TSM115 3.3V +5V ±12V Housekeeping IC PRELIMINARY DATA ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Over voltage and under voltage protection for 3.3V +5V and ±12V without external components Over current protection for 3.3V 5V and 12V with external components Under voltage blanking fonction Power good input/output Externally adjustable PG delay Fault output Remote output Externally adjustable remote delay 2kV ESD protection N DIP-20 (Plastic Package) D SO-20 (Plastic Micropackage) PIN CONNECTIONS (top view) 1 Fault Vcc 20 2 Gnd Rcrnt 19 3 nc 4 PG 5 Tuv/Tpg TSM115 incorporates all the necessary functions for Housekeeping features which allow safe operation in all conditions, and very high system integration. 6 Rem 7 Trem/Tsur Vs-12 14 8 nc Vs12b 13 APPLICATION 9 Bsense Vs12a 12 ■ 10 Vs5 DESCRIPTION The TSM115 integrated circuit incorporates all sensing circuitry to protect from over and under voltage and over current a multiple output power supply (3.3V, +5V and ±12V). PC SMPS Multiple Power Line Housekeeping IC (3.3V +5V ±12V) nc 18 Is3.3 17 Vs3.3 16 Is12 15 Is5 11 ORDER CODE Part Number TSM115CN TSM115CD July 2004 Temperature Range Package Packaging Marking 0 to 95°C DIP SO Tube Tube or Tape & Reel TSM115C M115 1/17 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. TSM115 1 Pin Description Pin Description Name Pin # Type Function Fault Gnd 1 2 Open collector Power supply PG 4 Open collector Tuv/Tpg 5 Timing capacitor Rem 6 Control Input pin Trem/Tsur 7 Timing capacitor Bsense 9 Control input pin Vs5 Is5 Vs12a Vs12b Vs-12 Is12 Vs3.3 Is3.3 Rcrnt Vcc 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 Analog input Analog Input Analog input Analog input Analog input Analog Input Analog input Analog Input Analog input Power supply Fault output. Output of the over voltage and under voltage comparators. Signal ground and silicon substrate Output of the Tpg comparator. This pin goes low upon an under voltage condition. Except for the delay set by the Tpg capacitor this pin always reflects the actual state of the under voltage sensing comparators output. A capacitor from this pin to Gnd provides a delay between outputs rail voltage within regulation and PG output going high. Capacitor discharges whenever Bsense low or Rem high or UVP is detected. This capacitor will also provide the under voltage blanking function when the voltage at this pin is larger than the Vref voltage. The under voltage function resume. Pulling this pin high will send the Fault pin high latching off the power supply, reset the internal latch, discharge the start-up timing capacitors, Tuv and Tpg capacitors, allowing normal start up of the system. Pulling this pin low will send the Fault pin low, initiating a normal start up function. A capacitor from this pin to Gnd will delay the Fault signal when the Rem pin is used to shut down the power supply. The PG will signal a power failure warming immediately, but the Fault pin shut down of the power will be delayed. This capacitor will also provide the overcurrent blanking function (surge current). Non inverting input to the Bsense voltage sensing comparator. Pulling this pin lower than 2.5V will cause PG goes low and Tuv goes low. Over voltage and under voltage detection for +5V rail 5V overcurrent control sense input. Over voltage and under voltage detection for +12V rail Over voltage and under voltage detection for +12V rail Over voltage and under voltage detection for -12V rail. 12V overcurrent control sense input. Over voltage and under voltage detection for 3.3V rail. 3.3V overcurrent control sense input. A resistor from this pin to Gnd will provide the internal constant current. Supply input voltage ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vcc Vpmax