INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TPM754A Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM Preliminary specification Replaces datasheet TPM754 of 1997 Dec 03 IC28 Data Handbook 1999 Nov 11 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM The Philips Semiconductors TPM754 is a small package, low cost, ROM-coded 80C51 with IBM’s TrackPoint pointing algorithms and control code. TrackPoint is the result of years of human factors research and innovation at IBM. The result is a “velocity sensitive” pointing solution more efficient and easier to use than “position sensitive” devices such as the mouse, the trackball, or the touchpad. TPM754A PIN CONFIGURATION IBM has licensed Philips Semiconductors to sell microcontrollers with TrackPoint code. By purchasing a TPM from Philips, the purchaser becomes a sub-licensee of Philips. The selling price of Philips’ TPM includes the royalties for IBM’s intellectual property, which Philips in turn pays to IBM. Customers for TPMs do not need to sign any licensing agreement with either IBM or Philips. This code is the intellectual property of IBM, which is covered by numerous patents, and must be treated accordingly. The TPM754 contains IBM TrackPoint code, a single module PCA, a 256 × 8 RAM, 21 I/O lines, two 16-bit counter/timers, a two-priority level interrupt structure, a full duplex serial channel, an on-chip oscillator, and an 8-bit D/A converter. RxD/T0/P3.4 1 28 P3.3 TxD/T1/P3.5 2 27 P3.2 ECI/P3.6 3 26 P3.1 INT1/P3.7 4 25 P3.0 RST 5 24 INT0/P1.0 X2 6 X1 7 VSS 8 ZIN 9 20 XYDAC YIN 10 19 ZDAC/ASEL XIN 11 18 XYSOURCE XYZRAMP 12 AVSS For identical device without TrackPoint code, see the 8XC754 datasheet. 13 AVCC 14 23 CEX/P1.1 PLASTIC SHRINK SMALL OUTLINE PACKAGE 22 VCC 21 P1.2 17 XYDACBIAS 16 VREG 15 DECOUPLE SU00726B FEATURES • 80C51-based architecture • Small package sizes – 28-pin SSOP • Power control modes: – Idle mode – Power-down mode • 256 × 8 RAM • Two 16-bit auto reloadable counter/timers • Single module PCA counter/timer • Full duplex serial channel • Boolean processor • CMOS and TTL compatible ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING CODE TEMPERATURE RANGE °C AND PACKAGE FREQUENCY DRAWING NUMBER PTPM754A DB 0 to +70, 28-pin Shrink Small Outline Package 3.5 to 12 MHz SOT341-1 NOTE: 1. PTPM754A has improved start-up from low-voltage power down. IBM is a registered trademark, and TrackPoint is a trademark of IBM Corporation. 1999 Nov 11 2 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM TPM754A PIN DESCRIPTION MNEMONIC DIP PIN NO. TYPE VSS 8 I Circuit Ground Potential. VCC 22 I Supply voltage during normal, idle, and power-down operation. 21, 23, 24 I/O 24 23 I O 1–4, 25–28 I/O 3 1 I I 4 2 I I RST 5 I Reset: A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. (NOTE: The TPM754 does not have an internal reset resistor.) X1 7 I Crystal 1: Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock generator circuits. X2 6 O Crystal 2: Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. AVCC 1 14 I Analog supply voltage and reference input. AVSS 1 13 I Analog supply and reference ground. ZIN 9 I ZIN: Input to analog multiplexer. YIN 10 I YIN: Input to analog multiplexer. XIN 11 I XIN: Input to analog multiplexer. XYZRAMP 12 O XYZRAMP: Provides a low impedance pulldown to VSS under S/W control. DECOUPLE 15 O DECOUPLE: Output from regulated supply for connection of decoupling capacitors. VREG 16 O VREG: Provides regulated analog supply output. XYDACBIAS 17 O XYDACBIAS: Provides source voltage for bias of external circuitry. XYSOURCE 18 O XYSOURCE: Provides source voltage from regulated analog supply. ZDAC 19 O ZDAC: Switchable output from the internal DAC. XYDAC 20 O XYDAC: Non-switchable output from the internal DAC. P1.0–P1.2 P3.0–P3.7 NAME AND FUNCTION Port 1: Port 1 is a 3-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups on P1.0 and P1.1. Port 1 pins that have 1s written to them can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 1 pins that are externally pulled low will source current because of the internal pull-ups (P1.0, P1.1). (See DC Electrical Characteristics: IIL). Port 1 also serves the special function features