0x4002_A130 PBSTD1_PB Output Latch 0x4002_A140 Y Y PBSTD1_PBPIN Pin Value 0x4002_A150 PBSTD1_PBMDSEL Mode Select 0x4002_A160 Y Y PBSTD1_PBSKIPEN Crossbar Pin Skip Enable 0x4002_A170 Y Y PBSTD1_PBOUTMD Output Mode 0x4002_A180 Y Y PBSTD1_PBDRV Drive Strength 0x4002_A190 Y Y PBSTD1_PM Port Match Value 0x4002_A1A0 Y Y PBSTD1_PMEN Port Match Enable 0x4002_A1B0 Y Y PBSTD2_PB Output Latch 0x4002_A1E0 Y Y PBSTD2_PBPIN Pin Value 0x4002_A1F0 PBSTD2_PBMDSEL Mode Select 0x4002_A200 Y Y PBSTD2_PBSKIPEN Crossbar Pin Skip Enable 0x4002_A210 Y Y PBSTD2_PBOUTMD Output Mode 0x4002_A220 Y Y PBSTD2_PBDRV Drive Strength 0x4002_A230 Y Y PBSTD1 Registers Y PBSTD2 Registers 22 Rev. 0.5 Y CLR(+0x8) PBSTD2_PM Port Match Value 0x4002_A240 Y Y PBSTD2_PMEN Port Match Enable 0x4002_A250 Y Y PBSTD3_PB Output Latch 0x4002_A280 Y Y PBSTD3_PBPIN Pin Value 0x4002_A290 PBSTD3_PBMDSEL Mode Select 0x4002_A2A0 Y Y PBSTD3_PBSKIPEN Crossbar Pin Skip Enable 0x4002_A2B0 Y Y PBSTD3_PBOUTMD Output Mode 0x4002_A2C0 Y Y PBSTD3_PBDRV Drive Strength 0x4002_A2D0 Y Y PBSTD3_PM Port Match Value 0x4002_A2E0 Y Y PBSTD3_PMEN Port Match Enable 0x4002_A2F0 Y Y PBGP4_PB Output Latch 0x4002_A320 Y Y PBGP4_PBPIN Pin Value 0x4002_A330 PBGP4_PBMDSEL Mode Select 0x4002_A340 Y Y PBGP4_PBOUTMD Output Mode 0x4002_A350 Y Y PBGP4_PBDRV Drive Strength 0x4002_A360 Y Y PBGP4_PM Port Match Value 0x4002_A370 Y Y PBGP4_PMEN Port Match Enable 0x4002_A380 Y Y RSTSRC0_RESETEN System Reset Source Enable 0x4002_C000 Y Y RSTSRC0_RESETFLAG System Reset Flags 0x4002_C010 Register Name Title Address (ALL Access) MSK (+0xC) SET (+0x4) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map PBSTD3 Registers Y PBGP4 Registers Y RSTSRC0 Registers Rev. 0.5 23 SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx CLKCTRL0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4002_D000 CLKCTRL0_AHBCLKG AHB Clock Gate 0x4002_D010 Y Y CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG0 APB Clock Gate 0 0x4002_D020 Y Y CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG1 APB Clock Gate 1 0x4002_D030 Y Y CLKCTRL0_PM3CN Power Mode 3 Clock Control 0x4002_D040 CLKCTRL0_CONFIG Configuration Options 0x4002_D060 Y Y FLASHCTRL0_CONFIG Controller Configuration 0x4002_E000 Y Y FLASHCTRL0_WRADDR Flash Write Address 0x4002_E0A0 FLASHCTRL0_WRDATA Flash Write Data 0x4002_E0B0 FLASHCTRL0_KEY Flash Modification Key 0x4002_E0C0 FLASHCTRL0_TCONTROL Flash Timing Control 0x4002_E0D0 Module Control 0x4002_F000 Y Y WDTIMER0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4003_0000 Y Y WDTIMER0_STATUS Module Status 0x4003_0010 Y Y WDTIMER0_THRESHOLD Threshold Values 0x4003_0020 WDTIMER0_WDTKEY Module Key 0x4003_0030 IDAC0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4003_1000 Y Y IDAC0_DATA Output Data 0x4003_1010 IDAC0_BUFSTATUS FIFO Buffer Status 0x4003_1020 Y Y IDAC0_BUFFER10 FIFO Buffer Entries 0 and 1 0x4003_1030 IDAC0_BUFFER32 FIFO Buffer Entries 2 and 3 0x4003_1040 IDAC0_GAINADJ Output Current Gain Adjust 0x4003_1050 Register Name Title Address (ALL Access) CLKCTRL0 Registers FLASHCTRL0 Registers VMON0 Registers VMON0_CONTROL WDTIMER0 Registers IDAC0 Registers 24 Rev. 0.5 MSK (+0xC) CLR(+0x8) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map SET (+0x4) SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx CLR(+0x8) DMACTRL0_STATUS Controller Status 0x4003_6000 DMACTRL0_CONFIG Controller Configuration 0x4003_6004 DMACTRL0_BASEPTR Base Pointer 0x4003_6008 DMACTRL0_ABASEPTR Alternate Base Pointer 0x4003_600C DMACTRL0_CHSTATUS Channel Status 0x4003_6010 DMACTRL0_CHSWRCN Channel Software Request Control 0x4003_6014 DMACTRL0_CHREQMSET Channel Request Mask Set 0x4003_6020 DMACTRL0_CHREQMCLR Channel Request Mask Clear 0x4003_6024 DMACTRL0_CHENSET Channel Enable Set 0x4003_6028 DMACTRL0_CHENCLR Channel Enable Clear 0x4003_602C DMACTRL0_CHALTSET Channel Alternate Select Set 0x4003_6030 DMACTRL0_CHALTCLR Channel Alternate Select Clear 0x4003_6034 DMACTRL0_CHHPSET Channel High Priority Set 0x4003_6038 DMACTRL0_CHHPCLR Channel High Priority Clear 0x4003_603C DMACTRL0_BERRCLR Bus Error Clear 0x4003_604C DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR0 Channel 0-7 Trigger Select 0x4003_7000 Y Y DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR1 Channel 8-15 Trigger Select 0x4003_7010 Y Y LPTIMER0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4003_8000 Y Y LPTIMER0_COUNT Timer Value 0x4003_8010 LPTIMER0_THRESHOLD Threshold Values 0x4003_8020 LPTIMER0_STATUS Module Status 0x4003_8030 Y Y Control 0x4003_9000 Y Y Register Name Title Address (ALL Access) MSK (+0xC) SET (+0x4) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map DMACTRL0 Registers DMAXBAR0 Registers LPTIMER0 Registers LDO0 Registers LDO0_CONTROL Rev. 0.5 25 SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx Module Control 0x4003_9010 Y Y PLL0_DIVIDER Reference Divider Setting 0x4003_B000 PLL0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4003_B010 Y Y PLL0_SSPR Spectrum Spreading Control 0x4003_B020 PLL0_CALCONFIG Calibration Configuration 0x4003_B030 Oscillator Control 0x4003_C000 Y Y Module Control 0x4003_D000 Y Y ACCTR0_CONFIG Configuration 0x4004_2000 ACCTR0_CONTROL Control Register 0x4004_2010 ACCTR0_LCCONFIG LC Configuration 0x4004_2020 ACCTR0_TIMING Timing 0x4004_2030 ACCTR0_LCMODE LC Mode 0x4004_2040 ACCTR0_LCCLKCONTROL LC Clock Control 0x4004_2050 ACCTR0_LCLIMITS LC Counter Limits 0x4004_2060 ACCTR0_LCCOUNT LC Counters 0x4004_2070 ACCTR0_DBCONFIG Pulse Counter Debounce Configuration 0x4004_2080 ACCTR0_COUNT0 Pulse Counter 0 0x4004_2090 ACCTR0_COUNT1 Pulse Counter 1 0x4004_20A0 ACCTR0_COMP0 Pulse Counter Comparator 0 Threshold 0x4004_20B0 ACCTR0_COMP1 Pulse Counter Comparator 1 Threshold 0x4004_20C0 ACCTR0_STATUS Status 0x4004_20D0 ACCTR0_DEBUGEN Calibration 0x4004_20E0 Register Name Title VREF0 Registers VREF0_CONTROL PLL0 Registers EXTOSC0 Registers EXTOSC0_CONTROL PVTOSC0 Registers PVTOSC0_CONTROL ACCTR0 Registers 26 Rev. 0.5 MSK (+0xC) Address (ALL Access) CLR(+0x8) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map SET (+0x4) SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx CLR(+0x8) PMU0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4004_8000 Y Y PMU0_CONFIG Module Configuration 0x4004_8010 Y Y PMU0_STATUS Module Status 0x4004_8020 Y Y PMU0_WAKEEN Wakeup Enable 0x4004_8030 Y Y PMU0_WAKESTATUS Wakeup Status 0x4004_8040 PMU0_PWEN Pin Wake Pin Enable 0x4004_8050 Y Y PMU0_PWPOL Pin Wake Pin Polarity Select 0x4004_8060 Y Y LOCK0_KEY Security Key 0x4004_9000 LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK0 Peripheral Lock Control 0 0x4004_9020 Y Y LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK1 Peripheral Lock Control 1 0x4004_9040 Y Y System Configuration 0x4004_90B0 Y Y DEVICEID0_DEVICEID0 Device ID Word 0 0x4004_90C0 DEVICEID0_DEVICEID1 Device ID Word 1 0x4004_90D0 DEVICEID0_DEVICEID2 Device ID Word 2 0x4004_90E0 DEVICEID0_DEVICEID3 Device ID Word 3 0x4004_90F0 DTM0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4004_A000 Y Y DTM0_TIMEOUT Module Timeout 0x4004_A010 DTM0_MSTCOUNT Master Counter 0x4004_A020 DTM0_STATEADDR State Address 0x4004_A030 DTM0_STATE Active DTM State 0x4004_A040 Register Name Title Address (ALL Access) MSK (+0xC) SET (+0x4) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map PMU0 Registers LOCK0 Registers SCONFIG0 Registers SCONFIG0_CONFIG DEVICEID0 Registers DTM0 Registers Rev. 0.5 27 SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx Title Address (ALL Access) Y Y Y Y Y Y DTM1 Registers DTM1_CONTROL Module Control 0x4004_B000 DTM1_TIMEOUT Module Timeout 0x4004_B010 DTM1_MSTCOUNT Master Counter 0x4004_B020 DTM1_STATEADDR State Address 0x4004_B030 DTM1_STATE Active DTM State 0x4004_B040 DTM2_CONTROL Module Control 0x4004_C000 DTM2_TIMEOUT Module Timeout 0x4004_C010 DTM2_MSTCOUNT Master Counter 0x4004_C020 DTM2_STATEADDR State Address 0x4004_C030 DTM2_STATE Active DTM State 0x4004_C040 LCD0_CONFIG Configuration 0x4004_D000 LCD0_CLKCONTROL Clock Control 0x4004_D020 LCD0_BLKCONTROL Blinking Control 0x4004_D030 LCD0_SEGCONTROL Segment Control 0x4004_D040 LCD0_CTRSTCONTROL Contrast Control 0x4004_D060 LCD0_VBMCONTROL VBAT Monitor Control 0x4004_D070 LCD0_SEGMASK0 Segment Mask 0 0x4004_D080 Y Y LCD0_SEGMASK1 Segment Mask 1 0x4004_D090 Y Y LCD0_SEGDATA0 Segment Data 0 0x4004_D0A0 LCD0_SEGDATA1 Segment Data 1 0x4004_D0B0 LCD0_SEGDATA2 Segment Data 2 0x4004_D0C0 LCD0_SEGDATA3 Segment Data 3 0x4004_D0D0 LCD0_SEGDATA4 Segment Data 4 0x4004_D0E0 DTM2 Registers LCD0 Registers 28 Rev. 0.5 MSK (+0xC) Register Name CLR(+0x8) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map SET (+0x4) SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx Address (ALL Access) Y Y Y Y MSK (+0xC) Title CLR(+0x8) Register Name SET (+0x4) Table 3.1. Register Memory Map DCDC0 Registers DCDC0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4004_E000 DCDC0_CONFIG Module Configuration 0x4004_E010 ENCDEC0_CONTROL Module Control 0x4004_F000 ENCDEC0_STATUS Module Status 0x4004_F010 ENCDEC0_DATAIN Data Input 0x4004_F020 ENCDEC0_DATAOUT Data Output 0x4004_F030 ENCDEC0_DATAOUTC Data Output Complement 0x4004_F040 ENCDEC0 Registers Rev. 0.5 29 SiM3L1xx Register Memory Map SiM3L1xx Interrupts SiM3L1xx 4. Interrupts SiM3L1xx devices implement the standard nested-vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) available in the ARM Cortex-M3 core. The specific system exceptions, interrupt vectors, and priority implementation are described in the following sections. 4.1. System Exceptions The system-level exceptions on SiM3L1xx devices are shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.1. System Exceptions 30 Exception Number Type Priority Description 1 Reset –3 System Reset. 2 NMI –2 External NMI Input. 3 Hard Fault –1 All fault conditions if the corresponding fault handler is disabled. 4 MemManage Fault 5 Bus Fault 6 Usage Fault 7 Reserved 8 Reserved 9 Reserved 10 Reserved 11 SVcall Programmable System Service Call using SWI or SVC instruction. 12 Debug Monitor Programmable Breakpoint, Watchpoint, or external debug request. 13 Reserved 14 PendSV 15 SYSTICK Programmable MMU/MPU fault (not supported). Programmable AHB error received from slave (either prefetch abort or data abort). Programmable Exception due to program error. Programmable Pendable reset for system device. Programmable System tick timer. Rev. 0.5 4.2. Interrupt Vector Table The interrupt vector table for SiM3L1xx is shown in Table 4.2. Table 4.2. Interrupt Vector Table Position Default Priority Name/ Description –3 Reset –2 NMI –1 Hard Fault 0 MemManage 1 Bus Fault 2 Usage Fault 3 4 Sources Default Address System Reset 0x00000004 NMI 0x00000008 All fault conditions if the corresponding fault handler is disabled 0x0000000C MMU/MPU fault (not supported) 0x00000010 AHB error received from slave (either prefetch abort or data abort) 0x00000014 Exception due to program error 0x00000018 Reserved 0x0000001C Reserved 0x00000020 Reserved 0x00000024 Reserved 0x00000028 SVcall System Service Call using SWI or SVC instruction Debug Monitor Breakpoint Watchpoint External debug request Reserved 5 PendSV 6 SYSTICK 0 7 WDTIMER0 1 8 2 0x0000002C 0x00000030 0x00000034 Pendable reset for system device 0x00000038 System tick timer 0x0000003C First threshold crossed 0x00000040 PBEXT0 External pin (INT0.x) rising edge External pin (INT0.x) falling edge 0x00000044 9 PBEXT1 External pin (INT1.x) rising edge External pin (INT1.x) falling edge 0x00000048 3 10 RTC0ALRM Alarm 0 Alarm 1 Alarm 2 0x0000004C 4 11 LPTIMER0 Timer overflow Compare threshold crossed 0x00000050 5 12 DMAERR DMA error 0x00000054 6 13 DMACH0 DMA Channel 0 done 0x00000058 7 14 DMACH1 DMA Channel 1 done 0x0000005C Rev. 0.5 31 Interrupts SiM3L1xx Interrupts SiM3L1xx Table 4.2. Interrupt Vector Table Position Default Priority 32 Name/ Description Sources Default Address 8 15 DMACH2 DMA Channel 2 done 0x00000060 9 16 DMACH3 DMA Channel 3 done 0x00000064 10 17 DMACH4 DMA Channel 4 done 0x00000068 11 18 DMACH5 DMA Channel 5 done 0x0000006C 12 19 DMACH6 DMA Channel 6 done 0x00000070 13 20 DMACH7 DMA Channel 7 done 0x00000074 14 21 DMACH8 DMA Channel 8 done 0x00000078 15 22 DMACH9 DMA Channel 9 done 0x0000007C 16 23 TIMER0L TIMER0 Low overflow 0x00000080 17 24 TIMER0H TIMER0 High overflow 0x00000084 18 25 TIMER1L TIMER1 Low overflow 0x00000088 19 26 TIMER1H TIMER1 High overflow 0x0000008C 20 27 TIMER2L TIMER2 Low overflow 0x00000090 21 28 TIMER2H TIMER2 High overflow 0x00000094 22 29 ACCTR0 Flutter start Flutter stop Quadrature encoder Integrator transition Digital comparator 1 Digital comparator 0 Counter overflow Direction change 0x00000098 23 30 EPCA0 Counter overflow Halt external signal is high Channel compare or match Channel intermediate overflow 0x0000009C 24 31 USART0 Receive frame error Receive parity error Receive overrun Receive data request Transmit SmartCard parity error Transmit underrun Transmit data request Transmit complete 0x000000A0 Rev. 0.5 Table 4.2. Interrupt Vector Table Position Default Priority Name/ Description Sources Default Address Receive frame error Receive parity error Receive overrun Receive data request Transmit data request Transmit complete UART0 wake event 0x000000A4 SPI0 Shift Register empty FIFO underrun Mode fault Slave Select pin Illegal receive FIFO access Receive FIFO Overrun Receive FIFO read request Illegal transmit FIFO access Transmit FIFO overrun Transmit FIFO write request 0x000000A8 34 SPI1 Shift Register empty FIFO underrun Mode fault Slave Select pin Illegal receive FIFO access Receive FIFO Overrun Receive FIFO read request Illegal transmit FIFO access Transmit FIFO overrun Transmit FIFO write request 0x000000AC 28 35 I2C0 Start Transmit complete Receive complete Acknowledge Stop Timer byte 0 overflow Timer byte 1 overflow Timer byte 2 overflow Timer byte 3 overflow Arbitration lost 0x000000B0 29 36 SARADC0 Conversion complete Scan complete FIFO underrun FIFO overrun Window comparator threshold crossed 0x000000B4 25 32 UART0 26 33 27 Rev. 0.5 33 Interrupts SiM3L1xx Interrupts SiM3L1xx Table 4.2. Interrupt Vector Table Position Default Priority 34 Name/ Description Sources Default Address 30 37 CMP0 Rising edge occurred Falling edge occurred CMP0 wake event 0x000000B8 31 38 CMP1 Rising edge occurred Falling edge occurred 0x000000BC 32 39 DTM0 State transition occurred Transfer complete Timeout error occurred 0x000000C0 33 40 DTM1 State transition occurred Transfer complete Timeout error occurred 0x000000C4 34 41 DTM2 State transition occurred Transfer complete Timeout error occurred 0x000000C8 35 42 AES0 Operation complete Error occurred 0x000000CC 36 43 ENCDEC0 Input ready Output ready Data error Data underrun Data overrun 0x000000D0 37 44 RTC0FAIL RTC0 Oscillator failed 0x000000D4 38 45 VBATLOW VBAT falls below the early warning threshold 0x000000D8 39 46 PMU0 Charge pump fail 0x000000DC 40 47 DCDC0 Output low Output good Output not in regulation Output in regulation 0x000000E0 41 48 PMATCH0 Port Match event PMU Pin Wake event 0x000000E4 42 49 IDAC0 Data buffer overrun Data buffer underrun Data buffer went empty 0x000000E8 43 50 PLL0 Lock saturation high or low Oscillator lock 0x000000EC 44 51 LCD0 LCD0 VBAT low condition 0x000000F0 Rev. 0.5 4.3. Priorities The SiM3L1xx devices implement 3 bits of interrupt priority, as shown in Figure 4.1. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Programmable Interrupt Priority Level Bit 1 Bit 0 Reserved Figure 4.1. SiM3L1xx Interrupt Priorities In addition to the different priority levels, the NVIC allows for different priority groups, as shown in Table 4.3. These groups determine the number of bits used to determine the Preempt Priority and Subpriority settings for each interrupt. A higher priority interrupt can preempt or interrupt a lower priority interrupt. If two interrupts of the same priority occur at the same time, the interrupts cannot preempt each other and the interrupt with the higher Subpriority (lowest value) will be taken first. The Reset, NMI, and Hard Fault exceptions have fixed negative priorities to always take precedence over other interrupts in the system. Table 4.3. Priority Groups Priority Group Preempt Priority Field Size Subpriority Field Size 0–3 [7:4] None 4 [7:5] [4] 5 [7:6] [5:4] 6 [7] [6:4] 7 None [7:4] Rev. 0.5 35 Interrupts SiM3L1xx Interrupts SiM3L1xx Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Preempt Priority Level Bit 3 Bit 2 Subpriority Bit 1 Reserved Figure 4.2. Priority Group 4 Fields Table 4.4. Priority Levels with Priority Group 4 36 Preempt Priority Subpriority Priority Value 1 (Highest) 1 (Highest) 0x00 1 2 0x10 2 1 0x20 2 2 0x30 3 1 0x40 3 2 0x50 4 1 0x60 4 2 0x70 5 1 0x80 5 2 0x90 6 1 0xA0 6 2 0xB0 7 1 0xC0 7 2 0xD0 8 1 0xE0 8 (Lowest) 2 (Lowest) 0xF0 Rev. 0.5 Bit 0 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Subpriority Level Bit 1 Bit 0 Reserved Figure 4.3. Priority Group 7 Fields Table 4.5. Priority Levels with Priority Group 7 (Interrupts Cannot Preempt) Preempt Priority Subpriority Priority Value 1 (Highest) 0x00 2 0x10 3 0x20 4 0x30 5 0x40 6 0x50 7 0x60 8 0x70 9 0x80 10 0x90 11 0xA0 12 0xB0 13 0xC0 14 0xD0 15 0xE0 16 (Lowest) 0xF0 The Priority Group and Interrupt Priority settings are in the NVIC. Rev. 0.5 37 Interrupts SiM3L1xx Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx 5. Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) This section describes the Clock Control (CLKCTRL) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 5.1. Clock Control Features Clock Control includes the following features: Support for multiple oscillator sources for system clock with smooth and glitch-less transition. clock gating controls for most peripherals and modules. Multiple options for AHB clock settings and a divider for the APB clock. Synchronization between AHB and APB clocks. Individual Clock Control RAM RTC0TCLK DMA LFOSC0 AHB clock LPOSC0 Flash DTM0 AHB Clock Divider Flash Controller Registers External Oscillator PLL0 Oscillator PBCFG and PB0/1/2/3/4 APB Clock Divider APB clock USART0 UART0 VIORFCLK Pin Input SPI0 Figure 5.1. Clock Control Block Diagram Clock Control generates the two system clocks: AHB and APB. The AHB clock services memory peripherals and can be derived from one of seven sources: the RTC0 timer clock, the Low Frequency Oscillator, the Low Power Oscillator, the divided Low Power Oscillator, the External Oscillator, the PLL0 Oscillator, and the VIORFCLK pin input. In addition, a divider for the AHB clock provides flexible clock options for the device. The APB clock services data peripherals and is synchronized with the AHB clock. The APB clock can be equal to the AHB clock or set to the AHB clock divided by two. Clock Control allows the AHB and APB clocks to be turned off to unused peripherals to save system power. Any registers in a peripheral with disabled clocks will be unable to be accessed (read or write) until the clocks are enabled. Most peripherals have clocks off by default after a power-on reset. 38 Rev. 0.5 5.2. CLKCTRL0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for CLKCTRL0 registers. 30 29 28 Name VIORFCLKEN OBUSYF 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Type RW RW R Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved RW R RW Name Reserved AHBDIV Reserved AHBSEL Type R RW R RW Reset 0 0 0 16 APBDIV 31 EXTESEL Bit EXTOSCEN Register 5.1. CLKCTRL0_CONTROL: Module Control 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address CLKCTRL0_CONTROL = 0x4002_D000 Table 5.1. CLKCTRL0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 EXTOSCEN Function External Clock Input Enable. This bit must be set to 1 before selecting the EXTOSC or EXTOSC/2 as the clock source for the AHB. 0: Disable the EXTOSC input. 1: Enable the EXTOSC input. 30 VIORFCLKEN VIORF Clock Enable. This bit must be set to 1 before selecting the VIORFCLK pin as the clock source for the AHB. 0: Disable the VIORFCLK input. 1: Enable the VIORFCLK input. 29 OBUSYF Oscillators Busy Flag. When set, this status bit indicates that a requested clock switch-over is in progress. Firmware should wait until the flag is clear to reconfigure the AHBSEL, AHBDIV, and APBDIV fields. Rev. 0.5 39 Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 5.1. CLKCTRL0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 28 EXTESEL Function External Clock Edge Select. Select the edge mode used by the external clock for the TIMER and EPCA modules. This external clock is synchronized with the APB clock. 0: External clock generated by both rising and falling edges of the external oscillator. 1: External clock generated by only rising edges of the external oscillator. 27:17 Reserved 16 APBDIV Must write reset value. APB Clock Divider. Divides the APB clock from the AHB clock. This field should not be modified when OBUSYF is set. 0: APB clock is the same as the AHB clock (divided by 1). 1: APB clock is the AHB clock divided by 2. 15:11 Reserved Must write reset value. 10:8 AHBDIV AHB Clock Divider. Divides the AHB clock. This field should not be modified when OBUSYF is set. 000: AHB clock divided by 1. 001: AHB clock divided by 2. 010: AHB clock divided by 4. 011: AHB clock divided by 8. 100: AHB clock divided by 16. 101: AHB clock divided by 32. 110: AHB clock divided by 64. 111: AHB clock divided by 128. 7:3 Reserved Must write reset value. 2:0 AHBSEL AHB Clock Source Select. This field should not be modified when OBUSYF is set. 000: AHB clock source is the Low-Power Oscillator. 001: AHB clock source is the Low-Frequency Oscillator. 010: AHB clock source is the RTC0TCLK signal. 011: AHB clock source is the External Oscillator. 100: AHB clock source is the VIORFCLK input pin. 101: AHB clock source is the PLL. 110: AHB clock source is a divided version of the Low-Power Oscillator. 111: Reserved. 40 Rev. 0.5 Register 5.2. CLKCTRL0_AHBCLKG: AHB Clock Gate Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved RAMCEN 0 DMACEN 0 FLASHCEN 0 DTM0EN 0 DTM1EN 0 DTM2EN Reset Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 1 0 1 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address CLKCTRL0_AHBCLKG = 0x4002_D010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 5.2. CLKCTRL0_AHBCLKG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:6 Reserved Must write reset value. 5 DTM2EN DTM2 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the AHB clock to Data Transfer Manager 2 (DTM2). 1: Enable the AHB clock to Data Transfer Manager 2 (DTM2). 4 DTM1EN DTM1 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the AHB clock to Data Transfer Manager 1 (DTM1). 1: Enable the AHB clock to Data Transfer Manager 1 (DTM1). 3 DTM0EN DTM0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the AHB clock to Data Transfer Manager 0 (DTM0). 1: Enable the AHB clock to Data Transfer Manager 0 (DTM0). 2 FLASHCEN Flash Clock Enable. 0: Disable the AHB clock to the Flash. 1: Enable the AHB clock to the Flash. 1 DMACEN DMA Clock Enable. 0: Disable the AHB clock to the DMA Controller. 1: Enable the AHB clock to the DMA Controller. 0 RAMCEN RAM Clock Enable. 0: Disable the AHB clock to the RAM. 1: Enable the AHB clock to the RAM. Rev. 0.5 41 Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 5.3. CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG0: APB Clock Gate 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved IDAC0CEN 23 LPT0CEN 24 ACCTR0CEN 25 DTM0CEN 26 DTM1CEN 27 DTM2CEN 28 LCD0CEN 29 DCDC0CEN 30 ENCDEC0CEN 31 PLL0CEN Bit Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name FLCTRLCEN 0 PB0CEN 0 USART0CEN 0 UART0CEN 0 SPI0CEN 0 SPI1CEN 0 I2C0CEN 0 EPCA0CEN 0 TIMER0CEN 0 TIMER1CEN 0 TIMER2CEN 0 ADC0CEN 0 CMP0CEN 0 CMP1CEN 0 AES0CEN Reset CRC0CEN Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG0 = 0x4002_D020 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 5.3. CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:26 Reserved Must write reset value. 25 PLL0CEN PLL0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the PLL0 registers. 1: Enable the APB clock to the PLL0 registers. 24 ENCDEC0CEN ENCDEC0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the ENCDEC0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the ENCDEC0 Module. 23 DCDC0CEN DCDC0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the DCDC0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the DCDC0 Module. 22 LCD0CEN LCD0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the LCD0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the LCD0 Module. 21 DTM2CEN DTM2 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the DTM2 Register interface. 1: Enable the APB clock to the DTM2 Register interface. 42 Rev. 0.5 Table 5.3. CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 20 DTM1CEN Function DTM1 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the DTM1 Register interface. 1: Enable the APB clock to the DTM1 Register interface. 19 DTM0CEN DTM0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the DTM0 Register interface. 1: Enable the APB clock to the DTM0 Register interface. 18 ACCTR0CEN ACCTR0 Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the ACCTR0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the ACCTR0 Module. 17 LPT0CEN LPT0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the LPTIMER0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the LPTIMER0 Module. 16 IDAC0CEN IDAC0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the IDAC0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the IDAC0 Module. 15 CRC0CEN CRC0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the CRC0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the CRC0 Module. 14 AES0CEN AES0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the AES0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the AES0 Module. 13 CMP1CEN CMP1 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the Comparator 1 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the Comparator 1 Module. 12 CMP0CEN CMP0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the Comparator 0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the Comparator 0 Module. 11 ADC0CEN SARADC0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the SARADC0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the SARADC0 Module. 10 TIMER2CEN TIMER2 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the TIMER2 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the TIMER2 Module. 9 TIMER1CEN TIMER1 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the TIMER1 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the TIMER1 Module. 8 TIMER0CEN TIMER0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the TIMER0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the TIMER0 Module. Rev. 0.5 43 Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 5.3. CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 7 EPCA0CEN Function EPCA0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the EPCA0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the EPCA0 Module. 6 I2C0CEN I2C0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the I2C0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the I2C0 Module. 5 SPI1CEN SPI1 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the SPI1 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the SPI1 Module. 4 SPI0CEN SPI0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the SPI0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the SPI0 Module. 3 UART0CEN UART0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the UART0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the UART0 Module. 2 USART0CEN USART0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the USART0 Module. 1: Enable the APB clock to the USART0 Module. 1 PB0CEN Port Bank Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the Port Bank Modules. 1: Enable the APB clock to the Port Bank Modules. 0 FLCTRLCEN Flash Controller Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the Flash Controller Module (FLASHCTRL0). 1: Enable the APB clock to the Flash Controller Module (FLASHCTRL0). 44 Rev. 0.5 Register 5.4. CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG1: APB Clock Gate 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Type R 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MISC0CEN Reserved 21 MISC1CEN Name 22 RW RW RW 0 1 0 Name Reserved Type Reset R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG1 = 0x4002_D030 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 5.4. CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:2 Reserved 1 MISC1CEN Function Must write reset value. Miscellaneous 1 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the Watchdog Timer (WDTIMER0) and DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) modules. 1: Enable the APB clock to the Watchdog Timer (WDTIMER0) and DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) modules. 0 MISC0CEN Miscellaneous 0 Clock Enable. 0: Disable the APB clock to the VMON0, LDO0, EXTOSC0, LPOSC0, RTC0 and RSTSRC modules. 1: Enable the APB clock to the VMON0, LDO0, EXTOSC0, LPOSC0, RTC0 and RSTSRC modules. Rev. 0.5 45 Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 5.5. CLKCTRL0_PM3CN: Power Mode 3 Clock Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved PM3CEN Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved PM3CSEL Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address CLKCTRL0_PM3CN = 0x4002_D040 Table 5.5. CLKCTRL0_PM3CN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:17 Reserved Must write reset value. 16 PM3CEN Power Mode 3 Fast-Wake Clock Enable. When set to 1, the core will automatically switch to the clock source defined by PM3CSEL during Power Mode 3, which speeds up the wakeup time. 0: Disable the core clock when in Power Mode 3. 1: The core clock is enabled and runs off the clock selected by PM3CSEL in Power Mode 3. 15:3 Reserved Must write reset value. 2:0 PM3CSEL Power Mode 3 Fast-Wake Clock Source. If PM3CEN is set to 1, this clock selection should be the LFOSC0 or RTC0OSC clock to save power while in Power Mode 3. Additionally, the AHB and APB source must be set to the Low-Power Oscillator or divided version of the Low-Power Oscillator. 000: Power Mode 3 clock source is the Low-Power Oscillator. 001: Power Mode 3 clock source is the Low-Frequency Oscillator. 010: Power Mode 3 clock source is the RTC0TCLK signal. 011: Power Mode 3 clock source is the External Oscillator. 100: Power Mode 3 clock source is the VIORFCLK input pin. 101: Power Mode 3 clock source is the PLL. 110: Power Mode 3 clock source is a divided version of the Low-Power Oscillator. 111: Reserved. 46 Rev. 0.5 Register 5.6. CLKCTRL0_CONFIG: Configuration Options Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved PMSEL Reset Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address CLKCTRL0_CONFIG = 0x4002_D060 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 5.6. CLKCTRL0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:1 Reserved 0 PMSEL Function Must write reset value. Power Mode Select. This bit is used to enable the reset circuitry to wake the device from power mode 8 (PM8). It should be set to 1 before entering PM8. This bit should be cleared to 0 for all other low power modes. Rev. 0.5 47 Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG0 CLKCTRL0_AHBCLKG CLKCTRL0_CONTROL Register Name ALL Address 0x4002_D010 0x4002_D020 0x4002_D000 Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR ALL Bit 31 EXTOSCEN Bit 30 VIORFCLKEN Bit 29 OBUSYF Reserved Bit 28 EXTESEL Bit 27 Bit 26 PLL0CEN Bit 25 ENCDEC0CEN Bit 24 DCDC0CEN Bit 23 Reserved LCD0CEN Bit 22 DTM2CEN Bit 21 DTM1CEN Bit 20 DTM0CEN Bit 19 Reserved ACCTR0CEN Bit 18 LPT0CEN Bit 17 APBDIV IDAC0CEN Bit 16 CRC0CEN Bit 15 AES0CEN Bit 14 Reserved CMP1CEN Bit 13 CMP0CEN Bit 12 ADC0CEN Bit 11 TIMER2CEN Bit 10 AHBDIV TIMER1CEN Bit 9 TIMER0CEN Bit 8 EPCA0CEN Bit 7 I2C0CEN Bit 6 Reserved DTM2EN SPI1CEN Bit 5 DTM1EN SPI0CEN Bit 4 DTM0EN UART0CEN Bit 3 FLASHCEN USART0CEN Bit 2 AHBSEL DMACEN PB0CEN Bit 1 RAMCEN FLCTRLCEN Bit 0 Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx 5.3. CLKCTRL0 Register Memory Map Table 5.7. CLKCTRL0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 48 Rev. 0.5 CLKCTRL0_CONFIG CLKCTRL0_PM3CN CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG1 Register Name 0x4002_D040 0x4002_D030 ALL Address 0x4002_D060 ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Reserved Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Reserved Reserved PM3CEN Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Reserved Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 PM3CSEL MISC1CEN Bit 1 PMSEL MISC0CEN Bit 0 Table 5.7. CLKCTRL0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 49 Clock Control (CLKCTRL0) SiM3L1xx System Configuration (SCONFIG0) SiM3L1xx 6. System Configuration (SCONFIG0) This section describes the system configuration (SCONFIG) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 6.1. System Configuration Features The system configuration module is a general-purpose area containing setup or configuration controls not available elsewhere in the chip. The SiM3L1xx device family includes a control for optimizing the DMA speed, and another for allowing debugger connection during PM8. 6.1.1. Fast DMA Mode The FDMAEN bit in the CONFIG register determines whether the DMA will operate in “normal” or “fast” mode. When set to 1, the DMA performance is improved over the standard ARM uDMA. 6.1.2. Debug Through PM8 The PM8DBGEN bit in the CONFIG register can be set to maintain debugger connection when the device is placed in PM8 (deep sleep). by default, and during any normal application, this bit should be cleared to 0 to allow the device to go into its lowest power setting. When debugging, the user or the debug tools may want to set this bit to 1 to prevent a connection loss during PM8. When set to 1, the chip hardware stalls and waits for a wake source as it would in PM8, but it does not actually enter the low power mode. 50 Rev. 0.5 6.2. SCONFIG0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for SCONFIG0 registers. Register 6.1. SCONFIG0_CONFIG: System Configuration Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved FDMAEN 0 PM8DBGEN Reset Type R RW RW 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SCONFIG0_CONFIG = 0x4004_90B0 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 6.1. SCONFIG0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:2 Reserved 1 PM8DBGEN Function Must write reset value. Power Mode 8 Debug Enable. 0: Disable debugging through Power Mode 8. 1: Enable debugging through Power Mode 8. Power measurements cannot be made with debugging enabled. 0 FDMAEN Faster DMA Mode Enable. 0: Disable the faster DMA mode. The DMA module and channels will behave like a standard uDMA. 1: Enable the faster DMA mode. Rev. 0.5 51 System Configuration (SCONFIG0) SiM3L1xx 6.3. SCONFIG0 Register Memory Map Table 6.2. SCONFIG0 Memory Map SCONFIG0_CONFIG Register Name ALL Address 0x4004_90B0 Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Reserved Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 PM8DBGEN Bit 1 FDMAEN Bit 0 System Configuration (SCONFIG0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 52 Rev. 0.5 7. Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) This section describes the Reset Sources (RSTSRC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 7.1. Reset Sources Features The Reset Source block includes the following features: Separate Separate enable mask bits for each reset source other than the RESET pin. flags for each reset source indicating the cause of the last reset. Reset Sources RESET Supply Monitor Missing Clock Detector Watchdog Timer Software Reset system or module reset Comparator 0 Comparator 1 Low Power Charge Pump Monitor RTC0 Event (Alarm or Osc Fail) Core Reset Figure 7.1. Reset Sources Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 53 Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx 7.2. Overview Reset circuitry allows the controller to be easily placed in a predefined default condition. On entry to this reset state, the following occur: The core halts program execution. Module registers are initialized to their defined reset values unless the bits reset only with a power-on reset. External port pins are forced to a known state. Interrupts and timers are disabled. AHB peripheral clocks to flash and RAM are enabled. Clocks to all APB peripherals other than the Watchdog Timer and DMAXBAR are disabled. All registers are reset to the predefined values noted in the register descriptions unless the bits only reset with a power-on reset. The contents of RAM are unaffected during a reset; any previously stored data is preserved as long as power is not lost. The Port I/O latches are reset to 1 in open-drain mode. Weak pullups are enabled during and after the reset. For VBAT Supply Monitor and power-on resets, the RESET pin is driven low until the device exits the reset state. On exit from the reset state, the program counter (PC) is reset, and the system clock defaults to the internal lowpower oscillator. The Watchdog Timer is enabled with the low frequency oscillator as its clock source. Program execution begins at location 0x00000000. All RSTSRC0 registers may be locked against writes by setting the CLKRSTL bit in the LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK0 register to 1. 7.3. Power-On Reset During power-up, the device is held in a reset state and the RESET pin voltage is held low until the device is released from reset. After VBAT settles above VPOR, a delay occurs before the device is released from reset; the delay decreases as the VBAT ramp time increases (VBAT ramp time is defined as how fast VBAT ramps from 0 V to VPOR). Figure 7.2 plots the power-on and VBAT monitor reset timing. For valid ramp times, the power-on reset delay (tPOR) is given in the electrical specifications chapter of the device data sheet. Note: VBAT ramp times slower than the maximum may cause the device to be released from reset before VBAT reaches the VPOR level. On exit from a power-on reset, the PORRF flag is set by hardware. When PORRF or VMONRF is set, all of the other reset flags in the RESETFLAG Register are indeterminate. If VMONRF is set (causing PORRF to be indeterminate), firmware may read the PORF flag in the PMU STATUS register to determine if a power-up was the cause of reset. The contents of internal data memory, including retention RAM should be assumed to be undefined after a power-on reset. 54 Rev. 0.5 volts ~0.8 VBAT VPOR VB A T 0.6 ~0.5 t Logic HIGH RESET TPORDelay Logic LOW Power-On Reset Figure 7.2. Power-On Reset Timing Diagram 7.4. VBAT Monitor Power-Fail Reset An included supply monitor circuit (VMON) monitors the VDD supply. The supply monitor is enabled and selected as a reset source after each power-on. When enabled and selected as a reset source any power down transition or power irregularity that causes VBAT to drop below VRST will cause the core to be held in a reset state. When VBAT returns to a level above VRST, the core will be released from the reset state. If the low threshold is used (VBATHITHEN = 0) the RESET pin will also be driven low during a power fail reset. After a power-fail reset, the VBATMRF flag reads 1, all of the other reset flags in the RESETFLAG Register are indeterminate, the contents of RAM are invalid, and the VBAT Monitor is enabled and selected as a reset source. The enable state of the VBAT Monitor and its selection as a reset source is only altered by power-on and power-fail resets. For example, if the VBAT supply monitor is de-selected as a reset source and disabled by firmware, then a software reset is performed, the VBAT Monitor will remain disabled and de-selected after the reset. To provide firmware early notification that a power failure is about to occur, the VBATHI bit is cleared when the VBAT supply falls below the VBAT High threshold. The VBATHI bit can be configured to generate an interrupt. Note: To protect the integrity of Flash contents, the VBAT Monitor must be enabled and selected as a reset source if firmware contains routines which erase or write Flash memory. If the VBAT Monitor is not enabled, any erase or write performed on Flash memory will be ignored. Important Notes: The Power-on Reset (POR) delay is not incurred after a VBAT supply monitor reset. should take care not to inadvertently disable the VBAT Monitor as a reset source when writing to RESETEN to enable other reset sources or to trigger a software reset. All writes to RESETEN should explicitly set VBATMREN to 1 to keep the VBAT Monitor enabled as a reset source. The VBAT Monitor must be enabled before selecting it as a reset source. Selecting the VBAT Monitor as a reset source before it has stabilized may generate a system reset. In systems where this reset would be undesirable, a delay should be introduced between enabling the VBAT Monitor and selecting it as a reset source. The procedure for enabling the VBAT Monitor and selecting it as a reset source from a disabled state is: Firmware Rev. 0.5 55 Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx 1. Enable the VBAT Monitor. 2. Wait for the VBAT Monitor to stabilize (optional). 3. Select the VBAT Monitor as a reset source (VBATMREN bit). 7.5. External Pin Reset The external RESET pin provides a means for external circuitry to force the device into a reset state. Asserting an active-low signal on the RESET pin generates a reset; an external pull-up and/or decoupling of the RESET pin may be necessary to avoid erroneous noise-induced resets. It is not recommended to tie RESET directly to a supply pin. The external reset remains functional even when the device is in the low power modes. The PINRF flag is set on exit from an external reset. 7.6. Missing Clock Detector Reset The missing clock detector (MCD) is a one-shot circuit that is triggered by the APB clock. The APB clock is derived from the AHB clock, so monitoring the APB clock will detect a failure in either clock tree. If the APB clock remains high or low for longer than the Missing Clock Detector Timeout, the one-shot will time out and generate a reset. After a MCD reset, the MCDRF flag will read 1, signifying the MCD as the reset source; otherwise, this bit reads 0. Writing a 1 to the MCDREN bit enables the Missing Clock Detector; writing a 0 disables it. The missing clock detector reset is automatically disabled when the device is in the low power modes. Upon exit from either low power state, the enabled/disabled state of this reset source is restored to its previous value. The state of the RESET pin is unaffected by this reset. Missing clock detector timeout values are given in the device data sheet electrical specifications tables. 7.7. Comparator Reset Comparator 0 (CMP0) or Comparator 1 (CMP1) can be configured as a reset source by writing a 1 to the CMP0REN or CMP1REN bit. The Comparator should be enabled and allowed to settle prior to writing to the enable bits to prevent any turn-on chatter on the output from generating an unwanted reset. The Comparator reset is active-low: if the non-inverting input voltage (on CP0+) is less than the inverting input voltage (on CP0–), the device is put into the reset state. After a Comparator reset, the CMP0RF or CMP1RF flag will read 1 signifying Comparator 0 or Comparator 1 as the reset source; otherwise, these bits read 0. The Comparator reset source remains functional even when the device is in the low power modes as long as Comparator is also enabled as a wake-up source. The state of the RESET pin is unaffected by this reset. 7.8. Watchdog Timer Reset The Watchdog Timer (WDTIMER0) can be used to recover from certain types of system malfunctions. If a system malfunction prevents user firmware from updating the Watchdog Timer, a reset is generated and the WDTRF bit is set to 1. The Watchdog Timer can be enabled or disabled as a reset source using the WDTREN bit. Note that WDTREN will always read back 1 if the Watchdog Timer is ever disabled. The Watchdog Timer is automatically disabled as a reset source when the device is in the low power modes. Upon exit from either low power state, the enabled/disabled state of this reset source is restored to its previous value.The state of the RESET pin is unaffected by this reset. 7.9. RTC Reset The RTC0 Module can generate a system reset on two events: RTC0 Oscillator Fail or RTC0 Alarm 0. The RTC0 Oscillator Fail event occurs when the RTC0 Missing Clock Detector is enabled and the RTC0 clock is below the missing clock detector trigger frequency. An RTC0 Alarm event occurs when the RTC0 Alarm 0 is enabled and the RTC0 timer value matches the Alarm 0 threshold value. The RTC0 can be configured as a reset source by writing a 1 to the RTC0REN bit. The RTC0 reset remains functional even when the device is in a low power mode. The state of the RESET pin is unaffected by this reset. 7.10. Software Reset Firmware may force a reset by writing a 1 to the SWREN bit. The SWRF bit will read 1 following a firmware forced reset. The state of the RESET pin is unaffected by this reset. 56 Rev. 0.5 7.11. Core Reset The Core Reset is a firmware reset generated in the NVIC by setting the SYSRESETREQ bit. 7.12. PMU Wake Reset Flag The WAKERF flag indicates that a pin reset (from the RESET pin) occured while the device was in PM8. Rev. 0.5 57 Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx 7.13. RSTSRC0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for RSTSRC0 registers. 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved Type RW RW RW RW RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved VMONREN CPMREN 24 Reserved UART0MREN 25 MCDREN Name LCD0MREN 26 WDTREN 27 SWREN 28 CMP0REN 29 CMP1REN 30 CPFREN 31 RTC0REN Bit ACC0MREN Register 7.1. RSTSRC0_RESETEN: System Reset Source Enable RTC0MREN Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx Reserved Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 Reset 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address RSTSRC0_RESETEN = 0x4002_C000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 7.1. RSTSRC0_RESETEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 RTC0MREN Function RTC0 Module Reset Enable. Setting this bit to 1 causes all reset events to reset the RTC0 module if the corresponding bit in RESETEN[11:2] is set to 1. When cleared to 0, only a power-onreset will reset this block. 30 ACC0MREN ACCTR0 Module Reset Enable. Setting this bit to 1 causes all reset events to reset the Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) module if the corresponding bit in RESETEN[11:2] is set to 1. When cleared to 0, only a power-on-reset will reset this block. 29 LCD0MREN LCD0 Module Reset Enable. Setting this bit to 1 causes all reset events to reset the LCD0 module if the corresponding bit in RESETEN[11:2] is set to 1. When cleared to 0, only a power-onreset will reset this block. 28 UART0MREN UART0 Module Reset Enable. Setting this bit to 1 causes all reset events to reset the UART0 module if the corresponding bit in RESETEN[11:2] is set to 1. When cleared to 0, only a power-onreset will reset this block. 58 Rev. 0.5 Table 7.1. RSTSRC0_RESETEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 27 CPMREN Function Low Power Mode Charge Pump Module Reset Enable. Setting this bit to 1 causes all reset events to reset the low power mode charge pump module if the corresponding bit in RESETEN[11:2] is set to 1. When cleared to 0, only a power-on-reset will reset this block. 26:11 Reserved Must write reset value. 10 RTC0REN RTC0 Reset Enable. 0: Disable the RTC0 event as a reset source. 1: Enable the RTC0 event as a reset source. 9 CPFREN Low Power Mode Charge Pump Supply Fail Reset Enable. 0: Disable the low power mode charge pump supply fail event as a reset source. 1: Enable the low power mode charge pump supply fail event as a reset source. 8 CMP1REN Comparator 1 Reset Enable. 0: Disable the Comparator 1 event as a reset source. 1: Enable the Comparator 1 event as a reset source. 7 CMP0REN Comparator 0 Reset Enable. 0: Disable the Comparator 0 event as a reset source. 1: Enable the Comparator 0 event as a reset source. 6 SWREN Software Reset. Writing a 1 to this bit generates a Software Reset. 5 WDTREN Watchdog Timer Reset Enable. 0: Disable the Watchdog Timer event as a reset source. 1: Enable the Watchdog Timer event as a reset source. 4 MCDREN Missing Clock Detector Reset Enable. 0: Disable the Missing Clock Detector event as a reset source. 1: Enable the Missing Clock Detector event as a reset source. 3 Reserved 2 VMONREN Must write reset value. Voltage Supply Monitor VBAT Reset Enable. 0: Disable the Voltage Supply Monitor VBAT event as a reset source. 1: Enable the Voltage Supply Monitor VBAT event as a reset source. 1:0 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 59 Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx Register 7.2. RSTSRC0_RESETFLAG: System Reset Flags Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved PINRF 0 PORRF 0 VMONRF 0 CORERF 0 MCDRF 0 WDTRF 0 SWRF 0 CMP0RF 0 CMP1RF 0 CPFRF 0 RTC0RF Reset WAKERF Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx Type R R R R R R R R R R R R R X X X X X X X X X X X X Reset 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address RSTSRC0_RESETFLAG = 0x4002_C010 Table 7.2. RSTSRC0_RESETFLAG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:12 Reserved Must write reset value. 11 WAKERF PMU Wakeup Reset Flag. This flag indicates that a pin reset occurred while the device was in sleep mode. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: A PMU Wakeup event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A PMU Wakeup event caused the last system reset. 10 RTC0RF RTC0 Reset Flag. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: An RTC0 event did not cause the last system reset. 1: An RTC0 event caused the last system reset. 9 CPFRF Low Power Mode Charge Pump Supply Fail Reset Flag. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: A low power mode charge pump supply fail event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A low power mode charge pump supply fail event caused the last system reset. 8 CMP1RF Comparator 1 Reset Flag. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: A Comparator 1 event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A Comparator 1 event caused the last system reset. 60 Rev. 0.5 Table 7.2. RSTSRC0_RESETFLAG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 7 CMP0RF Function Comparator 0 Reset Flag. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: A Comparator 0 event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A Comparator 0 event caused the last system reset. 6 SWRF Software Reset Flag. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: A Software Reset event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A Software Reset event caused the last system reset. 5 WDTRF Watchdog Timer Reset Flag. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: A Watchdog Timer event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A Watchdog Timer event caused the last system reset. 4 MCDRF Missing Clock Detector Reset Flag. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: A Missing Clock Detector event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A Missing Clock Detector event caused the last system reset. 3 CORERF Core Reset Flag. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: A Core Reset event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A Core Reset event caused the last system reset. 2 VMONRF Voltage Supply Monitor VBAT Reset Flag. After checking PORRF, firmware should then check VMONRF for the last reset source, as all other flags are indeterminate if VMONRF is set. This flag is an indeterminate value when PORRF is set. 0: A Voltage Supply Monitor VBAT Reset event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A Voltage Supply Monitor VBAT Reset event caused the last system reset. 1 PORRF Power-On Reset Flag. This flag should be checked first by firmware as all other flags are indeterminate if PORRF is set. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF is set. 0: A Power-On Reset event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A Power-On Reset event caused the last system reset. 0 PINRF Pin Reset Flag. This flag is an indeterminate value when VMONRF or PORRF is set. 0: A RESET pin event did not cause the last system reset. 1: A RESET pin event caused the last system reset. Rev. 0.5 61 Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx 7.14. RSTSRC0 Register Memory Map Table 7.3. RSTSRC0 Memory Map RSTSRC0_RESETFLAG RSTSRC0_RESETEN Register Name ALL Address 0x4002_C010 0x4002_C000 Access Methods ALL ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 RTC0MREN Bit 30 ACC0MREN Bit 29 LCD0MREN Bit 28 UART0MREN Bit 27 CPMREN Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Reserved Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Reserved Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 WAKERF Bit 11 RTC0REN RTC0RF Bit 10 CPFREN CPFRF Bit 9 CMP1REN CMP1RF Bit 8 CMP0REN CMP0RF Bit 7 SWREN SWRF Bit 6 WDTREN WDTRF Bit 5 MCDREN MCDRF Bit 4 Reserved CORERF Bit 3 VMONREN VMONRF Bit 2 PORRF Bit 1 Reserved PINRF Bit 0 Reset Sources (RSTSRC0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 62 Rev. 0.5 8. Port I/O Configuration This section describes the Port I/O Crossbars and general Port Bank configuration and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 8.1. Port Bank Description The features of the SiM3L1xx port banks are shown in Table 8.1. Table 8.1. Port Bank Features Port Bank Type Crossbar PB0 Standard (PBSTD) PB1 Standard (PBSTD) PB2 Standard (PBSTD) PB3 Standard (PBSTD) PB3.0-PB3.7 PB4 General Purpose (PBGP) LCD0 Pulse Generator Supply Domain VIO VIO VIORF Rev. 0.5 VIO VIO 63 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx 8.2. Crossbar 8.2.1. Crossbar Features A port I/O crossbar is included on the SiM3L1xx, with the following features: Flexible assignment of many digital peripherals to port pins. Pin skip capabilities to reserve specific I/O for other purposes (analog signals, GPIO, layout considerations) The port I/O crossbar on the SiM3L1xx is used to route many of the digital peripherals to the device I/O pins. It allows the user to select the specific mix of peripherals that are needed for the application, and route them out of the device, leaving the unused pins available for general-purpose I/O. The crossbar maps peripherals to port pins PB0.0 through PB3.7 on all devices. PB3.8-PB3.15 and PB4 pins are not available to the crossbar. 8.2.2. Crossbar Configuration The peripherals which are routed through the crossbar have a specific priority order when assigned to pins and a specific range of pins where they can be routed. The crossbar assigns peripherals in priority order, starting with the highest-priority peripherals and the lowest-order port pins available to the peripherals. When a peripheral is enabled, all of the pins associated with that peripheral are routed in sequence. Some peripherals are split into multiple functional groups, to route only the necessary pins. Additionally, pin skip registers can be used to prevent the crossbar from assigning peripherals to those pins. When configuring the crossbar, all settings should be made to the crossbar and Port Bank registers before enabling the crossbar. This ensures that peripherals will not shift around while each one is being enabled and Port I/O pins will remain stable. The settings in PBOUTMD, PBMDSEL, or PBSKIPEN will not take effect until the crossbars are enabled. If any pins are used for special functions not associated with the crossbars, these pins should be skipped using the corresponding Port Bank PBSKIPEN register. This applies to External Interrupts, SARADC0 inputs, Comparator inputs, IDAC0 outputs, LCD0 signals and other analog and non-crossbar signals. Register XBAR0 is used to enable peripherals on the crossbar. Some peripherals use multiple signals that are all enabled when the corresponding bit is set to 1. For example, enabling I2C0 on the crossbar enables both data and clock signals (SDA and SCL). Several peripherals have individual groups of pins that can be enabled or disabled as well. In the crossbar priority table (Table 8.2), such pins are listed with the same numerical priority and a letter (A, B, or C) indicating the priority of the functional group. In all cases, the primary functional group (A) must be enabled on the crossbar for the other groups (B or C) to be routed out. For example, the USART0 Data group (priority 1A) must be enabled in order to use either the USART0 Flow Control group (priority 1B) or the Clock Output group (priority 1C). 64 Rev. 0.5 Crossbar 0 Crossbar Highest Priority RX/TX USART0 Flow Control Clock DMA0 PB0.0 DMA0T0 12 DMA0 DMA0T1 IDAC0 DAC0T0 Port I/O Cells PB0.11 PB1.0 Digital Crossbar SCK/MISO/MOSI 12 SPI0 NSS Port I/O Cells PB1.11 EPCA0 “N” Channels EPCA0 ECI I2C0 SDA/SCL PB2.0 8 Port I/O Cells PB2.7 PB3.0 CMP0S 8 CMP0 CMP0A Priority Decoder CMP1S Port I/O Cells PB3.7 CMP1 CMP1A T0CT TIMER0 XBAR0 T0EX Not all Port I/O pins are available on all packages. PBSKIP T1CT TIMER1 T1EX SARADC0 Lowest Priority AHB Clock ADC0T15 Output ( 16) Figure 8.1. Crossbar 0 Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 65 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Table 8.2. Crossbar 0 Peripherals and Priority Peripheral Name USART0 Functional Group Priority Enable Bits Signal Names (in order) Data 1-A USART0EN USART0_TX USART0_RX Flow Control 1-B USART0FCEN USART0_RTS USART0_CTS Clock Out 1-C USART0CEN USART0_UCLK Trigger Input 0 2 DMA0T0EN DMA0T0 Trigger Input 1 3 DMA0T1EN DMA0T1 Trigger Input 4 IDAC0TEN DAC0T0 Clock/Data 5-A SPI0EN SPI0_SCK SPI0_MISO SPI0_MOSI Slave Select 5-B SPI0NSSEN SPI0_NSS DMA0 IDAC0 SPI0 EPCA0 Input / Output 6 EPCA0EN[2:0] EPCA0_STD_CEX0 EPCA0_STD_CEX1 EPCA0_STD_CEX2 EPCA0_STD_CEX3 EPCA0_STD_CEX4 EPCA0_STD_CEX5 EECI0 Clock Input 7 EECI0EN EPCA0_ECI I2C0 Data 8 I2C0EN I2C0_SDA I2C0_SCL Synchronous Output 9 CMP0SEN CMP0_S Asynchronous Output 10 CMP0AEN CMP0_A Synchronous Output 11 CMP1SEN CMP1_S Asynchronous Output 12 CMP1AEN CMP1_A Count 13 TMR0CTEN TIMER0_CT Input / Output 14 TMR0EXEN TIMER0_EX Count 15 TMR1CTEN TIMER1_CT Input / Output 16 TMR1EXEN TIMER1_EX SARADC0 Trigger Input 17 SARADC0TEN ADC0T15 AHB Clock / 16 Output 18 AHBEN AHB_OUT Comparator 0 Comparator 1 Timer 0 Timer 1 66 Rev. 0.5 Crossbar Configuration Example Configuring Crossbar 0 to enable the USART0 data pins, and three EPCA0 channels: P0 Peripheral Signal Name USART0 USART0_TX P1 P2 P3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 USART0_RX USART0_RTS USART0_CTS USART0_UCLK DMA0 DMA0T0 DMA0T1 IDAC0 DAC0T0 SPI0 SPI0_SCK SPI0_MISO SPI0_MOSI SPI0_NSS EPCA0 EPCA0_CEX0 EPCA0_CEX1 EPCA0_CEX2 EPCA0_CEX3 EPCA0_CEX4 EPCA0_CEX5 EPCA0 ECI EPCA0_ECI I2C0 I2C0_SDA I2C0_SCL CMP0 CMP0S CMP0A CMP1 CMP1S CMP1A TIMER0 TIMER0_CT TIMER0_EX TIMER1 TIMER1_CT TIMER1_EX SARADC0 ADC0T15 AHB Clock / 16 AHB_OUT PBSKIPEN Figure 8.2. Crossbar 0 Example Configuration In this particular example, PB0.0-PB0.7, PB0.10, and PB0.11 are skipped. As a result, the USART0 pins are placed on PB0.8-PB0.9, since this is the highest priority peripheral. The EPCA0 signals are next, and they’re placed on PB1.0-PB1.2, since PB0.10 and PB0.11 are skipped. Rev. 0.5 67 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx 8.3. Port Bank Standard (PBSTD) and Port Bank General Purpose (PBGP) Features The Port Bank modules include the following features: Push-pull or open-drain output modes and analog or digital input modes. Option for high or low output drive strength. Port Match allows any pin or combination of pins to generate an interrupt. Internal pull-up resistors are enabled or disabled on a port-by-port basis. Pulse generator logic which can produce fast pulses on one or more output pins (PB0 only). Peripheral crossbar assignment on PBSTD blocks (PB0, PB1, PB2 and PB3). PBSTDn or PBGPn Module Pin Latch PBCFGn Module Crossbar 0 Control Port Bank Match and Enable Mode Select Output Mode Pulse Generator Timer Port Bank Pulse Generator Enable (PB0 Only) Drive Mode Security (lock and key) Pulse Generator Phase 0 and 1 (PB0 Only) Pull-Ups Enable VIO Figure 8.3. PBSTD and PBGP Block Diagram 68 PBn.0 Pin Control PBn.1 Pin Control PBn.2 Pin Control PBn.3 Pin Control PBn.15 Port Bank Lock Control Crossbar Skip (PBSTD only) External Interrupt Control Pin Control Rev. 0.5 8.4. Standard Modes of Operation Each Port Bank pin can be configured by firmware for analog I/O or digital I/O using the PBMDSEL register. On reset, all Port Bank cells default to a digital high impedance state with weak pull-ups enabled. 8.4.1. Port Bank Pins Configured for Analog I/O Any pins used for an analog function should be configured for analog I/O (PBMDSEL.x = 0). When a pin is configured for analog I/O, its weak pullup and digital receiver are disabled. In most cases, firmware should also disable the digital output drivers. Firmware will always read back a value of 0 from the PBPIN register for port pins configured for analog I/O regardless of the actual voltage on the pin. Configuring pins as analog I/O saves power and isolates the port pin from digital interference. Port pins configured as digital inputs may still be used by analog peripherals; however, this practice is not recommended and may result in measurement errors. 8.4.2. Port Pins Configured For Digital I/O Any pins used by digital peripherals (USART, SPI, I2C, etc.), external digital event capture functions, or as GPIO should be configured as digital I/O (PBMDSEL.x = 1). For digital I/O pins, one of two output modes (push-pull or open-drain) must be selected using the PBOUTMD register. Push-pull outputs (PBOUTMD.x = 1) drive the port pad to the high or low supply rail based on the output logic value of the port pin. Open-drain outputs have the high side driver disabled; therefore, they only drive the port pad to VSS when the output logic value is 0 and become high impedance (both high and low drivers turned off) when the output logic value is 1. Note: The port output drivers for pins on the crossbar are disabled when the crossbar is disabled. The crossbar must be enabled before using any pin as a general-purpose output. When a digital I/O cell is placed in the high impedance state, a weak pull-up transistor pulls the port pad to the VIO (or VIORF) supply voltage to ensure the digital input is at a defined logic state. Weak pull-ups are disabled when the I/O cell is driven to VSS to minimize power consumption and may be disabled on a port-by-port basis by clearing PBPUEN to 0. The user should ensure that digital I/O are always internally or externally pulled or driven to a valid logic state to prevent extra supply current caused by intermediate values. From the PB register, port pins configured for digital I/O always read back the logic state last written to the latch, regardless of the output logic value of the port pin. The sensed output logic value of the pins (high or low) can be read using the PBPIN register. 8.4.3. Increasing Port I/O Drive Strength Port Bank output drivers support a high and low drive strength; the default is low drive strength. The drive strength of a pin is configurable using the PBDRV register. See the electrical specifications chapter for the difference in output drive strength between the two modes. 8.4.4. Interfacing Port I/O to 5 V Logic Port Bank pins configured for digital, open-drain operation are capable of interfacing to digital logic operating above the supply pin. To provide logic high “output” to external systems above the rail, an external pullup resistor is required. Important Note: In a multi-voltage interface, the external pull-up resistor should be sized to allow a current of at least 150 A to flow into the port pin when the pin voltage is between VIO + 0.4 V and VIO + 1.0 V. When the pin voltage increases beyond this range, the current flowing into the port pin is minimal. 8.5. Assigning Standard Port Bank Pins to Analog and Digital Functions Port Bank pins can be assigned to various analog, digital, and external interrupt functions. The port pins assigned to analog functions should be configured for analog I/O and port pins assigned to digital or external interrupt functions should be configured for digital I/O. 8.5.1. Assigning Port Bank Pins to Analog Functions Port pins selected for analog functions should have their digital drivers disabled (PBOUTMD.x = 0 and PB.x = 1) and their corresponding bit in PBSKIPEN set to 1. This reserves the pin for use by the analog function and does not allow it to be claimed by the crossbar. Rev. 0.5 69 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx 8.5.2. Assigning Port Bank Pins to Digital Functions Any Port Bank pins not assigned to analog functions may be assigned to digital functions or used as GPIO. Most digital functions rely on the crossbar for pin assignment; however, some digital functions bypass the crossbar. Port pins used by these digital functions and any port pins selected for use as GPIO or I/O pins not available in the package being used should have their corresponding bit in PBSKIPEN set to 1. 8.5.3. Assigning Port Bank Pins to External Digital Event Capture Functions External digital event capture functions can be used to trigger an interrupt or wake the device from a low power mode when a transition occurs on a digital I/O pin. The digital event capture functions do not require dedicated pins and will function on both GPIO pins (PBSKIPEN.x = 1) and pins in use by the Crossbars (PBSKIPEN.x = 0). External digital event capture functions cannot be used on pins configured for analog I/O. 8.6. Port Match Port Match functionality allows system events to be triggered by a logic value change on any port pin. A port match event occurs if the logic levels of any of the selected input pins match the firmware controlled value in the PM register. This allows firmware to be notified if a certain change occurs on input pins regardless of the crossbar settings. The PMEN registers can be used to individually select which Port Bank pins should be compared against the PM registers. A port match event may be used to generate an interrupt. If multiple pins are used to generate a port match event, the individual pins can be checked inside the Port Match ISR to determine the cause of the current interrupt. In this case, the event that causes the interrupt must be present long enough to enter the ISR and check the current state of the pins. 8.7. Pulse Generator PB0 on SiM3L1xx devices has an additional Pulse Generator feature. This Pulse Generator provides the capability to toggle pins of the PB0 port from a single 32-bit word write with a preset 5-bit delay between the setting and clearing (or clearing and setting) of the pins. This 5-bit delay is implemented as a timer in the PGTIMER field where the actual count time is PGTIMER + 1. This timer is clocked from the APB clock, and the PGDONEF bit asserts when the timer expires. Writing to the PBPGPHASE register will update the PB0 value with the phase 0 (PBPGPH0) value, start the counter, and clear the PGDONEF bit. When the timer expires, the PB0 register updates with the phase 1 (PBPGPH1) value, and PGDONEF is set. The PBPGEN register selects which pins are controlled by the pulse generator. For example: 1. Set PB0’s mask register PBPGEN to 0x000000FF. 2. Write the 5-bit pulse generator timer value, PGTIMER, to 0x0F for a 16 cycle delay. 3. Write the PBPGPHASE register with 0x000500FF to set PBPGPH0 and PBPGPH1 at the same time. 4. Poll for PGDONEF. In this example, the Pulse Generator writes PB0[7:0] to 0xFF, waits 16 cycles, and then updates PB0[7:0] to 0x05. PB0[14:8] are unaffected by this operation since the PBPGEN register only enables bits [7:0] for a pulse generation update. While PGDONEF is zero, the PB0 and PBPGPHASE bits that have been enabled for pulse generation with the PBPGEN register cannot be updated with a register write. In the previous example, any writes to PB0 during the 16 cycles will take according to the restrictions imposed by the PBPGEN register. For example, if PB0[14:8] was written to 0x5A, this write will take effect since PBPGEN[14:8] was set to 0x00. Conversely, if PB0[7:0] was written during this period, it will not take effect since PBPGEN[7:0] was set to 0xFF. 70 Rev. 0.5 8.8. Port Bank Security The port bank control registers have a locking mechanism, controlled by the LOCK bit. Control and Configuration registers are locked if the LOCK bit is set and the lock is in a locked state. This lock ensures the fields that control the peripheral output mapping cannot change inadvertently. Setting LOCK will lock CONTROL1, XBAR0, and all PBSKIPEN registers. If the control registers are locked (LOCK set to 1), the sequence of 0xA5 followed by 0xF1 must be written to the PBKEY register. Once unlocked, writing to a lockable register or writing an any value to PBKEY will relock the registers. All of the registers can be read at any time, regardless of the lock state. Additionally, writes to nonlockable registers (like CONTROL0) do not affect the state of the lock. The PBKEY register can be read at any time to return the status of the lock. Rev. 0.5 71 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx 8.9. Debugging Interfaces After a reset, SiM3L1xx devices are configured with JTAG enabled to allow external JTAG modules to connect. Firmware must disable this if not needed, freeing the JTAG pins for use with other functions. If the core is configured for Serial Wire (SW) mode and not JTAG, then the Serial Wire Viewer is enabled to come out of the TDO pin and the TDI pin is available for other Crossbar or GPIO functions. The Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) provides a single pin to send out TPIU messages. Enabling the JTAG or ETM interfaces overrides all other Crossbar and GPIO functionality, so these pins should be skipped in the PBSKIPEN registers, and all writes to these bits in PB will be ignored. ETM must also be enabled in the core. Note that when the Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) is enabled, the associated port I/O pin should be configured in open-drain digital mode. Table 8.3. Debug Interface Pin Information Debug Interface Debug Signal Name Conditions SiM3L1x7 Pin Name TCK TDO JTAG ETM Serial Wire Debug Serial Wire Viewer 72 SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name SWCLK/TCK PB0.11 JTAGEN = 1 TDI PB1.6 TMS SWDIO/TMS ETM0 PB4.14 PB4.11 ETM1 PB4.13 PB4.10 PB4.12 PB4.9 ETM3 PB4.11 PB4.8 TRACECLK PB4.15 PB4.12 SWCLK/TCK SWCLK SWCLK SWDIO/TMS SWDIO SWDIO PB0.11 PB0.9 PB0.6 ETM2 SWCLK SWDIO SWV ETMEN = 1 Clock sequence on SWCLK SWVEN = 1 Rev. 0.5 8.10. External Interrupts 8.10.1. External Interrupt Features The External Interrupts (INT0/INT1) on the SiM3L1xx devices have the following features: Level (high or low) or edge (rising, falling, or both) detection. Can select one of up to 16 inputs to monitor. Separate from the crossbar, and can be used in conjunction with other peripherals on the same pins. The INT0 and INT1 external interrupt sources are configurable as active high or low, edge or level sensitive. The INT0POL (INT0 Polarity) and INT1POL (INT1 Polarity) bits in the CONTROL0 register select active high or active low; the INT0MD and INT1MD fields in the same register select level or edge sensitive modes. When both edge mode is selected, the polarity selection is ignored. The table below lists the possible configurations. Table 8.4. External Interrupt Configuration INTnMD INTnPOL INTn Configuration 00 0 Active low, level sensitive (low level) 00 1 Active high, level sensitive (high level) 01 0 Active low, edge sensitive (falling) 01 1 Active high, edge sensitive (rising) 10 X Both edges (rising and falling) INT0 and INT1 are assigned to Port Bank pins as defined in the CONTROL0 register. These pin assignments are independent of any crossbar assignments. The External Interrupts will monitor their assigned Port Bank pins without disturbing the peripheral that was assigned to the pin via the crossbars. To assign a Port Bank pin only to INT0 or INT1, configure the crossbar to skip the selected pins by setting the associated bit in PBSKIPEN register. The pins available for use as external interrupt sources vary by package, and are defined in Table 8.5. Table 8.5. External Interrupt Triggers Trigger SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name INT0.0 PB0.0 PB0.0 PB0.0 INT0.1 PB0.1 PB0.1 PB0.1 INT0.2 PB0.2 PB0.2 PB0.2 INT0.3 PB0.3 PB0.3 PB0.3 INT0.4 PB0.4 PB0.4 PB0.4 INT0.5 PB0.5 PB0.5 PB0.5 INT0.6 PB0.6 PB0.6 PB0.6 INT0.7 PB0.7 PB0.7 PB0.7 INT0.8 PB0.8 PB0.8 PB0.8 Rev. 0.5 73 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Table 8.5. External Interrupt Triggers Trigger SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name INT0.9 PB0.9 PB0.9 PB0.9 INT0.10 PB0.10 Reserved Reserved INT0.11 PB0.11 Reserved Reserved INT0.12 PB1.0 PB1.0 Reserved INT0.13 PB1.1 PB1.1 Reserved INT0.14 PB1.2 PB1.2 Reserved INT0.15 PB1.3 PB1.3 Reserved INT1.0 PB2.0 PB2.0 PB2.0 INT1.1 PB2.1 Reserved PB2.1 INT1.2 Reserved Reserved PB2.2 INT1.3 Reserved Reserved PB2.3 INT1.4 PB2.4 PB2.4 PB2.4 INT1.5 PB2.5 PB2.5 PB2.5 INT1.6 PB2.6 PB2.6 PB2.6 INT1.7 PB2.7 PB2.7 PB2.7 INT1.8 PB3.0 PB3.0 PB3.0 INT1.9 PB3.1 PB3.1 PB3.1 INT1.10 PB3.2 PB3.2 PB3.2 INT1.11 PB3.3 PB3.3 PB3.3 INT1.12 PB3.4 PB3.4 PB3.4 INT1.13 PB3.5 PB3.5 PB3.5 INT1.14 PB3.6 PB3.6 PB3.6 INT1.15 PB3.7 PB3.7 PB3.7 If an INT0 or INT1 external interrupt is configured as edge-sensitive, the corresponding interrupt-pending flag is set once per edge. When configured as level sensitive, the interrupt-pending flag remains logic 1 while the input is active as defined by the corresponding polarity bit (INT0POL or INT1POL); the flag remains cleared while the input is inactive. The external interrupt source must hold the input active until the interrupt request is recognized. It must then deactivate the interrupt request before execution of the ISR completes or another interrupt request will be generated. 74 Rev. 0.5 8.11. PBCFG0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for PBCFG0 registers. Bit 31 30 Name PGDONEF Reserved PGTIMER Reserved Type R R RW R Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Name INT1EN INT1MD INT1POL INT1SEL INT0EN INT0MD INT0POL Register 8.1. PBCFG0_CONTROL0: Global Port Control 0 29 INT0SEL Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 25 24 0 0 23 0 22 21 0 0 20 0 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PBCFG0_CONTROL0 = 0x4002_A000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.6. PBCFG0_CONTROL0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 PGDONEF Function Pulse Generator Timer Done Flag. This bit is cleared by hardware when firmware writes to the PBPGPHASE register. This bit is set when the Pulse Generator timer expires. While PGDONEF is 0, the PB and PBPGPHASE bits that have been enabled for pulse generation with the PBPGMSK cannot be updated with a register write. 30:29 Reserved Must write reset value. 28:24 PGTIMER Pulse Generator Timer. Count down timer value for supported toggle ports. 23:16 Reserved 15 INT1EN Must write reset value. External Interrupt 1 Enable. 0: Disable external interrupt 1. 1: Enable external interrupt 1. Rev. 0.5 75 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Table 8.6. PBCFG0_CONTROL0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 14:13 INT1MD Function External Interrupt 1 Mode. 00: Interrupt on logic level at pin, as selected by the INT1POL field. 01: Interrupt on either rising or falling edge, as selected by the INT1POL field. 10: Interrupt on both rising and falling edges (ignores INT1POL). 11: Reserved. 12 INT1POL External Interrupt 1 Polarity. 0: A low value or falling edge on the selected pin will cause interrupt. 1: A high value or rising edge on the selected pin will cause interrupt. 11:8 INT1SEL External Interrupt 1 Pin Selection. Selects the external pin to use as external interrupt 1. (INT1SEL = 0 selects INT1.0). 7 INT0EN External Interrupt 0 Enable. 0: Disable external interrupt 0. 1: Enable external interrupt 0. 6:5 INT0MD External Interrupt 0 Mode. 00: Interrupt on logic level at pin, as selected by the INT0POL field. 01: Interrupt on either rising or falling edge, as selected by the INT0POL field. 10: Interrupt on both rising and falling edges (ignores INT0POL). 11: Reserved. 4 INT0POL External Interrupt 0 Polarity. 0: A low value or falling edge on the selected pin will cause interrupt. 1: A high value or rising edge on the selected pin will cause interrupt. 3:0 INT0SEL External Interrupt 0 Pin Selection. Selects the external pin to use as external interrupt 0 (INT0SEL = 0 selects INT0.0). 76 Rev. 0.5 27 26 Reserved Type RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RW 0 0 Name Reserved Reserved Type R RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved JTAGEN 28 ETMEN 29 SWVEN Name PMATCHEN 30 SPI1SEL 31 LPTOSEL Bit LOCK Register 8.2. PBCFG0_CONTROL1: Global Port Control 1 RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PBCFG0_CONTROL1 = 0x4002_A010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.7. PBCFG0_CONTROL1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 LOCK Function Port Bank Configuration Lock. This bit controls the lock for the port bank configuration and control registers. Note that this also locks this register (CONTROL1). To unlock the register once this bit is set, it is necessary to write the unlock key sequence to PBKEY. 0: Port Bank Configuration and Control registers are unlocked. 1: The following registers are locked from write access: CONTROL1, XBAR0, and all PBSKIP registers. 30:13 Reserved Must write reset value. 12 LPTOSEL Low Power Timer Output Pin Select. 0: Route the Low Power Timer output to LPT0OUT0. 1: Route the Low Power Timer output to LPT0OUT1. 11:10 Reserved 9 PMATCHEN Must write reset value. Port Match Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the port match logic. The PBnMAT registers are not read/write accessible on the APB bus. 1: Enable the port match logic to generate a port match interrupt. The PBnMAT registers are read/write accessible on the APB bus. 8 SPI1SEL SPI1 Fixed Port Selection. 0: Disconnect SPI1 from the dedicated pins. 1: Connect SPI1 to the dedicated pins. Rev. 0.5 77 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Table 8.7. PBCFG0_CONTROL1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 7:3 Reserved 2 SWVEN Function Must write reset value. SWV Enable. 0: SWV is not pinned out. 1: SWV is enabled and pinned out. 1 ETMEN ETM Enable. 0: ETM not pinned out. 1: ETM is enabled and pinned out. 0 JTAGEN JTAG Enable. 0: JTAG functionality is not pinned out. 1: JTAG functionality is pinned out. 78 Rev. 0.5 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Name Type RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EPCA0EN USART0EN RW USART0FCEN RW USART0CEN RW DMA0T0EN RW DMA0T1EN RW IDAC0TEN RW SPI0EN R SPI0NSSEN RW EECI0EN Reserved CMP1AEN 25 TMR0CTEN 26 TMR0EXEN 27 TMR1CTEN Reset I2C0EN 28 TMR1EXEN Type CMP0SEN 29 SARADC0TEN Name CMP0AEN 30 AHBEN 31 XBAR0EN Bit CMP1SEN Register 8.3. PBCFG0_XBAR0: Crossbar 0 Control RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PBCFG0_XBAR0 = 0x4002_A020 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.8. PBCFG0_XBAR0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 XBAR0EN Function Crossbar 0 Enable. 0: Disable Crossbar 0. 1: Enable Crossbar 0. 30:23 Reserved 22 AHBEN Must write reset value. AHB Clock Output Enable. 0: Disable the AHB Clock / 16 output on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable the AHB Clock / 16 output on Crossbar 0. 21 SARADC0TEN SARADC0 Trigger Enable. 0: Disable SARADC0 conversion start trigger on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable SARADC0 conversion start trigger on Crossbar 0. 20 TMR1EXEN TIMER1 T1EX Enable. 0: Disable TIMER1 EX on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable TIMER1 EX on Crossbar 0. Rev. 0.5 79 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Table 8.8. PBCFG0_XBAR0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 19 TMR1CTEN Function TIMER1 T1CT Enable. 0: Disable TIMER1 CT on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable TIMER1 CT on Crossbar 0. 18 TMR0EXEN TIMER0 T0EX Enable. 0: Disable TIMER0 EX on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable TIMER0 EX on Crossbar 0. 17 TMR0CTEN TIMER0 T0CT Enable. 0: Disable TIMER0 CT on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable TIMER0 CT on Crossbar 0. 16 CMP1AEN Comparator 1 Asynchronous Output (CMP1A) Enable. 0: Disable Comparator 1 Asynchronous Output (CMP1A) on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable Comparator 1 Asynchronous Output (CMP1A) on Crossbar 0. 15 CMP1SEN Comparator 1 Synchronous Output (CMP1S) Enable. 0: Disable Comparator 1 Synchronous Output (CMP1S) on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable Comparator 1 Synchronous Output (CMP1S) on Crossbar 0. 14 CMP0AEN Comparator 0 Asynchronous Output (CMP0A) Enable. 0: Disable Comparator 0 Asynchronous Output (CMP0A) on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable Comparator 0 Asynchronous Output (CMP0A) on Crossbar 0. 13 CMP0SEN Comparator 0 Synchronous Output (CMP0S) Enable. 0: Disable Comparator 0 Synchronous Output (CMP0S) on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable Comparator 0 Synchronous Output (CMP0S) on Crossbar 0. 12 I2C0EN I2C0 Enable. 0: Disable I2C0 SDA and SCL on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable I2C0 SDA and SCL on Crossbar 0. 11 EECI0EN EPCA0 ECI Enable. 0: Disable EPCA0 ECI on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable EPCA0 ECI on Crossbar 0. 10:8 EPCA0EN EPCA0 Channel Enable. 000: Disable all EPCA0 channels on Crossbar 0. 001: Enable EPCA0 CEX0 on Crossbar 0. 010: Enable EPCA0 CEX0 and CEX1 on Crossbar 0. 011: Enable EPCA0 CEX0, CEX1, and CEX2 on Crossbar 0. 100: Enable EPCA0 CEX0, CEX1, CEX2, and CEX3 on Crossbar 0. 101: Enable EPCA0 CEX0, CEX1, CEX2, CEX3, and CEX4 on Crossbar 0. 110: Enable EPCA0 CEX0, CEX1, CEX2, CEX3, CEX4, and CEX5 on Crossbar 0. 111: Reserved. 7 SPI0NSSEN SPI0 NSS Pin Enable. 0: Disable SPI0 NSS on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable SPI0 NSS on Crossbar 0. 80 Rev. 0.5 Table 8.8. PBCFG0_XBAR0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 6 SPI0EN Function SPI0 Enable. 0: Disable SPI0 SCK, MISO, and MOSI on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable SPI0 SCK, MISO, and MOSI on Crossbar 0. 5 IDAC0TEN IDAC0 Trigger Enable. 0: Disable the IDAC0 trigger on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable the IDAC0 trigger on Crossbar 0. 4 DMA0T1EN DMA Trigger 1 Enabled. 0: Disable the DMA trigger 1 on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable the DMA trigger 1 on Crossbar 0. 3 DMA0T0EN DMA Trigger 0 Enable. 0: Disable the DMA trigger 0 on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable the DMA trigger 0 on Crossbar 0. 2 USART0CEN USART0 Clock Signal Enable. 0: Disable USART0 clock on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable USART0 clock on Crossbar 0. 1 USART0FCEN USART0 Flow Control Enable. 0: Disable USART0 flow control on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable USART0 flow control on Crossbar 0. 0 USART0EN USART0 Enable. 0: Disable USART0 RX and TX on Crossbar 0. 1: Enable USART0 RX and TX on Crossbar 0. Rev. 0.5 81 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Register 8.4. PBCFG0_PBKEY: Global Port Key Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved KEY Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PBCFG0_PBKEY = 0x4002_A030 Table 8.9. PBCFG0_PBKEY Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:8 Reserved 7:0 KEY Function Must write reset value. Port Bank Key. When the Port Banks are locked for access, firmware must write the value 0xA5 followed by a write of 0xF1 to this field to unlock the registers. Reading this register returns the current status of lock (0 = Locked with no keys written, 1 = Locked with first key written, 2 = Unlocked). Once unlocked, any write to a lockable register or writing any value to KEY will re-lock the interface. 82 Rev. 0.5 PBCFG0_PBKEY PBCFG0_XBAR0 PBCFG0_CONTROL1 PBCFG0_CONTROL0 Register Name 0x4002_A010 ALL Address 0x4002_A020 0x4002_A030 0x4002_A000 ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR ALL ALL | SET | CLR LOCK Bit 31 XBAR0EN PGDONEF Bit 30 Reserved Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Reserved PGTIMER Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 AHBEN Bit 22 Reserved SARADC0TEN Bit 21 TMR1EXEN Bit 20 Reserved Reserved TMR1CTEN Bit 19 TMR0EXEN Bit 18 TMR0CTEN Bit 17 CMP1AEN Bit 16 INT1EN CMP1SEN Bit 15 CMP0AEN Bit 14 INT1MD CMP0SEN Bit 13 LPTOSEL INT1POL I2C0EN Bit 12 EECI0EN Bit 11 Reserved Bit 10 INT1SEL EPCA0EN PMATCHEN Bit 9 SPI1SEL Bit 8 INT0EN SPI0NSSEN Bit 7 SPI0EN Bit 6 INT0MD Reserved IDAC0TEN Bit 5 INT0POL DMA0T1EN Bit 4 KEY DMA0T0EN Bit 3 SWVEN USART0CEN Bit 2 INT0SEL ETMEN USART0FCEN Bit 1 JTAGEN USART0EN Bit 0 8.12. PBCFG0 Register Memory Map Table 8.10. PBCFG0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 83 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx 8.13. PBSTD0, PBSTD1, PBSTD2 and PBSTD3 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for PBSTD0, PBSTD1, PBSTD2 and PBSTD3 registers. Register 8.5. PBSTDn_PB: Output Latch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name PB Type RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PB = 0x4002_A0A0 PBSTD1_PB = 0x4002_A140 PBSTD2_PB = 0x4002_A1E0 PBSTD3_PB = 0x4002_A280 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4), CLR access at (ALL+0x8) and MSK access at (ALL+0xC) Table 8.11. PBSTDn_PB Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PB Function Must write reset value. Output Latch. These bits define the logic level of the port bank output latch. Each bit in this field controls the output latch value for the corresponding port bank pin (bit x controls the latch for pin PBn.x). Digital input pins should be written to 1 and configured for open drain mode. When using this register via the MSK address, the upper 16 bits can be used to mask writes of the lower 16 bits to the corresponding port bank latches. Note: On SiM3L1x7 devices, PB0 and PB1 consist of 12 pins (PBx.0-PBx.11), PB2 consists of 6 pins (PB2.0-PB2.1, PB2.4PB2.7), and PB3 is a full port (PB3.0-PB3.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 consists of 11 pins (PB1.0-PB1.10), PB2 consists of 5 pins (PB2.0, PB2.4-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 12 pins (PB3.0PB3.11). On SiM3L1x4 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 is not implemented, PB2 consists of 8 pins (PB2.0-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 10 pins (PB3.0-PB3.9). Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. 84 Rev. 0.5 Register 8.6. PBSTDn_PBPIN: Pin Value Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name PBPIN Type R Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PBPIN = 0x4002_A0B0 PBSTD1_PBPIN = 0x4002_A150 PBSTD2_PBPIN = 0x4002_A1F0 PBSTD3_PBPIN = 0x4002_A290 Table 8.12. PBSTDn_PBPIN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PBPIN Function Must write reset value. Pin Value. These bits read the sensed digital logic level present at the corresponding port bank pin (bit x reads the logic level of pin PBn.x). Pins configured for analog mode will always read back 0. Note: On SiM3L1x7 devices, PB0 and PB1 consist of 12 pins (PBx.0-PBx.11), PB2 consists of 6 pins (PB2.0-PB2.1, PB2.4PB2.7), and PB3 is a full port (PB3.0-PB3.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 consists of 11 pins (PB1.0-PB1.10), PB2 consists of 5 pins (PB2.0, PB2.4-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 12 pins (PB3.0PB3.11). On SiM3L1x4 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 is not implemented, PB2 consists of 8 pins (PB2.0-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 10 pins (PB3.0-PB3.9). Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. Rev. 0.5 85 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Register 8.7. PBSTDn_PBMDSEL: Mode Select Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name PBMDSEL Type RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PBMDSEL = 0x4002_A0C0 PBSTD1_PBMDSEL = 0x4002_A160 PBSTD2_PBMDSEL = 0x4002_A200 PBSTD3_PBMDSEL = 0x4002_A2A0 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.13. PBSTDn_PBMDSEL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:16 Reserved Must write reset value. 15:0 PBMDSEL Mode Select. These bits configure the mode of the corresponding port bank pin (bit x controls the mode of pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 configures the pin for digital mode, while clearing a bit to 0 configures the pin for analog mode. Pins configured in analog mode have their digital input paths and weak pullup disconnected. Note: On SiM3L1x7 devices, PB0 and PB1 consist of 12 pins (PBx.0-PBx.11), PB2 consists of 6 pins (PB2.0-PB2.1, PB2.4PB2.7), and PB3 is a full port (PB3.0-PB3.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 consists of 11 pins (PB1.0-PB1.10), PB2 consists of 5 pins (PB2.0, PB2.4-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 12 pins (PB3.0PB3.11). On SiM3L1x4 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 is not implemented, PB2 consists of 8 pins (PB2.0-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 10 pins (PB3.0-PB3.9). Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. 86 Rev. 0.5 Register 8.8. PBSTDn_PBSKIPEN: Crossbar Pin Skip Enable Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name PBSKIPEN Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PBSKIPEN = 0x4002_A0D0 PBSTD1_PBSKIPEN = 0x4002_A170 PBSTD2_PBSKIPEN = 0x4002_A210 PBSTD3_PBSKIPEN = 0x4002_A2B0 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.14. PBSTDn_PBSKIPEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PBSKIPEN Function Must write reset value. Crossbar Pin Skip Enable. These bits configure the crossbar to skip over the corresponding port bank pin (bit x skips over pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 prevents the crossbar from assigning a peripheral to the pin. Pins which are not available in the current package should be skipped. Note: On SiM3L1x7 devices, PB0 and PB1 consist of 12 pins (PBx.0-PBx.11), PB2 consists of 6 pins (PB2.0-PB2.1, PB2.4PB2.7), and PB3 is a full port (PB3.0-PB3.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 consists of 11 pins (PB1.0-PB1.10), PB2 consists of 5 pins (PB2.0, PB2.4-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 12 pins (PB3.0PB3.11). On SiM3L1x4 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 is not implemented, PB2 consists of 8 pins (PB2.0-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 10 pins (PB3.0-PB3.9). Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. Rev. 0.5 87 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Register 8.9. PBSTDn_PBOUTMD: Output Mode Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name PBOUTMD Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PBOUTMD = 0x4002_A0E0 PBSTD1_PBOUTMD = 0x4002_A180 PBSTD2_PBOUTMD = 0x4002_A220 PBSTD3_PBOUTMD = 0x4002_A2C0 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.15. PBSTDn_PBOUTMD Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PBOUTMD Function Must write reset value. Output Mode. These bits configure the digital output mode of the corresponding port bank pin (bit x configures the output mode of pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 configures the pin for push-pull operation. Clearing a bit to 0 configures the pin for open-drain operation. Digital inputs should be configured for open drain mode, with a 1 written to the corresponding output latch. Note: On SiM3L1x7 devices, PB0 and PB1 consist of 12 pins (PBx.0-PBx.11), PB2 consists of 6 pins (PB2.0-PB2.1, PB2.4PB2.7), and PB3 is a full port (PB3.0-PB3.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 consists of 11 pins (PB1.0-PB1.10), PB2 consists of 5 pins (PB2.0, PB2.4-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 12 pins (PB3.0PB3.11). On SiM3L1x4 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 is not implemented, PB2 consists of 8 pins (PB2.0-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 10 pins (PB3.0-PB3.9). Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. 88 Rev. 0.5 Register 8.10. PBSTDn_PBDRV: Drive Strength 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved PBPUEN Bit Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name PBDRV Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PBDRV = 0x4002_A0F0 PBSTD1_PBDRV = 0x4002_A190 PBSTD2_PBDRV = 0x4002_A230 PBSTD3_PBDRV = 0x4002_A2D0 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.16. PBSTDn_PBDRV Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:17 Reserved Must write reset value. 16 PBPUEN Port Bank Weak Pull-up Enable. Globally enables the weak pull-up for all pins on this port bank. Pins in push-pull or analog mode, or driving a low level in open-drain mode will have their individual weak pullups automatically disabled. 15:0 PBDRV Drive Strength. These bits configure the output drive strength of the corresponding port bank pin (bit x configures the drive strength of pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 enables high drive output on the pin. Clearing a bit to 0 selects low drive output for the pin. Note: On SiM3L1x7 devices, PB0 and PB1 consist of 12 pins (PBx.0-PBx.11), PB2 consists of 6 pins (PB2.0-PB2.1, PB2.4PB2.7), and PB3 is a full port (PB3.0-PB3.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 consists of 11 pins (PB1.0-PB1.10), PB2 consists of 5 pins (PB2.0, PB2.4-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 12 pins (PB3.0PB3.11). On SiM3L1x4 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 is not implemented, PB2 consists of 8 pins (PB2.0-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 10 pins (PB3.0-PB3.9). Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. Rev. 0.5 89 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Register 8.11. PBSTDn_PM: Port Match Value Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name PM Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PM = 0x4002_A100 PBSTD1_PM = 0x4002_A1A0 PBSTD2_PM = 0x4002_A240 PBSTD3_PM = 0x4002_A2E0 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.17. PBSTDn_PM Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PM Function Must write reset value. Port Match Value. When port match is enabled (PMATCHEN = 1), the bits in this register determine the match value for individual pins (bit x configures the match value for pin PBn.x). If the corresponding bit in PMEN is set to 1, a port match event will be triggered when the value in PM matches the logic level at the pin. Note: On SiM3L1x7 devices, PB0 and PB1 consist of 12 pins (PBx.0-PBx.11), PB2 consists of 6 pins (PB2.0-PB2.1, PB2.4PB2.7), and PB3 is a full port (PB3.0-PB3.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 consists of 11 pins (PB1.0-PB1.10), PB2 consists of 5 pins (PB2.0, PB2.4-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 12 pins (PB3.0PB3.11). On SiM3L1x4 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 is not implemented, PB2 consists of 8 pins (PB2.0-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 10 pins (PB3.0-PB3.9). Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. 90 Rev. 0.5 Register 8.12. PBSTDn_PMEN: Port Match Enable Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name PMEN Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PMEN = 0x4002_A110 PBSTD1_PMEN = 0x4002_A1B0 PBSTD2_PMEN = 0x4002_A250 PBSTD3_PMEN = 0x4002_A2F0 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.18. PBSTDn_PMEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PMEN Function Must write reset value. Port Match Enable. When port match is enabled (PMATCHEN = 1), these bits enable port match on the corresponding port bank pin (bit x enables these functions for pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 enables the pin to be used for port match. Clearing the bit to 0 disables this function for the pin. Pins not supported in the current package should have their match enable bits cleared to 0. Note: On SiM3L1x7 devices, PB0 and PB1 consist of 12 pins (PBx.0-PBx.11), PB2 consists of 6 pins (PB2.0-PB2.1, PB2.4PB2.7), and PB3 is a full port (PB3.0-PB3.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 consists of 11 pins (PB1.0-PB1.10), PB2 consists of 5 pins (PB2.0, PB2.4-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 12 pins (PB3.0PB3.11). On SiM3L1x4 devices, PB0 consists of 10 pins (PB0.0-PB0.9), PB1 is not implemented, PB2 consists of 8 pins (PB2.0-PB2.7) and PB3 consists of 10 pins (PB3.0-PB3.9). Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. Rev. 0.5 91 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Register 8.13. PBSTDn_PBPGEN: Pulse Generator Pin Enable Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved PBPGEN Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PBPGEN = 0x4002_A120 Table 8.19. PBSTDn_PBPGEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:12 Reserved Must write reset value. 11:0 PBPGEN Pulse Generator Pin Enable. These bits enable the pulse generator function on the corresponding port bank pin (bit x enables the pulse generator for pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 enables pulse generation for the pin and clearing a bit to 0 disables pulse generation for the pin. 92 Rev. 0.5 Register 8.14. PBSTDn_PBPGPHASE: Pulse Generator Phase Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Name Reserved PBPGPH1 Type RW RW 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Name Reserved PBPGPH0 Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Addresses PBSTD0_PBPGPHASE = 0x4002_A130 Table 8.20. PBSTDn_PBPGPHASE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:28 Reserved Must write reset value. 27:16 PBPGPH1 Pulse Generator Phase 1. These bits set the logic level for phase 1 of the pulse generator on the corresponding port bank pin (bit x defines phase 1 for pin PBn.x). If pulse generation is enabled on the pin, writing to this register will trigger the beginning of the pulse. The value in PBPGPH0 will be applied to the enabled pins immediately, and when the pulse generator counter times out, the enabled pins will be set to the value in PBPGPH1. 15:12 Reserved Must write reset value. 11:0 PBPGPH0 Pulse Generator Phase 0. These bits set the logic level for phase 0 of the pulse generator on the corresponding port bank pin (bit x defines phase 0 for pin PBn.x). If pulse generation is enabled on the pin, writing to this register will trigger the beginning of the pulse. The value in PBPGPH0 will be applied to the enabled pins immediately, and when the pulse generator counter times out, the enabled pins will be set to the value in PBPGPH1. Rev. 0.5 93 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx 8.14. PBSTDn Register Memory Map Table 8.21. PBSTDn Memory Map PBSTDn_PBMDSEL PBSTDn_PBPIN Register Name PBSTDn_PB 0x20 0x10 ALL Offset 0x0 ALL | SET | CLR ALL ALL | SET | CLR | MASK Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 PBMDSEL PBPIN PB Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: PBSTD0 = 0x4002_A0A0, PBSTD1 = 0x4002_A140, PBSTD2 = 0x4002_A1E0, PBSTD3 = 0x4002_A280 94 Rev. 0.5 PBSTDn_PM PBSTDn_PBDRV PBSTDn_PBOUTMD PBSTDn_PBSKIPEN Register Name 0x50 0x40 0x30 ALL Offset 0x60 ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Reserved Bit 24 Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 PBPUEN Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 PM PBOUTMD PBSKIPEN PBDRV Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 8.21. PBSTDn Memory Map Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: PBSTD0 = 0x4002_A0A0, PBSTD1 = 0x4002_A140, PBSTD2 = 0x4002_A1E0, PBSTD3 = 0x4002_A280 Rev. 0.5 95 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Table 8.21. PBSTDn Memory Map PBSTDn_PBPGPHASE PBSTDn_PBPGEN PBSTDn_PMEN Register Name 0x80 0x90 0x70 ALL Offset ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Reserved Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Reserved PBPGPH1 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Reserved Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 PMEN Bit 7 Bit 6 PBPGEN PBPGPH0 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: PBSTD0 = 0x4002_A0A0, PBSTD1 = 0x4002_A140, PBSTD2 = 0x4002_A1E0, PBSTD3 = 0x4002_A280 96 Rev. 0.5 8.15. PBGP4 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for PBGP4 registers. Register 8.15. PBGP4_PB: Output Latch Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name PB Type RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address PBGP4_PB = 0x4002_A320 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4), CLR access at (ALL+0x8) and MSK access at (ALL+0xC) Table 8.22. PBGP4_PB Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PB Function Must write reset value. Output Latch. These bits define the logic level of the port bank output latch. Each bit in this field controls the output latch value for the corresponding port bank pin (bit x controls the latch for pin PBn.x). Digital input pins should be written to 1 and configured for open drain mode. When using this register via the MSK address, the upper 16 bits can be used to mask writes of the lower 16 bits to the corresponding port bank latches. Note: On SiM3L1x8-GM and SiM3L1x7-GQ devices PB4 is a full port (PB4.0-PB4.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices PB4 consists of 13 pins (PB4.0-PB4.12). On SiM3L1x4 devices PB4 is not implemented. Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. Rev. 0.5 97 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Register 8.16. PBGP4_PBPIN: Pin Value Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name PBPIN Type R Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address PBGP4_PBPIN = 0x4002_A330 Table 8.23. PBGP4_PBPIN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PBPIN Function Must write reset value. Pin Value. These bits read the sensed digital logic level present at the corresponding port bank pin (bit x reads the logic level of pin PBn.x). Pins configured for analog mode will always read back 0. Note: On SiM3L1x8-GM and SiM3L1x7-GQ devices PB4 is a full port (PB4.0-PB4.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices PB4 consists of 13 pins (PB4.0-PB4.12). On SiM3L1x4 devices PB4 is not implemented. Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. 98 Rev. 0.5 Register 8.17. PBGP4_PBMDSEL: Mode Select Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name PBMDSEL Type RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address PBGP4_PBMDSEL = 0x4002_A340 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.24. PBGP4_PBMDSEL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:16 Reserved Must write reset value. 15:0 PBMDSEL Mode Select. These bits configure the mode of the corresponding port bank pin (bit x controls the mode of pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 configures the pin for digital mode, while clearing a bit to 0 configures the pin for analog mode. Pins configured in analog mode have their digital input paths and weak pullup disconnected. Note: On SiM3L1x8-GM and SiM3L1x7-GQ devices PB4 is a full port (PB4.0-PB4.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices PB4 consists of 13 pins (PB4.0-PB4.12). On SiM3L1x4 devices PB4 is not implemented. Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. Rev. 0.5 99 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Register 8.18. PBGP4_PBOUTMD: Output Mode Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name PBOUTMD Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PBGP4_PBOUTMD = 0x4002_A350 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.25. PBGP4_PBOUTMD Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PBOUTMD Function Must write reset value. Output Mode. These bits configure the digital output mode of the corresponding port bank pin (bit x configures the output mode of pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 configures the pin for push-pull operation. Clearing a bit to 0 configures the pin for open-drain operation. Digital inputs should be configured for open drain mode, with a 1 written to the corresponding output latch. Note: On SiM3L1x8-GM and SiM3L1x7-GQ devices PB4 is a full port (PB4.0-PB4.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices PB4 consists of 13 pins (PB4.0-PB4.12). On SiM3L1x4 devices PB4 is not implemented. Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. 100 Rev. 0.5 Register 8.19. PBGP4_PBDRV: Drive Strength 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved PBPUEN Bit Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name PBDRV Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PBGP4_PBDRV = 0x4002_A360 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.26. PBGP4_PBDRV Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:17 Reserved Must write reset value. 16 PBPUEN Port Bank Weak Pull-up Enable. Globally enables the weak pull-up for all pins on this port bank. Pins in push-pull or analog mode, or driving a low level in open-drain mode will have their individual weak pullups automatically disabled. 15:0 PBDRV Drive Strength. These bits configure the output drive strength of the corresponding port bank pin (bit x configures the drive strength of pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 enables high drive output on the pin. Clearing a bit to 0 selects low drive output for the pin. Note: On SiM3L1x8-GM and SiM3L1x7-GQ devices PB4 is a full port (PB4.0-PB4.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices PB4 consists of 13 pins (PB4.0-PB4.12). On SiM3L1x4 devices PB4 is not implemented. Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. Rev. 0.5 101 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Register 8.20. PBGP4_PM: Port Match Value Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name PM Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PBGP4_PM = 0x4002_A370 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.27. PBGP4_PM Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PM Function Must write reset value. Port Match Value. When port match is enabled (PMATCHEN = 1), the bits in this register determine the match value for individual pins (bit x configures the match value for pin PBn.x). If the corresponding bit in PMEN is set to 1, a port match event will be triggered when the value in PM matches the logic level at the pin. Note: On SiM3L1x8-GM and SiM3L1x7-GQ devices PB4 is a full port (PB4.0-PB4.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices PB4 consists of 13 pins (PB4.0-PB4.12). On SiM3L1x4 devices PB4 is not implemented. Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. 102 Rev. 0.5 Register 8.21. PBGP4_PMEN: Port Match Enable Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name PMEN Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PBGP4_PMEN = 0x4002_A380 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 8.28. PBGP4_PMEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 PMEN Function Must write reset value. Port Match Enable. When port match is enabled (PMATCHEN = 1), these bits enable port match on the corresponding port bank pin (bit x enables these functions for pin PBn.x). Setting a bit to 1 enables the pin to be used for port match. Clearing the bit to 0 disables this function for the pin. Pins not supported in the current package should have their match enable bits cleared to 0. Note: On SiM3L1x8-GM and SiM3L1x7-GQ devices PB4 is a full port (PB4.0-PB4.15). On SiM3L1x6 devices PB4 consists of 13 pins (PB4.0-PB4.12). On SiM3L1x4 devices PB4 is not implemented. Any bits in this register controlling unimplemented pins are reserved. Rev. 0.5 103 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx 8.16. PBGP4 Register Memory Map Table 8.29. PBGP4 Memory Map PBGP4_PBOUTMD PBGP4_PBMDSEL PBGP4_PBPIN Register Name PBGP4_PB 0x4002_A350 0x4002_A340 0x4002_A330 ALL Address 0x4002_A320 ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR ALL ALL | SET | CLR | MASK Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 PBOUTMD PBMDSEL PBPIN PB Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 104 Rev. 0.5 PBGP4_PMEN PBGP4_PBDRV Register Name PBGP4_PM 0x4002_A380 0x4002_A360 ALL Address 0x4002_A370 ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Reserved Bit 24 Reserved Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 PBPUEN Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 PMEN PM PBDRV Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 8.29. PBGP4 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 105 Port I/O Configuration SiM3L1xx Power SiM3L1xx 9. Power This section describes the power modes and Power Management Unit of SiM3L1xx devices. 9.1. Power Modes The SiM3L1xx devices feature seven low power modes in addition to normal operating mode. Several peripherals provide wake up sources for these low power modes including the Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0), RTC0 (alarms and oscillator failure notification), Comparator 0 (CMP0), Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0), LCD VBAT monitor (LCD0), UART0, low power mode charge pump failure, and PMU Pin Wake. In addition, all peripherals can have their clocks disconnected to reduce power consumption whenever a peripheral is not being used using the clock control (CLKCTRL) registers. The SiM3L1xx devices have the power modes defined in Table 9.1. Table 9.1. SiM3L1xx Power Modes Mode Normal Description Mode Entrance Mode Exit WFI or WFE instruction NVIC or WIC wakeup Core operating at full speed Code executing from flash Power Mode 1 Core operating at full speed (PM1) Code executing from RAM Core halted Power Mode 2 AHB and APB clocks on (PM2) selectively to support peripherals Core halted All AHB and APB clocks off Power Mode 3 (PM3) DMACTRL0 AHB clock disabled Any reset event or interrupt All APB clocks disabled which can operate without a clock (RTC0ALRM, RTC0 PMSEL bit in FAIL, LPTIMER0, VBATCLKCTRL0_CONTROL LOW, Pin Wake) must be cleared to 0 WFI or WFE instruction Power Mode 4 Core operating at low speed (PM4) Code executing from flash Power Mode 5 Core operating at low speed (PM5) Code executing from RAM Core halted Power Mode 6 AHB and APB clocks on (PM6) selectively at low speed to support peripherals 106 WFI or WFE instruction Rev. 0.5 NVIC or WIC wakeup Table 9.1. SiM3L1xx Power Modes (Continued) Mode Description Mode Entrance Low power sleep PMSEL set to 1 in CLKCTRL0_CONFIG The LDO regulators are disabled and all active circuitry operates SLEEPDEEP set in the directly from VBAT ARM System Control Register Power Mode 8 The following functions are available: ACCTR0, RTC0, WFI or WFE instruction (PM8) UART0 running from the RTC0TCLK, LPTIMER0, port match, Advanced Capture Counter, and the LCD controller Register state retention Mode Exit Requires a wake up source or reset defined by the PMU In addition to the power modes described in Table 9.1, all peripherals can have their clocks disconnected in the Clock Control module (CLKCTRL) to reduce power consumption whenever a peripheral is not being used. 9.1.1. Normal Mode (Power Mode 0) and Power Mode 4 Normal Mode and Power Mode 4 are fully operational modes with code executing from flash memory. PM4 is the same as Normal Mode, but with the clocks operating at a lower speed. This enables power to be conserved by reducing the LDO regulator outputs. 9.1.2. Power Mode 1 and Power Mode 5 Power Mode 1 and Power Mode 5 are fully operational modes with code executing from RAM. PM5 is the same as PM1, but with the clocks operating at a lower speed. This enables power to be conserved by reducing the LDO regulator outputs. Compared with the corresponding flash operational mode (Normal or PM4), the active power consumption of the device in these modes is reduced. Additionally, at higher speeds in PM1, the core throughput can also be increased because RAM does not require additional wait states that reduce the instruction fetch speed. 