C51ASM .................................................................................................................... User Guide 3710A–MICRO–10/10 1-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 References......................................................................................................................... 1-1 Section 2 Running the Assembler .............................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Installation.......................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Installation under Microsoft Windows .................................................................. 2-1 2.1.2 Installation under Linux........................................................................................ 2-6 Environment....................................................................................................................... 2-7 2.2.1 Microsoft Windows Environment ......................................................................... 2-7 2.2.2 Linux Environment ............................................................................................... 2-7 Command Line Operation.................................................................................................. 2-8 2.3.1 Output Files ......................................................................................................... 2-9 2.3.2 Command Line Options ..................................................................................... 2-10 Batch File Operation ........................................................................................................ 2-19 2.4.1 Drag–and–Drop ................................................................................................. 2-19 2.4.2 Send To Menu ................................................................................................... 2-19 Section 3 C51ASM Assembly Language ................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Statements......................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Comments.......................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 Symbols ............................................................................................................................. 3-2 3.3.1 Labels .................................................................................................................. 3-2 3.3.2 Predefined Symbols............................................................................................. 3-3 3.4 Constants........................................................................................................................... 3-4 3.5 Expressions ....................................................................................................................... 3-6 3.6 Segment Type.................................................................................................................... 3-7 3.7 The 8051 Instruction Set.................................................................................................... 3-9 3.8 Assembler Directives ....................................................................................................... 3-10 3.9 Assembler Controls.......................................................................................................... 3-12 3.10 Conditional Assembly ...................................................................................................... 3-14 Section 4 Macro Processing....................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 C51ASM User Guide Standard Callable Macros.................................................................................................. 4-1 i 3710A–MICROC–10/10 Table of Contents (Continued) 4.1.1 Defining Macros................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Calling Macros ..................................................................................................... 4-2 4.1.3 Macro Parameters ............................................................................................... 4-3 4.1.4 Local Symbols ..................................................................................................... 4-4 4.1.5 Macro Operators.................................................................................................. 4-5 4.1.6 Exiting Macro Expansion ..................................................................................... 4-8 4.2 Repeat Macros................................................................................................................... 4-8 4.3 Nested and Recursive Macro Calls.................................................................................... 4-9 4.4 Nested Macro Definitions................................................................................................. 4-10 Section 5 Assembler Directives.................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1 DB ...................................................................................................................................... 5-3 5.2 DW ..................................................................................................................................... 5-3 5.3 DS ...................................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.4 DBIT................................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.5 DEFINE.............................................................................................................................. 5-5 5.6 NAME................................................................................................................................. 5-5 5.7 ORG................................................................................................................................... 5-6 5.8 USING................................................................................................................................ 5-6 5.9 END ................................................................................................................................... 5-7 5.10 EQU ................................................................................................................................... 5-7 5.11 CODE................................................................................................................................. 5-8 5.12 DATA ................................................................................................................................. 5-8 5.13 SFR.................................................................................................................................... 5-9 5.14 BIT ..................................................................................................................................... 5-9 5.15 IDATA .............................................................................................................................. 5-10 5.16 EDATA ............................................................................................................................. 5-10 5.17 FDATA ............................................................................................................................. 5-11 5.18 XDATA ............................................................................................................................. 5-11 5.19 CSEG............................................................................................................................... 5-12 5.20 DSEG............................................................................................................................... 5-12 5.21 ISEG ................................................................................................................................ 5-13 5.22 ESEG ............................................................................................................................... 5-13 5.23 FSEG ............................................................................................................................... 5-14 5.24 BSEG ............................................................................................................................... 5-15 5.25 XSEG ............................................................................................................................... 5-15 5.26 SET .................................................................................................................................. 5-16 5.27 #UNDEF........................................................................................................................... 5-17 5.28 IF...................................................................................................................................... 5-17 5.29 IFN ................................................................................................................................... 5-18 ii 3710A–MICROC–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Table of Contents (Continued) 5.30 IFDEF............................................................................................................................... 5-18 5.31 IFNDEF ............................................................................................................................ 5-19 5.32 IFB ................................................................................................................................... 5-19 5.33 IFNB................................................................................................................................. 5-20 5.34 #IF.................................................................................................................................... 5-21 5.35 #IFDEF............................................................................................................................. 5-22 5.36 #IFNDEF .......................................................................................................................... 5-22 5.37 .IF..................................................................................................................................... 5-23 5.38 ELSEIF............................................................................................................................. 5-23 5.39 ELSEIFN .......................................................................................................................... 5-24 5.40 ELSEIFDEF ..................................................................................................................... 5-25 5.41 ELSEIFNDEF................................................................................................................... 5-25 5.42 ELSEIFB .......................................................................................................................... 5-25 5.43 ELSEIFNB........................................................................................................................ 5-26 5.44 #ELIF ............................................................................................................................... 5-27 5.45 ELSE................................................................................................................................ 5-28 5.46 #ELSE.............................................................................................................................. 5-28 5.47 .ELSE............................................................................................................................... 5-29 5.48 ENDIF .............................................................................................................................. 5-29 5.49 #ENDIF ............................................................................................................................ 5-30 5.50 .ENDIF ............................................................................................................................. 5-30 5.51 MACRO............................................................................................................................ 5-31 5.52 LOCAL ............................................................................................................................. 5-32 5.53 ENDM .............................................................................................................................. 5-32 5.54 EXITM .............................................................................................................................. 5-33 5.55 REPT ............................................................................................................................... 5-33 Section 6 Assembler Controls .................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 $DATE ............................................................................................................................... 6-2 6.2 $DEBUG ............................................................................................................................ 6-3 6.3 $NODEBUG....................................................................................................................... 6-3 6.4 $DEVICE............................................................................................................................ 6-4 6.5 $INCDIR............................................................................................................................. 6-4 6.6 $MACRO............................................................................................................................ 6-5 6.7 $NOMACRO ...................................................................................................................... 6-5 6.8 $MAPFSEG ....................................................................................................................... 6-6 6.9 $MOD51............................................................................................................................. 6-6 6.10 $MOD52............................................................................................................................. 6-7 6.11 $NOMOD51 ....................................................................................................................... 6-7 6.12 $OBJECT........................................................................................................................... 6-8 6.13 $NOOBJECT ..................................................................................................................... 6-8 C51ASM User Guide iii 3710A–MICROC–10/10 Table of Contents (Continued) 6.14 $PAGING ........................................................................................................................... 6-9 6.15 $NOPAGING...................................................................................................................... 6-9 6.16 $PAGELENGTH .............................................................................................................. 6-10 6.17 $PAGEWIDTH ................................................................................................................. 6-10 6.18 $PRINT ............................................................................................................................ 6-11 6.19 $NOPRINT....................................................................................................................... 6-11 6.20 $SYMBOLS...................................................................................................................... 6-12 6.21 $NOSYMBOLS ................................................................................................................ 6-12 6.22 $NOBUILTIN.................................................................................................................... 6-13 6.23 $NOTABS ........................................................................................................................ 6-13 6.24 $XREF ............................................................................................................................. 6-14 6.25 $NOXREF ........................................................................................................................ 6-14 6.26 $COND ............................................................................................................................ 6-15 6.27 $NOCOND ....................................................................................................................... 6-15 6.28 $CONDONLY................................................................................................................... 6-16 6.29 $EJECT............................................................................................................................ 6-16 6.30 $ERROR .......................................................................................................................... 6-17 6.31 $WARNING...................................................................................................................... 6-17 6.32 $MESSAGE ..................................................................................................................... 6-18 6.33 $GEN ............................................................................................................................... 6-18 6.34 $NOGEN.......................................................................................................................... 6-19 6.35 $GENONLY ..................................................................................................................... 6-19 6.36 $INCLUDE ....................................................................................................................... 6-20 6.37 $LIST ............................................................................................................................... 6-20 6.38 $NOLIST .......................................................................................................................... 6-21 6.39 $SAVE ............................................................................................................................. 6-21 6.40 $RESTORE...................................................................................................................... 6-22 6.41 $TITLE ............................................................................................................................. 6-22 Section 7 Assembler Compatibility............................................................................................. 7-1 7.1 7.1 Restrictions .................................................................................................................. 7-1 7.2 7.2 Extensions ................................................................................................................... 7-1 Section 8 Supported Devices ..................................................................................................... 8-1 Section 9 Instruction Set Reference........................................................................................... 9-1 iv 3710A–MICROC–10/10 9.1 Addressing Modes ............................................................................................................. 9-1 9.2 Instructions in Alphabetical Order ...................................................................................... 9-2 C51ASM User Guide 9.3 Instruction Set Extensions.................................................................................................. 9-5 9.4 Instruction Definitions......................................................................................................... 9-6 9.4.1 ACALL addr11 ..................................................................................................... 9-6 9.4.2 ADD A, <src-byte> ............................................................................................... 9-7 9.4.3 ADDC A, <src-byte> ............................................................................................ 9-8 9.4.4 AJMP addr11 ....................................................................................................... 9-9 9.4.5 ANL <dest-byte>, <src-byte> ............................................................................... 9-9 9.4.6 ANL C,<src-bit> ................................................................................................. 9-11 9.4.7 ASR M ............................................................................................................... 9-11 9.4.8 BREAK............................................................................................................... 9-12 9.4.9 CJNE <dest-byte>,<src-byte>, rel ..................................................................... 9-12 9.4.11 CLR M................................................................................................................ 9-14 9.4.10 CLR A ................................................................................................................ 9-14 9.4.12 CLR bit ............................................................................................................... 9-15 9.4.13 CPL A ................................................................................................................ 9-15 9.4.14 CPL bit ............................................................................................................... 9-16 9.4.15 DA A .................................................................................................................. 9-16 9.4.16 DEC <byte> ....................................................................................................... 9-17 9.4.17 DIV AB ............................................................................................................... 9-18 9.4.18 DJNZ <byte>,<rel-addr> .................................................................................... 9-19 9.4.19 ECALL addr24 ................................................................................................... 9-20 9.4.20 EJMP addr24 ..................................................................................................... 9-21 9.4.21 ERET ................................................................................................................. 9-21 9.4.22 INC <byte>......................................................................................................... 9-22 9.4.23 INC DPTR .......................................................................................................... 9-23 9.4.24 JB blt,rel ............................................................................................................. 9-24 9.4.25 JBC bit,rel .......................................................................................................... 9-24 9.4.26 JC rel ................................................................................................................. 9-25 9.4.27 JMP @A+<base_reg> ....................................................................................... 9-25 9.4.28 JNB bit,rel .......................................................................................................... 9-26 9.4.29 JNC rel ............................................................................................................... 9-26 9.4.30 JNZ rel ............................................................................................................... 9-27 9.4.31 JZ rel .................................................................................................................. 9-27 9.4.32 LCALL addr16.................................................................................................... 9-28 9.4.33 LJMP addr16 ..................................................................................................... 9-28 9.4.34 LSL M ................................................................................................................ 9-29 9.4.35 MAC AB ............................................................................................................. 9-29 9.4.36 MOV <dest-byte>,<src-byte>............................................................................. 9-30 9.4.37 MOV DPTR,#data16 .......................................................................................... 9-33 9.4.38 MOV <dest-bit>,<src-bit>................................................................................... 9-34 9.4.39 MOVC A,@A+ <base-reg> ................................................................................ 9-34 9.4.40 MOVX <dest-byte>,<src-byte> .......................................................................... 9-35 C51ASM User Guide 1-v 3710A–MICROC–10/10 9.4.41 MUL AB ............................................................................................................. 9-37 9.4.42 NOP ................................................................................................................... 9-38 9.4.43 ORL <dest-byte> <src-byte> ............................................................................. 9-38 9.4.44 ORL C,<src-bit> ................................................................................................. 9-40 9.4.45 POP direct ......................................................................................................... 9-40 9.4.46 PUSH direct ....................................................................................................... 9-41 9.4.47 RET.................................................................................................................... 9-41 9.4.48 RETI................................................................................................................... 9-42 9.4.49 RL A ................................................................................................................... 9-43 9.4.50 RLC A ................................................................................................................ 9-44 9.4.51 RR A .................................................................................................................. 9-44 9.4.52 RRC A................................................................................................................ 9-45 9.4.53 SETB <bit> ........................................................................................................ 9-45 9.4.54 SJMP rel ............................................................................................................ 9-46 9.4.55 SUBB A,<src-byte>............................................................................................ 9-46 9.4.56 SWAP A ............................................................................................................. 9-47 9.4.57 XCH A,<byte> .................................................................................................... 9-48 9.4.58 XCHD A,@Ri ..................................................................................................... 9-48 9.4.59 XRL <dest-byte>,<src-byte> .............................................................................. 9-49 Section 10 Appendix A - Error Messages...................................................................................10-1 10.1 Assembly Errors............................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1.1 ERROR #1 ......................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1.2 ERROR #2 ......................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1.3 ERROR #3 ......................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1.4 ERROR #4 ......................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1.5 ERROR #5 ......................................................................................................... 10-2 10.1.6 ERROR #6 ......................................................................................................... 10-2 10.1.7 ERROR #8 ......................................................................................................... 10-2 10.1.8 ERROR #9 ......................................................................................................... 10-2 10.1.9 ERROR #12 ....................................................................................................... 10-2 10.1.10 ERROR #15 ....................................................................................................... 10-3 10.1.11 ERROR #16 ....................................................................................................... 10-3 10.1.12 ERROR #17 ....................................................................................................... 10-3 10.1.13 ERROR #18 ....................................................................................................... 10-3 10.1.14 ERROR #19 ....................................................................................................... 10-3 10.1.15 ERROR #20 ....................................................................................................... 10-3 10.1.16 ERROR #21 ....................................................................................................... 10-4 10.1.17 ERROR #23 ....................................................................................................... 10-4 10.1.18 ERROR #24 ....................................................................................................... 10-4 10.1.19 ERROR #25 ....................................................................................................... 10-5 1-vi 3710A–MICROC–10/10 C51ASM User Guide 10.1.20 ERROR #27 ....................................................................................................... 10-5 10.1.21 ERROR #28 ....................................................................................................... 10-5 10.1.22 ERROR #30 ....................................................................................................... 10-6 10.1.23 ERROR #31 ....................................................................................................... 10-6 10.1.24 ERROR #33 ....................................................................................................... 10-6 10.1.25 ERROR #34 ....................................................................................................... 10-7 10.1.26 ERROR #35 ....................................................................................................... 10-7 10.1.27 ERROR #37 ....................................................................................................... 10-7 10.1.28 ERROR #40 ....................................................................................................... 10-7 10.1.29 ERROR #41 ....................................................................................................... 10-8 10.1.30 ERROR #43 ....................................................................................................... 10-8 10.1.31 ERROR #44 ....................................................................................................... 10-8 10.1.32 ERROR #45 ....................................................................................................... 10-8 10.1.33 ERROR #46 ....................................................................................................... 10-8 10.1.34 ERROR #47 ....................................................................................................... 10-8 10.1.35 ERROR #48 ....................................................................................................... 10-9 10.1.36 ERROR #50 ....................................................................................................... 10-9 10.2 Runtime Errors ................................................................................................................. 10-9 10.2.1 I/O ERROR ........................................................................................................ 10-9 10.2.2 FATAL ERROR................................................................................................ 10-10 Section 11 Appendix B - List File Format ...................................................................................11-1 11.1 List File Headings............................................................................................................. 11-1 11.2 Source Listing .................................................................................................................. 11-1 11.3 Symbol Table ................................................................................................................... 11-4 Section 12 Appendix C - Predefined Symbols............................................................................12-1 Section 13 Appendix D - Reserved Keywords............................................................................13-1 Section 14 Appendix E - Object File Formats.............................................................................14-1 14.1 Intel-HEX Format ............................................................................................................. 14-1 14.2 Motorola SREC Format.................................................................................................... 14-2 14.3 Intel Object Module Format.............................................................................................. 14-4 14.3.1 Extensions ......................................................................................................... 14-4 14.4 Other Object Formats....................................................................................................... 14-4 14.4.1 Binary................................................................................................................. 14-4 14.4.2 Generic Hexadecimal ........................................................................................ 14-4 C51ASM User Guide 1-vii 3710A–MICROC–10/10 Section 15 Appendix F - The ASCII Character Set.....................................................................15-1 Section 16 Revision History........................................................................................................16-1 1-viii 3710A–MICROC–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 1 Introduction C51ASM is a two-pass macro assembler for the Atmel® 8051 family of microcontrollers. C51ASM translates a symbolic code text file (assembly language source) into a machine executable object file. During the first pass, the assembler builds a symbol table from the symbols and labels used in the source file, processes conditional statements and expands macros. In the second pass, the assembler maps the source file into machine code and generates the listing file. C51ASM is an advanced absolute assembler and only generates absolute object files. Users who need a relocatable assembler and linker for modular programming should try the open source as8051 assembler distributed with the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC) or one of the commercially available relocatable assemblers. C51ASM is meant to be compatible with other standard 8051 assemblers that follow the syntax of the original Intel® ASM51 (discontinued). These include assemblers such as the freely available ASM51 from MetaLink™ Corporation or ASEM-51 by W.W. Heinz; and the commercial A51/Ax51 assembler from Keil. Note that some differences will exist between any assembler, such that every source file may not assemble directly in another assembler without some source modifications or tweaks to the command line. People already familiar with standard 8051 assemblers can continue to Section 2 “Running the Assembler”. If this is your first introduction to 8051 assembly programming, check out Section 3 “C51ASM Assembly Language” first. 1.1 References Ax51 User's Guide. Keil - An ARM® Company, 2004 <http://www.keil.com/support/man/docs/a51/default.htm>. ASEM-51 User's Manual V1.3. W.W. Heinz, 2002 <http://plit.de/asem-51/contents.htm>. 8051 Cross Assembler User's Manual. Metalink Corporation, 1990 <http://www.metaice.com/ASM51/Files/ASM51MAN.pdf>. Intel HEX. Wikipedia, 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Intel_HEX&oldid=308770754>. SREC (file format). Wikipedia, 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=SREC_(file_format)&oldid=301168678>. External Product Specification for the MCS-51 Object Module Format. Intel Corp., 1982 <http://www.keil.com/download/files/omf51.zip>. C51ASM User Guide 1-1 3710A–MICRO–11/09 Introduction 1-2 3710A–MICRO–11/09 C51ASM User Guide Section 2 Running the Assembler The Atmel® C51ASM is a command line tool for translating assembly source files. The following sections describe its installation on the supported host platforms. 