UTC RCR03 CMOS 3 FUNCTION DECODER FOR REMOTE CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The UTC RCR03 is CMOS LST designed for the remote controlled toy. The received signal is amplified by the three-stage amplifier, and then the appropriate amplified signal is sampled, fault-tolerantly checked and decoded to control the actions of the remotecontrolled toy. There is an oscillator in the RCR03. By adding an external resistor conveniently, the oscillator will be construted. The oscillator frequency can be adjusted by the external resistor. Pressing the ON/OFF button can control the output level of the PC pin. The UTC RCR03,the auto-power-off functionsis achieved by an internal counter.When the RCR03 is powered on the counter is reset and begin to count. Any received encoding signal also reset the counter. The PC output pin will keep on a high level until the counter counts up to about 6 minutes. The PC output is used to control on/off state of the external power supply. The UTC RCR03 have four output pins corresponding with the three actions: Forward, Backward and Left. DIP-16 FEATURES * Operating power-supply voltage range: 2.5 to 5.5V * Manual-power-on/off with ON/OFF button *One output pin used for external power control *On-chip oscillator with an external resistor *On-chip reversing amplifiers *Low operating current *Few external components needed *Four output pins for three function *Manual Power on/off function UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 1 QW-R502-003,A UTC RCR03 CMOS RCR03 LOCK DIAGRAM ON/OFF OSCI Timing Generator Oscillator OSCO SI Amp VI1 Amp VI2 Amp Signal Sample and FaultTolerant Check Power Control PC FORW ARD Decoding Circuit Output Circuit VO1 FORW ARDB BACKW ARD LEFT VO2 PRODUCT PIN CONFIGURATION AND DESCRIPTION VO2 1 16 VI2 PC 2 15 VO1 GND 3 14 VI1 SI 4 13 ON/OFF OSCI 5 12 VDD NC 6 11 FORWARD OSCO 7 10 FORWARDB BACKWARD 8 9 PIN NO. PIN NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VO2 PC GND SI OSCI NC OSCO BACKWARD LEFT FORWARDB FORWARD VDD ON/OFF VI1 VO1 VI2 UTC LEFT DESCRIPTION Output pin for the amplifier 2 Power control output pin Negative power supply Input pin of the encoding signal Oscillator input pin No Connection Oscillator output pin Backward output pin Left output pin Reversing output of the forward pin Forward output pin Positive power supply Input pin used to control the output level of the PC Input pin for the amplifier 1 Output pin for the amplifier 1 Input pin for the amplifier 2 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 2 QW-R502-003,A UTC RCR03 CMOS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE DC Input Voltage Supply Voltage to Ground Potential(Inputs &VDD Only) Supply Voltage to Ground Potential(Outputs &D/O Only) DC Output Current Power Dissipation Ambient Temperature With Power Applied Storage Temperature VIN -0.5 ~ +6.5 -0.5 ~ +6.5 -0.5 ~ +6.5 20 500 -10 to +40 -25 to +85 Io PD TA TSTG UNIT V V V mA mW °C °C DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Over the operating rating,TA= -10°C~ +40°C,VDD=4.0V±10%) PARAMETER SYMBOL Operating Voltage Supply Current Standby Current Input Current Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output High Voltage Output High Current Output Low Voltage Output Low Current VDD IDD ISTB IIN VIL VIH VOH IOH VOL IOL TEST CONDITIONS * * For ON/OFF pin Guaranteed Logic Low Level Guaranteed Logic High Level IOUT=200µA VOUT=1.4V IOUT=500µA VOUT=0.5V MIN TYP MAX UNITS 2.5 4.0 5.5 3.0 20 60 0.5 V mA µA µA V V V mA V µA VDD-0.5 VDD-0.5 -1.5 0.5 500 Note*:Output unload: 2.2MΩ feedback resistors for the two reversing amplifiers; 470kΩ external resistor for the on-chip oscillator. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Over the operating rating,TA= -10°C to +40°C,VDD=4.0V±10%) MIN TYP MAX UNITS Oscillator Frequency PARAMETER SYMBOL Fosc TA=25°C,R=470KΩ TEST CONDITIONS 70 88 106 KHz Frequency of received backward code FBACK Fosc=88KHz 200 400 Hz Frequency of received forward code FFOR Fosc=88KHz 0.8 1.2 KHz Frequency of received left code FLEFT Fosc=88KHz 2.4 3.6 KHz SI Pin Vpp Receive Sensitivity VSI Guaranteed 300 mV EffectiveDecoding Time of Auto-Power-Off TOFF* Fosc=70 to 106 KHz 4.8 6 7.2 min. Note*:when adjust the external oscillator resistor, the auto-power-off time will vary relevantly. Effect decoding frequency variation, Typical ±20%. UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 3 QW-R502-003,A UTC RCR03 CMOS OUTPUT TIMING Backward Output Timing SI 3.0ms Typical BACKWARD 48ms Typical 150ms Typical wave 1 Forward Output Timing SI 1ms Typical FORWARD FORWARDB 16ms Typical 150ms Typical wave 2 Left Output Timing SI 0.33ms Typical LEFT 150ms Typical 5.3ms Typical wave 3 UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 4 QW-R502-003,A UTC RCR03 CMOS PC Output Timing VDD ON/OFF PC wave 4 TEST CIRCUIT 10 C9 30 C1 + 4.7u 9 LEFT BACK 10 OSCO FORB 7 8 11 FOR 12 VDD OSCI NC 6 5 13 ON/OFF SI 14 VI1 GND 3 4 VO1 PC 2 1 Signal Generator VO2 VI2 16 4.5V 15 B Rf 470K Figure 1 *Forward Signal F=1kHz *Backward Signal F=340Hz *Left Signal F=3kHz UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 5 QW-R502-003,A UTC RCR03 CMOS C1 + s1 9 LEFT BACK 10 11 6 NC 5 SI OSCI VDD FOR 12 13 ON/OFF 14 VI1 GND 3 4 15 VO1 PC 16 VI2 2 1 VO2 4.5V C9 30 OSCO FORB 4.7U B 8 S2 7 10 Rf 470K Figure2 Testing stand-by current The Sender Circuit + C9 B1 4.7U 9V C8 0.022U V2 V1 9015 9015 R1 27K R2 27K C1 C2 47n 47n R5 1.2K R3 6.8K R4 6.8K A1 ANT L1 C3 2200 R10 10K 2.2U LFET C5 100 XTAL S1 R7 100K V3 IN4148 R8 200K V4 IN4148 27.145 V5 S2 FORW ARD S3 BACKW ARD C4 47 945 R9 10K R11 100 L2 10T C7 150 C6 56 Figure 3 Note: Typical R7=4.4K R8=22.3K UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 6 QW-R502-003,A C3 302 L1 22U R1 820 C1 4 C6 18 R2 180K C4 4.7u V1 9014 C2 47 C9 30 C10 0.1u R5 2.2K C5 203 L2 10T R10 2.2K R6 2.2M N1 R3 2.2M C7 470 C8 0.1u R12 C12 4.3K 100u 16 1 VI2 15 2 VO2 14 VO1 PC C13 0.01u POWER ON/OFF RCR03 R7 2.2K 3 VI1 A1 C11 1000 5 SI 4 GND 13 ON/OFF 12 VDD OSCI 11 FORW NC ++ 9 R14 1K R9 1K R11 1K R17 100 V13 C15 4148 1u V2 9013 V12 4.7V Figure 4 APPLICATOIN CIRCUIT (6-12V) R4 470K 6 10 7 LEFT FORB OSCO UTC BACK + 8 R20 1M V10 8050 M3 V7 9013 R8 220 V6 8050 M1 V5 8550 V11 9013 V3 8050 V4 8550 R18 100 R19 240 R21 1K V8 9013 R13 3.9K V9 8550 UTC RCR03 CMOS Application Circuit(6~12V) + UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 7 QW-R502-003,A C3 302 L1 22U R1 820 V1 9014 + C4 4.7U R2 180K C6 18 C1 4 C9 30 C10 0.1U R5 2.2K C5 203 L2 10T R10 2.2K R6 2.2M N1 1 R3 2.2M C7 470 C8 0.1U 15 C2 47 R12 C12 4.3K100U 16 VI2 VO2 POWER ON/OFF C13 0.01U VI1 14 13 R7 2.2K 3 GND VO1 PC 2 ON/OFF 4 12 7 OSCO FORB 10 LEFT 9 R14 1K R9 1K R11 1K R17 100 R16 10K V2 9013 Figure 5 APPLICATION CIRCUIT(3-4.5V) R4 470K C11 1000 5 SI VDD OSCI 11 FORW UTC 6 NC + 8 BACK A1 V10 8050 M3 R15 10K V7 9013 R8 220 V6 8050 M1 V11 9013 V3 8050 V4 8550 V5 8550 R18 100 R13 3.9K B1 3V-4.5V R21 1K V8 9013 R19 240 V9 8550 UTC RCR03 CMOS Application Circuit(3~4.5V) UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 8 QW-R502-003,A UTC RCR03 CMOS UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 9 QW-R502-003,A