9.1.3. Power Mode 2 and Power Mode 6 In Power Mode 2 and Power Mode 6, the core halts and the peripherals continue to run at the selected clock speed. PM6 is the same as PM2, but with the clocks operating at a lower speed. This enables power to be conserved by reducing the LDO regulator outputs. To place the device in PM2 or PM6, the core should execute a wait-for-interrupt (WFI) or wait-for-event (WFE) instruction. If the WFI instruction is called from an interrupt service routine, the interrupt that wakes the device from PM2 or PM6 must be of a sufficient priority to be recognized by the core. It is recommended to perform both a DSB (Data Synchronization Barrier) and an ISB (Instruction Synchronization Barrier) operation prior to the WFI to ensure all bus accesses complete. When operating from the LFOSC0, PM6 can achieve similar power consumption to PM3, but with faster wake times and the ability to wake on any interrupt. 9.1.4. Power Mode 3 In Power Mode 3, the AHB and APB clocks are halted. The device may only wake from enabled interrupt sources which do not require the APB clock (RTC0ALRM, RTC0FAIL and VDDLOW). A special fast wake option allows the device to operate at a very low level from the RTC0TCLK or LFOSC0 oscillator while in PM3, but quickly switch to the faster LPOSC0 when the wake event occurs. Because the current consumption of these blocks is minimal, it is recommended to use the fast wake option. Before entering PM3, the desired wake source interrupt(s) should be configured, and the AHB clock to the DMA controller and all APB clocks should be disabled. The PMSEL bit in the CLKCTRL0_CONFIG register must be cleared to indicate that PM3 is the desired power mode. For fast wake, the core clocks (AHB and APB) should be configured to run from the LPOSC, and the PM3 Fast wake option and PM3 clock source should be selected in the PM3CN register. Rev. 0.5 107 Power SiM3L1xx Power SiM3L1xx The device will enter PM3 on a WFI or WFE instruction. Because all AHB master clocks are disabled, the LPOSC will automatically halt and go into a low-power suspended state. If the WFI instruction is called from an interrupt service routine, the interrupt that wakes the device from PM3 must be of a sufficient priority to be recognized by the core. It is recommended to perform both a DSB (Data Synchronization Barrier) and an ISB (Instruction Synchronization Barrier) operation prior to the WFI to ensure all bus access is complete. 9.1.5. Power Mode 8 In Power Mode 8, the core and most peripherals are completely powered down, but all registers and selected RAM blocks retain their state. The LDO and DCDC regulators are disabled, so all active circuitry operates directly from VBAT. Alternatively, the PMU has a specialized VBAT-divided-by-2 charge pump that can power some internal modules while in PM8 to save power. The fully operational functions in this mode are: LPTIMER0, RTC0, UART0 running from RTC0TCLK, PMU Pin Wake, the advanced capture counter, and the LCD controller. This mode provides the lowest power consumption for the device, but requires an appropriate wake up source or reset to exit. The available wake up or reset sources to wake from PM8 are controlled by the Power Management Unit (PMU). The available wake up sources are: Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0), RTC0 (alarms and oscillator failure notification), Comparator 0 (CMP0), advanced capture counter (ACCTR0), LCD VBAT monitor (LCD0), UART0, low power mode charge pump failure, and PMU Pin Wake. The available reset sources are: RESET pin, VBAT supply monitor, Comparator 0, Comparator 1, low power mode charge pump failure, RTC0 oscillator failure, or a PMU wake event. Before entering PM8, the desired wake source(s) should be configured in the PMU. The SLEEPDEEP bit in the ARM System Control Register should be set, and the PMSEL bit in the CLKCTRL0_CONFIG register should be set to indicate that PM8 is the desired power mode. If an LCD is connected to the system but is turned off in PM8, the LCD pins should not be left in analog mode (floating). In this situation, the LCD block should be disabled and all of the LCD pins should be reconfigured as digital pins and pulled to a high or low state (all the same logic level). This will prevent any leakage from charging up the LCD segments and activating them. The device will enter PM8 on a WFI or WFE instruction, and remain in PM8 until a reset configured by the PMU occurs. It is recommended to perform both a DSB (Data Synchronization Barrier) and an ISB (Instruction Synchronization Barrier) operation prior to the WFI to ensure all bus access is complete. To ensure the lowest possible power consumption in PM8, firmware should take the following steps: 1. Set the RAM retention enable bits PMU0_CONTROL register to enable the blocks of retention RAM required for the application. The RAM block containing the stack should be included to prevent a stack error on wake. Enable all RAM blocks if the stack location or RAM usage is in uncertain. 2. If using the low-power charge pump, configure the enable and interrupt in the PMU0_CONTROL register. 3. Enable the PMSEL bit in the CLKCTRL0_CONFIG register. 4. Configure the desired interrupt/wake sources in their respective peripheral interfaces. 5. Enable the desired wake source(s) using the PMU0_WAKEEN register. Clear all undesired wake sources. 6. If the desired wake source is a pin wake, set the PWAKEEN bit in the PMU0_CONTROL register. 7. Clear the corresponding reset source bits in the RSTSRC0_RESETEN register. If the respective reset enable bit is set in the RSTSRC0_RESETEN, an event will generate a reset not a wake. 8. Clear pending interrupt requests for the desired wake sources and then enable the interrupt sources in the NVIC. A wake event will occur only if the interrupt is enabled. 9. Enable global interrupt requests. 10. Ensure that the corresponding interrupt has a valid interrupt handler. Code execution will jump to the interrupt handler on a wake event. The core will generate an exception on wake if no handler exists. 11. Stop the watchdog timer if it is running. 12. Turn off the systick timer. 13. Clear all wakeup flags by setting the WAKECLR bit in the PMU0_CONTROL register. The MCU will not sleep if these flags are set. 108 Rev. 0.5 14. Clear the PMU0_STATUS register. (Clears PM8EF, PWAKEF, and PORF.) The MCU will not sleep if these flags are set. 15. Set the SLEEPDEEP bit in the ARM System Control Register to 1. 16. Configure the LDO output voltages to the recommended settings for the external supply range. If adjusting the LDOs to a higher voltage, change the analog LDO first. If adjusting to a lower voltage, change the analog LDO last. Failure to set the LDOs to the appropriate output voltage prior to entering PM8 may result in the device being unable to wake from PM8. 17. Execute a DSB and an ISB operation. 18. Execute a WFI instruction. 19. The core will remain in PM8 until an enabled wake up or a reset event occurs. 20. On a wake event, code execution will jump to the interrupt handler, then resume from the WFI instruction. 21. Validate that PM8EF bit in the PMU0_STATUS register is set. 22. Read the last wake source from the PMU0_WAKESTATUS register. 23. Configure the LDO output voltages to the desired operational output level. If adjusting the LDOs to a higher voltage, change the analog LDO first. If adjusting to a lower voltage, change the analog LDO last. 24. Handle all enabled wake events. 25. Note that the WDTIMER and PVTOSC peripherals are both reset when operating in PM8. For example, if the WDTIMER was disabled when entering PM8, it will be enabled (default state) upon exit from PM8. These peripherals should be handled accordingly in firmware. Rev. 0.5 109 Power SiM3L1xx Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx 10. Power Management Unit (PMU0) This section describes the Power Management Unit (PMU) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx The PMU module includes the following features: Provides the enable or disable for the analog power system, including the three LDO regulators. Manages the source for the VDRV output when entering and leaving Power Mode 8. Up to 14 pin wake inputs can wake the device from Power Mode 8. The Low Power Timer, RTC0 (alarms and oscillator failure), Comparator 0, Advanced Capture Counter, LCD0 VBAT monitor, UART0, low power mode charge pump failure, and the RESET pin can also serve as wake sources for Power Mode 8. All PM8 wake sources (except for the RESET pin) can also reset the Low Power Timer or RTC0 modules. Controls which 4 kB RAM blocks are retained while in Power Mode 8. Provides a PMU_Asleep signal to a pin as an indicator that the device is in PM8. Specialized charge pump to reduce power consumption in PM8. Provides control for the internal switch between VBAT and VDC to power the VDRV pin for external circuitry. PMU Module WAKE.0 WAKE.1 WAKE.2 WAKE.3 Pin Wake Mask and Level Select Power Mode 8 Disable/Enable Pins and Peripherals Pin Wake WAKE.15 RTC0 Module Reset LPTIMER0 Low Power Timer Comparator 0 RTC0 Alarms 0 / 1 / 2 RTC0 Fail UART0 Power Mode 8 Wake to core ACCTR0 LCD VBAT Monitor Charge Pump Fail Power Mode 8 Status PMU_Asleep Reset Pin (RESET) Figure 10.1. PMU Block Diagram The PMU manages the power-up sequence on power on and the wake up sources from PM8. On power-up, the PMU ensures the core voltages are of a proper value before core instruction execution begins. 110 Rev. 0.5 10.1. Waking from Power Mode 8 The wake signals for power mode 8 can be sourced from pins (Pin Wake), the Low Power Timer, UART0, Comparator 0, RTC0 Alarms (0, 1, or 2), RTC0 Fail, ACCTR0, the LCD VBAT monitor or charge pump supply, or a pin reset. For any event to wake the device from PM8, it must be enabled as an interrupt source and enabled in the NVIC. For certain wake sources (Comparator 0, LCD VBAT Monitor, Pin Wake and UART0), the wake enable bit in the WAKEEN register serves as both the wake source enable and the interrupt enable. For other sources, the interrupt enable is performed separately from the wake source enable, inside of the respective module. Any enabled interrupt in the device, including those which are enabled with their PMU wake enable flags, can generate an interrupt any time the interrupt condition occurs. For example, the pin wake enable bit (PWAKEWEN) enables a pin wake event as an interrupt source. If a pin wake event occurs while the device is still awake, the PMATCH0 interrupt will be generated. When any such wake event triggers an interrupt, firmware should clear the wake flag and the wake enable controls in the ISR to avoid generating another interrupt. Table 10.1 details the different wake sources, their interrupt vectors, and whether they require a corresponding interrupt enable within the module. All wakeup sources can also be optionally used to reset RTC0 or the Low Power Timer while the device remains in PM8. Table 10.1. Wake Source Enable Summary Wake Source Wake Source Enable Bit Associated NVIC Interrupt (in WAKEEN register) Interrupt Enable in Module Required? RTC0 Oscillator Fail RTC0FWEN RTC0FAIL (position 37) Yes. Enable the oscillator fail interrupt in RTC0. RTC0 Alarm RTC0A0WEN RTC0ALRM (position 3) Yes. Enable the desired wake alarm(s) in RTC0. Comparator 0 CMP0WEN CMP0 (position 30) No. The interrupt will fire regardless of CMP0 interrupt enables. ACCTR0 ACC0WEN ACCTR0 (position 22) Yes. Enable the desired interrupt behavior in ACCTR0. LCD VBAT Monitor LCDMONWEN LCD0 (position 44) No. LCDMONWEN enables the wake and interrupt. Pin Wake PWAKEWEN PMATCH0 (position 41) No. PWAKEWEN enables the wake and interrupt (shared with port match interrupt). Low Power Timer LPT0WEN LPTIMER0 (position 4) Yes. Enable the overflow interrupt in LPTIMER0. UART0 UART0WEN UART0 (position 25) No. The interrupt will fire regardless of UART0 interrupt enables. Low Power Charge Pump Fail CPFWEN PMU0 (position 39) Yes. Enable the charge pump fail interrupt in PMU0. Rev. 0.5 111 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Because resetting the device is a valid exit from PM8, certain applications may want to know upon reset if the device was previously configured in PM8. Firmware can check the PM8EF bit during the initialization sequence to determine if the device reset while in PM8, and act accordingly. If the device did reset while in PM8, the WAKESTATUS register provides status flags to indicate the wakeup source. The WAKESTATUS register can be cleared by writing 0 to the WAKECLR bit. 10.1.1. Pin Wake The available Pin Wake sources (WAKE.0–WAKE.15) can be used to wake the device from low power sleep modes. The pin wake function implements an “ORed mismatch” which triggers a wake event when any of the pins selected in PWEN register do not match the polarity selected in PWPOL. For example, to wake the device when a single pin goes high, set only the PWEN bit for that pin to 1, and set the PWPOL bit for that pin to 0. The pin wake logic is shown in Figure 10.2. WAKE.0 PW0POL PW0EN WAKE.1 PWAKEF PW1POL PW1EN PWAKEEN WAKE.15 PW15POL PW15EN Figure 10.2. Pin Wake Logic To serve as a wake source, a pin must remain active in the mis-match state long enough for the PMU to detect the wake up signal (50 ns). The pin wake trigger sources vary by package and are shown in Table 10.2. Table 10.2. Pin Wake Sources 112 Pin Wake Source SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name WAKE.0 PB0.0 PB0.0 PB0.0 WAKE.1 PB0.1 Reserved Reserved WAKE.2 PB0.2 PB0.1 PB0.1 WAKE.3 PB0.3 PB0.2 PB0.2 WAKE.4 PB0.4 PB0.3 PB0.3 WAKE.5 PB0.5 PB0.4 PB0.4 WAKE.6 PB0.6 PB0.5 PB0.5 WAKE.7 PB0.7 PB0.6 Reserved Rev. 0.5 Table 10.2. Pin Wake Sources (Continued) Pin Wake Source SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name WAKE.8 PB0.8 PB0.7 PB0.6 WAKE.9 PB0.9 PB0.8 Reserved WAKE.10 PB0.10 PB0.9 Reserved WAKE.11 PB0.11 Reserved Reserved WAKE.12 PB2.0 PB2.0 PB2.0 WAKE.13 PB2.1 Reserved PB2.1 WAKE.14 Reserved Reserved PB2.2 WAKE.15 Reserved Reserved PB2.3 10.1.2. Low Power Timer The Low Power Timer wake up source is caused by a Low Power Timer overflow. 10.1.3. Comparator 0 A Comparator 0 (CMP0) event can serve as a wake up or reset source in the PMU. This event can occur from a rising, falling, or either edge on the Comparator 0 output, depending on the settings in the Comparator module. 10.1.4. RTC0 The RTC0 Alarms (0, 1, and 2) and Fail events are wake up sources from PM8 or can automatically reset the LPTIMER0 and RTC0 modules. The Alarms occur from a match between the RTC0 timer and the corresponding Alarm compare value. The RTC0 Oscillator Fail event occurs when the RTC0 Missing Clock Detector is enabled and the RTC0OSC falls below the missing clock detector trigger frequency. 10.1.5. UART0 UART0 can operate while the device is in PM8. Enabling UART0 as a wake source allows the device to wake on UART0 activity. 10.1.6. ACCTR0 An ACCTR0 event can also serve as a wakeup source for the device. The ACCTR0 block can be configured to wake the device to process data after a certain number of events have occurred. 10.1.7. LCD VBAT Supply Monitor When the LCD VBAT supply is enabled as a wakeup source, the device will exit PM8 when the VBAT supply drops below the defined threshold. Enabling the LCD VBAT as a wake source also enables the NVIC interrupt source. 10.1.8. Charge Pump Supply Fail When enabled, a charge pump supply fail event can also wake the device from PM8. 10.2. Retention RAM Control On-chip RAM is segmented into 4 kB blocks which can be individually selected to retain state in Power Mode 8. The control bits for each 4 kB block are RAM0REN through RAM7REN in the CONTROL register. Setting one of these bits to 1 will enable retention of that RAM block. RAM blocks which do not have retention enabled will lose their contents if the device enters PM8. Each block selected to retain state will consume a small amount of extra current, so it is advisable to structure the application’s memory usage such that the minimal amount of retention RAM is required. Rev. 0.5 113 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Note: To ensure robust operation at wakeup, it is important to understand the location of any RAM variables that are required to maintain state. This includes global and local static variables, as well as the placement of the stack. 114 Rev. 0.5 10.3. PMU0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for PMU0 registers. Register 10.1. PMU0_CONTROL: Module Control 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved RAM0REN 25 RAM1REN 26 RAM2REN 27 RAM3REN 28 RAM4REN 29 RAM5REN 30 RAM6REN 31 RAM7REN Bit Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved Type Reset R 0 RW 0 0 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved RW RW RW RW R 1 1 0 0 0 0 WAKECLR 0 PWAKEEN 0 PMUASLPEN 0 CPMONEN 0 CPMONIEN Reset W 0 Register ALL Access Address PMU0_CONTROL = 0x4004_8000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 10.3. PMU0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:24 Reserved 23 RAM7REN Function Must write reset value. RAM 7 Retention Enable. When set to 1, the RAM 7 block is powered (4 kB addresses from 0x20007000 to 0x20007FFF). This bit should be cleared to 0 when entering Power Mode 8 to save power if these RAM locations do not need to be retained. 22 RAM6REN RAM 6 Retention Enable. When set to 1, the RAM 6 block is powered (4 kB addresses from 0x20006000 to 0x20006FFF). This bit should be cleared to 0 when entering Power Mode 8 to save power if these RAM locations do not need to be retained. 21 RAM5REN RAM 5 Retention Enable. When set to 1, the RAM 5 block is powered (4 kB addresses from 0x20005000 to 0x20005FFF). This bit should be cleared to 0 when entering Power Mode 8 to save power if these RAM locations do not need to be retained. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. Rev. 0.5 115 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Table 10.3. PMU0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 20 RAM4REN Function RAM 4 Retention Enable. When set to 1, the RAM 4 block is powered (4 kB addresses from 0x20004000 to 0x20004FFF). This bit should be cleared to 0 when entering Power Mode 8 to save power if these RAM locations do not need to be retained. 19 RAM3REN RAM 3 Retention Enable. When set to 1, the RAM 3 block is powered (4 kB addresses from 0x20003000 to 0x20003FFF). This bit should be cleared to 0 when entering Power Mode 8 to save power if these RAM locations do not need to be retained. 18 RAM2REN RAM 2 Retention Enable. When set to 1, the RAM 2 block is powered (4 kB addresses from 0x20002000 to 0x20002FFF). This bit should be cleared to 0 when entering Power Mode 8 to save power if these RAM locations do not need to be retained. 17 RAM1REN RAM 1 Retention Enable. When set to 1, the RAM 1 block is powered (4 kB addresses from 0x20001000 to 0x20001FFF). This bit should be cleared to 0 when entering Power Mode 8 to save power if these RAM locations do not need to be retained. 16 RAM0REN RAM 0 Retention Enable. When set to 1, the RAM 0 block is powered (4 kB addresses from 0x20000000 to 0x20000FFF). This bit should be cleared to 0 when entering Power Mode 8 to save power if these RAM locations do not need to be retained. 15:7 Reserved 6 CPMONIEN Must write reset value. Low Power Charge Pump Voltage Monitor Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the low power charge pump voltage monitor interrupt. 1: Enable the low power charge pump voltage monitor interrupt. 5 CPMONEN Low Power Charge Pump Voltage Monitor Enable. 0: Disable the low power charge pump voltage monitor. 1: Enable the low power charge pump voltage monitor. 4 PMUASLPEN PMU Asleep Pin Enable. When set to 1, the PMU Asleep signal will be sent to the appropriate pin. This pin should be skipped by the Crossbar if firmware enables the PMU Asleep signal. 3 PWAKEEN Pin Wake Match Enable. 0: Disable Pin Wake. 1: Enable Pin Wake. 2:1 Reserved Must write reset value. 0 WAKECLR Wakeup Source Clear. Writing a 0 to this bit clears all wakeup sources. 0: Clear all wakeup sources. 1: Reserved. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. 116 Rev. 0.5 Register 10.2. PMU0_CONFIG: Module Configuration Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X Name Reserved CPLOAD VDRVSMD 0 Reserved 0 CPEN 0 Reserved Reset Reserved Type RW RW RW RW R RW RW 0 0 0 Reset X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 X X Register ALL Access Address PMU0_CONFIG = 0x4004_8010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 10.4. PMU0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:12 Reserved Must write reset value. 11:10 CPLOAD Charge Pump Load Setting. 9 Reserved Must write reset value. 8 CPEN 7 Reserved Must write reset value. 6:5 VDRVSMD VDRV Switch Mode. Low Power Charge Pump Enable. 00: High-Z. 01: Reserved. 10: VBAT connected to VDRV. 11: DC-DC output connected to VDRV. 4:0 Reserved Must write reset value. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. Rev. 0.5 117 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Register 10.3. PMU0_STATUS: Module Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved PM8EF 0 PWAKEF 0 PORF Reset CPSTS Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Type R R RW R RW 1 1 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PMU0_STATUS = 0x4004_8020 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 10.5. PMU0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:4 Reserved 3 CPSTS Function Must write reset value. Low Power Charge Pump Voltage Monitor Status. 0: The low power charge pump supply voltage is below the threshold. 1: The low power charge pump supply voltage is greater than the threshold. 2 PORF Power-On Reset Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 to indicate that a power-on reset event occurred. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 1 PWAKEF Pin Wake Status Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that pin wake condition is active. 0 PM8EF Power Mode 8 Exited Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that the device exited Power Mode 8. Firmware must clear this flag. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. 118 Rev. 0.5 Register 10.4. PMU0_WAKEEN: Wakeup Enable Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved RTC0FWEN 0 RTC0A0WEN 0 CMP0WEN 0 ACC0WEN 0 LCDMONWEN 0 PWAKEWEN 0 LPT0WEN 0 UART0WEN 0 CPFWEN Reset Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PMU0_WAKEEN = 0x4004_8030 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 10.6. PMU0_WAKEEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:9 Reserved Must write reset value. 8 CPFWEN Low Power Charge Pump Supply Fail Wake Enable. When set to 1, a low power charge pump supply fail event will wake the device from Power Mode 8. 7 UART0WEN UART0 Wake Enable. When set to 1, a UART0 event will wake the device from Power Mode 8. 6 LPT0WEN Low Power Timer Wake Enable. When set to 1, an LPTIMER0 event will wake the device from Power Mode 8. 5 PWAKEWEN Pin Wake Wake Enable. When set to 1, a Pin Wake event will wake the device from Power Mode 8. 4 LCDMONWEN LCD VBAT Voltage Monitor Wake Enable. When set to 1, an LCD VBAT voltage monitor event will wake the device from Power Mode 8. 3 ACC0WEN Advanced Capture Counter 0 Wake Enable. When set to 1, an Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) event will wake the device from Power Mode 8. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. Rev. 0.5 119 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Table 10.6. PMU0_WAKEEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 2 CMP0WEN Function Comparator 0 Wake Enable. When set to 1, a Comparator 0 event will wake the device from Power Mode 8. 1 RTC0A0WEN RTC0 Alarm Wake Enable. When set to 1, an RTC0 Alarm event will wake the device from Power Mode 8. 0 RTC0FWEN RTC0 Fail Wake Enable. When set to 1, an RTC0 Fail event will wake the device from Power Mode 8. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. 120 Rev. 0.5 Register 10.5. PMU0_WAKESTATUS: Wakeup Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved RTC0FWF 0 RTC0A0WF 0 CMP0WF 0 ACC0WF 0 LCDMONWF 0 PWAKEWF 0 LPT0WF 0 UART0WF 0 CPFWF 0 RSTWF Reset Type R R R R R R R R R R R X X X X X X X X X X Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PMU0_WAKESTATUS = 0x4004_8040 Table 10.7. PMU0_WAKESTATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:10 Reserved Must write reset value. 9 RSTWF Reset Pin Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that the RESET pin woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. 8 CPFWF Low Power Charge Pump Supply Fail Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that a low power charge pump supply fail event woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. 7 UART0WF UART0 Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that a UART0 event woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. 6 LPT0WF Low Power Timer Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that a LPTIMER0 event woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. 5 PWAKEWF Pin Wake Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that a Pin Wake event woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. Rev. 0.5 121 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Table 10.7. PMU0_WAKESTATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 4 LCDMONWF Function LCD VBAT Voltage Monitor Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that a LCD VBAT voltage monitor event woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. 3 ACC0WF Advanced Capture Counter 0 Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that an Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) event woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. 2 CMP0WF Comparator 0 Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that a Comparator 0 event woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. 1 RTC0A0WF RTC0 Alarm Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that an RTC0 Alarm event woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. 0 RTC0FWF RTC0 Fail Wake Flag. When set to 1, this flag indicates that an RTC0 fail event woke the device. Firmware must clear this flag using the WAKECLR bit in the CONTROL register. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. 122 Rev. 0.5 Register 10.6. PMU0_PWEN: Pin Wake Pin Enable Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name PW0EN 0 PW1EN 0 PW2EN 0 PW3EN 0 PW4EN 0 PW5EN 0 PW6EN 0 PW7EN 0 PW8EN 0 PW9EN 0 PW10EN 0 PW11EN 0 PW12EN 0 PW13EN 0 PW14EN 0 PW15EN Reset Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PMU0_PWEN = 0x4004_8050 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 10.8. PMU0_PWEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:16 Reserved Must write reset value. 15 PW15EN WAKE.15 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.15 signal to wake the device. 14 PW14EN WAKE.14 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.14 signal to wake the device. 13 PW13EN WAKE.13 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.13 signal to wake the device. 12 PW12EN WAKE.12 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.12 signal to wake the device. 11 PW11EN WAKE.11 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.11 signal to wake the device. 10 PW10EN WAKE.10 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.10 signal to wake the device. 9 PW9EN WAKE.9 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.9 signal to wake the device. 8 PW8EN WAKE.8 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.8 signal to wake the device. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. Rev. 0.5 123 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Table 10.8. PMU0_PWEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 7 PW7EN Function WAKE.7 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.7 signal to wake the device. 6 PW6EN WAKE.6 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.6 signal to wake the device. 5 PW5EN WAKE.5 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.5 signal to wake the device. 4 PW4EN WAKE.4 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.4 signal to wake the device. 3 PW3EN WAKE.3 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.3 signal to wake the device. 2 PW2EN WAKE.2 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.2 signal to wake the device. 1 PW1EN WAKE.1 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.1 signal to wake the device. 0 PW0EN WAKE.0 Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables the WAKE.0 signal to wake the device. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. 124 Rev. 0.5 Register 10.7. PMU0_PWPOL: Pin Wake Pin Polarity Select Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name PW0POL 0 PW1POL 0 PW2POL 0 PW3POL 0 PW4POL 0 PW5POL 0 PW6POL 0 PW7POL 0 PW8POL 0 PW9POL 0 PW10POL 0 PW11POL 0 PW12POL 0 PW13POL 0 PW14POL 0 PW15POL Reset Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PMU0_PWPOL = 0x4004_8060 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 10.9. PMU0_PWPOL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:16 Reserved Must write reset value. 15 PW15POL WAKE.15 Polarity Select. If PW15EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.15 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.15 causes a Pin Wake event if PW15EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.15 causes a Pin Wake event if PW15EN is set to 1. 14 PW14POL WAKE.14 Polarity Select. If PW14EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.14 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.14 causes a Pin Wake event if PW14EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.14 causes a Pin Wake event if PW14EN is set to 1. 13 PW13POL WAKE.13 Polarity Select. If PW13EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.13 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.13 causes a Pin Wake event if PW13EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.13 causes a Pin Wake event if PW13EN is set to 1. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. Rev. 0.5 125 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Table 10.9. PMU0_PWPOL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 12 PW12POL Function WAKE.12 Polarity Select. If PW12EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.12 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.12 causes a Pin Wake event if PW12EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.12 causes a Pin Wake event if PW12EN is set to 1. 11 PW11POL WAKE.11 Polarity Select. If PW11EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.11 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.11 causes a Pin Wake event if PW11EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.11 causes a Pin Wake event if PW11EN is set to 1. 10 PW10POL WAKE.10 Polarity Select. If PW10EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.10 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.10 causes a Pin Wake event if PW10EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.10 causes a Pin Wake event if PW10EN is set to 1. 9 PW9POL WAKE.9 Polarity Select. If PW9EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.9 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.9 causes a Pin Wake event if PW9EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.9 causes a Pin Wake event if PW9EN is set to 1. 8 PW8POL WAKE.8 Polarity Select. If PW8EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.8 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.8 causes a Pin Wake event if PW8EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.8 causes a Pin Wake event if PW8EN is set to 1. 7 PW7POL WAKE.7 Polarity Select. If PW7EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.7 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.7 causes a Pin Wake event if PW7EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.7 causes a Pin Wake event if PW7EN is set to 1. 6 PW6POL WAKE.6 Polarity Select. If PW6EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.6 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.6 causes a Pin Wake event if PW6EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.6 causes a Pin Wake event if PW6EN is set to 1. 5 PW5POL WAKE.5 Polarity Select. If PW5EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.5 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.5 causes a Pin Wake event if PW5EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.5 causes a Pin Wake event if PW5EN is set to 1. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. 126 Rev. 0.5 Table 10.9. PMU0_PWPOL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 4 PW4POL Function WAKE.4 Polarity Select. If PW4EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.4 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.4 causes a Pin Wake event if PW4EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.4 causes a Pin Wake event if PW4EN is set to 1. 3 PW3POL WAKE.3 Polarity Select. If PW3EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.3 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.3 causes a Pin Wake event if PW3EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.3 causes a Pin Wake event if PW3EN is set to 1. 2 PW2POL WAKE.2 Polarity Select. If PW2EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.2 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.2 causes a Pin Wake event if PW2EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.2 causes a Pin Wake event if PW2EN is set to 1. 1 PW1POL WAKE.1 Polarity Select. If PW1EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.1 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.1 causes a Pin Wake event if PW1EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.1 causes a Pin Wake event if PW1EN is set to 1. 0 PW0POL WAKE.0 Polarity Select. If PW0EN is set, this bit selects the logic level of WAKE.0 that will cause a Pin Wake event. 0: A logic high on WAKE.0 causes a Pin Wake event if PW0EN is set to 1. 1: A logic low on WAKE.0 causes a Pin Wake event if PW0EN is set to 1. Note: This register is only reset during a POR. It is unaffected by other reset sources. Rev. 0.5 127 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx PMU0_WAKESTATUS PMU0_WAKEEN PMU0_STATUS PMU0_CONFIG PMU0_CONTROL Register Name 0x4004_8010 0x4004_8020 ALL Address 0x4004_8030 0x4004_8040 0x4004_8000 ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Reserved Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 RAM7REN Bit 23 RAM6REN Bit 22 Reserved RAM5REN Bit 21 Reserved Reserved RAM4REN Bit 20 RAM3REN Bit 19 RAM2REN Bit 18 Reserved RAM1REN Bit 17 RAM0REN Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Reserved Bit 11 CPLOAD Bit 10 RSTWF Reserved Bit 9 CPFWEN CPFWF CPEN Bit 8 UART0WEN UART0WF Reserved Bit 7 CPMONIEN LPT0WEN LPT0WF Bit 6 VDRVSMD CPMONEN PWAKEWEN PWAKEWF Bit 5 PMUASLPEN LCDMONWEN LCDMONWF Bit 4 PWAKEEN CPSTS ACC0WEN ACC0WF Bit 3 Reserved PORF CMP0WEN CMP0WF Bit 2 Reserved PWAKEF RTC0A0WEN RTC0A0WF Bit 1 WAKECLR PM8EF RTC0FWEN RTC0FWF Bit 0 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx 10.4. PMU0 Register Memory Map Table 10.10. PMU0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 128 Rev. 0.5 PMU0_PWEN Register Name PMU0_PWPOL 0x4004_8050 ALL Address 0x4004_8060 ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 PW15POL PW15EN Bit 15 PW14POL PW14EN Bit 14 PW13POL PW13EN Bit 13 PW12POL PW12EN Bit 12 PW11POL PW11EN Bit 11 PW10POL PW10EN Bit 10 PW9POL PW9EN Bit 9 PW8POL PW8EN Bit 8 PW7POL PW7EN Bit 7 PW6POL PW6EN Bit 6 PW5POL PW5EN Bit 5 PW4POL PW4EN Bit 4 PW3POL PW3EN Bit 3 PW2POL PW2EN Bit 2 PW1POL PW1EN Bit 1 PW0POL PW0EN Bit 0 Table 10.10. PMU0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 129 Power Management Unit (PMU0) SiM3L1xx Internal Voltage Regulator (LDO0) SiM3L1xx 11. Internal Voltage Regulator (LDO0) This section describes the internal voltage regulator (LDO) block, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 11.1. Internal Voltage Regulator Features The internal voltage regulator block includes the following features: Three independent regulators for the digital, analog and memory subsystems. are adjustable to allow power savings. Inputs are selectable between the VBAT pin and VDC pin (dc-dc output). High and low bias configurations for each regulator to save power. LDOs LDO Module VBAT VDC Adjustable LDO Digital Supply Adjustable LDO Analog Supply Adjustable LDO Memory Supply VSS Figure 11.1. LDO0 Block Diagram 130 Rev. 0.5 11.2. Functional Description The core voltage regulator consists of three independent LDO regulators for the memory, analog and digital subsystems. Each regulator can be powered from either the VBAT pin or the DCDC converter output at the VDC pin, and has an adjustable bias setting for power savings. Additionally, the output of the regulators are adjustable, and can be used to scale the power consumption back in certain applications. The CONTROL register allows firmware to program the regulator properties as needed. 11.2.1. Input Source Selection By default, the input to all three LDOs is the VBAT supply pin. In many cases, the DCDC converter can be used to realize additional power efficiency for the device. To operate any of the LDOs from the DCDC converter output, firmware must first configure and enable the DCDC converter. When running the LDOs from the DCDC converter, it is recommended to set the DCDC output at least 100 mV above the highest LDO output, to ensure enough headroom. After the DCDC is configured and running, the LDOs can be individually switched to run from the DCDC output using the DLDOSSEL, MLDOSSEL and ALDOSSEL bits in the CONTROL register. As long as the voltage at VDC and VBAT are stable and within the device supply range, the LDOs can be switched seamlessly between the two power sources at any time. 11.2.2. Bias Current Configuration Each LDO has configuration options to select high or low bias current. The bias current affects the response time of the LDO. High bias current is useful in situations where the load current on the LDO may rise very quickly—when switching from a slow clock source to a fast clock source for example. In general, low bias may be used any time the device is operated at constant loads, or if the load will not instantaneously change more than a few mA. The bits DLDOBSEL, MLDOBSEL and ALDOBSEL control the bias setting of the individual LDOs. 11.2.3. Adjustable Output The LDO outputs are adjustable, with a valid range of 0.8 to 1.9 V. Additional power savings for the device may be realized by lowering the LDO output voltage of the memory and digital regulators under appropriate conditions, such as lower clock speeds. The regulators are adjusted using the ALDOOVAL, DLDOOVAL and MLDOOVAL bit fields in the CONTROL register. The adjustment fields are linear, with each LSB representing approximately 50 mV. To adjust the memory LDO to 1.6 V, for example, the MLDOOVAL field can be set to 0x10 (0.8 V + 50 mV x 16). The LDO outputs are also available to the SARADC and Comparators for monitoring purposes. The optimal LDO settings for different operational speeds are to be determined (TBD), pending full characterization of silicon over process, temperature, and voltage corners. Preliminary silicon characterization suggests that the safe minimum voltage for the memory LDO at all speeds is 1.5 V. The digital LDO may be safely set to 1.0 V at speeds of 20 MHz or less, and 1.2 V between 20 and 50 MHz. The analog LDO should normally be left at 1.8 V output during active operation. All LDOs may be adjusted prior to entering PM8, to extend the external supply operating range. See the electrical specification tables in the data sheet for specified output settings. Important Notes About Adjustable LDOs 1. The analog LDO output should always be set equal to or higher than the output of the memory LDO. When lowering both LDOs (for example to go into PM8 under low supply conditions), first adjust the memory LDO and then the analog LDO. When raising the output of both LDOs, adjust the analog LDO before adjusting the memory LDO. 2. Before entering PM8, all three LDOs should be adjusted to the recommended setting for the external supply range, according to the data sheet specifications. Failure to set the LDOs to the appropriate output voltage prior to entering PM8 may result in the device being unable to wake from PM8. 3. When writing to or erasing flash memory, setting the output of the memory LDO to 1.8 V or higher is required. Rev. 0.5 131 Internal Voltage Regulator (LDO0) SiM3L1xx 11.3. LDO0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for LDO0 registers. Register 11.1. LDO0_CONTROL: Control 30 29 28 Name 27 26 25 24 23 19 18 17 R RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name MLDOOVAL Reserved ALDOSSEL ALDOBSEL 16 MLDOBSEL RW 20 MLDOSSEL R 21 DLDOOVAL Reserved Type 22 DLDOBSEL 31 DLDOSSEL Bit Reserved Internal Voltage Regulator (LDO0) SiM3L1xx ALDOOVAL Type R RW RW RW R RW RW RW Reset 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LDO0_CONTROL = 0x4003_9000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 11.1. LDO0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:23 Reserved 22 DLDOSSEL Function Must write reset value. Digital LDO Source Select. 0: Select the VBAT pin as the input voltage to the digital LDO. 1: Select the output of the DC-DC converter as the input voltage to the digital LDO. 21 DLDOBSEL Digital LDO Bias Select. 0: Select a low bias for the digital LDO. 1: Select a high bias for the digital LDO. 20:16 DLDOOVAL Digital LDO Output Value Select. This field configures the output voltage of the digital LDO between 0.8 and 1.9 V in 50 mV steps. The reset value of this field is 1.8 V. 15 Reserved 14 MLDOSSEL Must write reset value. Memory LDO Source Select. 0: Select the VBAT pin as the input voltage to the memory LDO. 1: Select the output of the DC-DC converter as the input voltage to the memory LDO. 132 Rev. 0.5 Table 11.1. LDO0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 13 MLDOBSEL Function Memory LDO Bias Select. 0: Select a low bias for the memory LDO. 1: Select a high bias for the memory LDO. 12:8 MLDOOVAL Memory LDO Output Value Select. This field configures the output voltage of the memory LDO between 0.8 and 1.9 V in 50 mV steps. The reset value of this field is 1.8 V. 7 Reserved 6 ALDOSSEL Must write reset value. Analog LDO Source Select. 0: Select the VBAT pin as the input voltage to the analog LDO. 1: Select the output of the DC-DC converter as the input voltage to the analog LDO. 5 ALDOBSEL Analog LDO Bias Select. 0: Select a low bias for the analog LDO. 1: Select a high bias for the analog LDO. 4:0 ALDOOVAL Analog LDO Output Value Select. This field configures the output voltage of the analog LDO between 0.8 and 1.9 V in 50 mV steps. The reset value of this field is 1.8 V. Rev. 0.5 133 Internal Voltage Regulator (LDO0) SiM3L1xx 11.4. LDO0 Register Memory Map Table 11.2. LDO0 Memory Map LDO0_CONTROL Register Name ALL Address 0x4003_9000 ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Reserved Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 DLDOSSEL Bit 22 DLDOBSEL Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 DLDOOVAL Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Reserved Bit 15 MLDOSSEL Bit 14 MLDOBSEL Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 MLDOOVAL Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Reserved Bit 7 ALDOSSEL Bit 6 ALDOBSEL Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 ALDOOVAL Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Internal Voltage Regulator (LDO0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 134 Rev. 0.5 12. DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) This section describes the dc-dc Regulator (DCDC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 12.1. DCDC Features The DCDC module includes the following features: Efficiently utilizes the energy stored in a battery, extending its operational lifetime. Input range: 1.8 to 3.8 V. VDC Output range: 1.25 to 3.8 V in 50 mV (1.25–1.8 V) or 100 mV (1.8–3.8 V) steps. Supplies up to 100 mA. Internal voltage reference. Converter clock source selectable between the divided APB clock or a dedicated local oscillator. Automatically limits the peak inductor current if the load current rises beyond a safe limit. Automatically goes into bypass mode if the battery voltage cannot provide sufficient headroom. Sources current, but cannot sink current. VBAT DCDC Module VBAT/VBATDC 0.56 uH M1 IND MBYP 4.7uF 0.1uF VDC 0.01uF Local Oscillator Voltage Reference M2 2.2uF Control Logic 0.1uF 0.01uF Iload VSSDC VSS Figure 12.1. DCDC0 Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 135 DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx 12.2. Inductor Selection and Startup Behavior The DCDC module requires clocks and bias voltages from several modules in the device. The APB clock enable bits DCDC0CEN, LCD0CEN and MISC0CEN must be set to 1 and the dc-dc bias in the LCD0 block (LCD0_CONFIG0.DCDCBIASEN) must be enabled. The dc-dc converter may then be enabled by setting the DCDCEN bit in the CONTROL register to logic 1. When first enabled, the dc-dc converter will control the M1 and M2 switches to supply current into the output capacitor through the inductor until the VDC output voltage reaches the programmed level set by the OUTVSEL field in the CONTROL register. The RDYHIGHF and RDYLOWF flags in the CONTROL register may be used to determine when the output voltage is near the programmed level. RDYHIGHF is a fixed limit, and will be set high when the output is above 105% of the programmed level. RDYLOWF will be set when the output voltage is above the level defined by the RDYLOWTH field in the CONFIG register. The dc-dc converter is designed to provide up to 100 mA of output current. 12.2.1. Inductor Selection In order to minimize power loss and maximize efficiency, a 0.56 µH inductor with a dc resistance of 500 m or less is recommended. Example inductor part numbers are listed in Table 12.1. Table 12.1. Example DC-DC Inductors Manufacturer Part Number L (µH) Taiyo Yuden Panasonic Murata BRC1608TR56M ELJ-FBR56MF LQM2HPNR56ME0L 0.56 0.56 0.56 Max. DCR (m 123.5 420 75 Peak Current Rating (mA) 1,150 560 1,500 12.2.2. Peak Inductor Current The peak transient current in the inductor is limited for safe operation. The peak inductor current is programmable using the ILIMIT field in register CONFIG. The peak inductor current, size of the output capacitor and the amount of dc load current present during startup will determine the length of time it takes to charge the output capacitor. In order to ensure reliable startup of the dc-dc converter, the following restrictions have been imposed: The maximum dc load current allowed during startup is given in the electrical specification tables in the device data sheet. If the dc-dc converter is powering external sensors or devices through the VDC pin, then the current supplied to these sensors or devices is counted towards this limit. The in-rush current into capacitors does not count towards this limit. The maximum total output capacitance is also given in the electrical specification tables. This value includes the required 2.2 µF ceramic output capacitor and any additional capacitance connected to the VDC pin. The peak inductor current limit is programmable by software from 200 mA to 800 mA via the ILIMIT field in the CONFIG register. Limiting the peak inductor current can allow the dc-dc converter to start up using a high impedance power source (such as when a battery is near its end of life) or allow inductors with a low current rating to be utilized. The peak inductor current is dependent on several factors including the dc load current and can be estimated using the following equation: I PK = 2 I LOAD VBATDC – VDC VDC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------inductance frequency VBATDC where inductance = 0.56 µH and frequency = 1.9 to 3.9 MHz. 136 Rev. 0.5 12.2.3. DC-DC Startup Procedure (DC-DC Clock Source = Local Oscillator) 1. Enable the APB clock to the DCDC0, LDC0, and MISC0. 2. Enable the dc-dc bias enable in the LCD module (LCD0_CONFIG0.DCDCBIASEN = 1) 3. Clear the local oscillator disable bit to enable the local oscillator (OSCDIS = 0). 4. Clear the clock source select bit to set the dc-dc clock source to local oscillator (CLKSEL = 0). 5. Set the inductor peak current limit bits (ILIMIT) according to the inductor peak current rating. 6. Set the converter ready low threshold (RDYLOWTH) to desired threshold. 7. Set the power switch mode bits (PSMD) to desired value. 8. Set the output voltage select bits (OUTVSEL) to the desired output voltage. 9. Enable the dc-dc converter (DCDCEN = 1); 10. Poll the dc-dc converter ready low flag (RDYLOWF) until it reads 1. 11. Check that the dc-dc converter ready high flag (RDYHIGHF) reads 0. 12.2.4. DC-DC Startup Procedure (DC-DC Clock Source = APB Clock) 1. Enable the APB clock to the DCDC0, LDC0, and MISC0. 2. Enable the dc-dc bias enable in the LCD module (LCD0_CONFIG0.DCDCBIASEN = 1) 3. Set the local oscillator disable bit to disable the local oscillator (OSCDIS = 1). 4. Set the clock divider bits (CLKDIV) to an appropriate divider to ensure that the dc-dc clock is in the range of 1.9 MHz to 3.9 MHz. For example, if the APB clock = 49 MHz, set the CLKDIV = 4 to configure the dc-dc clock to APB clock / 16, or 3.06 MHz. 5. Set the clock source select bit to set the dc-dc clock source to the APB clock (CLKSEL = 1). 6. Set the inductor peak current limit bits (ILIMIT) according to the inductor peak current rating. 7. Set the converter ready low threshold (RDYLOWTH) to desired threshold. 8. Set the power switch mode bits (PSMD) to desired value. 9. Set the output voltage select bits (OUTVSEL) to the desired output voltage. 10. Enable the dc-dc converter (DCDCEN = 1); 11. Poll the dc-dc converter ready low flag (RDYLOWF) until it reads 1. 12. Check that the dc-dc converter ready high flag (RDYHIGHF) reads 0. 12.3. Synchronous/Asynchronous Modes The dc-dc converter provides both synchronous and asynchronous switching modes, controlled by the ASYNCEN bit in the CONTROL register. In synchronous mode (ASYNCEN=0), the dc-dc converter will switch both internal MOSFETs, M1 and M2. In asynchronous mode (ASYNCEN=1), the M2 MOSFET is disabled and current conducts through the M2 MOSFET parasitic diode. Synchronous mode is more efficient for nominal to heavy output loads, and asynchronous mode is more efficient for very light loads. Synchronous mode serves to emulate a rectification diode with low voltage-drop. As such, the DC-DC converter operates in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) in both asynchronous and synchronous switching modes. 12.4. Pulse Skipping The dc-dc converter allows the user to set the minimum pulse width such that if the duty cycle needs to decrease below a certain width in order to maintain regulation, an entire "clock pulse" will be skipped. Pulse skipping is controlled by the MINPWSEL field in the CONTROL register. Pulse skipping can provide substantial power savings, particularly at low values of load current. The converter will continue to maintain the output voltage at its programmed value when pulse skipping is employed, though the output voltage ripple can be higher. Another consideration is that the dc-dc will operate with pulse-frequency modulation rather than pulse-width modulation, which makes the switching frequency spectrum less predictable; this could be an issue if the dc-dc converter is used to power a radio. Rev. 0.5 137 DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx 12.5. Power Switch Size The dc-dc converter’s M1 and M2 switches consist of up to four MOSFETs in parallel, with the number of MOSFETs actively driven is determined by the Power Switch Mode (PSMD) field in the CONTROL register. When PSMD = 0, the switches use only one MOSFET, resulting in higher conduction loss (i.e., loss due to power dissippated across the switch ON resistance) but lower switching loss (i.e., loss due to the power required to drive the switch gates to change the state of the MOSFET). When PSMD = 3, the switches consist of four MOSFETs in parallel, resulting in lower conduction loss and higher switching loss. Because conduction loss increases with output current, at high output load currents the conduction loss will dominate the dc-dc converter losses. For high output currents, the PSMD should be set to 2 or 3 to minimize the switch ON resistance and the conduction losses. At low output load currents, the conduction loss is very low and the dc-dc converter losses should typically be dominated by the switching losses. For low output currents, the PSMD should be set to 0 or 1 to minimize the switching losses. 12.6. Configuration Guidelines Table 12.2 provides dc-dc configuration recommendations over the range of output loads. These guidelines provide a reasonable tradeoff between optimal efficiency and simplicity.. Table 12.2. Optimizing DC-DC Efficiency, VBAT=3.8V, DC-DC Clock = 2.6MHz Output Load Current (mA) ILOAD > 15 5 < ILOAD < 15 ILOAD < 5 PSMD 3 0 0 ASYNCEN 0 0 1 MINPWSEL 0 0 3 12.7. Optimizing Board Layout The PCB layout does have an effect on the overall efficiency. The following guidelines are recommended to achieve the optimum layout: Place the input capacitor stack as close as possible to the VBAT/VBATDC pin. The smallest value capacitors in the stack should be placed closest to the VBAT/VBATDC pin. Place the output capacitor stack as close as possible to the VDC pin. The smallest value capacitors in the stack should be placed closest to the VDC pin. Minimize the trace length and trace impedance between the IND pin, the inductor, and the VDC pin. 12.8. Clocking Options The dc-dc converter may be clocked from its internal oscillator, or from any system clock source, selectable by the CLKSEL bit in the CONTROL register. The dc-dc converter internal oscillator frequency is approximately 2.9 MHz. For a more accurate clock source, the APB clock, or a divided version of the APB clock may be used as the dc-dc clock source. When selecting the APB-derived clock, the CLKDIV field in the CONTROL register should be configured to supply a clock in the range of 1.9 MHz to 3.9 MHz. To minimize interference in noise-sensitive applications, the DCDC block includes some additional clock controls. The clock routed to the dc-dc converter clock divider may be inverted by setting the CLKINVEN bit to logic 1, shifting the edge on which the DCDC operates. To minimize the effects of the DCDC switching on SARADC conversions, the ADCSYNCEN bit may be used. When enabled, this feature synchronizes the SARADC clock to the DCDC clock and causes the ADC to track during quiet times in the DCDC switching period. The polarity of the clock provided to the ADC can also be inverted using the ADCCLKINVEN bit. 138 Rev. 0.5 12.9. Bypass Mode The dc-dc converter has a bypass switch (MBYP), which allows the output voltage (VDC) to be directly tied to the input supply (VBAT/VBATDC), bypassing the dc-dc converter. The bypass switch may be used independently from the dc-dc converter. For example, applications that need to power the VDC supply in the lowest power Sleep mode can turn on the bypass switch prior to turning off the dc-dc converter in order to avoid powering down the external circuitry connected to VDC. There are two ways to close the bypass switch. Using the first method, Forced Bypass Mode, the BEN bit in the CONTROL register is set to a logic 1 forcing the bypass switch to close. Clearing the BEN bit to logic 0 will allow the switch to open if it is not being held closed using Automatic Bypass Mode. The Automatic Bypass Mode, enabled by setting the ABEN bit to logic 1, closes the bypass switch when the difference between VBAT/VBATDC and the programmed output voltage is less than approximately 0.4 V. Once the difference exceeds approximately 0.5 V, the bypass switch is opened unless being held closed by Forced Bypass Mode. In most systems, Automatic Bypass Mode will be left enabled, and the Forced Bypass Mode may be used to close the switch as needed by the system. 12.10. Interrupts The module interrupt enable (MIEN) bit in the CONTROL register is used to enable interrupts for the dc-dc module. The interrupt mode (INTMD) field in the CONFIG register determines the conditions which will generate system interrupts. Interrupts can be generated when the output voltage is too low, too high, in regulation, or out of regulation. Table 12.3 shows the mapping of INTMD settings to the RDYLOWF and RDYHIGHF states. Table 12.3. Interrupt Generation Conditions Interrupt Mode (INTMD) 0x00 0x01 0x10 0x11 Interrupt Generation Condition Description RDYLOWF=0 RDYLOWF=1 RDYLOWF=0 OR RDYHIGHF=1 RDYLOWF=1 AND RDYHIGHF=0 Output voltage is too low. Output voltage is not too low. Output voltage is too high or too low. Output voltage is in regulation. Rev. 0.5 139 DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx 12.11. DCDC0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for DCDC0 registers. RW Reset 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 Name Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 RW R RW R RW 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CLKDIV Reserved RW RW RW RW R R R R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 ASYNCEN OUTVSEL RDYLOWF RW 22 RDYHIGHF RW 23 DROPOUTF Type 24 BGRDYF ABEN 25 Reserved BEN 26 MIEN Name CLKINVEN 27 Reserved 28 OSCDIS 29 MINPWSEL 30 CLKSEL 31 ADCSYNCEN Bit DCDCEN Register 12.1. DCDC0_CONTROL: Module Control ADCCLKINVEN DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx PSMD RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DCDC0_CONTROL = 0x4004_E000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 12.4. DCDC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 DCDCEN Function DC-DC Converter Enable. 0: Disable the DC-DC converter. 1: Enable the DC-DC converter. 30 BEN Bypass Enable. Setting this bit to 1 forces the MBYP switch on, connecting VBATDC to VDC. 0: Disable the MBYP bypass switch. 1: Enable the MBYP bypass switch. 29 ABEN Automatic Bypass Enable. If this bit is set to 1, the MBYP switch automatically turns on if the converter is in dropout (DROPOUTF = 1). 0: Disable automatic bypass. 1: Enable automatic bypass. 140 Rev. 0.5 Table 12.4. DCDC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 28 ASYNCEN Function Asynchronous Mode Enable. 0: Enable DC-DC synchronous mode. 1: Enable DC-DC asynchronous mode. This mode is more efficient for very light output loads. 27:26 PSMD Power Switch Mode. This field selects mode of the M1 and M2 power switches in the converter. Using lower modes results in higher efficiency at low supply currents. 00: Mode 0. Set the M1 and M2 power switches to each use one MOSFET only. 01: Mode 1. Set the M1 and M2 power switches to each use 2 MOSFETS in parallel. 10: Mode 2. Set the M1 and M2 power switches to each use 3 MOSFETS in parallel. 11: Mode 3. Set the M1 and M2 power switches to each use 4 MOSFETS in parallel. 25:24 MINPWSEL Minimum Pulse Width Select. 00: Disable pulse skipping. 01: Set the minimum pulse width to 10 ns. 10: Set the minimum pulse width to 20 ns. 11: Set the minimum pulse width to 40 ns. 23 Reserved 22 MIEN Must write reset value. Module Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable DC-DC module interrupts. 1: Enable DC-DC module interrupts. 21 Reserved Must write reset value. 20:16 OUTVSEL Output Voltage Select. This field determines the output voltage of the DC-DC converter. A value of 0 corresponds to 1.25 V, and a value of 31 corresponds to 3.8 V. When the value of OUTVSEL is less than 11 (0x0B), the output voltage step size is 50 mV. Otherwise, the step size is 100 mV. 15 ADCCLKINVEN ADC Clock Inversion Enable. 0: Do not invert the ADC clock derived from the DC-DC switching frequency. 1: Invert the ADC clock derived from the DC-DC switching frequency. 14 CLKINVEN Clock Inversion Enable. When using the APB clock as the converter clock source (CLKSEL = 1), setting this bit inverts the system clock input. 13 ADCSYNCEN ADC Synchronization Enable. When this bit is set to 1, the ADC tracks during the longest quiet time of the DC-DC converter switching cycle, and the ADC clock is also synchronized to the DC-DC converter switching cycle. The CLKDIV field in the ADCn module must be cleared to 0 when synchronization is enabled. 0: Do not synchronize the ADC to the DC-DC converter. 1: Synchronize the ADC to the DC-DC converter. Rev. 0.5 141 DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx Table 12.4. DCDC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 12:10 CLKDIV Function Clock Divider. When CLKSEL is set to 1, setting this field divides the APB clock input to the DCDC converter. The converter switching frequency is limited to 1.9 MHz to 3.9 MHz. If the APB is running at a higher frequency, it must be appropriately divided so that the converter switching frequency is within the range. 000: Use the APB clock divided by 1 as the converter switching frequency. 001: Use the APB clock divided by 2 as the converter switching frequency. 010: Use the APB clock divided by 4 as the converter switching frequency. 011: Use the APB clock divided by 8 as the converter switching frequency. 100: Use the APB clock divided by 16 as the converter switching frequency. 101-111: Reserved. 9 CLKSEL Clock Source Select. 0: Select the local DC-DC oscillator as the clock source. 1: Select the APB clock as the clock source. 8 OSCDIS Oscillator Disable. 0: Enable the DC-DC local oscillator. 1: Disable the DC-DC local oscillator. 7:4 Reserved Must write reset value. 3 BGRDYF Bandgap Ready Flag. 0: The bandgap voltage is not above the threshold. 1: The bandgap voltage is above the threshold. 2 DROPOUTF DC-DC Converter Dropout Flag. 0: The input voltage (VBATDC) is more than 0.4 V above the output voltage (VDC). The DC-DC converter is not in dropout. 1: The input voltage (VBATDC) is less than 0.4 V above the output voltage (VDC). The DC-DC converter is in dropout, and firmware should enable the bypass switch (BEN=1). 1 RDYHIGHF DC-DC Converter Ready High Flag. 0: The output voltage (VDC) has not exceeded 105% of the programmed output value. 1: The output voltage (VDC) has exceeded 105% of the programmed output value. 0 RDYLOWF DC-DC Converter Ready Low Flag. 0: The output voltage (VDC) is below the threshold set in the RDYLOWTH threshold field (RDYLOWTH). 1: The output voltage (VDC) is above the threshold set in the RDYLOWTH threshold field (RDYLOWTH). 142 Rev. 0.5 Register 12.2. DCDC0_CONFIG: Module Configuration 31 30 29 28 27 26 Name Reserved Type R 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 RDYLOWTH Bit Reserved INTMD RW R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved Type Reset R 0 ILIMIT RW 0 0 1 1 R 1 1 1 0 Reserved RW 1 0 R 0 0 RW 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DCDC0_CONFIG = 0x4004_E010 Table 12.5. DCDC0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:22 Reserved 21:20 RDYLOWTH Function Must write reset value. Converter Ready Low Threshold. 00: Hardware sets the RDYLOWF flag if the regulated output voltage is greater than 95% of the programmed output voltage. 01: Hardware sets the RDYLOWF flag if the regulated output voltage is greater than 90% of the programmed output voltage. 10: Hardware sets the RDYLOWF flag if the regulated output voltage is greater than 85% of the programmed output voltage. 11: Hardware sets the RDYLOWF flag if the regulated output voltage is greater than 80% of the programmed output voltage. 19:18 Reserved 17:16 INTMD Must write reset value. Interrupt Mode. This field determines the condition under which a DC-DC converter interrupt occurs, if enabled (MIEN = 1). 00: Generate an interrupt when the regulated converter output voltage is too low, according to the RDYLOWF flag. 01: Generate an interrupt when the regulated converter output voltage is not too low according to the RDYLOWF flag. 10: Generate an interrupt when the output voltage is out of regulation. The converter output can be either too high or too low, according to the RDYLOWF and RDYHIGHF flags. 11: Generate an interrupt when the output voltage is in regulation. 15:7 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 143 DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx Table 12.5. DCDC0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 6:4 ILIMIT Function Inductor Peak Current Limit. 000: Reserved. 001: Limit the peak inductor current to 200 mA. 010: Limit the peak inductor current to 300 mA. 011: Limit the peak inductor current to 400 mA. 100: Limit the peak inductor current to 500 mA. 101: Limit the peak inductor current to 600 mA. 110: Limit the peak inductor current to 700 mA. 111: Limit the peak inductor current to 800 mA. 3:0 144 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 12.12. DCDC0 Register Memory Map DCDC0_CONFIG DCDC0_CONTROL Register Name ALL Address 0x4004_E010 0x4004_E000 ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 DCDCEN Bit 30 BEN Bit 29 ABEN Bit 28 ASYNCEN Bit 27 Reserved PSMD Bit 26 Bit 25 MINPWSEL Bit 24 Reserved Bit 23 MIEN Bit 22 Reserved Bit 21 RDYLOWTH Bit 20 Bit 19 Reserved OUTVSEL Bit 18 Bit 17 INTMD Bit 16 ADCCLKINVEN Bit 15 CLKINVEN Bit 14 ADCSYNCEN Bit 13 Bit 12 Reserved CLKDIV Bit 11 Bit 10 CLKSEL Bit 9 OSCDIS Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Reserved ILIMIT Bit 5 Bit 4 BGRDYF Bit 3 DROPOUTF Bit 2 Reserved RDYHIGHF Bit 1 RDYLOWF Bit 0 Table 12.6. DCDC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 145 DC-DC Regulator (DCDC0) SiM3L1xx Device Identification (DEVICEID0) and Universally Unique Identifier SiM3L1xx 13. Device Identification (DEVICEID0) and Universally Unique Identifier This section describes the Device Identification (DEVICEID) registers and the pre-programmed Unique Identifier, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 13.1. Device ID Features In full production devices, the Device ID module consists of four static registers which include the following device identification information: Silicon Labs part number identification Silicon revision Custom device ID Note: For early engineering devices, the registers associated with the DEVICEID module contained a 124-bit unique number, as well as the 4-bit REVID field to indicate the silicon revision. The full 128-bit unique identifier is still available in all versions of silicon. See “13.3. Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)” for more details. Package 13.2. Device Identification Encoding The device identification information is encoded into the DEVICEID0-DEVICEID3 registers. DEVICEID0 contains revision and packaging information. DEVICEID2 and DEVICEID1 contain the part number string, excluding the revision, packaging and “Si” prefix information. DEVICEID3 is set to all zeros for standard-catalog products, and a unique product number for custom-numbered products. Figure 13.1 details the DEVICEID register encoding for an example product (SiM3L167-C-GQ). DEVICEID3 0x00 0x00 0x00 DEVICEID2 0x00 Custom product number. Standard catalog product is number 0x00000000. 0x00 0x00 0x4D (M) DEVICEID1 0x33 (3) 0x4C (L) 0x31 (1) DEVICEID0 0x36 (6) 0x37 (7) Right-justified, ASCII-encoded part number. Unused characters are 0x00. 0x51 (Q) 0x00 0x00 0x02 Revision identification. A = 0, B = 1, C = 2, etc. Left-justified, ASCII-encoded package characters. Unused characters are 0x00. Example: SiM3L167-C-GQ Figure 13.1. Example DEVICEID encoding for part number SiM3L167-C-GQ 13.3. Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) A128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID) is pre-programmed into all devices. The UUID resides in an area of flash memory which cannot be erased or written in the end application. The UUID can be read by firmware or through the debug port at addresses 0x00040380 through 0x0004038F. 146 Rev. 0.5 13.4. DEVICEID0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for DEVICEID0 registers. Register 13.1. DEVICEID0_DEVICEID0: Device ID Word 0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name DEVICEID0[27:12] Type RW 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name DEVICEID0[11:0] REVID Type RW RW Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address DEVICEID0_DEVICEID0 = 0x4004_90C0 Table 13.1. DEVICEID0_DEVICEID0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:4 DEVICEID0 Device ID 0. 3:0 REVID Revision ID. This field provides the revision information for the device. 0000: Revision A. 0001: Revision B. 0010: Revision C. 0011-1111: Reserved. Rev. 0.5 147 Device Identification (DEVICEID0) and Universally Unique Identifier SiM3L1xx Device Identification (DEVICEID0) and Universally Unique Identifier SiM3L1xx Register 13.2. DEVICEID0_DEVICEID1: Device ID Word 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name DEVICEID1[31:16] Type RW 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name DEVICEID1[15:0] Type RW Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address DEVICEID0_DEVICEID1 = 0x4004_90D0 Table 13.2. DEVICEID0_DEVICEID1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DEVICEID1 148 Function Device ID 1. Rev. 0.5 Register 13.3. DEVICEID0_DEVICEID2: Device ID Word 2 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name DEVICEID2[31:16] Type RW 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name DEVICEID2[15:0] Type RW Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address DEVICEID0_DEVICEID2 = 0x4004_90E0 Table 13.3. DEVICEID0_DEVICEID2 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DEVICEID2 Function Device ID 2. Rev. 0.5 149 Device Identification (DEVICEID0) and Universally Unique Identifier SiM3L1xx Device Identification (DEVICEID0) and Universally Unique Identifier SiM3L1xx Register 13.4. DEVICEID0_DEVICEID3: Device ID Word 3 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name DEVICEID3[31:16] Type RW 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name DEVICEID3[15:0] Type RW Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address DEVICEID0_DEVICEID3 = 0x4004_90F0 Table 13.4. DEVICEID0_DEVICEID3 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DEVICEID3 150 Function Device ID 3. Rev. 0.5 13.5. DEVICEID0 Register Memory Map DEVICEID0_DEVICEID1 DEVICEID0_DEVICEID0 Register Name ALL Address 0x4004_90C0 0x4004_90D0 Access Methods ALL ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 DEVICEID0 Bit 17 Bit 16 DEVICEID1 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 REVID Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 13.5. DEVICEID0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 151 Device Identification (DEVICEID0) and Universally Unique Identifier SiM3L1xx Table 13.5. DEVICEID0 Memory Map DEVICEID0_DEVICEID3 DEVICEID0_DEVICEID2 Register Name 0x4004_90F0 0x4004_90E0 ALL Address ALL ALL Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 DEVICEID3 DEVICEID2 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Device Identification (DEVICEID0) and Universally Unique Identifier SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 152 Rev. 0.5 14. Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) This section describes the Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx This section describes version “A” of the ACCTR block, which is used by all device families covered in this document. 14.1. ACCTR Features The SiM3L1xx devices contain a low-power Advanced Capture Counter module that runs from the RTC0 timer clock and can be used with digital inputs, switch topology circuits (reed switches), or with LC resonant circuits. For switch topology circuits, the module charges one or two external lines by pulsing internal pull-up resistors and detecting whether the reed switch is open or closed. For LC resonant circuits, the inputs are periodically energized to produce a dampened sine wave and configurable discriminator circuits detect the resulting waveform decay. The ACCTR module has the following general features: Single or differential inputs supporting single, dual, and quadrature modes of operation. of interrupt and PM8 wake up sources. Provides feedback of the direction history, current and previous states, and condition flags. The ACCTR module has the following features for switch circuit topologies: Variety Ultra low power input comparators. Supports a wide range of pull-up resistor values with a self-calibration engine. Asymmetrical integrators for low-pass filtering and switch debounce. Two 24-bit counters and two 24-bit digital threshold comparators. Supports switch flutter detection. For LC resonant circuit topologies, the ACCTR module includes: Separate minimum and maximum count registers and polarity, pulse, and toggle controls. Zone-based programmable timing. Two input comparators with support for a positive side input bias at VIO divided by 2. Supports a configurable excitation pulse width based on an internal 40 MHz oscillator and timer or an external digital stop signal. Two 8-bit peak counters that saturate at full scale for detecting the number of LC resonant peaks. Two discriminators with programmable thresholds. Supports a sample and hold mode for Wheatstone bridges. Rev. 0.5 153 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx ACCTR Module start or stop events Compare Threshold 0 VBAT Flutter Detection compare or overflow events Pulse Counter 0 IN0 Debounce Logic IN1 Pulse Counter 1 compare or overflow events Compare Threshold 1 Threshold direction or error events Quadrature Detection IN0 - + LCIN0 Zone Timing Discriminator and Peak Counter 0 IN0 / STOP0 DGB0 Pulse Signal Generator 0 DGB1 LCIN1 + - IN1 Discriminator and Peak Counter 1 LCPUL0 DGB0 LC Oscillator LCBIAS0 IN1 / STOP1 Pulse Signal Generator 1 LCPUL1 DGB1 DBG1 LCBIAS1 Threshold Figure 14.1. ACCTR Block Diagram 154 DBG0 Rev. 0.5 14.2. External Pin Connections The external pin connections for the ACCTR module include up to four analog I/O and up to eight digital I/O. Not all pins are used in every mode or with every external circuit configuration. Any pins used by the ACCTR module should be configured to the appropriate mode (analog or digital) in the PBCFG module and skipped by the crossbar. Table 14.1. ACCTR0 External Pin Connections ACCTR0 Signal Name Type Function SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name ACCTR0_IN0 Analog In Switch Input 1 LC Comp0- PB0.5 PB0.4 PB0.4 ACCTR0_IN1 Analog In Switch Input 0 LC Comp1- PB0.6 PB0.5 PB0.5 ACCTR0_STOP0 Digital In LC Channel 0 Pulse Stop PB0.5 PB0.4 Reserved ACCTR0_STOP1 Digital In LC Channel 1 Pulse Stop PB0.6 PB0.5 PB0.5 ACCTR0_LCIN0 Analog In LC Comp0+ PB0.7 PB0.6 PB0.6 ACCTR0_LCIN1 Analog In LC Comp1+ PB0.8 PB0.7 Reserved ACCTR0_LCPUL0 Digital Out LC Channel 0 Pulse Out PB0.9 PB0.8 Reserved ACCTR0_LCPUL1 Digital Out LC Channel 1 Pulse Out PB0.10 PB0.9 Reserved ACCTR0_LCBIAS0 Digital Out LC Channel 0 Bias Out PB1.0 PB1.0 Reserved ACCTR0_LCBIAS1 Digital Out LC Channel 1 Bias Out PB1.1 PB1.1 Reserved ACCTR0_DBG0 Digital Out Debug Output 0 PB1.4 PB1.4 Reserved ACCTR0_DBG1 Digital Out Debug Output 1 PB1.5 PB1.5 Reserved Rev. 0.5 155 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx 14.3. Overview The SiM3L1xx family of microcontrollers contains a low-power Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR) module designed to count pulses from many different types of sources including digital inputs, switch topology circuits (reed switches), LC resonant circuits and Wheatstone bridges. For switch topology circuits, it charges 1 or 2 external lines by pulsing different size pull up resistors and then detects the reed switch’s open or close state. It also supports external LC resonant circuits which are periodically energized to produce a dampened sine wave that can be used to count the number of peaks over a programmable threshold. A discriminator circuit then decides if a rotating wheel is in the dampened or non-dampened region based on the number of counted peaks being either above or below programmable digital thresholds. The ACCTR module also includes asymmetrical integrators for low pass filtering and switch debounce, single, dual, and quadrature modes of operation, flutter detection, two 24bit counters, two 24-bit threshold comparators, and a variety of interrupt and sleep wake up capabilities. This combination of features provides water, gas, and heat metering system designers with an optimal tool for saving power while collecting meter usage data. The ACCTR can operate in power mode 8 (PM8) to enable ultra-low power metering systems. The MCU does not have to wake up on every edge or transition and can remain in PM8 while the ACCTR counts pulses for an extended period of time. The ACCTR includes two 24-bit counters. These counters can count up to 16,777,215 (224-1) transitions in sleep mode before overflowing. The ACCTR can wake up the MCU when one of the counters overflows. The ACCTR also has two 24-bit digital comparators. The digital comparators have the ability to wake up the MCU when either of the counters reaches a predetermined threshold. The ACCTR uses the RTC timer clock for sampling, de-bouncing, managing the low-power pull-up resistors, and timing of stimulus pulses. The RTC0TCLK signal must be enabled when counting pulses. If desired, the RTC alarms can wake up the MCU periodically to read the pulse counters, instead of using the digital comparators. For example, the RTC can wake up the MCU every five minutes. The MCU can then read the count values and transmit the information using the UART or a wireless transceiver before returning to sleep. 156 Rev. 0.5 14.4. Analog Front End The analog front end of the ACCTR module supports a wide variety of external circuits. The ACCTR module supports two major analog input modes: switch topology mode, and LC resonant mode. Switch topology mode is typically used for simpler circuits such as reed switches. The LC resonant mode is more complex, and can be used with LC resonant circuits, capacitive circuits, Wheatstone bridges, continuous variable-frequency pulse trains, etc. The main focus in this documentation is on reed switch usage and LC resonant circuit usage, though other external circuits may be mentioned. The TOPMD bit in the CONFIG register selects between switch topology mode and LC resonant mode. 14.4.1. Switch Topology Mode The Advanced Capture Counter works with both Form-A and Form-C reed switches. A Form-A switch is a Normally-Open Single-Pole Single-Throw (NO SPST) switch. A Form-C reed switch is a Single-Pole Double-Throw (SPDT) switch. Figure 14.2 illustrates some of the common reed switch configurations for a single-channel meter. The Form-A switch requires a pull-up resistor. The energy used by the pull-up resistor may be a substantial portion of the energy budget. To minimize energy usage, the Advanced Capture Counter has a programmable pull-up resistance and an automatic calibration engine. The calibration engine can automatically determine the smallest usable pull-up strength setting. A Form-C switch does not require a pull-up resistor and will provide a lower power solution. However, the Form-C switches are more expensive and require an additional wire for VBAT. VBAT Form A pull-up required ACCTR0_IN0 Form C VBAT no pull-up ACCTR0_IN0 Figure 14.2. Reed Switch Configurations Rev. 0.5 157 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Programmable Pull-Up Resistors The Advanced Capture Counter features low-power pull-up resistors with a programmable resistance and dutycycle. The average pull-up current will depend on the selected resistor, sample rate, and pull-up duty-cycle. The PUVAL field in the CONTROL register adjusts the value and duty cycle of the internal pull-ups. Table 14.2 through Table 14.5 give the average current for all combinations of PUVAL at certain sampling rates. Table 14.2. Average Pull-Up Current (Sample Rate = 250 µs) PUVAL[4:2] Duty Cycle PUVAL[1:0] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 00 disabled 250 nA 1.0 µA 4.0 µA 16 µA 64 µA 250 µA 1000 µA 25% 01 disabled 375 nA 1.5 µA 6.0 µA 24 µA 96 µA 375 µA 1500 µA 37.5% 10 disabled 500 nA 2.0 µA 8.0 µA 32 µA 128 µA 500 µA 2000 µA 50% 11 disabled 750 nA 3.0 µA 12.0 µA 48 µA 192 µA 750 µA 3000 µA 75% Table 14.3. Average Pull-Up Current (Sample Rate = 500 µs) PUVAL[4:2] Duty Cycle PUVAL[1:0] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 00 disabled 125 nA 0.50 µA 2.0 µA 8 µA 32 µA 125 µA 500 µA 12.5% 01 disabled 188 nA 0.75 µA 3.0 µA 12 µA 48 µA 188 µA 750 µA 18.8% 10 disabled 250 nA 1.0 µA 4.0 µA 16 µA 64 µA 250 µA 1000 µA 25% 11 disabled 375 nA 1.5 µA 6.0 µA 24 µA 96 µA 375 µA 1500 µA 37.5% Table 14.4. Average Pull-Up Current (Sample Rate = 1 ms) PUVAL[4:2] Duty Cycle PUVAL[1:0] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 00 disabled 63 nA 250 nA 1.0 µA 4 µA 16 µA 63 µA 250 µA 6.3% 01 disabled 94 nA 375 nA 1.5 µA 6 µA 24 µA 94 µA 375 µA 9.4% 10 disabled 125 nA 500 nA 2.0 µA 8 µA 32 µA 125 µA 500 µA 12.5% 11 disabled 188 nA 750 nA 3.0 µA 12 µA 48 µA 188 µA 750 µA 18.8% Table 14.5. Average Pull-Up Current (Sample Rate = 2 ms) 158 PUVAL[4:2] 011 100 101 110 111 Duty Cycle 2.0 µA 8 µA 31 µA 125 µA 3.1% 0.75 µA 3.0 µA 12 µA 47 µA 188 µA 4.7% 250 nA 1.0 µA 4.0 µA 16 µA 63 µA 250 µA 6.3% 375 nA 1.5 µA 6.0 µA 24 µA 94 µA 375 µA 9.4% PUVAL[1:0] 000 001 010 00 disabled 31 nA 125 nA 0.50 µA 01 disabled 47 nA 188 nA 10 disabled 63 nA 11 disabled 94 nA Rev. 0.5 Automatic Pull-Up Resistor Calibration The Advanced Capture Counter includes an automatic calibration engine which can automatically determine the minimum pull-up current for a particular application. The automatic calibration is especially useful when the load capacitance of field wiring varies from one installation to another. The automatic calibration uses one of the Advanced Capture Counter inputs (ACCTR0_IN0 or ACCTR0_IN1) for calibration. The CALSEL bit in the CONTROL SFR selects either ACCTR0_IN0 or ACCTR0_IN1 for calibration, and the CALPUMD and CALMD fields control how calibration will be performed. The reed switch on the selected input should be in the open state to allow the signal to charge during calibration. The calibration engine can calibrate the pull-ups with the meter connected normally, provided that the reed switch is open during calibration. During calibration, the integrators will ignore the input comparators, and the counters will not be incremented. Using a 250 µs sample rate and a 32 kHz RTC0TCLK, the calibration time will be 21 ms (28 tests @ 750 µs each) or shorter depending on the pull up strength selected. The calibration will fail if the reed switch remains closed during this entire period. If the reed switch is both opened and closed during the calibration period, the value written into PUVAL may be larger than what is actually required. The transition flag (TRANSI in STATUS) can detect when the reed switch opens, and most systems with a wheel rotation of 10 Hz or slower should have sufficient high time for the calibration to complete before the next closing of the reed switch. Slowing the sample rate will also increase the calibration time. The same drive strength will used for both ACCTR0_IN0 and ACCTR0_IN1. 14.4.2. LC Resonant Mode A typical connection diagram for an LC resonant circuit is shown in Figure 14.3. In this diagram the comparator is being used in a single-ended manner. It is possible to use the IN0 and IN1 inputs as the negative input to the comparator for differential topologies, such as magnetoresistive Wheatstone bridges. Figure 14.4 shows an example of the Wheatstone bridge topology. In this circuit, the external resonant circuit is pulsed with an LC pulse signal (LCPUL) signal, and counters detect the number of peaks from a dampened sine wave at the LCIN input. A discriminator circuit compares the number of counts against a digital threshold to decide if the circuit is in the dampened or undampened region of a rotating wheel. Note that the ESD protection in the input pads will clip voltages above 5.25 V and below –0.3 V. The LC comparator input can be externally ac coupled to the resonant circuit, and pre-biased at VIO/2 to limit clipping. ACCTR0_DBG0 VIO ACCTR0_LCPUL0 LC Comparator 0 ACCTR0_LCIN0 L C Analog Threshold ACCTR0_IN0 Figure 14.3. LC Resonant Configuration Rev. 0.5 159 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx ACCTR0_LCPUL0 Variations are due to changing magnetic pole directions as the wheel turns LC Comparator 0 ACCTR0_LCIN0 Analog Threshold ACCTR0_IN0 ACCTR0_LCBIAS1 LC Comparator 1 ACCTR0_LCIN1 magnet Analog Threshold ACCTR0_IN1 Figure 14.4. Wheatstone Bridge Configuration 14.5. Analog Comparator Functions Four analog comparators are included in the ACCTR module, which should not be confused with the digital comparators in the ACCTR module nor with any other dedicated comparator peripherals on the device. Two of these (PC comparator 0 and PC comparator 1) are used in switch topology mode, while the other two (LC comparator 0 and LC comparator 1) are used in LC resonant mode. The difference in the two circuits lies primarily in their intended function. The switch topology comparators are designed with slower, high voltage signals in mind. They are much like a digital input with programmable VIH and VIL levels. The LC comparators are higher-precision circuits designed to quickly detect low-amplitude peaks of an oscillating signal. They can be operated as singleended with a programmable internal threshold level, or differentially with two inputs. 14.5.1. Switch Topology Mode Comparators (PC comparator 0 and PC comparator 1) When the ACCTR is configured in switch topology mode, the positive input of the PC comparators connect to the ACCTR0_INn pins. Channel 0 connects to ACCTR0_IN1, and channel 1 connects to ACCTR0_IN0. The input high and input low threshold levels are each configurable to four different levels via the CMPHTH and CMPLTH fields in the CONTROL register. Note that these two fields set the high and low thresholds for both of the PC comparators. The output of the comparator feeds directly into the integrator circuit in this mode. The output can also be routed to the ACCTR’s debug output pins, or read from the CMP0OUT and CMP1OUT bits in the STATUS register. 160 Rev. 0.5 14.5.2. LC Resonant Mode Comparators (LC comparator 0 and LC comparator 1) When the ACCTR is configured in LC resonant mode, the positive input of the LC comparator connects to the corresponding ACCTR0_LCIN0 or ACCTR0_LCIN1 pin. If the LC resonant circuitry is configured for differential inputs, the negative input of the comparator will connect to the corresponding ACCTR0_IN0 or ACCTR0_IN1 pin. When configured for single-ended inputs, the negative terminal is connected to an internal adjustable threshold circuit. The threshold for the comparator is set by the CMPnTHR, CMPnCTH and CMPnFTH fields in the LCCONFIG register. By default, the LC comparators are only turned on when they are needed by the circuit, to save power. It is possible to force the comparators to an always on state using the FCMPnEN bits. Additionally, the comparators support programmable hysterisis and speed. These features are controlled by the CMPHHYS, CMPLHYS and CMPMD fields in LCCONFIG. The hysterisis and speed settings are common to both comparators. The output of the LC comparator feeds into the discriminator circuit in this mode. The output can also be routed to the ACCTR’s debug output pins, or read from the CMP0OUT and CMP1OUT bits in the STATUS register. 14.6. LC Counting/Conditioning In LC resonant mode the ACCTR can generate pulsed stimulus to excite external circuitry, and measure the resulting response characteristics. For an LC resonant circuit this takes the form of a dampened sinusoid. The comparator front end circuit detects the peaks of the sinusoid which occur over a short period of time, and a peak counter is used to accumulate the pulses. A discriminator circuit is used to compare the number of counts against a programmable threshold to determine whether the sinusoid is dampened or undampened. 14.6.1. LC Peak Counters The LC peak counters count pulse outputs from the LC comparators. The LCCOUNT0 and 1 fields in the LCCOUNT register will contain the most recent LC counter value for each of the two channels. 14.6.2. LC Oscillator Calibration The LC Oscillator is used to time several operations of the circuit in LC resonant mode. This oscillator nominally runs at 40 MHz and is only turned on to generate pulses as needed, to save power. Calibration of this oscillator can be performed in order to determine the actual oscillator frequency and adjust the timing parameters for the rest of the LC circuitry. An oscillator calibration does not change the frequency of the oscillator itself. Instead, the frequency is measured using the RTC0TCLK as a frequency reference. Setting the CLKCAL bit in the LCCLKCONTROL register to 1 initiates a calibration sequence. This bit will remain 1 during calibration, and be cleared to 0 when the calibration completes. During that time a special counter counts the number of LC Oscillator clock cycles which occur during one RTC0TCLK period. The result is presented in the CLKCYCLES field of LCCLKCONTROL. 14.6.3. Discriminators The purpose of the discriminator is to make a distinction between how many counts of the LC peak counter constitute a logic 1 and logic 0. The discriminator consists of a digital threshold level with programmable hysterisis, and logic to enable automatic tracking and adjustment of the discriminator threshold. The current discriminator values for each channel are stored in the CD0 and CD1 field of the LCCOUNT register. The discriminator is enabled when bit 1 of the LCMD field is cleared to 0 (see Table 14.6). To operate without the discriminator (in sample-and-hold mode) bit 1 of the LCMD field can be set to 1. Discriminator Digital Hysterisis At the basic level, the discriminator can be set to a fixed value, acting as a threshold detector for 1s and 0’s. Any value of the LC peak counter that is greater than or equal to the discriminator will result in a 0-to-1 transition at the discriminator output. Up to 3 counts of negative digital hysterisis can be applied to the high-to-low transition for each discriminator. The hysterisis is set by the LCD0HYS and LCD1HYS values in the LCMODE register. Discriminator Tracking The LCMODE register also contains two bits to enable automatic centering and signal tracking of the discriminator values. The ACDEN bit enables the automatic centering function. When centering is enabled, the discriminator value will be automatically updated to be centered between the MIN and MAX fields in the LCLIMITS register. Rev. 0.5 161 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx The MIN and MAX fields are updated after each count cycle has completed. By default, any value larger than the current MAX will replace MAX, and any value smaller than the current MIN will replace MIN. This behavior can be changed by enabling Automatic Tracking Mode using the ATRKEN bit. When ATRKEN is enabled, it forces the MIN and MAX values to remain the same distance apart, and only allows a change of one count per cycle. For example, if the current cycle completes and the count result is 5 codes higher than the current MAX value, MAX and MIN will both be incremented by 1 count. If the new count value is less than the current MIN value, both MIN and MAX are decremented by 1 count. 14.6.4. LC Pulse Stimulus In LC resonant mode, the ACCTR has the ability to provide timed pulse stimuli to the external circuitry. A sampling event is divided into five distinct timing zones. The timing of the zones, the polarity of the pulses, and the region where comparisons are made are all programmable in firmware to achieve reliable, low-power operation for a variety of different circuit configurations. Zones and TIming The LC resonant stimulus circuitry divides the sampling event into a preconditioning zone (P) and four timing zones (A, B, C, D). Timing of each zone can be configured between 1 and 8 RTC0TCLK cycles using the ZONE fields in the TIMING register. The ACCTR0_LCPUL and ACCTR0_LCBIAS pins can be pulsed during selected zones to condition and excite external circuitry. The LC peak counters can then be activated during a selected zone to capture the resulting waveform. Figure 14.5 illustrates the timing zones with some example stimulus. Zone P Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D LCPUL0 LCBIAS0 LCIN0 LC Comparator 0 Out Figure 14.5. LC Resonant Timing In this example, the bias signal LCBIAS0 is configured to pulse high during zones P and B. The LCPUL0 stimulus pulse is configured to pulse low during zone C and reset on an internal timer. The counter and comparator are enabled during zone C to capture the resulting waveform. The bias pulsing options are straightforward. Bias pulses are generated at the LCBIAS pins with the polarity selected by the B0POL and B1POL bits. The user also has the option to generate bias on the external signals, internal signals, or both using the BMD field. Bias pulses are configured to occur in zones P, A, B or C using the corresponding bias zone enable bits in LCMODE. By default, bias pulses last the entire duration of the selected field. The bias pulses can be delayed from the beginning and end of the zone by 1/2 RTC0TCLK cycle each using the B0OEN and B1OEN bits in the TIMING register. The pulse configuration options for the LCPUL pins are more extensive, and also more directly related to the operation of the rest of the circuit. A variety of different pulsing and measurement options are controlled by the LCMD field in the LCMODE register. These options are summarized in Table 14.6. 162 Rev. 0.5 Table 14.6. LC Mode Options LCMD Setting Pulse Mode Counter Behavior Comparator Mode 0000 Full Zone Discriminator Single-Ended 0001 Full Zone Discriminator Differential 0010 Full Zone Sample / Hold Single-Ended 0011 Full Zone Sample / Hold Differential 0100 Stop on LC Timer Discriminator Single-Ended 0101 Stop on LC Timer Discriminator Differential 0110 Stop on LC Timer Sample / Hold Single-Ended 0111 Stop on LC Timer Sample / Hold Differential 1000 Stop on External Pin Rising Edge Discriminator Single-Ended 1001 Stop on External Pin Falling Edge Discriminator Single-Ended 1010 Stop on External Pin Rising Edge Sample / Hold Single-Ended 1011 Stop on External Pin Falling Edge Sample / Hold Single-Ended 1100 No Pulse Generated Discriminator Single-Ended 1101 No Pulse Generated Discriminator Differential 1110 No Pulse Generated Sample / Hold Single-Ended 1111 No Pulse Generated Sample / Hold Differential The zone in which LCPUL pin pulses occur is selected between zones A, C, or A and C using the P0ZONE and P1ZONE fields, and the pulse type is selected between low, high and toggle operation using the PMD field. LCMD[3:2] configures the type of pulse that will be generated on the LCPUL pin. Except when set to “No Pulse Generated”, the LCPUL pulse will begin at the start of the specified zone(s). When set to “Full Zone”, the LCPUL pulse ends at the end of the zone. When set to “Stop on LC Timer”, the pulse will last for the number of 40 MHz LC Oscillator cycles specified in the RELOAD field of LCCLKCONTROL. If set to “Stop on External Pin”, the pulse will last until the external STOP input meets the rising/falling edge condition. The CnZONE fields in the LCTIMING register specify which zone the counter will operate in (A, B, C or D). Rev. 0.5 163 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx 14.7. Counting Modes The Advanced Capture Counter supports three different counting modes: single counter mode, dual counter mode, and quadrature counter mode. Figure 14.6 illustrates the three counter modes. Single Counter Mode Example Channel 0 Dual Counter Mode Example Channel 1 Channel 0 Quadrature Counter Mode Example clockwise counter-clockwise clockwise Channel 1 Channel 0 Figure 14.6. Counter Mode Examples The single counter mode counts pulses from a single input channel. This mode uses only counter 0 and digital comparator 0 (counter 1 and digital comparator 1 are not used.) The single counter mode supports only one meterencoder with a single-channel output. A single-channel encoder is an effective solution when the metered fluid flows only in one direction. A single-channel encoder does not provide any direction information and does not support bidirectional fluid metering. The dual counter mode supports two independent single-channel meters. Each meter has its own independent counter and digital comparator. Some of the global configuration settings apply to both channels, such as pull-up current, sampling rate, and debounce time. The dual mode may also be used for a redundant count using a twochannel non-quadrature encoder. 164 Rev. 0.5 Quadrature counter mode supports a single two-channel quadrature meter encoder. The quadrature counter mode supports bidirectional encoders and applications with bidirectional fluid flow. In quadrature counter mode, clockwise counts will increment counter 0, while counter clock-wise counts will increment counter 1. Subtracting counter 1 from counter 0 will yield the net position. If the normal fluid flow is clockwise, then the counter clockwise counter 1 value represents the cumulative back-flow. Firmware may use the back-flow counter with the corresponding comparator to implement a back-flow alarm. The clock-wise sequence is (LL-HL-HH-LH), and the counter clockwise sequence is (LL-LH-HH-HL). (For this sequence LH means Channel 1 = Low and Channel 0 = High.) Firmware cannot write to the counters. The counters are reset when the CONFIG register is written and have their counting enabled when the PCMD field is set to either single, dual, or quadrature modes. The counters only increment and will roll over to 0x000000 after reaching 0xFFFFFF. For single mode, the channel 0 input connects to counter 0. In dual mode, the channel 0 input connects to counter 0 while the channel 1 input connects to counter 1. In Quadrature mode, clock-wise counts are sent to counter 0 while counter clock-wise counts are sent to counter 1. 14.7.1. Quadrature Error The quadrature encoder must only send valid quadrature codes. A valid quadrature sequence consists of four valid states. The quadrature codes are only permitted to transition to one of the adjacent states, and an invalid transition will result in a quadrature error. Note that a quadrature error is likely to occur when first enabling the quadrature counter mode, since the Advanced Capture Counter state machine starts at the LL state and the initial state of the quadrature is arbitrary. It is safe to ignore the first quadrature error immediately after initialization. 14.7.2. Flutter Detection The flutter detection logic can be used with either quadrature counter mode or dual counter mode when the two channels are expected to be in step. Flutter refers to the case where one input continues toggling while the other input stops toggling. This may indicate a broken switch or a pressure oscillation when the wheel magnet stops at just the right location. If a pressure oscillation causes a slight rotational oscillation in the wheel, it could cause a number of pulses on one of the inputs, but not on the other. All four edges are checked by the flutter detection feature (Channel 1 positive, Channel 1 negative, Channel 0 positive, and Channel 0 negative).When enabled, Flutter detection may be used as an interrupt or wake-up source. 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 Channel 1 Channel 0 Next expected pulse Next expected pulse with direction change Flutter detected Figure 14.7. Flutter Example For example, flutter detected on the channel 0 positive edge means that 4 edges (positive or negative) were detected on channel 1 since the last channel 0 positive edge. Each channel 0 positive edge resets the flutter detection counter while either channel 1 edge increments the counter. There are similar counters for all four edges. The flutter detection circuit provides interrupts or wake-up sources, but firmware must also read the Advanced Capture Counter registers to determine what corrective action, if any, must be taken. On the start of flutter event, the firmware should save both counter values and the DIRHIST field in the STATUS register. Once the end of flutter event occurs the firmware should also save both counter values and the DIRHIST field. The flutter stop enable bit (FLSTPEN in CONFIG) may be set to stop the counters when flutter is occurring Rev. 0.5 165 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx (quadrature mode only). For quadrature mode, the opposite counter should be decremented by one. In other words, if the direction was clock-wise, the counter clock-wise counter (counter 1) should be decremented by one to correct for one increment before flutter was detected. For dual mode, two switches can be used to get a redundant count. If flutter starts during dual mode, both counters should be saved by firmware. After flutter stops, both counters should be read again. The counter that incremented the most was the one that picked up the flutter. There is also a mode to switch from quadrature to dual when flutter occurs, using the FLQDEN bit in CONFIG. This changes the counter style from quadrature (count on any edge of channel 1 or channel 0) to dual to allow all counts to be recorded. Once flutter ends, this mode switches the counters back to quadrature mode. Flutter stop enable does not function when the FLQDEN bit is set. 14.8. Sample Rate The Advanced Capture Counter has a programmable sampling rate. The Advanced Capture Counter initiates samples at discrete time intervals based RTC0TCLK cycles. The PERIOD field sets the sampling rate. The system designer should carefully consider the maximum pulse rate for the particular application when setting the sampling rate and debounce time. Sample rates from 4 to 4096 RTC0TCLK cycles can be selected to either further reduce power consumption or work with shorter pulse widths. The slowest sampling rate will provide the lowest possible power consumption. 14.9. Debounce Many types of mechanical switches exhibit switch bouncing that could potentially result in false counts or quadrature errors. The Advanced Capture Counter includes digital debounce logic using a digital integrator that can eliminate false counts due to switch bounce. In switch topology mode, the input of the integrator connects to the IN0 and IN1 inputs directly. In LC resonant mode, the input of the integrator is fed by the output of the discriminator logic. The output of the integrator connects to the counters. The debounce integrator has two independent programmable thresholds: one for the rising edge and one for the falling edge. The HDBTH field in the DBCONFIG register sets the threshold for the rising edge (high debounce). This field sets the number of cumulative high samples required to output a logic high to the counter. The LDBTH field in DBCONFIG sets the threshold for the falling edge (low debounce). This field sets the number of cumulative low samples required to output a logic low to the counter. Note that the debounce integrator does not count consecutive samples. Requiring consecutive samples would be susceptible to noise. The digital integrator inherently filters out noise. The system designer should carefully consider the maximum anticipated counter frequency and duty-cycle when setting the debounce time. If the debounce configuration is set too large, the Advanced Capture Counter will not count short pulses. The debounce-high configuration should be set to less than one-half the minimum input pulse high-time. Similarly, the debounce-low configuration should be set to less than one-half the minimum input pulse low-time. Figure 14.8 illustrates the operation of the debounce integrator when used in conjunction with a switch topology circuit. The top waveform is the representation of the reed switch (high: open, low: closed) which shows some random switch bounce. The bottom waveform is the final signal that goes into the counter which has the switch bounce removed. Based on the actual reed switch used and sample rate, the switch bounce time may appear shorter in duration than the example shown here. The second waveform is the pull-up resistor enable signal. The enable signal enables the pull-up resistor when high and disables when low. ACCTR0_IN0 is the line to the reed switch. On the right side of ACCTR0_IN0 waveform, the line voltage is decreasing towards ground when the pullup resistors are disabled. Beneath the charging waveform, the arrows represent the sample points. The Advanced Capture Counter samples the ACCTR0_IN0 voltage once the charging completes. The sensed ones and zeros are the sampled data. Finally the integrator waveform illustrates the output of the digital integrator. The integrator is set to 4 initially and counts to down to 0 before toggling the output low. Once the integrator reaches the low state, it needs to count up to 4 before toggling its output to the high state. The debounce logic filters out switch bounce or noise that appears for a short duration. 166 Rev. 0.5 Debounce Debounce Switch Charging Samples ACCTR0_IN0 Sensed Integrator (set to 4) Integrator 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 Integrator Output Figure 14.8. Debounce Timing Rev. 0.5 167 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx 14.10. Reset Behavior Unlike most MCU peripherals, an MCU reset does not completely reset the Advanced Capture Counter. This includes a power on reset and all other reset sources. An MCU reset does not clear the counter values. The Advanced Capture Counter registers do not reset to a default value except upon a power-on reset. The 24-bit counter values are persistent unless cleared manually by writing to the CONFIG register. Note that if the VBAT voltage ever drops below the minimum operating voltage, this may compromise contents of the counters. The CONFIG register should normally be written only once after reset. This register sets the counter mode and resets the counter values when written. Firmware should read the reset sources registers to determine the source of the last reset and initialize the Advanced Capture Counter accordingly. When the Advanced Capture Counter resets, it takes some time (typically two RTC clock cycles) to synchronize between internal clock domains. The counters do not increment during this synchronization time. 14.11. Wake up and Interrupt Sources The Advanced Capture Counter has multiple interrupt and wake-up source conditions. To enable an interrupt, enable the source using the STATUS register and enable the Advanced Capture Counter interrupt in the NVIC. The Advanced Capture Counter interrupt service routine should read the interrupt flags in STATUS to determine the source of the interrupt and clear the interrupt flags. To enable the Advanced Capture Counter as a wake up source, enable the source in the STATUS and enable the Advanced Capture Counter as a wake-up source in the PMU module. Upon waking, firmware should read the PMU registers to determine the wake-up source. If the Advanced Capture Counter has woken the MCU, firmware should read the flag bits in STATUS to determine the Advanced Capture Counter wake-up source and clear the flag bits before going back to sleep. STATUS includes all interrupt and wake-up sources for the module. 14.12. Register Write Access Writing to the ACCTR registers is synchronized to the RTC0TCLK domain. For this reason, some register writes may take many cycles before the actual register is updated. If a new write to a register is initiated before the previous write has completed, only the latest write may take. For this reason, the UPDTSTSF flag in the CONFIG register should be polled between consecutive writes, to ensure proper register updates. 14.13. Debug Signals The Advanced Capture Counter module supports two output pins for hardware debug purposes (ACCTR0_DBG0 and ACCTR0_DBG1). The debug pins can be connected to the outputs of the comparators or integrators in either the LC or switch modes. To use the debug pins, the desired outputs should be selected with the DBGSEL field in the CONFIG register, and enabled using the DBGOEN in the DEBUGEN register. 168 Rev. 0.5 14.14. LC Resonant Setup Example This section details the basic steps to configure the ACCTR in LC resonant mode for an ac coupled circuit. There are a variety of topologies which can be used, but a simple tank circuit will be described here. For this example a 10 µH inductor is connected in parallel to a 0.01 µF capacitor. One side is grounded while the other side connects to a PMOS transistor and also to a 0.01 µF capacitor for ac coupling to the ACCTR0_LCIN0 pin. See Figure 14.9. VIO ACCTR0_LCPUL0 LC Comparator 0 0.01 uF ACCTR0_LCIN0 10 uH Analog Threshold 0.01 uF Figure 14.9. LC Resonant Example Schematic The inductor must have a very low resistance in the tens of milliohms range. Even for an inductor with hundreds of milliohms, the dampening rate of the sine wave will be too fast for a useful circuit. The following steps outline the firmware setup to implement this LC resonant topology. The sequence is not unique to channel 0, and may be used to calibrate both channels at once in quadrature or dual mode. 1. Set the LCMD field to 0x4 to get a single ended, timed excitation pulse mode of operation. 2. Set the excitation pulse to be pulse low (PMD = 0x2) and set the bias pulses for internal use. 3. Set the bias timing offset to ½ cycle if needed. This gives ½ cycle of spacing between the bias pulse and the excitation pulse. 4. Set zone P to be 2 or 3 cycles long (3 cycles if using ½ cycle bias timing offset). 5. If using consecutive mode, set zone D to be the same number of cycles as zone P. 6. Set the PERIOD to 32 cycles or more which allows for non activity between samples and saves power 7. Set the comparator threshold to full range (CMP0THR = 1) and a low coarse threshold (about 0x04 in CMP0CTH) for the initial calibration measurement. 8. Set the comparator low side hysteresis (CMPLHYS) to 0V and the high side hysteresis (COMHHYS) to 10mV. 9. Select the fastest comparator speed setting (CMPMD = 0x3) if the LC resonant frequency is in the 500kHz to 1MHz range. For slower resonant frequencies the comparator speed setting can be lowered to save power. 10. Set the DBGOEN to 1 and write 0x2 to DBGSEL, and monitor both the ACCTR0_LCIN0 pin (comparator input) and the ACCTR0_DEBUG0 pin (comparator output) with an oscilloscope. 11. Perform an LC oscillator calibration by setting CLKCAL to 1. This will capture the number of LC oscillator cycles during a single RTC0TCLK period to the CLKCYCLES field. This number can then be divided to get a starting excitation pulse width for tuning the circuit. For example if the LC resonant frequency is 1MHz, using a excitation pulse wider than 1us would actually leave the external excitation transistor on for too long and begin lowering the final energy going into the LC resonant circuit as well as wasting power. As the LC resonant circuit swings back the opposite direction it will be fighting against additional power coming through the external excitation transistor. As an example, for an oscillator that is calibrated and reports 0x52B cycles per RTC0TCLK, the desired excitation pulse width of 1us can be obtained by dividing 0x52B Rev. 0.5 169 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx by 30.5 µs per RTC0TCLK period which gives 0x2B for the timer RELOAD value. This number still does not guarantee that the ringing seen at the ACCTR0_LCIN0 pin will not be too great and cause the ESD protection to turn on and clip the incoming signal. The ac coupling capacitor should be chosen to get a reasonable size input voltage swing. 