listed below (Note: P1.0 does not have the strong pullup that is on for 2 oscillator periods.): INT0 (P1.0): External interrupt 0. CEX (P1.1): PCA clock output. Port 3: Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. Port 3 pins that have 1s written to them are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current because of the pull-ups. (See DC Electrical Characteristics: IIL). (Note: P3.5 does not have the strong pullup that is on for 2 oscillator periods.) Port 3 also serves the special function as listed below: ECI (P3.6): External PCA clock input. RxD/T0 (P3.4): Serial port receiver data input. Timer 0 external clock input. INT1: External interrupt 1. TxD/T1 (P3.5): Serial port transmitter data. Timer 1 external clock input. NOTE: 1. AVSS (reference ground) must be connected to 0 V (ground). AVCC (reference input) cannot differ from VCC by more than ±0.2 V, and must be in the range 4.5 V to 5.5 V. 1999 Nov 11 3 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM The DAC is an 8-bit device and its output appears on the XYDAC pin. In addition, the DAC output may also be routed to the ZDAC pin by means of bit AC6 in the ACON0 register. The DAC output is not buffered, so external load impedances should be taken into consideration when using either of these outputs. OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS X1 and X2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator. To drive the device from an external clock source, X1 should be driven while X2 is left unconnected. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, because the input to the internal clock circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop. However, minimum and maximum high and low times specified in the data sheet must be observed. A 3-input multiplexer is provided, whose output is connected to the positive reference of a comparator. The multiplexer output is controlled by bits MUX2:0 of ACON1. A bandgap reference supplies the negative reference of the comparator. The output of the comparator may be used the trigger the capture input of module 4 of the PCA. IDLE MODE A low impedance pulldown is supplied at the XYZRAMP pin and is controlled by bit AC5 of ACON0. The TPM754 includes the 80C51 power-down and idle mode features. In idle mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while all of the on-chip peripherals except the D/A stays active. The functions that continue to run while in the idle mode are the timers and the interrupts. The instruction to invoke the idle mode is the last instruction executed in the normal operating mode before the idle mode is activated. The CPU contents, the on-chip RAM, and all of the special function registers remain intact during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated either by any enabled interrupt (at which time the process is picked up at the interrupt service routine and continued), or by a hardware reset which starts the processor in the same manner as a power-on reset. Upon powering-up the circuit, or exiting from idle mode, sufficient time must be allowed for stabilization of the internal analog reference voltages before a D/A conversion is started. The functions of the analog section are controlled by the IBM TrackPoint code embedded within the Philips TPM754. PC BOARD LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS The TrackPoint is a low-level analog circuit. While not difficult to implement, careful consideration should be given to circuit board layout to obtain proper operation of the TrackPoint. The considerations are similar to that used for radio frequency application. The circuit should be located far from the CPU and video lines, and should also be shielded from any digital signals. A 100µV pulse picked up every 3 or 4 seconds is sufficient to cause cursor drift. A good circuit board layout will result in a circuit that is very stable and will hold the cursor on a pixel for days at a time. However, the autorouters of most software board layout packages will not do an adequate job, and manual routing of this portion of the motherboard is recommended. I/O Ports The I/O pins provided by the TPM754 consist of port 1 and port 3. Port 1 