RECOMMENDED PANEL CUTOUT EMPFOHLENER FRONTPLATTEN-AUSSCHNITT 109,22 ±0,13 4,300 ±0,005 TOP OF PCB 0,38 ±0,1 0,015 ±0,004 20,57 0,810 LP 14,50 0,571 114,80 4,520 114,30 4,500 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 3,20 ±0,3 0,126 ±0,012 1 8 13,00 0,512 7 X 13,97 [,550] = 97,79 3,850 10,54 0,415 NOTE 1: RoHS COMPLIANT T e chnical spe cif icat io ns PART NO. IDENT. NR. TRANSMISSION REQUIREMENT ÜBERTRAGUNG ANFORDERUNG 133195 Copyright by ERNI GmbH Proprietary notice pursuant to ISO 16016 to be observed. Stand ard ap p l i c . Val u e Stand ard ap p l i c . Val u e Mate ri al s & F i n i sh T e st Data Insulation body Standard description PBT 30% Me c h ani c al p ro p e rti e s . Contact material Standard description C5210 (acc. JIS) Insertion/withdrawal force IEC 603-7 max. 20 N Contact finish, mating zone Thickness of plating 30 µin Au over 50 µin Ni Mechanical operations IEC 512-5, 9a min. 1.000 Contact finish termination zone Thickness of plating 80 µin matte Sn over 50 µin Ni Effectiveness of connector She ll/shi e ld mate ri al Standard de scriptio n N . A. co upling de vice IEC 512-8, 15f 50 N Shell/shield plating Thickness of plating N.A. El e c tri c al p ro p e rti e s Cre e p ag e / c l e aran c e d i stan c e s A sse mb l y p ro c e ss a) Contact - contact IEC 807-3 0,52 mm P ackagi ng b) Co ntact - she ll IEC 807-3 N .A. T ray So lde r te mpe rature 235°C at 3-5s Vo l tag e p ro o f (Di e l e c tri c Wi th stan d Vo l tag e ) Suitable asse mbly pro ce ss a) Co ntact - co ntact IEC 512-2, 4a mi n. 1.000 VDC/VAC wave b) Contact - shell/testpanel IEC 512-2, 4a min. 1.500 VDC/VAC A p p ro v al s Current carrying capacity IEC 512-3, 5b 1,5 A @ 25° C max. 30 mOhm UL i nsulatio n bo dy UL 94 V0 Co ntact re si stance IEC 512-2, 2a UL Fi le N o . E145613 Insulatio n re si stance IEC 512-2, 3a mi n. 500 MOhm Ro HS co mpli ant Yes En v i ro nme n tal p ro p e rti e s Ope ratio n te mpe rature 0 - 70° C Tolerances Information: Scale CATEGORY 3/4 2:1 All Dimensions in mm [in] Designation All rights reserved. Subject to modification without Only for Information. prior notice. To ensure that this is the latest Drawing will not be updated. version of this drawing, please contact one of the ERNI companies before using. A 16.10.2007 Index Date Class MOD JACK - MJR 8P8C, 1X8, unshielded 133195 MJ I (1/2) A3 RECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUT (COMPONENT SIDE VIEW) EMPFOHLENES LEITERPLATTEN-LAYOUT (BESTUECKUNGSSEITE) TOL. 0.05 [0.002] UNLESS NOTED 107,95 4,250 93,98 3,700 80,01 3,150 66,04 2,600 54,61 2,150 X6 4 52,07 2,050 0 ,0 35 ±0 ,00 3 38,10 1,500 ±0 ,07 2,54 0,100 0 ,8 9 10,16 0,400 8 1 1 8 1 1 8 8 8 8 1 1 8 25 , 8 ,07 ±0 28 0 ,1 3 ,00 ±0 X3 3 1 1 1,27 0,050 2,54 0,100 109,22 4,300 1 :1 Copyright by ERNI GmbH Proprietary notice pursuant to ISO 1 601 6 to be observed. 8,89 0,350 24,13 0,950 Tolerances Information: Scale 2:1 All Dimensions in mm [in] Designation All rights reserved. Subject to modification without Only for Information. prior notice. To ensure that this is the latest Drawing will not be updated. version of this drawing, please contact one of the ERNI companies before using. Index Date Class MOD JACK - MJR 8P8C, 1X8, unshielded 133195 I (2/2) A3