12. For the example LC resonant circuit the voltage will be swinging above and below 0V while the ACCTR0_LCIN0 pin on the opposite side of the ac coupling capacitor will be swinging around VBAT/2. If the voltage swing at ACCTR0_LCIN0 goes much below 0 V or above 5 V, the ESD protection circuitry will turn on momentarily and inject or remove charge resulting in an unwanted dc offset. To prevent this dc offset, use the excitation calibration circuit. 13. Power VBAT at 3.6 V. 14. Set calibration to run until pass, calibration on, and set the START bit to start the sequencer. 15. The result of the calibration should find an excitation pulse width that is wide enough to produce a good waveform but not so wide that it would cause ESD clipping. This calibration only generates the 5 LSBs of the 12-bit RELOAD field. It is assumed that the user has provided the 7 MSBs to the RELOAD field from the oscillator calibration step described in Step 11. 16. The calibration result is presented in the PUVAL field. These 5 bits should be written into RELOAD[4:0], leaving the 7 MSBs intact. 17. Monitor the waveform on an oscilloscope at ACCTR0_LCIN0 to double-check that there is no dc offset added by clipping. 18. Set the coarse threshold (CMP0CTH) to a mid level such as 0x20 for normal operation. 19. The integrator/debouncer settings can be used to filter some noise out of the system but integration also increases latency. More samples are needed before the integrator recognizes a new high or low value. To begin with, set the integrator debounce high and low settings to a low value such as 0x02. This can be increased if needed in a noisy environment. 20. There is also digital hysteresis for the discriminator that can be used to when the wheel stops at a location that produces readings close to the discriminator value. However, there needs to be enough headroom to use the digital hysteresis at low supply. In other words having a maximum LCCOUNT0 value of 0x09 and a minimum LCCOUNT0 value of 0x06 at 1.8 V would not allow enough headroom to set the digital hysteresis to a value of 0x03. Initially leave the digital hysteresis at a value of 0x00 or 0x01 unless the system is very noisy. 21. Disable the automatic tracking mode and the center discriminator mode (ACDEN and ATRKEN = 0). 22. Power VBAT at 1.8V. 23. Next, read the LCLIMITS register to reset the MAX0 to 0x00 and the MIN0 to 0xFF. 24. Run the wheel several times to capture the MAX and MIN values at 1.8 V. 25. Enable automatic tracking mode (ATRKEN = 1) and automatic center discriminator mode (ACDEN = 1). This will lock in a small window size for 1.8 V where the delta between MAX0 and MIN0 is the smallest due to the low supply. Had this window been locked in at 3.6 V, the tracking window would be too large to work well when the voltage dropped to 1.8 V. 26. As the VBAT voltage varies between 1.8 and 3.6 V the tracking window will move up and down to follow the maximum and minimum LCCOUNT values. These LCCOUNT values can vary quite a bit with voltage, and the tracking mechanism allows the ACCTR to keep the discriminator centered as the supply voltage changes. In quadrature mode, this maintains a good duty cycle with overlap between the two inputs. Without the overlap, the quadrature method used for directional counting would only see 3 states instead of 4 states. 170 Rev. 0.5 14.15. ACCTR0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for ACCTR0 registers. 30 29 28 27 Name PCMD Reserved Type RW RW R 26 25 24 FLQDEN 31 TOPMD Bit FLSTPEN Register 14.1. ACCTR0_CONFIG: Configuration 23 22 21 20 19 Reserved RW RW R 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved Type Reset R 0 0 0 DBGSEL Reserved UPDSTSF Reset RW R R RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_CONFIG = 0x4004_2000 Table 14.7. ACCTR0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:30 PCMD Function Pulse Counter Mode. 00: Disable the pulse counter. 01: Select single channel mode. 10: Select dual channel mode. 11: Select quadrature mode. 29 TOPMD Topology Mode. 0: Select the switch closure topology. 1: Select the LC resonant topology. 28:26 Reserved Must write reset value. 25 FLSTPEN Flutter Stop Enable. 0: The pulse counter continues operating during a flutter event. 1: The 24-bit counters stop counting during a flutter event. 24 FLQDEN Flutter Quadrature-to-Dual Switch Enable. 0: The pulse counter remains in quadrature mode during a flutter event. 1: The pulse counter switches from quadrature mode to dual mode during a flutter event. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write Rev. 0.5 171 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Table 14.7. ACCTR0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 23:8 Reserved Must write reset value. 7:5 DBGSEL Debug Signal Select. This field selects which signals are sent to the debug output pins when DBGOEN is enabled. 000: No debug signals output. 001: (LC Mode) DBG0 = CMP0OUT, DBG1 = CMP1OUT. 010: (LC Mode) DBG0 = CMP0OUT, DBG1 = INTEG0. 011: (LC Mode) DBG0 = CMP1OUT, DBG1 = INTEG1. 100: (Any Mode) DBG0 = INTEG0 DBG1 = INTEG1. 101: (Switch Mode) DBG0 = CMP0OUT, DBG1 = CMP1OUT. 110: (Switch Mode) DBG0 = CMP0OUT, DBG1 = INTEG0. 111: (Switch Mode) DBG0= CMP1OUT, DBG1 = INTEG1. 4:1 Reserved Must write reset value. 0 UPDSTSF Write Update Status Flag. This flag indicates that an update to an internal register is in progress. Firmware must wait to do any additional updates to the registers until hardware clears this bit. 0: An internal register update is not in progress. 1: An internal register update is in progress. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write 172 Rev. 0.5 Type RW R RW RW RW RW Reset 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved Type RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 26 0 25 24 0 0 0 19 18 CMPHTH CMPLTH[1] Name 0 28 CALMD 29 CALPUMD PUVAL FPUPEN 30 CALRF 22 FPDNEN 31 CALBUSYF 23 CALSEL Bit CMPLTH[0] Register 14.2. ACCTR0_CONTROL: Control Register 21 20 17 16 RW RW RW RW Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_CONTROL = 0x4004_2010 Table 14.8. ACCTR0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 CALBUSYF Function Calibration Busy Flag. 0: A calibration operation is not in progress. 1: A calibration operation is in progress. Hardware will clear this flag when the operation completes. 30 CALRF Calibration Result Flag. 0: The automatic calibration operation did not succeed. 1: The automatic calibration operation succeeded. 29 CALSEL Automatic Calibration Input Select. 0: Calibrate the IN0 input. 1: Calibrate the IN1 input. 28:24 PUVAL Pull-up Value. When operating with a switch topology (TOPMD = 0), bits [4:2] of this field are the pull-up value and bits [1:0] are the duty cycle. Writing a value of 0 to this field disables the pull-ups. When operating in LC mode (TOPMD = 1), this field contains the lowest 5 bits of the oscillator counter. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write Rev. 0.5 173 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Table 14.8. ACCTR0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 23 FPDNEN Function Force Ground Input Enable. This bit setting overrides the FPUPEN setting. 0: Disable input grounding. 1: Enable input grounding. The IN0 and IN1 inputs are grounded. 22 FPUPEN Force Continuous Pull-up Enable. 0: Pull-ups are enabled automatically by hardware. 1: Always enable the pull-ups. 21:20 CALPUMD Automatic Calibration Pull-up Mode. 00: Use full pull-up mode. 01: Use small pull-up mode. 10: Use medium pull-up mode. 11: Use large pull-up mode. 19 CALMD Automatic Calibration Mode. 0: Continue to calibrate until a passing condition occurs. 1: Continue to calibrate until a failing condition occurs. 18:17 CMPHTH Comparator High Threshold. 00: Set the digital comparator high threshold to 48% of VIO. 01: Set the digital comparator high threshold to 52% of VIO. 10: Set the digital comparator high threshold to 56% of VIO. 11: Set the digital comparator high threshold to 60% of VIO. 16:15 CMPLTH Comparator Low Threshold. 00: Set the digital comparator low threshold to 32% of VIO. 01: Set the digital comparator low threshold to 36% of VIO. 10: Set the digital comparator low threshold to 40% of VIO. 11: Set the digital comparator low threshold to 44% of VIO. 14:0 Reserved Must write reset value. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write 174 Rev. 0.5 30 29 28 27 Name FCMP1EN FCMP0EN CMP0CNT1EN CMPMD CMPHHYS CMPLHYS CMP1THR CMP1CTH[5:1] Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Type Reset 1 CMP1FTH RW RW 0 0 0 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 CMP0THR 31 CMP1CTH[0] Bit Reserved Register 14.3. ACCTR0_LCCONFIG: LC Configuration CMP0CTH CMP0FTH PEMD RW RW RW RW 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_LCCONFIG = 0x4004_2020 Table 14.9. ACCTR0_LCCONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31 Reserved Must write reset value. 30 FCMP1EN Force LC Comparator 1 On Enable. 0: Hardware automatically turns LC comparator 1 on and off. 1: Force LC comparator 1 always on. 29 FCMP0EN Force LC Comparator 0 On Enable. 0: Hardware automatically turns LC comparator 0 on and off. 1: Force LC comparator 0 always on. 28 CMP0CNT1EN LC Comparator 0 to Count 1 Enable. 0: Use LC comparator 0 as an input to counter 0 and LC comparator 1 as an input to counter 1. 1: Use LC comparator 0 as an input to both counter 0 and counter 1. 27:26 CMPMD LC Comparator Mode. 00: Mode 0 (slowest response time, lowest power consumption). 01: Mode 1. 10: Mode 2. 11: Mode 3 (fastest response time, highest power consumption). Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write Rev. 0.5 175 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Table 14.9. ACCTR0_LCCONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 25:24 CMPHHYS Function LC Comparator High-side Hysteresis. 00: Set both LC comparators to use 0 mV high-side hysteresis. 01: Set both LC comparators to use 5 mV high-side hysteresis. 10: Set both LC comparators to use 10 mV high-side hysteresis. 11: Set both LC comparators to use 20 mV high-side hysteresis. 23:22 CMPLHYS LC Comparator Low-side Hysteresis. 00: Set both LC comparators to use 0 mV low-side hysteresis. 01: Set both LC comparators to use 5 mV low-side hysteresis. 10: Set both LC comparators to use 10 mV low-side hysteresis. 11: Set both LC comparators to use 20 mV low-side hysteresis. 21 CMP1THR LC Comparator 1 Threshold Range. 0: Set the comparator 1 threshold to the low range (0 V to VIO/8 in 48 steps). 1: Set the comparator 1 threshold to a full range (0 V to VIO in 64 steps). 20:15 CMP1CTH LC Comparator 1 Coarse Threshold. This field sets the LC comparator 1 coarse threshold. The valid coarse setting is 0 to 63 for full range mode and 0 to 7 for low range mode. In low range mode, this field value is set to the desired continuous setting divided by 6. 14:12 CMP1FTH LC Comparator 1 Fine Threshold. This field sets the LC comparator 0 fine threshold. The valid fine threeshold setting is 0 to 5. The fine threshold is used only for low range. This field value is set to the modulus 6 of the desired continuous setting. 11 CMP0THR LC Comparator 0 Threshold Range. 0: Set the comparator 0 threshold to the low range (0 V to VIO/8 in 48 steps). 1: Set the comparator 0 threshold to a full range (0 V to VIO in 64 steps). 10:5 CMP0CTH LC Comparator 0 Coarse Threshold. This field sets the LC comparator 0 coarse threshold. The valid coarse setting is 0 to 63 for full range mode and 0 to 7 for low range mode. In low range mode, this field value is set to the desired continuous setting divided by 6. 4:2 CMP0FTH LC Comparator 0 Fine Threshold. This field sets the LC comparator 0 fine threshold. The valid fine threeshold setting is 0 to 5. The fine threshold is used only for low range. This field value is set to the modulus 6 of the desired continuous setting. 1:0 PEMD LC Pulse Extension Mode. 00: Stretch the LC comparator output low pulses by approximately 20 ns. 01: Stretch the LC comparator output high pulses by approximately 20 ns. 10: No pulse extension. 11: Reserved. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write 176 Rev. 0.5 Register 14.4. ACCTR0_TIMING: Timing 30 29 Name PERIOD Type RW 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 WAKEMD ZONEP ZONEA ZONEB[2:1] 31 START Bit RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Type Reset 0 ZONEC ZONED Reserved B0OEN 1 B1OEN 0 ZONEB[0] Reset STATE RW RW RW R RW RW R 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_TIMING = 0x4004_2030 Rev. 0.5 177 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Table 14.10. ACCTR0_TIMING Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 PERIOD Function Pulse Counter Period. This field is the period of the pulse counter in RTC clock cycles. The period consists of the sample time and rest time. 0000: Set the period to 4 RTC cycles. 0001: Set the period to 8 RTC cycles. 0010: Set the period to 16 RTC cycles. 0011: Set the period to 32 RTC cycles. 0100: Set the period to 64 RTC cycles. 0101: Set the period to 128 RTC cycles. 0110: Set the period to 256 RTC cycles. 0111: Set the period to 512 RTC cycles. 1000: Set the period to 1024 RTC cycles. 1001: Set the period to 2048 RTC cycles. 1010: Set the period to 4096 RTC cycles. 1011-1101: Reserved. 1110: Set the module to single sample mode and disable the period counter after the next completion of the sequencer. In this mode, firmware must start each sample by setting FLCSEN to 1. 1111: Set the module to consecutive sample mode and disable the period counter. After completing zone D, the timing engine will jump directly to zone A, skipping both the W and P zones. 27 START Sequencer Start. This bit is used to start the sequencer. Hardware will automatically clear this bit to 0. 0: Do not start the sequencer. 1: Start the sequencer. 26:24 WAKEMD LC Wake Mode. 000: Disable wake up events. 001: Wake or interrupt at the start of zone P. 010: Wake or interrupt at the start of zone A. 011: Wake or interrupt at the start of zone B. 100: Wake or interrupt at the start of zone C. 101: Wake or interrupt at the start of zone D. 110: Wake or interrupt at the end of the LC sequence. 111: Wake or interrupt at the end of the LC sequence and stop the sequencer when this event occurs. 23:21 ZONEP Zone P Count. This field is the number of cycles + 1 in zone P. 20:18 ZONEA Zone A Count. This field is the number of cycles + 1 in zone A. 17:15 ZONEB Zone B Count. This field is the number of cycles + 1 in zone B. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write 178 Rev. 0.5 Table 14.10. ACCTR0_TIMING Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 14:12 ZONEC Function Zone C Count. This field is the number of cycles + 1 in zone C. 11:9 ZONED Zone D Count. This field is the number of cycles + 1 in zone D. 8:5 Reserved Must write reset value. 4 B1OEN Bias 1 Offset Enable. 0: The bias 1 pulse is a full width (minimum 2 RTC cycles). 1: The bias 1 pulse is delayed 1/2 an RTC cycle and de-asserts 1/2 an RTC cycle early (minimum 3 RTC cycles). 3 B0OEN Bias 0 Offset Enable. 0: The bias 0 pulse is a full width (minimum 2 RTC cycles). 1: The bias 0 pulse is delayed 1/2 an RTC cycle and de-asserts 1/2 an RTC cycle early (minimum 3 RTC cycles). 2:0 STATE Timing State. This field is the current timing state of the pulse counter. Firmware should read this field twice to read the correct value. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write Rev. 0.5 179 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Register 14.5. ACCTR0_LCMODE: LC Mode 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name LCMD BMD B0ZONECEN 24 B0ZONEBEN 25 B0ZONEAEN 26 B0ZONEPEN 27 B0POL 28 B1ZONECEN 29 B1ZONEBEN 30 B1ZONEAEN 31 B1ZONEPEN Bit B1POL Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name PMD P1ZONE P0ZONE C1ZONE C0ZONE Type RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_LCMODE = 0x4004_2040 180 Rev. 0.5 0 1 0 0 0 ATRKEN 0 ACDEN 0 LCD0HYS Reset LCD1HYS Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx RW RW RW 1 0 0 Table 14.11. ACCTR0_LCMODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 LCMD Function LC Mode. 0000: The LC pulse asserts throughout zone A or zone C with a single-ended comparator using the counter and discriminator. 0001: The LC pulse asserts throughout zone A or zone C with differential comparators using the counter and discriminator. 0010: The LC pulse asserts throughout zone A or zone C with a single-ended comparator sampling and holding at the end of the LC pulse. 0011: The LC pulse asserts throughout zone A or zone C with differential comparators sampling and holding at the end of the LC pulse. 0100: The LC pulse starts at the beginning of zone A or C and stops with the timer with a single-ended comparator using the counter and discriminator. 0101: The LC pulse starts at the beginning of zone A or C and stops with the timer with differential comparators using the counter and discriminator. 0110: The LC pulse starts at the beginning of zone A or C and stops with the timer with a single-ended comparator sampling and holding at the end of the LC pulse. 0111: The LC pulse starts at the beginning of zone A or C and stops with the timer with differential comparators sampling and holding at the end of the LC pulse. 1000: The LC pulse starts at beginning of zone A or C and stops with the rising edge of the external stop input (STOPx) with a single-ended comparator using the counter and discriminator. 1001: The LC pulse starts at beginning of zone A or C and stops with the falling edge of the external stop input (STOPx) with single-ended comparators using the counter and discriminator. 1010: The LC pulse starts at beginning of zone A or C and stops with the rising edge of the external stop input (STOPx) with a single-ended comparator sampling and holding at the end of the LC pulse. 1011: The LC pulse starts at beginning of zone A or C and stops with the falling edge of the external stop input (STOPx) with single-ended comparators sampling and holding at the end of the LC pulse. 1100: Do not generate a pulse with a single-ended comparator using the timer and discrimintor. 1101: Do not generate a pulse with differential comparators using the timer and discrimintor. 1110: Do not generate a pulse with a single-ended comparator sampling and holding at the end of the zone. 1111: Do not genreate a pulse with differential comparators sampling and holding at the end of the zone. 27:26 BMD Bias Mode. 00: Disable the bias signals. 01: Use the bias signals externally only (LCBIAS0 and LCBIAS1 outputs). 10: Use the bias signals internally only. 11: Use the bias signals externally (LCBIAS0 and LCBIAS1 outputs) and internally. 25 B1POL Bias 1 Polarity. 0: Set bias 1 to idle high, pulse low. 1: Set bias 1 to idle low, pulse high. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write Rev. 0.5 181 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Table 14.11. ACCTR0_LCMODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 24 B1ZONEPEN Function Bias 1 Zone P Enable. 0: Disable bias 1 during zone P. 1: Enable bias 1 during zone P. 23 B1ZONEAEN Bias 1 Zone A Enable. 0: Disable bias 1 during zone A. 1: Enable bias 1 during zone A. 22 B1ZONEBEN Bias 1 Zone B Enable. 0: Disable bias 1 during zone B. 1: Enable bias 1 during zone B. 21 B1ZONECEN Bias 1 Zone C Enable. 0: Disable bias 1 during zone C. 1: Enable bias 1 during zone C. 20 B0POL Bias 0 Polarity. 0: Set bias 0 to idle high, pulse low. 1: Set bias 0 to idle low, pulse high. 19 B0ZONEPEN Bias 0 Zone P Enable. 0: Disable bias 0 during zone P. 1: Enable bias 0 during zone P. 18 B0ZONEAEN Bias 0 Zone A Enable. 0: Disable bias 0 during zone A. 1: Enable bias 0 during zone A. 17 B0ZONEBEN Bias 0 Zone B Enable. 0: Disable bias 0 during zone B. 1: Enable bias 0 during zone B. 16 B0ZONECEN Bias 0 Zone C Enable. 0: Disable bias 0 during zone C. 1: Enable bias 0 during zone C. 15:14 PMD LC Pulse Mode. 00: Disable pulse mode. 01: Toggle at the start of zone A or zone C. 10: Set the pulse mode to idle high, pulse low. 11: Set the pulse mode to idle low, pulse high. 13:12 P1ZONE Pulse 1 Active Zone Select. 00: Disable the pulse 1 output (LCPUL1). 01: Select zone C only as the active zone for the pulse 1 output (LCPUL1). 10: Select zone A only as the active zone for the pulse 1 output (LCPUL1). 11: Select zones A and C as the active zones for the pulse 1 output (LCPUL1). Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write 182 Rev. 0.5 Table 14.11. ACCTR0_LCMODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 11:10 P0ZONE Function Pulse 0 Active Zone Select. 00: Disable the pulse 0 output (LCPUL0). 01: Select zone C only as the active zone for the pulse 0 output (LCPUL0). 10: Select zone A only as the active zone for the pulse 0 output (LCPUL0). 11: Select zones A and C as the active zones for the pulse 0 output (LCPUL0). 9:8 C1ZONE Counter 1 Active Zone Select. This setting is used in dual and quadrature modes only. 00: Select zone A as the active zone for counter 1 (LCIN1 input). 01: Select zone B as the active zone for counter 1 (LCIN1 input). 10: Select zone C as the active zone for counter 1 (LCIN1 input). 11: Select zone D as the active zone for counter 1 (LCIN1 input). 7:6 C0ZONE Counter 0 Active Zone Select. 00: Select zone A as the active zone for counter 0 (LCIN0 input). 01: Select zone B as the active zone for counter 0 (LCIN0 input). 10: Select zone C as the active zone for counter 0 (LCIN0 input). 11: Select zone D as the active zone for counter 0 (LCIN0 input). 5:4 LCD1HYS LC Discriminator 1 Digital Hysterisis. The value of this field sets the amount of digital hysterisis for the LC disciminator with inputs LCCOUNT1 and CD1. The hysterisis is applied only to the high-to-low transistion. In all modes, the low-to-high transition occurs if LCCOUNT1 is greater than or equal to CD1. 00: A high-to-low transition occurs if LCCOUNT1 is less than CD1. 01: A high-to-low transition occurs if LCCOUNT1 is less than CD1 - 1. 10: A high-to-low transition occurs if LCCOUNT1 is less than CD1 - 2. 11: A high-to-low transition occurs if LCCOUNT1 is less than CD1 - 3. 3:2 LCD0HYS LC Discriminator 0 Digital Hysterisis. The value of this field sets the amount of digital hysterisis for the LC disciminator with inputs LCCOUNT0 and CD0. The hysterisis is applied only to the high-to-low transistion. In all modes, the low-to-high transition occurs if COUNT0 is greater than or equal to CD0. 00: A high-to-low transition occurs if LCCOUNT0 is less than CD0. 01: A high-to-low transition occurs if LCCOUNT0 is less than CD0 - 1. 10: A high-to-low transition occurs if LCCOUNT0 is less than CD0 - 2. 11: A high-to-low transition occurs if LCCOUNT0 is less than CD0 - 3. 1 ACDEN Automatic Center Discriminator Enable. 0: Disable automatic center discriminator mode. Firmware must set the CD0 and CD1 fields. 1: Enable automatic center discriminator mode. Hardware will keep the CD0 and CD1 fields centered between MAX and MIN. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write Rev. 0.5 183 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Table 14.11. ACCTR0_LCMODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 0 ATRKEN Function Automatic Tracking Enable. When this bit is set to 1, reading the MAX and MIN fields will not cause them to reset. 0: Disable automatic tracking. 1: Enable automatic tracking. A new MAX value of any size will increase both the MAX and MIN by 1, and a new MIN value of any size will decrease both the MAX and MIN by 1. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write 184 Rev. 0.5 Register 14.6. ACCTR0_LCCLKCONTROL: LC Clock Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Name Reserved RELOAD Type R RW 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved CLKCAL Reset CLKCYCLES Type R RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_LCCLKCONTROL = 0x4004_2050 Table 14.12. ACCTR0_LCCLKCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:28 Reserved Must write reset value. 27:16 RELOAD LC Oscillator Reload Value. This field is the starting value for the LC oscillator timer. The timer generates a pulse that is ~25ns per the number of cycles specified by RELOAD. The timer is reloaded with the RELOAD value as needed. 15:13 Reserved Must write reset value. 12 CLKCAL LC Oscillator Calibration Start. Setting this bit starts an automatic hardware calibration of the LC oscillator. Hardware will automatically clear this bit when the calibration operation completes. The calibration is performed "on-the-fly" and the time needed for calibration is added to the end of the next sample sequence. 0: A calibration operation is not in progress. 1: Start an oscillator calibration or a calibration operation is in progress. 11:0 CLKCYCLES LC Oscillator Clock Cycles. This field contains the number of LC oscillator cycles from the last LC oscillator calibration. This field is the number of ~40 MHz clock cycles during one RTC clock period. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write Rev. 0.5 185 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Register 14.7. ACCTR0_LCLIMITS: LC Counter Limits Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Name MAX1 MIN1 Type R R 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 Name MAX0 MIN0 Type R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_LCLIMITS = 0x4004_2060 Table 14.13. ACCTR0_LCLIMITS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:24 MAX1 Function LC Counter 1 Maximum Value. This field records the maximum value from LC counter 1. If the ATRKEN bit is cleared to 0, this field clears to all 0's after a read. If the ATRKEN bit is set to 1, this field is not cleared by a read, a new counter 1 minimum value will reduce the value of MIN1 and this field by 1, and a new counter 1 maximum value will increase the value of MIN1 and this field by 1. 23:16 MIN1 LC Counter 1 Minimum Value. This field records the minimum value from LC counter 1. If the ATRKEN bit is cleared to 0, this field sets to all 1's after a read. If the ATRKEN bit is set to 1, this field is not cleared by a read, a new counter 1 minimum value will reduce the value of this field and MAX1 by 1, and a new counter 1 maximum value will increase the value of this field and MAX1 by 1. 15:8 MAX0 LC Counter 0 Maximum Value. This field records the maximum value from LC counter 0. If the ATRKEN bit is cleared to 0, this field clears to all 0's after a read. If the ATRKEN bit is set to 1, this field is not cleared by a read, a new counter 0 minimum value will reduce the value of MIN0 and this field by 1, and a new counter 0 maximum value will increase the value of MIN0 and this field by 1. 7:0 MIN0 LC Counter 0 Minimum Value. This field records the minimum value from LC counter 0. If the ATRKEN bit is cleared to 0, this field sets to all 1's after a read. If the ATRKEN bit is set to 1, this field is not cleared by a read, a new counter 0 minimum value will reduce the value of this field and MAX0 by 1, and a new counter 0 maximum value will increase the value of this field and MAX0 by 1. 186 Rev. 0.5 Register 14.8. ACCTR0_LCCOUNT: LC Counters Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Name CD1 LCCOUNT1 Type RW R 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name CD0 LCCOUNT0 Type RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_LCCOUNT = 0x4004_2070 Table 14.14. ACCTR0_LCCOUNT Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:24 CD1 Function LC Counter 1 Discriminator. This field contains the LC counter 1 discriminator value. This discriminator value determines whether the LC counter 1 result should be considered a logic 1 or logic 0. 23:16 LCCOUNT1 LC Counter 1. This field contains the most recent LC counter 1 value. 15:8 CD0 LC Counter 0 Discriminator. This field contains the LC counter 0 discriminator value. This discriminator value determines whether the LC counter 0 result should be considered a logic 1 or logic 0. 7:0 LCCOUNT0 LC Counter 0. This field contains the most recent LC counter 0 value. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write Rev. 0.5 187 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Register 14.9. ACCTR0_DBCONFIG: Pulse Counter Debounce Configuration 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved INTEGDCEN 31 INTEG0 Bit INTEG1 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Type R R R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name HDBTH LDBTH Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_DBCONFIG = 0x4004_2080 Table 14.15. ACCTR0_DBCONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:19 Reserved 18 INTEG1 Function Must write reset value. PC Integrator 1 Output. 0: The integrator 1 output is low. 1: The integrator 1 output is high. 17 INTEG0 PC Integrator 0 Output. 0: The integrator 0 output is low. 1: The integrator 0 output is high. 16 INTEGDCEN PC Integrator Disconnect Enable. 0: Connect integrator to 24 bit counter state machine logic. 1: Disconnect the integrators from the IN0 and IN1 inputs. 15:8 HDBTH Integrator High Debounce. This field is the number of high counts before the integrator recognizes a high. These counts do not need to be consecutive. 7:0 LDBTH Integrator Low Debounce. This field is the number of low counts before the integrator recognizes a low. These counts do not need to be consecutive. 188 Rev. 0.5 Register 14.10. ACCTR0_COUNT0: Pulse Counter 0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Name Reserved COUNT0[23:16] Type R R 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name COUNT0[15:0] Type R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_COUNT0 = 0x4004_2090 Table 14.16. ACCTR0_COUNT0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:24 Reserved Must write reset value. 23:0 COUNT0 Pulse Counter 0. This field is the latest pulse counter 0 value. This field is the total number of counts for single and dual modes or clockwise counts for quadrature mode. Firmware must read all 24 bits of this field in one word read operation. Note: The access methods for this register are restricted. Do not use half-word or byte access methods on this register. Rev. 0.5 189 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Register 14.11. ACCTR0_COUNT1: Pulse Counter 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Name Reserved COUNT1[23:16] Type R R 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name COUNT1[15:0] Type R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_COUNT1 = 0x4004_20A0 Table 14.17. ACCTR0_COUNT1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:24 Reserved Must write reset value. 23:0 COUNT1 Pulse Counter 1. This field is the latest pulse counter 1 value. This field is the total number of counts for single and dual modes or counter-clockwise counts for quadrature mode. Firmware must read all 24 bits of this field in one word read operation. Note: The access methods for this register are restricted. Do not use half-word or byte access methods on this register. 190 Rev. 0.5 Register 14.12. ACCTR0_COMP0: Pulse Counter Comparator 0 Threshold Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Name Reserved COMP0[23:16] Type R RW 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name COMP0[15:0] Type RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_COMP0 = 0x4004_20B0 Table 14.18. ACCTR0_COMP0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:24 Reserved 23:0 COMP0 Function Must write reset value. Pulse Counter Comparator 0 Threshold. This field is PC counter 0's digital comparator threshold. Firmware must write all 24 bits of this field in one word write operation. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write Rev. 0.5 191 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Register 14.13. ACCTR0_COMP1: Pulse Counter Comparator 1 Threshold Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Name Reserved COMP1[23:16] Type R RW 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name COMP1[15:0] Type RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_COMP1 = 0x4004_20C0 Table 14.19. ACCTR0_COMP1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:24 Reserved 23:0 COMP1 Function Must write reset value. Pulse Counter Comparator 1 Threshold. This field is PC counter 1's digital comparator threshold. Firmware must write all 24 bits of this field in one word write operation. Note: Sequential writes to this register require polling on the update status flag (UPDSTSF) between each write 192 Rev. 0.5 Type R R 25 24 19 18 17 16 STATE IN0 Reserved 26 IN1 Name 27 IN0PREV 28 IN1PREV 29 DIRF 31 23 22 DIRHIST FLF Bit CMP0OUT 30 CMP1OUT Register 14.14. ACCTR0_STATUS: Status R R R 21 20 R R R R R R 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name DIRCHGI 0 OVFI 0 CMP0I 0 CMP1I 0 TRANSI 0 QERRI 1 FLSTOPI 0 FLSTARTI 1 DIRCHGIEN 1 OVFIEN 1 CMP0IEN 1 CMP1IEN 1 TRANSIEN 1 QERRIEN 0 FLSTOPIEN 0 FLSTARTIEN Reset Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_STATUS = 0x4004_20D0 Table 14.20. ACCTR0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:30 Reserved Must write reset value. 29 CMP1OUT Comparator 1 Output. This bit reports the value at the output of PC comparator 1 or LC comparator 1 depending on the selected mode of the module. 0: The output of comparator 1 is low. 1: The output of comparator1 is high. 28 CMP0OUT Comparator 0 Output. This bit reports the value at the output of PC comparator 0 or LC comparator 0 depending on the selected mode of the module. 0: The output of comparator 0 is low. 1: The output of comparator 0 is high. 27:24 DIRHIST Direction History . This bit field contains the last four recorded directions. A 1 represents clockwise and a 0 represents counter-clockwise. This bit field is valid in quadrature mode only. 23 FLF Flutter Detected Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 if it detects flutter while operating in dual or quadrature mode. Flutter indicates a disparity between the number of negative or positive edges of IN1 and IN0. Rev. 0.5 193 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Table 14.20. ACCTR0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 22 DIRF Function Direction Flag. This flag indicates the current direction in quadrature mode. With an order of IN1:IN0, a counter-clockwise rotation order is L:L, L:H, H:H, H:L, and a clockwise rotation order is L:L, H:L, H:H, L:H. 0: The current direction is counter-clockwise. 1: The current direction is clockwise. 21:20 STATE Pulse Counter State. This field is the internal state of the pulse counters. Note that this field is not synchronized and should be read twice to ensure a valid read. 19 IN1PREV Previous Integrator 1 Output. 0: The previous integrator 1 output was low. 1: The previous integrator 1 output was high. 18 IN0PREV Previous Integrator 0 Output. 0: The previous integrator 0 output was low. 1: The previous integrator 0 output was high. 17 IN1 Integrator 1 Output. 0: The integrator 1 output is low. 1: The integrator 1 output is high. 16 IN0 Integrator 0 Output. 0: The integrator 0 output is low. 1: The integrator 0 output is high. 15 FLSTARTIEN Flutter Start Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable flutter detection start events as an interrupt or wake up source. 1: Enable flutter detection start events as an interrupt or wake up source. 14 FLSTOPIEN Flutter Stop Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable flutter detection end events as an interrupt or wake up source. 1: Enable flutter detection end events as an interrupt or wake up source. 13 QERRIEN Quadrature Error Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable quadrature error as an interrupt or wake up source. 1: Enable quadrature error as an interrupt or wake up source. 12 TRANSIEN Integrator Transition Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable integrator transitions as an interrupt or wake up source. 1: Enable integrator transitions as an interrupt or wake up source. 11 CMP1IEN Digital Comparator 1 Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable comparator 1 as an interrupt or wake up source. 1: Enable comparator 1 as an interrupt or wake up source. 10 CMP0IEN Digital Comparator 0 Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable comparator 0 as an interrupt or wake up source. 1: Enable comparator 0 as an interrupt or wake up source. 194 Rev. 0.5 Table 14.20. ACCTR0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 9 OVFIEN Function Counter Overflow Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable counter overflows as an interrupt or wake up source. 1: Enable counter overflows as an interrupt or wake up source. 8 DIRCHGIEN Direction Change Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable direction change as an interrupt or wake up source. 1: Enable direction change as an interrupt or wake up source. 7 FLSTARTI Flutter Start Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 when a flutter detection start event occurs. This bit is valid in dual or quadrature modes only. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 6 FLSTOPI Flutter Stop Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 when a flutter detection end event occurs. This bit is valid in dual or quadrature modes only. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 5 QERRI Quadrature Error Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 when a quadrature error occurs. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 4 TRANSI Integrator Transition Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 when either integrator output transitions from high-tolow or low-to-high. In LC mode, this bit indicates either that the P zone started or D zone completed based on the module configuration. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 3 CMP1I Digital Comparator 1 Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 when counter 1 equals the digital comparator 1 threshold. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 2 CMP0I Digital Comparator 0 Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 when counter 0 equals the digital comparator 0 threshold. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 1 OVFI Counter Overflow Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 to indicate that one of the PC counters overflowed. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0 DIRCHGI Direction Change Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 to indicate a direction change. This flag is only valid in quadrature mode. This bit must be cleared by firmware. Rev. 0.5 195 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Register 14.15. ACCTR0_DEBUGEN: Calibration Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Name 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name DBGOEN Type Reserved Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Reserved Type R RW RW Reset 0 0 X X X X X X 0 X X X X X 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ACCTR0_DEBUGEN = 0x4004_20E0 Table 14.21. ACCTR0_DEBUGEN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:15 Reserved Must write reset value. 14 DBGOEN Debug Output Enable. This bit enables the debug outputs on the DBG0 and DBG1 pins. 13:0 196 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 ACCTR0_TIMING ACCTR0_LCCONFIG ACCTR0_CONTROL ACCTR0_CONFIG Register Name 0x4004_2010 ALL Address 0x4004_2020 0x4004_2030 0x4004_2000 ALL Access Methods ALL ALL ALL Reserved CALBUSYF Bit 31 PCMD FCMP1EN CALRF Bit 30 PERIOD FCMP0EN CALSEL Bit 29 TOPMD CMP0CNT1EN Bit 28 Reserved Bit 27 START CMPMD PUVAL Bit 26 WAKEMD FLSTPEN Bit 25 CMPHHYS FLQDEN Bit 24 FPDNEN Bit 23 CMPLHYS ZONEP FPUPEN Bit 22 CMP1THR Bit 21 CALPUMD Bit 20 ZONEA CALMD Bit 19 Bit 18 CMP1CTH CMPHTH Bit 17 ZONEB Bit 16 Reserved CMPLTH Bit 15 Bit 14 CMP1FTH ZONEC Bit 13 Bit 12 CMP0THR Bit 11 ZONED Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 CMP0CTH Reserved Bit 7 Reserved DBGSEL Bit 6 Bit 5 B1OEN Bit 4 CMP0FTH B0OEN Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 STATE Bit 1 PEMD UPDSTSF Bit 0 14.16. ACCTR0 Register Memory Map Table 14.22. ACCTR0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 197 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx ACCTR0_LCCOUNT ACCTR0_LCLIMITS ACCTR0_LCCLKCONTROL ACCTR0_LCMODE Register Name 0x4004_2040 ALL Address 0x4004_2060 0x4004_2070 0x4004_2050 ALL Access Methods ALL ALL ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Reserved LCMD Bit 29 Bit 28 MAX1 CD1 Bit 27 BMD Bit 26 B1POL Bit 25 B1ZONEPEN Bit 24 B1ZONEAEN Bit 23 B1ZONEBEN Bit 22 RELOAD B1ZONECEN Bit 21 B0POL Bit 20 MIN1 LCCOUNT1 B0ZONEPEN Bit 19 B0ZONEAEN Bit 18 B0ZONEBEN Bit 17 B0ZONECEN Bit 16 Bit 15 PMD Reserved Bit 14 Bit 13 P1ZONE CLKCAL Bit 12 MAX0 CD0 Bit 11 P0ZONE Bit 10 Bit 9 C1ZONE Bit 8 Bit 7 C0ZONE Bit 6 CLKCYCLES Bit 5 LCD1HYS Bit 4 MIN0 LCCOUNT0 Bit 3 LCD0HYS Bit 2 ACDEN Bit 1 ATRKEN Bit 0 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Table 14.22. ACCTR0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 198 Rev. 0.5 ACCTR0_COMP1 ACCTR0_COMP0 ACCTR0_COUNT1 ACCTR0_COUNT0 ACCTR0_DBCONFIG Register Name 0x4004_20C0 0x4004_20B0 0x4004_20A0 0x4004_2080 ALL Address 0x4004_2090 ALL ALL ALL ALL Access Methods ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 27 Bit 26 Reserved Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 INTEG1 Bit 18 INTEG0 Bit 17 INTEGDCEN Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 COMP1 COMP0 COUNT1 COUNT0 HDBTH Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 LDBTH Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 14.22. ACCTR0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 199 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Table 14.22. ACCTR0 Memory Map ACCTR0_DEBUGEN ACCTR0_STATUS Register Name 0x4004_20D0 ALL Address 0x4004_20E0 ALL Access Methods ALL Bit 31 Reserved Bit 30 CMP1OUT Bit 29 CMP0OUT Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 DIRHIST Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved FLF Bit 23 DIRF Bit 22 Bit 21 STATE Bit 20 IN1PREV Bit 19 IN0PREV Bit 18 IN1 Bit 17 IN0 Bit 16 FLSTARTIEN Bit 15 DBGOEN FLSTOPIEN Bit 14 QERRIEN Bit 13 TRANSIEN Bit 12 CMP1IEN Bit 11 CMP0IEN Bit 10 OVFIEN Bit 9 DIRCHGIEN Bit 8 FLSTARTI Bit 7 Reserved FLSTOPI Bit 6 QERRI Bit 5 TRANSI Bit 4 CMP1I Bit 3 CMP0I Bit 2 OVFI Bit 1 DIRCHGI Bit 0 Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 200 Rev. 0.5 15. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) This section describes the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 15.1. AES Features The basic AES block cipher is implemented in hardware. The integrated hardware support for Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) and Counter (CTR) algorithms results in identical performance, memory bandwidth, and memory footprint between the most basic Electronic Codebook (ECB) algorithm and these more complex algorithms. This hardware accelerator translates to more core bandwidth available for other functions or a power savings for lowpower applications. The AES module includes the following features: Operates on 4-word (16-byte) blocks. Supports key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits for both encryption and decryption. Generates the round key for decryption operations. All cipher operations can be performed without any firmware intervention for multiple 4-word blocks (up to 32 kB). Support for various chained and stream-ciphering configurations with XOR paths on both the input and output. Internal 4-word FIFOs to facilitate DMA operations. Integrated key storage. Hardware acceleration for Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC), and Counter (CTR) algorithms utilizing integrated counterblock generation and previous-block caching. AES Module Data FIFO DATAFIFO XOR Hardware Counter CBC Block Cache XOR Hardware AES Cipher Unit XOR Data FIFO XORFIFO Keystore Figure 15.1. AES Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 201 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx 15.2. Overview The AES block cipher is a symmetric key encryption algorithm. Symmetric key encryption relies on secret keys that are known by both the sender and receiver. The decryption key may be obtained using a simple transformation of the encryption key. AES is not a public key encryption algorithm. The AES block cipher uses a fixed 4-word (16-byte) block size. Data segments less than 4 words in length must be padded with zeros to fill the entire block. Since symmetric key encryption relies on secret keys, the security of the data can only be protected if the key remains secret. If the encryption key is stored in Flash memory, then the entire Flash should be locked to ensure the encryption key cannot be discovered. The hardware counter in the AES module can be programmed with an initial value using the HWCTR register. Similarly, the hardware keystore can be programmed with an initial value using the HWKEY register. The basic AES block cipher is implemented in hardware. The integrated hardware acceleration for cipher block chaining (CBC) and counter (CTR) algorithms results in identical performance, memory bandwidth, and memory footprint between the most basic electronic codebook (ECB) algorithm and these more complex algorithms. This hardware accelerator provides performance that is much faster than a software implementation, which translates to more bandwidth available for other functions or a power savings for low-power applications. 15.2.1. Enabling the AES Module Immediately following any device reset, the RESET bit is set to 1 to save power. All register bits except RESET are reset using the system reset or the RESET bit. To use the AES module, firmware must first clear the RESET bit before initializing the registers. 15.3. Interrupts The AES interrupt flags are located in the STATUS register. The associated interrupt enable bits are located in the CONTROL register. An AES completion interrupt can be generated if OCIEN is set to 1 whenever an encryption or decryption operation is complete. The completion interrupt should only be used in conjunction with software mode (SWMDEN bit is set to 1) and not with DMA operations, where the DMA completion interrupt should be used. An AES error interrupt can be generated whenever an input/output data FIFO overrun (DORI = 1) or underrun (DURI = 1) error occurs, or when an XOR data FIFO overrun (XORI = 1) occurs. The error interrupts should always be enabled (ERRIEN = 1), even when using the DMA with the AES module. 15.4. Debug Mode Firmware can clear the DBGMD bit to force the AES module to halt on a debug breakpoint. Setting the DBGMD bit forces the module to continue operating while the core halts in debug mode. 202 Rev. 0.5 15.5. DMA Configuration and Usage A DMA channel may be used to transfer data for the input/output data FIFO or the XOR data FIFO. The AES module FIFOs support word, half-word, or byte accesses. Each DMA transfer must consist of 4 words (16 bytes). To write to the input/output data FIFO, the DMA must move data from the source location in memory to the internal DATAFIFO register in non-incrementing mode. To read from the input/output data FIFO, the DMA must move data from the internal DATAFIFO register in non-incrementing mode to the destination location in memory. For the XOR data FIFO, the DMA must move data from the source location in memory to the internal XORFIFO register in nonincrementing mode. Firmware should only directly access the DATAFIFO and XORFIFO registers in software mode (SWMDEN bit is set to 1). AES FIFOs targeted by the DMA module should not be directly written to or read from. SiM3xxxx Address Space DMA Module AESn Output Data AESn Module Data FIFO DMA Channel DATAFIFO XOR AESn Input Data DMA Channel Hardware Counter CBC Block Cache AESn XOR Data XOR Hardware AES Cipher Unit XOR Data FIFO DMA Channel XORFIFO Keystore Figure 15.2. AES DMA Configuration 15.5.1. DMA and Interrupts If a DMA channel is enabled for one of the FIFOs, the AES operation complete and error interrupts will not be suppressed. In software mode (SWMDEN = 1) the AES operation complete interrupt should be used, and in DMA mode (SWMDEN = 0) the DMA complete interrupt should be used. The error interrupt should be used in both software and DMA modes to notify the firmware of error conditions. Rev. 0.5 203 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx 15.5.2. General DMA Transfer Setup For the AES module, the DMA channels have these common settings: Source size (SRCSIZE) and destination size (DSTSIZE) set to 2 for word transfers, 1 for half-word transfers, or 0 for byte transfers. Each channel transfer size may be set independently. Number of transfers is (4 x N) – 1, where N is the number of 4-byte words. RPOWER set as indicated below, where the data transfer size equals 2RPOWER: For byte-accesses, RPOWER = 0,1,2,3 or 4 half-word accesses, RPOWER = 0,1,2 or 3 For word accesses, RPOWER = 0,1 or 2 For The size of all memory buffers (input, output, and XOR) modulo 16 bytes must equal 0, so an even number of 4-word transfers must occur. The input DMA channel should be programmed as follows: Destination end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. Source end pointer set to the plain or cipher text input buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. The DSTAIMD field should be set to 11b for no increment. The SRCAIMD field should be set as indicated below: For byte-accesses, SRCAIMD = 00b (the source address increments by one byte after each data transfer) half-word accesses, SRCAIMD = 01b, (the source address increments by one half-word after each data transfer) For word accesses, SRCAIMD = 10b (the source address increments by one word after each data transfer) For The output DMA channel should be programmed as follows: Destination end pointer set to the plain or cipher text output buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. The DSTAIMD field should be set as indicated below: For byte-accesses, DSTAIMD = 00b (the destination address increments by one byte after each data transfer) half-word accesses, DSTAIMD = 01b, (the destination address increments by one half-word after each data transfer) For word accesses, DSTAIMD = 10b (the destination address increments by one word after each data transfer) For The SRCAIMD field should be set to 11b for no increment. The XOR DMA channel should be programmed as follows: Destination end pointer set to the XORFIFO register. Source end pointer set to the In XOR buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. The DSTAIMD field should be set to 11b for no increment. The SRCAIMD field should be set as indicated below: For byte-accesses, SRCAIMD = 00b (the source address increments by one byte after each data transfer) half-word accesses, SRCAIMD = 01b, (the source address increments by one half-word after each data transfer) For word accesses, SRCAIMD = 10b (the source address increments by one word after each data transfer) For To start a DMA operation with the AES module out of any device reset: 1. Set up the DMA channels for the input/output and XOR FIFOs depending on the desired cipher algorithm. 2. Clear the soft reset bit (RESET) to 0. 3. Configure the AES peripheral operation in the CONTROL, XFRSIZE, HWKEYx, and HWCTRx registers. 4. Start the AES operation by writing a 1 to XFRSTA. 5. Wait for the DMA completion interrupt. 204 Rev. 0.5 15.6. Using the AES Module for Electronic Codebook (ECB) The electronic codebook (ECB) cipher algorithm is the most basic block cipher mode since each cipher text output is only a function of its corresponding plain text input and the encryption key. This algorithm is shown in Figure 15.3. Plain Text Encryption Key Encryption Module Encrypted (Cipher) Text Encrypted (Cipher) Text Decryption Key Encryption Module Plain Text Figure 15.3. Electronic Codebook (ECB) Algorithm Diagram The block diagram of the AES module performing this algorithm (encryption and decryption) is shown in Figure 15.4. The active data paths in this mode are shown in red. Rev. 0.5 205 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx AESn Module Data FIFO DATAFIFO XOR Hardware Counter CBC Block Cache XOR Hardware AES Cipher Unit XOR Data FIFO XORFIFO Keystore Figure 15.4. Electronic Codebook (ECB) AES Module Block Diagram—Encryption and Decryption 15.6.1. Configuring the DMA for ECB Encryption To use the DMA with ECB encryption, the DMA and AES modules should be configured as follows: DMA Input Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. 2. Source end pointer set to the plain text input buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. DMA Output Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the cipher text output buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. AES Module: 1. The XFRSIZE register should be set to N-1, where N is the number of 4-word blocks. 2. The HWKEYx registers should be written with the desired key in little endian format. 3. The CONTROL register should be set as follows: a. ERRIEN set to 1. b. KEYSIZE set to the appropriate number of bits for the key. c. EDMD set to 1 for encryption. d. KEYCPEN set to 1 to enable key capture at the end of the transaction. e. The HCBCEN, HCTREN, XOREN, BEN, SWMDEN bits should all be cleared to 0. Once the DMA and AES settings have been set, the transfer should be started by writing 1 to the XFRSTA bit. When the encryption process finishes, the decryption key will be available in the HWKEYx registers. 206 Rev. 0.5 15.6.2. Configuring the DMA for ECB Decryption To use the DMA with ECB decryption, the DMA and AES modules should be configured as follows: DMA Input Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. 2. Source end pointer set to the cipher text input buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. DMA Output Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the plain text output buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. AES Module: 1. The XFRSIZE register should be set to N-1, where N is the number of 4-word blocks. 2. The HWKEYx registers should be written with decryption key value (automatically generated in the HWKEYx registers after the encryption process). 3. The CONTROL register should be set as follows: a. ERRIEN set to 1 b. KEYSIZE set to the appropriate number of bits for the key. c. EDMD set to 1 for encryption. d. KEYCPEN set to 1 to enable key capture at the end of the transaction. e. The HCBCEN, HCTREN, XOREN, BEN, SWMDEN bits should all be cleared to 0. Once the DMA and AES settings have been set, the transfer should be started by writing 1 to the XFRSTA bit. Rev. 0.5 207 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx 15.7. Using the AES Module for Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) The cipher block chaining (CBC) cipher algorithm significantly improves the strength of basic ECB encryption by making each block encryption be a function of the previous block in addition to the current plain text and key. This algorithm is shown in Figure 15.5. Initialization Vector (IV) Encryption Key Key Decryption Initialization Vector (IV) Plain Text Plain Text XOR XOR Encryption Module Key Encryption Module Encrypted (Cipher) Text Encrypted (Cipher) Text Encrypted (Cipher) Text Encrypted (Cipher) Text Encryption Module Key Encryption Module XOR XOR Plain Text Plain Text Figure 15.5. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Algorithm Diagram The AES module can perform this algorithm by using a DMA channel or by using the AES hardware to feed the XOR data FIFO. Both of these methods are discussed. 208 Rev. 0.5 15.7.1. Hardware XOR Channel Cipher Block Chaining The AES module has a hardware chaining mode that accelerates the execution of the CBC algorithm. The module can reuse the hardware counter registers to temporarily store the previous result (CT(n-1)) for use with the next block. This eliminates the need for a third DMA channel, freeing it for other use, and reduces the timing to be identical with the counter (CTR) and much-simpler electronic codebook (ECB) algorithms. Any algorithms that use this hardware path, however, should not use the hardware counter (HCTREN set to 1) feature. The block diagram of the AES module performing this encryption algorithm using the hardware path is shown in Figure 15.6. This decryption algorithm block diagram using the hardware path is shown in Figure 15.7. The active data paths in this mode are shown in red. AESn Module Data FIFO DATAFIFO XOR Hardware Counter CBC Block Cache XOR Hardware AES Cipher Unit CT(n-1) XOR Data FIFO XORFIFO Keystore Figure 15.6. Hardware Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) AES Module Block Diagram—Encryption AESn Module Data FIFO DATAFIFO XOR Hardware Counter CBC Block Cache XOR Hardware AES Cipher Unit CT(n-1) XOR Data FIFO XORFIFO Keystore Figure 15.7. Hardware Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) AES Module Block Diagram—Decryption Rev. 0.5 209 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Configuring the DMA for Hardware CBC Encryption To use the DMA with hardware CBC encryption, the DMA and AES modules should be configured as follows: DMA Input Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. 2. Source end pointer set to the plain text input buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. DMA Output Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the cipher text output buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. Initialization Vector: The initialization vector should be initialized to the HWCTRx registers. AES Module: 1. The XFRSIZE register should be set to N-1, where N is the number of 4-word blocks. 2. The HWKEYx registers should be written with the desired key in little endian format. 3. The CONTROL register should be set as follows: a. ERRIEN set to 1. b. KEYSIZE set to the appropriate number of bits for the key. c. XOREN bits set to 01b to enable the XOR input path. d. EDMD set to 1 for encryption. e. KEYCPEN set to 1 to enable key capture at the end of the transaction. f. HCBCEN set to 1 to enable Hardware Cipher Block Chaining mode. g. The HCTREN, BEN, SWMDEN bits should all be cleared to 0. Once the DMA and AES settings have been set, the transfer should be started by writing 1 to the XFRSTA bit. When the encryption process finishes, the decryption key is available in the HWKEYx registers. 210 Rev. 0.5 Configuring the DMA for Hardware CBC Decryption To use the DMA with Hardware CBC decryption, the DMA and AES modules should be configured as follows: DMA Input Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. 2. Source end pointer set to the cipher text input buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. DMA Output Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the plain text output buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. Initialization Vector: The initialization vector should be initialized to the HWCTRx registers. AES Module: 1. The XFRSIZE register should be set to N-1, where N is the number of 4-word blocks. 2. The HWKEYx registers should be written with the desired key in little endian format. 3. The CONTROL register should be set as follows: a. ERRIEN set to 1. b. KEYSIZE set to the appropriate number of bits for the key. c. XOREN set to 10b to enable the XOR output path. d. EDMD set to 0 for decryption. e. KEYCPEN set to 0 to disable key capture at the end of the transaction. f. HCBCEN set to 1 to enable Hardware Cipher Block Chaining mode. g. The HCTREN, BEN, SWMDEN bits should all be cleared to 0. Once the DMA and AES settings have been set, the transfer should be started by writing 1 to the XFRSTA bit. Rev. 0.5 211 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx 15.7.2. DMA XOR Channel Cipher Block Chaining The block diagram of the AES module performing this encryption algorithm is shown in Figure 15.8. The block diagram of the AES module performing this decryption algorithm is shown in Figure 15.9. The active data paths in this mode are shown in red. AESn Module Data FIFO DATAFIFO XOR Hardware Counter CBC Block Cache XOR Hardware AES Cipher Unit XOR Data FIFO XORFIFO Keystore Figure 15.8. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) AES Module Block Diagram—Encryption AESn Module Data FIFO DATAFIFO XOR Hardware Counter CBC Block Cache XOR Hardware AES Cipher Unit XOR Data FIFO XORFIFO Keystore Figure 15.9. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) AES Module Block Diagram—Decryption 212 Rev. 0.5 Configuring the DMA for CBC Encryption To use the DMA with CBC encryption, the DMA and AES modules should be configured as follows: SiM3xxxx Address Space DMA Module AESn Output Data AESn Module 16 + 16*N - 4 16*N - 4 DMA Block Initialization Vector DATAFIFO AESn Input Data DMA Block DMA Block XORFIFO Figure 15.10. DMA XOR Channel Cipher Block Chaining Memory Setup DMA Input Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. 2. Source end pointer set to the plain text input buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. DMA Output Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the cipher text output buffer address location + 16 + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. DMA XOR Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the cipher text output buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. By programming the output 16 bytes ahead of the XOR channel, the XOR channel is always one block behind (CT(n-1)). 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. Initialization Vector: The initialization vector should be initialized to the cipher text output buffer address location + 16 x N – 4. AES Module: 1. The XFRSIZE register should be set to N-1, where N is the number of 4-word blocks. 2. The HWKEYx registers should be written with the desired key in little endian format. 3. The CONTROL register should be set as follows: a. ERRIEN set to 1. b. KEYSIZE set to the appropriate number of bits for the key. c. XOREN set to 01b to enable the XOR input path. Rev. 0.5 213 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx d. EDMD set to 1 for encryption. e. KEYCPEN set to 1 to enable key capture at the end of the transaction. f. The HCBCEN, HCTREN, BEN, SWMDEN bits should all be cleared to 0. Once the DMA and AES settings have been set, the transfer should be started by writing 1 to the XFRSTA bit. When the encryption process finishes, the decryption key is available in the HWKEYx registers. Configuring the DMA for CBC Decryption The decryption process is similar to the encryption process, except now the CT(n-1) value is taken before the data is passed through the AES module instead of after, as shown in Figure 15.5. To use the DMA with CBC decryption, the DMA and AES modules should be configured as follows: DMA Input Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. 2. Source end pointer set to the cipher text input buffer address location + 16 + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. DMA Output Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the plain text output buffer address location + 16*N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. DMA XOR Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the cipher text input buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. By programming the DMA input 16 bytes ahead of the XOR channel, the XOR channel is always one block behind (CT(n-1)). 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. Initialization Vector: The initialization vector should be initialized to the cipher text input buffer address location + 16*N – 4. AES Module: 1. The XFRSIZE register should be set to N-1, where N is the number of 4-word blocks. 2. The HWKEYx registers should be written with the desired key in little endian format. 3. The CONTROL register should be set as follows: a. ERRIEN set to 1. b. KEYSIZE set to the appropriate number of bits for the key. c. XOREN set to 10b to enable the XOR output path. d. EDMD set to 0 for decryption. e. KEYCPEN set to 0 to disable key capture at the end of the transaction. f. The HCBCEN, HCTREN, BEN, SWMDEN bits should all be cleared to 0. Once the DMA and AES settings have been set, the transfer should be started by writing 1 to the XFRSTA bit. 214 Rev. 0.5 15.8. Using the AES Module for Counter (CTR) The counter (CTR) cipher algorithm is a stream cipher mode which improves upon the basic ECB algorithm by adding a third block variable (a counter block in this case). This algorithm is shown in Figure 15.11. Counter (0x00000000) Key Encryption Plain Text Key Decryption Encrypted (Cipher) Text Encryption Module XOR Counter (0x00000001) Key Plain Text Encryption Module XOR Encrypted (Cipher Text) Encrypted (Cipher Text) Counter (0x00000000) Counter (0x00000001) Encryption Module XOR Key Encrypted (Cipher) Text Plain Text Encryption Module XOR Plain Text Figure 15.11. Counter (CTR) Algorithm Diagram Similar to CBC mode, the CTR algorithm requires an initialization vector to encrypt the first block. Unlike CBC, this value is a counter instead of the previous block’s output. This counter is implemented in hardware in the AES module. The block diagram of the AES module performing this algorithm (encryption and decryption) is shown in Figure 15.12. The active data paths in this mode are shown in red. Rev. 0.5 215 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx AESn Module Data FIFO DATAFIFO XOR Hardware Counter CBC Block Cache XOR Hardware AES Cipher Unit XOR Data FIFO XORFIFO Keystore Figure 15.12. Counter (CTR) AES Module Block Diagram—Encryption and Decryption 15.8.1. Configuring the DMA for CTR Encryption To use the DMA with CTR encryption, the DMA and AES modules should be configured as follows: DMA Output Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the cipher text output buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. DMA XOR Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the plain text input buffer address location + 16 x N – 4. 2. Source end pointer set to the XORFIFO register. Initialization Vector: The initialization vector should be initialized to the HWCTRx registers. AES Module: 1. The XFRSIZE register should be set to N-1, where N is the number of 4-word blocks. 2. The HWKEYx registers should be written with the desired key in little endian format. 3. The CONTROL register should be set as follows: a. ERRIEN set to 1. b. KEYSIZE set to the appropriate number of bits for the key. c. EDMD set to 1 for encryption. d. KEYCPEN set to 0 to disable key capture at the end of the transaction. e. HCTREN set to 1 to enable Hardware Counter mode. f. XOREN set to 10b to enable the XOR output path. g. The HCBCEN, BEN, SWMDEN bits should all be cleared to 0. Once the DMA and AES settings have been set, the transfer should be started by writing 1 to the XFRSTA bit. 216 Rev. 0.5 15.8.2. Configuring the DMA for CTR Decryption This algorithm does not need the key capture output from the encryption process since the encryption and decryption algorithms are exactly the same. To use the DMA with CTR decryption, the DMA and AES modules should be configured as follows: DMA Output Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the plain text input buffer address location + 16 x N – 4, where N is the number of blocks. 2. Source end pointer set to the DATAFIFO register. DMA XOR Channel: 1. Destination end pointer set to the cipher text output buffer address location + 16 x N – 4. 2. Source end pointer set to the XORFIFO register. Initialization Vector: The initialization vector should be initialized to the HWCTRx registers. AES Module: 1. The XFRSIZE register should be set to N-1, where N is the number of 4-word blocks. 2. The HWKEYx registers should be written with the desired key in little endian format. 3. The CONTROL register should be set as follows: a. ERRIEN set to 1. b. KEYSIZE set to the appropriate number of bits for the key. c. EDMD set to 1 for encryption. d. KEYCPEN set to 0 to disable key capture at the end of the transaction. e. HCTREN set to 1 to enable Hardware Counter mode. f. XOREN set to 10b to enable the XOR output path. g. The HCBCEN, BEN, SWMDEN bits should all be cleared to 0. Once the DMA and AES settings have been set, the transfer should be started by writing 1 to the XFRSTA bit. Rev. 0.5 217 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx 15.9. Performing “In-Place” Ciphers For the cipher examples described in the ECB, CBC and CTR sections, the DMA channels are described using plain text and cipher text address offsets. However, these addresses can be the same instead of separate entities to reduce general-purpose memory usage. These in-place ciphers overwrite the plain text input with the cipher text output data. For example, the hardware cipher block chaining algorithm executed in place is shown in Figure 15.13. Plain Text Input Pointer Cipher Text Output Pointer Encryption Decryption Initialization Vector Initialization Vector Initialization Vector Plain Text 0 Cipher Text 0 Cipher Text 0 Plain Text 1 Plain Text 1 Cipher Text 1 Plain Text 2 Plain Text 2 Plain Text 2 Plain Text 3 Plain Text 3 Plain Text 3 Plain Text 4 Plain Text 4 Plain Text 4 Plain Text 5 Plain Text 5 Plain Text 5 Plain Text 6 Plain Text 6 Plain Text 6 Initialization Vector Plain Text 0 Plain Text 0 Cipher Text 0 Cipher Text 0 Plain Text 1 Cipher Text 1 Cipher Text 1 Cipher Text 1 Cipher Text 2 Cipher Text 2 Cipher Text 2 Cipher Text 3 Cipher Text 3 Cipher Text 3 Cipher Text 4 Cipher Text 4 Cipher Text 4 Cipher Text 5 Cipher Text 5 Cipher Text 5 Cipher Text 6 Cipher Text 6 Cipher Text 6 Plain Text Output Pointer Cipher Text Input Pointer Figure 15.13. Memory Map of Hardware CBC Algorithm Performed In Place 218 Rev. 0.5 15.10. Using the AES Module in Software Mode Software mode (SWMDEN = 1) allows the firmware to perform smaller or more custom operations with the AES module. When software mode is enabled, the AES module will not generate any DMA requests. In software mode, each operation must consist of 4 words and follows this general encryption or decryption sequence: 1. The RESET bit, if set, must be cleared to access the AES registers. 2. Configure the operation, including setting SWMDEN to 1. 3. Load the input/output data FIFO (DATAFIFO) with four words using word, half-word, or byte writes. 4. If XOREN is set to 01b or 10b, load the XOR data FIFO (XORFIFO) with four words using word, half-word, or byte writes. 5. Set KEYCPEN to 1 if key capture is required (EDMD must also be set to 1 for the key capture to occur). 6. Enable the operation complete interrupt by setting OCIEN to 1. Alternatively, firmware can poll XFRSTA or BUSYF. 7. Set XFRSTA to 1 to start the AES operation on the 4-word block. 8. Wait for the operation completion interrupt (or poll XFRSTA or BUSYF until the operation completes). 9. Read four words from the input/output data FIFO (DATAFIFO) with word, half-word, or byte reads to obtain the resulting cipher text output. If key capture (KEYCPEN set to 1) was enabled for an encryption operation, then the key is overwritten. The key must be re-written if a subsequent operation is also an encryption. The hardware counter and hardware cipher block chaining modes can be used in conjunction with software mode, but bypass mode (BEN) is not available. 15.10.1. Software Mode Error Conditions Firmware can check the number of bytes present in each of the FIFOs using the DFIFOLVL and XFIFOLVL fields in the STATUS register. Care must be taken when reading or writing the input/output or XOR FIFOs: Loading more than 16 bytes into the input/output data FIFO results in a data overrun error (DORI = 1). more than 16 bytes into the XOR data FIFO results in a XOR data overrun error (XORI = 1). Attempting to read more than 16 bytes from the input/output data FIFO results in a data underrun error (DURI = 1) Loading less than 16 bytes into the data FIFOs prevents an operation from starting when the XFRSTA bit is set to 1. Failure to read the data from the input/output data FIFO leaves the FIFO full, so any subsequent writes to this FIFO with new input data causes a data overrun event. Any unwanted data in the data or XOR FIFOs may be discarded by soft resetting the AES module (RESET = 1). Loading Rev. 0.5 219 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx 15.11. AES0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for AES0 registers. Reset 1 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 Name Reserved Type R RW 0 0 RW R RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 XOREN RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved RW R RW Reserved XFRSTA RW 23 KEYSIZE Type 26 KEYCPEN 27 EDMD Name 0 28 SWMDEN 29 ERRIEN OCIEN 30 HCBCEN Reserved BEN 31 0 24 HCTREN Bit Reset 25 DBGMD Register 15.1. AES0_CONTROL: Module Control RESET Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx RW R RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_CONTROL = 0x4002_7000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 15.1. AES0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 RESET Function Module Soft Reset. Must be cleared to access any other AES module bit. 0: AES module is not in soft reset. 1: AES module is in soft reset and none of the module bits can be accessed. 30 DBGMD AES Debug Mode. 0: A debug breakpoint will cause the AES module to halt. 1: The AES module will continue to operate while the core is halted in debug mode. 29:26 Reserved 25 OCIEN Must write reset value. Operation Complete Interrupt Enable. Enables the completion interrupt for each 4-word block. 0: Disable the operation complete interrupt. 1: Enable the operation complete interrupt. An interrupt is generated when the Operation Complete Interrupt (OCI) flag is set. 220 Rev. 0.5 Table 15.1. AES0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 24 ERRIEN Function Error Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the error interrupt. 1: Enable the error interrupt. An interrupt is generated when the Input/Output Data FIFO Overun (DORI), Input/Output Data FIFO Underun (DURI), or XOR Data FIFO Overrun (XORI) flags are set. 23:18 Reserved Must write reset value. 17:16 KEYSIZE Keystore Size Select. Selects the size of the key used in the AES encryption or decryption process. 00: Key is composed of 128 bits. 01: Key is composed of 192 bits. 10: Key is composed of 256 bits. 11: Reserved. 15:14 Reserved Must write reset value. 13 HCBCEN Hardware Cipher-Block Chaining Mode Enable. Enables the Hardware Cipher-Clock Chaining (CBC) mode. This causes the XOR path to be fed automatically from hardware with CT(n-1), so there is no need for firmware or the DMA to feed the XOR path in this mode. 0: Disable hardware cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode. 1: Enable hardware cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode. 12 HCTREN Hardware Counter Mode Enable. Enables the Hardware Counter Mode. 0: Disable hardware counter mode. 1: Enable hardware counter mode. 11:10 XOREN XOR Enable. Enables the input or output XOR path. 00: Disable the XOR paths. 01: Enable the XOR input path, disable the XOR output path. 10: Disable the XOR input path, enable the XOR output path. 11: Reserved. 9 BEN Bypass AES Operation Enable. If this bit is set to 1, the AES module hardware is bypassed, which allows firmware to use the module as a memory copy. The XOR paths (output and input) are not available in this mode. 0: Do not bypass AES operations. 1: Bypass AES operations. Rev. 0.5 221 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Table 15.1. AES0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 8 SWMDEN Function Software Mode Enable. Setting this bit to 1 stops DMA requests from being generated. When this bit is 1, firmware is responsible for loading the input FIFO with 4 words, loading the XOR FIFO with 4 words (if applicable), and reading 4 words from the output FIFO after receiving the done interrupt. If this bit is 1, the transfer size register (XFRSIZE) should be cleared to 0. Bypass mode is not supported in conjunction with software mode. 0: Disable software mode. 1: Enable software mode. 7:3 Reserved 2 EDMD Must write reset value. Encryption/Decryption Mode. 0: AES module performs a decryption operation 1: AES module performs an encryption operation. 1 KEYCPEN Key Capture Enable. If this bit is set to 1, the current key in the keystore is overwritten during the module operation. In the case where EDMD is set to 1 (encryption operation), this generated key is the proper decryption key after the last block is complete. If SWMDEN is cleared to 0, the hardware only overwrites the key on the last block of the DMA transfer. If SWMDEN is set to 1, the hardware overwrites the key for each operation KEYCPEN is set to 1. 0: Disable key capture. 1: Enable key capture. 0 XFRSTA AES Transfer Start. If SWMDEN is set to 1, setting this bit to 1 starts an AES module operation on the 4word block. This bit is automatically cleared when the 4-word operation completes. If SWMDEN is cleared to 0, setting this bit to 1 starts a series of AES module operations until the XFRSIZE register counts down to 0. This bit is automatically cleared when the XFRSIZE regiser is 0 and the current operation completes. 222 Rev. 0.5 Register 15.2. AES0_XFRSIZE: Number of Blocks Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved XFRSIZE Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_XFRSIZE = 0x4002_7010 Table 15.2. AES0_XFRSIZE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:11 Reserved Must write reset value. 10:0 XFRSIZE Transfer Size. The number of 4-word blocks such that XFRSIZE + 1 blocks will be processed and transferred by the AES module. This value must match the DMA transfer size for each relevant channel. This value is automatically decremented by hardware as each block operation completes. When the SWMDEN bit is set to 1, this register should be set to 0. Rev. 0.5 223 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Register 15.3. AES0_DATAFIFO: Input/Output Data FIFO Access Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name DATAFIFO[31:16] Type RW 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name DATAFIFO[15:0] Type RW Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address AES0_DATAFIFO = 0x4002_7020 Table 15.3. AES0_DATAFIFO Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DATAFIFO Function Input/Output Data FIFO Access. This data register interfaces with the AES Input/Output data FIFO. Reads from this register will result in data pops from the Input/Output FIFO. Writes to this register will result in data pushes to the Input/Output FIFO. Input/Output data FIFO overflows and underruns will result in an error interrupt (if enabled). Reads and writes may be word, half-word, or byte length and should always be right-justified. Byte-wide reads and writes should always access DATAFIFO[7:0], half-word reads and writes should always access DATAFIFO[15:0], and word reads and writes should always access DATAFIFO[31:0]. For DMA operations, this register should be targeted by the DMA input data and DMA output data in non-incrementing mode. The DMA RPOWER bits must be set as follows: For byte-accesses: RPOWER can be 0,1,2,3 or 4 For half-word accesses: RPOWER can be 0,1,2 or 3 For word accesses: RPOWER can be 0,1 or 2 For software operations (SWMDEN bit is set to 1), the DATAFIFO register must be written until the FIFO is full, or read until FIFO is empty, before the AES operation can be initiated using the XFRSTA bit. Note: Reads of this register modify the state of hardware. Debug logic should take care when reading this register. 224 Rev. 0.5 Register 15.4. AES0_XORFIFO: XOR Data FIFO Access Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name XORFIFO[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name XORFIFO[15:0] Type RW Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address AES0_XORFIFO = 0x4002_7030 Table 15.4. AES0_XORFIFO Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 XORFIFO Function XOR Data FIFO Access. This data register interfaces with the AES XOR data FIFO. Reads from this register have no effect. Writes to this register will result in data pushes to the XOR data FIFO. XOR data FIFO overflows will result in an error interrupt (if enabled). Writes may be word, half-word, or byte length, and should always be right-justified. Byte-wide writes should always access XORFIFO[7:0], half-word writes should always access XORFIFO[15:0], and word writes should always access DATAFIFO[31:0]. For DMA operations, this register should be targeted by the DMA input XOR data and DMA output data in non-incrementing mode. The DMA RPOWER bits must be set as follows: For byte-accesses: RPOWER can be 0,1,2,3 or 4 For half-word accesses: RPOWER can be 0,1,2 or 3 For word accesses: RPOWER can be 0,1 or 2 For software operations (SWMDEN bit is set to 1), the XORFIFO register must be written until the FIFO is full before the AES operation can be initiated using the XFRSTA bit. Rev. 0.5 225 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Register 15.5. AES0_HWKEY0: Hardware Key Word 0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWKEY0[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWKEY0[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWKEY0 = 0x4002_7040 Table 15.5. AES0_HWKEY0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWKEY0 Function Hardware Key Word 0. This register contains word 0 of the keystore. If the KEYCPEN bit is set to 1, the new key will be accessible using these registers after the old key is overwritten. 226 Rev. 0.5 Register 15.6. AES0_HWKEY1: Hardware Key Word 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWKEY1[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWKEY1[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWKEY1 = 0x4002_7050 Table 15.6. AES0_HWKEY1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWKEY1 Function Hardware Key Word 1. This register contains word 1 of the keystore. If the KEYCPEN bit is set to 1, the new key will be accessible using these registers after the old key is overwritten. Rev. 0.5 227 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Register 15.7. AES0_HWKEY2: Hardware Key Word 2 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWKEY2[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWKEY2[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWKEY2 = 0x4002_7060 Table 15.7. AES0_HWKEY2 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWKEY2 Function Hardware Key Word 2. This register contains word 2 of the keystore. If the KEYCPEN bit is set to 1, the new key will be accessible using these registers after the old key is overwritten. 228 Rev. 0.5 Register 15.8. AES0_HWKEY3: Hardware Key Word 3 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWKEY3[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWKEY3[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWKEY3 = 0x4002_7070 Table 15.8. AES0_HWKEY3 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWKEY3 Function Hardware Key Word 3. This register contains word 3 of the keystore. If the KEYCPEN bit is set to 1, the new key will be accessible using these registers after the old key is overwritten. Rev. 0.5 229 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Register 15.9. AES0_HWKEY4: Hardware Key Word 4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWKEY4[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWKEY4[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWKEY4 = 0x4002_7080 Table 15.9. AES0_HWKEY4 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWKEY4 Function Hardware Key Word 4. This register contains word 4 of the keystore. If the KEYCPEN bit is set to 1, the new key will be accessible using these registers after the old key is overwritten. 230 Rev. 0.5 Register 15.10. AES0_HWKEY5: Hardware Key Word 5 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWKEY5[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWKEY5[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWKEY5 = 0x4002_7090 Table 15.10. AES0_HWKEY5 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWKEY5 Function Hardware Key Word 5. This register contains word 5 of the keystore. If the KEYCPEN bit is set to 1, the new key will be accessible using these registers after the old key is overwritten. Rev. 0.5 231 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Register 15.11. AES0_HWKEY6: Hardware Key Word 6 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWKEY6[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWKEY6[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWKEY6 = 0x4002_70A0 Table 15.11. AES0_HWKEY6 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWKEY6 Function Hardware Key Word 6. This register contains word 6 of the keystore. If the KEYCPEN bit is set to 1, the new key will be accessible using these registers after the old key is overwritten. 232 Rev. 0.5 Register 15.12. AES0_HWKEY7: Hardware Key Word 7 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWKEY7[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWKEY7[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWKEY7 = 0x4002_70B0 Table 15.12. AES0_HWKEY7 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWKEY7 Function Hardware Key Word 7. This register contains word 7 of the keystore. If the KEYCPEN bit is set to 1, the new key will be accessible using these registers after the old key is overwritten. Rev. 0.5 233 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Register 15.13. AES0_HWCTR0: Hardware Counter Word 0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWCTR0[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWCTR0[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWCTR0 = 0x4002_70C0 Table 15.13. AES0_HWCTR0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWCTR0 Function Hardware Counter Word 0. This register contains word 0 of the 128-bit hardware counter. These registers are little endian, and HWCTR0 holds the least-significant word of the counter. When the HCTREN bit is set to 1, this register should be written with the initial counter value to seed the encryption or decryption process for a block of operations. Reading this register always reflects the current value of the hardware counter. Firmware should not modify the contents of this register when using hardware CBC mode (HCBCEN = 1). 234 Rev. 0.5 Register 15.14. AES0_HWCTR1: Hardware Counter Word 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWCTR1[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWCTR1[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWCTR1 = 0x4002_70D0 Table 15.14. AES0_HWCTR1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWCTR1 Function Hardware Counter Word 1. This register contains word 1 of the 128-bit hardware counter. These registers are little endian. When the HCTREN bit is set to 1, this register should be written with the initial counter value to seed the encryption or decryption process for a block of operations. Reading this register always reflects the current value of the hardware counter. Firmware should not modify the contents of this register when using hardware CBC mode (HCBCEN = 1). Rev. 0.5 235 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Register 15.15. AES0_HWCTR2: Hardware Counter Word 2 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWCTR2[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWCTR2[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWCTR2 = 0x4002_70E0 Table 15.15. AES0_HWCTR2 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWCTR2 Function Hardware Counter Word 2. This register contains word 2 of the 128-bit hardware counter. These registers are little endian. When the HCTREN bit is set to 1, this register should be written with the initial counter value to seed the encryption or decryption process for a block of operations. Reading this register always reflects the current value of the hardware counter. Firmware should not modify the contents of this register when using hardware CBC mode (HCBCEN = 1). 236 Rev. 0.5 Register 15.16. AES0_HWCTR3: Hardware Counter Word 3 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name HWCTR3[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name HWCTR3[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_HWCTR3 = 0x4002_70F0 Table 15.16. AES0_HWCTR3 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 HWCTR3 Function Hardware Counter Word 3. This register contains word 3 of the 128-bit hardware counter. These registers are little endian. When the HCTREN bit is set to 1, this register should be written with the initial counter value to seed the encryption or decryption process for a block of operations. Reading this register always reflects the current value of the hardware counter. Firmware should not modify the contents of this register when using hardware CBC mode (HCBCEN = 1). Rev. 0.5 237 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx 30 29 28 Name DORI 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Type RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 Reserved BUSYF 31 DURI Bit XORI Register 15.17. AES0_STATUS: Module Status OCI Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Reserved RW R R R Name Reserved XFIFOLVL Reserved DFIFOLVL Type R R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address AES0_STATUS = 0x4002_7100 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 15.17. AES0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 OCI Function Operation Complete Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when the current AES operation is complete. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 30 XORI XOR Data FIFO Overrun Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when an XOR data FIFO overrun occurs. This flag must be cleared by firmware. 29 DORI Input/Output Data FIFO Overrun Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when an input/output data FIFO overrun occurs. This flag must be cleared by firmware. 28 DURI Input/Output Data FIFO Underrun Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when an input/output data FIFO underrun occurs. This flag must be cleared by firmware. 27:25 Reserved 24 BUSYF Must write reset value. Module Busy Flag. 0: AES module is not busy. 1: AES module is completing an operation. 23:13 Reserved Must write reset value. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 238 Rev. 0.5 Table 15.17. AES0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 12:8 XFIFOLVL Function XOR Data FIFO Level. 00000: XOR data FIFO is empty. 00001: XOR data FIFO contains 1 byte. 00010: XOR data FIFO contains 2 bytes. 00011: XOR data FIFO contains 3 bytes. 00100: XOR data FIFO contains 4 bytes. 00101: XOR data FIFO contains 5 bytes. 00110: XOR data FIFO contains 6 bytes. 00111: XOR data FIFO contains 7 bytes. 01000: XOR data FIFO contains 8 bytes. 01001: XOR data FIFO contains 9 bytes. 01010: XOR data FIFO contains 10 bytes. 01011: XOR data FIFO contains 11 bytes. 01100: XOR data FIFO contains 12 bytes. 01101: XOR data FIFO contains 13 bytes. 01110: XOR data FIFO contains 14 bytes. 01111: XOR data FIFO contains 15 bytes. 10000: XOR data FIFO contains 16 bytes (full). 10001-11111: Reserved. 7:5 Reserved Must write reset value. 4:0 DFIFOLVL Input/Output Data FIFO Level. 00000: Input/Output data FIFO is empty. 00001: Input/Output data FIFO contains 1 byte. 00010: Input/Output data FIFO contains 2 bytes. 00011: Input/Output data FIFO contains 3 bytes. 00100: Input/Output data FIFO contains 4 bytes. 00101: Input/Output data FIFO contains 5 bytes. 00110: Input/Output data FIFO contains 6 bytes. 00111: Input/Output data FIFO contains 7 bytes. 01000: Input/Output data FIFO contains 8 bytes. 01001: Input/Output data FIFO contains 9 bytes. 01010: Input/Output data FIFO contains 10 bytes. 01011: Input/Output data FIFO contains 11 bytes. 01100: Input/Output data FIFO contains 12 bytes. 01101: Input/Output data FIFO contains 13 bytes. 01110: Input/Output data FIFO contains 14 bytes. 01111: Input/Output data FIFO contains 15 bytes. 10000: Input/Output data FIFO contains 16 bytes (full). 10001-11111: Reserved. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 239 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx 15.12. AES0 Register Memory Map Table 15.18. AES0 Memory Map AES0_HWKEY0 AES0_XORFIFO AES0_DATAFIFO AES0_XFRSIZE AES0_CONTROL Register Name 0x4002_7040 0x4002_7030 0x4002_7020 ALL Address 0x4002_7010 0x4002_7000 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 RESET Bit 30 DBGMD Bit 29 Bit 28 Reserved Bit 27 Bit 26 OCIEN Bit 25 ERRIEN Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Reserved Bit 21 Reserved Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 KEYSIZE Bit 16 HWKEY0 XORFIFO DATAFIFO Bit 15 Reserved Bit 14 HCBCEN Bit 13 HCTREN Bit 12 Bit 11 XOREN Bit 10 BEN Bit 9 SWMDEN Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 XFRSIZE Reserved Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 EDMD Bit 2 KEYCPEN Bit 1 XFRSTA Bit 0 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 240 Rev. 0.5 AES0_HWKEY5 AES0_HWKEY4 AES0_HWKEY3 AES0_HWKEY2 AES0_HWKEY1 Register Name 0x4002_7090 0x4002_7080 0x4002_7070 0x4002_7060 0x4002_7050 ALL Address ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 HWKEY5 HWKEY4 HWKEY3 HWKEY2 HWKEY1 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 15.18. AES0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 241 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Table 15.18. AES0 Memory Map AES0_HWCTR2 AES0_HWCTR1 AES0_HWCTR0 AES0_HWKEY7 AES0_HWKEY6 Register Name 0x4002_70E0 0x4002_70D0 0x4002_70C0 0x4002_70B0 0x4002_70A0 ALL Address ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 HWCTR2 HWCTR1 HWCTR0 HWKEY7 HWKEY6 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 242 Rev. 0.5 AES0_STATUS AES0_HWCTR3 Register Name 0x4002_7100 0x4002_70F0 ALL Address ALL | SET | CLR ALL Access Methods OCI Bit 31 XORI Bit 30 DORI Bit 29 DURI Bit 28 Bit 27 Reserved Bit 26 Bit 25 BUSYF Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Reserved Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 HWCTR3 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 XFIFOLVL Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Reserved Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 DFIFOLVL Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 15.18. AES0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 243 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES0) SiM3L1xx Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx 16. Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) This section describes the Comparator (CMP) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 16.1. Comparator Features The comparator takes two analog input voltages and outputs the relationship between these voltages (less than or greater than). The comparator module includes the following features: Multiple sources for the positive and negative inputs, including VBAT, VREF, and up to 8 I/O pins. outputs are available: a digital synchronous latched output and a digital asynchronous raw output. Programmable hysteresis and response time. Falling or rising edge interrupt options on the comparator output. Internal programmable reference DAC. Two CMP Module CMPnP.0 CMPnP.1 CMPnP.2 Programmable Hysteresis CMPnP.3 CMPnP.x Inversion Control Internal DAC CMPn- CMPnN.0 CMPnN.1 D Q Q CMPnN.2 CMPnN.3 Programmable Response Time CMPnN.x VSS Figure 16.1. Comparator Block Diagram 244 CMPn_A CMPn+ Rev. 0.5 CMPn_S 16.2. Input Multiplexer When enabled (CMPEN = 1), the comparator performs an analog comparison of the voltage levels at its positive (CMPn+) and negative (CMPn–) inputs. The CMPn+ and CMPn– inputs connect to select internal supplies or external port pins through analog input multiplexers, configured by the positive analog input mux select (PMUX) and negative analog input mux select (NMUX) fields in the MODE register. Any port bank pins selected as comparator inputs should be configured as analog inputs, as described in the port configuration section. The CMP0 and CMP1 input channels vary between different package options, and are shown in table Table 16.1 and Table 16.2. Note that for some selections, other device circuitry must be enabled. The CMPn+ and CMPn– inputs have weak internal pull-ups that may be enabled by setting the positive input weak pullup enable (PWPUEN) and negative input weak pullup enable (NWPUEN) bits. Table 16.1. CMP0 Input Channels CMP0 Input CMP0 Input Description SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name CMP0P.0 External Positive Input PB0.0 PB0.0 PB0.0 CMP0P.1 External Positive Input PB0.4 PB0.3 PB0.3 CMP0P.2 External Positive Input PB1.0 PB1.0 Reserved CMP0P.3 External Positive Input PB1.8 PB1.7 Reserved CMP0P.4 External Positive Input PB2.0 PB2.0 PB2.0 CMP0P.5 External Positive Input PB2.4 PB2.4 PB2.4 CMP0P.6 External Positive Input PB3.4 PB3.2 Reserved CMP0P.7 External Positive Input PB3.8 PB3.4 Reserved CMP0P.8 Internal Positive Input VREF Pin CMP0P.9 Internal Positive Input Reserved CMP0P.10 Internal Positive Input Temperature Sensor Output CMP0P.11 Internal Positive Input Low Power Charge Pump Output CMP0P.12 Internal Positive Input Digital LDO Output CMP0P.13 Internal Positive Input Memory LDO Output CMP0P.14 Internal Positive Input Analog LDO Output CMP0N.0 External Negative Input PB0.1 PB0.1 PB0.1 CMP0N.1 External Negative Input PB0.9 PB0.8 PB0.2 CMP0N.2 External Negative Input PB1.1 PB1.1 Reserved Rev. 0.5 245 Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Table 16.1. CMP0 Input Channels (Continued) CMP0 Input CMP0 Input Description SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name CMP0N.3 External Negative Input PB1.9 PB1.8 Reserved CMP0N.4 External Negative Input PB2.1 Reserved PB2.1 CMP0N.5 External Negative Input PB2.5 PB2.5 PB2.5 CMP0N.6 External Negative Input PB3.5 PB3.3 Reserved CMP0N.7 External Negative Input PB3.9 PB3.5 PB3.0 CMP0N.8 Internal Negative Input VREF Pin CMP0N.9 Internal Negative Input VBAT CMP0N.10 Internal Negative Input VDC CMP0N.11 Internal Negative Input Digital LDO Output CMP0N.12 Internal Negative Input Memory LDO Output CMP0N.13 Internal Negative Input Analog LDO Output CMP0N.14 Internal Negative Input VIO Table 16.2. CMP1 Input Channels 246 CMP1 Input CMP1 Input Description SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name CMP1P.0 External Positive Input PB0.2 PB0.1 PB0.1 CMP1P.1 External Positive Input PB0.10 PB0.9 Reserved CMP1P.2 External Positive Input PB1.2 PB1.2 PB0.7 CMP1P.3 External Positive Input PB1.10 PB1.9 Reserved CMP1P.4 External Positive Input Reserved Reserved PB2.2 CMP1P.5 External Positive Input PB2.6 PB2.6 PB2.6 CMP1P.6 External Positive Input PB3.6 Reserved Reserved CMP1P.7 External Positive Input PB3.10 PB3.6 PB3.1 CMP1P.8 Internal Positive Input VREF Pin Rev. 0.5 Table 16.2. CMP1 Input Channels (Continued) CMP1 Input CMP1 Input Description CMP1P.9 Internal Positive Input Reserved CMP1P.10 Internal Positive Input Temperature Sensor Output CMP1P.11 Internal Positive Input Low Power Charge Pump Output CMP1P.12 Internal Positive Input Digital LDO Output CMP1P.13 Internal Positive Input Memory LDO Output CMP1P.14 Internal Positive Input Analog LDO Output CMP1N.0 External Negative Input PB0.3 PB0.2 PB0.2 CMP1N.1 External Negative Input PB0.11 Reserved Reserved CMP1N.2 External Negative Input PB1.3 PB1.3 PB0.8 CMP1N.3 External Negative Input PB1.11 PB1.10 Reserved CMP1N.4 External Negative Input Reserved Reserved PB2.3 CMP1N.5 External Negative Input PB2.7 PB2.7 PB2.7 CMP1N.6 External Negative Input PB3.7 Reserved Reserved CMP1N.7 External Negative Input PB3.11 PB3.7 PB3.2 CMP1N.8 Internal Negative Input VREF Pin CMP1N.9 Internal Negative Input VBAT CMP1N.10 Internal Negative Input VDC CMP1N.11 Internal Negative Input Digital LDO Output CMP1N.12 Internal Negative Input Memory LDO Output CMP1N.13 Internal Negative Input Analog LDO Output CMP1N.14 Internal Negative Input VIO SiM3L1x7 Pin Name Rev. 0.5 SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name 247 Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx 16.3. Output Signal Routing The comparators provide both synchronous (CMPn_S) and asynchronous (CMPn_A) output signals. The synchronous output (CMPn_S) is synchronized with the APB clock and may be polled by firmware or used as an interrupt source. The asynchronous comparator output (CMPn_A) is not synchronized with the APB clock and is used by low power mode wake-up logic and reset decision logic. Both comparator output signals may be routed to external port pins using Crossbar 0. See the port I/O crossbar section for more details on routing these signals externally. 16.4. Overview The comparator offers programmable response time and hysteresis, an analog input multiplexer, and two outputs that are optionally available at the port bank pins: a digital synchronous latched output (CMPn_S) and a digital asynchronous raw output (CMPn_A). The asynchronous CMPn_A signal is available even when the system clock is not active, allowing the comparator to operate and generate an output when the device is in some low power modes. The comparator also features an internal DAC that may be used to create a firmware-programmable threshold voltage. The comparator DAC output level (DACLVL) field configures the DAC output voltage, and the input mux select (INMUX) field enables the DAC output to the input of the comparator. 16.5. Input Mode Selection The CMPm module offers several different input modes shown in Table 16.3, configurable via the input mux select (INMUX) field. Table 16.3. Comparator Input Modes INMUX Value Input to CMPn+ Input to CMPn- 0 positive analog input mux output negative analog input mux output 1 positive analog input mux output VSS 2 DAC output with positive analog input mux connected to internal DAC reference negative analog input mux output 3 positive analog input mux output DAC output with negative analog input mux connected to internal DAC reference Figure 16.2, Figure 16.3, Figure 16.4, and Figure 16.5 illustrate each of these configurations. 248 Rev. 0.5 PMUX CMPnP.0 CMPnP.1 CMPnP.2 CMPnP.3 CMPnP.x CMPn+ NMUX CMPnN.0 CMPn- CMPnN.1 CMPnN.2 CMPnN.3 CMPnN.x Figure 16.2. Comparator Input Mode 0 (INMUX = 0) PMUX CMPnP.0 CMPnP.1 CMPnP.2 CMPnP.3 CMPn+ CMPnP.x CMPnVSS Figure 16.3. Comparator Input Mode 1 (INMUX = 1) Rev. 0.5 249 Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx PMUX CMPnP.0 CMPnP.1 CMPnP.2 CMPnP.3 Reference CMPnP.x DACLVL CMPn+ Internal DAC NMUX CMPn- CMPnN.0 CMPnN.1 CMPnN.2 CMPnN.3 CMPnN.x Figure 16.4. Comparator Input Mode 2 (INMUX = 2) PMUX CMPnP.0 CMPnP.1 CMPnP.2 CMPnP.3 CMPnP.x CMPn+ NMUX CMPnN.0 Reference DACLVL CMPnInternal DAC CMPnN.1 CMPnN.2 CMPnN.3 CMPnN.x Figure 16.5. Comparator Input Mode 3 (INMUX = 3) 250 Rev. 0.5 16.6. Output Configuration When enabled (CMPEN = 1) and non-inverted (INVEN = 0), the comparator will output a 1 if the voltage at the positive input (CMPn+) is higher than the voltage at the negative input (CMPn–). Firmware can set the INVEN bit to 1 to invert the comparator output polarity. INVEN = 0 CMPnCMPn+ CMPn_S INVEN = 1 CMPnCMPn+ CMPn_S Figure 16.6. Output Configurations When the module is disabled (CMPEN = 0), the comparator will output a static 0 (INVEN = 0) or 1 (INVEN = 1). Rev. 0.5 251 Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx 16.7. Response Time The comparator response time may be configured in firmware using the CMPMD field. There are four settings available, from Mode 0 (fastest response time and highest power) to Mode 3 (slowest response time and lowest power). For lower power applications, selecting a slower response time reduces the module’s active supply current. The comparator rising edge and falling edge response times are typically not equal. The device data sheet contains comparator timing and supply current specifications. 16.8. Hysteresis The comparator module features programmable hysteresis that can be used to stabilize the comparator output when a transition occurs on the input. The comparator output will not transition until the voltage on the comparator CMPn+ input exceeds the threshold voltage on the CMPn– input by the amount programmed in the positive hysteresis control (CMPHYP) field. Similarly, the comparator output will not transition until the voltage on the comparator CMPn+ input falls below the threshold voltage on the CMPn– input by the amount programmed in the negative hysteresis control (CMPHYN) field. Figure 16.7 illustrates the programmable comparator hysteresis. Positive programmable hysteresis (CMPHYP) CMPnCMPn+ Negative programmable hysteresis (CMPHYN) CMPn_S Figure 16.7. Comparator Hysteresis Both the positive and negative hysteresis control fields may be configured for 5, 10, or 20 mV hysteresis. Firmware can disable positive or negative hysteresis by clearing CMPHYP or CMPHYN to 0. 16.9. Interrupts and Flags The rising-edge (CMPRI) and falling-edge (CMPFI) interrupt flags allow firmware to determine whether the comparator had a rising-edge or falling-edge output transition. The rising-edge interrupt enable (RIEN) and fallingedge interrupt enable (FIEN) bits can enable these flags as an interrupt source. The module hardware sets the CMPRI and CMPFI flags when a corresponding rising or falling edge is detected, regardless of the interrupt enable state. Once set, these flags remain set until cleared by firmware. The comparator may detect false rising and falling edges during power-on or after changes are made to the hysteresis or response time control bits. Firmware should explicitly clear the rising-edge and falling-edge flags to 0 a short time after enabling the comparator or changing the mode bits. 252 Rev. 0.5 16.10. CMP0 and CMP1 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for CMP0 and CMP1 registers. Bit 31 30 Name CMPEN CMPOUT Reserved Type RW R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Name Reserved CMPRI CMPFI Register 16.1. CMPn_CONTROL: Module Control 29 28 Reserved Type R RW RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 27 0 26 0 25 24 0 0 23 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses CMP0_CONTROL = 0x4001_F000 CMP1_CONTROL = 0x4002_0000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 16.4. CMPn_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 CMPEN Function Comparator Enable. 0: Disable the comparator. 1: Enable the comparator. 30 CMPOUT Output State. This bit indicates the logic level of the comparator output. When INVEN is set, it directly inverts the meaning of this bit. 0: Voltage on CMP+ < CMP- (INVEN = 0). 1: Voltage on CMP+ > CMP- (INVEN = 0). 29:15 Reserved 14 CMPRI Must write reset value. Rising Edge Interrupt Flag. 0: No comparator rising edge has occurred since this flag was last cleared. 1: A comparator rising edge occurred since last flag was cleared. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 253 Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Table 16.4. CMPn_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 13 CMPFI Function Falling Edge Interrupt Flag. 0: No comparator falling edge has occurred since this flag was last cleared. 1: A comparator falling edge occurred since last flag was cleared. 12:0 Reserved Must write reset value. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 254 Rev. 0.5 30 29 Name INVEN Reserved Type RW RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Name RIEN FIEN Reserved 24 23 22 CMPHYP CMPHYN NWPUEN 31 Reserved 28 PWPUEN Bit Reserved Register 16.2. CMPn_MODE: Input and Module Mode 27 DACLVL RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 CMPMD INMUX PMUX NMUX Type R RW RW R RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 1 26 0 25 0 0 0 21 0 0 20 0 19 0 18 17 16 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses CMP0_MODE = 0x4001_F010 CMP1_MODE = 0x4002_0010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 16.5. CMPn_MODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 Reserved 30 INVEN Function Must write reset value. Invert Comparator Output Enable. 0: Do not invert the comparator output. 1: Invert the comparator output. 29:28 Reserved Must write reset value. 27:26 CMPHYP Positive Hysteresis Control. 00: Disable positive hysteresis. 01: Set positive hysteresis to 5 mV. 10: Set positive hysteresis to 10 mV. 11: Set positive hysteresis to 20 mV. 25:24 CMPHYN Negative Hysteresis Control. 00: Disable negative hysteresis. 01: Set negative hysteresis to 5 mV. 10: Set negative hysteresis to 10 mV. 11: Set negative hysteresis to 20 mV. 23 PWPUEN Positive Input Weak Pullup Enable. 0: Disable the positive input weak pull up. 1: Enable the positive input weak pull up. Rev. 0.5 255 Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Table 16.5. CMPn_MODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 22 NWPUEN Function Negative Input Weak Pullup Enable. 0: Disable the negative input weak pull up. 1: Enable the negative input weak pull up. 21:16 DACLVL Comparator DAC Output Level. These bits control the comparator reference DAC's output voltage. The voltage is given by: DACLVL DAC Output = VREF ----------------------- 64 where VREF is the positive or negative comparator mux selection, as defined by INMUX. 15 Reserved 14 RIEN Must write reset value. Rising Edge Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the comparator rising edge interrupt. 1: Enable the comparator rising edge interrupt. 13 FIEN Falling Edge Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the comparator falling edge interrupt. 1: Enable the comparator falling edge interrupt. 12 Reserved Must write reset value. 11:10 CMPMD Comparator Mode. 00: Mode 0 (fastest response time, highest power consumption). 01: Mode 1. 10: Mode 2. 11: Mode 3 (slowest response time, lowest power consumption). 9:8 INMUX Input MUX Select. 00: Connects the NMUX signal to CMP- and the PMUX signal to CMP+. 01: Connects VSS to CMP- and the PMUX signal to CMP+. 10: Connects the NMUX signal to CMP-, the PMUX signal to the Comparator DAC voltage reference, and the DAC output to CMP+. 11: Connects the PMUX signal to CMP+, the NMUX signal to the Comparator DAC voltage reference, and the DAC output to CMP-. 256 Rev. 0.5 Table 16.5. CMPn_MODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 7:4 PMUX Function Positive Input Select. 0000: Select CMPnP.0. 0001: Select CMPnP.1. 0010: Select CMPnP.2. 0011: Select CMPnP.3. 0100: Select CMPnP.4. 0101: Select CMPnP.5. 0110: Select CMPnP.6. 0111: Select CMPnP.7. 1000: Select CMPnP.8. 1001: Select CMPnP.9. 1010: Select CMPnP.10. 1011: Select CMPnP.11. 1100: Select CMPnP.12. 1101: Select CMPnP.13. 1110: Select CMPnP.14. 1111: Select CMPnP.15. 3:0 NMUX Negative Input Select. 0000: Select CMPnN.0. 0001: Select CMPnN.1. 0010: Select CMPnN.2. 0011: Select CMPnN.3. 0100: Select CMPnN.4. 0101: Select CMPnN.5. 0110: Select CMPnN.6. 0111: Select CMPnN.7. 1000: Select CMPnN.8. 1001: Select CMPnN.9. 1010: Select CMPnN.10. 1011: Select CMPnN.11. 1100: Select CMPnN.12. 1101: Select CMPnN.13. 1110: Select CMPnN.14. 1111: Select CMPnN.15. Rev. 0.5 257 Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx 16.11. CMPn Register Memory Map Table 16.6. CMPn Memory Map CMPn_MODE CMPn_CONTROL Register Name ALL Offset 0x10 0x0 ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Reserved Bit 31 CMPEN INVEN Bit 30 CMPOUT Bit 29 Reserved Bit 28 Bit 27 CMPHYP Bit 26 Bit 25 CMPHYN Bit 24 PWPUEN Bit 23 Reserved NWPUEN Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 DACLVL Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Reserved Bit 15 RIEN CMPRI Bit 14 FIEN CMPFI Bit 13 Reserved Bit 12 Bit 11 CMPMD Bit 10 Bit 9 INMUX Bit 8 Bit 7 Reserved Bit 6 PMUX Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 NMUX Bit 1 Bit 0 Comparator (CMP0 and CMP1) SiM3L1xx Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: CMP0 = 0x4001_F000, CMP1 = 0x4002_0000 258 Rev. 0.5 17. DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) This section describes the DMA Controller (DMACTRL) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 17.1. DMA Controller Features The DMA Controller module includes the following features: Utilizes ARM PrimeCell uDMA architecture. 