Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower Voltage Reference Diode AME41-1.2 n General Description n Key Features The AME41-1.2 is a micropower 2-terminal band-gap voltage regulator diode. It operates over a 15µA to 20mA current range. Each circuit is trimmed at wafer sort to provide a ±0.20% and ±0.50% initial tolerance. The design of the AME41-1.2 allows for a large range of load capacitances and operating currents. The low start-up current makes these part ideal for battery applications. Analog Microelectronics offers this part in a TO-92 and SO-8 packages as well as the space saving SOT-23. l Small packages: SOT-23, TO-92, SO-8 l Tolerates capacitive loads l Fixed reverse breakdown voltage of 1.25V l Tight voltage tolerance ---------- ±0.20%, ±0.50% l Wide operating current ---------- 15µA to 20mA l Wide temperature range -------- -40oC to +85oC l Low temperature coefficient --- 100ppm/oC (max) l Excellent transient response n Applications l l l l l l Portable electronics Power supplies Computer peripherals Data acquisition systems Battery chargers Consumer electronics n Functional Block Diagram n Typical Application VR VS RS B andgap Cell Feedbac k GND Current S hunt VR V R = 1.25V RS = 1 I 1000pF V alue optional VS - VR I Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower Voltage Reference Diode AME41-1.2 n Package Outline SOT-23 Top View TO-92-3 Bottom View NC * + NC * + TO-92-2 Bottom View + - - - SO-8 Top View NC 1 8 + NC 2 7 NC NC 3 6 NC - 4 5 NC * The NC pin must float or be connected to - (negative) n Ordering Information Part Number Accuracy Marking Package Operating Temp. Range AME41DEET 0.2% ACWww SOT-23 -40OC to +85OC AME41DEHA 0.2% AME 41DEHA yyww SO-8 -40OC to +85OC AME41AEET 0.5% ACAww SOT-23 -40OC to +85OC TO-92-2 -40OC to +85OC TO-92-3 -40OC to +85OC SO-8 -40OC to +85OC AME41AEAS 0.5% AME41AEAT 0.5% AME41AEHA 0.5% AME 41 AEAS yyww AME 41 AEAT yyww AME 41AEHA yyww Please consult AME sales office or authorized Rep./Distributor for other voltage accuracy and package type availability. 2 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower Voltage Reference Diode AME41-1.2 n Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Maximum Unit 50 mA Rating Unit Supply Current n Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter 100µA ~ 20mA Supply Current Ambient Temperature Range -40 to +85 o Junction Temperature -40 to +125 o C C n Thermal Information P a ra m e te r Therm al Res is tanc e M a x im u m S O T-23 325 TO -92 180 S O -8 124 Unit o C / W M ax im um Junc tion Tem perature 150 o C M ax im um Lead Tem perature ( 10 S ec ) 300 o C Caution: Stress above the listed absolute rating may cause permanent damage to the device 3 Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower Voltage Reference Diode AME41-1.2 n Electrical Specifications Unless otherwise specified, TA = 25 o C, I = 100 µA PARAMETER SYMBOL Reference Voltage, ±0.2% VREF TEST CONDITIONS 4 TYP MAX UNITS 1.247 1.250 1.253 V 1.244 1.250 1.256 V 15 µA TA = 25oC, IREF = 100µA Reference Voltage, ±0.5% Minimum Current MIN IMIN IMIN < I < 1mA Reference Voltage Change With Current dVREF/I Reference Voltage Temp. Coeff. VREFTC 1.5 3 mV 1mA < I < 20mA 0oC < TA < 70oC 4 8 100 ppm/oC Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower Voltage Reference Diode AME41-1.2 Output Voltage Change vs. Current Normalized Percentage Change vs. Temperature 0.1 o 25 C % Change of V OUT 0 25oC -0.1 85oC 5 V /D IV V IN I = 100µA -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 VR 0 .5 V /D IV -0.5 -0.6 -50 0 50 100 150 ( O C) Forward Characteristic Reverse Characteristic 100µA 1.0V 10µA 25oC IR 85oC 0.125V/div 85oC 1µA 25oC 100nA 0.0V 0.0V 0.65V 1.3V VR Transient Response o 25 C 5V/DIV VIN VR 0.5V/DIV 200µS/DIV 5 1µA 100µA 10mA Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Micropower Voltage Reference Diode AME41-1.2 n Package Dimension SOT-23 SYMBOLS MILLIMETERS INCHES MIN MAX MIN MAX A 1.00 1.40 0.0394 0.0551 A1 0.00 0.15 0.0000 0.0059 b 0.35 0.50 0.0138 0.0197 C 0.09 0.25 0.0035 0.0098 D 2.70 3.10 0.1063 0.1220 E 1.40 1.80 0.0551 0.0709 1.90 BSC e 0.0748 BSC H 2.60 3.00 0.1024 0.1181 L 0.35 0.55 0.0138 0.0197 θ1 o o o 9o 9 0 0 0.95(TYP) 0.0374(TYP) MILLIMETERS INCHES R SO-8 SYMBOLS MIN MAX MIN MAX A 1.35 1.75 0.053 0.069 A1 0.10 0.25 0.004 0.010 1.45 REF A2 θ B 0.33 0.51 0.013 0.020 C 0.19 0.25 0.007 0.010 D 4.80 5.00 0.189 0.1970 E 3.80 4.00 0.150 0.157 1.27 BSC e 0.050 BSC H 5.80 6.20 0.228 0.244 L 0.40 1.27 0.016 0.050 y θ 6 0.057 REF 0.10 0o 8o 0.004 0o 8o Analog Microelectronics, Inc. AME41-1.2 Micropower Voltage Reference Diode n Package Dimension TO-92-3 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX INCHES MIN MAX A 4.32 4.95 0.170 0.195 b 0.36 0.51 0.014 0.020 E 3.30 3.94 0.130 0.155 e 2.41 2.67 0.095 0.105 e1 1.14 1.40 0.045 0.055 L 12.70 15.49 0.500 0.610 R 2.16 2.41 0.085 0.095 SYMBOLS S1 1.14 1.52 0.045 0.060 W 0.41 0.56 0.016 0.022 D 4.45 4.95 0.175 0.195 a ° 4 ° 6 ° 4 6° NOTE: 1. PACKAGE OUTLINE EXCLUSIVE OF ANY MOLD FLASHES DIMENSION 2. PACKAGE OUTLINE EXCLUSIVE OF BURR DIMENSION TO-92-2 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX INCHES MIN MAX A 4.32 4.95 0.170 0.195 b 0.36 0.51 0.014 0.020 E 3.30 3.94 0.130 0.155 e 2.41 2.67 0.095 0.105 e1 1.14 1.40 0.045 0.055 L 12.70 15.49 0.500 0.610 R 2.16 2.41 0.085 0.095 S1 1.14 1.52 0.045 0.060 W 0.41 0.56 0.016 0.022 D 4.45 4.95 0.175 0.195 a 4° 6° 4° 6° SYMBOLS NOTE: 1. PACKAGE OUTLINE EXCLUSIVE OF ANY MOLD FLASHES DIMENSION 2. PACKAGE OUTLINE EXCLUSIVE OF BURR DIMENSION 7 E-Mail: Life Support Policy: These products of Analog Microelectronics, Inc. are not authorized for use as critical components in lifesupport devices or systems, without the express written approval of the president of Analog Microelectronics, Inc. Analog Microelectronics, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in the circuitry and specifications of its devices and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information. Analog Microelectronics, Inc. , October 2001 Document: 2003-DS41-1.2-C Corporate Headquarters Asia Pacific Headquarters Analog Microelectronics, Inc. AME, Inc. 3100 De La Cruz Blvd. Suite 201 Santa Clara, CA. 95054-2046 2F, 187 Kang-Chien Road, Nei-Hu District Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel : (408) 988-2388 Fax: (408) 988-2489 Tel : 886 2 2627-8687 Fax : 886 2 2659-2989