Port 1 is a 3-bit bidirectional I/O port and includes alternate functions on some pins of this port. Pins P1.0 and P1.1 are provided with internal pullups while the remaining pin (P1.2) has an open drain output structure. The alternate functions for port 1 are: The TPM754 has excellent supply regulation for the analog portions of the TrackPoint circuit. However, care should be taken with respect to the circuit ground to avoid voltage shifts due to non-TrackPoint loads. The analog part of the circuit must have its own ground plane, isolated from everything else and connected to the main ground at just one point (no ground loops). All of the analog portion of the TrackPoint circuit, and nothing else, must be over this ground island. INT0 – External interrupt 0. CEX – PCA clock output. Port 3 Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port structure. No digital traces can pass though the analog area on any level from the ground plane out. The circuit should be confined to one side of the ground plane, preferably on the first interior layer, with the ground plane next. The circuit should be powered only at a single point (pin 14), and that power should be filtered to ground before it comes onto the analog area. The alternate functions for port 3 are: RxD – Serial port receiver data input. T1 – Timer 1 external clock input. INT1 – External interrupt 1. TxD – Serial port transmitter data. T0 – Timer 0 external clock input. ECI – PCA external clock input. The signal lines from the TrackPoint sensor stick can be sensitive to pickup, and should be run close together, and not too close to digital lines. A grounded guard trace is a good idea. Most important, the stick common line is not a ground line, but rather a signal line, although it will eventually connect to the analog ground. A common and serious error is to treat it as ground, connecting it to a general ground at some convenient point. Analog Section The analog section of the TPM754, shown in Figure 1, consists of four major elements: a bandgap referenced voltage regulator, an 8-bit DAC, an input multiplexer and comparator, and a low impedance pulldown device. The layout should be designed to keep things compact and minimize trace lengths. The whole circuit, analog and digital, will fit comfortably within 2cm × 3cm. In some situations, it may be desirable to put the circuit on a separate card instead of on the motherboard. In this case, a shielded cable should provide the best means of connecting the stick signals to the circuit card. The bandgap voltage regulator uses the AVCC pin as its supply and produces a regulated output on the VREG pin. The regulator also supplies the analog supply voltage for the DAC. The regulator may be switched on/off by means of the AC1 bit in the analog control register (ACON0). The regulator output may also be supplied to the XYDACBIAS and XYSOURCE pins by means of bits AC3 and AC4, respectively. The DECOUPLE pin is provided for decoupling the regulator output. 1999 Nov 11 TPM754A 4 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM TPM754A AVCC BANDGAP REF* AC1 DECOUPLE AC2 VREG 20K AC3 10K XYDACBIAS AC4 XYSOURCE 1K DCON 7:0 (84H) XYDAC AC6 ZDAC ZIN YIN AC7 ANALOG MUX TO PCA TRIGGER XIN BANDGAP REF EXT MUX0 MUX1 MUX2 XYZRAMP AC5 *ENABLED/DISABLED BY AC0 SU00765A Figure 1. Analog Section ALTERNATE OUTPUT FUNCTION READ LATCH VDD INTERNAL* PULL-UP INT. BUS D Q PIN LATCH WRITE TO LATCH READ PIN CL Q ALTERNATE INPUT FUNCTION *PINS LISTED AS OPEN DRAIN WILL NOT HAVE THIS PULLUP SU00671 Figure 2. Typical Port Bit Latches and I/O Buffers 1999 Nov 11 5 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM TPM754A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1, 3, 4 PARAMETER RATING UNIT Storage temperature range –65 to +150 °C Voltage from VCC to VSS –0.5 to +6.5 V Voltage from any pin to VSS Power dissipation –0.5 to VCC + 0.5 V 1.0 W DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tamb = 0°C to +70°C, AVCC = 5 V ±5, AVSS = 0 V4 VCC = 5 V ± 10%, VSS = 0 V SYMBOL ICC PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS LIMITS4 MIN TYP1 MAX UNIT Supply current (see Figure 5) Inputs VIL Input low voltage, port 1, 3 –0.5 0.2VCC–0.1 V VIH Input high voltage, port 1, 3 0.2VCC+0.9 VCC+0.5 V VIH1 Input high voltage, X1, RST 0.7VCC VCC+0.5 V Outputs VOL Output low voltage, port 3, 1.2 IOL = 1.6 mA2 0.45 V VOL1 Output low voltage, port 1.0, 1.1 IOL = 3.2 mA2 0.45 V VOH Output high voltage, ports 3, 1.0, 1.1 IOH = –60 µA, ILI Input leakage current, port 1, 3, RST 0.45 < VIN < VCC ±10 µA CIO Pin capacitance Test freq = 1 MHz, Tamb = 25°C 10 pF 2.4 V NOTES: 1. Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any conditions other than those described in the AC and DC Electrical Characteristics section of this specification is not implied. 2. Under steady state (non-transient) conditions, IOL must be externally limited as follows: 10mA Maximum IOL per port pin: Maximum IOL per 8-bit port: 26mA 67mA Maximum total IOL for all outputs: If IOL exceeds the test condition, VOL may exceed the related specification. Pins are not guaranteed to sink current greater than the listed test conditions. 3. This product includes circuitry specifically designed for the protection of its internal devices from the damaging effects of excessive static charge. Nonetheless, it is suggested that conventional precautions be taken to avoid applying greater than the rated maxima. 4. Parameters are valid over operating temperature range unless otherwise specified. All voltages are with respect to VSS unless otherwise noted. 5. Power-down ICC is measured with all output pins disconnected; X2, X1 n.c.; RST = VSS. 6. ICC is measured with all output pins disconnected; X1 driven with tCLCH, tCHCL = 5 ns, VIL = VSS + 0.5 V, VIH = VCC – 0.5 V; X2 n.c.; RST = VCC. ICC will be slightly higher if a crystal oscillator is used. 7. Idle ICC is measured with all output pins disconnected; X1 driven with tCLCH, tCHCL = 5 ns, VIL = VSS + 0.5 V, VIH = VCC – 0.5 V; X2 n.c.; RST = VSS. 8. Pin 9, 10, 11, and 21; VIN ≤ VREG. 1999 Nov 11 6 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM TPM754A ANALOG SECTION ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tamb = 0°C to +70°C; VCC = 5 V ± 10%, VSS = 0 V LIMITS4 SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP1 MAX 4.5 – 5.5 UNIT Analog Inputs AVCC Analog supply voltage 330 – 3K Ω AC0 = 0 IC only – 1.2 2.5 mA AC0 = 1 – – 10 µA IVREG = 13 mA 3.6 3.8 4.3 V CDEC = 10 µF – 60 100 mA Stability requirement – 10 – µF – 7 Sensor resistor IAVCC V Regulator VREG ICHARGE Decouple current CDECOUPLE RDSONQ1 ILEAKAGEQ1 –10 ILEAKAGEQ2 100 Hz Ω µA +10 µA – –40 – dB 1.14 1.26 1.38 V – 1 –10 PSRR 12 +10 MUX and Comparator Comparator trip point MUX impedance ILEAKAGEMUX VIN ≤ VREG 4 kΩ +10 µA – – bits –10 Digital-to-Analog Conversion ZDAC, XYDAC monotonicity 8 ZDAC switch impedance – 75 200 Ω DAC output resistance – 2.7 5 kΩ ZDAC switch leakage –10 +10 µA XYZRAMP impedance – 100 Ω +10 µA 25 Ω +10 µA 400 Ω +70 µA Switches XYZRAMP leakage 33 –10 XYDACBIAS impedance – XYDACBIAS leakage 13 –10 XYSOURCE impedance – XYSOURCE leakage 200 –10 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Tamb = 0°C to +70°C, VCC = 5 V ±10%, VSS = 0 V4 VARIABLE CLOCK SYMBOL 1/tCLCL PARAMETER Oscillator frequency: MIN MAX UNIT 3.5 12 MHz External Clock (Figure 3) tCHCX High time 20 ns tCLCX Low time 20 ns tCLCH Rise time 20 ns tCHCL Fall time 20 ns 1999 Nov 11 7 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM TPM754A EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has five characters. The first character is always ‘t’ (= time). The other characters, depending on their positions, indicate the name of a signal or the logical status of that signal. The designations are: C – Clock D – Input data H – Logic level high L – Logic level low Q – Output data T – Time V – Valid X – No longer a valid logic level Z – Float tCLCX VCC –0.5 0.2 VCC + 0.9 0.2 VCC – 0.1 tCHCX 0.45V tCLCH tCHCL tCLCL SU00297 Figure 3. External Clock Drive VCC –0.5 0.2 VCC + 0.9 0.2 VCC – 0.1 0.45V SU00307 Figure 4. AC Testing Input/Output MAX ACTIVE ICC6 20 18 16 14 12 ICC mA 10 TYP ACTIVE ICC6 8 6 MAX IDLE ICC7 4 2 TYP IDLE ICC7 4MHz 8MHz FREQ 12MHz SU00739 Figure 5. ICC vs. FREQ Maximum ICC values taken at VCC = 5.5V and worst case temperature. Typical ICC values taken at VCC = 5.0V and 25°C. Notes 6 and 7 refer to AC Electrical Characteristics. 