10 channels. DMA crossbar supports direct peripheral data requests and maps peripherals to each channel. Supports primary, alternate, and scatter-gather channel transfer structures to implement various types of transfers. Access allowed to all APB and AHB memory space. The DMA facilitates autonomous peripheral operation, allowing the core to finish tasks more quickly without spending time polling or waiting for peripherals to interrupt. This helps reduce the overall power consumption of the system, as the device can spend more time in low-power modes. Implements DMAXBAR Module Peripheral 0.0 SiM3xxxx RAM DMACTRL Module Channel Control Channel Status DMA Channel 0 (DMAn_CH0) Source Pointer Destination Pointer Configuration DMA Channel 1 (DMAn_CH1) Source Pointer Destination Pointer Configuration Peripheral 0.2 Peripheral 0.3 Peripheral 0.x Peripheral 1.0 Peripheral 1.1 Peripheral 1.2 Channel Software Transfer Request Peripheral 1.3 Global Controller State and Enable DMA Channel n (DMAn_CHx) Arbitration Peripheral 0.1 Source Pointer Destination Pointer Configuration Peripheral 1.y Peripheral n.0 Peripheral n.1 Peripheral n.2 Peripheral n.3 Peripheral n.z Figure 17.1. DMACTRL and DMACH Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 259 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx 17.2. Overview The DMA controller provides a single access point for all 16 DMA channels and the global DMA controls. The controller is also responsible for handling arbitration between channels. Each channel has separate enables, alternate enables, masks, software requests, programmable priority, and status flags. The channels operate independently, but have a fixed arbitration order. The channels have controls and flags in the DMACTRL registers. In addition, each channel has several transfer structures stored in memory that describe the data transfer in detail. Each channel can have a primary, alternate, or scatter-gather structures. The BASEPTR and ABASEPTR registers point to the starting address of these structures in memory. Firmware sets the BASEPTR field, and the controller hardware automatically sets the ABASEPTR field based on the number of channels implemented in the module. The NUMCHAN field in the STATUS register reports the number of channels implemented on a device. The STATE field reports the current status of the DMA controller, and the DMAENS bit indicates whether the global DMA enable is set. 17.3. Interrupts Each DMA channel has a separate interrupt vector, and a channel will generate an interrupt at the end of the current transfer. Firmware can enable or disable the interrupts in the NVIC. 17.4. Configuring a DMA Channel To configure a DMA channel for a data transfer: 1. Enable the DMA module (DMAEN = 1). 2. Set the address location of the channel transfer structures (BASEPTR). 3. Create the primary and any alternate or scatter-gather data structures in memory for the desired transfer. 4. Enable the DMA channel using the CHENSET register. 5. Submit a request to start the transfer. For software-initiated transfers, a request starts by setting the channel’s software request in the CHSWRCN register. It is recommended that firmware set the channel request mask (CHREQMSET) for channels using software-initiated transfers to avoid any peripherals connected to the channel from requesting DMA transfers. For peripheral transfers, firmware should configure the peripheral for the DMA transfer and set the device’s DMA crossbar (DMAXBAR) to map a DMA channel to the peripheral. The peripheral will request data as needed. The channel request mask (CHREQMCLR) must be cleared for the channel to use peripheral transfers. The CHALTSET register can set a DMA channel to use the alternate structure instead of the primary structure. Firmware can use the CHALTCLR register to set the channel back to the primary structure. The controller automatically updates the CHALTSET fields to indicate which structure is in use during transfers that use the alternate structure (ping-pong and scatter-gather). 260 Rev. 0.5 17.5. DMA Channel Transfer Structures Each channel has transfer structures stored in memory that describe the data transfer in detail. Each structure is composed of four 32-bit words in memory organized as follows: 1. Source End Pointer (word 1): The address of the last source data in the transfer. 2. Destination End Pointer (word 2): The last destination address of the transfer. 3. Channel Configuration (word 3): Configuration details for the transfer. 4. Alignment padding (word 4): Not used by the DMA controller. Firmware my use this word for any purpose. Each channel can have a primary, alternate, and scatter-gather structures. The primary and alternate structures are organized in contiguous blocks in memory for each of the channels. The spacing for these structures is fixed, so any unused channels must still be accounted for when placing structures in memory. In addition to the fixed structure, the base address (BASEPTR) supports between 22- and 27-bit addresses, depending on the number of channels implemented. The primary structures must be placed at the start of an address block sized for both the primary and alternate structures. Table 17.1 shows the valid base pointer addresses for each range of implemented channels. The scatter-gather structures are more flexible and can appear anywhere in memory. Table 17.1. Valid Base Pointer Addresses Number of Channels Implemented Base Pointer Size (BASEPTR) Valid Primary Channel Transfer Structure Addresses Required Number of Bytes (Primary and Alternate) 1 27 bits [31:5] multiples of 16 (0x00000010) 32 2 26 bits [31:6] multiples of 32 (0x00000020) 64 3-4 25 bits [31:7] multiples of 64 (0x00000040) 128 5-8 24 bits [31:8] multiples of 128 (0x00000080) 256 9-16 23 bits [31:9] multiples of 256 (0x00000100) 512 17-32 22 bits [31:10] multiples of 512 (0x00000200) 1024 Channel 0’s primary structure begins at address offset 0x0000, Channel 1’s primary structure starts at offset 0x0010, and so on. The alternate structures begin after the last primary structure location for the number of implemented channels, regardless of whether or not the channels are in use. Firmware originally sets the channel configuration descriptor; the DMA controller will modify this word as the transfer progresses, so firmware should not access this descriptor until any active transfers for the channel complete. Figure 17.2 shows the fixed memory configuration for the structures. Rev. 0.5 261 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Address Space (RAM) CONFIG DSTEND Channel 0 SG 2 SRCEND CONFIG DSTEND (Optional) Scatter-Gather Structures Channel 0 SG 1 SRCEND CONFIG DSTEND Channel x SRCEND Alternate Structures CONFIG DSTEND Channel 1 SRCEND CONFIG DSTEND ABASEPTR Channel 0 SRCEND CONFIG DSTEND Channel x SRCEND Primary Structures CONFIG DSTEND Channel 1 SRCEND CONFIG DSTEND BASEPTR Channel 0 SRCEND Figure 17.2. Channel Transfer Structure Memory Configuration 262 Rev. 0.5 17.5.1. Channel Transfer Structure Descriptors Table 17.2, Table 17.3, Table 17.4 describe the source end pointer, destination pointer, and configuration descriptors for the primary, alternate, and scatter-gather DMA channel structures. Table 17.2. DMA0_CHx_SRCEND: Source End Pointer Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Name Bit 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SRCEND[31:16] 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Name 7 SRCEND[15:0] Address in Channel Transfer Structure: 0x0000 Bit Name 31:0 SRCEND Function Source End Pointer. This field is the address of the last source data in the DMA transfer. Table 17.3. DMA0_CHx_DSTEND: Destination End Pointer Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 Name Bit 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DSTEND[31:16] 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Name 8 7 DSTEND[15:0] Address in Channel Transfer Structure: 0x0004 Bit Name 31:0 DSTEND Function Destination End Pointer. This field is the last destination address of the DMA transfer. Rev. 0.5 263 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.4. DMA0_CHx_CONFIG: Channel Configuration 15 27 14 13 26 25 12 11 23 22 SRCSIZE 24 10 9 21 20 19 18 17 3 2 1 Reserved 8 7 6 5 4 NCOUNT 16 RPOWER[3:2] 28 Reserved Name 29 DSTSIZE Name Bit 30 SRCAIMD 31 DSTAIMD Bit RPOWER[1:0] DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx 0 TMD Address in Channel Transfer Structure: 0x0008 Bit Name 31:30 DSTAIMD Function Destination Address Increment Mode. This field must be set to a value that's equal to or greater than the DSTSIZE setting. 00: The destination address increments by one byte after each data transfer. 01: The destination address increments by one half-word after each data transfer. 10: The destination address increments by one word after each data transfer. 11: The destination address does not increment. 29:28 DSTSIZE Destination Data Size Select. The destination size (DSTSIZE) must equal the source size (SRCSIZE). 00: Each DMA destination data transfer writes a byte. 01: Each DMA destination data transfer writes a half-word. 10: Each DMA destination data transfer writes a word. 11: Reserved. 27:26 SRCAIMD Source Address Increment Mode. This field must be set to a value that's equal to or greater than the SRCSIZE setting. 00: The source address increments by one byte after each data transfer. 01: The source address increments by one half-word after each data transfer. 10: The source address increments by one word after each data transfer. 11: The source address does not increment. 25:24 SRCSIZE Source Data Size Select. The destination size (DSTSIZE) must equal the source size (SRCSIZE). 00: Each DMA source data transfer reads a byte. 01: Each DMA source data transfer reads a half-word. 10: Each DMA source data transfer reads a word. 11: Reserved. 23:18 264 Reserved Must write 0 to this field. Rev. 0.5 Bit Name 17:14 RPOWER Function Transfer Size Select. This field determines the number of data transfers between each DMA channel re-arbitration. The number of data transfers is given by: Number of Transfers = 2 RPOWER This field is ignored for peripherals that support single data requests only. A value of 0 for RPOWER should be used for channels interfacing with these types of peripherals. 13:4 NCOUNT Transfer Total. This field is the total number of transfers for the DMA channel. The total number is NCOUNT + 1, so software requiring a total of 4 transfers would set the NCOUNT field to 3. The DMA controller decrements this field as transfers are made. 3 Reserved 2:0 TMD Must write 0 to this bit. Transfer Mode. 000: Stop the DMA channel. 001: Use the Basic transfer type (single structure only). 010: Use the Auto-Request transfer type (single structure only). 011: Use the Ping-Pong transfer type (primary and alternate structures). 100: Use the Memory Scatter-Gather Primary transfer type (primary, alternate, and scattered structures). 101: Use the Memory Scatter-Gather Alternate transfer type (primary, alternate, and scattered structures). 110: Use the Peripheral Scatter-Gather Primary transfer type (primary, alternate, and scattered structures). 111: Use the Peripheral Scatter-Gather Alternate transfer type (primary, alternate, and scattered structures). Rev. 0.5 265 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx 17.6. Transfer Types The DMA channels support five transfer types: basic, auto-request, ping-pong, memory scatter-gather, and peripheral scatter-gather. Table 17.5 shows the memory requirements for each transfer type. Table 17.5. Transfer Memory Requirements Transfer Type Transfer Structures Required Primary Alternate ScatterGather Memory (RAM) Required (bytes) 5-8 Channels Implemented 9-16 Channels 17-32 Channels Implemented Implemented Basic 128 256 512 Auto-Request 128 256 512 Ping-Pong 256 512 1024 Memory Scatter-Gather 256 + SG 512 + SG 1024 + SG Peripheral Scatter-Gather 256 + SG 512 + SG 1024 + SG 17.6.1. Basic Transfers The basic transfer type uses only one structure (primary or alternate). In this mode, the channel will make NCOUNT + 1 data moves in 2RPOWER bursts. Each data request moves one 2RPOWER set of data. The number of requests required for a transfer is: NCOUNT + 1Number of Requests = -----------------------------------RPOWER 2 Equation 17.1. Number of Requests for Basic Transfers Any data remaining can be transferred by firmware or use an extra DMA data request. After the final data transfer: 1. The DMA channel will write the primary structure TMD field with 0. 2. The primary structure NCOUNT field will contain 0. 3. The controller automatically disables the channel (the channel bit in CHENSET will read 0). Figure 17.3 illustrates the DMA memory structures for a basic transfer. This transfer type is recommended for peripheral to memory or memory to peripheral transfers. 266 Rev. 0.5 ABASEPTR Address Space (RAM) Primary Structures CONFIG DSTEND BASEPTR Channel 0 SRCEND Figure 17.3. Basic and Auto-Request Transfer Memory Configuration 17.6.2. Auto-Request Transfers Auto-request transfers use only one structure (primary or alternate). This transfer type only requires one data request to transfer all of the data. The controller will arbitrate as normal (every 2RPOWER transfers), and a channel interrupt will occur when the transfer completes. This transfer type is recommended for memory to memory transfers. After the final data transfer: 1. The DMA channel will write the primary structure TMD field with 0. 2. The primary structure NCOUNT field will contain 0. 3. The controller automatically disables the channel (the channel bit in CHENSET will read 0). The auto-request memory configuration is identical to the basic transfer shown in Figure 17.3. Rev. 0.5 267 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx 17.6.3. Ping-Pong Transfers Ping-pong transfers use both the primary and alternate channel structures. When the channel completes the transfer described by the first structure, it clears the TMD field in the original structure to 0 and toggles to point to the other structure. A channel interrupt will occur to allow firmware to update the completed transfer’s structure, as the ping-pong operation will stop without intervention. As with basic transfers, each 2RPOWER data moves require a new data request. The number of requests is given by Equation 17.1. Figure 17.4 shows an example where a channel’s primary structure has an RPOWER of 1 with an NCOUNT of 3 and the alternate structure has an RPOWER of 0 with an NCOUNT of 4. These structures are both configured to move words (DSTSIZE and SRCSIZE set to 2) in ping-pong mode (TMD = 3). Figure 17.5 illustrates the ping-pong memory configuration. alternate structure TMD set to 0, channel switches to primary primary structure TMD set to 0, channel switches to alternate data request data request DMA Channel 0 moves 2 words Idle data request moves 2 words Idle moves moves moves Idle 1 word 1 word 1 word DMA channel interrupt Firmware loads primary structure loads alternate structure idle or performing other tasks Primary Structure (RPOWER = 1, NCOUNT = 3) data request data request data request data request Idle idle or performing other tasks passes through ISR, data moves are done Primary Structure (RPOWER = 0, NCOUNT = 3) Alternate Structure (RPOWER = 0, NCOUNT = 4) Figure 17.4. Ping-Pong Transfer Example 268 moves moves 1 word 1 word DMA channel interrupt loads primary structure Rev. 0.5 primary structure TMD set to 0, all transfers stop until firmware configures a structure Idle DMA channel interrupt idle or performing other tasks passes through ISR, data moves are done Address Space (RAM) Alternate Structures CONFIG DSTEND ABASEPTR Channel 0 SRCEND Primary Structures CONFIG DSTEND BASEPTR Channel 0 SRCEND Figure 17.5. Ping-Pong Transfer Memory Configuration Rev. 0.5 269 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx 17.6.4. Memory Scatter-Gather Transfers The memory scatter-gather transfer uses primary, alternate, and scatter-gather structures. This transfer type allows a DMA channel to be set for multiple transfers at once without core intervention at the price of extra memory for the scatter-gather structures. The primary structure in this mode contains the number and location of the scatter-gather structures. The primary structure should be programmed as follows: 1. Memory scatter-gather primary mode (TMD = 4). 2. RPOWER = 2. 3. NCOUNT set to the value specified by Equation 17.2. 4. SRCEND is set to the location of the last word of all the scatter-gather structures. 5. DSTEND is set to the location of the last word in the single alternate structure. NCOUNT = Number of SG Structures 4 – 1 Equation 17.2. NCOUNT Value for Scatter-Gather Transfers The scatter-gather structures must be stacked contiguously in memory. The channel will copy the scatter-gather structures into the alternate structure location and execute them one by one. The scatter-gather structures should be programmed to memory scatter-gather alternate mode (TMD = 5), except for the last structure, which should use the basic or auto-request transfer types (TMD = 1 or 2). Once started, the DMA channel execution process is as follows: 1. Copy scatter-gather 1 (SG1) to the alternate structure. 2. Jump to the alternate structure and execute. 3. Jump back to the primary structure. 4. Copy scatter-gather 2 (SG2) to the alternate structure. 5. Jump to the alternate structure and execute. 6. Jump back to the primary structure. The channel will continue in this pattern until the channel encounters a scatter-gather structure set to a basic or auto-request transfer. Only one data request is required to execute all of the scattered transactions. The channel interrupt will occur once the last scatter-gather structure (programmed to a basic transfer) executes, if enabled. Arbitration occurs every 2RPOWER of the scatter-gather structures. Figure 17.6 shows the memory scatter-gather memory configuration. 270 Rev. 0.5 Address Space (RAM) CONFIG DSTEND Channel 0 SG 2 SRCEND CONFIG DSTEND (Optional) Scatter-Gather Structures Channel 0 SG 1 SRCEND Alternate Structures CONFIG DSTEND ABASEPTR Channel 0 SRCEND Primary Structures CONFIG DSTEND BASEPTR Channel 0 SRCEND Figure 17.6. Memory and Peripheral Scatter-Gather Transfer Memory Configuration Rev. 0.5 271 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx 17.6.5. Peripheral Scatter-Gather Transfers The peripheral scatter-gather transfer is very similar to the memory scatter-gather transfer and uses primary, alternate, and scatter-gather structures. This transfer type allows a DMA channel to be set for multiple transfers at once without core intervention at the price of extra memory for the scatter-gather structures. A data request is required for each 2RPOWER data move of the scatter-gather structure tasks. The RPOWER value can be different for each scatter-gather task. Equation 17.1 describes the total number of data requests required to complete a transfer. The primary structure in this mode contains the number and location of the scatter-gather structures. The primary structure should be programmed as follows: 1. Peripheral scatter-gather primary mode (TMD = 6). 2. RPOWER = 2. 3. NCOUNT set to the value specified by Equation 17.2. 4. SRCEND is set to the location of the last word of all the scatter-gather structures. 5. DSTEND is set to the location of the last word in the single alternate structure. The scatter-gather structures must be stacked contiguously in memory. The channel will copy the scatter-gather structures into the alternate structure location and execute them one by one. The scatter-gather structures should be programmed to peripheral scatter-gather alternate mode (TMD = 7), except for the last structure, which should use the basic or auto-request transfer types (TMD = 1 or 2). Once started, the DMA channel execution process is as follows: 1. Copy scatter-gather 1 (SG1) to the alternate structure. 2. Jump to the alternate structure and execute. 3. Jump back to the primary structure. 4. Copy scatter-gather 2 (SG2) to the alternate structure. 5. Jump to the alternate structure and execute. 6. Jump back to the primary structure. The channel will continue in this pattern until the channel encounters a scatter-gather structure set to a basic or auto-request transfer. The channel interrupt will occur once the last scatter-gather structure (programmed to a basic transfer) executes, if enabled. Figure 17.6 shows the peripheral scatter-gather memory configuration. 17.7. Masking Channels DMA channels can be temporarily disabled by setting the channel bit in CHREQMSET. Setting this bit to 1 causes the DMA channel to no longer respond to data requests from peripherals. The channel will always respond to software-initiated transfer requests, even if CHREQMSET is set for the channel. Firmware can write a 1 to the CHREQMCLR register to clear the mask for a channel. It is recommended that firmware set the channel request mask (CHREQMSET) for channels using softwareinitiated transfers to avoid any peripherals connected to the channel from requesting DMA transfers. 17.8. Errors The ERROR bit in the BERRCLR register indicates when a DMA bus error occurs. This bit may or may not generate an interrupt on a SiM3L1xx device. For devices that do not support DMA bus error interrupts, firmware should check this flag after a DMA transfer to determine if an error occurred. 272 Rev. 0.5 17.9. Arbitration The DMA controller is a master on the AHB bus. This allows the module to control data transfers without any interaction with the core. The channels are in a fixed priority order. Channel 0 has the highest priority, and the last implemented channel has the lowest priority. This fixed order can be superceded by using the programmable high priority setting (CHHPSET). At each re-arbitration period, the controller gives control of the bus to the highest priority channel with a pending data request. The RPOWER field in the channel transfer structures determines when the re-arbitration periods occur. The channel in control of the bus will make 2RPOWER data moves before the controller re-arbitrates. If the channel still has the highest priority, it can transfer again until the next re-arbitration period. The RPOWER field is only valid for peripherals that support burst requests. For peripherals that only support single requests, re-arbitration will occur after each single data move. Figure 17.7 shows an example controller arbitration with two channels active. Channel 0 has an RPOWER of 1 (2 data moves), and channel 1 has an RPOWER of 0 (1 data move). Both channels are set to move words (DSTSIZE and SRCSIZE set to 2). data request Channel 0 (RPOWER = 1) Idle moves 2 words Re-arbitration period Channel 0 has a pending request and highest priority Channel 1 (RPOWER = 0) Idle moves 2 words Idle Re-arbitration period Channel 0 has a pending request and highest priority moves 1 word data request Re-arbitration period Channel 1 has a pending request and highest priority data request moves 1 word Idle data request Re-arbitration period no pending data requests Idle moves 1 word Idle data request Figure 17.7. DMA Arbitration Example Rev. 0.5 273 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx 17.10. Data Requests Each DMA channel has two data requests: single and burst. Peripherals can support single requests, burst requests, or both. If configured to use a DMA channel, peripherals request data as needed using the appropriate request type. Table 17.6 lists the supported requests for the supported triggers and peripherals. The RPOWER field is only valid for peripherals that support burst requests. For peripherals that only support single requests, the RPOWER field is ignored and re-arbitration occurs after every single data move. Table 17.6. Supported Trigger or Peripheral Data Requests Peripheral Module Supported Request Types AES0 burst only EPCA0 burst only I2C0 single only ENCDEC0 single only DTM0, DTM1, DTM2 burst only IDAC0 single only SARADC0 burst only SPI0, SPI1 burst only TIMER0 overflow, TIMER1 overflow burst only USART0 single only External Trigger burst only Software Trigger burst only In addition to peripheral-initiated transfers, all of the supported DMA channels can select the rising or falling edges of the DMA external transfer start signal to initiate data transfers. When the selected edge occurs on the external signal, the DMA channels with the DMA0T0 or DMA0T1 signals selected in the DMAXBARx.CHANnSEL field will start the corresponding channel’s data transfer as defined by the DMA channel data structure in memory. The DMA module external trigger sources are routed to I/O pins using crossbar 0. 274 Rev. 0.5 17.11. DMACTRL0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for DMACTRL0 registers. Register 17.1. DMACTRL0_STATUS: Controller Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name Reserved NUMCHAN Type R R 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved STATE Reserved DMAENSTS Reset Type R R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_STATUS = 0x4003_6000 Table 17.7. DMACTRL0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:21 Reserved 20:16 NUMCHAN Function Must write reset value. Number of Supported DMA Channels. This value represents one less than the number of supported DMA channels on the device. For example, a value of 15 in this field means 16 channels are supported on the device. 15:8 Reserved Must write reset value. 7:4 STATE State Machine State. This field indicates the current state of the control state machine. 0000: Idle. 0001: Reading channel controller data. 0010: Reading source data end pointer. 0011: Reading destination data end pointer. 0100: Reading source data. 0101: Writing destination data. 0110: Waiting for a DMA request to clear. 0111: Writing channel controller data. 1000: Stalled. 1001: Done. 1010: Peripheral scatter-gather transition. 1011-1111: Reserved. Rev. 0.5 275 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.7. DMACTRL0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 3:1 Reserved 0 DMAENSTS Function Must write reset value. DMA Enable Status. 0: DMA controller is disabled 1: DMA controller is enabled. 276 Rev. 0.5 Register 17.2. DMACTRL0_CONFIG: Controller Configuration Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type W 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved DMAEN Reset Type W W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CONFIG = 0x4003_6004 Table 17.8. DMACTRL0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:1 Reserved 0 DMAEN Function Must write reset value. DMA Enable. 0: Disable the DMA controller. 1: Enable the DMA controller. Rev. 0.5 277 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 17.3. DMACTRL0_BASEPTR: Base Pointer Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name BASEPTR[22:7] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Name BASEPTR[6:0] Reserved Type RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_BASEPTR = 0x4003_6008 Table 17.9. DMACTRL0_BASEPTR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:9 BASEPTR Function Control Base Pointer. This field points to the base location in memory for the DMA channel control data structure. Bits [8:0] are read-only and will always be set to 0. The primary structures must be aligned on a 512 byte boundary.. 8:0 278 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 Register 17.4. DMACTRL0_ABASEPTR: Alternate Base Pointer Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name ABASEPTR[31:16] Type R 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name ABASEPTR[15:0] Type R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_ABASEPTR = 0x4003_600C Table 17.10. DMACTRL0_ABASEPTR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 ABASEPTR Function Alternate Control Base Pointer. This read-only field points to the base location in memory for the alternate DMA channel control data structure. Rev. 0.5 279 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 17.5. DMACTRL0_CHSTATUS: Channel Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 Reset CH9 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Type R R R R R R R R R R R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHSTATUS = 0x4003_6010 Table 17.11. DMACTRL0_CHSTATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 Status. 0: DMA Channel 9 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 9 is waiting for a data request. 8 CH8 Channel 8 Status. 0: DMA Channel 8 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 8 is waiting for a data request. 7 CH7 Channel 7 Status. 0: DMA Channel 7 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 7 is waiting for a data request. 6 CH6 Channel 6 Status. 0: DMA Channel 6 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 6 is waiting for a data request. 5 CH5 Channel 5 Status. 0: DMA Channel 5 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 5 is waiting for a data request. 4 CH4 Channel 4 Status. 0: DMA Channel 4 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 4 is waiting for a data request. 3 CH3 Channel 3 Status. 0: DMA Channel 3 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 3 is waiting for a data request. 280 Rev. 0.5 Table 17.11. DMACTRL0_CHSTATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 2 CH2 Function Channel 2 Status. 0: DMA Channel 2 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 2 is waiting for a data request. 1 CH1 Channel 1 Status. 0: DMA Channel 1 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 1 is waiting for a data request. 0 CH0 Channel 0 Status. 0: DMA Channel 0 is not waiting for a data request. 1: DMA Channel 0 is waiting for a data request. Rev. 0.5 281 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 17.6. DMACTRL0_CHSWRCN: Channel Software Request Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type W 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 Reset CH9 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Type W W W W W W W W W W W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHSWRCN = 0x4003_6014 Table 17.12. DMACTRL0_CHSWRCN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 9 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 9 generates a software data request. 8 CH8 Channel 8 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 8 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 8 generates a software data request. 7 CH7 Channel 7 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 7 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 7 generates a software data request. 6 CH6 Channel 6 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 6 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 6 generates a software data request. 5 CH5 Channel 5 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 5 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 5 generates a software data request. 4 CH4 Channel 4 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 4 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 4 generates a software data request. 3 CH3 Channel 3 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 3 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 3 generates a software data request. 282 Rev. 0.5 Table 17.12. DMACTRL0_CHSWRCN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 2 CH2 Function Channel 2 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 2 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 2 generates a software data request. 1 CH1 Channel 1 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 1 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 1 generates a software data request. 0 CH0 Channel 0 Software Request. 0: DMA Channel 0 does not generate a software data request. 1: DMA Channel 0 generates a software data request. Rev. 0.5 283 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 17.7. DMACTRL0_CHREQMSET: Channel Request Mask Set Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 Reset CH9 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHREQMSET = 0x4003_6020 Table 17.13. DMACTRL0_CHREQMSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 9 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 9 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 9 peripheral data requests. 8 CH8 Channel 8 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 8 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 8 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 8 peripheral data requests. 7 CH7 Channel 7 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 7 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 7 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 7 peripheral data requests. 284 Rev. 0.5 Table 17.13. DMACTRL0_CHREQMSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 6 CH6 Function Channel 6 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 6 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 6 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 6 peripheral data requests. 5 CH5 Channel 5 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 5 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 5 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 5 peripheral data requests. 4 CH4 Channel 4 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 4 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 4 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 4 peripheral data requests. 3 CH3 Channel 3 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 3 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 3 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 3 peripheral data requests. 2 CH2 Channel 2 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 2 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 2 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 2 peripheral data requests. 1 CH1 Channel 1 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 1 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 1 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 1 peripheral data requests. Rev. 0.5 285 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.13. DMACTRL0_CHREQMSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 0 CH0 Function Channel 0 Request Mask Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 0 peripheral data requests enabled. 1: DMA Channel 0 peripheral data requests disabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHREQMCLR to clear). 1: Disable DMA Channel 0 peripheral data requests. 286 Rev. 0.5 Register 17.8. DMACTRL0_CHREQMCLR: Channel Request Mask Clear Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type W 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 0 CH9 Reset Type W W W W W W W W W W W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHREQMCLR = 0x4003_6024 Table 17.14. DMACTRL0_CHREQMCLR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 9 peripheral data requests. 8 CH8 Channel 8 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 8 peripheral data requests. 7 CH7 Channel 7 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 7 peripheral data requests. 6 CH6 Channel 6 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 6 peripheral data requests. 5 CH5 Channel 5 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 5 peripheral data requests. 4 CH4 Channel 4 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 4 peripheral data requests. 3 CH3 Channel 3 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 3 peripheral data requests. Rev. 0.5 287 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.14. DMACTRL0_CHREQMCLR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 2 CH2 Function Channel 2 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 2 peripheral data requests. 1 CH1 Channel 1 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 1 peripheral data requests. 0 CH0 Channel 0 Request Mask Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Enable DMA Channel 0 peripheral data requests. 288 Rev. 0.5 Register 17.9. DMACTRL0_CHENSET: Channel Enable Set Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 0 CH9 Reset Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHENSET = 0x4003_6028 Table 17.15. DMACTRL0_CHENSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 9 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 9 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 9. 8 CH8 Channel 8 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 8 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 8 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 8. 7 CH7 Channel 7 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 7 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 7 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 7. Note: The controller will automatically disable a channel when: 1) the controller completes the DMA cycle, 2) it reads a channel configuration memory location and the cycle control field is 0, or 3) an error (ERROR = 1) occurs on the AHB bus. Rev. 0.5 289 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.15. DMACTRL0_CHENSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 6 CH6 Function Channel 6 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 6 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 6 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 6. 5 CH5 Channel 5 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 5 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 5 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 5. 4 CH4 Channel 4 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 4 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 4 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 4. 3 CH3 Channel 3 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 3 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 3 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 3. 2 CH2 Channel 2 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 2 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 2 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 2. Note: The controller will automatically disable a channel when: 1) the controller completes the DMA cycle, 2) it reads a channel configuration memory location and the cycle control field is 0, or 3) an error (ERROR = 1) occurs on the AHB bus. 290 Rev. 0.5 Table 17.15. DMACTRL0_CHENSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 1 CH1 Function Channel 1 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 1 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 1 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 1. 0 CH0 Channel 0 Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 0 disabled. 1: DMA Channel 0 enabled. Write: 0: No effect (use CHENCLR to clear). 1: Enable DMA Channel 0. Note: The controller will automatically disable a channel when: 1) the controller completes the DMA cycle, 2) it reads a channel configuration memory location and the cycle control field is 0, or 3) an error (ERROR = 1) occurs on the AHB bus. Rev. 0.5 291 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 17.10. DMACTRL0_CHENCLR: Channel Enable Clear Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type W 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 Reset CH9 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Type W W W W W W W W W W W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHENCLR = 0x4003_602C Table 17.16. DMACTRL0_CHENCLR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 9. 8 CH8 Channel 8 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 8. 7 CH7 Channel 7 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 7. 6 CH6 Channel 6 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 6. 5 CH5 Channel 5 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 5. 4 CH4 Channel 4 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 4. Note: The controller will automatically disable a channel by setting the appropriate bit when: 1) the controller completes the DMA cycle, 2) it reads a channel configuration memory location and the cycle control field is 0, or 3) an error (ERROR = 1) occurs on the AHB bus. 292 Rev. 0.5 Table 17.16. DMACTRL0_CHENCLR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 3 CH3 Function Channel 3 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 3. 2 CH2 Channel 2 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 2. 1 CH1 Channel 1 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 1. 0 CH0 Channel 0 Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Disable DMA Channel 0. Note: The controller will automatically disable a channel by setting the appropriate bit when: 1) the controller completes the DMA cycle, 2) it reads a channel configuration memory location and the cycle control field is 0, or 3) an error (ERROR = 1) occurs on the AHB bus. Rev. 0.5 293 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 17.11. DMACTRL0_CHALTSET: Channel Alternate Select Set Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 Reset CH9 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHALTSET = 0x4003_6030 Table 17.17. DMACTRL0_CHALTSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 9 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 9 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 9. 8 CH8 Channel 8 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 8 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 8 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 8. Note: The controller toggles the value of the channel bit after it completes: 1) the four transfers that the primary data structure specifies for a memory scatter-gather or peripheral scatter-gather DMA cycle, 2) all the transfers that the primary data structure specifies for a ping-pong DMA cycle, or 3) all the transfers that the alternate data structure specifies for the following DMA cycle types (ping-pong, memory scatter-gather, peripheral scatter-gather). 294 Rev. 0.5 Table 17.17. DMACTRL0_CHALTSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 7 CH7 Function Channel 7 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 7 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 7 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 7. 6 CH6 Channel 6 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 6 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 6 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 6. 5 CH5 Channel 5 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 5 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 5 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 5. 4 CH4 Channel 4 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 4 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 4 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 4. 3 CH3 Channel 3 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 3 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 3 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 3. Note: The controller toggles the value of the channel bit after it completes: 1) the four transfers that the primary data structure specifies for a memory scatter-gather or peripheral scatter-gather DMA cycle, 2) all the transfers that the primary data structure specifies for a ping-pong DMA cycle, or 3) all the transfers that the alternate data structure specifies for the following DMA cycle types (ping-pong, memory scatter-gather, peripheral scatter-gather). Rev. 0.5 295 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.17. DMACTRL0_CHALTSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 2 CH2 Function Channel 2 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 2 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 2 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 2. 1 CH1 Channel 1 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 1 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 1 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 1. 0 CH0 Channel 0 Alternate Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 0 is using primary data structure. 1: DMA Channel 0 is using alternate data structure. Write: 0: No effect (use CHALTCLR to clear). 1: Use the alternate data structure for DMA Channel 0. Note: The controller toggles the value of the channel bit after it completes: 1) the four transfers that the primary data structure specifies for a memory scatter-gather or peripheral scatter-gather DMA cycle, 2) all the transfers that the primary data structure specifies for a ping-pong DMA cycle, or 3) all the transfers that the alternate data structure specifies for the following DMA cycle types (ping-pong, memory scatter-gather, peripheral scatter-gather). 296 Rev. 0.5 Register 17.12. DMACTRL0_CHALTCLR: Channel Alternate Select Clear Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type W 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 0 CH9 Reset Type W W W W W W W W W W W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHALTCLR = 0x4003_6034 Table 17.18. DMACTRL0_CHALTCLR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 9. 8 CH8 Channel 8 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 8. 7 CH7 Channel 7 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 7. 6 CH6 Channel 6 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 6. 5 CH5 Channel 5 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 5. 4 CH4 Channel 4 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 4. 3 CH3 Channel 3 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 3. Rev. 0.5 297 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.18. DMACTRL0_CHALTCLR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 2 CH2 Function Channel 2 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 2. 1 CH1 Channel 1 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 1. 0 CH0 Channel 0 Alternate Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the primary data structure for DMA Channel 0. 298 Rev. 0.5 Register 17.13. DMACTRL0_CHHPSET: Channel High Priority Set Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 0 CH9 Reset Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHHPSET = 0x4003_6038 Table 17.19. DMACTRL0_CHHPSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 9 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 9 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 9. 8 CH8 Channel 8 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 8 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 8 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 8. 7 CH7 Channel 7 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 7 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 7 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 7. Rev. 0.5 299 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.19. DMACTRL0_CHHPSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 6 CH6 Function Channel 6 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 6 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 6 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 6. 5 CH5 Channel 5 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 5 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 5 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 5. 4 CH4 Channel 4 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 4 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 4 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 4. 3 CH3 Channel 3 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 3 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 3 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 3. 2 CH2 Channel 2 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 2 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 2 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 2. 1 CH1 Channel 1 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 1 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 1 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 1. 300 Rev. 0.5 Table 17.19. DMACTRL0_CHHPSET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 0 CH0 Function Channel 0 High Priority Enable. Read: 0: DMA Channel 0 is using the default priority level. 1: DMA Channel 0 is using the high priority level. Write: 0: No effect (use CHHPCLR to clear). 1: Use the high priority level for DMA Channel 0. Rev. 0.5 301 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 17.14. DMACTRL0_CHHPCLR: Channel High Priority Clear Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type W 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH0 0 CH1 0 CH2 0 CH3 0 CH4 0 CH5 0 CH6 0 CH7 0 CH8 Reset CH9 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Type W W W W W W W W W W W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_CHHPCLR = 0x4003_603C Table 17.20. DMACTRL0_CHHPCLR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:10 Reserved 9 CH9 Function Must write reset value. Channel 9 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 9. 8 CH8 Channel 8 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 8. 7 CH7 Channel 7 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 7. 6 CH6 Channel 6 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 6. 5 CH5 Channel 5 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 5. 4 CH4 Channel 4 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 4. 3 CH3 Channel 3 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 3. 302 Rev. 0.5 Table 17.20. DMACTRL0_CHHPCLR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 2 CH2 Function Channel 2 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 2. 1 CH1 Channel 1 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 1. 0 CH0 Channel 0 High Priority Disable. 0: No effect. 1: Use the high default level for DMA Channel 0. Rev. 0.5 303 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 17.15. DMACTRL0_BERRCLR: Bus Error Clear Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved ERROR DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMACTRL0_BERRCLR = 0x4003_604C Table 17.21. DMACTRL0_BERRCLR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:1 Reserved Must write reset value. 0 ERROR DMA Bus Error Clear. Read: 0: DMA error did not occur. 1: DMA error occurred since the last time ERROR was cleared. Write: 0: No effect. 1: Clear the DMA error flag. 304 Rev. 0.5 0 0 0 17.12. DMACTRL0 Register Memory Map DMACTRL0_ABASEPTR DMACTRL0_BASEPTR DMACTRL0_CONFIG DMACTRL0_STATUS Register Name 0x4003_6004 0x4003_600C 0x4003_6008 ALL Address 0x4003_6000 ALL ALL ALL Access Methods ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Reserved Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 BASEPTR Bit 20 Bit 19 NUMCHAN Bit 18 Bit 17 Reserved Bit 16 ABASEPTR Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Reserved Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 STATE Bit 5 Reserved Bit 4 Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 Bit 1 DMAENSTS DMAEN Bit 0 Table 17.22. DMACTRL0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 305 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.22. DMACTRL0 Memory Map DMACTRL0_CHREQMSET DMACTRL0_CHSWRCN DMACTRL0_CHSTATUS Register Name 0x4003_6010 ALL Address 0x4003_6020 0x4003_6014 ALL Access Methods ALL ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 CH9 CH9 CH9 Bit 9 CH8 CH8 CH8 Bit 8 CH7 CH7 CH7 Bit 7 CH6 CH6 CH6 Bit 6 CH5 CH5 CH5 Bit 5 CH4 CH4 CH4 Bit 4 CH3 CH3 CH3 Bit 3 CH2 CH2 CH2 Bit 2 CH1 CH1 CH1 Bit 1 CH0 CH0 CH0 Bit 0 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 306 Rev. 0.5 DMACTRL0_CHENCLR DMACTRL0_CHENSET DMACTRL0_CHREQMCLR Register Name 0x4003_6024 ALL Address 0x4003_602C 0x4003_6028 ALL Access Methods ALL ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 CH9 CH9 CH9 Bit 9 CH8 CH8 CH8 Bit 8 CH7 CH7 CH7 Bit 7 CH6 CH6 CH6 Bit 6 CH5 CH5 CH5 Bit 5 CH4 CH4 CH4 Bit 4 CH3 CH3 CH3 Bit 3 CH2 CH2 CH2 Bit 2 CH1 CH1 CH1 Bit 1 CH0 CH0 CH0 Bit 0 Table 17.22. DMACTRL0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 307 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 17.22. DMACTRL0 Memory Map DMACTRL0_CHHPSET DMACTRL0_CHALTCLR DMACTRL0_CHALTSET Register Name 0x4003_6030 ALL Address 0x4003_6038 0x4003_6034 ALL Access Methods ALL ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 CH9 CH9 CH9 Bit 9 CH8 CH8 CH8 Bit 8 CH7 CH7 CH7 Bit 7 CH6 CH6 CH6 Bit 6 CH5 CH5 CH5 Bit 5 CH4 CH4 CH4 Bit 4 CH3 CH3 CH3 Bit 3 CH2 CH2 CH2 Bit 2 CH1 CH1 CH1 Bit 1 CH0 CH0 CH0 Bit 0 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 308 Rev. 0.5 DMACTRL0_BERRCLR DMACTRL0_CHHPCLR Register Name 0x4003_603C ALL Address 0x4003_604C ALL Access Methods ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Reserved Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Reserved Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 CH9 Bit 9 CH8 Bit 8 CH7 Bit 7 CH6 Bit 6 CH5 Bit 5 CH4 Bit 4 CH3 Bit 3 CH2 Bit 2 CH1 Bit 1 ERROR CH0 Bit 0 Table 17.22. DMACTRL0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 309 DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) SiM3L1xx 18. DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) This section describes the DMA Crossbar, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated SiM3L1xx 18.1. DMA Crossbar Features The DMA Crossbar includes the following features: Maps peripherals to 10 DMA channels to provide flexibility. arbitration priority assignment (Channel 0 highest, Channel 9 lowest). The DMA Crossbar can be used to assign a channel to a particular peripheral. These assignments are shown in Table 18.1. Default DTM0 D DTM1 A DTM1 B DTM1 C DTM1 D DTM2 A DTM2 B DTM2 C SPI0 RX ENCDEC0 TX Rev. 0.5 ENCDEC0 RX 310 DTM2 D AES0 RX DMA Channel 9 DTM0 C AES0 TX DMA Channel 8 DTM0 B SPI0 TX DMA Channel 7 DMA Channel 6 DMA Channel 5 DMA Channel 4 DMA Channel 3 DTM0 A DMA Channel 2 Peripheral DMA Channel 1 Table 18.1. DMA Crossbar Channel Peripheral Assignments DMA Channel 0 DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) SiM3L1xx I2C0 RX I2C0 TX SARADC0 EPCA0 Control IDAC0 USART0 RX DMA Channel 9 SPI1RX USART0 TX DMA Channel 8 SPI1 TX DMA Channel 7 DMA Channel 6 DMA Channel 5 AES0 XOR EPCA0 Capture DMA Channel 4 DMA Channel 3 DMA Channel 2 DMA Channel 1 Peripheral DMA Channel 0 Table 18.1. DMA Crossbar Channel Peripheral Assignments (Continued) TIMER0L Overflow TIMER0H Overflow TIMER1L Overflow TIMER1H Overflow DMAXT0 DMAXT1 Software Trigger 18.2. Channel Priority In addition to the default priority order where DMA Channel 0 has the highest priority and DMA Channel 9 has the lowest priority, each channel supports a programmable priority. This priority can be programmed in the DMA Controller module (DMACTRLn). Each peripheral may be assigned at most one DMA channel. Rev. 0.5 311 DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) SiM3L1xx DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) SiM3L1xx 18.3. DMAXBAR0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for DMAXBAR0 registers. Register 18.1. DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR0: Channel 0-7 Trigger Select Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name CH7SEL CH6SEL CH5SEL CH4SEL Type RW RW RW RW 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name CH3SEL CH2SEL CH1SEL CH0SEL Type RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR0 = 0x4003_7000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 18.2. DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 CH7SEL Function DMA Channel 7 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM1 D data requests. 0001: Service DTM2 B data requests. 0010: Service ENCDEC0 RX data requests. 0011: Service SPI1 TX data requests. 0100: Service USART0 RX data requests. 0101: Service IDAC0 data requests. 0110: Service TIMER1L overflow data requests. 0111: Service TIMER1H overflow data requests. 1000: Service DMA0T1 rising edge data requests. 1001: Service DMA0T1 falling edge data requests. 1010-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. 312 Rev. 0.5 0 0 0 Table 18.2. DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 27:24 CH6SEL Function DMA Channel 6 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM1 C data requests. 0001: Service DTM2 A data requests. 0010: Service ENCDEC0 TX data requests. 0011: Service AES0 XOR data requests. 0100: Service USART0 TX data requests. 0101: Service I2C0 RX data requests. 0110: Service I2C0 TX data requests. 0111: Service SARADC0 data requests. 1000: Service TIMER0L overflow data requests. 1001: Service TIMER0H overflow data requests. 1010: Service DMA0T0 rising edge data requests. 1011: Service DMA0T0 falling edge data requests. 1100-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. 23:20 CH5SEL DMA Channel 5 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM1 B data requests. 0001: Service DTM2 D data requests. 0010: Service SPI0 RX data requests. 0011: Service AES0 RX data requests. 0100: Service USART0 RX data requests. 0101: Service I2C0 RX data requests. 0110: Service IDAC0 data requests. 0111: Service EPCA0 control data requests. 1000: Service TIMER1L overflow data requests. 1001: Service TIMER1H overflow data requests. 1010: Service DMA0T1 rising edge data requests. 1011: Service DMA0T1 falling edge data requests. 1100-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. 19:16 CH4SEL DMA Channel 4 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM1 A data requests. 0001: Service DTM2 C data requests. 0010: Service SPI1 TX data requests. 0011: Service AES0 TX data requests. 0100: Service SARADC0 data requests. 0101: Service EPCA0 capture data requests. 0110: Service EPCA0 control data requests. 0111: Service TIMER0L overflow data requests. 1000: Service TIMER0H overflow data requests. 1001: Service DMA0T0 rising edge data requests. 1010: Service DMA0T0 falling edge data requests. 1011-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. Rev. 0.5 313 DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) SiM3L1xx DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) SiM3L1xx Table 18.2. DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 15:12 CH3SEL Function DMA Channel 3 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM0 D data requests. 0001: Service DTM2 B data requests. 0010: Service ENCDEC0 RX data requests. 0011: Service SPI1 RX data requests. 0100: Service USART0 TX data requests. 0101: Service I2C0 RX data requests. 0110: Service I2C0 TX data requests. 0111: Service TIMER1L overflow data requests. 1000: Service TIMER1H overflow data requests. 1001: Service DMA0T1 rising edge data requests. 1010: Service DMA0T1 falling edge data requests. 1011-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. 11:8 CH2SEL DMA Channel 2 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM0 C data requests. 0001: Service DTM2 A data requests. 0010: Service ENCDEC0 TX data requests. 0011: Service AES0 XOR data requests. 0100: Service SPI1 TX data requests. 0101: Service USART0 RX data requests. 0110: Service I2C0 RX data requests. 0111: Service IDAC0 data requests. 1000: Service TIMER0L overflow data requests. 1001: Service TIMER0H overflow data requests. 1010: Service DMA0T0 rising edge data requests. 1011: Service DMA0T0 falling edge data requests. 1100-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. 7:4 CH1SEL DMA Channel 1 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM0 B data requests. 0001: Service SPI0 RX data requests. 0010: Service AES0 RX data requests. 0011: Service USART0 TX data requests. 0100: Service SARADC0 data requests. 0101: Service EPCA0 capture data requests. 0110: Service EPCA0 control data requests. 0111: Service TIMER1L overflow data requests. 1000: Service TIMER1H overflow data requests. 1001: Service DMA0T1 rising edge data requests. 1010: Service DMA0T1 falling edge data requests. 1011-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. 314 Rev. 0.5 Table 18.2. DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 3:0 CH0SEL Function DMA Channel 0 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM0 A data requests. 0001: Service SPI0 TX data requests. 0010: Service AES0 TX data requests. 0011: Service USART0 RX data requests. 0100: Service I2C0 RX data requests. 0101: Service I2C0 TX data requests. 0110: Service EPCA0 capture data requests. 0111: Service TIMER0L overflow data requests. 1000: Service TIMER0H overflow data requests. 1001: Service DMA0T0 rising edge data requests. 1010: Service DMA0T0 falling edge data requests. 1011-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. Rev. 0.5 315 DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) SiM3L1xx DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) SiM3L1xx Register 18.2. DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR1: Channel 8-15 Trigger Select Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved CH9SEL CH8SEL Type R RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR1 = 0x4003_7010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 18.3. DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:8 Reserved Must write reset value. 7:4 CH9SEL DMA Channel 9 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM2 D data requests. 0001: Service SPI0 TX data requests. 0010: Service I2C0 RX data requests. 0011: Service I2C0 TX data requests. 0100: Service IDAC0 data requests. 0101: Service EPCA0 capture data requests. 0110: Service EPCA0 control data requests. 0111: Service TIMER1L overflow data requests. 1000: Service TIMER1H overflow data requests. 1001: Service DMA0T1 rising edge data requests. 1010: Service DMA0T1 falling edge data requests. 1011-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. 316 Rev. 0.5 0 0 0 Table 18.3. DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 3:0 CH8SEL Function DMA Channel 8 Peripheral Select. 0000: Service DTM2 C data requests. 0001: Service SPI0 TX data requests. 0010: Service SPI1 RX data requests. 0011: Service USART0 TX data requests. 0100: Service I2C0 RX data requests. 0101: Service SARADC0 data requests. 0110: Service EPCA0 capture data requests. 0111: Service TIMER0L overflow data requests. 1000: Service TIMER0H overflow data requests. 1001: Service DMA0T0 rising edge data requests. 1010: Service DMA0T0 falling edge data requests. 1011-1110: Reserved. 1111: Unassigned. Rev. 0.5 317 DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) SiM3L1xx 18.4. DMAXBAR0 Register Memory Map Table 18.4. DMAXBAR0 Memory Map DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR1 DMAXBAR0_DMAXBAR0 Register Name ALL Address 0x4003_7010 0x4003_7000 Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 Bit 30 CH7SEL Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 CH6SEL Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 CH5SEL Bit 21 Bit 20 Reserved Bit 19 Bit 18 CH4SEL Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 CH3SEL Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 CH2SEL Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 CH9SEL CH1SEL Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 CH8SEL CH0SEL Bit 1 Bit 0 DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 318 Rev. 0.5 19. Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) This section describes the Data Transfer Manager (DTM) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx This section describes version “A” of the DTM block, which is used by all device families covered in this document. 19.1. DTM Features The DTM module includes the following features: State descriptions stored in memory with up to 15 states supported per module. Supports up to 15 source peripherals and up to 15 destination peripherals per module, in addition to memory or peripherals that do not require a data request. Includes error detection and an optional transfer timeout. Includes notifications for state transitions. SiM3xxxx RAM DTM Module Source Peripheral Multiplexer State Machine S0 (A) DTM State Descriptions Destination Peripheral Multiplexer State 14 Channel A Controller S1 (B) DMA Channel 0 (DMAn_CH0) Channel B Controller DMA Channel 1 (DMAn_CH1) Channel C Controller DONE State 0 State 1 Channel D Controller DMA Channel n (DMAn_CHn) Error Detection and Timeouts Figure 19.1. DTM Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 319 Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx 19.2. Overview The Data Transfer Manager (DTM) module collects DMA request signals from various peripherals and generates a series of master DMA requests based on a state-driven configuration. This master request drives a set of DMA channels to perform functions such as assembling and transferring communication packets to external radio peripherals. This capability saves power by allowing the MCU to remain in low power modes such as PM2 during complex transfer operations. A combination of simple and peripheral-scatter-gather DMA configurations can be used to perform complex operations while limiting the memory requirements (for example, by implementing direct peripherals-to-peripheral transfers). Each DTM block supports up to 15 user-configurable states. Each state can be set up to run a certain number of DMA operations from one peripheral (the source) to another (the destination), including memory areas such as Flash and RAM. Each state also has the ability to define two options for what the next state in the sequence will be, dependent on the condition of the counters and other parameters in the DTM block. Each DTM block is capable of driving up to four DMA channels (A, B, C and D), and each DTM state can be configured to drive a particular request line to the DMA. This allows basic DMA operations to replace a long sequence of peripheral-scatter-gather tasks in most applications, saving memory. 19.3. Counters The DTM modules contain three different counters: a master counter, a state counter, and a timeout counter. The 16-bit master counter, represented in the MSTCOUNT register, can be initialized by firmware to track the number of DMA requests that have occurred. MSTCOUNT is decremented on each DMA operation unless the active state configuration specifies otherwise. The 8-bit State counter, represented by the STCOUNT field in the CONTROL register, also decrements each time a DMA request is generated. This is used to track the number of requests since the active state was last entered (from 1 to 256). The STCOUNT field is automatically loaded with the value of STRELOAD in the state description when a state is entered. A 16-bit timeout counter is represented by the TOCOUNT field in the TIMEOUT register. An internal 8-bit prescaler divides the APB clock frequency and TOCOUNT is decremented every 256 APB clock cycles. Each state can selectively reload TOCOUNT and enable or disable the timeout counter while the state is active. If a TOCOUNT reload is requested, the timeout counter will be reloaded from the TORELOAD field in the TIMEOUT register, and the internal prescaler will reset. If TOCOUNT reaches 0 and the internal prescaler overflows, a timeout error is declared and the DTM transitions to its DONE state. The TOERRI flag in the CONTROL register will be set and an interrupt will be generated if enabled. When it is used, the length of the timeout is equal to 256 x (TRELOAD + 1) APB clock cycles. 320 Rev. 0.5 19.4. State Machine Control Each of the 15 available states in a DTM block has configuration information which defines the state operation when it is active. States are set up by firmware in the RAM or Flash region of the device, and when a state becomes active, its information is read into the DTM block’s STATE register. 19.4.1. Source, Destination, and DTM Channel The SRCMOD and DSTMOD fields define the source trigger and the destination trigger for the transfers that will occur in the active state. The available sources and destinations are detailed in Table 19.1 and Table 19.2. If the required DMA transfer is going to or from a memory location, the value 1111b (0xF) should be used in the corresponding field. Table 19.1. DTM Source Module Options SRCMOD Source SRCMOD Source 0000 SPI0 Receive 1000 EPCA0 Capture 0001 SPI1 Receive 1001 ENCDEC0 Output 0010 AES0 Output 1010 Reserved 0011 Reserved 1011 Reserved 0100 USART0 Receive 1100 Reserved 0101 Reserved 1101 DMA0T0 0110 I2C0 Receive 1110 DMA0T1 0111 SARADC0 Output 1111 Memory Transfer (No Source) Table 19.2. DTM Destination Module Options DSTMOD Destination DSTMOD Destination 0000 SPI0 Transmit 1000 EPCA0 Capture 0001 SPI1 Transmit 1001 ENCDEC0 Input 0010 AES0 Data In 1010 Reserved 0011 AES0 XOR In 1011 Reserved 0100 USART0 Transmit 1100 Reserved 0101 Reserved 1101 DMA0T0 0110 I2C0 Transmit 1110 DMA0T1 0111 IDAC0 Input 1111 Memory Transfer (No Destination) Rev. 0.5 321 Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx When a given state is active, the DTM waits until both its source and destination peripherals have asserted their DMA request signals, indicating that both are ready to transmit/receive DMA traffic. At this time, the DTM asserts its master DMA request signal for the channel specified in the state’s DTMCHSEL field, causing the DMA engine to perform the next task in that channel’s sequence of operation. This DMA task satisfies the source and destination peripheral requests by moving data from the source to the destination. In general, the source and destination peripherals will not be assigned to a DMA channel in the DMA crossbar, and all related DMA traffic will be requested by the DTM. 19.4.2. State Transitions Each state is associated with a number, 0 through 14. The number 15 is reserved for a DONE state, which terminates DTM operations. The states define two possible paths for the next state, defined in the PRIST (primary state) and SECST (secondary state) fields of the state structure. These two fields may be loaded with any valid state value, including 15 (the DONE state). A simple representation of the DTM state transitions is shown in Figure 19.2. Primary State (PRIST) Active State State Counter = 0 and Master Counter > 0 (State Counter = 0 or MSTDECEN = 1) and Master Counter = 0 Secondary State (SECST) DMA Error or Timeout Event DONE Figure 19.2. State Transition Diagram When a state is entered, it becomes the active state. Its information is loaded from memory into the STATE register, and its state number will be reported in the ST field of the CONTROL register. At the same time, the state counter (STCOUNT) will be loaded with the value in the state’s STRELOAD field. While a state is active, the DTM will manage the data transfer between the selected source and destination peripherals, using the selected DTM channel to request DMA operations. The operation will last as long as the DMA is still actively transferring the data. After the transfer is complete, the state counter is decremented. If the MSTDECEN bit in the state structure is set to 1, the master counter will also be decremented. If the master counter is non-zero and the state counter is equal to zero, the state machine will transition to the primary state defined by PRIST. If the master counter reaches zero and either the state counter is zero or MSTDECEN = 1, the state machine will transition to the secondary state defined by SECST. Finally, if a timeout error occurs (TOCOUNT reaches zero) when timeouts are enabled, or if a DMA error occurs for the selected channel, the state machine will transition to the DONE state and generate the appropriate flags. Upon exit from a state, the value of that state is loaded into the LASTST field in the CONTROL register. In some scenarios, a state will need to remain active until MSTCOUNT reaches zero, even if there are more than 256 requests generated. In such cases, this is accomplished by setting the value of PRIST to the active state number. 322 Rev. 0.5 It is also possible to instruct a state to hold off any further transfer requests until an external pin input (specified by the INHSEL field in the CONTROL register) is asserted. The DTMINH and INHSPOL fields in the state structure configure this capability for the selected inhibit pin. See Table 19.3 for the available pin selections on each package. Table 19.3. DTM Inhibit Pin Mapping DTM Inhibit Signal (selected by INHSEL) SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name DTMnINH.0 PB0.0 PB0.0 PB0.0 DTMnINH.1 PB0.1 PB0.1 PB0.1 DTMnINH.2 PB0.2 PB0.2 PB0.2 DTMnINH.3 PB0.3 PB0.3 PB0.3 DTMnINH.4 PB0.4 PB0.4 PB0.4 DTMnINH.5 PB0.5 PB0.5 PB0.5 DTMnINH.6 PB0.6 PB0.6 PB0.6 DTMnINH.7 PB0.7 PB0.7 PB0.7 DTMnINH.8 PB2.0 PB2.0 PB2.0 DTMnINH.9 PB2.1 Reserved PB2.1 DTMnINH.10 Reserved Reserved PB2.2 DTMnINH.11 Reserved Reserved PB2.3 DTMnINH.12 PB2.4 PB2.4 PB2.4 DTMnINH.13 PB2.5 PB2.5 PB2.5 DTMnINH.14 PB2.6 PB2.6 PB2.6 DTMnINH.15 PB2.7 PB2.7 PB2.7 19.4.3. Interrupts Within a state structure, the user can selectively enable timeout interrupts and state transition interrupts. The timeout counter and its associated interrupt are enabled using the TOERRIEN flag. If TIOERRIEN is set, TOCOUNT is loaded with the value of TORELOAD on entry into the state. If the TOCOUNT field reaches zero, the TIOERRI interrupt flag will be set, and the state machine transitions to DONE. The PRISTIEN and SECSTIEN flags enable interrupts upon transition to the primary and secondary states, respectively. When either of these interrupts occurs, the DTMI interrupt flag will be set by hardware. Rev. 0.5 323 Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx 19.5. Configuring DTM States in Memory The DTM does not implement a register for each of the 15 user-defined states. The states required for a DTM block must be defined in a block of memory (Flash or RAM), and the DTM is configured to point to the appropriate memory location where the state structures are stored. When a state is entered, the DTM will fetch the structure for that state from the specified memory location and load it into the STATE register. Each state is a 32-bit, word-aligned value, which should follow the bit pattern defined in the STATE register. States should be organized in a contiguous block of memory from state 0 up to state 14. Once the state structures are configured in memory, the DTM module can be pointed at the base address (the address of state 0) for that memory structure using the STATEADDR register. STATEADDR contains a fully-qualified 32-bit address in memory, where the two LSBs are always cleared to 0 (this forces word-alignment of the address). State 14 PRISTIEN SECSTIEN TOERRIEN MSTDECEN DTMINH INHSPOL DTMCHSEL SRCMOD DSTMOD PRIST SECST STRELOAD STATEADDR + 56 State 2 PRISTIEN SECSTIEN TOERRIEN MSTDECEN DTMINH INHSPOL DTMCHSEL SRCMOD DSTMOD PRIST SECST STRELOAD STATEADDR + 8 State 1 PRISTIEN SECSTIEN TOERRIEN MSTDECEN DTMINH INHSPOL DTMCHSEL SRCMOD DSTMOD PRIST SECST STRELOAD STATEADDR + 4 State 0 DTMCHSEL SRCMOD DSTMOD PRIST SECST STRELOAD The specific address of each state in memory can be calculated as: STATEADDR + (4 x State Number). Figure 19.3 shows how the states should be organized in memory. Note that only the number of states used by the function need be defined. For example, a function requiring only states 0-2 would only need to allocate three 32-bit structures in memory. PRISTIEN SECSTIEN TOERRIEN MSTDECEN DTMINH INHSPOL Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx STATEADDR Figure 19.3. State Memory Map 324 Rev. 0.5 19.6. DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2 registers. 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name DTMI DMAERRI TOERRI DTMINH SRCREQF DSTREQF INHF 22 21 20 19 Type RW RW RW RW RW R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 INHSSEL RW R RW LASTST ST STCOUNT Type R RW RW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 Reserved Name Reset 18 DBGMD Bit DTMEN Register 19.1. DTMn_CONTROL: Module Control 0 0 0 0 0 16 Register ALL Access Addresses DTM0_CONTROL = 0x4004_A000 DTM1_CONTROL = 0x4004_B000 DTM2_CONTROL = 0x4004_C000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 19.4. DTMn_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 DTMEN Function Module Enable. Setting this bit to 1 starts the DTM module at the state value written to the ST field. 0: Disable the DTM module. 1: Enable the DTM module. 30 DTMI Module Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 and causes a DTM interrupt when the module transitions to states based on the SECSTIEN and PRISTIEN bit settings or a timeout occurs. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 29 DMAERRI DMA Error Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 and causes a DTM interrupt when a DMA transfer error occurs. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 28 TOERRI Timeout Error Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 and causes a DTM interrupt when a timeout occurs during a state with timeouts enabled (TOERRIEN = 1). This bit must be cleared by firmware. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 325 Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx Table 19.4. DTMn_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 27 DTMINH Function DTM Module Inhibit. Setting this bit inhibits the DTM module. The module will ignore any DMA requests while this bit is set. 26 SRCREQF Source Peripheral DMA Request Status Flag. This flag indicates the DMA request status of the source peripheral indicated by the SRCMOD field. 25 DSTREQF Destination Peripheral DMA Request Status Flag. This flag indicates the DMA request status of the destination peripheral indicated by the DSTMOD field. 24 INHF Inhibit Status Flag. This flag provides the status of the inhibit signal selected by the INHSSEL field. 23 DBGMD Debug Mode. 0: The DTM module will continue to operate while the core is halted in debug mode. 1: A debug breakpoint will cause the DTM module to halt. 22:20 Reserved Must write reset value. 19:16 INHSSEL Inhibit Signal Select. This field selects the DTMnINH.x inhibit signal used by states with the INHSEN bits set. 15:12 LASTST Last State. This read-only field captures the last non-done state of the DTM, allowing firmware to determine which state caused a transition to the current state. 11:8 ST Active State. This field reports the active state of the module. Firmware can write the ST field to set the initial state of the DTM. Hardware sets this field to 15 when the DTM operation completes. 7:0 STCOUNT Active State Counter. This field is an 8-bit state counter for the DTM module that tracks the number of requests generated since the module entered an active state. Hardware automatically updates this field with the STRELOAD value when a state becomes active and decrements this field each time a DMA request is generated. A value of 0 corresponds with 256 requests. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 326 Rev. 0.5 Register 19.2. DTMn_TIMEOUT: Module Timeout Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name TOCOUNT Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name TORELOAD Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses DTM0_TIMEOUT = 0x4004_A010 DTM1_TIMEOUT = 0x4004_B010 DTM2_TIMEOUT = 0x4004_C010 Table 19.5. DTMn_TIMEOUT Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 TOCOUNT Function Timeout Counter. This field is the current timeout counter value. Hardware automatically reloads this field with TORELOAD when a state becomes active with timeouts enabled (TOERRIEN = 1) and decrements the value to 0. 15:0 TORELOAD Timeout Counter Reload. The timeout period represented by TORELOAD is given by: T TIMEOUT = 256 T APB TORELOAD + 1 Rev. 0.5 327 Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx Register 19.3. DTMn_MSTCOUNT: Master Counter Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name MSTCOUNT Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses DTM0_MSTCOUNT = 0x4004_A020 DTM1_MSTCOUNT = 0x4004_B020 DTM2_MSTCOUNT = 0x4004_C020 Table 19.6. DTMn_MSTCOUNT Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 MSTCOUNT Function Must write reset value. Master Counter. This field is the total number of DMA operations expected by the DTM module. Firmware must write this field when initializing the DTM module. Hardware decrements the MSTCOUNT field for each DMA request generated by a state with master counter decrementing enabled (MSTDECEN = 1). 328 Rev. 0.5 Register 19.4. DTMn_STATEADDR: State Address Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name STATEADDR[29:14] Type RW 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name STATEADDR[13:0] Reserved Type RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses DTM0_STATEADDR = 0x4004_A030 DTM1_STATEADDR = 0x4004_B030 DTM2_STATEADDR = 0x4004_C030 Table 19.7. DTMn_STATEADDR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:2 STATEADDR Function State Address. This field is the word-aligned address to the start of the state configuration values. Hardware generates the effective state configuration word address by adding the current state value (ST) to this field. 1:0 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 329 Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx 31 30 29 28 27 26 Name TOERRIEN MSTDECEN DTMINH INHSPOL 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Type R R R R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 DSTMOD R R R PRIST SECST STRELOAD Type R R R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 SRCMOD Name Reset 18 DTMCHSEL Bit SECSTIEN Register 19.5. DTMn_STATE: Active DTM State PRISTIEN Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 Register ALL Access Addresses DTM0_STATE = 0x4004_A040 DTM1_STATE = 0x4004_B040 DTM2_STATE = 0x4004_C040 Table 19.8. DTMn_STATE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 PRISTIEN Function Primary State Transition Interrupt Enable. If this bit is set, hardware will set the DTM interrupt flag (DTMI) and generate an interrupt when this state transitions to its primary state (PRIST). 30 SECSTIEN Secondary State Transition Interrupt Enable. If this bit is set, hardware will set the DTM interrupt flag (DTMI) and generate an interrupt when this state transitions to its secondary state (SECST). 29 TOERRIEN Timeout Enable. If this bit is set, hardware reloads the TOCOUNT counter field with the TORELOAD value when this state becomes active. Hardware will set the TOERRI interrupt flag if this state remains active for longer than the number of APB clocks specified by the TORELOAD field. 28 MSTDECEN Master Decrement Enable. If this bit is set, each DMA request generated by this state will decrement the MSTCOUNT field. If this bit is set and MSTCOUNT reaches 0, the state machine will transition to the secondary state (SECST). 330 Rev. 0.5 Table 19.8. DTMn_STATE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 27 DTMINH Function Module Inhibit Enable. If this bit is set, generated DMA requests will be ignored until the inhibit signal selected by INHSSEL matches the polarity set by INHSPOL. This feature can be is used to stall DMA requests until an external peripheral is ready. If timeouts are enabled (TOERRIEN = 1), the TOCOUNT counter continues to decrement while the inhibit signal is asserted. 26 INHSPOL Inhibit Signal Polarity. This bit selects the polarity of the inhibit signal selected by INHSSEL. 0: A logic low on the pin selected by INHSEL will allow the DTM to proceed. 1: A logic high on the pin selected by INHSEL will allow the DTM to proceed. 25:24 DTMCHSEL DTM Channel Select. 00: Select DTMn channel A for this state. 01: Select DTMn channel B for this state. 10: Select DTMn channel C for this state. 11: Select DTMn channel D for this state. 23:20 SRCMOD Source Module. This field selects the peripheral for the state's source DMA requests. Setting this field to 15 indicates that the state will not require a source DMA request, as the source is RAM, flash or a peripheral that does not generate or require DMA requests. 19:16 DSTMOD Destination Module. This field selects the peripheral for the state's destination DMA requests. Setting this field to 15 indicates that the state will not require a destination DMA request, as the destination is RAM or a peripheral that does not generate or require DMA requests. 15:12 PRIST Primary State. This field sets the primary state of the module. 11:8 SECST Secondary State. This field sets the secondary state of the module. 7:0 STRELOAD Active State Counter Reload. This field sets the reload value for the active state counter (STCOUNT). Hardware automatically updates the STCOUNT field with this value when this state becomes active. A value of 0 corresponds with 256 requests. Rev. 0.5 331 Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx 19.7. DTMn Register Memory Map Table 19.9. DTMn Memory Map DTMn_MSTCOUNT DTMn_TIMEOUT DTMn_CONTROL Register Name 0x20 0x10 ALL Offset 0x0 ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 DTMEN Bit 30 DTMI Bit 29 DMAERRI Bit 28 TOERRI Bit 27 DTMINH Bit 26 SRCREQF Bit 25 DSTREQF Bit 24 INHF TOCOUNT Reserved Bit 23 DBGMD Bit 22 Reserved Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 INHSSEL Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 LASTST Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 ST Bit 9 Bit 8 TORELOAD MSTCOUNT Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 STCOUNT Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: DTM0 = 0x4004_A000, DTM1 = 0x4004_B000, DTM2 = 0x4004_C000 332 Rev. 0.5 DTMn_STATE DTMn_STATEADDR Register Name 0x30 ALL Offset 0x40 ALL Access Methods ALL Bit 31 PRISTIEN Bit 30 SECSTIEN Bit 29 TOERRIEN Bit 28 MSTDECEN Bit 27 DTMINH Bit 26 INHSPOL Bit 25 DTMCHSEL Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 SRCMOD Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 DSTMOD Bit 17 STATEADDR Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 PRIST Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 SECST Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 STRELOAD Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Reserved Bit 0 Table 19.9. DTMn Memory Map Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: DTM0 = 0x4004_A000, DTM1 = 0x4004_B000, DTM2 = 0x4004_C000 Rev. 0.5 333 Data Transfer Manager (DTM0, DTM1 and DTM2) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx 20. Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) This section describes the Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 20.1. ECRC Features The ECRC module is designed to provide hardware calculations for flash memory verification and communications protocols. In addition to calculating a result from direct writes from firmware, the ECRC module can automatically snoop the APB bus and calculate a result from data written to or read from a particular peripheral. This allows for an automatic CRC result without directly feeding data through the ECRC module. The supported 32-bit polynomial is 0x04C11DB7 (IEEE 802.3). The 16-bit polynomial is fully programmable. The CRC module includes the following features: Support for a programmable 16-bit polynomial and one fixed 32-bit polynomial. Byte-level bit reversal for the CRC input. Byte-order reorientation of words for the CRC input. Word or half-word bit reversal of the CRC result. Ability to configure and seed an operation in a single register write. Support for single-cycle parallel (unrolled) CRC computation for 32-, 16-, or 8-bit blocks. Capability to CRC 32 bits of data per peripheral bus (APB) clock. Automatic APB bus snooping. Support for DMA writes using firmware request mode. ECRC Module RDATA word or half-word bit reversal 32-bit byte reorder DATA 16-bit byte reorder byte-level bit reversal Hardware CRC Calculation Unit Seed 16-bit Programmable POLY 0x04C11DB7 Polynomial Selection 32-bit Fixed Figure 20.1. ECRC0 Block Diagram 334 Rev. 0.5 20.2. Overview The ECRC module is designed to provide hardware calculations for flash memory verification and communications protocols. The ECRC module supports 32-bit and 16-bit polynomials. The supported 32-bit polynomial is 0x04C11DB7 (IEEE 802.3). The 16-bit polynomial can be programmed to any value, depending on the needs of the application. Common 16-bit polynomials are 0x1021 (CCITT–16), 0x3D65 (IEC16–MBus), and 0x8005 (ZigBee, 802.15.4, and USB). The ECRC module will automatically detect non-word writes (byte or half-word) and adjust the internal calculation to only process the least-significant byte or half-word. Any word writes are treated as an entire word and all 32 bits will be considered in the CRC calculation update. The BMDEN bit can be used to force the ECRC module to treat all writes as bytes. 20.3. Polynomial Specification The POLYSEL bit in the CONTROL register selects between 32-bit and 16-bit polynomial functions. When a 32-bit polynomial is selected, the fixed IEEE 802.3 polynomial (0x04C11DB7) is used. When a 16-bit polynomial is selected, any valid polynomial can be defined by the user in the POLY register. A valid 16-bit CRC polynomial must have an x16 term and an x0 term. Theoretically, a 16-bit polynomial might have 17 terms total. However, the polynomial SFR is only 16-bits wide. The convention used is to omit the x16 term. The polynomial should be written in big endian bit order. The most significant bit corresponds to the highest order term. Thus, the most significant bit in the POLY register represents the x15 term, and the least significant bit in the POLY register represents the x0 term. The least significant bit of POLY cannot be changed, and is always set to 1. Figure 20.2 depicts the polynomial representation for the CRC-16-CCIT polynomial x16 + x12 + x5+ 1, or 0x1021. POLY = 0x1021 POLY 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 x16+ 1 0 0 x12+ x 5+ 1 Figure 20.2. Polynomial Representation 20.4. Automatic Seeding The SINTEN and SEED bits in the CONTROL register allow for automatic seeding. When SINTEN is written to 1, the seed value determined by the SEED bit will be seeded to the CRC block. When SEED is 0, the seed is all 0s, and when SEED is 1, the SEED is all 1s. Rev. 0.5 335 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx 20.5. Peripheral Data Snooping The module has the capability to monitor APB bus traffic to and from certain peripheral blocks, and automatically calculate the CRC on that data. Ten different peripheral blocks can be selected to monitor with the CRC engine. Within each peripheral block, any word address can be monitored for writes or reads on the APB bus. The SCONTROL register is used to set up the peripheral for bus snooping. The field SPERISEL is used to select which peripheral block is to be monitored. Table 20.1 shows the different peripheral options available. Note that the Port I/ O section encompasses all three of the port I/O control types, and the offset address is the 4 kB memory region that contains all of these registers. The SADDR field is used to specify the memory offset within the peripheral block to monitor. SADDR represents bits 11:2 of the memory address, and thus the snoop function will operate only on word-aligned memory boundaries within each peripheral region. Finally, the SDIRSEL bit defines whether the module will monitor reads from or writes to the specified memory location. Table 20.1. Peripheral Data Snooping Selection SPERISEL Setting Peripheral to Monitor Peripheral Offset Address 0000 USART0 0x4000_0000 0001 UART0 0x4000_1000 0010 SPI0 0x4000_4000 0011 SPI1 0x4000_5000 0100 I2C0 0x4000_9000 0101 SARADC0 0x4001_A000 0110 AES0 0x4002_7000 0111 ENCDEC0 0x4004_F000 1000 Port I/O (PBCFG, PBSTD and PBGP) 0x4002_A000 1001 FLASHCTRL0 0x4002_E000 For example, to configure the module to monitor data sent to UART0, the SPERISEL field should be set to 0001, the SADDR field should be set to 0x1C, and the SDIRSEL bit should be cleared to 0. This will monitor any APB writes to the UART0_DATA register at address 0x4000_1070. The address is calculated as the UART0 base address (0x4000_1000) plus the SADDR field left-shifted by two bits (0x070). Peripheral data snooping should be configured prior to setting up the rest of the CRC operation. Once the peripheral has been configured as desired, the snooping function is enabled by setting SEN in the SCONTROL register to 1. Note that the module does not initiate a read or write of the selected peripheral. Rather, the snooping feature is monitoring the APB bus for traffic, and will grab the data when a bus master such as the core or the DMA engine reads the specified address. 336 Rev. 0.5 20.6. DMA Configuration and Usage A DMA channel may be used to transfer data into the CRC engine. The module supports byte, half-word, and word writes. All byte and half-word writes must be word-aligned. The recommended DMA usage model is to use the DMA to transfer all available words of data and use firmware writes to capture any remaining bytes. To write data into the CRC engine, the DMA must move one word of data at a time from the source location in memory to the internal DATA register in non-incrementing mode. Firmware can then write any remaining bytes to the DATA register and read the CRC result from the DATA register. The DATA register should not be directly written to or read from when targeted by a DMA channel. SiM3xxxx Address Space DMA Module CRCn Input Data DMA Block ECRC0 Module RDATA word or half-word bit reversal DMA Block 32-bit byte reorder DATA 16-bit byte reorder DMA Block byte-level bit reversal Hardware CRC Calculation Unit Seed 16-bit Programmable POLY 0x04C11DB7 32-bit Fixed Polynomial Selection Figure 20.3. DMA Configuration The DMA channel should be set up as follows: Source size and Destination Size are 2 for a word transfer. Number of transfers is N - 1, where N is the number of 4-byte words. RPOWER = 0 (1 word transfer per transaction). To start a DMA operation with the module out of any device reset: 1. Set up the DMA channel for the CRC Input. 2. Configure the peripheral operation in the CONTROL register. 3. Start the DMA transfer. 4. Wait for DMA completion interrupt. 5. Write any remaining bytes to the DATA register to complete the CRC calculation for the memory block. 6. Read the CRC result from DATA or the bit-reversed CRC result from RDATA. Rev. 0.5 337 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx 20.7. Byte-Level Bit Reversal and Byte Reordering The byte-level bit reversal and byte reordering operations occur before the data is used in the CRC calculation. Byte reordering can occur on words or half words. The hardware ignores the ORDER field with any byte writes or operations with byte mode enabled (BMDEN = 1), but the bit reversal settings (BBREN) are still applied to the byte. Big-endian data can be treated like 32-bit little endian data, as shown in Figure 20.4. In this example, ORDER is set to 10b for big-endian byte ordering, and BBREN is set to 1 for byte-level bit reversal. bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 0 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 2 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 Input data is big endian bit 7 Byte 3 ORDER bits set to 10b for 32-bit big endian swap bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 3 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 2 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 Byte 0 BBREN bit set to 1 for byte-level bit reversal Figure 20.4. Data Ordering Example—Big Endian to Little Endian 338 Rev. 0.5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit 7 bit 6 Byte 3 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit 7 bit 6 Byte 2 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit 7 bit 6 Byte 1 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 Data is now little endian for CRC calculation bit 1 Byte 0 bit 0 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Big-endian data can be treated like 16-bit little endian data with MSB-first bit ordering, as shown in Figure 20.5. In this example, ORDER is set to 01b for 16-bit big-endian byte order, and BBREN is set to 1 for byte-level bit reversal. bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 0 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 2 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 Input data is big endian bit 7 Byte 3 ORDER bits set to 01b for 16-bit big endian swap bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 0 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 bit 0 bit 1 Byte 3 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7 Byte 2 BBREN bit set to 1 for byte-level bit reversal bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit 7 bit 6 Byte 1 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit 7 bit 6 Byte 0 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit 7 bit 6 Byte 3 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 Data is now 16-bit little endian for CRC calculation bit 0 Byte 2 Figure 20.5. Data Ordering Example—Big Endian to 16-bit Little Endian Rev. 0.5 339 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Assuming a word input byte order of B3 B2 B1 B0, the values used in the CRC calculation for the various settings of the byte-level bit reversal and byte reordering are shown in Table 20.2. Table 20.2. Byte-Level Bit Reversal and Byte Reordering Results (B3 B2 B1 B0 Input Order) Original CRC Calculation Method Polynomial Width (bits) Byte Order 32 little endian LSB 32 little endian 32 Equivalent Settings Bit Order ORDER bits (MSB/LSB first) setting BBREN bit setting Input to CRC calculation 00 (none) 0 B3 B2 B1 B0 MSB 10 (32-bit) 1 ‘B0 ‘B1 ‘B2 ‘B3 big endian LSB 10 (32-bit) 0 B0 B1 B2 B3 32 big endian MSB 00 (none) 1 ‘B3 ‘B2 ‘B1 ‘B0 16 little endian LSB 00 (none) 0 B3 B2 B1 B0 16 little endian MSB 01 (16-bit) 1 ‘B2 ‘B3 ‘B0 ‘B1 16 big endian LSB 01 (16-bit) 0 B2 B3 B0 B1 16 big endian MSB 00 (none) 1 ‘B3 ‘B2 ‘B1 ‘B0 8 — LSB — 0 XX XX XX B0 8 — MSB — 1 XX XX XX ‘B0 Notes: 1. X indicates a “don’t care.” 2. Bn is the byte field within the word. 3. ‘Bn is the bit-reversed byte field within the word. 340 Rev. 0.5 20.8. ECRC0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for ECRC0 registers. Register 20.1. ECRC0_CONTROL: Module Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name ORDER Reserved POLYSEL Reserved CRCEN SEED SINITEN 16 BMDEN 17 BBREN 18 Reserved R 19 ASEEDEN Type 20 ASEEDSEL Reserved 21 Reserved Name 22 Type R RW RW R RW RW RW R RW R RW RW W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ECRC0_CONTROL = 0x4002_8000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 20.3. ECRC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:15 Reserved 14 ASEEDSEL Function Must write reset value. Automatic Seed Byte Select. This bit selects the byte of DATA, RDATA, or BRDATA that causes a re-seed of the CRC result when automatic seeding is enabled. The selected byte can be read with word, half-word or byte read operations. 0: Select a read of the least-significant byte ([7:0]) of DATA, RDATA or BRDATA for automatic re-seeding. 1: Select a read of the most-significant byte [31:24] for 32-bit operations, and [15:8] for 16-bit operations) of DATA, RDATA or BRDATA for automatic re-seeding. 13 ASEEDEN Automatic Seed Enable. 0: Disable automatic seeding. 1: Enable automatic seeding. Reading the byte of the DATA register selected by ASEEDSEL re-seeds the CRC result with the setting selected by SEED. 12 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 341 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Table 20.3. ECRC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 11:10 ORDER Function Input Processing Order. Controls the input order of the bytes in a half-word or word to the CRC calculation unit. This setting has no effect in byte mode. 00: No byte reorientation (output is same order as input). 01: Swap for 16-bit big endian order (input: B3 B2 B1 B0, output: B2 B3 B0 B1). 10: Swap for 32-bit big endian order (input: B3 B2 B1 B0, output: B0 B1 B2 B3). 11: Reserved. 9 BBREN Byte-Level Bit Reversal Enable. Controls the input order of the bits in each byte to the CRC calculation unit. When set to 1, byte-level bit reversal is enabled and the bits in each byte are reversed. 0: No byte-level bit reversal (input is same order as written). 1: Byte-level bit reversal enabled (the bits in each byte are reversed). 8 BMDEN Byte Mode Enable. Enables byte mode, where all writes to the DATA register are considered as 8-bit writes. When set to 1, only the least-significant byte of the data word will be used for the CRC calculation. 0: Disable byte mode (word/byte width is determined automatically by the hardware). 1: Enable byte mode (all writes are considered as bytes). 7:5 Reserved Must write reset value. 4 POLYSEL Polynomial Selection. Selects the polynomial used by the CRC calculations. 0: Select the fixed 32-bit polynomial: 0x04C11DB7. 1: Select the programmable 16-bit polynomial. The POLY register sets the polynomial coefficients. 3 Reserved 2 CRCEN Must write reset value. CRC Enable. Enables CRC functionality. Until this bit is set to 1, writes to the DATA register move into the CRC results register without any CRC operation. Byte reorientation and bit reversal is still active even if CRCEN is cleared to 0. 0: Disable CRC operations. 1: Enable CRC operations. 1 SEED Seed Setting. Determines the value of all CRC register bits when a 1 is written to the SINITEN bit. This bit always reads back as 0. The desired value of SEED must be written in the same register write that sets SINITEN. 0: CRC seed value is all 0's (0x00000000) 1: CRC seed value is all 1's (0xFFFFFFFF). 342 Rev. 0.5 Table 20.3. ECRC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 0 SINITEN Function Seed Initialization Enable. When this bit is set to 1, all bits of the CRC register are initialized to the value written to the SEED bit. This bit always reads back as 0. SINITEN and SEED should be written in the same register write. 0: Do not initialize the CRC module to the value set by the SEED bit. 1: Initialize the CRC module to the value set by the SEED bit. Rev. 0.5 343 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Register 20.2. ECRC0_POLY: 16-bit Programmable Polynomial Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Name POLY Type RW Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ECRC0_POLY = 0x4002_8010 Table 20.4. ECRC0_POLY Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 POLY Function Must write reset value. 16-bit Programmable Polynomial. This field is the 16-bit programmable CRC polynomial. A 1 in an N bit position adds an xN term to the CRC polynomial. The least-significant bit of this field is read-only and always reads back 1. 344 Rev. 0.5 Register 20.3. ECRC0_DATA: Input/Result Data Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name DATA[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name DATA[15:0] Type RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address ECRC0_DATA = 0x4002_8020 Table 20.5. ECRC0_DATA Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DATA Function Input/Result Data. If the CRCEN bit is set to 1, data written to this register will be used for CRC calculations, byte-level bit reversal, and byte reordering. The current CRC result can be read from this register at any time. If the CRCEN bit is cleared to 0, data written to this register will be used for bytelevel bit reversal and byte reordering only. No delay is required between writing the data and reading the CRC or reordering result. Note: When reading this register with ASEEDEN = 1, byte or half-word access should read the portion specified by ASEEDSEL last. Rev. 0.5 345 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Register 20.4. ECRC0_RDATA: Bit-Reversed Output Data Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name RDATA[31:16] Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name RDATA[15:0] Type R Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address ECRC0_RDATA = 0x4002_8030 Table 20.6. ECRC0_RDATA Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 RDATA Function Bit-Reversed Output Data. This register provides the bit reversed version of the DATA register. When the 32-bit CRC polynomial is selected, the reversal occurs on the entire 32-bit word. When a 16-bit CRC polynomial is selected, the least-significant half-word (bits [15:0]) is reversed. Note: When reading this register with ASEEDEN = 1, byte or half-word access should read the portion specified by ASEEDSEL last. 346 Rev. 0.5 Register 20.5. ECRC0_BRDATA: Byte-Reversed Output Data Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name BRDATA[31:16] Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name BRDATA[15:0] Type R Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address ECRC0_BRDATA = 0x4002_8040 Table 20.7. ECRC0_BRDATA Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 BRDATA Function Byte-Reversed Output Data. This register provides the byte-reversed version of the DATA register. When a 32-bit CRC polynomial is selected, the bytes reorder to [B0, B1, B2, B3]. When a 16-bit CRC polynomial is selected, the bytes reorder to [B2, B3, B0, B1]. Rev. 0.5 347 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Register 20.6. ECRC0_SCONTROL: Bus Snooping Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved SADDR Reserved Type R RW R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved SPERISEL Reserved SEN Reset SDIRSEL Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW R RW RW 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ECRC0_SCONTROL = 0x4002_8050 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 20.8. ECRC0_SCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 Reserved 27:18 SADDR Function Must write reset value. Snooping Address. This field sets the word base address of the selected device peripheral for the module to snoop. This value corresponds to APB address bits [11:2] and selects word addresses. 17:8 Reserved 7:4 SPERISEL Must write reset value. Snooping Peripheral Select. Setting this field to x selects the ECRCn.x device peripheral as the module to snoop. 3:2 Reserved Must write reset value. 1 SDIRSEL Snooping Direction Select. 0: ECRC will snoop writes to the selected peripheral. 1: ECRC will snoop reads from the selected peripheral. 0 SEN Snooping Enable. When enabled, the ECRC module will snoop the APB bus accesses for the selected peripheral and automatically CRC the data on the bus. To avoid incorrect CRC calculations, writes to DATA should not be performed when snooping the bus. 0: Disable automatic bus snooping. 1: Enable automatic bus snooping. 348 Rev. 0.5 20.9. ECRC0 Register Memory Map ECRC0_RDATA ECRC0_DATA ECRC0_POLY ECRC0_CONTROL Register Name 0x4002_8030 0x4002_8020 0x4002_8010 ALL Address 0x4002_8000 ALL ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 RDATA DATA Bit 15 ASEEDSEL Bit 14 ASEEDEN Bit 13 Reserved Bit 12 Bit 11 ORDER Bit 10 BBREN Bit 9 BMDEN Bit 8 POLY Bit 7 Reserved Bit 6 Bit 5 POLYSEL Bit 4 Reserved Bit 3 CRCEN Bit 2 SEED Bit 1 SINITEN Bit 0 Table 20.9. ECRC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 349 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Table 20.9. ECRC0 Memory Map ECRC0_SCONTROL ECRC0_BRDATA Register Name 0x4002_8050 0x4002_8040 ALL Address ALL | SET | CLR ALL Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Reserved Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 SADDR Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 BRDATA Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Reserved Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 SPERISEL Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 SDIRSEL Bit 1 SEN Bit 0 Enhanced Cyclic Redundancy Check (ECRC0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 350 Rev. 0.5 21. Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) This section describes the Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 21.1. ENCDEC Features The ENCDEC module includes the following features: Supports Manchester and Three-out-of-Six encoding and decoding. flag clearing when writing the input or reading the output data registers. Writing to the input data register automatically initiates an encode or decode operation. Optional output in one’s complement format. Hardware error detection for invalid input data during decode operations. Flexible byte swapping on the input or output data. Automatic ENCDEC Module DATAIN Hardware Encoder/ Decoder Unit DATAOUT DATAOUTC Manchester and Three-out-of-Six Control and Status Figure 21.1. ENCDEC0 Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 351 Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx 21.2. Manchester Encoding In Manchester encoding, each bit is encoded as two bits. To encode Manchester data, the OPMD bit should be cleared to 0 (for Manchester), and the EDMD bit should be set to 1 (encode). Data to encode is written to the DATAIN register. DATAIN allows byte, half-word and word access (word-aligned only). Input is processed one byte at a time according to the order established by the IORDER field, so 1, 2, or 4 bytes may be processed in a single write to DATAIN. When all of the data written to DATAIN has been processed, the INRDYI flag in the STATUS register is set to indicate that additional data can be written and a DMA request can be asserted. Each output in Manchester encoding mode is two bytes wide. When encoding data, the user can select whether to proceed with one or two encode operations using the MOSIZE bit in the CONTROL register. When the desired number of encode operations have been completed, hardware will set the ORDYI flag in the STATUS register. If additional data is pending in the DATAIN register, the data encoding will continue (and ORDYI will automatically be cleared) when the DATAOUT or DATAOUTC registers are read. All available data must be read from DATAOUT or DATAOUTC with a single read operation. Table 21.1 shows the output of the Manchester encode operation. Table 21.1. Manchester Encoding 352 Input Data Encoded Output nibble byte dec hex bin bin hex dec 0 0 0000 10101010 AA 170 1 1 0001 10101001 A9 169 2 2 0010 10100110 A6 166 3 3 0011 10100101 A5 165 4 4 0100 10011010 9A 154 5 5 0101 10011001 99 153 6 6 0110 10010110 96 150 7 7 0111 10010101 95 149 8 8 1000 01101010 6A 106 9 9 1001 01101001 69 105 10 A 1010 01100110 66 102 11 B 1011 01100101 65 101 12 C 1100 01011010 5A 90 13 D 1101 01011001 59 89 14 E 1110 01010110 56 86 15 F 1111 01010101 55 85 Rev. 0.5 21.3. Manchester Decoding Decoding manchester data is symmetrical to the encode operation. Two bits are decoded to a single bit. To decode Manchester data, the OPMD bit should be cleared to 0 (for Manchester), and the EDMD bit should be cleared to 0 (decode). Data to decode is written to the DATAIN register. DATAIN access should be restricted to half-word and word writes (word-aligned only) in this mode. The DERRI flag will be set if an incompatible register access is attempted. Input is processed two bytes at a time according to the order established by the IORDER field, so a half-word write will produce one output, and a word write will produce two outputs. When all of the data written to DATAIN has been processed, the INRDYI flag in the STATUS register is set to indicate that additional data can be written. Each output in Manchester decoding mode is one byte wide. When decoding data, the user can select whether to proceed with one or two decode operations using the MOSIZE bit in the CONTROL register. When the desired number of decode operations have been completed, hardware will set the ORDYI flag in the STATUS register. If additional data is pending in the DATAIN register, the data encoding will continue (and ORDYI will automatically be cleared) when the DATAOUT or DATAOUTC registers are read. All available data must be read from DATAOUT or DATAOUTC with a single read operation. Table 21.2 shows the output of the Manchester decode operation. The DERRI flag will be set if an invalid input is written. Table 21.2. Manchester Decoding Input Decoded Output Byte Nibble bin hex dec dec hex bin 01010101 55 85 15 F 1111 01010110 56 86 14 E 1110 01011001 59 89 13 D 1101 01011010 5A 90 12 C 1100 01100101 65 101 11 B 1011 01100110 66 102 10 A 1010 01101001 69 105 9 9 1001 01101010 6A 106 8 8 1000 10010101 95 149 7 7 0111 10010110 96 150 6 6 0110 10011001 99 153 5 5 0101 10011010 9A 154 4 4 0100 10100101 A5 165 3 3 0011 10100110 A6 166 2 2 0010 10101001 A9 169 1 1 0001 10101010 AA 170 0 0 0000 Rev. 0.5 353 Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx 21.4. Three-out-of-Six Encoding Three out of six encoding is similar to Manchester encoding. In Three-out-of-Six encoding each nibble is encoded as a six-bit symbol. Four nibbles (two bytes) are encoded as 24-bits (three bytes). To use Three-out-of-Six encoding, the OPMD bit should be set to 1 (for Three-out-of-Six), and the EDMD bit should be set to 1 (encode). Data to encode is written to the DATAIN register. DATAIN access should be restricted to half-word and word writes (word-aligned only) in this mode. The DERRI flag will be set if an incompatible register access is attempted. Input is processed two bytes at a time according to the order established by the IORDER field, so a half-word write will produce one output, and a word write will produce two outputs. When all of the data written to DATAIN has been processed, the INRDYI flag in the STATUS register is set to indicate that additional data can be written. Each output in Three-out-of-Six encoding mode is three bytes wide. When each encode operation is complete, hardware will set the ORDYI flag in the STATUS register. If additional data is pending in the DATAIN register, the data encoding will continue (and ORDYI will automatically be cleared) when the DATAOUT or DATAOUTC registers are read. All available data must be read from DATAOUT or DATAOUTC with a single read operation. Table 21.3 shows the output of the Three-out-of-Six encode operation. Table 21.3. Three-out-of-Six Encoding Nibble 354 Input Encoded Output nibble symbol dec hex bin bin dec hex octal 0 0 0000 010110 22 16 26 1 1 0001 001101 13 0D 15 2 2 0010 001110 14 0E 16 3 3 0011 001011 11 0B 13 4 4 0100 011100 28 1C 34 5 5 0101 011001 25 19 31 6 6 0110 011010 26 1A 32 7 7 0111 010011 19 13 23 8 8 1000 101100 44 2C 54 9 9 1001 100101 37 25 45 10 A 1010 100110 38 26 46 11 B 1011 100011 35 23 43 12 C 1100 110100 52 34 64 13 D 1101 110001 49 31 61 14 E 1110 110010 50 32 62 15 F 1111 101001 41 29 51 Rev. 0.5 21.5. Three-out-of-Six Decoding Three-out-of-Six decoding is a similar inverse process. In Three-out-of-Six decoding, every six-bit symbol decodes to a nibble. To decode Three-out-of-Six data, the OPMD bit should be set to 1 (for Three-out-of-Six), and the EDMD bit should be cleared to 0 (decode). Data to decode is written to the DATAIN register. DATAIN access should be restricted to word writes only in this mode. The DERRI flag will be set if an incompatible register access is attempted. Input is processed three bytes at a time according to the order established by the IORDER field, so a word write will produce a single output. The most significant byte of the input word is not used. When the data written to DATAIN has been processed, the INRDYI flag in the STATUS register is set to indicate that additional data can be written. Each output in Three-out-of-Six decoding mode is two bytes wide. When an encode operation is complete, hardware will set the ORDYI flag in the STATUS register. The ORDYI flag will automatically be cleared when the DATAOUT or DATAOUTC registers are read. All available data must be read from DATAOUT or DATAOUTC with a single read operation. Table 21.4 shows the output of the Three-out-of-Six decode operation. The DERRI flag will be set if an invalid input is written. Table 21.4. Three-out-of-Six Decoding Input Decoded Output Symbol Nibble bin octal dec dec hex bin 001011 13 11 3 3 0011 001101 15 13 1 1 0001 001110 16 14 2 2 0010 010011 23 19 7 7 0111 010110 26 22 0 0 0000 011001 31 25 5 5 0101 011010 32 26 6 6 0110 011100 34 28 4 4 0100 100011 43 35 11 B 1011 100101 45 37 9 9 1001 100110 46 38 10 A 1010 101001 51 41 15 F 1111 101100 54 44 8 8 1000 110001 61 49 13 D 1101 110010 62 50 14 E 1110 110100 64 52 12 C 1100 Rev. 0.5 355 Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx 21.6. Interrupts and Error Conditions The Encoder/Decoder peripheral has several interrupt sources available to the user. These interrupts are all indicated in the STATUS register, while enable bits to allow the status flag to trigger an interrupt are located in the CONTROL register. Interrupts may be triggered on the normal data input and output status flags, or when an error condition occurs. Table 21.5. Interrupt Flags and Conditions Interrupt Flag (STATUS register) Enable Bit (CONTROL register) Conditions INRDYI INRDYIEN Set when new data can be accepted. Cleared by writing to DATAIN (direct or via DMA). ORDYI ORDYIEN Set when output data is ready. Cleared by reading DATAOUT or DATAOUTC (direct or via DMA) DERRI DERRIEN Set when a data input format error occurs. Cleared by firmware. DURI DERRIEN Set when DATAIN is written before new data can be accepted. Cleared by firmware. DORI DERRIEN Set when DATAOUT or DATAOUTC is read, but no new data is available. Cleared by firmware. Normally, when used with the DMA, the DMA will transfer the entire specified transfer size to and from the Encoder/ Decoder peripheral. If a decoder error occurs, decoding will continue until all data has been decoded. The error bit in the DERRI flag will indicate if an error has occurred anywhere in the DMA transfer. Some applications will discard the entire packet after a single decoder error. Aborting the decoder operation at the first decoder error will conserve energy and minimize packet receiver turn-around time. The decoder interrupt service routine should disable the DMA channels associated with the ENCDEC0 peripheral and clear any pending interrupt flags when this occurs. 356 Rev. 0.5 21.7. DMA Configuration and Usage A DMA channel may be used to transfer data to and from the ENCDEC module. The DMA’s ENCDEC0 TX channel is the input channel, which is used to transfer data into the encoder/decoder via the DATAIN register. Likewise, the ENCDEC0 RX channel of the DMA is the output channel, and is used to transfer data out of the encoder/decoder via the DATAOUT (or DATAOUTC) register. Depending on the encoding scheme and whether the data is being encoded or decoded, the input and output of the encoder/decoder can accept word, half-word or byte transfers. SiM3xxxx Address Space DMA Module ENCDEC0 Input Data ENCDEC0 Module DMA Channel (ENCDEC0 TX) DATAIN Hardware Encoder/ Decoder Unit DATAOUT Either DATAOUT or DATAOUTC ENCDEC0 Output Data DMA Channel (ENCDEC0 RX) DATAOUTC Manchester and Three-out-of-Six Control and Status Figure 21.2. ENCDEC0 DMA Configuration The DMA channel configuration for the ENCDEC block is as follows: For simplicity, the input and output channels can be configured for the same number of transfers, but they need not be. Table 21.6 reflects only configurations where the number of input and output transfers are equal. The RPOWER field should be set to 0. The ENCDEC0 TX channel must be configured with the data destination set to the DATAIN register in nonincrementing mode (DSTAIMD = 3). The ENCDEC0 RX channel must be configured with the data source set to the DATAOUT or DATAOUTC register in non-incrementing mode (SRCAIMD = 3). For transfers to/from a memory buffer, Table 21.6 summarizes the recommended settings for the DMA transfer size and increment fields. Rev. 0.5 357 Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Table 21.6. DMA Channel Size and Increment Parameters Operation ENCDEC0 TX Channel ENCDEC0 RX Channel DSTSIZE, SRCAIMD, and SRCSIZE DSTAIMD, DSTSIZE, and SRCSIZE Manchester encode, MOSIZE = 0 (small) 0 (byte) 1 (half-word) Manchester decode, MOSIZE = 0 (small) 1 (half-word) 0 (byte) Manchester encode, MOSIZE = 1 (large) 1 (half-word) 2 (word) Manchester decode, MOSIZE = 1 (large) 2 (word) 1 (half-word) Three-out-of-Six encode 1 (half-word) 2 (word) Three-out-of-Six decode 2 (word) 1 (half-word) To start a DMA operation with the ENCDEC module: 1. Configure the ENCDEC module for the desired encode/decode operation. 2. Reset the ENCDEC module using the RESET bit, and clear the DATAOUT register to 0. 3. Configure the ENCDEC0 RX and ENCDEC0 TX DMA channels for the desired encode/decode operation. 4. Enable the DMA channels. 5. Enable DMA mode in the ENCDEC block by setting the DMAEN bit to 1. 358 Rev. 0.5 21.8. ENCDEC0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for ENCDEC0 registers. Register 21.1. ENCDEC0_CONTROL: Module Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name IORDER OORDER INRDYIEN 0 ORDYIEN 0 ERRIEN 0 RESET 0 MOSIZE 0 EDMD 0 OPMD 0 Reserved 0 BEN 0 DMAEN 0 DBGMD 0 Reserved Reset Type RW RW R RW RW RW R RW RW RW W RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ENCDEC0_CONTROL = 0x4004_F000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 21.7. ENCDEC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:16 Reserved Must write reset value. 15:14 IORDER Input Order Mode. 00: Data written to DATAIN is processed in the order written (input: B3 B2 B1 B0, output: B3 B2 B1 B0). 01: The module flips the DATAIN input data in half-words (input: B2 B3 B0 B1, output: B3 B2 B1 B0). 10: The module flips the DATAIN input data in words (input: B0 B1 B2 B3, output: B3 B2 B1 B0). 11: The module flips the lower three bytes of the DATAIN input data (input: B3 B0 B1 B2, output: B3 B2 B1 B0). 13:12 OORDER Output Order Mode. 00: The module outputs data to DATAOUT in the same order as it was processed (input: B3 B2 B1 B0, output: B3 B2 B1 B0). 01: The module flips the data in half-words before outputting to DATAOUT (input: B3 B2 B1 B0, output: B2 B3 B0 B1). 10: The module flips the data in words before outputting to DATAOUT (input: B3 B2 B1 B0, output: B0 B1 B2 B3). 11: The module flips the lower three bytes before outputting to DATAOUT (input: B3 B2 B1 B0, output: B3 B0 B1 B2). 11 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 359 Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Table 21.7. ENCDEC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 10 DBGMD Function Debug Mode. 0: The ENCDEC module will continue to operate while the core is halted in debug mode. 1: A debug breakpoint will cause the ENCDEC module to halt. 9 DMAEN DMA Mode Enable. 0: Disable DMA mode. 1: Enable DMA mode. 8 BEN Bypass Encoder/Decoder Operation Enable. If this bit is set to 1, the ENCDEC module hardware is bypassed, which allows firmware to use the module as a memory copy. 0: Do not bypass ENCDEC operations. 1: Bypass ENCDEC operations. 7 Reserved 6 OPMD Must write reset value. Operation Mode. 0: The operation selected by EDMD uses Manchester mode. 1: The operation selected by EDMD uses Three-out-of-Six mode. 5 EDMD Encode Decode Mode. 0: Decode data written to DATAIN. 1: Encode data written to DATAIN. 4 MOSIZE Manchester Output Size. 0: Manchester encode operations generate a half-word output, and decode operations generate a byte output. 1: Manchester encode operations generate a word output, and decode operations generate a half-word output. 3 RESET Module Reset. Setting this bit to 1 flushes all data out of the module. No register settings are affected by the reset. 2 ERRIEN Error Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the error interrupt. 1: Enable the error interrupt. 1 ORDYIEN Output Ready Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the output ready interrupt. 1: Enable the output ready interrupt. 0 INRDYIEN Input Ready Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the input ready interrupt. 1: Enable the input ready interrupt. 360 Rev. 0.5 Register 21.2. ENCDEC0_STATUS: Module Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved INRDYI 0 ORDYI 0 DERRI 0 DURI 0 DORI Reset Type R RW RW RW R R 0 0 0 0 1 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ENCDEC0_STATUS = 0x4004_F010 Table 21.8. ENCDEC0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:5 Reserved 4 DORI Function Must write reset value. Data Overrun Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 when an input data overrun condition occurs and can cause an interrupt if enabled (ERRIEN = 1). This flag must be cleared by firmware. 3 DURI Data Underrun Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 when an output data underrun condition occurs and can cause an interrupt if enabled (ERRIEN = 1). This flag must be cleared by firmware. 2 DERRI Data Error Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 when an illegal byte or invalid data is written to the DATAIN register and can cause an interrupt if enabled (ERRIEN = 1). This flag must be cleared by firmware. 1 ORDYI Output Ready Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 when the output data in DATAOUT is ready and can cause an interrupt if enabled (ORDYIEN = 1). Reading the DATAOUT or DATAOUTC registers will automatically clear this flag. This flag is automatically cleared by hardware when operating in DMA mode (DMAEN = 1). 0 INRDYI Input Ready Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this bit to 1 when the input data FIFO is empty and can be written with data. This bit can also cause an interrupt if enabled (INRDYIEN = 1). Writing to the DATAIN register will automatically clear this flag. This flag is automatically cleared by hardware when operating in DMA mode (DMAEN = 1). Rev. 0.5 361 Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Register 21.3. ENCDEC0_DATAIN: Data Input Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name DATAIN[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name DATAIN[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ENCDEC0_DATAIN = 0x4004_F020 Table 21.9. ENCDEC0_DATAIN Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DATAIN Function Data Input. This field is the input data to the ENCDEC module. A write to this register will initiate the encode or decode operation specified by the OPMD and EDMD bits in the order specified by the IORDER field. Hardware will set the INRDYI flag when the operation completes and new data can be written. Note: Reads of this register modify the state of hardware. Debug logic should take care when reading this register. 362 Rev. 0.5 Register 21.4. ENCDEC0_DATAOUT: Data Output Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name DATAOUT[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name DATAOUT[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address ENCDEC0_DATAOUT = 0x4004_F030 Table 21.10. ENCDEC0_DATAOUT Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DATAOUT Function Data Output. This module writes the encoded or decoded output data to this field in the order specified by the OORDER field and sets the ORDYI bit. A read of this field automatically clears the ORDYI bit. All available data must be read in a single operation. Note: Reads of this register modify the state of hardware. Debug logic should take care when reading this register. Rev. 0.5 363 Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Register 21.5. ENCDEC0_DATAOUTC: Data Output Complement Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name DATAOUTC[31:16] Type R 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name DATAOUTC[15:0] Type R Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address ENCDEC0_DATAOUTC = 0x4004_F040 Table 21.11. ENCDEC0_DATAOUTC Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DATAOUTC Function Data Output Complement. A read of this field will return the 1's complement of the DATAOUT field. A read of this field automatically clears the ORDYI bit. Note: Reads of this register modify the state of hardware. Debug logic should take care when reading this register. 364 Rev. 0.5 21.9. ENCDEC0 Register Memory Map ENCDEC0_DATAIN ENCDEC0_STATUS ENCDEC0_CONTROL Register Name ALL Address 0x4004_F020 0x4004_F010 0x4004_F000 Access Methods ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Reserved Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 DATAIN Bit 15 IORDER Bit 14 Bit 13 OORDER Bit 12 Reserved Bit 11 DBGMD Bit 10 DMAEN Bit 9 BEN Bit 8 Reserved Bit 7 OPMD Bit 6 EDMD Bit 5 DORI MOSIZE Bit 4 DURI RESET Bit 3 DERRI ERRIEN Bit 2 ORDYI ORDYIEN Bit 1 INRDYI INRDYIEN Bit 0 Table 21.12. ENCDEC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 365 Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Table 21.12. ENCDEC0 Memory Map ENCDEC0_DATAOUTC ENCDEC0_DATAOUT Register Name 0x4004_F040 0x4004_F030 ALL Address ALL ALL Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 DATAOUTC DATAOUT Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Encoder/Decoder (ENCDEC0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 366 Rev. 0.5 22. Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) This section describes the Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 22.1. Enhanced Programmable Counter Array Features The Enhanced PCA module is a multi-purpose counter array with features designed for motor control applications. The EPCA module includes: Three sets of channel pairs (six channels total) capable of generating complementary waveforms. and edge-aligned waveform generation. Programmable dead times that ensure channel pairs are never both active at the same time. Programmable clock divisor and multiple options for clock source selection. Waveform update scheduling. Option to function while the core is inactive. Multiple synchronization triggers and outputs to synchronize with other blocks in the device, such as the SARADC. Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) waveform generation. High-speed square wave generation. Input capture mode. DMA capability for both input capture and waveform generation. Center- Rev. 0.5 367 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx EPCA Module Counter Upper Limit Update Counter Upper Limit Comparator 0 synchronization signal on event flags Comparator 1 EPCA Counter TIMER0 High overflow TIMER1 High overflow Trigger Selection TIMER0 Low overflow Standard Port Mapping Clock Selection EXTOSC0 Clock APB Clock Channel Status Clock Divider ECI Phase X and Phase Y Delays DTARGET DMA Control EPCA0_CH0 Channel CH0 XPH0 CEX0 CH1 YPH0 CEX1 CH2 XPH1 CEX2 CH3 YPH1 CEX3 CH1 XPH2 CEX4 CH2 YPH2 CEX5 EPCA0_CH1 Channel Channel Mode EPCA0_CHx Channel Channel Mode PWM N-Bit Mode Channel Mode Compare Value PWM Value N-Bit Mode Compare CHx Update Compare Value PWM N-Bit Mode Compare Output ControlValue Update Compare Value Compare Output ControlValue Update Channel Input Control Output Control Channel Input XPHx Control Channel Input YPHx Control Figure 22.1. EPCA Block Diagram 368 Rev. 0.5 22.2. Output Mapping The EPCA module has up to six module outputs (CEXx) that can be routed to physical pins through Crossbar 0. Each EPCA capture/compare channel has two independent output modes: single and differential. In single output mode, the channel has one CHx output. In differential mode, the channel has two XPHx and YPHx outputs. The mapping of these channel outputs to the EPCA module outputs is determined by the STDOSEL field. The STDOSEL field determines the mapping for standard port banks. Table 22.1 shows the output mapping for standard ports. Table 22.1. Standard Output Mapping EPCA Output STDOSEL Value 0 1 2 3 CEX0 CH0 CH0 CH0 XPH0 CEX1 CH1 CH1 CH1 YPH0 CEX2 CH2 CH2 XPH1 XPH1 CEX3 CH3 CH3 YPH1 YPH1 CEX4 CH4 XPH2 XPH2 XPH2 CEX5 CH5 YPH2 YPH2 YPH2 The COUTST (and optionally XPHST, YPHST, and ACTIVEPH) bit determines the starting state of the channel output. If the starting state is active, this means the channel could be sitting in an active state for some time while firmware finishes initializing the module and starts the counter. If the output is connected to a transistor where this behavior is undesireable, firmware can initialize the counter to a mid-range value and the outputs with an inactive value. This will ensure that any sensitive external circuits will not be damaged. 22.3. Triggers The EPCA supports four trigger sources. The selections for the trigger are made in the STSEL, STESEL and STEN fields of the CONTROL register, The trigger sources for SiM3L1xx devices are defined in Table 22.2. Table 22.2. EPCA0 Triggers EPCA0 Trigger EPCA0 Trigger Description Internal Signal EPCA0T0 Internal Trigger Source Comparator 0 output EPCA0T1 Internal Trigger Source Comparator 1 output EPCA0T2 Internal Trigger Source Timer 0 High Overflow output EPCA0T3 Internal Trigger Source Timer 1 High Overflow output To use a trigger: 1. Set up the desired trigger source module or channel. 2. Select the trigger source using the STSEL field. Rev. 0.5 369 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 3. Set the polarity of the trigger using the STESEL bit. 4. Enable the trigger (STEN = 1). 5. Set up the desired EPCA counter and channel settings. 6. Start the EPCA counter by setting RUN to 1. The EPCA counter will start running when the selected trigger source meets the criteria set by the STESEL polarity. The counter will then continue to run regardless of the state of the trigger source. 22.4. Module Overview The Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA) provides flexible timer/counter functionality. The EPCA consists of a dedicated 16-bit counter/timer and multiple (up to six) 16-bit capture/compare channels (EPCA0_CHx). All channels trigger or capture based on the shared 16-bit counter/timer, so the channels are inherently synchronized. The counter/timer is a 16-bit up counter with a programmable upper count limit. The counter starts at 0 and counts continuously from zero to the upper limit. Each channel includes a data register that can compare against the counter or capture the state of the counter based on a set of programmable conditions. Each channel has its own associated output lines and may be configured to operate independently of the others in one of six modes: Edge-Aligned PWM, Center-Aligned PWM, High-Frequency / Square Wave, Timer / Capture, nbit Edge-Aligned PWM, or Software Timer. The output lines may be single (one per channel, CHx) or differential (a complimentary pair per channel, XPHx and YPHx). These signals are then mapped to the CEXx EPCA signals based on the STDOSEL field. The RUN bit starts or stops the EPCA counter, but there are also additional controls that can halt the counter. The counter clock is normally suspended when the core halts to save power. The DBGMD bit in the CONTROL register controls whether the EPCA counter runs while the core is halted in debug mode. The EPCA additionally has up to four external trigger signals that can start the counter. The STSEL field in the MODE register determines which of the trigger sources can start the counter. STESEL selects the active polarity of the external signal, and setting STEN to 1 enables the external signal to start the counter. Once the counter is running, the external trigger will not stop the counter. Three different events can change a channel output or cause a capture. An overflow/limit event occurs when the EPCA counter (COUNTER) is equal to the upper limit (LIMIT). A capture/compare event occurs whenever a channel’s capture/compare register (CCAPV) matches the current EPCA counter value. An intermediate overflow event can only occur in n-bit PWM mode and occurs when the channel’s n-bit capture/compare range matches the EPCA counter. To facilitate counter and channel updates while the counter continues to run, the counter upper limit register (LIMIT) and channel compare/capture register (CCAPV) have update registers (LIMITUPD and CCAPVUPD, respectively). Firmware can write new values to the LIMITUPD and CCAPVUPD registers without modifying the current EPCA cycle. The hardware will load these values into the LIMIT and CCAPV registers when the next counter overflow/limit event occurs, and the module UPDCF and channel CUPDCF flags indicate when an update operation completes. Firmware can set the NOUPD bit to 1 to prevent updates from occurring. 22.5. Interrupts The EPCA module has one interrupt vector and multiple interrupt sources within the module. The main module has a single counter overflow/limit interrupt source. The OVFIEN bit enables the counter overflow/limit interrupt, which occurs when counter (COUNTER) equals the upper limit (LIMIT) and resets to 0. The OVFI interrupt flag indicates when an counter overflow/limit event occurs. Each channel (CHx) has a compare/capture interrupt flag (CxCCI) and an intermediate overflow flag (CxIOVFI). These interrupts can be enabled in the channel registers (CCIEN for capture/compare, CIOVFIEN for intermediate overflow). Firmware can check the source of the EPCA interrupt by checking the appropriate flags in the interrupt service routine. 370 Rev. 0.5 22.6. Clocking The clock input for the counter/timer is selected by the CLKSEL field in the MODE register as shown in Figure 22.2. CLKSEL CLKDIV TIMER0 Low overflow EXTOSCn APB Clock Clock Divider Counter Clock ECI Figure 22.2. Clock Source Selection The selected clock is passed through a divide-by-n clock divider where n can be between 1 and 1024. The CLKDIV field sets the clock divider for the selected clock before it drives the 16-bit counter/timer. All non-APB clock sources are synchronized with the APB clock, so the maximum possible operating speed using these sources is one-half the APB frequency. 22.6.1. APB Clock When the APB clock signal is selected as the counter clock source, the EPCA counter clock divider will use the APB clock source defined by the device clock control module. Selecting the APB clock provides the fastest clock source for the module. 22.6.2. External Clock (EXTOSC0) When the external clock is selected as the counter clock source, the counter will run from the external clock source (EXTOSC0), regardless of the clock selection of the core. The external clock source is synchronized to the APB clock in this mode. In order to guarantee that the external clock transitions are recognized by the device, the external clock signal must be high or low for at least one APB clock period. This limits the maximum frequency of an external clock in this mode to one-half the APB clock. 22.6.3. TIMER0 Low Overflow The EPCA module can select the TIMER0 module low timer overflows as its clock source. TIMER0 can operate in either 32-bit or 16-bit mode and still provide the clock for the EPCA clock divider. The maximum speed for the TIMER0 low overflows as an EPCA counter clock source is one-half the APB clock. 22.6.4. External Clock Input (ECI) When the external clock input (ECI) is selected as the EPCA clock source, the clock divider decrements on falling edges or both rising and falling edges of the pin. The ECI pin is synchronized to the APB clock in this mode. The maximum clock rate for the ECI external clock input is the APB divided by 4. 22.6.5. Clock Divider The clock divider provides a flexible time base for the EPCA counter. The divider starts at one-half the CLKDIV value and decrements to 0. Using this method, the divider counts the number of input clocks until the next counter clock edge (either rising or falling) rather than whole counter clock periods. The current value of the divider can be read and written using the DIV field in the MODE register. This allows access during debugging to observe module events at the various EPCA clock edges rather than stepping through a large number of APB clocks. Firmware should always write to the CLKDIV field to modify the divider value. The DIVST bit displays the current output phase of the clock divider. Rev. 0.5 371 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.7. Output Modes Channels operate in single output mode or differential output mode, according to how many pins are allocated to port I/O for that channel. Single output mode is used when only one pin is allocated, and differential mode is used when two pins are allocated. 22.7.1. Single Output Mode When a channel operates in single output mode, the COUTST bit in the EPCA channels determines the polarity of the output. This value should be set when the counter is not running to ensure predictable operation. Hardware sets the COUTST bit on the rising edges of the APB clock to reflect the current output state of the channel. Figure 22.3 shows an EPCA channel single output timing diagram. PCA Clock COUNTER 0x0002 0x0003 0x0000 0x0001 LIMIT 0x0003 CCAPV 0x0006 0x0002 0x0003 0x0000 CHx COUTST Figure 22.3. Example Channel Single Output Timing Diagram (Toggle Mode) The CHx output can toggle, set, or clear on an overflow/limit, compare, or intermediate overflow event. In addition, the output can ignore these events and stay at its previous value. The COSEL field in the channel MODE register determines the CHx output behavior. This field allows firmware to modify the behavior of the CHx output without changing the configuration of the channel, interrupting the counter, or changing the port configuration. 22.7.2. Differential Output Mode A channel additionally generates two synchronous outputs when operating in differential mode (DIFGEN = 1). The YPHST and XPHST bits in the EPCA channels determine the polarity of the outputs. These values should be set when the counter is not running to ensure predictable operation. These bits can be read at any time to determine the current states of the outputs. In addition, the differential outputs have programmable dead-time delays (AHB clocks) that prevent both channels from being active at the same time. The X delay time (DTIMEX) starts when the XPHx output switches to its inactive state. The YPHx output then switches to its active state when the time expires, and the Y delay time (DTIMEY) behaves similarly. These delay times are global for all channels. The channel ACTIVEPH bit indicates which output is currently active. The active channel can be asserted or deasserted pending the dead time delay timeout. Figure 22.4 shows an EPCA channel differential output timing diagram. 372 Rev. 0.5 EPCA Clock COUNTER 0x0006 0x0007 0x0000 0x0001 LIMIT 0x0007 CCAPV 0x0006 0x0002 0x0003 0x0004 CHx XPHx YPHx TDTIMEX ACTIVEPH X active TDTIMEY Y active X active Figure 22.4. Example Channel Differential Output Timing Diagram The output behavior of the XPHx and YPHx outputs depends on the behavior of the CHx output. These phase outputs will toggle as long as CHx is toggling. If the COSEL field is set such that the CHx output is no longer toggling (set, clear, or ignore), the XPHx and YPHx outputs will not change state. As long as the hardware control of the CHx output remains static, firmware can manually stimulate the XPHx and YPHx outputs by writing COUTST to different states and directly controlling the CHx output. 22.7.3. Synchronization Signal In addition to the CHx, XPHx, and YPHx outputs, the EPCA module can generate a synchronization signal for use by other modules on the device (SARADCs and TIMERs). This signal can pulse when a counter overflow/limit (OVFSEN = 1), channel intermediate overflow (CIOVFSEN = 1), or channel capture/compare (CCSEN = 1) event occurs. Rev. 0.5 373 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.8. Operational Modes The EPCA module has six operational modes that each channel can independently select: Edge-Aligned PWM, Center-Aligned PWM, High-Frequency/Square Wave, Timer/Capture, n-bit Edge-Aligned PWM, and Software Timer modes. The CMD bits select the channel operational mode. The EPCA counter is 16 bits and counts in full EPCA clock cycles. The channel CCAPV registers are 18 bits and represent half EPCA clock cycles. To match a counter value, the CCAPV field should be written with double the counter value. The CCAPV LSB provides timing resolution to one half-clock counter cycle. The additional 18th bit of the CCAPV register allows the channel outputs to create 0-100% duty cycles (0x00000 is 0% and 0x20000 is 100% duty cycle). COUNTER CCAPV allows for 100% duty cycle counts half clocks Figure 22.5. EPCA Counter and Channel Compare/Capture Registers This section discusses the channel behavior in each of these modes in detail. 374 Rev. 0.5 22.8.1. Edge-Aligned Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Mode In edge-aligned PWM mode (CMD = 0), the 18-bit capture/compare register (CCAPV) defines the number of EPCA half clocks for the inactive time of the PWM signal. A capture/compare event occurs when the counter matches the register contents, and the output will change from the initial state set by COUTST depending on the selected COSEL value (typically 00b for toggle). An overflow/limit event occurs when the counter reaches the LIMIT value and resets to 0, and CHx will again change depending on the COSEL value. To output a varying duty cycle, firmware can write to the CCAPVUPD register, which hardware will automatically load into the channel’s CCAPV register on the next counter overflow/limit if the module register update inhibit (NOUPD) is cleared to 0. Assuming that the inactive and initial state of the output is low and COSEL is set to toggle, the CHx output duty cycle in edge-aligned PWM mode is shown in Equation 22.1. No output pulse is generated if CCAPV is 0, and 100% duty cycle results when CCAPV is set to 0x20000. The resulting XPHx and YPHx timing also depends on the dead-time delay values. Figure 22.6 shows an example edge-aligned PWM timing diagram. LIMIT + 1 2 – CCAPV Duty Cycle = ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIMIT + 1 2 Equation 22.1. Edge-Aligned PWM Duty Cycle Because CCAPV is given in half clocks, an odd CCAPV value results in the CHx output changing state at the midcycle edge of the EPCA clock. PCA Clock COUNTER 0x0003 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 LIMIT 0x0003 CCAPV 0x00003 0x0003 capture/compare CHx 0x0000 0x0001 overflow/limit PWM waveform capture/compare overflow/limit COUTST Figure 22.6. Example Edge-Aligned PWM Timing Diagram Rev. 0.5 375 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.8.2. Center-Aligned Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Mode In center-aligned PWM mode (CMD = 1), a channel generates a PWM waveform symmetric about the counter’s overflow/limit event defined by the LIMIT field. Multiple channels in an array configured in this mode will each have PWM waveforms which are all symmetric about the same center-pulse points (counter equal to zero). LIMIT COUNTER CH0 CH1 CCAPV 2 LIMIT – CCAPV 2 Figure 22.7. Multiple Center-Aligned PWM Channels The channel 18-bit capture/compare register (CCAPV) is used to generate two capture/compare events in one counter cycle (0 to LIMIT). The first event occurs when the counter is equal to CCAPV divided by 2. The second event occurs when the counter is equal to LIMIT minus CCAPV divided by 2. In the event of an odd value in CCAPV, the hardware adds the extra half cycle to the capture/compare event following the counter overflow/limit event. Firmware can write to the channel’s CCAPVUPD register to update the waveform. Hardware will update the CCAPV field with the CCAPVUPD value when the counter overflows from the upper limit to zero as long as the update inhibit bit (NOUPD) is cleared to 0. The COUTST (and optionally XPHST, YPHST, and ACTIVEPH) bit determines the starting state of the channel output and should be set before starting the counter. If the starting state is active, this means the channel could be sitting in an active state for some time while firmware finishes initializing the module and starts the counter. If the output is connected to a transistor where this behavior is undesirable, firmware can initialize the counter to a midrange value and the outputs with an inactive value. This will ensure that any sensitive external circuits will not be damaged. Assuming that the active and initial state of the output is high and COSEL is set to toggle, the CHx output duty cycle in center-aligned PWM mode is shown in Equation 22.2. No output pulse is generated if CCAPV is 0, and 100% duty cycle results when CCAPV (in half clocks) is set to a number of full clocks equal to or greater than LIMIT. The resulting XPHx and YPHx timing also depends on the dead-time delay values. Figure 22.8 shows an example center-aligned PWM timing diagram. LIMIT 2 – CCAPV Duty Cycle = ----------------------------------------------------------LIMIT 2 Equation 22.2. Center-Aligned PWM Duty Cycle 376 Rev. 0.5 overflow/limit capture/ compare capture/ compare PCA Clock COUNTER 0x0003 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 LIMIT 0x0003 CCAPV 0x00003 CHx 0x0003 0x0000 0x0001 PWM waveform COUTST Figure 22.8. Example Center-Aligned PWM Timing Diagram Rev. 0.5 377 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.8.3. High-Frequency / Square Wave Mode High-frequency square-wave mode (CMD = 2) produces a 50% duty cycle waveform of programmable period on the channel's CHx output. This mode provides a flexible way of creating square waves with a fast period. Each half-period of the generated output clock can be as short as one counter clock period (two CCAPV half clocks) and as long as 128 counter clock periods, programmable in half clock steps. Bits [15:8] of the channel capture/compare register (CCAPV) contain the waveform half period in the number of half EPCA clocks. The lower byte (bits [7:0]) is the calculated value compared to the counter. When a match occurs between the lower byte and the counter, the hardware triggers a capture/compare event and automatically adds the match value of the counter to the CCAPV[15:8] value to create a new compare value for the lower byte. An overflow/limit event occurs when the counter reaches the upper limit defined by the LIMIT field. Firmware should program the upper limit register to reset the counter at a (multiple of 128) – 1 to avoid undesired waveform edges. Figure 22.9 shows how the hardware creates the waveform. COUNTER 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 capture/compare event comparator phase comparator CCAPV 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FCLKIN enable Figure 22.9. High-Frequency Square Wave Waveform Generation Firmware can update the frequency of the output by writing to the CCAPVUPD register. Hardware will automatically load bits [15:8] of this register to the CCAPV register at the next counter overflow/limit event, if possible (NOUPD = 0). The rest of the CCAPVUPD register (bits [17:16] and [7:0]) are ignored. Assuming that the COSEL field for the channel is set to toggle, the resulting CHx output frequency in highfrequency square-wave mode is shown in Equation 22.3. A CCAPV[15:8] value of 1 is not valid, and a CCAPV[15:8] value of 0 equates to a divider value of 256, or an output waveform half period of 128 counter clocks. The resulting XPHx and YPHx timing also depends on the dead-time delay values. Figure 22.10 shows an example high-frequency square wave mode timing diagram. F EPCA F CHx = ----------------------------------CCAPV[15:8] Equation 22.3. High-Frequency Square Wave Output Frequency 378 Rev. 0.5 PCA Clock COUNTER 0x0002 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005 LIMIT CCAPV CHx 0x0006 0x0007 0x0008 0x007F 0x00306 0x0309 0x030C 0x030F square waveform COUTST Figure 22.10. Example High-Frequency Square Wave Mode Timing Diagram Rev. 0.5 379 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.8.4. Timer / Capture Mode In timer/capture mode (CMD = 3), the channel uses the CEXn line as an input signal that triggers a capture/ compare event and stores the counter state in the channel capture/compare register (CCAPV) in half clocks. Firmware can configure the event to trigger on rising, falling, or both edges using the channel CPCAPEN and CNCAPEN bits. Table 22.3 shows the capture edge configuration options. Table 22.3. Capture Edge Configuration Options CPCAPEN CNCAPEN Selected Edge 0 0 Capture disabled. 0 1 Capture on the falling edge. 1 0 Capture on the rising edge. 1 1 Capture on both edges. The input CEXn signal must remain high or low for at least two APB clocks to be recognized by the hardware. The capture occurs at the next EPCA clock edge. Figure 22.11 shows an example timer/capture mode timing diagram. PCA Clock COUNTER 0x013C 0x013D 0x013E 0x013F LIMIT CCAPV 0x0000 0x0001 0x013F 0x0005C 0x0027A CEXx* falling edge capture *Note: CEXx must be high or low for 2 APB clock cycles. Figure 22.11. Example Timer / Capture Mode Timing Diagram 380 Rev. 0.5 0x0002 22.8.5. N-bit Edge-Aligned Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Mode The n-bit edge-aligned PWM modes allow each channel to be independently configured to generate edge-aligned PWM waveforms with a faster duty cycle than the counter. In n-bit edge-aligned PWM mode (CMD = 4), the leastsignificant n bits (set by PWMMD) of the counter define the number of full clocks of the PWM waveform. The channel’s capture/compare register (CCAPV) defines the number of EPCA half clocks for the inactive time of the PWM signal, and the higher order unused bits of CCAPV are ignored. A capture/compare event occurs when the nbit counter is equal to the number of half clocks defined by the CCAPV field. An intermediate overflow event occurs when the counter overflows the n-bit range. A counter overflow/limit event occurs when the counter reaches the upper limit (LIMIT) within the full 16-bit range. If one of the channels operates in n-bit mode, firmware should set the counter’s upper limit as an even multiple of the n-bit boundary to ensure the channel’s output does not have any irregular edges from the overflow/limit events. intermediate overflow capture/ compare overflow/limit and intermediate overflow LIMIT COUNTER CH0 (n-bit mode) CH1 (edge aligned mode) Figure 22.12. Multiple Edge-Aligned PWM Channels (N-bit and Edge-Aligned) Table 22.4 provides a list of the intermediate overflow, recommended upper limit values, and 100% duty cycle values for each n-bit setting. Rev. 0.5 381 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Table 22.4. N-bit Intermediate Overflow Values PWMMD Value N-bit PWM Mode Counter Intermediate Overflow Value (full clocks) Recommended Counter Upper Limit (full clocks) CCAPV 100% Duty Cycle Value (half clocks) 0 0-bit 0 any value 2 1 1-bit 1 (multiple of 2) - 1 4 2 2-bit 3 (multiple of 4) - 1 8 3 3-bit 7 (multiple of 8) - 1 16 4 4-bit 15 (multiple of 16) - 1 32 5 5-bit 31 (multiple of 32) - 1 64 6 6-bit 63 (multiple of 64) - 1 128 7 7-bit 127 (multiple of 128) - 1 256 8 8-bit 255 (multiple of 256) - 1 512 9 9-bit 511 (multiple of 512) - 1 1024 10 10-bit 1023 (multiple of 1024) - 1 2048 11 11-bit 2047 (multiple of 2048) - 1 4096 12 12-bit 4095 (multiple of 4096) - 1 8192 13 13-bit 8191 (multiple of 8192) - 1 16334 14 14-bit 16333 (multiple of 16334) - 1 32768 15 15-bit 32767 (multiple of 32768) - 1 65536 Firmware can write to the CCAPVUPD register to update the duty cycle, which hardware will automatically load into the channel’s CCAPV register on the next counter overflow/limit event if the module register update inhibit (NOUPD) is cleared to 0. Assuming that the inactive and initial state of the output is low, COSEL is set to toggle, and the upper limit is set to an even multiple, the CHx output duty cycle in n-bit edge-aligned PWM mode is shown in Equation 22.4. No output pulse is generated if CCAPV is 0. The resulting XPHx and YPHx timing also depends on the dead-time delay values. Figure 22.13 shows an example n-bit edge-aligned PWM timing diagram. n 2 2 – CCAPV Duty Cycle = ----------------------------------------------n 2 2 Equation 22.4. N-bit Edge-Aligned PWM Duty Cycle Because CCAPV is given in half clocks, an odd CCAPV value results in the CHx output changing state at the midcycle edge of the EPCA clock. 382 Rev. 0.5 PCA Clock COUNTER 0x0005 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 LIMIT 0x0005 CCAPV 0x00001 CHx channel in 1-bit mode 0x0003 0x0004 0x0005 PWM waveform COUTST Figure 22.13. Example N-bit Edge-Aligned PWM Timing Diagram Rev. 0.5 383 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.8.6. Software Timer Mode Software timer mode is a free-running mode with the CHx output unaffected by the counter or channel state. Setting the COSEL field to 3 (disable output events) enters software timer mode, regardless of the CMD field setting. The counter overflow/limit, intermediate overflow, and capture/compare events can still be used to generate interrupts, even though the channel output is disabled. Figure 22.14 shows an example software timer mode timing diagram. PCA Clock COUNTER 0x008F LIMIT CCAPV 0x0090 0x0091 0x0092 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0092 0x0007C overflow/limit event CHx channel output is unaffected Figure 22.14. Example Software Timer Mode Timing Diagram 384 Rev. 0.5 22.9. DMA Configuration and Usage The EPCA supports two DMA channels: control and capture. The control requests move data from memory into the counter and update channel registers to autonomously set up new waveform generation. Capture requests move the counter capture data from the channel CCAPV register to memory. The hardware can generate a DMA transfer request with a counter overflow/limit (OVFDEN = 1), channel intermediate overflow (CIOVFDEN = 1), or channel capture event (CCDEN = 1). When these events are enabled as a source for a DMA transfer, hardware automatically clears the flags associated with the request after the transfer completes. A DMA transfer to service a control request will not clear a flag for a pending capture service request. The EPCA Module DMA configuration is shown in Figure 22.15. SiM3xxxx Address Space EPCAn Module DMA Module EPCA Control Data EPCA Counter Counter Upper Limit Update DMA Channel DTARGET Counter Upper Limit DMA Control EPCA Capture Data EPCAn_CH0 Channel DMA Channel EPCAn_CH1 Channel Channel Mode EPCAn_CHx Channel Channel Mode PWM N-Bit Mode Channel Mode Compare Value PWM Value N-Bit Mode Compare CHx Update PWM Value N-Bit Mode Compare Value Compare Output Control Update Compare Value Compare Value Output Control Update Channel Input Control Output Control Channel Input XPHx Control Channel Input YPHx Control DMA Channel Figure 22.15. EPCA Module DMA Configuration Rev. 0.5 385 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.9.1. Control DMA Transfers In a control transfer, the DMA should be configured to transfer one word at a time to the DTARGET location with the destination in non-incrementing mode. The module MODE register contains three pointers for use with a control transfer: DSTART, DEND, and DPTR. These pointers control the transfer of data from the DTARGET register to the module and channel update registers (LIMITUPD and CCAPVUPD). The DSTART pointer indicates the starting register in a new DMA write transfer, DEND indicates the ending register in the transfer, and DPTR is a circular pointer to the next register a DMA write to DTARGET will update. Table 22.5. DMA Control Transfer Pointer Slots DSTART, DEND, or DPTR Value Register 0 LIMITUPD 1 Channel 0 CCAPVUPD 2 Channel 1 CCAPVUPD 3 Channel 2 CCAPVUPD 4 Channel 3 CCAPVUPD 5 Channel 4 CCAPVUPD 6 Channel 5 CCAPVUPD 7 empty Slot 7 is not normally written unless DEND is set to 7, DSTART is set to 0, and the DMA uses 8-word transfers. In this case, the 8th data write is discarded. A transfer starting at slot 5 (Channel 4 CCAPVUPD) can wrap around to end at an earlier slot. Any wraps ignore slot 7, so the sequence for a 4 DMA word transfers would be: slot 5, slot 6, slot 0, slot 1. Firmware should not modify these fields while a DMA transfer is in progress, indicated by the DBUSYF flag. 22.9.2. Software DMA Transfers Software DMA requests can be directly generated by two different software mechanisms: 1. Configure the EPCA for a DMA control request without enabling the DMA channel in the controller. Software can then write to the update registers by writing directly the DTARGET field. 2. Completely configure the DMA transfer (including the controller channel) and trigger DMA transfers by writing to the associated event interrupt flag. 386 Rev. 0.5 22.10. EPCA0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for EPCA0 registers. Register 22.1. EPCA0_MODE: Module Operating Mode Name Reserved Type R 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 DBUSYF 30 Reserved 31 STDOSEL Bit DSTART RW R RW RW 21 20 19 18 17 DPTR DEND RW RW 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved Type RW Reset 0 R 0 0 0 CLKSEL CLKDIV RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address EPCA0_MODE = 0x4000_E180 Table 22.6. EPCA0_MODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:29 Reserved Must write reset value. 28:27 STDOSEL Standard Port Bank Output Select. 00: Select the non-differential channel outputs (Channels 0-5) for the standard PB pins. 01: Select the differential output from Channel 2 and non-differential outputs from Channels 0, 1, 2, and 3 for the standard PB pins. 10: Select the differential outputs from Channels 1 and 2 and non-differential outputs from Channels 0 and 1 for the standard PB pins. 11: Select three differential outputs from Channels 0, 1, and 2 for the standard PB pins. 26 Reserved Must write reset value. 25 DBUSYF DMA Busy Flag. 0: The DMA channel is not servicing an EPCA control transfer. 1: The DMA channel is busy servicing an EPCA control transfer. Rev. 0.5 387 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Table 22.6. EPCA0_MODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 24:22 DSTART Function DMA Target Start Index. This field is the first register to be accessed in a new DMA write transfer set to DTARGET. This field should be written by software before the start of the DMA transfer. 000: Set the first register in a DMA write transfer to LIMITUPD. 001: Set the first register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 0 CCAPVUPD. 010: Set the first register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 1 CCAPVUPD. 011: Set the first register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 2 CCAPVUPD. 100: Set the first register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 3 CCAPVUPD. 101: Set the first register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 4 CCAPVUPD. 110: Set the first register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 5 CCAPVUPD. 111: Empty slot. 21:19 DPTR DMA Write Transfer Pointer. This field is the current target of the DMA. The next word written to DTARGET will be transferred to the register selected by DPTR. This field is set by hardware and should not be modified by software. 000: The DMA channel will write to LIMITUPD next. 001: The DMA channel will write to Channel 0 CCAPVUPD next. 010: The DMA channel will write to Channel 1 CCAPVUPD next. 011: The DMA channel will write to Channel 2 CCAPVUPD next. 100: The DMA channel will write to Channel 3 CCAPVUPD next. 101: The DMA channel will write to Channel 4 CCAPVUPD next. 110: The DMA channel will write to Channel 5 CCAPVUPD next. 111: Empty slot. 18:16 DEND DMA Write End Index. This field is the last register to be accessed in a DMA write transfer set. This field should be written by software before the start of the DMA transfer. 000: Set the last register in a DMA write transfer to LIMITUPD. 001: Set the last register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 0 CCAPVUPD. 010: Set the last register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 1 CCAPVUPD. 011: Set the last register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 2 CCAPVUPD. 100: Set the last register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 3 CCAPVUPD. 101: Set the last register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 4 CCAPVUPD. 110: Set the last register in a DMA write transfer to Channel 5 CCAPVUPD. 111: Empty slot. 15:13 Reserved Must write reset value. 12:10 CLKSEL Input Clock (FCLKIN) Select. 000: Set the APB as the input clock (FCLKIN). 001: Set Timer 0 low overflows divided by 2 as the input clock (FCLKIN). 010: Set high-to-low transitions on ECI divided by 2 as the input clock (FCLKIN). 011: Set the external oscillator module output (EXTOSCn) divided by 2 as the input clock (FCLKIN). 100: Set ECI transitions divided by 2 as the input clock (FCLKIN). 101-111: Reserved. 388 Rev. 0.5 Table 22.6. EPCA0_MODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 9:0 CLKDIV Function Input Clock Divider. The EPCA module clock is given by the equation: F CLKIN F EPCA = ------------------------------CLKDIV + 1 Where the input clock (CLKIN) is determined by the CLKSEL bits. Rev. 0.5 389 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Register 22.2. EPCA0_CONTROL: Module Control 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Reserved Type RW RW R 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name STSEL Type R RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved R RW 0 0 R 0 0 OVFIEN 0 OVFDEN 0 OVFSEN 0 Reserved 0 NOUPD 0 Reserved 0 DBGMD Reset STESEL DIV 17 STEN Name DIVST Bit Reserved Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address EPCA0_CONTROL = 0x4000_E190 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 22.7. EPCA0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:22 DIV Function Current Clock Divider Count. This field is the current value of the internal EPCA clock divider. The clock divider is a counter that starts at CLKDIV / 2 and counts down to zero. 21 DIVST Clock Divider Output State. 0: The clock divider is currently in the first half-cycle. 1: The clock divider is currently in the second half-cycle. 20:15 Reserved 14 STEN Must write reset value. Synchronous Input Trigger Enable. 0: Disable the input trigger (EPCAnTx). The EPCA counter/timer will continue to run if the RUN bit is set regardless of the value on the input trigger. 1: Enable the input trigger (EPCAnTx). If RUN is set to 1, the EPCA counter/timer will start running when the selected input trigger (STSEL) meets the criteria set by STESEL. It will not stop running if the criteria is no longer met. 13 STESEL Synchronous Input Trigger Edge Select. 0: A high-to-low transition (falling edge) on EPCAnTx will start the counter/timer. 1: A low-to-high transition (rising edge) on EPCAnTx will start the counter/timer. Note: Because hardware updates the DIV and DIVST fields, the SET and CLR addresses are the only safe way to access the other fields in this register while the EPCA is running. 390 Rev. 0.5 Table 22.7. EPCA0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 12:11 STSEL Function Synchronous Input Trigger Select. 00: Select input trigger 0, Comparator0 output. 01: Select input trigger 1, Comparator1 output. 10: Select input trigger 2, Timer 0 high overflow. 11: Select input trigger 3, Timer 1 high overflow. 10:7 Reserved Must write reset value. 6 DBGMD EPCA Debug Mode. 0: A debug breakpoint will stop the EPCA counter/timer. 1: The EPCA will continue to operate while the core is halted in debug mode. 5 Reserved 4 NOUPD Must write reset value. Internal Register Update Inhibit. 0: The EPCA registers will automatically load any new update values after an overflow/limit event occurs. 1: The EPCA registers will not load any new update values after an overflow/limit event occurs. 3 Reserved Must write reset value. 2 OVFSEN EPCA Counter Overflow/Limit Synchronization Signal Enable. The sychronization signal generated by the EPCA module can be used as an input by other modules to synchronize with a particular EPCA event or state. 0: Do not send a synchronization signal when a EPCA counter overflow/limit event occurs. 1: Send a synchronization signal when a EPCA counter overflow/limit event occurs. 1 OVFDEN EPCA Counter Overflow/Limit DMA Request Enable. 0: Do not request DMA data when a EPCA counter overflow/limit event occurs. 1: Request DMA data when a EPCA counter overflow/limit event occurs. 0 OVFIEN EPCA Counter Overflow/Limit Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the EPCA counter overflow/limit event interrupt. 1: Enable the EPCA counter overflow/limit event interrupt. Note: Because hardware updates the DIV and DIVST fields, the SET and CLR addresses are the only safe way to access the other fields in this register while the EPCA is running. Rev. 0.5 391 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Register 22.3. EPCA0_STATUS: Module Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name C0CCI 0 C1CCI 0 C2CCI 0 C3CCI 0 C4CCI 0 C5CCI 0 RUN 0 OVFI 0 UPDCF 0 Reserved 0 C0IOVFI 0 C1IOVFI 0 C2IOVFI 0 C3IOVFI 0 C4IOVFI Reset C5IOVFI Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address EPCA0_STATUS = 0x4000_E1A0 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 22.8. EPCA0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:16 Reserved Must write reset value. 15 C5IOVFI Channel 5 Intermediate Overflow Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a counter overflows the n-bit range in Channel 5 nbit PWM mode. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: Channel 5 did not count past the channel n-bit mode limit. 1: Channel 5 counted past the channel n-bit mode limit. 14 C4IOVFI Channel 4 Intermediate Overflow Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a counter overflows the n-bit range in Channel 4 nbit PWM mode. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: Channel 4 did not count past the channel n-bit mode limit. 1: Channel 4 counted past the channel n-bit mode limit. 13 C3IOVFI Channel 3 Intermediate Overflow Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a counter overflows the n-bit range in Channel 3 nbit PWM mode. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: Channel 3 did not count past the channel n-bit mode limit. 1: Channel 3 counted past the channel n-bit mode limit. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 392 Rev. 0.5 Table 22.8. EPCA0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 12 C2IOVFI Function Channel 2 Intermediate Overflow Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a counter overflows the n-bit range in Channel 2 nbit PWM mode. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: Channel 2 did not count past the channel n-bit mode limit. 1: Channel 2 counted past the channel n-bit mode limit. 11 C1IOVFI Channel 1 Intermediate Overflow Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a counter overflows the n-bit range in Channel 1 nbit PWM mode. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: Channel 1 did not count past the channel n-bit mode limit. 1: Channel 1 counted past the channel n-bit mode limit. 10 C0IOVFI Channel 0 Intermediate Overflow Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a counter overflows the n-bit range in Channel 0 nbit PWM mode. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: Channel 0 did not count past the channel n-bit mode limit. 1: Channel 0 counted past the channel n-bit mode limit. 9 Reserved 8 UPDCF Must write reset value. Register Update Complete Flag. 0: An EPCA register update completed or is not pending. 1: An EPCA register update has not completed and is still pending. 7 OVFI Counter/Timer Overflow/Limit Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when the counter reaches the value in LIMIT and overflows to zero. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: An EPCA Counter/Timer overflow/limit event did not occur. 1: An EPCA Counter/Timer overflow/limit event occurred. 6 RUN Counter/Timer Run. 0: Stop the EPCA Counter/Timer. 1: Start the EPCA Counter/Timer. 5 C5CCI Channel 5 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a match or capture occurs in Channel 5. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: A Channel 5 match or capture event did not occur. 1: A Channel 5 match or capture event occurred. 4 C4CCI Channel 4 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a match or capture occurs in Channel 4. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: A Channel 4 match or capture event did not occur. 1: A Channel 4 match or capture event occurred. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 393 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Table 22.8. EPCA0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 3 C3CCI Channel 3 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a match or capture occurs in Channel 3. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: A Channel 3 match or capture event did not occur. 1: A Channel 3 match or capture event occurred. 2 C2CCI Channel 2 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a match or capture occurs in Channel 2. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: A Channel 2 match or capture event did not occur. 1: A Channel 2 match or capture event occurred. 1 C1CCI Channel 1 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a match or capture occurs in Channel 1. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: A Channel 1 match or capture event did not occur. 1: A Channel 1 match or capture event occurred. 0 C0CCI Channel 0 Capture/Compare Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a match or capture occurs in Channel 0. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 0: A Channel 0 match or capture event did not occur. 1: A Channel 0 match or capture event occurred. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 394 Rev. 0.5 Register 22.4. EPCA0_COUNTER: Module Counter/Timer Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name COUNTER Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address EPCA0_COUNTER = 0x4000_E1B0 Table 22.9. EPCA0_COUNTER Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 COUNTER Function Must write reset value. Counter/Timer. This field is the current value of EPCA counter/timer. Rev. 0.5 395 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Register 22.5. EPCA0_LIMIT: Module Upper Limit Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name LIMIT Type RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address EPCA0_LIMIT = 0x4000_E1C0 Table 22.10. EPCA0_LIMIT Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 LIMIT Function Must write reset value. Upper Limit. The EPCA Counter/Timer counts from 0 to the upper limit represented by this field. 396 Rev. 0.5 Register 22.6. EPCA0_LIMITUPD: Module Upper Limit Update Value Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name LIMITUPD Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address EPCA0_LIMITUPD = 0x4000_E1D0 Table 22.11. EPCA0_LIMITUPD Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:16 Reserved Must write reset value. 15:0 LIMITUPD Module Upper Limit Update Value. This field will be transferred to the LIMIT field when a EPCA counter/timer overflow/ limit event occurs if updates are allowed (NOUPD = 0). The UPDCF bit will be set to 1 by hardware when the transfer operation is complete. Rev. 0.5 397 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Register 22.7. EPCA0_DTIME: Phase Delay Time Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name DTIMEY DTIMEX Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address EPCA0_DTIME = 0x4000_E1E0 Table 22.12. EPCA0_DTIME Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:16 Reserved Must write reset value. 15:8 DTIMEY Y Phase Delay Time. This field is the amount of time in AHB clock cycles after the differential Y Phase output de-asserts before the X Phase output can assert. This is a global setting for all channels in the EPCA module. 7:0 DTIMEX X Phase Delay Time. This field is the amount of time in AHB clock cycles after the differential X Phase output de-asserts before the Y Phase output can assert. This is a global setting for all channels in the EPCA module. 398 Rev. 0.5 Register 22.8. EPCA0_DTARGET: DMA Transfer Target Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name DTARGET[31:16] Type W 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name DTARGET[15:0] Type W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address EPCA0_DTARGET = 0x4000_E200 Table 22.13. EPCA0_DTARGET Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DTARGET Function DMA Transfer Target. Writes to this field will be written to the EPCA register selected by the DPTR field. Note: The access methods for this register are restricted. Do not use half-word or byte access methods on this register. Rev. 0.5 399 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx EPCA0_LIMIT EPCA0_COUNTER EPCA0_STATUS EPCA0_CONTROL EPCA0_MODE Register Name 0x4000_E1C0 0x4000_E190 ALL Address 0x4000_E1A0 0x4000_E1B0 0x4000_E180 ALL Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR ALL ALL Bit 31 Reserved Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 STDOSEL Bit 27 DIV Reserved Bit 26 DBUSYF Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Reserved Reserved DSTART Bit 23 Bit 22 DIVST Bit 21 DPTR Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Reserved DEND Bit 17 Bit 16 C5IOVFI Bit 15 Reserved STEN C4IOVFI Bit 14 STESEL C3IOVFI Bit 13 C2IOVFI Bit 12 STSEL CLKSEL C1IOVFI Bit 11 C0IOVFI Bit 10 Reserved Bit 9 Reserved UPDCF Bit 8 LIMIT COUNTER OVFI Bit 7 DBGMD RUN Bit 6 Reserved C5CCI Bit 5 CLKDIV NOUPD C4CCI Bit 4 Reserved C3CCI Bit 3 OVFSEN C2CCI Bit 2 OVFDEN C1CCI Bit 1 OVFIEN C0CCI Bit 0 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.11. EPCA0 Register Memory Map Table 22.14. EPCA0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 400 Rev. 0.5 EPCA0_DTARGET EPCA0_DTIME EPCA0_LIMITUPD Register Name 0x4000_E1E0 0x4000_E1D0 ALL Address 0x4000_E200 ALL ALL Access Methods ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 DTARGET Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 DTIMEY Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 LIMITUPD Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 DTIMEX Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 22.14. EPCA0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 401 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.12. EPCA0_CH0-5 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for EPCA0_CH0, EPCA0_CH1, EPCA0_CH2, EPCA0_CH3, EPCA0_CH4 and EPCA0_CH5 registers. Register 22.9. EPCAn_CHx_MODE: Channel Capture/Compare Mode Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved CMD Type R RW R 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DIFGEN Name Reserved Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx PWMMD COSEL RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses EPCA0_CH0_MODE = 0x4000_E000 EPCA0_CH1_MODE = 0x4000_E040 EPCA0_CH2_MODE = 0x4000_E080 EPCA0_CH3_MODE = 0x4000_E0C0 EPCA0_CH4_MODE = 0x4000_E100 EPCA0_CH5_MODE = 0x4000_E140 Table 22.15. EPCAn_CHx_MODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:11 Reserved 10:8 CMD Function Must write reset value. Channel Operating Mode. 000: Configure the channel for edge-aligned PWM mode. 001: Configure the channel for center-aligned PWM mode. 010: Configure the channel for high-frequency/square-wave mode. 011: Configure the channel for timer/capture mode. 100: Configure the channel for n-bit edge-aligned PWM mode. 101-111: Reserved. 7 Reserved Must write reset value. 6 DIFGEN Differential Signal Generator Enable. 0: Disable the differential signal generator. The channel will output a single non-differential output. 1: Enable the differential signal generator. The channel will output two differential outputs: X Phase (XPH) and Y Phase (YPH). 402 Rev. 0.5 Table 22.15. EPCAn_CHx_MODE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 5:2 PWMMD Function PWM N-Bit Mode. This field represents the n-bit PWM for this channel. When in n-bit PWM mode, the channel will behave as if the EPCA Counter/Timer is only n bits wide. 1:0 COSEL Channel Output Function Select. 00: Toggle the channel output at the next capture/compare, overflow, or intermediate event. 01: Set the channel output at the next capture/compare, overflow, or intermediate event. 10: Clear the output at the next capture/compare, overflow, or intermediate event. 11: Capture/Compare, overflow, or intermediate events do not control the output state. Rev. 0.5 403 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Register 22.10. EPCAn_CHx_CONTROL: Channel Capture/Compare Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved COUTST 0 CPCAPEN 0 CNCAPEN 0 CUPDCF 0 Reserved 0 YPHST 0 ACTIVEPH 0 XPHST 0 CCIEN 0 CCDEN 0 CCSEN 0 CIOVFIEN 0 CIOVFDEN Reset CIOVFSEN Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW R RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses EPCA0_CH0_CONTROL = 0x4000_E010 EPCA0_CH1_CONTROL = 0x4000_E050 EPCA0_CH2_CONTROL = 0x4000_E090 EPCA0_CH3_CONTROL = 0x4000_E0D0 EPCA0_CH4_CONTROL = 0x4000_E110 EPCA0_CH5_CONTROL = 0x4000_E150 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 22.16. EPCAn_CHx_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:14 Reserved 13 CIOVFSEN Function Must write reset value. Intermediate Overflow Synchronization Signal Enable. 0: Do not send a synchronization signal when a channel intermediate overflow event occurs. 1: Send a synchronization signal when a channel intermediate overflow occurs. 12 CIOVFDEN Intermediate Overflow DMA Request Enable. 0: Do not request DMA data when a channel intermediate overflow event occurs. 1: Request DMA data when a channel intermediate overflow event occurs. 11 CIOVFIEN Intermediate Overflow Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the channel intermediate overflow interrupt. 1: Enable the channel intermediate overflow interrupt. 10 CCSEN Capture/Compare Synchronization Signal Enable. 0: Do not send a synchronization signal when a channel capture/compare event occurs. 1: Send a synchronization signal when a channel capture/compare event occurs. 404 Rev. 0.5 Table 22.16. EPCAn_CHx_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 9 CCDEN Function Capture/Compare DMA Request Enable. 0: Do not request DMA data when a channel capture/compare event occurs. 1: Request DMA data when a channel capture/compare event occurs. 8 CCIEN Capture/Compare Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the channel capture/compare interrupt. 1: Enable the channel capture/compare interrupt. 7 XPHST Differential X Phase State. 0: Set the X Phase output state to low. 1: Set the X Phase output state to high. 6 ACTIVEPH Active Channel Select. This bit indicates which phase logic is currently controlling the differential outputs. 0: The Y Phase is active and X Phase is inactive. 1: The X Phase is active and Y Phase is inactive. 5 YPHST Differential Y Phase State. 0: Set the Y Phase output state to low. 1: Set the Y Phase output state to high. 4 Reserved Must write reset value. 3 CUPDCF Channel Register Update Complete Flag. 0: A EPCA channel register update completed or is not pending. 1: A EPCA channel register update has not completed and is still pending. 2 CNCAPEN Negative Edge Input Capture Enable. 0: Disable negative-edge input capture. 1: Enable negative-edge input capture. 1 CPCAPEN Positive Edge Input Capture Enable. 0: Disable positive-edge input capture. 1: Enable positive-edge input capture. 0 COUTST Channel Output State. 0: The channel output state is low. 1: The channel output state is high. Rev. 0.5 405 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Register 22.11. EPCAn_CHx_CCAPV: Channel Compare Value Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved CCAPV[17:16] Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name CCAPV[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses EPCA0_CH0_CCAPV = 0x4000_E020 EPCA0_CH1_CCAPV = 0x4000_E060 EPCA0_CH2_CCAPV = 0x4000_E0A0 EPCA0_CH3_CCAPV = 0x4000_E0E0 EPCA0_CH4_CCAPV = 0x4000_E120 EPCA0_CH5_CCAPV = 0x4000_E160 Table 22.17. EPCAn_CHx_CCAPV Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:18 Reserved 17:0 CCAPV Function Must write reset value. Channel Compare Value. This field holds the channel compare value for comparator functions or the channel capture data from timer functions. The LSB represents 1/2 PCA clock period. 406 Rev. 0.5 Register 22.12. EPCAn_CHx_CCAPVUPD: Channel Compare Update Value 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved CCAPVUPD[17:16] Bit Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name CCAPVUPD[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses EPCA0_CH0_CCAPVUPD = 0x4000_E030 EPCA0_CH1_CCAPVUPD = 0x4000_E070 EPCA0_CH2_CCAPVUPD = 0x4000_E0B0 EPCA0_CH3_CCAPVUPD = 0x4000_E0F0 EPCA0_CH4_CCAPVUPD = 0x4000_E130 EPCA0_CH5_CCAPVUPD = 0x4000_E170 Table 22.18. EPCAn_CHx_CCAPVUPD Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:18 Reserved 17:0 CCAPVUPD Function Must write reset value. Channel Compare Update Value. This field will be transferred to the CCAPV field when a EPCA counter/timer overflow occurs if updates are allowed (NOUPD = 0). The CUPDCF bit will be set to 1 by hardware when the transfer operation is complete. Rev. 0.5 407 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx 22.13. EPCAn_CHx Register Memory Map Table 22.19. EPCAn_CHx Memory Map EPCAn_CHx_CONTROL EPCAn_CHx_MODE Register Name ALL Offset 0x10 0x0 Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Reserved Bit 22 Reserved Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 CIOVFSEN Bit 13 CIOVFDEN Bit 12 CIOVFIEN Bit 11 CCSEN Bit 10 CMD CCDEN Bit 9 CCIEN Bit 8 Reserved XPHST Bit 7 DIFGEN ACTIVEPH Bit 6 YPHST Bit 5 Reserved Bit 4 PWMMD CUPDCF Bit 3 CNCAPEN Bit 2 CPCAPEN Bit 1 COSEL COUTST Bit 0 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: EPCA0_CH0 = 0x4000_E000, EPCA0_CH1 = 0x4000_E040, EPCA0_CH2 = 0x4000_E080, EPCA0_CH3 = 0x4000_E0C0, EPCA0_CH4 = 0x4000_E100, EPCA0_CH5 = 0x4000_E140 408 Rev. 0.5 EPCAn_CHx_CCAPVUPD EPCAn_CHx_CCAPV Register Name 0x30 0x20 ALL Offset ALL ALL Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Reserved Reserved Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 CCAPVUPD CCAPV Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 22.19. EPCAn_CHx Memory Map Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: EPCA0_CH0 = 0x4000_E000, EPCA0_CH1 = 0x4000_E040, EPCA0_CH2 = 0x4000_E080, EPCA0_CH3 = 0x4000_E0C0, EPCA0_CH4 = 0x4000_E100, EPCA0_CH5 = 0x4000_E140 Rev. 0.5 409 Enhanced Programmable Counter Array (EPCA0) SiM3L1xx External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx 23. External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) This section describes the External Oscillator (EXTOSC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 23.1. External Oscillator Features The External Oscillator control has the following features: Support for external crystal or ceramic resonator, RC, C, or CMOS oscillators. external CMOS frequencies from 10 kHz to 50 MHz and external crystal frequencies from 10 kHz to 25 MHz. Various drive strengths for flexible crystal oscillator support. Internal frequency divide-by-two option available for some oscillator modes. Available as an input to the PLL. Support External RC Oscillator External C Oscillator VIO XTAL2 XTAL2 EXTOSC Module XTAL1 External Crystal XTAL2 External Oscillator Control XTAL1 10 M XTAL2 External CMOS Oscillator XTAL2 Figure 23.1. External Oscillator Block Diagram 410 Rev. 0.5 EXTOSCn clock 23.2. External Pin Connections The EXTOSC external oscillator circuit may drive an external crystal, ceramic resonator, capacitor, or RC network. A CMOS clock may also provide a clock input. The external oscillator output may be selected as the AHB clock or used to clock other modules independent of the AHB clock selection. The external oscillator circuit makes use of one or two device I/O pins, depending on the operating mode. These pins are shared with port I/O, and vary based on the package type. Table 23.1 summarizes the external pin connections for each member of the device family. Table 23.1. External Oscillator Pin Connections EXTOSC0 Signal Name Description SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name XTAL1 External Oscillator Pin 1 (Used only In crystal mode) PB0.3 PB0.2 PB0.2 XTAL2 External Oscillator Pin 2 (Used in all external oscillator modes) PB0.2 PB0.1 PB0.1 23.3. External Crystal Oscillator When OSCMD is 6 or 7, the EXTOSC module is in crystal oscillator mode. The crystal or ceramic resonator and a 10 M resistor must be wired across the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins as shown in Figure 23.2. Appropriate loading capacitors should be added to XTAL1 and XTAL2, and both pins should be configured for analog mode as described in the port configuration module. SiM3xxxx Device C XTAL1 10 M C EXTOSCn Module XTAL2 Figure 23.2. External Crystal Oscillator Configuration The capacitors provide the load capacitance required by the crystal for correct oscillation. These capacitors are “in series” as seen by the crystal and “in parallel” with the stray capacitance of the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins. Note: The recommended load capacitance depends upon the crystal and the manufacturer. Refer to the crystal data sheet when completing these calculations. Equation 23.1 describes the equation for determining the load capacitance for the two capacitors. The CA and CB values are the capacitors connected to the crystal leads. The CS value is the total stray capacitance of the PCB. CA CB C L = --------------------- + C S CA + CB Equation 23.1. Crystal Load Capacitors Rev. 0.5 411 External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx If CA and CB are the same (C), the resulting equation is shown in Equation 23.2. C C L = ---- + C S 2 Equation 23.2. Simplified Crystal Load Capacitors For example, using Equation 23.2 with a 32.768 kHz tuning-fork crystal with a recommended load capacitance of 12.5 pF placed as close to the pins as possible (assuming 6 pF total stray capacitance) results in crystal load capacitors of 13 pF each. Note: Crystal oscillator circuits are quite sensitive to PCB layout. The crystal should be placed as close as possible to the XTAL pins on the device. The traces should be as short as possible and shielded with ground plane from any other traces that could introduce noise or interference. Setting OSCMD to 6 places EXTOSC in crystal oscillator mode, and setting OSCMD to 7 sets the module in crystal oscillator divided by 2 mode. This divide-by-2 stage ensures that the clock derived from the external oscillator has a duty cycle of 50%. When operating in either crystal mode, the frequency control (FREQCN) field must be set to the appropriate value based on the crystal frequency. Table 23.2. Frequency Control for Crystal Oscillators Crystal Frequency FREQCN Value 10 kHz < f < 20 kHz 0 20 kHz < f < 58 kHz 1 58 kHz < f < 155 kHz 2 155 kHz < f < 415 kHz 3 415 kHz < f < 1.1 MHz 4 1.1 MHz < f < 3.1 MHz 5 3.1 MHz < f < 8.2 MHz 6 8.2 MHz < f < 25 MHz 7 23.3.1. Configuring for Crystal Oscillator Mode The recommended procedure for starting the crystal is as follows: 1. Configure the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins for analog mode using the device port configuration module. 2. Disable the XTAL1 and XTAL2 digital output drivers by writing 1’s to the pin latch in the Port Bank registers. 3. Configure the FREQCN field for the crystal frequency according to Table 23.2. 4. Set the OSCMD field to 6 for crystal mode or 7 for crystal divided by 2 mode. 5. Wait at least 1 ms. 6. Poll on the OSCVLDF flag to determine if the oscillator is running and stable. 7. Set the EXTOSCEN bit in CLKCTRL0_CONFIG to 1, to enable the external oscillator as a clock source. 8. Select the external oscillator as the AHB clock or as the input clock for a module. 23.4. External CMOS Oscillator If an external CMOS clock is used as the external oscillator, the clock should be directly routed into XTAL2, and the XTAL2 pin should be configured as a digital input using the device port configuration module. XTAL1 is not used in external CMOS clock mode. 412 Rev. 0.5 The CMOS oscillator mode is available with a divide by 2 stage, which ensures that the clock derived from the external oscillator has a duty cycle of 50%. The external oscillator valid (OSCVLDF) flag will always return zero when the external oscillator is configured to external CMOS clock mode. 23.4.1. Configuring for CMOS Oscillator Mode The recommended procedure for enabling the CMOS oscillator is: 1. Configure the XTAL2 pins for digital input mode using the device port configuration module. 2. Set the OSCMD field to 2 for CMOS mode or 3 for CMOS mode with divide by 2 stage. 3. Set the EXTOSCEN bit in CLKCTRL0_CONFIG to 1, to enable the external oscillator as a clock source. 4. Select the external oscillator as the AHB clock or as the input clock for a module. 23.5. External RC Oscillator When using the EXTOSC module with an external RC network, firmware should set the OSCMD field to 4 for RC divided by 2 mode. The RC network should be added to XTAL2, and XTAL2 should be configured for analog mode with the digital output drivers disabled. XTAL1 is not affected in RC mode. Figure 23.3 shows this hardware configuration. SiM3xxxx Device VIO XTAL1 EXTOSCn Module R XTAL2 C Figure 23.3. External RC Oscillator Configuration The capacitor used in the RC network should have a value no greater than 100 pF, and the resistor should be no smaller than 10 k. For very small capacitors, the parasitic capacitance in the PCB layout may dominate the total capacitance. The oscillation frequency can be determined by Equation 23.3, where F is the frequency in MHz, R is the pull-up resistor value in k., and C is the capacitor value in the XTAL2 pin in pF. 3 1.23 10 F = --------------------------RC Equation 23.3. RC Oscillation Frequency To determine the required frequency control (FREQCN), first select the RC network value to produce the desired frequency of oscillation. For example, if the desired frequency is 100 kHz, let R = 246 k. and C = 50 pF. 3 3 1.23 10 1.23 10 F = --------------------------- = --------------------------- = 100 kHz RC 246 50 Table 23.3 shows the frequency ranges for the frequency control (FREQCN) bit in RC oscillator mode. The recommended FREQCN setting for this example is 2. Rev. 0.5 413 External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx The RC oscillator mode is only available with a divide by 2 stage, which ensures that the clock derived from the external oscillator has a duty cycle of 50%. The equation for the EXTOSC output frequency is shown in Equation 23.4. 3 F OUT F 1.23 10 = --- = --------------------------2 2RC Equation 23.4. EXTOSC Output Frequency in RC Mode Table 23.3. Frequency Control for RC Oscillators RC Oscillator Frequency EXTOSC Output Frequency (fOUT) FREQCN Value f < 25 kHz fOUT < 12.5 kHz 0 25 kHz < f < 50 kHz 12.5 kHz < fOUT < 25 kHz 1 50 kHz < f < 100 kHz 25 kHz < fOUT < 50 kHz 2 100 kHz < f < 200 kHz 50 kHz < fOUT < 100 kHz 3 200 kHz < f < 400 kHz 100 kHz < fOUT < 200 kHz 4 400 kHz < f < 800 kHz 200 kHz < fOUT < 400 kHz 5 800 kHz < f < 1.6 MHz 400 kHz < fOUT < 800 kHz 6 1.6 MHz < f < 3.2 MHz 800 kHz < fOUT < 1.6 MHz 7 23.5.1. Configuring for RC Oscillator Mode The recommended procedure for enabling the RC oscillator is: 1. Configure the XTAL2 pin for analog mode using the device port configuration module. 2. Disable the XTAL2 digital output driver by writing 1 to the pin latch in the Port Bank registers. 3. Configure the FREQCN field for the RC frequency according to Table 23.3. 4. Set the OSCMD field to 4 for RC divided by 2 mode. 5. Wait at least 1 ms. 6. Poll on the OSCVLDF flag to determine if the oscillator is running and stable. 7. Set the EXTOSCEN bit in CLKCTRL0_CONFIG to 1, to enable the external oscillator as a clock source. 8. Select the external oscillator as the AHB clock or as the input clock for a module. 414 Rev. 0.5 23.6. External C Oscillator Firmware can enable the external C oscillator by setting OSCMD to 5 for C oscillator divided by 2 mode. The capacitor used should be no greater than 100 pF, and the parasitic capacitance in the PCB layout may dominate very small capacitors. The hardware configuration for the external C oscillator is shown in Figure 23.4. SiM3xxxx Device XTAL1 EXTOSCn Module XTAL2 C Figure 23.4. External C Oscillator Configuration To determine the required frequency control (FREQCN) value (XFCN), select the capacitor to be used and find the frequency of oscillation according to Equation 23.5, where F is the frequency of oscillation in MHz, C is the capacitor value in pF, VBAT is the device power supply in Volts, and K is the K Factor. K F = -----------------------C V BAT Equation 23.5. C Oscillation Frequency For example, assume VBAT is 3.0 V and the desired C oscillator frequency is 150 kHz. Since the frequency desired is roughly 150 kHz, select the K Factor of 22 from Table 23.4. 22 0.150 = -----------------C 3.0 22 C = ----------------------------- = 48.8 pF 0.150 3.0 Therefore, the FREQCN value to use in this example is 3, and the external capacitor should be 50 pF. The C oscillator mode is only available with a divide by 2 stage, which ensures that the clock derived from the external oscillator has a duty cycle of 50%. The equation for the EXTOSC output frequency is shown in Equation 23.6. f KF f OUT = --- = --------------------------------2 2 C V BAT Equation 23.6. EXTOSC Output Frequency in C Mode Rev. 0.5 415 External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx Table 23.4. Frequency Control for C Oscillators C Oscillator Frequency EXTOSC Output Frequency (fOUT) K Factor (KF) FREQCN Value f < 25 kHz fOUT < 12.5 kHz 0.87 0 25 kHz < f < 50 kHz 12.5 kHz < fOUT < 25 kHz 2.6 1 50 kHz < f < 100 kHz 25 kHz < fOUT < 50 kHz 7.7 2 100 kHz < f < 200 kHz 50 kHz < fOUT < 100 kHz 22 3 200 kHz < f < 400 kHz 100 kHz < fOUT < 200 kHz 65 4 400 kHz < f < 800 kHz 200 kHz < fOUT < 400 kHz 180 5 800 kHz < f < 1.6 MHz 400 kHz < fOUT < 800 kHz 664 6 1.6 MHz < f < 3.2 MHz 800 kHz < fOUT < 1.6 MHz 1590 7 23.6.1. Configuring for C Oscillator Mode The recommended procedure for enabling the C oscillator is: 1. Configure the XTAL2 pin for analog mode using the device port configuration module. 2. Disable the XTAL2 digital output driver by writing 1 to the pin latch in the Port Bank registers. 3. Configure the FREQCN field for the C frequency and K Factor according to Table 23.4. 4. Set the OSCMD field to 5 for C oscillator divided by 2 mode. 5. Wait at least 1 ms. 6. Poll on the OSCVLDF flag to determine if the oscillator is running and stable. 7. Set the EXTOSCEN bit in CLKCTRL0_CONFIG to 1, to enable the external oscillator as a clock source. 8. Select the external oscillator as the AHB clock or as the input clock for a module. 416 Rev. 0.5 23.7. EXTOSC0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for EXTOSC0 registers. Register 23.1. EXTOSC0_CONTROL: Oscillator Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved OSCMD OSCVLDF Reset FREQCN Type R RW R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address EXTOSC0_CONTROL = 0x4003_C000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 23.5. EXTOSC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:7 Reserved Must write reset value. 6:4 OSCMD Oscillator Mode. 000: External oscillator off. 001: Reserved. 010: External CMOS clock mode. 011: External CMOS with divide by 2 stage. 100: RC oscillator mode with divide by 2 stage. 101: C oscillator mode with divide by 2 stage. 110: Crystal oscillator mode. 111: Crystal oscillator mode with divide by 2 stage. 3 OSCVLDF Oscillator Valid Flag. This bit indicates when the oscillator has stabilized after an initial startup condition. Hardware will clear the bit to 0 when the external oscillator is disabled, and set the bit to 1 once the oscillator is running properly. It will not clear automatically if oscillation fails. This bit is valid for all modes of operation except external CMOS clock and external CMOS clock divide by 2 modes, when OSCVLDF always reads back as 0. 0: The external oscillator is unused or not yet stable. 1: The external oscillator is running and stable. Rev. 0.5 417 External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx Table 23.5. EXTOSC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 2:0 FREQCN Function Frequency Control. 000: Set the external oscillator to range 0. 001: Set the external oscillator to range 1. 010: Set the external oscillator to range 2. 011: Set the external oscillator to range 3. 100: Set the external oscillator to range 4. 101: Set the external oscillator to range 5. 110: Set the external oscillator to range 6. 111: Set the external oscillator to range 7. 418 Rev. 0.5 23.8. EXTOSC0 Register Memory Map EXTOSC0_CONTROL Register Name ALL Address 0x4003_C000 Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Reserved Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 OSCMD Bit 5 Bit 4 OSCVLDF Bit 3 Bit 2 FREQCN Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 23.6. EXTOSC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 419 External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) SiM3L1xx Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx 24. Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) This section describes the flash Controller (FLASHCTRL) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 24.1. Flash Controller Features The flash Controller module includes the following features: Provides control for read timing and prefetch. an access port for firmware to write and erase flash in system. Buffers multiple writes to the flash and stalls the core if the buffer is full until the flash operations can complete. Secures the flash with a lock and key mechanism. Allows single writes and erases or multiple writes with a single unlock operation. Blocks modifications to flash if the Supply Monitor is not enabled as a reset source. Provides SiM3L1xx Flash RSTSRC Module Supply Monitor Reset Source Enable FLASHCTRL Module Flash Controller Status Write/Erase Access Write/Erase Security (Key) Figure 24.1. Flash Controller Block Diagram 420 Rev. 0.5 24.2. Overview The Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL) module provides flash read, write, and erase control. The read controller includes the prefetch engine controls and the flash read timing settings that must be adjusted appropriately for the AHB clock of the device. The write and erase control can be used to modify the flash contents in system. This write and erase interface is protected by a lock and key mechanism to prevent any undesired modification of flash. 24.3. Flash Read Control The flash read timing is controlled by the speed mode (SPMD) field and the read-store enable (RDSEN) bit. These bits must be set appropriately for the selected AHB frequency for the system. When read-store enable (RDSEN) is set to 1, the first flash access is stored in the read store pipeline buffer before being passed to the AHB. Otherwise, the first flash access is passed directly to the AHB (read through). Table 24.1. Read Timing Ranges SPMD Wait Value RDSEN Value Setting Max AHB Frequency 0 0 Non-pipelined, Latency = 0 21 MHz 0 1 Pipelined, Latency = 0 26 MHz 1 0 Non-pipelined, Latency = 1 43 MHz 1 1 Pipelined, Latency = 1 53 MHz* 2 0 Non-pipelined, Latency = 2 65 MHz* 2 1 Pipelined, Latency = 2 80 MHz* 3 0 Non-pipelined, Latency = 3 87 MHz* 3 1 Pipelined, Latency = 3 107 MHz* *Note: Device operation beyond the maximum frequency listed in the data sheet is not guaranteed, and should be avoided. The flash read timing mode (FLRTMD) can also be configured to save power at slower clock frequencies. It should be set to 1 for AHB clock frequencies above 12 MHz and cleared to 0 for AHB clock frequencies below 12 MHz. The FLRTMD bit should only be set to 1 when RDSEN is disabled and the SPMD Wait value is zero. FLRTMD has no effect on the flash read timing. The flash read controller also includes prefetch engine controls. Enabling the data prefetch (DPFEN = 1) feature allows data accesses to be stored and queued into the prefetch buffer in addition to instructions, which can help performance if a large amount of data is accessed sequentially in flash. Firmware can also disable the prefetch engine (PFINH = 1), which will reduce performance but improve the device’s power consumption. Rev. 0.5 421 Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx 24.4. Flash Write and Erase Control The flash write and erase interface allows firmware to modify the flash in system. This interface is protected by a security lock and key interface to prevent inadvertent modifications of memory. Firmware cannot modify flash through the interface when the supply monitor in the VMONn module is disabled or disabled as a reset source (device reset source module). Any write or erase operations initiated while the supply monitor is disabled or disabled as a reset source will be ignored. Firmware should disable interrupts when using the interface to modify flash contents. This will ensure the flash interface accesses are sequential in time and take the minimum time possible. 24.4.1. Security Interface The flash interface is initially locked after a reset. The interface is unlocked by writing the initial unlock key (0xA5) followed by one of the command keys in consecutive writes to the KEY field. Any writes to the WRDATA register while the interface is locked or an incorrect unlock sequence will permanently lock the flash interface until the next device reset. The single unlock key unlocks the flash interface for one write or erase operation. The flash interface will remain unlocked after a single unlock command if firmware writes an additional value to the KEY field before writing to the WRDATA register. The multiple unlock key unlocks the flash interface for write or erase operations until the multiple lock key is written to the KEY field. The flash interface will remain unlocked if firmware writes any value other than the multiple write lock to KEY. The multiple lock is not a permanent lock, and the interface can be unlocked again for other operations. Table 24.2. Flash Interface Keys Command KEY Value Initial Unlock 0xA5 Single Unlock 0xF1 Multiple Unlock 0xF2 Multiple Lock 0x5A 24.4.2. Writing and Erasing Flash Once the flash security interface is unlocked, write and erase operations occur using the write address (WRADDR) and write data (WRDATA) indirect registers. Writes to WRDATA must be half-word aligned, and each half word may only be written once between erase operations. For a write operation (ERASEEN = 0), the right-justified, half-word value written to WRDATA will be written to the address specified by WRADDR. For an erase operation (ERASEEN = 1), a write to WRDATA will initiate an erase on the flash page specified by the WRADDR field. Flash pages are 1024 bytes, and aligned at 1024-byte boundaries in the device, beginning at address 0x0000. Firmware should write the data to the WRDATA register 16 bits at a time in right-justified format, and hardware automatically increments the WRADDR field by two after each write operation. The data written to the WRDATA register is first placed in the controller write buffer. When writing multiple bytes and executing from RAM, firmware can poll on the BUFSTS flag to wait until the buffer has room before writing more data to the WRDATA register. This allows firmware to perform other actions while the controller is modifying flash. If the buffer is full and firmware writes another half-word to WRDATA, the flash controller will stall the AHB bus until the write operation completes, and the buffer is no longer full. Using this method, firmware can write to WRDATA in a series of successive writes without having to poll. Note: For all flash write operations, firmware will stall until the flash write completes, unless operating from a memory space other than flash. When operating from non-flash memory space, the core will continue to execute instructions during the write. 422 Rev. 0.5 The flash controller can write multiple sequential half-words to flash faster than using individual accesses if the flash interface is unlocked for multiple byte writes and sequential writes are enabled (SQWEN = 1). Firmware using this feature should run from a memory space other than flash. Otherwise, the flash controller switches out of sequential mode for the flash read and back into sequential mode for the write, which causes a longer delay than individual accesses with SQWEN cleared to 0. The busy (BUSYF) flag indicates when the flash controller is currently executing a flash write or erase operation. 24.4.3. Writing a Single Half-Word to Flash To write a single byte to flash: 1. Ensure the supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source in the RSTSRC module. 2. Disable erase operations (ERASEEN = 0). 3. Write the destination address to WRADDR. 4. Disable interrupts. 5. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5). 6. Write the single unlock value to KEY (0xF1). 7. Write the data half-word to WRDATA in right-justified format. 8. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardware clears it to 0. 9. Enable interrupts. 24.4.4. Writing Multiple Half-Words to Sequential Flash Addresses To write a sequential set of bytes to flash, code should execute from a memory space other than flash and complete the following steps: 1. Ensure the supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source in the RSTSRC module. 2. Disable erase operations (ERASEEN = 0). 3. Write the initial destination address to WRADDR. 4. Enable sequential writes (SQWEN = 1). 5. Disable interrupts. 6. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5). 7. Write the multiple unlock value to KEY (0xF2). 8. Write the data half-word to WRDATA in right-justified format. 9. (Optional) Poll on the BUFSTS flag until the buffer has room for more data. If code is executing from RAM, this allows the core to perform other actions until a write operation completes and the buffer has room. The AHB bus will automatically stall until the operation completes if firmware writes data to WRDATA when the buffer is full. 10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until all data is written. Hardware automatically increments the WRADDR field by 2 after each write operation. 11. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardware clears it to 0. 12. Write the multiple lock value to KEY (0x5A). 13. Enable interrupts. 24.4.5. Writing Multiple Half-Words to Non-Sequential Flash Addresses To write multiple bytes to non-sequential addresses in flash: 1. Ensure the supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source (device reset sources module). 2. Disable erase operations (ERASEEN = 0). 3. Disable interrupts. 4. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5). Rev. 0.5 423 Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx 5. Write the multiple unlock value to KEY (0xF2). 6. Write the destination address to WRADDR. 7. Write the data half-word to WRDATA in right-justified format. 8. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardware clears it to 0. 9. Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 until all data is written. 10. Write the multiple lock value to KEY (0x5A). 11. Enable interrupts. 24.4.6. Erasing a Page of Flash To erase a page of flash: 1. Ensure the supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source (device reset sources module). 2. Write the address of a byte in the flash page to WRADDR. 3. Enable erase operations (ERASEEN = 1). 4. Disable interrupts. 5. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5). 6. Write the single unlock value to KEY (0xF1). 7. Write any value to WRDATA in right-justified format to initiate the page erase. 8. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardware clears it to 0. 9. Enable interrupts. 24.4.7. Erasing Multiple Flash Pages To erase multiple pages of flash: 1. Ensure the supply monitor is enabled and enabled as a reset source (device reset sources module). 2. Enable erase operations (ERASEEN = 1). 3. Disable interrupts. 4. Write the initial unlock value to KEY (0xA5). 5. Write the multiple unlock value to KEY (0xF2). 6. Write the address of a byte in the flash page to WRADDR. 7. Write any value to WRDATA in right-justified format to initiate the page erase. 8. (Optional) If executing code from a memory space other than flash, poll on the BUSYF flag until hardware clears it to 0. 9. Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 for each page. 10. Write the multiple lock value to KEY (0x5A). 11. Enable interrupts. 424 Rev. 0.5 24.5. FLASHCTRL0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for FLASHCTRL0 registers. Register 24.1. FLASHCTRL0_CONFIG: Controller Configuration 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name Reserved SQWEN 28 Reserved 29 ERASEEN 30 BUFSTS 31 BUSYF Bit Type R R R RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved Type Reset R 0 0 0 RW 0 0 1 1 1 RDSEN 0 Reserved 0 DPFEN 0 PFINH Reset Reserved RW RW RW RW R 0 0 1 0 0 0 SPMD RW 0 0 Register ALL Access Address FLASHCTRL0_CONFIG = 0x4002_E000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 24.3. FLASHCTRL0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:21 Reserved 20 BUSYF Function Must write reset value. Flash Operation Busy Flag. 0: The flash interface is not busy. 1: The flash interface is busy with an operation. 19 BUFSTS Flash Buffer Status. 0: The flash controller write data buffer is empty. 1: The flash controller write data buffer is full. 18 ERASEEN Flash Page Erase Enable. 0: Writes to the WRDATA field will initiate a write to flash at the address in the WRADDR field. 1: Writes to the WRDATA field will initiate an erase of the flash page containing the address in the WRADDR field. 17 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 425 Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 24.3. FLASHCTRL0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 16 SQWEN Function Flash Write Sequence Enable. Setting this bit will cause multiple sequential accesses to the flash interface to take less time than individual accesses if the flash interface is unlocked for multiple byte writes. When this bit is used, firmware should be running from a memory space other than flash. 0: Disable sequential write mode. 1: Enable sequential write mode. 15:8 Reserved 7 PFINH Must write reset value. Prefetch Inhibit. Disabling the prefetch can cause slower performance and better power consumption. 0: Any reads from flash are prefetched until the prefetch buffer is full. 1: Inhibit the prefetch engine. 6 DPFEN Data Prefetch Enable. Setting this bit allows data accesses to be stored and queued into the prefetch buffer, which can help performance if a large amount of data is accessed sequentially in flash. 0: Data accesses are excluded from the prefetch buffer. 1: Data accesses are included in the prefetch buffer. 5 Reserved 4 RDSEN Must write reset value. Read Store Mode Enable. When set to 1, the first flash access is stored in the prefetch (read store) before being passed to the AHB. Otherwise, the first flash access is passed directly to the AHB (read through). 0: Disable read store mode. 1: Enable read store mode. 3:2 Reserved 1:0 SPMD Must write reset value. Flash Speed Mode. The flash speed mode must be adjusted appropriately for the system AHB frequency. 00: Read and write the flash at speed mode 0. 01: Read and write the flash at speed mode 1. 10: Read and write the flash at speed mode 2. 11: Read and write the flash at speed mode 3. 426 Rev. 0.5 Register 24.2. FLASHCTRL0_WRADDR: Flash Write Address Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name WRADDR[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name WRADDR[15:0] Type RW Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address FLASHCTRL0_WRADDR = 0x4002_E0A0 Table 24.4. FLASHCTRL0_WRADDR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 WRADDR Function Flash Write Address. The flash operation will occur at the address (write) or page (erase) specified by this field. Rev. 0.5 427 Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 24.3. FLASHCTRL0_WRDATA: Flash Write Data Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name WRDATA[31:16] Type W 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name WRDATA[15:0] Type W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address FLASHCTRL0_WRDATA = 0x4002_E0B0 Table 24.5. FLASHCTRL0_WRDATA Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 WRDATA Function Flash Write Data. When erases are enabled, a write to this field will initiate an erase of the flash page containing the address specified by WRADDR. When erases are disabled, a right-justified, half-word write to this field will write the value to the flash address specified by WRADDR. Any data written to the upper half of WRDATA is ignored. 428 Rev. 0.5 Register 24.4. FLASHCTRL0_KEY: Flash Modification Key Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved KEY Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address FLASHCTRL0_KEY = 0x4002_E0C0 Table 24.6. FLASHCTRL0_KEY Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:8 Reserved 7:0 KEY Function Must write reset value. Flash Key. Writing the initial unlock key (0xA5) followed by the single unlock key (0xF1) to this field will unlock the flash interface for single write or erase operations. The interface will relock after the operation. Writing the initial unlock key (0xA5) followed by the multiple unlock key (0xF2) will unlock the flash interface for multiple write and erase operations. The interface will remain unlocked until the multiple lock key (0x5A) is written to KEY. All other values for the KEY field are reserved. Rev. 0.5 429 Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Register 24.5. FLASHCTRL0_TCONTROL: Flash Timing Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Name 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 Name Reserved FLRTMD Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Reserved Type R RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address FLASHCTRL0_TCONTROL = 0x4002_E0D0 Table 24.7. FLASHCTRL0_TCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:7 Reserved Must write reset value. 6 FLRTMD Flash Read Timing Mode. 0: Configure the flash read controller for AHB clocks below 12 MHz. 1: Configure the flash read controller for AHB clocks above 12 MHz. 5:0 430 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 24.6. FLASHCTRL0 Register Memory Map FLASHCTRL0_WRDATA FLASHCTRL0_WRADDR FLASHCTRL0_CONFIG Register Name ALL Address 0x4002_E0B0 0x4002_E0A0 0x4002_E000 Access Methods ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Reserved Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 BUSYF Bit 20 BUFSTS Bit 19 ERASEEN Bit 18 Reserved Bit 17 SQWEN Bit 16 WRDATA WRADDR Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Reserved Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 PFINH Bit 7 DPFEN Bit 6 Reserved Bit 5 RDSEN Bit 4 Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 Bit 1 SPMD Bit 0 Table 24.8. FLASHCTRL0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 431 Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Table 24.8. FLASHCTRL0 Memory Map FLASHCTRL0_TCONTROL FLASHCTRL0_KEY Register Name 0x4002_E0D0 0x4002_E0C0 ALL Address ALL ALL Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Reserved Reserved Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 FLRTMD Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 KEY Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 432 Rev. 0.5 25. Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) This section describes the I2C module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 25.1. I2C Features The I2C module includes the following features: Standard (up to 100 kbps) and Fast (400 kbps) transfer speeds. operate down to APB clock divided by 32768 or up to APB clock divided by 8. Support for master, slave, and multi-master modes. Hardware synchronization and arbitration for multi-master mode. Clock low extending (clock stretching) to interface with faster masters. Hardware support for 7-bit slave and general call address recognition. Firmware support for 10-bit slave address decoding. Ability to disable all slave states. Programmable clock high and low period. Programmable data setup/hold times. Spike suppression up to 2 times the APB period. Can I2C Module TX/RX FIFO DATA Shift Register Slave Address Mask SDA SCL Slave Address APB Clock Clock Scaler Timer Control 32-bit Timer Bus Control 32-bit Timer Reload Figure 25.1. I2C Block Diagram 25.2. Signal Routing The signals SDA and SCL for each I2C are routed to I/O pins using the port I/O crossbar. See the port I/O crossbar section for more details on routing these signals externally. Rev. 0.5 433 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx 25.3. I2C Protocol The I2C interface is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus. Reads and writes to the interface are byte oriented with the I2C interface autonomously controlling the serial transfer of the data. Data can be transferred at up to 1/8th of the APB clock as a master or slave (this can be faster than allowed by the I2C specification, depending on the clock source used). A method of extending the clock-low duration is available to accommodate devices with different speed capabilities on the same bus. The I2C interface may operate as a master and/or slave, and may function on a bus with multiple masters. The I2C provides control of SDA (serial data), SCL (serial clock) generation and synchronization, arbitration logic, and start/ stop control and generation. 25.3.1. Hardware Configuration Figure 25.2 shows a typical I2C configuration. The I2C specification allows any recessive voltage between 3.0 and 5.0 V; different devices on the bus may operate at different voltage levels. The bi-directional SCL (serial clock) and SDA (serial data) lines must be connected to a positive power supply voltage through a pull-up resistor or similar circuit. Every device connected to the bus must have an open-drain or open-collector output for both the SCL and SDA lines, so that both are pulled high (recessive state) when the bus is free. The maximum number of devices on the bus is limited only by the requirement that the rise and fall times on the bus not exceed 1000 ns (rise) and 300 ns (fall) for Standard mode communication and 300 ns (rise) and 300 ns (fall) for fast mode communication. 