2.1 Installation 2.1.1 Installation under Microsoft Windows C51ASM for Microsoft Windows® is available as a zipped archive containing the C51ASM.EXE executable and this manual. To manually install C51ASM as a Windows console application, follow these steps: Extract the c51asm_win_1-1.zip archive to your harddisk. This will create a folder called C51ASM. Copy the C51ASM folder to your desired install location such as C:\ or C:\Programs Files\. Add the executable path, <install>\C51ASM\BIN, to your PATH variable: – Microsoft Windows® 98 or earlier Append it to your PATH statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon as shown in the example below (your path my differ): PATH C:\DOS;C:\UTIL;C:\C51ASM\BIN – Microsoft Windows® 2000, Microsoft Windows® XP or later 1. From the desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties as shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1. C51ASM User Guide My Computer — Properties 2-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler 2. In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab as shown in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2. System Properties — Advanced — Environment Variables 3. In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variables button as shown in Figure 2-2. 4. In the Environment Variables window, highlight the Path variable in the System variables section and click Edit as shown in Figure 2-3 on page 2-3. 2-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Running the Assembler Figure 2-3. Environment Variables — System Variables — Edit Path 5. Append the path to the executable, e.g. <install>\C51ASM\BIN, to the Path variable value. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon as shown in Figure 2-4below (your path may differ): Example: C:\Program Files;C:\Winnt;C:\Winnt\System32;C:\C51ASM\BIN Figure 2-4. Edit System Variable Optionally define an environment variable C51ASMINC to specify a search path for include files: – Microsoft Windows 98 or earlier Set the variable in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon as shown in the example below (your path may differ): SET C51ASMINC=C:\C51ASM\INC;D:\MICROS\MCS51\INCL C51ASM User Guide 2-3 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler – Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP or later 1. From the desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties. 2. In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab. 3. In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variables button. 4. In the Environment Variables window, click the New button under User variables. Figure 2-5. Environment Variables — User variables — New 5. Finally, in the dialog enter C51ASMINC as the variable name. Enter the search path as the variable value and click OK. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon as shown in Figure 2-6 below (your path may differ): Example: C:\C51ASM\INC;D:\PROJECTS\8051\INC Figure 2-6. 2-4 3710A–MICRO–10/10 New User Variable C51ASM User Guide Running the Assembler Note that the C51ASMINC variable can be used to point to both the include directory containing header files supplied with C51ASM and any user specified directories. The user can always update the variable to add or remove more items. Optionally install the C51ASM.BAT file in your “Send To” menu: 1. From the desktop, click Start and then click Run. 2. In the Open box type sendto and then click OK. 3. Open the directory where you installed C51ASM and copy the C51ASM.BAT file found under DOC to the open SendTo window as shown in Figure 2-7. Do NOT create a shortcut as this will not work correctly with a batch file. Figure 2-7. C51ASM User Guide Copying batch file to SendTo Folder 2-5 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler 2.1.2 Installation under Linux C51ASM for Linux is available as an RPM package or zipped archive. The RPM package is zipped on ther server. If you have the zipped package, perform the following steps: 1. Extracted the RPM and install unzip c51asm_linux_1-1-rpm.zip rpm -i c51asm-1.1.i386.rpm This will install the package under /usr/local/share/c51asm and create symbolic links under /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share/man/man1. 2. To specify a search path for the include files, define the optional environment variable C51ASMINC. For bash, ksh, and sh shells, insert the following line into your .profile file: export C51ASMINC=/usr/local/share/c51asm/include For csh, tcsh, and zsh shells, insert the following line into your .login file: setenv C51ASMINC /usr/local/share/c51asm/include 3. On most Linux systems, /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share/man should already be in your PATH and MANPATH variables. If not you will need to add them. For bash, ksh, and sh shells, insert the following lines into your .profile file: export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin export MANPATH=${MANPATH}:/usr/local/share/man For csh, tcsh, and zsh shells, insert the following lines into your .login file: setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/local/bin setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:/usr/local/share/man If you have the zip archive, you can do a manual install by perform the following steps: 1. Extracted the archive to the desired installation directory unzip c51asm_linux_1-1.zip -d <install-path> or unzip c51asm_linux_1-1.zip cp -r c51asm <install-path> 2. Add <install-path>/c51asm/bin to your PATH. For bash, ksh, and sh shells, insert the following line into your .profile file: export PATH=${PATH}:<install-path>/c51asm/bin For csh, tcsh, and zsh shells, insert the following line into your .login file: setenv PATH ${PATH}:<install-path>/c51asm/bin 3. To specify a search path for include files, define the optional environment variable C51ASMINC. For bash, ksh, and sh shells, insert the following line into your .profile file: export C51ASMINC=<install-path>/c51asm/include For csh, tcsh, and zsh shells, insert the following line into your .login file: setenv C51ASMINC <install-path>/c51asm/include 2-6 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Running the Assembler 2.2 Environment To specify a search path for include files, an optional environment variable C51ASMINC can be defined. The search path can include any number of directories. If C51ASMINC is defined, the assembler searches the specified path(s) for include files that cannot be found in the working directory, nor in the search path specified with the --include option. The path directories will be searched from left to right. 2.2.1 Microsoft Windows Environment To define the C51ASMINC environment variable under Microsoft Windows, type: SET C51ASMINC=<path> at the Windows console. <path> may be any number of directories separated by ';' characters. Examples: SET C51ASMINC=C:\C51ASM\INC;D:\MICROS\MCS51\INC If include files cannot be found in the working directory, nor in the --include path (if specified), the assembler searches next C:\C51ASM\INC and finally D:\MICROS\MCS51\INC. SET C51ASMINC=C:\C51ASM\INC;%PATH% If you want to have a default value for C51ASMINC, you can install it as described in Section 2.1.1. You can then create a local setting by following: SET C51ASMINC=<path>;%C51ASMINC% All the directories in <path> will be searched before the any found in the original definition of C51ASMINC. 2.2.2 Linux Environment To specify a search path for include files, an optional environment variable C51ASMINC can be defined: For bash, ksh, and sh shells: export C51ASMINC=<path> For csh, tcsh, and zsh shells: setenv C51ASMINC <path> <path> may be any number of directories separated by ':' characters. Be sure that the whole definition doesn't contain any blanks or tabs! If C51ASMINC is defined, the assembler searches the specified <path> for include files that can neither be found in the working directory, nor in the search path specified with the --includes option. The <path> directories will be searched from left to right. Example: bash: export C51ASMINC=/usr/local/share/c51asm/include:~/micros/mcs51/inc If include files can neither be found in the working directory, nor in the --includes path (if specified), the assembler searches next /usr/local/share/c51asm/include and finally ~/micros/mcs51/inc. csh: setenv C51ASMINC /usr/local/share/c51asm/include If C51ASMINC is defined as above in .login, the assembler finally searches the directory /usr/local/share/c51asm/include for include files. C51ASM User Guide 2-7 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler 2.3 Command Line Operation The assembler is invoked by typing: c51asm [<options>] <source> [<options>] where <source> is the 8051 assembler source and <options> are command line options. Options may appear before or after the source file with the restriction that an option with an optional argument (such as -l) cannot immediately precede the source file when the argument in not specified, or else the source file will be interpreted as the argument. Only the first source file listed will be assembled; other listed files will be ignored. By default C51ASM will output version and copyright lines, assembly status, a segment usage summary, a register bank summary, and an error summary: C51ASM: advanced C51 macro assembler Version 1.2 (12 Oct. 2010) Copyright (C) 2010 Atmel Corp. Pass 1 completed with no warnings and no errors Pass 2 completed with no warnings and no errors Segment usage: Code : 687 bytes Data : 35 bytes Idata : 16 bytes Edata : 0 bytes Fdata : 0 bytes Xdata : 5 bytes Bit : 4 bits Register banks used: 0, 1 Warnings: 0 Errors: 0 Use the --quiet option to turn off all information except warning and error messages. Errors When the assembler encounters an error in a source file, a corresponding error message is output to standard error. The error message includes the error code, the name and line number of the source or include file where the error occurred, and the error message itself. ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR #18 uart.asm(6): Relative offset exceeds -128 / +127. #16 uart.asm(23): Divide by zero. #2 baud.inc(2): Undefined symbol. #6 uart.asm(30): Missing END directive. For more location information use the --columns option to output the column numbers additionally after the line numbers. However, the column number is just a guess and may not be the exact location. ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR 2-8 3710A–MICRO–10/10 #18 uart.asm(6,17): Relative offset exceeds -128 / +127. #16 uart.asm(23,18): Divide by zero. #2 baud.inc(2,17): Undefined symbol. #6 uart.asm(30,1): Missing END directive. C51ASM User Guide Running the Assembler When errors occur in macro expansion lines, the error is flagged with the line number (and optionally column number) of the corresponding line in the macro definition. The macro name is also listed (or REPT for repeat macros). ERROR #3 uart.asm(26,1) TRANSMIT: Duplicate symbol. ERROR #8 uart.asm(34,3) REPT: Illegal assembly line. When terminating, C51ASM returns an exit code to the calling process: Table 2-1. Exit Status Exit Code Description 0 No Errors 1 Program Errors Detected 2 Fatal Runtime Errors Note: Warnings are also output on standard error, but do not influence the exit code! Examples: c51asm program.a51 will assemble the 8051 assembly language program program.a51 and produce an Intel-HEX file program.hex. c51asm example.asm -l example.prn will assemble the 8051 assembly language program example.asm and produce an Intel-HEX file example.hex and a listing example.prn. c51asm demo.a51 -o demo.obj -l listing.txt will assemble the 8051 assembly language program demo.a51 and produce an Intel-HEX file demo.obj and a listing listing.txt. c51asm -fM sample.asm -l will assemble the 8051 assembly language program sample.asm and produce a Motorola SREC file sample.srec and a listing sample.lst. c51asm -I /usr/local/include/c51asm:~/8051/inc proto.a51 will assemble the program app.a51, while all required include files will be searched first in the default directory, then in /usr/local/include/c51asm, and finally in ~/8051/inc. c51asm --define=USE_AUTOBAUD uart.asm will assemble the program uart.asm, while the symbol USE_AUTOBAUD will be predefined during assembly. 2.3.1 Output Files C51ASM outputs one or more object files and an optional listing file during compilation. By default, each output file shares the same filename as the source file, but with a different file extension. Output filenames can be changed either on the command line or through assembler controls in the source file. All file names that are specified explicitly on the command line with the --datafile , --listfile , --outfile or --omf51 options are left unchanged. The arguments for --listfile and --omf-51 are optional. If command line options are not present, the files may be specified by the $DEBUG , $OBJECT and $PRINT controls in the source file. C51ASM User Guide 2-9 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler By default, C51ASM generates an object file in Intel-HEX format. When one of the --debug or --omf-51 options is specified, an absolute OMF-51 module is also generated. C51ASM can generate object files in other formats with the --filetype option as shown below. Table 2-2. Supported Object Formats 2.3.2 Short Long File Format Extension -fB --filetype BINARY --filetype BIN Binary .bin -fG --filetype GENERIC Generic Hexadecimal (ASCII) .mem -fI --filetype INTEL --filetype HEX Intel Hexadecimal (ASCII) .hex -fM --filetype MOTOROLA --filetype SREC Motorola S-Record (ASCII .srec -fO --filetype OMF51 Intel Object Module Format (Binary) .omf Command Line Options The Atmel C51ASM assembler recognizes the following options listed in Table 2-3. Most command line options have an assembler control equivalent that can be placed directly in the source code in lieu of the command line. Table 2-3. Command Line Options Option Arguments --include <path1>;...;<pathN> (Win) <path1>:...:<pathN> (Linux) -I Specify additional include directories --define <symbol>[=<value>[:<type>]] -D Define symbol with optional value and type --datafile <filename> -d Generate data object file called filename --filetype <format> Specify object file format -g Generate debug information in OMF format --help -h Print usage information and exit --listfile [<filename>] -l Generate listing file optionally called filename --outfile <filename> -o Generate code object file called filename -c Print column position of errors --devices List supported devices and exit --dptr Enable dual data pointer alias extensions --mapfseg <offset>[:<start>] Remap FSEG location in object file --nolist Suppress listing file --noobject Suppress object file(s) --nopaging Disable page formatting of listing file --omf-51 2-10 -f<F> Description --debug --columns 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Short Form [<filename>] Generate OMF-51 object optionally called filename C51ASM User Guide Running the Assembler Table 2-3. Command Line Options Option Arguments --quiet Short Form -q --target <device> Suppress all console output except error messages. Use the specified device model --version Note: Description Print version and exit The short and long options in the same row are equivalent. All option names are case-sensitive! --include When the --include option is used, the assembler searches the specified path for include files that cannot be found in the working directory. The path may be any number of directories separated by ';' characters on Microsoft Windows or by ':' characters on Linux. The directories will be searched from left to right. Windows allows paths with spaces if the path is listed between quotes. The path specified with the -include option, is searched before the path defined with the (optional) environment variable C51ASMINC! Syntax: --include <path1>[;<path2>[;<path3> ...]] (Windows) --include <path1>[:<path2>[:<path3> ...]] (Linux) Short Form: -I <path1>[;<path2>[;<path3> ...]] (Windows) -I <path1>[:<path2>[:<path3> ...]] (Linux) Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --include C:\ASM\INC;D:\LIB;"C:\Documents and Settings\user" > c51asm my_prog.asm -I /usr/local/lib:~/ASM --define The --define option is useful for selecting particular program variants from the command line that have been implemented with conditional assembly. It allows to define a symbol with a value and a segment type in the command line. Value and type are optional. The segment type of the symbol defaults to NUMBER, if omitted. The symbol value defaults to 0, if omitted. The symbol value may be any numerical constant. The symbol type must be one of the following characters: Table 2-4. Define Type Codes C51ASM User Guide Code Type B BIT C CODE D DATA I IDATA E EDATA F FDATA X XDATA N NUMBER (default) 2-11 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler Syntax: --define <symbol>[=<value>[:<type>]] Short Form: -D <symbol>[=<value>[:<type>]] Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --define BAUD=19200 --filetype By Default C51ASM generates an object file in Intel Hex format. The --filetype option changes the format of the object file. The following object types are supported. Table 2-5. Supported Object Formats Short Long File Format Extension B BINARY or BIN Binary G GENERIC Generic Hexadecimal (ASCII) I INTEL or HEX Intel Hexadecimal (ASCII) .hex M MOTOROLA or SREC Motorola S-Record (ASCII) .srec O OMF51 Intel Object Module Format (Binary) .omf .bin .mem Syntax: --filetype <BINARY|BIN|GENERIC|INTEL|HEX|MOTOROLA|SREC|OMF51> Short Form: -f<B|G|I|M|O> Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --filetype BINARY > c51asm mu_prog.asm -fM --outfile By Default C51ASM generates a code object file using the source file name with an extension that depends on the file format. The --outfile option explicitly specifies the name of the object file and will override any $OBJECT or $NOOBJECT controls in the assembly source. Syntax: --outfile <filename> Short Form: -o <filename> Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --outfile my_prog.hex > c51asm mu_prog.asm -o my_prog.o 2-12 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Running the Assembler --datafile By Default C51ASM generates a data object file using the source file name appended with ".dat" and an extension that depends on the file format. The --datafile option explicitly specifies the name of the data object file. The data object file is only generated if the source contains an FDATA segment with initialized data. Syntax: --datafile <filename> Short Form: -d <filename> Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --datafile my_prog.dat.hex > c51asm mu_prog.asm -d dflash.o --listfile The --listfile option causes C51ASM to generate a listing file, overriding any $NOPRINT controls in the assmebly source. By default the listing file uses the source file name with a ".lst" extension. The optional argument explicitly specifies the name of the listing file and will override any $PRINT controls is the assembly source. Syntax: --listfile [<filename>] Short Form: -l [<filename>] Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --listfile my_prog.lst > c51asm my_prog.asm -l --omf-51 The --omf-51 option instructs C51ASM to generate an additional object file in Intel Object Module Format whenever the filetype is not set to OMF51. By default the object file uses the source file name with a ".omf" extension. The optional argument explicitly specifies the name of the object file and will override any $DEBUG controls is the assembly source. The --omf-51 option must be paired with the --debug option or $DEBUG control to include debugging information in the object file. Syntax: --omf-51 [<filename>] Short Form: None Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --omf-51 my_prog.omf > c51asm my_prog.asm --omf-51 C51ASM User Guide 2-13 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler --columns The --columns option tells the assembler to output the column numbers of program errors additionally after the line numbers. Syntax: --columns Short Form: -c Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --columns > c51asm -c my_prog.asm --debug The --debug option instructs C51ASM to generate an object file in Intel Object Module Format and include debugging information such as the symbol table and line number mappings. By default the object file uses the source file name with a ".omf" extension. The object file can be explicitly specified with the -omf-51 option or the $DEBUG control. Syntax: --debug Short Form: -g Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --debug > c51asm -g my_prog.asm --devices The --devices option causes C51ASM to print a list of supported devices. The listed devices can be selected by name with the --target option. Syntax: --devices Short Form: None Example: > c51asm --devices C51ASM: advanced C51 macro assembler Version 1.1 (12 Oct. 2010) Copyright (C) 2010 Atmel Corp. Device name | Flash | Flash | RAM | ERAM | XRAM | Code | Data | | | ------------+-------+-------+-----+-------+-----(default) | 65536 | 65536 | 256 | 65536 | Y 2-14 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Running the Assembler AT89LP2052 AT89LP4052 AT89LP213 AT89LP214 AT89LP216 AT89LP428 AT89LP52 AT89LP828 AT89LP6440 AT89S2051 AT89S4051 AT89S51 AT89S52 AT89S53 AT89S8252 AT89S8253 AT89LS51 AT89LS52 AT89C2051 AT89C4051 AT89C51 AT89C52 AT89C55WD AT89C51RC AT89C51RB2 AT89C51RC2 AT89C51RD2 AT89C51IC2 AT89C51ID2 AT89C51ED2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2048 4096 2048 2048 2048 4096 8192 8192 65536 2048 4096 4096 8192 12288 8192 12288 4096 8192 2048 4096 4096 8192 20480 32768 16384 32768 65536 32768 65536 65536 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 0 0 0 0 512 256 1024 8192 0 0 0 0 0 2048 2048 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2048 2048 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 256 256 128 128 128 256 256 256 256 256 256 128 256 256 256 256 128 256 128 128 128 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 0 0 0 0 512 0 512 4096 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256 1024 1024 1792 1024 1792 1792 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | N N N N N N Y N Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y --dptr Some devices include enhanced data pointer modes that modify the behavior of the DPTR-based instructions. The --dptr option enables support for instruction aliases to make the programmer's intent explicit. Syntax: --dptr Short Form: None Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --dptr --mapfseg Many device programmers map nonvolatile data segments to some location in their input buffers. Use the --mapfseg option to move FSEG data to a different location in the object file. <offset> specifies the address in the object file where the FSEG data will start. <start> optionally specifies the initial address in FSEG that will map to <offset>. If a device is explicitly specified with $DEVICE or --target , <start> should C51ASM User Guide 2-15 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler be limited to either 0 or the normal starting address of FDATA. <offset> and <start> both default to 0. The --mapfseg overrides any $MAPFSEG controls in the assembly source. Syntax: --mapfseg <offset>[:<start>] Short Form: None Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --mapfseg 2000H:0x200 --nolist The --nolist option suppresses generation of the listing file and overrides any $PRINT controls in the assembly source. Syntax: --nolist Short Form: None Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --nolist --noobject The --noobject option suppresses generation of the object file and overrides any $OBJECT controls in the assembly source. An OMF object will still be generated if requested by the --debug or --omf-51 options. Syntax: --noobject Short Form: None Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --noobject --nopaging The --nopaging option disabled page formatting of the listing file and overrides any $PAGING controls in the assembly source. Syntax: --nopaging Short Form: None Example: 2-16 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Running the Assembler > c51asm my_prog.asm --nopaging --quiet The --quiet option suppresses all generated console output except error messages. Syntax: --quiet Short Form: -q Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --quiet --target The --target option selects a specific device model from the list of supported devices. The supported devices can be listed with the --devices option. Some assembler features are only supported for certain devices. The --target option will override any $DEVICE control in the assembly source. Syntax: --target <device> Short Form: None Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --target at89lp828 --version The --version option prints the version of C51ASM. Syntax: --version Short Form: None Example: > c51asm my_prog.asm --version at89lp828 C51ASM: advanced C51 macro assembler Version 1.1 (12 Oct. 2010) Copyright (C) 2010 Atmel Corp. --help When invoked without parameters, or with the -h or --help C51ASM User Guide 2-17 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler options, the assembler displays a help screen listing the available options/ Syntax: --help Short Form: -h Example: > c51asm C51ASM: advanced C51 macro assembler Version 1.1 (12 Oct. 2010) Copyright (C) 2010 Atmel Corp. Usage: c51asm [options] <file> [options] Options: -d <datafile> : Generate data object called datafile -f <B|G|I|M|O> : Specify object file format -g : Generate debug information in OMF format -h : This help text -I <dir> : Specify additional include directories -l [filename] : Generate list file optionally called filename -o <filename> : Generate object file called filename -q : Suppress information messages -D <symbol>[=<value>[:type]] : Define symbol optionally with value More Options: --columns : Print column location of errors --datafile <file> : Generate data object called file --debug : Generate debug information in OMF format --devices : List supported devices --dptr : Enable DPTR mode instruction aliases --help : This help text --include <dir> : Specify additional include dirs. --listfile [list] : Create list file optionally called list --nolist : Disable list file --noobject : Disable object file --nopaging : Disable paging in listing file --omf-51 [file] : Generate OMF object optionally file called file --outfile <obj> : Generate object file called obj --quiet : Suppress information messages --target : Use specified device --verbose : Enable parser messages --version : Version information --filetype <O|G|I|M|B> : Specify object file format --define <symbol>[=<value>[:type]] : Define symbol optionally with value Report bugs to [email protected] 2-18 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Running the Assembler 2.4 Batch File Operation Under Microsoft Windows® C51ASM may also be run using the included C51ASM.BAT batch file. The batch file allows running of the assembler from the Windows GUI with minimal command shell interaction. The user is free to edit the file to add command line options as needed (See Section 2.3.2 on page 2-10); however, most options have an assembler control equivalent that can be placed directly in the source file. The batch file is located under the <install>\C51ASM\DOC\ folder. There are two methods for running the batch file. 2.4.1 Drag–and–Drop Using this method you can assemble source files by dragging them on top of the C51ASM.BAT icon. 1. Move or copy C51ASM.BAT to a visible place such as the Desktop or you local project directory. 2. Locate the assembly source file you want to assemble and drag it on top of the C51ASM.BAT icon as shown in Figure 2-8. Note that you may only drag-and-drop one file at a time. Figure 2-8. Assembling a file by drag and drop on top of batch file 3. A command shell will open with the C51ASM results. Press any key to close the shell. Note that if you want the shell to close automatically, you can remove the “pause” line from the batch file. However, you will lose any diagnostic messages output by the assembler unless you also redirect the results to a log file. 2.4.2 Send To Menu Using this method you can send source files to the assembler with the right-click context menu. 1. Install C51ASM.BAT in your “Send To” menu as described in Section 2.1.1. 2. Locate the assembly source file you want to assemble. 3. Right-click the source file and select first Send To and then C51ASM.BAT as shown in Figure 2-9 on page 2-20. 4. A command shell will open with the C51ASM results. Press any key to close the shell. C51ASM User Guide 2-19 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Running the Assembler Figure 2-9. 2-20 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Using the Send To Menu to assemble a file C51ASM User Guide Section 3 C51ASM Assembly Language The following section describes the general syntax of assembler statements and the assembler instructions that have been implemented in the Atmel® C51ASM assembler .The user should be familiar with both 8051 microcontrollers and assembly language programming before reading this manual. This manual does not describe the architecture of the 8051 microcontroller family in general, or of the Atmel AT89 devices specifically, nor does it review the basic concepts of assembly language programming. 3.1 Statements Assembly source files consist of a sequence of statements that include assembler controls, directives or 8051 instructions (mnemonics). Each line of an assembly program can contain only one type of statement. Statements must be contained on exactly one line; multi-line statements are not allowed. Statements have one of the following forms, where everything in [] brackets is optional: [label:] [instruction [arguments]] [;comment] [label:] directive [arguments] [;comment] $control [(argument)] [control [(argument)]] [;comment] The maximum length of assembly source lines is not limited; however, lines should be kept shorter than 255 characters for compatibility with other assemblers. The lexical elements of a statement must be separated by spaces or tabs if another delimiting character is not present. The assembler is case insensitive, upper and lower case letters are equivalent, except in character string constants. Example: LABEL1: MOV A,#0FFH ;define label LABEL1 and load A with FFH YEAR EQU 2010 ;define symbol for current year $INCLUDE (AT89LP828.inc) ;include AT89LP828 register definitions header 3.2 Comments Comments are user-defined lines of text that identify and explain the program, but are not processed by the assembler. Comments must be preceded with either a semicolon character (;) or a double forward slash (//). All text after the comment character(s) is ignored by the assembler up to the end of line. Blank lines are also considered to be commentary. ;[comment text] //[comment text] Comments may be included anywhere in your assembly program. A comment can appear on a line by itself or can appear at the end of an instruction. Double semicolon comments (;;) have special meaning inside macro definitions, see Section 4.1.5 ”Macro Operators” on page 4-5. C51ASM User Guide 3-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM Assembly Language Example: ;This is a comment line //This is also a comment NOP ;This is an end comment NOP //This is a C-style end comment 3.3 Symbols Symbols are user-defined names for addresses, numbers or macros. Symbols are composed of letters (A–Z, a–z), digits (0–9), and the special characters underline (_) and question mark (?). A symbol name can start with any of these characters except the digits 0–9. Upper and lower case letters are considered to be equivalent. Assembly language keywords cannot be redefined as user symbols! See “Appendix D Reserved Keywords” for a list of reserved keywords. C51ASM defines some internal symbols that start with a double question mark (??), see Section 3.3.2 ”Predefined Symbols” on page 3-3. User symbols that start with "??" are not recommended. The following are examples of legal symbols: BUFFER LOC_1024 Is_this_a_valid_SYMBOL_? ?_?_1 Symbols can have unlimited length; however for cross compatibility the maximum significant length is 31 characters. Therefore the symbol should be unique within the first 31 characters. Symbols are frequently used in assembly programs. A symbolic name is much easier to understand and remember than an address or numeric constant, and a symbol that is defined once and used many times reduces errors. Symbols may be defined in several of ways. The EQU and SET directives define symbols to represent expressions: TEN EQU 10 COUNTER SET R7 Labels are special symbols that implicitly define an address of a physical location: LOOP: DJNZ R7, LOOP Symbols can also explicitly define an address: ACC DATA 0E0H 3.3.1 Labels A label is a special symbol that defines a "physical" location (i.e. an address) in your program or data space. Labels must follow all rules that apply to symbol names. When defined, a label must be the first text field in a line. It may be preceded by tabs or spaces and must be immediately followed by a colon character (:) to identify it as a label. Only one label may be defined on a line. Labels may only be used before statements that have a physical address associated with them. These include instruction mnemonics, data storage directives (DB and DW), and data reservation directives (DS and DBIT). Labels may also be used before empty lines. For example, the following are valid labels: POLL: JNB TI, POLL TABLE: DB 0,1,2,3,4,5 STACK: DS 16 START: 3-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide C51ASM Assembly Language When a label is defined, it receives the current value of the location counter in the currently selected segment and takes the type of that segment. Labels are never typeless. Once a label has been defined it can be used just like any other symbol. Labels defined in the program space are generally used to transfer program execution to a different location by specifying them as the target of a jump instruction. Data labels are usually used to access variables in memory at the specified location. 3.3.2 Predefined Symbols C51ASM has a number of predefined (built-in) DATA, BIT and CODE symbols for access to the standrd 80C51 special function registers and interrupt addresses. These predefined symbols can be switched off with the $NOMOD51 control. To suppress the predefined symbols from appearing in the symbol table use the $NOBUILTIN control. For detailed information on predfined symbols and addresses refer to “Appendix C - Predefined Symbols” . For identification of the assembler and its version number, the following NUMBER type symbols in Table 3-1 are predefined: Table 3-1. Assembler Info Symbols Symbol Value Description ??C51ASM 8051H Assembler is C51ASM ??VERSION 0100H Version is 1.0 Note: These two symbols can not be switched off! The following device specific symbols in Table 3-2 are also predefined. If a specific device is set by the $DEVICE control or on the command line by --target, their values will reflect the parameters of the selected device. Table 3-2. Target Device Symbols Symbol Default Description ??DEVICE 0 ??CODE_SIZE 65536 ??RAM_SIZE 256 ??ERAM_SIZE 65536 Extended RAM size of targeted device ??FDATA_SIZE 65536 Flash data memory size of targeted device ID of targeted device Code memory size of targeted device RAM size of targeted device In addition each supported device listed by the --devices option has a variable defined with a unique value with the following form: ??_<devicename>_ where <devicename> is replaced by the device name. This allows the currently selected device in ??DEVICE to be checked against specific devices. For example: IF ??DEVICE == ??_AT89LP216_ . . . ;configure for AT89LP216 . . . ELSEIF ??DEVICE == ??