Vnmax VDBTT VTER PT Tstg Tj ESD DC Supply Voltage DC Supply Voltage 1 Terminal voltage Vs3.3, Is3.3, Vs12, Is12, Vs5, Is5 Terminal voltage Vs-12 VTpg/Tuv, VTrem/Tsur input voltage Other terminals Power dissipation Storage temperature Junction temperature Electrostatic Discharge Value Unit -0.3 to 18 V -0.3 to 18 -15 to 5 -0.3 to 3.3V -0.3 to Vcc 1 -55 to 150 150 2 V V V V W °C °C kV Value Unit 3 to 15 0 to 95 V °C 1) All voltage values, except differential voltage are with respect to network ground terminal. OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Vcc Toper 2/17 Parameter DC Supply Conditions Temperature range Electrical Characteristics 2 TSM115 Electrical Characteristics Tamb = 25°C, Vcc=5V, Vs3.3=3.3V, Vs5=5V, Vs12= 12V, Vs-12=-12V, Rem=Low, Rcrnt=12kΩ Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit 1 mA 1 mA 3 V Total Current Consumption Icc Iccstdby Total Supply Current Total Supply Current in Stand-by Condi- Rem=high tions Vs3.3=0V, Vs5=0V Vccmin Min operating Vcc Vs12=0V, Vs-12=0V Tmin < Tamb < Tmax Over Voltage and Under Voltage Protection Vov12 Vuv12 Iin12b Vov5 Vuv5 Iin5 Dis5 Vov3.3 Vuv3.3 Iin3.3 Vov-12 Vuv-12 Iin-12 Dis-12 Over Voltage Sense 12V Under Voltage Sense 12V Input current Voltage sense 12V Over Voltage Sense 5V Under Voltage Sense 5V Input current Voltage Sense 5V Disable Voltage Sense 5V Over Voltage Sense 3.3V Under Voltage Sense 3.3V Input current Voltage Sense 3.3V Over Voltage Sense -12V Under Voltage Sense -12V Input current Voltage sense -12V Disable Voltage Sense -12V 13.6 8.85 50 6.01 4.00 50 7 3.88 2.52 25 -15.49 -9.99 -200 14 9.12 100 6.20 4.12 100 7.5 4.00 2.60 50 -15.04 -9.70 -100 3.3 14.4 9.39 200 6.39 4.24 200 8 4.12 2.68 100 -14.59 -9.41 -50 V V µA V V µA V V V µA V V µA V 30 37 45 µs 46 0.7 50 54 Vov3.3 3 54 Vov5 3 54 Vov12 3 Vov12 3 µA V mV µA V mV µA V mV V mV µA 1.282 1 110 2.30 V µA µA µA V 5 mA 2.5 V Internal delay time Tdelay Internal time Over current Protection Is3.3 Vicm3.3 Vio3.3 Is5 Vicm5 Vio5 Is12 Vicm12a Vio12a Vicm12b Vio12b Iin12a Current source Input common mode Input offset voltage Current source Input common mode Input offset voltage Current source Input common mode Input offset voltage Input common mode Input offset voltage Input current 46 0.7 46 0.7 2 50 2 50 2 0.7 2 10 Bsense Thbs Ilbs Iobs DIobsT Vbsoh Iclbs Vinbs Bsense voltage threshold Bsense current leakage Current source Current source drift in temperature Clamp voltage Clamping current 1.218 Bsense=1V Bsense=1.5V Tmin < Tamb < Tmax IoBsense=1µA Bsense > 2.5V Tmin < Tamb < Tmax Input voltage 2.00 0 100 5 2.15 3 3.6 90 -0.3 3/17 TSM115 Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit 1.87 1.0 1.93 1.25 1.99 1.4 V V 0.4 500 mA V ns Rem THrm TLrm High threshold Low threshold From Low to high From high to low Power Good (PG) Ipgol Vpgol Tpgr Sink current Low output voltage Rise time PG VPg=0.4V Ipg=10mA Rpg=1K 10 Under Voltage Blanking (Tuv) and Power Good (Tpg) times Iotuvtpg THtuv TLtuv THtpg TLtpg Idtuvtpg Vtuvtpgol Vtuvtpgoh VinTuvTpg DIotuvtpg Current output source High threshold blanking Low threshold blanking High threshold power good Low threshold power good Current discharge of TuvTpg Low output voltage Clamp voltage Input voltage Current source drift in temperature Vtuvtpg = 0V From low to high voltage From high to low voltage From low to high voltage From high to low voltage 4.5 0.287 1.218 0.9 2 5 0.312 0.25 1.25 1 5 Iotutpg = 1mA 2.1 -0.3 2.3 90 9 1.218 0.9 2 100 10 1.25 1 5 2.1 -0.3 2.3 Tmin < Tamb < Tmax 5.5 0.337 1.282 1.1 0.2 2.5 2.3 1 µA V V V V mA V V V µA Remote (Trem) and Surge current blanking (Tsur) times Iotrm Iotsur THtrm TLtrm Idtrmtsur Vtrmtsurol Vtrmtsuroh Vintrmtsur DIotrm DIotsur TRem current source Tsur current source