5V 3.3 V 3.6 V 5V 3.3 V I2C Master Device I2C Slave Device I2C Master and Slave Device I2C Slave Device SCL SDA Figure 25.2. I2C Hardware Configuration A typical I2C transaction consists of a start condition followed by an address (7- or 10-bit), the Read/Write direction bit, one or more bytes of data, and a stop condition. Address and data fields are transferred MSB first. Each byte that is received (by a master or slave) must be acknowledged (ACK) with a low SDA during a high SCL. If the receiving device does not ACK, the transmitting device will read a NACK (not acknowledge), which is a high SDA during a high SCL. The direction bit (R/W) occupies the least-significant bit position of the address. The direction bit is set to 1 to indicate a read operation and cleared to 0 to indicate a write operation. A start condition occurs when the SDA signal changes from high to low while SCL is high, and a stop condition occurs when the SDA signal changes from low to high while SCL is high. During normal data bit transitions, the SCL signal is low while SDA changes state. All transactions are initiated by a master, with one or more addressed slave devices as the target. The master generates the start condition and then transmits the slave address and direction bit. If the transaction is a write operation from the master to the slave, the master transmits the data a byte at a time and waits for an ACK from the slave at the end of each byte. For read operations, the slave transmits the data and waits for an ACK from the master at the end of each byte. At the end of the data transfer, the master generates a stop condition to terminate the transaction and free the bus. Figure 25.3 illustrates a typical I2C 7-bit address transaction. Both address sizes (7- and 10-bit) can be used on the same I2C bus. 434 Rev. 0.5 SCL SDA 7-bit Address R/W Address Phase START ACK 8-bit Data Data Phase NACK STOP Time Figure 25.3. Typical I2C 7-bit Address Transaction 25.3.2. Address Phase The address phase consists of the 7- or 10-bit address, the read/write direction bit (R/W), and the slave’s ACK or NACK response. With 7-bit address transfers, the address phase consists of a single byte operation and one ACK or NACK response from the slave. The R/W bit is the last bit transmitted before the ACK or NACK. Figure 25.4 shows the 7bit address phase. Master Slave SCL SDA 7-bit Address Address Phase R/W ACK Time Figure 25.4. I2C 7-bit Address Phase The 10-bit address phase consists of two bytes and two ACK or NACK responses from the slave. The first address byte contains bits 9 and 8 of the address (fixed value of 1111 0XX, where XX are the two address bits) and the R/W bit, which is the last bit of the byte. The rest of the address (bits 7:0) is transmitted in the second byte. All slaves that match the first part of the address will ACK after the first address byte. The one slave that also matches the second address byte will ACK after the second byte. The address phase of a write operation using a 10-bit address consists of a single start followed by the two address bytes with R/W set to 0 for a write. The address phase of a read operation using a 10-bit address consists of a start followed by the two address bytes with R/W set to 0 for a write, followed by a repeated start with the first address byte and R/W set to 1 for a read, and the data for the master. Figure 25.5 shows the 10-bit address phases for both a write and a read operation. Rev. 0.5 435 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Write Operation Master Slave Master Slave ACK 10-bit Address (bits 7:0) ACK SCL SDA 1 1 1 1 0 10-bit Address (bits 9:8) 0 R/W Address Phase Time Read Operation Master Slave Master Slave ACK 10-bit Address (bits 7:0) ACK Master Slave SCL SDA 1 1 1 1 0 0 10-bit Address (bits 9:8) R/W 1 Repeated START 1 1 1 0 10-bit Address (bits 7:0) 1 R/W ACK Address Phase Time Figure 25.5. I2C 10-bit Address Phase 25.3.3. Data Phase The data phase follows the address phase and is the same for both 7- and 10-bit address modes. The data phase consists of a byte of data followed back an ACK or NACK. In the case of a read operation, the slave provides the data byte and the master responds as shown in Figure 25.6. In the case of a write operation, the master provides the data byte and the slave responds as shown in Figure 25.7. The entire data phase for a transaction can consist of one or more bytes. The master determines the total number of bytes sent by deciding when to send the stop condition that ends the transaction. Slave Master SCL SDA 8-bit Data Data Phase ACK Time Figure 25.6. Single Byte I2C Read Data Phase 436 Rev. 0.5 Master Slave SCL SDA 8-bit Data Data Phase ACK Time Figure 25.7. Single Byte I2C Write Data Phase Rev. 0.5 437 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx 25.4. Clocking The I2C module has an internal 6-bit APB clock divider that allows the module to support various APB and I2C clock frequencies. The divided I2C clock serves as the timebase for the SCL signal, rise and fall timing, and hardware-supported timeouts. The SCALER field in the CONFIG register sets the I2C module clock frequency (FI2C) according to Equation 25.1. F APB F I2C = ---------------------------------------- 64 – SCALER Equation 25.1. I2C Module Clock Frequency 25.4.1. Clock Setup When operating as an I2C master, the I2C clock high and low times (TSCL_HIGH and TSCL_LOW) are based off the I2C module clock, and can be independently configured. The clock high time is determined by the T1RL field in the TIMERRL register, as shown in Equation 25.2. Likewise, the clock low time is determined by the SCLL field in the SCONFIG register, shown in Equation 25.3. 256 – T1RL T SCL_HIGH = -----------------------------F I2C Equation 25.2. SCL High Time 256 – SCLL T SCL_LOW = ------------------------------F I2C Equation 25.3. SCL Low Time The I2C bus master controls the clock. However, slave devices have the option to extend the clock low time if needed. When operating as an I2C slave, the SCLL field defines a period for the device to hold SCL low after detecting a falling edge on the bus. 25.5. Operational Modes The I2C module supports both master and slave states. Each step of the transaction process is controlled both by hardware and firmware to provide flexibility. A typical I2C module interrupt service routine contains several states to determine the module’s next actions in response to activity on the bus. Each state must perform actions in the following order: 1. Set and clear bits for the next state. 2. Write or read from the DATA register. 3. Arm the transmit or receive operation. 4. Clear the pending interrupt flag. The I2C module can send or receive multiple bytes autonomously during the data phase by setting the BC field in the CONFIG register to a value other than 1. If the BC value is set to a value other than 1, the transmit or receive interrupt will occur when all bytes have been sent or received (when BP is equal to BC). If multiple bytes are sent during a transaction using a BC value other than 1, the least-significant byte in the DATA register will be sent or received first. The I2C module supports 7-bit addresses in hardware and can support 10-bit addresses by using firmware to transmit and decode the second address byte. 438 Rev. 0.5 The basic software-controlled master and slave transactions are described in detail in the following section. The additional features and DMA modes are described in subsequent document sections. 25.5.1. Master Write Transaction In a master write transaction, the I2C module is in master mode and sends one or more bytes of data to an addressed slave on the bus. The master write operation starts with firmware setting the STA bit to generate a start condition. A start interrupt occurs after the hardware transmits a start condition. The ISR or firmware routine should then clear the start bit (STA), set the targeted slave address and the R/W direction bit in the DATA register, set the byte count, arm the transmission (TXARM = 1), and clear the start interrupt. After the hardware transmits the address and direction bit, a transmit interrupt occurs. The ISR should check the ACK bit to determine if the addressed slave acknowledged the address and is ready to receive data. If the master received a NACK, no slaves acknowledged the address, and firmware should set the STO bit to generate a stop. If the master received an ACK, the firmware should load the data into the DATA register, arm the transmission (TXARM = 1), and clear the transmit interrupt. This process is identical for each byte or set of bytes in the transmission. For each set of bytes (determined by the BC field), the hardware generates an acknowledge interrupt if the slave NACKs a transmission, and will not generate an interrupt if the slave ACKs. If the slave NACKs, the master can choose to re-transmit the data or start the process over. To stop the current transmission, firmware should set the STO bit to generate a stop condition. When the stop interrupt occurs, the transmission can be re-started by setting the STA bit to generate a start condition. When the hardware transmits the last data byte, a transmit interrupt occurs. The firmware can check the ACK or NACK status and should set the STO bit to generate a stop condition and clear the transmit interrupt before exiting the ISR. The transmission does not need to be armed in this case because an address or data isn’t being sent. A stop interrupt occurs after the hardware transmits the stop condition. Firmware should clear the stop interrupt and exit the ISR, completing the transaction. Figure 25.8 shows a flow diagram of this master write transaction process. Rev. 0.5 439 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Firmware sets the STA bit. SCL SDA 1. Clear STA. 2. Set byte count (BC). 3. Write DATA with the slave address and R/W bit. 4. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 5. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). START Start Interrupt: ISR 1st pass SCL SDA 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase Handle NACK accordingly (stop transfer, reschedule transfer, etc.). No ACK? ACK Yes Any bytes remaining? No Yes Bytes remaining less than maximum BC? No Set BC to maximum. Transmit Interrupt: ISR 2nd – (n-1)th pass Transmit Interrupt: ISR nth pass Yes Set BC to remaining bytes. 1. Write DATA with the correct number of bytes. 2. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 3. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). 1. Set STO. 2. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). SCL SCL SDA SDA 8-bit Data Master Data Phase ACK STOP 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Stop Interrupt: ISR (n+1)th pass Figure 25.8. Master Write Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) 440 Rev. 0.5 25.5.2. Master Read Transaction In a master read transaction, the I2C module is in master mode and receives one or more bytes of data from an addressed slave on the bus. The master read operation starts the same as the master write operation with firmware setting the STA bit to generate a start condition. A start interrupt occurs after the hardware transmits a start condition. The ISR or firmware routine should then clear the start bit (STA), set the targeted slave address and the R/W direction bit in the DATA register, set the byte count, arm the transmission (TXARM = 1), and clear the start interrupt. After the hardware transmits the address and direction bit, a transmit interrupt occurs. The ISR should check the ACK bit to determine if the addressed slave acknowledged the address and is ready to receive data. If the master received a NACK, no slaves acknowledged the address, and firmware should set the STO bit to generate a stop. If the master received an ACK, the firmware should arm reception (RXARM = 1), set the byte count, and clear the transmit interrupt. A master acknowledge interrupt occurs for each byte received from the slave (determined by the BC field). The firmware must set the ACK bit and clear the acknowledge interrupt. When the master receives all of the bytes of the transfer (BP is equal to BC), a receive interrupt occurs. The firmware must read the data from the FIFO using the DATA register, set the BC field for the next reception, arm reception (RXARM = 1), and clear the receive interrupt. If the master does not need to read any additional data from the slave, the firmware should set the STO bit to generate a stop and clear the receive interrupt. A stop interrupt occurs after the hardware transmits the stop condition. Firmware should clear the stop interrupt and exit the ISR, completing the transaction. Figure 25.9 shows a flow diagram of this master read transaction process. Rev. 0.5 441 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Firmware sets the STA bit. SCL SDA 1. Clear STA. 2. Set byte count (BC). 3. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 4. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). START Start Interrupt: ISR 1st pass SCL SDA 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase Handle NACK accordingly (stop transfer, reschedule transfer, etc.). No ACK? ACK Yes Bytes remaining less than maximum BC? No Set BC to maximum. Transmit Interrupt: ISR 2nd pass Yes Set BC to remaining bytes. 1. Arm reception (RXARM = 1). 2. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). SCL SDA 8-bit Data (from Slave) 1. ACK incoming data byte. 2. Clear the acknowledge interrupt (ACKI = 0). Acknowledge Interrupt: ISR pass for each byte SCL SDA IF BP = BC, hardware transitions to the receive interrupt. ACK Master ACK Read the data (BC number of bytes) from the DATA register. Any bytes remaining? No Receive Interrupt: ISR pass for every BC number of bytes Bytes remaining less than maximum BC? No Set BC to maximum. Yes Set BC to remaining bytes. 1. Arm reception (RXARM = 1). 2. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). 1. Set STO. 2. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). SCL SDA STOP 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Stop Interrupt: ISR nth pass Figure 25.9. Master Read Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) 442 Rev. 0.5 25.5.3. Repeated Starts Repeated starts are used in master transactions when slaves require a write before the master can read data. The repeated start allows the master to maintain control of the bus even though two separate transactions take place. The repeated start is the same as a master write transaction followed by a master read transaction where the write ends with another start instead of a stop condition. The repeated start operation begins with firmware setting the STA bit to generate a start condition. A start interrupt occurs after the hardware transmits a start condition. The ISR or firmware routine should then clear the start bit (STA), set the targeted slave address and the R/W direction bit (write) in the DATA register, set the byte count, arm the transmission (TXARM = 1), and clear the start interrupt. After the hardware transmits the address and direction bit, a transmit interrupt occurs. The ISR should check the ACK bit to determine if the addressed slave acknowledged the address and is ready to receive data. If the master received a NACK, no slaves acknowledged the address, and firmware should set the STO bit to generate a stop. If the master received an ACK, the firmware should write the data to the DATA register, set the byte count, arm the transmission (TXARM = 1), and clear the transmit interrupt. The second transmit interrupt occurs after the master sends the data to the slave. The firmware should set the STA bit again and clear the transmit interrupt to generate the repeated start. In the second start interrupt pass, the firmware should again write the slave address and R/W direction bit (read) in the DATA register before clearing the start bit, arming the transmission (TXARM = 1), setting the byte count, and clearing the start interrupt. A master acknowledge interrupt occurs for each byte received from the slave (determined by the BC field). The firmware must set the ACK bit and clear the acknowledge interrupt. When the master receives all of the bytes of the transfer (BP is equal to BC), a receive interrupt occurs. The firmware must read the data from the DATA register, set the BC field for the next reception, arm reception (RXARM = 1), and clear the receive interrupt. If the master does not need to read any additional data from the slave, the firmware should set the STO bit to generate a stop and clear the receive interrupt. A stop interrupt occurs after the hardware transmits the stop condition. Firmware should clear the stop interrupt and exit the ISR, completing the transaction. Figure 25.10 and Figure 25.11 show a flow diagram of the master repeated start process, while Figure 25.12 and Figure 25.13 show a flow diagram of the slave repeated start process. Rev. 0.5 443 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Firmware sets the STA bit. SCL SDA 1. Clear STA. 2. Set byte count (BC). 3. Write DATA with the slave address and R/W bit. 4. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 5. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). START Start Interrupt: ISR 1st pass SCL SDA No ACK? 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase Handle NACK accordingly (stop transfer, reschedule transfer, etc.). Yes ACK Transmit Interrupt: ISR 2nd pass 1. Write DATA with the correct number of bytes. 2. Set byte count (BC). 3. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 4. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). SCL SDA 8-bit Data Master Data Phase No ACK? Handle NACK accordingly (stop transfer, reschedule transfer, etc.). ACK Transmit Interrupt: ISR 3rd pass Yes 1. Set the STA bit. 2. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). SCL SDA REPEATED START 1. Clear STA. 2. Set byte count (BC). 3. Write DATA with the slave address and R/W bit. 4. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 5. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). Start Interrupt: ISR 4th pass SCL SDA 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase ACK A Figure 25.10. Master Repeated Start (Write/Read) Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) (Page 1/2) 444 Rev. 0.5 A SCL SDA 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase Handle NACK accordingly (stop transfer, reschedule transfer, etc.). No ACK? ACK Yes Bytes remaining less than maximum BC? No Set BC to maximum. Transmit Interrupt: ISR 5th pass Yes Set BC to remaining bytes. 1. Arm reception (RXARM = 1). 2. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). SCL SDA 8-bit Data (from Slave) 1. ACK incoming data byte. 2. Clear the acknowledge interrupt (ACKI = 0). Acknowledge Interrupt: ISR pass for each byte SCL SDA IF BP = BC, hardware transitions to the receive interrupt. ACK Master ACK Read the data (BC number of bytes) from the DATA register. Any bytes remaining? No Receive Interrupt: ISR pass for every BC number of bytes Bytes remaining less than maximum BC? No Set BC to maximum. Yes Set BC to remaining bytes. 1. Arm reception (RXARM = 1). 2. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). 1. Set STO. 2. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). SCL SDA STOP 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Stop Interrupt: ISR nth pass Figure 25.11. Master Repeated Start (Write/Read) Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) (Page 2/2) Rev. 0.5 445 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Wait for a start interrupt. SCL SDA Read the address and R/W direction bit from DATA. START 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase Address match? No Start Interrupt: ISR 1st pass Yes 1. Send an ACK (ACK = 1). 2. Set byte count (BC). 3. Arm reception (RXARM = 1). 4. Clear the STA bit. 5. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). 1. Send a NACK (ACK = 0). 2. Clear the STA bit. 3. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). SCL SDA 8-bit Data (from Master) Any bytes remaining? No Yes Send a NACK. Acknowledge Interrupt: ISR pass for each byte Send an ACK. Clear the acknowledge interrupt (ACKI = 0). SCL SDA IF BP = BC, hardware transitions to the receive interrupt. ACK Slave ACK Read the data (BC number of bytes) from the DATA register. Bytes remaining less than maximum BC? No Receive Interrupt: ISR pass for the first BC set of bytes Yes Set BC to maximum. Set BC to remaining bytes. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). SCL SDA START B 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase A Figure 25.12. Slave Repeated Start (Write/Read) Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) (Page 1/2) 446 Rev. 0.5 B A SCL SDA Read the address and R/W direction bit from DATA. 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase START Address match? No Start Interrupt: ISR nth pass (Repeated Start) Yes 1. Send an ACK (ACK = 1). 2. Set byte count (BC). 3. Write the data to the DATA register. 4. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 5. Clear the STA bit. 6. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). 1. Send a NACK (ACK = 0). 2. Clear the STA bit. 3. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). SCL SDA Any bytes remaining? No 1. Clear the transmit interrupt. 2. Wait for a stop. 8-bit Data ACK Slave Data Phase Yes Bytes remaining less than maximum BC? No Set BC to maximum. Transmit Interrupt: ISR (n+1)th through (m-1)th pass Yes Set BC to remaining bytes. 1. Write new data to DATA register. 2. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 3. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). SCL SDA STOP Stop Interrupt: ISR mth pass 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Figure 25.13. Slave Repeated Start (Write/Read) Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) (Page 2/2) Rev. 0.5 447 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx 25.5.4. Slave Write Transaction In a slave write transaction, the I2C module is in slave mode and receives one or more bytes of data from a master. The slave write operation starts with a start interrupt after a master generates a start and sends the address on the bus. The firmware should read the address and R/W direction bit from the DATA register and determine if the address matches the slave address. If not, the slave should send a NACK by clearing the ACK bit to 0 and clear the start interrupt. If the slave address does match, the slave should ACK the address by setting ACK to 1, set the byte count, clear the start bit, arm reception (RXARM = 1), and clear the start interrupt. An acknowledge interrupt occurs each time the slave receives a byte. The firmware should respond with either an ACK or NACK and clear the acknowledge interrupt. When the slave receives the last byte of the current packet (BP = BC), a receive interrupt occurs. The slave should read the data from the DATA register, set the byte count for the next set of bytes, arm reception, and clear the receive interrupt. If this is the last set of bytes the slave will receive, the slave should clear the receive interrupt. A stop interrupt occurs after the master generates a stop condition on the bus. The firmware should clear the stop bit and the stop interrupt. Figure 25.14 shows a flow diagram of this slave write transaction process. 25.5.5. Slave Read Transaction In a slave read transaction, the I2C module is in slave mode and sends one or more bytes of data to a master. The slave read operation starts with a start interrupt after a master generates a start and sends the address on the bus. The firmware should read the address and R/W direction bit from the DATA register and determine if the address matches the slave address. If not, the slave should send a NACK by clearing the ACK bit to 0 and clear the start interrupt. If the slave address does match, the slave should ACK the address by setting ACK to 1, set the byte count, write the data to the DATA register, clear the start bit, arm transmission (TXARM = 1), and clear the start interrupt. A transmit interrupt occurs each time the slave sends a set of bytes (BP = BC). The firmware should check if there are any bytes remaining for the current transfer. If so, the byte count should be set, the new data written to the DATA register, transmission armed (TXARM = 1), and the transmit interrupt cleared. If no data remains to be sent, the slave should clear the transmit interrupt and wait for the master to generate a stop. A stop interrupt occurs after the master generates a stop condition on the bus. The firmware should clear the stop bit and clear the stop interrupt. Figure 25.15 shows a flow diagram of this slave read transaction process. 448 Rev. 0.5 Wait for a start interrupt. SCL SDA Read the address and R/W direction bit from DATA. 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase START Address match? No Start Interrupt: ISR 1st pass Yes 1. Send an ACK (ACK = 1). 2. Set byte count (BC). 3. Arm reception (RXARM = 1). 4. Clear the STA bit. 5. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). 1. Send a NACK (ACK = 0). 2. Clear the STA bit. 3. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). SCL SDA 8-bit Data (from Master) Any bytes remaining? No Send a NACK. Yes Acknowledge Interrupt: ISR pass for each byte Send an ACK. Clear the acknowledge interrupt (ACKI = 0). SCL SDA IF BP = BC, hardware transitions to the receive interrupt. ACK Slave ACK Read the data (BC number of bytes) from the DATA register. Bytes remaining less than maximum BC? No Set BC to maximum. Receive Interrupt: ISR pass for every BC number of bytes Yes Set BC to remaining bytes. 1. Arm reception (RXARM = 1). 2. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). SCL SDA STOP Stop Interrupt: ISR nth pass 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Figure 25.14. Slave Write Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) Rev. 0.5 449 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Wait for a start interrupt. SCL SDA Read the address and R/W direction bit from DATA. START 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase Address match? No Start Interrupt: ISR 1st pass Yes 1. Send an ACK (ACK = 1). 2. Set byte count (BC). 3. Write the data to the DATA register. 4. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 5. Clear the STA bit. 6. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). 1. Send a NACK (ACK = 0). 2. Clear the STA bit. 3. Clear the start interrupt (STAI = 0). SCL SDA Any bytes remaining? No 1. Clear the transmit interrupt. 2. Wait for a stop. 8-bit Data Slave Data Phase ACK Yes Bytes remaining less than maximum BC? No Set BC to maximum. Transmit Interrupt: ISR 2nd – (n-1)th pass Yes Set BC to remaining bytes. 1. Write new data to DATA register. 2. Arm transmission (TXARM = 1). 3. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). SCL SDA STOP Stop Interrupt: ISR nth pass 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Figure 25.15. Slave Read Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) 450 Rev. 0.5 25.6. Error Handling The I2C module can identify several types of bus errors, as detailed int eh following sections. 25.6.1. Arbitration A master may start a transfer only if the bus is free. The bus is free after a stop condition or after the SCL and SDA lines remain high for a specified time. In the event that two or more devices attempt to begin a transfer at the same time, the I2C protocol employs an arbitration scheme to force one master to give up the bus. The master devices continue transmitting until one attempts to transmit a 1 while the other attempts to transmit a 0. Since the bus is open-drain, the bus will be pulled low, and the master attempting to transmit the 1 will detect a low SDA signal and lose the arbitration. The winning master continues its transmission without interruption; the losing master becomes a slave (if slave states are supported) and receives the rest of the transfer, if addressed. This arbitration scheme is non-destructive: one device always wins, and no data is lost. In the case of an arbitration lost event, the arbitration lost interrupt occurs. The read-only ARBLF flag mirrors the state of the ARBLI interrupt flag. This interrupt can occur in both master or slave mode whenever the I2C module is attempting to transmit data on the bus. When configured as a slave, the ARBLI interrupt flag indicates a protocol violation on the bus. In master mode, the firmware may want to save the aborted slave target and R/W direction bit to allow this attempt to be rescheduled after any pending slave response, if supported. 25.6.2. SMBus SCL Low Timeout If the SCL line is held low by a device on the bus, no further communication is possible. Furthermore, the master cannot force the SCL line high to correct the error condition. To solve this problem, the SMBus protocol specifies that devices participating in a transfer must detect any clock cycle held low longer than 25 ms as a “timeout” condition. Devices that have detected the timeout condition must reset their communication interfaces no later than 10 ms after detecting the timeout condition. When the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1), the dedicated I2C timer provides a counter for SCL low timeout detection. The SCL low timeout counter is 20 bits, with Timer Byte [3:2] providing the upper 16 bits of the counter. The least significant bits of the timeout counter are not available to program. The timeout counter can be set by setting the T3:T2 and T3RL:T2RL fields. The hardware automatically forces the timer to reset to zero when SCL is high and allows the timer to count when SCL is low. In the event that T3:T2 matches the value in T3RL:T2RL, the timeout T3I flag will be set and an interrupt will be generated, if enabled. If this interrupt occurs, firmware can reset the I2C module using the RESET bit. 25.6.3. Bus Free Timeout The I2C bus is free if all previous transactions ended with a stop condition and both SCL and SDA are high. The I2C module supports a bus free timeout that detects if SCL and SDA are high for the specified timeout period without a stop condition appearing on the bus. The dedicated I2C Timer Byte 0 serves as the bus free timeout counter when the module is enabled (I2CEN = 1). The T0 field contains the timeout value and T0RL contains the counter reload value. T0 will count up if both SCL and SDA are high, and hardware forces T0 to reload from T0RL if SCL or SDA are low. If the I2C module is waiting for the bus to be free before starting a transfer, the module will generate the start condition after the timeout period expires. Rev. 0.5 451 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx 25.7. Additional Features 25.7.1. Hardware Acknowledge and General Call Addressing When the HACKEN bit in the CONTROL register is cleared to 0, the firmware on the device must detect incoming slave addresses and ACK or NACK the slave address and incoming data bytes. As a receiver, writing the ACK bit defines the outgoing ACK value; as a transmitter, reading the ACK bit indicates the value received during the last ACK cycle. ACKRQF is set each time a byte is received, indicating that an outgoing ACK value is needed. When ACKRQF is set, firmware should write the desired outgoing value to the ACK bit before clearing the appropriate interrupt flag. A NACK will be generated if software does not write the ACK bit before clearing the interrupt. SDA will reflect the defined ACK value immediately following a write to the ACK bit; however, SCL will remain low until firmware clears the interrupt. If a received slave address is not acknowledged, further slave events will be ignored until the next start is detected. The hardware acknowledge feature (enabled when HACKEN = 1) provides for automatic 7-bit slave address recognition and ACK generation. The ADDRESS and MASK fields define which addresses are automatically recognized by the hardware. A single address or range of addresses (including the General Call Address of all 0’s) can be specified using these two registers. A 1 in a bit position of the slave address mask (MASK) enables a comparison between the received slave address and the hardware’s slave address (ADDRESS) for those bits. A 0 in the slave address mask means that bit will be treated as a “don’t care” for comparison purposes. Additionally, hardware will recognize the General Call Address (all 0’s) if the GCEN bit in the CONTROL register is set to 1. Firmware can use the SLVAF bit to determine if the slave recognized the slave address or the General Call. Table 25.1 shows some example parameter settings and the slave addresses that will be recognized by hardware. Table 25.1. Hardware Address Recognition Examples (HACKEN = 1) Hardware Slave Address (ADDRESS) Hardware Slave Address Mask (MASK) General Call Address (GCEN) Slave Addresses Recognized by Hardware 0x34 0x7F Disabled 0x34 0x34 0x7F Enabled 0x34, 0x00 0x34 0x7E Disabled 0x34, 0x35 0x34 0x7E Enabled 0x34, 0x35, 0x00 0x70 0x73 Disabled 0x70, 0x74, 0x78, 0x7C During the data phases of the transfer, the I2C hardware in receiver mode will use the value currently specified by the ACK bit to automatically respond during the ACK cycle of an incoming data byte. As a transmitter, reading the ACK bit indicates the value received on the last ACK cycle. The ACKRQF bit is not used when hardware ACK generation is enabled. If a received slave address is NACKed by hardware, the hardware will ignore any further slave events until the next start is detected and will not generate a start interrupt. When hardware acknowledge is enabled in receive mode, the last byte acknowledge enable bit (LBACKEN) can be used to automatically NACK the last byte of a transfer, if desired. 452 Rev. 0.5 Automatic Transmit or Receive Enable The automatic transmit or receive mode can only be used if hardware acknowledge is enabled. If the ATXRXEN bit is set to 1, the I2C module will automatically ACK the incoming address and switch to either receive or transmit mode depending on the R/W bit. Enabling automatic transmit or receive mode bypasses the start interrupt, so the receive or transmit interrupt is the first interrupt triggered if ATXRXEN is set to 1. 25.7.2. SDA Setup and Hold Time Extensions The data setup and hold times can be optionally extended using the SETUP and HOLD fields in the SCONFIG register. I2C Timer Byte 0 determines the data setup and hold times if SETUP and HOLD are 0. If SETUP or HOLD is set to a non-zero value, this setting overrides the I2C Timer Byte 0 count. These extensions are based on the I2C module clock, and the equations for the additional time are provided in the register descriptions for these fields. 25.7.3. General Purpose Timer When the I2C is not in use (I2CEN = 0), the dedicated I2C 32-bit timer that generates SCL and SDA timing can be used as an additional general purpose count-up timer. This I2C timer can be configured to the following modes: Mode 0: One 32-bit timer with auto-reload (Timer Bytes [3: 0]). Mode 1: Two 16-bit timers with auto-reload (high timer: Timer Bytes [3: 2], low timer: Timer Bytes [1: 0]). Mode 2: Four 8-bit timers with auto-reload (Timer Byte 3, Timer Byte 2, Timer Byte 1, and Timer Byte 0). Mode 3: One 16-bit and two 8-bit timers with auto-reload (Timer Bytes [3: 2], Timer Byte 1, and Timer Byte 0). The mode of the timers can be controlled using the TMD field. The TxRUN bits control the timers, TxIEN bits enable the timer interrupts, Tx fields contain the current timer value, and TxRL fields contain the reload values. When one of the timers overflows (from all 1’s to all 0’s), the appropriate TxI interrupt flag will be set and an I2C interrupt will occur, if enabled. The timer run bits (TxRUN) are gated by a global I2C timer enable bit (TIMEREN) that must be set to 1 for the timers to count on the I2C module clock. 25.7.4. Noise Filtering By default, there is a three-stage filter on both the SDA and SCL lines to help prevent noisy bus situations from affecting the peripheral and causing bus errors. Under most conditions this filter should be left enabled. If the APB clock frequency is relatively slow, this filter could have the side effect of filtering out the desirable bus signals. The filter may be disabled by setting the FMD bit in the CONTROL register to 1. 25.8. Debug Mode Firmware can set the DBGMD bit to force the I2C module to halt on a debug breakpoint. The I2C block will complete the current byte transfer before halting. Clearing the DBGMD bit forces the module to continue operating while the core halts in debug mode. Rev. 0.5 453 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx 25.9. DMA Configuration and Usage The DMA interface to the I2C block has one channel mapped to transmit and one channel mapped to receive operations. When DMA is enabled (DMAEN = 1), data must be transferred 4 bytes at a time. For a transfer length which is not a multiple of 4, the extra bytes in the MSB of the final DMA transfer are ignored. The I2C module can be programmed to transfer up to 255 bytes in a single DMA operation by setting the DMALEN field in the I2CDMA register. For transmit operations, the DMA engine requests a word transfer to DATA whenever the DATA register is empty and the DMALEN field is not 0. For receive operations, the DMA engine requests a word transfer from DATA whenever the DATA register is full and the DMALEN field is not 0. The DMALEN field will decrement by 1 when the hardware transmits or receives a byte. If the DMALEN value is less than 4, the DMA transmits or receives the remaining bytes only. A transmit or receive interrupt occurs when DMALEN is zero. If the hardware receives a NACK during a DMA operation, it will generate an acknowledge interrupt and stop the remaining transaction. If the hardware detects a stop condition before DMALEN is zero, the transfer stops and a stop interrupt occurs. The I2C Module DMA configuration is shown in Figure 25.16. SiM3xxxx Address Space DMA Module I2Cn Transmit Data I2Cn Module TX/RX FIFO DMA Channel DATA Shift Register Slave Address Mask I2Cn Receive Data DMA Channel SDA SCL Slave Address Clock Scaler DMA Channel Timer Control 32-bit Timer Bus Control 32-bit Timer Reload Figure 25.16. I2C Module DMA Configuration 25.9.1. Automatic Hardware DMA Options To further automate the I2C transfer, firmware can enable Hardware Acknowledge (HACKEN = 1), Automatic Transmit or Receive Enable (ATXRXEN = 1), or Last Byte Acknowledge Enable (LBACKEN = 1) in DMA mode. If all of these modes are enabled, the hardware will automatically acknowledge any received bytes, automatically switch to transmit or receive mode depending on the set direction of the R/W bit, and ACK or NACK the last byte of the transfer, if it’s a receive operation. 454 Rev. 0.5 25.9.2. Master Write with DMA and Automatic Hardware Enabled For a master write operation with all automatic modes enabled, the firmware should: 1. Set HACKEN and ATXRXEN to 1. 2. Write the address and R/W bit into DATA. 3. Program the DMALEN field to the appropriate value. 4. Set up the DMA transmit channel appropriately. 5. Enable the DMA mode in the I2C module (DMAEN = 1). 6. Issue a start by setting STA to 1. If the master does not receive a NACK from the slave, the first interrupt received will be the transmit interrupt after all bytes are transferred. The master can continue to send more bytes by setting up another transfer or issue a stop to end the transfer. Once the stop interrupt occurs, the firmware must clear the STO bit to 0 and clear the stop interrupt. The DMA master write operation is shown in Figure 25.17. 1. Set HACKEN to 1. 2. Set ATXRXEN to 1. 3. Write DATA with the slave address and R/W bit. 4. Set up the DMA transmit channel. 5. Set DMALEN. 6. Enable DMA mode (DMAEN = 1). 7. Set STA to 1. SCL SDA START Any bytes remaining? 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase ACK 8-bit Data Master Data Phase ACK 8-bit Data Master Data Phase ACK No Yes Transmit Interrupt: ISR 1st – (n-1)th pass 1. Set DMALEN. 2. Set up the DMA transmit channel. 3. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). Transmit Interrupt: ISR nth pass 1. Set STO. 2. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). SCL SDA STOP 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Stop Interrupt: ISR (n+1)th pass Figure 25.17. Master Write with DMA and Automatic Hardware Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) Rev. 0.5 455 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx 25.9.3. Master Read with DMA and Automatic Hardware Enabled For a master read operation with all automatic modes enabled, the firmware should: 1. Set HACKEN and ATXRXEN and to 1. 2. Write the address and R/W bit into DATA. 3. Program the DMALEN field to the appropriate value. 4. Set up the DMA receive channel appropriately. 5. Set LBACKEN to the appropriate value for the transfer. 6. Enable the DMA mode in the I2C module (DMAEN = 1). 7. Issue a start by setting STA to 1. If the master does not receive a NACK from the slave, the first interrupt received will be the receive interrupt after all bytes are transferred. The master can continue to receive more bytes by setting up another transfer or issue a stop to end the transfer. Once the stop interrupt occurs, the firmware must clear the STO bit to 0 and clear the stop interrupt. This DMA master read operation is shown in Figure 25.18. 1. Set HACKEN to 1. 2. Set ATXRXEN to 1. 3. Write DATA with the slave address and R/W bit. 4. Set up the DMA receive channel. 5. Set DMALEN. 6. Set LBACKEN to the appropriate value. 7. Enable DMA mode (DMAEN = 1). 8. Set STA to 1. SCL SDA START Any bytes remaining? 7-bit Address R/W Master Address Phase ACK 8-bit Data (from Slave) ACK Master ACK 8-bit Data (from Slave) ACK Master ACK No Yes 1. Set DMALEN. 2. Set up the DMA receive channel. 3. Set LBACKEN to the appropriate value. 4. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). Receive Interrupt: ISR 1st – (n-1)th pass Receive Interrupt: ISR nth pass 1. Set STO. 2. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). SCL SDA STOP 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Stop Interrupt: ISR (n+1)th pass Figure 25.18. Master Read with DMA and Automatic Hardware Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) 456 Rev. 0.5 25.9.4. Slave Write with DMA and Automatic Hardware Enabled The DMA slave write firmware procedure with automatic hardware enabled is as follows: 1. Program the slave address and mask in ADDRESS and MASK. 2. Set the DMALEN field. 3. Set up the DMA receive channel appropriately. 4. Enable the DMA mode in the I2C module (DMAEN = 1). The first interrupt the slave will receive is a receive interrupt, since all the bytes are automatically acknowledged. If more bytes should be received from the master, the firmware can set up another DMA transfer by resetting the DMA channel, reprogramming DMALEN and clearing the receive interrupt. When the slave receives the stop interrupt, the firmware should clear the STO bit and the stop interrupt to end the transfer. The DMA slave write operation is shown in Figure 25.19. 1. Set ADDRESS and MASK. 2. Set DMALEN. 3. Set up the DMA receive channel. 4. Enable DMA mode (DMAEN = 1). SCL SDA 7-bit Address START Any bytes remaining? No R/W ACK Slave ACK 8-bit Data (from Master) ACK Slave ACK 8-bit Data (from Master) ACK Slave ACK 1. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). 2. Wait for a stop condition. Receive Interrupt: ISR 1st – (n-1)th pass Yes 1. Set DMALEN. 2. Set up the DMA receive channel. 3. Clear the receive interrupt (RXI = 0). SCL SDA STOP Stop Interrupt: ISR nth pass 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Figure 25.19. Slave Write with DMA and Automatic Hardware Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) Rev. 0.5 457 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx 25.9.5. Slave Read with DMA and Automatic Hardware Enabled The DMA slave read firmware procedure with automatic hardware enabled is as follows: 1. Program the slave address and mask in ADDRESS and MASK. 2. Set the DMALEN field. 3. Set up the DMA transmit channel appropriately. 4. Enable the DMA mode in the I2C module (DMAEN = 1). The first interrupt the slave will receive is a transmit interrupt after all bytes are sent to the master. If more bytes should be sent to the master, the firmware can set up another DMA transfer by resetting the DMA channel, reprogramming DMALEN, and clearing the transmit interrupt. If no more data is to be sent, when the slave receives the stop interrupt, the firmware should clear the STO bit and the stop interrupt to end the transfer. The DMA slave read operation is shown in Figure 25.20. 1. Set ADDRESS and MASK. 2. Set DMALEN. 3. Set up the DMA transmit channel. 4. Enable DMA mode (DMAEN = 1). SCL SDA 7-bit Address START Any bytes remaining? No R/W ACK Slave ACK 8-bit Data Slave Data Phase ACK 8-bit Data Slave Data Phase ACK 1. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). 2. Wait for a stop condition. Transmit Interrupt: ISR 1st – (n-1)th pass Yes 1. Set DMALEN. 2. Set up the DMA transmit channel. 3. Clear the transmit interrupt (TXI = 0). SCL SDA STOP Stop Interrupt: ISR nth pass 1. Clear STO. 2. Clear the stop interrupt (STOI = 0). Figure 25.20. Slave Read with DMA and Automatic Hardware Flow Diagram (7-bit Address) 458 Rev. 0.5 25.10. I2C0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for I2C0 registers. Register 25.1. I2C0_CONTROL: Module Control 16 RW RW Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name BUSYF RW ACK RW ARBLF R ACKRQF RW STO RW STA RW TXMDF RW MSMDF RW STOI R ACKI RW RXI RW TXI RW STAI RW ARBLI RW T0I Type T1I Name T2I 17 T3I 18 RXARM 19 TXARM 20 SLVAF 21 ATXRXEN 22 FMD 23 DBGMD 24 SMINH 25 HACKEN 26 Reserved 27 LBACKEN 28 Reserved 29 GCEN 30 RESET 31 I2CEN Bit Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW R R RW RW R R RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address I2C0_CONTROL = 0x4000_9000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 25.2. I2C0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 I2CEN Function I2C Enable. 0: Disable the I2C module. 1: Enable the I2C module. 30 RESET Module Soft Reset. The following bits and fields are inaccessible while the module is in soft reset (RESET = 1): all interrupt flags (TXI, RXI, STAI, STOI, ACKI, ARBLI, T0I, T1I, T2I, T3I), STA, STO, TXARM, RXARM, ACK, ACKRQF, DMALEN, DATA, TIMER, and SCLLTIMER. 0: I2C module is not in soft reset. 1: I2C module is in soft reset and firmware cannot access all bits in the module. 29 GCEN General Call Address Enable. 0: Disable General Call address decoding. 1: Enable General Call address decoding. 28 Reserved Must write reset value. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 459 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Table 25.2. I2C0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 27 LBACKEN Function Last Byte Acknowledge Enable. Automatic hardware acknowledge mode must be enabled (HACKEN = 1) for this bit setting to have an effect. 0: NACK after the last byte is received. 1: ACK after the last byte is received. 26 Reserved Must write reset value. 25 HACKEN Auto Acknowledge Enable . 0: Disable automatic hardware acknowledge. 1: Enable automatic hardware acknowledge. 24 SMINH Slave Mode Inhibit. 0: Enable Slave modes. 1: Inhibit Slave modes. The module will not respond to a Master on the bus. 23 DBGMD I2C Debug Mode. 0: The I2C module will continue to operate while the core is halted in debug mode. 1: A debug breakpoint will cause the I2C module to halt. 22 FMD Filter Mode. 0: Enable the input filter. 1: Disable the input filter. 21 ATXRXEN Auto Transmit or Receive Enable. 0: Do not automatically switch to transmit or receive mode after a Start. 1: If automatic hardware acknowledge mode is enabled (HACKEN = 1), automatically switch to transmit or receive mode after a Start. 20 SLVAF Slave Address Type Flag. 0: Slave address detected. 1: General Call address detected. 19 TXARM Transmit Arm. 0: Disable data and address transmission. 1: Enable the module to perform a transmit operation. 18 RXARM Receive Arm. 0: Disable data and address reception. 1: Enable the module to perform a receive operation. 17 T3I I2C Timer Byte 3 Interrupt Flag. When the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1), this interrupt flag will be set to 1 if an SCL low timeout occurs. When using the I2C Timer as a stand-alone timer (when I2C is disabled) this interrupt flag will set if an overflow occurs out of the the I2C Timer Byte 3. Writing a 1 to this bit will manually trigger the interrupt. This flag must be cleared by firmware. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 460 Rev. 0.5 Table 25.2. I2C0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 16 T2I Function I2C Timer Byte 2 Interrupt Flag. When using the I2C Timer as a stand-alone timer (when I2C is disabled) this interrupt flag will set if an overflow occurs out of the the I2C Timer Byte 2. Writing a 1 to this bit will manually trigger the interrupt. This flag must be cleared by firmware. 15 T1I I2C Timer Byte 1 Interrupt Flag. When using the I2C Timer as a stand-alone timer (when I2C is disabled) this interrupt flag will set if an overflow occurs out of the I2C Timer Byte 1. Writing a 1 to this bit will manually trigger the interrupt. This flag must be cleared by firmware. 14 T0I I2C Timer Byte 0 Interrupt Flag. When using the I2C Timer as a stand-alone timer (when I2C is disabled) this interrupt flag will set if an overflow occurs out of the I2C Timer Byte 0. Writing a 1 to this bit will manually trigger the interrupt. This flag must be cleared by firmware. 13 ARBLI Arbitration Lost Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when an arbitration lost condition occurs. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 12 STAI Start Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a start or repeated start condition occurs. The STO bit is also set with a repeated start to differentiate from a normal start condition. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 11 TXI Transmit Done Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a the module is transmitting data and BP is equal to BC. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 10 RXI Receive Done Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a the module is receiving data and BP is equal to BC. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 9 ACKI Acknowledge Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when an acknowledge phase occurs and requires a response. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 8 STOI Stop Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a stop condition occurred or was generated. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 7 MSMDF Master/Slave Mode Flag. 0: Module is operating in Slave mode. 1: Module is operating in Master mode. 6 TXMDF Transmit Mode Flag. 0: Module is in receiver mode. 1: Module is in transmitter mode. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 461 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Table 25.2. I2C0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 5 STA Function Start. This bit indicates whether hardware generated or detects a start on the bus. This bit should be cleared to 0 by firmware after a start is detected. Setting this bit to 1 generates a start condition in master mode. 4 STO Stop. This bit indicates whether hardware generated or detects a stop on the bus. This bit should be cleared to 0 by firmware after a stop is detected. Setting this bit to 1 generates a stop condition in master mode. 3 ACKRQF Acknowledge Request Flag. 0: ACK has not been requested. 1: ACK requested. 2 ARBLF Arbitration Lost Flag. This read-only flag mirrors the state of the ARBLI interrupt flag. 0: Arbitration lost error has not occurred. 1: Arbitration lost error occurred. 1 ACK Acknowledge. Reading this bit returns the receive status of an ACK. Writing this bit to 1 sets the hardware to transmit an ACK. 0 BUSYF Busy Flag. The BUSYF flag is set to 1 by hardware when a Start is generated or detected. This flag is cleared to 0 when hardware generates or detects a Stop or senses a bus-free timeout condition. 0: A transaction is not currently taking place. 1: A transaction is currently taking place. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 462 Rev. 0.5 TMD T3RUN T2RUN T1RUN R RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 TXIEN RXIEN ACKIEN Name Type RW Reset 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 Name Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 22 21 20 19 RW RW RW RW RW RW 18 17 16 BP BC Reserved RW R RW R RW RW 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 STOIEN 28 T2IEN 24 STAIEN 29 T3IEN 25 ARBLIEN 30 T0RUN 26 Reserved 31 TIMEREN 27 T0IEN Bit T1IEN Register 25.2. I2C0_CONFIG: Module Configuration Reserved SCALER RW R RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address I2C0_CONFIG = 0x4000_9010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 25.3. I2C0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 TIMEREN Function I2C Timer Enable. This bit can only be set when using the I2C Timer Bytes 0-3 for general purpose use. If I2CEN is set to 1, this bit should always be cleared to 0. If I2CEN is cleared to 0, this bit can be set to 1 to start the timer running. 0: Disable I2C Timer. 1: Enable I2C Timer for general purpose use. This setting should not be used when the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1). 30 Reserved 29:28 TMD Must write reset value. I2C Timer Mode. This setting only takes effect when using the I2C timer as a stand-alone clock source and the I2C module is disabled (I2CEN = 0). 00: I2C Timer Mode 0: Operate the I2C timer as a single 32-bit timer : Timer Bytes [3 : 2 : 1 : 0]. 01: I2C Timer Mode 1: Operate the I2C timer as two 16-bit timers : Timer Bytes [3 : 2] and Timer Bytes [1 : 0]. 10: I2C Timer Mode 2: Operate the I2C timer as four independent 8-bit timers : Timer Byte 3, Timer Byte 2, Timer Byte 1, and Timer Byte 0. 11: I2C Timer Mode 3: Operate the I2C timer as one 16-bit and two 8-bit timers : Timer Bytes [3 : 2], Timer Byte 1, and Timer Byte 0. Rev. 0.5 463 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Table 25.3. I2C0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 27 T3RUN Function I2C Timer Byte 3 Run. When the I2C Timer is configured for Mode 2, this bit enables the clock to the 8-bit timer formed by Timer Byte 3. This bit has no effect if the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1). 0: Stop Timer Byte 3. 1: Start Timer Byte 3 running. 26 T2RUN I2C Timer Byte 2 Run. When the I2C Timer is configured for Mode 1 or 3, this bit enables the clock to the 16-bit timer formed by Timer Bytes [3 : 2]. In Mode 2, this bit enables the clock to the 8-bit timer formed by Timer Byte 2. This bit has no effect if the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1). 0: Stop Timer Byte 2. 1: Start Timer Byte 2 running. 25 T1RUN I2C Timer Byte 1 Run. When the I2C Timer is configured for Mode 2 or 3, this bit enables the clock to the 8bit timer formed by Timer Byte 1. This bit has no effect if the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1). 0: Stop Timer Byte 1. 1: Start Timer Byte 1 running. 24 T0RUN I2C Timer Byte 0 Run. When the I2C Timer is configured for Mode 1 or 3, this bit enables the clock to the 32-bit timer formed by Timer Bytes [3 : 2 : 1 : 0]. In Mode 1, this bit enables the clock to the 16-bit timer formed by Timer Bytes [1 : 0]. In Mode 2 or 3, this bit enables the clock to the 8-bit timer formed by Timer Byte 0. This bit has no effect if the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1). 0: Stop Timer Byte 0. 1: Start Timer Byte 0 running. 23:22 BP Transfer Byte Pointer. This field indicates the byte of the current transfer being sent or received. This setting has no effect when using the I2C module with the DMA. 21:20 BC Transfer Byte Count. This field is the number of bytes to transmit or receive when using the I2C module in software mode (DMAEN = 0). This field has no effect when DMA Mode is enabled. 19:18 Reserved 17 T3IEN Must write reset value. I2C Timer Byte 3 Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the I2C Timer Byte 3 and SCL low timeout interrupt. 1: Enable the I2C Timer Byte 3 and SCL low timeout interrupt (T3I). 16 T2IEN I2C Timer Byte 2 Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the I2C Timer Byte 2 interrupt. 1: Enable the I2C Timer Byte 2 interrupt (T2I). 464 Rev. 0.5 Table 25.3. I2C0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 15 T1IEN Function I2C Timer Byte 1 Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the I2C Timer Byte 1 interrupt. 1: Enable the I2C Timer Byte 1 interrupt (T1I). 14 T0IEN I2C Timer Byte 0 Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the I2C Timer Byte 0 interrupt. 1: Enable the I2C Timer Byte 0 interrupt (T0I). 13 ARBLIEN Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the arbitration lost interrupt. 1: Enable the arbitration lost interrupt (ARBLI). 12 STAIEN Start Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the start interrupt. 1: Enable the start interrupt (STAI). 11 TXIEN Transmit Done Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the transmit done interrupt. 1: Enable the transmit done interrupt (TXI). 10 RXIEN Receive Done Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the receive done interrupt. 1: Enable the receive done interrupt (RXI). 9 ACKIEN Acknowledge Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the acknowledge interrupt. 1: Enable the acknowledge interrupt (ACKI). 8 STOIEN Stop Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the stop interrupt. 1: Enable the stop interrupt (STOI). 7:6 Reserved Must write reset value. 5:0 SCALER I2C Clock Scaler. The I2C module clock frequency is given by the equation: F APB F I2C = ---------------------------------------- 64 – SCALER Rev. 0.5 465 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Register 25.3. I2C0_SADDRESS: Slave Address Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved ADDRESS Reserved Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address I2C0_SADDRESS = 0x4000_9020 Table 25.4. I2C0_SADDRESS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:8 Reserved Must write reset value. 7:1 ADDRESS Slave Address. This field contains the 7-bit Slave Address. If slave modes are enabled, the slave will respond with an ACK to any incoming address that matches ADDRESS after being filtered by MASK. 0 466 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 Register 25.4. I2C0_SMASK: Slave Address Mask Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved MASK Reserved Reset Type R RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address I2C0_SMASK = 0x4000_9030 Table 25.5. I2C0_SMASK Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:8 Reserved Must write reset value. 7:1 MASK Slave Address Mask. This field contains the 7-bit Slave Address Mask. If slave modes are enabled, the slave will respond with an ACK to any incoming address that matches ADDRESS after being filtered by MASK. Any bits set to 1 in MASK will result in the corresponding bit in the incoming address comparing to ADDRESS. 0 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 467 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Register 25.5. I2C0_DATA: Data Buffer Access Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name DATA[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name DATA[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address I2C0_DATA = 0x4000_9040 Table 25.6. I2C0_DATA Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DATA Function Data. This field contains the four byte I2C transmit and receive buffer. For each transaction, the least significant byte will be sent or received first. 468 Rev. 0.5 Register 25.6. I2C0_TIMER: Timer Data Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Name T3 T2 Type RW RW 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Name T1 T0 Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address I2C0_TIMER = 0x4000_9050 Table 25.7. I2C0_TIMER Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:24 T3 Function Timer Byte 3. If the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1), Timer Byte 3 becomes bits [19:12] of the SCL low timeout counter. If the I2C module is disabled (I2CEN = 0), Timer Byte 3 is available for general purpose use and can be set to different modes using the TMD bits. 23:16 T2 Timer Byte 2. If the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1), Timer Byte 2 becomes bits [11:4] of the SCL low timeout counter. If the I2C module is disabled (I2CEN = 0), Timer Byte 2 is available for general purpose use and can be set to different modes using the TMD bits. 15:8 T1 Timer Byte 1. If the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1), Timer Byte 1 is used as the SCL clock high or low period timer. If the I2C module is disabled (I2CEN = 0), Timer Byte 1 is available for general purpose use and can be set to different modes using the TMD bits. 7:0 T0 Timer Byte 0. If the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1), Timer Byte 0 is used as the SDA data setup or hold time period and the SCL free timeout period. If the I2C module is disabled (I2CEN = 0), Timer Byte 0 is available for general purpose use and can be set to different modes using the TMD bits. When used for I2C operations, T0 will automatically be reloaded by hardware from either the T0RL, HOLD, or SETUP fields as necessary. Rev. 0.5 469 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Register 25.7. I2C0_TIMERRL: Timer Reload Values Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Name T3RL T2RL Type RW RW 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name T1RL T0RL Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address I2C0_TIMERRL = 0x4000_9060 Table 25.8. I2C0_TIMERRL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:24 T3RL Function Timer Byte 3 Reload / SCL Low Timeout Bits [19:12]. These bits contain the reload value for I2C Timer Byte 3. Upon a reload event, this value will be latched into the I2C Timer Byte 3 location. When I2C is enabled, these bits are part of the equation for SCL timeout: 16 [T3RL : T2RL] T SCL_TO = -------------------------------------------------F I2C 23:16 T2RL Timer Byte 2 Reload / SCL Low Timeout Bits [11:4]. These bits contain the reload value for I2C Timer Byte 2. Upon a reload event, this value will be latched into the I2C Timer Byte 2 location. When I2C is enabled, these bits are part of the equation for SCL timeout: 16 [T3RL : T2RL] T SCL_TO = -------------------------------------------------F I2C 470 Rev. 0.5 Table 25.8. I2C0_TIMERRL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 15:8 T1RL Function Timer Byte 1 Reload / SCL High Time. These bits contain the reload value for I2C Timer Byte 1. Upon a reload event, this value will be latched into the I2C Timer Byte 1 location. When I2C is enabled, these bits dictate the SCL high time, according to the following equation: 256 – T1RL T SCL_HIGH = -----------------------------F I2C 7:0 T0RL Timer Byte 0 Reload / Bus Free Timeout. These bits contain the reload value for I2C Timer Byte 0. Upon a reload event, this value will be latched into the I2C Timer Byte 0 location. When I2C is enabled, these bits dictate the bus free timeout, according to the following equation: 256 – T0RL T BUS_FREE = -----------------------------F I2C Rev. 0.5 471 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Register 25.8. I2C0_SCONFIG: SCL Signal Configuration Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name Reserved SCLLTIMER Type R R 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name SCLL HOLD SETUP Type RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address I2C0_SCONFIG = 0x4000_9070 Table 25.9. I2C0_SCONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:20 Reserved 19:16 SCLLTIMER Function Must write reset value. SCL Low Timeout Bits [3:0]. When the I2C module is enabled (I2CEN = 1), this read-only field (bits [3:0]) combines with I2C Timer Byte 3 (bits [19:12]) and I2C Timer Byte 2 (bits [11:4]) to create a 20-bit SCL low timeout counter. 15:8 SCLL SCL Low Time. This field provides the I2C Timer Byte 1 reload value used to generate the SCL low time. This is given by the equation: 256 – SCLL T SCL_LOW = ------------------------------F I2C 7:4 HOLD Data Hold Time Extension. This field provides an alternate I2C Timer Byte 0 reload value to extend the data hold time. The additional hold time is given by the following equation: 16 – HOLD T HOLD = ----------------------------F I2C Note : When HOLD = 0, no additional hold time is added. 472 Rev. 0.5 Table 25.9. I2C0_SCONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 3:0 SETUP Function Data Setup Time Extension. This field provides an alternate I2C Timer Byte 0 reload value to extend data setup time. This is given by the equation: 17 – SETUP T SETUP = -------------------------------F I2C Note : When SETUP = 0, the setup time is reduced to a single APB clock. Rev. 0.5 473 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Register 25.9. I2C0_I2CDMA: DMA Configuration Bit 31 Name DMAEN Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved Type RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved DMALEN Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address I2C0_I2CDMA = 0x4000_9080 Table 25.10. I2C0_I2CDMA Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 DMAEN Function DMA Mode Enable. 0: Disable I2C DMA data requests. 1: Enable I2C DMA data requests. 30:8 Reserved Must write reset value. 7:0 DMALEN DMA Transfer Length. If DMAEN is set to 1, this field indicates the number of bytes to transfer with the I2C module. When DMA operations are enabled, DMALEN = 0, and TXARM or RXARM is set to 1, the module will transfer or receive data indefinitely until firmware clears TXARM or RXARM. 474 Rev. 0.5 I2C0_DATA I2C0_SMASK I2C0_SADDRESS I2C0_CONFIG I2C0_CONTROL Register Name 0x4000_9020 0x4000_9040 0x4000_9030 ALL Address 0x4000_9010 0x4000_9000 ALL ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 TIMEREN I2CEN Reserved Bit 30 RESET Bit 29 GCEN TMD Reserved Bit 28 LBACKEN T3RUN Bit 27 Reserved T2RUN Bit 26 HACKEN T1RUN Bit 25 SMINH T0RUN Bit 24 DBGMD Bit 23 BP FMD Bit 22 ATXRXEN Bit 21 BC SLVAF Bit 20 Reserved Reserved TXARM Bit 19 Reserved RXARM Bit 18 T3IEN T3I Bit 17 T2IEN T2I Bit 16 DATA T1IEN T1I Bit 15 T0IEN T0I Bit 14 ARBLIEN ARBLI Bit 13 STAIEN STAI Bit 12 TXIEN TXI Bit 11 RXIEN RXI Bit 10 ACKIEN ACKI Bit 9 STOIEN STOI Bit 8 MSMDF Bit 7 Reserved TXMDF Bit 6 STA Bit 5 MASK ADDRESS STO Bit 4 ACKRQF Bit 3 SCALER ARBLF Bit 2 ACK Bit 1 Reserved Reserved BUSYF Bit 0 25.11. I2C0 Register Memory Map Table 25.11. I2C0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 475 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Table 25.11. I2C0 Memory Map I2C0_I2CDMA I2C0_SCONFIG I2C0_TIMERRL I2C0_TIMER Register Name 0x4000_9080 0x4000_9070 0x4000_9060 0x4000_9050 ALL Address ALL ALL Access Methods ALL ALL DMAEN Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 T3 T3RL Bit 27 Bit 26 Reserved Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 T2 T2RL Reserved Bit 19 Bit 18 SCLLTIMER Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 SCLL T1 T1RL Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 HOLD Bit 5 Bit 4 DMALEN T0 T0RL Bit 3 Bit 2 SETUP Bit 1 Bit 0 Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 476 Rev. 0.5 26. Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) This section describes the Current Mode DAC (IDAC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 26.1. IDAC Features The IDAC takes a digital value as an input and outputs a proportional constant current on a pin. The IDAC module includes the following features: 10-bit current DAC with output update trigger source options. to update on rising, falling, or both edge for any of the external I/O trigger sources (DACnTx). Support for three full-scale output modes: 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mA. Four-word FIFO to aid with high-speed waveform generation or DMA interactions. FIFO supports wrapping mode, allowing the four values to be continuously cycled through to achieve 12-bit resolution. Individual FIFO overrun, underrun, and went-empty interrupt status sources. Support for multiple data packing formats, including: single 10-bit sample per word, dual 10-bit samples per word, or four 8-bit samples per word. Support for left- and right-justified data. Ability IDAC Module External pin edge trigger DAC0T0 Timer 0 Low (DAC0T8) Timer 0 High (DAC0T9) Timer 1 Low (DAC0T10) Timer 1 High (DAC0T11) FIFO Status and Control Data FIFO sample 1 DATA sample 2 sample 3 Current Mode Digital to Analog Converter IDAC0 sample 4 Output Control Figure 26.1. IDAC Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 477 Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx 26.2. Output The IDAC output (IDAC0)is shared with a standard port I/O pin, and is active whenever the IDAC is enabled. The pin associated with the IDAC output varies between package options, and is detailed in Table 26.1. The associated port I/O pin should be configured for analog mode and skipped in the crossbar to avoid conflicts. See the port I/O crossbar section for more details on configuring the port pin for IDAC output. Table 26.1. IDAC0 Output Options Signal Name Description SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name IDAC0 Current-source IDAC0 Output PB0.4 PB0.3 PB0.3 26.3. Conversion Triggers IDAC conversions can be triggered “on-demand” with a write to the DATA register, or periodically using one of the internal timer options or the external conversion trigger input (DAC0T0). The external conversion trigger source is routed to an I/O pin using the port I/O crossbar. Output trigger selections are detailed in Table 26.2. Two fields in the CONTROL register configure the IDAC trigger source: OUPDT and ETRIG. On the SiM3L1xx device family, the only external trigger option is DAC0T0, so ETRIG should be left at its default value. The OUPDT field selects the trigger event from internal trigger sources (DAC0T8 through DAC0T11), on-demand mode, or one of three external trigger edge options. When set to an external trigger option, the IDAC can be triggered on the rising edge, falling edge, or both edges of the DAC0T0 signal. Triggering of the IDAC can be inhibited at any time from firmware by writing the TRIGINH bit to 1. Any trigger events are ignored by the IDAC until the TRIGINH bit is cleared to 0 (except in on-demand mode, where TRIGINH is not used). Table 26.2. IDAC0 Output Update Triggers 478 IDAC0 Trigger Internal Signal DAC0T8 Timer 0 Low overflow DAC0T9 Timer 0 High overflow DAC0T10 Timer 1 Low overflow DAC0T11 Timer 1 High overflow DAC0T12 DAC0T0 rising edge (from crossbar-selected pin) DAC0T13 DAC0T0 falling edge (from crossbar-selected pin) DAC0T14 DAC0T0 any edge (from crossbar-selected pin) DAC0T15 “On Demand” by writing to the DATA field Rev. 0.5 26.4. IDAC Setup The various IDAC features and modes are enabled using the CONTROL register. Table 26.3 summarizes the CONTROL register settings for using the IDAC in four different modes: on-demand mode, periodic FIFO wrap mode, periodic FIFO-only mode, and periodic DMA mode. For more detailed bit descriptions, please refer to the IDACn_CONTROL register description. The entire IDAC block is enabled by setting the IDACEN bit, and can be shut off completely by clearing IDACEN. In most applications, the CONTROL register can be configured with a single write to both configure and enable the IDAC peripheral. 26.4.1. Full Scale Output The IDAC full scale current output is configured using the OUTMD bit field. Three selectable ranges are available. These are nominally 2.046, 1.023 and 0.5115 mA. The resulting 10-bit LSB sizes of the IDAC in these three modes are 2 µA, 1 µA and 500 nA, respectively. Optionally, an on-chip load resistor can be enabled by setting the LOADEN bit. This enables an impedance path to ground which effectively produces a voltage at the output pin. The nominal value of the load resistor is given in the device data sheet electrical specification tables. Note that any additional load impedance on the IDAC output pin will affect the output voltage in this mode. This on-chip load resistor may be useful in some low-accuracy applications. The resistor exhibits a voltage dependence that may contribute some integral non-linearity in addition to the INL of the IDAC itself. The voltage output may also include noise or offset error due to differences in voltage between the internal ground of the resistor and the external board ground. For these reasons, an external resistor is recommended for the generation of an accurate ground-referenced voltage on the IDAC output. 26.4.2. Data Format The IDAC output data can be packed into 32-bit words in three different ways, selected by the INFMT field: single 10-bit data entry, two 10-bit data entries, and four 8-bit data entries. Only single 10-bit data mode is supported when the trigger source is set to on-demand. Note that in 8-bit mode, only the upper 8 bits of the IDAC are used. When the packing format is configured for one of the two 10-bit options, the justification within each 16-bit half word of the 32-bit words can be specified using the JSEL bit. Data will be interpreted as right-justified when JSEL is 0, and left-justified when JSEL is 1. In the 8-bit packing mode, the JSEL bit has no effect. Figure 26.2 shows the data packing mode and justification options. DATA Register or DMA Input 31 9 0 Single 10-bit Sample, Right-Justified INFMT = 00b, JSEL = 0 Sample 1 15 31 6 0 Single 10-bit Sample, Left-Justified INFMT = 00b, JSEL = 1 Sample 1 31 25 16 9 0 Sample 2 31 22 15 Sample 2 31 6 0 Two 10-bit Samples, Left-Justified INFMT = 01b, JSEL = 1 Sample 1 24 23 Sample 4 Two 10-bit Samples, Right-Justified INFMT = 01b, JSEL = 0 Sample 1 16 15 Sample 3 8 Sample 2 7 0 Sample 1 Four 8-bit Samples INFMT = 10b, JSEL = not used Figure 26.2. Data Packing Modes and Data Justification Rev. 0.5 479 Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Table 26.3. IDAC Configuration Quick-Reference Bit Field in CONTROL Register Operational Mode On-Demand Periodic FIFO Wrap (no DMA) IDACEN Periodic FIFO-Only (no DMA) Periodic with DMA 1 = Enable IDAC DMARUN 0 = Disable DMA 1 = Enable DMA INFMT 00b = Single, 10-bit Sample Any Option OUPDT 111b = Trigger OnDemand Any Option Except 111b LOADEN Load resistor enable = Set to 1 if internal load path is desired DBGMD Debug Mode = Set to 1 to let IDAC continue running in debug halt JSEL Data Justification for 10-bit Input Formats: 0 = Right-justify data, 1 = Left-justify data OUTMD Load resistor enable = Set on/off according to application needs WEIEN N/A Set to enable FIFO Went Empty Interrupt URIEN N/A Set to enable FIFO Underrun Interrupt ORIEN N/A Set to enable FIFO Overrun Interrupt WRAPEN N/A TRIGINH N/A Set to inhibit IDAC triggering BUFRESET N/A Set to reset input FIFO ETRIG N/A Selects external trigger source (if used) 480 1 = Enable Wrap Rev. 0.5 0 = Disable Wrap 26.5. Using the IDAC in On-Demand Mode On-demand mode is useful primarily in DC applications where the IDAC output is changed infrequently. In ondemand mode, the IDAC output is taken directly from the DATA register, and any writes to the DATA register will trigger a corresponding change in current at the IDAC output pin. The only data input mode supported for on-demand operation is single 10-bit mode. Data writes can be left or rightjustified. The FIFO and its associated interrupts are not used in this mode. 26.6. Using the IDAC in Periodic FIFO-Only Mode Periodic FIFO-only mode is useful in applications where the IDAC output needs to be updated at a specific time interval, and frequent software intervention is desired. In periodic FIFO-only mode, IDAC updates are configured to occur on the selected trigger signal, and the next output value is pulled from a four-sample FIFO buffer associated with the IDAC. Writes to the DATA register from firmware push new data into the FIFO. It is important that the FIFO has enough room for the sample(s) written to the data register. For example, when INFMT is configured for four 8bit samples, the entire FIFO must be empty before writing to DATA, but when INFMT is configured for single 10-bit samples, only one FIFO entry need be free. The number of samples currently waiting in the FIFO is reflected in the LEVEL field of the BUFSTATUS register. The contents of the FIFO can be inspected at any time by reading the BUFFER10 and BUFFER32 registers, and the current IDAC output can always be read from the DATA register. All three interrupt sources can be enabled in periodic FIFO-only mode. Their meanings for this mode are detailed below. FIFO Underrun Interrupt (URI): The URI interrupt flag will be set if an IDAC trigger happens and the FIFO buffer level is zero (i.e. when there is no data to pull from the FIFO). The FIFO read pointer and IDAC output will not be updated when an underrun error occurs. FIFO Overrun Interrupt (ORI): The ORI interrupt flag will be set if firmware writes to DATA and there is not enough room in the FIFO for the number of samples written. In this case, no data will be written to the FIFO, and the FIFO write pointer will not be updated. FIFO Went Empty Interrupt (WEI): The WEI interrupt flag will be set when an IDAC update reads the final byte from the FIFO into the IDAC output latch, and causes the FIFO level to go to zero. This interrupt can be used by firmware to initiate a new write to the FIFO before the next trigger occurs, and avoid an underrun interrupt. 26.7. Using the IDAC in Periodic FIFO Wrap Mode Periodic FIFO wrap mode is similar to periodic FIFO-only mode in all ways except for the behavior of the FIFO and the IDAC interrupts. In this mode, the IDAC will continuously pull from the four-sample FIFO in a circular fashion, thereby generating a repeating four sample pattern. The underrun and went empty interrupts are masked off in this mode, and will never occur. The overrun interrupt flag is still active in this mode, but is typically not of much use. This mode can extend the effective resolution of the DAC to 12 bits at one-fourth of the 10-bit sample rate by using the four words in the buffer to interpolate between two adjacent 10-bit values. For example, if the FIFO includes three words of value n and one word of value n+1, then the average output value will be n+0.25, which represents a 12-bit quantity. To load a new set of four samples into the FIFO, the following sequence should be followed: 1. Wait for an IDAC trigger to occur. 2. Reset the FIFO by writing 1 to the BUFRESET bit in the CONTROL register. 3. Load the FIFO with the next set of four samples. The first of these samples should be written before the next trigger event occurs to avoid any glitches in the IDAC output. Rev. 0.5 481 Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx 26.8. Using the IDAC in Periodic DMA Mode A DMA channel can be used to offload core resources and transfer data into the IDAC FIFO. When used in periodic DMA mode, the configuration and capabilities of the IDAC are largely the same as those described in periodic FIFO-only mode. The difference in DMA mode is how data is written into the FIFO, as well as the meaning of the interrupt sources. When a DMA channel is used to write the FIFO buffer, the FIFO logic will work to keep the buffer full. The FIFO level is monitored, and when the level falls below the number of samples encoded per data word (as specified by the INFMT field), a DMA request will be generated. The DMA request will remain pending until the FIFO no longer has room for new transfers. When configured for a single sample per data word (INFMT = 00b), DMA requests are generated when the LEVEL field in BUFSTATUS is less than or equal to 3. For two samples per data word (INFMT = 01b), DMA requests are generated when LEVEL is less than or equal to two, and for four samples per data word (INFMT = 10b), LEVEL must be 0 to initiate a DMA transfer. For the IDAC module, the DMA should be configured as follows: Source size (SRCSIZE) and destination size (DSTSIZE) are 2 for a word transfer. source address increment (SRCAIMD) is 2 for word increments. The destination address increment (DSTAIMD) is 3 for non-incrementing mode. The NCOUNT value is N – 1, where N is the number of 4-byte words. RPOWER = 0 (1 word transfer per transaction). Once the DMA is configured, writing a 1 to DMAEN will enable the DMA request from the IDAC. The FIFO will continue to be serviced by the DMA until the specified transfer operation is complete. The When the DMA transfer is complete, the FIFO went empty interrupt flag will be asserted, and the DMAEN bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware. If firmware requires continuous operation of the IDAC as this occurs, it must handle the went empty interrupt, reconfigure the DMA and enable DMA transfers before the next trigger source occurs. All three interrupt sources can be enabled in periodic DMA mode, and it is recommended that firmware do so. The meanings of the interrupts for this mode are detailed below. FIFO Underrun Interrupt (URI): The URI interrupt flag will be set if an IDAC trigger happens and the FIFO buffer level is zero (i.e. when there is no data to pull from the FIFO). This can occur if the configured DMA transfer has not completed and a new trigger occurs. FIFO Overrun Interrupt (ORI): The ORI interrupt flag will be set if a DMA transfer occurs when there is not enough room in the FIFO for the number of samples written. In this case, no data will be written to the FIFO, and the FIFO write pointer will not be updated. An overrun error should not occur when using the DMA unless there is a firmware conflict with the FIFO. FIFO Went Empty Interrupt (WEI): In DMA mode, the WEI interrupt flag is only set at the end of a DMA transfer. This enables the WEI interrupt to be used by firmware to initiate the next DMA sequence if needed. 26.9. Adjusting the IDAC Output Current The output current of the IDAC is factory calibrated to provide the target current for each OUTMD setting. However, the output current can be adjusted slightly in 32 steps using the GAINADJ field. A value of zero in this field represents the minimum current the IDAC can output at the current OUTMD setting, and a maximum value of 31 in this field represents the maximum current. Each step adjusts the output current by about 1.5%. This GAINADJ field can be used to calibrate small gain errors that result when using either the internal load resistor or a wider tolerance external load resistor. If the device has an ADC module, the IDAC can be connected internally to the ADC if the IDAC output pin is supported on the ADC input mux or connected externally by shorting the IDAC output and ADC input pins together. Firmware can then use the ADC to measure the resulting voltage on the IDAC output and adjust the GAINADJ field until reaching the desired voltage on the IDAC output. 26.10. Debug Mode Firmware can set the DBGMD bit to force the IDAC module to halt on a debug breakpoint. Clearing the DBGMD bit forces the module to continue operating while the core halts in debug mode. 482 Rev. 0.5 26.11. IDAC0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for IDAC0 registers. Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Name Reserved TRIGINH BUFRESET JSEL DMARUN 27 26 25 24 Reserved RW R RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INFMT OUTMD ETRIG OUPDT Type R RW W RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 19 18 17 16 Reserved WRAPEN Name 0 28 ORIEN 29 LOADEN 20 URIEN 30 0 21 WEIEN 31 Reset 22 DBGMD Bit IDACEN Register 26.1. IDAC0_CONTROL: Module Control RW R RW 0 0 1 1 1 Register ALL Access Address IDAC0_CONTROL = 0x4003_1000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 26.4. IDAC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 IDACEN Function IDAC Enable. 0: Disable the IDAC. 1: Enable the IDAC. 30 LOADEN Load Resistor Enable. Enables an on-chip load resistor to ground. 0: Disable the internal load resistor. 1: Enable the internal load resistor. 29 DBGMD IDAC Debug Mode. 0: The IDAC module will continue to operate while the core is halted in debug mode. 1: A debug breakpoint will cause the IDAC module to halt (ignore update triggers). 28:23 Reserved 22 WEIEN Must write reset value. FIFO Went Empty Interrupt Enable. Enables the FIFO went empty interrupt flag (WEI) to generate an IDAC interrupt when set to 1. Rev. 0.5 483 Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Table 26.4. IDAC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 21 URIEN Function FIFO Underrun Interrupt Enable. Enables the FIFO underrun interrupt flag (URI) to generate an IDAC interrupt when set to 1. 20 ORIEN FIFO Overrun Interrupt Enable. Enables the FIFO overrun interrupt flag (ORI) to generate an IDAC interrupt when set to 1. 19:17 Reserved Must write reset value. 16 WRAPEN Wrap Mode Enable. Enables IDAC to repeatedly cycle over the FIFO contents in a circular fashion. 0: The IDAC will not wrap when it reaches the end of the data buffer. 1: The IDAC will cycle through the data buffer contents. 15:14 Reserved Must write reset value. 13 TRIGINH Trigger Source Inhibit. Setting this bit to 1 will mask of any periodic trigger sources. No updates to the IDAC will occur when this bit is set, unless the IDAC is configured for on-demand mode. When cleared to 0, IDAC updates will resume on the next trigger source (trigger sources are not queued). 12 BUFRESET Data Buffer Reset. Writing a 1 to this bit resets the data buffer. Writing a 0 has no effect, and this bit always reads back as 0. 11 JSEL Data Justification Select. This bit selects the data justification in 10-bit input modes. 0: Data is right-justified. 1: Data is left-justified. 10 DMARUN DMA Run. Writing a 1 to this bit enables DMA transfers. This bit is automatically cleared when DMA operations are complete. 9:8 INFMT Data Input Format. This field determines the interpretation of data written to the IDAC. Only single, 10bit samples are supported in on-demand mode. For periodic FIFO-only mode or periodic FIFO wrap mode, FIFO writes occur on a write to the DATA register. In DMA mode, FIFO writes occur on a DMA event. 00: Writes are interpreted as one 10-bit sample. 01: Writes are interpreted as two 10-bit samples. 10: Writes are interpreted as four 8-bit samples. 11: Reserved. 7:6 OUTMD Output Mode. This field selects the IDAC full-scale output current. 00: The full-scale output current is 0.5 mA. 01: The full-scale output current is 1 mA. 10: The full-scale output current is 2 mA. 11: Reserved. 484 Rev. 0.5 Table 26.4. IDAC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 5:3 ETRIG Function Edge Trigger Source Select. When OUPDT is configured for any of the edge-trigger options (100b, 101b, or 110b), this field selects the specific external trigger source. 000: Select DACnT0 as the IDAC external trigger source. 001: Select DACnT1 as the IDAC external trigger source. 010: Select DACnT2 as the IDAC external trigger source. 011: Select DACnT3 as the IDAC external trigger source. 100: Select DACnT4 as the IDAC external trigger source. 101: Select DACnT5 as the IDAC external trigger source. 110: Select DACnT6 as the IDAC external trigger source. 111: Select DACnT7 as the IDAC external trigger source. 2:0 OUPDT Output Update Trigger. This field selects the trigger source for IDAC output updates. 000: The IDAC output updates using the DACnT8 trigger source. 001: The IDAC output updates using the DACnT9 trigger source. 010: The IDAC output updates using the DACnT10 trigger source. 011: The IDAC output updates using the DACnT11 trigger source. 100: The IDAC output updates on the rising edge of the trigger source selected by ETRIG. 101: The IDAC output updates on the falling edge of the trigger source selected by ETRIG. 110: The IDAC output updates on any edge of the trigger source selected by ETRIG. 111: The IDAC output updates on write to DATA register (On Demand). Rev. 0.5 485 Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Register 26.2. IDAC0_DATA: Output Data Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name DATA[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name DATA[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address IDAC0_DATA = 0x4003_1010 Table 26.5. IDAC0_DATA Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DATA Function Output Data. When the OUPDT field is set to On-Demand mode, writes to this register update the IDAC value immediately, and are assumed to contain a single 10-bit sample. For all other trigger sources, writes to this register are pushed into the data buffer in the format specified by the INFMT field. Reads from this register always return the current output value in the IDAC latch. 486 Rev. 0.5 Register 26.3. IDAC0_BUFSTATUS: FIFO Buffer Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved Reserved 0 ORI 0 URI 0 WEI Reset LEVEL Type R RW RW RW R R 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address IDAC0_BUFSTATUS = 0x4003_1020 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 26.6. IDAC0_BUFSTATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:7 Reserved 6 WEI Function Must write reset value. FIFO Went Empty Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when the last sample is transferred from the FIFO into the IDAC output latch. This bit must be cleared by software. 5 URI FIFO Underrun Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a FIFO underrun has occurred. This bit must be cleared by software. 4 ORI FIFO Overrun Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a FIFO overrun has occurred. This bit must be cleared by software. 3 Reserved 2:0 LEVEL Must write reset value. FIFO Level. Indicates the number of words currently pending in the output data FIFO. 000: The data FIFO is empty. 001: The data FIFO contains one word. 010: The data FIFO contains two words. 011: The data FIFO contains three words. 100: The data FIFO is full and contains four words. 101-111: Reserved. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 487 Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Register 26.4. IDAC0_BUFFER10: FIFO Buffer Entries 0 and 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name BUFFER1 Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name BUFFER0 Type R Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address IDAC0_BUFFER10 = 0x4003_1030 Table 26.7. IDAC0_BUFFER10 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 BUFFER1 Function FIFO Buffer Entry 1. This field is the second pending IDAC output. It is justified according to the JSEL selection. 15:0 BUFFER0 FIFO Buffer Entry 0. This field is the first pending IDAC output. It is justified according to the JSEL selection. 488 Rev. 0.5 Register 26.5. IDAC0_BUFFER32: FIFO Buffer Entries 2 and 3 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name BUFFER3 Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name BUFFER2 Type R Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address IDAC0_BUFFER32 = 0x4003_1040 Table 26.8. IDAC0_BUFFER32 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 BUFFER3 Function FIFO Buffer Entry 3. This field is the fourth pending IDAC output. It is justified according to the JSEL selection. 15:0 BUFFER2 FIFO Buffer Entry 2. This field is the third pending IDAC output. It is justified according to the JSEL selection. Rev. 0.5 489 Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Register 26.6. IDAC0_GAINADJ: Output Current Gain Adjust Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X Name Reserved GAINADJ Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X Register ALL Access Address IDAC0_GAINADJ = 0x4003_1050 Table 26.9. IDAC0_GAINADJ Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:5 Reserved Must write reset value. 4:0 GAINADJ Output Current Gain Adjust. This field is factory calibrated to produce the target full-scale output current for all OUTMD settings. However, firmware can modify this field to adjust the output current of the IDAC up or down. A value of 0 represents the minimum current setting, and a value of 31 represents the maximum current setting. Each step adjusts the output current by about 1.5%. 490 Rev. 0.5 26.12. IDAC0 Register Memory Map IDAC0_BUFFER10 IDAC0_BUFSTATUS IDAC0_DATA IDAC0_CONTROL Register Name ALL Address 0x4003_1030 0x4003_1020 0x4003_1010 0x4003_1000 ALL ALL | SET | CLR ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 IDACEN Bit 30 LOADEN Bit 29 DBGMD Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Reserved Bit 25 Bit 24 BUFFER1 Bit 23 WEIEN Bit 22 URIEN Bit 21 ORIEN Bit 20 Reserved Bit 19 Reserved Bit 18 Bit 17 WRAPEN Bit 16 DATA Bit 15 Reserved Bit 14 TRIGINH Bit 13 BUFRESET Bit 12 JSEL Bit 11 DMARUN Bit 10 Bit 9 INFMT Bit 8 BUFFER0 Bit 7 OUTMD WEI Bit 6 URI Bit 5 ETRIG ORI Bit 4 Reserved Bit 3 Bit 2 LEVEL OUPDT Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 26.10. IDAC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 491 Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Table 26.10. IDAC0 Memory Map IDAC0_GAINADJ IDAC0_BUFFER32 Register Name 0x4003_1040 ALL Address 0x4003_1050 ALL Access Methods ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 BUFFER3 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Reserved Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 BUFFER2 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 GAINADJ Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Current Mode Digital-to-Analog Converter (IDAC0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 492 Rev. 0.5 27. LCD Controller (LCD0) This section describes the LCD Controller (LCD) module, and is applicable to all devices with the following part numbers, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1x7 and SiM3L1x6 27.1. LCD Features The LCD module includes the following features: Up to 40 segment pins and 4 common pins. LCDs with 1/2 or 1/3 bias. Includes an on-chip charge pump with programmable output that allows firmware to control the contrast independent of the supply voltage. The RTC timer clock (RTC0TCLK) determines the LCD timing and refresh rate. Independent missing clock detector. All LCD waveforms are generated on-chip based on the contents of the LCD0 registers with flexible waveform control. LCD segments and common signals can be placed in an intermediate state for a configurable number of RTC clock cycles before switching to the next state to reduce power consumption due to display loading. Includes a VBAT monitor that can serve as a wakeup source for Power Mode 8. Supports four hardware auto-contrast modes: bypass, constant, minimum, and auto-bypass. Supports hardware blinking for up to 8 segments. Supports LCD Module VLCD 10 uF VBAT RTC0TCLK Charge Pump Clock Divider Power Management Bias Generator LCD State Machine Port Drivers Configuration Registers LCDn.0 LCDn.1 LCDn.2 LCDn.3 LCDn.4 LCDn.5 LCDn.6 LCDn.7 40 segment pins Data Registers LCDn.38 LCDn.39 COMn.0 COMn.1 COMn.2 COMn.3 4 common pins Figure 27.1. LCD0 Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 493 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx 27.2. Pin Assignment The external pin connections for the LCD0 module include up to 4 COM pins and 40 segment pins. Any pins used by the LCD0 module should be configured to analog mode in the PBCFG module and skipped by the crossbar. The pin connections vary by package and are detailed in Table 27.1. Table 27.1. LCD0 Pin Connections 494 LCD0 Pin Pin Description SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name COM0.0 Common PB4.1 PB4.1 COM0.1 Common PB4.0 PB4.0 COM0.2 Common PB3.15 PB3.11 COM0.3 Common PB3.14 PB3.10 LCD0.0 Segment PB4.15 PB4.12 LCD0.1 Segment PB4.14 PB4.11 LCD0.2 Segment PB4.13 PB4.10 LCD0.3 Segment PB4.12 PB4.9 LCD0.4 Segment PB4.11 PB4.8 LCD0.5 Segment PB4.10 PB4.7 LCD0.6 Segment PB4.9 PB4.6 LCD0.7 Segment PB4.8 PB4.5 LCD0.8 Segment PB4.7 PB4.4 LCD0.9 Segment PB4.6 PB4.3 LCD0.10 Segment PB4.5 PB4.2 LCD0.11 Segment PB4.4 PB3.9 LCD0.12 Segment PB4.3 PB3.8 LCD0.13 Segment PB4.2 PB3.7 LCD0.14 Segment PB3.13 PB3.6 LCD0.15 Segment PB3.12 PB3.5 LCD0.16 Segment PB3.11 PB3.4 LCD0.17 Segment PB3.10 PB3.3 LCD0.18 Segment PB3.9 PB3.2 LCD0.19 Segment PB3.8 PB3.1 LCD0.20 Segment PB3.7 PB3.0 LCD0.21 Segment PB3.6 PB1.10 Rev. 0.5 Table 27.1. LCD0 Pin Connections LCD0 Pin Pin Description SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name LCD0.22 Segment PB3.5 PB1.9 LCD0.23 Segment PB3.4 PB1.8 LCD0.24 Segment PB3.3 PB1.7 LCD0.25 Segment PB3.2 PB1.6 LCD0.26 Segment PB3.1 PB1.5 LCD0.27 Segment PB3.0 PB1.4 LCD0.28 Segment PB1.11 PB1.3 LCD0.29 Segment PB1.10 PB1.2 LCD0.30 Segment PB1.9 PB1.1 LCD0.31 Segment PB1.8 PB1.0 LCD0.32 Segment PB1.7 Reserved LCD0.33 Segment PB1.6 Reserved LCD0.34 Segment PB1.5 Reserved LCD0.35 Segment PB1.4 Reserved LCD0.36 Segment PB1.3 Reserved LCD0.37 Segment PB1.2 Reserved LCD0.38 Segment PB1.1 Reserved LCD0.39 Segment PB1.0 Reserved Rev. 0.5 495 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx 27.3. Configuring the Segment Driver The LCD segment driver supports multiple mux options: static, 2-mux, 3-mux, and 4-mux mode. It also supports 1/ 2 and 1/3 bias options. The desired mux mode and bias are configured through the SEGCONTROL register. A divide value may also be applied to the RTC timer clock (RTC0TCLK) output before being used as the LCD0 clock source. The following procedure is recommended for using the LCD Segment Driver: 1. Enable the LCDEN bit in CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG0 before writing to LCD registers. 2. Select the desired mux mode (static, 2 mux, 3 mux, or 4 mux) using the SEGMD field in the SEGCONTROL register. 3. Configure the BIASMD field of SEGCONTROL for the desired mux mode. One half bias is used for 2 mux mode. The other mux modes use one third bias. 4. Configure the following bits for the desired auto-contrast mode. a. CPFPDEN in CONFIG0 b. CPBEN in CONFIG0 c. CPACEN in CONFIG0 d. VBMEN in VBMCONTROL 5. If configured for static mode with auto-contrast disabled, the BIASEN bit may be cleared to 0 to reduce power consumption. In all other cases, BIASEN must be set to 1 to enable the bias generator. 6. Configure the RTCCLKDIV bits for the desired clock divider in the CLKCONTROL register. 7. Configure the CLKDIV bits in the CLKCONTROL register for the desired refresh rate. 8. Determine the I/O pins which will be used for the LCD function. 9. Enable the desired segments by writing to the SEGMASK0 and SEGMASK1 registers. 10. Configure the CTRST field in the CTRSTCONTROL register for the desired contrast voltage. 11. Enable MISC0EN bit in CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG1 before writing to RTC registers. 12. Configure RTC as desired. 13. Enable the RTC0TCLK signal by setting the CLKOEN bit in the RTC0_CONFIG register. (This enables RTC timer clock to the LCD module.) 14. Enable PB0CEN bit in CLKCTRL0_APBCLKG1 before writing to PB registers. 15. Configure the relevant PB pins as analog inputs by clearing the corresponding bits in the PBMDSEL register, and setting the corresponding bits in the PB register to 1. 16. Enable the LCD by setting the LCDEN bit in the CONFIG register. 27.4. Powering Down If the LCD block must be powered down (for example if it is desirable to turn off the display in a low-power sleep mode), the pins connected to the LCD component should not be left in analog mode (floating). Instead, they can all be pulled to the same logic level to ensure that any leakage does not charge the connected LCD segments. To power down the LCD, the following sequence is recommended: 1. Write all of the LCD registers to 0x00000000 to turn off the LCD module. 2. Configure the logic level of the relevant port I/O pins to the same logic state using the PB register (for example, set all pins logic high). 3. Configure the digital behavior of the pins to the same state using the PBMDOUT register (for example, set all pins as push-pull). 4. Configure the pins for digital mode using the PBMDSEL register. Note that the supply current will not be impacted by configuring the port pins in this manner, but they must all be configured in the same way. 496 Rev. 0.5 27.5. Mapping Data Registers to LCD Pins The LCD0 data registers are organized as five 32-bit registers in memory (SEGDATA0-SEGDATA4). Each nibble in these registers controls one LCD output pin. There are 40 nibbles used to control the 40 segment pins. Each LCD0 segment pin can control 1, 2, 3, or 4 LCD segments depending on the selected mux mode. The least significant bit of each nibble controls the segment connected to the backplane signal COM0.0. The next to least significant bit controls the segment associated with COM0.1, the next bit controls the segment associated with COM0.2, and the most significant bit in the 4-bit nibble controls the segment associated with COM0.3. In static mode, only the least significant bit in each nibble is used and the three remaining bits in each nibble are ignored. In 2-mux mode, only the two least significant bits are used; in 3-mux mode, only the three least significant bits are used, and in 4-mux mode, each of the 4 bits in the nibble controls one LCD segment. Bits with a value of 1 turn on the associated segment and bits with a value of 0 turn off the associated segment. Register Bits: 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 LCD0.x COM0.x 7 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 LCD0.x COM0.x 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 5 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 14 39 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 6 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 3 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 1 0 1 0 3 2 1 0 1 0 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 9 8 17 26 35 1 1 18 27 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 4 10 19 36 5 2 1 11 28 37 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 7 20 29 38 8 12 21 30 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 4 1 13 22 31 LCD0.x COM0.x 0 23 LCD0.x COM0.x 6 1 15 LCD0.x COM0.x 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 16 25 34 24 33 32 SEGDATA0 SEGDATA1 SEGDATA2 SEGDATA3 SEGDATA4 Figure 27.2. LCD Data Register to LCD Pin Mapping Rev. 0.5 497 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx 27.6. Contrast Adjustment The LCD Bias voltages which determine the LCD contrast are generated using the VBAT supply voltage or the onchip charge pump. There are four contrast control modes to accommodate a wide variety of applications and supply voltages. The target contrast voltage is programmable in 60 mV steps from 1.9 to 3.72 V. The LCD contrast voltage is controlled by the CTRSTCONTROL register and the contrast control mode is selected by setting the appropriate bits in the CONFIG and VBMCONTROL registers. Refer to Table 27.2 for information on the different bit settings for each mode. Note: An external 10 µF decoupling capacitor is required on the VLCD pin to create a charge reservoir at the output of the charge pump. Table 27.2. Bit Configurations to select Contrast Control Modes Contrast Control Mode CPFPDEN in CONFIG CPBEN in CONFIG CPACEN in CONFIG VBMEN in VBMCONTROL Bypass Mode (contrast disabled) 0 1 0 0 Minimum Contrast Mode 0 1 1 1 Constant Contrast Mode 1* 0 1 1 Auto-Bypass Mode 1* 0 0 1 * May be set to 0 to support increased load currents. 27.6.1. Bypass Mode In bypass mode, the contrast control circuitry is disabled and the VLCD voltage follows the VBAT supply voltage, as shown in Figure 27.3. This mode is useful in systems where the VBAT voltage always remains constant and will provide the lowest LCD power consumption. VBAT VLCD Figure 27.3. Bypass Mode 498 Rev. 0.5 27.6.2. Minimum Contrast Mode In minimum contrast mode, a minimum contrast voltage is maintained, as shown in Figure 27.4. The VLCD supply is powered directly from VBAT as long as VBAT is higher than the programmable VBAT monitor threshold voltage. As soon as the VBAT supply monitor detects that VBAT has dropped below the programmed value, the charge pump will be automatically enabled in order to achieve the desired minimum contrast voltage on VLCD. VBAT VLCD Figure 27.4. Minimum Contrast Mode 27.6.3. Constant Contrast Mode In constant contrast mode, a constant contrast voltage is maintained. The VLCD supply is regulated to the programmed contrast voltage using a variable resistor between VBAT and VLCD as long as VBAT is higher than the programmable VBAT monitor threshold voltage. As soon as the VBAT supply monitor detects that VBAT has dropped below the programmed value, the charge pump will be automatically enabled in order to achieve the desired contrast voltage on VLCD. VBAT VLC D Figure 27.5. Contrast Control Mode 3 Rev. 0.5 499 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx 27.6.4. Auto-Bypass Mode In auto-bypass mode, behavior is identical to constant contrast mode as long as VBAT is greater than the VBAT monitor threshold voltage. When VBAT drops below the programmed threshold, the device automatically enters bypass mode, powering VLCD directly from VBAT. The charge pump is always disabled in this mode. VBAT VLC D Figure 27.6. Contrast Control Mode 4 27.7. Adjusting the VBAT Monitor Threshold The VBAT Monitor is used primarily for the contrast control function, to detect when VBAT has fallen below a specific threshold. The VBAT monitor threshold may be set independently of the contrast setting or it may be linked to the contrast setting. When the VBAT monitor threshold is linked to the contrast setting, an offset (in 60 mV steps) may be configured so that the VBAT monitor generates a VBAT low condition prior to VBAT dropping below the programmed contrast voltage. The VBMCONTROL register is used to enable and configure the VBAT Monitor. The VBAT monitor may also be enabled as a wake-up source and NVIC interrupt source to wake up the device from sleep mode to indicate that the battery is getting low. 27.8. Setting the Refresh Rate The clock to the LCD0 module is derived from the RTC oscillator and may be divided down according to the setting of the RTCCLKDIV field in the CLKCONTROL register. The LCD refresh rate is derived from the LCD0 clock and can be programmed using the CLKDIV field. The LCD mux mode must be taken into account when determining the prescaler value. See the CLKDIV register description for more details. For maximum power savings, choose a slow LCD refresh rate and the minimum LCD0 clock frequency. For the least flicker, choose a fast LCD refresh rate. 27.9. Blinking Segments The LCD driver supports blinking LCD applications such as clock applications where the “:” separator toggles on and off once per second. If the LCD is only displaying the hours and minutes, then the device only needs to wake up once per minute to update the display. The segment blinking is automatically handled by the LCD0 module. The BLKCONTROL register can be used to enable blinking on any LCD segment connected to the LCD0.0 or LCD0.1 segment pin. In static mode, a maximum of 2 segments can blink. In 2-mux mode, a maximum of 4 segments can blink; in 3-mux mode, a maximum of 6 segments can blink; and in 4-mux mode, a maximum of 8 segments can blink. The BLKMASK field targets the same LCD segments as the least significant byte of the SEGDATA0 register. If a BLKMASK bit corresponding to an LCD segment is set to 1, then that segment will toggle without any software intervention. The BLKREXP field sets the divide ratio for the blinking interval. 500 Rev. 0.5 27.10. LCD0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for LCD0 registers. 26 25 24 Name Reserved CPCS Reserved HCVCBMD HCVCHMD HCVCFOEN HCVCBYPEN Type R R R RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Name RBGSEN BIASSEN CMPBLPEN CPOLPEN VBMLPEN HCVLPMEN CPBEN DCDCSTDBYEN DCDCBIASEN BIASEN RTCCEN 23 22 21 20 19 18 16 Type R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RW RW 0 0 0 2 1 0 RW RW W RW Reserved R 17 CPACEN 27 LCDEN 28 FBIASCEN 29 Reserved 30 CPFPDEN 31 MCDEN Bit Reserved Register 27.1. LCD0_CONFIG: Configuration RW Register ALL Access Address LCD0_CONFIG = 0x4004_D000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 27.3. LCD0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 Reserved 30 CPCS Function Must write reset value. High-Contrast-Voltage Comparator Status. (Valid only when High-Contrast-Voltage Comparator is enabled.) 0: VBAT is greater than VLCD. 1: VLCD is greater than VBAT. 29:28 Reserved 27 HCVCBMD Must write reset value. High-Contrast-Voltage Comparator Bias. 0: Set the high-contrast-voltage comparator to high bias mode. 1: Set the high-contrast-voltage comparator to low-bias mode. This is the recommended setting. Rev. 0.5 501 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Table 27.3. LCD0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 26 HCVCHMD Function High-Contrast-Voltage Comparator Hysteresis. 0: Set the high-contrast-voltage comparator to high-hysteresis mode. This is the recommended setting. 1: Set the high-contrast-voltage comparator to low-hysteresis mode. 25 HCVCFOEN High-Contrast-Voltage Comparator Force On Enable. 0: Hardware enables the high-contrast-voltage comparator as needed. 1: High-contrast-voltage comparator force on enabled. 24 HCVCBYPEN High-Contrast-Voltage Comparator Bypass Enable. 0: Hardware enables the high-contrast-voltage comparator as needed. 1: High-contrast-voltage comparator in bypass mode. 23:18 Reserved 17 FBIASCEN Must write reset value. Force Bias Continuous Mode Enable. 0: The bias operates as configured. 1: Force the bias to operate in continuous mode. The bias will cleanly transition from its configuration settings to continuous mode. 16 CPACEN Charge-Pump Auto-Contrast Enable. 0: VLCD continues to track VBAT when VBAT drops below the programmed VLCD value. 1: The module automatically enables the charge pump and maintains the VLCD voltage when VBAT drops below the programmed VBAT monitor level. 15 Reserved Must write reset value. 14 RBGSEN Reference Band Gap Switching Enable. 0: Disable reference band gap switching mode. 1: Enable reference band gap switching mode. 13 BIASSEN Bias Switching Enable. 0: Disable bias switching. 1: Enable bias switching. 12 CMPBLPEN Comparator Buffer Low-Power Enable. 0: Disable the comparator buffer low-power mode. 1: Enable the comparator buffer low-power mode. 11 CPOLPEN Charge-Pump Oscillator Low-Power Enable. 0: Disable the charge-pump oscillator low-power mode. 1: Enable the charge-pump oscillator low-power mode. 10 VBMLPEN VBAT Monitor Low Power Enable. 0: Disable the LCD VBAT Monitor low power mode. 1: Enable the LCD VBAT Monitor low power mode. 9 HCVLPMEN High-Contrast-Voltage Low-Power Mode Enable. 0: Disable the high-contrast-voltage low-power mode. 1: Enable the high-contrast-voltage low-power mode. This mode reduces power consumption when VLCD is higher than VBAT. 502 Rev. 0.5 Table 27.3. LCD0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 8 CPBEN Function Charge Pump Bypass Enable. 0: The LCD charge pump generates the VLCD voltage. 1: Bypass the LCD charge pump and connect VLCD directly to VBAT. 7 DCDCSTDBYEN DCDC Bias Standby Enable. 0: The DCDC bias is enabled in Power Mode 8. 1: The DCDC bias is disabled in Power Mode 8. 6 DCDCBIASEN DCDC Bias Output Enable. 0: Disable the secondary bias current output. 1: Enable the secondary bias current output. 5 BIASEN Bias Enable. 0: Disable the LCD bias current. 1: Enable the LCD bias current. 4 RTCCEN RTC Clock Request Enable. 0: The LCD module does not require the RTC clock. 1: The LCD module requires an active and valid RTC clock (RTC0TCLK). 3 MCDEN LCD Missing Clock Detector Enable. 0: Disable the dedicated LCD missing clock detector. 1: Enable the dedicated LCD missing clock detector. 2 CPFPDEN Charge Pump Full Power Drive Mode Enable. 0: Disable the LCD charge pump's full power drive mode. The charge pump draws less power but operates with reduced output current capabilities. 1: Enable the LCD charge pump's full output drive mode. The charge pump operates at full power. 1 Reserved 0 LCDEN Must write reset value. Module Enable. 0: Disable the LCD module. 1: Enable the LCD module. Rev. 0.5 503 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Register 27.2. LCD0_CLKCONTROL: Clock Control Bit 31 30 29 28 Name Reserved RTCCLKDIV LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reserved RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved CLKDIV Type RW RW Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_CLKCONTROL = 0x4004_D020 Table 27.4. LCD0_CLKCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:30 Reserved 29:28 RTCCLKDIV Function Must write reset value. RTC Input Clock Divider. This field selects the RTC clock (RTC0TCLK) divider setting to generate the LCD input clock. The LCD clock should be maintained at approximately 16 kHz. The LCD clock frequency is calculated from the RTC0TCLK frequency as follows: F RTC0TCLK F LCD = ----------------------------2 RTCCLKDIV 27:10 Reserved 9:0 CLKDIV Must write reset value. Clock Divider. This field sets the clock divider value for the LCD refresh rate. The LCD refresh rate is derived from the LCD clock as: F LCD F refresh = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 SEGMD + 1 CLKDIV + 1 504 Rev. 0.5 Register 27.3. LCD0_BLKCONTROL: Blinking Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved BLKREXP BLKMASK Type R RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_BLKCONTROL = 0x4004_D030 Table 27.5. LCD0_BLKCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:12 Reserved Must write reset value. 11:8 BLKREXP Hardware Blinking Rate Divider Exponent. This field sets the blinking rate divider exponent for segments enabled in the BLKMASK field. The minimum setting for this field is 2 and the maximum setting is 13. Settings outside these minimum and maximum values are invalid and should not be used. F LCD F blink = ----------------------------------------------------------------- CLKDIV + 1 2 BLKREXP 7:0 BLKMASK Hardware Blinking Enable. This field enables blinking on the lowest eight LCD segments. Setting bit x of this field to 1 enables hardware blinking on segment LCDn.x. Rev. 0.5 505 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Register 27.4. LCD0_SEGCONTROL: Segment Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reserved Type R 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RW Name Reserved RPHMD Reserved 0 BLANKEN Reset BIASMD Name 22 RPHEN LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx SEGMD Type R RW RW RW R RW 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_SEGCONTROL = 0x4004_D040 Table 27.6. LCD0_SEGCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:9 Reserved 8:6 RPHMD Function Must write reset value. Reset Phase Mode. This field controls the duration of the reset phase, when enabled (RPHEN = 1). 