_AT89LP828_ . . . ;configure for AT89LP828 . . . ENDIF C51ASM User Guide 3-3 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM Assembly Language C51ASM reserves the names of several 8051 registers for use as operands. These predefined names are used to access the processor registers as described below in Table 3-3. Table 3-3. Special Operand Symbols Symbol Description $ The current value of the location counter in the current segment, before a line is assembled. $ will be the starting address for the assembled line. A The 8051 accumulator register. It is used to specify the accumulator as the source or destination operand. Note A cannot be used as the address of the accumulator for direct addresses. AB The A and B register pair used in MAC, MUL and DIV operations. The absolute data addresses of R0 through R7 in the current register bank. The absolute address for these registers changes depending on the register bank that is currently selected. These symbols are only available when the USING assembler statement is given. Refer to the USING assembler statement for more information on selecting the register bank. AR0–AR7 C The Carry flag. Used by operations that generate a carry or borrow. DPTR The selected 16-bit Data Pointer. The Program Counter. PC can represent the address of the next instruction when used with indexed addressing, i.e A+PC, or the address of the current instruction as a synonym for $ in expressions. Note PC always refers to the CODE segment. PC R0–R7 3.4 The eight general purpose 8051 registers in the currently active register bank. Constants C51ASM supports numbers in binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal format. Numeric constants consist of a sequence of digits followed by a radix specifier. The first character must always be a decimal digit. Alternatively for binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers a radix may be prefixed to the digits. The letter digits and radix designators can be in upper or lower case. The legal digits and radix specifiers are shown in Table 3-4. Table 3-4. Supported Number Formats Base Legal Digits Radix (Suffix) Radix (Prefix) binary 0–1 B 0b octal 0–7 Q or O 0 decimal 0–9 D or none hexadecimal 0–9, A–F, a–f H 0x Thus, for example, the following constants are equivalent: 1111111B 177Q 177o 127 127d 07FH 0b1111111 0177 0x7FH 3-4 3710A–MICRO–10/10 binary octal octal decimal decimal hex binary octal hex C51ASM User Guide C51ASM Assembly Language Character constants may be used wherever a numeric value is allowed. A character constant consists of one or two printing characters enclosed in single quotes (') or double quotes ("). The single quote character itself can be represented by two subsequent quotes (''). For example: 'A' 8 bit constant: 41H "b?" 16 bit constant: 623FH '''' 8 bit constant: 27H In DB statements, character constants may have any length to create character strings. For example: DB 'This is sample text!' The difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings is that double-quoted strings allow Cstyle escaped characters using the backslash (\). The double quote itself can be represented if it is preceeded by a backslash (\"). Valid escape characters are listed in Table 3-5. Escaped octal and hexidemical codes are not supported. Table 3-5. Character String Escape Characters Escape Value Description \0 0x00 Null character \a 0x07 Alert (bell) character \b 0x08 Backspace \f 0x0C Formfeed \n 0x0A Newline \r 0x0D Carriage return \t 0x07 Horizontal tab \v 0x0B Vertical tab \\ 0x5C Backslash \' 0x27 Single quote \" 0x22 Double quote Null terminated strings can be constructed by mixing string and numeric data, or by using the \0. DB 'This is a null terminated string',0 DB "and so is this\0" The location counter may be used to automatically compute the length of a string constant at assembler run time. text: DB "Find the length of this string",0 textlen EQU $-text ; textlen = strlen(text)+1 C51ASM User Guide 3-5 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM Assembly Language 3.5 Expressions Arithmetic expressions are composed of operands, operators and parentheses. Operands may be userdefined symbols, constants or special assembler symbols. All operands are treated as unsigned 16-bit numbers. Special assembler symbols, that can be used as operands are shown in Table 3-6. Table 3-6. Special Expression Symbols Symbol AR0–AR7 $ PC Description Direct addresses of registers R0 thru R7 the location counter of the currently active segment (start address of the current assembler statement) The following operators in Table 3-7 are implemented: Table 3-7. Supported Operators Operator Text Form Function Unary operators: + Identity: +x = x - Two's complement: -x = 0-x ~ NOT One's complement: NOT x = FFFFH-x HIGH High order byte LOW Low order byte Binary operators: + Unsigned addition - Unsigned subtraction * Unsigned multiplication / Unsigned division % MOD Unsigned remainder << SHL Logical shift left >> SHR Logical shift right & or && AND Bitwise Logical and | or || OR ^ XOR . 3-6 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Bitwise Logical or Bitwise Exclusive or Bit operator used for bit-adressable locations = or == EQ Equal to <> or != NE Not equal to < LT Less than <= LE Less or equal than > GT Greater than >= GE Greater or equal than C51ASM User Guide C51ASM Assembly Language Nonsymbolic keyword operators, such as SHR or AND, must be separated from their operands by at least one blank or tab. Expressions are evaluated from left to right according to operator precedence, which may be overridden by parentheses. Parentheses may be nested to any level. Expressions always evaluate to unsigned 16-bit numbers, while overflows are ignored. When an expression result is to be assigned to an 8-bit quantity, the high byte must be either 00 or FF. For relational operators TRUE evaluates to FFFFH and FALSE evaluates to 0. Table 3-8. Operator Precedence Precedence Operators 1 (highest) () 2 NOT HIGH LOW + - (unary) 3 . 4 * / MOD 5 SHL SHR 6 + - (binary) 7 EQ = NE <> LT < LE <= GT > GE >= 8 AND 9 (lowest) OR XOR Example: The expression P1.((87+3)/10 AND -1 SHR 0DH) will evaluate to 91H. 3.6 Segment Type Every expression is assigned a segment type at assembly time, depending on its operands and operators. The segment type indicates which address space the expression result would point to as an address. There are eight possible segment types as shown in Table 3-9. Table 3-9. Segment Types Type CODE Address in program memory DATA Address in directly addressable data memory IDATA Address in indirectly addressable data memory EDATA Address in extended data memory FDATA Address in flash data memory XDATA Address in external data memory BIT NUMBER C51ASM User Guide Description Address in bit addressable data memory Generic number (typeless) 3-7 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM Assembly Language Most expression results are typeless and have the segment type NUMBER. However, some expressions will evaluate to a particular segment type when the following six rules are applied: Numerical constants are always typeless and are assigned to NUMBER. Symbols are assigned a segment type during definition. Symbols that are defined with EQU or SET have NUMBER type. Symbols that are defined with an explicit type directive, e.g. DATA, BIT, etc., will have that type. Labels get the segment type of the segment in which they were defined. The result of a unary operation (+, -, NOT, HIGH, LOW) will have the segment type of its operand. The results of all binary operations (except "+", "-" and ".") will have no segment type. If only one operand in a binary "+" or "-" operation has a segment type, then the result will have that segment type, too. In all other cases, the result will have no segment type. The result of the bit operation "." will always have the segment type BIT. Example: The following symbols have been defined in a program: OFFSET EQU 16 START CODE 30H DOIT CODE 0100H REDLED BIT P1.3 VARIAB4 DATA 20H PORT DATA 0C8H RELAY EQU 5 The expression START+OFFSET+3 will have the segment type CODE. The expression START+DOIT will be typeless. The expression DOIT-REDLED will be typeless. The expression 2*VARIAB4 will be typeless. The expression PORT.RELAY will have the segment type BIT. The segment type is checked only when expressions appear as addresses. If the expression result is not typeless and does not have the segment type of the corresponding segment, the instruction is flagged with an error message. The only exceptions are the segment types DATA and IDATA, which are assumed to be compatible in the address range of 0 to 7FH. Example: Line 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: I Addr 30 0000 Code Source N N 30 01 DSEG AT 030H ;internal RAM COUNT: DS 1 ;counter variable CSEG ;ROM START: CLR COUNT ^ @@@@@ segment type mismatch @@@@@ C2 30 The CLR instruction is flagged with the error message "segment type mismatch" in the assembler list file, because only a BIT type address is allowed here. However, COUNT is a label with the segment type DATA. 3-8 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide C51ASM Assembly Language 3.7 The 8051 Instruction Set The Atmel® C51ASM assembler implements all 255 of the standard 8051 machine instructions. A table of all 8051 instructions with their opcodes, mnemonics, arguments, and lengths , along with detailed descriptions can be found in Section 9 “Instruction Set Reference” . C51ASM also supports the extended instruction set of the Atmel AT89LP family. These instructions may not be supported on every device. The extensions to the instruction set are listed below: Table 3-10. Instruction Set Extensions Hex Code Bytes Mnemonic Operands Description A5 00 2 BREAK A5 02 5 EJMP code addr Extended Jump A5 03 2 ASR M Arithmetic Shift MAC Accumulator Right A5 12 5 ECALL code addr Extended Subroutine Call A5 22 2 ERET A5 23 2 LSL M Logically Shift MAC Accumulator Left A5 73 2 JMP @A+PC Jump indirect relative to PC A5 90 4 MOV /DPTR, #data Load Alternate Data Pointer with a 16-bit constant A5 93 2 MOVC A, @A+/DPTR Move Code byte relative to Alternate DPTR to Acc A5 A3 2 INC /DPTR Increment Alternate Data Pointer A5 A4 2 MAC AB Multiply and Accumulate {AX,A} and {BX,B} A5 B6 3 CJNE A, @R0, code addr Compare indirect to Acc and jump if not equal A5 B7 3 CJNE A, @R1, code addr Compare indirect to Acc and jump if not equal A5 E0 2 MOVX A, @/DPTR Move External RAM (16-bit addr from Alternate DPTR) to Acc A5 E4 2 CLR M Clear MAC Accumulator A5 F0 2 MOVX @/DPTR, A Move Acc to External RAM (16-bit addr from Alternate DPTR) Software Breakpoint Extended Subroutine Return In addition to instructions the assembler supports generic jumps and calls that do not represent a specific opcode. The assembler implements the following two generic instructions: JMP <address> CALL <address> These instructions evaluate to a jump or call, although not necessarily the shortest, that will reach the specified address. JMP may assemble to SJMP, AJMP, LJMP or EJMP, while CALL can evaluate to ACALL, LCALL or ECALL. Note that the assembler decision may not be optimal. For code addresses that are forward references (a location later on in the program), the assembler cannot determine which form is most efficient. For forward references the assembler always generates LJMP or LCALL respectively for standard (<=64KB) mode and EJMP or ECALL respectively for extended (>64KB) mode. However, for backward references this is still a powerful tool to reduce code size without extra trouble. C51ASM User Guide 3-9 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM Assembly Language Some AT89LP devices support special modes for data pointer (DPTR) instructions. C51ASM supports some alias instructions that better capture the intent of the programmer. These aliases are not new instructions, but map to existing instructions. No attempt is made to check if the correct mode has been set when these aliases are used. To enable parsing of the aliases the --dptr option must be included on the command line. Table 3-11. Data Poiner Aliases 3.8 MOVC A, @A+DPTR++ MOVC A, @A+DPTR-- MOVC B, @A+DPTR++ MOVC B, @A+DPTR-- MOVC A, @A+/DPTR++ MOVC A, @A+/DPTR-- MOVC B, @A+/DPTR++ MOVC B, @A+/DPTR-- MOVC A, @DPTR MOVC A, @/DPTR MOVC B, @DPTR MOVC B, @/DPTR MOVC A, @DPTR++ MOVC A, @DPTR-- MOVC B, @DPTR++ MOVC B, @DPTR-- MOVC A, @/DPTR++ MOVC A, @/DPTR-- MOVC B, @/DPTR++ MOVC B, @/DPTR-- DEC DPTR DEC /DPTR MOVX B, @DPTR MOVX B, @/DPTR MOVX A, @DPTR++ MOVX A, @DPTR-- MOVX B, @DPTR++ MOVX B, @DPTR-- MOVX A, @/DPTR++ MOVX A, @/DPTR-- MOVX B, @/DPTR++ MOVX B, @/DPTR-- MOVX @DPTR++, A MOVX @DPTR--, A MOVX @DPTR++, B MOVX @DPTR--, B MOVX @/DPTR++, A MOVX @/DPTR--, A MOVX @/DPTR++, B MOVX @/DPTR--, B Assembler Directives C51ASM provides a number of pseudo instructions for defining symbol values, reserving and initializing storage, and controling the placement of code and data. These statements are not to be confused with processor instructions or assembler controls. They do not produce executable code and, with the exception of the DB, DW, BYTE and WORD statements, they have no direct effect on the contents of code memory. These directives change the state of the assembler, define user symbols, and add information to the object file. For further information see the full reference in Section 5 “Assembler Directives” . Directives statements may be divided into the following categories: Table 3-12. Address Control Directives Directive Description ORG Set the location counter to a specific offset or address. USING Specify which register bank to use. Table 3-13. Segment Control Directives 3-10 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Directive Description BSEG Define an absolute bit segment, or switch to previous bit segment. CSEG Define an absolute code segment, or switch to previous code segment. DSEG Define an absolute data segment, or switch to previous data segment. ESEG Define an absolute extended data segment, or switch to previous extended data segment. C51ASM User Guide C51ASM Assembly Language Table 3-13. Segment Control Directives Directive Description FSEG Define an absolute flash data segment, or switch to previous flash data segment. ISEG Define an absolute indirect data segment, or switch to previous indirect data segment. XSEG Define an absolute external data segment, or switch to previous external data segment. Table 3-14. Segment Defintion Directives Directive Description BIT Define an address in bit space. CODE Define an address in code space. DATA Define an address in data space. DEFINE Define a symbol value. EDATA Define an address in extended data space. EQU Define a symbol value. FDATA Define an address in flash data space. IDATA Define an address in indirect data space. SET Set a variable symbol value. SFR Define an address in SFR space. XDATA Define an address in external data space. Table 3-15. Conditional Assembly Directives C51ASM User Guide Directive Description IF Begin an IF-ELSE-ENDIF block. IFN Begin an IFN-ELSE-ENDIF block. IFDEF Begin an IFDEF-ELSE-ENDIF block. IFNDEF Begin an IFNDEF-ELSE-ENDIF block. IFB Begin an IFB-ELSE-ENDIF block. IFNB Begin an IFNB-ELSE-ENDIF block. ELSEIF Begin an alternate IF block. ELSEIFN Begin an alternate IFN block. ELSEIFDEF Begin an alternate IFDEF block. ELSEIFNDEF Begin an alternate IFNDEF block. ELSEIFB Begin an alternate IFB block. ELSEIFNB Begin an alternate IFNB block. ELSE Begin an ELSE block. ENDIF Terminate an IF block. 3-11 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM Assembly Language Table 3-16. Macro Defintion Directives Directive Description MACRO Defines a macro LOCAL Declare labels with local scope inside macro ENDM End of macro definition EXITM Terminates macro expansion immediately REPT Defines a block that is expanded a specified number of times Table 3-17. Memory Initialization Directives Directive Description BYTE Allocate memory for one or more defined byte values. Alias for DB DB Allocate memory for one or more defined byte values. DW Allocate memory for one or more defined word values. WORD Allocate memory for one or more defined word values. Alias for DW Table 3-18. Memory Reservation Directives Directive Description DBIT Reserve space for one or more bits. DS Reserve space for one or more bytes. Table 3-19. Miscellaneous Directives 3.9 Directive Description END End of program. NAME Define module name Assembler Controls C51ASM implements a number of assembler controls that influence the assembly process and list file generation. There are two groups of controls: primary and general controls. Primary controls can only be used at the beginning of the program and remain in effect throughout the assembly. They may be preceded only by control statements, blank and commentary lines. If the same primary control is used multiple times with different parameters, the last one counts. Many primary controls also have command line option equivalents. Command line options always override equivalent controls in the assembly source. General controls may be used everywhere in the program. They perform a single action, or remain in effect until they are cancelled or changed by a subsequent control statement. A control statement starts with a dollar sign ($) character, followed by one or more assembler controls. Spaces or tabs are allowed between the '$' and the first control. Subsequent controls on the same line must be separated by spaces or tabs. $INCLUDE controls must be the last control on a line. Any controls after the $INCLUDE will be ignored until the end of the line. 3-12 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide C51ASM Assembly Language Assembler controls may have a number or string type operand, which must always be enclosed in parentheses. Number type operands are decimal, octal or hexadecimal constants in standard C form. String type operands are character strings which are enclosed in parentheses instead of quotes. In analogy to quoted strings, no control characters (including tabs) are allowed within these strings! The string delimiters '(' and ')' are allowed as long as the number of open and closing parentheses is balanced. If a control statement changes the listing mode, the control statement itself is always listed in the new listing mode! The following tables lists all the implemented controls and their abbreviations. For further information see the full reference in Section 6 “Assembler Controls” . Table 3-20. Primary Controls Control Abbreviation Description $DATE $DA inserts date string into page header $DEBUG $DB include debug information into object $NODEBUG $NODB don't include debug information $DEVICE select device $INCDIR add a directory to search path $MACRO $MR reserve n % of free memory for macros $NOMACRO $NOMR reserve all for the symbol table $MAPFSEG $MOD51 remap FSEG location in object file $MO $MOD52 $NOMOD51 C51ASM User Guide enable predefined 80C51 SFR symbols enable predefined 80C52 SFR symbols $NOMO disable predefined SFR symbols $NOBUILTIN don't list predefined symbols $NOTABS don't use tabs in list file $OBJECT $OJ generate object file $NOOBJECT $NOOJ don't generate object file $PAGING $PI enable listing page formatting $NOPAGING $NOPI disable listing page formatting $PAGELENGTH $PL set lines per page for listing $PAGEWIDTH $PW set columns per line for listing $PRINT $PR generate list file $NOPRINT $NOPR don't generate list file $SYMBOLS $SB create symbol table $NOSYMBOLS $NOSB don't create symbol table $XREF $XR create cross reference $NOXREF $NOXR don't create cross reference 3-13 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM Assembly Language Table 3-21. General Controls Control Abbreviation Description $COND list full IF .. ENDIF constructions $NOCOND don't list lines in false branches $CONDONLY list assembled lines only $EJECT $EJ start a new page in list file $ERROR force a user-defined error $MESSAGE output a message to console $WARNING output a warning message to console $GEN $GE list macro calls and expansion lines $NOGEN $NOGE list macro calls only $GENONLY $GO list expansion lines only $INCLUDE $IC include a source file $LIST $LI list subsequent source lines $NOLIST $NOLI don't list subsequent source lines $SAVE $SA save current $LIST/$GEN/$COND state $RESTORE $RS restore old $LIST/$GEN/$COND state $TITLE $TT inserts title string into page header The default state of the assembler controls corresponds to the following: $DATE( ) $TITLE(Copyright (c) 2010 Atmel Corp.) $MACRO(50) $MOD51 $OBJECT NOPRINT NODEBUG $PAGING PAGELENGTH(64) PAGEWIDTH(132) $SYMBOLS NOXREF $COND GEN LIST 3.10 Conditional Assembly C51ASM supports conditional program assembly using several conditional assembly directives. Conditional assembly allows selected parts of source code to be assembled or ignored. Conditional assembly may be used to simplify configuration control and maintenance by implementing different program versions or different memory models within a single source file. Using conditional assembly, you can easily maintain one source module that satisfies several applications. The following directive instructions are supported: 3-14 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide C51ASM Assembly Language Table 3-22. Conditional Assembly Directives Directive Arguments Description IF <expr> Assemble block if <expr> is true. IFN <expr> Assemble block if <expr> is false. IFDEF <symbol> Assemble block if <symbol> is defined. IFNDEF <symbol> Assemble block if <symbol> is not defined. IFB <literal> Assemble block if <literal> is blank. IFNB <literal> Assemble block if <literal> is not blank. ELSEIF <expr> Assemble block if <expr> is true and a previous IF or ELSEIF is false. ELSEIFN <expr> Assemble block if <expr> is not true and a previous IF or ELSEIF is false. ELSEIFDEF <symbol> Assemble block if <symbol> is defined and a previous IF or ELSEIF is false. ELSEIFNDEF <symbol> Assemble block if <symbol> is not defined and a previous IF or ELSEIF is false. ELSEIFB <literal> Assemble block if <literal> is blank and a previous IF or ELSEIF is false. ELSEIFNB <literal> Assemble block if <literal> is not blank and a previous IF or ELSEIF is false. ELSE Assemble block if the condition of a previous IF is false. ENDIF Ends an IF block #IF <expr> Assemble block if <expr> is true. #ELIF <expr> Assemble block if <expr> is true and a previous #IF or #ELIF is false. #IFDEF <symbol> Assemble block if <symbol> is defined. #IFNDEF <symbol> Assemble block if <symbol> is not defined. #ELSE Assemble block if the condition of a previous #IF is false. #ENDIF Ends a #IF block .IF <expr> Assemble block if <expr> is true. .ELSE Assemble block if the condition of a previous .IF is false. .ENDIF Ends a .IF block The IF, ELSEIF, ELSE and ENDIF directives define conditional assembly blocks. C51ASM supports a number of variants of the the IF and ELSEIF directives that test different conditions in both positive and negative sense. For this document, assume that IF and ELSEIF are synonymous with their respective variants. Conditional assembly blocks must start with an IF statement and must conclude with an ENDIF statement. A conditional assembly block can include optional alternative blocks beginning with the ELSEIF and ELSE directives. Each ELSEIF or ELSE statement terminates the previous IF or ELSEIF block. The ENDIF terminates the last ELSEIF or ELSE block and the entire IF-ELSE-ENDIF construct. Syntax: C51ASM User Guide 3-15 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM Assembly Language IF <condition 1> . . . ;assembled if <condition 1> is TRUE . . . ELSEIF <condition 2> . . . ;assembled if <condition 1> is FALSE, . . . ;and <condition 2> is TRUE . . . ELSEIF <condition n> . . . ;assembled if <condition 1> through . . . ;<condition n-1> are FALSE and . . . ;<condition n> is TRUE ELSE . . . ;assembled if <condition 1> through . . . ;<condition n> are FALSE ENDIF The body of each conditional and alternative block may contain any number of assembly language statements, including instruction mnemonics, controls, directives, macros and nested conditional IF-ELSEENDIF blocks. IF-ELSE-ENDIF blocks may be nested to any depth! Use the $COND, $NOCOND and $CONDONLYcontrols to set the listing mode of conditional assembly blocks. Example: Simple IF-ENDIF block checking if NOLISTING is defined. IFDEF NOLISTING $NOPRINT ENDIF Example: IF-ELSE-ENDIF block optimizing for case when X is zero. IF (X == 0) CLR A ELSE MOV A, #X ENDIF Example: IF-ELSEIF-ELSE-ENDIF block ensuring macro has valid operands CMP MACRO OP1, OP2 IFB $ERROR(Missing 1st operand to CMP) ELSEIFB $ERROR(Missing 2nd operand to CMP) ELSE MOV A, OP1 CLR C SUBB A, OP2 ENDIF ENDM 3-16 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 4 Macro Processing The Atmel® C51ASM assembler supports a standand macro processor that is similar to those found in other assemblers. The macro processor is a string replacement tool for writing resuable code blocks (i.e. macros) that are used in one or more places in your assembly source code. Each macro call in a program is replaced by its definition and assembled as if the statements were written explicitly, a process called expansion. Macro expansion occurs at assembly time, so the macro processor can take advantage of the standard assembler facilities. Macro expansion can be suppressed with the $NOMACRO control. Macros are not subroutines. Subroutines are fixed blocks of code that are defined and assembled once in the program and will generate machine code even if they are never called. Subroutines are called explicitly with the CALL instructions and all the requirements of context-switching must be handled in the program. Macros generate in-line code every time they are called. If a macro is never called, its body will not appear is the assembled program, but if it is called many times the associated code is generated many times as well and the size of the program can increase rapidly. Macros may also generate different code at each call, depending on the state of their parameters. The programmer must determine if common code should be implemented as a subroutine or macro depending on the requirements of the application. The following assembler directives support macro definition: Table 4-1. Macro Defintion Directives Directive Description MACRO Defines a macro LOCAL Declare labels with local scope inside macro ENDM End of macro definition EXITM Terminates macro expansion immediately REPT Defines a block that is expanded a specified number of times 4.1 Standard Callable Macros 4.1.1 Defining Macros Standard macros must be defined before they are called in a program. A MACRO directive statement starts a macro definition as follows: Syntax: <macro-name> MACRO [<parameter 1>[, <parameter 2>[, ... ,<parameter n>]]] [LOCAL <symbol 1>[,<symbol 2>[, ... , <symbol n>]]] . . . <macro-body> ENDM C51ASM User Guide 4-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Macro Processing The macro definition header contains the macro name and formal parameter list. The <macro-name> must be a unique symbol that obeys all the rules of symbol creation. Macro names cannot be keywords and cannot be redefined. The macro can have an optional list of one or more parameters that are passed to the macro body, see “Macro Parameters” on page 4-3. Following the header is an optional list of symbols declared in local scope using the LOCAL directive, see “Local Symbols” on page 4-4. The <macro-body> contains the template that will replace the macro name in the assembly source. The body may contain instruction mnemonics, directives, controls, macro calls and even further macro definitions. This is no limit on the number of lines in the body. The macro body and consequently the macro definition is terminated with the ENDM directive. Note that the macro body is treated as text. Any nested macro calls will not be expanded until the parent macro is called. Likewise, any nested macro definitions will not be defined until the parent macro is called. See “Nested and Recursive Macro Calls” on page 4-9 and “Nested Macro Definitions” on page 4-10. Example: ADD16 MACRO ;definition of ADD16 MOV A, R0 ; add {R1,R0} + {R3,R2} ADD A, R2 ; result in {B,A} XCH A, B CLR A MOV A, R1 ADDC A, R3 XCH A, B ENDM 4.1.2 Calling Macros To call a macro, specify the macro name followed by the list of arguments, if any. When a macro is called, the macro body is expanded in place of the calling statement and then assembled as normal source lines. A macro can be called by its name in the subsequent program as often as desired. Note that the macro definition must occur before the macro is called. Forward references to macros are not allowed. Syntax: <macro-name> [<arg 1>[, <arg 2>[, ... ,<arg n>]]] Example: ADD16 ;call After the call of the macro ADD16, the body lines MOV A, R0 ; add {R1,R0} + {R3,R2} ADD A, R2 ; result in {B,A} XCH A, B CLR A MOV A, R1 ADDC A, R3 XCH A, B are inserted into the program and assembled. 4-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Macro Processing 4.1.3 Macro Parameters Macro parameters allow callable macros to be called with arguments that are passed to the macro body. This allows for creation of more dynamic, flexible macros that are written once, but can be adapted to each calling context. The names of the formal parameters are specified in the macro definition header following the MACRO keyword, separated by commas. All parameter names must be unique symbols that obey all the rules of symbol creation. Keywords cannot be used as parameter names. Macros may have any number of parameters, as long as they fit on one line. Parameter symbols have local scope within the macro body. The same parameter names may be used in other macros, or as standard symbols in the main assembly code, without conflict. Parameters in the body of the macro are represented by the parameter name. They may be used any number of times and in any order within the macro body. The assembler cannot recognize a parameter symbol if it is part of another symbol, is contained in a quoted string, or appears in commentary. In these cases the special macro operator '&' is required. See “Macro Operators” on page 4-5. Syntax: <macro-name> MACRO [<parameter 1>[, <parameter 2>[, ... ,<parameter n>]]] Example: macro_with_5_params MACRO p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 When a macro is called, arguments can be passed to the macro in place of the parameters. The arguments must be separated by commas. Arguments are non-delimited character strings that, during macro expansion, replace the symbols of the corresponding parameters in the macro body. The first argument replaces the symbol of the first parameter, the second argument replaces the symbol of the second parameter, and so forth, in a process called substitution. Valid macro arguments are: Arbitrary sequences of printable characters, not containing spaces, tabs, commas, or semicolons Quoted strings (in single or double quotes) Single printable characters, preceded by '!' as an escape character Character sequences, enclosed in literal brackets < ... >, which may be arbitrary sequences of valid macro arguments (types 1–4), plus spaces, commas and semicolons Arbitrary sequences of valid macro arguments (types 1–4) Expressions preceded by a '%' character Example: DELAY MACRO NUM, REGISTER MOV REGISTER, #NUM DJNZ REGISTER, $ ENDM DELAY 16, R7 After calling the macro DELAY, the body lines: MOV R7, #16 DJNZ R7, $ are inserted into the program, and assembled. The parameter names NUM and REGISTER have been replaced by the macro arguments "16" and "R7". C51ASM User Guide 4-3 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Macro Processing You may pass a NULL value for a parameter by omitting that parameter from the macro call. If an argument is omitted, the corresponding parameter is replaced by an empty string. Arguments at the end of the call line are omitted by simply passing a fewer number of arguments that parameters. If arguments in the middle of the call are to be omitted, the separating comma is still required. The number of arguments passed to a macro can not be greater than the number of parameters. Example: MYMACRO MACRO P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8 The macro MYMACRO has eight parameters. If it is called as follows: MUMACRO A1,,A3,,A5,A6 Then the formal parameters P1, P3, P5 and P6 are replaced by the arguments A1, A3, A5 and A6 during substitution. The parameters P2, P4, P7 and P8 are replaced by a zero length string. To recognize empty macro arguments, use the IFB and IFNB conditional assembly directives. (See Section 3.10 ”Conditional Assembly” on page 3-14) 4.1.4 Local Symbols Macros with internal branches may require labels to be defined within the macro body. However, static label names cause errors when the macro is called more than once because the same label name is defined in multiple places. One way to solve this is to have the macro pass the label name as a parameter. Another way is to generate a label within the macro body. C51ASM hides this from the programmer with the concept of local symbols. The LOCAL directive declares one or more symbols, separated by commas, to have local scope within a macro. Local symbols must be valid symbols, unique within the macro, and different from the formal parameter names (if any). Keywords cannot be used as local symbol names. If a local symbol has the same name as a global symbol, the local scope takes precedance during substitution. LOCAL statements can only occur directly after a MACRO or REPT statement, before any body lines. Any number of LOCAL statements is allowed. During macro expansion local macro symbols are replaced with a unique, sequentially-numbered label that increments each time the macro is invoked. These have the format "??xxxx", where xxxx is a unique number in hexadecimal format. To avoid name conflicts with substituted local symbols, is not recommended to use symbols with the format "??xxxx" in the main assembly source. Example: The following macro implements compare and jump if greate than or equal: CJGE CJNE SJMP NEQ: ENDM MACRO OP1, OP2, TARGET OP1, OP2, NEQ TARGET JNC TARGET If the macro CJGE is called multiple times, the label NEQ will be defined multiple times. NEQ can be declared as a local symbol as shown: CJGE MACRO OP1, OP2, TARGET LOCAL NEQ CJNE OP1, OP2, NEQ SJMP TARGET NEQ: JNC TARGET ENDM 4-4 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Macro Processing When CJGE is called for the first time, the local symbol NEQ will be replaced by ??0000: CJGE A, #45, somewhere CJNE A, #45, ??0000 SJMP somewhere ??0000: JNC somewhere when it is called for the second time, NEQ will be replaced by ??0001, and so on: CJGE R3, #56, somewhereelse CJNE R3, #56, ??0001 SJMP somewhereelse ??0001: JNC somewhereelse 4.1.5 Macro Operators Several special operators are available that are very useful for macro definition, call and expansion: Table 4-2. Macro Operators Operator Description ;; The macro commentary operator indicates that subsequent text on the line should be ignored. ! The literal escape operator forces the assmebler to treat the next character literally. The escaped character is passed to the macro, even if it is a control character, while the literal operator itself is removed. <> The literal bracket operators pass the entire enclosed character string, including any control characters, to the macro as one argument string, while the outermost pair of brackets is removed. % The macro evaluation operator causes the subsequent macro argument to be interpreted as an expression, which will be evaluated before it is passed to the macro. & The macro substitution operator separates parameter names from surrounding text, including inside quoted strings and commentary. ;; Operator The double-semicolon operator (;;) is used to precede comments that are not required in the macro expansion. Single-semicolon (;) and C-style (//) comments are always stored with the macro definition and will appear in the list file. Commentary that begins with (;;) is ignored during macro definition and only appears in the macro definition part of the list file. Example: DELAY MACRO NUM, REGISTER MOV REGISTER, #NUM ;; Use a DJNZ loop to delay processor DJNZ REGISTER, $ ENDM DELAY 5, R3 The commentary should only be visible in the definition of the macro DELAY. When DELAY is called, the macro body is expanded as: C51ASM User Guide 4-5 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Macro Processing MOV R3, #5 DJNZ R3, $ ! Operator The exclamation mark operator (!) indicates that a special character is to be passed to a macro literally. This operator enables you to pass as arguments comma (,) and angle bracket characters (< >) that are normally interpreted as delimiters, or a semi-colon (;) that is interpreted as commentary, to a macro. To pass more than one character literally, use the <...> operator. Example: SEND_ASCII_CHAR MACRO CH MOV SBUF, #'&CH' JNB TI, $ CLR TI ENDM The above macro transmits an ASCII character on the UART. To transmit a special character such as ';' you would call SEND_ASCII_CHAR as follows: SEND_ASCII_CHAR !; which would then be expanded to: MOV SBUF, #';' JNB TI, $ CLR TI <...