High thresold voltage TRem Low thresold voltage TRem Current discharge of TRemTsur Low output voltage Clamp voltage Input voltage Current source drift in temperature Current source drift in temperature Vtrmtsur = 0V Vtrmtsur = 0V From low to high From high to low IFault sink current Low output voltage High threshold voltage, Vcc low to high Low threshold voltage, Vcc high to low Vcc hysteresis : THVcc-TLVcc VFault=0.4V IFault=10mA Rem low, all lines between UV and OV. Iotmtsur = 1mA Tmin < Tamb < Tmax Tmin < Tamb < Tmax 110 11 1.282 1.1 0.2 2.5 2.3 5 500 µA µA V V mA V V V µA nA mA V V V mV V Fault Ifltol Vfltol THVcc TLVcc HystVcc 10 TBD 300 0.4 2.95 2.65 TBD 1.20 1.25 1.30 Rcrnt VRcrn 4/17 Output voltage Electrical Characteristics TSM115 Fig. 1: Application Schematic Primary Rectification MAIN 12V Converter 5V 3.3V rsc12b 12V rsc12a 12V rsc5 5V rsc3.3 3.3V -12V -12V PWM + OPTO + Vref Rocp5 Rocp12 5Vstby Rocp3.3 5Vstby Auxiliary converter PWM + OPTO + Vref PG Over & Undervoltage Protection Logic FAULT TSM115 REM Sequencer Fig. 2: Internal Bloc Schematic 12V Vs12a 5V Vs5 3.3V Vs3.3 MAIN POWER SUPPLY Vstby TSM115 FAULT LOGIC rsc3.3 rsc5 rsc12a OVP Vstby BLOCK UVP 12V Rocp12V Is12 5V Rocp5V 3.3V Rocp3.3V Is33 -12V OCP Rem Is5 Vs-12 Bsense Rcrnt PG Trem/Tsur TO PWM Vs12b TO MOTHERBOARD 12V rsc12b POWER SUPPLY Vcc Tuv/Tpg Cpg Crem Gnd 5/17 TSM115 Principle of Operation and Application Hints 1V 1.25V Tuv Tpg X4 Is3.3 Is5 Is12 50µA 50µA 50µA Vs-12 Vs12b Is12 Vs12a Vs5 Is5 1.25V Vs3.3 Tpg IotuvTpg 5µA Is3.3 2.5V Pg Fig. 3: Internal Detailed Schematic Vref Tuv 1.25V IdTuvTpg 5mA 1V 1.25V OCP3.3 OCP5 OCP12A OCP12B OVP -rails OVP +rails UVP -rails UVP +rails 1.475 1.125 R Q Tuv Latch S !Q 2.5V Iobs 100µA Vcc Bsense Bsense 1.25V Gnd Vref=1.25V Rem 1.93V Vref Vref 1.2V 2.5V Rcrnt Rem 2.5V Iotrem 100µA Trem Tsur OV_UV_OC TDelay = 30µs S Iotsur 10µA Trem 1.25V Idtrmtsur 5mA 1.25V Q Fault R !Q 1V I1 6/17 TSM115 Electrical Characteristics 1 - Rem On/Off 2 - UVP Function Rem On/Off, Tuv start up OK V5 V5 Uvp Gnd Gnd V-12 V-12 Bsense Bsense Rem Rem Trem/Tsur 100µA 100µA Trem/Tsur Tuv/Tpg 5µA 5µA Vtpg Vtuv Tuv/Tpg Tuv Fault Fault PG PG Tuv 7/17 TSM115 Electrical Characteristics 3 - OVP/UVP Function Rem On/Off, Tuv OK V5 Ovp 4 - OVP/UVP Function Rem On/Off, Tuv Nok V5 Ovp Uvp Uvp Gnd Gnd V-12 V-12 Bsense Bsense Rem Rem 100µA 100µA Trem/Tsur Trem/Tsur Tuv/Tpg Tuv/Tpg 5µA Vtpg Vtuv Vtuv Tuv Tuv Tdelay Fault Fault PG PG 8/17 Electrical Characteristics 5 - Vcc turn On/off, Bsense TSM115 6 - OCP Rem On/Off OCP Vcc V5 V5 Uvp Uvp Gnd Gnd V-12 V-12 Bsense Bsense Rem Rem 10µA Trem/Tsur 100µA Trem/Tsur Tsur Tuv/Tpg 5µA Vtpg Tuv/Tpg Vtuv Tuv Tdelay Fault Fault Pg PG Tpg Tpg 9/17 TSM115 Electrical Characteristics 7 - Rem On/Off with OCP during Tpg 8 - Rem On/Off with OCP during Tuv OCP OCP V5 Uvp Gnd Uvp V5 Gnd V-12 Uvp V-12 Bsense Bsense Rem Rem Trem/Tsur Trem/Tsur 10µA 10µA 100µA Tsur Tsur Tuv/Tpg Tuv/Tpg Fault Tuv Tdelay Pg Pg Tpg 10/17 Fault Tdelay Electrical Characteristics TSM115 9 - Fault Vcc start up 10 - Fault Vcc shut down Vcc Vcc V5 V5 Gnd Gnd V-12 V-12 Bsense Bsense Rem Rem Trem/Tsur Trem/Tsur Trem Tuv/Tpg Vtpg Vtuv Tuv/Tpg Fault Tuv Fault PG PG Tpg 11/17 TSM115 Electrical Characteristics 11 - Fault Vcc shut down start up 12 - Fault Vcc start up and shut down Vcc VccLH VccLH VccHL VccHL Vcc V5 V5 Gnd Gnd V-12 V-12 Bsense Bsense Rem Rem Trem/Tsur Trem/Tsur Tuv/Tpg Vtpg Vtpg Vtuv Tuv/Tpg Tuv Tuv Fault Fault PG PG Tpg 12/17 Tpg Vtuv Electrical Characteristics TSM115 13 - Vcc turn on, OVP function, Remote On/Off Vcc Ovp V5 Uvp Uvp Gnd V-12 Bsense Rem 100µA Trem/Tsur 5µA 10µA Vtpg Tuv/Tpg Vtpg Vtuv Vtuv Tuv Tuv Fault PG PG Tpg Tdelay Tpg 13/17 TSM115 Electrical Characteristics 14- Vcc turn On, AC line resume Bsense