5 RPHEN Reset Phase Enable. Setting this bit to 1 enables pin resets between phases for lower power consumption. The RPHMD field sets the duration of this reset phase. 0: Hardware switches the LCD segment and common pin controls directly from one state to another. 1: Hardware switches the LCD segment and common pin controls to intermediate states for several RTC clock cycles before switching to the next state. 4 BLANKEN Segment Blank Enable. 0: Operate segments normally. 1: Blank the LCD by disabling all LCD segment and common pins. 3 Reserved 2:1 SEGMD Must write reset value. Segment Mode. 00: Select static segment mode with one common COMn.0 used. 01: Select two-mux segment mode with two commons (COMn.0 and COMn.1) used. 10: Select three-mux segment mode with three commons (COMn.0, COMn.1, COMn.2) used. 11: Select four-mux segment mode with four commons (COMn.0, COMn.1, COMn.2 and COMn.3) used. 506 Rev. 0.5 Table 27.6. LCD0_SEGCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 0 BIASMD Function Hardware Bias Mode. This bit sets the bias mode for dynamic LCD operation. It has no effect in static mode. 0: Select 1/3 bias. Use for three-mux segment mode and four-mux segment mode. 1: Select 1/2 bias. Use for two-mux segment mode. Rev. 0.5 507 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Register 27.5. LCD0_CTRSTCONTROL: Contrast Control Bit 31 29 28 27 Name Reserved Type R RW RW R 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 CTRSTBF 30 CPCDEN LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Reserved RW R R Reset 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 Name Reserved CTRST Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_CTRSTCONTROL = 0x4004_D060 Table 27.7. LCD0_CTRSTCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:30 Reserved Must write reset value. 29 CPCDEN Charge Pump Capacitor Divider Enable. 0: Disable the charge pump capacitor divider. 1: Enable the charge pump capacitor divider. 28:17 Reserved Must write reset value. 16 CTRSTBF Contrast Busy Flag. 0: An update of the internal contrast registers is not in progress. 1: The internal contrast registers are busy updating. 15:5 Reserved 4:0 CTRST Must write reset value. Contrast Voltage. This field sets the LCD contrast voltage. After setting this field, firmware should poll the contrast busy flag (CTRSTBF) to determine when the update completes. 508 Rev. 0.5 30 29 Name VBMOEN 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Type RW RW Reset 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 VBMCLKDIV Reserved RW RW RW R R Reserved VBMTH Type R RW 0 16 Reserved Name Reset 17 VBMBF 31 VBMCDEN Bit VBMEN Register 27.6. LCD0_VBMCONTROL: VBAT Monitor Control 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_VBMCONTROL = 0x4004_D070 Table 27.8. LCD0_VBMCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 VBMEN Function VBAT Monitor Enable. 0: Disable the VBAT monitor. 1: Enable the VBAT monitor. 30 VBMOEN VBAT Monitor Offset Enable. 0: The VBAT monitor threshold set by the VBMTH field functions as an absolute threshold value for the VBAT monitor. 1: The VBAT monitor threshold set by the VBMTH field functions as an offset to the LCD contrast value set by CTRSTMD. 29 VBMCDEN VBAT Monitor Capacitor Divider Enable. 0: Disable the VBAT monitor capacitor divider. 1: Enable the VBAT monitor capacitor divider. 28:25 Reserved 24:22 VBMCLKDIV Must write reset value. VBAT Monitor Clock Divider. This field sets the clock divider for the VBAT monitor resistor string. 21:17 Reserved 16 VBMBF Must write reset value. VBAT Monitor Busy Flag. 0: An update of the internal VBAT monitor registers is not in progress. 1: The internal VBAT monitor registers are busy updating. 15:5 Reserved 4:0 VBMTH Must write reset value. VBAT Monitor Threshold. This field sets the VBAT monitor threshold. Rev. 0.5 509 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Register 27.7. LCD0_SEGMASK0: Segment Mask 0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name SEGEN[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name SEGEN[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_SEGMASK0 = 0x4004_D080 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 27.9. LCD0_SEGMASK0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 SEGEN Function Segment Enable. Setting a bit to 1 enables the corresponding LCD segment. Bit x of this field corresponds to segment LCDn.x. 510 Rev. 0.5 Register 27.8. LCD0_SEGMASK1: Segment Mask 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved SEGEN Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_SEGMASK1 = 0x4004_D090 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 27.10. LCD0_SEGMASK1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:8 Reserved 7:0 SEGEN Function Must write reset value. Segment Enable. Setting a bit to 1 enables the corresponding LCD segment. Bit 0 of this field corresponds to segment LCDn.32, and bit 7 of this field corresponds to segment LCDn.39. Rev. 0.5 511 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Register 27.9. LCD0_SEGDATA0: Segment Data 0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name SEGPIN7 SEGPIN6 SEGPIN5 SEGPIN4 Type RW RW RW RW 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name SEGPIN3 SEGPIN2 SEGPIN1 SEGPIN0 Type RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_SEGDATA0 = 0x4004_D0A0 Table 27.11. LCD0_SEGDATA0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 SEGPIN7 Function Segment LCDn.7 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.7. Each nibble in the SEGDATA0 register controls a different segment of the LCD. Bit 0 of the nibble controls the segment value for common COMn.0, bit 1 for common COMn.1, bit 2 for common COMn.2, and bit 3 for common COMn.3. 27:24 SEGPIN6 Segment LCDn.6 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.6. 23:20 SEGPIN5 Segment LCDn.5 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.5. 19:16 SEGPIN4 Segment LCDn.4 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.4. 15:12 SEGPIN3 Segment LCDn.3 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.3. 11:8 SEGPIN2 Segment LCDn.2 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.2. 7:4 SEGPIN1 Segment LCDn.1 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.1. 3:0 SEGPIN0 Segment LCDn.0 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.0. 512 Rev. 0.5 Register 27.10. LCD0_SEGDATA1: Segment Data 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name SEGPIN15 SEGPIN14 SEGPIN13 SEGPIN12 Type RW RW RW RW 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name SEGPIN11 SEGPIN10 SEGPIN9 SEGPIN8 Type RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_SEGDATA1 = 0x4004_D0B0 Table 27.12. LCD0_SEGDATA1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 SEGPIN15 Function Segment LCDn.15 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.15. Each nibble in the SEGDATA1 register controls a different segment of the LCD. Bit 0 of the nibble controls the segment value for common COMn.0, bit 1 for common COMn.1, bit 2 for common COMn.2, and bit 3 for common COMn.3. 27:24 SEGPIN14 Segment LCDn.14 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.14. 23:20 SEGPIN13 Segment LCDn.13 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.13. 19:16 SEGPIN12 Segment LCDn.12 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.12. 15:12 SEGPIN11 Segment LCDn.11 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.11. 11:8 SEGPIN10 Segment LCDn.10 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.10. 7:4 SEGPIN9 Segment LCDn.9 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.9. 3:0 SEGPIN8 Segment LCDn.8 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.8. Rev. 0.5 513 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Register 27.11. LCD0_SEGDATA2: Segment Data 2 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name SEGPIN23 SEGPIN22 SEGPIN21 SEGPIN20 Type RW RW RW RW 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name SEGPIN19 SEGPIN18 SEGPIN17 SEGPIN16 Type RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_SEGDATA2 = 0x4004_D0C0 Table 27.13. LCD0_SEGDATA2 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 SEGPIN23 Function Segment LCDn.23 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.23. Each nibble in the SEGDATA2 register controls a different segment of the LCD. Bit 0 of the nibble controls the segment value for common COMn.0, bit 1 for common COMn.1, bit 2 for common COMn.2, and bit 3 for common COMn.3. 27:24 SEGPIN22 Segment LCDn.22 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.22. 23:20 SEGPIN21 Segment LCDn.21 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.21. 19:16 SEGPIN20 Segment LCDn.20 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.20. 15:12 SEGPIN19 Segment LCDn.19 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.19. 11:8 SEGPIN18 Segment LCDn.18 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.18. 7:4 SEGPIN17 Segment LCDn.17 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.17. 3:0 SEGPIN16 Segment LCDn.16 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.16. 514 Rev. 0.5 Register 27.12. LCD0_SEGDATA3: Segment Data 3 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name SEGPIN31 SEGPIN30 SEGPIN29 SEGPIN28 Type RW RW RW RW 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name SEGPIN27 SEGPIN26 SEGPIN25 SEGPIN24 Type RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_SEGDATA3 = 0x4004_D0D0 Table 27.14. LCD0_SEGDATA3 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 SEGPIN31 Function Segment LCDn.31 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.31. Each nibble in the SEGDATA3 register controls a different segment of the LCD. Bit 0 of the nibble controls the segment value for common COMn.0, bit 1 for common COMn.1, bit 2 for common COMn.2, and bit 3 for common COMn.3. 27:24 SEGPIN30 Segment LCDn.30 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.30. 23:20 SEGPIN29 Segment LCDn.29 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.29. 19:16 SEGPIN28 Segment LCDn.28 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.28. 15:12 SEGPIN27 Segment LCDn.27 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.27. 11:8 SEGPIN26 Segment LCDn.26 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.26. 7:4 SEGPIN25 Segment LCDn.25 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.25. 3:0 SEGPIN24 Segment LCDn.24 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.24. Rev. 0.5 515 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Register 27.13. LCD0_SEGDATA4: Segment Data 4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name SEGPIN39 SEGPIN38 SEGPIN37 SEGPIN36 Type RW RW RW RW 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name SEGPIN35 SEGPIN34 SEGPIN33 SEGPIN32 Type RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LCD0_SEGDATA4 = 0x4004_D0E0 Table 27.15. LCD0_SEGDATA4 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 SEGPIN39 Function Segment LCDn.39 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.39. Each nibble in the SEGDATA4 register controls a different segment of the LCD. Bit 0 of the nibble controls the segment value for common COMn.0, bit 1 for common COMn.1, bit 2 for common COMn.2, and bit 3 for common COMn.3. 27:24 SEGPIN38 Segment LCDn.38 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.38. 23:20 SEGPIN37 Segment LCDn.37 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.37. 19:16 SEGPIN36 Segment LCDn.36 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.36. 15:12 SEGPIN35 Segment LCDn.35 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.35. 11:8 SEGPIN34 Segment LCDn.34 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.34. 7:4 SEGPIN33 Segment LCDn.33 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.33. 3:0 SEGPIN32 Segment LCDn.32 Control. This field controls segment LCDn.32. 516 Rev. 0.5 LCD0_SEGCONTROL LCD0_BLKCONTROL LCD0_CLKCONTROL LCD0_CONFIG Register Name 0x4004_D020 0x4004_D040 ALL Address 0x4004_D030 0x4004_D000 ALL ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Reserved Bit 31 Reserved CPCS Bit 30 Bit 29 Reserved RTCCLKDIV Bit 28 HCVCBMD Bit 27 HCVCHMD Bit 26 HCVCFOEN Bit 25 HCVCBYPEN Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Reserved Bit 21 Reserved Reserved Bit 20 Bit 19 Reserved Bit 18 FBIASCEN Bit 17 CPACEN Bit 16 Reserved Bit 15 RBGSEN Bit 14 BIASSEN Bit 13 CMPBLPEN Bit 12 CPOLPEN Bit 11 VBMLPEN Bit 10 BLKREXP HCVLPMEN Bit 9 CPBEN Bit 8 RPHMD DCDCSTDBYEN Bit 7 DCDCBIASEN Bit 6 RPHEN BIASEN Bit 5 CLKDIV BLANKEN RTCCEN Bit 4 BLKMASK Reserved MCDEN Bit 3 CPFPDEN Bit 2 SEGMD Reserved Bit 1 BIASMD LCDEN Bit 0 27.11. LCD0 Register Memory Map Table 27.16. LCD0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 517 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Table 27.16. LCD0 Memory Map LCD0_SEGMASK1 LCD0_SEGMASK0 LCD0_VBMCONTROL LCD0_CTRSTCONTROL Register Name 0x4004_D090 0x4004_D080 0x4004_D070 0x4004_D060 ALL Address ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR ALL ALL Access Methods VBMEN Bit 31 Reserved VBMOEN Bit 30 CPCDEN VBMCDEN Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Reserved Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 VBMCLKDIV Bit 23 Reserved Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Reserved Reserved Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 CTRSTBF VBMBF Bit 16 SEGEN Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Reserved Reserved Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 SEGEN Bit 3 VBMTH CTRST Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 518 Rev. 0.5 LCD0_SEGDATA4 LCD0_SEGDATA3 LCD0_SEGDATA2 LCD0_SEGDATA1 LCD0_SEGDATA0 Register Name 0x4004_D0E0 0x4004_D0D0 0x4004_D0C0 0x4004_D0B0 0x4004_D0A0 ALL Address ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 SEGPIN39 SEGPIN31 SEGPIN23 SEGPIN15 SEGPIN7 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 SEGPIN38 SEGPIN30 SEGPIN22 SEGPIN14 SEGPIN6 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 SEGPIN37 SEGPIN29 SEGPIN21 SEGPIN13 SEGPIN5 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 SEGPIN36 SEGPIN28 SEGPIN20 SEGPIN12 SEGPIN4 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 SEGPIN35 SEGPIN27 SEGPIN19 SEGPIN11 SEGPIN3 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 SEGPIN34 SEGPIN26 SEGPIN18 SEGPIN10 SEGPIN2 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 SEGPIN33 SEGPIN25 SEGPIN17 SEGPIN9 SEGPIN1 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 SEGPIN32 SEGPIN24 SEGPIN16 SEGPIN8 SEGPIN0 Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 27.16. LCD0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 519 LCD Controller (LCD0) SiM3L1xx Register Security (LOCK0) SiM3L1xx 28. Register Security (LOCK0) This section describes the Register Security (LOCK0) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 28.1. Security Features The Security module includes the following features: Centralized global key protection implementation with mask bits for each peripheral group. Peripheral Lock and Key USART0, UART0 SPI0/1 I2C0 PERIPHLOCK0 EPCA0 KEY PERIPHLOCK1 TIMER0/1 SARADC0 CMP0/1 Figure 28.1. Security Block Diagram The peripherals on the SiM3L1xx devices have a register lock and key mechanism that prevents any undesired accesses of the peripherals from firmware. Each bit in the PERIPHLOCKx registers controls a set of peripherals. A key sequence must be written to the KEY register to modify any of the bits in PERIPHLOCK0 or PERIPOHLOCK1. Any subsequent write to KEY will inhibit any accesses of the PERIPHLOCK registers until they are unlocked again through KEY. Reading the KEY register indicates the current status of the PERIPHLOCK registers lock state. If a peripheral’s registers are locked, all writes will be ignored. With the exception of the RTC0 and LPT0 modules, the registers can always be read, regardless of the peripheral’s lock state. RTC0 and LPT0 require a running clock for registers to be read correctly. 520 Rev. 0.5 28.2. LOCK0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for LOCK0 registers. Register 28.1. LOCK0_KEY: Security Key Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved KEY Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LOCK0_KEY = 0x4004_9000 Table 28.1. LOCK0_KEY Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:8 Reserved 7:0 KEY Function Must write reset value. Peripheral Lock Mask Key. This field prevents accidental writes to the PERIPHLOCK0 and PERIPHLOCK1 registers. Writing 0xA5 followed by 0xF1 will unlock the PERIPHLOCK registers. Any value written to KEY while the PERIPHLOCK registers are unlocked will lock the register. Reading this register returns the current lock state (0 = Registers locked and no keys written, 1 = Registers locked and first key written, 2 = Registers unlocked) Rev. 0.5 521 Register Security (LOCK0) SiM3L1xx DTML 24 Type R RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name USARTL 0 SPIL 0 I2CL 0 PCAL 0 TIMERL 0 SARADCL RW CMPL RW AESL RW CRCL RW RTCL RW RSTSRCL RW CLKCTRL RW VMONL RW IDACL RW DMACTRLL Reserved LPTL LCDL 25 LDOL Name DCDCL 26 PLLL 27 EXTOSCL 28 PVTL 29 LPOSCL 30 ACCTRL 31 PMUL Bit Reserved Register 28.2. LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK0: Peripheral Lock Control 0 DMAXBARL Register Security (LOCK0) SiM3L1xx Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK0 = 0x4004_9020 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 28.2. LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 Reserved 30 DCDCL Function Must write reset value. DC-DC Converter Module Lock. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the DCDC0 Module registers. 1: Lock the DCDC0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 29 LCDL LCD Module Lock. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the LCD0 Module registers. 1: Lock the LCD0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 28 DTML DTM Module Lock. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the DTM0, DTM1, and DTM2 Module registers. 1: Lock the DTM0, DTM1, and DTM2 Module registers (bits can still be read). 27 PMUL PMU Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the PMU Module registers. 1: Lock the PMU Module registers (bits can still be read). 26:23 522 Reserved Must write reset value. Rev. 0.5 Table 28.2. LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 22 ACCTRL Function Advanced Capture Counter Module Lock. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) Module registers. 1: Lock the Advanced Capture Counter (ACCTR0) Module registers (bits can still be read). 21 LPOSCL Low Power Oscillator Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the Low Power Oscillator (LPOSC0) Module registers. 1: Lock the Low Power Oscillator (LPOSC0) Module registers (bits can still be read). 20 PVTL PVT Oscillator Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the PVTOSC0 Module registers. 1: Lock the PVTOSC0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 19 EXTOSCL External Oscillator Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) Module registers. 1: Lock the External Oscillator (EXTOSC0) Module registers (bits can still be read). 18 PLLL PLL Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the PLL0 Module registers. 1: Lock the PLL0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 17 LDOL Voltage Reference Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the LDO0 Module registers. 1: Lock the LDO0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 16 LPTL Low Power Timer Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) Module registers. 1: Lock the Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) Module registers (bits can still be read). 15 DMAXBARL DMA Crossbar Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) Module registers. 1: Lock the DMA Crossbar (DMAXBAR0) Module registers (bits can still be read). 14 DMACTRLL DMA Controller Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) Module registers. 1: Lock the DMA Controller (DMACTRL0) Module registers (bits can still be read). 13 IDACL IDAC Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the IDAC0 Module registers. 1: Lock the IDAC0 Module registers (bits can still be read). Rev. 0.5 523 Register Security (LOCK0) SiM3L1xx Register Security (LOCK0) SiM3L1xx Table 28.2. LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 12 VMONL Function Voltage Supply Monitor Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the Voltage Supply Monitor (VMON0) Module registers. 1: Lock the Voltage Supply Monitor (VMON0) Module registers (bits can still be read). 11 CLKCTRL Clock Control Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the Clock Control (CLKCTRL)Module registers. 1: Lock the Clock Control (CLKCTRL) Module registers (bits can still be read). 10 RSTSRCL Reset Sources Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the Reset Sources (RSTSRC) Module registers. 1: Lock the Reset Sources (RSTSRC) Module registers (bits can still be read). 9 RTCL RTC Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the RTC0 Module registers. 1: Lock the RTC0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 8 CRCL CRC Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the CRC0 Module registers. 1: Lock the CRC0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 7 AESL AES Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the AES0 Module registers. 1: Lock the AES0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 6 CMPL Comparator Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the Comparator 0 and Comparator 1 Module registers. 1: Lock the Comparator 0 and Comparator 1 Module registers (bits can still be read). 5 SARADCL SARADC Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the SARADC0 Module registers. 1: Lock the SARADC0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 4 TIMERL Timer Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the TIMER0, TIMER1, and TIMER2 Module registers. 1: Lock the TIMER0, TIMER1, and TIMER2 Module registers (bits can still be read). 524 Rev. 0.5 Table 28.2. LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 3 PCAL Function PCA Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the EPCA0 Module registers. 1: Lock the EPCA0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 2 I2CL I2C Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the I2C0 Module registers. 1: Lock the I2C0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 1 SPIL SPI Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the SPI0 and SPI1 Module registers. 1: Lock the SPI0 and SPI1 Module registers (bits can still be read). 0 USARTL USART/UART Module Lock Enable. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the USART0 and UART0 Module registers. 1: Lock the USART0 and UART0 Module registers (bits can still be read). Rev. 0.5 525 Register Security (LOCK0) SiM3L1xx Register 28.3. LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK1: Peripheral Lock Control 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved ENCDECL Register Security (LOCK0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK1 = 0x4004_9040 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 28.3. LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:1 Reserved Must write reset value. 0 ENCDECL Encoder Decoder Module Lock. This bit cannot be written until the PERIPHLOCK0 register is unlocked using KEY. 0: Unlock the ENCDEC0 Module registers. 1: Lock the ENCDEC0 Module registers (bits can still be read). 526 Rev. 0.5 28.3. LOCK0 Register Memory Map LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK1 LOCK0_PERIPHLOCK0 LOCK0_KEY Register Name 0x4004_9020 0x4004_9040 0x4004_9000 ALL Address ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR ALL Reserved Bit 31 DCDCL Bit 30 LCDL Bit 29 DTML Bit 28 PMUL Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Reserved Bit 24 Bit 23 ACCTRL Bit 22 LPOSCL Bit 21 PVTL Bit 20 Reserved EXTOSCL Bit 19 PLLL Bit 18 LDOL Bit 17 Reserved LPTL Bit 16 DMAXBARL Bit 15 DMACTRLL Bit 14 IDACL Bit 13 VMONL Bit 12 CLKCTRL Bit 11 RSTSRCL Bit 10 RTCL Bit 9 CRCL Bit 8 AESL Bit 7 CMPL Bit 6 SARADCL Bit 5 TIMERL Bit 4 KEY PCAL Bit 3 I2CL Bit 2 SPIL Bit 1 ENCDECL USARTL Bit 0 Table 28.4. LOCK0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 527 Register Security (LOCK0) SiM3L1xx Low Power Oscillator (LPOSC0) SiM3L1xx 29. Low Power Oscillator (LPOSC0) This section describes the low power oscillator (LPOSC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 29.1. Low Power Oscillator Features The Low Power Oscillator has the following features: 20 MHz and divided 2.5 MHz frequencies available for the AHB clock. starts and stops as needed. Automatically LPOSC Module 2.5 MHz clock Low Power Oscillator 20 MHz clock Automatic Start/ Stop Control Figure 29.1. Low Power Oscillator Block Diagram 29.2. Operation The Low Power Oscillator is the default AHB oscillator and enables or disables automatically, as needed. The power consumption of this oscillator is listed in the electrical specifications of the device data sheet. No registers are associated with this peripheral. The default output frequency of this oscillator is factory calibrated to 20 MHz, and a divided 2.5 MHz version is also available to use as an AHB clock source. More information on the clocks available to the device can be found in the clock control description. 528 Rev. 0.5 30. Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) This section describes the Low Power Timer (LPTIMER) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 30.1. Low Power Timer Features The Low Power Timer includes the following features: Runs on RTC0TCLK or an external source (rising or falling edge). and compare threshold-match detection, which can generate an interrupt, reset the timer, or wake the device from low power modes. Two compare thresholds allow generation of PWM waveforms and periodic pulses. Overflow LPTIMER Module COUNT Compare Threshold 1 Compare 1 Match LPT0T0 LPT0T1 LPT0T2 Low Power Timer LPT0T3 Timer Overflow Set Output Control LPTIMER0_OUT LPT0T15 RTC0 Module RTC0TCLK Compare Threshold 0 Clear Compare 0 Match Figure 30.1. Low Power Timer Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 529 Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx 30.2. Trigger Sources The external trigger sources available to the LPTIMER vary by package and are defined in Table 30.1. Table 30.1. LPTIMER0 Input Mux Selection 530 LPTIMER0 Trigger SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name LPT0T0 PB0.8 PB0.7 PB0.6 LPT0T1 PB0.9 PB0.8 Reserved LPT0T2 PB0.10 PB0.9 Reserved LPT0T3 PB0.11 Reserved Reserved LPT0T4 PB1.0 PB1.0 Reserved LPT0T5 PB1.1 PB1.1 Reserved LPT0T6 PB1.2 PB1.2 PB0.7 LPT0T7 PB1.3 PB1.3 PB0.8 LPT0T8 PB2.0 PB2.0 PB2.0 LPT0T9 PB2.1 Reserved PB2.1 LPT0T10 Reserved Reserved PB2.2 LPT0T11 Reserved Reserved PB2.3 LPT0T12 PB2.4 PB2.4 PB2.4 LPT0T13 PB2.5 PB2.5 PB2.5 LPT0T14 PB2.6 PB2.6 PB2.6 LPT0T15 Comparator 0 Comparator 0 Comparator 0 Rev. 0.5 30.3. Output The LPTIMER module has an output (OUT) that can be toggled on an overflow or compare event. This output can be connected to a physical pin using the device port configuration module. Table 30.2. LPTIMER0 Output Selection LPT0 Output Signal Name SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name LPT0OUT0 PB0.8 PB0.7 PB0.6 LPT0OUT1 PB0.11 PB0.9 Reserved 30.4. Clocking The Low Power Timer (LPTIMER) module runs from the RTC0 timer clock (RTC0TCLK), allowing the LPTIMER to operate even if the AHB and APB clocks are disabled. When writing and reading registers, a bit or field may take 3 APB and 2 RTC0TCLK clocks to update to a written value. The LPTIMER counter can increment using one of two clock sources: RTC0TCLK, or rising or falling edges of an external signal. 30.4.1. Clock Input The LPTIMER timer can use the RTC timer clock (RTC0TCLK) as its input clock. The RTC0TCLK clock is configurable in the RTC0 module as either the RTC0 crystal oscillator (RTC0OSC), an external CMOS clock, or the internal low frequency oscillator (LFOSC0). 30.4.2. External Signal The LPTIMER module can select one any of the external signals as its input clock using the EXTSEL field. The timer can increment on rising, falling, or both edges of the selected external input, controlled by the CMD field. These inputs are synchronized to RTC0TCLK, so they must be high or low for two rising RTC0TCLK edges. Figure 30.2 illustrates the external input signal timing. RTC0TCLK LPT0Tx 2 rising edges Figure 30.2. External Input Clock Synchronization Timing Rev. 0.5 531 Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx 30.5. Configuring the Timer The Low Power Timer is an up-counter that has two compare events and an overflow event. Firmware can access the timer value through the TIMER field in the COUNT register and the compare thresholds through the COMPARE0 and COMPARE1 fields in the THRESHOLD register. Note that the RUN bit in the CONTROL register must be set to 1 to allow writes of other bits in the LPTIMER block. interrupt generated on overflow 0xFFFF COMPARE1 Threshold interrupt generated on compare COMPARE0 Threshold interrupt generated on compare Timer Value 0x0000 Figure 30.3. Low Power Timer Operation To write a value to the internal timer register: 1. Write the desired new value to COUNT. 2. Set the TMRSET bit to set the timer threshold. 3. Poll on the TMRSET bit to determine when the operation completes. To read the current value of the timer: 1. Set the TMRCAP bit to transfer the value from the internal timer to COUNT. 2. Poll on the TMRCAP bit to determine when the operation completes. 3. Read the COUNT register. If the APB clock is at least four times the speed of the RTC0TCLK, faster access to the COUNT register can be accomplished by setting the HSMDEN bit in the CONTROL register to 1. When this bit is set, the TMRSET and TMRCAP bits do not need to be used, and the COUNT value is accessible via direct writes and reads of the register. When using this mode, the APB bus will be stalled for up to 7 APB clock cycles during the set or capture of the register. Note: When using a debugger to view the LPTIMER registers, it is recommended to set HSMDEN to 1. Reading and writing the compare values is accomplished directly through reads and writes of the THRESHOLD register. Once the LPTIMER timer is configured as desired, firmware can stop and start the timer using the RUN bit. RUN must be set to 1 when changing any register values. 532 Rev. 0.5 30.6. Interrupts The LPTIMER module has three sources that can cause an interrupt: timer overflow and comparator 0 or 1 match events. Each can be individually enabled or disabled as needed. The overflow interrupt (OVFI) flag indicates when the timer overflows and can generate an interrupt when OVFIEN is set to 1. Hardware sets the compare 0 interrupt (CMP0I) flag when the timer value matches the value of the COMPARE0 threshold and can generate an interrupt if CMP0IEN is set to 1. Likewise, the compare 1 interrupt (CMP1I) is enabled using the CMP1IEN bit, and triggers off a match of the timer value with the COMPARE1 threshold. The OVFI, CMP0I and CMP1I flags should be cleared by firmware. 30.7. Output Modes The LPTIMER module has an output that can optionally be set high on an overflow or comparator 1 event. The output may optionally be set low on a comparator 0 event. Table 30.3 shows a summary of the output behavior. Table 30.3. Output Pin Events Event Bit Value Effect OVFOEN = 0 No effect OVFOEN = 1 Output Set to 1 CMP0OEN = 0 No effect CMP0OEN = 1 Output Cleared to 0 CMP1OEN = 0 No effect CMP1OEN = 1 Output Set to 1 Timer overflow Comparator 0 Match event Comparator 1 Match event 30.8. Automatic Reset Under default operation, the timer will count up from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF and overflow to 0x0000 and repeat the process. It is also possible to automatically reset the timer to zero when either of the comparator match events occur. This automatic reset mode is enabled by setting CMP0RSTEN to 1 for comparator 0 or CMP1RSTEN for comparator 1. 30.9. Debug Mode Firmware can set the DBGMD bit to force the LPTIMER module to halt on a debug breakpoint. Clearing the DBGMD bit forces the module to continue operating while the core halts in debug mode. Rev. 0.5 533 Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx 30.10. LPTIMER0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for LPTIMER0 registers. 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 Name Reserved Type R RW 0 0 0 1 0 0 17 16 RW R RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RW RW RW RW 0 TMRSET Reserved OVFIEN 1 18 CMP0IEN 0 19 OVFOEN 0 20 CMP0OEN Reset 21 CMP1IEN RW 22 CMP1OEN 23 OUTINVEN 24 Reserved 25 CMP0RSTEN RW OUTEN 26 CMP1RSTEN Type 0 27 TMRCAP Name Reset 28 HSMDEN 29 CMP0EN 30 CMP1EN 31 MCLKEN Bit DBGMD Register 30.1. LPTIMER0_CONTROL: Module Control RUN Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx EXTSEL Reserved CMD RW RW R RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LPTIMER0_CONTROL = 0x4003_8000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 30.4. LPTIMER0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 RUN Function Timer Run Control and Compare Threshold Enable. This bit must be set to '1' to write other bits in the LPTIMER registers. 0: Stop the timer and disable the compare threshold. 1: Start the timer running and enable the compare threshold. 30 DBGMD Low Power Timer Debug Mode. 0: The Low Power Timer module will continue to operate while the core is halted in debug mode. 1: A debug breakpoint will cause the Low Power Timer module to halt. 29 MCLKEN Low Power Timer Module Clock Enable. The clock to the LPTIMER0 module must be enabled before accessing the Low Power Timer module registers. Disabling the clock reduces power consumption when the LPTIMER0 module is not in use. 0: Disable the clock to the Low Power Timer module. 1: Enable the clock to the Low Power Timer module. 28:26 Reserved Must write reset value. Note: When writing and reading registers, a bit or field may take 3 APB and 2 RTC0TCLK cycles to update to a written value. 534 Rev. 0.5 Table 30.4. LPTIMER0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 25 CMP1RSTEN Function Timer Compare 1 Event Reset Enable. 0: Timer compare 1 events do not reset the timer. 1: Timer compare 1 events reset the timer. 24 CMP0RSTEN Timer Compare 0 Event Reset Enable. 0: Timer compare 0 events do not reset the timer. 1: Timer compare 0 events reset the timer. 23 Reserved 22 OUTINVEN Must write reset value. Output Inversion Enable. 0: Do not invert the LPTIMER0 output. 1: Invert the LPTIMER0 output. 21 CMP1OEN Timer Compare 1 Event Output Enable. 0: Timer compare 1 events do not modify the Low Power Timer output. 1: Timer compare 1 events set the Low Power Timer output to 1. 20 CMP1IEN Timer Compare 1 Event Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the timer compare 1 event interrupt. 1: Enable the timer compare 1 event interrupt. 19 CMP0OEN Timer Compare 0 Event Output Enable. 0: Timer compare 0 events do not modify the Low Power Timer output. 1: Timer compare 0 events clear the Low Power Timer output to 0. 18 OVFOEN Timer Overflow Output Enable. 0: Timer overflows do not modify the Low Power Timer output. 1: Timer overflows set the Low Power Timer output to 1. 17 CMP0IEN Timer Compare 0 Event Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the timer compare 0 event interrupt. 1: Enable the timer compare 0 event interrupt. 16 OVFIEN Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the timer overflow interrupt. 1: Enable the timer overflow interrupt. 15:14 Reserved 13 OUTEN Must write reset value. Output Enable. 0: Disable the LPTIMER0 output. 1: Enable the LPTIMER0 output. 12 CMP1EN Timer Compare 1 Threshold Enable. This bit enables the timer comparator 1 function. When cleared to 0, timer comparator 1 will not generate interrupts or alter the LPT output signal. 11 CMP0EN Timer Compare 0 Threshold Enable. This bit enables the timer comparator 0 function. When cleared to 0, timer comparator 0 will not generate interrupts or alter the LPT output signal. Note: When writing and reading registers, a bit or field may take 3 APB and 2 RTC0TCLK cycles to update to a written value. Rev. 0.5 535 Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx Table 30.4. LPTIMER0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 10 HSMDEN Function High Speed Timer Access Mode Enable. When this bit is set to 1, the timer value can be read or written without firmware delays. The APB clock must be at least four times faster than RTC0TCLK. 9 TMRCAP Timer Capture. Writing a 1 to TMRCAP initiates a read of the internal timer register into the COUNT register. This field is automatically cleared by hardware when the operation completes and does not need to be cleared by software. 8 TMRSET Timer Set. Writing a 1 to TMRSET initiates a copy of the value from the COUNT register into the internal timer register. This field is automatically cleared by hardware when the copy is complete and does not need to be cleared by software. 7:4 EXTSEL External Trigger Source Select. 0000: Select external trigger LPTnT0. 0001: Select external trigger LPTnT1. 0010: Select external trigger LPTnT2. 0011: Select external trigger LPTnT3. 0100: Select external trigger LPTnT4. 0101: Select external trigger LPTnT5. 0110: Select external trigger LPTnT6. 0111: Select external trigger LPTnT7. 1000: Select external trigger LPTnT8. 1001: Select external trigger LPTnT9. 1010: Select external trigger LPTnT10. 1011: Select external trigger LPTnT11. 1100: Select external trigger LPTnT12. 1101: Select external trigger LPTnT13. 1110: Select external trigger LPTnT14. 1111: Select external trigger LPTnT15. 3:2 Reserved 1:0 CMD Must write reset value. Count Mode. 00: The timer is free running mode on the RTC timer clock (RTC0TCLK). 01: The timer is incremented on the rising edges of the selected external trigger (LPTnTx). 10: The timer is incremented on the falling edges of the selected external trigger (LPTnTx). 11: The timer is incremented on both edges of the selected external trigger (LPTnTx). Note: When writing and reading registers, a bit or field may take 3 APB and 2 RTC0TCLK cycles to update to a written value. 536 Rev. 0.5 Register 30.2. LPTIMER0_COUNT: Timer Value Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name TIMER Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LPTIMER0_COUNT = 0x4003_8010 Table 30.5. LPTIMER0_COUNT Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 TIMER Function Must write reset value. Timer Value. This field provides read and write access to the internal timer. Note: When writing and reading this register, the field may take 3 APB and 2 RTC0TCLK cycles to update to a written value if HSMDEN is cleared to 0. Rev. 0.5 537 Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx Register 30.3. LPTIMER0_THRESHOLD: Threshold Values Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name COMPARE1 Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name COMPARE0 Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LPTIMER0_THRESHOLD = 0x4003_8020 Table 30.6. LPTIMER0_THRESHOLD Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 COMPARE1 Function Timer Compare 1 Threshold Value. When this field matches the timer value and the compare 1 threshold is enabled (CMP1EN = 1), hardware will set the CMP1I bit to 1. Hardware can also set the LPTIMER0 output to 1 when a match occurs, if enabled (CMP1OEN = 1), 15:0 COMPARE0 Timer Compare 0 Threshold Value. When this field matches the timer value and the compare 0 threshold is enabled (CMP0EN = 1), hardware will set the CMP0I bit to 1. Hardware can also clear the LPTIMER0 output to 0 when a match occurs, if enabled (CMP0OEN = 1), Note: When writing and reading registers, a bit or field may take 3 APB and 2 RTC0TCLK cycles to update to a written value. 538 Rev. 0.5 Register 30.4. LPTIMER0_STATUS: Module Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved OVFI 0 CMP0I 0 CMP1I Reset Type R RW RW RW 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address LPTIMER0_STATUS = 0x4003_8030 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 30.7. LPTIMER0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:3 Reserved 2 CMP1I Function Must write reset value. Timer Compare 1 Event Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 when the timer equals the compare 1 threshold. Firmware must clear this flag and poll until it reads back as zero. 1 CMP0I Timer Compare 0 Event Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 when the timer equals the compare 0 threshold. Firmware must clear this flag and poll until it reads back as zero. 0 OVFI Timer Overflow Interrupt Flag. Hardware sets this flag to 1 when a timer overflow occurs. Firmware must clear this flag and poll until it reads back as zero. Notes: 1. This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 2. When writing and reading registers, a bit or field may take 3 APB and 2 RTC0TCLK cycles to update to a written value. Rev. 0.5 539 Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx LPTIMER0_STATUS LPTIMER0_THRESHOLD LPTIMER0_COUNT LPTIMER0_CONTROL Register Name 0x4003_8020 0x4003_8030 ALL Address 0x4003_8010 0x4003_8000 ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods ALL ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 RUN Bit 30 DBGMD Bit 29 MCLKEN Bit 28 Reserved Bit 27 Bit 26 CMP1RSTEN Bit 25 CMP0RSTEN Bit 24 Reserved COMPARE1 Reserved Bit 23 OUTINVEN Bit 22 CMP1OEN Bit 21 CMP1IEN Bit 20 CMP0OEN Bit 19 OVFOEN Bit 18 Reserved CMP0IEN Bit 17 OVFIEN Bit 16 Bit 15 Reserved Bit 14 OUTEN Bit 13 CMP1EN Bit 12 CMP0EN Bit 11 HSMDEN Bit 10 TMRCAP Bit 9 TMRSET Bit 8 TIMER COMPARE0 Bit 7 Bit 6 EXTSEL Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Reserved CMP1I Bit 2 CMP0I Bit 1 CMD OVFI Bit 0 Low Power Timer (LPTIMER0) SiM3L1xx 30.11. LPTIMER0 Register Memory Map Table 30.8. LPTIMER0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 540 Rev. 0.5 31. Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) This section describes the phase-locked loop (PLL) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 31.1. PLL Features The PLL module includes the following features: Three output ranges with output frequencies ranging from 23 to 50 MHz (can also be divided by up to 128 to provide lower system clock speeds). Multiple reference frequency inputs. Three output modes: free-running DCO, frequency-locked, and phase-locked. Ability to sense the rising edge or falling edge of the reference source. DCO frequency LSB dithering to provide finer average output frequencies. Spectrum spreading to reduce generated system noise. Low jitter and fast lock times. Ability to suspend all output frequency updates (including dithering and spectrum spreading) using the STALL bit during jitter-sensitive measurements. PLL Module RTC0TCLK Divided Low Power Oscillator EXTOSC0 Clock Reference Frequency (FREF) N+1 M+1 Phase and Frequency Adjuster OUTMD CAL DITHER RANGE Digitally-Controlled Oscillator (DCO) Spectrum Spreading Output Frequency (FDCO) Figure 31.1. PLL Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 541 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx 31.2. Overview The PLL module consists of a dedicated Digitally-Controlled Oscillator (DCO) that can be used in free-running DCO mode without a reference frequency, frequency-locked mode with a reference frequency, or phase-locked mode with a reference frequency. The reference frequency for frequency-lock and phase-lock modes can be sourced from multiple sources to provide maximum flexibility for different application needs. Because the PLL module generates its own clock, the DCO can be locked to a particular reference frequency and then moved to free-running mode to reduce system power or noise. 31.3. Interrupts A PLL interrupt can be generated whenever the PLL module locks to or unlocks from the reference frequency in either frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. The LCKI flag indicates the locked state of the module, and the LCKSEN bit configures whether the hardware setting (“is locked”) or clearing (“is unlocked”) the LCKI bit causes the interrupt, if enabled (LCKIEN = 1). A PLL interrupt can also be generated whenever the module is trying to lock but saturates (high or low) the DCO period, which indicates that the range should be adjusted. This “is saturated” interrupt is indicated by the HLMT and LLMT flags and is automatically disabled when the module is locked (LCKI = 1). It will automatically become active again if locked status is lost for any reason (LCKI = 0). The LCKI interrupt is level sensitive, and the HLMT and LLMT interrupts are edge sensitive. All three flags (LCKI, HLMT, and LLMT) can be cleared by setting OUTMD to 00b or 01b. 31.4. Output Modes The PLL module has three available output modes: free-running DCO, frequency-lock, and phase-lock. 31.4.1. Free-Running DCO Mode The PLL module includes its own Digitally-Controlled Oscillator (DCO) and does not need a reference frequency to generate a clock output. Using the module in this matter is called free-running DCO mode and is enabled by setting OUTMD to 01b. When in free-running DCO mode, the output frequency of the DCO is determined by the RANGE, CAL, and DITHER settings. The spectrum spreading feature is also available in free-running DCO mode. The output frequency of the DCO in free-running DCO mode is given by Equation 31.1: 1 F DCOavg = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DITHER T(RANGE) + T(CAL + ------------------------) 16 Equation 31.1. Average DCO Output Frequency TDCO FDCO Figure 31.2. Free-Running DCO Mode Free-Running DCO PLL Setup To set up the PLL for free-running DCO mode: 1. If the output of the DCO will be used as the AHB clock and the AHB clock will be increasing in frequency, program the flash read timing bits to the appropriate value for the new clock rate. 2. Program the CAL field to the maximum value. 3. Program the desired output range by setting the RANGE field. 542 Rev. 0.5 4. Program the desired output frequency by setting the CAL field. 5. (Optional) Enable dithering by setting DITHER to a non-zero value. 6. (Optional) Enable spectrum spreading by writing a non-zero value to SSAMP. 7. Set OUTMD to 01b. 8. Switch the AHB clock source to the DCO output using the device’s clock control module. 9. If the output of the DCO will be used as the AHB clock and the AHB clock will be decreasing in frequency, program the flash read timing bits to the appropriate value for the new clock rate. If the CAL, DITHER, or SSAMP DCO settings need to be changed when the output frequency running, the settings can be modified directly even when using the DCO output as the AHB clock. Any changes to RANGE should be made while the DCO output is off (OUTMD = 00b). 31.4.2. Frequency-Lock Mode In frequency-lock mode, the PLL module will ensure the frequency of the DCO output (FDCO) is derived from the reference frequency (FREF) correctly based on the values of N and M, but the phase of the output frequency may not necessarily match the reference source. Any changes in frequency on the reference will propagate through to the DCO output frequency. frequency-lock mode is enabled by setting OUTMD to 10b. N+1 F DCO = F REF -------------M+1 Equation 31.2. PLL Output Frequency TREF FREF TDCO FDCO Figure 31.3. Frequency-Lock Mode The hardware will take the firmware-set RANGE, N, and M values and automatically adjust CAL to match the reference frequency. Additionally, finer frequency matching can be achieved by enabling automatic dithering (DITHEN = 1), and generated noise can be reduced by enabling spectrum spreading. Rev. 0.5 543 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx 31.4.3. Phase-Lock Mode Phase-Lock mode matches the phase and frequency of the DCO output (FDCO) to the reference frequency (FREF) based on the values of N and M. Any drift or changes in phase and frequency on the reference will propagate through to the DCO output phase and frequency. Phase-Lock mode is enabled by setting OUTMD to 11b. N+1 F DCO = F REF -------------M+1 TREF FREF TDCO FDCO Figure 31.4. Phase-Lock Mode The hardware will take the firmware-set RANGE, N, and M values and automatically adjust CAL to match the reference phase and frequency. Additionally, finer frequency matching can be achieved by enabling automatic dithering (DITHEN = 1), and generated noise can be reduced by enabling spectrum spreading. 31.4.4. Frequency-Lock and Phase-Lock Differences In frequency-lock mode, the frequency error is bounded by definition, but this error will not necessarily approach zero over time. phase-lock mode guarantees the average frequency error approaches zero over time. As a result, the PLL module may need to make DCO output period corrections more often in phase-lock mode, resulting in higher output jitter. Additionally, frequency-lock mode generates less overshoot and undershoot compared to phase-lock mode, resulting in a better transient response. frequency-lock mode is sufficient for most applications that require a specific output frequency. 544 Rev. 0.5 31.4.5. Selecting N and M Values In frequency-lock and phase-lock modes, the output jitter and lock time of the PLL module are dependent upon the N and M factors and the DCO output frequency. Larger values of N and M increase lock time but decrease output jitter. This relationship is shown in Figure 31.5. Longer DCO output periods (slower frequencies) increase lock time. Equation 31.3 gives the approximate equation for DCO output jitter in frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. 1 1 t t DCO -------------- + ------------- N + 1 2500 Equation 31.3. Output Jitter Equation 31.4 and Equation 31.5 approximate the maximum DCO lock time in frequency-lock or phase-lock modes (the PLL may lock faster). In the equations, tREF is the period of the reference clock, tDCO is the period of the DCO output, and tINIT is the period of the DCO before enabling the PLL. t lock t REF M + 1 + 2 t REF + 32 t INIT Equation 31.4. DCO Lock Time with LOCKTH = 0 t lock t REF M + 1 LOCKTH + 1 + 2 t REF + 32 t DCO Equation 31.5. DCO Lock Time with LOCKTH > 0 Jitter ( T) N = 128 N = 600 N = 1800 N = 3000 N = 1200 N = 2400 N = 3600 Lock Time (tlock) Figure 31.5. Jitter vs. Lock Time for Values of N Rev. 0.5 545 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx The value of M and N should be selected such that the lock time and jitter requirements of the system are met. Alternatively, a small value of N can be used initially to speed the locking process, and then a larger value of N (and consequently M) can be re-written to the registers to reduce output jitter once the module is locked to the reference. Once N is selected, the desired output frequency dictates the corresponding value of M. Initial Frequency-Lock and Phase-Lock PLL Setup To set up the PLL for frequency-lock or phase-lock mode: 1. Ensure that the reference clock to be used (internal or external) is running and stable. 2. If the output of the PLL will be used as the AHB clock and the AHB clock will be increasing in frequency, program the flash read timing bits to the appropriate value for the new clock rate. 3. Set the REFSEL bits to select the desired reference clock for the PLL DCO. 4. Program the CAL field to the maximum value. 5. Program the desired output range by setting the RANGE field. 6. Program the appropriate N and M values to achieve the desired output frequency. 7. Select the edge (rising or falling) of the reference frequency the DCO output should lock to using the EDGSEL bit. 8. (Recommended) Enable dithering by setting DITHEN. 9. (Optional) Enable spectrum spreading by writing a non-zero value to SSAMP. 10. (Optional) Enable CAL saturation interrupts by setting LMTIEN to 1. 11. (Optional) Enable PLL interrupts and set LCKSEN to 1 to enable the “is locked” interrupt when the hardware sets the LCKI flag to 1. 12. Set OUTMD to 10b for frequency-lock mode or 11b for phase-lock mode. 13. Wait for the LCKI interrupt (if interrupts are enabled) or poll on LCKI until it changes from 0 to 1. If RANGE is set to the proper value, the HLMT and LLMT saturation interrupts should not occur. If these interrupts are enabled and trigger, this indicates that the RANGE setting is too low or high for the desired output frequency. The RANGE setting can be adjusted by writing OUTMD to 00b, writing RANGE with the new value, and setting OUTMD back to 10b for frequency-lock mode or 11b for phase-lock mode. 14. (Optional) Switch the value of LCKSEN to 0 to enable interrupts if the PLL module loses lock on the reference frequency.BBREN 15. Switch the AHB clock source to the DCO output using the CONTROL register in the CLKCTRL module. 16. If the output of the PLL will be used as the AHB clock and the AHB clock will be decreasing in frequency, program the flash read timing bits to the appropriate value for the new clock rate. Modifying the RANGE Setting while the PLL is Locked and Running If the PLL RANGE setting needs to be changed when the output frequency is locked and running, implement the following procedure: 1. Switch the AHB clock to another clock source that is running and stable. 2. Set the OUTMD bits to 00b. 3. Program the CAL field to the maximum value. 4. Modify the RANGE setting as desired. 5. If interrupts are enabled, set LCKSEN to 1 to enable the “is locked” interrupt when the LCKI flag is set to 1. 6. Set the OUTMD bits to 10b for frequency-lock mode or 11b for phase-lock mode. The PLL module will relock to the reference frequency using the new settings. 7. Wait for the LCKI interrupt (if interrupts are enabled) or poll on LCKI until it changes from 0 to 1. If RANGE is set to the proper value, the HLMT and LLMT saturation interrupts should not occur. 8. (Optional) Switch the value of LCKSEN to 0 to enable interrupts if the PLL module loses lock. 9. Switch the AHB clock source to the DCO output using the CONTROL register in the CLKCTRL module. 546 Rev. 0.5 Modifying PLL Settings (other than RANGE) while the PLL is Locked and Running If the other PLL settings need to be changed when the output frequency is locked and running, the following procedure should be implemented: 1. Set the OUTMD bits to 01. 2. Modify the settings as desired. 3. If interrupts are enabled, set LCKSEN to 1 to enable the “is locked” interrupt when the LCKI flag is set to 1. 4. Set the OUTMD bits to 10b for frequency-lock mode or 11b for phase-lock mode. The PLL module will relock to the reference frequency using the new settings. 5. Wait for the LCKI interrupt (if interrupts are enabled) or poll on LCKI until it changes from 0 to 1. If RANGE is set to the proper value, the HLMT and LLMT saturation interrupts should not occur. 6. (Optional) Switch the value of LCKSEN to 0 to enable interrupts if the PLL module loses lock. If a sensitive analog measurement needs to be taken, the automatic DCO output frequency adjustment (including dithering and spectrum spreading) can be temporarily halted by setting the STALL bit. The module will not resume the output updates until STALL has been cleared to 0 by firmware. 31.5. Additional Features In addition to three output modes, the PLL module has the additional features of output frequency dithering and spectrum spreading. 31.5.1. Output Frequency Dithering The CAL field provides 12 bits of frequency steps within a particular output range, determined by RANGE. The output frequency dithering feature allows an average frequency of finer resolution than CAL alone can provide, though the instantaneous frequency will not be equal to the average frequency at a particular moment in time. The dithering setting controls how often a 1 is added to CAL to achieve the desired average frequency. The DITHER value acts like fractional bits of CAL. In free-running DCO mode (OUTMD set to 01b), firmware can set the dithering to a particular setting by writing the desired value to DITHER. Dithering can be disabled by writing 0s to DITHER. In frequency-lock or phase-lock modes (OUTMD set to 10b or 11b), automatic dithering is enabled by setting DITHEN to 1 and will cause the hardware to automatically set these dithering bits to achieve average frequencies the CAL setting would normally not be able to achieve. Disabling automatic dithering causes the hardware to always set DITHER to 0 when in frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. Setting the STALL bit to 1 will disable dithering until STALL is written with a 0. TDCO FDCO(CAL) FDCO(CAL) + 50% dither = FDCO(CAL + ½) FDCO(CAL + 1) TDCO+1 Figure 31.6. Dithering Timing Example Dithering is available in any output mode. Rev. 0.5 547 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx 31.5.2. Output Frequency Spectrum Spreading Spectrum spreading adds intentional noise to the DCO output period to improve system noise performance. Spectrum spreading is a signed random number of uniform distribution added to the DCO output period to slightly vary the resulting clock output. This random number has an adjustable amplitude based on the SSAMP field and an adjustable update rate based on the SSUINV field. Setting the STALL bit to 1 will disable spectrum spreading until STALL is written with a 0. Note: The added noise from spectrum spreading is centered about the DCO output period. As a result, the peak frequencies may exceed the maximum allowable frequency for the AHB clock. As a result, the desired output frequency created by RANGE, N, and M should be programmed below the maximum allowable frequency to allow some headroom for spectrum spreading. TDCO TDCO(SSAMP = 1, SSUINV = 0) TDCO(SSAMP = 2, SSUINV = 0) TDCO(SSAMP = 2, SSUINV = 31) Figure 31.7. Spectrum Spreading Example The spectrum spreading amplitude has fixed settings of approximately ± 0.1%, ± 0.2%, ± 0.4%, ± 0.8%, or ± 1.6% of the DCO output period. Equation 31.6 describes the spectrum spreading update rate. UpdateRate = 4 T DCO SSUINV + 1 Equation 31.6. Spectrum Spreading Update Rate 548 Rev. 0.5 31.6. Advanced Setup Examples This section discusses advanced uses of the PLL module to save power or reduce the external components required by a system. 31.6.1. Temporarily Using a Reference The PLL module can temporarily use a reference to tune the DCO to a frequency. Once the DCO is locked to the reference, the PLL can be switched to free-running DCO mode and the reference source can be disabled. This enables the system to operate at the desired frequency without providing power to the reference source. The DCO output created in this manner will remain stable at the correct frequency, but may not have tolerances as tight as the original reference source. The reference can periodically be enabled and the DCO allowed to relock to improve tolerances, if desired. To use the PLL module in this manner, follow the procedure in for using frequency-lock mode and then set OUTMD to 01b for free-running DCO mode. The hardware-tuned CAL and DITHER settings will remain until overwritten by either firmware or hardware (OUTMD set to 10b or 11b). 31.6.2. Obtaining Fast Lock Times and Low Output Jitter The value of N affects both the lock time and the output jitter of the DCO output frequency. To obtain both a fast lock time and low output jitter, a small value of N can be used initially to speed the locking process, and then a larger value of N can be re-written to the registers to reduce output jitter once the module is locked to the reference. For example, a DCO output frequency of approximately 70 MHz is desired using a reference clock of 48 MHz. Using the PLL output frequency equation, if N is 500, the corresponding value of M is 342 for a desired output frequency of 70 MHz. If N is 3000, the corresponding value of M is 2056. To obtain a fast lock time and a long-term low output jitter: 1. Follow the procedure for frequency-lock or phase-lock mode, setting N to 128 and M to 87. 2. Once the DCO output is LCKI, set OUTMD to 01b for free-running DCO mode. 3. Change N to 3000 and M to 2056. 4. Set OUTMD back to 10b for frequency-lock mode or 11b for phase-lock mode. Rev. 0.5 549 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx 31.7. PLL0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for PLL0 registers. Register 31.1. PLL0_DIVIDER: Reference Divider Setting Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Name Reserved N Type R RW 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name Reserved M Type R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PLL0_DIVIDER = 0x4003_B000 Table 31.1. PLL0_DIVIDER Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:28 Reserved 27:16 N Function Must write reset value. N Divider Value. Selects the reference clock multiplier. Valid values include 32 to 4095 (values below 31 are invalid and may cause incorrect behavior). The frequency-lock or phase-lock output frequency is the result of the equation: N+1 F DCO = F REF -------------M+1 15:12 Reserved Must write reset value. Note: All PLL register fields except LCKPOL, LMTIEN, and STALL must remain static while OUTMD is set to frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. If RANGE setting changes are required, turn off the DCO output, write the maximum value to CAL, write to RANGE, and re-enable frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. All other settings can be changed by putting the module in Free-Running Mode, writing to the registers, and re-enabling frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. 550 Rev. 0.5 Table 31.1. PLL0_DIVIDER Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 11:0 M Function M Divider Value. Selects the reference clock divider. Valid values include the entire 12-bit range of M (0 to 4095). The frequency-lock or phase-lock output frequency is the result of the equation: N+1 F DCO = F REF -------------M+1 Note: All PLL register fields except LCKPOL, LMTIEN, and STALL must remain static while OUTMD is set to frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. If RANGE setting changes are required, turn off the DCO output, write the maximum value to CAL, write to RANGE, and re-enable frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. All other settings can be changed by putting the module in Free-Running Mode, writing to the registers, and re-enabling frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. Rev. 0.5 551 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx 29 28 27 26 Name OUTMD Reserved Type RW RW RW RW 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 LOCKTH Reserved REFSEL RW R RW R RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R R R 0 0 0 Name Reserved LMTIEN 0 LCKIEN 0 LCKPOL Reset LLMTF Reserved HLMTF 31 LCKI Bit STALL 30 DITHEN Register 31.2. PLL0_CONTROL: Module Control EDGSEL Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Reserved Type R RW RW RW R 1 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PLL0_CONTROL = 0x4003_B010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 31.2. PLL0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:30 OUTMD Function PLL Output Mode. Sets the DCO output mode. All PLL register fields except LCKPOL, LMTIEN, and STALL must remain static while OUTMD is set to frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. If RANGE setting changes are required, turn off the DCO output, write the maximum value to CAL, write to RANGE, and re-enable frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. All other settings can be changed by putting the module in Free-Running Mode, writing to the registers, and re-enabling frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. 00: DCO output is off. 01: DCO output is in Free-Running DCO mode. 10: DCO output is in frequency-lock mode (reference source required). 11: DCO output is in phase-lock mode (reference source required). Notes: 1. This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 2. All PLL register fields except LCKPOL, LMTIEN, and STALL must remain static while OUTMD is set to frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. If RANGE setting changes are required, turn off the DCO output, write the maximum value to CAL, write to RANGE, and re-enable frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. All other settings can be changed by putting the module in Free-Running Mode, writing to the registers, and re-enabling frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. 552 Rev. 0.5 Table 31.2. PLL0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 29 EDGSEL Function Edge Lock Select. Selects between locking on the rising edge or falling edge of the reference frequency in frequency-lock and phase-lock modes. The setting of this bit has no effect in Free-Running DCO mode. 0: Lock DCO output frequency to the falling edge of the reference frequency. 1: Lock DCO output frequency to the rising edge of the reference frequency. 28 DITHEN Dithering Enable. Enables automatic dithering on the DCO output period in frequency-lock and phaselock modes. The DITHER field is used to generate a 1-bit dither of the DCO output frequency. This provides better performance and generally reduces the overall jitter in frequency-lock and phase-lock modes. Automatic dithering can be disabled by clearing DITHEN to 0, which forces the hardware to always generate DITHER values of 0. When OUTMD is set to 01b, firmware can write a non-zero value to the DITHER bits to enable dithering, even if DITHEN is 0. Setting DITHEN to 1 in Free-Running DCO mode will have no effect. 0: Automatic DCO output dithering disabled. 1: Automatic DCO output dithering enabled. 27 Reserved 26 STALL Must write reset value. DCO Output Updates Stall. When STALL is set to 1, the phase-lock and frequency-lock modes are temporarily disabled. Spectrum spreading and dithering are also disabled. This is useful for providing the lowest jitter environment possible for sensitive analog measurements. The phase-lock and frequency-lock modes, spectrum spreading, and dithering, are re-enabled when STALL is cleared to 0. 0: In phase-lock and frequency-lock modes, spectrum spreading, and dithering operate normally, if enabled. 1: In phase-lock and frequency-lock modes, spectrum spreading, and dithering are prevented from updating the output of the DCO. 25:22 Reserved Must write reset value. 21:20 LOCKTH Lock Threshold Control. Lock is deterministic based on the number of (M+1)xTREF cycles over which the algorithm has operated. Assuming lock is possible given the present RANGE setting, phase lock is guaranteed after one (M+1)xTREF cycle. The value of LOCKTH sets the number of extra (M+1)xTREF cycles to wait before declaring lock. It is recommended to set the LOCKTH field to 1 if the PLL will be switched to free-running mode immediately after lock. 19:18 Reserved Must write reset value. Notes: 1. This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 2. All PLL register fields except LCKPOL, LMTIEN, and STALL must remain static while OUTMD is set to frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. If RANGE setting changes are required, turn off the DCO output, write the maximum value to CAL, write to RANGE, and re-enable frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. All other settings can be changed by putting the module in Free-Running Mode, writing to the registers, and re-enabling frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. Rev. 0.5 553 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Table 31.2. PLL0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 17:16 REFSEL Function Reference Clock Selection Control. 00: PLL reference clock (FREF) is the RTC0 oscillator (RTC0TCLK). 01: PLL reference clock (FREF) is the divided Low Power Oscillator (LPOSC0). 10: PLL reference clock (FREF) is the external oscillator output (EXTOSC0). 11: Reserved. 15:12 Reserved Must write reset value. 11 LCKPOL Lock Interrupt Polarity. Sets the state of LCKI that causes the PLL lock state interrupt to occur, if enabled. 0: The lock state PLL interrupt will occur when LCKI is 0. 1: The lock state PLL interrupt will occur when LCKI is 1. 10 LCKIEN Locked Interrupt Enable. 0: The PLL locking does not cause an interrupt 1: An interrupt is generated if LCKI matches the state selected by LCKPOL. 9 LMTIEN Limit Interrupt Enable. Enables interrupt generation if the DCO output frequency saturates high or low, preventing the DCO from reliably locking to the reference frequency or phase. This interrupt will not be generated while the DCO is locked (LCKI = 1). 0: Saturation (high and low) interrupt disabled. 1: Saturation (high and low) interrupt enabled. 8:3 Reserved 2 LCKI Must write reset value. Phase-Lock and Frequency-Lock Locked Interrupt Flag. Indicates when the PLL module DCO is locked to the reference clock. In phase-lock mode, this indicates that the DCO is phase-locked with the reference clock. In frequency-lock mode, this indicates that the DCO is frequency-locked (not necessarily phase-locked) with the reference clock. This bit will also assert the level-sensitive lock state interrupt, if enabled. This bit is automatically set and cleared by hardware, but can also be manually cleared by writing 00b or 01b to OUTMD. 0: DCO is disabled or not locked. 1: DCO is enabled and locked. 1 HLMTF CAL Saturation (High) Flag. Indicates when the DCO output period is saturated high and the DCO cannot lock reliably, so the RANGE value should be decreased. This flag is not automatically cleared by hardware and must be cleared by software by writing 00b or 01b to OUTMD. 0: DCO period is not saturated high. 1: DCO period is saturated high. Notes: 1. This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 2. All PLL register fields except LCKPOL, LMTIEN, and STALL must remain static while OUTMD is set to frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. If RANGE setting changes are required, turn off the DCO output, write the maximum value to CAL, write to RANGE, and re-enable frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. All other settings can be changed by putting the module in Free-Running Mode, writing to the registers, and re-enabling frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. 554 Rev. 0.5 Table 31.2. PLL0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 0 LLMTF Function CAL Saturation (Low) Flag. Indicates when the DCO output period is saturated low and the DCO cannot lock reliably, so the RANGE value should be increased. This flag is not automatically cleared by hardware and must be cleared by software by writing 00b or 01b to OUTMD. 0: DCO period is not saturated low. 1: DCO period is saturated low. Notes: 1. This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 2. All PLL register fields except LCKPOL, LMTIEN, and STALL must remain static while OUTMD is set to frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. If RANGE setting changes are required, turn off the DCO output, write the maximum value to CAL, write to RANGE, and re-enable frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. All other settings can be changed by putting the module in Free-Running Mode, writing to the registers, and re-enabling frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. Rev. 0.5 555 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Register 31.3. PLL0_SSPR: Spectrum Spreading Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved SSUINV Reserved SSAMP Type R RW R RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PLL0_SSPR = 0x4003_B020 Table 31.3. PLL0_SSPR Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:13 Reserved Must write reset value. 12:8 SSUINV Spectrum Spreading Update Interval. The update interval is given by the following equation: UpdateInterval = 4 T DCO SSUINV + 1 7:3 Reserved 2:0 SSAMP Must write reset value. Spectrum Spreading Amplitude. 000: Disable Spectrum Spreading. 001: Spectrum Spreading set to approximately + 0.1% of TDCO. 010: Spectrum Spreading set to approximately + 0.2% of TDCO. 011: Spectrum Spreading set to approximately + 0.4% of TDCO. 100: Spectrum Spreading set to approximately + 0.8% of TDCO. 101: Spectrum Spreading set to approximately + 1.6% of TDCO. 110-111: Reserved. Note: All PLL register fields except LCKPOL, LMTIEN, and STALL must remain static while OUTMD is set to frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. If RANGE setting changes are required, turn off the DCO output, write the maximum value to CAL, write to RANGE, and re-enable frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. All other settings can be changed by putting the module in Free-Running Mode, writing to the registers, and re-enabling frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. 556 Rev. 0.5 Register 31.4. PLL0_CALCONFIG: Calibration Configuration Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Name Reserved RANGE Type R RW 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name CAL DITHER Type RW RW Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address PLL0_CALCONFIG = 0x4003_B030 Table 31.4. PLL0_CALCONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:19 Reserved 18:16 RANGE Function Must write reset value. DCO Range. Determines the output frequency range of the DCO. 000: DCO operates from 23 to 37 MHz. 001: DCO operates from 33 to 50 MHz. 010: DCO operates from 45 to 50 MHz. 011-111: Reserved. 15:4 CAL DCO Calibration Value. This value adjusts the output period of the PLL module DCO in fine steps. Increasing CAL increases the DCO output period and decreases the DCO output frequency. 3:0 DITHER DCO Dither Setting. The DITHER bits control how often a 1 is added to CAL to create an average frequency in between the two CAL settings (CAL and CAL + 1). The DITHER value acts like fractional bits of CAL. In Free-Running DCO mode, firmware can write these bits to select a specific dithering setting. Writing 0's to this field disables dithering. The value of DITHEN has no effect in this mode. When DITHEN is set to 1 in frequency-lock or phase-lock modes, the hardware will automatically adjust the DITHER bits. If DITHEN is set to 0 in these modes, the hardware will force the DITHER bits to 0. Note: All PLL register fields except LCKPOL, LMTIEN, and STALL must remain static while OUTMD is set to frequency-lock or phase-lock modes. If RANGE setting changes are required, turn off the DCO output, write the maximum value to CAL, write to RANGE, and re-enable frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. All other settings can be changed by putting the module in Free-Running Mode, writing to the registers, and re-enabling frequency-lock or phase-lock mode. Rev. 0.5 557 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx 31.8. PLL0 Register Memory Map Table 31.5. PLL0 Memory Map PLL0_CALCONFIG PLL0_SSPR PLL0_CONTROL PLL0_DIVIDER Register Name ALL Address 0x4003_B030 0x4003_B020 0x4003_B010 0x4003_B000 Access Methods ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR ALL Bit 31 OUTMD Bit 30 Reserved Bit 29 EDGSEL Bit 28 DITHEN Reserved Bit 27 STALL Bit 26 Reserved Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Bit 23 Reserved Bit 22 N Bit 21 LOCKTH Bit 20 Bit 19 Reserved Bit 18 RANGE Bit 17 REFSEL Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Reserved Reserved Bit 13 Bit 12 LCKPOL Bit 11 SSUINV LCKIEN Bit 10 CAL LMTIEN Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Reserved M Reserved Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 LCKI Bit 2 DITHER SSAMP HLMTF Bit 1 LLMTF Bit 0 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL0) SiM3L1xx Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 558 Rev. 0.5 32. Process/Voltage/Temperature Oscillator (PVTOSC0) This section describes the process voltage/temperature (PVTOSC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 32.1. PVTOSC Features The process/voltage/temperature monitor consists of two modules (TIMER2 and PVTOSC0) designed to monitor the digital circuit performance of the SiM3L1xx device. The PVT oscillator (PVTOSC0) consists of two oscillators, one operating from the memory LDO and the other operating from the digital LDO. These oscillators have two independent speed options and provide the clocks for two 16-bit timers in the TIMER2 module using its capture input. By monitoring the resulting counts of the TIMER2 timers, firmware can monitor the current device performance and adjust the scalable LDO regulator output voltages as needed to save power. The PVTOSC module includes the following features: Two separate oscillators and timers for the memory and digital logic voltage domains. oscillator output divider settings. Coupled with TIMER2 to provide a method for monitoring digital performance to allow firmware to adjust the scalable LDO regulator output voltages to the lowest level possible, saving power. Two PVTOSC Module Memory Logic Domain Oscillator TIMER2 Digital Logic Domain Oscillator Figure 32.1. PVTOSC Block Diagram 32.2. PVTOSC Operation The optimal PVTOSC settings for different operational speeds are to be determined (TBD), pending full characterization of silicon over process, temperature, and voltage corners. More information on operating the PVTOSC will be available when characterization is complete. Rev. 0.5 559 Process/Voltage/Temperature Oscillator (PVTOSC0) SiM3L1xx 32.3. PVTOSC0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for PVTOSC0 registers. Register 32.1. PVTOSC0_CONTROL: Module Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved DIGOSCEN 0 MEMOSCEN 0 DIGOSCMD 0 MEMOSCMD Reset CLKSEL Process/Voltage/Temperature Oscillator (PVTOSC0) SiM3L1xx Type R RW RW RW R RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved Register ALL Access Address PVTOSC0_CONTROL = 0x4003_D000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 32.1. PVTOSC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:7 Reserved Must write reset value. 6 CLKSEL Clock Select. 0: Select the digital and memory oscillators as the inputs to the clock dividers. 1: Select the APB clock as the input to the clock dividers. 5 MEMOSCMD High Voltage Oscillator Mode. 0: Select fast mode for the memory LDO PVT oscillator. 1: Select slow mode for the memory LDO PVT oscillator. 4 DIGOSCMD Digital LDO Oscillator Mode. 0: Select fast mode for the digital LDO PVT oscillator. 1: Select slow mode for the digital LDO PVT oscillator. 3:2 Reserved 1 MEMOSCEN Must write reset value. Memory LDO Oscillator Enable. 0: Disable the memory LDO PVT oscillator. 1: Enable the memory LDO PVT oscillator. 0 DIGOSCEN Digital LDO Oscillator Enable. 0: Disable the digital LDO PVT oscillator. 1: Enable the digital LDO PVT oscillator. 560 Rev. 0.5 32.4. PVTOSC0 Register Memory Map PVTOSC0_CONTROL Register Name ALL Address 0x4003_D000 Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Reserved Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 CLKSEL Bit 6 MEMOSCMD Bit 5 DIGOSCMD Bit 4 Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 MEMOSCEN Bit 1 DIGOSCEN Bit 0 Table 32.2. PVTOSC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 561 Process/Voltage/Temperature Oscillator (PVTOSC0) SiM3L1xx Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx 33. Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) This section describes the Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 33.1. RTC Features The RTC module includes the following features: 32-bit timer (supports up to 36 hours) with three separate alarms. for one alarm to automatically reset the RTC timer. Missing clock detector. Module clock may be sourced from the internal low frequency oscillator, an external 32.768 kHz crystal, or an external CMOS clock. Programmable internal loading capacitors support a wide range of external 32.768 kHz crystals. No additional resistors or capacitors necessary. Operates directly from VBAT and remains operational even when the device goes into its lowest power down mode. Buffered RTC timer clock output (RTC0TCLK_OUT) provides an accurate, low frequency clock to external devices. Option RTCn Module LFOSCn clock LFOOEN To Internal Modules (e.g., CLKCTRNn, WDTIMERn) RTCnTCLK_OUT RTCOEN Alarm 2 Compare To Internal Modules (e.g., CLKCTRLn, LPTIMERn, LCDn, USARTn, UARTn) Alarm 1 Compare Alarm Interrupts RTCnTCLK External CMOS Clock Low Frequency Oscillator 0.01uF RTC1 Alarm 0 Compare External Crystal RTC1 32.768 kHz RTC1 RTC2 RTC External Oscillator Control 1 RTC Timer 0 CLKOEN CLKSEL RTC2 Load Capacitance SETCAP OSCFI Missing Clock Detector Figure 33.1. RTC Block Diagram 562 Auto Reset Rev. 0.5 33.2. RTC Clock Output The RTC timer clock (RTC0TCLK) can be buffered and routed to a port bank pin to provide an accurate, low frequency clock to other devices while the core is in its lowest power down mode. The module also includes a low power internal low frequency oscillator that reduces sleep mode current and is available for other modules to use as a clock source. If the RTC0TCLK_OUT signal is enabled in the crossbar, the RTC timer clock (RTC0TCLK_OUT) is output onto the selected pin. Depending on the CLKSEL configuration, the RTC timer clock can be either the Low Frequency Oscillator (LFOOSC) or the RTC External Oscillator (RTCOSC). 33.3. Overview The RTC module allows a maximum of 36 hour 32-bit independent time-keeping when used with a 32.768 kHz watch crystal. The RTC provides three alarm events in addition to a missing clock event, which can also function as interrupt, reset or wakeup sources. The RTC module includes internal loading capacitors that are programmable to 16 discrete levels, allowing compatibility with a wide range of crystals. 33.4. Clocking The RTC module clocks from its own timebase independent of the AHB clock. This timebase can be derived from an external 32.768 kHz crystal, an external CMOS clock, or an internal low frequency oscillator. 33.4.1. Crystal Mode When using the external crystal mode, a 32.768 kHz crystal should be connected between RTC1 and RTC2. No other external components are required. The following steps show how to start the RTC crystal oscillator in firmware: 1. Disable automatic gain control (AGCEN = 0) and enable bias doubling (BDEN = 1). 2. Enable automatic load capacitance stepping (ASEN = 1). 3. Program the RTCLC field. 4. Select the RTC oscillator (CLKSEL = 0). 5. Enable the crystal oscillator (CRYSEN = 1). 6. Wait 20 ms. 7. Poll the clock valid (CLKVF) until the crystal oscillator stabilizes. 8. Poll the load capacitance ready (LRDYF) flag until the load capacitance reaches its programmed value. 9. Enable automatic gain control (AGCEN = 1) and disable bias doubling (BDEN = 0) for maximum power savings. 10. Enable the missing clock detector (MCLKEN = 1). 11. Wait 2 ms. 12. Clear OSCFI. 13. If using the RTC Timer, enable the RTC Timer (RTCEN = 1) and the RTC Clock Output Enable (CLKOEN = 1). 14. If serving as a wake up source from a low-power mode, clear the wake-up source flags in the device power management module. Figure 33.2 shows the hardware configuration for crystal mode. Rev. 0.5 563 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx SiM3xxxx Load Capacitance 32.768 kHz RTC External Oscillator Control RTC1 RTC2 Figure 33.2. Crystal Mode Hardware Configuration 564 Rev. 0.5 33.4.2. External CMOS Clock Mode The RTC oscillator may also be driven by an external CMOS clock. The CMOS clock should be applied to RTC1 through a 0.01 µF ac-coupling capacitor, and RTC2 should be left floating. In this mode, the external CMOS clock should have a minimum voltage swing of 400 mV without exceeding VBAT or dropping below VSS. To use the module with an external CMOS clock: 1. Disable automatic gain control (AGCEN = 0) and disable bias doubling (BDEN = 0). 2. Select the lowest bias setting (RTCLC = 0). 3. Select the RTC oscillator (CLKSEL = 0). 4. Enable the crystal oscillator (CRYSEN = 1). 5. Wait 2 ms. 6. Enable the missing clock detector (MCLKEN = 1). 7. Wait 2 ms. 8. Check the OSCFI flag to ensure a valid clock is present on RTC1. 9. If using the RTC Timer, enable the RTC Timer (RTCEN = 1) and the RTC Clock Output Enable (CLKOEN = 1). 10. If serving as a wake up source from a low-power mode, clear the wake-up source flags in the device power management module. The CLKVF bit is indeterminate when using a CMOS clock with the RTC module. Figure 33.3 shows the hardware configuration for external CMOS clock mode. SiM3xxxx Load Capacitance 0.01uF RTC1 RTC External Oscillator Control RTC2 Figure 33.3. External CMOS Clock Mode Hardware Configuration 33.4.3. Low Frequency Oscillator The low frequency oscillator (LFOSC0) provides a low power internal clock source for the RTC timer. No external components are required to use the low frequency oscillator and the RTC1 and RTC2 pins do not need to be shorted together. The typical oscillation frequency of the low frequency oscillator is 16.4 kHz, but may vary depending on supply voltage, temperature and process. Consult the electrical characteristics tables in the device data sheet for more information. To use the low frequency oscillator with the RTC module: 1. Enable the low frequency oscillator (LFOSCEN = 1). The oscillator starts oscillating instantaneously. 2. Select the low frequency oscillator as the RTC timer clock source (CLKSEL = 1). 3. Disable the crystal oscillator (CRYSEN = 0). 4. If using the RTC Timer, enable the RTC Timer (RTCEN = 1) and the RTC Clock Output Enable (CLKOEN Rev. 0.5 565 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx = 1). 5. If serving as a wake up source from a low-power mode, clear the wake-up source flags in the device power management module. When using the low frequency oscillator as its clock source, the RTC module increments bit 1 of the 32-bit timer instead of bit 0, effectively multiplying the oscillator frequency by 2. 33.4.4. RTC Timer Clock Selection The RTC timer clock (RTC0TCLK) is configured by the RTC Timer Clock Select (CLKSEL) bits to be either the RTC Crystal Oscillator(RTC0OSC), external CMOS clock, or the low frequency oscillator (LFOSC0). RTC Timer Clock Output to Internal Modules If the RTC clock output is enabled (CLKOEN = 1), the RTC timer clock (RTC0TCLK) is available for use as a clock source by the RTC timer and other internal modules. RTC Timer Clock Output to External Pin If the RTC external output is enabled (RTCOEN = 1), the RTC timer clock (RTC0TCLK) is output to an external IO pin. Consult data sheet pin definition for location of the RTC0TCLK_OUT function. LFO Output to Internal Modules If the Low Frequency Oscillator Output is enabled (LFOOEN = 1), the LFOSC0 clock is output to the WDTIMERn and CLKCTRLn modules. To save power, this bit can be disabled before entering PM8. 33.4.5. Programmable Load Capacitance The programmable load capacitance has 16 values to support a wide range of crystal oscillators. If automatic load capacitance stepping is enabled (ASEN = 1), the crystal load capacitors start at the smallest setting to allow a fast startup time, then slowly increase the capacitance until reaching the final programmed value in the RTCLC field. The RTCLC setting specifies the amount of internal load capacitance and does not include any stray PCB capacitance. Once the final programmed loading capacitance value is reached, the hardware will set the load ready (LRDYF) flag to 1. Table 33.1 shows the equivalent crystal load capacitance for RTCLC settings. Table 33.1. Load Capacitance Settings 566 RTCLC Value Crystal Load Capacitance Equivalent Capacitance seen on RTC1 and RTC2 0 4.0 pF 8.0 pF 1 4.5 pF 9.0 pF 2 5.0 pF 10.0 pF 3 5.5 pF 11.0 pF 4 6.0 pF 12.0 pF 5 6.5 pF 13.0 pF 6 7.0 pF 14.0 pF 7 7.5 pF 15.0 pF 8 8.0 pF 16.0 pF 9 8.5 pF 17.0 pF 10 9.0 pF 18.0 pF Rev. 0.5 Table 33.1. Load Capacitance Settings RTCLC Value Crystal Load Capacitance Equivalent Capacitance seen on RTC1 and RTC2 11 9.5 pF 19.0 pF 12 10.5 pF 21.0 pF 13 11.5 pF 23.0 pF 14 12.5 pF 25.0 pF 15 13.5 pF 27.0 pF Rev. 0.5 567 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx 33.4.6. Automatic Gain Control (Crystal Mode Only) and Bias Doubling Automatic gain control (AGC) allows the RTC oscillator to trim the oscillation amplitude of a crystal in order to achieve the lowest possible power consumption. Automatic gain control automatically detects when the oscillation amplitude has reached a point where it safe to reduce the drive current, and it may be enabled during crystal startup. It is recommended to enable AGC in most systems that use the RTC oscillator in crystal mode. The following are recommended crystal specifications and operating conditions when enabling AGC: < 50 k capacitance < 10 pF Supply voltage < 3.0 V Temperature > –20 °C The chosen crystal should undergo an oscillation robustness test to ensure it will oscillate under the worst case condition to which the system will be exposed. This worst case condition will occur at the following system conditions: lowest temperature, highest supply voltage, highest ESR, highest load capacitance, and lowest bias current (AGC enabled, bias doubling disabled). ESR Load To perform the oscillation robustness test, the RTC oscillator output should be routed to a port pin configured as a push-pull digital output using the device port configuration module. The positive duty cycle of the output clock can be used as an indicator of oscillation robustness. As shown in Figure 33.4, duty cycles less than the low threshold indicate a robust oscillation. As the duty cycle approaches the high threshold, oscillation becomes less reliable and the risk of clock failure increases. Increasing the bias current by disabling AGC will always improve oscillation robustness and will reduce the output clock’s duty cycle. This test should be performed at the worst case system conditions, as results at very low temperatures or high supply voltage will vary from results taken at room temperature or low supply voltage. Consult the device data sheet for information on the robust duty cycle range specifications. Safe Operating Zone 25% Low Risk of Clock Failure low threshold High Risk of Clock Failure high threshold RTCn Oscillator (RTCnOSC) Duty Cycle Figure 33.4. Interpreting Oscillation Robustness (Duty Cycle) Test Results AGC may be disabled at the cost of increased power consumption. Disabling Automatic Gain Control will provide the crystal oscillator with higher immunity against the external factors that may cause clock failure. The bias doubling feature can increase the self-oscillation frequency and allow a higher crystal drive strength in crystal mode. High crystal drive strength is recommended when the crystal is exposed to poor environmental conditions, including excessive moisture. The bias doubler should always be enabled during oscillator startup. Note that when the bias doubler is disabled, the RTC External Oscillator Valid Flag (CLKVF) is disabled and will always read 0. Table 33.2 shows a summary of the oscillator AGC and bias doubling settings. 568 Rev. 0.5 Table 33.2. RTC Bias Settings Bias Doubling (BDEN) Setting AGC (AGCEN) Setting Power Consumption off (0) on (1) lowest off (0) off (0) low on (1) on (1) high on (1) off (0) highest 33.4.7. Missing Clock Detector The missing clock detector (MCD) is a one-shot circuit enabled by setting MCLKEN to 1. When the MCD is enabled, hardware sets the oscillator fail (OSCFI) flag if the RTC oscillator (RTC0OSC) frequency drops below the missing clock detector trigger frequency given in the device data sheet. The missing clock detector can only be used for the external crystal oscillator or external CMOS clock modes, and should be disabled if using the low frequency oscillator clock as the RTC time clock. An MCD timeout can trigger an interrupt, wake the device from a low power mode, or reset the device. This feature should be disabled when making changes to the oscillator settings to avoid undesired interrupts or resets. 33.4.8. Oscillator Crystal Valid Detector The RTC oscillator crystal valid detector is an oscillation amplitude detector circuit used during crystal startup to determine when oscillation is nearly stable. Firmware can read the output of this detector using the clock valid (CLKVF) flag in the CONTROL register. The output of CLKVF is not valid for the first 2 ms after turning on the crystal oscillator. The CLKVF bit is always low when bias doubling is disabled (BDEN = 0).Therefore, the bias doubler should be enabled during crystal startup. The crystal valid detector is not intended for detecting an oscillator failure - once set, the CLKVF will not be reset unless the external oscillator is disabled. To determine if the oscillator has failed, firmware should use the missing clock detector and OSCFI flag. 33.5. Accessing the Timer The RTC timer is a 32-bit counter that increments every RTC oscillator cycle. Firmware can set the value of the timer by writing a 32-bit value to the SETCAP register and setting the TMRSET. Hardware will automatically clear TMRSET when the set operation completes. Firmware can read the current value of the timer by setting the TMRCAP bit. Hardware will automatically clear TMRCAP when the capture operation completes, and firmware can then read the SETCAP register. If the AHB clock is greater than or equal to 4X the RTC clock, the RTC High Speed Mode Enable bit (HSMDEN) must be set to allow the timer value to be accessed. If the AHB clock is less than 4X the RTC clock, the HSMDEN bit should be cleared. To set the timer when HSMDEN = 0, the timer must be running (RUN = 1). 33.6. Alarms The RTC timer has three alarm functions that can be set to generate an interrupt, wake the device from a low power mode, or reset the device at a specific time. The alarms can be set using the ALARM0, ALARM1, and ALARM2 registers. These 32-bit fields are compared directly to the 32-bit timer value. Hardware sets the ALM0I, ALM1I, and ALM2I when the corresponding ALARMx value matches the timer, generating an interrupt, if enabled. The alarms and the alarm interrupts are enabled setting the ALM0EN, ALM1EN, and ALM2EN bits. Note that there is not a separate interrupt enable bit for the alarms. Rev. 0.5 569 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx 33.6.1. Automatic Timer Reset The RTC timer includes an automatic reset feature that resets the timer to zero when alarm 0 triggers. When using this auto-reset feature, the alarm match value should always be set to 2 counts less than the desired match value to account for delays. When using the low frequency oscillator in combination with auto-reset, the right-justified alarm 0 value should be set to 4 counts less than the desired match value. The auto-reset feature can be enabled by writing a 1 to ALM0AREN and writing a 1 to ALRM0EN. 33.7. Interrupts The RTC module has interrupts for each of the alarms and the missing clock detector. The ALM0I, ALM1I, and ALM2I flags can cause an interrupt if the corresponding alarm is enabled (ALM0EN, ALM1EN, or ALM2EN set to 1). Hardware sets the oscillator fail (OSCFI) flag to 1 when a missing clock detector event triggers, causing an interrupt. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid hardware conflicts. 33.8. Usage Modes The RTC timer and alarms have two operating modes to suit varying applications. 33.8.1. Usage Mode 1 The first mode uses the RTC timer as a perpetual timebase that is never reset to zero. Every 36 hours, the timer is allowed to overflow without being stopped or disrupted. Firmware manages the alarm intervals and adds the intervals to the expired value in the ALARMx registers after each alarm. This allows the alarm match value to always stay ahead of the timer by one firmware-managed interval. If firmware uses 32-bit unsigned addition to increment the alarm match values, then it does not need to handle overflows since both the timer and the alarm match values will overflow in the same manner. This mode is ideal for applications using a long alarm interval (24 or 36 hours) or have a need for a perpetual timebase, which is useful in situations where the wake-up interval is constantly changing. For these applications, firmware can keep track of the number of timer overflows in a 16-bit variable, extending the 32-bit (36 hour) timer to a 48-bit (272 year) perpetual timebase. 33.8.2. Usage Mode 2 The second mode uses the RTC timer as a general purpose up-counter that is auto-reset to zero by hardware after each alarm 0 event. Hardware manages the alarm intervals in the ALARMx registers, and firmware only needs to set the alarm intervals once during device initialization. After each alarm 0 event, firmware should keep a count of the number of alarms that have occurred in order to keep track of time. Alarm 1 and alarm 2 events do not trigger the timer auto-reset. This mode is ideal for applications that require minimal firmware intervention or have a fixed alarm interval. This mode is the most power-efficient since it requires less core processing time per alarm. 570 Rev. 0.5 33.9. RTC0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for RTC0 registers. 28 27 26 25 24 Name CLKSEL RTCOEN CLKOEN Reserved ALM2EN ALM1EN 23 22 21 20 Type RW RW RW RW R RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 19 18 17 16 RW RW 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved RTCLC ALM0AREN RW RUN R MCLKEN RW ASEN Reserved BDEN 29 CRYSEN 30 AGCEN 31 ALM0EN Bit RTCEN Register 33.1. RTC0_CONFIG: RTC Configuration Type R RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address RTC0_CONFIG = 0x4002_9000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 33.3. RTC0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31 RTCEN RTC Timer Enable. 0: Disable the RTC timer. 1: Enable the RTC timer. 30 CLKSEL RTC Timer Clock Select. 0: Select the External Crystal or External CMOS Clock as the RTC Timer clock (RTCnTCLK) source. 1: Select the Low Frequency Oscillator as the RTC Timer clock (RTCnTCLK) source. 29 RTCOEN RTC External Output Enable. Setting this bit to 1 allows the RTC module to drive the RTCnTCLK on the external RTCnTCLK_OUT pin. When the output is enabled on a pin, the associated pin should be skipped in the crossbar. 0: Disable the external RTCnTCLK_OUT output. 1: Enable the external RTCnTCLK_OUT output. 28 CLKOEN RTC Clock Output Enable. 0: Disable the RTCnTCLK output to the timer and other internal modules. 1: Enable the RTCnTCLK output to the timer and other internal modules. Rev. 0.5 571 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Table 33.3. RTC0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 27 Reserved Must write reset value. 26 ALM2EN Alarm 2 Enable. 0: Disable RTC Alarm 2. 1: Enable RTC Alarm 2. 25 ALM1EN Alarm 1 Enable. 0: Disable RTC Alarm 1. 1: Enable RTC Alarm 1. 24 ALM0EN Alarm 0 Enable. 0: Disable RTC Alarm 0. 1: Enable RTC Alarm 0. 23:19 Reserved Must write reset value. 18 AGCEN Automatic Gain Control Enable. 0: Disable automatic gain control. 1: Enable automatic gain control, saving power. 17 CRYSEN Crystal Oscillator Enable. 0: Disable the crystal oscillator circuitry. 1: Enable the crystal oscillator circuitry. 16 BDEN 15:8 Reserved 7:4 RTCLC Load Capacitance Value. This field is the load capacitance value. Set the ASEN bit before programming RTCLC to ramp the load capacitance from 0x0 to the programmed value. 3 ASEN Automatic Crystal Load Capacitance Stepping Enable. 0: Disable automatic load capacitance stepping. 1: Enable automatic load capacitance stepping. 2 MCLKEN 1 RUN 0 ALM0AREN 572 Function Bias Doubler Enable. 0: Disable the bias doubler, saving power. 1: Enable the bias doubler. Must write reset value. Missing Clock Detector Enable. 0: Disable the missing clock detector. 1: Enable the missing clock detector. If the missing clock detector triggers, it will generate an RTC Fail event. RTC Timer Run Control. 0: Stop the RTC timer. 1: Run the RTC timer. Alarm 0 Automatic Reset Enable. Setting this bit to 1 will automatically reset the RTC timer when a Alarm 0 event occurs. Note that Alarm 0 must be enabled (ALM0EN=1) to use the Automatic Reset feature. 0: Disable the Alarm 0 automatic reset. 1: Enable the Alarm 0 automatic reset. Rev. 0.5 Register 33.2. RTC0_CONTROL: RTC Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved ALM0I 0 ALM1I 0 ALM2I 0 TMRCAP 0 TMRSET 0 CLKVF 0 OSCFI 0 HSMDEN 0 LRDYF Reset Type R R RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address RTC0_CONTROL = 0x4002_9010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 33.4. RTC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:9 Reserved 8 LRDYF 7 HSMDEN 6 OSCFI RTC Oscillator Fail Interrupt Flag. This bit is set by hardware when a missing clock detector timeout occurs. This bit must be cleared by software. 0: Oscillator is running. 1: Oscillator has failed. 5 CLKVF RTC External Oscillator Valid Flag. 0: External oscillator is not valid. 1: External oscillator is valid. Must write reset value. RTC Load Capacitance Ready Flag. This bit is set by hardware when the load capacitance matches the programmed value. 0: The load capacitance is currently stepping. 1: The load capacitance has reached its programmed value. RTC High Speed Mode Enable. This bit should be set to 1 by firmware if the AHB clock is greater than or equal to 4x the RTC Timer Clock (RTCnTCLK) frequency. 0: Disable high speed mode. (AHBCLK < 4x RTCnTCLK) 1: Enable high speed mode. (AHBCLK >= 4x RTCnTCLK) Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 573 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Table 33.4. RTC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 4 TMRSET RTC Timer Set. Set this bit to 1 to initiate an RTC timer set operation, which copies the value in SETCAP to the RTC timer. If HSMDEN=0, the timer must be running (RUN=1) in order to set the timer value. This bit is cleared by hardware when the transfer operation is complete. 0: RTC timer set operation is complete. 1: Start the RTC timer set. 3 TMRCAP RTC Timer Capture. Set this bit to 1 to initiate an RTC timer capture operation, which copies the current RTC timer value to SETCAP. This bit is cleared by hardware when the transfer operation is done. 0: RTC timer capture operation is complete. 1: Start the RTC timer capture. 2 ALM2I Alarm 2 Interrupt Flag. This bit indicates when an Alarm 2 event occurred. It must be cleared by firmware. 0: Alarm 2 event has not occurred. 1: Alarm 2 event occurred. 1 ALM1I Alarm 1 Interrupt Flag. This bit indicates when an Alarm 1 event occurred. It must be cleared by firmware. 0: Alarm 1 event has not occurred. 1: Alarm 1 event occurred. 0 ALM0I Alarm 0 Interrupt Flag. This bit indicates when an Alarm 0 event occurred. It must be cleared by firmware. 0: Alarm 0 event has not occurred. 1: Alarm 0 event occurred. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 574 Rev. 0.5 Register 33.3. RTC0_ALARM0: RTC Alarm 0 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name ALARM0[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name ALARM0[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address RTC0_ALARM0 = 0x4002_9020 Table 33.5. RTC0_ALARM0 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 ALARM0 Function RTC Alarm 0. The RTC Alarm 0 event will occur when ALARM0 matches the RTC timer value. Rev. 0.5 575 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Register 33.4. RTC0_ALARM1: RTC Alarm 1 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name ALARM1[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name ALARM1[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address RTC0_ALARM1 = 0x4002_9030 Table 33.6. RTC0_ALARM1 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 ALARM1 576 Function RTC Alarm 1. The RTC Alarm 1 event will occur when ALARM1 matches the RTC timer value. Rev. 0.5 Register 33.5. RTC0_ALARM2: RTC Alarm 2 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name ALARM2[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name ALARM2[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address RTC0_ALARM2 = 0x4002_9040 Table 33.7. RTC0_ALARM2 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 ALARM2 Function RTC Alarm 2. The RTC Alarm 2 event will occur when ALARM2 matches the RTC timer value. Rev. 0.5 577 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx Register 33.6. RTC0_SETCAP: RTC Timer Set/Capture Value Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name SETCAP[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name SETCAP[15:0] Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address RTC0_SETCAP = 0x4002_9050 Table 33.8. RTC0_SETCAP Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 SETCAP Function RTC Timer Set/Capture Value. The value in SETCAP will be written to the RTC timer when TMRSET is set to 1. The operation will be complete when TMRSET is cleared to 0 by the hardware. The value of the RTC timer will be copied to SETCAP when TMRCAP is set to 1. The operation will be complete when TMRCAP is cleared to 0 by the hardware. 578 Rev. 0.5 Bit 31 30 Name LFOSCEN LFOOEN Register 33.7. RTC0_LFOCONTROL: LFOSC Control 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Reserved Type RW RW R Reset 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Name Reserved Type R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address RTC0_LFOCONTROL = 0x4002_9060 Table 33.9. RTC0_LFOCONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31 LFOSCEN 30 LFOOEN Low Frequency Oscillator Output Enable. 0: Disable the Low Frequency Oscillator output to internal modules. 1: Enable the Low Frequency Oscillator output to internal module. 29:0 Reserved Must write reset value. Low Frequency Oscillator Enable. 0: Disable the Low Frequency Oscillator (LFOSCn). 1: Enable the Low Frequency Oscillator (LFOSCn). Rev. 0.5 579 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx RTC0_ALARM2 RTC0_ALARM1 RTC0_ALARM0 RTC0_CONTROL RTC0_CONFIG Register Name ALL Address 0x4002_9010 0x4002_9040 0x4002_9030 0x4002_9020 0x4002_9000 ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods ALL ALL ALL Bit 31 RTCEN Bit 30 CLKSEL Bit 29 RTCOEN Bit 28 CLKOEN Reserved Bit 27 ALM2EN Bit 26 ALM1EN Bit 25 ALM0EN Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Reserved Bit 21 Reserved Bit 20 Bit 19 AGCEN Bit 18 CRYSEN Bit 17 BDEN Bit 16 ALARM2 ALARM1 ALARM0 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Reserved Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 LRDYF Bit 8 HSMDEN Bit 7 OSCFI Bit 6 RTCLC CLKVF Bit 5 TMRSET Bit 4 ASEN TMRCAP Bit 3 MCLKEN ALM2I Bit 2 RUN ALM1I Bit 1 ALM0AREN ALM0I Bit 0 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx 33.10. RTC0 Register Memory Map Table 33.10. RTC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 580 Rev. 0.5 RTC0_LFOCONTROL RTC0_SETCAP Register Name 0x4002_9060 0x4002_9050 ALL Address ALL ALL Access Methods LFOSCEN Bit 31 LFOOEN Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 SETCAP Bit 15 Reserved Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Table 33.10. RTC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 581 Real Time Clock and Low Frequency Oscillator (RTC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx 34. SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) This section describes the SAR Analog to Digital Converter (SARADC) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 34.1. SARADC Features The SARADC module includes the following features: Single-ended 10-bit or 12-bit operation. Operation in low power modes at lower conversion speeds. Can be synchronized to the EPCA0 synchronization output, to take samples at precise times in the PWM waveform. Selectable asynchronous hardware conversion trigger with hardware channel select. Output data window comparator allows automatic range checking. Support for Burst Mode, which produces one set of accumulated data per conversion-start trigger with programmable power-on settling and tracking time. Conversion complete, multiple conversion complete, and FIFO overflow and underflow flags and interrupts supported. Flexible output data formatting. Sequencer allows up to 8 sources to be automatically scanned using one of four channel characteristic profiles without software intervention. Eight-word conversion data FIFO for DMA operations. 582 Rev. 0.5 SARADC Module AD0BUSY (On Demand) TIMER0 L/H Overflow TIMER1 L/H Overflow Conversion Trigger Selection EPCA0 Sync Less Than I2C0 Timer Oveflow Greater Than ADC0T15 (pin trigger) Comparator Burst Mode SAR Analog to Digital Converter 0.5x – 1x gain Channel Sequencer ADC0.0 Accumulator Left Shift ADC0.1 ADC0.2 ADC0.3 Data FIFO ADC0.30 APB Clock Low Power Oscillator Internal VREF Internal LDO VBAT VREF Clock Divisor DATA FIFO Status and Control Burst Mode clock Conversion Characteristic 0 + - Conversion Characteristic 1 ADC Reference Conversion Characteristic 2 Device Ground VREFGND Conversion Characteristic 3 Figure 34.1. SARADC Block Diagram Rev. 0.5 583 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx 34.2. Input Multiplexer The SARADC input connects to select internal supplies or external port pins through an analog input multiplexer. The multiplexer is controlled by the channel sequencer, and automatically switches to the appropriate input channel according to the time slot mux configuration. Any port bank pins used as SARADC0 inputs should be configured as analog inputs, as described in the port configuration section. The SARADC0 input channels vary between different package options, and are shown in table Table 34.1. Table 34.1. SARADC0 Input Channels 584 SARADC0 Input SARADC0 Input Description SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name ADC0.0 Normal Input PB0.4 PB0.3 PB0.3 ADC0.1 Normal Input PB0.9 PB0.8 PB0.9 ADC0.2 Normal Input PB0.10 PB0.9 PB2.0 ADC0.3 Normal Input PB0.11 PB1.4 PB2.1 ADC0.4 Normal Input PB1.4 PB1.5 PB2.2 ADC0.5 Normal Input PB1.5 PB1.6 PB2.3 ADC0.6 Normal Input PB1.6 PB2.0 PB2.4 ADC0.7 Normal Input PB1.7 PB2.4 PB2.5 ADC0.8 Normal Input PB2.0 PB2.5 PB2.6 ADC0.9 Normal Input PB2.1 PB2.6 PB2.7 ADC0.10 Normal Input PB2.4 PB2.7 PB3.3 ADC0.11 Normal Input PB2.5 PB3.0 PB3.4 ADC0.12 Normal Input PB2.6 PB3.1 PB3.5 ADC0.13 Normal Input PB2.7 PB3.8 PB3.6 ADC0.14 Normal Input PB3.0 PB3.9 PB3.7 ADC0.15 Normal Input PB3.1 Reserved PB3.8 ADC0.16 Normal Input PB3.2 Reserved PB3.9 ADC0.17 Normal Input PB3.3 Reserved Reserved ADC0.18 Normal Input PB3.12 Reserved Reserved ADC0.19 Normal Input PB3.13 PB4.2 Reserved ADC0.20 Normal Input PB0.0 PB0.0 PB0.0 ADC0.21 Normal Input PB0.1 Reserved Reserved ADC0.22 Normal Input PB0.2 PB0.1 PB0.1 ADC0.23 Normal Input PB0.3 PB0.2 PB0.2 Rev. 0.5 Table 34.1. SARADC0 Input Channels SARADC0 Input SARADC0 Input Description SiM3L1x7 Pin Name SiM3L1x6 Pin Name SiM3L1x4 Pin Name ADC0.24 Internal Channel VSS ADC0.25 Internal Channel Digital LDO Output ADC0.26 Internal Channel Memory LDO Output ADC0.27 Internal Channel VDC ADC0.28 Internal Channel VBAT ADC0.29 Internal Channel 1/2 Charge Pump Output ADC0.30 Internal Channel Temperature Sensor Output 34.2.1. Start of Conversion Triggers Conversions can be initiated by several different internal and external trigger sources, which vary between device families. The SCSEL field in the CONTROL register selects the start-of-conversion source to be used by the ADC. In "on-demand" trigger mode, conversions are initiated when firmware sets the ADBUSY bit in the CONTROL register to 1. In all other conversion modes, the selected start-of-conversion trigger (timer overflow, external pin transition, etc.) will begin a conversion. The frequency of the selected conversion trigger determines the sampling rate of the ADC and should not exceed the maximum listed in the electrical specification for the device. SARADC0 start of conversion sources are shown in Table 34.2. Table 34.2. SARADC0 Start of Conversion Sources Trigger External Convert Start Description SiM3L1xx Pin Name ADC0T0 Internal Convert Start “On Demand” by writing 1 to ADBUSY ADC0T1 Internal Convert Start Timer 0 Low overflow ADC0T2 Internal Convert Start Timer 0 High overflow ADC0T3 Internal Convert Start Timer 1 Low overflow ADC0T4 Internal Convert Start Timer 1 High overflow ADC0T5 Internal Convert Start EPCA0 synchronization pulse ADC0T6 Internal Convert Start I2C0 Timer overflow ADC0T15 External Convert Start ADC0T15 routed through crossbar Rev. 0.5 585 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx 34.3. Tracking and Conversion Time A single ADC conversion consists of two phases; the tracking phase, and the conversion phase. During the tracking phase, the ADC's sampling capacitor connects to the selected multiplexer channel and charges to the voltage present at that node. During the conversion phase, the sampling capacitor disconnects from the multiplexer channel and connects to the SAR converter circuitry. 