> Operator The angle bracket operators (< >) enclose text that should be passed literally to a macro. This operator enables you to pass as arguments comma (,) characters that are normally interpreted as delimiters, or a semi-colon (;) that is interpreted as commentary, to a macro. To pass an angle bracket, use the ! operator. Example: MAKE_TABLE MACRO NAME, VALUES NAME: INC A MOVC A, @A+PC RET DB VALUES ENDM Macro MAKE_TABLE creates a table lookup subroutine with a set of values. To call MAKE_TABLE with any number of values, place the VALUES argument between < > so that it is passed directly to the DB statement. MAKE_TABLE MY_TABLE, <1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21> will expand to: MY_TABLE: INC A MOVC A, @A+PC RET DB 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 4-6 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Macro Processing % Operator The percent operator (%) causes the subsequent argument to be evaluted as an expression rather than being passed literally. An ASCII representation of the numeric value will be passed to the macro during substitution. The value of the expression must be known on pass 1. The % operator is frequently used with recursive macros. Example: SERIES MACRO STARTV, ENDV IF STARTV LE ENDV DB STARTV SERIES STARTV+1, ENDV ENDIF ENDM If macro SERIES is called as: SERIES 1,3 the expansion would be: DB 1 DB 1+1 DB 1+1+1 By prepending the first argument of the recursive call to SERIES with a %, the macro expansion becomes much more readable: SERIES MACRO STARTV, ENDV IF STARTV LE ENDV DB STARTV SERIES %STARTV+1, ENDV ENDIF ENDM SERIES 1,3 DB 1 DB 2 DB 3 & Operator The ampersand operator (&) concatenates text and macro parameters by separating parameter names from surrounding text. The & operator is the only way for the macro processor to recognize parameters that are part of a larger symbol, or contained within quotes strings and comments. During substitution, the assembler removes one '&' character from each sequence of '&' characters. To use a & character literally in a macro definition you must write two ampersands '&&'. Example: MAKE_LABEL MACRO NAM, NUM NAM&NUM: ENDM When MAKE_LABEL is called as follows: MAKE_LABEL LABEL, 08 C51ASM User Guide 4-7 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Macro Processing the parameters NAM and NUM are substituted during macro expansion as shown below: LABEL08: 4.1.6 Exiting Macro Expansion The EXITM directive immediately terminates macro expansion before the end of the macro body is reached.. When this directive is detected, the macro processor stops expanding the current macro and resumes processing after the next ENDM directive. The EXITM directive only makes sense in conjunction with conditional assembly. When macro expansion is terminated with EXITM, all IF-ELSE-ENDIF conditional assembly blocks that have been opened within the macro body at the point of the EXITM are closed. Example: DELAY MACRO NUM, REGISTER IFB $ERROR(MACRO DELAY requires two arguments) EXITM ELSEIFB EXITM ENDIF MOV REGISTER, #NUM ;; Use a DJNZ loop to delay processor DJNZ REGISTER, $ ENDM If macro DELAY is called with no arguments like: DELAY It will expand to: $ERROR(MACRO DELAY requires two arguments) 4.2 Repeat Macros A "Repeat" macro is a special built-in macro that expands its body a set number of times. Repeat macros start with the REPT keyword, followed by an <expr> for the number of repetitions, which must be known on pass 1. The repeat macro defintion is terminated with an ENDM directive. Repeat macros don't have a macro name and therefore cannot be called multiple times. They are always expanded immediately after their definition. Repeat macros can also have local symbols like callable macros. Syntax: REPT <expr> [LOCAL <symbol 1>[,<symbol 2>[, ... , <symbol n>]]] . . . <macro-body> . . . ENDM 4-8 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Macro Processing Example: REPT 5 NOP ENDM This REPT block will expand to five NOP instructions immediately after its definition: NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP Repeat macros can be made reusable by nested them in a standard callable macro: DO_NOPS MACRO N REPT N NOP ENDM ENDM 4.3 Nested and Recursive Macro Calls It is perfectly legal for macro bodies to contain macro calls. If a macro call is encountered during the expansion of a macro, the assembler starts immediately expanding the called macro. The expanded body lines are simply inserted into the expanded macro body of the calling macro, until the called macro is completely expanded. Then the expansion of the calling macro is continued with the body line following the nested macro call. The nested macro is not expanded when the calling macro is defined, only when the calling macro itself is expanded. Example: LOWER MACRO MOVC A, @A+DPTR INC DPTR ENDM UPPER MACRO MOV A,#13 LOWER MOV @R0,A INC R0 ENDM The macro UPPER calls the macro LOWER in its body. If UPPER is called the expansion will look like: MOV A,#13 MOVC A, @A+DPTR INC DPTR MOV @R0,A INC R0 C51ASM User Guide 4-9 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Macro Processing Macros can also recursively call themselves. There must be a stop condition to prevent the macro from calling itself over and over until the assembler runs out of memory. Conditional assembly can be employed to check the limits of some value within the macro. Example: SERIES MACRO STARTV, ENDV IF STARTV LE ENDV DB STARTV SERIES %STARTV+1, ENDV ENDIF ENDM The macro SERIES defines constants from STARTV through ENDV in ascending order in ROM. If SERIES is called like this: $GENONLY CONDONLY SERIES 1,7 results in the following macro expansion: DB DB DB DB DB DB DB 4.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nested Macro Definitions It is also valid for a macro body to contain further macro definitions. Nested macro will only be defined when the enclosing macro has been expanded! Therefore, the enclosing macro must have been called before the nested macro can be called, otherwise the macro will be undefined. Nested macro definitions are generally used to define macros with arbitrary names or wrap repeat macros in a reusable macro shell. Example: MAKE_MACRO MACRO MACNAME, REG MACNAME MACRO XCH A, REG PUSH ACC XCH A, REG ENDM ENDM A call of: MAKE_MACRO PUSH_R0, R0 would define the macro: PUSH_RO MACRO XCH A, R0 PUSH ACC 4-10 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Macro Processing XCH A, R0 ENDM while the call: MAKE_MACRO PUSH_AT_R1, @R1 would define the following macro: PUSH_AT_R1 MACRO XCH A, @R1 PUSH ACC XCH A, @R1 ENDM Example: In the section on Repeat Macros we introduced the nested repeat block. DO_NOPS MACRO N REPT N NOP ENDM ENDM The macro call DO_NOPS 4 will result in: REPT 4 NOP ENDM NOP NOP NOP NOP C51ASM User Guide 4-11 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Macro Processing 4-12 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 5 Assembler Directives In the subsequent paragraphs, all C51ASM assembler directives are described. Lexical symbols are written in lower case letters, while assembler keywords are written in upper case. Instruction arguments are represented by <arg>, <arg1> or something like that. Numeric expressions are represented by <expr>, <expr1> and so on. Syntax elements enclosed in brackets are optional. The ellipsis "..." means always "a list with any number of elements". Table 5-1. Supported Assembler Directives C51ASM User Guide Directive Description BIT Define bit address BSEG Switch to BIT segment BYTE Define bytes (Alias for DB) CODE Define CODE address CSEG Switch to CODE segment DATA Define direct data address DB Define bytes DBIT Define bits DEFINE Define numeric constant DS Define space DSEG Switch to DATA segment DW Define words EDATA Define extended RAM address ELSE Start an ELSE alternate conditional block ELSEIF Start an alternate IF conditional block ELSEIFB Start an alternate IFB conditional block ELSEIFDEF Start an alternate IFDEF conditional block ELSEIFN Start an alternate IFN conditional block ELSEIFNB Start an alternate IFNB conditional block ELSEIFNDEF Start an alternate IFNDEF conditional block END End of program ENDIF Terminate an IF conditional block ENDM End of macro definition EQU Define numeric constant 5-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives Table 5-1. Supported Assembler Directives Directive Description ESEG Switch to EDATA segment EXITM Exit macro expansion FDATA Define flash data address FSEG Switch to FDATA segment IDATA Define indirect data address IF Start an IF–ELSE–ENDIF conditional block IFB Start an IFB–ELSE–ENDIF conditional block IFDEF Start an IFDEF–ELSE–ENDIF conditional block IFN Start an IFN–ELSE–ENDIF conditional block IFNB Start an IFNB–ELSE–ENDIF conditional block IFNDEF Start an IFNDEF–ELSE–ENDIF conditional block ISEG Switch to IDATA Segment LOCAL Define local symbol MACRO Define a callable macro NAME Define module name ORG Origin of segment location REPT Define a repeat macro SET Define numeric variable SFR Define direct SFR address USING Using register bank WORD Define words (alias for DW) XDATA Define external RAM address XSEG Switch to XDATA segment Table 5-2. C Preprocessor Style Directives 5-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Directive Description #DEFINE Define numeric constant #ELIF Start an alternate #IF conditional block #ELSE Start an #ELSE alternate conditional block #ENDIF Terminate an #IF conditional block #IF Start an #IF–#ELSE–#ENDIF conditional block #IFDEF Start an #IFDEF–#ELSE–#ENDIF conditional block #IFNDEF Start an #IFNDEF–#ELSE–#ENDIF conditional block #UNDEF Undefine symbol C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives 5.1 DB Function: Define bytes in memory Description: The DB instruction reserves and initializes a number of bytes with the values defined by the arguments. The arguments may either be expressions (which must evaluate to 8-bit values) or character strings of any length. DB is only allowed in the CODE and FDATA segments! Syntax: DB <arg1> [,<arg2> [,<arg3> ... ]] .DB <arg1> [,<arg2> [,<arg3> ... ]] .BYTE <arg1> [,<arg2> [,<arg3> ... ]] Example: DB 19,'January',98,(3*7+12)/11 See Also: – DW 5.2 DW Function: Define words in memory Description: The DW instruction reserves and initializes a number of words with the values defined by the arguments. Every argument may be an arbitrary expression and requires two bytes of space. DW does not accept character strings with more than two characters. DW is only allowed in the CODE and FDATA segments! Syntax: DW <expr1> [,<expr2> [,<expr3> ... ]] .DW <expr1> [,<expr2> [,<expr3> ... ]] .WORD <expr1> [,<expr2> [,<expr3> ... ]] Example: DW 0,0C800H,1999,4711 DW ‘AB’ See Also: – DB C51ASM User Guide 5-3 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives 5.3 DS Function: Allocate byte space in memory Description: Reserves a number of uninitialized bytes in the current segment. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! DS is allowed in every segment, except in the BIT segment (use DBIT)! Syntax: DS <expr> .DS <expr> Example: DS 200H See Also: – DBIT 5.4 DBIT Function: Allocate bit space in memory Description: Reserves a number of uninitialized bits. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! DBIT is only allowed in the BIT segment! Use DS in other segments. Syntax: DBIT <expr> .DBIT <expr> Example: DBIT 16 See Also: – DS 5-4 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives 5.5 DEFINE Function: Define numeric constant Description: The DEFINE instruction defines a symbol for a numeric constant or a register. If a numeric expression <expr> is assigned to the symbol, it will be of the type NUMBER. If a register <reg> is assigned to the symbol, it will be of the type REGISTER. <reg> may be one of the special assembler symbols A, R0, R1, R2, R3, R3, R4, R5, R6, or R7. Unlike SET, a symbol once defined with DEFINE can never be changed! The values of <expr> and <reg> must be known on pass 1! Forward references are not allowed. Syntax: #DEFINE <symbol> <expr> .DEFINE <symbol> <expr> Example: #DEFINE #DEFINE #DEFINE .DEFINE .DEFINE MAXMONTH 12 OCTOBER MAXMONTH-2 COUNTREG R5 TEN 10 FIVE TEN/2 See Also: – EQU – SET – #UNDEF 5.6 NAME Function: Define module name Description: Defines a module name for the OMF-51 object file. If no module name is defined, the module name is derived from the source file name. When generating Intel-HEX file output, the NAME instruction has no effect. The module name must be a legal assembler symbol. Only one NAME instruction is allowed within the program. The symbol however, may be redefined in the subsequent program. Syntax: NAME <symbol> .NAME <symbol> Example: NAME My_1st_Program See Also: None C51ASM User Guide 5-5 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives 5.7 ORG Function: Set origin of segment location Description: Sets the location counter of the current segment to the value <expr>. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! It must be greater or equal to the segment base address. The default value of all location counters at program start is 0. Syntax: ORG <expr> .ORG <expr> Example: ORG 08000H See Also: – BSEG – CSEG – DSEG – ESEG – FSEG – ISEG – XSEG 5.8 USING Function: Use Register Bank Desciption: Sets the register bank used to <expr>, which must be in the range of 0...3. The USING instruction only affects the values of the special assembler symbols AR0, ... , AR7 representing the direct addresses of registers R0, ... , R7 in the current register bank. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! The default value for the register bank is 0. Syntax: USING <expr> .USING <expr> Example: USING 1 See Also: None 5-6 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives 5.9 END Function: End of program Description: This must be the last statement in the source file. After the END statement only commentary and blank lines are allowed! Syntax: END .END Example: END ;end of program See Also: None 5.10 EQU Function: Define numeric constant Description: The EQU instruction defines a symbol for a numeric constant or a register. If a numeric expression <expr> is assigned to the symbol, it will be of the type NUMBER. If a register <reg> is assigned to the symbol, it will be of the type REGISTER. <reg> may be one of the special assembler symbols A, R0, R1, R2, R3, R3, R4, R5, R6, or R7. Unlike SET, a symbol once defined with EQU can never be changed! The values of <expr> and <reg> must be known on pass 1! Forward references are not allowed. Syntax: <symbol> EQU <expr> <symbol> EQU <reg> .EQU <symbol> , <expr> .EQU <symbol> , <reg> .EQU <symbol> = <expr> .EQU <symbol> = <reg> Example: MAXMONTH EQU 12 OCTOBER EQU MAXMONTH-2 COUNTREG EQU R5 .EQU TEN, 10 .EQU FIVE = TEN/2 See Also: – DEFINE, SET, #UNDEF C51ASM User Guide 5-7 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives 5.11 CODE Function: Define code memory address Description: The CODE directive defines symbolic addresses for the program memory segment (address space). The symbol will be of type CODE and cannot be redefined. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! Syntax: <symbol> CODE <expr> Example: EPROM CODE 08000H See Also: – BIT – DATA, IDATA – EDATA, FDATA – XDATA 5.12 DATA Function: Define direct data address Description: The DATA directive defines symbolic addresses for the directly addressable internal data memory segment (address space). If the numeric value of the address is between 0 and 127 decimal, it is an address of an internal RAM location. If the numeric value of the address is between 128 and 255, it is an address of a Special Function Register. Addresses greater than 255 are illegal and will be flagged as an error. The symbol will be of type DATA and cannot be redefined. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! Syntax: <symbol> DATA <expr> Example: STACK DATA 7 See Also: – BIT – CODE – IDATA – EDATA, FDATA – XDATA 5-8 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives 5.13 SFR Function: Define direct SFR address Description: The SFR directive defines symbolic addresses for the directly addressable special function register space in the DATA memory segment. SFR is similar to DATA except that the numeric value of the address must be between 128 and 255. Addresses less than 128 or greater than 255 are illegal and will be flagged as an error. The symbol will be of type DATA and cannot be redefined. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! Syntax: <symbol> SFR <expr> SFR <symbol> = <expr> Example: P0 SFR 80H See Also: – DATA 5.14 BIT Function: Define bit address Description: The BIT directive defines symbolic addresses for the bit addressable segment of internal data memory. If the numeric value of the address is between 0 and 127 decimal, it is a bit address mapped in an internal RAM location. If the numeric value of the address is between 128 and 255, it is an address of a bit located in a Special Function Register. Addresses greater than 255 are illegal and will be flagged as an error. The symbol will be of type BIT and cannot be redefined. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! Syntax: <symbol> BIT <expr> Example: REDLED BIT P1.5 See Also: – CODE – DATA – IDATA – EDATA – FDATA – XDATA C51ASM User Guide 5-9 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives 5.15 IDATA Function: Define indirect data address Description: The IDATA directive defines symbolic addresses for the indirectly addressable internal data memory segment (address space). The numeric value of the address must be between 0 and 255 decimal. Addresses greater than 255 are illegal and will be flagged as an error. The symbol will be of type IDATA and cannot be redefined. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! Syntax: <symbol> IDATA <expr> Example: V24BUF IDATA 080H See Also: – BIT – CODE – DATA – EDATA, FDATA – XDATA 5.16 EDATA Function: Define extended RAM address Description: The EDATA directive defines symbolic addresses for the internal extended RAM memory segment (address space). The numeric value of the address must be between 0 and 65536 decimal. The symbol will be of type EDATA and cannot be redefined. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! Syntax: <symbol> EDATA <expr> Example: FIFO EDATA 1000H See Also: – BIT – CODE – DATA, IDATA – FDATA – XDATA 5-10 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives 5.17 FDATA Function: Define flash data Address Description: The FDATA directive defines symbolic addresses for the internal flash (non-volatile) data memory segment (address space). The numeric value of the address must be between 0 and 65536 decimal. The symbol will be of type FDATA and cannot be redefined. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! Syntax: <symbol> FDATA <expr> Example: EEVAR1 FDATA 2400H See Also: – BIT – CODE – DATA – IDATA – EDATA – XDATA 5.18 XDATA Function: Define external RAM address Description: The XDATA directive defines symbolic addresses for the external data memory segment (address space). The numeric value of the address must be between 0 and 65536 decimal. The symbol will be of type XDATA and cannot be redefined. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! Syntax: <symbol> XDATA <expr> Example: SAMPLER XDATA 0100H See Also: – BIT – CODE – DATA – IDATA – EDATA, FDATA, C51ASM User Guide 5-11 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives 5.19 CSEG Function: Switch to CODE segment Description: The CSEG directive defines the start of a CODE (program memory) Segment. An assembly source file can consist of several CODE Segments, which are concatenated into one CODE Segment when assembled. The default segment type is CODE. The CODE Segments have their own location counter. If a segment base address is specified with "AT <expr>", a new absolute segment is started, and the location counter is set to <expr>. If "AT <expr>" is omitted, the location counter keeps the previous value of the particular segment. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! The ORG directive can also be used to place code and constants at specific locations in the program memory. At program start, the base address and location counter of the CODE segment are set to zero. Syntax: CSEG [AT <expr>] .CSEG [AT <expr>] Example: CSEG AT 8000h ;start a new CODE segment at address 8000H CSEG ;switch to previous CODE segment See Also: – BSEG, DSEG – ESEG, FSEG – ISEG, XSEG 5.20 DSEG Function: Switch to DATA segment Description: The DSEG directive defines the start of a DATA (internal direct data memory) Segment. An assembly source file can consist of several DATA Segments, which are concatenated into one DATA Segment when assembled. The DATA Segments have their own location counter. If a segment base address is specified with "AT <expr>", a new absolute segment is started, and the location counter is set to <expr>. If "AT <expr>" is omitted, the location counter keeps the previous value of the particular segment. The numeric value of <expr> must be between 0 and 255 decimal, although in general <expr> will usually be less than 128. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! The ORG directive can also be used to place variables at specific locations in the internal RAM. At program start, the base address and location counter of the DATA segment are set to zero. Syntax: DSEG [AT <expr>] .DSEG [AT <expr>] 5-12 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives Example: DSEG AT 40h ;start a new DATA segment at address 40H DSEG ;switch to previous DATA segment See Also: – BSEG, CSEG, ESEG – FSEG, ISEG, XSEG 5.21 ISEG Function: Switch to IDATA segment Description: The ISEG directive defines the start of a IDATA (internal direct data memory) Segment. An assembly source file can consist of several IDATA Segments, which are concatenated into one IDATA Segment when assembled. The IDATA Segments have their own location counter. If a segment base address is specified with "AT <expr>", a new absolute segment is started, and the location counter is set to <expr>. If "AT <expr>" is omitted, the location counter keeps the previous value of the particular segment. The numeric value of <expr> must be between 0 and 255 decimal. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! The ORG directive can also be used to place variables at specific locations in the internal RAM. At program start, the base address and location counter of the IDATA segment are set to zero. Syntax: ISEG [AT <expr>] .ISEG [AT <expr>] Example: ISEG AT 80h ;start a new IDATA segment at address 80H ISEG ;switch to previous IDATA segment See Also: – BSEG, CSEG, DSEG – ESEG, FSEG, XSEG 5.22 ESEG Function: Switch to EDATA segment Description: The ESEG directive defines the start of a EDATA (internal extended data memory) Segment. An assembly source file can consist of several EDATA Segments, which are concatenated into one EDATA Segment when assembled. The EDATA Segments have their own location counter. If a segment base address is specified with "AT <expr>", a new absolute segment is started, and the location counter is set to <expr>. If "AT <expr>" is omitted, the location counter keeps the previous C51ASM User Guide 5-13 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives value of the particular segment. The numeric value of <expr> must be between 0 and 65536 decimal. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! The ORG directive can also be used to place variables at specific locations in the internal extended RAM. At program start, the base address and location counter of the EDATA segment are set to zero. Syntax: ESEG [AT <expr>] .ESEG [AT <expr>] Example: ESEG AT 1000h ;start a new EDATA segment at address 1000H ESEG ;switch to previous EDATA segment See Also: – BSEG, CSEG – DSEG, FSEG – ISEG, XSEG 5.23 FSEG Function: Switch to FDATA segment Description: The FSEG directive defines the start of a FDATA (internal non-volatile data memory) Segment. An assembly source file can consist of several FDATA Segments, which are concatenated into one EDATA Segment when assembled. The FDATA Segments have their own location counter. If a segment base address is specified with "AT <expr>", a new absolute segment is started, and the location counter is set to <expr>. If "AT <expr>" is omitted, the location counter keeps the previous value of the particular segment. The numeric value of <expr> must be between 0 and 65536 decimal. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! The ORG directive can also be used to place constants and variables at specific locations in the internal non-volatile data memory (Data Flash or EEPROM). At program start, the base address and location counter of the FDATA segment are set to zero. Syntax: FSEG [AT <expr>] .FSEG [AT <expr>] Example: FSEG AT 1000h ;start a new FDATA segment at address 1000H FSEG ;switch to previous FDATA segment See Also: – BSEG, CSEG – DSEG, ESEG – ISEG, XSEG 5-14 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives 5.24 BSEG Function: Switch to BIT segment Description: The BSEG directive defines the start of a BIT (internal bit addressable data memory) Segment. An assembly source file can consist of several BIT Segments, which are concatenated into one BIT Segment when assembled. The BIT Segments have their own location counter. If a segment base address is specified with "AT <expr>", a new absolute segment is started, and the location counter is set to <expr>. If "AT <expr>" is omitted, the location counter keeps the previous value of the particular segment. The numeric value of <expr> must be between 0 and 255 decimal, although in general <expr> will usually be less than 128. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! The ORG directive can also be used to place bit variables at specific locations in the internal RAM. At program start, the base address and location counter of the BIT segment are set to zero. Syntax: BSEG [AT <expr>] .BSEG [AT <expr>] Example: BSEG AT 40h ;start a new BIT segment at address 40H BSEG ;switch to previous BIT segment See Also: – CSEG, DSEG – ESEG, FSEG – ISEG, XSEG 5.25 XSEG Function: Switch to XDATA segment Description: The XSEG directive defines the start of a XDATA (external data memory) Segment. An assembly source file can consist of several XDATA Segments, which are concatenated into one EDATA Segment when assembled. The XDATA Segments have their own location counter. If a segment base address is specified with "AT <expr>", a new absolute segment is started, and the location counter is set to <expr>. If "AT <expr>" is omitted, the location counter keeps the previous value of the particular segment. The numeric value of <expr> must be between 0 and 65536 decimal. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! The ORG directive can also be used to place variables at specific locations in the external RAM. At program start, the base address and location counter of the XDATA segment are set to zero. Syntax: XSEG [AT <expr>] .XSEG [AT <expr>] C51ASM User Guide 5-15 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives Example: XSEG at 0 ;start a new XDATA segment at address 0 XSEG ;switch to previous XDATA segment See Also: – BSEG, CSEG – DSEG, ISEG – ESEG, FSEG 5.26 SET Function: Define numeric variable Description: The SET instruction defines a symbol for a numeric constant or a register. If a numeric expression <expr> is assigned to the symbol, it will be of the type NUMBER. If a register <reg> is assigned to the symbol, it will be of the type REGISTER. <reg> may be one of the special assembler symbols A, R0, R1, R2, R3, R3, R4, R5, R6, or R7. The SET instruction is similar to EQU; however, symbols defined with SET can be redefined with subsequent SET instructions! The values of <expr> and <reg> must be known on pass 1! A symbol that has been SET, cannot be redefined with EQU! A symbol that has been EQU'd cannot be reSET! On pass 2, forward references to a SET symbol always evaluate to the last value, the symbol has been SET to on pass 1. Register symbols can be used as instruction operands within the whole program instead of the corresponding registers. Forward references to register symbols are not allowed! Syntax: <symbol> SET <expr> <symbol> SET <reg> .SET <symbol> , <expr> .SET <symbol> , <reg> .SET <symbol> = <expr> .SET <symbol> = <reg> Example: CHAPTER SET 1 CHAPTER SET CHAPTER+1 CHAPTER SET A .SET POINTER, R0 .SET POINTER = R1 See Also: – DEFINE – EQU – #UNDEF 5-16 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives 5.27 #UNDEF Function: Undefine symbol Description: The UNDEF instruction undefines a previously defined symbol. If <symnbol> is not previously defined the directive is silently ignored. This is intended to support configuration management and can be applied sensefully with conditional assembly and include files only. Syntax: #UNDEF <symbol> Example: #UNDEF POINTER See Also: – DEFINE – EQU – SET 5.28 IF Function: Assemble if TRUE Description: The IF statement begins an IF-ELSE-ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If the expression <expr> is TRUE (not-zero) the IF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! IF blocks are terminated by ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: IF <expr> Example: IF A = . . ELSEIF . . ELSE . . ENDIF 1 . A = 2 . . See Also: – IFN, ENDIF – ELSE, ELSEIF C51ASM User Guide 5-17 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives 5.29 IFN Function: Assemble if FALSE Description: The IFN statement begins an IFN-ELSE-ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If the expression <expr> is FALSE (zero) the IFN block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. IFN is equivalent to IF NOT <expr>. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! IFN blocks are terminated by ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: IFN <expr> Example: IFN NO_TITLE == 1 $TITLE(My program) ENDIF See Also: – IF, ENDIF – ELSE, ELSEIF 5.30 IFDEF Function: Assemble if defined Description: The IFDEF statement begins an IFDEF-ELSE-ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If <symbol> is defined in the program the IFDEF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. Forward references to <symbol> are not allowed. IFDEF blocks are terminated by ELSEIFDEF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: IFDEF <symbol> Example: IFDEF USE_XRAM ORL AUXR, #EXRAM ; enable EXRAM bit ENDIF See Also: – IFNDEF, ENDIF – ELSE, ELSEIFDEF 5-18 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives 5.31 IFNDEF Function: Assemble if not defined Description: The IFNDEF statement begins an IFNDEF-ELSE-ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If <symbol> is not defined in the program the IFNDEF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. Forward references to <symbol> are not allowed. IFNDEF blocks are terminated by ELSEIFDEF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: IFNDEF <symbol> Example: IFNDEF USE_XRAM ANL AUXR, #NOT EXRAM ; clear EXRAM bit ENDIF See Also: – IFDEF – ENDIF – ELSE – ELSEIFDEF – ELSEIFNDEF 5.32 IFB Function: Assemble if blank Description: The IFB statement begins an IFB-ELSE-ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If the literal string <literal> is empty the IFB block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. <literal> is an unquoted string and must be enclosed in angle brackets ( <. . .> ). IFB statements can only be applied sensibly in macro bodies. IFB and IFNB are used to decide whether macro arguments have been left blank, or not. IFB blocks are terminated by ELSEIFB, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: IFB < <literal> > C51ASM User Guide 5-19 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives Example: SUM MACRO A1, B1, C1 IFB <A1> IFB <B1> IFB <C1> $ERROR(At least one operand required for SUM) ELSE MOV A, C1 ENDIF ELSE MOV A, B1 IFNB <C1> ADD A, C1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE MOV A, A1 IFNB <B1> ADD A, B1 ENDIF IFNB <C1> ADD A, C1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDM See Also: – IFNB, ENDIF – ELSE, ELSEIFB 5.33 IFNB Function: Assemble if not blank Description: The IFNB statement begins an IFNB-ELSE-ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If the literal string <literal> is empty the IFNB block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. <literal> is an unquoted string and must be enclosed in angle brackets ( < . . . > ). IFNB statements can only be applied sensibly in macro bodies. IFB and IFNB are used to decide whether macro arguments have been left blank, or not. IFNB blocks are terminated by ELSEIFB, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: IFNB < <literal> > 5-20 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives Example: SUM MACRO A1, B1, C1 IFNB <A1> MOV A, A1 IFNB <B1> ADD A, B1 ENDIF IFNB <C1> ADD A, C1 ENDIF ELSEIFNB <B1> MOV A, B1 IFNB <C1> ADD A, C1 ENDIF ELSEIFNB <C1> MOV A, C1 ELSE $ERROR(At least one operand required for SUM) ENDIF ENDM See Also: – IFB, ENDIF – ELSE, ELSEIFB 5.34 #IF Function: Assemble if TRUE Description: The #IF statement begins a C-Preprocessor style #IF-#ELSE-#ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If the expression <expr> is TRUE (not-zero) the #IF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent #ELIF or #ELSE blocks are evaluated. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! #IF blocks are terminated by #ELIF, #ELSE, or #ENDIF statements. Syntax: #IF <expr> Example: #IF A = 1 . . . #ELIF A = 2 . . . #ELSE . . . #ENDIF C51ASM User Guide 5-21 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives See Also: – #ELSE, #ELIF, #ENDIF 5.35 #IFDEF Function: Assemble if defined Description: The #IFDEF statement begins a C-Preprocessor style #IFDEF-#ELSE-#ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If <symbol> is defined in the program the #IFDEF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent #ELIF or #ELSE blocks are evaluated. Forward references to <symbol> are not allowed. #IFDEF blocks are terminated by #ELIF, #ELSE, or #ENDIF statements. Syntax: #IFDEF <symbol> Example: #IFDEF USE_XRAM ORL AUXR, #EXRAM ; enable EXRAM bit #ENDIF See Also: – #IFNDEF, #ENDIF – #ELSE, #ELIF 5.36 #IFNDEF Function: Assemble if not defined Description: The #IFNDEF statement begins a C-Preprocessor style #IFNDEF-#ELSE-#ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If <symbol> is not defined in the program the #IFNDEF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent #ELIF or #ELSE blocks are evaluated. Forward references to <symbol> are not allowed. #IFNDEF blocks are terminated by #ELIF, #ELSE, or #ENDIF statements. Syntax: #IFNDEF <symbol> Example: #IFNDEF USE_XRAM ANL AUXR, #NOT EXRAM ; clear EXRAM bit #ENDIF 5-22 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives See Also: – #IFDEF, #ENDIF – #ELSE, #ELIF 5.37 .IF Function: Assemble if TRUE Description: The .IF statement begins an .IF-.ELSE-.ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If the expression <expr> is TRUE (not-zero) the .IF block is assembled, otherwise the subsequent .ELSE block, if present, is evaluated. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! .IF blocks are terminated by .ELSE, or .ENDIF statements. Syntax: .IF <expr> Example: .IF A = 1 . . . .ELSE .IF A = 2 . . . .ELSE . . . .ENDIF .ENDIF See Also: – #ELSE, #ELIF, #ENDIF 5.38 ELSEIF Function: Alternatively assembler if TRUE Description: The ELSEIF statement begins an alternate block after an IF or ELSEIF block. If the expression <expr> is TRUE (not-zero) the ELSEIF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! ELSEIF blocks are terminated by ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: ELSEIF <expr> C51ASM User Guide 5-23 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives Example: IF A = . . ELSEIF . . ELSE . . ENDIF 1 . A = 2 . . See Also: – IF – ENDIF – ELSE – ELSEIFN 5.39 ELSEIFN Function: Alternatively assemble if FALSE Description: The ELSEIFN statement begins an alternate block after an IF or ELSEIF block. If the expression <expr> is FALSE (zero) the ELSEIFN block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. ELSEIFN is equivalent to ELSEIF NOT <expr>. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! ELSEIFN blocks are terminated by ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: ELSEIFN <expr> Example: IF A = 0 . . . ELSEIFN A > MAX . . . ELSE . . . ENDIF See Also: – IFN – ENDIF – ELSE – ELSEIF 5-24 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives 5.40 ELSEIFDEF Function: Alternatively assemble if defined Description: The ELSEIFDEF statement begins an alternate block after an IF or ELSEIF block. If <symbol> is defined in the program the ELSEIFDEF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. Forward references to <symbol> are not allowed. ELSEIFDEF blocks are terminated by ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: ELSEIFDEF <symbol> Example: IFDEF USE_XRAM ORL AUXR, #EXRAM ; enable EXRAM bit ENDIF See Also: ELSE, ELSEIFNDEF, ENDIF, IFDEF 5.41 ELSEIFNDEF Function: Alternatively assemble in not defined Description: The ELSEIFNDEF statement begins an alternate block after an IF or ELSEIF block. If <symbol> is not defined in the program the ELSEIFNDEF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. Forward references to <symbol> are not allowed. ELSEIFNDEF blocks are terminated by ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: ELSEIFNDEF <symbol> Example: IFNDEF USE_XRAM ANL AUXR, #NOT EXRAM ; clear EXRAM bit ENDIF See Also: ELSE, ELSEIFDEF, ENDIF, IFNDEF 5.42 ELSEIFB Function: C51ASM User Guide 5-25 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives Alternatively assemble if blank Description: The IFB statement begins an IFB-ELSE-ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If the literal string <literal> is empty the IFB block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. <literal> is an unquoted string and must be enclosed in angle brackets. IFB statements can only be applied sensibly in macro bodies. IFB and IFNB are used to decide whether macro arguments have been left blank, or not. ELSEIFB blocks are terminated by ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: ELSEIFB < <literal> > Example: SUM MACRO A1, B1, C1 IFB IFB IFB $ERROR(At least one operand required for SUM) ELSE MOV A, C1 ENDIF ELSE MOV A, B1 IFNB ADD A, C1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE MOV A, A1 IFNB ADD A, B1 ENDIF IFNB ADD A, C1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDM See Also: ELSE, ELSEIFB, ENDIF, IFNB 5.43 ELSEIFNB Function: Alternatively assemble if not blank Description: 5-26 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives The IFNB statement begins an IFNB-ELSE-ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If the literal string <literal> is empty the IFNB block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE blocks are evaluated. <literal> is an unquoted string and must be enclosed in angle brackets. IFNB statements can only be applied sensibly in macro bodies. IFB and IFNB are used to decide whether macro arguments have been left blank, or not. IFNB blocks are terminated by ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF statements. Syntax: ELSEIFNB < <literal> > Example: SUM MACRO A1, B1, C1 IFNB MOV A, A1 IFNB ADD A, B1 ENDIF IFNB ADD A, C1 ENDIF ELSEIFNB MOV A, B1 IFNB ADD A, C1 ENDIF ELSEIFNB MOV A, C1 ELSE $ERROR(At least one operand required for SUM) ENDIF ENDM See Also: ELSE, ELSEIFB, ENDIF, IFNB 5.44 #ELIF Function: Alternatively assemble if TRUE Description: The #IF statement begins a C-Preprocessor style #IF-#ELSE-#ENDIF construct that is used for conditional program assembly. If the expression <expr> is TRUE (not-zero) the #IF block is assembled, otherwise any subsequent #ELIF or #ELSE blocks are evaluated. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! #ELIF blocks are terminated by #ELIF, #ELSE, or #ENDIF statements. Syntax: C51ASM User Guide 5-27 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives #ELIF <expr> Example: #IF A = 1 . . . #ELIF A = 2 . . . #ELSE . . . #ENDIF See Also: #ELSE, #ELIF, #ENDIF 5.45 ELSE Function: Alternatively assemble block Description: The ELSE statement introduces an alternate program block after an IF or ELSEIF statement. The ELSE block is assembled only if the prior IF or ELSEIF condition expression was false. ELSE blocks are terminated by ENDIF statements. Syntax: ELSE Example: IF A = 1 . . . ELSEIF A = 2 . . . ELSE . . . ENDIF See Also: IF, ELSEIF, ENDIF 5.46 #ELSE Function: Alternatively assemble block Description: The #ELSE statement introduces an alternate program block after an #IF or #ELIF statement. The #ELSE block is assembled only if the prior #IF or #ELIF condition expression was false. #ELSE blocks are terminated by #ENDIF statements. 5-28 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives Syntax: #ELSE Example: #IF A = 1 . . . #ELSEIF A = 2 . . . #ELSE . . . #ENDIF See Also: #IF, #ELIF, #ENDIF 5.47 .ELSE Function: Alternatively assemble block Description: The .ELSE statement introduces an alternate program block after an .IF statement. The .ELSE block is assembled only if the prior .IF condition expression was false. .ELSE blocks are terminated by .ENDIF statements. Syntax: .ELSE Example: .IF A = 1 . . . .ELSE . . . .ENDIF See Also: .IF, .ENDIF 5.48 ENDIF Function: Terminate an IF conditional block Description: The ENDIF statement terminates an IF-ELSE-ENDIF statement construct. When the assembler encounters an ENDIF statement, it concludes processing the IF block and resumes assembly on the next line which may involve continuing in another IF block if the current block was nested. C51ASM User Guide 5-29 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives The ENDIF statement must be preceded by an IF, ELSEIF, or ELSE block. Syntax: ENDIF Example: IF A = 1 . . . ELSEIF A = 2 . . . ELSE . . . ENDIF See Also: IF, ELSEIF, ELSE 5.49 #ENDIF Function: Terminate a #IF conditional block Description: The #ENDIF statement terminates an #IF-#ELSE-#ENDIF statement construct. When the assembler encounters an #ENDIF statement, it concludes processing the #IF block and resumes assembly on the next line which may involve continuing in another IF block if the current block was nested. The #ENDIF statement must be preceded by an #IF, #ELIF, or #ELSE block. Syntax: #ENDIF Example: #IF A = 1 . . . #ELIF A = 2 . . . #ELSE . . . #ENDIF See Also: #IF, #ELIF, #ELSE 5.50 .ENDIF Function: Terminate a .IF conditional block Description: 5-30 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives The .ENDIF statement terminates an .IF-.ELSE-.ENDIF statement construct. When the assembler encounters an .ENDIF statement, it concludes processing the .IF block and resumes assembly on the next line which may involve continuing in another IF block if the current block was nested. The .ENDIF statement must be preceded by an .IF or .ELSE block. Syntax: .ENDIF Example: .IF A = 1 . . . .ELSE . . . .ENDIF See Also: .IF, .ELSE 5.51 MACRO Function: Define a macro Description: Defines a callable macro called <macro name> with optional parameters separated by commas. All parameter names of a macro must be valid symbols and unique within the macro (parameter names are local to the macro only). Keywords cannot be used as parameter names. A call to <macro name> will expand to <macro body>. Macro definitions are terminated by ENDM statements. Syntax: <macro name> MACRO [<parameter 1>[, <parameter 2>[, ... ,<parameter n>]]] . . . <macro body> . . . ENDM Example: SERIES MACRO STARTV, ENDV IF STARTV LE ENDV DB STARTV SERIES %STARTV+1, ENDV ENDIF ENDM $GEN CONDONLY SERIES 1,3 DB 1 C51ASM User Guide 5-31 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives DB 2 DB 3 See Also: ENDM, EXITM, LOCAL, REPT 5.52 LOCAL Function: Declare a local symbol Description: Defines one or more locally scoped labels, separated by commas. Local labels must be valid symbols, unique within the macro, and different from the formal parameters (if any). Keywords cannot be used as local symbol names. If a local symbol has the same name as a global symbol, the local scope takes precedance during substitution. LOCAL statements are only valid at the start of a macro defintion, before any body lines are defined. Syntax: LOCAL <symbol 1>[, <symbol 2>[, ... ,<symbol n>]] Example: CJLT MACRO OP1, OP2, TARGET LOCAL NEQ, NO_JMP CJNE OP1, OP2, NEQ SJMP NO_JMP NEQ: JC TARGET NO_JMP: ENDM See Also: ENDM, EXITM, MACRO, REPT 5.53 ENDM Function: Terminate a macro or repeat definition Description: Terminates a MACRO or REPT macro defintion block. ENDM statements must be preceded by a MACRO or REPT statement. Syntax: ENDMACRO ENDM Example: 5-32 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Directives SIMPLE MACRO NOP NOP ENDM See Also: EXITM, LOCAL, MACRO, REPT 5.54 EXITM Function: Exit macro expansion Description: The EXITM directive immediately terminates expansion of the current macro. When EXITM is detected, the macro processor stops expanding the current macro prematurely and resumes processing after the next ENDM directive. The EXITM directive is only useful in conditional statements. Syntax: EXITM Example: MYADD MACRO OP1, OP2 MOV A, OP1 IFB EXITM ELSE ADD A, OP2 ENDIF ENDM See Also: ENDM, LOCAL, MACRO, REPT 5.55 REPT Function: Define a repeat macro Description: Defines a repeat macro. The <macro body> will be expanded <expr> times immediately after the ENDM statement. The value of <expr> must be known on pass 1! Repeat definitions are terminated by ENDM statements. Syntax: REPT <expr> . . . <macro body> C51ASM User Guide 5-33 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Directives . . . ENDM Example: REPT 4 NOP ENDM NOP NOP NOP NOP See Also: ENDM, EXITM, LOCAL, MACRO 5-34 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 6 Assembler Controls The following table lists all the implemented controls and their abbreviations. In the subsequent paragraphs, all C51ASM assembler directives are described. Lexical symbols are written in lower case letters, while assembler keywords are written in upper case. Instruction arguments are represented by <arg>, <arg1> or something like that. Numeric expressions are represented by <expr>, <expr1> and so on. Syntax elements enclosed in brackets are optional. The ellipsis "..." means always "a list with any number of elements". Primary controls (P) can only be used at the beginning of the program and remain in effect throughout the assembly. General controls (G) may be used everywhere in the program. See Section 3.9 ”Assembler Controls” on page 3-12. Table 6-1. C51ASM Controls C51ASM User Guide Control Type Abbreviation Description $COND G list full IF .. ENDIF constructions $CONDONLY G list assembled lines only $DATE P $DA inserts date string into page header $DEBUG P $DB include debug information into object $DEVICE P $EJECT G $ERROR G $GEN G $GE list macro calls and expansion lines $GENONLY G $GO list expansion lines only $INCDIR P $INCLUDE G $IC include a source file $LIST G $LI list subsequent source lines $MACRO P $MR reserve n % of free memory for macros $MAPFSEG P remap FSEG location in object file $MESSAGE G output a message to console $MOD51 P $MOD52 P enable predefined 80C52 SFR symbols $NOBUILTIN P don't list predefined symbols $NOCOND G don't list lines in false branches $NODEBUG P $NODB don't include debug information $NOGEN G $NOGE list macro calls only $NOLIST G $NOLI don't list subsequent source lines $NOMACRO P $NOMR reserve all for the symbol table select device $EJ start a new page in list file force a user-defined error add a directory to search path $MO enable predefined 80C51 SFR symbols 6-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls Table 6-1. C51ASM Controls Control 6.1 Type Abbreviation Description $NOMOD51 P $NOMO disable predefined SFR symbols $NOOBJECT P $NOOJ don't generate object file $NOPAGING P $NOPI disable listing page formatting $NOPRINT P $NOPR don't generate list file $NOSYMBOLS P $NOSB don't create symbol table $NOTABS P $NOXREF P $NOXR don't create cross reference $OBJECT P $OJ generate object file $PAGELENGTH P $PL set lines per page for listing $PAGEWIDTH P $PW set columns per line for listing $PAGING P $PI enable listing page formatting $PRINT P $PR generate list file $RESTORE G $RS restore old $LIST/$GEN/$COND state $SAVE G $SA save current $LIST/$GEN/$COND state $SYMBOLS P $SB create symbol table $TITLE G $TT inserts title string into page header $WARNING G $XREF P don't use tabs in list file output a warning message to console $XR create cross reference $DATE Function: Insert Date in Header Description: Inserts a date string into the list file page header. If $DATE() or $DATE is specified, the actual date is inserted. Date strings will be truncated to a maximum length of 11 characters. Default is: no date string. The control has no effect, when the $NOPAGING control has been specified. Syntax: $DATE [(string)] Abbreviation: $DA Example: $DATE(10/09/2008) ;date of latest version $DATE ;use today's date $DA(1-JUL-1984) See Also: – $PAGING, $TITLE 6-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.2 $DEBUG Function: Generate Debugging Information Description: Includes debug information into the OMF-51 module. $DEBUG has no effect unless -g/--debug or -omf-51 was specified on the command line. The string if specified will be used for the OMF-51 file name unless previously set by the --omf-51 option. Syntax: $DEBUG [(string)] Abbreviation: $DB Example: $DEBUG ;place debug information in <srcfile>.omf $DB(my_asm.omf) ;place debug information in my_asm.omf See Also: – $NODEBUG 6.3 $NODEBUG Function: Suppress Debug Info Description: Don't include debug information. (Default!) $NODEBUG is overridden by the --debug option. Syntax: $NODEBUG Abbreviation: $NODB Example: $NODEBUG ;do not generate debug file $NODB See Also: – $DEBUG C51ASM User Guide 6-3 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.4 $DEVICE Function: Select Device Description: Assemble with the specified device model. $DEVICE is overridden by the --target option. Syntax: $DEVICE (string) Abbreviation: None Example: $DEVICE(AT89LP828) ;select at89lp828 model See Also: None 6.5 $INCDIR Function: Include Directory Description: The specified string is added to the include directory search path after any directories specified on the command line with the --include option. Syntax: $INCDIR (string) Abbreviation: None Example: $INCDIR(C:\ASM\INC) ; look for includes in C:\ASM\INC See Also: – $INCLUDE 6-4 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.6 $MACRO Function: Expand Macros Description: Save macro definitions and expand macro calls. (Default!) Optionally reserve n % of free memory for macro definitions. (0 <= n <= 100) Default is n=50. The control has been implemented for compatibility purposes only. In C51ASM it has no effect except that it cancels the $NOMACRO control. Syntax: $MACRO [(n)] Abbreviation: $MR Example: $MACRO $MR(10) See Also: – $NOMACRO 6.7 $NOMACRO Function: Suppress Macro Expansion Description: Don't save macro definitions and don't expand macro calls. Reserve all free memory for the symbol table. The control has been implemented for compatibility purposes only. In C51ASM, it only suppresses the macro expansion. Syntax: $NOMACRO Abbreviation: $NOMR Example: $NOMACRO $NOMR See Also: – $MACRO C51ASM User Guide 6-5 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.8 $MAPFSEG Function: Remap FSEG location in Object File Description: Many device programmers map nonvolatile data segments to some location in their input buffers. Use $MAPFSEG to move FSEG data to a different location in the object file. <offset> specifies the address in the object file where the FSEG data will start. <start> optionally specifies the initial address in FSEG that will map to <offset>. If a device is explicitly specified with $DEVICE or --target, <start> should be limited to either 0 or the normal starting address of FDATA. <offset> and <start> both default to 0. Syntax: $MAPFSEG (offset[:start]) Abbreviation: None Example: $MAPFSEG(1000H) ; output FSEG at 1000H starting from 0 $MAPFSEG(2000H:200H) ; output FSEG at 2000H starting from 200H See Also: None 6.9 $MOD51 Function: Use 8051 Predefined Symbols Description: Switches on the built-in 8051 special function register and interrupt symbol definitions. (Default!) Syntax: $MOD51 Abbreviation: $MO Example: $MOD51 $MO See Also: – $MOD52 – $NOMOD51 6-6 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.10 $MOD52 Function: Use 8052 Predefined Symbols Description: Switches on the built-in 8052 special function register and interrupt symbol definitions. Syntax: $MOD52 Abbreviation: None Example: $MOD51 $MO See Also: – $MOD51 – $NOMOD51 6.11 $NOMOD51 Function: Suppress Predefined Symbols Description: Switches off the built-in 8051 special function register and interrupt symbol definitions. The predefined symbols ??C51ASM and ??VERSION cannot be switched off! Syntax: $NOMOD51 Abbreviation: $NOMO Example: $NOMOD51 ;switch off 8051 SFR symbol definitions $NOMO See Also: – $MOD51 – $MOD52 C51ASM User Guide 6-7 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.12 $OBJECT Function: Generate Object File Description: Generate an object file. (Default!) By default the output format is Intel HEX unless changed on the command line with --filetype. The string if specified is used for the object file name unless previously set by the --outfile option. The $OBJECT control is overridden by the --noobject option. Syntax: $OBJECT [(string)] Abbreviation: $OJ Example: $OBJECT $OJ(my_asm.hex) See Also: – $NOOBJECT 6.13 $NOOBJECT Function: Suppress Object File Description: Don't generate an object file. The $NOOBJECT control is overridden by the --outfile option. Syntax: $NOOBJECT Abbreviation: $NOOJ Example: $NOOBJECT $NOOJ See Also: – $OBJECT 6-8 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.14 $PAGING Function: Page Format List File Description: Switches on the page formatting in the list file. (Default!) The $PAGING control is overridden by the -nopaging option. Syntax: $PAGING Abbreviation: $PI Example: $PAGING $PI See Also: – $NOPAGING – $PAGELENGTH – $PAGEWIDTH 6.15 $NOPAGING Function: Suppress Page Formatting Description: Switches off the page formatting in the list file. Syntax: $NOPAGING Abbreviation: $NOPI Example: $NOPAGING $NOPI See Also: – $PAGING C51ASM User Guide 6-9 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.16 $PAGELENGTH Function: Set Page Length Description: Sets the list file page length to n lines. (12 <= n <= 65535) Default is n=64. The control has no effect, when the $NOPAGING control has been specified. Syntax: $PAGELENGTH (n) Abbreviation: $PL Example: $PAGELENGTH(60) ;set page length to 60 lines per page $PL(72) ;set page length to 72 lines per page See Also: – $EJECT – $NOPAGING – $PAGING – $PAGEWIDTH 6.17 $PAGEWIDTH Function: Set Page Width Description: Sets the list file page width to n columns. (72 <= n <= 255) Default is n=132. Syntax: $PAGEWIDTH (n) Abbreviation: $PW Example: $PAGEWIDTH(72) ;set page width to 72 characters per line $PW(80) ;set page width to 80 characters per line See Also: – $NOPAGING – $PAGELENGTH – $PAGING 6-10 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.18 $PRINT Function: Generate Listing File Description: Generate a listing file. (Default!) The string if specified is used for the listing file name, unless previously set by the --listfile option. The $PRINT control is overridden by the --nolist option. Syntax: $PRINT [(string)] Abbreviation: $PR Example: $PRINT $PR(my_asm.lst) See Also: – $NOPRINT 6.19 $NOPRINT Function: Suppress Listing File Description: Don't generate a listing file. The $NOPRINT control is overridden by the --listfile option. Syntax: $NOPRINT Abbreviation: $NOPR Example: $NOPRINT $NOPR See Also: – $PRINT C51ASM User Guide 6-11 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.20 $SYMBOLS Function: Generate Symbol Table Description: Generates the symbol table at the end of the list file. (Default!) When the $XREF control is active, $SYMBOLS has no effect! Syntax: $SYMBOLS Abbreviation: $SB Example: $SYMBOLS $SB See Also: – $NOBUILTIN – $NOSYMBOLS – $XREF 6.21 $NOSYMBOLS Function: Suppress Symbol Table Description: Suppresses the symbol table at the end of the list file. When the $XREF control is active, $NOSYMBOLS has no effect! Syntax: $NOSYMBOLS Abbreviation: $NOSB Example: $NOSYMBOLS ;no symbol table required $NOSB See Also: – $SYMBOLS – $XREF 6-12 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.22 $NOBUILTIN Function: Hide Predefined Symbols Description: Suppresses the predefined (built-in) symbols in the symbol table or cross-reference listing for a better survey. Only the user-defined symbols are listed. Syntax: $NOBUILTIN Abbreviation: None Example: $NOBUILTIN ; hide predefined symbols See Also: – $SYMBOLS – $XREF 6.23 $NOTABS Function: Expand Tabs Description: Expands all tab characters in the list file output to blanks. Syntax: $NOTABS Abbreviation: None Example: $NOTABS ;printer doesn't support tab characters See Also: None C51ASM User Guide 6-13 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.24 $XREF Function: Generate Cross-Reference Description: Generates a cross-reference listing instead of a symbol table. $XREF overrides $SYMBOLS. Syntax: $XREF Abbreviation: $XR Example: $XREF ;generate a cross-reference listing $XR See Also: – $NOXREF – $SYMBOLS 6.25 $NOXREF Function: Suppress Cross-Reference Description: Generates a symbol table instead of a cross-reference listing (Default!) unless $NOSYMBOLS is also specified. Syntax: $NOXREF Abbreviation: $NOXR Example: $NOXREF ;suppress cross-reference table $NOXR See Also: – $NOSYMBOLS – $SYMBOLS – $XREF 6-14 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.26 $COND Function: Fully List Conditional Branches Description: List full IF .. ELSEIF .. ELSE .. ENDIF constructions. (Default!) The Control is overridden by $NOLIST. Syntax: $COND Abbreviation: None Example: $COND See Also: – $CONDONLY – $NOCOND – $NOLIST 6.27 $NOCOND Function: Suppress False Conditional Branches Description: Don't list lines in false IF .. ELSEIF .. ELSE .. ENDIF branches. The Control is overridden by $NOLIST. Syntax: $NOCOND Abbreviation: None Example: $NOCOND See Also: – $COND – $CONDONLY – $NOLIST C51ASM User Guide 6-15 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.28 $CONDONLY Function: Suppress False Conditional Branches and Conditional Directives Description: List lines in true IF .. ELSEIF .. ELSE .. ENDIF branches only, without the IF, ELSEIF, ELSE and ENDIF statements itself. The Control is overridden by $NOLIST. Syntax: $CONDONLY Abbreviation: None Example: $CONDONLY See Also: – $COND – $NOCOND – $NOLIST 6.29 $EJECT Function: Insert Page Break Description: Starts a new page in the list file by inserting a form feed (ASCII 0x0C). The control has no effect, when the $NOPAGING control has been specified. Syntax: $EJECT Abbreviation: $EJ Example: $EJECT ;new page with new title $EJ See Also: – $PAGELENGTH – $PAGING – $NOPAGING 6-16 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.30 $ERROR Function: Print User Error Message Description: Forces an assembly error with a user-defined error message, and increment the error count. This is intended to support configuration management and can be applied sensefully with conditional assembly only. Syntax: $ERROR (string) Abbreviation: None Example: $ERROR(invalid configuration: buffer size > external RAM size) See Also: – $MESSAGE – $WARNING 6.31 $WARNING Function: Print User Warning Message Description: Outputs a user-defined warning message to the console, and increments the warning count. This is also intended to ease configuration management. Syntax: $WARNING (string) Abbreviation: None Example: $WARNING(int. RAM doesn't meet minimum stack size requirements) See Also: – $ERROR – $MESSAGE C51ASM User Guide 6-17 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.32 $MESSAGE Function: Print User Informational Message Description: Outputs a user-defined informational message to the console, but does not increment the warning or error counts. Syntax: $MESSAGE (string) Abbreviation: None Example: $MESSAGE(Using dual datapointers) See Also: – $ERROR – $WARNING 6.33 $GEN Function: Fully List Macros Description: List macro calls and expanded macros. (Default!) The listing fully shows the nesting of macro calls. The Control is overridden by $NOLIST. Syntax: $GEN Abbreviation: $GE Example: $GEN $GE See Also: – $GENONLY – $NOGEN – $NOLIST 6-18 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.34 $NOGEN Function: Suppress Macro Bodies Description: List macro calls only. The expanded macros are not listed. The Control is overridden by $NOLIST. Syntax: $NOGEN Abbreviation: $NOGE Example: $NOGEN $NOGE See Also: – $GEN – $GENONLY 6.35 $GENONLY Function: Suppress Macro Calls Description: List the expanded macro bodies only. Macro calls and EXITM statements are not listed. The Control is overridden by $NOLIST. Syntax: $GENONLY Abbreviation: $GO Example: $GENONLY $GO See Also: – $GEN – $NOGEN – $NOLIST C51ASM User Guide 6-19 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.36 $INCLUDE Function: Include a File Description: Includes an external source file into the assembler program just behind the $INCLUDE statement. If the include file has not been specified with an absolute path, and it cannot be found in the default directory, the path specified with the /INCLUDES (Linux: -i) command line option (if present) is searched from left to right, and if it cannot be found there either, the path specified with the environment variable C51ASMINC (if defined) is searched from left to right as well. Include files may be nested to any depth. Syntax: $INCLUDE .INCLUDE #INCLUDE #INCLUDE (file) (file) <file> "file" Abbreviation: $IC Example: $INCLUDE(8052.inc) ;include 8052.inc from the search path $IC(C:\ASM\INC\my_lib.h) ;include my_lib.h from C:\ASM\INC See Also: – $INCDIR 6.37 $LIST Function: List Source Lines Description: List source code lines. (Default!) Syntax: $LIST Abbreviation: $LI Example: $LIST ;switch on listing $LI See Also: – $NOLIST 6-20 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Assembler Controls 6.38 $NOLIST Function: Suppress Source Lines Description: Do not list source code lines, provided they do not contain errors, until the next $LIST statement occurs. $NOLIST overrides any $COND, $CONDONLY, $GEN, or $GENONLY controls until listing is enabled again. Syntax: $NOLIST Abbreviation: $NOLI Example: $NOLIST ;switch off listing $NOLI See Also: – $LIST 6.39 $SAVE Function: Save Listing State Description: Saves the current $LIST/$GEN/$COND state on a $SAVE-stack. $SAVE statements can be nested to any depth. Syntax: $SAVE Abbreviation: $SA Example: $SAVE ;save old $LIST/$GEN/$COND status $SA See Also: – $RESTORE – $COND – $GEN – $LIST C51ASM User Guide 6-21 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Controls 6.40 $RESTORE Function: Restore Listing State Description: Restores a previously saved $LIST/$GEN/$COND state. Syntax: $RESTORE Abbreviation: $RS Example: $RESTORE ;restore previous listing mode $RS See Also: – $SAVE – $COND – $GEN – $LIST 6.41 $TITLE Function: Set Page Title Description: Inserts a title string into the list file page header. Titles may be truncated according to the specified (or default) page width. Default: C51ASM copyright information. The control has no effect, when the $NOPAGING control has been specified. Syntax: $TITLE (string) Abbreviation: $TT Example: $TITLE(My Assembly Program) $TT(Sample Program) See Also: – $DATE – $PAGING 6-22 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 7 Assembler Compatibility The Atmel® C51ASM assembler implements a subset of the Intel® ASM51 assembly language, plus some extensions. The Intel ASM51 syntax is supported by most 8051 assemblers, therefore a high level of compatibility is possible with existing 8051 assembly source files. All MCS®51 instruction mnemonics are supported. The following sections describe the differences that may exist between C51ASM and other assemblers. 7.1 7.1 Restrictions C51ASM only generates absolute object files instead of relocatable object modules. The entire object is built in one step without calling a linker. Therefore the entire source code of an application program must reside in a single file and its subsequent include files. The assembler directives that deal with relocatable segments or external or public symbols have not been implemented, but are still reserved. These include: PUBLIC EXTRN SEGMENT RSEG C51ASM does not support the Intel Macro Processing Language (MPL). Only standard callable macros and repeat macros are supported. 7.2 7.2 Extensions C51ASM includes some features that are not found in other assemblers. C51ASM includes support for the extended instruction set of the Atmel AT89LP family and special data pointer mode aliases. See Section 3.7 ”The 8051 Instruction Set” on page 3-9. C51ASM adds the additional segment types EDATA (for internal Extended RAM) and FDATA (for internal Flash/EEPROM data memory). This includes the symbol and segment definition directives: EDATA, FDATA, ESEG, and FSEG. An additional object file is created for initialized FDATA values, with the $MAPFSEG control affecting the addressing in the FDATA object file. C51ASM includes preliminary support for devices with CODE memories above 64KB. This feature will be fully functional in a future release. C51ASM User Guide 7-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Assembler Compatibility 7-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 8 Supported Devices The Atmel® C51ASM assembler can support any 8051 device that uses the standard 8051 instruction set. However, C51ASM was intended, generally, to support the Atmel 8051 family, and specifically, the Atmel AT89LP single-cycle microcontrollers. C51ASM supports devices in two ways: predefined SFR symbols and device models. C51ASM includes predefined SFR address and bit symbols for the standard base registers of the 80C51 and 80C52 microcontrollers as listed in “Appendix C - Predefined Symbols” . These definitions are common to "most" 8051 devices. Use the $MOD51 and $MOD52 controls to define the symbols for 80C51 and 80C52, respectively. $MOD51 is on by default. To disabled the predefined values and use your own, specify the $NOMOD51control. C51ASM also includes device model support for Atmel 8051 devices. Device models will set limits on memory segment sizes and features that correspond to the actual physical device. When a target device is selected, the assembler checks the model and will generate errors if a certain feature is not supported, or if memory is allocated out of bounds. Device models are specified by the --target option or $DEVICE control. When no device is specified, a generic model is used. Note that selecting a device model does not predefine any SFR symbols. Device specific header files can be found under the include directory. Call C51ASM on the command line with the --devices option to print a list of the supported devices. The following device models are supported by C51ASM: Table 8-1. Supported Devices Flash/EEPROM C51ASM User Guide Device Code Data RAM ERAM XRAM (default) 65536 65536 256 65536 Y AT89LP2052 2048 0 256 0 N AT89LP4052 4096 0 256 0 N AT89LP213 2048 0 128 0 N AT89LP214 2048 0 128 0 N AT89LP216 2048 0 128 0 N AT89LP428 4096 512 256 512 N AT89LP52 8192 256 256 0 Y AT89LP828 8192 1024 256 512 N AT89LP6440 65536 8192 256 4096 Y AT89S2051 2048 0 256 0 N AT89S4051 4096 0 256 0 N AT89S51 4096 0 128 0 Y 8-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Supported Devices Table 8-1. Supported Devices Flash/EEPROM 8-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Device Code Data RAM ERAM XRAM AT89S52 8192 0 256 0 Y AT89S53 12288 0 256 0 Y AT89S8252 8192 2048 256 0 Y AT89S8253 12288 2048 256 0 Y AT89LS51 4096 0 128 0 Y AT89LS52 8192 0 256 0 Y AT89C2051 2048 0 128 0 N AT89C4051 4096 0 128 0 N AT89C51 4096 0 128 0 Y AT89C52 8192 0 256 0 Y AT89C55WD 20480 0 256 0 Y AT89C51RC 32768 0 256 256 Y AT89C51RB2 16384 0 256 1024 Y AT89C51RC2 32768 0 256 1024 Y AT89C51RD2 65536 0 256 1792 Y AT89C51IC2 32768 0 256 1024 Y AT89C51ID2 65536 2048 256 1792 Y AT89C51ED2 65536 2048 256 1792 Y C51ASM User Guide Section 9 Instruction Set Reference The following sections describe all the instructions supported by the Atmel® C51ASM assembler. These include the standard MCS®51 instructions, plus some additional extensions unique to the Atmel AT89LP Family of microcontrollers. All instruction cycle counts are listed in units of system clocks. Most classic 8051s divide the XTAL clock by two to generate the system clock, therefore the listed number must be multiplied by two for 12-clocks per machine cycle devices. The listed number is equivalent to a device operating in X2 mode (6-clocks per machine cycle). Cycle counts are listed with three different qualifiers: 9.1 Classic: Standard 8051 timing for the Atmel AT89C and Atmel AT89S families, or for Atmel AT89LP devices that are operating in a compatibility mode Fast: Timing for the Atmel AT89LP single-cycle family when not in compatibility mode Compatibility: Timing for the extended instructions of the AT89LP family during compatibility mode. These instructions are not available on “classic” device. Addressing Modes The instruction set supports the following addressing modes. Table 9-1. 8051 Addressing Modes C51ASM User Guide Symbol Description Rn Register R0-R7 of the currently selected Register Bank. direct 8-bit internal data location address. This could be an internal data RAM location (0-127) or an SFR (128-255). @Ri 8-bit internal data RAM location (0-255) addressed indirectly through the contents of R1 or R0. #data 8-bit immediate constant included in instruction. #data16 16-bit immediate constant included in instruction. addr24 24-bit destination address used by EJMP or ECALL. A branch can be anywhere within the 16MB Program Memory address space. addr16 16-bit destination address used by LJMP or LCALL. A branch can be anywhere within the 64KB Program Memory address space. addr11 11-bit destination address used by AJMP or ACALL. A branch will be within the same 2KB segement of Program Memory as the first byte of the following instruction. rel Signed (two’s complement) 8-bit offset used by SJMP and all conditional jumps. Rnage is -128 to +127 bytes relative to the first byte of the following instruction. bit Directly addressed bit in internal data RAM or an SFR. 9-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.2 Instructions in Alphabetical Order Table 9-2 lists the supported instructions of the Atmel® AT89 family of 8051 microcontrollers, organized by mnemonic. Table 9-2. 8051 Instructions in Alphabetical Order Mnemonic Operands Bytes ACALL code addr 2 11, 31, 51, 71, 91, B1, D1, F1 9-6 ADD A, #data 2 24 9-7 ADD A, data addr 2 25 9-7 ADD A, @Ri 1 26–27 9-7 ADD A, Rn 1 28–2F 9-7 ADDC A, #data 2 34 9-8 ADDC A, data addr 2 35 9-8 ADDC A, @Ri 1 36–37 9-8 ADDC A, Rn 1 38–3F 9-8 AJMP code addr 2 01, 21, 41, 61, 81, A1, C1, E1 9-9 ANL A, #data 2 54 9-9 ANL A, data addr 2 55 9-9 ANL A, @Ri 1 56–57 9-9 ANL A, Rn 1 58–5F 9-9 ANL C, bit addr 2 82 9-11 ANL C, /bit addr 2 B0 9-11 ANL data addr, A 2 52 9-9 ANL data addr, #data 3 53 9-9 ASR M 2 A5 03 9-11 2 A5 00 9-12 BREAK 9-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Hex Code Page CJNE A, #data, code addr 3 B4 9-12 CJNE A, data addr, code addr 3 B5 9-12 CJNE @Ri, #data, code addr 3 B6–B7 9-12 CJNE Rn, #data, code addr 3 B8–BF 9-12 CJNE A, @Ri, code addr 3 A5 B6, A5 B7 9-12 CLR A 1 E4 9-14 CLR bit addr 2 C2 9-15 CLR C 1 C3 9-15 CLR M 2 A5 E4 9-14 CPL A 1 F4 9-15 CPL bit addr 2 B2 9-16 CPL C 1 B3 9-16 DA A 1 D4 9-16 DEC A 1 14 9-17 DEC data addr 2 15 9-17 DEC @Ri 1 16–17 9-17 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference Table 9-2. 8051 Instructions in Alphabetical Order Mnemonic Operands DEC Rn DIV Hex Code Page 1 18–1F 9-17 AB 1 84 9-18 DJNZ data addr, code addr 3 D5 9-19 DJNZ Rn, code addr 2 D8–DF 9-19 ECALL code addr 5 A5 12 9-20 EJMP code addr 5 A5 02 9-21 2 A5 22 9-21 ERET C51ASM User Guide Bytes INC A 1 04 9-22 INC data addr 2 05 9-22 INC @Ri 1 06–07 9-22 INC Rn 1 08–0F 9-22 INC DPTR 1 A3 9-23 INC /DPTR 2 A5 A3 9-23 JB bit addr, code addr 3 20 9-24 JBC bit addr, code addr 3 10 9-24 JC code addr 2 40 9-25 JMP @A+DPTR 1 73 9-25 JMP @A+PC 2 A5 73 9-25 JNB bit addr, code addr 3 30 9-26 JNC code addr 2 50 9-26 JNZ code addr 2 70 9-27 JZ code addr 2 60 9-27 LCALL code addr 3 12 9-28 LJMP code addr 3 02 9-28 LSL M 2 A5 23 9-29 MAC AB 2 A5 A4 9-29 MOV A, #data 2 74 9-30 MOV A, data addr 2 E5 9-30 MOV A, @Ri 1 E6–E7 9-30 MOV A, Rn 1 E8–EF 9-30 MOV data addr, #data 3 75 9-30 MOV @Ri, #data 2 76–77 9-30 MOV Rn, #data 2 78–7F 9-30 MOV data addr, data addr 3 85 9-30 MOV data addr, @Ri 2 86–87 9-30 MOV data addr, Rn 2 88–8F 9-30 MOV DPTR, #data 3 90 9-33 MOV /DPTR, #data 4 A5 90 9-33 MOV bit addr, C 2 92 9-34 9-3 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference Table 9-2. 8051 Instructions in Alphabetical Order Mnemonic Operands Bytes Hex Code Page MOV C, bit addr 2 A2 9-34 MOV @Ri, data addr 2 A6–A7 9-30 MOV Rn, data addr 2 A8–AF 9-30 MOV data addr, A 2 F5 9-30 MOV @Ri, A 1 F6–F7 9-30 MOV Rn, A 1 F8–FF 9-30 MOVC A, @A+DPTR 1 93 9-34 MOVC A, @A+/DPTR 2 A5 93 9-34 MOVC A, @A+PC 1 83 9-34 MOVX A, @DPTR 1 E0 9-35 MOVX A, @/DPTR 2 A5 E0 9-35 MOVX A, @Ri 1 E2–E3 9-35 MOVX @DPTR, A 1 F0 9-35 MOVX @/DPTR, A 2 A5 F0 9-35 MOVX @Ri, A 1 F2–F3 9-35 MUL AB 1 A4 9-37 1 00 9-38 NOP 9-4 3710A–MICRO–10/10 ORL A, #data 2 44 9-38 ORL A, data addr 2 45 9-38 ORL A, @Ri 1 46–47 9-38 ORL A, Rn 1 48–4F 9-38 ORL C, bit addr 2 72 9-40 ORL C, /bit addr 2 A0 9-40 ORL data addr, A 2 42 9-38 ORL data addr, #data 3 43 9-38 POP data addr 2 D0 9-40 PUSH data addr 2 C0 9-41 RET 1 22 9-41 RETI 1 32 9-42 RL A 1 23 9-43 RLC A 1 33 9-44 RR A 1 03 9-44 RRC A 1 13 9-45 SETB bit addr 2 D2 9-45 SETB C 1 D3 9-45 SJMP code addr 2 80 9-46 SUBB A, #data 2 94 9-46 SUBB A, data addr 2 95 9-46 SUBB A, @Ri 1 96–97 9-46 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference Table 9-2. 