1999 Nov 11 8 14 15 SEE NOTE 10 R16 X SEE NOTE 10 R15 R1 17 Z or + 2 C6 0.01uF R4 4 1 U2 11 12 6 C7 0.01uF +Y 3 18 21 9 10 11 LMC6036 LMC6036 Y R23 5 U2 7 R7 20 19 R6 +X –X 16 LMC6036 MID 9 –Y X C8 0.01uF R24 10 U2 8 26 27 25 C4 2.2uF 22 AVCC + U1 RST VREG P3.6 P3.3 XYDB P1.1 XYS WIN ZIN YIN XIN INT0 TXD/T1 INT1 RXD/T0 RMP XYD ZDAC X2 P3.1 P3.2 P3.0 AVSS 13 X1 +5 C3 0.1uF + C5 10uF R8 100K 5% VCC TPM754 DEC +5 + +5 JMP2 5 3 28 INVERT Y INVERT Z 23 TACTILE SEE NOTE 8 JMP3 +5 SEE NOTE 9 +5 R2 4.7K 5% 24 2 R3 4.7K 5% CN1 TO SYSTEM BOARD GND 1 COM +5 2 VCC 3 CLK 4 DATA 4 1 6 +5 X1 7 12.0MHz +5 R10 10K 5% MOUSE 6 PIN MINI DIN R14 10K 5% 5 CLK DATA VSS 8 R11 COMMON +5 R18 JMP1 STICK WIRING MAY VARY TYPICAL WIRING SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY LMC6036 12 U2 TACTILE FEEDBACK OUTPUT SEE NOTE 3 13 14 R9 9 R5 R17 BUTTONS BUTTON ASSEMBLY C2 0.01uF 10% OR BETTER TEMPERATURE STABLE 1 2 3 4 COM RIGHT LEFT MIDDLE 1 RIGHT 2 1 LEFT 2 1 MIDDLE 2 TPM754A SU00815F TYPCIAL TARGET SETTINGS 50 counts per Z DAC step 18 counts per XY DAC step 3.2 grams/count XY 10 grams/count Z 1 2 4 Preliminary specification NOTES: 1. All resistors 1% low noise unless noted. 2. Middle button switch is optional. 3. Jumper JMP1 is only installed when middle button is not present, otherwise it is not populated. 4. Connectors are shown for reference only. 5. Connection between analog and digital ground must be a single point connection close to the TPM754. 6. Component values that are not specified depend upon stick sensitivity, geometry, impedance, and tolerance. 7. TPM754 Reset pin (Pin 5) can be driven by system power on reset signal (active High). Omit C4, R 8 in this case. 8. If Pin 3 is grounded, positive voltage swing on the stick’s Y terminal will move the cursor downward (–Y), otherwise upward. 9. If Pin 28 is grounded, positive voltage swing on the stick’s terminal will be interpreted as downward (–Z) force, otherwise upward. 10. A Z axis series resistor and a fifth stick terminal may be present. 11. For most current information, see 6 3 Philips Semiconductors +5 Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM C1 SCHEMATIC OF TRACKPOINT SYSTEM 1999 Nov 11 +5 + FORCE SENSOR Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM SSOP28: plastic shrink small outline package; 28 leads; body width 5.3mm 1999 Nov 11 10 TPM754A SOT341-1 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM NOTES 1999 Nov 11 11 TPM754A Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Microcontroller with TrackPoint microcode from IBM TPM754A Data sheet status Data sheet status Product status Definition [1] Objective specification Development This data sheet contains the design target or goal specifications for product development. Specification may change in any manner without notice. Preliminary specification Qualification This data sheet contains preliminary data, and supplementary data will be published at a later date. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. Product specification Production This data sheet contains final specifications. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. [1] Please consult the most recently issued datasheet before initiating or completing a design. Definitions Short-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. For detailed information see the relevant data sheet or data handbook. Limiting values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Application information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips Semiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Disclaimers Life support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application. Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standard cells, and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. Philips Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified. Copyright Philips Electronics North America Corporation 1998 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Philips Semiconductors 811 East Arques Avenue P.O. Box 3409 Sunnyvale, California 94088–3409 Telephone 800-234-7381 Date of release: 11-99 Document order number: 1999 Nov 11 12 9397 750 06577