34.3.1. Input Settling Time It is important for the application to allow enough settling time at the ADC input during the tracking phase. This will depend largely on the external source impedance and the desired accuracy level. The input to the SARADC is shown in Figure 34.2. The sample switch is closed during the tracking phase and open during the conversion phase. Values for CIN, CSAR, and RMUX are different depending on the type of input channel and the gain range. These values can be found in the device data sheet electrical specifications tables. The system designer should assume that the capacitor CSAR is discharged between every conversion. Sample Switch Input Pin RMUX CIN CSAR Figure 34.2. SARADC Input Model 34.3.2. SAR Clock Generation The SAR clock speed dictates the timing of the conversion phase, which lasts for 13 SAR clock cycles. The SAR clock speed is programmable as a divided version of the APB clock using the CLKDIV field in the CONFIG register. The SAR clock should be configured to be as fast as possible according to the electrical specifications in the device data sheet. Faster SAR clock speeds allow the converter more time in the tracking phase and reduce the amount of time the converter is actively converting, thereby reducing system power. 34.3.3. Tracking Mode (Non-Burst Operation) When the ADC operates in non-burst mode, two tracking options are available and are selected by the TRKMD bit in the CONTROL register: normal tracking and delayed tracking. In normal tracking mode, the ADC tracks any time a conversion is not taking place, and the start-of-conversion event triggers the beginning of the conversion phase. The ADC returns to tracking immediately after a conversion finishes. The tracking time in this mode is therefore determined by the sample rate minus the conversion time. In delayed tracking mode, the start-of-conversion event will trigger the ADC to track for three SAR clock cycles, followed by the conversion phase. Upon completion of a conversion, the ADC will go into an idle state, waiting for the next start-of-conversion trigger. Timing for the two tracking modes is shown in Figure 34.3. 586 Rev. 0.5 Start of conversion trigger SAR clock Normal tracking Tracking Converting Tracking tCNV Delayed tracking Tracking Tracking Converting Tracking tCNV Figure 34.3. Non-Burst Tracking and Conversion Timing 34.3.4. 12-bit Mode The ADC normally operates as a 10-bit converter, and achieves its highest sampling rate in the 10-bit mode. A 12bit mode is available, which increases the resolution of the converter to 12 bits at the expense of conversion speed. This 12-bit mode is a special condition of burst mode operation. When operating the converter in 12-bit mode, the BURSTEN bit in the CONTROL register must be set to 1. One input sample and four conversion cycles are required per 12-bit conversion word, and the set of four conversions will be initiated by the start-of-conversion trigger. The converter uses a patented technique to increase the resolution and linearity of the converter by two bits using only four conversion cycles, whereas a traditional straight average operation would require 16 samples to increase noise resolution by 2 bits, and would have no effect on linearity. Additionally, when used to sample DC input signals, the converter can be configured to resample the input four times per 12-bit conversion, which can provide additional filtering of Gaussian noise present at the input. The AD12BSSEL field on the CONTROL register is used to configure whether four separate input samples or a single input sample is used for the 12-bit result. Figure 34.4 shows the difference in timing between these two options. Note: When using single-sampling (AD12BSSEL = 1), the TRKMD bit should be cleared to 0 to ensure proper signal tracking. start of conversion trigger AD12BSSEL = 0 Tracking Converting new data available Tracking Converting Tracking Converting Tracking start of conversion trigger AD12BSSEL = 1 Tracking Converting Converting Tracking new data available Idle Converting Idle Converting Idle Converting Tracking Figure 34.4. 12-Bit Sampling Options Rev. 0.5 587 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx 34.4. Burst Mode The ADC implements a "burst mode" feature which enables lower power operation of the system. When a conversion trigger event occurs, the ADC will power on (if needed), track for a selected period of time, perform one or more conversions, and then return to the idle or powered-down state. The repeat counter (CHRxRPT) dictates the number of conversions performed for the channel being converted. Burst mode is enabled by setting the BURSTEN bit in the CONTROL register to 1. In burst mode, the ADCEN bit controls the power consumption of the ADC between conversions. When ADCEN is cleared to 0, the ADC is powered down after each burst. If ADCEN is set to 1, the ADC will remain powered on between bursts. In burst mode, the ADC can use a high-speed, low-power oscillator for conversion timing, enabling the system designer to run the core from a slow clock source or put the core in a low-power state to conserve power. Burst mode can also be configured to use the APB clock as a source. The clock used for burst mode is selected using the BCLKSEL bit in the CONFIG register. 34.4.1. Data Accumulation When burst mode is enabled, ADC samples can automatically be accumulated by the converter as they are taken. The accumulation mode is controlled by the ACCMD bit in the CONTROL register. This bit should be cleared to 0 to enable accumulation. Firmware must write the initial value (typically zero) to the ACC register prior to a conversion being taken or a scan sequence being initiated. The number of conversions accumulated is determined by the repeat counter field of the selected conversion characteristic register. For example, if CHxRPT is set to sample four times, four conversions will be accumulated. When using the ADC’s scan function, the accumulator will automatically be cleared to zero before the sequencer moves to the next selected channel. In other modes, this does not occur, and firmware must clear the ACC register, as necessary. Note that the ACC register should not be written while conversions are in progress, and its contents cannot be read. 34.4.2. Burst Mode Tracking Tracking time in burst mode is different than non-burst mode operation of the ADC. For the first conversion, the tracking time is determined by the power-on time selected by the PWRTIME field in the CONTROL register. For all subsequent conversions during an ADC burst, the tracking time is dictated by the setting of the BMTK and the TRKMD bits. This timing is described in the BMTK bit description in the CONTROL register. Figure 34.5 illustrates the burst mode tracking timing when ADCEN is cleared to 0 (power down between conversions), the burst clock is the low power oscillator, and the APB clock is operating at a low frequency. APB clock Start of conversion trigger Normal tracking powered down power up and track Delayed tracking powered down power up and track C D T C C T T D C C T T C D power up and track powered down C T D C powered down power up and track C – converting T – burst mode tracking time (BMTK) D – delay time (TRKMD) (3 SAR clocks) Figure 34.5. Burst Mode Tracking and Conversion Timing (Four Samples) 588 Rev. 0.5 34.5. Channel Sequencer The channel sequencer allows the user to define up to eight different combinations of ADC configurations and multiplexer channels, then scan through them with an ADC scan operation, relieving software of the overhead necessary to change multiplexer channels and other parameters. 34.5.1. Multiplexer Input Settings Each ADC module can select between multiple external inputs and internal inputs. These inputs become the positive inputs to the single-ended SARADC module. 34.5.2. Timeslot Settings The Channel Sequencer Time Slot Setup registers SQ7654 and SQ3210 configure the eight channel sequencer time slots each ADC. Each time slot defines the multiplexer channel to be converted, as well as which conversion characteristic to use for the conversion. If the TSnMUX field in a time slot is set to the terminate scan value (0x1F), this indicates that no conversion is to be performed on this channel. When the sequencer encounters an 0x1F value in the time slot mux selection or converts the final time slot, it will either halt (single scan mode) or wrap back to time slot 0 (continuous scan mode). The scan done interrupt flag (SDI in the STATUS register) will be set to 1 when a single scan operation is complete or when firmware clears SCANEN. Figure 34.6 shows a typical setup for a single scan using three sequencer time slots. 34.5.3. Conversion Characteristic Settings The Conversion Characteristic Setup registers CHAR10 and CHAR32 define some of the characteristics of how the SARADC conversions will be performed. Each register defines two conversion characteristics (for example, CHAR10 defines conversion characteristic 1 and 0). The conversion characteristics select the gain, accumulation levels, post-conversion shifting, number of data bits, and whether to use the window comparator hardware. See the CHAR10 and CHAR32 register descriptions for more details on the selectable options. 34.5.4. Channel Scan Mode The ADC implements channel sequencer logic which is capable of "scanning" through one or more ADC configurations automatically. When SCANEN is set to 1, the channel sequencer is active. The sequencer begins with time slot 0, and continues scanning through all eight time slots in sequence until it reaches the last channel or the final time slot or the terminate scan value (0x1F). Single Scan Mode If the SCANMD field in the CONFIG register is set to 0, the ADC performs a single scan through the channels. When using single-scan mode, each scan must be initiated by a 0-to-1 transition of the SCANEN bit in the CONFIG register. The scan will begin on the next conversion trigger event and end when the final channel in the sequencer has been converted. Note that a conversion trigger event is required for each channel in the scan, and the length of time between each conversion trigger event needs to be greater than or equal to the time required for the longest conversion. SCANEN will return to 0 upon completion of a scan in the single scan mode. Continuous Scan Mode If the SCANMD field in the CONFIG register is set to 1, the ADC will continue to wrap through all channels of the sequencer indefinitely. The continuous scan operation must be initiated by a 0-to-1 transition of the SCANEN bit in the CONFIG register. When the channel sequencer reaches the end of the sequence or the terminate scan value (0x1F), the ADC will begin again with the first channel. The scans will continue until firmware clears the SCANEN bit to 0. Important notes on the use of Scan Mode Note the following important restrictions on the use of Scan Mode: 1. Scan should not be used if interleaved or simultaneous modes are enabled. 2. Burst mode should be enabled (BURSTEN = 1) if using scan. 3. A start-of-conversion trigger is required for each time slot in the sequence. Each trigger needs to be spaced farther apart in time than the amount of time required for the longest conversion in the sequence. For example, if one time slot uses a 64-sample accumulation, the length of time between each conversion Rev. 0.5 589 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx needs to be longer than the time required for one 64-sample accumulation. Data FIFO TS0 Sample SAR Analog to Digital Converter Accumulator DATA TS1 Sample TS2 Sample TS0MUX 0 / ADCn.0 TS0CHR 0 TS1MUX 10 / ADCn.10 TS1CHR 1 TS2MUX 3 / ADCn.3 TS2CHR 0 TS3MUX 0x1F / END TS3CHR TS4MUX TS4CHR TS5MUX TS5CHR TS6MUX TS6CHR TS7MUX TS7CHR Conversion Characteristic 0 Conversion Characteristic 1 Conversion Characteristic 2 (unused) Conversion Characteristic 3 (unused) Sequencer Figure 34.6. Channel Scan Setup and Timing 34.5.5. Single Channel Mode When SCANEN is cleared to 0, the channel sequencer is not active. In this mode, time slot 0 is used for all conversions performed by the ADC. Any of the conversion characteristic setup registers can be used to define the conversion parameters in single configuration mode. The single conversion complete interrupt flag (SCCI in the STATUS register) will be set to 1 after each conversion is complete. Setting the TSnMUX to 0x1F will terminate the scan at that time slot. 34.6. Voltage Reference Configuration The ADC has the option to use several voltage reference sources: the on-chip VREF module, an external voltage reference, a dedicated internal reference for the SARADC block, an internal 1.8V LDO regulator, or the VDD voltage supply. The VREFSEL field in the CONTROL register selects the voltage reference for the ADC. The dedicated SARADC reference will be automatically enabled if it is selected. Optionally, when using the external VREF pin as the reference source, the reference ground is selectable between an internal ground node tied to VSS and the external VREFGND pin. The REFGNDSEL bit in the CONTROL register determines which option is used. When REFGNDSEL is set to use VREFGND and an external input is being measured, the VREFGND pin signal is also used as the ADC’s signal ground reference. Using the external VREFGND can provide for cleaner ADC conversions with an external reference source. The various VREF configuration options are shown in Figure 34.7. 590 Rev. 0.5 VREFSEL VDD Dedicated SARADCn Reference Reference External VREF VREF SAR Analog to Digital Converter VREFn Module Reference ground REFGNDSEL VREFGND VSS Figure 34.7. Voltage Reference Options 34.7. Power Configuration When the ADC is disabled, it will remain in a powered-down, inactive state. The ADC is enabled by setting the ADCEN bit in the CONTROL register to 1, and there are several fields in the CONTROL register to reduce operational power when the ADC is enabled. The MREFLPEN bit can be used to reduce the power to the internal buffers when the SAR clock is operated at a slower speed. Additionally, the BIASSEL field has four selectable power levels that can scale power in regards to the SAR clock speed. The LPMDEN bit is used to reduce the current required during the tracking phase. If the application allows for longer tracking times, LPMDEN can be set to 1. Rev. 0.5 591 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx 34.8. Data Output The ADC allows for several different configurations and post-processing options on the output data. In the basic configuration, individual samples are written into a FIFO at the end of each conversion, and can be read through the DATA register or transferred to RAM using the DMA. The FIFOLVL field in the FIFOSTATUS register indicates the number of 32-bit words currently available in the FIFO. Each data word may contain one or two ADC samples. The order and number of the data words is selected by the PACKMD field in the CONFIG register. When the MSB of PACKMD is 0, only one sample is written per word, and the LSB of the PACKMD field determines whether the sample is written to the upper half or lower half of the 32-bit word. When the MSB of PACKMD is 1, two samples are packed into each output word. The order in which the samples are packed is determined by the LSB of PACKMD. The DPSTS bit in the FIFOSTATUS register indicates the target for the next sample within a data word (upper half or lower half). Figure 34.8 and Figure 34.9 show the data packing options. Output Conversion Half Word Sample 15 0 10-bit sample, right-justified CHRxLS = 0, CHRxRSEL = 0 Sample 15 0 10-bit sample, left-justified CHRxLS = 6, CHRxRSEL = 0 Sample 15 0 12-bit sample, right-justified CHRxLS = 0, CHRxRSEL = 1 Sample 15 0 12-bit sample, left-justified CHRxLS = 4, CHRxRSEL = 1 Sample 15 0 12-bit sample, middle of half-word CHRxLS = 2, CHRxRSEL = 1 Sample Figure 34.8. Sample Formatting 592 Rev. 0.5 DATA Register 31 0 single sample half-word PACKMD = 0 Sample 1 0x0000 0x0000 Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 1 Master Sample Slave Sample 31 0 single sample half-word PACKMD = 1 31 0 two sample half-words PACKMD = 2 31 Single ADC (SIMCEN = 0, INTLVEN = 0) 0 two sample half-words PACKMD = 3 31 0 31 two sample half-words PACKMD = 2 0 Slave Sample Master Sample Sample 1 Sample 2 31 Dual ADCs (SIMCEN = 1) two sample half-words PACKMD = 3 0 31 two sample half-words PACKMD = 2 0 Sample 2 Dual ADCs (INTLVEN = 1) two sample half-words PACKMD = 3 Sample 1 Figure 34.9. ADC Output Data Packing Options Rev. 0.5 593 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx 34.9. Output Data Window Comparator The ADC includes an output data window comparator. Using the window comparator, the ADC output data can be automatically compared against a specified upper and lower limit and trigger an interrupt, when desired. The window comparator limits are set by the WCLIMITS register. The WCGT field in WCLIMITS sets a "greater than" comparison limit, and the WCLT field sets a "less than" comparison limit. These two limit values are always compared against a right-justified output after any accumulation has been performed on the data. The window comparator can be enabled for individual channel characteristics. The window comparator limits work together to determine when an interrupt will be triggered. Firmware can configure the ADC to generate an interrupt when the output is within the two limits or outside of the limits. To generate an interrupt within the two limits, WCLT should be programmed to a higher value than WCGT. To generate an interrupt outside of the two limits, WCGT should be programmed to a higher value than WCLT. Figure 34.10, Figure 34.11, Figure 34.12, and Figure 34.13 show examples of configuring the window comparator limits for different situations. 0xFFFF no interrupt WCLT interrupt generated WCGT no interrupt 0x0000 Figure 34.10. Example Window Comparator Limits for Inside Range (WCGT < WCLT) 0xFFFF interrupt generated WCGT no interrupt WCLT interrupt generated 0x0000 Figure 34.11. Example Window Comparator Limits for Outside Range (WCGT > WCLT) 594 Rev. 0.5 0xFFFF interrupt generated WCGT no interrupt WCLT = 0x0000 Figure 34.12. Example Window Comparator Limits for Above Value (WCGT = Value, WCLT = 0) WCGT = 0xFFFF no interrupt WCLT interrupt generated 0x0000 Figure 34.13. Example Window Comparator Limits for Below Value (WCLT = Value, WCGT = Full Scale) Rev. 0.5 595 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx 34.10. Interrupts The ADC interrupt can be triggered by five different, independently maskable interrupt sources. Two of these interrupts indicate error conditions, while the other three are primarily used for non-DMA operation. All interrupt status flags are located in the STATUS register and must be cleared by software. Descriptions of each interrupt condition are below: FURI: The FIFO underrun interrupt flag is set when a read from the DATA register is initiated while the FIFO is empty (FIFOLVL = 0). The read of the DATA register in this event will return the previous ADC result. FORI: The FIFO overrun interrupt flag is set when a new ADC data word (containing one or two samples) is to be written to the FIFO and the FIFO is full. If a FIFO overrun occurs, the data word that triggered the overrun will be lost. SDI: The scan done interrupt flag is set when scan mode is enabled and a channel scan sequence completes a single scan operation. In continuous scan mode, the SDI flag will be set when firmware exits scan. SCCI: The single conversion complete interrupt flag is set at the end of every conversion or accumulated conversion (when accumulation is enabled). WCI: The window comparator interrupt is set when a window comparison event happens and the current sequencer channel has enabled the interrupt. 596 Rev. 0.5 34.11. DMA Configuration and Usage DMA can be used to pipe the ADC data out of the FIFO into RAM, allowing more bandwidth for the core to perform other tasks. Note that the DMA will only start a transfer when there are 4 elements in the FIFO. For the SARADC module, the DMA should be configured as follows: Source size (SRCSIZE) and destination size (DSTSIZE) are 2 for a word transfer. The source address increment (SRCAIMD) is 3 for non-incrementing mode. The destination address increment (DSTAIMD) is 2 for word increments. (where NCOUNT+1 is the number of 4-byte words) and RPOWER (where 2RPOWER is the number of data transfers) set as described below. Note that RPOWER > 2 is not valid setting. NCOUNT RPOWER = 0 and NCOUNT = 0. As soon as the FIFO reaches 4 words, the first word will be transferred using the DMA. In this configuration, there will always be 3 lagging elements in the FIFO. RPOWER = 1 and NCOUNT = 1. As soon as the FIFO reaches 4 words, the first two words will be transferred using the DMA. In this configuration, there will always be 2 lagging elements in the FIFO. RPOWER = 2 and NCOUNT = 3. As soon as the FIFO reaches 4 words, all elements in the FIFO will be transferred using the DMA. In this configuration, there will be no lagging elements in the FIFO. Once the DMA is configured, writing a 1 to DMAEN in the CONFIG register will enable the DMA transfers from the ADC. The FIFO will continue to be serviced by the DMA until the specified transfer operation is complete. SiM3xxxx Address Space SARADCn Module Master Control DMA Module SARADC Sample Data Less Than Greater Than DMA Channel Comparator SAR Analog to Digital Converter Accumulator Left Shift Data FIFO Channel Sequencer DMA Channel DATA FIFO Status and Control DMA Channel Conversion Characteristic 0 Conversion Characteristic 1 Conversion Characteristic 2 Conversion Characteristic 3 Figure 34.14. SARADC DMA Configuration Rev. 0.5 597 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx 34.12. SARADC0 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for SARADC0 registers. 31 30 29 28 27 Name FURIEN FORIEN SDIEN SCCIEN CLKDIV Type R RW RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Name DMAEN Reserved SCANMD Reserved 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 Type RW RW R RW R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCANEN Bit Reserved Register 34.1. SARADC0_CONFIG: Module Configuration BCLKSEL SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Reserved PACKMD Reserved RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_CONFIG = 0x4001_A000 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 34.3. SARADC0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31 Reserved Must write reset value. 30 FURIEN FIFO Underrun Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the data FIFO underrun interrupt. 1: Enable the data FIFO underrun interrupt. 29 FORIEN FIFO Overrun Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the data FIFO overrun interrupt. 1: Enable the data FIFO overrun interrupt. 28 SDIEN Scan Done Interrupt Enable. This bit enables the generation of an interrupt when the channel sequencer has cycled through all of the specified time slots. 0: Disable the ADC scan complete interrupt. 1: Enable the ADC scan complete interrupt. 27 598 SCCIEN Single Conversion Complete Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the ADC single data conversion complete interrupt. 1: Enable the ADC single data conversion complete interrupt. Rev. 0.5 Table 34.3. SARADC0_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 26:16 CLKDIV SAR Clock Divider. This field sets the ADC clock divider value. It should be configured to be as close to the maximum SAR clock speed as the datasheet will allow. When CLKDIV < 3, the APB clock is used as the SAR clock. When CLKDIV > 3, the SAR clock frequency is given by the following equation: 2 F APB F CLKSAR = ------------------------------CLKDIV + 1 15 BCLKSEL Burst Mode Clock Select. 0: Burst mode uses the Low Power Oscillator. 1: Burst mode uses the APB clock. 14 DMAEN 13 Reserved Must write reset value. 12 SCANMD Scan Mode Select. 0: The channel sequencer will cycle through all of the specified time slots once. 1: The channel sequencer will cycle through all of the specified time slots in a loop until SCANEN is cleared to 0. 11 Reserved Must write reset value. 10 SCANEN Scan Mode Enable. Setting this bit to 1 enables the ADC to scan through the specified time slots in the channel sequencer. The sequence begins on a 0-to-1 transition of this bit, so it must be 0 before a write to 1 to have any effect. 0: Disable ADC scan mode. 1: Enable ADC scan mode. The ADC will scan through the defined time slots in sequence on every start of conversion. 9:8 Reserved Must write reset value. 7:6 PACKMD Output Packing Mode. This field specifies how the ADC output data will be packed into the data registers. 00: Data is written to the upper half-word and the lower half-word is filled with 0's. An SCI interrupt is triggered when data is written, if enabled. 01: Data is written to the lower half-word, and the upper half-word is filled with 0's. An SCI interrupt is triggered when data is written, if enabled. 10: Two data words are packed into the register with the upper half-word representing the earlier data, and the lower half-word representing the later data. The ADC write to the lower half-word will trigger the SCI interrupt, if enabled. 11: Two data words are packed into the register with the lower half-word representing the earlier data, and the upper half-word representing the later data. The ADC write to the upper half-word will trigger the SCI interrupt, if enabled. 5:0 Reserved Must write reset value. DMA Interface Enable . 0: Disable the ADC module DMA interface. 1: Enable the ADC module DMA interface. Rev. 0.5 599 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Register 34.2. SARADC0_CONTROL: Measurement Control RW RW 21 20 19 18 17 16 BURSTEN RW 22 ADCEN RW 23 AD12BSSEL Reserved 24 VCMEN 25 Reserved 26 ACCMD 27 TRKMD 28 ADBUSY 29 BIASSEL Type 30 LPMDEN Name 31 MREFLPEN Bit VREFSEL RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name PWRTIME SCSEL BMTK REFGNDSEL Reset CLKESEL SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Type RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 Reset 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_CONTROL = 0x4001_A010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 34.4. SARADC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:30 VREFSEL Voltage Reference Select. 00: Select the internal, dedicated SARADC voltage reference as the ADC reference. 01: Select the VBAT pin as the ADC reference. 10: Select the output of the internal LDO regulator (~1.8 V) as the ADC reference. 11: Select the VREF pin as the ADC reference. This option is used for either an external VREF or the on-chip VREF driving out to the VREF pin. 29:28 Reserved Must write reset value. 27 MREFLPEN MUX and VREF Low Power Enable. This bit is used to limit the power of the internal buffers used on the reference and the mux. It can be set to 1 to reduce power consumptionwhen the SAR clock is slowed down. 0: Disable low power mode. 1: Enable low power mode (SAR clock < 4 MHz). 600 Rev. 0.5 Table 34.4. SARADC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 26 LPMDEN Low Power Mode Enable. This bit can be used to reduce power to one of the ADC's internal nodes. It can be set to 1 to reduce power when tracking times in the application are longer (slower sample rates). 0: Disable low power mode. 1: Enable low power mode (requires extended tracking time). 25:24 BIASSEL Bias Power Select. This field can be used to adjust the ADC's power consumption based on the conversion speed. Higher bias currents allow for faster conversion times. 00: Select bias current mode 0. Recommended to use modes 1, 2, or 3. 01: Select bias current mode 1 (SARCLK = 16 MHz). 10: Select bias current mode 2. 11: Select bias current mode 3 (SARCLK = 4 MHz). 23 ADBUSY ADC Busy. This bit indicates that the ADC is currently converting (not tracking). Writing 1 to this bit in "On Demand" trigger mode initiates a conversion. 22 TRKMD ADC Tracking Mode. 0: Normal Tracking Mode: When the ADC is enabled, a conversion begins immediately following the start-of-conversion signal. 1: Delayed Tracking Mode: When the ADC is enabled, a conversion begins 3 SAR clock cycles following the start-of-conversion signal. The ADC is allowed to track during this time. 21 ACCMD Accumulation Mode. This bit is used to enable or disable accumulation when burst mode is enabled (BURSTEN = 1). 0: Conversions will be accumulated for the specified number of cycles in burst mode according to the channel configuration. 1: Conversions will not be accumulated in burst mode. 20 Reserved 19 VCMEN 18 AD12BSSEL 17 ADCEN 16 BURSTEN Must write reset value. Common Mode Buffer Enable. 0: Disable the common mode buffer. 1: Enable the common mode buffer. 12-Bit Mode Sample Select. This bit defines how the ADC samples the analog input in 12-bit mode. 0: The ADC re-samples the input before each of the four conversions. 1: The ADC samples once before the first conversion and converts four times. ADC Enable. 0: Disable the ADC (low-power shutdown). 1: Enable the ADC (active and ready for data conversions). Burst Mode Enable. This bit should be set to enable burst mode or any other ADC mode which relies on burst mode (such as 12-bit operation). Rev. 0.5 601 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Table 34.4. SARADC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 15:12 PWRTIME Function Burst Mode Power Up Time. This field sets the time delay allowed for the ADC to power up from a low power state. 8 PWRTIME T PWRTIME = -------------------------------------F APB 11:8 SCSEL Start-Of-Conversion Source Select. This field specifies the event used to initiate conversions. 0000: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT0 trigger source. 0001: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT1 trigger source. 0010: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT2 trigger source. 0011: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT3 trigger source. 0100: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT4 trigger source. 0101: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT5 trigger source. 0110: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT6 trigger source. 0111: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT7 trigger source. 1000: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT8 trigger source. 1001: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT9 trigger source. 1010: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT10 trigger source. 1011: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT11 trigger source. 1100: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT12 trigger source. 1101: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT13 trigger source. 1110: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT14 trigger source. 1111: An ADC conversion triggers from the ADCnT15 trigger source. 7:2 BMTK Burst Mode Tracking Time. This field sets the time delay between consecutive conversions performed in Burst Mode. 64 – BMTK + 3 TRKMD T BMTK = ----------------------------------------------------------------------F APB Note: The Burst Mode track delay is not inserted prior to the first conversion. The required tracking time for the first conversion should be defined with the ADPWM field. 1 602 CLKESEL Sampling Clock Edge Select. This bit selects which edge of the APB clock is used during sampling. Note that if the core is halted and a conversion completes while this bit is set to 1, the SCCI bit will not set. It is recommended to leave this bit at 0 when debugging SAR-related firmware. 0: Select the rising edge of the APB clock. 1: Select the falling edge of the APB clock. Rev. 0.5 Table 34.4. SARADC0_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 0 REFGNDSEL Reference Ground Select. This bit selects the reference ground for ADC conversions. The internal ground is always used for temperature sensor measurements. 0: The internal device ground is used as the ground reference for ADC conversions. 1: The VREFGND pin is used as the ground reference for ADC conversions. Rev. 0.5 603 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Bit 31 23 Name TS7MUX TS7CHR Type R RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name TS5MUX TS5CHR Type R RW RW Reset 0 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 25 0 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 TS6MUX TS6CHR R RW RW Reserved 30 Reserved 24 Reserved Register 34.3. SARADC0_SQ7654: Channel Sequencer Time Slots 4-7 Setup Reserved SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx TS4MUX TS4CHR R RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_SQ7654 = 0x4001_A020 Table 34.5. SARADC0_SQ7654 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 Reserved Must write reset value. 30:26 TS7MUX Time Slot 7 Input Channel. A value of x in this field selects the ADCn.x channel as the ADCn input during this time slot. Set this field to 0x1F to terminate the scan at this slot. 25:24 TS7CHR Time Slot 7 Conversion Characteristic. Selects which of the conversion characteristic settings is used for this time slot. 00: Select conversion characteristic 0 for time slot 7. 01: Select conversion characteristic 1 for time slot 7. 10: Select conversion characteristic 2 for time slot 7. 11: Select conversion characteristic 3 for time slot 7. 23 Reserved Must write reset value. 22:18 TS6MUX Time Slot 6 Input Channel. A value of x in this field selects the ADCn.x channel as the ADCn input during this time slot. Set this field to 0x1F to terminate the scan at this slot. 17:16 TS6CHR Time Slot 6 Conversion Characteristic. Selects which of the conversion characteristic settings is used for this time slot. 00: Select conversion characteristic 0 for time slot 6. 01: Select conversion characteristic 1 for time slot 6. 10: Select conversion characteristic 2 for time slot 6. 11: Select conversion characteristic 3 for time slot 6. 604 Function Rev. 0.5 Table 34.5. SARADC0_SQ7654 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 15 Reserved Must write reset value. 14:10 TS5MUX Time Slot 5 Input Channel. A value of x in this field selects the ADCn.x channel as the ADCn input during this time slot. Set this field to 0x1F to terminate the scan at this slot. 9:8 TS5CHR Time Slot 5 Conversion Characteristic. Selects which of the conversion characteristic settings is used for this time slot. 00: Select conversion characteristic 0 for time slot 5. 01: Select conversion characteristic 1 for time slot 5. 10: Select conversion characteristic 2 for time slot 5. 11: Select conversion characteristic 3 for time slot 5. 7 Reserved Must write reset value. 6:2 TS4MUX Time Slot 4 Input Channel. A value of x in this field selects the ADCn.x channel as the ADCn input during this time slot. Set this field to 0x1F to terminate the scan at this slot. 1:0 TS4CHR Time Slot 4 Conversion Characteristic. Selects which of the conversion characteristic settings is used for this time slot. 00: Select conversion characteristic 0 for time slot 4. 01: Select conversion characteristic 1 for time slot 4. 10: Select conversion characteristic 2 for time slot 4. 11: Select conversion characteristic 3 for time slot 4. Rev. 0.5 605 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Bit 31 23 Name TS3MUX TS3CHR Type R RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name TS1MUX TS1CHR Type R RW RW Reset 0 0 29 0 28 0 27 0 26 0 25 0 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 TS2MUX TS2CHR R RW RW Reserved 30 Reserved 24 Reserved Register 34.4. SARADC0_SQ3210: Channel Sequencer Time Slots 0-3 Setup Reserved SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx TS0MUX TS0CHR R RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_SQ3210 = 0x4001_A030 Table 34.6. SARADC0_SQ3210 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31 Reserved Must write reset value. 30:26 TS3MUX Time Slot 3 Input Channel. A value of x in this field selects the ADCn.x channel as the ADCn input during this time slot. Set this field to 0x1F to terminate the scan at this slot. 25:24 TS3CHR Time Slot 3 Conversion Characteristic. Selects which of the conversion characteristic settings is used for this time slot. 00: Select conversion characteristic 0 for time slot 3. 01: Select conversion characteristic 1 for time slot 3. 10: Select conversion characteristic 2 for time slot 3. 11: Select conversion characteristic 3 for time slot 3. 23 Reserved Must write reset value. 22:18 TS2MUX Time Slot 2 Input Channel. A value of x in this field selects the ADCn.x channel as the ADCn input during this time slot. Set this field to 0x1F to terminate the scan at this slot. 17:16 TS2CHR Time Slot 2 Conversion Characteristic. Selects which of the conversion characteristic settings is used for this time slot. 00: Select conversion characteristic 0 for time slot 2. 01: Select conversion characteristic 1 for time slot 2. 10: Select conversion characteristic 2 for time slot 2. 11: Select conversion characteristic 3 for time slot 2. 606 Function Rev. 0.5 Table 34.6. SARADC0_SQ3210 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 15 Reserved Must write reset value. 14:10 TS1MUX Time Slot 1 Input Channel. A value of x in this field selects the ADCn.x channel as the ADCn input during this time slot. Set this field to 0x1F to terminate the scan at this slot. 9:8 TS1CHR Time Slot 1 Conversion Characteristic. Selects which of the conversion characteristic settings is used for this time slot. 00: Select conversion characteristic 0 for time slot 1. 01: Select conversion characteristic 1 for time slot 1. 10: Select conversion characteristic 2 for time slot 1. 11: Select conversion characteristic 3 for time slot 1. 7 Reserved Must write reset value. 6:2 TS0MUX Time Slot 0 Input Channel. A value of x in this field selects the ADCn.x channel as the ADCn input during this time slot. Set this field to 0x1F to terminate the scan at this slot. Time Slot 0 is also used to specify the parameters for single (non-scan mode) conversions. 1:0 TS0CHR Time Slot 0 Conversion Characteristic. Selects which of the conversion characteristic settings is used for this time slot. 00: Select conversion characteristic 0 for time slot 0. 01: Select conversion characteristic 1 for time slot 0. 10: Select conversion characteristic 2 for time slot 0. 11: Select conversion characteristic 3 for time slot 0. Rev. 0.5 607 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Register 34.5. SARADC0_CHAR32: Conversion Characteristic 2 and 3 Setup 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 CHR3LS CHR3RPT CHR3GN 30 CHR3RSEL 31 CHR3WCIEN Bit RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Type R RW 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CHR2LS CHR2RPT CHR2GN Reserved CHR2RSEL Name CHR2WCIEN SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_CHAR32 = 0x4001_A040 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 34.7. SARADC0_CHAR32 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:25 Reserved 24 CHR3WCIEN 23 CHR3RSEL 22:20 CHR3LS 608 Function Must write reset value. Conversion Characteristic 3 Window Comparator Interrupt Enable. Enable window comparison interrupts for this channel. 0: Disable window comparison interrupts. 1: Enabled window comparison interrupts. The window comparator will be used to check the ADC result on channels that use this characteristic. Conversion Characteristic 3 Resolution Selection. Select between 10- and 12-bit mode. 0: Select 10-bit Mode. 1: Select 12-bit Mode (burst mode must be enabled). Conversion Characteristic 3 Left-Shift Bits. This field specifies the number of bits to shift the result left at conversion completion. A zero value produces a fully right-justified result. Rev. 0.5 Table 34.7. SARADC0_CHAR32 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 19:17 CHR3RPT Conversion Characteristic 3 Repeat Counter. This field determines the number of samples the converter will accumulate in burst mode when the accumulation option is enabled. 000: Accumulate one sample. 001: Accumulate four samples. 010: Accumulate eight samples. 011: Accumulate sixteen samples. 100: Accumulate thirty-two samples (10-bit mode only). 101: Accumulate sixty-four samples (10-bit mode only). 110-111: Reserved. 16 CHR3GN Conversion Characteristic 3 Gain. 0: The on-chip PGA gain is 1. 1: The on-chip PGA gain is 0.5. 15:9 Reserved Must write reset value. 8 CHR2WCIEN 7 CHR2RSEL 6:4 CHR2LS 3:1 CHR2RPT Conversion Characteristic 2 Repeat Counter. This field determines the number of samples the converter will accumulate in burst mode when the accumulation option is enabled. 000: Accumulate one sample. 001: Accumulate four samples. 010: Accumulate eight samples. 011: Accumulate sixteen samples. 100: Accumulate thirty-two samples (10-bit mode only). 101: Accumulate sixty-four samples (10-bit mode only). 110-111: Reserved. 0 CHR2GN Conversion Characteristic 2 Gain. 0: The on-chip PGA gain is 1. 1: The on-chip PGA gain is 0.5. Conversion Characteristic 2 Window Comparator Interrupt Enable. Enable window comparison interrupts for this channel. 0: Disable window comparison interrupts. 1: Enabled window comparison interrupts. The window comparator will be used to check the ADC result on channels that use this characteristic. Conversion Characteristic 2 Resolution Selection. Select between 10- and 12-bit mode. 0: Select 10-bit Mode. 1: Select 12-bit Mode (burst mode must be enabled). Conversion Characteristic 2 Left-Shift Bits. This field specifies the number of bits to shift the result left at conversion completion. A zero value produces a fully right-justified result. Rev. 0.5 609 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Register 34.6. SARADC0_CHAR10: Conversion Characteristic 0 and 1 Setup 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 CHR1LS CHR1RPT CHR1GN 30 CHR1RSEL 31 CHR1WCIEN Bit RW RW RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Type R RW 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CHR0LS CHR0RPT CHR0GN Reserved CHR0RSEL Name CHR0WCIEN SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_CHAR10 = 0x4001_A050 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 34.8. SARADC0_CHAR10 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:25 Reserved 24 CHR1WCIEN 23 CHR1RSEL 22:20 CHR1LS 610 Function Must write reset value. Conversion Characteristic 1 Window Comparator Interrupt Enable. Enable window comparison interrupts for this channel. 0: Disable window comparison interrupts. 1: Enabled window comparison interrupts. The window comparator will be used to check the ADC result on channels that use this characteristic. Conversion Characteristic 1 Resolution Selection. Select between 10- and 12-bit mode. 0: Select 10-bit Mode. 1: Select 12-bit Mode (burst mode must be enabled). Conversion Characteristic 1 Left-Shift Bits. This field specifies the number of bits to shift the result left at conversion completion. A zero value produces a fully right-justified result. Rev. 0.5 Table 34.8. SARADC0_CHAR10 Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 19:17 CHR1RPT Conversion Characteristic 1 Repeat Counter. This field determines the number of samples the converter will accumulate in burst mode when the accumulation option is enabled. 000: Accumulate one sample. 001: Accumulate four samples. 010: Accumulate eight samples. 011: Accumulate sixteen samples. 100: Accumulate thirty-two samples (10-bit mode only). 101: Accumulate sixty-four samples (10-bit mode only). 110-111: Reserved. 16 CHR1GN Conversion Characteristic 1 Gain. 0: The on-chip PGA gain is 1. 1: The on-chip PGA gain is 0.5. 15:9 Reserved Must write reset value. 8 CHR0WCIEN 7 CHR0RSEL 6:4 CHR0LS 3:1 CHR0RPT Conversion Characteristic 0 Repeat Counter. This field determines the number of samples the converter will accumulate in burst mode when the accumulation option is enabled. 000: Accumulate one sample. 001: Accumulate four samples. 010: Accumulate eight samples. 011: Accumulate sixteen samples. 100: Accumulate thirty-two samples (10-bit mode only). 101: Accumulate sixty-four samples (10-bit mode only). 110-111: Reserved. 0 CHR0GN Conversion Characteristic 0 Gain. 0: The on-chip PGA gain is 1. 1: The on-chip PGA gain is 0.5. Conversion Characteristic 0 Window Comparator Interrupt Enable. Enable window comparison interrupts for this channel. 0: Disable window comparison interrupts. 1: Enabled window comparison interrupts. The window comparator will be used to check the ADC result on channels that use this characteristic. Conversion Characteristic 0 Resolution Selection. Select between 10- and 12-bit mode. 0: Select 10-bit Mode. 1: Select 12-bit Mode (burst mode must be enabled). Conversion Characteristic 0 Left-Shift Bits. This field specifies the number of bits to shift the result left at conversion completion. A zero value produces a fully right-justified result. Rev. 0.5 611 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Register 34.7. SARADC0_DATA: Output Data Word Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name DATA[31:16] Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name DATA[15:0] Type R Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_DATA = 0x4001_A060 Table 34.9. SARADC0_DATA Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:0 DATA 612 Function Output Data Word. The DATA register represents the oldest information available in the FIFO. When DATA is read, FIFOLVL decrements by one, and the FIFO pointer will point to the next value in the FIFO. Data is packed according to the PACKMD field. Rev. 0.5 Register 34.8. SARADC0_WCLIMITS: Window Comparator Limits Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name WCGT Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name WCLT Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_WCLIMITS = 0x4001_A070 Table 34.10. SARADC0_WCLIMITS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 WCGT Function Greater-Than Window Comparator Limit. This field is the right-justified "greater than" parameter for the window comparator. ADC output data will be compared against this value when it is available. When WCLT is greater than WCGT, an ADC result between the two limits will cause a window compare interrupt, if enabled. When WCLT is less than WCGT, an ADC result above or below the two limits (but not in between) will cause a window compare interrupt, if enabled. 15:0 WCLT Less-Than Window Comparator Limit. This field is the right-justified "less than" parameter for the window comparator. ADC output data will be compared against this value when it is available. When WCLT is greater than WCGT, an ADC result between the two limits will cause a window compare interrupt, if enabled. When WCLT is less than WCGT, an ADC result above or below the two limits (but not in between) will cause a window compare interrupt, if enabled. Rev. 0.5 613 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Register 34.9. SARADC0_ACC: Accumulator Initial Value Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name ACC Type W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_ACC = 0x4001_A080 Table 34.11. SARADC0_ACC Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 ACC 614 Function Must write reset value. Accumulator Initial Value. This write-only field is used to set the accumulator to an initial value. In most cases, this field should be written to zero before beginning a conversion or a scan sequence when accumulation is enabled (ACCMD = 0). Rev. 0.5 Register 34.10. SARADC0_STATUS: Module Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved WCI 0 SCCI 0 SDI 0 FORI 0 FURI Reset Type R RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_STATUS = 0x4001_A090 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 34.12. SARADC0_STATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:5 Reserved 4 FURI FIFO Underrun Interrupt. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a FIFO underrun event has occured, and can be used to trigger an interrupt if enabled. This bit must be cleared by software. 3 FORI FIFO Overrun Interrupt. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a FIFO overrun event has occured, and can be used to trigger an interrupt if enabled. This bit must be cleared by software. 2 SDI Scan Done Interrupt. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a scan operation is complete, and can be used to trigger an interrupt if enabled. This bit must be cleared by software. 1 SCCI Single Conversion Complete Interrupt. This bit is set to 1 by hardware at the end of each conversion, and can be used to trigger an interrupt if enabled. This bit must be cleared by software. 0 WCI Window Compare Interrupt. This bit is set to 1 by hardware when a window comparator event has occurred, and can be used to trigger an interupt if enabled. This bit must be cleared by software. Must write reset value. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 615 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Register 34.11. SARADC0_FIFOSTATUS: FIFO Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved DPSTS Reset DRDYF SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx FIFOLVL Type R R R R 0 1 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Address SARADC0_FIFOSTATUS = 0x4001_A0A0 Table 34.13. SARADC0_FIFOSTATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:6 Reserved 5 DRDYF Data Ready Flag. This bit indicates that new data is ready to be written into the FIFO. It is set after the data conversion is complete and cleared by any new conversion start trigger. 0: New data is not produced yet. 1: New data is ready. 4 DPSTS Data Packing Status. This is a read only status bit indicating to which half-word the hardware will write the next ADC output data. 0: The next ADC conversion will be written to the lower half-word. 1: The next ADC conversion will be written to the upper half-word. 3:0 FIFOLVL 616 Function Must write reset value. FIFO Level. This is the number of ADC words in the FIFO. Each word may contain one or two samples depending on the packing mode (PACKMD). Rev. 0.5 SARADC0_SQ3210 SARADC0_SQ7654 SARADC0_CONTROL SARADC0_CONFIG Register Name 0x4001_A010 0x4001_A030 ALL Address 0x4001_A020 0x4001_A000 ALL | SET | CLR ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit 31 VREFSEL FURIEN Bit 30 FORIEN Bit 29 Reserved TS3MUX TS7MUX SDIEN Bit 28 MREFLPEN SCCIEN Bit 27 LPMDEN Bit 26 Bit 25 TS3CHR TS7CHR BIASSEL Bit 24 Reserved Reserved ADBUSY Bit 23 TRKMD Bit 22 CLKDIV ACCMD Bit 21 TS2MUX TS6MUX Reserved Bit 20 VCMEN Bit 19 AD12BSSEL Bit 18 ADCEN Bit 17 TS2CHR TS6CHR BURSTEN Bit 16 Reserved Reserved BCLKSEL Bit 15 DMAEN Bit 14 PWRTIME Reserved Bit 13 TS1MUX TS5MUX SCANMD Bit 12 Reserved Bit 11 SCANEN Bit 10 SCSEL Bit 9 TS1CHR TS5CHR Reserved Bit 8 Reserved Reserved Bit 7 PACKMD Bit 6 Bit 5 BMTK TS0MUX TS4MUX Bit 4 Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 CLKESEL Bit 1 TS0CHR TS4CHR REFGNDSEL Bit 0 34.13. SARADC0 Register Memory Map Table 34.14. SARADC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 617 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx SARADC0_ACC SARADC0_WCLIMITS SARADC0_DATA SARADC0_CHAR10 SARADC0_CHAR32 Register Name 0x4001_A080 0x4001_A070 0x4001_A060 0x4001_A050 0x4001_A040 ALL Address ALL ALL ALL ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Reserved Reserved Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 CHR1WCIEN CHR3WCIEN Bit 24 Reserved WCGT CHR1RSEL CHR3RSEL Bit 23 Bit 22 CHR1LS CHR3LS Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 CHR1RPT CHR3RPT Bit 18 Bit 17 CHR1GN CHR3GN Bit 16 DATA Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Reserved Reserved Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 CHR0WCIEN CHR2WCIEN Bit 8 ACC WCLT CHR0RSEL CHR2RSEL Bit 7 Bit 6 CHR0LS CHR2LS Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 CHR0RPT CHR2RPT Bit 2 Bit 1 CHR0GN CHR2GN Bit 0 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Table 34.14. SARADC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 618 Rev. 0.5 SARADC0_FIFOSTATUS SARADC0_STATUS Register Name 0x4001_A090 ALL Address 0x4001_A0A0 ALL | SET | CLR Access Methods ALL Bit 31 Bit 30 Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 Bit 25 Bit 24 Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 Reserved Reserved Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 DRDYF Bit 5 FURI DPSTS Bit 4 FORI Bit 3 SDI Bit 2 FIFOLVL SCCI Bit 1 WCI Bit 0 Table 34.14. SARADC0 Memory Map Note: The "ALL Address" refers to the absolute address of the ALL access method for a register. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. For example, a register whose ALL address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. Rev. 0.5 619 SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter (SARADC0) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx 35. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) This section describes the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 35.1. SPI Features The SPI module includes the following features: Supports 3- or 4-wire master or slave modes. Supports up to 10 MHz clock in master mode and one-tenth of the APB clock in slave mode. Support for all clock phase polarity and slave select (NSS) polarity modes. Hardware control of NSS. 16-bit programmable clock rate. Programmable MSB-first or LSB-first shifting. 8-byte FIFO buffers for both transmit and receive data paths to support high speed transfers. Programmable FIFO threshold level to request data service for DMA transfers. Support for multiple masters on the same data lines. Hardware flow control options (SPI1 only). SPI Module NSS Polarity Data Direction SCK Phase Master or Slave SCK Polarity Data Size CTS (SPI1) APB Clock Bus Control Clock Rate SCK NSS MISO DATA Shift Register TX FIFO RX FIFO FIFO Status and Control Figure 35.1. SPI Block Diagram 620 Rev. 0.5 MOSI 35.2. External Signal Routing SPI0 is assigned to pins using the crossbar, while the SPI1 peripheral is available only on dedicated PB2 port I/O pins. To enable the SPI on the port, the SPI1SEL bit in register PBCFG0_CONTROL1 should be set to 1. SPI1 signals are mapped as shown in Table 35.1. Note that in addition to the standard SPI signals, SPI1 also includes a handshaking signal (CTS). Table 35.1. SPI1 Pin Mapping SPI1 Signal Pin Name (All Packages) SPI1_CTS PB2.0 SPI1_SCLK PB2.4 SPI1_MISO PB2.5 SPI1_MOSI PB2.6 SPI1_NSS PB2.7 35.3. Signal Descriptions The four standard signals used by the SPI module are MOSI, MISO, SCK, NSS. Figure 35.2 shows a typical SPI transfer. 35.3.1. Master Out, Slave In (MOSI) The master-out, slave-in (MOSI) signal is an output from a master device and an input to the slave devices on the bus. It is used to serially transfer data from the master to the slaves. This MOSI pin is an output when the module operates as a master and an input when operating as a slave. 35.3.2. Master In, Slave Out (MISO) The master-in, slave-out (MISO) signal is an output from a slave device and an input to the master device. It is used to serially transfer data from the slave to the master. The MISO pin is an input when the SPI module operates as a master and an output when operating as a slave. The hardware places the MISO pin in a high-impedance state when the module is disabled or when the module operates in 4-wire mode as a slave that is not selected. 35.3.3. Serial Clock (SCK) The serial clock (SCK) signal is an output from the master device and an input to the slave devices. It is used to synchronize the transfer of data between the master and slave on the MOSI and MISO pins. The SCK pin is an output driving the clock when operating as a master and an input receiving the clock when operating as a slave. 35.3.4. Slave Select (NSS) The slave select (NSS) signal can be an output from a master device (in 4-wire single master mode), an input to a master device (in 4-wire multiple master), an input to a slave device (in 4-wire slave mode), or unused/ unconnected (in 3-wire master or 3-wire slave mode). The slave select mode (NSSMD) field in the CONFIG register configures the NSS pin for the desired mode. The NSS signal may be optionally connected to a physical pin. The device port configuration module has more information. Rev. 0.5 621 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx SCK MOSI MDn MDn-1 MD4 MD3 MD2 MD1 MD0 MISO SDn SDn-1 SD4 SD3 SD2 SD1 SD0 Bit n Bit n-1 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 NSS ... Figure 35.2. 4-Wire SPI Transfer 35.4. Clear to Send (CTS–SPI1 Only) The clear to send (CTS) signal is an input available only on SPI1. When used in flow control mode, or transmit on request mode, the CTS signal may be used by a slave device to hold off or request transfers from the master. 622 Rev. 0.5 35.5. Clocking The APB clock is the clock source for the SPI module. The SCK output clock in master mode is a divided version of this clock. In both master and slave modes, the clock signal present on the SCK pin determines when data is shifted out of or into the data shift register. 35.5.1. Master Mode Clocking In master mode, an internal clock rate generator is used to divide down the APB clock to produce the desired SCK rate, and the hardware drives the SCK pin as an output from the device. The 16-bit clock divider (CLKDIV) field in the CLKRATE register sets the SCK frequency as a fraction of the APB clock. The CLKDIV field description describes the equation for the SCK frequency as a function of the APB clock. 35.5.2. Slave Mode Clocking The CLKDIV field is not used in slave mode, and the SCK pin becomes an input to the device. A different device should be configured as the SPI bus master and is expected to drive the SCK input at the desired frequency. The maximum input SCK rate in slave mode is equal to the APB clock frequency divided by 10. 35.6. Signal Format The SPI module has flexible data formatting options. The data length, clock phase, clock polarity, shift direction, and NSS polarity are all selectable via fields in the CONFIG register. 35.6.1. Data Size and Shift Direction The data size (DSIZE) field configures the transfer data length to be between 1 and 16 bits. DSIZE should be set to one less than the desired data length; for an 8-bit data length, firmware should set DSIZE to 7. The data direction select (DDIRSEL) field configures the data shift direction for both transmitted and received data. The hardware can shift data MSB first (DDIRSEL = 0) or LSB first (DDIRSEL = 1). 35.6.2. Slave Select Polarity The slave select polarity (NSSPOL) bit determines the polarity of the NSS pin for both master mode where NSS is an output and for slave mode where NSS is an input. The pin can be active low (NSSPOL = 0) or active high (NSSPOL = 1). 35.6.3. Clock Phase and Polarity Configuration The CLKPHA and CLKPOL bits configure the SCK pin phase and polarity, respectively. Clearing CLKPHA to 0 places the SCK rising or falling edge at the center of the data bit, and setting CLKPHA to 1 places the SCK rising or falling edge at the data bit transition edge. The clock can also be idle low (CLKPOL = 0) or idle high (CLKPOL = 1). The CLKPHA and CLKPOL bits must be set in both master and slave modes. In master mode, these bits determine the characteristics of the clock driven on of the SCK output. In slave mode, these bits set the characteristics of the clock that the module expects to receive on the SCK input. The clock phase and polarity settings determine when the data transitions take place with respect to the SCK phase. Figure 35.3 illustrates all clock polarity and phase combinations when DDIRSEL is cleared to 0. Figure 35.4 illustrates all clock polarity and phase combinations when DDIRSEL is set to 1. Rev. 0.5 623 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx CLKPHA = 0 CLKPOL = 0 SCK MOSI Dn Dn-1 Bit n Bit n-1 Dn Dn-1 Bit n Bit n-1 Dn Dn-1 Bit n Bit n-1 Dn Dn-1 Bit n Bit n-1 ... D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 CLKPHA = 0 CLKPOL = 1 SCK MOSI ... CLKPHA = 1 CLKPOL = 0 SCK MOSI ... CLKPHA = 1 CLKPOL = 1 SCK MOSI ... Figure 35.3. SPI Clock Polarity and Phase Combinations (DDIRSEL = 0, Master Mode) 624 Rev. 0.5 CLKPHA = 0 CLKPOL = 0 SCK MOSI D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 ... Dn-1 Dn Bit n-1 Bit n Dn-1 Dn Bit n-1 Bit n Dn-1 Dn Bit n-1 Bit n Dn-1 Dn Bit n-1 Bit n CLKPHA = 0 CLKPOL = 1 SCK MOSI ... CLKPHA = 1 CLKPOL = 0 SCK MOSI ... CLKPHA = 1 CLKPOL = 1 SCK MOSI ... Figure 35.4. SPI Clock Polarity and Phase Combinations (DDIRSEL = 1, Master Mode) Rev. 0.5 625 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx 35.7. Master Mode Configurations and Data Transfer Firmware can set the MSTEN bit to 1 to configure the module as a master. The module supports three different options of master mode operation. 35.7.1. 3-Wire Single Master Mode In 3-wire single master mode (NSSMD = 0), the slave select (NSS) pin is not required and need not be connected to port pins by the device port configuration module. In this mode, the device should be connected to a single slave device that either doesn't support an NSS input. To support multiple slaves in 3-wire single master mode, each slave device must have an NSS input, the NSS inputs must be connected to a unique port pin on the master device, and each pin must be controlled from firmware. Figure 35.5 illustrates the master-slave connection diagram for 3-wire single master mode. Master Device Slave Device SCK SCK SPIn Module MISO MISO MOSI MOSI NSS Figure 35.5. 3-Wire Single Master Mode Connection Diagram 35.7.2. 4-Wire Single Master Mode In 4-wire single master mode (NSSMD = 2 or 3), the slave select (NSS) pin is configured as an output and should be connected to the NSS input of the first slave device. Any additional slave devices added on the SPI bus should have their NSS input driven by a firmware-controlled port pin output from the master device. Figure 35.6 shows the master-slave connection diagram for 4-wire single master mode. Master Device Slave Device SCK SCK SPIn Module MISO MISO MOSI MOSI NSS NSS Figure 35.6. 4-Wire Single Master Mode Connection Diagram 626 Rev. 0.5 NSS Control By default, the least-significant bit of NSSMD controls the state of the master’s NSS pin in 4-wire single-master mode. When the AUTONSS bit in the CONFIGMD register is set to 1, the master will automatically control the NSS pin. Timing of the NSS pin is controlled by the NSSCNT and NSSDELAY fields in the CONFIGMD register. Figure 35.7 shows the NSS timing relationship. The NSSCNT field defines the number of SPI transfers to assert NSS. NSS will assert 1/2 SPI clock before beginning a data transfer, then proceed to perform NSSCNT+1 byte transfers. When the defined number of bytes have been transferred, NSS will remain asserted for an additional 1/2 SPI clock before de-asserting. If the SPI stalls before the defined number of bytes have been transferred (for example during a transmit FIFO underrun event), NSS will remain asserted, and the SPI will continue the transfer when the stall condition is lifted. For back-to-back transfers, NSS is left de-asserted for a minimum of 1/2 SPI clock. The NSSDELAY field determines the amount of additional time provided between NSS assertions (in increments of 1/2 SPI clock). Thus the total amount of time which NSS will be de-asserted between blocks is equal to (NSSDELAY+1)/2 SPI clocks. TNSSD TDNSS TNSSb NSS MISO / MOSI Byte1 Byte2 N-1 ByteN Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 TNSS TNSSD = TDNSS = ½ SPI clock TNSS = NSSCNT+1 Bytes TNSSb = (NSSDELAY+1) x ½ SPI clocks Figure 35.7. NSS Timing with AUTONSS = 1 Rev. 0.5 627 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx 35.7.3. 4-Wire Multiple Master Mode Set the NSSMD (Slave Select Mode) field to 0x01 to configure the NSS pin for 4-wire slave / multi master mode. In 4-wire multiple master mode (NSSMD = 1), the slave select (NSS) pin is configured as an input and is used to disable the SPI module while another SPI master accesses the bus. When the NSS input is driven low by the bus master, two events occur: 1. Hardware clears the master mode enable (MSTEN) and SPI enable (SPIEN) bits to disable the SPI module. The module must be manually re-enabled by firmware. 2. Hardware sets the mode fault interrupt (MDFI) flag. This will generate an interrupt if the mode fault interrupt is enabled (MDFIEN = 1). Slave devices on the SPI bus should have their NSS inputs driven by a firmware-controlled port pin output from the master devices. Figure 35.8 illustrates the connection diagram for 4-wire multiple master mode. Master Device 1 Slave Device SCK SCK SPIn Module MISO MISO MOSI MOSI NSS NSS port pin Master Device 2 NSS MOSI MISO SCK port pin Figure 35.8. 4-Wire Multiple Master Mode Connection Diagram 35.7.4. Master Mode Data Transfer A master device initiates all data transfers on a SPI bus. When the SPI module is first enabled by setting the SPIEN bit to 1, the transmit and receive FIFOs are empty. The hardware sets the transmit FIFO write request interrupt (TFRQI) flag when the number of empty slots in the transmit FIFO is at or above the transmit FIFO threshold (TFTH), which causes an interrupt, if enabled (TFRQIEN = 1). Firmware can then write to the DATA register in right-justified bytes, half-words, or full words to transfer data to the transmit FIFO. When the shift register is empty, the hardware retrieves data from the transmit FIFO and begins a transmission. The module immediately shifts the data out serially on the MOSI line while driving the serial clock on SCK. When both the transmit FIFO and the shift register are empty, the hardware sets the underrun interrupt (URI) flag, resulting in an interrupt if the underrun interrupt is enabled (URIEN = 1). 628 Rev. 0.5 The SPI bus is full-duplex, so the addressed SPI slave device may also be simultaneously transferring the contents of its shift register back to the SPI master using the MISO line as the master transfers data to a slave using MOSI. The shift register empty interrupt (SREI) flag serves as both a transmit-complete flag and receive-data-ready flag. When a received byte is fully transferred into the shift register, the hardware automatically moves it into the receive FIFO where it may be accessed by reading the DATA register. 35.8. Slave Mode Configurations and Data Transfer Clearing the master mode enable (MSTEN) bit configures the SPI module for slave mode. Firmware should first fully configure the module (data length, clock polarity and phase, and slave mode) before setting the SPIEN bit to initiate SPI operations. 35.8.1. 3-Wire Slave Mode In 3-wire slave mode (NSSMD = 0), the slave select (NSS) pin is not required and may not be connected to physical pins by the device’s port configuration module. Because there is no means to uniquely address multiple slave devices in this mode, the device’s SPI module should be the only slave device present on the bus in 3-wire slave mode. In addition, the bus signals should be in an idle state before enabling the module in 3-wire slave mode, since any unexpected transitions on SCK can cause erroneous bits to be shifted into the shift register without the NSS signal to gate the clock on SCK. Figure 35.9 illustrates the connection diagram for 3-wire slave mode. Master Device Slave Device SCK SCK MISO MISO MOSI SPIn Module MOSI NSS Figure 35.9. 3-Wire Single Slave Mode Connection Diagram 4-Wire Slave Mode In 4-wire slave mode (NSSMD = 2), the slave select (NSS) pin is configured as an input and should be connected to an NSS control signal from the master device. Asserting the NSS signal enables the SPI module, and deasserting NSS disables the module. The polarity of the NSS input can be set using the NSSPOL bit. The NSS signal must be asserted for at least two APB clocks before the first active edge of SCK for each byte transfer. Figure 35.10 shows the connection diagram for 4-wire slave mode. Rev. 0.5 629 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Master Device Slave Device 1 SCK SCK MISO SPIn Module MISO MOSI MOSI NSS NSS port pin Slave Device 2 SCK MISO MOSI NSS Figure 35.10. 4-Wire Slave Mode Connection Diagram 35.8.2. Slave Mode Data Transfer In a SPI slave device, the master-generated clock input on the slave’s SCK signal drives the data bytes received on MOSI and transmitted out through MISO. The hardware copies the data into the receive FIFO after receiving the number of bits specified by the DSIZE field. When the number of filled slots in the receive FIFO reaches or exceeds the programmed receive FIFO threshold (RFTH), hardware sets the receive FIFO read request interrupt (RFRQI) flag and generates an interrupt if RFRQIEN is set to 1. Firmware can read from the DATA register in right-justified bytes, half-words, or full words to pop data from the receive FIFO. A slave device cannot initiate transfers and should pre-load the data into the transmit FIFO by writing to the DATA register before the master begins a transfer. If the shift register is empty, the hardware moves the first data in the transmit FIFO to the shift register in preparation for the data transfer. 630 Rev. 0.5 35.9. Special Operation Modes and Functions The CONFIGMD register adds additional functionality to the SPI module which allows for more autonomous operation of the peripheral. 35.9.1. Receive-Only Mode When the OPMD field is set to 01b, the SPI operates in receive-only mode. Any data present in the FIFO will be transmitted. Once the FIFO is empty, the SPI will continue to receive data (in master mode, this means it will also continue to generate clocks). The SPI will transmit 0’s if there is no data in the FIFO to transmit, but an underrun (URI flag) will not be generated when the transmit FIFO goes empty. If the receive FIFO becomes full, the SPI will stall, and stop generating clocks until the FIFO has been read and there is room for more data. Receive-only mode is terminated by disabling the SPI or by setting the ABORT bit. If ABORT is used, the SPI will complete the current data transfer and then disable itself. 35.9.2. Transmit-Only Mode When the OPMD field is set to 10b, the SPI operates in transmit-only mode. In this mode, data will be transmitted, but any received data will be ignored and not stored in the FIFO. The SPI will stall and set the URI flag if the transmit FIFO goes empty. Transfers will continue when additional data becomes available. Transmit-only mode is terminated by disabling the SPI or by setting the ABORT bit. If ABORT is used, the SPI will complete the current data transfer and then disable itself. 35.9.3. Master Flow Control Mode When OPMD is set to 11b and the MSTEN bit is set to 1, the SPI operates in flow control mode. As a master, the SPI will send any data in the transmit FIFO, until the FIFO goes empty. Depending on the state of the CTSEN bit, the SPI will either use data polling or pin polling to determine when additional data is available (see “ CTS Polling” for details on CTS polling). When data becomes available, the SPI will transmit 0x00 and store the received data until firmware disables the SPI or uses the ABORT bit to end the transfer. If ABORT is used, the SPI will complete the current data transfer and then disable itself. CTS Polling There are two CTS polling options available. If CTSEN is cleared to 0, data polling is used, as shown in Figure 35.11. During the polling phase, the SPI will send a single byte of 0x00 to the slave and then check the received data byte (the CTS byte). If the CTS byte is 0x00, the SPI will repeat the polling operation. When the CTS byte reads back non-zero, the SPI will begin transmitting 0x00 to the slave and store the received data in the FIFO. The CTS byte can optionally be stored, by clearing the FLOWMD bit to 0. If FLOWMD is 1, the CTS byte will be ignored. SCLK MOSI Final TX FIFO 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 MISO XX CTS = 0x00 . CTS = 0x00 CTS != 0x00* to RX FIFO *First non-zero CTS byte is stored in RX FIFO if FLOWMD = 0 Figure 35.11. CTS Data Polling When CTSEN is set to 1, pin polling is used, as shown in Figure 35.12. During the polling phase, the SPI will not send clocks to the slave device. Instead, the CTS pin is monitored. When CTS goes high, the SPI will begin transmitting 0x00 to the slave and store the received data in the FIFO. Note that in pin polling mode, the FLOWMD bit will also affect FIFO storage of the first received byte. If set to 1, the first byte of the incoming data will be ignored, and not stored in the receive FIFO. Rev. 0.5 631 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx CTS SCLK MOSI Final TX FIFO MISO XX XX 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 to RX FIFO* to RX FIFO to RX FIFO ... *First byte is ignored if FLOWMD = 1 Figure 35.12. CTS Pin Polling 35.9.4. Transmit On Request Mode Transmit-on-request mode is enabled by setting the TXONREQ bit to 1. This is a special flow control mode, available only when the SPI is used as a 4-wire master on a single-master bus. When TXONREQ is set, OPMD, AUTONSS, and CTSEN have no effect on SPI operation. Transmit-on-request mode uses the CTS pin as a transmit request line. NSS is automatically controlled by the SPI, and the NSSDELAY and NSSCNT fields are used to determine SPI NSS timing. Data is transferred in bursts of up to 8 bytes, determined by the NSSCNT field (NSS should be set between 0-7 in this mode). Each transfer burst is initiated by a rising edge on the CTS pin. When a burst is complete, the SPI deasserts NSS and waits for the next rising edge of CTS. If the transmit buffer goes empty during a burst, or if there is no data available in the buffer when a burst is requested, the SPI will stall and set the URI flag. The transfer will continue if additional data becomes available in the transmit FIFO. Transmit-on-request mode is terminated by disabling the SPI or by setting the ABORT bit. If ABORT is used, the SPI will complete the current data transfer and then disable itself. Figure 35.13 shows the timing for transmit-onrequest mode. CTS SCLK MOSI XX Byte 1 Byte N-1 Byte N XX NSS NSSCNT+1 Bytes (1-8) Figure 35.13. Transmit On Request Mode Timing 632 Rev. 0.5 35.10. Interrupts The SPI module has several interrupt sources that can generate a SPI interrupt. All sources can be enabled or disabled by a corresponding interrupt enable bit except for the illegal FIFO access interrupts (TFILI and RFILI), which are always enabled. 35.10.1. Transmit Interrupts The transmit FIFO write request (TFRQI) flag indicates that the FIFO has more room for data. Hardware sets this flag when the number of empty slots in the transmit FIFO is greater than or equal to the number of slots specified in the TFTH field. If DMA operations are enabled, a DMA request will be generated when hardware sets the flag. This flag can also generate an interrupt if the TFRQIEN bit is set to 1 until the number of empty slots in the transmit FIFO level drops below the TFTH setting. 35.10.2. Receive Interrupts This receive FIFO read request interrupt (RFRQI) flag indicates that the receive FIFO has data available to be read by firmware. Hardware sets this bit when the number of filled slots in the receive FIFO is greater than or equal to the number of slots specified in the RFTH field. A DMA request will be generated if DMA is enabled (DMAEN = 1). If the receive FIFO read request interrupt is enabled (RFRQIEN = 1), an interrupt will also be generated until the number of filled slots in the receive FIFO drops below the RFTH setting. 35.10.3. Other Interrupts The slave selected interrupt (SLVSELI) flag indicates when the slave select signal (NSS) is active. This flag represents a deglitched version of the NSS pin, rather than the instantaneous pin value. Firmware can read the instantaneous pin value by reading the NSSSTS bit. If the slave selected interrupt enable (SLVSELIEN) bit is also set, an interrupt will be generated. The interrupt will continuously trigger as long as the master asserts the NSS pin. The shift register empty interrupt (SREI) and underrun interrupt (URI) flags indicate when the hardware has shifted all data out of the shift register and there’s no data waiting in the transmit FIFO. The hardware will also generate an interrupt when SREI is set if SREIEN is set to 1 or when URI is set if URIEN is set to 1. These bits must be cleared by firmware. 35.10.4. Error Interrupts The SPI module also has several error interrupts. The transmit FIFO overrun interrupt (TFORI) flag indicates a transmit data loss condition. This occurs when a write to the DATA register is attempted without sufficient free space in the transmit FIFO. Any new data written to the DATA register will not be placed in the transmit FIFO. The hardware will generate an interrupt if the transmit FIFO overrun interrupt enable (TFORIEN) bit is set. This flag must be cleared by firmware. When the receive FIFO is full and new data arrives in the shift register, the hardware sets the receive FIFO overrun interrupt (RFORI) flag and ignores the data. This flag can also generate an interrupt if RFORIEN is set to 1. This flag must be cleared by firmware. The mode fault interrupt (MDFI) flag indicates when a master mode collision occurs on the bus. The hardware sets this flag when NSS is low in multi-master mode (MSTEN = 1 and NSSMD = 1). An interrupt will be generated when MDFI sets, if enabled (MDFIEN= 1). This flag must be cleared by firmware. The illegal transmit and receive FIFO access interrupts (TFILI and RFILI) are always enabled. These errors can occur when accesses to the DATA register are not right-justified, and an interrupt will be generated if either of these bits is set to 1. These flags must be cleared by firmware. 35.11. Debug Mode Firmware can set the DBGMD bit to force the SPI module to halt on a debug breakpoint. Clearing the DBGMD bit forces the module to continue operating while the core halts in debug mode. 35.12. Module Reset The SPI module can be reset by setting the RESET bit in the CONFIG register to 1. This bit resets the SPIEN and MSTEN bits in the CONFIG register, all bits in the CONTROL register, and flushes the receive and transmit FIFOs. The affected bits and fields are inaccessible during the reset process. Firmware should poll the RESET bit until hardware clears it, indicating the reset operation is complete. Rev. 0.5 633 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx 35.13. DMA Configuration and Usage When DMA is enabled (DMAEN = 1), the transmitter will generate a DMA request when the number of empty slots in the transmit FIFO is greater than or equal to the number of slots specified in the TFTH field. The DMA must service the request for data before the last data in the shift register finishes transmission, causing the device to set the underrun interrupt flag (URI). As soon as firmware loads data into the transmit FIFO, the shift register will pop the first data from the transmit FIFO and resume transmissions. Firmware can determine the number of filled slots in the transmit FIFO by reading the transmit FIFO counter (TFCNT) field. In the event of an error, writing a 1 to the transmit FIFO flush (TFIFOFL) bit flushes all the data in the transmit FIFO. During reception with DMA enabled, the receiver will generate a DMA request when the number of filled slots in the receive FIFO is greater than or equal to the number of slots specified in the RFTH field. If the receive FIFO is full, the DMA must service the DMA request before an overrun occurs. After an overrun condition, the hardware will not write the last data to the receive FIFO and will set the receive FIFO overrun interrupt (RFORI) flag, resulting in an interrupt if the RFORIEN bit is set to 1. At the end of a data transfer, a DMA request will not be generated if the number of filled slots in the receive FIFO is below the number of slots specified in the RFTH field. After clearing the SPIEN bit to disable the module, firmware can pop any remaining data from the receive FIFO using the DATA register until the receive FIFO counter (RFCNT) field reaches zero. The receive FIFO can also be emptied using the receive FIFO flush (RFIFOFL) bit. Figure 35.14 shows the SPI DMA configuration. SiM3xxxx Address Space DMA Module SPI Transmit Data SPIn Module DMA Channel Clock Rate Bus Control SCK SPI Receive Data MISO DATA DMA Channel Shift Register TX FIFO NSS RX FIFO FIFO Status and Control DMA Channel Figure 35.14. SPI DMA Configuration 634 Rev. 0.5 MOSI 35.14. SPI0 and SPI1 Registers This section contains the detailed register descriptions for SPI0 and SPI1 registers. Register 35.1. SPIn_DATA: Input/Output Data Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name DATA[31:16] Type RW 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X X X X X Name DATA[15:0] Type RW Reset X X X X X X X X X Register ALL Access Addresses SPI0_DATA = 0x4000_4000 SPI1_DATA = 0x4000_5000 Table 35.2. SPIn_DATA Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:0 DATA Input/Output Data. The DATA register is used to write to the transmit buffer and read from the receive buffer. Data can be in byte, half-word, or word format and must be right-justified. For every byte of data written, the TFCNT counter will increase. For every byte read, the RFCNT field will decrease. Note: Reads of this register modify the state of hardware. Debug logic should take care when reading this register. Rev. 0.5 635 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Register 35.2. SPIn_CONTROL: Module Control 31 30 29 28 27 Name Reserved Type R 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 DBGMD Bit TFCNT RFCNT RW R R 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Type R Reset 0 1 Reserved RFRQI 0 RFORI 0 TFRQI 0 TFORI 0 SLVSELI 0 MDFI 0 URI 0 SREI 0 RFILI 0 TFILI 0 NSSSTS Reset BUSYF Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx R R RW RW R RW RW R RW R RW R 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses SPI0_CONTROL = 0x4000_4010 SPI1_CONTROL = 0x4000_5010 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 35.3. SPIn_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:25 Reserved Must write reset value. 24 DBGMD SPI Debug Mode. 0: The SPI module will continue to operate while the core is halted in debug mode. 1: A debug breakpoint will cause the SPI module to halt. 23:20 TFCNT Transmit FIFO Counter. Indicates the number of bytes in the transmit FIFO. 19:16 RFCNT Receive FIFO Counter. Indicates the number of bytes in the receive FIFO. 15 BUSYF SPI Busy. 0: The SPI is not busy and a transfer is not in progress. 1: The SPI is currently busy and a transfer is in progress. 14 NSSSTS NSS Instantaneous Pin Status. This represents the instantaneous logic level at the NSS pin. 0: NSS is currently a logic low. 1: NSS is currently a logic high. 13:10 Reserved Must write reset value. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 636 Rev. 0.5 Table 35.3. SPIn_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 9 TFILI Illegal Transmit FIFO Access Interrupt Flag. This bit indicates that an illegal write of the transmit FIFO has occurred. An interrupt will be generated if this bit is set to 1. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 8 RFILI Illegal Receive FIFO Access Interrupt Flag. This bit indicates that an illegal read of the receive FIFO has occurred. An interrupt will be generated if this bit is set to 1. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 7 SREI Shift Register Empty Interrupt Flag. Indicates that all the data has been transferred out of the shift register and there is no data waiting in the TX FIFO. If SREIEN is enabled, an interrupt will be generated. 0: There is data still present in the transmit FIFO or shift register. 1: All data has been transferred out of the shift register and there is no data waiting in the transmit FIFO. 6 URI Underrun Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to 1 to indicate the end of a data transfer when the transmit FIFO and the shift register are empty. If URIEN is enabled, an interrupt will be generated. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 5 MDFI Mode Fault Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to logic 1 by hardware when a master mode collision is detected (NSS is low, MSTEN = 1, and NSSMD [1:0] = 01b). An interrupt will be generated if MDFIEN is enabled. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 4 SLVSELI Slave Selected Interrupt Flag. Indicates when the slave select signal (NSS) is active. This bit does not represent the instantaneous pin value, but is a deglitched version of the pin. An interrupt will be generated if SLVSELIEN is set to 1. 0: The slave select signal (NSS) is not active. 1: The slave select signal (NSS) is active. 3 TFORI Transmit FIFO Overrun Interrupt Flag. Indicates that a transmit FIFO overrun has occurred and the written data will not be placed in the FIFO. If TFORIEN is enabled, an interrupt will be generated. This bit must be cleared by firmware. 2 TFRQI Transmit FIFO Write Request Interrupt Flag. This flag indicates that the TX FIFO is at or below the number of bytes defined by the TFTH field. If DMA is enabled, a DMA request will be generated. If TFRQIEN is set to 1, an interrupt will be generated until the FIFO level fills above TFTH. 0: The TX FIFO has fewer empty slots than the level defined by TFTH. 1: The TX FIFO has at least as many empty slots as the level defined by TFTH. 1 RFORI Receive FIFO Overrun Interrupt Flag. This flag Indicates that a receive FIFO overrun has occurred and the new data will not be placed in the FIFO. If RFORIEN is enabled, an interrupt will be generated. This bit must be cleared by firmware. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. Rev. 0.5 637 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Table 35.3. SPIn_CONTROL Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 0 RFRQI Function Receive FIFO Read Request Interrupt Flag. This flag indicates that the RX FIFO is at or above the number of bytes defined by the RFTH field. If DMA is enabled, a DMA request will be generated. An interrupt will be generated if RFRQIEN is set to 1 until the FIFO level drops below RFTH. 0: The RX FIFO has fewer bytes than the level defined by RFTH. 1: The RX FIFO has equal or more bytes than the level defined by RFTH. Note: This register contains interrupt flags. Firmware should only use the SET and CLR addresses when modifying interrupt flags to avoid conflicts with hardware. 638 Rev. 0.5 30 29 Name TFIFOFL 28 27 26 Type RW RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Name NSSMD SLVSELIEN TFORIEN TFRQIEN RFORIEN RFRQIEN RW MDFIEN RW URIEN RW SREIEN RW SPIEN RFTH MSTEN TFTH CLKPOL DSIZE CLKPHA R 23 NSSPOL RW 24 DDIRSEL Reserved 25 DMAEN 31 RFIFOFL Bit RESET Register 35.3. SPIn_CONFIG: Module Configuration Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses SPI0_CONFIG = 0x4000_4020 SPI1_CONFIG = 0x4000_5020 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 35.4. SPIn_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31 RESET Module Soft Reset. Setting this bit to 1 resets the SPIEN and MSTEN bits in the CONFIG register, all bits in the CONTROL register, and flushes the RX and TX FIFOs. This bit is cleared by hardware when the operation completes. 0: SPI module is not in soft reset. 1: SPI module is in soft reset and some of the module bits cannot be accessed until this bit is cleared to 0 by hardware. 30 TFIFOFL Transmit FIFO Flush. Setting this bit to 1 flushes the transmit FIFO of all data. This bit is cleared by hardware when the operation completes. 29 RFIFOFL Receive FIFO Flush. Setting this bit to 1 flushes the receive FIFO of all data. This bit is cleared by hardware when the operation completes. 28:25 Reserved Must write reset value. 24 DMAEN DMA Enable. 0: Disable DMA requests. 1: Enable DMA requests according to the TFRQI and RFRQI flags. Rev. 0.5 639 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Table 35.4. SPIn_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 23:20 DSIZE Data Size. This field specifies the length of a data transfer. The SPI supports data transfers of any length between 1 and 16 bits. The data transfer size is equal to DSIZE + 1. 19:18 TFTH Transmit FIFO Threshold. This field sets the trip point for transmit FIFO requests. 00: A DMA / TFRQ request asserts when > 1 FIFO slot is empty. 01: A DMA / TFRQ request asserts when > 2 FIFO slots are empty. 10: A DMA / TFRQ request asserts when > 4 FIFO slots are empty. 11: A DMA / TFRQ request asserts when all FIFO slots are empty. 17:16 RFTH Receive FIFO Threshold. This field sets the trip point for receive FIFO requests. 00: A DMA / RFRQ request asserts when > 1 FIFO slot is filled. 01: A DMA / RFRQ request asserts when > 2 FIFO slots are filled. 10: A DMA / RFRQ request asserts when > 4 FIFO slots are filled. 11: A DMA / RFRQ request asserts when all FIFO slots are filled. 15:14 NSSMD 13 DDIRSEL Data Direction Select. 0: Data will be shifted MSB first. 1: Data will be shifted LSB first. 12 NSSPOL Slave Select Polarity Select. 0: NSS is active low. 1: NSS is active high. 11 CLKPHA SPI Clock Phase. 0: The first edge of SCK is the sample edge (center of data bit). 1: The first edge of SCK is the shift edge (edge of data bit). 10 CLKPOL SPI Clock Polarity. 0: The SCK line is low in the idle state. 1: The SCK line is high in the idle state. 9 MSTEN Master Mode Enable. 0: Operate in slave mode. 1: Operate in master mode. 8 SPIEN SPI Enable. 0: Disable the SPI. 1: Enable the SPI. 640 Slave Select Mode. This bit selects the behavior of the NSS pin. 00: 3-wire Slave or 3-wire Master. 01: 4-wire slave (NSS input). This setting can also be used for multi-master configurations. 10: 4-wire master with NSS low (NSS output). 11: 4-wire master with NSS high (NSS output). Rev. 0.5 Table 35.4. SPIn_CONFIG Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 7 SREIEN 6 URIEN 5 MDFIEN Mode Fault Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the mode fault interrupt. 1: Enable the mode fault interrupt. 4 SLVSELIEN Slave Selected Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the slave select interrupt. 1: Enable the slave select interrupt. 3 TFORIEN Transmit FIFO Overrun Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the transmit FIFO overrun interrupt. 1: Enable the transmit FIFO overrun interrupt. 2 TFRQIEN Transmit FIFO Write Request Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the transmit FIFO data request interrupt. 1: Enable the transmit FIFO data request interrupt. 1 RFORIEN Receive FIFO Overrun Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the receive FIFO overrun interrupt. 1: Enable the receive FIFO overrun interrupt. 0 RFRQIEN Receive FIFO Read Request Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the receive FIFO request interrupt. 1: Enable the receive FIFO request interrupt. Shift Register Empty Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the shift register empty interrupt. 1: Enable the shift register empty interrupt. Underrun Interrupt Enable. 0: Disable the underrun interrupt. 1: Enable the underrun interrupt. Rev. 0.5 641 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Register 35.4. SPIn_CLKRATE: Module Clock Rate Control Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name CLKDIV Type RW Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses SPI0_CLKRATE = 0x4000_4030 SPI1_CLKRATE = 0x4000_5030 Table 35.5. SPIn_CLKRATE Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:16 Reserved 15:0 CLKDIV Function Must write reset value. Clock Divider. This field sets the frequency of the SPI clock output in master mode, according to the equation: F APB F SCK = --------------------------------------------2 CLKDIV + 1 642 Rev. 0.5 Register 35.5. SPIn_FSTATUS: FIFO Status Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Name Reserved Type R 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name TFWPTR TFRPTR RFWPTR RFRPTR Type R R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses SPI0_FSTATUS = 0x4000_4040 SPI1_FSTATUS = 0x4000_5040 Table 35.6. SPIn_FSTATUS Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 31:16 Reserved Must write reset value. 15:12 TFWPTR Transmit FIFO Write Pointer. This field indicates the next slot firmware will access on a transmit FIFO write. 11:8 TFRPTR Transmit FIFO Read Pointer. This field indicates the next slot the SPI hardware will read from the transmit FIFO. 7:4 RFWPTR Receive FIFO Write Pointer. This field indicates the next slot the SPI hardware will write in the receive FIFO. 3:0 RFRPTR Receive FIFO Read Pointer. This field indicates the next slot firmware will access on a receive FIFO read. Rev. 0.5 643 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Register 35.6. SPIn_CONFIGMD: Mode Configuration Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Name Reserved TFRCNT NSSDELAY Type R RW RW 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name NSSCNT AUTONSS 0 CTSEN 0 FLOWMD 0 ABORT 0 TXONREQ Reset Reserved Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx OPMD Type RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register ALL Access Addresses SPI0_CONFIGMD = 0x4000_4050 SPI1_CONFIGMD = 0x4000_5050 This register also supports SET access at (ALL+0x4) and CLR access at (ALL+0x8) Table 35.7. SPIn_CONFIGMD Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name 31:27 Reserved Must write reset value. 26:24 TFRCNT Transfer Count. This field sets the maximum number of data that are written to or read from the TX/ RX FIFO per write/read operation. 000: Automatic. The request type determines the number of bytes to write/read. 001: A single byte is written/read per request. 010: Up to two bytes can be written/read per request. 011: Up to three bytes can be written/read per request. 100: Up to four bytes can be written/read per request. 101-111: Reserved. 23:16 NSSDELAY NSS Delay. When AUTONSS is equal to 1, this field determines the delay time between NSS assertions. The delay time will be equivalent to (NSSDELAY + 1) / 2 SPI clock periods. 15:8 NSSCNT NSS Data Count. Determines the number of bytes transferred per NSS assertion when AUTONSS or TXONREQ is enabled. The number of data bytes per NSS assertion is equal to NSSCNT + 1. When used with TXONREQ, the maximum value for NSSCNT is 7 (8 bytes per transfer). 7 Reserved Must write reset value. 644 Function Rev. 0.5 Table 35.7. SPIn_CONFIGMD Register Bit Descriptions Bit Name Function 6 TXONREQ Transmit On Request. This bit is valid in 4-wire single-master mode only. When set data will be transmitted in bursts on each rising edge of the CTS signal. The CTSEN, AUTONSS and OPMD bits are all ignored when TXONREQ is set. 5 ABORT Software Abort. When firmware sets this bit the SPI will complete the current data transfer and then disable itself. Hardware clears this bit when the software abort is complete. 4 FLOWMD 3 CTSEN 2 AUTONSS 1:0 OPMD Flow Control Mode. Determines whether CTS data is stored when operating in flow control mode. 0: Store CTS byte (see chapter text for details). 1: Disregard CTS byte. CTS Flow Control Enable. Enables CTS flow control. Auto NSS Mode. Enables automatic NSS toggling when in 4-wire master mode (NSSMD[1] = 1). Operation Mode. 00: Full-duplex (normal) mode. 01: Receive-only mode. 10: Transmit only mode. 11: Flow control mode. Rev. 0.5 645 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx 35.15. SPIn Register Memory Map Table 35.8. SPIn Memory Map SPIn_CLKRATE SPIn_CONFIG SPIn_CONTROL SPIn_DATA Register Name ALL Offset 0x20 0x30 0x10 0x0 Access Methods ALL | SET | CLR ALL | SET | CLR ALL ALL Bit 31 RESET Bit 30 TFIFOFL Bit 29 RFIFOFL Reserved Bit 28 Bit 27 Reserved Bit 26 Bit 25 DBGMD DMAEN Bit 24 Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 TFCNT DSIZE Bit 21 Bit 20 Bit 19 TFTH Bit 18 RFCNT Bit 17 RFTH Bit 16 DATA BUSYF Bit 15 NSSMD NSSSTS Bit 14 DDIRSEL Bit 13 NSSPOL Bit 12 Reserved CLKPHA Bit 11 CLKPOL Bit 10 TFILI MSTEN Bit 9 RFILI SPIEN Bit 8 CLKDIV SREI SREIEN Bit 7 URI URIEN Bit 6 MDFI MDFIEN Bit 5 SLVSELI SLVSELIEN Bit 4 TFORI TFORIEN Bit 3 TFRQI TFRQIEN Bit 2 RFORI RFORIEN Bit 1 RFRQI RFRQIEN Bit 0 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: SPI0 = 0x4000_4000, SPI1 = 0x4000_5000 646 Rev. 0.5 SPIn_CONFIGMD SPIn_FSTATUS Register Name 0x50 0x40 ALL Offset ALL | SET | CLR ALL Access Methods Bit 31 Bit 30 Reserved Bit 29 Bit 28 Bit 27 Bit 26 TFRCNT Bit 25 Bit 24 Reserved Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 NSSDELAY Bit 19 Bit 18 Bit 17 Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 TFWPTR Bit 13 Bit 12 NSSCNT Bit 11 Bit 10 TFRPTR Bit 9 Bit 8 Reserved Bit 7 TXONREQ Bit 6 RFWPTR ABORT Bit 5 FLOWMD Bit 4 CTSEN Bit 3 AUTONSS Bit 2 RFRPTR Bit 1 OPMD Bit 0 Table 35.8. SPIn Memory Map Notes: 1. The "ALL Offset" refers to the address offset of the ALL access method for a register, this offset should be referenced to the base address for the block. For example, if a register block has a base address of 0x4001_0000 and the ALL offset is specified to be 0xA4, the register's absolute ALL access address is located at 0x4001_00A0 in the address map. A register may also support SET, CLR, and MSK access methods, as indicated by the "Access Methods" column. SET, CLR and MSK addresses are offset from the ALL address by 4, 8 and 12 bytes, respectively. The register with ALL access at 0x4001_00A0 may have a SET address at 0x4001_00A4, a CLR address at 0x4001_00A8, and a MSK address at 0x4001_00AC. 2. The base addresses for this register block are: SPI0 = 0x4000_4000, SPI1 = 0x4000_5000 Rev. 0.5 647 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1) SiM3L1xx Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) SiM3L1xx 36. Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) This section describes the TIMER module, and is applicable to all products in the following device families, unless otherwise stated: SiM3L1xx 36.1. Timer Features Each timer module (TIMER) is independent, and includes the following features: Operation as a single 32-bit or two independent 16-bit timers. Clocking options include the APB clock, the APB clock scaled using an 8-bit clock divider, the external oscillator, or falling edges on an external input pin (synchronized to the APB clock). Auto-reload functionality in both 32-bit and 16-bit modes. Up/Down count capability, controlled by an external input pin (TIMER0 and TIMER1). Rising and falling edge capture modes on an external pin (TIMER0 and TIMER1). Capture PVTOSC0 rising and falling edges (TIMER2) Low or high pulse capture modes. Frequency and duty cycle capture modes. One shot mode, triggered from EPCA Sync signal. Square wave output mode, which is capable of toggling an external pin at a given rate with 50% duty cycle (TIMER0 and TIMER1). 32-bit or 16-bit pulse-width modulation modes (TIMER0 and TIMER1). TIMER Module APB Clock CLKDIV Input and Output Control Clock Divider Counter Logic Overflow/Underflow, Match, Up/Down, Duty Cycle, PWM EXTOSC0 TnCT (TIMER0/1) Timer Counter TnEX (TIMER0/1) PVTOSC0 (TIMER2) oneshot EPCA Sync Timer Reload Figure 36.1. Timer Block Diagram 36.2. External Signal Routing When TIMER0 or TIMER1 is used in conjunction with external I/O pins, its output signals (TnEX or TnCT) are routed using Crossbar 0. See the port I/O crossbar section for more details on routing these signals. TIMER2 has no external signal connections. TIMER2 can be used in an input capture mode, to capture the PVTOSC0 output signal. 648 Rev. 0.5 36.3. Clocking The timer module can be clocked from several internal and external sources, selected by the HCLK and LCLK bits. The SPLITEN bit allows the two halves of the 32-bit timer to be split and clocked as individual 16-bit timers. When operating as a single 32-bit timer (SPLITEN = 0), HCLK controls the clock to the entire timer. When configured for split mode (SPLITEN = 1), HCLK controls the clock to the high-side 16-bit timer, and LCLK controls the clock to the low-side 16-bit timer. CLKDIV APB Clock HCLK Clock Divider Timer Clock EXTOSC0 CT Figure 36.2. Clock Source Selection (SPLITEN = 0) CLKDIV APB Clock HCLK Clock Divider High Timer Clock EXTOSCn CT Low Timer Clock LCLK Figure 36.3. Clock Source Selection (SPLITEN = 1) 36.3.1. APB Clock When the APB clock signal is selected as the timer clock source, the timer will clock from the APB clock source defined by the Clock Control module. 36.3.2. External Clock (EXTOSCn) When the external clock is selected as the timer clock source, the timer will clock from the external clock source (EXTOSCn), regardless of the clock selection of the core. In this mode the external clock source is synchronized to the selected APB clock. In order to guarantee that the external clock transitions are recognized by the device, the external clock signal must be high or low for at least one APB clock. This limits the maximum frequency of an external clock in this mode to one-half the APB clock. Rev. 0.5 649 Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) SiM3L1xx Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) SiM3L1xx 36.3.3. Clock Divider The timer module includes an 8-bit configurable clock divider, allowing the timer to be clocked by a divided version of the APB clock. The clock divider consists of an 8-bit up counter and reload register and runs only when selected as the timer clock source. The counter value is incremented on every tick of the APB clock. It can be directly read and written through the CLKDIVCT field, and the reload value is stored in the CLKDIVRL field. On an overflow from 0xFF, the CLKDIVCT counter is automatically reloaded with the value in CLKDIVRL. The resulting timer clock rate is determined by Equation 36.1. F APB F TIMER = --------------------------------------------------- 256 – CLKDIVRL Equation 36.1. Clock Divider Output Clock Rate 36.3.4. External Pin (CT) When the CT pin is selected as the timer clock source, the timer is incremented on falling edges of the pin. The CT pin is synchronized to the selected APB clock in this mode. In order to guarantee that the CT pin transitions are recognized by the device, CT must be at its new logic state for at least two APB clock cycles. Thus, the maximum frequency at which CT can toggle is one fourth the APB clock speed. 36.4. Configuring Timer Interrupts There are two interrupt sources each for the high and low 16-bit words in the timer module. Each interrupt source can be individually enabled to generate a timer interrupt. The available interrupt flags are HOVFI, LOVFI, HEXI, and LEXI. The overflow flags (HOVFI and LOVFI) are set to 1 any time a positive overflow occurs (an increment when the timer is all 1’s). The overflow interrupt enable bits (HOVFIEN and LOVFIEN) enable the corresponding overflow flags to be recognized by the interrupt controller. The extra flags (HEXI and LEXI) are set to 1 under conditions defined by the selected timer mode. The corresponding enable bits (HEXIEN and LEXIEN) enable the extra flags to be recognized by the interrupt controller. HOVFIEN LOVFIEN HOVFI Timer Logic enable in NVIC control LOVFI HEXIEN HEXI LEXI LEXIEN Figure 36.4. Timer Interrupt Configuration 650 Rev. 0.5 to NVIC 36.5. Start and Stop Synchronization Each 16-bit timer includes a synchronization mechanism that allows all timers on the device to start and stop simultaneously. This synchronization is controlled using the master enable bits HMSTREN (high timer) and LMSTREN (low timer) and the master run control bit (MSTRUN) in the master TIMER module (TIMER0). When operating in 32-bit mode, HMSTREN controls the full timer. The MSTRUN bit affects all timer modules (0 through m) and is defined in the CONFIG register. If the master enable bit (HMSTREN, LMSTREN) is set for a timer, both MSTRUN in the master timer (TIMER0) and HRUN must be set to 1 for the timer to run. HRUN / LRUN TIMER0 Enable HMSTREN / LMSTREN MSTRUN (TIMER0_CONFIG) HRUN / LRUN TIMERm Enable HMSTREN / LMSTREN Figure 36.5. Timer Synchronization Block Diagram 36.6. EX Input Synchronization (TIMER0 and TIMER1) When used as an input in a timer mode, the EX signal is synchronized with the APB clock. The timer response delay to EX signal changes is 3-4 APB clocks, and the EX signal must remain high or low for two APB rising edges to be recognized by the timer. The timer event (capture, start or stop, or count direction change) associated with the EX signal will occur on the 4th rising APB edge after the EX signal change, as shown in Figure 36.6. timer event occurs here APB Clock EX 4 rising edges Figure 36.6. EX Signal Synchronization Timing Rev. 0.5 651 Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) SiM3L1xx Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) SiM3L1xx 36.7. Mode Selection The timer mode selection is accomplished using the mode select bits in conjunction with the SPLITEN bit. All timer modes are available when operating as a 32-bit timer (SPLITEN = 0). Modes that use the EX pin as an input can be used with either the high or low timer in 16-bit split mode (SPLITEN = 1). In these modes, the two 16-bit timers share the EX input pin. Modes using the pin as an output are only available to the high timer in 16-bit split mode. Table 36.1 shows the different timer modes with their availability and external pin functions. Table 36.1. Timer Mode Selection and Availability Timer Mode Mode Control Field 32-bit Mode (SPLITEN = 0) 16-bit Mode (SPLITEN = 1) EX Pin Auto-Reload 0000b Available Available for High and Low Not Used Up/Down 0001b Available Available for High and Low Direction Input Falling Edge Capture 0010b Available Available for High and Low Capture Input Rising Edge Capture 0011b Available Available for High and Low Capture Input Low Pulse Capture 0100b Available Available for High and Low Capture Input High Pulse Capture 0101b Available Available for High and Low Capture Input Duty Cycle Capture 0110b Available Available for High and Low Capture Input One Shot 0111b Available Available for High and Low Not Used Square Wave 1000b Available Available for High only Square Wave Output Pulse Width Modulation 1001b Available Available for High only PWM Output When operating in a 32-bit mode, the entire 32-bit COUNT register is used to store the current timer value. The 32bit CAPTURE register function is defined by the mode in which the timer is operating. For split 16-bit mode, the corresponding high and low 16-bits of these registers are used independently by the high and low timer. 652 Rev. 0.5 36.8. Auto-Reload Mode In auto-reload mode, the timer counts up to all 1’s. When an overflow occurs, the count register reloads from the value stored in the auto-reload register, and a timer overflow interrupt is generated. If operating in 16-bit mode, Equation 36.2 describes the high timer’s overflow rate. The low timer’s overflow rate is based on the LCCR value instead of HCCR. F TIMER Overflow Rate = ---------------------------------------65536 – HCCR Equation 36.2. 16-bit Auto-Reload Overflow Rate Equation 36.3 describes the timer’s overflow rate if operating in 32-bit mode. F TIMER Overflow Rate = -------------------------------------------------------------------4294967296 – CAPTURE Equation 36.3. 32-bit Auto-Reload Overflow Rate HRUN / LRUN HMD / LMD HCOUNT / LCOUNT Timer Clock HSTATE / LSTATE HOVFI / LOVFI HCCR / LCCR Figure 36.7. Auto-Reload Mode Block Diagram Timer Clock HCOUNT 0xFFFD HCCR 0xFFFE 0xFFFF 0x7168 0x7169 0x716A 0x716B 0x7168 HOVFI Figure 36.8. 16-bit Auto-Reload Mode Timing Diagram Rev. 0.5 653 Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) SiM3L1xx Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) SiM3L1xx 36.9. Up/Down Mode (TIMER0 and TIMER1) In up/down mode, the timer counts up or down, depending on the state of the external EX pin (high = count up, low = count down). If an overflow occurs, the count register is reloaded from the value stored in the auto-reload register, and a timer overflow is generated. If the timer counts down past the auto-reload value, the count register is reloaded with all 1’s, and a timer underflow is generated (HEXI or LEXI set to 1). HRUN / LRUN HMD / LMD HSTATE / LSTATE Timer Clock HCOUNT / LCOUNT EX HEXI / LEXI HOVFI / LOVFI HCCR / LCCR Figure 36.9. Up/Down Mode Block Diagram Timer Clock HCOUNT 0xFFFD HCCR 0xFFFC 0xFFFD 0xFFFE 0xFFFF 0x7168 0x7169 0x7168 EX* HOVFI *Note: The timer response delay to EX input signal changes is 3-4 APB clock cycles. Figure 36.10. 16-bit Up/Down Mode Timing Diagram 654 Rev. 0.5 36.10. Edge Capture Mode (Rising or Falling) TIMER0 and TIMER1 can capture events on an external pin (TnEX), while TIMER2 can capture the PVTOSC0 output. When operated in either falling or rising edge capture mode, the timer module counts up to all 1’s. The overflow flag is set when an overflow occurs, and the timer reloads to all 0’s. If the selected edge (rising or falling) occurs on the capture signal, the timer value is captured to the capture/compare/reload register and the HEXI or LEXI flag is set. HMD / LMD HSTATE / LSTATE HCOUNT / LCOUNT Capture Signal HOVFI / LOVFI HEXI / LEXI HRUN / LRUN HCCR / LCCR Timer Clock Figure 36.11. Edge Capture Mode Block Diagram Timer Clock HCOUNT 0x0053 HCCR 0x0054 0x0055 0x0056 0x0000 0x0057 0x0058 0x0059 0x0056 Capture Signal* HEXI *Note: The timer response delay to capture input signal changes is 3-4 APB clock cycles. Figure 36.12. 16-bit Edge Capture Mode Timing Diagram (Rising Edge Shown) Rev. 0.5 655 Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) SiM3L1xx Timers (TIMER0, TIMER1 and TIMER2) SiM3L1xx 36.11. Pulse Capture Mode (High or Low) TIMER0 and TIMER1 can capture events on an external pin (TnEX), while TIMER2 can capture the PVTOSC0 output. When operating in low or high pulse capture modes, the timer looks for a sequence of two edges that define a pulse on its capture input. In low pulse capture mode, the first edge is the first falling edge the input sees, while the second edge is the rising edge that follows. In high pulse capture mode, the first edge is a rising edge and the second edge is a falling edge. The timer is configured to first wait for the first edge, and capture the current timer value to the capture/compare/ reload register. The HSTATE or LSTATE bit is set high when this first edge occurs. After the capture occurs, the timer continues to run until the second edge occurs. The timer will halt on the second edge, effectively capturing the second edge position in the main timer counter. On the second edge, the HEXI or LEXI flag is set. The difference between the two captured edges can be used to determine the pulse width. Note: The timer automatically clears its HRUN or LRUN bit when the second edge is detected. HMD / LMD HSTATE / LSTATE HCOUNT / LCOUNT Capture Signal HOVFI / LOVFI HEXI / LEXI HRUN / LRUN HCCR / LCCR Timer Clock Figure 36.13. Pulse Capture Mode Block Diagram Timer Clock HCOUNT HCCR 0x0053 0x0054 0x0055 0x0056 0x0000 0x0057 0x0058 0x0055 Capture Signal* HSTATE HEXI HRUN *Note: The timer response delay to capture input signal changes is 3-4 APB clock cycles. Figure 36.14. Pulse Capture Mode Timing Diagram (High Pulse Shown) 656 Rev. 0.5 36.12. Duty Cycle Capture Mode TIMER0 and TIMER1 can capture events on an external pin (TnEX), while TIMER2 can capture the PVTOS