Vcc V5 Gnd V-12 Bsense Bsense Rem Rem Trem/Tsur 5µA Vtpg Tuv/Tpg Vtuv Tuv Fault PG Tpg 14/17 Trem/Tsur Electrical Characteristics TSM115 TSM115: Housekeeping IC FAULT TSM115 is a one chip solution for all PC SMPS: it integrates on one chip the Housekeeping Circuitry (Over and under voltage and over current protections, with adequate sequencing). The Over Voltage and Under Voltage Circuits outputs are ORed before activating a latch. When activated, this latch commands the full switch OFF of the main power lines (3.3V, 5V, 12V) by an external link between the housekeeping and the primary PWM circuits via the main optocoupler or any other device. Multiple Power Line Protection The TSM115 Housekeeping Circuit is dedicated to 3.3V, 5V and ±12V power lines protection. It integrates a multiple Over and under Voltage Protection Circuit and a multiple over current Protection Circuit as well as all the necessary logic and transient timing management circuits for optimal and secure communication with the motherboard, during start up, switch off and stabilized conditions. Power Good The Under Voltage Circuits are Ored to switch the Power Good output active (PG) to warn the motherboard that the voltage of at least one of the three power lines is out of range. The PG activation bears an internal Tpg delay circuitry which can be adjusted with an external capacitor (Cpg). Over Voltage Protection The Over Voltage Protection Circuit is made of comparators with internal voltage thresholds which do not require any external components for proper operation. The outputs of these comparators are ORed. Under Voltage Protection The Under Voltage Protection Circuit is made of comparators with internal voltage thresholds which do not require any external components for proper operation. The outputs of these comparators are ORed, and blanked by an internal delay circuitry (Power Up Blanking - Tuv) which can be adjusted with an external capacitor (Cuv). This allows that during power up, the under voltage protection circuit is inhibited. Remote Control The remote control information from the mother board, enters via the Remote pin (REM) to activate an internal latch. When the Remote pin is active, the external Fault link between Housekeeping circuit and the PWM generator is active (high = PWM OFF) and the PG pin is active (high). Note that to reset effectively the latch, a minimum width Remote pulse should be applied thanks to an internal delay circuitry (Trem) which can be adjusted with an external capacitor (Crem). Over Current Protection The Over current Protection Circuit is made of comparators with external thresholds which can be adjusted by changing a resistor. The outputs of these comparators are ORed. 15/17 TSM115 3 Package Mechanical Data Package Mechanical Data Plastic DIP-20 (0.25) MECHANICAL DATA mm. inch DIM. MIN. a1 0.254 B 1.39 TYP MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX. 0.010 1.65 0.055 0.065 b 0.45 0.018 b1 0.25 0.010 D 25.4 1.000 E 8.5 0.335 e 2.54 0.100 e3 22.86 0.900 F 7.1 0.280 I 3.93 0.155 L Z 3.3 0.130 1.34 0.053 P001J 16/17 Package Mechanical Data TSM115 Package Mechanical Data SO-20 MECHANICAL DATA mm. inch DIM. MIN. TYP A a1 MAX. MIN. TYP. 2.65 0.1 0.104 0.2 a2 0.004 0.008 0.49 0.014 0.019 0.32 0.009 2.45 b 0.35 b1 0.23 C MAX. 0.096 0.5 0.012 0.020 c1 45˚ (typ.) D 12.60 13.00 0.496 E 10.00 10.65 0.393 e 1.27 e3 0.512 0.419 0.050 11.43 0.450 F 7.40 7.60 0.291 0.300 L 0.50 1.27 0.020 0.050 M S 0.75 0.029 8˚ (max.) PO13L Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics All other names are the property of their respective owners © 2004 STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Repubic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States www.st.com 17/17