Standard Bus IP: High Speed USB 2.0 Device Controller Fujitsu Macro F_USB20LP LINK PHY CPU Fujitsu USB 2.0 device controller is a synthesizable core suitable for different process. Corresponding physical interface in 0.18um and 0.11um technology (supporting high and full speed operation) also available for integration. Generic CPU interface makes it easy to be integrated into overall ASIC. Different endpoints are available for application such as printer, scanner, digital still camera, bluetooth devices, digital set top box,cable modems and PC Access Point to high speed wireless connectivity. Integrated SIE performs synchronization pattern recognition, bit stuffing/ stripping, CRC check/ generation, serial/ parallel conversion, PID verification, address recognition and handshake evaluation/ response. The macro decodes and handles standard USB commands. Device class specific command is passed on to the ASIC for further processing. ROM Overview RAM Full compliance with USB 2.0 Device Controller standard Integrated PHY macro for system cost reduction and space saving Supports high-speed (480Mbps) and full-speed (12Mbps) Customize endpoint numbers and configurations UTMI (USB2.0 Transceiver Macrocell Interface) Local CPU Bus (32bit) Features Control Status Register Interrupt Local Bus Interface Internal Bus UTMI Protocol Engine (UDC-20) PHY USB End-Point FIFO Description Link Protocol Engine (UDC-20) is a fully synthesizable soft core that supports high-speed (480 Mbps), full-speed (12Mbps) signaling bit rates. Protocol engine reduces CPU burden by processing basic USB 2.0 protocols in hardware. Endpoint numbers, configurations, and its FIFO densities are flexible. Following is one of the configuration examples. 1) End Point 0 2) End Point 0 3) End Point 1 4) End Point 2 5) End Point 3 control out control in Bulk out Bulk in Interrupt in 64Byte 64Byte 512Byte (Double buffer) 512Byte (Double buffer) 64Byte PHY PHY block consists of a 0.18um hard macro and a soft macro (Receiving Block). PHY block supports high-speed (480Mbps) and full-speed (12Mbps). Contains high-speed Analog Blocks and high-speed SERDES (serializer and de-serializer Logic) and provides a parallel interface to UDC-20 protocol Engine. 16bit parallel connection to Link Protocol Engine (UDC-20) Internals USB Bridge Layer SIE Command Protocol Application (VCI) Interface PHY Interface – (UTMI) PIE VCI State Mac hine Control Block Endpoint Layer Suspend/ Resume Block Speed Enumeration Block ASIC Development Support Synchronization Block Deliverables: Fujitsu provide analog macro to supplement ASIC development, such as USB transceiver, and APLL (various speed combinations. Accurate timing model is provided for synthesis, simulation and Static Timing Analysis (STA). Small gate count and soft coach approach makes it efficient to integrate into an ASIC. Fujitsu provides a set of functional vectors to customer for module hand-shake and full chip verification. Our application engineer works with you on full chip design for testability (DfT) consultation. Customer Hard Core Timing Lib. USB test chip with selectable configurations, Test chip and macro specifications Encrypted RTL for top level simulation Application notes and testability guide Test benches for standalone IP verifications Macro Spec. Data Sheet RTL Logic Synthesis USB Encrypted RTL Hard Core Sim. Model Logic Simulation System Simulation Netlist USB Test Data Floor Plan Placement Hard Core LEF Clock Tree Generation Routing Hard Core GDS GDS Parameter Extraction Design Rule Check Fujitsu STA Customer Fujitsu Microelectronics Asia Pte Ltd Singapore Asia Pacific Headquarters & Singapore Sales Office FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS ASIA PTE LTD 151 Lorong Chuan #05-08, New Tech Park Singapore 556741 Phone: (65) 6281 0770 Fax: (65) 6281 0220 Hong Kong Taiwan Shanghai Shenzhen Penang Beijing Sales Office Sales Office Branch Office Branch Office Branch Office Branch Office FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS PACIFIC ASIA LTD Room 1101 Ocean Centre 5 Canton Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: (852) 2377 0226 Fax: (852) 2376 3269 FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS ASIA PTE LTD Room G, 12 Floor No. 168 Tun-Hwa N. Road Taipei, Taiwan Phone: (886 2) 2719 2011 Fax: (886 2) 2545 3690 FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS PACIFIC ASIA LTD Rm. 1905 - 1906, Aetna Tower 107 Zunyi Road Shanghai 200051, PRC Phone: (86 21) 6219 7170 Fax: (86 21) 6219 9243 FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS PACIFIC ASIA LTD Rm. 4509, Di Wang Commercial Ctr, 5002 Shen Nan Dong Road Shenzhen 518008, PRC Phone: (86 755) 246 1662 Fax: (86 755) 246 1510 FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS PACIFIC ASIA LTD Unit 2701, 27th Floor. China World Tower 1, No. 1 Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing 100004, PRC Phone: (86 10) 6505 9750 Fax: (86 10) 6505 9751 FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS ASIA PTE LTD Block B, 303-5-13, Krystal Point, Jalan Sultan Azian Shah, Sungai Nibong 11900, Penang, Malaysia Phone: 604 - 645 - 2050 Fax: 604 - 645 - 6658