8051 Instructions in Alphabetical Order 9.3 Mnemonic Operands SUBB A, Rn SWAP Bytes Hex Code Page 1 98–9F 9-46 A 1 C4 9-47 XCH A, data addr 2 C5 9-48 XCH A, @Ri 1 C6–C7 9-48 XCH A, Rn 1 C8–CF 9-48 XCHD A, @Ri 1 D6–D7 9-48 XRL A, #data 2 64 9-49 XRL A, data addr 2 65 9-49 XRL A, @Ri 1 66–67 9-49 XRL A, Rn 1 68–6F 9-49 XRL data addr, A 2 62 9-49 XRL data addr, #data 3 63 9-49 Instruction Set Extensions The following instructions are extensions to the standard 8051 instruction set that provide enhanced capabilities not found in standard 8051 devices. All extended instructions start with an A5H escape code. For this reason random A5H reserved codes should not be placed in the instruction stream even though other devices may have treated these as NOPs. These instructions are only supported on Atmel® AT89LP devices and individual AT89LP devices may not support all of these instructions. For instruction cycle times, the number of internal CPU clock cycles is listed. The classic 80C51 compatible timing also lists the number of machine cycles in parantheses. Table 9-3. Instruction Set Extensions C51ASM User Guide AT89LP428 2 X X X X addr24 18 (3) 6 ASR M 12 (2) 2 5 ECALL addr24 18 (3) 6 A5 22 2 ERET 18 (3) 6 A5 23 2 LSL M 12 (2) 2 A5 73 2 JMP @A+PC 18 (3) 3 A5 90 4 MOV /DPTR, #data16 18 (3) A5 93 2 MOVC A, @A+/DPTR A5 A3 2 INC A5 A4 2 A5 B6 3 A5 00 2 BREAK A5 02 5 EJMP A5 03 2 A5 12 Mnemonic Operands AT89LP6440 AT89LP216 12 (2) Bytes AT89LP828 Fast Hex Code AT89LP52 Classic AT89LP214 Device Support AT89LP213 Cycles X X X X X X X X X X X 4 X X X X 18 (3) 4 X X X X /DPTR 18 (3) 3 X X X X MAC AB 30 (5) 9 CJNE A, @R0, rel 18 (3) 4 X X X X X 9-5 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference Table 9-3. Instruction Set Extensions 9.4 Fast AT89LP828 AT89LP6440 3 CJNE A, @R1, rel 18 (3) 4 X X X X A5 E0 2 MOVX A, @/DPTR 18 (3) 3/5 X X X X A5 E4 2 CLR M 12 (2) 2 A5 F0 2 MOVX @DPTR, A 18 (3) 3/5 A5 B7 AT89LP216 Classic Bytes AT89LP214 Operands Hex Code AT89LP213 Mnemonic AT89LP52 Device Support AT89LP428 Cycles X X X X X Instruction Definitions Detailed descriptions of all the instructions supported by the Atmel® C51ASM assembler are listed below. All stack-realted instructions include entries for both the standard IDATA stack and the extended EDATA stack. 9.4.1 ACALL addr11 Function: Absolute Call Description: ACALL unconditionally calls a subroutine located at the indicated address. The instruction increments the PC twice to obtain the address of the following instruction, then pushes the 16-bit result onto the stack (low-order byte first) and increments the Stack Pointer twice. The destination address is obtained by successively concatenating the five high-order bits of the incremented PC, opcode bits 7 through 5, and the second byte of the instruction. The subroutine called must therefore start within the same 2 K block of the program memory as the first byte of the instruction following ACALL. No flags are affected. Example: Initially SP equals 07H. The label SUBRTN is at program memory location 0345 H. After executing the following instruction, ACALL SUBRTN at location 0123H, SP contains 09H, internal RAM locations 08H and 09H will contain 25H and 01H, respectively, and the PC contains 0345H. ACALL addr11 (Standard Stack) Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: a10 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode a9 a8 1 0 0 0 1 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 Operation: ACALL (PC) ←(PC) + 2 (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) + 1 ((SP7-0)) ←(PC7-0) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) + 1 ((SP7-0)) ←(PC15-8) (PC10-0) ←page address 9-6 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.1 ACALL addr11 ACALL addr11 (Extended Stack) Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) 5 Encoding: Fast Mode a10 a9 a8 1 0 0 0 1 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 Operation: ACALL ( SP15-8 = SPX ) (PC) ←(PC) + 2 (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) + 1 ((SP15-0)) ←(PC7-0) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) + 1 ((SP15-0)) ←(PC15-8) (PC10-0) ←page address 9.4.2 ADD A, <src-byte> Function: Add Description: ADD adds the byte variable indicated to the Accumulator, leaving the result in the Accumulator. The carry and auxiliary-carry flags are set, respectively, if there is a carry-out from bit 7 or bit 3, and cleared otherwise. When adding unsigned integers, the carry flag indicates an overflow occurred. OV is set if there is a carry-out of bit 6 but not out of bit 7, or a carry-out of bit 7 but not bit 6; otherwise, OV is cleared. When adding signed integers, OV indicates a negative number produced as the sum of two positive operands, or a positive sum from two negative operands. Four source operand addressing modes are allowed: register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate. Example: The Accumulator holds 0C3H (1100001lB), and register 0 holds 0AAH (10101010B). The following instruction, ADD A,R0 leaves 6DH (01101101B) in the Accumulator with the AC flag cleared and both the carry flag and OV set to 1. ADD A,Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 1 0 1 r r r 1 0 1 1 1 i Operation: (A) ←(A) + (Rn) ADD A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 1 0 0 direct address Operation: (A) ←(A) + (direct) ADD A,@Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: (A) ←(A) + ((Ri)) C51ASM User Guide 9-7 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.2 ADD A, <src-byte> ADD A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 immediate data Operation: ADD (A) ←(A) + #data 9.4.3 ADDC A, <src-byte> Function: Add with Carry Description: ADDC simultaneously adds the byte variable indicated, the carry flag and the Accumulator contents, leaving the result in the Accumulator. The carry and auxiliary-carry flags are set respectively, if there is a carry-out from bit 7 or bit 3, and cleared otherwise. When adding unsigned integers, the carry flag indicates an overflow occurred. OV is set if there is a carry-out of bit 6 but not out of bit 7, or a carry-out of bit 7 but not out of bit 6; otherwise OV is cleared. When adding signed integers, OV indicates a negative number produced as the sum of two positive operands or a positive sum from two negative operands. Four source operand addressing modes are allowed: register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate. Example: The Accumulator holds 0C3H (11000011B) and register 0 holds 0AAH (10101010B) with the carry flag set. The following instruction, ADDC A,R0 leaves 6EH (01101110B) in the Accumulator with AC cleared and both the Carry flag and OV set to 1. ADDC A,Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 1 1 1 r r r 1 0 1 1 1 i Operation: ADDC (A) ←(A) + (C) + (Rn) ADDC A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 1 1 0 direct address Operation: ADDC (A) ←(A) + (C) + (direct) ADDC A,@Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 1 1 0 Operation: ADDC (A) ←(A) + (C) + ((Ri)) 9-8 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.3 ADDC A, <src-byte> ADDC A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 immediate data Operation: ADDC (A) ←(A) + (C) + #data 9.4.4 AJMP addr11 Function: Absolute Jump Description: AJMP transfers program execution to the indicated address, which is formed at run-time by concatenating the high-order five bits of the PC (after incrementing the PC twice), opcode bits 7 through 5, and the second byte of the instruction. The destination must therfore be within the same 2 K block of program memory as the first byte of the instruction following AJMP. Example: The label JMPADR is at program memory location 0123H. The following instruction, AJMP JMPADR is at location 0345H and loads the PC with 0123H. AJMP addr11 Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: a10 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode a9 a8 0 0 0 0 1 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 Operation: AJMP (PC) ←(PC) + 2 (PC10-0) ←page address 9.4.5 ANL <dest-byte>, <src-byte> Function: Logical-AND for byte variables Description: ANL performs the bitwise logical-AND operation between the variables indicated and stores the results in the destination variable. No flags are affected. The two operands allow six addressing mode combinations. When the destination is the Accumulator, the source can use register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate addressing; when the destination is a direct address, the source can be the Accumulator or immediate data. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: If the Accumulator holds 0C3H (1100001lB), and register 0 holds 55H (01010101B), then the following instruction, ANL A,R0 leaves 41H (01000001B) in the Accumulator. When the destination is a directly addressed byte, this instruction clears combinations of bits in any RAM location or hardware register. The mask byte determining the pattern of bits to be cleared would either be a constant contained in the instruction or a value computed in the Accumulator at run-time. The following instruction, ANL P1,#01110011B clears bits 7, 3, and 2 of output port 1. C51ASM User Guide 9-9 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.5 ANL <dest-byte>, <src-byte> ANL A,Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 Operation: (A) ←(A) 0 1 1 r r r 1 0 1 1 1 i 1 0 0 immediate data 0 1 0 direct address 1 1 direct address ∧ (Rn) ANL A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 Operation: (A) ←(A) 0 1 0 direct address ∧ (direct) ANL A,@Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 Operation: (A) ←(A) 0 1 0 ∧ ((Ri)) ANL A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 Operation: (A) ←(A) 0 1 0 ∧ #data ANL direct,A Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 0 Operation: (direct) ←(direct) 1 0 ∧ (A) ANL direct,#data Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 0 Operation: (direct) ←(direct) 9-10 3710A–MICRO–10/10 1 0 0 immediate data ∧ #data C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.6 ANL C,<src-bit> Function: Logical-AND for bit variables Description: If the Boolean value of the source bit is a logical 0, then ANL C clears the carry flag; otherwise, this instruction leaves the carry flag in its current state. A slash ( / ) preceding the operand in the assembly language indicates that the logical complement of the addressed bit is used as the source value, but the source bit itself is not affected. No other flags are affected. Only direct addressing is allowed for the source operand. Example: Set the carry flag if, and only if, P1.0 = 1, ACC.7 = 1, and OV = 0: MOV C,P1.0 ...... ...... ;LOAD CARRY WITH INPUT PIN STATE ANL C,ACC.7 ...... ...... ;AND CARRY WITH ACCUM. BIT 7 ANL C,/OV ...... ...... ;AND WITH INVERSE OF OVERFLOW FLAG ANL C,bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 Operation: ANL (C) ←(C) 0 0 0 0 1 0 bit address 0 0 bit address ∧ (bit) ANL C,/bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 Operation: ANL (C) ←(C) 9.4.7 1 ∧ 1 0 0 (bit) ASR M Function: Shift MAC Accumulator Right Arithmetically Description: The forty bits in the M register are shifted one bit to the right. Bit 39 retains its value to preserve the sign of the value. No flags are affected. Example: The M register holds the value 0C5B1A29384H . The following instruction, ASR M leaves the M register holding the value 0E2D8D149C2H. Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Compatibility (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode A5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Operation: ASR (Mn) ←(Mn + 1) n = 0 - 38 (M39) ←(M39) C51ASM User Guide 9-11 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.8 BREAK Function: Software Breakpoint (Halt execution) Description: BREAK transfers control from normal execution to the On-Chip Debug (OCD) handler if OCD is enabled. The PC is left pointing to the following instruction. If OCD is disabled, BREAK acts as a double NOP. No flags are affected. Example: If On-Chip Debugging is allowed, the following instruction, BREAK will halt instruction execution prior to the immediately following instruction. If debugging is not allowed, the BREAK is treated as a double NOP. Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Compatibility (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode Encoding: A5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operation: (PC) ←(PC) + 2 9.4.9 CJNE <dest-byte>,<src-byte>, rel Function: Compare and Jump if Not Equal. Description: CJNE compares the magnitudes of the first two operands and branches if their values are not equal. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the last instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC to the start of the next instruction. The carry flag is set if the unsigned integer value of <dest-byte> is less than the unsigned integer value of <src-byte>; otherwise, the carry is cleared. Neither operand is affected. The first two operands allow four addressing mode combinations: the Accumulator may be compared with any directly addressed byte or immediate data, and any indirect RAM location or working register can be compared with an immediate constant. Example: The Accumulator contains 34H. Register 7 contains 56H. The first instruction in the sequence, ...... CJNE .... ......R7, # 60H, NOT_EQ ; ...... . . . ........ ....... . . . . ;R7 = 60H. NOT_EQ: ...... JC ........ ......REQ_LOW;IF R7 < 60H. ; ...... . . . ......... ....... . . . . ;R7 > 60H. sets the carry flag and branches to the instruction at label NOT_EQ. By testing the carry flag, this instruction determines whether R7 is greater or less than 60H. If the data being presented to Port 1 is also 34H, then the following instruction, WAIT:CJNE A, P1,WAIT clears the carry flag and continues with the next instruction in sequence, since the Accumulator does equal the data read from P1. (If some other value was being input on P1, the program loops at this point until the P1 data changes to 34H.) CJNE A,direct,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Cycles: 4 Fast Mode Encoding: 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 direct address rel. address Operation: (PC) ←(PC) + 3 IF (A) < > (direct) THEN (PC) ←(PC) + relative offset IF (A) < (direct) THEN (C) ←1 ELSE (C) ←0 9-12 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.9 CJNE <dest-byte>,<src-byte>, rel CJNE A,#data,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Cycles: 4 Fast Mode Encoding: 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 immediate data rel. address r r immediate data rel. address 1 i immediate data rel. address Operation: (PC) ←(PC) + 3 IF (A) < > data THEN (PC) ←(PC) + relative offset IF (A) < data THEN (C) ←1 ELSE (C) ←0 CJNE Rn,#data,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 4 Encoding: Classic (2 machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 1 1 r Operation: (PC) ←(PC) + 3 IF (Rn) < > data THEN (PC) ←(PC) + relative offset IF (Rn) < data THEN (C) ←1 ELSE (C) ←0 CJNE @Ri,data,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 4 Encoding: Classic (2 machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 1 0 1 Operation: (PC) ←(PC) + 3 IF ((Ri)) < > data THEN (PC) ←(PC) + relative offset IF ((Ri)) < data THEN (C) ←1 ELSE (C) ←0 C51ASM User Guide 9-13 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.9 CJNE <dest-byte>,<src-byte>, rel CJNE A, @Ri,,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 4 Compatibility (2 machine Cycles) Fast Mode Encoding: A5 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 i rel. address Operation: CJNE (PC) ← (PC) + 3 IF (A) ≠ ((Ri)) THEN (PC) ← (PC) + relative offset IF (A) < ((Ri)) THEN (C) ← 1 ELSE (C) ← 0 9.4.10 CLR A Function: Clear Accumulator Description: CLR A clears the Accumulator (all bits set to 0). No flags are affected Example: The Accumulator contains 5CH (01011100B). The following instruction,CLR Aleaves the Accumulator set to 00H (00000000B). CLR A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: CLR (A) ←0 9.4.11 CLR M Function: Clear MAC Accumulator Description: CLR M clears the 40-bit M register. No flags are affected. Example: The M registercontains 123456789AH. The following instruction, CLR M leaves the M register set to 0000000000H. Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 2 Encoding: Compatibility (1 Machine Cycle) Fast Mode A5 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: (M) ←0 9-14 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.12 CLR bit Function: Clear bit Description: CLR bit clears the indicated bit (reset to 0). No other flags are affected. CLR can operate on the carry flag or any directly addressable bit. Example: Port 1 has previously been written with 5DH (01011101B). The following instruction,CLR P1.2 leaves the port set to 59H (01011001B). CLR C Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Operation: CLR (C) ←0 CLR bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 0 0 0 bit address Operation: (bit) ←0 9.4.13 CPL A Function: Complement Accumulator Description: CPLA logically complements each bit of the Accumulator (one’s complement). Bits which previously contained a 1 are changed to a 0 and vice-versa. No flags are affected. Example: The Accumulator contains 5CH (01011100B). The following instruction, CPL A leaves the Accumulator set to 0A3H (10100011B). Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 Operation: (A) ← C51ASM User Guide 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 (A) 9-15 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.14 CPL bit Function: Complement bit Description: CPL bit complements the bit variable specified. A bit that had been a 1 is changed to 0 and vice-versa. No other flags are affected. CLR can operate on the carry or any directly addressable bit. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output pin, the value used as the original data is read from the output data latch, not the input pin. Example: Port 1 has previously been written with 5BH (01011101B). The following instruction sequence,CPL P1.1CPL P1.2 leaves the port set to 5BH (01011011B). CPL C Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 0 Operation: (C) ← 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 (C) CPL bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 Operation: (bit) ← 9.4.15 0 1 1 0 bit address (bit) DA A Function: Decimal-adjust Accumulator for Addition Description: DA A adjusts the eight-bit value in the Accumulator resulting from the earlier addition of two variables (each in packed-BCD format), producing two four-bit digits. Any ADD or ADDC instruction may have been used to perform the addition. If Accumulator bits 3 through 0 are greater than nine (xxxx1010-xxxx1111), or if the AC flag is one, six is added to the Accumulator producing the proper BCD digit in the low-order nibble. This internal addition sets the carry flag if a carry-out of the low-order four-bit field propagates through all high-order bits, but it does not clear the carry flag otherwise. If the carry flag is now set, or if the four high-order bits now exceed nine (1010xxxx-1111xxxx), these high-order bits are incremented by six, producing the proper BCD digit in the high-order nibble. Again, this sets the carry flag if there is a carry-out of the high-order bits, but does not clear the carry. The carry flag thus indicates if the sum of the original two BCD variables is greater than 100, allowing multiple precision decimal addition. OV is not affected. All of this occurs during the one instruction cycle. Essentially, this instruction performs the decimal conversion by adding 00H, 06H, 60H, or 66H to the Accumulator, depending on initial Accumulator and PSW conditions. Note: DA A cannot simply convert a hexadecimal number in the Accumulator to BCD notation, nor does DAA apply to decimal subtraction. 9-16 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.15 DA A Example: The Accumulator holds the value 56H (01010110B), representing the packed BCD digits of the decimal number 56. Register 3 contains the value 67H (01100111B), representing the packed BCD digits of the decimal number 67. The carry flag is set. The following instruction sequence ADDC A,R3 DA A first performs a standard two’s-complement binary addition, resulting in the value 0BEH (10111110) in the Accumulator. The carry and auxiliary carry flags are cleared. The Decimal Adjust instruction then alters the Accumulator to the value 24H (00100100B), indicating the packed BCD digits of the decimal number 24, the low-order two digits of the decimal sum of 56, 67, and the carry-in. The carry flag is set by the Decimal Adjust instruction, indicating that a decimal overflow occurred. The true sum of 56, 67, and 1 is 124. BCD variables can be incremented or decremented by adding 01H or 99H. If the Accumulator initially holds 30H (representing the digits of 30 decimal), then the following instruction sequence, ADD A, # 99H DA A leaves the carry set and 29H in the Accumulator, since 30 + 99 = 129. The low-order byte of the sum can be interpreted to mean 30 - 1 = 29. DA A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Operation: -contents of Accumulator are BCD [(AC) = 1]] IF [[(A3-0) > 9] THEN (A3-0) ←(A3-0) + 6 AND [(C) = 1]] IF [[(A7-4) > 9] THEN (A7-4) ←(A7-4) + 6 ∨ ∨ 9.4.16 DEC <byte> Function: Decrement Description: DEC byte decrements the variable indicated by 1. An original value of 00H underflows to 0FFH. No flags are affected. Four operand addressing modes are allowed: accumulator, register, direct, or register-indirect. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: Register 0 contains 7FH (01111111B). Internal RAM locations 7EH and 7FH contain 00H and 40H, respectively. The following instruction sequence, DEC @R0 DEC R0 DEC @R0 leaves register 0 set to 7EH and internal RAM locations 7EH and 7FH set to 0FFH and 3FH. DEC A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Operation: DEC (A) ←(A) - 1 C51ASM User Guide 9-17 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.16 DEC <byte> DEC Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 1 1 r r r 1 0 1 1 1 i Operation: DEC (Rn) ←(Rn) - 1 DEC direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 1 0 direct address Operation: DEC (direct) ←(direct) - 1 DEC @Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 1 0 Operation: DEC ((Ri)) ←((Ri)) - 1 9.4.17 DIV AB Function: Divide Description: DIV AB divides the unsigned eight-bit integer in the Accumulator by the unsigned eight-bit integer in register B. The Accumulator receives the integer part of the quotient; register B receives the integer remainder. The carry and OV flags are cleared. Exception: if B had originally contained 00H, the values returned in the Accumulator and B-register are undefined and the overflow flag are set. The carry flag is cleared in any case. Example: The Accumulator contains 251 (0FBH or 11111011B) and B contains 18 (12H or 00010010B). The following instruction, DIV AB leaves 13 in the Accumulator (0DH or 00001101B) and the value 17 (11H or 00010001B) in B, since 251 = (13 x 18) + 17. Carry and OV are both cleared. DIV AB Bytes: 1 Cycles: 24 4 Encoding: Classic (4 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: DIV (A)15-8 ←(A)/(B) (B)7-0 9-18 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.18 DJNZ <byte>,<rel-addr> Function: Decrement and Jump if Not Zero Description: DJNZ decrements the location indicated by 1, and branches to the address indicated by the second operand if the resulting value is not zero. An original value of 00H underflows to 0FFH. No flags are affected. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement value in the last instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC to the first byte of the following instruction. The location decremented may be a register or directly addressed byte. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: Internal RAM locations 40H, 50H, and 60H contain the values 01H, 70H, and 15H, respectively. The following instruction sequence, DJNZ 40H,LABEL_1 DJNZ 50H,LABEL_2 DJNZ 60H,LABEL_3 causes a jump to the instruction at label LABEL_2 with the values 00H, 6FH, and 15H in the three RAM locations. The first jump was not taken because the result was zero. This instruction provides a simple way to execute a program loop a given number of times or for adding a moderate time delay (from 2 to 512 machine cycles) with a single instruction. The following instruction sequence, MOV ...... R2, # 8 TOGGLE: CPL ...... P1.7 DJNZ ...... R2,TOGGLE toggles P1.7 eight times, causing four output pulses to appear at bit 7 of output Port 1. Each pulse lasts three machine cycles; two for DJNZ and one to alter the pin. DJNZ Rn,rel Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 1 0 1 1 r r r rel. address 0 1 direct address Operation: (PC) ←(PC) + 2 (Rn) ←(Rn) - 1 IF (Rn) > 0 or (Rn) < 0 THEN (PC) ←(PC) + rel DJNZ direct,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 4 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 1 0 1 0 1 rel. address Operation: (PC) ←(PC) + 2 (direct) ←(direct) - 1 IF (direct) > 0 or (direct) < 0 THEN (PC) ←(PC) + rel C51ASM User Guide 9-19 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.19 ECALL addr24 Function: Extended call Description: ECALL calls a subroutine located at the indicated address. The instruction adds five to the program counter to generate the address of the next instruction and then pushes the 24-bit result onto the stack (low byte first), incrementing the Stack Pointer by three. The high-order middle, and low-order bytes of the PC are then loaded, respectively, with the third, fourth, and fifth bytes of the ECALL instruction. Program execution continues with the instruction at this address. The subroutine may therefore begin anywhere in the 16MB program memory address space. No flags are affected. ECALL is only supported on devices with more than 64KB of program memory. Example: Initially the Stack Pointer equals 07H. The label SUBRTN is assigned to program memory location 123456H. After executing the instruction, ECALL SUBRTN at location 012345H, the Stack Pointer will contain 0A9H, internal RAM locations 08H, 09H and 0AH will contain 4AH, 23H and 01H, and the PC will contain 123456H. ECALL addr24 (Standard Stack) Bytes: 5 Cycles: 18 6 Encoding: Classic (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode A5 12 addr23-addr16 addr15-addr8 addr7-addr0 addr23-addr16 addr15-addr8 addr7-addr0 Operation: ECALL (PC) ←(PC) + 5 (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) + 1 ((SP7-0)) ←(PC7-0) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) + 1 ((SP7-0)) ←(PC15-8) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) + 1 ((SP7-0)) ←(PC23-16) (PC) ←addr23-0 ECALL addr24 (Extended Stack) Bytes: 5 Cycles: 18 8 Encoding: Classic (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode A5 12 Operation: ECALL ( SP15-8 = SPX ) (PC) ←(PC) + 5 (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) + 1 ((SP15-0)) ←(PC7-0) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) + 1 ((SP15-0)) ←(PC15-8) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) + 1 ((SP15-0)) ←(PC23-16) (PC) ←addr23-0 9-20 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.20 EJMP addr24 Function: Extended jump Description: EJMP causes an unconditional branch to the indicated address, by loading the high-order, middle, and low-order bytes of the PC (respectively) with the third, fourth, and fifth instruction bytes. The destination may therefore be anywhere in the 16MB program memory address space. No flags are affected. EJMP is only supported on devices with more than 64KB of program memory. Example: The label JMPADR is assigned to the instruction at program memory location 123456H. The instruction, EJMP JMPADR at location 0123H will load the program counter with 123456H. EJMP addr24 Bytes: 5 Cycles: 18 6 Compatibility (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode Encoding: A5 12 addr23-addr16 addr15-addr8 addr7-addr0 Operation: EJMP (PC) ← addr23-0 9.4.21 ERET Function: Extended Return from subroutine Description: ERET pops the high-, mniddle and low-order bytes of the PC successively from the stack, decrementing the Stack Pointer by three. Program execution continues at the resulting address, generally the instruction immediately following an ECALL. No flags are affected. ERET is only supported on devices with more than 64KB of program memory. Example: The Stack Pointer originally contains the value 0BH. Internal RAM locations 09H, 0AH and 0BH contain the values 45H, 23H and 01H, respectively. The following instruction, ERET leaves the Stack Pointer equal to the value 08H. Program execution continues at location 012345H. ERET (Standard Stack) Bytes: 1 Cycles: 18 5 Encoding: Compatibility (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Operation: RET (PC23-16) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 (PC15-8) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 (PC7-0) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 C51ASM User Guide 9-21 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.21 ERET ERET (Extended Stack) Bytes: 1 Cycles: 18 8 Encoding: Compatibility (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Operation: RET ( SP15-8 = SPX ) (PC23-16) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 (PC15-8) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 (PC7-0) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 9.4.22 INC <byte> Function: Increment Description: INC increments the indicated variable by 1. An original value of 0FFH overflows to 00H. No flags are affected. Three addressing modes are allowed: register, direct, or register-indirect. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: Register 0 contains 7EH (011111110B). Internal RAM locations 7EH and 7FH contain 0FFH and 40H, respectively. The following instruction sequence, INC @R0 INC R0 INC @R0 leaves register 0 set to 7FH and internal RAM locations 7EH and 7FH holding 00H and 41H, respectively. INC A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 r r r 1 0 1 Operation: (A) ←(A) + 1 INC Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 0 1 Operation: (Rn) ←(Rn) + 1 INC direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 0 0 direct address Operation: (direct) ←(direct) + 1 9-22 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.22 INC <byte> INC @Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 i Operation: INC ((Ri)) ←((Ri)) + 1 9.4.23 INC DPTR Function: Increment Data Pointer Description: INC DPTR increments the 16-bit data pointer by 1. A 16-bit increment (modulo 216) is performed, and an overflow of the low-order byte of the data pointer (DPL) from 0FFH to 00H increments the high-order byte (DPH). No flags are affected. For device with two data pointers. The data pointer to be incremented is slected by DPS usually in the AUXR1 register. This is the only 16-bit register which can be incremented. INC /DPTR is only available on devices with two or more data pointers. Example: Registers DPH and DPL contain 12H and 0FEH, respectively. The following instruction sequence, INC DPTR INC DPTR INC DPTR changes DPH and DPL to 13H and 01H. INC DPTR Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Operation: INC IF DPS = 0 THEN (DPTR0) ←(DPTR0) + 1 ELSE (DPTR1) ←(DPTR1) + 1 INC /DPTR Bytes: 2 Cycles: 18 3 Encoding: Compatibility (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Operation: INC IF DPS = 0 THEN (DPTR1) ←(DPTR1) + 1 ELSE (DPTR0) ←(DPTR0) + 1 C51ASM User Guide 9-23 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.24 JB blt,rel Function: Jump if Bit set Description: If the indicated bit is a one, JB jump to the address indicated; otherwise, it proceeds with the next instruction. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the third instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC to the first byte of the next instruction. The bit tested is not modified. No flags are affected. Example: The data present at input port 1 is 11001010B. The Accumulator holds 56 (01010110B). The following instruction sequence, JB P1.2,LABEL1 JB ACC. 2,LABEL2 causes program execution to branch to the instruction at label LABEL2. JB blt,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 4 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 bit address rel. address Operation: JB (PC) ←(PC) + 3 IF (bit) = 1 THEN (PC) ←(PC) + rel 9.4.25 JBC bit,rel Function: Jump if Bit is set and Clear bit Description: If the indicated bit is one, JBC branches to the address indicated; otherwise, it proceeds with the next instruction. The bit will not be cleared if it is already a zero. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the third instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC to the first byte of the next instruction. No flags are affected. Note: When this instruction is used to test an output pin, the value used as the original data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pin. Example: The Accumulator holds 56H (01010110B). The following instruction sequence, JBC ACC.3,LABEL1 JBC ACC.2,LABEL2 causes program execution to continue at the instruction identified by the label LABEL2, with the Accumulator modified to 52H (01010010B). JBC bit,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 4 Encoding: Classic (2 Machien Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 bit address rel. address Operation: JBC (PC) ←(PC) + 3 IF (bit) = 1 THEN (bit) ←0 (PC) ←(PC) +rel 9-24 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.26 JC rel Function: Jump if Carry is set Description: If the carry flag is set, JC branches to the address indicated; otherwise, it proceeds with the next instruction. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the second instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC twice. No flags are affected. Example: The carry flag is cleared. The following instruction sequence, JC LABEL1 CPL C JC LABEL 2 sets the carry and causes program execution to continue at the instruction identified by the label LABEL2. JC rel Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rel. address Operation: JC (PC) ←(PC) + 2 IF (C) = 1 THEN (PC) ←(PC) + rel 9.4.27 JMP @A+<base_reg> Function: Jump indirect Description: JMP @A+DPTR adds the eight-bit unsigned contents of the Accumulator with the 16-bit data pointer and loads the resulting sum to the program counter. This is the address for subsequent instruction fetches. Sixteen-bit addition is performed (modulo 216): a carry-out from the low-order eight bits propagates through the higher-order bits. Neither the Accumulator nor the Data Pointer is altered. No flags are affected. JMP @A+PC adds the eight-bit unsigned contents of the Accumulator to the program counter, which is first incremented by two. This is the address for subsequent instruction fetches. Sixteen-bit addition is performed (modulo 216): a carry-out from the low-order eight bits propagates through the higher-order bits. The Accumulator is not altered. No flags are affected. Example: An even number from 0 to 6 is in the Accumulator. The following sequence of instructions branches to one of four AJMP instructions in a jump table starting at JMP_TBL. MOV ...... ...... DPTR, # JMP_TBL JMP ...... ...... @A + DPTR JMP_TBL:AJMP ...... ...... LABEL0 AJMP ...... ...... LABEL1 AJMP ...... ...... LABEL2 AJMP ...... ...... LABEL3 If the Accumulator equals 04H when starting this sequence, execution jumps to label LABEL2. Because AJMP is a 2-byte instruction, the jump instructions start at every other address. JMP @A+DPTR Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Operation: (PC) ←(A) + (DPTR) C51ASM User Guide 9-25 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.27 JMP @A+<base_reg> JMP @A+PC Bytes: 2 Cycles: 18 3 Encoding: Compatibility (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 Operation: (PC) ←(A) + (PC) + 2 9.4.28 JNB bit,rel Function: Jump if Bit Not set Description: If the indicated bit is a 0, JNB branches to the indicated address; otherwise, it proceeds with the next instruction. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the third instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC to the first byte of the next instruction. The bit tested is not modified. No flags are affected. Example: The data present at input port 1 is 11001010B. The Accumulator holds 56H (01010110B). The following instruction sequence, JNB P1.3,LABEL1 JNB ACC.3,LABEL2 causes program execution to continue at the instruction at label LABEL2. JNB bit,rel Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 4 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 bit address rel. address Operation: (PC) ←(PC) + 3 IF (bit) = 0 THEN (PC) ←(PC) + rel 9.4.29 JNC rel Function: Jump if Carry not set Description: If the carry flag is a 0, JNC branches to the address indicated; otherwise, it proceeds with the next instruction. The branch destination is computed by adding the signal relative-displacement in the second instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC twice to point to the next instruction. The carry flag is not modified. Example: The carry flag is set. The following instruction sequence, JNC LABEL1 CPL C JNC LABEL2 clears the carry and causes program execution to continue at the instruction identified by the label LABEL2. JNC rel Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 rel. address Operation: (PC) ←(PC) + 2 IF (C) = 0 THEN (PC) ←(PC) + rel 9-26 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.30 JNZ rel Function: Jump if Accumulator Not Zero Description: If any bit of the Accumulator is a one, JNZ branches to the indicated address; otherwise, it proceeds with the next instruction. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the second instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC twice. The Accumulator is not modified. No flags are affected. Example: The Accumulator originally holds 00H. The following instruction sequence, JNZ LABEL1 INC A JNZ LABEL2 sets the Accumulator to 01H and continues at label LABEL2. JNZ rel Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fsat Mode 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 rel. address Operation: JNZ (PC) ←(PC) + 2 IF (A) ≠ 0 THEN (PC) ←(PC) + rel 9.4.31 JZ rel Function: Jump if Accumulator Zero Description: If all bits of the Accumulator are 0, JZ branches to the address indicated; otherwise, it proceeds with the next instruction. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed relative-displacement in the second instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC twice. The Accumulator is not modified. No flags are affected. Example: The Accumulator originally contains 01H. The following instruction sequence, JZ LABEL1 DEC A JZ LABEL2 changes the Accumulator to 00H and causes program execution to continue at the instruction identified by the label LABEL2. JZ rel Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 rel. address Operation: JZ (PC) ←(PC) + 2 IF (A) = 0 THEN (PC) ←(PC) + rel C51ASM User Guide 9-27 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.32 LCALL addr16 Function: Long call Description: LCALL calls a subroutine located at the indicated address. The instruction adds three to the program counter to generate the address of the next instruction and then pushes the 16-bit result onto the stack (low byte first), incrementing the Stack Pointer by two. The high-order and low-order bytes of the PC are then loaded, respectively, with the second and third bytes of the LCALL instruction. Program execution continues with the instruction at this address. The subroutine may therefore begin anywhere in the full 64K byte program memory address space. No flags are affected. Example: Initially the Stack Pointer equals 07H. The label SUBRTN is assigned to program memory location 1234H. After executing the instruction, LCALL SUBRTN at location 0123H, the Stack Pointer will contain 09H, internal RAM locations 08H and 09H will contain 26H and 01H, and the PC will contain 1234H. LCALL addr16 (Standard Stack) Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 4 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 addr15-addr8 addr7-addr0 1 0 addr15-addr8 addr7-addr0 Operation: LCALL (PC) ←(PC) + 3 (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) + 1 ((SP7-0)) ←(PC7-0) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) + 1 ((SP7-0)) ←(PC15-8) (PC) ←addr15-0 LCALL addr16 (Extended Stack) Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 6 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: LCALL ( SP15-8 = SPX ) (PC) ←(PC) + 3 (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) + 1 ((SP15-0)) ←(PC7-0) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) + 1 ((SP15-0)) ←(PC15-8) (PC) ←addr15-0 9.4.33 LJMP addr16 Function: Long Jump Description: LJMP causes an unconditional branch to the indicated address, by loading the high-order and low-order bytes of the PC (respectively) with the second and third instruction bytes. The destination may therefore be anywhere in the full 64K program memory address space. No flags are affected. Example: The label JMPADR is assigned to the instruction at program memory location 1234H. The instruction, LJMP JMPADR at location 0123H will load the program counter with 1234H. 9-28 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.33 LJMP addr16 LJMP addr16 Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) 4 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 addr15-addr8 addr7-addr0 Operation: (PC) ←addr15-0 9.4.34 LSL M Function: Shift MAC Accumulator Left Logically Description: The forty bits in the M register are shifted one bit to the left. Bit 0 is cleared. No flags are affected. Example: The M register holds the value 0C5B1A29384H. The following instruction, LSL M leaves the M register holding the value 8B63452708H. Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode A5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Operation: (Mn+1) ←(Mn) n = 0 - 38 (M0) ← 0 9.4.35 MAC AB Function: Multiply and Accumulate Description: MAC AB multiplies the signed 16-bit integers in the register pairs {AX, A} and {BX, B} and adds the 32-bit product to the 40-bit M register. The low-order bytes of the 16-bit operands are stored in A and B, and the high-order bytes in AX and BX respectively. The four operand registers are unaffected by the operation. If the addition of the product to the accumulated sum in M results in a two's complement overflow, the overflow flag is set; otherwise it is not cleared. The carry flag is set if the result is negative and cleared if positive. Example: Originally the Accumulator holds the value 80 (50H). Register B holds the value 160 (0A0H). The instruction, MAC AB will give the product 12, 800 (3200H), so B is changed to 32H (00110010B) and the Accumulator is cleared. The overflow flag is set, carry is cleared. Bytes: 2 Cycles: 30 9 Encoding: Classic (5 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode A5 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: (M39-0) ← (M) + { (AX), (A) } X { (BX), (B) } C51ASM User Guide 9-29 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.36 MOV <dest-byte>,<src-byte> Function: Move byte variable Description: The byte variable indicated by the second operand is copied into the location specified by the first operand. The source byte is not affected. No other register or flag is affected. This is by far the most flexible operation. Fifteen combinations of source and destination addressing modes are allowed. Example: Internal RAM location 30H holds 40H. The value of RAM location 40H is 10H. The data present at input port 1 is 11001010B (0CAH). MOV R0,#30H ...... ...... ;R0 < = 30H MOV A,@R0 ...... ...... ;A < = 40H MOV R1,A ...... ...... ;R1 < = 40H MOV B,@R1 ...... ...... ;B < = 10H MOV @R1,P1 ...... ...... ;RAM (40H) < = 0CAH MOV P2,P1 ...... ...... ;P2 #0CAH leaves the value 30H in register 0, 40H in both the Accumulator and register 1, 10H in register B, and 0CAH (11001010B) both in RAM location 40H and output on port 2. MOV A,Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 1 0 1 r r r 1 0 1 1 1 i 1 0 0 Operation: (A) ←(Rn) MOV A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 1 0 0 direct address Operation: (A) ←(direct) MOV A,@Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 1 0 0 Operation: (A) ←((Ri)) MOV A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 1 1 0 immediate data Operation: (A) ←#data 9-30 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.36 MOV <dest-byte>,<src-byte> MOV Rn,A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 1 1 1 r r r r r r direct addr. r r r immediate data 1 0 1 direct address r r direct address Operation: (Rn) ←(A) MOV Rn,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 0 1 Operation: (Rn) ←(direct) MOV Rn,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 1 1 1 Operation: (Rn) ←#data MOV direct,A Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 1 1 0 Operation: (direct) ←(A) MOV direct,Rn Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 0 0 1 r Operation: (direct) ←(Rn) C51ASM User Guide 9-31 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.36 MOV <dest-byte>,<src-byte> MOV direct,direct Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 dir. addr. (scr) 1 i direct addr. 1 0 1 direct address 1 1 i 1 i dir. addr. (dest) Operation: (direct) ←(direct) MOV direct,@Ri Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 0 0 0 1 Operation: (direct) ←((Ri)) MOV direct,#data Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 1 1 0 immediate data Operation: (direct) ←#data MOV @Ri,A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 1 1 0 Operation: ((Ri)) ←(A) MOV @Ri,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 0 0 1 direct addr. Operation: ((Ri)) ←(direct) 9-32 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.36 MOV <dest-byte>,<src-byte> MOV @Ri,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 i immediate data Operation: ((Ri)) ←#data 9.4.37 MOV DPTR,#data16 Function: Load Data Pointer with a 16-bit constant Description: MOV DPTR,#data16 loads the Data Pointer with the 16-bit constant indicated. The 16-bit constant is loaded into the second and third bytes of the instruction. The second byte (DPH) is the high-order byte, while the third byte (DPL) holds the lower-order byte. No flags are affected. When multiple data pointers are available the data pointer to load is selected by DPS usually found in the AUXR1 register. This is the only instruction which moves 16 bits of data at once. Example: The instruction, MOV DPTR, #1234H loads the value 1234H into the Data Pointer: DPH holds 12H, and DPL holds 34H. When two data pointers are available and DPTR0 is selected, the instruction sequence, MOV DPTR, #1234H MOV /DPTR, #5678H loads the value 1234H into the first Data Pointer: DPH0 holds 12H and DPL0 holds 34H; and loads the value 5678H into the second Data Pointer: DPH1 hold 56H and DPL1 holds 78H. MOV DPTR,#data16 Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Cycles: 3 Fast Mode Encoding: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 immed. data15-8 immed. data7-0 immed. data15-8 immed. data7-0 Operation: IF DPS = 0 THEN (DPTR0) ←#data15-0 ELSE (DPTR1) ←#data15-0 MOV /DPTR,#data16 Bytes: 4 Cycles: 18 Compatibility (3 Machine Cycles) Cycles: 4 Fast Mode Encoding: A5 90 Operation: IF DPS = 0 THEN (DPTR1) ←#data15-0 ELSE (DPTR0) ←#data15-0 C51ASM User Guide 9-33 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.38 MOV <dest-bit>,<src-bit> Function: Move bit data Description: MOV <dest-bit>,<src-bit> copies the Boolean variable indicated by the second operand into the location specified by the first operand. One of the operands must be the carry flag; the other may be any directly addressable bit. No other register or flag is affected. Example: The carry flag is originally set. The data present at input Port 3 is 11000101B. The data previously written to output Port 1 is 35H (00110101B). MOV P1.3,C MOV C,P3.3 MOV P1.2,C leaves the carry cleared and changes Port 1 to 39H (00111001B). MOV C,bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) Cycles: 2 Fast Mode Encoding: 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 bit address 1 0 bit address Operation: (C) ←(bit) MOV bit,C Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Cycles: 2 Fast Mode Encoding: 1 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: (bit) ←(C) 9.4.39 MOVC A,@A+ <base-reg> Function: Move Code byte Description: The MOVC instructions load the Accumulator with a code byte or constant from program memory. The address of the byte fetched is the sum of the original unsigned 8-bit Accumulator contents and the contents of a 16-bit base register, which may be either the Data Pointer or the PC. In the latter case, the PC is incremented to the address of the following instruction before being added with the Accumulator; otherwise the base register is not altered. Sixteen-bit addition is performed so a carry-out from the low-order eight bits may propagate through higher-order bits. No flags are affected. Example: A value between 0 and 3 is in the Accumulator. The following instructions will translate the value in the Accumulator to one of four values defined by the DB (define byte) directive. REL_PC: INC ...... A MOVC ...... A,@A+PC RET DB ...... 66H DB ...... 77H DB ...... 88H DB ...... 99H If the subroutine is called with the Accumulator equal to 01H, it returns with 77H in the Accumulator. The INC A before the MOVC instruction is needed to “get around” the RET instruction above the table. If several bytes of code separate the MOVC from the table, the corresponding number is added to the Accumulator instead. 9-34 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.39 MOVC A,@A+ <base-reg> MOVC A,@A+DPTR Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Operation: MOVC IF DPS = 0 THEN (A) ←((A) + (DPTR0)) ELSE (A) ←((A) + (DPTR1)) MOVC A,@A+/DPTR Bytes: 1 Cycles: 18 4 Encoding: Compatibility (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: MOVC IF DPS = 0 THEN (A) ←((A) + (DPTR1)) ELSE (A) ←((A) + (DPTR0)) MOVC A,@A+PC Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 0 0 0 0 Operation: MOVC (PC) ←(PC) + 1 (A) ←((A) + (PC)) 9.4.40 MOVX <dest-byte>,<src-byte> Function: Move External Description: The MOVX instructions transfer data between the Accumulator and a byte of external data memory, which is why “X” is appended to MOV. There are two types of instructions, differing in whether they provide an 8-bit or 16-bit indirect address to the external data RAM. In the first type, the contents of R0 or R1 in the current register bank provide an 8-bit address multiplexed with data on P0. Eight bits are sufficient for external I/O expansion decoding or for a relatively small RAM array. For somewhat larger arrays, any output port pins can be used to output higher-order address bits. These pins are controlled by an output instruction preceding the MOVX. In the second type of MOVX instruction, the Data Pointer generates a 16-bit address. P2 outputs the high-order eight address bits (the contents of DPH), while P0 multiplexes the low-order eight bits (DPL) with data. The P2 Special Function Register retains its previous contents, while the P2 output buffers emit the contents of DPH. This form of MOVX is faster and more efficient when accessing very large data arrays (up to 64K bytes), since no additional instructions are needed to set up the output ports. It is possible to use both MOVX types in some situations. A large RAM array with its high-order address lines driven by P2 can be addressed via the Data Pointer, or with code to output high-order address bits to P2, followed by a MOVX instruction using R0 or R1. C51ASM User Guide 9-35 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.40 MOVX <dest-byte>,<src-byte> Example: An external 256 byte RAM using multiplexed address/data lines is connected to the 8051 Port 0. Port 3 provides control lines for the external RAM. Ports 1 and 2 are used for normal I/O. Registers 0 and 1 contain 12H and 34H. Location 34H of the external RAM holds the value 56H. The instruction sequence, MOVX A,@R1 MOVX @R0,A copies the value 56H into both the Accumulator and external RAM location 12H. MOVX A,@Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Cycles: 2/4 Fast Mode Encoding: 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 i 0 0 0 1 1 i Operation: MOVX (A) ←((Ri)) MOVX A,@DPTR Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 2/4 Encoding: 1 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 1 0 0 0 Operation: MOVX IF DPS = 0 THEN (A) ←((DPTR0)) ELSE (A) ←((DPTR1) MOVX A,@/DPTR Bytes: 1 Cycles: 18 3/5 Encoding: 1 Classic (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Operation: MOVX IF DPS = 0 THEN (A) ←((DPTR1)) ELSE (A) ←((DPTR0) MOVX @Ri,A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 2/4 Encoding: 1 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 1 1 0 0 Operation: MOVX ((Ri)) ←(A) 9-36 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.40 MOVX <dest-byte>,<src-byte> MOVX @DPTR,A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 2/4 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Operation: MOVX IF DPS = 0 THEN (DPTR0) ←(A) ELSE (DPTR1) ←(A) MOVX @/DPTR,A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 18 3/5 Encoding: Compatibility (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Operation: MOVX IF DPS = 0 THEN (DPTR1) ←(A) ELSE (DPTR0) ←(A) 9.4.41 MUL AB Function: Multiply Description: MUL AB multiplies the unsigned 8-bit integers in the Accumulator and register B. The low-order byte of the 16-bit product is left in the Accumulator, and the high-order byte in B. If the product is greater than 255 (0FFH), the overflow flag is set; otherwise it is cleared. The carry flag is always cleared. Example: Originally the Accumulator holds the value 80 (50H). Register B holds the value 160 (0A0H). The instruction, MUL AB will give the product 12,800 (3200H), so B is changed to 32H (00110010B) and the Accumulator is cleared. The overflow flag is set, carry is cleared. MUL AB Bytes: 1 Cycles: 24 2 Encoding: Classic (4 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: MUL (A)7-0 ←(A) X (B) (B)15-8 C51ASM User Guide 9-37 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.42 NOP Function: No Operation Description: Execution continues at the following instruction. Other than the PC, no registers or flags are affected. Example: A low-going output pulse on bit 7 of Port 2 must last exactly 5 cycles. A simple SETB/CLR sequence generates a one-cycle pulse, so four additional cycles must be inserted. This may be done (assuming no interrupts are enabled) with the following instruction sequence, CLR P2.7 NOP NOP NOP NOP SETB P2.7 NOP Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operation: NOP (PC) ←(PC) + 1 9.4.43 ORL <dest-byte> <src-byte> Function: Logical-OR for byte variables Description: ORL performs the bitwise logical-OR operation between the indicated variables, storing the results in the destination byte. No flags are affected. The two operands allow six addressing mode combinations. When the destination is the Accumulator, the source can use register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate addressing; when the destination is a direct address, the source can be the Accumulator or immediate data. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data is read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: If the Accumulator holds 0C3H (11000011B) and R0 holds 55H (01010101B) then the following instruction, ORL A,R0 leaves the Accumulator holding the value 0D7H (1101011lB).When the destination is a directly addressed byte, the instruction can set combinations of bits in any RAM location or hardware register. The pattern of bits to be set is determined by a mask byte, which may be either a constant data value in the instruction or a variable computed in the Accumulator at run-time. The instruction, ORL P1,#00110010B sets bits 5, 4, and 1 of output Port 1. ORL A,Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 Operation: ORL (A) ←(A) 9-38 3710A–MICRO–10/10 ∨ 0 0 1 r r r (Rn) C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.43 ORL <dest-byte> <src-byte> ORL A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 Operation: ORL (A) ←(A) ∨ 0 0 0 1 0 1 direct address 1 1 i 1 0 0 immediate data 0 1 0 direct address 1 1 direct addr. (direct) ORL A,@Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 Operation: ORL (A) ←(A) ∨ 0 0 0 ((Ri)) ORL A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 Operation: ORL (A) ←(A) ∨ 0 0 0 #data ORL direct,A Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 0 Operation: ORL (direct) ←(direct) 0 ∨ 0 (A) ORL direct,#data Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 0 Operation: ORL (direct) ←(direct) C51ASM User Guide 0 ∨ 0 0 immediate data #data 9-39 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.44 ORL C,<src-bit> Function: Logical-OR for bit variables Description: Set the carry flag if the Boolean value is a logical 1; leave the carry in its current state otherwise. A slash ( / ) preceding the operand in the assembly language indicates that the logical complement of the addressed bit is used as the source value, but the source bit itself is not affected. No other flags are affected. Example: Set the carry flag if and only if P1.0 = 1, ACC. 7 = 1, or OV = 0: MOV C,P1.0 ...... ...... ;LOAD CARRY WITH INPUT PIN P10 ORL C,ACC.7 ...... ...... ;OR CARRY WITH THE ACC. BIT 7 ORL C,/OV ...... ...... ;OR CARRY WITH THE INVERSE OF OV. ORLC,bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 Operation: (C) ←(C) 1 ∨ 1 0 0 1 0 bit address 0 0 bit address (bit) ORLC,/bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 0 Operation: (C) ←(C) 9.4.45 1 ∨ 0 0 0 (bit) POP direct Function: Pop from stack. Description: The contents of the internal RAM location addressed by the Stack Pointer is read, and the Stack Pointer is decremented by one. The value read is then transferred to the directly addressed byte indicated. No flags are affected. Example: The Stack Pointer originally contains the value 32H, and internal RAM locations 30H through 32H contain the values 20H, 23H, and 01H, respectively. The following instruction sequence, POP DPH POP DPL leaves the Stack Pointer equal to the value 30H and sets the Data Pointer to 0123H. At this point, the following instruction, POP SP leaves the Stack Pointer set to 20H. In this special case, the Stack Pointer was decremented to 2FH before being loaded with the value popped (20H). POP direct (Standard Stack) Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 direct address Operation: POP (direct) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 9-40 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.45 POP direct POP direct (Extended Stack) Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 direct address Operation: POP ( SP15-8 = SPX ) (direct) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 9.4.46 PUSH direct Function: Push onto stack Description: The Stack Pointer is incremented by one. The contents of the indicated variable is then copied into the internal RAM location addressed by the Stack Pointer. Otherwise no flags are affected. Example: On entering an interrupt routine, the Stack Pointer contains 09H. The Data Pointer holds the value 0123H. The following instruction sequence, PUSH DPL PUSH DPH leaves the Stack Pointer set to 0BH and stores 23H and 01H in internal RAM locations 0AH and 0BH, respectively. PUSH direct (Standard Stack) Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 2 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 direct address 0 0 direct address Operation: PUSH (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) + 1 ((SP7-0)) ←(direct) PUSH direct (Extended Stack) Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 1 1 0 0 0 0 Operation: PUSH ( SP15-8 = SPX ) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) + 1 ((SP15-0)) ←(direct) 9.4.47 RET Function: Return from subroutine Description: RET pops the high- and low-order bytes of the PC successively from the stack, decrementing the Stack Pointer by two. Program execution continues at the resulting address, generally the instruction immediately following an ACALL or LCALL. No flags are affected. Example: The Stack Pointer originally contains the value 0BH. Internal RAM locations 0AH and 0BH contain the values 23H and 01H, respectively. The following instruction, RET leaves the Stack Pointer equal to the value 09H. Program execution continues at location 0123H. C51ASM User Guide 9-41 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.47 RET RET (Standard Stack) Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 4 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Operation: RET (PC15-8) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 (PC7-0) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 RET (Extended Stack) Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 5 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 1 0 0 0 Operation: RET ( SP15-8 = SPX ) (PC15-8) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 (PC7-0) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 9.4.48 RETI Function: Return from interrupt Description: For devices with 64KB or less of prgram space, RETI pops the high- and low-order bytes of the PC successively from the stack and restores the interrupt logic to accept additional interrupts at the same priority level as the one just processed. The Stack Pointer is left decremented by two. No other registers are affected; the PSW is not automatically restored to its pre-interrupt status. Program execution continues at the resulting address, which is generally the instruction immediately after the point at which the interrupt request was detected. If a lower- or same-level interrupt was pending when the RETI instruction is executed, that one instruction is executed before the pending interrupt is processed. For devices with more than 64K bytes of program memory, RETI pops the high-, middle and low-order bytes of the PC successively from the stack and restores the interrupt logic to accept additional interrupts at the same priority level as the one just processed. The Stack Pointer is left decremented by three. Example: The Stack Pointer originally contains the value 0BH. An interrupt was detected during the instruction ending at location 0122H. Internal RAM locations 0AH and 0BH contain the values 23H and 01H, respectively. The following instruction, RETI leaves the Stack Pointer equal to 09H and returns program execution to location 0123H. RETI (Standard Stack, 2-byte PC) Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 4 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Operation: (PC15-8) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 (PC7-0) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 9-42 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.48 RETI RETI (Extended Stack, 2-byte PC) Bytes: 1 Cycles: 12 5 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Operation: RETI ( SP15-8 = SPX ) (PC15-8) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 (PC7-0) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 RETI (Standard Stack, 3-byte PC) Bytes: 1 Cycles: 18 5 Encoding: Classic (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 1 1 0 0 Operation: RETI (PC23-16) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 (PC15-8) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 (PC7-0) ←((SP7-0)) (SP7-0) ←(SP7-0) - 1 RETI (Extended Stack, 32-byte PC) Bytes: 1 Cycles: 18 8 Encoding: Classic (3 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 0 1 1 0 0 Operation: RETI ( SP15-8 = SPX ) (PC23-16) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 (PC15-8) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 (PC7-0) ←((SP15-0)) (SP15-0) ←(SP15-0) - 1 9.4.49 RL A Function: Rotate Accumulator Left Description: The eight bits in the Accumulator are rotated one bit to the left. Bit 7 is rotated into the bit 0 position. No flags are affected. Example: The Accumulator holds the value 0C5H (11000101B). The following instruction, RL A leaves the Accumulator holding the value 8BH (10001011B) with the carry unaffected. C51ASM User Guide 9-43 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.49 RL A RL A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Operation: (An + 1) ←(An) n = 0 - 6 (A0) ←(A7) 9.4.50 RLC A Function: Rotate Accumulator Left through the Carry flag Description: The eight bits in the Accumulator and the carry flag are together rotated one bit to the left. Bit 7 moves into the carry flag; the original state of the carry flag moves into the bit 0 position. No other flags are affected. Example: The Accumulator holds the value 0C5H(11000101B), and the carry is zero. The following instruction, RLC A leaves the Accumulator holding the value 8BH (10001010B) with the carry set. RLC A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast mode 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Operation: (An + 1) ←(An) n = 0 - 6 (A0) ←(C) (C) ←(A7) 9.4.51 RR A Function: Rotate Accumulator Right Description: The eight bits in the Accumulator are rotated one bit to the right. Bit 0 is rotated into the bit 7 position. No flags are affected. Example: The Accumulator holds the value 0C5H (11000101B). The following instruction, RR A leaves the Accumulator holding the value 0E2H (11100010B) with the carry unaffected. Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Operation: (An) ←(An + 1) n = 0 - 6 (A7) ←(A0) 9-44 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.52 RRC A Function: Rotate Accumulator Right through Carry flag Description: The eight bits in the Accumulator and the carry flag are together rotated one bit to the right. Bit 0 moves into the carry flag; the original value of the carry flag moves into the bit 7 position. No other flags are affected. Example: The Accumulator holds the value 0C5H (11000101B), the carry is zero. The following instruction, RRC A leaves the Accumulator holding the value 62 (01100010B) with the carry set. RRC A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 Operation: RRC (An) ←(An + 1) n = 0 - 6 (A7) ←(C) (C) ←(A0) 9.4.53 SETB <bit> Function: Set Bit Description: SETB sets the indicated bit to one. SETB can operate on the carry flag or any directly addressable bit. No other flags are affected. Example: The carry flag is cleared. Output Port 1 has been written with the value 34H (00110100B). The following instructions, SETB C SETB P1.0 sets the carry flag to 1 and changes the data output on Port 1 to 35H (00110101B). SETB C Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Operation: SETB (C) ←1 SETB bit Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 0 1 0 bit address Operation: SETB (bit) ←1 C51ASM User Guide 9-45 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.54 SJMP rel Function: Short Jump Description: Program control branches unconditionally to the address indicated. The branch destination is computed by adding the signed displacement in the second instruction byte to the PC, after incrementing the PC twice. Therefore, the range of destinations allowed is from 128 bytes preceding this instruction 127 bytes following it. Example: The label RELADR is assigned to an instruction at program memory location 0123H. The following instruction, SJMP RELADR assembles into location 0100H. After the instruction is executed, the PC contains the value 0123H. Note: Under the above conditions the instruction following SJMP is at 102H. Therefore, the displacement byte of the instruction is the relative offset (0123H-0102H) = 21H. Put another way, an SJMP with a displacement of 0FEH is a one-instruction infinite loop. SJMP rel Bytes: 2 Cycles: 12 Classic (2 Machine Cycles) 2 Encoding: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rel. address Operation: SJMP (PC) ←(PC) + 2 (PC) ←(PC) + rel 9.4.55 SUBB A,<src-byte> Function: Subtract with borrow Description: SUBB subtracts the indicated variable and the carry flag together from the Accumulator, leaving the result in the Accumulator. SUBB sets the carry (borrow) flag if a borrow is needed for bit 7 and clears C otherwise. (If C was set before executing a SUBB instruction, this indicates that a borrow was needed for the previous step in a multiple-precision subtraction, so the carry is subtracted from the Accumulator along with the source operand.) AC is set if a borrow is needed for bit 3 and cleared otherwise. OV is set if a borrow is needed into bit 6, but not into bit 7, or into bit 7, but not bit 6. When subtracting signed integers, OV indicates a negative number produced when a negative value is subtracted from a positive value, or a positive result when a positive number is subtracted from a negative number. The source operand allows four addressing modes: register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate. Example: The Accumulator holds 0C9H (11001001B), register 2 holds 54H (01010100B), and the carry flag is set. The instruction, SUBB A,R2 will leave the value 74H (01110100B) in the accumulator, with the carry flag and AC cleared but OV set. Notice that 0C9H minus 54H is 75H. The difference between this and the above result is due to the carry (borrow) flag being set before the operation. If the state of the carry is not known before starting a single or multiple-precision subtraction, it should be explicitly cleared by CLR C instruction. SUBB A,Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 0 0 1 1 r r r Operation: SUBB (A) ←(A) - (C) - (Rn) 9-46 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.55 SUBB A,<src-byte> SUBB A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 i 1 0 0 direct address Operation: SUBB (A) ←(A) - (C) - (direct) SUBB A,@Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 0 0 1 0 Operation: SUBB (A) ←(A) - (C) - ((Ri)) SUBB A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 0 0 1 0 immediate data Operation: SUBB (A) ←(A) - (C) - #data 9.4.56 SWAP A Function: Swap nibbles within the Accumulator Description: SWAP A interchanges the low- and high-order nibbles (four-bit fields) of the Accumulator (bits 3 through 0 and bits 7 through 4). The operation can also be thought of as a 4-bit rotate instruction. No flags are affected. Example: The Accumulator holds the value 0C5H (11000101B). The instruction, SWAP A leaves the Accumulator holding the value 5CH (01011100B). SWAP A Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast mode 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Operation: SWAP (A3-0) D (A7-4) C51ASM User Guide 9-47 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.57 XCH A,<byte> Function: Exchange Accumulator with byte variable Description: XCH loads the Accumulator with the contents of the indicated variable, at the same time writing the original Accumulator contents to the indicated variable. The source/destination operand can use register, direct, or register-indirect addressing. Example: R0 contains the address 20H. The Accumulator holds the value 3FH (0011111lB). Internal RAM location 20H holds the value 75H (01110101B). The following instruction, XCH A,@R0 leaves RAM location 20H holding the values 3FH (00111111B) and 75H (01110101B) in the accumulator. XCH A,Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 0 0 1 r r r 1 0 1 1 1 i Operation: (A) D ((Rn) XCH A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 0 0 0 direct address Operation: (A) D (direct) XCH A,@Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 0 0 0 Operation: (A) D ((Ri)) 9.4.58 XCHD A,@Ri Function: Exchange Digit Description: XCHD exchanges the low-order nibble of the Accumulator (bits 3 through 0), generally representing a hexadecimal or BCD digit, with that of the internal RAM location indirectly addressed by the specified register. The high-order nibbles (bits 7-4) of each register are not affected. No flags are affected. Example: R0 contains the address 20H. The Accumulator holds the value 36H (00110110B). Internal RAM location 20H holds the value 75H (01110101B). The following instruction, XCHD A,@R0 leaves RAM location 20H holding the value 76H (01110110B) and 35H (00110101B) in the Accumulator. Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 i Operation: XCHD (A3-0) D ((Ri3-0)) 9-48 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Instruction Set Reference 9.4.59 XRL <dest-byte>,<src-byte> Function: Logical Exclusive-OR for byte variables Description: XRL performs the bitwise logical Exclusive-OR operation between the indicated variables, storing the results in the destination. No flags are affected. The two operands allow six addressing mode combinations. When the destination is the Accumulator, the source can use register, direct, register-indirect, or immediate addressing; when the destination is a direct address, the source can be the Accumulator or immediate data. Note: When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the original port data is read from the output data latch, not the input pins. Example: If the Accumulator holds 0C3H (1100001lB) and register 0 holds 0AAH (10101010B) then the instruction, XRL A,R0 leaves the Accumulator holding the value 69H (01101001B). When the destination is a directly addressed byte, this instruction can complement combinations of bits in any RAM location or hardware register. The pattern of bits to be complemented is then determined by a mask byte, either a constant contained in the instruction or a variable computed in the Accumulator at run-time. The following instruction, XRL P1,#00110001B complements bits 5, 4, and 0 of output Port 1. XRL A,Rn Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 1 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 1 0 1 r r r 1 0 1 1 1 i 1 0 0 Operation: (A) ←(A) V (Rn) XRL A,direct Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 1 0 0 direct address Operation: (A) ←(A) V (direct) XRL A,@Ri Bytes: 1 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 1 0 0 Operation: (A) ←(A) V ((Ri)) XRL A,#data Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 1 0 0 immediate data Operation: (A) ←(A) V #data C51ASM User Guide 9-49 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Instruction Set Reference 9.4.59 XRL <dest-byte>,<src-byte> XRL direct,A Bytes: 2 Cycles: 6 Classic (1 Machine Cycle) 2 Encoding: Fast Mode 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 direct address 1 1 direct address Operation: (direct) ←(direct) V (A) XRL direct,#data Bytes: 3 Cycles: 12 3 Encoding: Classic (2 Machine Cycles) Fast Mode 0 1 1 0 0 0 immediate data Operation: (direct) ←(direct) V #data 9-50 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 10 Appendix A - Error Messages 10.1 Assembly Errors Assembly errors apply to the consistency of the assembly language program in syntax and semantics. If one of these errors is detected, it is flagged in the list file, and program execution continues. When assembly is finished, Atmel® C51ASM terminates with exit code 1:. 10.1.1 ERROR #1 Summary: ERROR #1: Unrecognized input Description: A statement contains characters that are not allowed in assembly language. 10.1.2 ERROR #2 Summary: ERROR #2: Undefined symbol Description: A symbol is referenced, but has never been defined. 10.1.3 ERROR #3 Summary: ERROR #3: Duplicate symbol Description: Attempt to redefine a previously defined symbol. Summary: ERROR #3: Duplicate label Description: Attempt to define a previously defined label symbol. 10.1.4 ERROR #4 Summary: ERROR #4: Illegal digit for radix Description: C51ASM User Guide 10-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix A - Error Messages An illegal digit for the specified radix was found in a numeric constant. 10.1.5 ERROR #5 Summary: ERROR #5: Expression greater than 8-bits Description: An expression expected to evaluate as an 8-bit address is larger than 255. Summary: ERROR #5: DATA address out of range Description: An expression expected to evaluate as an 8-bit address is larger than 255. 10.1.6 ERROR #6 Summary: ERROR #6: Missing END directive Description: The program ends without an END statement. 10.1.7 ERROR #8 Summary: ERROR #8: Illegal assembly line Description: A statement contains a syntax element that is not allowed in this context. 10.1.8 ERROR #9 Summary: ERROR #9: command past END statement Description: The END statement is followed by further non-comment assembler statements. 10.1.9 ERROR #12 Summary: ERROR #12: Unbalanced parentheses (missing open) Description: An expression contains more closing than opening parentheses. Summary: ERROR #12: Unbalanced parentheses (missing closed) Description: 10-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Appendix A - Error Messages An expression contains more opening than closing parentheses. 10.1.10 ERROR #15 Summary: ERROR #15: Illegal dptr instruction Description: DPTR instruction aliases are only valid with the --dptr option. 10.1.11 ERROR #16 Summary: ERROR #16: Divide by zero Description: During evaluation of the expression, the assembler has to divide by zero. 10.1.12 ERROR #17 Summary: ERROR #17: Invalid base address Description: A DATA address that is not bit-addressable has been used on the left side of a '.' operator. Summary: ERROR #17: Invalid bit number Description: A number greater than 7 has been used on the right side of a '.' operator. 10.1.13 ERROR #18 Summary: ERROR #18: Relative offset exceeds -128 / +127 Description: The target address of a relative jump instruction cannot be reached within +127 or -128 bytes. 10.1.14 ERROR #19 Summary: ERROR #19: Address outside current 2K page Description: The target address of an AJMP or ACALL instruction is not located within the same 2048 byte page as the next instruction. 10.1.15 ERROR #20 Summary: C51ASM User Guide 10-3 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix A - Error Messages ERROR #20: Illegal operand Description: One of the operands specified is not a legal operand for the instruction. Summary: ERROR #20: Illegal 2nd operand Description: The second operand is not a legal operand for the instruction. Summary: ERROR #20: Illegal 3rd operand Description: The third operand is not a legal operand for the instruction. Summary: ERROR #20: Illegal operand, expecting bit Description: Bit operation with non-bit operand. 10.1.16 ERROR #21 Summary: ERROR #21: Illegal indirect register Description: Expected R0 or R1. An indirect addressing symbol (@) is used with something other than R0 or R1. 10.1.17 ERROR #23 Summary: ERROR #23: Unsupported directive Description: The assembler does not support the relocatable directives: PUBLIC, EXTRN, SEGMENT and RSEG. Summary: ERROR #23: EDATA Segment not implemented Description: The selected device does not implement EDATA. Summary: ERROR #23: FDATA Segment not implemented Description: The selected device does not implement FDATA. 10.1.18 ERROR #24 10-4 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Appendix A - Error Messages Summary: ERROR #24: Attempting to EQU a previously SET symbol Description: A symbol defined with the SET directive cannot later be redefined using the EQU directive. 10.1.19 ERROR #25 Summary: ERROR #25: Attempt to SET an EQU symbol Description: A symbol defined with the EQU directive cannot later be redefined using the SET directive. 10.1.20 ERROR #27 Summary: ERROR #27: Target address is undefined Description: The expression for the target address contains a symbol that is not defined. Summary: ERROR #27: Target address has wrong type Description: The expression for the target address is not typeless and does not have type CODE. 10.1.21 ERROR #28 Summary: ERROR #28 Address below segment base Description: Attempt to set the location counter of the current segment below the segment base address. Summary: ERROR #28 FDATA segment below base Description: An FSEG AT statement attempts to define an FDATA segment that starts below the lowest logical address for the selected device. Normally this occurs when an FSEG is set at zero, but the selected device has FDATA starting at some higher address. Summary: ERROR #28 BIT segment above limit ERROR #28 CODE segment above limit ERROR #28 DATA segment above limit ERROR #28 EDATA segment above limit C51ASM User Guide 10-5 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix A - Error Messages ERROR #28 FDATA segment above limit ERROR #28 IDATA segment above limit Description: Attempt to set the location counter of the current segment above the highest logical address for this segment in the selected device. 10.1.22 ERROR #30 Summary: ERROR #30: DB not allowed in this segment! ERROR #30: DW not allowed in this segment! Description: The DB and DW directives are only allowed in CODE or FDATA segments. Summary: ERROR #30: DBIT only allowed in BSEG! Description: The DBIT directive is only allowed in a BIT segment. Summary: ERROR #30: DS not allowed in BSEG! Description: The DS directive is not allowed in a BIT segment. Use DBIT. Summary: ERROR #30: mnemonic only allowed in CSEG Description: Instruction mnemonics are only allowed in a CODE segment. 10.1.23 ERROR #31 Summary: ERROR #31: Character strings not allowed Description: A string with more than two characters is used in a DW statement. Use DB to generate string values. 10.1.24 ERROR #33 Summary: ERROR #33: String not terminated Description: 10-6 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Appendix A - Error Messages A character string is not properly terminated with a quote. 10.1.25 ERROR #34 Summary: ERROR #34: USING must be between 0-3 Description: The register bank number specified with the USING directive exceeds 3. 10.1.26 ERROR #35 Summary: ERROR #35: $RESTORE must be preceded by $SAVE Description: A $RESTORE control must be preceded by a $SAVE control. 10.1.27 ERROR #37 Summary: ERROR #37: Illegal control statement Description: A statement is starting with an unknown keyword beginning with a $. Summary: ERROR #37: Control preceded by non-control lines Description: A primary control occurs after statements that are not assembler controls. Summary: ERROR #37: Unexpected input in control Description: The assembler was unable to process part of a control statement. 10.1.28 ERROR #40 Summary: ERROR #40: Synchronization error Description: A label has different values defined on pass 1 and pass 2. Summary: ERROR #40: Address overlaps Description: Machine code has already been generated for the locations the current statement is targeting. C51ASM User Guide 10-7 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix A - Error Messages 10.1.29 ERROR #41 Summary: ERROR #41: Instruction requires extended memory mode Description: On of the extended memory instructions: EJMP, ECALL or ERET, was found, but the assembler is not in extended memory mode. 10.1.30 ERROR #43 Summary: ERROR #43: No matching IF ERROR #43: ELSE with no IF ERROR #43: ELSEIF with no IF Description: An ELSEIF, ELSE or ENDIF conditional assembly directive occurs without a preceding IF directive. Summary: ERROR #43: Wrong conditional type Description: All IF-ELSE-ENDIF directives in a conditional assembly block must be of the same type. 10.1.31 ERROR #44 Summary: ERROR #44: Missing ENDIF Description: A conditional assembly block as found without a terminating ENDIF directive. 10.1.32 ERROR #45 Summary: ERROR #45: Illegal or missing macro name Description: The macro name is missing from a macro definition or is already defined as another symbol. 10.1.33 ERROR #46 Summary: ERROR #46: ENDM without MACRO Description: An ENDM directive occurs without a preceding macro definition. 10.1.34 ERROR #47 10-8 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Appendix A - Error Messages Summary: ERROR #47: LOCAL not allowed in MACRO body Description: Macro body lines occur before a LOCAL statement in a macro definition. Move the LOCAL statement before any body lines. Summary: ERROR #47: LOCAL instruction outside macro! Description: A LOCAL statement is illegal outside of a macro definition. 10.1.35 ERROR #48 Summary: ERROR #48: Illegal parameter specification Description: The parameter names of a macro are not all different. 10.1.36 ERROR #50 Summary: ERROR #50: Expected one of '(', '<; or 'â?œ' Description: Include file string is missing or improperly delimited. Summary: ERROR #50: Include string not terminated, expected ')" ERROR #50: Include string not terminated, expected '>' ERROR #50: Include string not terminated, expected '"' Description: Include file string is not terminated. 10.2 Runtime Errors Runtime errors are operational errors, or I/O errors. If one of these errors is detected, it is flagged on the console, and Atmel C51ASM aborts with exit code 2. 10.2.1 I/O ERROR I/O ERROR: No such file or directory Source or include file not found. (Linux) I/O ERROR: Is a directory C51ASM User Guide 10-9 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix A - Error Messages Object or listing file is actually a directory. (Linux) I/O ERROR: Permission denied Source or include file does not have the correct privileges. (Linux) I/O ERROR: no source file specified The source file is missing from the command line. I/O ERROR: Unknown option The specified command line option is not recognized I/O ERROR: No argument supplied with option The specified command line option requires an argument. I/O ERROR: missing argument for option The specified command line option requires an argument to be attached to the option. I/O ERROR: wrong file type The specified file format is not supported. 10.2.2 FATAL ERROR FATAL ERROR: Could not open input file Source or include file cannot be opened for input. FATAL ERROR: Could not open file for writing Object or listing file cannot be opened for output. FATAL ERROR: Unable to allocate memory No free memory is available. 10-10 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 11 Appendix B - List File Format The listing file displays the results of the translation from assembly source to machine code. This appendix describes the format of the listing file generated by the assembler. By default the Atmel® C51ASM assembler does not generate a listing file. To produce a list file output, include --listfile on the command line or place a $PRINTcontrol in the source file. 11.1 List File Headings Normally, every page of the listing has a page header on the first line. The header identifies the assembler and version, and lists the title, date and page number. If a title was not specified with the $TITLE control, the assembler copyright information is substituted. When a listing page reaches the maximum number of lines per page, a form feed character is output, followed by another page header. The page header and form feeds can be suppressed with the --nopaging option or the $NOPAGING control. Use the $PAGELENGTH control to adjust the number of lines per page. The page header (and all other lines) will be truncated to fit the page width set by the $PAGEWIDTH control. C51ASM V1.0 Copyright (c) 2010 Atmel Corp. 2010/09/01 PAGE 1 The first page of the listing contains the file header in addition to the page header. The file header identifies the assembler and version, lists all input and output files and marks the columns for the line headings. A typical file header is looking as shown below: 8051 Macro Assembler C 5 1 A S M V 1.0 ========================================== Source File: demo.asm Object File(s): demo.hex List File: demo.lst Line 11.2 I Addr Code Source Source Listing The formatted source listing makes up the main body of the listing file. The format for each line in the listing file depends on the type of source line that appears on it. Standard source lines contain five fields, corresponding to the five column headings printed with each page header, as described below: C51ASM User Guide Line 11-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix B - List File Format Contains the global line number, counting the number of lines processed from the top of the program. This includes lines from include files and macro expansions. Therefore, the global line numbers may not necessarily correspond to actual assembly source line numbers within the particular source files. The line number field is terminated by a colon character (:) for source lines from the main source and all include files, and with a plus character (+) for macro expansion lines. I Flags the level of include file or macro nesting. This column is always empty in the body of the main source file. If a file is included, the number of open include files id displayed in the "I" column. When a macro is expanded, the number of open macro calls appended to the '+' following the line number. Addr Shows the hexadecimal start address of the listed line in the currently active segment, if it generates code or reserves space. The field is left blank if a line cannot be assigned to a particular segment. Code Shows the actual machine code produced by the assembly line. The code is listed in hexadecimal byte quantities starting from the left margin of the "Code" column. In the case of DB or DW directives that generate code longer than four bytes, the source line is followed by additional lines containaing just the "Addr" and "Code" fields until the whole generated code of the line is listed. If the assembled line contains an expression, but does not cosume any address space, the assembler lists the evaluated hexadecimal result of the expression at the right margin of the "Code" column. The segment type of the expression is flagged with one single character at the left margin of the "Code" column as shown in Table 11-1. Table 11-1. List File Expression Types Flag Type C CODE D DATA I IDATA E EDATA F FDATA X XDATA B BIT N typeless number R register Source Lists the original assembly source line as it appears in the source file. However, the line may be truncated to fit the specified page width. Example: Line 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 11-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 I Addr Code Source ; Uart Echo Sample Program ;========================== $TITLE(UART ECHO SAMPLE PROGRAM) $MOD52 PW(64) NOBUILTIN C51ASM User Guide Appendix B - List File Format 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: B B 00 01 N 08 N 0008 08 ISEG AT 8 STACK: DS 8 N 0000 CSEG AT 0 0000 02 00 3C 0023 0026 0028 002A 002D 002F 10 C2 E5 20 D2 32 0030 0032 0035 0037 0039 003B D2 30 F5 C2 C2 32 N 99 0A 98 99 00 08 01 RDY BIT 20h.0 BUF_FULL BIT 20h.1 LJMP START 0023 00 01 06 99 00 01 ORG 23h SINTR: JBC TI, TX_INT RX_INT: CLR RI MOV A, SBUF JB RDY, SEND SETB BUF_FULL RETI TX_INT: SETB RDY JNB BUF_FULL, EXIT SEND: MOV SBUF, A CLR RDY CLR BUF_FULL EXIT: RETI Errors When an error is detected on a source line, its position is marked with a caret character (^) and a comprehensive error message is inserted. Note that the marked location of the error is only approximate. 29: 0037 C2 00 30: 0039 C2 00 ERROR #2: CLR RDY CLR BUF_FUL ^ @@@@@ Undefined symbol @@@@@ 31: 003B 32 EXIT: RETI The error diagnosis at the end of program lists the segment usage, which register banks were used, and the total number of warnings and errors detected throughout the assembly: Segment usage: Code : Data : Idata : Edata : Fdata : Xdata : Bit : 687 bytes 35 bytes 16 bytes 0 bytes 0 bytes 5 bytes 4 bits Register banks used: 0, 1, 3 Warnings: 0 Errors: 7 C51ASM User Guide 11-3 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix B - List File Format A register bank counts as "used", if the program had switched to that bank with a USING instruction, or one of the special assembler symbols AR0 ... AR7 has been used, while the bank was active. The message register banks used: --means, that no bank has been used explicitly, and that the program code may, but need not, be register bank independent. 11.3 Symbol Table The symbol table or cross-reference listing is the last section of the listing file. By default, a symbol table is generated. The symbol table is a list of all the symbols defined in a program, including predefined symbols, with their type, value and first line of definition as described below: The SYMBOL field lists the names of the symbols in alphabetical order. The name is trucated to a maximum of 31 characters. The TYPE field specifies the segment type of the symbol, or REGISTER or MACRO if the symbol is a register alias or macro name. The VALUE field shows the hexadecimal value of the symbol or the symbolic register for aliases. The LINE field contains the global line number where the symbol was first defined. The LINE field is blank for predefined symbols. The symbol table listing can be suppressed with the $NOSYMBOLS control. A typical symbol table listing is shown below: L I S T O F S Y M B O L S ============================= SYMBOL TYPE VALUE LINE -------------------------------------------------------BUF_FULL BIT 01 8 EXIT CODE 003B 31 LP51 UNDEF 0 RDY BIT 00 7 RX_INT CODE 0026 20 SEND CODE 0035 28 SINTR CODE 0023 19 STACK IDATA 08 12 START CODE 003C 33 TX_INT CODE 0030 26 USE_AUTOBAUD UNDEF 0 If the $XREF control is specified, a cross-reference listing is generated instead of a symbol table. It lists all the symbols of the program in alphabetical order, with their symbol name, all definitions including definition lines, segment types, and numerical values. Furthermore, all symbol references are listed as well. The SYMBOL column contains the symbol name, while the columns TYPE, VALUE, and DEFINED may contain the segment types, numerical values, and definition lines of one, more, or no symbol defintions. 11-4 3710A–MICRO–10/10 The SYMBOL field lists the names of the symbols in alphabetical order. The name is trucated to a maximum of 31 characters. The TYPE field specifies the segment type of the symbol, or REGISTER or MACRO if the symbol is a C51ASM User Guide Appendix B - List File Format register alias or macro name. The VALUE field shows the hexadecimal value of the symbol or the symbolic register for aliases. If the symbol is defined multiple times (e.g a SET symbol) then each value is listed on separate lines. The DEFINED field contains the global line number where the symbol was defined. The LINE field is blank for predefined symbols. If the symbol is defined multiple times (e.g a SET symbol) then each vdefinition line numbers is listed on a separate line. The REFERENCED field contains a list of each global line number where the symbol was referenced. The list of references may appear on multiple lines. The cross-reference listing can be suppressed with the $NOXREF control. The corresponding cross-reference listing for the symbol table above is as follows: C R O S S - R E F E R E N C E - L I S T I N G ============================================= SYMBOL TYPE VALUE DEFINED REFERENCED -------------------------------------------------------------BUF_FULL BIT 01 8 23 27 30 50 EXIT CODE 003B 31 27 LP51 undef 0 39 RDY BIT 00 7 22 26 29 49 RX_INT CODE 0026 20 SEND CODE 0035 28 22 SINTR CODE 0023 19 STACK IDATA 08 12 START CODE 003C 33 16 TX_INT CODE 0030 26 19 USE_AUTOBAUD undef 0 34 56 C51ASM User Guide 11-5 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix B - List File Format 11-6 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 12 Appendix C - Predefined Symbols The folling symbols are predefined by the $MOD51 and $MOD52 assembler controls. Note that the $MOD52 control also includes the $MOD51 symbols. To prevent these symbols from appearing in the symbol table, use the $NOBUILTIN control. $MOD51 is on by default. To disable the predefined symbols, use the $NOMOD51 control. Table 12-1. $MOD51 Definitions DATA Addresses BIT Addresses Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value P0 080H P1 090H IT0 088H EA 0AFH SP 081H SCON 098H IE0 089H RXD 0B0H DPL 082H SBUF 099H IT1 08AH TXD 0B1H DPH 083H P2 0A0H IE1 08BH INT0 0B2H PCON 087H IE 0A8H TR0 08CH INT1 0B3H TCON 088H P3 0B0H TF0 08DH T0 0B4H TMOD 089H IP 0B8H TR1 08EH T1 0B5H TL0 08AH PSW 0D0H TF1 08FH WR 0B6H TL1 08BH ACC 0E0H RI 098H RD 0B7H TH0 08CH B 0F0H TI 099H PX0 0B8H TH1 08DH RB8 09AH PT0 0B9H TB8 09BH PX1 0BAH Plain Numbers Symbol Value Symbol Value REN 09CH PT1 0BBH ??C51ASM 8051H ??VERSION 0100H SM2 09DH PS 0BCH SM1 09EH P 0D0H SM0 09FH OV 0D2H EX0 0A8H RS0 0D3H ET0 0A9H RS1 0D4H EX1 0AAH F0 0D5H ET1 0ABH AC 0D6H ES 0ACH CY 0D7H The ??C51ASM and ??VERSION symbols are always active and cannot be switched off by the $NOMOD51. C51ASM User Guide 12-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix C - Predefined Symbols Table 12-2. $MOD52 Definitions DATA Addresses 12-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 BIT Addresses Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value Symbol Value T2CON 0C8H T2MOD 0C9H T2 090H T2EX 091H RCAP2L 0CAH RCAP2H 0CBH ET2 0ADH PT2 0BDH TL2 0CCH TH2 0CDH CPRL2 0C8H CT2 0C9H TR2 0CAH EXEN2 0CBH TCLK 0CCH RCLK 0CDH EXF2 0CEH TF2 0CFH C51ASM User Guide Section 13 Appendix D - Reserved Keywords The Atmel® C51ASM assembler uses predefined symbols or reserved keywords that may not be redefined in your program. Reserved names include instruction mnemonics, directives, operators, and register names. The following tables list the reserved symbol names: Table 13-1. Special Assembler Symbols $ A AB AR0 AR1 AR2 AR3 AR4 AR5 AR6 AR7 C DPTR PC R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Table 13-2. Instruction Mnemonics ACALL ADD ADDC AJMP ANL CALL CJNE CLR CPL DA DEC DIV DJNZ INC JB JBC JC JMP JNB JNC JNZ JZ LCALL LJMP MOV MOVC MOVX MUL NOP ORL POP PUSH RET RETI RL RLC RR RRC SETB SJMP SUBB SWAP XCH XCHD XRL Table 13-3. Assembler Directives C51ASM User Guide AT BIT BSEG CODE CSEG DATA DB DBIT DS DSEG DW EDATA ELSE ELSEIF ELSEIFB ELSEIFDEF ELSEIFN ELSEIFNB ELSEIFNDEF END ENDIF ENDM ENDMACRO EQU ESEG EXITM EXTRN FDATA FSEG IDATA IF IFB IFDEF IFN IFNB IFNDEF ISEG LOCAL MACRO NAME ORG PUBLIC REPT RSEG SEGMENT SET SFR USING XDATA XSEG 13-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix D - Reserved Keywords Table 13-4. Extended Instruction Mnemonics ASR BREAK ECALL EJMP ERET LSL MAC Table 13-5. Operators AND EQ GE GT HIGH LE LOW LT MOD NE NOT OR SHL SHR XOR Table 13-6. Assembler Controls 13-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 $COND $CONDONLY $DA $DATE $DB $DEBUG $DEVICE $EJ $EJECT $ERROR $GE $GEN $GENONLY $GO $IC $INCDIR $INCLUDE $LI $LIST $MACRO $MAPFSEG $MESSAGE $MO $MOD51 $MR $NOBUILTIN $NOCOND $NODB $NODEBUG $NOGE $NOGEN $NOLI $NOLIST $NOMACRO $NOMO $NOMOD51 $NOMR $NOOBJECT $NOOJ $NOPAGING $NOPI $NOPR $NOPRINT $NOSB $NOSYMBOLS $NOTABS $NOXR $NOXREF $OBJECT $OJ $PAGELENGT H $PAGEWIDTH $PAGING $PI $PL $PR $PRINT $PW $RESTORE $RS $SA $SAVE $SB $SYMBOLS $TITLE $TT $WARNING $XR $XREF C51ASM User Guide Section 14 Appendix E - Object File Formats 14.1 Intel-HEX Format The Intel® HEX object file format is supported by many assemblers, compilers, utilities and device programmers to specify executable byte code for embedded processors. An Intel HEX file is a 7-bit ASCII text file that contains a sequence of data records, address records and an end record. Every record is a line of text that starts with a colon and ends with CR and LF. Each record contains an 8-bit checksum to identify corrupted data. Each line of an Intel HEX file consists of six fields: 1. Start code: one character, an ASCII colon ':'. 2. Byte count: two hex digits representing the number of bytes (hex digit pairs) in the data field, from 0–255. C51ASM outputs 16 bytes or fewer per record. 3. Address: four hex digits representing the 16-bit starting memory address for the data within a 64 KB block. The 64 KB limit is exceeded by specifying higher address bits via additional record types. The address is big endian (e.g. higher order byte first). 4. Record type: two hex digits, 00 to 05, defining the type of the data field. 5. Data: a sequence of N bytes of the data themselves (2N hex digits). 6. Checksum: two hex digits representing the two's complement modulo 256 sum of the values in all fields except fields 1 and 6 (Start code ":" and Checksum). It is calculated by adding together the hex-encoded bytes (hex digit pairs) as an 8-bit sum (leaving only the LSB of the result) and making a 2's complement. If the checksum is correctly calculated, adding all the bytes (the byte count, both bytes in address, the record type, each data byte and the checksum) together will always result in a value wherein the least significant byte is zero (0x00). For example, on :0300300002337A1E, calculate 03 + 00 + 30 + 00 + 02 + 33 + 7A = E2, and 2's complement is 1E C51ASM User Guide 14-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix E - Object File Formats Table 14-1. Intel-Hex Record Types Type 00 Name Description Data Record Contains data and 16-bit offset address. The format is as described above. End Of File Record The file termination record. The data field is empty. Has to be the last line of the file, and only one per file permitted. The Intel specification allows the End Of File record to contain a start address for the program being loaded, e.g. :00AB2F0125 would make a jump to address AB2F. For C51ASM the address field is always zero, e.g. ':00000001FF'. 02 Extended Segment Address Record One megabyte (20-bit) segment-base address. Used when the object file exceeds 64 KB. The address specified by the 02 record is multiplied by 16 (shifted 4 bits left) and added to the subsequent 00 record addresses. The address field of this record is 0000 and the byte count is 02 (the segment is 16bit, big endian). In the Intel specification the least significant hex digit of the segment address is always 0. For C51ASM the segment is fixed on 64 KB boundaries making the three least significant hex digits always 0, for example ':0200000230009C' starts the segment at 0x30000. 03 Start Segment Address Record Specifies the initial contents of the CS:IP registers for 80x86 processors, but is not used in C51ASM. The address field is 0000, the byte count is 04, the first two bytes are the CS value, and the latter two are the IP value. 04 Extended Linear Address Record Specifies the upper address word for full 32-bit (4GB) addressing. The address field is 0000, the byte count is 02 and the two data bytes represent the upper 16 bits of the 32 bit address. C51ASM supports only up to 24-bit (16MB) addressing, so the higher order byte is always zero. 05 Start Linear Address Record Specfies the value of the EIP register on 80386 and higher CPUs. The address field is 0000, the byte count is 04 and the 4 data bytes represent the 32-bit value loaded into the EIP register. C51ASM does not use this record type. 01 Example: :10010000214601360121470136007EFE09D2190140 :100110002146017EB7C20001FF5F16002148011988 :10012000194E79234623965778239EDA3F01B2CAA7 :100130003F0156702B5E712B722B732146013421C7 :00000001FF 14.2 Motorola SREC Format Motorola S-records (SREC) are an alternative to the Intel HEX files that are supported by some device programmers, especially for devices with memory above 64KB. An SREC format object file consists of a series of ASCII records. All hexadecimal numbers are big endian. The records have the following structure. Each line of an SREC file consists of six fields: 1. Start code: one character, an ASCII 'S'. 2. Record type: one ASCII digit, 0–9, defining the type of the data field. 3. Byte count: two hex digits indicating the number of bytes (hex digit pairs) that follow in the rest of the record (in the address, data and checksum fields). 14-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Appendix E - Object File Formats 4. Address: four, six, or eight hex digits as determined by the record type for the memory location of the first data byte in the data field. 5. Data: a sequence of N bytes of data (2N hex digits). 6. Checksum: two hex digits representing the one's complement of the modulo 256 sum of the values represented by the hex digit pairs for the byte count, address and data fields. There are eight record types: Table 14-2. Motorola SREC Record Types Type Name Address Bytes Data Allowed Description S0 Block header 2 Yes First record in a file. Contains vendor specific data. Address field is always zero. S1 Data sequence 2 Yes Contains data and 16-bit offset address for a 64KB block. S2 Data sequence 3 Yes Contains data and 24-bit offset address for a 16MB block. S3 Data sequence 4 Yes Contains data and 32-bit offset address for a 4GB block. S5 Record count 2 No The address field contains the number of S1, S2 or S3 record is the file. S7 End of block 4 No Terminates a file containing S3 records. The address field is the 32-bit starting address. S8 End of block 3 No Terminates a file containing S2 records. The address field is the 24-bit starting address. S9 End of block 2 No Terminates a file containing S1 records. The address field is the 16-bit starting address. The S0 record data sequence contains vendor specific data rather than program data. The data includes thee fixed length fields and one variable length field as described below. The offset column refers to the starting position within the data sequence. Table 14-3. S0 Vendor Fields Field Offset Size Desciption Module 0 20 Ten characters representing the ASCII values of the module name Version 20 2 A single character representing the version number in ASCII Revision 22 2 A single character representing the revision number in ASCII Comment 24 0-36 0-18 characters repsenting the ASCII values of a text comment Example: S00F000068656C6C6F202020202000003C S11F00007C0802A6900100049421FFF07C6C1B787C8C23783C6000003863000026 S11F001C4BFFFFE5398000007D83637880010014382100107C0803A64E800020E9 S111003848656C6C6F20776F726C642E0A0042 S5030003F9 S9030000FC C51ASM User Guide 14-3 3710A–MICRO–10/10 14.3 Intel Object Module Format The Atmel® C51ASM assembler can generate object files in the Intel Object Module Format for 8051s (OMF-51). Only the Absolute OMF subset is supported as C51ASM is not a relocatable assembler. OMF-51 objects can optionally contain debugging information including the symbol table and source line number mappings. The original OMF-51 specification is available on the Internet: 14.3.1 http://plit.de/asem-51/omf51eps.htm (online) http://www.keil.com/download/files/omf51.zip (download zipped PDF) Extensions C51ASM implements the following extensions to the OMF-51 specification: 14.4 The SYM INFO field of Debug Item Records (type 12H) has extended USAGE TYPE values for the expanded C51ASM segment types. A value of 6 refers to an EDATA address and a value of 7 refers to an FDATA address. Generated data for an FDATA segment is placed in Content Records (type 06H) with a SEG ID of one. No Segment Definition Record (type 0EH) is generated to define this segment. Other Object Formats In addition to the standard Intel HEX, Motorola SREC or Intel OMF-51 formats, C51ASM supports the following object formats: 14.4.1 Binary C51ASM can output a pure binary image file. The binary file starts at address zero and continues to the last generated code location. Uninitialized bytes in between the starting and ending addresses are filled with FFH. If CODE and FDATA are unified into a single object, the FDATA data are placed at the next address above the full capacity of the device, unless another location is specified with --mapfseg or $MAPFSEG. Any gap between the CODE and FDATA segments is filled with FFH. 14.4.2 Generic Hexadecimal The generic hexadecimal format is an ASCII file that specifies addresses and data. Each line starts with a two-byte or three-byte value whose ASCII characters represent the starting hexadecimal address for the subsequent data. Following the address is a list of hexadecimal data bytes, each represented by two ASCII characters. Data values are separated from each other and the address by a space. Example: 0100 0110 0120 0130 14-4 3710A–MICRO–10/10 21 21 19 3F 46 46 4E 01 01 01 79 56 36 7E 23 70 01 B7 46 2B 21 C2 23 5E 47 00 96 71 01 01 57 2B 36 FF 78 72 00 5F 23 2B 7E 16 9E 73 FE 00 DA 21 09 21 3F 46 D2 48 01 01 19 01 B2 34 01 19 CA 21 C51ASM User Guide Section 15 Appendix F - The ASCII Character Set Table 15-1. ASCII Character Set C51ASM User Guide HEX 00 10 0 NUL DLE 1 SOH DC1 2 STX 3 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 @ P ` p ! 1 A Q a q DC2 " 2 B R b r ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t 5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u 6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v 7 BEL ETB ' 7 G W g w 8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x 9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y A LF SUB * : J Z j z B NUL DLE 0 @ P ` p C SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q D STX DC2 " 2 B R b r E ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s F EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t 15-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Appendix F - The ASCII Character Set 15-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Section 16 Revision History C51ASM User Guide Revision No. History Revision A – October 2010 • Initial Release 16-1 3710A–MICRO–10/10 Revision History 16-2 3710A–MICRO–10/10 C51ASM User Guide Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USA Tel: (+1) (408) 441-0311 Fax: (+1) (408) 487-2600 www.atmel.com [email protected] Atmel Asia Limited Unit 01-5 & 16, 19F BEA Tower, Millennium City 5 418 Kwun Tong Road Kwun Tong, Kowloon HONG KONG Tel: (+852) 2245-6100 Fax: (+852) 2722-1369 Atmel Munich GmbH Business Campus Packring 4 D-85748 Garching b. munich GERMANY Tel: (+49) 89-31970-0 Fax: (+49) 89-3194621 Atmel Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 JAPAN Tel: (+81) (3) 3523-3551 Fax: (+81) (3) 3523-7581 © 2010 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN ATMEL’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE LOCATED ON ATMEL’S WEB SITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. 3710A–MICRO–10/10 /xM